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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1906)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1906. MAN FIRES AT KR HE LOVES 5 I 1-4 Heero Takes Two Shotg at and Ait.uiU Woman Who Bcjecta Him. fmvm if 'if t'l a ffy W we w wa S fc fc mmi m is k a Offing Agents larflrV 'II Ire Craw IJ Shaw IN MTANTIMT HE GETS IULLET IN NICK M n unsna Agrafe Mn'i Florshrioi Short II M n N e ...! EXTRA SPECIAL Oil BARGAIN SQUARE ; I, fcnt by Wkom j mm m Tlir- SM-irt I fTft rB BINR r the Tnllrf re Sot lertala. Aftr an fxritliiR chase from Thirteenth and Pavenport struts to Twpnty-fourlh and Caw Monday morning, Jnepor Price, rolored, was cauajht by Patrnlman Relgol man and r,ard at the city jnll with shooting with Intent to kill Miss Ora Wolf klll of 221 North Thirteenth atreet. Price took two shots at the woman, then viciously assaulted her on the street. Dur ing the, exritenient rrlce was ahot tn the neck, either by a deflected bullet from his own weapon or by someone whose name haa not been learned. Inasmuch aa Prlce'a hat had a bullet hole and his left ear was clipped by the missile, the police are in clined" to bellevaj someone took a shot at Price while he was beating the woman. Price declared he did not know how he was shot. The bullet lodged In the muscles of the man's neck. The woman waa not seri ously Injured. She received several ugly blnwa on the face and head. Because Miss WolrsKill would not requite Frlre's love he sought her life, aha al leged Having heard Sunday that Price threatened to kill her. she went over to stay with her alster, Mrs. Cora Wise man. Thirteenth and Davenport streets. About 9:3" Monday morning Price called at the Wiseman pine and aaked Miss Wolf skin whether. hT decision In regard-to emitting hla company waa final. Miss Wolf skin said It was flnal. Then, according to witnesses, Price took the shots at' the w.-iman. dragged her off the walk and struck her several times. With tha smok ing weapon In his hand. Price ran west on Davenport street and managed to outrun hla pursuers. The patrol wagon came on a hurry run and a.t the Palace atables Pa trolman Relgelman secured a saddle horse and followed the trail, closing In on Price at -Twenty-fourth and Cass streets In a patch of weeds. Prlca ts a mulatto and worked at tha I'nlon Stock yards. The trouble occurred at tha home of Mrs. Cora Wiseman, wife of Dell Wiseman, the man who escaped from 583 Howard street on the evening of May 12. 'when John Johnson was fatally stabbed by R. J. Johnson. Dell Wiseman thought at the time ha had shot the In jured man. Ha has not yet been heard from. Price and Mlsa Wolfskill were attended by the police surgeon. The woman was held aa a complaining witness. 11 11 n n n p ii p n n u n n ii n M ALL THE ODD LOT3 OF FINE Laces and Embroideries FROM THE DES MOINES STOCK Great piles of fine laces, embroideries and fj insertings, piled on big bargain Bquare. t These desirable embroideries and laces O in all widths actually worth - ft i p n n n ti n p p p at 8905 OMAHA WKATHER FORKOAST Til sdaf Fair and Warmer. -w "W MM il Tr3aaaWa7 (SEEM TFJlCir.3 STAMP PfEKT HUE corn at high yard as 20c a yard at, a 5fc PILLOW TOPS at 10c EACH g AOs fl Beautiful lithographed pillow tops, highly col- uvn uvwf,"w t --w-- SETH WINCH WILL CASE IS UP Salt for Rehearing; la on Before Ji Troop of the District Coort. dge The suit for a rehearing of the Beth Winch will case la being heard by Judge Troup of tha equity court. All of the evl 'denee In the former trial la being read and, s tha transcripts are voluminous. It prob ably will reoulre the entire week to com plete tha reading of the evidence. The suit originally heard by Judge genre was to probata the will of Mr. Winch, who died leaving an estste valued at about I30.0O0. The original of the will was lost and suit waa on tha probation of a copy. Just aa Judge Bears was chout to sign the decree refusing to admit the will to pro bate, Elmer K. Thomas, one of the attor neys for the defendants, returned It to the flics, having found it at his office. Judge Pears could not change the decree, how ever. The plea for a new trial la baaed on the fact the original will is now at hand and that tha records were so vo luminous the reporter could not finish the transcript in time to complete an appeal to the supreme court. P P P P P P P P a n p p p p p p p p n M u p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p girls, theatrical favorites, den pillows, couch pillows, etc 50c values, art dept., 3d floor. . . SALE OF NOTIONS TUESDAY IN BASEMENT 1c Cranley's needles lareed eyed, all alien, worth 5c, at paper. Steel Scissorg and Shears, all sizes, Pin Cubes, 100 pins, cube Spool Silk and Spool cotton, all makes and colors, J at IC Change Purses, solid leather, all colors, Bt b ' 5c each J 1 Large size bone hair pins, at each lc Hair Pin Cabinets, crimped and plain, each w Brass Pins Full count. f paper IC Chinese Ironing wax With handle, f 1 for JC Two Basement Specials I Or Lawns at 8 He Yd. 500 bolts Dress Lawns, bright and dainty colorings, Leader dept. store price 10c, extremely f low price, yard ....... ,W2W Cambric Linings, Jc Yd. Leader department store entire stock of cambric linings, in black and all colors, at yard . . . . 1c LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Lndis' new" white and colored shirt waists, short sleeves or long sleeves very prettily trimmed and LQ finished, at ". OJl Ladies' dainty Summer Waists, popular elbow sleeves, neatly trimmed- Oft g with laces and embroideries. .aU jrannRmEisu: BOY PAROLLED FOR FUNERAL Adopted 'on Attends Faneral of Joba Betta I nder Chargra of Sheriff. Tht funeral of the late John Betts took place Sunday afternoon from hla home, SMS North Seventeenth street. The services! were conducted by Rev. C. AV. gavidge and under the joint auspices of the Ladies of the Grand Army and of Custer post. Grand Army of the Republic, of which latter organisation Mr. Betta was a mem ber. Interment was made at Prospect Hill cemetery. A sad incident of the funeral waa the preaence of. an adopted son of the de ceased, a young man who waa reared by Mr. Hetta and for whom tha latter had a most ardent affection. A few years ago tha young man. who led a wayward life, waa convicted of larceny and aentenced to a term in the Lincoln penitentiary. The affection between the two was deeply sin cere and the young man was permitted to attend tha funeral under charge of the sheriff of I.ancater county. LEJaTOlMa eo:i9 cnnnnannnnQQnn pi p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p n p n p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p ti TTTTT H TJ O TTr weanesaav is iw kite lay Ten Gretn Trading Stamps Free to each book sbown at premium parlor balcony. New books with tree trading stamps lor the asking. Wednesday is Red Letter Day 1SL ill Big BENNETTS Rf act ast corrn Bennett's Grocery Fifteen hundred two pound cans Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, gc And 60 Green Trading Stamps Full Cream New York Cheese Special ( pound C And Twenty Green Trading Stamps FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fresh Daily New Potatoes, ' r ' pock '. aw n 1 o H l UUUU iti BOYS! Make Money Inquire at Our Coffee Section for Plan to make some Pocket Money dur ing School Vacation. Open Wednesday A THE RELIABLE ST9RE Open Wednesday 1 ME IJIL WATCH TUESDAY EVENING PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS lilPtil ! rm imH nn I JU "I Y UJ THE RELIABLE STORE. r n a confer- thls line the commissioner held ence with the mayor. The new cotrmisuloner finds he has a multiplicity of duties. The last that came to his attention waa that requiring him to count the tails of dogs put to death at the pound. CLARK IS LIKE THE SWAN Flasy Mardrrer Speada Hla slaalaa, IValtiac for Drat a. Tlaae Harrison Clark, who Is awaiting a death ssnunce at the county Jail for tha mur der of Street Cur Conductor Flury. has earned a reputation aa a musician since he haa been conflned In tha Jail. At a 1 moat any time of the day he can be heard going over hie exteualve repertoire of coon songs, love meloUiea and religious hymns at tha tonof hla voice. Blnce hla confinement In the solitary cell this Is the only form of amusement open to him, and he appears to enjoy It. even If he ia staring In the fac 6r death. flavin Wain and Clarence Cathrlght. hla accomplices, were taken to the peniten tiary at Lincoln Monday, the former to serve a life sentence and the latter a twenty-year sentence Imposed by Judge Sutton. Clark probably will be aentenced Tuesday afternoon. Y. M. C, A. PROBES FOR WATER Secretary Wade Haa Teat Made ta Supply -New Building, tl Possible. The Omaha Water company will ' not guarantee the Young Men'a Christian asso ciation reduced rates on water In its new building, and so the association proposes to have water of Its own, if possible to get It. Secretary B. C. Wade is having a test hole sunk In the ground beneath the ma chinery room of the building to see how much water bearing sand lies within 100 feet of the surface and whether it carries enough water to supply the building for other purpoBes than drinking. The asso ciation had a reduced rate in its 01a building at Sixteenth and Douglas streets, but paya a flat rate in Its temporary quar ters In the Rohrbough building. Even If the company promised a reduced rate, said Mr. Wade, clear water would be consid eration enough to make the axperinient with the test hole. GRAND JURY NEXT OCTOBER Session Probably Will Be Called Then to Take I p Further Land Cases. Owing to the large amount of work mapped out for the November term of the t'nlted States courts for this district it ii piobable a session of the federal grand Jury will be called aa early as October. In the meanwhile the special secret service of ficers will continue their Investigations of the alleged land frauds in northern and western Nebraska and will look after the enforcement of tha order of Judge Munger for the removal of tha fences where any disposition la manifested to dodge tha or der. Prosecutions will follow any unrea sonable Ignoring of tha order. The aecret service force will, however, be somewhat reduced, some of tha oflViale being as signed to duty elsewhere for the present. Tha headquartera will be maintained here, however, until court assembles In October. Pa ate ATerted. In esse of constipation, peritonitis., etc., panic is averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 36c. For sals by Sherman MeConnell Drug Co. C0NNELL ON WEED SUBJECT Health ('osnmUaloaer Addreasea Hla. self to Task of tJeaalaa Oat Walka and Lota. Health Commissioner Connell has takes up tha weed aubject. The doctor finds that many sidewalks In the outlying dlatticts are all but obstructed by the exotic growths, which ha considers dangerous to health because their decay may produce malarious atmospheres. He looked up the ordinances and found that property owners and occupants are required to cut the weeds tn front and to the rear of property .ad on vacant lota. If they don't' do It the niuiiU Umlity may step In and charge up the cct by special taxation. Before deeteJng whether to atart opera Liens aluog I Very Low Ratea Tuesday, Every Tueaday. balancs of the year the Chicago Great Western railroad will sail boraeseekers' tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesday. Write H. H. Churchill. O. A, Farnam street. State number In part and when going. A Great Success WAS OUR Saturday Candy Sale Our third Saturday sale of Llrfett's Bat. urday Oaady was certainly a (treat ac eass. Not a bus of the candy was left at an early hour Xat'irday evening. Many of the cuatomera ho had bought thia candy ut our first and second Satur day sale were back for more aemlhgly appreciative of ttie fact that they were buying eOo candy for ie. Next tiaturday we alia!) have a much larger quantity, but probably a little lea than the demand, for this candy must be freak, each Saturday, and only enough bought for each Saturday's sale. BEMEMBBg Saturday Only, and then a 00 pouau boa of clux-olme nuta and creams for SSo. This is Ltggatt'a Satur y Oaady, which is sold in one store only in every principal city in I ha I'nlted States We have the agency for Omaha Saturday Sherman & MeConnell Drug C COS. 1T A-MB BOBOa, OMASA ence VI CUT OX.AS TO WEDDWQ GIFTS Be very careful Kelecting Cut Glass for wedding gifts. There is a great dirferenc In cut glass, the cheap tinga being netlhnr artistic nor desirable. Our cut glass is cut by the highest grada cutters In this country. Tlw cuttings are exquisitely done, and wonaerruliy pol ished. And yet our prices ( are not in excess or those asked for ordinary and Inferior cuttings. I Brown & Bo rsheim 9 JEWELERS rl2ZZ South l6SStreet,0maha. B Send for l08 f ( Treei FULL BLUE OR BLACK SERGE SUIT material. It's a snap! with extra Trousers of same or striped The prevailing scarcity of Blue serges on the market has not affected us. We bought a generous quantity months ago for this special Mid Summer Sale. Ikadl sxeaalaBBBmalT'SSj VCJaU YASL WILLIAM JERREM3' SONS. 200-&U So, 180 etrWQaV 1 ."StW'jfX.--'": TXaVJ' MATING SUIT CASE Matting Suit Cases are light, neat and servlcable and are just the thing to take with you on your summer vacation trip. We are offering a special value this month In a 24-ln. Japanese matting case leather bound, very servlcable and attractive, one of our 14.50 values specially dta aa priced this month for ...7de)U Other matting cases from 92.00 to $6.00. We carry everything In Traveling Bag, Trunks and Sample Cases FACTORY and Factory. Bt., Omaha, Neb. MfAa New Train "The To Iowa Limited" Des Moines Chicago and ALL POINTS EAST m. Leaves Oraaba, daily 6:35 p. Arrives Des Moines, daily 10:45 p. m. Arrives Chicago, daily 8:15 a. m. !Quick Service, New Electric-Lighted Equipment. Other good Chicago trains leave Omaha 3:25 a. m.; 8:15 a. m.; 4:20 p. m. Low round-trip rates to many Eastern points in effect daily. Secure Ref ervations and Ticket 18SS Farnam St. and at Union Station F. P. RUTHERFORD, Division Passenger Agent. -"' A-.7rrrrr T ir JL One and a quarter million acres to bo opened to settlement on the SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates of registration July 16th to 31st. EXCURSION RATES Less than one fare for the round trip, daily July 12th to 29th via 520 Round trip from Omaha, ,00 over the only all rail route from Omaha to ; Shoshoni, Wy o. , the reservation border. GEO. F. WEST, Gensral Agent, Chicago k North-Western Ry. Omaha, Neb., Please sand to my address pamphlets, maps and infor mation concerning the opening of the Shoshone or Wind River reservation to settlement. (Cut air) this Causen) A Thin Watch Is the proper kind tlies days The old styla thlr watch has gone. 'We aro showing; soma handsome styles in 12 and lfi size geld and gold ailed, ranging around 15.00 to 935.00. Hpend a few minutes in our store. Look Por Tha SI sine. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1516 Douglas St. U (00 Salesroom 1200 Farnam Women's Pumps The most popular of all low shoes for women's wear Is the Pump. We are very fortunate In securing the kind that does not slip at the heel, as most shoes of this atvle do. We have them In light, flexible elt soles gun met al calf patent colt and white duck. Prices ranging from $3.50 to $4.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street. Business Boosters Try the Want AA Columns of Te HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER Missouri II; I Thla raarnlflesnt botal haa 100 beau tlful rooms and Is located at 11th and MrG streets In ttia shopping district. Only baJf a block from tha JLaaorr, Bird, Thayer ary gao4a atara, aear all tha theaters. lal Private lata. Isksaaaes tm AH leas. Hat ana Ceil Baaalaa Waler la (nry laaaa. EsncaUaa Cale. rertcal Casau. Clah Breaajnuna aas IsMs Itai ns Bars terras' la Cane Kates II s Bajr aa4 BaejarS, lerevaaa Plaa. Reaenratlons may be ma4e af tala gravh at our aapanaa. KIPPER -BB ISO f HOTKIi CO. r. A. BaUISOa, Mimes. u CHEAP RATES To Many Canadian and New England Points VIA Illinois Central Railroad SALE DATES: To Canadian points, June 15 to Septem ber 30. To New England points, June 15 to 30, inclusive, July 18, August 8 and 22, September 5 and 19. RATES; One fare plus $2.00 with fifteen (15) day limit, and one fare plus $4.00 with thirty, (30) day limit. Liberal stopovers and several attractive water trips in connection. . ' For tickets and information call at City Ticket Offioe. 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, or write SAMUEL NORTH, ' District Passenger Agent. HOTELS. OTR WCTMA Broadway. Filth Ave. and 27th St.. New York Is a soadara, flrat-class hotel, la tha cen ter of the shopping district. Complete La all Its appointments aid abaolulcly lire- froof. furnishings and decorations en irely new throughout. Aei ommodattoiie (or 60S guests; 140 suites with bath. Hut and oold water and telephone tn every room. European plan. Culelne un celled. Rooms lite a day up, with bat KM up. Tha oaly hotel tn ManhaMaa fronting both en Broadwar anal Fifth Ave, OEOROK W. IWCEKXT - - Proprietor LrtFflYETTE flOT&L ,e-' V. J 1 ?