Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Offlesj, 10 rH
Clark's sodas. ' -. ' " .
Htvls sells drugs.
Btockert sells carpets.
Fine engraving at Ieffert'S.
fcd Rogers' Tony Faust bNr,
New location. 39 Irl pt., Malohey.
Iluniblng and heating, Bixby it Bon.
YVoodrlng Undertaking company. Ttl. MS.
lvls Cutler, funeral -director. Thone 7.
7!"or rent. unfurrtUhed room, 231 Main Bt.
Dhmimdi a an investment. Talk to
V.effert about it.
' Huy your Kdleon records from William
Son, IT tin. Main St.
I'.uy your material from C. Hafer. Bin
xiiTk mid Utile prlrea.
Muy your rherrlc today; tne and hoc per
banket. Bartel 4 Miller. Tel. 3SS
I'ihiio I-onrf. Marguerite I.. Morehouse,
Z: Frank street, lnd. 'phone l'HO.
Kxtia heavy.- four-pe.engr lawn swings.
.V.). J. .oiler Merc. t o. Phon 3W.
I'nlt!nn i w string for you afier taking
a course ttl the eiei u Iowa college.
For rent, dwelling. 608 Nlnttt Ave.; new;
t.O. Chariea T, Ollicer. 41 Broadway.
' Stephen Bros, for fire brick and Are
clay, sewer pipe, tilting aud garden hose.
HlrlehoaruV special. Solid oak sideboard,
t li9 week, pr.iy l'HTn A tklioenlng
to. r.i s
Picture frames made to nrder. Hundreda
i'f patterns to chOoae from. C. U. Alex
ander. 33 Broadway.
If you have tender feet and want a
good, comfortable . ehoe Uunuaa &
Dun, -a Main street.
itlert Boon and Josephine Btrukle, both
of (inmliu, were married In this city yeMer-J
liny, rtev. tienry iei.nng oinciaung.
Mr. and Mm. C P. Wiry of Cedar Rapids,
I., are giientK of Mr. Hlley a parents,
Mr. and Men.' V, A. Kltey, o. this city.
For Sale Will sacrifice on my fina piano.
l'a iiK ina If desired. Can be seen at
Behiimller Mucller'a. Wi Broadway,
v.uuni.11 Bluff, la. ' ' " ' '
Judge. Wheeler has adjourned district
court fur on-v wek uid with Attmrney 1. N.
l-'licklngcr left lat evening for a fishing
Hip to J ffcrxon lake, Minn.
We wholesale ice cream. Shipped to
any purt of Uio.'ette. Special pncea to
the. retaiwtrade. I. Muccl,. 18 Weal Broad
way, Cquncll Blurt, J a. Tel. 4.
We have the finest Una of sample monu
nitnn to select from in the west, bbtuely
& Lane Marble and Granite works, 211
vast Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Jut received, sixty different styles in
wall paper lor our summer trade. The
l at time in the year ta paper is In tha
summer, Borwlck. 211 Houth Main.
Jimtlne Field performed the marriage
ceremony yeMerdejr for Charles Freet and
Mnrgaret Kdmnnds. both of Joplln, Mo.,
and Bert Hi-rtelson' and Nellie Points, both
of Honey Creek, la.
Mr. and Mrs. t'arl'F. Stongh have re
turned from a week's trip In Nebraska and
are now at home with Mrs. Stough's par
ents. Hew, ami Mrs, O, W. Snyder, 7
South Heventh street.
George tl. Clark, 813 Third avenue, who
has been In the General hospital since May
i'T suffering from a fractured knee, has
sufficiently . recovered -to be able to be
moved to his htme yesteimay.
Miss Maud Bell will leave today to attend
the Iowa State Music Teachers association
convention at lirlnnell. She will be arcom
panted by the Misses Urptia yulnn and uo
borah Wright, two of her pupils, who will
.ay before tha convention.
The following extracts will be served this
week at our aoda fountain : uarmacia Rise,
Maple Leaf. Canteloupe Sundaes. Hartford
Kit. Frozen Phnsohate. Drape Juice lem
onade. Maraschino Punch, Horlick'a Kgg
1'lioMphatu, Alapie isog. ciara urug jo.
cheao fruit Jars are high priced thta sea
son. Wny not buy good ones at a very
little more?. We have the "Globe glass
r raiMt anif.apaliTia: fruit lars. Flnte,
$1 per doxen,' quart. fl.lOt Also extra heavy
rubbers, tin top Jelly glassee and root beer
bottles. W. A. Maurer.
Arthur Zlpp. aged 35 years, died yeeter-
dav at. Mercy nospiwi, wnerr n
a '..alUnl fnr K initt TOOff tliaH WK.
i .d mru n m atnva reralrer and formerly
mnmed at 7JD Washington avenue. The re-
mra takn to Woodring under
taking rotune pending the aearch for the
relative or tne aecrnaea.
ti n.ln nf ttarrett K. Llnkey. ac
compHnled by hls'niother and sister, Miae
Vera Unkey.' arrived last evening from
tj . ii a, ritv rire. The funeral will be held
thta afternoon a a:3t oclook from the
, I... m niufr street, and ln-
ri in k 'm walnut Hill cemetery
Rev. W. H. Starr. recMr of St. Paul s
Kpisc-opal church, will conduct tne aerv
lies. .
Heal ; Katate TrBBfr.
Theee transfers were reported to The Bee
June if? by the Tltla, Ouaranty and Trust
..nmnmt ,f folincll Bluff:
J. T. D. Hosmer and wife to Clara Ward,
lot 6. stibtilv. o? lot 194. original plat
f t'ouucil Bluffs, w. d..... .....II.O0Q
t i. kanb in Harvey W.
J III I I IIIUll III Cml"fl , ' V . n,
Zepn. lot 4 or Aunnor a buii iui -j,
Jehnson s add. to Council Bluffs, w. d.
Fred W. Ward to Mary B. Melroy.
lot 7. Mock 7, Beere1 auUliv., Coun
cil Bluffs, w. d
F. J. Otierr and wife to bllxabeth B.
Tyson, part of lot 7i, original plat,
and uart of lot 8. block 16
man a Second add. to Council Bluffs,
w. d. , j.".-
F. J. Puerr and wife to May k. iu.
Ilalladay. part of lot r?4. original
plat, and part of lot 8, block 16. Btuts
man'a Second add. to Council Bluffs. t
w. d.
Jane Price ' and .husband to John M.
(Itinnelte, part nW. ae4. ' 14-77-41,
w. d '.
J. J. B'.ewart. executor, to Addle U.
Ilrssc, kit 14. block 37, central aub
div., Council Bluffs, x. d '.
Seven transfers, total (4.1S4
Ten high top org tun a, with PYench bovel
plate mirrors, muat be sold quick. Get a
big bargain, at A. Hoepe & Co., S3 8. Main
St., Council Bluffs. ...
Cherries We have 100 baskets on hand
this morning at 26c and 66c per basket.
BarteJ & Miller. Tel. 359.
Eaaera' Dollar Raaor.
No honing, no atroplng. See them In our
show winder Bwaine V. Mauer, where
they sell high grade hardware. 33 and 338
West Broadway.
Why are McAtee's bakery goods better
than any made or sold In .the city? Simply
because all of the Ingredients that go Into
their composition are absolutely purs and
of tht highest grade produced, and will
conform to and pasa Inspection under any
pure food law on earth. No compounds or
Imitations astd.
. English Jdorillo cherries are the beet for
canning; '& aad ttc per basket. Bartel A
Miller. Tel. 359. -
' Marriage Licenses.
l.lrenaes to wed were Issued yeaterdsy to
the following: - -
Nam and Residence. Age
r.riiaat f. Jonnwn. l uiinni Miutra 41
Frances D.; Dalley, Council Blufta, So
Charles Freet JonMn. Mo s
Margaret Edmonds, J spiln, Mo a
Bert Bertelson, Honey Creek, la ti
Nellie Points,! Honey Clock, la ,.. 1$
Hubert. Boon OuuUia ...j.
Joaephiue Struklc, limaha Is
Orion Klnurwr, Pottawattamie county... 30
Maggie Myrtle Kuykendaii, poltawatta-
county, Iowa It
Mark Blaaevlch. Council Bluffs .w 2S
lka Ucavwkh. Cauiu-11 Bluffs U
High grade .pianos .sold on easy payments.
$10 down and 14 per month. Bwansoa
Music Co., 407 Broadway. Planes tuned and
stored.-' '.
I haul dead animals. $10 per head.
OarULga. ashes, manure and all rule
biab. clean vaults and oeaapuola. All
oi a uik Is guaranteed.
Ca-lia promptly atlanded Uk
'Phone. Red 1S71.
BC TeL 40.
Council Votei Close Contract for Expert
to Value Wter Work.
Light Coatrart Is Dtaeesaed, bat .e
anion lkra-H. f. Boyer, far
W esl-Farirra, Protest Aaalaat
It Approval.
The city council lat night by a vole
of i to S decided to employ W. Kleratedt,
the hydraulic engineer of Kansas Citv, t.i
make a computation of the value of (he
present water works plant and to fui:ii,li
an estimate of the coat of a new one at a
remuneration of 1,(k. It referred the pro
posed new contract with the .Citizens'. Oiu
A Electric company to the committee of the
whole, which will meet today to consider It
When the recommendation of the speoinl
waterworks committee relative to the em
ployment of Knglneer Kleretedt was
brought up the usual discussion as to where
the tl.OOO was to come from took place.
This phase of the question was dlacu-eil
for about an hour, but was brought to a
close by Mayor Macrae, who ' urged the
rouncllmen not to worry about H as tlio
money would be forthcoming all right nt
the proper time, and he recited a number
of expenditures which the city had Incurred
without knowing where the money was to
come from, but which had been met at llir
proper time all right. The assurance of
the mayor that the $1,000 would be forth
coming all right evidently decided Council
man Fleming, as he cast his vote In sup
port of the proposition, whereas before he
had voted againat It. Cnuncilmen Maloney,
Hendrlx and Smith votPd against the em
ployment of Mr. Kleretedt.
Light Coatrart Deferred.
The contract with the Citizens' Gas &
Electric company had been drawn up by
City Solicitor Kimball and approved by F.
A. Nash,' president of the. company, with
Attorney C. M. Hail, counsel for the com
pany, present. These are the main features
of the contract:
To be for five years from July l of thu
year to July 1, 1911; the company to furnish
arc lights of J.0OU nominal candle ixtwci'
under the Philadelphia moonlight schedule
at .t0 per IlRht per year; thin rale to be
subject to a rebate or royalty of 2 per cent
ui an me company s gross earnings on ail
other electrical business In the city, the
company guaranteeing that It will nnt claim
or seek to collect from the city after the
application of auch rebate or royalty a
sum to exceed the rate of ft)5 on an average
per light per year, of hours under tne
moonlight schedule; the rate under an ull
nlght schedule is to be SMi per light; no new
light to be placed requiring an extension
of the circuit more than 1,0(10 feet with
out the consent of the company; lights nfter
being located and Installed to be moved
only at expense of the city; the city agrees
to pay for at least 126 lights; four incan
descent lights of thirty-two candle power
each to lie reckoned as equalling one arc
light; company agrees during the life of
the contract to a rate of $1.26 per l.ono cubio
feet of gas, provided bills are paid on or
before the Ifith of each month, the rale to
be $1.35 where bills are not paid by that
time; the new rate for gas to take effect
January 1, 19oT; the company to make ex
tensions of its gas mains whenever and
wherever ordered by the city council, pro
vided there be not less than six consumers
to each 300 feet of such extension.
Borer Makes Protest.
The question of the light towers was
discussed, but nothing decided upon.
W. C. Boyer appeared on behalf of the
residents of the western part of the city
and objected to the $1 25 rate. for gas, con
tending that It ought to lie $1. He also
urged that the. 'contract be not approved
Until the oompany pledged Itself to extend
lta mains to that part of ;th 'city. . He
also "opposed the ' provision' of , six . con
aumere to every 100 feet of extension on
the ground that It would afford the com
pany an excuse not to furnish gas. to the
western part of the city. Mr. Nash an
swered Mr. Boyer - by atatlng that his
company bad promised a year ago to ex
tend Its mains to that' section of the city
and that the pipe had been ordered and
vvork begun.
Councilman Smith's ordinance requiring
all animala and fowla offered for fond use
to be drawn met a sudden death on being
brought up for the third reading.' Every
councilman voted against It except Wal
lace. A communication from the Commercial
club asking the council to take steps to
have atreet algna placed about the city
waa referred to the committee of the whole.
On recommendation of the fire and light
ooinmlttee k. was decided to purchase UK)
feet of Paragon hose and OA feet of Tuxedo
hose for the fire department, aa well as
100 feet of chemical hose and SoO feet web-
llne hose.
W can't put the shoe stock in the win
dow. If you don't see what you want, go
Inside. Sargent's Family Shoe Store. Look
for the bear.
Special 30 per cent discount on ail of the
following: Dinner sets, music cabinet.
dinner chairs, porch furniture, parlor lamps,
center tables, buffets, aldeboards, kitchen
cabinets, go-carts, refrigerators, portieres,
lace curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, carpets
and mattings. D. W. Keller, 103 So. Main.
The Title Guaranty ana Trust company.
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1&53. Books are all up to. date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
pricea. Office opposite court bouse, 235 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
W employ nothing but first-class tin
ners and plumbers and guarantee all of
our work. Spencer Furnace and Sheet
Metal Works, ttl West Broadway..
CENTRAL FLOrR-$1.15. ' Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both Phonea 24.
Cherry aale today at Bartel A Miller's,
25c and S5c per basket. Tel. 350.
Go to Hicks' for your money's worth la
tailoriag. No bluff, either. . .
Don't Go to Omaha
I'ntll you try at home. You have stocks
of shoee In Council Bluffs equal to any city.
Try Sargent's and the whole bunch. "You
will find what you want somewhere. Sar
gent's Family Shoe Store. Look for the
-White canvas Oxfords, all kind. Pricea,
$1 to 12. Duncan Dean. 21 Main atreet.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 360. Night Lit
Mrs. Beaedlrt geeks Ulverce.
Mrs. Nellie E. Benedict bgaa suit In
the district cour. yesterday for divorce
from Thomas J. Benedict, to whom ah
was married October a. iguj, n Oaoalia.
Mrs. Benedict charges her husband with
cruel and inhuman treatment of her. Tu
plaintiff is the daughter of L. C. Dunn,
well-known travellr.g cigar salesman of
this city. Her short married life nas
been anything but a haony one and only
few cnuuUis agu Lr huibaid a aa ar -
rested In Denver. Colo., on the oharge of
passing a number of worthless checks.
Mr. Dunn went to Denver and took up
the checks. In this way saving the younrf
man frem proaecutlon. Following the
Denver escapade Mrs. Benedict separated
from her husband.
Mfi Who Wea at Toaraasaeat C.lvea
Ureal BendoaT.
Council Bluffs practically turned out
eiimaaae yesterday afternoon to do honor
to Fire Chief Jones and his men who car
ried off the championship honors at tht
state firemen's tournament at Clinton la
week. The demonstration, almost . spon
taneous In tlie rapidity with which It was
arranged, evidenced the lntereat the people
of Council Bluffs take In their fire depart
ment and the gratification they feel over
the success of the team at Clinton.
The streets were lined aa en a circus
day and the parade was far bigger than
the moat enthuslaatlc had antlci-
pated. .Many of thebuaineaa houses alot'g
the line' of march were decorated with
flags and during the hour the demonstra
tion lasted, business wa practically eua
pended on Broadway.
The parade started on Pearl atreet In
front of the Commercial cluh rooms, where
the members assembled, each carried a
new broom decorated with red, white an J
blue ribbons. The column was headed by
a platoon of police In command of Cap.
tain Shaffer. Then came Covalt'a haul,
the mayor, members of the city council,
and other city officials, members of tho
Commercial club, a carriage containing
the wives of Chief Jones. Captain Telfer
and F.. Walker. Next In line came a dozen
or. more automobiles, gaily decorated anJ
last, but not least, the live companies of
the fire department with the apparatus
and teams gaily decorated avtlh flags,
bunting and brooms.
Marching west on Broadway to the
Northwestern depot the column halted,
while Jack and Jim, the winning team
at Clinton, waa hitched to their wagon.
The parade then turned east on Pearl
street to Fifth avenue, east on Fifth
avenue to Main street, north on Main
street to Broadway and then west on
Broadway to No. 4 engine house, whe.-e
on a platform in front of the building
Mayor Macrae and Hon. Charles M. Harl
addressed the crowd.
AH along the line of march Chief Jones
and his men were tendered a rousing
ovation and during the specchmaklng at
the close of the parade Jack and Jim were
led forth for the Inspection of the crowd.
The beautiful animala, the pride of the
fire department, and aa far as that goes,
also, the pride of Council Bluffs, wore the
floral collars presented them at Clinton
by a number of citizens of Dcs Moines.
At the close of his address Mayor Mac
rae presented Chief Jonea with a hand
some silver medal, the gift of Joe Smltn
& Co. Inscribed on the medal is "Jack
and Jim, at Clinton, June 22, 'Off; straight
away, 1:2 time." With the medal went
a. box of cigars for the firemen.
We pay tll.00 per ton for cast Iron; mixed,
$8.00 per ton; stoves. $7.50; rags, lc a lb.;
rubber, "ct copper, 14c per lb. J. Kattle
man, B South Main. Both 'Phones 850.
Something entirely new and Just otL
Beautiful new photos at a special offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
Bride Desert Sn Hrtsra fronj. Wed
ding 'f. M." Patterson, hailing from, the vicin
ity of Bancroft. Neb., and giving his sge as
to, was (parried In Council Bluffs on May 29
to Mrs. Harriet J. Post of Omaha,'. who
admitted to being 35 years of age. The
ceremony, was .performed by Rv. ' Hehry court probation officer, in his office
at the county, court room. Yesterday Pat
terson was again a visitor at the court
house, but on a different mission. He was
full of troub'le and his mission waa to seek
the advice of Rev. Delxmg. Patterson's
matrimonial venture, according to his
story, had not proven a felicitous one, and
In fact 'his bride had deserted him for anj
other man, for whom she had acted aa
housekeeper, prior to her. marriage with
Patterson, recounting his troubles to Rev.
De lying, said, that Ire hod taken his wife
on a wedding trip to California, which
had cost him over $. Even during the
wedding trip, Patterron said, his wli'e caused
him considerable anffiety .from the manner
In which she flirted with other men. The
climax was reached, however, when they
returned to Nebraska. Patterson woke up
one day to find his wife -missing, and in
quiry showed that she had returned to the
man for whom she had been housekeeper
prior to her marriage with Patterson.
Patterson was accompanied by a male
friend, who supplied such details of Pat
terson's troubles as the latter omitted. The
two appeared to be under the Impression
that the marriage could be annulled, and
together they sought Judge Wheeler, who,
however, after listening to their story, in
formed them he could not do anything in
the matter. He advised Patterson that he
would have to bring divorce proceedings In
Nebraska, an he waa not a resident of
Iowa. The last aeen of Patterson and his
friend 'they were boarding a car for
For Imported wines, liquors and Budwelser
beer go to I Rosenfeld. wholesale liquor
dealer. 619 South Main street.
Currants at $1.50 per caae; cherrls at 26c
and 66c per basket. Bartel Sk Miller. Tel.
Don't forget that I have fine spring and
summer suits from $20 to $26. E. 8. Hicks.
Fin Farm,
Two hundred-acre farm five miles from
Missouri Valley. Good Improvement and
orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building.. Office telephone 203.
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado; $6 per acre for raising all
kinds of craps; good soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excuralona first and
third Tuesdaya of each month. Send for
printed- matter. P. C. Lougee, 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs, I a.
4)allty Cssaate
More with paint than with anything else.
Tou may think you save a few dollars
On first post, hut you'U lose a year or more
on the, wear. We don't offer bargain
counter pricea for pa'lnt. but we paint so
It stays painted. Jensen A -Nicholson.
Outside and Inside House Decorations.
If you are thinking of decorating your
home see W. 8. Hewetson's line of fancy
paper, room mouldlngaand beadinga. Will
do your work carefully and reasonably.
Pictures, snd framing In the latest style.
Library Baard Xamed.
Mayor Macrae yeaterdar named John M.
Qalvln. C. R. Tyler and Vlotor SJ. rtonder
aa members of the board of trustees of the
free public library, their tanns to com
mence July L Messrs. GapIn and Ty!r
succeed themselves on the board, while Mr.
Bender will succeed Mrs. Horace Everett,
whose term expires It Is understood M's.
J Everett did nut desire reappointment- Mr.
Bender has previously served a term as
member of the board.
Regarding the request of the Wewt Coun
cil Bluffs Improvement club thst that sec
tion of the city be given two represent
atives on the board. Mayor Macrae said
he failed to see hew he could comply wl'h
the request, when he felt it incumbent on
hlm to reappoint Messrs. Galvlu and Tyler,
and aa ho supposed the club would not be
content with one representative, he decided
to name Mr. Bender from the Third ward.
The city council approved the ma) or e appointments.
Jaeqaes' ( herki o Good.
O. Jacques, who was arreMed In Omaha
Sunday, was brought to Council Bluffs yes
terday and lodged in the county JaiL Last
Wednesday Jacques hired a team from
Frank Whltsett, proprietor of the Fourth
street Hvery barn, giving the la'tter a check
for $5 on the Bank of Treynor (la.). The
check was returned ss worthless, and it Is
alleged that Jacques attempted to dispose
of ll.e team and rig In Omaha. Jacques
has been working around Treynor as a
farm hand for about two years, and It la
said that several checks drawn up by hlm
on the Treynor bank have turned up.
Oatermoor Mattress.
Ostermoor Cotton Felt Mattresses are
guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price.
$1R.U0. We are exclusive agents. Kellcr
Farnsworth Furniture Co.
Fancy sugar cured Rex breakfaat bacon,'
12Hc per pound. Central Grocery and Meat
Market. Both Phones 24.
A. Metsa-er A Co,
New location of Wholesale Bakery,
5M Mynster 8t., Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Position Is waiting for you after taking
a course in the Western Iowa college.
Yachting shoes In white, made especially
for the purpose. Sargent s Family Shoe
Twin I'ltr and Clilraaro Special Leaves
Track and Several Are Injured.
MARSHA1J.TOWS, la.. June 25. East
bound train, No. . the "Twin City and
Chicago special," on the Great Western
railway was wrecked early today.
Ope of the cars Jumped the track at a
bridge one and a half miles north of Glad
brook, la.' Wtille running on the ties the
tralti passed over the bridge sfely. After
reaching the far side four coaches over
turned." Several persons were Injured, but
none fatally.
The Injured sre:
Mrs. H. A. Dniny, St! Taul. Minn.
Mrs. C. P. Roe, New Sharon, la.
Mrs. W. II. Matthews and C. W. Hughes,
Marshalltown, la.
Slatna of Lake Qaeatloned.
ONA WA, la., June 26. (Special. George
A. Lincoln, state fish commissioner, was
In Onawa yesterday on business pertain
ing to his office, and' spent the most of
the day here. He glvca It as his opinion
that both Gard and Oliver lakes, which
have leen heretofore considered private
lakes, ancW controlled by the ownera of
the land surrounding them, are really In
a certain sense, public lakes and subject
to the state laws. As regards fishing, the
commissioner forbid the use of seines In
either lake. The seine seized by the sheriff
was, restored to the nwner,,,. 'ntrrested,-parties
will seek the opinion of the attorney
erencral of Iowa In record to Gard and
Oliver laies, aa ownerVdf land say they
are on their own property
Honors for Iowa Ktndent.
BOSTON. Mass.. June 25. (Special Tele
gram.) At the Williams 'college class day
exercises today Charles, F. Luberger of
Cedar - Rapids, la., was - elected .to the
DragonV the .leading student secret society
Ot Yale law school. Honors In the second
class were awarded to Robert N. Butter
held. Dewltt, la.
Woodmen Memorial Service.
WOODBINE, la., June 26. iSpecial.V The
Woodmen of the World held a memorial
meeting for the late Sovereigns Edgerton
and Lewis, both prom,uient citizens of
Woodbine, In the First Christian church.
A large audience was present. ' '
Missouri Judge Makea Baling- PottlnK
Plaintiff Oat of Coart at
St. Loals.
ST. LOUIS. June 26. In the circuit court
today Judge Ryan decided in favor of a
purchaser who contended that he does not
have to pay for goods which he voluntarily
bought from a concern which, he alleges,
la a member of a so-called truat. The
Cghill-Swtft Manufacturing company hnd
brought suit for $240.83 against Joseph E.
Walsh, a plumber, on the allegation that
Walsh had bought good to the value of
the judgment asked and, had refused to
pay for them.
Walsh acknowledged that this was true
and atated he had Installed the goods In
a flat. His counsel termed the company
a "trust" and argued that the defendant
did not have to pay for goods bought from
a trust any more than he would have to
pay a gambling debt. Walsh's defenxn
wa based solely upon his antl-tmat argu
ment ard the court's decision was in his
Government Paid Hundred Thousand
Dollar to Secure Fugitive
Greene and Gayaor.
WASHINGTON. June 25.-1 1 cost the
government $100,000 to extradite Greene and
Gaynor and bring them to trial.
Thla statement la contained In a letter
written by Attorney Oeneral Moody to
Chairman Tawr.ey explaining a request for
a deficiency appropriation.
Of thla sum, he says, $2,5oO Is to be paid
to foreign counsel in thla caae.
"Their services," he said, "began several
years ago and were completed during the
current fiscal year by the return of Greene
and Gaynor to Savannah for trial."
Heavy Reglatrailua at Billing.
BILLINGS. Mont., June ft The registra
tion fur Crow reservation lands here to
day waa nearly lo. (he largest of any
day aiiic the office opened. The total
registration here la mure than 1'i.ouO.
A Skin of Beauty lg a Joy Forever.
DR. T. Fella Gouraud'a Oriental
Cream or Megloal Beautlflor.
RwBoras Taa, Pt p m,
1 rsi'iiM. kia PtcJ.
Km li, mmi baia D.ft,
aaa vrv bn lt
ob baauty. and a-
(M OclCUea. II
Btuua laa teal
if M vara, aaa
ia ao liaruiiaat I
taaiclt lobvtunK
la i' prlf aiaaa
Anoayt roobtiatar
" gr aunUM
aaaa. Dr. L. A
latra aa.4 to
la4f of lb kaut
t"B ta paitia:
"a a yos utalw
wul aa Lac)
I r.asi
'Geeraad'e Cream aa tht twaat aaraifui of all Um
akia arvparanona. I aaui ij ail aroagiata So4 r aaer
ttuooa fraif la tfc Viii Siaiaa, Caaaaa a4 lufop
fdlT.HSfUJj Prcf. V (rut Um Strut Inhi
m eg
Would Letre
with Jo dees.
secretary kaw Rn Ilea Molar Hes
ideare Pregiert and start Sge
alatloa ta III Tatars
(From a 8taff Corieapomlent.)
DE8 MOINES, June 2A.-(3pecial)-l he
County Attorneys' association of Iowa,
which meets the two days preceding the
State Bar association convention, will con
sider the abolition of the grand Jury system
as recommended by the law reform commit
tee. The' question has been before t tie
Stale Bar association and failed, ll will
now be taken up by the county attornes.
Jesse A. Miller of thla city Is chairman
of the committee and today gave out the
report that will lie made to the associa
tion. The committee will recommend that
judges of districts courts lie empewered
to call a grand Jury to meet whenever they
deem It necessary, but for the ordinary
run of cases, where Information has Im en
filed or where the defendant la Wind over
from a Justice court, the recommendation
will te that trial be had on the information
or action of the Justice court.
The committee will also recommend that
the method of county at
torneys he changed and that attorneys be
paid for each case or by the -day for the
time put In. They are now paid salary and
fees. This will tie opposed by the county
attorneys from thinly settled counties for
the reason that there Is little biislm ss
there. The committee will also recommend
a change In drawing petit Jurors, requiring
district judges to appoint commission of
three to make the selections.
The association meets In this city. July
lo and 11.
More You Pay. Lea Yon Urt.
R. II. Cooper of Wlnterset. a promimnt
banker, has started suit againat the Con
servative Mutual Life Insurance company
of lxis Angeles for a settlement of his poli
cies, aggregating '.n00, on the claim that
under the present conditions the more li
pays In the less he will get In the end.
Cooper was a policy holder of the old Con
servative Mutual of Marshalltown. which
sold out to the California company. This
company has now sold out to the Pacific
Mutual of San Francisco. Cooper has
started his suit la the Madison county
district court, stating that the transfer
to the Pacific annuls the contrart and de
mands a settlement. He asserts that the
Pacific Mutual is claiming that the divi
dends do not warrant the fulfillment of the
policies and so Is placing liens on the poli
cies and charging Interest on the liens, and
the Hens and Interest sre greater than the
payments, hence the more the policy holder
pays In the less he will get at the end.
Flreernrker gale Spoiled.
The Impression that has gained circula
tion over the state that the last legislature
passed a bill prohibiting firecrackers' hns
spoiled 'he sale of the noise-makers In this
slate. The bill passed the house, hut not
the senate. Wholesalers say the trade this
year is less than half what It formerly
was, because of this mistaken Impression.
Shaw Rnya Dea Mnlnea Property.
Secretary !slle M. Sluw has purchased
a number of lots In this city and a tract
of two and a half acres Just northeast of
Greenwood park and close to the fashion
able section of West Grand a venue. The
conslderatlon named in the "deeds filed with
the county recorder today is $5,2S0 Whether
the purchase is for Investment purposes
or for a residence for the secretary can
not be learned.
J. ft. Pnlk ailalitly Better.
The condition of J. S. Polk, president of
the Dee Moines Street railway, was today
reported to be slightly better.
Workmen Walt for Rates.
The failure of the railroads to make rates
to the wheat lipids of Dakota and Kansas
is preventing the workmen of Iowa from
responding to the demand for workers. The
demand for men Is being made In this rl'y
and It Is asserted B.mii men are wanted in
Dakota. There are plenty of men In Iowa
ready to go, but the ratea are too high
and there has been no word passed about
as yet to let them ride free on freights.
Slot Machine Crusade Still On.
JuHtice Livingston of Savlorvllle declared
today that he would still prosecute his
crusade against the slot machines if anv
put In an appearance. Cigar store men
and druggists, who have had the machines,
say they will have them all hack aoon.
The public. Is, therefore, waiting to see
which will keep its word. No machines
have appeared thus far.
Ijkbor Federation In Politics.
A. 1. I'rkk, presld.-nl of the Iowa Fed
eration of Ijabor, today stated that the
federation ia going into politics, lie said:
"In pursuance of requests from the Ameri
can Federation of Labor and Its national
officers in Washington, and following out
the program agreed to at the last annual
meeting of the Iowa Federation of Labor,
union men throughout this state are going
Into politics."
Daughter of Confederacy Hare Plan
lo Erect House at James
towa Kxpoaltlon,
NORFOLK. Va.. June 25 The I'nlted
Daughters of the Confederacy of the United
States are to have a building at the James
town exposition. The committee on ways
and means of the Virginia division at a
meeting in Richmond Saturday discussed a
plan for the raising of necessary funds and
suggested that each of the 40,000 Daughters
In the country make a contribution of 50
centalcontributors to have cards of admis
sion which will entitle them to all cour
tesies of the building. At the close of the
exposition It ia proposed to sell the build
ings, (he proceeds to go into the general
treasury of the I'nlted Daughter of the
Confederacy, the president of which, Mrs.
Elizabeth George Henderson of Gulfport,
Miss., haa given her official endorsement to
the building movement.
The exact coat of the building and the
sit for the same have not yet been de
Mea Wha Tr Cases Mar Lear a r'aela
Through aa Offlelal
I alerpreter.
WASHINGTON, June 36 The senate to
day paaaed a 1111 regulating Jury service In
New Mexico after Senator Bpooner, on be
liaif of the Judiciary committee, had with
drawn the amendment suggested by th"
committee mhlch made It necessary that all
Jurymen In that territory shuuld speak- the
Knglte-li language.
Senator Epooner U the ajlhor of the
amendment and he prevailed upon the com
mittee to accept it He stated today that
the attorney general had told hlm that In
ten out of the twenty-five countiea of the
territory It aould be utterly lni)olble to
secure a Jury If the amendment, should be
come a law. In theae ten countiea It Is. he
said, absolutely neceeaary for the courts to
employ Interpreters in all matters going be-
fore the Jury. He therefore withdrew the
amendment and asked that the bill le
passed. There was no objection and the lull
went through minus the amendment
Propose to Remain There far Wont
Time ta tternnerate for the
Coming trial.
SIOl'X FA1.I.8. 8. D, June ;-t Special
Telegram. Through a curious mistake In
Identity the report today gained i irculailon
and was generilly credited that Mrs. Emma
Kaufmaun. accompanied by Mr. Kauf
mann. had auddenly departed from tile
city for some small and remote place where
they would remain pending Mrs. Kauf
mann's trial at the November term of the
state circuit court. The repiart that they
had departed from the city proves to be
unfounded and was due lo an official mis
taking another woman en route to a rail
road depot for .Mrs. Kaufmann.
The Kaufmanns left the lonnly Jail at
about 10 o'clock last night and Instead of
lielng driven to a train prncteded direct
to their own home, where tloy now are.
They will leniain there at least for several
wxeks, and pel haps Indefinitely. Their
plans for the future have not yet been
formulated. But In the meantime they will
rest and seek to recover from the serious
strain of the last two weeks. Chief of
Police Wade will maintain guards nt the
Kaufmann home Indefinitely, simply as a
precautionary measure.
Information hiving reached here that a
movement had been Inaugurated at Parks
ton for the raising of a fund with the ob
ject of erecting a monument over the grave
of Miss Agnes Polrtls, the girl whom Mrs.
Kaufmann Is charged with having mur
dered, an enterprising Sioux Falls monu
ment dealer has presented to the parents
of the girl a handsome and costly monu
ment. This" will be erected over the girl's
grave as soon ss the Inscription is en
graved on the stone
Indications He W a the letlm of
Kl.K POINT, S. ll., June Si.-(Special.)
Report reaches here of what Is supposed
to be a murder of a mun by the name of
John Harrington, who resided four miles
east of town with his brother, Dan. keeping
bachelors' quarters. It seems that Saturday
evening hla brother Pan on retiring left
John reading a paper, and awakening about
4 o'clock In the morning missed hlm. Not
finding him in the house he became alHrmed
and began- lo search the premises. After
looking some time, Dan found his brother
lying In a wheat field, his shirt half torn
off, hla clothes bloody and his nose broken.
On his Kft arm finger marks were found,
indicating hlm a victim of violence. Dan
bul bis brother to the house ami then
found hlm to be dead. A little lHter he
notified the autliorltlea and the coroner's
Inquest was held yesterday. The affair
has caused much excitement In this city,
as the deceased and his brother are well
known here, being old settlers.
Hubbard Acquitted of Murder.
HI 'RON, S. D.. June a (Special.) The
case of the Btate of South Dakota against
H. L. Hubbard, charged with the murder
nf G. W. Cakebread on a farm a few miles
from this city two years ago and on trial
In circuit court here before Judge Whiting
since Tuesday, closed Saturday, when the
Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Hub
bard, Immediately following the tragedy,
was arrested, tried and convicted of man
slaughter and sentenced to the peniten
tiary for fifteen years. Application was
md toi'lhe supreme court for a rehear
ing of tUn rase and Hubbard was admitted
to ball. The second trial Is the one Just
closed and the result is about what the
general public anticipated.
Driver' Killed I nder Waarnn.
CKNTRAI. CITY. 8. l.. June 2.".. (Special
Telegram.) George Knowies. a teamster,
fell from his wagon last night while driv
ing up Blacktall gulch, near line, and was
killed, fn falling he fell bet.rath the wheels
of his wagon, which passed over his neck.
Hi's neck was broken and death was In
stantaneous. He was unmarried and about
34 years of age.
fearo Held fnr Hnrulary.
PIKFIRK. 8. P., June 25. i Special Tele
gram.) Frank Daniels, a negro, who says
his home Is near While Hrooklngs county,
was bound over today on a burglary charge.
It Is alleged he broke Into the O -m saloon
last night. He was arrested In a boxcar
in the railroad ynrds early this morning.
He is in Jail for lack of fcond.
-Frensled with Fear
are 'many who develop lung trouble. Dr.
King's New Discovery will cure them.
Guaranteed. 60c and $1.00. For sale by
Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
DIAMONDS Frenzer. 16th and Dodge sts
Physician Found Dead.
KANSAS CITV. June 2.-Thc dead body
of Dr. C. Spaulding. aged 37 years, a
prominent phvsician, was found here today
at the bottom of the elevator shaft in an
Incompleted office building at Twelfth and
Metlee n reels. Sinuldlng. who had an
office on the, third floor of the building, Is
believed to have accidentally fallen Into
the shaft, which was not properly pro.
tected. He wss to have married the niece
of David T. Heals, a banker, here tills
rngt rwg-R riytv years.
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
tiaabeaBua4fiirover fclXTY YEAHMbr MILLIONS
of MOTHLKHfortbalrCinLUKta WHIl.tTl KlH
ISO. WfTHftHS kCTbCCCLbH. It fita iTRFS tbe
CHILD, BOf TINS the (.fMH, ALLAY g all PAIN ;
CUBJHf WIND COLIO, sod la the beat remedy for
IiIAhBHliA Hold br nrunrtau ID every part of
tha world. Be sure and aak for
amli uia auui ax. a iinu.
I aat We
VBM a Jtaiua,
A Chicago Train for Omaha
Leaves Union Station, Omaha, at 5:40 p. rri.
Arrives In Chlcaf o at 8:13 the next morning.
Electric Lighted Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining
Chair Cars and Observation End Parlor Car with Dining Room serving Din
ner and Breakfast a la carte. Returning, train leaves Chicago at 6:00 p. m.,
arrives at Omaha 9:00 the next morning.
itil tar nam St-,
Lindenwood College for Women
Diamond Jubilee College of the Went.
VI uau. Kloculion. Art and Lxiineetlc Economy. Physical and Ktiaieg
Arceasihility to a great city. Helen patronage. Limited number of boa
room taken during last echool year. Beautiful location. Electric cars
With Irritating Skin Humor-Whole
Body Affected Scalp Itched All .
the Time and Hair Began to Fall .
Out Wonderful Result From . ,
''I am never without Cutirtir Soap
and Cutictira Ointment since 1 tnerl
them last summer. About the latter
part of July mjr whole IkhJv began to
itch. I did not take mticb notice) of it
at first, but it began to get worse all thg
time, and then I began to get uneasy
and tried all kinds of bath and other
remedies that were recommended for
ekin humors; but I became worse all
t he time. M y hair organ to fall out and
my scalp itched all the time. Eer
rially at night, just us soon as I would
get in bed and get warm, my whole body
would begin to itch and my finger nails
would keep it irritated, aud it was not
long before I could not rest night or day.
A friend gakaal me to try the Cutictira
Remedies, wid I did, nd the first appli
cation helped me wonderfully. For
shout four weeks I would take a hot
bath everv night and then apply the
Cutictira Ointment to my whole body;
fcnd I kpt getting better, and by tne
time I used four boxes of Cutictira I was
entirely cured, and my hair stopped
falling out, but I continue to use tha
Cuticura on my scalp. It keeps all dan
druff out and scalp is always clean. I
always use Cuticura Ointment on ray
face' after shaving, ajid have found
nothing to equal it. I will nevar bs
without it." I). E. Blankenship,
, 31.9 N. .Del. St.,
Oct. 27, 1905. Indianapolis, lnd.
"I have used Cuticura Ointment for
chafing of infants, and as they grew
older all skin diseases were given treat
ment with that and the Cuticura Soap.
I never found it necessary to call a doc
tor, as these Remedies are a sure cure,
if used as directed. I am glad to reoom
mend them to all mothers." 8inoerely
Jours, Mrs. F, A. Kennard,
une 21, 1905. Bt Paul Park, Minn.
Cattcura Soap. Untmwit. an4 f ttlt ara tola thrauilimM
S world rowi imif a vni. i:arp.,!o!f rraaa.,
-MaLaaf raa,
Stop Your Pain
Without Opium, Morphine, Cocaine, Alcohol
or other habit-forming drugs. The Terrible
Pains and Soreness of Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Cramps, Lumbago, l-atlrippe, Neuralgic
Headaches, Painful Periods, Lameness and
Stiffness are caused by Uric Acid Poisons
which settle out of the Blood and form
'crystals like splintered glass in the parts
Willi th's 'act rnm the sensible way to
II Iltl Stop Pain and relieve Soreness is to
redissolve these irritating crystals and cause
them to be thrown out of the system. . Dr.
E. C. Scott originated E-llm-i-na-tum foi
this express purpose.
E-lim-I-na"ium 6oHMgPthcfa!.
to they can be excreted without irritatin -the
Kidneys and Bladder. People who think
will use it because it Cures by removing tht
cause and leaves no bad after effects. 1 he)
will not use habit-forming drugs to deader
the sensibilities, and leave the poison in the
system to make the case chronic, to require
operations, or to develop enlatgements and
other deformities.. '"
A Free Book of 64 pages b pr. E. C.
Scott with every bottle, or setlt iy mail on
request. Ask your Druggist for E-lim-in-a-tum.
12 or. bottle Ji. , Accept nothing else.
Eliminc) Medicine Co.. Vet Moines, I a,
, ..''-' ' '
Delicate enoueh for the softest
tain, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps tne sKin in peneci
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every wasa
Call Us
by 'Phone
Whenever you want
aomethhig call 'Phot
238 sod make It
known through a Em
Want Ad.
Cadet '
Academic, Kermnary snd t oll
ege Coureea.
Ic I.oiaUan.
rdera. fc-very
to at. beula
Catalogue on application. sev. age W leaaaaae Anaa. - n- wmm