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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
I . . ( , . - I ! . THE OMAHA DAILY RKK: IIKSDai. .m 1 t, ' i 'it I Ft is if ZALISEY DRIVES IN THREE With Tripl DBTir Catcher Bench Trio Orr Plate, Winning- Gam. UMPIRE M'CARTHY IS BADLY OFF fllrhrr Dodge Gnu Ip la Alath Inning After Hsvlsg HfU lsltors ta J-alterla-Hits. A ninth-Inning hatting rally by Dnvr, a. gnrsl siesta by certain Omaha players and some high-handed anil cold-blooded de cisions on balls and strikes on the part of. the umpire, by which he contributed hl portion toward giving the game to the visitors, enabled Bill Everlifa Cuba to win at Vinton Street park yesterday by a score of 4 to J. A crowd of about 1.4ml people, many of whom were women, for It was ladles' day, raw the game. Kngle and Dodge were the nppoatng slab men and lionura were even until that faial ninth Inning, when Dodge blew up and the Mountaineers madr four hit, which netted them three runs. Kngle pitched a pretty gnrti all the way through, having perfect control all th time and did not give one pam to first. Tmplre McCarthy waa badly off color on sur.e of hla work, and the crowd took loud exception to hi rullnga on balla and strikes, especially In the seventh Inning, whn he at ruck out Welch and Bsssey, It ...m.d deliberate. Jle ha" called some bad halls strlk"S. and the crowd bawled him out.' Thia see'rrled to anger him and he took hla revenge out on Welch and Baaaey. Both (Idea blanked In the first, and clear to the sixth, when Denver scored the first run by a triple by T. Smith and a single hy Randall. Thia aame triple ahnuld have beep nothing more than a single, but Welch wai alow getting over to the ball and It lent on toward the beer sign. Dnlan Starts with Triple. Unisha made lta first run in exactly the ssrfla fashion in the aeventh. After two were out Joe DoUn hit a corker for three bases and Rutikle beat out the ball which h placed In front of the plate and toward first."- Omaha got hit In each of the next Inning, but could not cash them. Denver woa blanked In the aeventh and eighth, but In the ninth, with the acoYe tied, they came In for business. Randall, the flrat man up. hit safely past Dolan and Russell hit to Dodge, who threw to Runkle In time to catch Randall. There waa no queatlon but Randall waa out, but Old Man Kverltt, who has donned hla ball togs for Just such occasions, rushed into the dia mond and anapped at the umpire and barked around until the umpire had to threaten to throw him out before he would move. All thia hullabaloo seemed to rile Dodge, fur the next man hit him safe and Belden flew out to Baaaey. J. Smith hit a grounder to Pprring, which that player did not get to flrat In time to catch the runner, and the bases were filled. Za luskr had been able to do nothing better than hit popupa all' day 'and the crowd waa aettllng back for an extra inning game, when Dodge made a mistake hy pitching him a low ball. Zaluaky must have thought he wns playing cricket from the way he swung, hut at any rate It had' the desired effect, and when the' ball had been re turned to the diamond Zaluaky waa perched on- third and the other three had trotted around ahead of him, Omaha did .nothing In the la at half except for Dolan to make "hltr third ' 'Mt. and the gahie waa over. ' The ardtw: .'- '.. OMAHA. AR. R. H. PO. A. K. H. 0 1 1 1 0 3 t 1 0 Bender, c. .. Carter, rf. .. perrlng. 3b. Welch, cf. .. Bassy, Jf Dnlan. . lh. . . . Runkle. ss. Howard. Ub. Podge, p. .. ...... 4 0 0 6 1 Totals ; ,....,...34 1 DENVER. AR. R. 11 H. PO. A. E. MtHale cf .. T. Snitth. 2b. i.andall, if. . Russell. b. .. Keddick. 3I. . Belden. If. ... J. Smith, as. t Zaluaky. c. .... Kngle. p. ..... 4 4 1 0 o 4 0 I 0 1 1 2 11 1 2 0 1 0 2 I 1 10 o 1 12 1 l T Totals .3b 0 Denvtf'1- Hits 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 4l'i Runs ,.0 0 0 o 0 1 u 0 34 Omaha Hits .................0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 1-S Runs '. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Thi'ee-hase hits: Dolan. Zaljsky, T. Smith. Twn-lnse hit: Howard. First base on balls: Off Dodge, 1. Struck out: By Dodge; 4; by Engle, 8. Ift on baaea: Omaha, ; Denver, K. Stolen base: Rus sell. Double play; Carter to Dolan. Time: l'.itfc."' L'mpire: McCarthy. Attendance, t Motes of the tiaute. 'Johnny Smith plaved too far toward third, expecting Dolan to crack the ball 1 down that way. but Dolan fooled him and nisde a clean single In the hole he had left ; vacant. Perring hit a ball at Johnny Smith which hud whlnkera on It. Johnny stopped it. but a was entirely loo hard fur him to handle clean McCarthy did a bad Job with the indi cator In the seventh inning when he culled everything a tilth came along a strike. He acted like a man in w hurry to get home and wished the game to be finished. J. Smith hit the ball past Dodge fur a single In the fifth inning which was so fast that Dodge did not try to get It. Some one remarked thai Sanders would have ti ted for It at least. Hl'l Kverltt .ciaild not keep to the bench aa he did on the first trip to Omaha with his blown suit. The lite was too tame for him and he had to don his uniform to he could mix it up a little. Fugle, the splt-lall aitist. had all kinds of haila up hla aleeve and mixed them up well. He did not pass a man during the miie game. Kloax Wis Batting Bee. KIDCX CITY. la.. June 25 Today s bet seen Lincoln and Sioux City waa a floret tarnival of heavy hitting. The locals having a little the better of the argument won by a acore of 11 to t. In the aixtii lulling when, Jackson as being hit all over the kd, he waa relieved hy bawyer. who j;iickly retired the vieltora allowing no safe hit. Corbett then went In for the finish and there was nothing doing on the Lincoln , wide after that. . Pitcher Morris was hit hard from stsrt to finish, but Holmes had no available I wirier vliteend in for relief. Score: SIOCX CITY. AB. H. H. O. A. K. Campbell. If 4 11(0 Fenlon. rf t o u 1 0 Nobllt, cf i 1 1 0 1 Wesl, Ub & 1 1 0 Meyers, lb i 2 1 0 Newton, ss 1 2 t I FtYMM. b....'.t. ... 4 12 A 7 .H'SS. c ,.......,... X 2 I 1 Jackson, p.. 1 0' W 0 0 Sawyer, p 0 0 0 0 0 Corbett. p 10 0 0 2 Totals .. Ss 11 u n 14 LINCOLN ' AB R. H. PO. A. Sit S 1 0 2 S 4 Fillmsn ss.... TValfe.-lf Qulllin, lb.... . J homes. Jh.-. . teen, rf Ketchum. cf... Bartoa. lb .... 7.t!iran, e..-,.. Mol se. p ...... . 5 i 0 1 0 1 t t 4 6 4 S Totals 40 II M 14 I loux city o 4 I 1 1 0 1 -ll Lincoln w 1 S I 0 0 Earned runs: Utoux City. I: Lincoln. 1 . Two-base, bits: Nvbllt. Frost, lleaa (.. Fill nisn. Barton, Morse. Three-base bit: Camp bell Hums run: Weed Double play: vioillin (uiiaasisted). Hits: Off Jackson. 11; -off CoibeK. i. Left on bases: Hlous 4 "Hy. S; IJncoln. I Sacrifice hit: Froat. Bases on balls: Off Jackson. I; eft Corlieti, 1; off Morse. S Hit by pitched bail: New ton. Fenlon. Mors. Wolfe. Hiruck out: by au. 4, by Sawyer, 1; by Muiss. 4. n lid pitches: Bv Mora, S. Time of game: 1 ;.t. empire: Davis. Attendance, l.fn. (Kansas Bat Wat Vletarr. DFJ MOINRfl. June 31 Pes Motnes won from Pueblo todav by outhtttlng the Indiana In a slugging match. The score waa 11 to t and It was either team's game until the eighth Inning, h-n the champions batted In four runs. Both Miller and Faurot were found manv times, but generally after two bed be'n retired, and their teama gave them grand aupport. Pitcher (lltlen will Join the champlona Tuesday. "core: PCS MOINES. AB. R. H. PO. A. K. f'affyn. If O l,esrv. 3b Wrlday. cf Dexter, lb Towne, c Hogrlever, rf. Andreas, sa... Marnon. Jh.... Miller, p Totals ii 2 1 14 fi . 0 2 2 0 36 U 17 27 I rt'FBI,0 AB. R. H. PO. ! o A, K. Cook. If McCilvrav, lb. Hhmtart. 2b ... Mehholr, rf... Bader. if K-lwert. Kb F'lske. sa Messitt, c Kail rot, p 5 6 5 S 3 4 3 4 3 1" 4 1 0 0 II T.itals 24 5 11 14 12 1 Des Moines 1 1 0 0 1 4 0 4 Pueblo 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 06 Htolen bases: Weldav, Andreas. Two-base hits: CafTvn (21. O'lxary. Welday. An ilreas. Miller. Cook. Shugsrt (Si. Flske. Mes sitt. Double plar: Andreas and Dexter, bases on halls: Off Fanrot. I: off Miller. 4. Hit bv pitched hall: Bv Faurot. 2. Struck out: By Miller. 6, by Faurot. 3. Time: 2:n. I'mplre: Keefe. Attendance: nn. Btaadlaar mt the Teaaas. Played. Won. Ixt. ret. .mo M0 ,S47 .4S1 .423 .346 Pea Molnea... Omaha Denver Sioux City.... IJncoln Pueblo i.. Ml M M . M 62 62 M ii 22 " 2S 4 2 Osmes todav: Denver at Omaha. Peublo at Des Motnes. Lincoln at Sioux City. RANK!) I THF. AMKtMCA I.KAUIK (tnakera Win a Brilliant One tn Soth Ina; Contest from Bonk Worms. PH1I APKI.PII1A. June IS.-Ird'a triple and Murphy's single gave Philadelphia the onlv run scored In today's game with Pon ton. Waddill and Dlneen pitched gooc. steady ball ami both were brilliantly up ported. Score : rillLADICI.PHtA. BOSTON n.H.o.A.K. Hartsel. If... 1 a I urirsnt. ss... R.H.D.A.K. 4 0 110 H A'b tr, r4 1 1 I) u Sishl. rf 1 s 0 frmn. lb. 1 II 0 oo.lhrh, If.. 1 4 Kerrls. Jh. .. 1 in t 11 Hivrton. rf. . J 1 J 1 4 I n l rl. lb l.ora. it ... Murphy, b Srhrerh. c. Crofl. m. . . Knlsht. b tVsilArll, f .. 4 .. S .. ... a i-1 1 2 n nut ill l n t n ( t l l l 4 0 Mnman. fl 0 1 or A br'mer, 0 (1 n 0 Dlneen, p. Tnll J 7 17 11 0 Totils 2i 72S 12 0 Otte out when winning run scored. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 u 0 II 0 1-1 Boston o 0 o l 0 0 0 0 0 Left on bases: Boston. 3: Philadelphia. . Stolen bases: Havden, Murphy. Two-buse hits: Davl L"rd Double nltivs : Cross" Murphy n.j r..i. a ,ui .r, ,,nA ff rani - "l.P-aHAi,r,'haM.irJf.a..n ""i la"L" Hartsel and Davis; Murphy and Crosu. Struck out: Bv Waddell. 11: by Dineen, b. Flrat base in balls: Off Waddell, ; off Dlneen. 3. Time: 1:50. I'mplres: Connor and Hurst. Joss Pitches Ureal Game. DETROIT. June 25. For eight successive Irtnltiira tn.i sa ftolmlt rtnan In nri4ap i , ' 0 . - i 1 I i ,k. fAi,rlh was out trying to make it a homer, being the only map to get to second base. W'ar- ner's double and Jones single scored a run 1 in the ninth. Score: CLEVELAND. DETROIT B.H O.A E. B H 0 A K. Flick cf 3 I (i Jnnas. cf 4 1 4 0 u JlrltKon, If... 4 Oil OSrhaafrr. lb . 4 111 Turner. aa....3 1 ! U rawfori). rf. 3 1 I n u Lajole. lb ... 1 10 4 (1 ( nhh. If...... 3 0 4 1 f. Roaaman. lb. 3 0 14 0 Of nuhlln. h.. 3 0 0 1 0 Cnnitahnn. rf 4 1 1 (I fl blnnaay, lb.. 3 7 ! 0 Bradley, 3b.. 4 1 1 3 Ofi'Lcary. aa..l 0 t 3 0 Clarke, c 4 13 0 OWarner, r....3 0 3 0 0 Josa, p 3 I fl 8 u Donovan, p... t 0 17 0 Tniala. 30 3 17 14 A Tolals It 3 27 17 3 Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1.-3 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I Three-base hlta: Crawford. Flick. Sac rifice hits: Ijijoio (2), Joss. First base on balls: Oft' Donovan, . Ift on bases: De troit, 1: Cleveland, 6. Struck out: By Don ovan, 1; by Joss, 7. Wild pitch: Donovan. Time: 1:18. I'mplres: Lvana Hnd Con nolly. St. I.oala Defeats Chicago. ST. IH'IS. June 2b. Chicago was lucky to acore aa often as It did and the locals deserved lta ti to 4 win. Jacobson was wild and retired at the end of the sev enth. Score: ST. 1.(11 19. CHICAGO B.H.O A C. H H O A E. Nilea. rf 4 1 1 0 fl Kahn. If 1 0 0 1 0 T. Joura. lh. 4 I 13 3 IF. Jonaa. cf. 4 ft 0 1 Stone. If 3 Hemphill, rf. 4 Wallar. an. .. 4 O Brim. in. .. 4 Hamall. 3b. . 4 O'Connor, e.. 4 Jarebaon. s. . 1 3 m libel I. lb... 4 1 1 1 0 1 ii l liavla, aa 4 0 1 : 4 a 3 1 Dunnhu. lb . 4 1 i 1 1 4 UO'Nell, rf.... 4 1 1 1 1 b Sullivan, c... 1 o 0 1 1 2 0 Altrock. p.... 1 1 1 1 II 1 S Hart, r 3 1 4 4 0 1 OTanuchlll. lb I I I I 1 0 Pelty. p 1 I - Kobe 1 0 0 0 ii Totala 17 14 17 It 2 Tolala It 4 J4 14 3 Batted for Altrock In the ninth. St. l.nuls 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 6 Chicago 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 04 Earned runs: St. 1-ouis, 6. Two-base hits: Wallace (2). Sacrifice hlta: Stone, K. Jones. Double play: T. Jonea and Wallace. Passed ball: Hart. Stolen baaea: Wallace, O Brlen, Isbell. Wild pitches: Jacubson, 2. Bases on balls: Off jacobaon, 4. Struck out: By Jacobson, 1: by Altrock, 4. Hits: Off Jacobson, In seven innings. Left on bases: St. Louis, 8; Chicago, ,. Time: 1:45. I'mplre: Sheridan. New York ghats Out Washington. WASHINGTON. June 26. Ohesbro heid Washington down to three hits today and New York easily scored a shutout, Slo 0. Two singles and a double were bunched on Falkenbeig In the second inning and they were enough to win the game. Score; NgW YOllK. WASHINGTON. B H.O.A. E. b H O A E Kaelsr, rf....t t 0 I Jntan. rf i o 1 o 0 Chaaa. lb t 1 It 1 Sohalfly, :b .. 4 1 4 4 0 Conroy. sa...4 0 0 1 l row. lb.. ..4 1 10 Lapnns lb . 1 1 i 1 Axleraun, If . 4 0 1 0 Willtania. tb" 3 1 1 .1 u llkkmao, rf. 3 0 1 Prlahanly. If. 1 II i 0 Ulllmr, aa....3 110 Hngman. rf..t 1 4 u Siahl. Ik 3 0 11 1 Mi-Gutra. ... 4 111 0 Hdon. c 1 044 I'haabro, p.. . . 4 0 11 0 Falksnbera., pi 0 4 J WakaRtla ..lul 0 .1 4 4 Tolala 11 7 17 It 1 . Tolala 10 1 17 It 1 Batted for Falkenherg In ninth. New York 0 2 (I 0 0 0 0 0 02 Washington 0 o o o o 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Bchalfty, Cross. McQulre. Sacrifice hits: Williams. Delehanty. Stolen base: Chase. Left on bases: Washington. I: New York. . Bases on balls: Off Fal kenherg. 3. off Cheshro. 1. Hit bv pitched ball: 1-alkenberg. 1. Struck out.' By Fal kenherg, I; by Cheshro, . Passed halls: heydon, 2. Time: 1:3a, Cmpire: O'lxiugh lln. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lout. Cleveland an 35 31 Philadelphia b," X4 23 New York Wi 34 24 St. Louis "... M II 27 Chicago bti 2,' Detroit M SO 2g Wssliington IS7 2u 37 Boston 8 is 42 Pet. 4,5 tM 'a,.,) .4-14 .51 .517 .X1 .2.6 Games today: Chicago at Et. I-ouls, Cleveland at Detroit. New York at Wash ington, hob ton at Philadelphia. 1 Seward Beata Gertuaalowa. SEW ARD. Neb.. June 25. -On its home w grounds Saturday afternoon the Seward ti college teatA defeated the Geimantown team In an Interesting game of base bull. The 1 game looked like a shut-out for the Ger 0 mantown boys, who mansged to get In a ti score In the ninth inning after two outs had Ut been made and the man up had two strikes. M Pitcher Rttimann of the collegians struck oui seventeen plaers. The score was: - ! R. H. E. 4 Seward t 1 2 ( 1 10 7 10 0 1 Germantown. U 0 u 0 (I 4 0 0 11 4 ij I Batteries: Sewsrd. Rltsmann and Deth ojlorl; Germsntown. ileyer snd Klnneman. vi I'mpne: Louis Becker ij RlaaattU Beats Hartlagloa. ni.iauih ir.uii. Nt., June as. iHpeclal I The hail season was opened hers yester day by defeating Hartlugton In an eleven -Inning game. The feature of the game was the pitching of both pitchers. Cox not al lowing a bit until the eighth inning. He weakened then and Bloomfleld won out in the eleventh inning. Score: R. H E. Bloomfleld 004441443 4 14 41 S Hartlugton (I 0 2 1 0 V 4 0 4 0 ti t I Battel lea: Bloomfeld, Book snd Gard ner; Hartlugton. Cog and r'keen. Bases on balls: (iff Buok. 4. off Cox. t Two base hits: Dye. Tnuni. Double play: Kinks and W. Thuni Hit by pitched ball: Bv Book. 1. Si ruck out: By Book. 15: by Cox. I P.iased bail: Gardner. Time: t la. em pire: Mud Wsshbuih of Hartlugton. Btsillug Siuer-Frtniar, UiU aad Dodgs. ONE-HIT GAME BI REULBACH Ghicaco Vational Twirler Holds Et. Louii to Losolj Siarlo. NARROW ESCAPE FROM SHUT OUT Wladr (Itr Pitcher Win. Hla Own 4ame with Two-Base Hit la Fifth Inning, Driving la Ever. CHICAGO. June 28 Reulbach held St. IiOula to one lonely single today, but the hit waa timely, coming after a paas and a aatrlfloe, and saved the vlaltora a shut out. Karger had a hand badly split In attempting to slop a vlcloua liner off Kling'a bat In the third, giving way to Thompson. Reulbach won hla own game In the fifth with a clean hit. acorlng Evers, who led off with a double. Score: CHICAOO. ST. Lofts B H.O.A.E. B H O A E. ITofman, rf . .. 4 4 Sue. hard, If. .301 a- hulls, rf . . . 4 n I hinro lh . . t HI atsinfldt. Itl I I Tinker. J 1 I II Burih. rf .1 S 4 0 I 1 l 1 0 10 0 1 t a a l Hennelt. 2b .. I r H'lktr. lh 4 0 Smeot. rf ft Shannon. If. . 0 Hhlv. lb 1 MeRrlile. . fi Oraitr. t F.rors, b. Kilns, r.. i 1 1 1 7 t 1 II Reulbarh. p. o Karfr. p. Thompson, p. 2 Totals. Totals 17 1 14 It 1 Chicago 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 2 St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits: Off Kaiger, 2 In two Innings; off Thompson, 2 in six Innings. Left on bases: Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 3. Two-base hit: Evers. Sacrifice hits: Reulbach, Kling. Bennett. Tinker. Double plays: Smoot to McBilde; Bennett to Beckley, 2. Struck out: By Reulbach. 7. Bases on balls: Oft Reulliaoh, 3; off Thompson. 2. Time: 1:30. I'mplres: Klem and Carpenter. Brooklyn Shots Oat Boston. BOSTON. June 25. No Boston player reached second base during today's gam, which Brooklyn won by 2 to o. Scanlon allowed but three hlta. Score: BROOKLYN. BOSTON B.H.O A K. H H.O.A E. ,411100 MalonfT. rf..S 0 1 ft 0 Tftney, lb Caaer, 3b 1 t 0 1 li Brldwell. . 4 0 J 1 0 Lunile?, rf... 4 110 0 Brain, .lb 4 0 17 0 Jordan, lb... 4 4 10 0 Tt.nrn. rf 3 0 1 0 0 Alperman, 2b I 0 1 I 0 Howard. If .. 1 0 0 0 0 Lla. aa 4 u 0 I 0 Dolan. rf 1 1 1 Hummel, If.. 3 0 4 0 0 Nreftham. r . J 0 I 1 0 Berirn, c a 0 0 Strohl. ;b... 0 fl 1 1 Sranlon. p... 1 1 0 S 0 Vnunc p 110 4 0 0'Nell 1 0 0 0 0 Totata 30 t.27 to- Tniala 30 3 17 14 1 Batted for Young in ninth. Brooklyn 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02 Boston o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Two-base hits: Jordan, 2. Sacrifice hit: Alperman. Double play: Is'eedhani. Brain to Tenney. Bases on balls: Off Young. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Casey. Struck out: By Young, 7; hy Scanlon. 6. Time: 1:24). Cmpirea: Conway and Emslle. Pirates Defeat Reds. CINCINNATI, June 25 Stolen banes were largely responsible for the vlclory of Plita hisrg over Cincinnati today. The local team ! "! "l"!1' Inning, scoring Iwo i ii fi im'i urn nm n ww ri irpq. in is in"ii held them safely for the rest of the inning. , Score: PlTTSBtrtO. CINCINNATI. B.H.O. A E. O H O A K. Rsaumont. i'f 4 Ganley, rf 4 2 10 0 Husaina. 2b.. 4 1 1 I 0 a II Sermour. cf.. I 1 3 0 4 0 0 Keller. If ... 4 1 1 1110 Barry, lb.... 3 1 11 0 II 0 0 Itelrhanty. 3b 3 1 1 1 1 1 0Otwll. rf 4 1 1 0 3 1 0 Corcoran, aa.. 2 0 0 0 1 4 n frhlel. c 3 0 4 10 10 Kwln. p 3 A 1 I .0 0 0 0 II II 1 II 0 1 0 4 0 f'larka. If... WiKnar, aa. Nealon, lb. I lSrh 3b J:lof,)n c ! wiiu. ' " lb 3 0 "Lonerl II inn ll 1 0 0 u 0 Totala. Total 30 8 27 10 1 Batted for Ewlng in ninth. Pittsburg 0 0 2 ll o 1 10 04 Cincinnati .; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Two-bane hits: Seymour, Delehanty. Wag ner. EacilnVe hits: Delehanty, Corcoinu, Rltohey. Stolen bases: Ganley, Clark", Wagner. Double plays: Hugglna to Barry; 1-each to Nealon. Struck out: Bv Ewing, : by Willia, 1. Bases on balls: Off Ewlng. 2; off Willis. 4. Wild Pilches: Ewlng, 2. Time: 1:55. empire: O'Day. New York Plies Ip Big Score. NEW YORK. June 25. The locals had no difficulty In winning from the Phila delphia visitors today. They batted Lush for seven runs In the sixth Inning and then Richie replaced him. Score: NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. B.H. O A K. B H.O.A. II. Kraanahan. cf 1 1 1 n Thoma. if... 4 1 1 1 II Marahall, rf. 1 1 1 13 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 0 II 0 1 3 0 1 OTIlua. rf 4 S ( 0 Courtney. 3b. 3 1 0 0 Magna, If 4 0 1 0 Dnolln, aa 4 0 1 OHrananaH, lb 4 1 4 OGIsaaon. tb... 4 1 1 Donovan, e. .. 4 0 0 0 l.uan. p 3 4 u Richie, p 0 0 (i 0 'Dooln 1 0 f n ii 4 0 1 0 1 1 Mctiann, lb.. Marl... If... Ilahlan, aa. ... rxrlln, 3h Olluaif. 2b... Bowsrntan. c. Smith, r Taylor, p Wllti Farguaou, p.. a , i 1 : ill sio 0 II 0 ooo 10 0 Tolala. 15 7 17 It 4 Totala 34 12 17 U t Ran for Taylor in seventh inning. Batted for Richie in ninth inning. New Y'ork 2 0 2 0 0 7 1 0 012 Philadelphia 2 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 13 First base on errors: Philadelphia, 2; New York. i. Left on bases: Philadelphia. B: New Y'ork. in. Bases on balla: Off Taylor. 4; off Ferguson, 1; off Lush, S; off Richie, 2. Struck out: By Taylor. 1; hy Ferguson, 2; by Lush, 2. Two-base hit: Titus. Sacrilice lilts: McOann. 2. Stolen baaea: Maries. Dahlen. Gilbert, Bresnahan, Wiltse. Double playa: Tay lor, Bowerman to McGann; Thomas, Richie. Doolln to (ileason. Hit by pitcher: By Taylor. 1; by Lush. 1. Hits: Off Tay lor, 6 In seven Innings; off Ferguson, 1 in two innings; off Lush, 10 in six innings; off Richie, 2 In two lnninga. Wild pitch: FergUHon. Passed ball: Donovan. Time: 2:0i. empire: Johnstone. Standing of the Teams, Played. W on. Lost, pet ,...iiS 44 IS .hits bVi 4u 'JH .to 57 : lit .i;i7 .... r3 31 32 4H2 .... iw .'5 : H4 . 24 HI .4.5 .... fi! 22 37 .bT;; .... 61 . 21 40 .844 Chicago New York .. Pittsburg ... Philadelphia Ciuciniistl .. St. Umis .... Brooklyn ... Boston (James today: Brooklyn at Boston. Phil- adelphia at New Y'ork, Pittsburg at On clnnall. at. Iaiuis at Chicago i I 4. AMES 1 i l AMEHICA ASSOCI 4 IIOV. Batting Rally Enables 4 olumhus to shut ont Indianapolis. Indianapolis. June 25 a twtting rally In the seventh inning enabled Columbus to shut out the home team today. Score: ( Hl.l MBI . INDIANAPOLIS B H O.A.g. H H.O.A. E Plrkaring. rf. 4 1 3 1 II Vin.on. rf 4 1 1 I U Wrlglay. tb .l I 1 (liunleavy. el. I I ! II t HinehnuH. rf 4 1 1 U Hiniaa. If-lb 4 1 I u 0 Coulter. If ... 6 1 1 0 Perry. If 0 ll I Bvan. lh 4 i m a r. rarr. lb... I t t o o Krlrl. lb 4 V Allienull. Jb. t ll 1 t Hiil'wlu, aa. S 1 I S Ii Jim. aa 4 1 I Ulna. 4 3 4 I 0 Marfan, tb... 4 1 t I 1 I Klaliarty. ... 4 1 I 4 OKahoc. .c 4 1 4 1 'J I Haltord. p i i i , j Totals It IS7 17U . Tulala 4 27 U 1 I Columbus 0 0 0 u 0 0 4 n (I 4 ! I Indianapolis f 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 00 I Bases jn balls: Off Harford. K; off Fla herty, t. Twn-bsse hit: C. Carr. Three base hit: Blue. Home run: Hlnchman. Bacriflce hits;- Wrigley. Flahertv. Double 1 play: Hafford and Carr. Stolen, baaeai: j Coulter. Flahertv. First on errors: I (Columbus. 1. Left on bases: Indianapolis. I ; Columbus, V. Struck out: By Hafford, S; by Flaher'y, 3. Time: 1:45. Umpire: I Owens. 1 Distillers Defeat Modbeas. TOLF.DO. June 25. Toledo lost because Puttman was invincible after the first in- nlng. Minahan ass wild at times. Score: ; LOriSVlLLK. TOLEDO. ' B H O A K. B H.(l4. K. I Hallmau. If . 4 Stcnall. rf ... 4 braahaar. tb. t 1 (I 0 NM. . rf i u I 0 1 I I I ( larks. If . I 1 t 1 u ! 1 'J Dsionl. aa .. 4 u I I 0 1 tl JuM. rf 4 I U C i Kruaaer. lb. . 4 t J II 1 Sulllan, Ik . 4 1 11 Wars la rf 4 1 WooarvS", h. I t 4 t Knahe. !h . . I t 1 I . a a a 4 1 0 W I'larka. lb 4 14 t VI Quintan, aa .. I 1 4 4 a Abholi. r 4 7 4 l . Puiistaa. p. . . I 1 t 1 a Minanan. p . 1 u I "Kranik 1 u SI Totala It l.-lll . , Totala II 4 17 14 Iiuisvllle 0 looIJOl 0--S . Toltdo i 4 0 0 0 4 o 0 4-2, Two-base hits: fttovsll, fthsw. Jude. Sac. j rlflce hlta. Demunt, Hallman. Struck out : j By Mlnahsn, T: by Puitman. 4. liases on balls: Off Minshan. t: off Puttman, 4 I Double play: Demunt. Knabe and W. Clarke. 8tolen basr: J. Clarke. Time: ;u0. I'mpire: Kane. J l.aaaes Poataoaed. , At 8t. Paul 8t. Paul-Milwaukee game , port pou-d. nonamval of St. Paul club. At Minneapolis Mlnnea.poUs-K snaas City ' g.'inie poatp-Hied. visttlng team delayed by 1 iral.l wreck. ' J Staadlag mt the Teams. . Played Won. Lost Pet. 1 Toledo 44 ix i 'a ' Columbus ; .:' Mllnaiike ;s ,v.7 ; Loulsvllis s) (4 .iJ 1 3i x: tJ'ends that It mill be the tault of the .... 3 ,4 . 4.4) Ameriran National Assn. latlnn of Amateur " W 2." 4)(( oarsmen If tlie Americans arc prevented .'.'.'.'as -71 4" .:1ni from rowing at Henley. I'olumlms at Indianapolis, i ' " Ksrsas City Mlnnearxdls .. J 81 Paul iiKiianapoiis .. I lames todnr IulsviUr at Toledo. Milwaukee at Kl. Paul, Kansas Cltv at Minneapolis Welsh Holds Kearner afe. ORAM) ISLAND Neb , June A.-l Sp.-,ial Telegram. eKev Welsh allowed only three hits, well scattered, and Ornnd Island, iiad an i asy thing of it. Score: It. II E Orand Island. .1 n 1 1 0 n I 3 2 Kearney 0 0 0 l 0 o 0 l i 3 2 Batteries: Kearnev. Howard. Welsbrod and Zalisk ; (ita.vl Island. Welsh and Townsend. Iowa l eaane Resnlts. ....,.., -r, ....... i i .,- o MARSIIAI.l.TOW N. I . June 2o.-lSe- dal Tel.-gram. i Following ate the results of the Iowa league: MarrhnlltoTvn, 1 4 : ottumwa. 2. OskahMisa. h; Boone, 4. Keokuk. S: 1'ort Podge, 2 (fn Innlngni. W.ileiioo. S; liurllngtoti. K. Davenport Defeat link. DAVENPORT. Neb., Juno 26. (Special. i In a very closely contested game of ball here yesterday Lavenport defeated the Oak team by a score of U to 10. Buck, Pike and I.owe constituted the ualtery fur the home teom; Dudley, Wright and Bcruggln for the visitors. Wright umpired. TAHI'II Till-: OM.V Flail TO CATCH Thomas Hrrnsan Mais It la the Only Heal Sport. Tlwittins H re n o u e ttresf iliolt of t h Bren- z, I nan-Loe company, anil Colonel FrnnK J Mustang Island, near Uockrort, Texas, in the Uuif of Mexico, where t ne Omaha men had a royal time fishing for tarpon. While on the Island Mr. Brennan was made n member of the Sliver King club. Mr. Far malee. an expert tarpon fisherman, re ported that his protege, Mr. Brennan, did some splendid work with the big fellows, even If he waa nearly pulled nut of his boat several times and threatened to cause a tidal wave on the beach. Mr. Brennan was telling tarpon stories at tlie Pax ton hotel to a group of friends. He said: "You Just get a K00-foot Irish linen line, attach an 8-Inch live mullet to the hook and tell the boatman to pull out. Pres. ently you will think you have a jroi ng bull with a bunch of firecrackers on In.' end of hla tall pulling at your line. Olve him all the line he wantn and follow him up. He will lump ten or twelve times Into the air about fifteen feet, but don't notice that. After tiring Mr. Tarpon out you pull htm Into the boat, have the hm: nian measure him and then turn him loose. We fishermen at Mustang Island do not Keep our nsn iiniefa f ru n one ui um- usual length. We throw back anything less than seven feet in lengtn. Am 1 go lug back next year? Well, didn't t tell you tarpon fishing waa the only Mrt on earth?" The longest fish recorded by the Silver King club measured seven feet, ten Inches One of the rules of the club la that the man who catchea the longeat tarpon dur ing the season 1s made president of th. club for the ensuing year. Mr. Brennan haa his cap set for the presidency of the club next year. WOMKVR TF.NM MATCH r:ns Mrs. toe and Mrs. Piatt Win the Donhlea Championship. PHILADELPHIA. June 26 The Women's National Championship l.awn Tennis tour nament on the Philadelphia Cricket club grounds was brought to a .conclusion to dav, Mia. I- S. Coo and Mrs. D. F. Piatt of the Knglewood (N. J. Field club winning the doubles and Miss Sarah Coffin of Stolen Island and E. B. Dewhurst of th" I'nlversity of Pennsylvania tlie mixed doubles championships, respectively.' Mrs. Coe and Mrs. Piatt defeated Miss Helen Hmiinn) and Miss Clover Holdt of New Y'ork In the finals, fi-4. lj-4. The winners tcok few chances and played a hack court game almost continually. In the mixed doubles two matches were played. Results: Women's doubles, final round: Mrs. L. .9. Coe and Mrs. D. F. Piatt. Englewood Field club, leat Mlsa Helen Unmans and Miss Clover Uoldt, New Y'ork, fi-4, 6-4. Mixed doubles. . seml-flital round: Miss Margaret Johnson and W. 'IV Johnson. Staten Island, beat Mrs. H. Toulmin and H. O. Townsend. Jr., Philadelphia, 6-4, d-7, 6-4. Final round! tills Sarah Coffin, Staten Island, and k'j. ,, Dewhurst, I nlversity .if Pennsylvania heat Mlsa Johnson and Mr Johnson, 6-3, 7-S.i-k , Tennis Platers at Wlmbleton. WIMBLETON; 'Eng., June 26. The lawn tennis championship, games opened here to dav and will last tlie best part of a fort night. No less than sixty-eight player tire entered for tlie men championship. 1 America la represented In this contest by I llavuioml D. lo'tle and Kreigh Collins. I lie lUllll'! roil 111 oc i iu ...... w... easily successful In the first round, beat- ! Ing A. R. Sawyer in three straight iet rue scores were n-i. i-., n-i. Collins later won an equally easy victory I I II Mltaraiin hv rum Aft 10 no! rt- Injr. The scores were 6-1. 6-1, 6-2. Deals C. Wright waa among the apecta tois. His Injured hand Is improving. Miss Sutton of Pasadena, Cal.. will de fend the title of lady championship and meanwhile, will participate In the mixed doubles. Henley Likes Americans. UENLhY. England. June 25 The real dents of this riverside town, who reap a rich harvest yearly from the regatta, are anathematising Coach Fletcher of Oxford today. They realize that their pocketa will be touched if his proposal to exclude Amer icans from future regattas Is adopted and thy do not like the prospect. Among the rank and file of the rowing men opinions vary and -there are Indications that consid erable opposition will develop against Mr. Fletcher's sweeping resolution. He con- The healthy color of the skin Is ; ctt-onnrrti tv oil narta rf tVi lwl ! 5 blood. When the germs of Malaria get t1ie:e rsrvrniKioTpc fltirl rnK I Via Ktrwl nf it ; V . "I-"". i tiering it lain, weat ana watery ana i nccucu Micngtu to icmm, uibcasc. men me symptoms oi iwaiaria sum as pale, sallow complexions, weak vitality, poor appetite, deranged digestion, a general "let down condition of the ; fevf.r. KT,rtw that this insidious disease- , o J ty - - - . . Malaria must be removed from the system through the circulation, and the medicine to accomplish this is S. S. S. It not only cleanses the blood of all impure, unhealthy matter, but rids the system of Malaria, and restores the blood to a strong, healthy condition. S. S. S., besides removine the eerms i oi luaiana. Duiias up ana gives tone bne tonic efiects. Malaria is a blood disease, and h. S. S. cures it because it is a perfect blood purifier. Boole on the blood and any medical advice , ,;. t,,. i, imuuuiiiMiji, THE SWIFT High Grade Treatment (If responsible, you may pay when curtd.l 8 ir you have a disease or weskness peculiar to the Pelvic region, your condition rails promptly for the beat ires t men t Iris medical profession affords. Of this fact you must be thoroughly convinced when you stop to consider, how maof different doctors you have consulted, and how many bottles of worthless medicines you have tsken. We have no fsult to find with tne man who employs such Inferior treatment, for thst Is his privilege, but the money t.e th'ia expends would go far toward securing for him a cure thst Is safe, rapid snd permeuent. M have long studied and thoroughly mastered Infirmi ties of tills character male pelvic diseases. Recently we have treated scores of at ubborn eaves, and not a single failure or unpleasant result has been reported to us. Other physicians may treat men. but we cure them, cure them to re main cured, and (his fact ws are prepared to prove to the entire satisfaction of any man sin cerely interested. Our fees are ss low ss they can grads treatment. By th litest ani keif methods m tun to rtrntin turoi, VARICOCELE, URETHRAL 0BSTRUCTI0H. SPECIFIC BLOOD P0IS0H. HERVO-VITAl DEBJUTV. PROSTATIC. BLADDER and KIDNEY troub'ts, ni all anoditt dittltti and weiiflcssts, wits fftg'r rcffei tompcffoni. Northwestern Medical Surgical Institute. VJ iMBIt"AFaa ALLEY'S FOOT-EASE a,.'!rC. fau A Certain Cum tor Tlrsd, Hot, Achldg Fast WXa--iHAi tToi. O NOT ACCIPT A SUBSTITUTE. I an Its H4I4T WIN 4 MI'l II K It K K core anda Two and One for the Mnnawa . ST. JOSEPH. June .-i Spei lul Tele gram. )The I'oitaWMttamic took ilie third I lace in the series fur the Mauawa i hal- j lenge cup at I n kt- C'intiiii v ilils alterimon In a llglit lirere The stiirtlng gun s (fired at 2:45 o'clock. The l'' tun at taniie. tossln the Hue tirst, stal led to pull awav from the Sylvia. Kvtnltig a Rood bv the time the llrst buoy was reached. It was a "L V '"dward to i h" next buov The wind freshened and the ftxlvia pulled up a ,lfI hll, p.,,,.., r',..i,4 firt j 8nn ,roK ,lt ts plnna. ker and Imme diately Mimed to pull awav from the Svl- via. It steadily increased lis lead during the rest of the race and finished 4:43 ahead of the Sylvia. There was another race st.irtikl at 5:6 o'clock, hut tlie wind dropped and the boats could not finish in the time limit. The Pottawattamie was four minutes and fifty seconds In the lead when the race was called off. . Wind, west: course, north: preparatory gun. 2:30 o'rlock; start gun. 2:4." o'clock. First Round. Pottawattamie. Sylvia. Flrt buov 2:W:I7 2..:"2 3:S:: 3:23:17 S :;;:) J.!i:bS 4:i2:.iS 1:11 :5 4:'."3:.-i 4:::47 Second buoy :i:i"i ii?i Third buoy.' .1:21:47 Fourth buoy S::tV:i2 Second round: First buoy .1:4;.'J4 Second buov :! : ."! : 1 Third buov 4:'::i! Fourth buov 4 2 4.1 Finish 4:2S:ot Elapsed time, 1:41:01. The crew of the Pottawattamie returned home thia evening. They will return Sat urday and the next race mill be sailed Sun day. The Pottawattamie has now won two and the Sylvia one race. Boxing; name gonday. On'atia followers of the boxing game will he treated to a twenty-round boxing con tesii next Sunday afternoon at No Man's I.nd In East Omaha, when tiny Buckles, said to be the undisputed champion of Omaha, and Kid Jensen will meet at catch weights. The crowd will pick the referea after the preliminaries. The fun will start at 3 o'clock sharp. The bouts will be given under the auspices of the Cut-Off Athletlu club. Snorting; Brel(1es. That's a race between the Giants and Pirates but Just so Chicago staja In the lend. Wicker showed he was not quile all In Ce hi.ii t.j. . ' i ' erl a it a rvi e tnr Wo Im.r frntn j Pittsburg Sunday. FV-nlon started off well for Sioux City. making three hits and coming In with one of the two runs which won the game. Sunday must have been a busy day at first for Chance. He only had one try, something you don't see in a lifetime for a first baseman. Must have been the Blues' day, sure. In Kansas City Sunday. St. Paul ,took a double-header there and In the second game each team made fifteen hits. Mordecai Brown and Pfelstcr got their bumps from St. Ixiuls Sunday, but man aged to save the game by opportune hit ting by Chance and Stcnfleld in the ninth Inning. Dutch Schaefer did something Sunday you don't often see. His team, Detroit, was beaten. 2 to 1. hy Chicago and Dutch was sent In the ninth inning to bat for Donahue with G'I.earl on base. The Dutchman didn't do a tiling but knock the ball over the fence, turning the. game Into a victory for Detroit. In accordance with an agreement made with Kourke when he signed hla contract. Johnny Bender will leave the team about July I to complete a six weeks' course at Chautauqua. N. Y., to perfect himself for a physical director. He already has a con tract to serve as physical director for an eastern college, the work to begin with foot ball in September. Rngerts, formerly with the IJncoln team, arrived in Omaha Saturday to help out with the catching department during the absence of Bender. He warmed up with the Omaha team Sun day. Bender will return. The summer tournament of the National Freight Traffic Golf association will be held on th Fox Hill's Golf club course June 27-2. The Omaha members of the association are these freight agents: J. A. McNaughton, Cudahy Packing company; Elmer II. Wood, I nlon Pacific railroad; R. C. Griffin. Chicago & Northwestern railway; W. W. Garratt. Inlon Pacific railroad; G. F. Miller, Chicago & North western railway; Eugene Duvall. Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul railway; C. E Spens, Chicago, Burlington & yulncy rail way. A Diarrhoea Remedy that Ton All Kaon. There are few people In the I'nited States who have not used or at least heard of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Sometimes it Is kept in the house for a long time without being needed, when suddenly some member of the house is stricken with diarrhoea In Its worst form. The bottle is found to be in tact and a dose or two cures the sufferer. This medicine keeps its strength for yearn. Much suffering and many doctors' bills are saved by keeping it always at hand. Excursions. On July 6 and 27, to Chautauqua Lake, N. Y., and return at 214, good 30 days; and dally June 1 until September 20, at 320, via ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago; stop overs also permitted on all tickets, to New York, Boston, Niagara Falls, etc. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. Dnlan, T. P. A., Ek Railway Exchange, Chicago, 111. RIDS THE SYSTEM OF MALARIA given to it by the millions of little rei in ntV.r 1 a 1, ,.,,, lif 0 into this vital fluid they destroy rich lifk.eiictaininor siua1itia rott- "-IS 1 unauie xo supply me svsieni wun me S3'stem, and perhaps chills and slight ia ararliiallv affecti no" the ntire rtealth ana vitror 10 me entire system dv its SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. h conltot Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam Sts., OMAHA. NEB. ackajra a. Aileo a. (ilonatad. I D1T j Ith high I I I oa sry kog. doctors for nuasrv ' V--s f -in r - j The Reliable CAUSES OF SUCCESS OF FAILURE The difference between success and failure in business life is due In nine out of every ten rases to lack of physical manhood. Your growth your strength, your ability, your Intellectual or business rapacity, your skill ss a workman In the usual business pursuits of life, your popularity i'h other human beings, of either sex. Is all shaken and your future career hltghtnd if your standard of manhood Is depleted. Ton can't be half a man physically and 4 whole man otherwise. A ohatn Is no stronger than Its weakest link Cpon possessing the essential elements of manhood depends chiefly the happiness of marital life, success in the commercial world aivd the perpetuity of our race. Intellectual power and vigorous manhood csnnnt be measured in dollars and rents. It Is a power and 4 privilege that should endure wib man as long as life Itself, and whenever It Is Impaired or suspended through lg noranoa. excesses. Indiscretions or dissipations, nature will asssn herself sn.l the other aodlly and mental functions weaken. If you have violated natures law you must pay the penalty, unless you ar again restored to what natured Intended you s strong, robust, healthy traw physically, mentally and sexaully. By health Is Implied thst beautiful and harmonious blending of the mental, physical and sexual forces, which con tribute so much to our happiness and success In every wslk of life, snd the absence of which materially accounts for our failures. It is uselewn to worry about the past cause after the dleewa or weakness becomes once e'stshllshed. The fact that the trouble now exists makes It necessary that there should bo no apathy, no delay, no deferring matters until later on. Ws cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Sypbllif), Rectal. Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all dlsessns and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, or the re sult of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. iWnS'. to ' STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. n onirsxtad ' 'ji-iilAati iii'itnMi f a-j fr r ! DB. . AHI tcS A SEaVIU.1 leVtki as Colorado possensea gom of the finest flfthing " and hunting grounds on earth. Its myriads I i of streams and lakes teem with mountain trout and are the haunt of millions of geese, V ducks and other wild fowl. . L I W ' (tin tn Iienver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and v.j II ylw'WW return, July 10 to 16, inclusive. j lift Denver. Colorado Springs. Pueblo and 11 ' IS. a w w return, every dsy to Sept. th. II (( UNION PACIFIC V The Ponnlar Route to Colorado. I J ' Inquire at J f CITV TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FAUXAM ST. WE. CURE SOJ'' EIQEN FCR U '.laaaaSZaUSli'ib' Home56ekeP5, Excursion MUsouri. frkana. Indian Teppltoru. LouUlana, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Texas. Republic of Mexlfco. TUESDAYS 1906, vla MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HIT.HF.S. T. P. A., T. F. CrODFREY. P. T. A.. OMAHA, NEB. II. C. TOWNSKXD, General Pgs.iiger and Ttdurt Ageut. ST. LOUIS, M0. EVEItV PIFF A DKI.1GHT WHEN IT'S A QUALITY' THE BEST. I-'. K. lUce Mctxantilo Cigar Co., - . v., r.- . . ;.y;,.''" $ VHCfcT I : A''.' L-.iL Z. ; Specialists By Oir 0M Reliable DS. SE4KLES A SEARUS Established In Omaha for It years. The many thoo.. ssnds of esses cured by us make us the most experi enced Specialists in the west, in all diseases ana ail ments of men. Wa know just what will cure you and our quickly. WE CURE VOC'. TIEN YOU PAY US OUR FEE Ws make no misleading ar false statements or offer you cheap, worthless treatment. Our reputation and Dsrae are too favorably known every case we treat, our reputation is at stake. Your health, life and hap piness Is too serious a matter to place In the hands of a "aTaKXLEI U SOCTOm." Honest doctors of ability us their OW1T MAMS UT TWB BTJ8IME81. Wo caa affect for everyone a life-long CUKs for Weak, N-rVous Men. Varicocele troubles, Nervous Debility, Blood Poison, prostatic trouDies, Kianey, uiaaoer, WASTZVO SMBAJiBS, Hydrocelev Chronic Disss ssa. Ulseasea, MtomacQ ana Bum msasse. Examination and Consultation, write rat? Symptom Blank for Home Treatment Dssglsa Streets, 'las a a a, Iskrsska, . Special July Rd and 17th. August 7th and 21st. September 4th anil IHfh, October 2d and Irllh, ftovfiutxT 0th and 2CMh. ALMAV L.MHJU.M Manufacturers, bt. Louis, M. j k1 n 1 L!