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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
L TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUKE 26, 1906. 9 a A )vf AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA iwedH Enjoy TbcmMlrei in OeUbrttiei of Mid-timmtr Day. MATT MOLLNLR SHOT THROUGH THE LUNG Pwiiet waa nr4 r fii Party, wk RHdently waa ehotlaaT a Rl at Tar. The BMm of Couth Omaha enjoyed ihemsehrea Sunday. Teaterday u th iv H apart and known In Sweden at -1 -Summer's day. Thla day la honored ,1 aa Thanksgiving, except that tha monies ara of a nature mora in keep. Jj with lumiwr tint. Tha celebration irraay wm unuer me airecuon i tne Independent Order of Vikings. on of the trongest order of thla nationality In South Omaha. About 1.000 people visited the picnic grounds In Syndicate park. Many of them were from Omaha Appropriate en tertainment waa provided There via a band, all of the Swedish nationality. BeY eral athletic conteeta were engaged In. Tha day waa an Ideal one with the ezception nf a few drops of rain late In the afternoon A dancing floor waa provided Juat eaat of the little lake In the park. Hera the young people made merry, dancing all the popular dances and a few that were exclusively Swedish. There were many family plcnlct through the grounds, where the people en Joyed themselves In the liveliest fashion. Captain Turnqulst of the South Omaha po lice force was one of the prominent ones who took a hand In entertaining the crowd. It waa Intended to have a dance for' tha younger people during the evening, but this was dampened by the rain which began early In the evening, Grassbaaah Re parts Haifa. Andrew Qrambaugh, a man who lives nesr Twenty-sixth and O streets, over the Splrl bakery, reported to the police last Saturday night that he was held up be tween Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets shortly after U o'clock. He ststed that th ti un Vf tha i the that the men took a watch from him. He unable to give an accurate description men who held him up, and a search vicinity by the police did not bring any results. Qrambaugh had some money at the time, .but the holdup men did not take it. He states he had the money hid den. No trace was discovered yeeterdsy, attd none la HkMy for there Is no accurate description to work on Ballet Plereee a Ut. Matt Mollner, living at Twenty-fifth and Folk streets, waa accidentally shot yester day by an unidentified party. The bullet pierred his lung Just sbove Ms heart on the left side The man suspected la supposed to be a peculiar character of the neighbor hood, who delights in target practice. It is thought to be one of the stray bullets from his rifle which Inflicted the dangerous wound. Mollner was attracted by the sound of something striking the pickets of his fence. He went out to see what It was and discovered a 22-callber bullet which had pierceo me pirgei He stooped to pick up :auen slug, and as he straightened up second bullet struck him, Inflicting the dangerous Woundi Dr. De LAtiney waa celled and dressed the wound, making the discovery that the left lung was punctured In such a manner that there was no possi bility of probing for the bullet The wound was bound up. If no complications set in It Is thought the man will recover. Made City (Soasla. Mrs. John Keller of Fremont is visiting with Mrs. 8. C. Bhrlgley. . Mrs-(ioorge DotvHa.visltln Moniti a, .A relatives at Coon'' Rapids. la. Miss Harriet Duke of Sioux City la the guest of Miss Frances Tsnner. .letters Oold Ton Beer delivered to all parts of the city. Telephone No. I. Mrs. Mason Zerbe and children have Itinie on a month's visit to David City. Kied Clerk of Waterloo Is visiting over Sunday with, his mother. Mrs. Elton Clark. J. V. Jordan Is rejoicing In the visit of his brother. Jke Jordan, from their eastern home In Ohio.- .. MlfS Anna I.ane will attend the Chau tauqua assembly at Beatrice this week. She l ft the city Friday. ' Re and Marlah Dawson, dnughlers of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dawson, have gone to visit relatives in Falrbury. , Frits F. Rand wall left the city yesterdav n a visit to penver. He will return In me course or a wees or two. Mr. and Mrs. Morrla Htrater of Lushton. are tne guests or Mrs. Qeorge Me to whom Mrs. Strater la a sister. The Baptist young people are to give an ice cream social Tuesday evening in High land perk. Everyone is cordially Invited. All of the concrete work on the Twenty fourth street paving has been completed. The brick work is about three days be Mrs. f). 8, Parkhurst has recently re turned from M anlan, N. ., where she hss ncen visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M Pollard. The women of Iaiurel hive of the Macee bees were entertained delightfully at Fif teenth and Vinton streets by Mrs. Starr and Brock Mullen. Mrs. J. D. Moore and son sailed yester day from New Tork on the F'irnessia, bound for Glasgow, Scotland. They left Omaha last Wednesday. Tuesday . and Wednesday of this week there will be functions of Interest to the societies nf the churches, conducted at the I nlted Presbyterian ehurcn. Miss LJIllan O'Connor will be married to Dennis McNeal hefore the week cieee he ceremony will le In St. Mary a church he couple will live In Lincoln. All - membere of. Carnation council, Knights and i,anies or necunty, are re quested to meet at the hall Tuesday even ing. Matters of great Importance to the fraternity will be diacuased. JESSE LOWE WILL DECLINE Rack is Statristeat at rsasellmas Wtt Waste Peaee with 1 -- ke Hsisr. "We have heard nothing further from Jesse Uwt as to whether he will or Will i.ot accept the position of city engineer," raid a democratic councilman Monday. "We will pot receive any word from him. X!n my opinion, until tha thirty day a In pthlrh he haa for acrjtntanca are almoat i i 7 hlch he has for accept "veiet'Xplrel. Then he will d I "Andrew Rosewater's n In again by the mayor ar decline. name will be aen: nd sooner or later he will be confirmed and retained In the position. It is entirely safe to say that Rosewater will remain city engineer. A a matter of fact the hostile feeling is not so much against him aa against Mayo Pahlman. r 4 " "I think if hi a honor could be Induced JL to coma down off bis high horse and hold V Kf a friendly conference with the council tne whole difficulty would be cleared away and ha would find a majority willing to approve hla choice for city engineer. "Personally, I do not find much to crit icise in tha mayor's wish to retain the present rlty engineer. I think he Is sin cere In his statement that he fears to make a change Jest It be for the worse, and I have aa Idea that the council might be made to see It la the same way If tha mayor changes hla tactics. "It baa been demonstrated to the mayor that there la a majority la tha council composed, of men who have lust aa much The Qre&t Uric Acid Solvent Ask your dealer to drop a line to ; Natural Litfci Spring Water SII0G0 LI Till A SPRING CO, A Delightful Table Water Milf ord, Neb. TOOTH TALK NO. 41. If your teeth are sensitive and hurt you when thev are filled, you probably dielike to go to your dentist, and delay the visit aa long aa possible, until vanity or pain compel you to aek dental aervlce. Now, I fill and crown aensitlva teeth painlessly. That la, 1 have remedies by the aid of which f" can remove that Intensely sharp pain familiar to so many who have had teeth filled by th old fashioned methods. Of course. If your teeth are not sensitive, and It does not hurt to haTa them filled, painlessness In dentistry la of little Interest to yo j, but I can offer you cleanly, superior work. Crown and bridge work a specialty. DR. F1CKES, Dentist. 838 Bre Bld 'Phone Douglas 637 nerve and backbone aa ha claims to pos sess. "As to the controversy over the offices of city prosecutor and gas Inspector, I da not know how that Is to be settled. The matter of the city engineer, however. Is the toughest nut to be cracked and pre sents the problem to be solved first." EAGLES AT THE MAGIC CITY Order Holda State Convention, Begin- las; wltk Big Banquet Tonight. Colonel J. J. Ryder went to South Omaha Monday to assist In the preparation for the holding of the first state convention of the Ragles. The first assembly call was at I p. m. Monday afternoon end when the dele gates began to arrive they saw a city dressed in gala attire to welcome them. A banquet will be served in the dining room of the South Omaha Ilve Stock exchange this evening st 7:30 and the room has been Isvlshly decorated and remodeled for the occasion. H. B. Fleharty will be toast- master and other entertainers are: J. J, Ryder, Mayor .Hoctor, H. 1. Iiavia. Misa Louise Jansen, A. J. Lepenskl, William Cole. J. A. Tuthlll. P. J. Barrett. Rev. F. M. Slsson, T. IX Metcalf, George West, L J. F. Jaeger. C. A. Tracy, Carl Relter. A. I,. Sutton, Myrtle Shumway and 'Doc Tanner. EVENING AT FAIR MINNE-LUSA At Fresco Mnslcale Planned for Tues day Rvenlaar at the Pamp laat Station. Mlnne-Lusa. the beautiful pumping sta tion at Florence, is to be the scene on Tuesday evening of an outdoor musicals at which some of the best of Omaha's voices will be heard. Mr. and Mrs. A. B Hunt are sponsors for the affair and the proceeds will be given to the Creche, Old People s home and the Young Women's Christian aaaoclntlon. Those who will take part in The program are: Mr. Stanislaus Bchersl, violin; Miss Damm, Mexso so prano; Miss Allen, soprano; Mr. Stewart Alex, tenor; Mr. Harry Batss, basso; Miss Paulson, pianist and accompanist. Disngared. If disfigured by pimples, ulcers, sores, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve will heal you up without a ecar. 25 cents. Guaranteed. For ssle by Sherman at MeConnell Drug Co. Love Rates to Okobejt and Spirit Uke Via Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Pa a I Railway. Round Trip from Omaha. W.V on sale Friday or Saturday, good returning Monday. ts.00, on ssle daily, return limit 30 daye. "J9.S5, on sale dally, return limit Oct. list. An Ideal 'spot to spend a summer vaca tion. Write for Okoholt folder. F. A. NASH, Gen'l Western Agent. 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Hints for Planning Year Vacation. A little) note will bring to you our book let on Summer Vacations where to go. how to get there end whst It will cost. It con tains ovfr eighty different tours, combin ing rail and water routes. No vacation plans should be completed without consult ing this guide. For a copy address C. C. Merrill. Traveling Psssenger Agent, lnth and Walnut Sts., Kansas city. Mo. W. J. Lynch. Psss. TrsfTlc Manager, Chicago. Marrlaare Licenses. The, following marriage licenses have been Issued : Name and Residence. As-e jnsepn J. Bioup. Omaha 26 Anna Kotera, oinahs 2 Isaac Ertckson. Omaha 29 Mary iArsen. Omaha Alex Greenberg. Omaha ". 2 Kva Cotler. Omaha , PIAMONpS Edholm, Wth and Harney. Railway Note and Personals. E. I- Lomsx, general passenger scent of the Union Psclftc, hss returned from Chicago, where he has been sttendlng va rlous meetings for some time. The tteel rails are now being distributed along the Wyoming division of the 1'nlon long Paeln o for the new double track which that road is isylng rrom ' umsha to ogden. Several large ganga will be put to track laying ana tne worn punned as fsst as possible. C. Li. Mills, formerly city psssenger agent Illinois Central In Omaha and now travel ing pnasetiaer agent for thst company out of New York City down along the Atlantic seacnast, one of the most Important terri tories. Is in the rlty for a few days. Mr. Mills' genial disposition drew to him hosts of friends during tlie period he spent in Omaha snd thst same valuable asset hss made him one of the most populsr men along the esstern coast the Illinois Central has ever had there. He likea the eaat, ao the afiectlon la mutual. The Southern Pacitlc is contemplating considers hie Improvements st Hasen, con sisting of a new round house with water system snd fifteen miles of switch tracks, and the Import of these improvements has been discovered. The Southern Pacific will build a road from Keeler, the terminus of the Toncpah extension to their line, to Mojave, thus completing the line from Hasen to ls Angeles. By going south from tlssen the Southern Pacific will save all the distance between that town and I.os Angles they now go west from Hasen. The Chicago Great Western has sprung two Interesting pamphlets on the public at the same time. One is labeled "Oulde to Guide Books, Kast. North and West," and the other ia on the national eocamo ment of the Grand Army of the Republic st Minneapolis August 12 to 18, inclusive; The guide book contains some veiy valua ble Information to anyone going aay for the summer, showing Just which guides to send for in any part of the country. The Urand Armv of the .Republic pamphlet shows the beauties of Minnesota and de scribes th various short side trips which may be taken from Minneapolis. The southwestern part of Nebraska and the northern section of Ksnsas had another generous sosklng Sunday night. Railroad reports show rain all over western Ne braska, with V Inch at Republican In Harlan county, 1 inch at Norton. Kan.i W Inch at Gherlln. Kan.; V Inch at Oxford. Furnas county; S Inch at Orleans. 4 inch at Wllsonvtlle, 14 Inches st McDonsld. Kan. and Inch at Arapahoe. At Mo Cook .11 inch fell and Inch at Benkle msn; In fact, good raina were reported all over the southwestern part of the atate. These rslns come Just ss needed snd In sure the crop for thst section. The rains of last week helped and these will Insure the crop. ' MEN IS THE CRY OF RAILROADS Labor in Grtater Demand in West Than Can E Bnppliod. IMPROVEMENTS HELD BACK BY A LACK nalldlaai at Tracks Caald Irceed Rapidly If Bafncleat Crews Coals Be Oktalaed Da the Work. Men. men, men, I the call of tha west at present In all classes of work, especially for railroad work, along the many new lines which are being built,. An employ ment agency In the west Is said to be mak. ing special efforts to secure the 4.000 men employed on the Gould line to go with the Southern Pacific. With advent of the har vest, which promises to be th largest In tha history of the west, the labor problem for th railroads now building promises to be a serious one. Unless something un foreseen happens to relieve th situation there promises to be a considerable ad vance In wagee. Not only does the lack of men delay the work at hand, but also keeps the con tractors from bidding on new work. In stead of contractors with large grading outfits going around looking for work the situation la reversed and the railroads have to look up the contractors and beg them to bid oo any new work. This fact is keeping back considerable new building In this state and Wyoming which would bo under taken thi summer wera it not for the scarcity of labor. The call Is out for laborers In the harvest fields, and this work suits many better than the work on the railroads, as the farm housea are often better homes than the grading camps. Many are now going to the Kansas fields, as the railroads hsve put In a rate of a cent a mile for parties of five or more. This same rate went Into effect for Nebraska points June 25, and many harvest hands will soon be needed tor the bounteous Nebraska crops. New Stations to B Opened The stations of Walthlll and Winnebago on the new Ashland-Sioux City cutoff will be opened for business June 27. The whole road will soorr be In position to handle all kinds of freight and will then hustle to get ready for passengers. This brings to mind the fact that all talk of a road from this ciloff to Omaha has been dropped since Freight Traffic Manager Crosby of the Burlington handed out his "Jolly" at the Commercial club rooms about a year ago With the completion of this road the freight of the Hill lines from the north will evade Omaha entirely. It will be trans ferred at Ashland for the south and east. that for the east being sent over the river to Pacific Junction by the cutoff through Louisville. The freight for the south will be diverted to Lincoln and then south to Ksnsss City. Elevators have been built at the new towns along the cutoff, and this grain Will also have a tendency to stsy away, from Omaha. With the fight now being waged In the matter of elevator charges the mem bers of the Grain exchange are to reopen the question as to whether this grain Is to be permitted to go by Omaha when the gateway of the west Is the natural market for It. By avoiding Omaha the Burlington will have an edge on other roads to get the grain either to the south or eaat for itseit witnout anptner roaa having a chance to bid. The Burlington has decided not to place an exclusive Burlington agent at Sioux City, but the work will be done by the Great Northern agent at that point. Big Sunday Kxcarslona. Although generally opposed to the Sun day excurslun business, the I'nlon Pacitlc went into It for keeps Sunday and did a big business all over the line. The crowd to Omaha of 1,500. which was picked up between Grand Island and Omaha, was an orderly bunch and was returned home without mishap or accident of any kind The fact the lid Is on In Omaha gives en couragement to railroad officials to run these Sunday excursions, and the people spent the day at the various parks and at the ball game. In addition to the Omaha bunch the 1'nlon Pacific hauled 1.00U Into Beatrice from the north and TOO from the south to the Chautauqua celebration. From Saltna to Concordia BOO were hauled for a Knights of Columbus celebration, and J60 returned from Denver to western Kansas. I ANTI'S MAKE ONE MORE TRY Hltcheork-Croanse-Kentanelle Crowd; Whining Aroaad at the Eleventh Hoar. In the frantic effort to repair the pre dicament In which they have found them selves after muddling the primary ballot through the courts the .Fontsnelle braves are now trying to pick out a slste of eighty-three names from the 140 anti-Rose-water filings to be known ns the "Crounse" or "Fontanelle" delegation to the atate con vention, either designation to be used as circumstances msy seem to warrant. To this end Duncan M. Vlnsolhsler. who by some mysterious authority has been dubbed "manager" of father-in-law's csm paign, has called a meeting of the 140, more or less. Independent delegates at the Indian camp tonight. Invitations were by postal card and It cannot be ascertained what names were overlooked and what remem bered. It Is given out that the prime func tion of the powwow will be to pick nut elghty-tnree candidates for the delegation. One of the most prominent of the Indians admitted frankly Monday morning that the Rnsewster delegation was sure to be elected. "We hope to get a few delegates on, that Is about all I can see ahead," he remarked. "Our campaign haa been blundered ao badly that nothing else but defeat ran be ex peeled." HEW HOME lit THB WEIT. Issikssi Reservation to B Opened to Settlement. CHICAGO 4 NORTHWESTERN Rt Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rate from All Potnta July U to Ja. than one far for th round trip to Sboshonl, Wyo., tho reaervatlon border Th only all-rail rout to th reeervaiioa border. , Dates of registration July I to a at Bhoshoni and Lander. Reacneg only by this line. Write for pamphlets telling how to take Up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free en request at City Office, Uvl-S Farnam St, or address 8. F. Miller, A. O. F. at T. A., i:01 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Lake, la.. Via Chicago Great Western Railway. For parties of 1 or mors on far and ns-thlrd for th round trip, good for II days. Tickets on sale dally until Septem ber Ml For further Information apply to H- H. Churchill, a. A.. UU Farnam Si ew York Philadelphia cannot b more pleasantly or conveniently reached than by tn urand Trunk-Lehlgo Valley Double Track Rout via Niagara Falls. . Solid through trains. magnlOaeut scenery. WATCUk ersnaer. UUt M Pedga eta SOIL AND CROPS IN WYOMING Conditions Along the Rarllagtoa Giro Eseesrsreisest to Far a, era aad Others. The Burlington soil and crop report for the Wyoming district for the week ending June 3 shows that on the Alliance division wheat Is doing well under the circum stances, but Is showing the need of rsln. A good rain was reported last Saturday, hlch should have remedied that defect. The dry surface sod high winds were hard on oats, but the present rain should bring them out. Corn made slow progress owing to the cold weather, but the rain should set It right. Potatoes are In good condi tion and doing well. The first cutting of alfalfa yielded a good crop, but grass and ranges need rain. IJttle rain fell on this division until Saturday. ' ' On th Sheridan division wheat la grow ing faat, the stand ia even and the pros pects are for a good crop. Oats also ara growing fast and unless 1t should turn dry there should be a good crop. The po tato crop la In fin condition and the mead ows and pastures are still In good condi tion, with an abundance of feed for all kinds of stock. About an Inch of rain fell during the last week and the soli la In ex cellent condition. Reports from sgricul tural districts show all kinds of vegetation In good condition. Stock fattening fast. 8heep shearing not yet completed on ac count of delay getting shearing crews. Wool clip Is fine and larger than previous years. On the Sterling division fron Holdrege to Curtis wheat la filling better than was expected and the beat crop will be on pieces where the ground waa put In good condition last fall. From Curtis to Ster ling, except at Curtis and Maywood, the prospects are good, as the cool weather has kept the ground In fairly good condition. In the vicinity of Sidney wheat is In good condition and promises good yield. Oats will be light unless we havo plenty of rain in the near future. East of Curtis they are perhaps too fsr gone now to make anything, but there will be a fair crop on the reet of the division If the weather con ditions are favorable. Corn Is backward on account of the cool weather. The stand, however. Is good, and if we get plenty of rain within the next ten days or two weeks It will be safe and will probably yield as good a crop aa last year. Potatoes are in very good condition and the yield will be about an average. Beets now being cultivated and thinned. Pros pects are good. Weather quite favorable, except little short of. rala and they were set back by high winds. Pasture Is quite short for this time, of the year, but la thick on the ground. Some cattle and hogs are being disposed of on account of the present outlook for grain and hay. In the vicinity of Sidney, where more rain has fallen, feed la in excellent condition. Ther has been but very little rain on the Holdrege-Cheyenne line during the last week. In the vicinity of Sidney enough rain has fallen to keep crops up In good shape. A little forethought may save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes It a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic . Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. riahlag and Cassplng Rates to Madl son Lake, Watervllle aad Elyslaa, Mian., Via Cnleago Creat Western. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trlfj. good for ten days. Tickets on 'sale dally until Sep tember 10. For further 'IHIOrmatlon apply to H. H. Churchill, G. A.',' lfili farnam 8L ' DIVISION OF THE -FURNITURE Kansas City aad "t. I.oala Inspectors Come to Whark I on Llewellyn's Goods. Chief Postofftce Inspectors 1 Fullerton of St. !xule and Hsrrlson of Ksnsas City sre In Omaha for the purpose of looking after a division of the furniture of the head quarters of the Omaha division, rural free delivery, soon to be abandoned. Part of the furniture will be shipped to St. Ixiuls and the remainder to Kansss City, for use in those headquarters. The equipment consists of desks, cabinets, typewriters and office equipment generally. The fixtures will be packed for shipment by the letter part of the present week. The formal abandonment of the headquarters will take place Saturday, when a part of the Inspec tors and special agents formerly operating from this division headquartera will be assigned to duty with the Ksnsas City division, though still operating in this state. Kansas, Iowa and Oklahoma, as usual. Superintendent C. E. I,lewellyn III remain In Omaha for the present. The clerical force will be transferred to other headquarters, but their definite assign ments have not yet been made. The 44 Discovery of the Soda Cracker n T'JN e-W BLUE SERGE SUITS FOR MEN TEN $10.00 TEN We have just received from our wholesale tailors a new shipment of the famous "Washington Mills" pure All Wool Blue Serge Suits. They are without a single tlouht the greatest value that ever went into a irnn's suit. Kspeeially at the popular prices we have marked on these suits. We have th'iu in single and double-breasted styleSj and to lit tall, short, stout or slim built men. I A Panama Hat l.r.w Summer Shirts Summer Underwear it Our 5 1 .00 Line For Mcn' Ncw Line ,! 53.90 Has na Equal 45C FARNAM AT FIFTEENTH ST. CAS COMPANY APPRAISEMENT Four Million Dollars Brian Attorney Befon Board with a Protott. SAYS TWO AND HALF MILLION IS FAIR Comealssloaer Ire Asks far Heoelpts and Expeasea, bat Company's Agent Says He tsaatt Famish Them. George E. Prilchelt. representing the Omaha Gas company, appeared before the county Board , ot Equalization Monday morning to protest against the proposed raise in the valuation of that corpora tion's personal property from W.126.tst to $4,090,000. After listening to the argument the board look the matter under advist- ment. Mr. Pritchett said his company was a. praised at SJ,600.0uO In 102, after a hearing In the supreme court, and that the plant Is not worth as much now as It was tnen. The franchise, he said, being limited, de creases In value as the time of lta termina tion approaches. The company, he de clared, pays a tsx of f cents per I,0u0 feet, which he considered all it ought to pay on the franchise. He said there was a large amount of common stock Out which was practically worthless except for voting purposes. The II, 1X0,000 In preferred stock, he said, had not paid dividends for two or three years. There are tl,$a,0C0 bonds outstanding worth about par. Valuing th preferred stock at 50 cents, he said the combined value of the stocks and bonds would show the plant to be worth not over I2.5o0.0o0. Mr. I're asked him for a statement of the receipts and expanses of the company, but Mr. Pritchett said he could not furnish that data. Mr. I re then read from a letter signed by John Dolan, president of the Con solidated Gas Improvement association, said to own an Interest In the Omaha com pany, saying that the earninga for foui years prior to 1901 were about 1168,000 an nually and for 1901 were 1183,660, with an average annual increase of about 12 per cent. Appraisement of Frank Murphy. The appraisement of the Frank Murphy estate was produced showing that the com mon stock was appraised at 25 cents and the preferred at between SS and i cents on the dollar. Mr. Reed Sold all the other corporation had furnished detailed statements of earn inga to the hoard and he asked Mr. Pritch ett to do the same. Mr. Pritchett said he wss unable to give the desired Information, hut some of the other officials of the com pany might do so. He argued against tak ing the earning capacity of the plant as a lis sis for taxation, declaring that would be a tax on Industry and business ability. F. A. Brogan of-the Western I'nlon Tele graph company waa before the board, but he made no protest against the return of (KiO.oon for his company, so the valuation stood at that figure. P. K. Collier & Sons objected to a raise from 14.100 to $12,000. but the bosrd voted to leave the approvement at the latter fig ure. The hoard included In the assessment that part of the capital of the company used In its business In Omaha. C. S. Mont gomery, who represented the company, con tended it should be assessed only upon its tangible property. Wardlaw Lsssary Qiirtrii, The newly organised Wardlaw laundry company ha leased the building at Fif teenth snd Jackson streets formerly occn- II For years the humble soda cracker remained obscure and unappreciated. No one seemed to realize its food value no one seemed to know that it was one of the most nutritious rations obtainable. Then one day the soda cracker was "discovered." The NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY saw its value if properly pre sented to the public. . They set about to bring its quality to the highest possible stand ardthe result being Uneeda Biscuit, which are to-day recognized as one of the staple foods of the American people. Nearly 400,000,000 packages of them have been sold, and the -food value of the soda cracker is a settled fact. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY qc" - i ,,, ,i . ,,i i, -v-njT pied by the 8underlsnd Roofing and Supply company and has bovight the engine and hollers ueo oy thst concern. 1 ne launaty will be in operation as soon as machinery- can be put In place, which will be In about two or three weeks. WATER COMPANY IS WAITING President Woodoary Seeks to Hasten Report of the A ap praisers. During his vlMt to Omaha last week President Woodbury of the Omaha Water company took steps to hasten, as far as he could, the report of the appralseis on tne water plint. In order to dibue the public mind of tiie ImpresMon that the water company Is delaying the report. Gen eral Manager Fairfield gives out the fol lowing corespondeuce: OMAHA, June 19, l!i. M. T. Bsilow. Esq., Acting Chairman Water Board. Omaha: Dear Sir I learn from the news papers and the rltisetis of Omaha that there Is a great deal of dissatisfaction he cause the appiaisemeiit of the water tluui ha not been completed. 1 also understand that It is alleged Mat the water company is trying to delay thr aonralsenient. You. of course, know this is not true, that the Water board obtained an injunction which delayed the appraise ment aeeral months, and as soon as ps- s bie the water company got this resirsint remc ved. After the aDpreisement wa al lowed to go on I wrotu to the chairmsn of the appraisers, urging upon him an early completion of the appraisement; this wu In the year 1W6. Two or three months ego I wrote ssaln. union that the anDiaise ment be completed, statins: to him that I understood it to be the desire of the citi zens of Omsha, as it wss of the water company, that the appraisement te com pleted aa soon ss possible. This matter ha been dragring on for three yeara, and cer tainly there should be no more delay. 1 would suggest, therefore, that we send the enclosed letter to the board of appraisers, signed in behalf of the Water board by yourself and In behalf of the water com pany by myself, asking for a speedy dc terminstlon of the sppralsement, and. If possible, to have It concluded prior to July 1. 1 am obliged to leave for the eaat to night, but have authorised Mr. Fairfield to sign my name with yours to the enclosed letter, and would request that you kindly answer tills promptly, directing your an swer to the office of the water company ere. Vours very truly, IIEODORE C. WOODBl'RY. President. The letter Mr. Woodbury refers to reads is follows: OMAHA, June 19, 19u Dsniel W. Mead, Esq., Chairman of the Appraisement Board or the Omaha Water Plant, Chicago: Dear Sir We bg to call your attention to the fact that thr delay In the appraisement of the Omaha water plant Is detrimental 10 the interests of the city of Omaha snd me Omaha Water company and very ex pensive to both parties, snd we would ask in behalf of the city of Omaha and tha water company that thia matter be speedily concluded. It would be very sgreeable to both of us If it could be completed before July 1. Of course, we recognise that all the appraisers sre busy men and have other calls on their time, but this has now been going on for three years and It would aeom as if we ought to have had an appraisal prior to- this. We beg to remain, very truly yours. WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF OMAHA. THE OMAHA WATER COMPANY. Business propositions advertised In Th Be go Into the homes of the best people. LOCAL BREVITIES. Bids on the heating and plumbing of the new Young Men's Christian association building are to be returned next Saturday and probably will b opened on that day. The building la progressing rapidly now, as the laying of the stone over the en trance, w hich was slow work, is finished. James P. Maher. who wss found guilty of plain assault some time ego under sn in- formation charging him with holding u'p a saloon, wants to get nut of Jail, now that the ninety days for which he was sentenced I up. He wss committed to Jail until th III costs In the suit were psld. He haa filed an affidavit alleging he nas no means to pay the costs and auks the court to let him go. N LUXaXUmOBV FARNAM AT FIFTEEN TH ST CONCESSION MEN, Attention! sAYso ICE CREAM CXJXK8. Faoked 100 la air tight tin oaas sealed. Xspresa rates lew. Order now for th Poarth. Only factory wsst of St. Zionia. Sanders & Jams, Concordia, Kan. XEBBEBBEF9 THB PLAO." GPECIALS CANADIAN POINTS SOLD DAILY LONCi LIMIT ASK WABASH CITY OFFICE, leoi Farnam St. or addroas HA RUT E. MOORES, O. A, F. D., Waboah H. R.. Omaha, Nebraska IN fetora Boer weguar anteo you purity. It la brewed In shining copper kettles, aged In hermetically aealed tanks, filtered through white wood pulp, put in sterilized bottlea without coming In contact with the air, then pasteur ized by the approved process. It ia absolute ly free from the germs or Impurities that lurk in water, milk, tea, cof fee, or other beverage that's why the moat prominent physicians recommend It. it a promotes good health and true temperance. Keep a case ot it In your home. blors Hrewtnc Co., Omaha. . Bi Diseases of iYlen Cured for $5.00 Pay what you can and begin treatment now. egln treatment now. Dri McGrew Is and always hss been the pioneer of low charges f"r treatment and fair den ling with men. Over Thirty Thous and Cured Cases of all forms of fls eacre and Disorders of Men guarantee this fact. Thirty years experience. Over W years prac tice right here in the West. Omaha and throughou A Guaranteed Cure practically assured for only 5 00. Consul tation and advice nu.t. Treatment by mull tall or write. Hog T68. Offices 15 South Fourteenth street, Omaha, Neb. Ev3ry Voraai? . ItlBMTMiad ami hou.1 ...... .,. si."iiii, w.urterrul MARYd V. Sorav VJV;Si','V'il! , The new Mll tie. (ton mnti .surfi,. I .mi Aaj eel-Mest C'oi .Tenlei t. MtHiu -..of s f l, n n i.ul .uptl7 the MiHUI., feel no other. I'tit eirt .isms for I lit.irai1 t.k-fc.W ft g full nicul.r. and ''iren.i., a.. a st., Bw luKkT ur ball u 8I1EXMAN Jt McCOSNtLL UKL'O cu. ICth and l.Ue eta. MYEH8-IU1.1.1N IiKL'J CO.. E. Cur. 1"'. h snd t arnani at. DF.PCTY STATE VETEKI N'ARI AN". H. L RAMACCIOTTI. . D. V.S. CITY VKr.mHltV Office and Infirmary, a-th and Mason Bis. S72Xt-1 MITi MID WOMI fJiEt I c m i sss.t klktblAI Staeasil.lsasaia.i twMiM4 J rntti ( :usi fetf swwwwwn. vl (! u.aikri M fsiules., lit uSt ul swottM. -I BM44 by Drsi(l i at Met Is eals rsi 1 a, '' r J l f ' I kotiiM si 7 as ejtjTwUt sst aa IB ,-asBsvjasvassssaBSBBsaBBsssssBwsBBBBBBwsaasaBHsaaMSBasb 9