Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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TTfcfat Worki Lower, in Epiu of South
west lUini.
Close gnaws Orer Oat Loss Jew
Grain of Fix ttaalltr Cornea
1o Roo lb. treat Polata
Cars Weak.
OMAHA. June 26. IXk-..
Wheat worked lower today In spit of
pews of rain In the southwest. Opening
prices were a little tower. The market
neid stesdy the first hour, but yielded after
that over a cent. Cables were disappoint
ing to the bulla, coming 4'i4c lower, and
foielgn newa generally wn bearish. New
wheat of fine Quality heaian to arrive at
primary points in the southwest.
There waa little demand from miller and
the flour aitualion Is weak. The market
acta tired and doee not respond to bull
Oats were weak along with other grains.
Trade waa light.
Large receipts at Chicago and large esti
mate for tomorrow, together with rain and
wsrm weather throughout the corn belt,
gave a weaker lone to the corn market,
opening prices were 4U'4c lower and the
market dragged, with a light trade. The
cmae on September waa about 4c lower.
World's wheat shipments were 10.672. mo
bushels of wheat and t.JTK.'ino bushels of
corn. Visible wheat d-crcased 1.2.)5,0i)
bushels, corn im-reared i4.noi bushels and
oats decreased bushels.
Primary wheat receipts were 417.0OO bu.
and shipment lM.iajO hu., against receipts
last year of IM.( hu. and shipmenta of
ii.'fc.nno hu. - Corn receipts were 8M.000 bu. and
ahlpments 511.ono bu., against receipts last
ear of bu. and shipmenta of 678.0flu
bu. Clearances were 24!,ntj bu. wheat, IK.
I'd bbla. flour, 45.0H) bu. corn and iO.wo bu.
Liverpool rinsed 'n1i4d lower on wheat
and Wmd lower on corn.
Local range of options:
Articles! Open.i High. Low. Close. Sat'y.
Wneat-I j i
July...; 774A 774A 774A! 774A; 774A
Sept.., 7.A:77'(7i,Bi 76B 76VI i74A
Corn- I I I t
July... 4-;iA 4i4.V 46,A 47.A V.t
Sept... 4KSAI '.Ta! 46',Ai 46A
O-ts- I ! i I
Septal 344 31' 24AI 34A i44A
risked. B bid
Omaha Cask Kales.
CORN-No. 3, 1 car, 464c.
Untalia 4.uafi I'rlces. '
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 75g7Sc; No. 3 hard,
"ii'gd.c; No. 4 hard, s-70c; No. 2 spring,
iic. No. s spring, 7aa;5c.
CORN No. 3. Wq-ic; No. 4, 4l1pio4o;
N" 3 yellow, 4644(47c; No. 3 white, 4i'a
OATS No. 3 mixed, 36Vc; No. 3 white,
8'4c; No. 4 white, Zno.
HIE-No, 2, 674c; No. 3, 6o4c.
larlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
Chicago 7 bJ a
Kansas City 2s 28 8
Minneapolis 2W
omana 3 t 13
uuiutn 43
bi. Louis 201 , 73 86
Feat area of the Trading and Closing,
Prlcee on Hoard or Trade.
CHICAOO, June. 25. Increased world ship
ments and heavy exports from Russia were
tne chief causes todiy for a weaa wheat
market. The September option closed VtJ
4c lower. Corn waa down 4c. Oats were
uown Vuc. Provisions were 24'i4c
. vi he newa of the day In the wheat market
wal strongly In favor of the bears, the only
bullish feaiure being heavy rains from the
southwest, which are Interfering witn har
vesting. Even thla consolation for the bull
was oiTset by reports of damage by hail
and tho appearance of rust In aeveral lo
calities. 'Ihe market opened easier because
ol a decline of 4c to 4c at Liverpool and
heavy shipments from Russia. It waa fairly
well supported, however, on the decline by
a number of prominent bulls and a few
commission houses. Prices tinally gave way
unuer persistent Belling by several large
local tradera and as prices declined there
weie continuous Bales of long wheat, which
weakened prices still further. Among the
bearish Influences aside from those pre
viously mentioned were heavier world's
shipmenta than had been expected and
easier prices in the cash marketa. Septem
ber opened at 837e to 84c. which was a
ehade to 4''cHc under the close of Saturday,
sold between 824c and 844c and closed at
Si24c. Clearances of wheat ana nour were
equal to 33j.0 bu. Primary receipts were
41. '.t Oft bu., against 188,000 bu. for the o.r
responulng day one year ago. Minneapolis,
1'u.uih and Chicago reported receipts of 331
car?, against 334 tars last week and 226 cars
a year ago. ,,
The corn market ruled dull for the
greater part of the day, with only moderate
trade. The undertone was easier becauite
of favorable weather conditions and wsaK
cablee. Late In the day the market was
influenced by the weakness of wheat. 1 he
demand for cash corn waa Small and from
4c to lo lower. The close was easy, with
prices close to the lowest point. September
opened 4c to . V lower at 51c to 614e.
tanged between blc and 514e and closed at
614c. July opened 4c to VaWc lower at
SnViMe, ranged between 504c and 61c and
closed at 600. Local receipts were 6Si,.00
bu. with 3iu care of contract grade.
The oats market waa easy partly on
favorable weather for the new crop and
also In sympathy with wheat and corn.
Commission houses were fairly good buyers
- The close was steady. September opened
S'g'4c lower at 34v1(3oc, sold up to S5y,.
and as low as S4c. The close was asy at
S4S4'4c. July ranged between S.V and
8710 and closed at 3-ic. Local receipts
were 2M cars. Provisions were eieady.
chiefly because of a firm market at the
stockyards, which waa due to smaller re
celptB than expected. There were liberal
shipments of all products and all buying
of lard by local packers. At the close
September pork was up 7Sc at 31.60. Laid
was IV hlg-her at .3:. Rlba were up
!V at $.15. .
F.stlmated receipts for tomorrow: wheat.
3 cars; corn, 7tW cars; oata. 7 cars; hogs,
22.0w head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
ArtU IeBTopen. I Hlgh.l Low. I Close.l 8at y.
Sept .
July.. Sept..
S3V 8-T' s-'7- 83VhS4
8441 8;t:M'aM4
85 ! 83' Sa-jSnfcfcSo
51 ! 504 ' M'61V(i'
51 41 bl 61 4 j ilS
374 374 374 34
3.W 34 34Vl V 3"'S
364 84! 35H
17 06 17 00 17 00 16 96
16 65 16 55 16 60 16 624
I (74 8 624 8 5 S 66
I 85 8 8 824 8 824
8 85 8 80 8 824 8 824
9 174 1241 9 16 9 124
9 124 9 0T4 9 10 9 074
8 924 8 i 8 W 8 90
'ss V" 7l
IX'C. .
17 05
16 56
t 15
8 So, I
S 85 j
15 I
No. 1
Csh quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady : winter patents. $3 SuJI
4ou, winter straight. 33.3T3 10; spring pat
ents. I3 7""i 4 11O: spring straights, 33.4j3.85;
bakers, tifyilb.
WHEAT No. 2 spring 84Gf4c; No. 3,
7Sfi85c; No. 2 red. 854iuSirc.
CORN No. 2. 6lV,c; No. I yellow. 5140
OATS No. 2. 374-: No. 3 white, 83
294c: No. 1 while, 37fi34c.
RYE-No. a. 61c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 43(9 44c; fair to
Choice malting, 47354c.
BEEDS No. I rUx. 3108; No. 1 north
westsrn, 81114- Timothy, prime. 14 26.
Clover, contra-t grade, 311.36.
PROVISIONS fenort rlba sides (looei.
89 061910. Mess pork, per bbl , 317.0Ta
817 1. Lard, per 100 lbs., 38 24U 8.65. Short
clesr BlJos (boxed). 9 24S9 7b.
Receipts and shipments of Hour and grain
neres Rec-lpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 2S 4'0 27.10
Wheat, bu 1 1S.1H0
Corn bu 630.l0 381. 3.0
Oats, bu So4.'.00 75.600
Rye. bu
Barley, bu 87.400 .....
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa steady; creamery. 164jor;
dairy, 144falic. F.ks, steady; at mark,
crsts Included, lijioc; firsts. 15c; prime
firsts. Mo; extras, lac. Cheese, steady, lu1,
Dalata Grain Market.
DULUTH. June 16. WH EAT To arrive.
No. 1 northern. 837c; No. 3 northern. l,c;
en trark. No. 1 northern. 834c: No. S north
ern. lSi': July 8Jic. September. 334c le-
OATS To arrive, ua track and July, 37xc
Vlstata Sannly ml Grain,
NEW TORK, June xj.-r-The visible sup
ply of grata rWlurvUy, June 13- at eonv
piled hy the New Tork prodaice exchange
was as follows:
Wheat. ;',n,onO hu., decrease, 1.265.004
Corn, 4 .2.nr0 bu.. Increase, J46.00H ba. I
Oats, bu.. decrease. 8K7.0O0 oil ,
Hye. 1.4440OA Inrmue ti.nnn bu
Barley. 172.000 bu.. Increase, 14,000 bu.
flotations of the Day Varloas
NEW TORK. June -Fl-OI K-Ke-relpts
15.544 barrels: exports. barrel;;
sales, 2.4.") packages. Market sieaUy
but quiet. Winter patents. l.""u
4 0; winter straits, 13. DO) 4 I'l; winter
extras, tiDO03.4O; winter low grades, 32 0
9 3S; Minnesota patents, 34 ( a 4 Hi; Min
nesota bakers, ii.4.j.; iw. ity nuur siean ;
fair to good, .t.4Vii4.S; choice lo fancy,
3 fi4 H.
COH.NMKAL Quiet; fine white and yel
low. ll.2D4JI.2a; coarse, 1.1)11.U; kiln
dried. 32.110'Sf 3.00.
RYK Dull; No. 2 western 68c nominal
f o. b New York.
Wll EAT Receipts. W,1 hu.; exports,
131. iUK bu.; spot easv; No. 2 red. nom
inal, elevator, and No. 1 red. e4'c f. o. b.
a(lont; No. 1 northern. Dututn. Mic f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, VlhjC
nominal, afloat The opening was banly
steady, owing to lower cables, liberal
world s shipments and unloading; wheat
turned stronger on bad weather and crop
news. After mid. lay there was a second
slump, due to weakness In the northwest
and the denials of rust news, last prlos
showing VTc net loss. Hales Included
July, iVl'V. which closed Wsc; Septem
ber. 8Vyc. closed tc; Lecember, 8S7
Idir, closed 8T4t
CORN Receipts, 17.T4S bu.; spot market
easy; No. 2. &HV nominal, elevator and
oH'v, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow,
nominal; No. 2 white, Wljr nominal. Op
tion market waa quiet all day and lower,
as a result of good weather news, clos
ing c net lower. July closed 58Vc; Sep
tember. 67l4ti67V, closed t.c; lJecember,
WV67c. closed MSc.
OATS Receipts, itt.Rnn bu.; exports, 19,642
bu.; spot marset weak: mixed oats, 2iito
32 pounds, 42Hl4Jc; nstural white, tit to
: pound.-., 4JVa44c; clipped white, 38 to 40
pounds. 47W4KC.
FKKD Steady; aprlng bran, to arrive,
319 75: middlings, t'. arrive. 120 15.
HAT Steady; shipping. Aub70c; good to
choice, IfiVv'aK&c.
IIOFH Quiet; Pacific roast, loa, iotji
15c; 1404, SlMlVic; old nominal; etato,
common to choice, 1905. UfllSc.
HIDKS Steady; Oalvesion. 20 to 25
pounds. 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds,
tic; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19c.
LEATHER Steady; arid, 26 274e.
PROVISIONS Beef steady; family,
lll.00tJU.60; mess. 38 iOQ .H0; beef hams,
.'0.60W 22 00; racket. 39.50 910.50. Cut
meata firm; pickled bellies. 311.00W
13.00: pickled shoulders, .00 8.2b;
pirkled hams, 3ijonrd12.50. Iard easy;
western prime, 3 75. nominal; refined,
barely steady; compound, 37.0iU7 37V. Pork,
firm; famllv, 31&0O; short clear, 6.M1HJ);
mess. 317.0CoT7.6O.
TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country,
Rt5 Vc.
RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
3 4 'a V c.
BUTTER Quiet; receipta 7,319; street
price, extra creamery, 2&H21c; official
prices, creamery, common lo extra, 13 If
20Hc; renovated, common to extra, 12
13c; western factory, common to firsts, 12
31v, western imitation creamery, extras,
18c; firsts, l)7c.
CHKE8B Firm: receipts 1,405; New
Tork state full creams, large fanoy, 11c;
New York: full creama. fair to good, 104
J104c; New Tork tull creams, small
fancy, 11c; New Tork full creams, fair to
good. 10 12c; New York full creams. In
ferior. 8VH&91AC: skims. 7ii8V
EfiOS Firm; receipts 13,503; staf. ;
Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy sele tea
white, 23c; choice. 21 22c; choice mixed,
extra, 20 21c; western firsts. 1 6 S ' 1 (. ;
western seconds, 16 16c; southerns, 14
1 5 14 c.
POCLTRT Alive, not quoted; dressed,
firm; western broilers, lKflc; turkeys, llftf
13c; fowls, ll14c.
St. l.onls General Market.
8T. LOUIS. June 25.-WHEAT-Futures,
lower; cash, higher; No. red cash, eleva
tor, 4j90e; track, JOtrSle; July, 79Hc; Sep
tember, 8mc; No- 2 nard. 81HrO:- . .
CORN Weak; No. 2 cash, 60c; track, 611
5H4c; July, 4ti49ic; September. uftvc.
OATS-Lower; No. 2 cash, 3Sc; track, 39c:
July, 37c; September, ShV3bc; No.
white 4c.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.46
fl4.a; extra fancy and straight, $3.76ir4.40;
clear. 32.7643-3.0".
SEED Timothy, firm, 33.753.25.
CORNMEAIy Steady. 32.50.
BRAN-Steady; sacked, east track, Wfi87c.
HAY Firm; timothy, 314.00S.17.50; prairie,
tn.ttxa 13.60.
11F.MF TWINB-7V4c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing,
316 6). Lard, unchanged; prime steamed,
18. So. Drv salt meats, steady; boxed extra
nili.riB, ;.04.,s, uenr, bhui i .mni,
3.87W. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short,
310.374; clear ribs, $10.60; short clear,
POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs,
17$jl9e.; turkeys, 124c; ducks, 4c; geese, 5c.
BUTTER Steady : creamery, 15'a:ic;
dairy. 14Col7c.
EGGS Steady at 134c. ,
The receipta and shipments of flour and
grain were: Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8.W0 4.000
Wheat, bu 80.000 18.000
Corn, bu 74.0"0 40.000
Oats, bu 85,000 56,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
patents. 31.354)4.46; second patents. 34.20d-t.3o;
first clears, 33.b04iS.60; second clears, 32.46
BRAN In bulk, 315.25-315 50.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations tot
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The
range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day
as Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was:
Artrlcles j Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Sat'y
Wheat I I
8$ j
! 1 14
1 14
1 14
1 13
1 13S
1 12t
1 144
1 14
1 134' 1 134l 1 '
1 12HI
1 124' WW 1 "
Minneapolis 1'ssh Close Wheat: No. 1
hard. S.Sto'ic; No. 1 northern, 4i4fl4";
to arrive. l'c; No. 2 northern, 82)Mc;
to arrive, 82c; No. 3 northern, ljjh2c; No.
1 durum, 73c; No, 2 durum. 71Np. Corn;
No. 1 yallow, 47V-c; No. 3, 47c. Oata: No.
3 'Mie. ?6c: to arrive. S6c; No. 8. Hhi'uiix-.
; Barley; 89&4c Rye: 6tiMc. Flax:
1 811a
Kasasa City Grain and Provisions.
Julv, 74 -fee; September, 76 ',c; Decemoer,
76HC. Lash, No. 2 hard, 776 804c; No.
2. 726:784c; Nu. 2 red. 80 6 83c; No. 3,
78(3 81c.
CORN July, 47Vc; September, 67Hn;
IVrfintitr, 44 He. Cash, No. I nnx.-u.
49c, No. 3, 484c; No. 3 while, 60 60 4c;
No. 3. 49 4 0 50c.
OATS No. 3 white, 39 40c.
RYE Steadv, 66fao8o.
HAV-Steady; choice timothy, $18.5014.00;
choice prairie, 312 00.
EGGS Easier; Missouri and Kansas, new
No. 3 whltewood cases Included, 14c; case
count, 134c; caaes returned. 4c lesa.
BUTTER Creamery, 184c; packing,
Tne receipta and shipmenta of grain were:
Receipta. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 61.0m Sl.ftuo
Corn, bu 38.0"0 SJ,K
Oats, bu 12,000 13,ou0
Mllwaakec Grala Market.
No. 1 northern. 8;to84c; No. 2 northern.
84 u 87 40; September. 8.'-, asked.
RYE Steady; No. 1, 65''o54c.
BARLEY Lower; No. 2. bM8W4c; sam
ple, 4Wy6oc.
CORN lower; No. 3 cash, 604361c; Sep
tember, 51 4c aaked.
Liverpool Grala Market.
nominal: futures, steady; July, t 7Nd: Sen.
' tember, 6s 84d; December, 6s 8d.
CoRN Spot, firm: American mixed, old.
4sll4l. Futurea. easy; July, to 7td; Sep
tember. 4a 641
HOPS At Iondon (Pacific coast). Arm
at A3 bsil3 15a.
Philadelphia Prodnco Market.
Bteady; extra western creamery, 304c; ex
tra nearby prints. 22c.
EGOS Firm; nearby fresh and western
fresh, 18c. at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York, full creams,
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Ilia. June 28 CORN Lower;
No 8 yellow. 60r. No. 3. 60c; No .
4e: no grade.. 4 7c.
OATS Loner; No. 8 white, 38c; No. 4
white. 87474-.
WHISKY On the basis of 31. 29 for fin
ished goods.
Toledo feed Market.
TOLEDO. June 25 SEEDS Cash clover.
$4e6: cvtober. 86 7A, prime timothy. (2.11
bid; August alaike, tt-uw bid.
T 1 U,rl,t COTB- rJ.--- -f
Effort at BensTolent Control
Whole List Glrea Way Lata
la the Day and Close la
Weak, with Prices at
NEW YORK, June 25. The stock market
gave evidence today for a time of some ef
forts at benevolent control. This had the
effect of putting restraint upon the pressure
to sell, which was so prominent Isst week.
The tone, nevertheless, wss one of d"
pression, and there as no attempt to in
augurate any actual rise in prices.
'Ihe principal Influence on the market.
In Its eiTect on sentiment, was the evident-"
of support for stocks which are reputed
to be the favorite medium for market op
erations by cspitalists In the so-c?lled
Standard Oil group. The movement In the
general market responded quite closely to
the action of the stocks thus rerirded by
the common speculative opinion of profes
sional traders. St. Paul, Amalgamated Cop
per, Union Pacific and Southern Paclilc
were conspicuous examples. The notable
weaknesa cf the stocks on Saturday
aroused fears In the ranks of the habitual
speculative element that pronounced weak
ness In the slock market was to be the
reflection of the administration plan for
prosecution of the Standard Oil company,
which was formally announced at Wash
ington last week. Today Southern Pacific
and St. Paul showed evidence of agaresslve
support, advancing at one time a point or
more, and Amalgamated Copper was llft".
again and again to above par, where It
closed on Saturday. This had the effect
of creating an Impression that the Stand
ard OH group of capitalists Intended to o(Tr
support to the market against the depress
ing Influence of the hostile Intention of
the administration. The strength In these
stocks was Identical with that of 'he
greatest resisting power in the general mar
net. an.l the whole list went off lo tho
lowest of tho day when Amalgamated Cop
per gave way late In the day and showe.1
signs of an abandonment of the support.
The comparative firmness of United States
Steel and of Pennsylvania were of sympa
thetic benefit to the rest of the market.
While sentiment wss affected by these spec
ulative considerations, there was no change
in actual conditions affecting storks. The
woekly reports of the railroad traffic of
ficials admitted some contraction In the
shipments of merchandise, which was at
tributed to the prevailing uncertainty over
the crop outlook. Saturday's rumors of a
froposed steed combination to rival the
'nlted States Steel corporation had some
elaboration, but a stiffening tendency in
the foundry Iron market was of more In
fluence. The commodity markets were still unset
tled by varying reports of crop damog".
The approaching adjournment o? congress
was cited as promising relief from some of
the factors of depression in the stock mar
ket. Inlerborough Metropolitan made an
other downward plunge on account of the
call made upon members of the syndicate
for a payment today of 90 per cent of ihelr
subscriptions. Interest rates for time loans
continued to advance and for the six
months- period, bills were raised from t to
5V, per vent, while for seven and eight
months 5 per cent was the asking rMe,
with 54 per cent strongly bid. Foreign ex
change continued to decline In compliance
with the demand for money, but the ion
don market ndppted protective measures by
advancing the selling price of gold in tnnt
market. The discount rate In Berlin was
also higher. The weakness of the copper
metal market In London was believed to
have some special effect on Amalgamated
Copper. The break In Amalgamated Copper
proved Anally effective In weakening the
whole market, and the last prices were near
the lowest of the day and showed general
declines for most of the active leaders of
1 to 2 points and In a few cases more.
Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par
value, tl.166.oon. United States bonds were
all unchanged on call.
The following are the quotations on the
Stock exchange:
Bales. Hlgn. L4. r-io.w.
Adama Kxpreaa
Amalsamated Copper
.1S4.M0 irH
. MOO V4
American C. r
American C. St r. pf
American Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Kipreas
American H. A L. pfd
American Ice, securities....
Araartcan Limited Oil. ......
Am. Linseed OH pfd........
American Locomntlva
Am. Locomotive pfd
American 8. A R
Am. S. A R. pfd
American Susar Refining ..
Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa
Anaconda Mining ('.,
Atchlaon pfd
Atlantlo Coaat Lin
Haltlmnra a Ohio
Bal. Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt....
Canadian PaclAr
Central Leather
Ctntral leather pfd
Central of New Jeraay
Chaaapeaka A Ohio
Chlrato A Alton
Chicago A Alton pfd
Chicago A Ornat Weatorn..
Chicago A Northwestern. . . Mil. A 8t. Paul..
Chicago T A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd
C. C. C. A St. Loula
Colorado Tuel A Iron
Colorado A Southern
Colorado A Bo. lat pfd
Colorado A So. 2d pfd
Consolidated Gas
100 lonu 10014 1(K)
700 81 S, tl MVi
100 L4 t t
70 K"a ' H
r tin
g.oo iv.
t"0 IIS
it.700 144 144
(in lit
I. 400 1JJ
nm 11(14
1S" lil'S
4 '00 lit
W0 140 m
M.ioo 11S 117H I1T',
too M i
3t.4O0 7i4 7S "H
3 IMO h HS iUS
l.tuO II 171, M4
1,100 M4 17', S74
.oo 174
lT It',
300 yon
U.POO 174 176V,- 17IH
i.oo 140', uau
Corn Products, rfg
600 114 I.IV
Corn Producta pfd "0 104 i 10
Pelawara A Hudaon too til tlT 117
Dalawara. LAW hH
Denrer A Rio Grands 1.100 41V, 4 41V,
D A R. O. pfd !) 4 MH 74
Diatillara' Becurltlaa I.400 M BSV4
Krla . loo 42 41 41
Krla lat pfd lrooo 7I, 714 7M,
Erla Id pfd 400 , 4t U
Uenaral Electric 1U
Oraal Northarn pfd l.lno MJ tt, 2u
Hocking Valltr. ai-dlr 100 U5 114 111
Illinois Central 7no 171 17i 174S
lntarborough Metropolitan.. 14. M0 41 ITS ,1
Int. Met. pfd 6,7' 7 ttv, 77
Intarnatlonal Pspar too 1 1 14
Internal Innsl Papar pfd.... 1"0 M ' slv, kl
International Pump S00 t 47V, 44
Intsriistional Pump SXV4
Iowa Central 54V,
Iowa Central pfd 104 to .10 V)
Kansas City Soul hero 400 2S It Sft,
Kanaas City 80. pfd log tl 81 M
Luulsrllla A Ksbllle 1 700 144V, 142t 142',
Meslrau Cautral 3,100 UV, lis, II,
Minneapolis A St. Loula t.v
M , Bt. P. A I. t. M MS 167 1(4 i:.(.-t
M . Bt. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd 171
Missouri Pacific
Missouri. Kaoaaa A Teiaa.
M . K. A T. pfd
National I.ead
National K. R. of M. pfd.
New York Central
New York. O. A W
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk A W. pfd
North Amerlcsn
Northern Paftflc
ParlSc Mall
Paople'a Oaa
P.. I'.. C. A Bt. Loula ...
Praised Steal tar
Trasstd Steel Car pfd
Pullmaa Palac Car
Reading 1st pfd
Reading td pfd
Rcpubllo Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Hock Islsad Co
Rock Island Co pfd
Bt. L A S. P. td pfd
Bt. Loula 8. W
Bl. Loula 8. W pfd
Blosa-Shemeld Bleel
Southern PactBc
So. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway
So. Railway pfd..
Tennessee Coal A Iron....
Teasa A Pacific
Toledo. Bt. L. A W
Toledo. 81 L A W. pfd..
t'ntoa Paclflo
t nton ParlBe pfd
t'ntted Statea Express
I Quad Slates Realty
laltea States Rubber
L S Rubber pfd
t olled aulas Steal
I 8 Steal pfd
Va. -Carolina t'hstnleal ....
Va -Carolina Cheia. pfd..,.
Wabash pfd
W'ella-Fargo nsprass
Weatiagbtfuse Klelrlr
Western talon
Wheeling A Laka Brie . . .
aiscoQsln C antral
7 V,
Tl V,
M '
1.M0 1M
t. "0 4
i.100 19
M0 6Vi 6
4,100 II4V, Oi
44.400 11'iV, )v, l2t
l.ovo o n tr
00 41
100 !, 1?;,4
147. SoO 111, lit-, ItkVi
1 Vi
00 list, list. 111',
t.704 W, UV, .4 V,
too II II ,
47 V, 444,
Ti.roe 144, uk v, itts,
ou hi lis its.
107 V,
ii ,
91 i
iim lie
l.fWO 17 V
II " im 101',
i.s. as, isi,
" ioo m iotv,
100 l&l
10s i
Wia Central pfd.
47 V,
Total sales lor lb, da, snares
Kew York Mining; ttoeka.
NEW YORK. June 35. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adams Cos 1 Utile Chief
Alice , too Oaisrlo lit
Rjeete Ophir )o
Brunswick Coa la Phoactl
Cosieto-k Tunal .... IT Potoat
Con. fa!. A Va Savage ,0
Horn Silyar 14 Sierra Narada :
Iroa Sllyar Sua Small Hopes M
LaadTllla Can , 4 Btaadas, 1st .
raralgn Financial,
IXPON, June 25 Supplies of mcnev
were plentiful today. I'lscounts were Rrm.
France secured a sruall proporuon of th
tu b goid arrtvala. Tradiua on the Stock
exchange waa Inactive, operators being
principally occupied nlth arrangements for
the settlement. Consols eased during the
afternoon on realisations. Home rails
drooped, but foreigners were fairly steady,
Russians maintaining their recent Improve
ment. Americans opened lower In sympa
thy with Wall street and rnle.l at about
parity during the morning with a ems II
amount of business. lister prices fluctu
ated, owing to the Irregularity and the
absence of a decided lead In New York
and closed dull. Kafllrs were wesk on the
prospects of rsther large differences to
meet st the settlement. Japanese Imperial
6s of 18o4 were quoted at 102.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, June 25.-MONF.Y-On call,
easy at 243 per tent; ruling rate. 2
per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent, offered at
24 per cent, lime loans, strong but dull;
sixty days and ninety days. 44 per cent;
six months. 6', per cent.
per cent
i&.Sft for" derrand and st 14 8J3i'a 4:J5 for
glxtv-day bills: posted rates. 34 83 and 34 8n;
commercial bills. 34.W','u'4
SILVER-Bsr, 6."c; Mexican dollars.
504c. ,
HOND8 Government, steady; railroad,
Quotations on New York bonds today
were as follows:
V. S. ref. Is. rcg ...tIN4j Jeran 4a .tta s-1
do toupon 1"IV do 4,s cits 4a
V. S. I. reg I""1, do Id aerlea tsv,
do coupon toiv, 1, ft N unl. 4a HI-,
V. S. old I, reg. ...10:4, Man. c. 4a 100
do coupon 10.1, Met. Central 4 S",
V 8 new 4a, rr l.'W do ltl Inc 1"1"
Am. Tobacco 4a "av, Minn A Kt. 1. 4a... M',
do a lit M , K. A T. 4a t4
Atrhlron sen. 4a HIV, do 2,
do adj 4a II 1 "S R. R. of M. e. 4a a
Atlantic C. L. 4a IOO S. V. V. g la S',
Hal. A Ohio 4a Hl N J ('. g. 6a l.
do l',a MV) No. Pacific 4a P
Brk R. T. c. 4a -,' rto Sa '
Central of Oa. 8a .. Ill', N. A W. c 4 IK'S
do lat Inc.... I " JO. S. L. rtdg 4a W
do Id Inc Ii Penn. loni. S',a 7V,
rto Id Inc M 'Reading gen. 4a lotv,
Chea. A Ohio 4V,a;'t Si. U i 1 M. r ta..U4v,
Chicago A A. 3',.. , St. LAS V. fg 4a. iiV,
C B. A Q n. 4a ...Hi", SI. L. a. W. c. 4s "7
C. R. I. P. 4a ... 17 Seaboard A. L. 4a .... I7,
do col is .' So. Pacific 4a l
CCC. A St. L. g. 4a. .I01, do in 4a rife. !,
Colo, lid Va, aer. A. !"' So Railway Ha lla,
do aerlea II 774, Taisa A P la 117V,
Colorado Mid. 4a 76 IT . St. I. A W. 4a.. siv.
Colo. A So. 4a Mv, t'nlon racISc 4a I "4 4, j
t uba .va wav, 1 s steal la aa
P. A R. O 4a lfle'.'ehsh I llv,
lllatlllera' Sec. 6s 111 I do deb. B
Erie p I. 4a 101 ',1 Weatern Md. 4 ',
do gen. 4a ISSajW a L. K 4a v,
Hocking Val. 4 ',4 lo.4 Wla Central 4a It
Japan Sa (ft,!
Bnatoa Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, June 25. Call loans. 45 per
cent. Time loans,'i per cent, official
closing on storks and bond:
Atchlaon adj. 4a....
do 4a
Met. central 4a....
do pfd
Bostoi A Albany...
Boston Si Maihe....
Boston Elevated ...
Fltchburg pfd
Meilcan Central ...
N. V., N. H. A II.
. 14 Adventure C
.10.1,Alloun 4
. .V, 1 Amalgamated ttv,
. 4S .American Zinc I
.10JS, Atlantic 1
.241 Bingham tl
.171 cal. a Her In. (81
.IV Centennial ...
.l!7v,'Copper Rangs
. UV, Paly West ...
.114 franklin
. tv,
. lav,
. 11
. 10
. n
. i'l
. it
. 14
. l
. MV,
. M
. 3
. MV,
. 44
- 'Va
. 34
Pnlon Pacific
Amer. Arge. Cham... Isle Royale ...
do pfd 3Vt!Masa. Mining .
Amer. Pneu. Tube.... ID .Michigan
Amer. Sugar 3ca,'Mnhawk ...
do sfd
..Ill , Mont c. A C...
Amer. T. A T
Amer. Woolen ....
do pfd
Domlnten I. A B.
Ifllson Rise. Illu..
Msaa. Electric ....
do pfd
Mass. Oaa
t nlted Fruit
t'nltad Shoe Mach.
do pfd .f
North Butte
V S Steal
do pfd
Westing, common
Asued. Bid.
..117 old Dominion ...
.. M Oaoeola
..lei Parrot
.. 10 vlulney
..143 Sl.annon
.. iv Tamarack
.. II Trinity
.. 69 I nlted Copper ...
..In?, I'. S. Mining
.. ; .f. s. on
.. ISSil'tah
. . M4, Victoria
.. Dslwinona
..1:4 W'olverlne
.. so juraena Con
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. June 25. Bank clearings for to
day were 31.843.180.87 and for tne corre
sponding date last year 11,705,878.84.
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Maple and Fancy Prodnee.
EGOS-Reoelpts, liberal; freih stock, 144c.
LIVK Kll'l.TtlYHrns, 9c; roosters,
6c; turkeys, 124c; ducks, luc; spring chick
ens, lS'o.;0c per lb.
BCTifcR facklng Block. 141440; choice
fancy dairy, 15c; creamery, 21iijil4c.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha feed com
pany: No. 1 upland, 310.60; medium, 38. sO;
coarse, 88.00. Rye wtraw,,
BRAN Per ton, tlT.50.
TOMATOKS-Texas. per crate of 20 Its..
WAX BEANS Per market basket of
about 15 lbs.,
STRING BLANS Per market basket of
about 15 lbs., ,1.25.
Per dor. bunches, 25c.
LEAF LKITLCK-Hothouse, per dog.
heads. 20c.
CLCl'MBERS Home-grown, per dos.,
ooc; Texas, per bu. box, tz.00.
ONIONS California, 24c per lb.; Texas,
In crates, while, 31.75; yellow, 31.35.
GREEN ONIONS Per dos. bunches. 20a
RADISHES Per dox. ejnches, 15c.
CABBAGE California, 8c per lb.
CA L'LIFLOWER Per dox. heads. 75c.
GREEN PEA8-Per bu., tl.26.
NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. 31.00.
POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., W$
8uu, nouin ljagota. per bu., 75c; Colorado,
80c per bu.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., tl 85; No. 2, H.Ji.
LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 84c.
DATES Per bes C.J So-lb. pkgs., t2.00;
Halloween, In To-lb. boxes, per box, 6c;
Saysis, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb.
pkgs., 32. j0 per dox.; 8-io. boxes, tl.Uo.
ORANGES California, extra fancy nav.
els, large alxe, 34.40u1u.OO; Mediterranean
sweets, all aisea, H.iMBH.ixi: Valenciaa all
sizes. a5.0i"g6.50.
LEMONS Limonlers, extra Jincy, 240
Site, to.uu; H to 3o0 aixe, 37.25.
FIGS California, per lo-lb. carton, 750
tic: imported binyrna. three-crown, ilo;
six-crown, 13c.
BANANAS Per medium sized bunch. 31.78
(f:.Jc, jumbos, 2..w-00.
PIN EAffLaCb Florida, alias 24. 3u and
36 3V1-50-
CHERRIES Calliornla, Ji.00 per 8-ib. box.
sour cnerries i4-vt. crate, 4.ol.5u
ooU6,bc,Kltii.o-j-i- crate ul ji ata.
PEACHES California. 31.10 per bu.
rlLilo California, 1.5'rfai.Oii.
BuACtvBKKltS Per i4-qt. crate, t2.25 Red, per 24-pt. crate,
t3.uo; blaca. per 24-pt. craie, 32.2b.
APRlcotb Per 4-basket crate, tl.76.
CL'KRANTS home-grown, wnite ana
red. per 24 ule., 81.25.
WATERMELONo rer lb., lc, or about
3044.IDC each.
ia.'1 .LOUPE8 California, per cratt,
about 4o melons. 36.ooitj.bu; lexas, per
crate, auoul 4o melons.
No. 1 ribs, lie, No. 2 nun, ac; Nu. 3 rlba,
7:c; No. 1 10m, luc; No. 10I11, 1.4c; Nu. 3
lo.n, 1140; No. 1 uiiuca, 4c; Ao. j chuck,
i4c; iNo. i chuck, w-tc, iu. l round. o-c.
.u. 2 round, o',c; No. 1 round, 7,c; No. 1
plates, m:; -o. i piaiea, t, ,.u. ,
CIDER Per t,, 40 .0. per bbl., 8tk7
HON tf New, ;r 24 iba., tiou
viic.Dfc.- ovms, new, loi-; Wiaconsla
brick, 1:; Wisconsin liinbergar, 12c; iwiiu,
44t4-l oung Americana, 15c.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. oft sheila, new
crop, per lb., lovy.; hard shells, per iu.,
13-c. i-ecans, iaige, per lo. lc, smil,
per lb., 12o. Peanuia. per lb , 4c; roasted,
per lb.. I.e. Cliiu walnut, per 111., 12'uli4c.
Almonds, sui. ai.e.ia. per lb., i7c; naid
nelia, per lb., lw. Cocuanuta, 34 per sac ;
of 100.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbla,
t5.M; granulated cane. In sacks, tool; gran
ulated, In sacks, Hl-
BVRLP in bols.. 24c per gal.; In cae,
3 lu-lb. cans, tl. cases, 11 i-lu. cans, II. ao;
caaes. 24 24-lD. cans, 11.86-
COFFEE Roasied. No. 35, 24c per lb ;
No. 30. JU ,c per lb. ; No. 2b, Uc per lo.;
No. A), 154c per lb.; No. 21. 124c per lb.
CURED FlH Family whlieflm. ,er i
bbl., 100 lbs., 84-t; Norway macKeiti, per
DDI , v lbs., bloaters, 44u; No. l, t2a; No. 2,
.t; No. 3, 320, Irish, No. 2, 31d, herring, in
bbls., IOO lbs. each, Norway 4k, 313; Norway
3k. 313: Holland, mixed, til bu; Holland her
ring, in kegs, milkers, hue; kegs, mixed, itic.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard weat
ern, 560 ttc ; Maine, II la 'iouiaues, 4-ib.
cans, I12.AU.5"; 2-lb., 74 tjl. i'lnea( plas,
graud, 2-lb., 32 Jt4j2 30, sliced. II 8vti2..u.
Gallon apples, lanty. 83 80; California apri
cots. 1 4"4i2.uo; peats. 1.7iHj 2.5u; peachoa
fancy, 1.75ii2 40; II C. peaches, tJOua.bO.
Alaska salmon, red. 31. 2a; fancy Chinook,
F., 12 10; fancy aockeye. F . 1 1 s : sardlma
4 oil. 2.5o; -v, niuaiarl. t!t-l 1" Sweet
potatoes. II l.Val 2i. ssuerkiaut. II; pump
kins, H 'all.ia. wax beane, f-lb.. 7iuvx .
lima beaaa, 2-lb., ioc4)31 35. spinach. 8135;
cheap pea a 2-lb., 80c; extra. 7lt9uc; fancy.
tl.35l 7b.
Elgin Batter Market.
ELGIN, ill.. June 35 - Bl T I ER - Ruled
firm on the Board of Trade today, at c
a po'jr.d. Output for tlaas week saa 9u,0o
Beef Cattlfl Etronc to Tea Eitrher and
Fairly Actirs.
All Desirable Kinds of toek sell
Freely at od Prices Range
keen Tench Highest
Price on Reeord.
SOt'TH OMAHA. June 54. lXKi
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep
Oftlclsl Monday'
8.1. VI
same day isst week-..
P4nie day week before.
Saire two weeks ago...
Same three weeks ago
Ssme four weeks ago.
Same H.t 1 -. . .. .
, 3."70
. 5.775
. 2.S74
4 V4
8. MS
The foll.1w.-inw lal.U .hv. the .e.elnta of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
lor the year to date, compared with laat
J'r: 19.. lSoS. Inc.
Cattle 4S2 670 413 202 4.3-iS
Hogs 1.3S6.371 1.23H519 14S.S3!
Sheep 751.602 7:!.3S 29,143
The following Wlll show the prices paid
for the different kinds of cattle on the
South Omaha market:
Vi?d lo choice corn-fed steers 3i0o6 W
ralr to good corn-fed steers 4 TiXyo.-iO
Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.00(74 10
Good to choice cows and heifers.. 4.0o4.5i
fair to good cows and heifers.. I.ttttft.OO
c ommon to fair cows and helfrs.
Good to choice stockers A feeders.
Fair to good stockers and feeders
Common to fair stockerg
Bulla, stags, etc
Veal calves
3"S'i4 10
J T.14ST4
4 CCj 25
Tlie following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat
cveral days, with comparisons:
I 1804. ;i.;l04.ilo3. 1902. 11801. ilWO
June 10..
June 11..
June 12..
June 18..
June 14..
June 15..
June 18..
June 17..
June 18..
June 19 .
Juno :..
June 21.
June tl.
June 23.
June 24.
June 26.
5 30
4 761
8 01
8 00:
7 2
7 36
7 32
7 8
1 SI
5 83!
I 91 01
5 ei 4 97
6 841 4 s
6 SI I 4 M
6 87 4 88
4 85
5 H3i
6 89 I 03
5 83, i 08
5 in 4 94
t 9! 4 83
I 4 791
4 18 1
6 ltij 4 721
5 13 4 81
6 19 4 M
8 221 4 R8
8 2iM 4 B-31
4 83
t 13; 1
S 15! 5 00;
5 101 5 071
' 6 13' 6 07
, 5 15; 6 OH
6 -J0l 5 12
I I 5 i;
i 84
I 8 (U V
3 07'
5 W
3 021 7 21
8 95 ' 7 V.
h 971 7 :l
B 3t
6 30
5 94 7 43
5 88! '
5 84
6 78:
( 57!
6 57;
; 131
7 43 i
7 59
7 56;
3 344
8 86 I
8 Ml b ill
I 6 14
5 93,
8 00 t 10
.. 1.4Ofi.10
.. 2.0"i6.70
. . t rxvX s 85
5 50'it5.50
S .Vi'dtl SO
Ciniaha ,
Kansas City
St. Louis
Sioux City
The following shows the number Of cars
of stockers and feeders shipped to the
country and their points of destination:
L. R. Rutler, Gillette, Wyo. Q 1
L. Haywood, Cherokee, la I. C 1
CATTLE The receipt of cattle this
morning looked larger on paper than a
week ago, although not quite up to the
record of two w eeke ago. of the numlu f
reported In today, however, twenty-two
cars were not offered for sale, being ship
ped direct to the receivers.
There seemed to be a little better feel
ing all along the line. Packers were evi
dently in need of rattle and the ma ket
opened somewhat earlier than usual and
the trade was reasonably active so that me
bulk of al) the receipta changed han is
In very good season In the forenoon. The
r rices ranged anrwhere from strotis to
0c higher, tho advance being, as e mat
ter of course, largely on the better grades.
There were not enough cows or n-n-r.a
tin sale to amount to very much, but
everything desirable In that line sold a
little stronger in sympathy with the ad
vance on good beef cattle.
There were a few odda and ends of
stockers and feeders, but very little In th
wav of full loads. As Is the cas- eV'Bfj
day at this season the trade was without
any verv great Interest. Prices looacd
about steady with last week.
Representative sales:
Ko. At. IT. No. At. Pr.
1 470 1 10 It 1077 I M
1 440 I 00 101 1111 4 M
I M I 40 10 1170 I N
JO i. 76S 4 40 M 110 S 00
1010 4 0 I ltn i 05
17 1011 4 40 13.V0 t 0
1 1170 4 U II I!H I 10
tl 10M 4 46 40 11M I li
16 1044 4 t IIM I It
tl 1011 4 70 tl 1147 t 10
H lift 4 70 1 1MHI I 10
U 020 4 70 It 1171 I 10
tl 746 4 10 6 13?! t
It 717 4 0 17 14M t la
If 1004 4 0 M lll I to
4.4 1111 4 15 1 1171 I 10
14 1011 4 M 1 IIM 10
It 11M 4 0 II 1117 t 16
4 1110 4 tO 16 144 t 44
25 1007 4 (0 1 ltal 8 aO
1 170 t no t 75 I to
I M0 I 00- la 1011 60
1 140 I it 1 1070 t M
1 710 t It 1 M0 I 40
1 140 i 60 9 1060 3 0
1 1M0 1 60 4 tfit 3 10
1 740 t 60 14 WO I 4S
1 780 t 76 1 1140 I 46
3 lilt i 80 1 11.10 t 45
1 iim I on 1 i:n I 7t
( IM 1076 I 71
1 170 I 00 14 1094 I 60
t 1086 t On 1 lilt I Ml
1 1010 00 i II 0 I 16
1 1200 I 00 I ISO 4 00
1 1040 I 15 I 1100 4 00
1 1170 t 26 1 IK0 4 00
I tMI IW t ions 4 01
1 1110 I 46 i UI0 4 40
3 1041 1 60 1 1400 . 4 40
1 10 t It 42 164 I 90
1 t:o l it l tin i on
1 440 t 44 731 4 to
1 410 I 00 i 1270 4 40
1 tM I oo t: 171 4 ae
l:i 111
1 120 t SO 1 IIM I 4
t 1440 ! at 1 ISO t to
1 1140 t ti t 1126 I 60
1 mo I no i i4f I 70
1 100 I 00 1 1110 I 40
1 440 t OS 1 1440 I 44
1 1144 I 10 1 1170 I 10
1 1670 I li 1 land I Si
1 1440 2i 1 610 4 31.
1 1440 I la 1 1140 4 4
1 1460 I it 1 17W 4 04
3 470 I W
1 410 I tl 14 ill I IS
1 110 4 ou 1 iio l to
1 150 4 0 I lit 60
3 KO 4 OC 1 116 1 10
1.1 i0 4 Ot 1 1.V0 I ..0
1 110 4 60 I M JO
1 m t 00 t 171 I 7i
1 10 I It I IM I 13
34 0 t It
115 feeders. 688 3 20 49 stockers.. 493 3 20
HOGS It waa pretty much of a 35
market this morning, the strings of hogs
selling principally on that basis, with
some of the better loads going at 18.87 4
and the more ordinary ones at li t? 4. In
other words, the hogs on the opening sold
about with Saturday's average, not quite
so high aa the best time Saturday, but a
little better than Saturday's close. Th
trade was at no time very active and
before the hogs were all sold the market
weakened, cloalng a little lower than the
morning prlcea. The average of all the
aalea waa about 14c higher than Satur
day. It will be noted from the table of aver
age prlcea that the week starta out wltb
the market not quite 5c lower than It waa
last Monday. The receipta today were just
about on an average ior a jionaay.
Representative sales:
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h Pr.
M ... tr M 130 an III
It 14 ... 10 to IIT 140 M
I HI tO JO 41 IM 40 It
II. IM ... llv, 130 ... Ill
7 ttl ... till 7 131 140 U
17 t"t 40 III', V 1J4 140 It
to 17 ... 3 114 77 110 110 I 38
4 141 14 111', 41 114 ... la
M 121 40 It 44 160 IM It
41 110 ltO li II 144 ... 14
It m IM IK f.1 140 144 It
M til ... II 74 IM 10 U
M t3l 10 I It II 142 too It
I laa 40 it 7 Ml 140 It
Tl 144 ... li 44 Ill 40 16
M S2 140 I 71 207 140 It
71 IM 40 It T4 Ill 40 t If
77 tnl ... If ! '? It It
M 117 40 4 si M lul ISO li
7 IM . li 17 116 . . u
11 140 10 at 76 Ill 120 17 V,
II ..1.4 M It 71 241 120 17V,
It 1-37 4" la , 44 170 40 I.V,
II IM X K ' ' 124 l.'O I7t,
4a tu 36 M 137 140 tl,
74 24 . . 4 34 7 4 .214 10 17',
It U0 10 Hi 14 M IPI IT',
M IM 120 ii Tl IM Sw I 17V,
It lal . . II 71 244 to I7L,
to lai 110 si l 241 IM 17",
a 117 20 li 74 !?4 ... 17 V,
7i ltl . lU 7a :.i ... 17V,
14.1 ... 46 4i tVt IM I7v,
0 ltl f Ik 7.' 14S 4. 17,
17 140 si. 4 It al n at -,
ai ! i 140 I 41 :S 241 to 17 ,
124 :M U tl til ... 17V,
It 40 St 74 l lto IT,
M lul M at M ttl 144 17 V,
H 1M 40 e.
V tit 4"
74 114 IK S 71.
: 47 ,
40 j: ,
44 . :44 10 1
ellKKI' Seven cars were teporte.j
this morning, which was y nte n slssble
run for these times and evervthlna wss
lispose.i of at a very esn. Hour ill ...t
niornltig. The market mignt Lest bt- o- -scribed
as strong and active. The first
range ewes of Ihe season iut In an ..
pesrante this mnrnlrg. 'i'hey were from
Idaho and sold verv readilv st o '. tho
highest price ever pnld for that kin-, of
stork There were fed sood enoiii",
o bring 15. with a hum-li or sprFng
Isinhs which came In with them at $7.".v
Phorn lambs, lth some vesillng" in in mo,
sold up to 8 7 Ort. It 1 liardiy nccetaury
lo add that it was s must sai.s.n
market, so far as the selling In cro tB
were concerned.
W'X'tulions on clipped slock: Oood to
choice western lambs. C . w 7. .'5 ; fslr to
itood lambs. 36 2i?l 6S; . u 1 1 lambs, 34.51
U 5 50: good to c hoke yearlings. 36 004J"
8 6": fair lo good verntuM. .V7iuS 'a ,
good to choice wethers, 8S..ahj: fair to
good wethers, 3Y75 ff .nn; good 10 choice
ewes. 35.75il01-, fair to tid ewes, 35 nO
6 5 78: bucks. 34.254J 4.78.
Representative sales:
lo western ewes
116.1 Idaho ewes
M spring cull lambs ...
western culls
9 western ewes
134 western ewes
A v. Tl .
s 5 tai
105 6 s
4!t ll
7fi 0
Ill Hi"
112 15
llo 1.'.
SO 6 1.".
9 7 to
7 75
1 western lamb
10 vesrllngs
104 lambs and yearlings
81 spring lambs
tHICAt.n 1,1 V K STOf K MIRK KT i
Cattle Rtronat to Ten Cents Higher
Hosta Steady to Strong.
CHICAOO, June CATTUE-Receipis, I
23,0ta'i head: strong to lic higher; common I
to prime steers, tt.oihu8.i0: cows, 3oflon4.ii; I
heifers, t2.75ii5.25: hulls. 32 754H.:6. cnives, I
85.5ii4i8.80; stockers and feeders, 3-'.7!m4 n. I
IlotjS Receipts. to.iaul h'sd, market
steady to strong; choice to prime heavy,
IS.SMil S'.'4; medium to good heavy. I'
6 55; butchery, eights, o.V(io 0; gooil to ,
choice heavy mixed. 16 5;'4i'i.5.'4; packing..
8ovoi"fit;:4. i
SIIEFP ANI 1.AMH9 -He, etnts. 2; 1
head; market steady: strong; sheep, fie'!
fia.nO: vearlings, tt.vctil.iQ; shorn lambs, ,
t5.:5fa7.75. j
Kerr Tork I. lie Stork Market.
NEW TORK. June 25- -BKKVE8- Re
ceipts, 4.21ti head; steers, active an.l llrm
to 5c higher; fil bulls and medium and ft
cows a shade higher; bologna stock, slow
and wesk; sleet s. II 7"( t 'j : bulls. 2 7.iD'
4.40; cows, 11.154)4 15. Liverpool and London
cables quoted live cattle lower and at
loiyu U 4c per lb. for dressed weight: ex
ports estimated tom.irr.'W, 1.020 cattle and
4.91 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 5.401 head, veals
opened steady but slow for top grades;
others, lower; closed I5c off sll around;
buttermilks, 5"ti75c lower: vesls, 11.50(1 7.00;
choice, I7.124W7.25; general sales. KifltiH.76;
buttermilks. ti.Oofvf 3.1.0; dressed calves, slow;
city dressed veals, 8'ylfl4c per lb.; choice,
11c; country dressed, VolWc.
HOGS Receipts, lti.r.22 head; market,
fully stesdy; state hogs.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Riceipis, 1,?41
neaa; market ror sneep, steady; iambs,
active and good stock rlrni; medium and i
common, no more than steadv; sheep, 33.50(j
6.50; few choice, tl.76; culls, 82.oflTiS.Oii; lambs.
37.6'Vi9.0O; yearlings no longer quoted. Llv-
erpool and London cables quoted sheep and
yearlings steady at 134ol6c, dressed weight.
Kansaa City Live Slock Market. j
ceipts, 0,31a) head, Including 501 s uthetns '
Market strong to 10c hlgner. Top. Ij.ivu. j
Choice export and dressed beet steers,
33.25ti5.oO; fair to good, 4.1iVrl5.;5; western
fed steers, I3.75W6.8H; stockers and feedi 1 .a,
t2.Suiti4.40; southern steers, (8 1,J4.9; south- J
ern cows. 3 10; native cows, ;.rt1i 4.5n; .
native heifers. 13. 265.25; bul a, 2.5o(i 4.(0;
calves, i-'.wutvfo.
HOGS Receipts, 8,S head; market
steady to strong. Top 3H 50. Bulk of sales
K.124'a8 46; heavy, tAa.u'Loo; packers, !.3iv
fhw.60; pigs and lights, "T
SHEEP AND LAM H8 Receipts, 11. Cart
head; market strong. Spring lambs, fl-'Ol
7.66; lambs, .70175; fed sheep and yeail
Ings, tf..0f"1j6.50; Texas and Arir.ona yearl
ings, 36.00((j7.00; Texas and Atliona sheep,
I5.i4iil6.50; Texas lambs, J3 i7Vr3. ,5; stockers
and feeders, I3.25rcj5.00.
St. LoolB Lire Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, June 26.-CATTl.E-Recelpts,
7,000 head, Including 4,50" head of Texans;
market steady; native shipping and export
steers, 34 40416.86; dressed beef and butcher
steers, tl.7O6.10; steers under 1,000 pounds.
3.50ij4.f5D; stockers and feeders, 2.5'!4.25;
oows and heifers. I2.0rfi5 2i; eanners, vl 0Vj
2.00; bulls, t2.40rif4.00; calves, t3.00fiii.5O; Texa-i
and Indian steers, IJ.onoj-l.6'1; cows and
heifers. t20Og3.60.
HOGS Receipts. 6,00fl head; market
steady: pigs ami lights, 8-S &V((6.4o; packets,
36 5V4 4.65 ; butchers and best heavy, t 45J
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,5no
hesd; market steady; native muttons, 13.00'a
600; lambs, 4.(X48.00.
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, l,!j head; market strong to 10c
higher; natives, !4.26t36.A0; cows and heifers.
Il.iwi7 4.5n; stockers and feeders. fcl.OOtH.ii.
HOGS Receipts, 8.9S hesd; market
Steady to strong; light, f,.2.Vti 3S; medium
and heavy. t6.324'.4;4; bulk of sales, .S5
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,610
head; maiket steady to strong; yearlings,
86.60; Idaho grass ewes, ti.S5.
8ton City Lite Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. June 25-(Special Tele
gram. CATTLE Receipts. 7Hi head; mar
ket luc higher; stockers. strong; beeves.
t4.2Euf.20; cows and heifers. tSiaji'ij 4.611;
stockers and feeders, t3.f84.10; calves and
yearlings. 13.00(64.00.
HOGS Receipts, 2,610 head; market
strong; selling at C.2iXU.40; bulk of sales.
16. .&. 324.
Stock la Sight.
Receipts of live stock st the six principal
western markets yesterday: .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. l.lflO 6760 l.jls
7i0 ;,5ai
.. 8.34) h.3j n.uw
. 1. 58.) 8.841 1.61H
. 7.(l n.uffl t.J 0
.. I3.HXI tr.taO 2J.IX0
South Omaha ...
Sioux City
Kansaa City
St Joaeph
St! Louis
44.795 66.538 33.620
Metal Market.
There was a decline of over tl in the
London tin market today, apot closing at
177 12s 6d, and futures at 177. The
local market waa easy and lower In sym
pathy with the decline abroad, spot clos
ing at 38.85f 38 00. Copper also de
clined In the London market, closing it
82 for spot and 811 16s for futures.
Locally the market Is dull and more or
less nominal, with lake quoted hi 818 1
0 19.00; electrolytic at 818.25 18. 62.
and casting at 118 124 ft Is. 25. LeaJ u .j
la Id lower at 16 12s In the London
market. Locally it was easier, with nic
tations ranging from 35,75 to S 90.
Spelter was lower at 27 In London rnd
was dull at 16.061)6.15. Iron was dull,
Cleveland warrants quoted at 4 fa 1 , . 1
abroad. Locally the market was qul-t it
the recent, decline. No. 1 foundry north
ern la quoted at 1 1 8.25 ti. 1 8.75. No. 1
foundry southern at 117 60 1& 1 8 00. and No.
2 foundry southern at 17 00f 17 50.
ST. Lot MS. June 25. METALS Lead,
weak at 15.82 4: spelter, lower at 5.7 4-
fotton Market.
NEW TORK. June 25 -COTTON Spot
closed quiet. 10 points decline; middling up
lands, lonrc; middling gulf. 11.16c; sal.-s,
4b balea.
8 pot steady; sales. 7.615 lialee: ordinary.
81-10; good ordlnarv, S40; low ailddliiig.
10 3-lSc; middling. 10 IB-HW-; good middling.
11 7-lo; middling fair. 11 13-16o. nominal;
fair. 12 7-16c; receipts. 1.868 balea; stock,
63 24 bales
ST IXJl'IS, June 26 COTTON Steady :
middling. 11c; sales, 16 balea; receipt. 35
bales; shipments none; stock. 28 444
auiet; prices 6 points lower; American mid
ling fair. 6.44(1; good middling. I.36d; mid
dling. 4.14d: low mldllng. 6.Kd: good ordi
nary. I.76d; ordinary, i.66d The sales of
the day were 7.000 bales, of which 7o0 were
for speculation and export and Included
6.700 bales American. Receipts, 2.300 bales,
all American,
Sagar and Molaaaea.
NEW YOHK. June 28-8COAR-Raw,
firm: fair refining. 8c: centrifugal. 88 test.
14 j 3 17-22. Molasses sugsr. 2V
firm: No. 6, 4 2"c; No. 7. 4.15c; No.
No. , 4.06c; No. 10. 4c; No 11, 3 aic
880c: No. 13. 3H5c; No. 14. 3 86c;
I. 4 10c;
No. i2.
tinners' A. 4 55c; mould A. 6. fee: cut loaf.
I. tux; crushed. I.l'r; powdend,; gran
ulated. 4.74'; rubes, 4 IsSc
kettle centrifugal, S'tt3 7-ltVc: centrif
ugal yellows. 3St)34c; seconds, 24)3' ,c
CssTee Market.
NEW YORK. June 26 COFFEE Msrket
for futures opened stesdy at unchanged
prlcea 1o a decline of 5 poli.ts In svmpathy
wl'h disappointing European cables, but
rallied on local buvlng The markit dosed
firm and net unchanged to 10 points higher
with sales reported of 48.000 hags. Including
July at 4to3"c. September, lt-j4lk;
; . 1 -.
October. 4Mr-;rjV: December, t SrafJ TOr :
M.irrh. 6nsia.Sc: April 7iV. Mav. 7.0iii
7 it. ."ixM lu. stesrlv: No 7 Invoice, 74' .
London Clnelagt Sleeks.
IaiNIhiN. June ii.- Closing iiuotstlons on
Ihe Siock exchange were:
I l onset, monev .. tt 1-14 N T I entr, 141
rift sr.11.1n' Ml Norfolk a) . , UV,
Anaconda llv, do pfd .
At. 1011 tl-v, Onlar.o A W 11
dn pfd 1(4 1 rennay Kama '
halllntora A Ohio... l;i' Hand M'naa S
' lanadian rat-ifl laav, Hvadtng t;i,
hen. A 1'hlo I" do lat p'd 44
I t hi. ago tit W ! do M pfd 4
c . M. A St. V : Souihero Railway ... 81 4
I m Peers i. do pfi ...I(-I4
, 1'enver A R O 44 'Sonthern ParlSr .... 704
do pfd i Ilnlon Pacific 1M',
Erie . ... , 4.t I to pfd H
do lat pft ai if S steel V,
i do :.t ptd "1 I dn pfd inav,
' Illinois t enlral 1U, Wabash fv,
. I.oulatille A Nash.. 14.",! dn pfd 4:v,
M K A T !( I -ptMh la ,...!
S1LVKR Ha:, qulei. 30 l-isd per ounce
ah NK 1 ;4ij, per cent.
1 oe rue t.. ,nm .. in ihe open nisrk"t
for short bills is 34 per cent; for tnree bills. 34 per cent.
Evaporated l.plra anil Dried Frnlts.
Maraet ijutct and without change. .- im
plies for. November delivery are held at
hSc. but most dealers are willing 10 pay
over 8c. The spot slttistlon Is very firm,
owing to light Mipplics with prime quoted
st lit; lli,i, choice at U'114r. and
fancy at lif.tfi 2c.
are llrm. wlih a fair business In thM
aggregate made up of small lots. Qlioti
tlona on spot ransed from 7 40 to 8o.
Apricots are unchanged. With choice
quoted at 124c, extra choice at 18V 134,
and fancy al 14 'u 14 4c. Teaches are he r
above buvets' views, with choice quote!
at 10,mllc; extra choice, 11 '.t? 11 4c
lancy, 1 1 i h 12c, and extra fancy at .J
mil24c. Halslns are unchanged, loon
muscatel quoted at (IffSNc. seeded rats.
Ins st 54tf7 4c, and London layers at
tl.tlOv", 1.!5.
Wool Market.
ST. I.oriS. Mo.. June 24.-V001-Steady:
medium grades combing and cnth
ing. .41121'c; light fine. Ho:"3o; heavy fine,
li.ilSc; tub washed. 30h4e.
Fire Toledo Men Fined Fire Tkosassd
Dollars and Year In
TOLEDO. O . June 26. In common pleas
court today Judge Klnkada ' Imposed tha
msximnm sentence of 35,000 fine and one
year in the- workhouse on five Ice men
guilty of consplrscy In restraint of trade.
The men sentenced are: Joseph Miller,
who was convicted; K. A. Beard, R. 1.
Lemmon, II P. Rrlelnlng and Peter H.
Waters, who pleaded guilty.
The Judge said the sentences might be
mitigated In the event the men msde
restitution. Hearing upon motions In ar
rest of Judgment cannot be heard for
soma time and the Ice men will eland
committed until the fines are paid or tha
sentence otherwise disposed Of.
The men, all of them prominent In busi
ness and social circles, were taken to tha
county Jail to await Ihe making out of tha
necessary papers to commit them to tha
workhouse until In the meantime they meet
Judge Klnkade's requirements of restitution
to the public.
KANSAS CITY. June 26,-Jamea 8. Gin
son. county attorney of Wyandotte county.
Is preparing to bring proceedings under
the Kansas laws In the district court at
Kansas City, Kan., agslast several con
cerns composing the Ice trust, so called, op
erating 1, thst city. He stated today that
he would demand the forfeiture of the char
ter of at least one of the alleged violators.
Similar action was commenced at Kansas
City, Mo., on Saturday.
WATCHES Frenser, lttn and Dodge stg
Alonxo P. Tukey and wife to George
W. Henry, sw corner of 31-15-13. .. 1
William F.. Allen and wife to George
W. Henry, beginning sw corner of
31-15-13 and other lands 1
A. W. Nlckell and wife to George
W. Henry, sw sorner of 81-16-18.. .. 1
and other lands 1
Olaf Llndqutst and wife to Sophia
F. Sellner, n4 lot 4. block 30, E.
V. Smith s ad 1,100
James A. McCandless and wife to
Charles Jacobsen. undivided 4 n4
lot 2. block 1. Isabel ad I
Gurrlne Jr nasen et al. to H. A. Tukey,
114 lots 16 and 17. block 15. Im
provement Association ad 2,750
Walter Jerome Green, lot 26, block 17,
Orchard Hill 700
Laura C. Lewis to Helen O'Briens, lot
4. block 7. McCormlck s ad, and w
8 1 feet of lot 7. block I, Capitol
Hill ad 1,600
Mary E. Burns and husband to Elmer
E. Rlland. lot 3, block 3. Windsor
Terrace X
Amy M. Carpenter lo T. Cos Little,
south f6 feel and south 16 feet of
east 66 feet of north 132 feet of lot L
and south 66 feet of east 11 feet of
2. block 22, West Omaha 1.260
Edward Phllan to Frank J. Fltsgerald,
block 3, Missouri Park ad 150
Everett C. Sawyer and wife to George
C. Meleryurgen, lot ? Stevens sub
of lots Id and 14, block 9, Parker's
ad 1600
Mary Klussman and husband to
Charles G. Peterson, lot 20, S. E.
Rogers' Plat of Okahonia 1
Lena Douglas et al to Charles O.
Peterson, lot 20, 8. E. Rogers' Plat
of Okahoma 1
Frltx Peterson to Charles O. Peterson,
lot iO, 8. E. Rogers' Plat of Oka
homa t
George M. Mlholson and wife to Jo
seph Stepan, south 84 feet lot 8,'
lots 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. I. 10 and 11, block
2. Mlholson's ad ' 800
Daniel W. Gosnell and wife to Minnie
Klnkenen. west 30 feet of east 40
feet lot 18. ad to blocks 18 and I,
Second ad to Bedford Place 760
Delia C. Patrick and husband to Ma
rl n u a Anderson, lot 18. block I, Mel
rose Hill Ua)
Gustav Paulsen and wife to D. H.
Klrschner. lots 21 and 12, block 6,
Bennington lot)
Henry 8. Hoover and wife to Jay 1-av-ertv.
east 60 feet lota 11 and 12. block
a. City of South Omaha 8TV)
Ellsworth Willis to. Delia Davles, sub
lot I of sub lot 7. lot 6. 8-16-13 1,000
Charles A. Redfleld ai d wife to Harry
J. Hackett. lot 4, block 2, Lancaster
Place, stibdlv of block 19. Tuttle's
1 uh t
j William 8. Walker lo Harry J. Hack
ed, lot 3. block 2. !ancaatr Place.. 1
cweiia 1 alherln Huohtel to Harris
G.'l.lsten, e4 lot. 7, block 361), City
of Omaha 1.800
Walter J. Green and wife to Marie
Krulls. lot 6. block I. Albright's
Choice IJS
Hubert D. Waldo and wife to Carolina
Bryant. w4 lot 1. block 14, City of
South Omaha 700
Charles R. Glover to William Alex
ander, lot . block 18, Omaha View. I
Marv D. Godwin and husband In Fred
l Goodrich, west 4 lot 7. block J044.
City of Omaha
Charles Mets and wife to Mets Bros.
Hrewlng company, lot 8 and east
1 feet of lot 8. block 41, City of
Omaha 1.000
Emma C. Grant to Charlea Mets, lot
2 and east 2 feet of lot t. block 4,
City of Omaha I.tys)
John W. Lafgren and wife to John
Enquvlst. lot 2. Shelton's sub 1.004
L. Lavln and wife to Jesse H. Chap
man, Shelton'a sub 1,800
Our list of conservative invest
ments suitable for Trust Funds
is one of the most comprehen
sive lists now available.