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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 26 1906. ! !' 1 I I Is SPECIAL NOTICES Avrttirat fif ftaa colom rill $ talkea nlU LB aa. tmw IM ve-ala e4tt oat watll p. m. la tk tanralaa I4tf Mrloaw DatM 1 1.2e wor fsrwt laaortloa, lea ward lkrMtlr. Ratala taJtaa far leee lhaa 20 far th rat laacr llta. Tars aavortlaements mast aa eoasreotivoly. Advertiser, ay rcejacatlaa; a am berrd chcrk, rma kite dreeae ta a Wr left la ear of Taa Bra. A aimrt ao addr tvlll bo dellrara rrratatla at ebeelc MISCELLANEOUS SECOND SUMMER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Monday, July 2. Write, call or 'p:ione lor catalogue. Address H. B. Boyle, President, Omaha, Neb. R M146 3D OMAHA Baf and Iron Work make a spe cialty of flra escape, abutters, doora and safes, O. Andreen. Prop., 10$ a. W5- 6IGN PAINTING, B. It Cole, 1301 Douglaa a t-42i TRT Kelly Towal Supply. Tel. Doug. 8530. R Ui Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1919 rurnttm. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Res. 'phone, DoUaOMj ELBABBER AY BRICK. Machinists, $1 South 12th St. Tel. 537. Vlir inn'3 25c each, five for $1. 217 IALaEj XVXilO 8 14tn st Tel. Doug las 2974. R Mwi JUiyio WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bag. Old trunk taken In exchange; repairing. FREUNO & STEfNLE, 10 N. 16ta St. 'Phone Doug. 4998. R Ml June26 TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes, $2.50. Fox Typewriter Co., 1S22 Farnam. . R-MM4 July 16 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BOD A FOUNTAIN, anr l. 1811 Farnam. Q 427 6HERW1N-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 4a HALL'S safes, new, Zd-hand. 1811 Farnam. Q 43 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, ilea mall room. Q 643 FOR SALE New ard second-hand billiard ii nd pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns- . . . i i . ri 1 1. .''..II....,,.... fit tn, I. a -M588 WE buv everything In the furniture Una Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 430 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white bass wood for burnt work. 921 N. 16th. Q 423 MILCH COWS. Center. on easy term. 43d anl Q 483 EEND US your mall order for drugs: freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaoa. g 431 ONE second-hand Worthlngton steam pump, slxe 14x8x12, capacity 500 gallons per minute; 1 40-H. P. boiler; 3-6 crook Solnts; all are In good condition. Ad ress city clerk, Fullerton, Neb. Q M721 JulyS FOR SALE Household furniture; also In cubator. 1129 N. 17th. Q 835 Z5x CONTENTS of ten-room house completely rurrusnea. uii it. ism at. u mkjx ztix FOR 8ALE Fully equipped boarding house. Address H-8 Bee. Q 134 Jy lx BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To sell or rent, hair dreaalni parlor, newly furnished, on easy term. to responsiot party, call sui or aoz Ne ville Blk., omaha Neb. J M971 Do YOU Wish tO Make a Chancre f " I 1 1 j j 4 ia j m iiuiiiv, vuvi I icon property that you want to sell or exchange ;Lo'r'land and investment co.. umana, isno., or bioux city, is, Y-M646 J2 LAUNDRY for sal or lease to practical partle. Address G 67, Bee. Y M7J3 21 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomer; gooa location. Aaaress u-M, care or Bee. r M7&6 PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock. Nemaha Co. (southeast Nebraska); well established; sales from $50 to $76 per dar; advise with owner; no trading stock; will require about $5,000 cash. Address H 8. wee. 1 oi jya FOR SALE Complete set foundry tooli 36-in. cupola, blower, crane, lathe, drill press, is H. P. engine. 20 H. P. boiler. large assortment house patterns and flasks; all first class. Address Box 816, fii i-oini, ivcd. Y M82S 28 FOR SALE Jamelson hotel and furniture. . ror particulars Inquire Jameison hotel, AUTOMOBILES One 14 horsepower, air-cooied Knox Tour ing Car, In tin condition. !7. One 10 h. p. aids entrance Cadtlac Touring Car, fine condition, One Model K Humbler,' 3-cyilnder, 18 h. p., canopy top, side curtain, glass torm front and aide touring ljnt. $760 One ingle-cylinder. 10 h. p. Rambler Run- buvui, runty overnauiM, ISO). ime Drana new cadllac Tounna Car txfM " 'V P- doubla-cyllndrr, 4-paasenger wnf iu emrtnce, i h. p.. Surrey. tvre 1 .,,ti, , an -1 UVtlUIHUK, ftJO. On Uc Orient Buckboard, g,(v.Ml shape, $225 One 86 h. p. Hoyal Tourtat, fttw shape, with' wy. wm imw ,k,0f; nOW 4.'vrM). One 180J Old Runabout, new Mres, $2.A wim J mevi-Lury, 4-(,'mnger. with wK, uw, not HOW ,1H .Vj!'llna1, Wlnn, ixcellent con- w jvmte steamer, with top, almost ' 'h. b. FRKDKICKSON, jam ana Capitol Avb. M397 FOR EXCHANGE J OR EXCHANGE Los Anaelea nronertv: six-room cottage; modern; good residence district, and email biMlneas, a money maaer xor pari oasn ana residence prop erty In good district in Omaha. Addreea 201 t-aat Hecond St.. Los Anaeli Cel. ' Z M!7 2lx IF YOU da not find what you want In this column, pui an aa u ana you win soo get L ib-Kil WANTEDTO BUY WANTKD--TO buy, second-hand furniture, love, carpet, clothing and hoa. Pay in nasi prices, xeiepuon uougia mil. N xu July WANTED To buy, with or without house, for cash, I to 10 acre near Omaha; muat be bargain. Address H 18. rare Be. N-UU MX FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Hncwi: Wire Fencing (a per foot. $u$ N. 17ta St. Tel. Red-ali m Julys WIRE nd Iron Feaclng, Hitching Post, Wlra Trellis. Omaha Wire and Iroa Work. 2U7 txrua Bt. TaL Red SuC aUa Jyt LAW AND COLLECTIONS J It. MaofarlanC 80 M. Y. U Bldg. Tei WANTED MALE HELP. , WANTED-Engineer, contractor, to nd for Engineering World of June 20, con taining supplement, 12x34-lnch panoramic photograph of devastated Ban Francisco; taken !. feet above the city from a kite; p repaired for framing. Bend 2ftc and get It. The June 3ft Issue also contalna $0 expert engineering articles. Btlll better, send tl for a year's subacrlptlon, en titling vou to t2 Issues. This Is not a typographical error best subscription offer ever made. Good for a short time only. If vou have spare time you can make money soliciting subscriptions for ua. Order todav. before June 20 Issue Is exhausted. Engineering World. Railway Exchange, C hicago. B 146 26x WANTED A sausage maker and all round sausage kitchen man. Begin work at once. R. M. Weatphalen, Atlantic. la. B MM4 ?8 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; splendid time to begin; busy season now; little expense: few weeks completes; top wages paid graduntee; position waiting; small capital starts business. Call or write Mohler Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B MSlt 29x WANTED Clgarmakers ; 8 rollers and t bunch breakers; will pay the best of prices to go out of town; will send tickets. Address II 12, care of Bee. B-MH15 CHERRY PICKERS-Apply at orchard of I. Jaynea any day except Sunday. Oren vllle Bros. B 966 29x WANTED Two experienced order clerks bv wnolesale drug house; must be famil iar with business. Address H 20. Bee. B M9S7 26 HEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plasteitng trades; pay A a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago. Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 435 WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard Bt. Il-C DRUO stores bought and sold; drug clerk wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. I B 437 WANTED For U. B. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of 21 and 85; cltixens of United States, of good charac ter and temnerate habits, who can pek, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 18th and Doug las 8ts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is land, Nsb , or Sioux City, la. B 7$ CARPENTERS wanted at Fort Omaha, B Mar: F. P. Keefo, contractor. YOUNG Men for Locomotive Flrln. Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address Ry. Dept., 200 S. 12th St., Omaha, B 28') JuiylO TEAMS wanted. C. B. Havens &. Co., B-734 20 yard, 14th and Webster. WANTED Quick, plantation performers or snow musicians for band. Operator and talkers address Dixie Carnival Co., Laramie, Wyo. B M787 26x CHERRY PICKERS Apply at orchard, 9th and jaynea, any day except Sunday, uren vllle Bros. B 9$t Julylx MAN to dig well: state experience and reference. Address H 26, Bee. B 137 27 SALESMAN, liquor, $1,200 and up. Stenographer, $ti, Mfg. house. Ororery clerk. 140. v Stenographer, Oliver, $35. The above la only a partial list or va cancies. Call or write for complete list. M bH l KHN KKr . & BOND AHS IINC, Dep't B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B M150 20 WANTED A young man for carriage shop who Is willing to work; one who has worked at the woodwork trade pre ferred; steadv work and good wages.- T. W. Mayer. Beatrice, Neb. B 147 26x WANTED Young man for office work in wholesale house; give age, salary ex pected and references. Address H 27, Bee. B M152 26 WANTED A first-class barber at once; good wages, $12 per week, half over $18; at once. W. L Leigh, Beatrice, Neb. B M155 26X FIRST-CLASS pants maker; steady work. Molony, McElvaln & Beck, 820 So. 15th. B-M141 28 MAN with family, steady place on farm; house to seir; rree ticket. sweney s Empt. Co., 209 So. 12th St. B M153 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general housework. 861 : Farnam St. ci COOK wanted. reference required. 361$ C-M618 Farnam. MIDDLE aged womau for general house . ,nnJ W-M a n.rl amul war, h-asi . a work: good home and good wage: na tlonallty not considered; 623 4th St.. Coun cil Bluff. C M946 GIRL WANTED Small family; no chil dren; high wage. Mr. H. u. Neeiy, 4371 Hamilton St. C M47 1 WANTED experienced shirt maker, on power utacnine. Howen, Alien & Kauu, Denver, Colo. c M730 jyl small family; large salary. Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 WANTED Experienced girl for general Douse worn; no children; gooa wages, in quire 21116 Blnney St. C 986 30 WANTED Experienced salesladies In lace department, only tnose witn axpenence In large store need apply. J. L. Bran- dels A Sons. C M990 26 WANTED Sewing girl; machine work; steady work. Call 506, W. O. W. Bldf, C 136 26a WANTED Five or six Intelligent sales women for jewelry department. Apply at once. Mr. Williams, the Bennett com pan y C M154 26 AGENTS WANTED AGENT8 wanted to sell our popular poli cies, covering ail acciaenis, disease ana occupation; something entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily under stood and easily sold; cost but $6 per annum each; large commissions paid im mediately and exclusive territory al lowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 820 Broadway, New York. Estab lished twenty year. J LADIES wanted to canvass for th Ed wards skirt supporter; one supporter fas tens every shirt walat to aklrt for aeven tncrea across back without pins, point or teeth to tear garments; free terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., 617 Main St., Buffalo. N. Y. J M389 Julysx AGENTS In every community to sell Top- shine Polishes. Topanine Mtg co.. mn Ohio -St . Omaha. J M927 Jul6x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED 4 good traveling men; $50 per week to tne right men; reierenc ana bond required; legitimate business; no fakir wanted: communications confiden. tlai. Address. F a. Be. : Mi)01 J-2t WANTED Coal aaleaman to represent mines; .territory, eastern Nebraska and Kansas; slate age, experience end salary expected. Address H 65, care Bee. L-M144 27x WANTEDSITUATIONS ATTENTION. THRESH ERMEN! - En- flneer want Job with good outfit; about our year- experience. Address George Evans, Afton, la. A MM4 Julylx WANTED By young lady of experience, a position in printing orhce. Adtirena H , care Bee. J Mljjgx PRINTING LTNOSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendaia. ft JORVK. b. r- corner 10m et. and Capitol Ave. 6u3 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera A C, 161 Howard. TeL Dougla 8U07. 6fl SIDEWALKS SIDBWALKS-AII kind Ucenaed. A, R Hoe I. 31u$ Webater. TeL Doug. 404. lis juiyt UNDERTAKERS HOFFMAN 4V O TLB MAN. It N. Iftb. -MW8 Jul MEET A Ell AN WITH MONEY i ' THROUGH BEE WANT ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WILL rent oni lsrge, cool room, nicely furnished, to gentleman who can furnish good references. Our home is In the west Farnarm district. Nice lawn and shade; strictly private family, and any one renting room will be made to feel at home. Address, G-60, care Bee. E "56 2flx DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E 28 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. E-Mtns TWO nicely furnished south front rooms. 2664 Harnev. E M488X DESIRABLE suite of rooms; also single; strictly modern; gentlemen preferred; 107 North Twentieth. E 980 July 7. FURNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 2206 Douglas St. E 709 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Nicely fur nished, modern room. 131 N. 31st Ave. E 770 114 8. 26TII AVE.-New house; gentleman; references. 'Phone Harney S3S8. E 776 26 NICELY furnished 17th Ave. room. modern. 702 8. E M841 26x NEWLY furnished rooms, ences. 1615 Burt St. modern, refer E M987 26x FOR RENT 2 or 3 beautiful room's, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadwav. Co. Bluffs. E M126 TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; $15 a month. 201S Daven port. E 183 2x 8 GROUND floir housekeeping; $18. rooms furnished for 122 So. 25th St. E M143 27x TWO nice front rooms for mea: can also have the use of piano. 2222 No. 19th. 1 E M142 2x FOR RENT Very nicely furnished room In strictly, private family to respectable lady, very reasonable. 2602 So. 13th, 1st cottage In Stanford Circle. E M140 28x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; good board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F 757 July6x Doug. 611 0. M. E. Ilaul Trunks F 290 VIENNA hotel; private dining- room, car. BOARD and room at 2215 Howard St. . F 185 Jy IX UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; room; bath. Tlxard. 230 N. G M131 d. CENTRAL, t room, bath. Tlzard. 220 N. G M608 ua. FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas lezb. eenmouer a Mueller Piano Co., 1811-1313 Farnam. TJfYTTfiTT.S 'l Prt of tha city. Th TTrvTTCVC In all part of th city. R. C. Peters & Co.. Be Bldg. D-dut HOUSES. Insurant. Ring-wait, Barker Bit. THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, mova and stor H. H. good; Morehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1511V4 Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1659. D WE MOVE piano. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel Doug. 1490. Office 1W3 Web Mr Bt. D-M BEE u when ahimMnr household good to large cltle vrra:. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER i CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug. USb. D 461 CENTRAL, 4 or t-room flat. Tlxard, 220 D-M6U MAGGARD Van ft Storage Co. Dry room, low price. Telephone Dougla 1039. D M4li June ii AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. Phon Douglas 1062. C6 Farnam. D M938 FOR RENT Hotel Under, Washington lake: bv the week or month, or season will accommodate twenty peoplo; suitable for house parties. Inquire ox T. J. uara ner, Mankato, Minn. D MS12 July6 NEW 9-room brick house, West Farnam district $56. HARRISON St MORTON. 811 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug.-314. V D-834 25 1S23 MAPLE, 7 rooms, all modern, $22.50. ill N SOth. 9 rooms, city water. 20. WALTER O. CLARK, 1214 HARNEY ST. U (kltt ZiX FOR RENT 8-rooms. city water. 1826 N 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk D 973 FOR RENT 1713 Mason St., 4-room cot tage, $'J0. 614 N. 2uth, new 10-room mod ern brick, hardwood finish, $50. W. R. Homan. 1517 Farnam St. D M9N5 30 iron RENT-Two new modern houses Farnam St. district, very fine, $55. J. H. Dumont Son, 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 1269. D 139 26 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 1B06 N. 18th St.; steam heat $16.00 Bemla. Paxton block. lM&ti FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 36th St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1194 NO EvjUAL, laundry, drug ator. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. l-Mou STORE ROOM for rent. 40$ 8. 15th, Or pbeum Theater Bldg. Dyball. 1618 Doug- la. i M4 FOR RENT Third floor, six 83x100, suit able for lodge, club room or for manu facturtng purposes. Inquire Palaoe Cloth, lug Co., corner 14th and Douglas. I-M524 BITITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturtng; UxlOO; $ floor and basement; luu6 Farnam. Inquire 814 First Nat. Bank Bldg; PATENTS H. A. STURGES, reglatered attomey; pat nt. trad marks, copyrights; no fe ua less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 473 an . . . U .T M. flO wtmwt 1 a r patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Invention developed, drawings, t interna, castings, machine week. M-tii b. JOth St. -4.6 PATENTS procured, boar lit and sold. Na tional Investment Co., Ul Douglas Blk -MW7 July$ CONSULTING ENGINEER U H. GARDNER. $11 First Nat. Bank Power plants, manufacturing processes. Bans I sea. I Ice plants, us is, inpciion, report. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Florence Heights A New Subdivision of acre property In the north part of the bity of Florence, about seven blocks from the end of the street car tine. This 1 high, slgntly, beautiful land, commanding an unobstructed view of the river and sur rounding country. Will sell In tract of TWO ACRES or more. Price very rea sonable; terms, ha cash, balance easy pay ments at 6 per cent. An excellent oppor tunity to secure land for a, country home. , ' GEORGE & CO., Exclusive Agents. 1801 Farnam St. RE M844 30 A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT DON'T DELAY IF YOU WANT A BAR GAIN. 1613. 1616 and 1617 North 84th street, three 4 room cottages, in good condition; city water and gas; only one block from car line; always rented. Houses would cot $1,000 each to build; will rent for $324 a year. Price, for quick ale, $2,350. See u; don't bother the tenants. Hastings & Heyden, 1609H Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) RE 771 REDUCED TO $3,70 2 blocks from car line, on a paved street; lot 80x120; nice shade trees and shrub bery; house has 10 rooms, furnace, gas, mantels and grates; , built by owner for his own home; anxious to sell because they want to mov Into a new and larger home. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D.-1781. RE 769 26 $2500 West Farnam, 2 high, sightly lots, fine surroundings, bound to Increase In value rapidly, B-room cottage,' " well built, practically new. "' Payne Investment Company. Flrt Floor N., Y- L. Bldg. Tel. D. 178L RE M915 W 6-ROOM COTTAGE ENTIRELY NEW, modern plumbing, gas. cemented cellar under entire nouse, per- .lb VT. I.. nw Q, ? XT Q7, V, 1 IT. mttirouv Weill,, . . v rmj ' ... ... . Can make favorable terms to reliable pur chaser. Price, $2,2o0. O. C. OLSEN, 1704 Farnam St. , RE-MD47 17 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x184, on U. f. traca. ai Din ana jonoa d'., $12,000 will take It for immediate aal. THOMAS BRENNVN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. UK 461 BARGAINS CHEAP LOT, corner 29th and Manderson St., $376. THREE ACRES near 42d and Grand Ave.; will Increase In price. $900. NltW COTTAGE, outh front on Ruggles and 28th Ave., well built and modern except fur nace; on easy terms. $1,960. FINE LOT on Manderson just west of 27th St., south front, permanent walk, 60x126; very cheap, $625. R. H. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 2151. RE-M548 26 Florence Heights That beautiful new subdivision covering some of the most desirable hill in Flor ence. Small acre tracts on easy terms For particular call on or address, GEORGE & CO., Exclusive Agents. loul Farnam bt. RE 846 M30 8-ROOM modern new house, first story fln Ished hi oak, polished floor; price right. HAMILTON, 626 Bee Bldg. RE M975 24 TRY a "Vrjman" abstract, secured by $10,000 bond, American Surety company of New York, surety. "Vronian Title Guar- antee Company, Abstracts of Title, 507 New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas Wl, Mo6J 26x TWO flats of 9 rooms each, inside prop erty, rent $70 per month; we consider this a very good bargain at $6,0u0. McCague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge Btret: RE-832 26 LIST your properties with Boyar, lid an4 jCuming. rvi INVESTMENT. A $-story nd' basement brick block, slwy rented, snnual rentala over $3,600. or better than 10 rer cent net on prices at m-htfh I .an sell It. IK. 000 caan: Will to cept balance in part of rentals. Don t 'phone, but call. I Conner. 232 Neville Blk. RE 12 26 TWO esttaaea. one 6-room. one 6-room ewer and city water, paved street, brick aldewalk. all special taxes paid in fulf, good rented property, brings $'J6 per month. We offer this for $2,loo II sold ai once. McCague Investment c., 16o Dodg Birat- ub gji B FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $2 BENT or handed to Dexter Thomsa, at torney, 412 Bee Bldg., Omaha, will secure a certificate showing owner snd mortgage, if any, on any lot in Omaha or South Omaha. RE M971 SO THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB- STRACT8 OF TITLE re the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond sgalnst los by error. You don't buy a law suit wnen you Duy a Ken- anstract. wis N, Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phon Doug. 524. RE Chas. Willinmaon On.. Bld- jj. ? ipx unor. RB 161 COUNCIL BLUFFS REAL ESTATE IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Corner lot, two blocks north street car Kower house, $150) also corner lot four locks further north, $60, by Dexter L. Thomas, 412 Bee building, Omaha. Tel. Doug. M97i 30 FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS. UNION PA CIFIC RAILROAD CO. is closing out its lands in western braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price Ne and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 318 South 15th St., Omaha, Neb. H M13 30 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY 218 ACRES OF WELL IMPROVED FARM LAND, 4 MILKS SOUTH OF PACIFIC JUNCTION, IA.. TO EXCHANGE FOR WELL IMPROVED RESIDENCE OR BUSINESS PROPERTY IN OMAHA; FARM RENTS $6 CASH PER ACRE. SEE US QUICKLY ABOUT THI8. THE PUTNAM CO., 604-6 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. H-M151 26 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten year time. Lena uept. U. P. R. R , Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A. H MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY! EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. Arid this Is the place to come and get It. Don't let monev stand in the way of en- Joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, WAGONS, etc. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS! We have a rood oronosltlon to offer those who wish money to tide them over vacation period, can and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., $07-308 Paxton Block. X-M-946-30 OUR LOANS Our emmnvea aj-a well Informed and courteous and we are aiway pleased to explain our manner of loan. We tell yo to the cent what th coat will be, and If you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow, Hi ere 4a no harm done. W loan on furniture, ptanoa, llr stock nd other chattel and to salaried people upon thoir own agreement to par. we offer you rate a low a you wiu find and our facll t ea for aulck and con fldantiai aervlrea a ra utmumaaaad. we are the oldest concern in our nn in the city, and wo always try to pleas -our natrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, 119 Board of Trad Bldg. 'Phoa Doug. 8296. Jk iu MONEY loaned on mano. furniture. i elry, horses, cow, eta C. fteea, aiu a 131 b. X-493 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattel or salary. Easy to get no red tape, rou get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 494 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any term wanted; payment suspended in case of slrkness or out cf employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk.. 209 S. 16th bt. X 496 $2 HATS for $1. 308 N. lth St. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug X-aul MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay ment. Office In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. X-49J FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry Loans. 331 Nevlll Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-498 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loan Duff Green Loan Co., room , Barker Blk. X-4t CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loan. Foley, Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam Bt. X 00 CHATTEL Credit Co., and aalary - loan. 638 Paxton Block Pnoenlx X-M46S MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1W4 Farnam, 6 and J per cent loan on real estate; no delay, W 4oJ MONEY TO LOAN Payn Investment Co, W 4ci WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith aV Co., 1320 Faruam St W 464 BUILDING loans on residence property; $ per cent. W. B. 'Melkle, Kama a block. W 46S LOWEST RATES Bomis. Paxton block. w- PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 16 Doug. W 4o- $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, K. 1, N. Y. Ufa. W 468 WANTED City loan. R. C. Peter 4k Ca W 469 City A farm loan. O. F. Carson Co., N Y U W 470 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 6u First National Bank Bldg W -4,1 FARM, CITY AND BUILDING Retd Bros., 1710 Kama in Ht. LOAN a W 471 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only flrst-class goods handled. Prompt atten tion to every older, bend for catalogue. B F. Karol. 236 Harrison St.. Chicago, III, Mr7- OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 41$ N. Y. i TeL Doug PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION - ALL kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles A guar antee given in every case treated by Dr. Maxwell, who has had twenty-five y'ars' experience In treating piles. Hundreds ef testimonials given on application. Mi pee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Dougla 1424. U-M419 June 86 ADHESIVE. Invisible, harmiese. Satin skin powder is made In four alluring tints.v&c. A Dollar for You .ny tlm before July 4th. 1908, this slip win vw ctpira ll l.w Down, I'ljiuru, on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, the balance to be paid as you earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr. U477 MAGNETIC aSf!??,., U-478 Jy8x 1 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 8824 N. $4th St, Omaha. Neb. U M19 TRT KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phon Dougla U 471 sosu. DR. ROY. Chiropody, B.UI, 160$ Fr- U4Blaa j i ay a YOU CAN RENT Ar. OLIVER TYPEWRITER with o table for $8 no monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME THE OLIVER TVPEWR1TKR CO.. 118 S. 16th St. Tel. Doug 291. U M36I July 13 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 16th Sc U 480 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. fling. 9)18 N. 21st St. Tel. UOUg 43.'. 'J-481 PI P AT1MH x,.A..K- LLnimU "Krnbroiderrng. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only 5c per yard. Bend lor price Hat nd Cample. $00 Dougla Block. TeL Dougla I V 483 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264 Xll 8. 11th Bt. U 484 PRIVATE! home during confinement. Mr vtarueu, cnarie. lei. uoug. wii. U 4sJ THE, Salvation Army olicits cast-oft doming; In fct. anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to th wormy poor, call 'Phon Doug. 4136 ana wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical College, 14th and , Davenport fits. Special attention paid to confinement casea. All treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phon uoug. utx. can auawsrea day or nig tit. U-429 THE City Garbage co. Office, 4th and Leavenworth fits. Tel. Douglas 1387 U 48$ CAKP'.S THREE-LAYER WHITE. 30a n l 1 JOHNSON-GOODLET CO.. SuuJ Lake. Tel. Douglaa 1676 U M622 Jul 1 PRIVATE horn during confinement; ba bies adopted. Tha Good Samaritan San itarium, 78 First Ave.. Council ttlutls, la. Tel. 774. U-a-J SURVEYING, BUckensderf er. 313 Bee Bldg. U 4 HTTNTIAR THE PAINLESS CHIR UUlMDiUV OPODWT, 206 Nevllla Blk. Halrdressing, manicuring. Ladies' hair perfumed free. U M416 Jun38 OMAHA Stammerer Inatltuta, Ramg Blk. i U tP SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rioes. Send for free catalogue. Myers Ullon Drug Co., Omaha. U 48 MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage. Lutle Bryant. 81$ Be Bldg. U MKM) Jun2l MAGNETIC "SSPISZ. NJX U M927 Junii SEWING machine and aupplles. P. E. Flodman Co., 1614 Capitol Ave. U-678 Je30 f AGNETIO Osteology, female weak riAUlNXjXJV neM treated. Mr. Rlt tenhouae, 410 N. 16th at., room 2, 2nd floor. U M-683-July-18 WE RENT sewing machine at $1 per week; w sell second hand machine $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Harney. TeL Douglas 1663. V M858 DR8. VOGEL prlvat hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. (J M466 J uly IS Clfav TToir restored to Its youthful color tJfdj Xlttir d 08. w8 use no dye or lotions. 216 N. 22nd. Tel. Red 6009. U M-586-July-18 LEARN DRESSMAKING By the Mc Dowell system you are taugnt tne only system of cutting with a world-wide repu tation; easy payments; positions free, end for circular. McDowell School of Dressmaking, Mrs. Connolly manager, 1623 Farnam, Omaha. U M823 Jy22 BALLOON Ascensions. McKay Bros., 1116 N. 24th. U-S31 SOX ASK grocer for Ihm' fancy currants. U-M131 1 OMAHA 8team Paste Co. manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 4621. LI Af AONTFTTn Massage, 412 N. 16th St., 1UAU.XL11U second floor, room 2. U M149 July25 MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage. Lutle Bryant, 316 Bee Hldg. UMMX J uly 3i ' MEDICAL BE8T nerve bracer ror men. "Gray's Nerv Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drur 'o.. Omaha. 491 LADIES Chichester's English Pennroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c in etamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladlea," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia,; Pa. CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Hesultful prediction absolutely given. B 155 PROF. KARMER. NOTED PSYCHIC PALMIST, tells your name, occupation, whom and when you will marry, all about buslneas, love, speculation and domestic affairs. Offices. 20 N. 18th St., Cor. Capitol Ave. Special low fe by presenting tms ad. 9 -V.', 1ll DRESSMAKING Woodruff St Arnold, 813-14 Neville blocK. M-73 July 2u M'DOWELL SCHOOL DRESSMAKING, 1623 Farnam. M! jy2L TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav ticket everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 1506 Farnaia. 'Phone Doug. 784. - LA RSON A JOHNSON, 140$ Farnam Doug. 1J66. T04 H0RSFSND WAGONS FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY, buggy and harness. 43d s nd Center. P-Mall 2 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglaa tW.'l. 138 J)'24 FLORISTS U HENDERSON, 151$ Farnam. TL Doug Ua -40 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR TWO STONE BUILD Ings. Department of the Interior. Offlct of Indians A flairs, Washington. D. C, June 7. 19). Sealed proposal, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en velope, ' Proposala for Bulldlnge, pipe atone. Minn., ' and addreswed to the Com missioner of Indian Aftaiis, Washington, D C. will be received at th Indian yjMc-t until 2 o'clock p. m. of Juliy li. IftXf. for iurnlahliic and delivering the neceaaar in, lerialx ami lalx,r reuulred to construct and compute a stone employes' quaitrn and stone superintendents resilience, ooir with plumbing, steam heat and gasollns gas piping. In strict accordance wltn plans, BvcincationB and instructions to bidders, wiilrh may le examined at this office. th otticra of the American Contractor. Chl cago, III.; Improvement Bulletin, Mlnne- aHns, Minn.; me Argus ueaarr, bious Falla, S. D. ; The Bee, Omaha, Neb.; Pio neer Press, St. Paul, Minn.; the Builder & Traders' exchanges st Omaha, Neb.: Milwaukee. Wis.; ti. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwesters Manufacturers' association, St. Paul, Minn.; the U 8. Indian warehouses In Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, M; Omaha, Neb. and New York City, and at the school For further Information apply to W. 8. Campbell, superintendent, Pipestone, Minn. C. F. Larraove, Acting Commissioner. Junel2-14-lti-la-il-J3-26--28-80 PROPOSALS FOR BRICK BCHOOL Building Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, June 7. lit. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en velope, "Proposals for School Building, Pierre, S. I)., ' and addressed to the Com missioner of Indian Affaire, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian Offic until 2 o'clock p. m. July 12. 19n. for fur nishing and delivering the necessary ma terials and labor required to construct and complete a brick school house, with plumb ing, stesm heat and scteylene gas pining. In strict accordance with plana, specifica tions and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this office, the ofllces of the Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; Construction News, Chlcsgo, III.; Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Pioneer-Press St. Paul, Minn.; Bee, Omaha, Neb.; Builders' and Traders' Exchanges. Omaha. Neh. : Milwaukee, Wis.; St. Tsui and Minneapolis, Minn ; Northwestern Mn ufacturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn. J the U. 8. Indian warehouses at Chicago. III.; Omaha, Neb.; St. Louis, Mo., and New York City, N. Y.. and at the school. For further Information apply to J. C. Loven good. Superintendent. C. F. LARRABEE, Acting Commissioner. J12-14-l$-19-31-23-26-S-S RAILWAY TIME CARD CMOS STATION TB If TU ARD HiflCT, Cnloa Paella. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am Th China and Japan Fast Mall .a 4 IB pm .a 4:15 pm .a 4:25 pm .all .80 am a 6:10 pm a 1:30 am a 6:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Bx California St Ore. Ex. Los Angeles Limited.. Fast Mall Colorado Special North Platte Local... Beatrlc Local aJ0:4R pm a 8:80 pm .a 1:66 pm .a 7:46 am a 2:44 am ..a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm ..b 3:15 pm b 1:00 pro Chicago Great Watra. St. Paul Minneapolis. 8:80 pm 7:10 am 11:60 pm 9:00 am 11:60 pm ei. r-aui at Minneapolis Chicago Limited Chicago Express Chicago Express 7:45 am 6:40 pm 7:46 am 1:30 pm - 8:80 pm Chicago, Mllwaakn St, IataL CbL-A Colo. Special.... a 7:66 am a 7:30 arc California 4k Ore. Ex. ..a n:4fl pn a $:io pm Overland Limited a a:S pm a t:i am Marlon St Cedar R. Loe.b 6:46 am bll.00 pm Chicago, Rook Islaad A Paolfle. EAST. Leav. Arrive. Chicago Limited Iowa Local ..a 8:25 am a 7:10 am .a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 8:16 am Iowa Local ,.bl2:lb pm Chiuaga (Eastern Exp ). a 4:30 pm Chicago (Iowa Limited). 6:36 pm WEST. Rocky Mounta'n Llm..a7:30am Colo. St Cal. jxoresa...a 2:01 m al0:l0 pm b 9:66 pm a 1:46 pin al2 Aa pm a $:15 am m 4:10 pm Okl. & Texa Exp a 4:40 pm al$:06 pm Colorado .Fast Mall ...al0:10 pm a 746 am a daily, b dally except Sunday, Chicago HortOTtra, Local Cedar Rapid ....a 7.04 am 6:00 pra Chicago uayugni a :u am Chicago Limited a 8:88 pm Carroll Local a 4:3$ pm St. Paul Fast Mall ....a:26pra Bloux C. A Bt. P. LooaL to 8:00 pm 11 :30 pm :u am 9:60 am 7:08 am 9:86 am 2:80 cm Fast Mau Chicago Express Chicago Limited .... Norfolk St Bonesteel . a 6:60 pm a 7:80 am .all:00 pm , 11:16 am a :- am io:3G am Lincoln St Long Pin ..a 7:40 am Casper St Wyoming ....a $:0 pm 10:86 am a 6;06 pm $:06 pm 6:06 pm bl2:40 pm ' 3:46 pra a 3:66 pra lea4weoa a Linooin ...a :w pm Hasting St Albion o 8:0 pm Fremont-Albion ........b 8:01 pm Chicago Local all:$0 am Illinois Ceatrai. Chicago Express a 8:00 am Chicago Limited a 9:00 pm a 7:30 ant Wafsask. St. Loul Exprea a 8:30 pm a 8:4 am St. Loul Local (from Council Bluffs; a $06 fm alO:39 pra Stanberry Local (from Council Bluff a) b 1:00 pm bU:IOaa HUmbiI PaelAo. St. Louis )Uiprfc .a 9:00 am a 4:30 pm K. C St St. L, Uxprs.aU:l6 pot a 8.00 pm BIRLINOT03! gTATlOH UrTH at MAgOS Barllagstoa. Laava. Denver Sz California.... a 4.10 pm Black Hill a 4:10 pm Northwest Bpeclal. ......a 4:10 pm Northwest Exprea all :10 pm Nebraska Exprea ..a 9:10 am Nebraska Local a 4:00 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:00 pm Ft. Crook St Plattam'h..b 3:50 pm Belle vue t Plattm'h..a 7:ub pm Denver Linitea bellevue 4c Pac. Juno. ..a 3 JO am Bellevue & Pac. Juno.. .a 9:10 am Chicago Bpeclal a 7:2 vn Chicago Express a 3:46 pm Chicago Flyer a 8H4 pm Iowa Local 9:16 n St. Louis Express a 4:41 pm Kansas Clty-St Jo....al0:45 pm Kansas Clty-bt. Jo.... a 9:16 am Kansas City-St. Jo. ...a 4:w pm Arrive. a 8:30 nm a 6:30 pm a 9.-06 am a 8:80 pm a 7:40 pm a 9:08 am a 13: 20 ,m bl0:26 am a 8:30 am a 7:10 am a 8:80 am a 1:50 pm a 7:26 am a 3 66 pin a 7:3$ am al0:&8 tm aU:80 am a 6:45, am a 4:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH AV WEBSTER Chicago, St. Paol, Mlnaeapolls A Oaiaba, Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger... b 6:80 am b 9:10 pm ,loux City Passenger... 3:00 pin sll:20 am Emerson Local b 6:20 pm b 9:38 m Emerson Local o 8:46 am o 6:50 pra ilvaonrt Pacific. Nebraska Local, via Weepln Water b 3:50 pm bll SO pr a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, except Saturday, e Sunday only, except Monday. d Dally e Dally OCEAN STEAMERS French Line Compagnls Ctnsrals Tranaatlantlqu Gigantic, Elegant. Fast Ltvlathans JWeto yorK. farU 6J "Day 4 LA PKOVKNCK. newest twin srrew flyer hsr Ing paen(rr elevstor, roof cafe, and many other Innovation. Naval officers' man-of-war disci pline. Company avestibuled trains. Havre-Paria, i1 hour, where convenient connectioms ar made fur ail points on the Continent. 20thCenturyHugaTwln$crewFlyrrs LA LORRAINE LA TOURAINE LA CHAMPAGNE LA PROVENCK July I July 13 July 19 July 26 August I LA GA8CCMJNE... For olana. reservations and iuil Informa tion call on. telephone, or writ ta tlarry . Moore, 1M01 Karaarn 8tre Ixiuls Nette, care First National liank J. U. Ileynolds. 1&4)2 Farnam BtreH V. O. Davidson, 181 'J Farnaia 8troe G. E. Abbott, l.'4 Farnam tr, W. E. llock. 1C24 Farnam Street. Ascat for Omaha ANCHOk UN c. a MAR, rvaAMNHir KKW VOKK. UiNDOKtlBHKT AMP riLASOO. NEW lOKk. rALBUMO AND NAi-Uta SapOTHtr tKoaoUluiia. aacalMat Culaam Ta tomlart ef ihUMusm ortlu ijr caauaan. 8U. r iouu4-iill tlckMa lutal smwmu Ne Vara 4a4 Scotch. knslUh. IrUk tti ad priaclpal ceullaaeval riau at iuctl, ratw. Ia for Moat ef Tesra r tickets or sonrkl Infoimatios t kaf loeml of UK A actor LI,,. M W UaNPKkSOSl bllOi . Cob'I AsobU. IhicAsfi. III- ' When Tou Write to Advertisers remember it take only an extra atrok or two of th pen to say yMt at Ut 4 In Th Ban v 1 jt AC v Dougla 46M. Doug.