Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI -NO. 7. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNK 26, 1906 -TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. TEN 31ILLI0N SHORT ! Gpnerni Difci-rc? E.ll m Completed bj Haitp , arriei Lares Bom. EARThQJAKE LOSSES ONE LARGE ITEM Over Million Dolltra' Worth of Military Supplies Deitrojed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT HAS BIG BILL Three Million Dollar! Aaked for Collection of Cmtomi Revenues. APPROPRIATION FOR FEDERAL COURTS Fees lor peclsl Clerks and Assistants Co ilia tllnrnrr Ueaeral Phil ippine Amendment' Added lo flrasare. WASHINGTON, June 25-Th general de ficiency appropriation hill vu completed l.v the house committee on appropriations tcday and reported to the house. -The bill can-;. 'a flcNncle In the the government. various de The chief Items Included In the bt. f, follows: ' l'iid-r the State department: Transpo.' on of diplomat!.' and consular officers u der new isw tor luij, Mo.im): contingent ex penses, foreign missions, HO.ntO; contingent expenses at consulates. 4,ii; payment to (iermnny in settlement ot Wamoan claima, avt,A t'nder the Treasury department: Col lect ing the revenues from customs, MoT, aVt.M.-O.taiO; engraving and printing. 23,3:U; collecting internal revenue, fiscal year lKtiC, twi.orO; collecting internal revenue, fiscal year 10;, .nO.t)"; public buildings on Pa cific coaat, repair of, $601. K17. Under the War uepartment: Statue of Liberty, New York harbor, equipment and lighting. $'t2,W; payment of state of 'IVxas of money paid to atate troops tioru lti6 lo 1M0. Sis.tlS: state or terltorial homes for soldiers, 1120,000. (,'uder the military establishment: Mile age ofnoe.ii! of the army, HVi.uiO; replacing military atnrea, etc., destroyed by earth quake at (tan Francisco, Sl.kM.tfa. tinder the i.aval establishment: For gen eral aocotint of advances, 1904 and prior vaaxa t;14A; for pay. miscellaneous, iaO.tioO; Marine corps, Jiln.'.hS; maintenance, raxda and docks. j',(wc; naval prison ad fnJDlstration building at Portsmouth ,N. it , Maaey tor Federal Coarta. Under the Interior department: Trans portation of Indian goods, Ci6,l(. I'nder Vnited 8tatea courts: Fees of clarka, $4a,uno; aaaistanta to the attorney genera 111 special cases, $46,Utft. Vnder the Postal awrvice: Tranaportatlon by ateamboat, tJO.iXO; transportation by railroads, lam.tv'; regulation acreen and other wagon eervloe!. M,0X; tranaportatlon 'of for.gn malls. a:'K0(. Hoiuia of rapresentatlvea, tlOO.tf,; public printing and binding, S.T.QOO. Under the District ot Columbia: General .expense, etc., $M-3. The remaining sums in the bill are for varying amounts less than 3,0X. for Judg ments ' of courts ot claima audited and certified to congress. There are several legislative provlsiona In lb bill. ' ia one of Uieni authority ia given the aecretary of war lo use the $:,5uO,000 relief fund here tofore appropriated for Ban Franclaoo' not . an&-4B tu'purchae of iwlfof supplies, but lo replace the auppliea taken front the army stoiea. Secretary Taft haa estimated that, something like JIO0,T0 of tlila fund re mains unexpended. . In view of statehood for Oklahoma, the amounts available for the payment of ex penses of the terlltorial government are to be turned Into the treasury when the state government Is organlaed. The recretary of the treasury la here after to ftirnlah congresa detailed esti mates 'of ex pern es Of collecting the rev enues from customs. Philippine) Amraiinient Added. ' At a full commltee meeting of the a propriations committee today the follow ing amendment was adopted to the gen eral deficiency bill, reported by Mr. Lit tauer; That the tariff duly, both import and ex port, imiaised by the authorities of the Vnited States or of the provisional mili tary government In the Philippines prior to Marrn A. 1802, at all porta and place in aaJd Islands upon all goods, warea and merchandise Imported Into said islands from the I'nlted State or from foreign countries, or exported from said Islands, are hereby legalized and ratified and the eoUecUon of ail auch duties prior to March a, UU3, la hereby legalized and ratified and snflrroed aa fully, to all intents and pur poaaa, aa If the earns had by prior act of oongnreae been specifically authorised und 4ireted. Tbla amendment la made to meet caaea aurlalnf under the decision of the supreme court In the Warner-Barnes case, which waa against the government and would aompel the refunding of dutlea collected amounting to more than M.000,000. The Sjauaadment will not affect caaea already adjudicated. Bt BARREL" 11 OPENED ana Public Balldlne; Hill la Re- rted as Agreed laa, WASHINGTON. June .-The omnibus public, building hill, aa agreed upon by the house eommlite on public buildings and greunda, was presented to the house toduy by Chairman Bartholdt- Some of the ap propriations are for additions and repair. The buildings authorised, together with the amounts to be expended. Include: Arkansas-Uttle Hook. I12&.000; Pise Bluff. rtriformanUI!J.eto 1160.000: Eureka, raovOO; San Francisco t'ttVOO; Santa Kcsa, $;u.0: Santa Crus. IllooO. Colorado Colorado springs. iw.uw: ien- ver, Hi.OOw, I'.oulUer. ano.uov; Trinidad, v- 6011. Idaho Moscow, lloftnon. Illinois- Decatur. fc!0'iO; Peoria. t200.'uV, Dixon. KO.00O. Alton. Srh.Out): Belleville. T5.. lit), Bnlvidere. a.0HO; Kast St. louls. $200. 0; Kewanee. i,tc, Uncoln. liS.otlO; Mo line. Irs. (: Paris, J6.imi; Central!. $7, fciO; Utchrield. 17.6(0. lva-1 'ouncll HI HIT a I7R.O0O; Ottumwa, tVOfi: Cedar Rapids Lni.(Kt: Dee Moines, Se00.i; Mason city. ?0rti0: Muscatine. I7f..- 0; Webster Cliy. $7o.r; Clarinda, 140.000; Davenport, ai.uw. r.sinervuie. Js.OiiO; ghen amino n. o.uu. Kenaaa-Iola, JOO.POO: Manhattan. 130.000: Kewton. n.ou; llttsburg. tTa.Oiio Missouri Columbia, fio.oon; Nevada 110 - Out" l. Joseph. liO.-.W; 8t Louis Tlimlt in- creased to U,1oi.ia. Jefferson Barracks. ln.n. Carthage. 7V0t; Cape Girardeau, uatiiu: St. Charlea. In0.00n: Carrniii... r.'.fc: - - . - . Cllnton. 17. ; Independence. Ilcnxv Lexington. Macon, tia.iv; Warrens- burg. r.5t. Montana Great avo. Falls. SZX.000; Missoula. Nebraka-Graiui ilaland. tlX.OnO; .0u; Keariier. .; Coiumous. Plattsmouth. r7.&A York. :.; South Dakota Dead wood. $11,606; Yank ton. ti.hiO; I -cad. Mitchell. ttfl.Our; Water uiwn. aao.ono. Ctau lagans. tnO.Ona. Washington Spokane. tlOO.OnO; Taeoina, fOutMu. bellingnain. I2,000; North Yak kn. MA,tM. Wyoming Shendaa. H 14.000: Rawlins, tsvooa. Hawaii Honolulu, HkO.000. Oklahoma Oklahoma City, ISO.Otn. DEATH RECORD. nVotrt Cow. BROKEN BOW, Neb.. June . (Special Telegram. Robert Cooper, a well known pioneer In this section of the roontry, died this afternoon of oonaumptka. Mr. tx,er was aboat IB yvsrs af ago and sou .Had bora In aa early dsy. longvvorths yLSIT emperor Tike Tea with Raler of Germany HI Amerlnii Rnllt Yurkl. KIKI.. June 25. On invitation of F.mperor William, Congressman and Mrs. Nicholas Longworth took lea with him on his American built yacht, Meteor, tills a:ter noon. The emperor, attended by Admiral Rlsendelckcr. who visited Washington In HX2 an a member of the suite of Prince Henry of Prussia, received Air. and Mr. Ixmgworth as they came alongside and showed them over the yacht, Mrs. Long worth having said that one of the object of the visit of her husband and herself to Kiel was to see the yacht she had christened February 22. lrj. at Shoot er:i" Inland, N. Y . harbor. Mr. Longworth was a icuc-st t the Kiel Yacht club dinner to night, at which there were Io persons present. Including all the high naval offl cri here. Mr. Longworth had a seat at the emperor's table and other American guests sat farther down. The emperor. as usual. In his toast proposed the pros perity of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Longwnrlh. about in o'clock, went to a ball at the residence of Prince Adalbert. The' prince dnnced with Mrs. Longworth and talked for pome time with Mr. Longworth. At the dinner yesterday evening on boird the Hamburg the emperor took out Princess El tel. and other women followed without escorts, because it was difficult for the court marshal to arrange tbelr order of irecedence. The princess .sat opposite the V.. -peror. On her left was Prince Auguste "0 V...-.- fnllPth ,nn , , .,,,. on,, 'J, ' ' f; v.a-l nrta..' .. Wu T U V" 1 ' '"-all fl L il I l-st'llft Will 111. . mperor's right was the wife of Crv .c.ihal von Koctper and on his left V Tness von Tsi-hiersky, wife of the forelgri secretary. MINE PROMOTERS IN COURT London Manaaera of American Com pany Held for Trial In N Knaland. I AN DON. June Jo. At the operlng of the prosecution today in behalf of the treasury at the (Juild hall police court In the case of Mark Anthony Young and Henry Jones, local managers of the Amer ican Mining, Milling and Smelting syndi cate, who were arrested June 18 on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the public by selling valueless shares, R. D. Mulr, counsel for the treasury, said the evidence in the handa of the police Indicated that serious frauds had been committed. Bince January 19 the country had been flooded with flowery advertisements of the Amer ican Mining, Milling and Smelting company, purporting to own mines in Alaska, Cali fornia, Montana, ,1'tah, Colorado and Mex ico, which were paying 186 per cent In terest. Documents sent broadcast an nounced that the net profits of the com pany for nine years were upwards of 127. BOO.OOi) and that dividends totaling $12,500, COO had been paid. Mr. Mulr said ha proposed to ahow that no auch company existed. Mr. Mulr said the correspondence Betted showed the defendants had on foot a Bcheme by which certain financiers In France were to put t2500,ooo Intp. tlm con cern and a similar plan was In progresia from which a sum not so large waa to be obtained In England. After the presentation of evidence regarding- the printing of circulars the hear ing was sdjourned. Mark Anthony Young was admitted to ball In S,ono and Jones In IS.onn. WOMEN CALL FOR THE PREMIER Members of Rrlttsh Cabinet Desired aa Wltneaaea In London Riot Caaea. LONDON, i June 26. The women suf fragists are trying to drag Premier Camp- bell-Bannerman, president of the Board of Trade; David Lloyd-George and Chancellor of the Exchequer Asulth to a police court June 27 In order to testify In their behaif when the adjourned hearing of the cae against Miss Billington, Mlsa Kenney and three other leaders of the militant women suffraglsta, whp were arrested In Caven dish aquaro June 21 for creating a disturb ance outside of Mr. Asq ulth's house, lakeo place. Mrs. Parkhurst. another militant an (Tin g tst, today applied to a magistrate for turn inonses against the officials mentioned, claiming that Mr. Asquith would be In a position to explain to the court why the auffragtata Invaded Cavendish square while the premier and Mr. Lloyd-George could testify In regard to speeches In which they advised the women to take the course they had adopted. The magistrate .declined to compel the attendance of Mr. Asquith, but promised to grant summonses for Mr. Campbell-Kannerman and Mr. Lloyd-George if the applicant produced evidence that the women had acted on their instigation. American Store for London. LONDON, June J6.-H. O. Selfrldge of Chicago announces the formation of a dry goods corporation to do business in Ixndnn and te be known aa Selfrldge a) Waring. The corporation, which will have a capital stock of 5.oin,rtiin, has secured a site on Ox ford street and expects to open for buelneae In September, 1907. The new store will be I ,h'J W"'h,, ' I Chicago and will be about half the else of thst establishment. Porta Rico Takes Over Harbor. SAN JVAN, P. n.. June The Insular government. In view of the dispute In re gard to the harbor facilities fnlui.. . I the recommendations of the executive council, will asaume full control of harbor, purchase the New York & Porto I uc" "'esmenip company a pier and build I warehouses and other plera. British Steamer Floated. UIKl' Japan, June 35. -The British 'steamer Dumbarton, from San Francisco kih m.-n .v, , L h'C T w,h Bit'r" "'. bn n,'1 ,n1 bB arrived at thia ; P't. Two thousand tons of the cargo . , , ... ' irnva ueri sopq. i ne aieatner m m-g- oeed to Nagasaki for repairs. CANAL LABORERS COMPLAIN Governor of Bahamas Investigate Ha. ort that Megreea Hate Sot Boon Paid. NBW TORK. June 26. -Pas sen-era arriv ing here today from Kast-au on the steamer Niagara Brought inforniatlon tliat the gov ernor of the Bahamas had left Nassau te Investigate reported complaints of negro la bo rare who have been employed on the Panana canal. The laborers, upon returning huti.e. said that they had not been paid for their wot k on the Isthmus, lite paateiigers said It Is generally believed at Naawaj th.it the ne groes were paid, that they equandwrrd tlwlr earnings at the iaihmua and on returnlug home hatched up the complaints in queauoa to account for their lack of funds. RATE BILL LP IN SENATE Oppotition Showi that Measure Mutt Oo to Conference Again. RELATIONS OF RAILWAYS AND ELEVATORS Mr, l.aKolletle'a Resolntloa Protldlag for Investigation of Alleged II legal Combination ia Pnasrd. WASHINGTON. D. C. June 26.-The sen ate today discussed the conference report on the railroad rate bill for more than f'jur hours, but did not dispose of It. U was made evident, however, that another con ference will be ordered. The discussion dealt entirely with the anti-pass nnd commodity amendments, to both of which objection waa made on vari ous grounds. Senator Spooner expressed the opinion that under the pass provision as reported, senators and members of the house of representatives would not he pro hibited from accepting pa"ses, and other senators construed part of the provision fts In the Interest of a discrimination in passes that could he m;id to take, the place of rebates. Senators Tillman and Lodge sharply criticised the change In the com modity amendment so as to prohibit "rail roads" and not "common carriers" from engaging in the production of articles to be transported by themselves, as In the inter est of the Standard Oil company. ' Senator IaFollette secured favorable ac tion on a resolution extending the Inquiry of the Interstate Commerce commission to the connection between the elevators of I he northwest and the Tailroads. Senator Hopklna took exception to the conference report on the Niagara Falls In ternational agreement bill. In that It docs not provide against the treatment of tne waters of Iike Michigan as subject to in ternational agreement. The report was, however, agreed to. About 3"0 private pension bills were ptmsed. The senate held a night session an.1 at 9:45 p. m. adjourned until 11 o'clock tomor row morning. Railroads and Grain Dealers. The senate today passed Senator 1 Fol lette's Joint resolution extending the scope of the Inquiry now being conducted by the Interstate Commerce commission under the Tlllman-Glllesple resolution so as to have It I Include the transportation and storage of pralns. In support of hi contentions Senator Ia Follette said that testimony taken by the commission indicates a Joint ownership be tween the railroads and the elevator com panies to the detriment of the fanners wln are entitled to a free and open market. He then gave the names of Individuals and cor porations which had secured such Inside privileges as to give them monopolies along various western railroad lines, the list given Including the following: The Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific, Charles Counsclman; the -Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul, the Armour F.levator company; the Atchison, Topeka Ac Santa Fe, the RIchsnJson company: the ITnlon Paclflo. the Pevey K levator Minpany: the Chicago at Northwestern, the Bartlott aV Frar.ier Elevator company; Chicago, Burlington Qulncy, the Armour Elevator company. As going to oontlrm his inference of a combination, Mr. La Follette said that the head of the Armour Elevator company Is a laie stockholder and a director of the Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul. He then read a number of letters and quoted various statements to show that the railroad companies favor some elevators to which they are friendly and discriminate against others which are not so wall re garded by them, with the result that the price of wheat to the producer Is far below where It should be. Ho declared tha.t practically all the grain shipped Into Chicago over any one line goes to one dealer and expresne-d the opin ion that tViee wholesale dealers are cioevly allied among themselves, thus constituting a virtual monopoly of the grain business of the country. Senator Nelon cuuflrnitKl the atatttneiila of Mr. I.s.Follette, es-virig that he had personal knowledge of '.any instances f discriminations by tlj rail roads In favor of line elevators JHe had no doubt. h said, that the h; vrai'.igatlon would show the same combination between th railroad companies and the elevator com panies that had been found to exist be tween the railroads and the, coal companies. The resolution was then adopted without division. IMMIGRATION BILL It PAftftRD House Refers ICducatlonal Teat lee tlon to av gprclal Couimteslon. WASHINGTON, June 'Jt. L'nder a rule limiting debate on all but two sections, the so-called Immigration bill was dis cussed for three hours today and passed wltimut a yea and nay vote being per mitted on any of the paragraphs. This bill at t muled much attention, the repre sentatives having large foreign culonles In their districts, lining up generally against the head tax of SO. which was defeated, and against the educational test. After an In teresting contest a substitute for the edu cational test providing that the whole mat ter be submitted to a commission waa adopted by a close vote. The most Im portant features of the bill were thus eliminated and the bill was passed with out division. At 6:36 p. m. the house took a recess until I o'clouk this evening to devote three hours to oratory. When the Immigration bill was taken up In the committee of the whole the amendment to the committee bill reducing the tax from fi to Li waa debated earneaiiy liv M. Steeneraon (Minn.), Mr. Gardner (Mara.), Mr. Bennett N. Y.). Mr. Bart- holdt iMo.J, and Mr. Burnett (Ala.). ! The recent atrocities In Russia rmultlng In Uie killing of many Jews, and the inur- ders at Klshtneff, came In for strong and I vigorous speeches on the part of Mr. Ut tauer (N. Y.) and Mr. GoUifogle (N. Y.). Mr. IJttauar offered the following amend ment, which waa adopted without dl : vision: An Immigrant who proves that he Is s eking admission to this country solely i to avoid prosecution or punishment on re ; liglous and political grounds for an offenee ot a political character, or persecution In volving danger of Imprlaoiimeiit or danger ; to life or limb on account of reliaioua be- ' lief, ahall not be deported becauae of want I of means or the tirobabilif y of his being I unanle to earn a livelihood. j The section relating to the educational teat waa then taken up and Mr. Dcnby o....u "'"" wuic-u was ! adopted, providing for discretionary ad ' mlaslon of Immigrants coming to this ooun 1 try solely to avoid religious or political persecutions. Mr. Grosvenor presented a substitute for ' ths educational test as provided for In I the bill, the following being Its Important provision: TI at a cutnmlfcsioii is hereby created, con sisting of two senators to be appointed bv the president of the senate, m.d throe nu-mtirrs of the houee of r, lreernt'lvs I to be appointed by the apeaker of the tContinued on Second PaaaJ CLASS DAY EXERCISES AT YALE Principal Addreea of l.a School Is r Secretary of Commerce Metcalf. NKW HAVEN. Conn., June' JR. Class day at Yale with Its many gatherings, In which he seniors played the leading parts today, proved to be one ot the most Interesting In years. At the law school the nddress to the graduates waa made by Secretary Vic tor H. Metealf of the Department of Com merce and ItKr. He spoke on the pre dominating Influence of the lawyer In na tional affairs. It was of Interest also to have present Mr. Justice Brewer and Mr. Justice Brown of the t'nlted States supreme court, who are hack for a reunion of the class of "ofi its fiftieth anniversary a class which has always been referred to aa one of the most brilliant which has ever gone out of Yale. While the day was taken up largely with the class day exerrieee of the seniors, the evening hours were devoted entlrelj- to special events the senior re ceptions and promenades being held. Tomorrow will be alumni day and the large number of alumni bark for reunion Indicates that President Hartley will face one of the largest gatherings of all grad uates he has ever seen when he makea hie annual address. Th,e award of honors In the law school was announced. They Include the follow ing: Honor cum laude. John C Durery. Den ver. Colo., and Donald A. McDonald, Se attle, Wash. Honors in the second year classes. Robert H. ButterfleM, Dewltf. la., and Charles H. Woods. Carllnville. III. First year honor. Klchard H. Hunt, Hot Springs, S. D. SENSATION IN RED CROSS Ran Francisco Committee Aecuaed of Mlsnalnar gnnpllea from Mlnnea nolle. MINNEAPOLIS, June S.-W. C. F,dgs.r, chairman of the relief fund committee of the Ban Francisco sufferers, ia In receipt of the following telegram from his corre spondent In San Francisco concerning the sale of Minneapolis floiur by General Greely : Red Cross finance committee is lying. Rxamlner has thousands of applications for flour. Itrge numbers of clergymen alfo demanding flour for their needy parishion ers. General opinion Is that serious nffenne) has been rommltteri in selling goorts ln trusted te committee for free distribution. Advise taking strong action Immediately. Mr. Edgar's reply wss as follows: Believing in the good faith of the Red Cross we unfortuna.1 oly turned over every dollar of our fund to Its agent. We, there fore, have no money to make a legal fight against this shameful misappropriation. Mr. Edgar's mail contains many letters from fire and earthquake refugees com plntnlng bitterly of the treatment accorded them by the citizens' committee. They declare that every pound of the flour which General Greely had on hand Is badly needed and that a niggardly system of furnishing supplies obtains In all quarters. These let ters come from illiterate and educated per sons alike. RIOT IN OHIO COAL FIELD Keajro ..CooWa Rik44jd by Mlalag Company Flrd t oon and Gnards Rernrn Fire. DILIjON, O., June 36. Trouble was re newed In the mining strike In this city this afternoon when six negro cooks In the employ of the I'nlted States Coal company escorted by guards were fired on in a ra vine. The guards returned the fire and It la stated that probably 100 shots wers Bred. The attack is alleged to hare been made by strikers formerly employed st the Brad ley mine. One company guard was seri ously injured and the wife of one of the guards was shot In the shoulder. Sheriff Vorhces will arrive here tonight to take personal charge of the situation. This te the first trouble that has occurred here since the filing on the guards In the Bradley mine ambuscade, about three weeks sgo, which resulted In troops being sent here, but who were later withdrawn. More troublo is feared. PROSECUTE FOR ADULTERATION Secretary of Indiana Stat Board of Health Will rile Several Snlta. INDIANAPOLIS. June 26.- Dr. J. N. Hurty, secretary of the Stste Board of Health, and K. H. Barnard, chemist of the State board, acting on the advice of Dr. T. Henry Davis of Richmond, president of the State Board of Health, and Attorney General Miller this afternoon presented to Judge Fremont Alfred of Marlon county criminal court, and Prosecutor Charles K. J Benedict the result of eighty-five analyse of meats found on sale In the Indianapolis markets aa a basla for prnaecuttona to be Instituted against the dealers whose meats were found to contain preservative chem icals. The State Board of Health officials are confident that convlctiona can be eecured. WINDSTORM IN OKLAHOMA Many Farm Bnlldlnsjs Damaged and Two Persons Killed by Lightning. Ol'THRIB. Okl., June 25. Two persons killed, extensive damage done to live siock and crops, and many houses were demol ished by the general windstorm that swept over Oklahoma and Indian Territory yes terday afternoon and last night. Thomas Graham, who lived near Roose velt, Okl., was struck by lightning and In stantly killed and the scorched body of Mis. Tohln, near Perry, Okl., waa found In a barn during the electrical storm. In and near I ton the damage by wind was unusually heavy. One family left the house and saw the structure sucked up In the whirlwind and turned over and over. At Snyder the losa waa heavy. Wheat did not Buffer hi much aa corn In the two ter rttorlea. LOWER RATE ON CATTLE ASKED ' Kaaaaa Railway Commlaalon Will File i .... .... . I aatnlnel I slaa Farlnr, Rock laland and Santa Fe. : KANSAS CITY. June .Carr Taylor. 4,torney for the Kansas Stats Bosrd of Railroad Commlsslonera. announced tonight that a fight la to be made at once In Kan sas for a reduced freight rate on cattle. An action will be commenced, he aald, which will make the I'nion Pacific, the Rock laland and the main line of the Santa Fe rallroada defendants This will set up piactlcally the. entire cattle raising belt of western Kansas complainants. The fight t really to get back the old rata which was had a number of years ago." said Mr. Taylor. "Jn 1W the rates WHITE MURDERED BY THAW Prominent Haw York Architect Killed bj Pittsburg. Millionaire, MURDER TAKES PLACE IN THEATER Thaw Accnaea Victim of Having Rained Hla Home Both Fartlee Prominent In Social and Bnalneaa World. NEW YORK. June 2o.-Stanford White, the eminent architect of the firm of McKlm. Mead White, was shot tonight and al moat Instantly killed by ILury Thaw, a member of a prominent nttsburg family, during the performance of the musical ex travaganza, "Mamielle ITinmpalgne," cn the of the Madison Square garden. M. White died before an ambulance could be summoned, and Thaw was arrested Imme diately after the shooting. The Madison Square roof garden, which has been closed for several years, wis crowded tonight with a fashionable audi ence. While Harry Short, who fills the principal comedy role In the piece, was alnglng a ccinic song, and the garden was echoing with the laughter and appluuse ' the audience, a series of shots rattled in the rear of the auditorium and a man In evening dress was seen to fall scross a table at which he was sitting with a party of frlenda. The mttn who had fired the shots fled, pistol In hand, towards the nearest exit, where he was selxcd and disarmed by the police. Instantly the great audience waa thrown Into a panic and a wild atainpede occurred, during which chairs and tables were overturned and men and women fought with desperation to- es cape from the roof. Throe Shots Fired. The first intimated of trouble came when, walking in front of his seated victim, the matt exclaimed: "You've desarved this. You've ruined my home," and drawing an automatic pistol fired three shots. The first two look effect, but as the third was discharged the pistol waa struck up by a fireman on duty in the theater and the bullet went skyward. The woman who had been sitting with Mr. White sprang to her feet and rushed up to his assailant, who was struggling with the fireman, threw her arms about his neck, exclaiming: "I'll stand by you." The shooting occurred at 10:30, while Harry Short waa singing "I Could I.ove a Million Girls." Thaw had been at the performance all the evening and had been noticed to be very nervous and excited. White had been previously to the Man hattan club and had only been at the gar den a few minutes when Thaw confronted hltn. Thaw Is Arrested. Fireman Burden took the revolver away Xr3m Thaw and handed him over to Po liceman Dobbs, who placed him under ar rest. Thaw handed the policeman $10 and asked him to notify Andrew Carnegie that he was in trouble. Thaw, It Is alleged, sxi dto the fireman: "Diserved what he got. He ruined my life and deserted the girl." While he was being held by the policeman the young woman, who is described as short, slender, dark and very pretty, again put her arms about hla neck. Thaw told her to keep quiet and not get excited, as all would come out all tight. Immediately after the shooting the cur tain was rung down on the play. Thaw Family Is Prominent. PITTSBl'RU. June A Harry Kendall Thaw is about J1 years of sge and ia the sou of the late William Thaw, who was vice president of the Pennsylvania lines wtst. He waa a graduate of the Western University of Pennsylvania and when In Pittsburg made his home with his mother at Lyndhurst. Beechwood boulevard, In the esst end of the this city. Since his grad uation from college and the attainment of his majority Thsw has lived little In Pittsburg. Much of his time has been s-pent abroad and it was while In Parts Unit he met Evelyn Nesblt, the actress, whom he afterwnrds tnsrrled, snd who was with him when he Is alleged to have done the shooting tonight. Marry Thaw Is a brother of J. Copely Thaw, the countess of Yarmouth, who was Alice Thsw, and also of Mrs. eGorge Lauder Carnegie ot Cumberland, Fla. He Is also a half-brother of Benjamin Thaw. Mrs. William Thaw, mother of Harry, railed for Europe Saturday on one of the slow steamers. She is on her way to visit her daughter, the countess of Ysrmoutli. Harry and his bride were booked to sail on Wednesday of this week. No reason for the shooting can be assigned by friends of the family in this city who could be reached tonight. While sttendlng the uni versity in this city It was said tonight that Harr Thaw was a student of quiet habits. After he attained hla majority, however, he developed a fancy for travel ing, and after a ehort residence In New York, left for Paris. His prospectivs trip upon which he was to start on Wednesday was for the purpose of Joining his mother In Europe and visit ing his sister, ths countess. White aa F.mlnent Architect. NEW YORK, June S6.-Mr. White waa a native of Now York City, having been bom here in 1863. He was educated at the I'nl veralty of New York and received his archi tectural training with Cliarles G. Gembrjll and H. H. Richardson, Jielng the chief as sistant of the latter In the construction of the famous Trinity church, Boston, Dr. Phillips Brooks' church. Since 1681 the firm of McKlm. Mead 4 White designed among other structures the Madison 8quare Garden. Century and Me tropolitan clubs, the I'nlverslty of New York, Washington Arch, the I'nlverslty of Virginia and the pedestals for the principal statues of St. Gaudens, the sculptor. He waa a member of the Municipal Art society. New York Botanical Garden so ciety. Metropolitan Museum of Art, Zoolog ical aociety, I'nlverslty club, the American Institute of Architects, the Racquet, Kta met. Playera'. Century, Manhattan. New York Yacht, I'nion, Knickerbocker and the Adirondack league rlubs and the American Fine Aria society. He was slso vice presi dent of the Madison Square Garden. JOHNSON ACCEPTS INVITATION Mt)!' of Cleveland Will Preside at Bryan Meeting In ew York. NKW YORK. June 35 Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland has accepted an In vltatioti to preside st the reception of William J. Bryan in Madison Square Gar den on Mr. Bryan's return lo this country. Henry Watteraon will deliver an ad dress ofl behslf of the south and Alex ander Troup of New Ha, an. Conu., will areak in the name of the east. Thi name of the speaker for the west baa iii,t been onounce NEBRASKA WEATHER FpRECAST Fair Taeaday and Wednesday. Temneratar at Omaha Yestrrdayt Hoar. lira;, ft a. m ,1h a . m e, s 7 a. m ,l J a. ni a a. m tin 10 n. m ..... . Ot 1 1 n. m TO 1? m TO lonr. Ilea, t p. in TO I p. m 711 .1 p. m T 4 4 p. m 73 ft p. m 71 ) p. m 7t 7 p. m 72 H p. m 71 II . m m STICKNEY RATE TROUBLESOME Officials of other Roads Will Try to dace Him to With draw It. CHICAGO. June 1'5. (Special Tele gram.1 A committee of executive officials of ChicHgo-Missourl lines will call on President Htlckney of the Great Western tomorrow snd try to persuade him to with draw the reduced rate on grain which he recently put In effect. If they do not succeed, demoralization In the grain rates from Iowa Is predicted. By dropping the elevator charges and switching the rate is cut from 12 rents to 10 cents and Mr. Stlckney has cre ated a situation whereby the grain ship pers of Iowa from points within seventy five or 100 miles of the Missouri river can ship their grain to Kansas City, Omaha, or other river points for 5 or ti cents, according to whether It Is coarse, or fine grain, and then ship It back to Chicago for from 1 to 2 cents less than the local rate. The other western roads have decided to cease paying elevation charges July 16 at Omaha, and July 29 at Kansas city. This means that ths rotes from the Mis souri river will practically he raised 1 V4 cents on these days, provided always that Mr. Stlckney will withdraw his re duced rates. Otherwise the other roads will have to meet the Great Western's cut and the rates will remain practically wh.it they now are, that Is 10 cents, being: the 12-cent rate less the elevation charge. TROOPS GUARD THE STREETS Soldiers Snceeed In Conlrollnsr Moh Spirit F.nsrendrreri by Allen town Traction Strike. ALLENTOWN, June 26. The mob spirit that was rampant in the streets of Allen town, following the strike of Ieh1gh Valley Transit company motormen and conductors, was tinder control today, by reason of the presence of Troop C, state constabulary. The constabulary patrolled the city's main thoroughfare, keeping everybody moving. When they rode up ths street from the railroad station to the fair grounds this afternoon, the crowd gathered at the camp point, numbering 1.000 persons, hooted and Jeered them. After a brief halt on the fair grounds Lieutenant Smith brought his men down the street as though on parade. When they reuclied the Transit company's transfer point, where many people wore congregated, the men charged the crowd off the street. Within a few minutes five men were placed In Jail by the troopers. OMAHA MEN WIN PRIZES Several Firsts and Seconds Taken by Meu mt the Interstate Torn feat. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., June 2&. Tho fliat annual turnfest of the Kansas, Mis souri snd Nebraska Bezlrk ended toiy with the awarding of prises to the con testants in the numerous athletic events. The winners follow: Combination field and apparatus work. Andreas Kempf, Kansas City, first; George bchroeder, Kansas City, second. Apparatus work, Andreas Kempf, Kan sas City, first. Running high Jump. Ed Lindley, Omaha, first; Julius Frit. Topeka. second. Pole vault, Ludwig List, Omaha, first; Julius Frltx, Topeka, second. Running hop. step anil Jump. Otto Pueschell, Kansas City, first; George Hchroeder, Kansas City, second. Lifting eighty pound weight, JuHhsj Frits, Topeka, first; Ludwig Bolant, Omaha, second. St. Joseph defeated Leavenworth In the choral singing contest. PACKING HOUSES INSPECTED Chimera Health Officials Find I niittls fartory Conditions at Some Smaller Plants. CHICAGO, June. 28. Unsanitary condi tions have been found to exist In some of the Independent packing establishments ac cording to a report made today by Chief Banltary Inspector P. L. Hedrick to Heulth Commissioner C. "J. Whalen, following an Inspection of the smaller plants at the I'nion Stock Yards. Others were found to be clean, well ventilated and In a satisfac tory condition. The plants criticised In the report In some Instances have begun the work of Improvement. In specific cases ordera are being prepared requiring altera tions. Floors ovit of repair, defective plumb ing, clogged gutters and lack of ventilation are the chief points In which the Inspector found the buildings at fsult. CHEAP FARE LAW HELD UP fvort Enjoins Texas Commission from Enforcing; Order Cnttlag Pasaenger Rates. DALLAS. Tex.. June 26. Judge Andrew P. McCormlck of the I'nited States circuit court todsy Issued sn order restraining the railroad commission of Texas from en forcing Its order promulgated Msy to re duce psssenger fares on the Houston & Texas Central railroad from three cell la a mile to two and one-half cents. The re straining order will hold good until July 18, when the complainants' petition for a temporary Injunction will 1m? heard. The railroad company further asks that upon final hearing In the rase all of the com missions' rates, both freight and passenger, ahall be perpetually enjoined. Movements of Ocean Vessels Jane M. At New York Arrived : N'ieu Amsterdam, from Rotterdam: Hellig Olav. from Copen hagen: Minnehaha, from lxmdon; Vader land. from Antwerp At Philadelphia Arrived : Noordland, trom Liverpool. At Cherbourg-Sailed: Grosser Kurfurat, for New Yoik. At Naples-Arrived: Moltke. from New York. Sailed; Madonna, for New York At Dover Sailed : Pennsylvania, for New Toik. At Gibraltar Sailed: Konlg Albert, for New York. At Rotterdam Arrived: Ryndani. from New York. At Boulogne Sailed: Statendam. for New York. At Boston Arrived: Canoplc, from Na ples; Manllou. from Antwerp. At Glasgow-Arrived . Columbia. from New York; Nnmldlan. from Montreal Hailed City of Vienna, for Philadelphia At Southampton Ai rived : St. Paul, from New York At Liverpool Arrived. Cmhrla. from New tora. At Cherbourg Arrived: Barbaroisa. from Rockefeller Millions Rejected by Jade Lindiej for National Juvenile Work. JANE ADDAMS FORCES THE SURRENDER Packed by Allred Charities, She 8eonrea Ejection of Standard Oil Offer. ASSOCIATION MUST GO WITHOUT THIS AID Fire Million Waa aa Good aa in Eandi of the Denver J unit. OBJECT OF HIS MISSION TO NEW YORK John D. Rockefeller There Placed) Lnornsoaa Sura nt His Disposal Beranee He Thought It a brand Movement. Judge Benjamin B. Llndsey of the Denver Juvenile court has pledged nimself 10 le fuse the as.'UKi.t'iO promised him by John D. Rockefeller wit 11 which to finance the Na tional Juvctuie Improvement association. Ills alternative was to take the money with the active condemnation of the leader ot the different charities of the country hav ing a like aim. Jane Addams of Hull House. Chicago, negotiated the atrair while she and Judge Lindsay were in St. Paul to adii.cie the National Federation of Women's dubs at the biennial Just closed. This Informa tion comes from an Omaha woman, tihu la conversant with the whole matter. Judge Lindsay's dearest hope la lo create a national association of Juvenile Improve ment charities. He has been working u,itd lecturing along these lines for the last two years, , In January he waa pleased to receive a letter from the secretary of John D. Rocke feller Inviting him to visit him In New York with a view to the financing of his work. Judge Lindsay went to New York, lecturing snd being lavishly entertained on his trip, speaking, with Secretary Taft to Introduce him, before the school children of Chicago. The St. Andrews' societies of the east entertained him and listened to him; he visited the president and was hon ored In all the big eastern cities. During his trip he arranged with the workers In the different cities to meet at the National Convention of Charities snd Corrections nt Philadelphia snd effect a nu lional association of the children's charities that should become as universal aa the Young Men's Christian association. Promise of Five Million. Mr. Rockefeller 'was In retirement from the subpoena server and the negotiations between them were conducted by the sec retary of the rich man, who waa empower, d to promise a first Installment of 6,(sr),'VJ with as much more, later, as was needed. Judge Llndsey returned to Denver and gave the story to the press. Ths leaders of the organisations with whom he hoped to federate under on general head, him self as president aa agreed, quietly dis cussed the subject of "tainted" money and the effect on the children for whom they were endeavoring to set up a high Ideal of cltlxenshbp. Judge Lindsay was unable to attend ihe national convention at Philadelphia aa br.J hern his Intention, as It came at ths tlm he was trying the cases growing out of the lllegnl registration for the May elections. In Denver, under the law he himself had framed, and the Honest Election league was afraid to allow any other Judge to pass on the Important registration lists. Judge I Jndsay s friends In the Denver Ju venile association went to Philadelphia ex pecting the national federation would be easily effected aa most of the leaders In the work hsd already pledged their support. The federation and the whole matter of Juvenile Improvement association was laid on the table. No reason wss given. Judex IJndsny was bitterly disappointed. He asked to have a convention of Juvenile workers called at Chicago. Judge Mack Issued the call. The convention was to be held st Hull House, Chicago. Mlsa Addams Steps la. In the week previous, when both were In St. Paul. Jsns Addams told Judge Lind say that the other workers, herself In cluded, could not federate with sny saso elation that was to be financed by John D. Rockefeller. She said she was sure Judge Llndbsy would coincide with their views when put to him. Otherwlss the leaders must refuse to sttend the meeting tn Chi cago. It meant an open revolt against Judge Lindsay in connection with Rockefeller's money. "The work of the Juvenile Improvement association Is too Important for me to stand In the light of Its being nationalised. I do not know now where ww ahall get ths money to do the work of organising and carrying out the work, but I promts you I will not accept any money whatever from Mr. Rockefeller," was Judge Lindsay's re- P.T. I Miss Addams tmmedlstely reported his I rtledna tn her colleagues and the convention In Chicago waa attended with enthusiasm. The largest number of Juvenile workers sver assembled representatives from Aus tralia, from Sweden, from Japan, South America, as well aa most of the cities of the I'nlted States waa present, and an In ternatlonal Juvenile Improvement aasoota tion waa formed, with Judge Lindsay as chairman to draw up the neceasary by- i laws, constitution and the details for ths j organization that has the hearty support j of all the Juvenile workers, while John D.' j Rockefeller's name wss left In ths silence j of sn averted disgrace. 1 Object of the Association. The object of . the Juvenile association Is to do away with ths Juvenile court aa It 1 la now. The court takes the child who j haa gone wrong. Twenty-three states have I adopted the Juvenile laws that ars as nesr j as circumstances will permit the counter part cf the Colorado laws. In studying the reasons why the children went wrong. Judge Lindsay worked out the theory that the fundamertal cause of all the mis demeanors of children boys snd girls lies In ths Idleness of the child. For exa- pie. tne child who lives near the railroad track Is the one who Is brought Into court with every session because there la the con tinual Invitation to 111 in to trespass on the moving traina and on the freight cars. Another child that reappears In every Juvenile court the child of the widow who trust leave her little ones at home wbll she la as well the hresd winnner ss the home msker. It Is said to be Impossi ble to prevent Iheee l.lldren from coiiili." sgiln and again tit the courts. Anothsr . child who is In the sv lo Ihe jails Is the 1 boy or g'rl wi'o Is not fined to wot k w l'li ' the other child, en In : l,e pulille schools and falla out and hates to go lo school I j at all. J -Alt at Uuaae children cool taken ,