Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JCJXE 25, IPOS. SPECIAL II0T1CES Aatertlaemrat tar llirt eolamas will a taken aatll IS aa. for Ik venla edition aad aatll p. m. for Rate 1 3-Se a word flrst Insertion, la a or thereafter. Retbla taken far tbaa 20e) for tk ret Ur- tloa. Tkeae advertleenseat maat ka t eonaecatlvoly. Advertisers, hj reaeatlas a nia bared ekeek, eaa have nwri ad dreaaed ta a aasabered letter la ear f Tha Be. Answers so adrsd nUI b dellrered aa yreaeatatlaa af check. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL V BOYLES SCHOOL Ever dav is enrollment day. Ruslness, Shorthand. T pewrltlng. Telegraphy and EnglMfc. Catahgue free. Adilresa M. B Boyles, Pres . Boyle Bldg.. OniaiaNeb. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work mak a spe cialty of Or eacapea, hutters, doora and O. Andreeu, Prop., luii S. 10' h St. SIGN PAINTING. 8. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas. TRT Kelly's Towl Supply. Tl. Doug. 35.(0. low Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1918 Far nam. inTMONOrOLT Garbage Co.c 621 N. lath. Tl. JJoug. 1779. Re, 'phone, DougTOSh EL8AESER' A BRICK. Machinists, II? South 12th St. Tel. J!. 'VTV iMMui". ,.h flv fnr tl 217 ALJShMS gSV. laa 2974. R-M467 Julylo WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, auit caaea and shopping bag. Old trunks taken In exchange; repairing. f'REUiVO A B1EINLE. 410 N. 16t 8U 'Phone Doug. 4936. ,, ft Mitt June26 TYPEWRITERS rented, nil make, 32.60. Fox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R-M5M July 16 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any lz. 1818 Farnam. j tiff SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., beat mixed paint Sherman d: McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W a HALL'S safe, new, 2d -hand. 1818 Farnam. Q 429 TOH SALE Empty Ink barrela. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mall room. Q 643 FOR SALE New and (ecor.d-hand billiard and pool table; w lead th world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payment. Brum-wick-Balke-Collender, 407 H. 10th St. MoS3 WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 430 CHEAP chicken fence; long fir timbers. hit baaawood fur burnt work. 921 N. Hth. Q- MILCH COWS, on easy terms. Center. 43d and Q 433 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 810 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Oman a. w 4J ONE second-hand worthlngton steam pump, alse 14xsVtxl2, capacity 600 gallons per minute; 1 40-H. P. boiler; 8-S crook points; sll sre in good condition. Ad dress city Clark, Fullerton, Neb. t Q-M721 July3 FOR SALE Household furniture; also In cubator. 1129 N. 17lh. Q-836 25x GOOD hard coal stove, furniture, at 1330 8. 37th Bt. - . ... . Q M843 ZoX CONTENTS of ten-room house completely furnished. iz is . mti Bt. y .visa, xx MIRROR, large slse. suitable for store or saloon; also outside display case, cheap. ' y- ''ln- tj M9W ax BUSINESS CHANQES FOR SALE One almost new 18-horsa re turn flue Hueber engine with Newton ten der and steel tank, complete with rump and Garr Scott separator, Sti-56, complete with self feed and blower. A snap for IW; must be sold at once. Address G-S3, tar Bee. Y M762 r. WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly furnished, on caay terma, to responsible party. Call 201 or 802 Ne ville Blk., Omaha Neb. Y M971 Do You "Wish to Make a Change! If you have a farm, home, buslneas or property that you want to sell or exchange MLoVn'LANp AND INVESTMENT CO.. umsna, iseo., or tsioux city, la. Y-M54i J LAUNDRY for sale or lease to practical parties. - Address u bi. Bee. Y M72S 29 good location. Address G-t,4. tare of Bee. Y-M76X PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock. Nenmha Co. (southeast Nebraska); well established: sale from 80 to 176 per day; advise with owner; no trading stork; will ' require about 85, W0 cash. Address H 8. Hee. , Y801 Jy21 -- FOR SALE Complete set foundry tools .t-in. cupoin. niower. crane., lathe, drill ruess. ib H. p. engine. 20 H. P. boiler. large asxortnient house patterns mid nasks; all llrst class. Address Box sit, west mint. Neb. Y M:;o 26 OR SALE Jamclsnn hotel and furniture. For particulars Inquire Jameisun luncl. ruiinn jsianu, co. l .t,x FOR SALE 4-chalr barlier shop; 15 c-nt shop; town of 15.0U0. Address H 14, care ie. Y M126 2jX MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE OARVIN BROS., 1W4 Farnam, 6 and 6Vi - yvr Kin mu uu ihi eaiaie; no aeiay. W4J MONEY TO LOAN-Payn Investment Co. W 4dj WANTED City loans and warrant w. rarnsiu tsmun t to.. ic rarnam Bt. BUILDING loans on residence property par cent. W. H. Uelkl. Ramge block w LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxtoa block W lea PRIVATE MONKY-F. D. WaL 1630 Dong. w oi 81,000.000 lO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brcnnan, U. 1. N. I. Lift. W 4M W ANTEi-CUy loana. R. C. Patera Co. W 4oJ City farm loans. O. F. Caxson Co.. N.Y L, w 470 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. i nomas, sua rtrai national uiuii mag FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOAN 3. Heed Bros.. 1710 Farnam Ft W 471 WANTED TO BUY tmr A VTWT T. - kit, teivnA.hAnil' furntliiM - Stove, carpsts,, clothing and ahoes. Pay r tarn omw price. avviiiuu uuuim otia. ? t July V ' i,.; , t : : SviLI, buy 60.000 second-hand bricks; stat J a bather cleauad or In wall, where lo- '.'rated and pt1c. Box 197, .Omaha, Neb. ;..' t ' N Mrs - - - 1 ANTED To buy, with or without house, r far caeh. 6 . to 14 acres near Ommn; .'must be bargain. Adiir H IK. rare Bee. .... r-.iv j x SIDEWALKS lPKWALKB -All kind licensed. A. R. UuaL Xlul WeUalar. IsL Liuus. 404. II jolylt WANTED MALE HELP WANTED A saussg mik'r and ail round Muiur' kitchen man. Begin work at once. R. M. Westphalen. Atlantic. Ia. B-MX44 X WANTED-Rellable men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circular, samples, adv. matter. tack signs, nr.; nothing to all; no canvassing. 1'nlversal Adv. Co.' Chi cago. B-M872 25 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; splendid time to begin; buay season now; little expense: few week completes; top wage paid graduates; position watting; small capital atari business. Call or write Muiiler Barlier college, 111 Karnim Bt. B MUf - WANTED At once; experienced sales-IK-ople In all department; must furnish references. Ilayden Broa. B M107 25 PERMANENT POSITIONS OF ALL. KINKS IN A HlllH IIRAUK WAV, WITH m HOfSES AT GOOD SAL ARIES. OFFERING OPPORTI NIl ILS FOR ADVANCEMENT ARE OBTAINA BLE THROIGH THE .OFFICE OF THIS ASSOCIATION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY IN NEED OF BOOKKEEPERS. BTEN GH A PH MRS. . OFFICE CLERKS. TRAVELING SALESMEN. CREDIT MEN AND MANAGERS. LOSE NO TIME. BUT WRITE fS TODAY STATING KIND OF ItJSITION DE SIRED WESERN RBF. BOND ASSN. (Inc.), Dept. B., MO-1-3 N. T. Life Bldg. B MfM 26 PRESSMAN WANTED Man competent to take charge of (folding and Gordon Job ber, Cottrell two-revolution cylinder and Dexier Intermediate folder and keen aame in good repair; must be able to do good work and willing to feed machine. Ex cessive use of lliiuor sufTliipnt cause for Immediate discharge: 318 per week inn better If man makes good; steady job to right man; no union In town; muM be filled at once. Argue, iewistown. iwont. B M127 25 x. WANTED Clparmakers; 8 roller and 8 bunch breakers; will j CdfTr'ca're0:"1, Addres H 1.. care of 1 bunch breakers; will pay the nesi or will send tickets. Bee. B M815 CHERRY PICKERS Apply at orchard of 1. Jaynea any day except eunrtay. GreH- vllle Bros. 1 . B-9T.6 2Sx WANTED Two experienced order clerks by wholesale drug house; must ne ramu lar with business. Address H 20, Bee. B-M9H7 26 MEN and boy wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, piasteung traaes; pay a a day. Coyne Bro. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati. St. Louis. Free cata logue. j oa WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside poaltlon; teady em- Moyment. u. Adam Co., mo warn 5t H-3 DRUG atore bought and sold; drug dark wantea. . v. ivtueat, 621 in. x. l B 431 WANTED For TT. S. Armv. ablebodted un. marnea men Der ween ages or zi ana aa.j citizen or L nited Btatea, or gooa cnarao ter and temnerate habits, who can apeak, read am write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 18th and Doug las Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is land, Neb., or Bloux City, la. o ti CARPENTERS wanted at Fort Omaha. YOUNG Men for Locomotive Firing, Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address Ry. .Dept., 20$ S. 12th St.. Omaha. D 4'J dUiyiv TEAMS wanted. C. B. Havena A Co., B-734 2t yard. Hth and Webster. WANTED Quick, plantation performers , or show musicians .for band. Operators and talkera address Dixl Carnival Co., liramie, yo. . B M.87 x ANY PERSON willing to dlatrlbute sam ples; t20 weekly. "Enipire," 4 Wells St.. Chicago, in., steady position; no can vassing. B M130 25x WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general housework. 3612 Farnam Bt. C-S2 COOK wanted, references required. 8612 Farnam. C M618 MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good home and good wages- na tionality not considered; 23 4th St., Coun cil mun. . , M9U WANTED Girl" for general housework. C 413 family of two. 106 B. Sdth. GIRL WANTED Small family; no chil dren; High wages. Mrs. H. U. Neely. 4371 Hamilton St. C M17 WANTED Girl for general housework. C M715 1911 Chicago St. WANTED Experienced shirt makers, on Eower machines. Howell, Allen & Kami, enver. Colo. . C M730 J19 FIFTY OIRI8 for bag department; experi ence unnecessary, tiemls omaiia Bag l o.. nth and Jones Sts. C MS?4 25 WANTED Machine operator at King- Graham Mfg. Co., 11th and Jackson. Ap ply 5th floor. C M813 2o WANTED Girl to do general cooking at me recne, iui ana Harney. C M826 25 WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook; small ramny; large salary. Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 houswork; ncT children "good wag's. neral In- quire 2116 Binney St. C 986 30 WANTED Experienced salesladies In laca department, only those with ajcperleme In large store need apply, J. K Bran dela & Sons. C M990 26 WANTED At once; experienced sale- people In all departments; must furnish references. Hayden Bros. C Ml OS 26 AGENTS WANTED LADIES wanted to canvass fnr th Ed wards skirt supporter; one supporter fas tens every shirt waist to skirt for seven incl es across back without pins, points or teeth to tear garments; free terma. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co. 617 Main St., Buffalo. N. Y. J M988 JulySx AGENTS In every community to sell Top- shine polishes. Tor nine Mfg. Co.. 2W7 Ohio St.. Omaha. J M927 Jul6x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED 4 good traveling men; 850 per week to the right men; reference and bond required; legitimate business; no fakirs wanted; communications connden. tiaX Address. F U. B. I MJUl J-M WANTED SITUATIONS ATTENTION. THRESH ERM EN ! En gineer wants job with good outfit; about four years' experience. Address George Evans, Afton, la. A M814 Juiy3x WANTED By young lady of experience, a position Hi printing omce. Adoress H , care Bee. A Ming jux PATENTS H A. STL' ROES registered atto-nev: nr. ents, trade marks, copyrights; no tee ua- le succesalul. 417 N X. Uf. Omaha. - i'.J F. J. LARSON CO., patent lawyer; patent book fre. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Ksb. 474 6HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patent procured. Invention developed, diawinga, patterns, casting, machine woik. tv-kij B. 10th St. 476 PATENTS procured, boufht and sold Na tional investment Co., as uougis Blk. -M07 Julyl CONSULTING ENGINEER L. H. GARDNER. 611 first Net. Bank Power planta, manufacturing processes. Ice plant, test, inspection, report. kISIl July 11 PRINTING LYNOSTAD High Grad ln Calendar . irt-c " corner ism el. ana JOK K. Capitol Ave. -ol ENGRAVING and prim ng. Kotera A Co, 1510 Uuwaid. Tl Dougla Aw7. MEET A r.lAN WITH OWEY THROUGH BEE WANT ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS WILL rent one large, cool room, nicely furnished, to gentleman who ran furnish good references. Our home Is in the Wst Farnarm district. Nice hiwn and aliade; strictly private family, and any one renting room will be made to feel at home. Address, G-9, care Bee. E 756 25 X REWET European hotel, lith and Far n Am. Doug. 611 O. M. E. llaul Trunks K 284 Thurston hotel; room 11.60 up per week. E M4 TWO nicely furnished south front rooms. 5664 Harnav. E M499 DESIRABLB suit of rooms; also single; strictly modern: gentlemen preferred; 107 North Twentieth. E-9S0 July 7. FURNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 2306 Dougla St. E 709 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT-Xicely fur nished, modern room. 131 N. 31st Ave. E 770 114 B. 26TH AVE. New house; gentleman; references. 'Phone Harney SS. ( E 776 26 NICELY furnished room, 17th Ave. modern. 7o2 8 E-MM1 2x TWO ntcely furnished housekeeper rooms. 815 S. Hth. E-M9T.8 25x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, refer ences. 1616 Hurt Bt. E M9?7 2Sx FOR RENT 2 or 8 beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. E-M12 LARGE, rool. modern rooms and board. 107 8. 17th 8t. E Mln9 iix LARGE alcove south room; well fur nished; modern detached house; yard an 1 shade. Address H 21 Bre. ' E Ml 05 25x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD LARGE front room, suitable for two gen tlemen; good board; reasonable rates. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F-757 JulySx Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks r-2o VIENNA hotel; private dining room, cafe. F 291 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 8 room; bath. d. TUard. 2K N. o Mm CENTRAL, 8 rooms, bath. Tlzard. 220 N. 88d. G Mti08 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas 1626. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. D 443 TinTTRF'.S 1 all parts of the city. Tba ' u. jr. Davie Co., 60S Beo Blug. HOUSES In PrU of lh cl,r- B- CLUUOXLiO c retr, Co.f ue HOUSES, Insurant. Rlngwalt, Barker Bit, D 448 THE Omaha Van 4 Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods; storehouse, ' 1126-14 N. ' mh. Office, l&llft Farnam. Tel.. Doug. 16. D 448 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. Ittti. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D 460 BEE us when shlnolar household goods to large cities it. We can save you money. EXPRESS M EN'S DELIVER CO., iU4 N. Sixteenth SL Tel., Doug. 1195. D 461 CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room fiats. N. 23d. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Dry rounia, low prices. Telephone Douglas 1U39. D 2.1416 June 28 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. 'Phone Dougla 1U2. 1106 Farnam. U M33S 102 8. 36TH ST. Nine rooms, modern 845. 2220 Chicago St.. 8 moms, modern f.Vt. RINU WALT BROS.. Barker Blk. D MS21 24 SPECIAL. Choice 6-R. strictly modern apartment In one of the new apartment houses for rent. See Payne, Bostwick & Co., S"l N. Y. L, D MS09 25 FOR RENTi-Hotel Under, Washington lake; by the week or month, or season; will accommodate twenty people; suitable for house parties. Inquire of T. J. Gard ner, Mankato, Minn. D M5!2 July8 NEW 9-room brick house, Weat Farnam district 856. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug.-314. D-834 io 1S23 MAPLE. 7 rooms, all modern. 822.50. 3ili N. IJOUi, 1 rooms, cltv wafer. WALTER G. CLARK. 1214 HARNEY ST. n m 27x VERY desirable 7-room apartment, south and eaat exposure; also one of 5 rooms; S-room modern house. South Omaha. HAMILTON, 'Phone Doug. 1132. 526 Bee Rldg. D MU76 25 FOR RENT 8-rooms. city water. 1820 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D 873 FOR RENT 1718 Mason St., 6-room cot tage, 8J0. 514 N. ymh, new 10-room mod ern brick, hardwood finish, 8o0. W. R. I Ionian. 1517 Farnam Ht. D M9S 30 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 1S6 N. ISth St.; steam beat Bemis. Paxton block. 81500 I-MH08 FOR RENT Dk room In Bee offlce. city hall building. 417 N. 36th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO KyL'AL, laundry, drug stor. Tlsard, 220 N. 23d. I-M6V9 STORE ROOM for rant. 408 B. 15th, Or. pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 1618 Doug, las. I M46s FOR RENT Third floor, els 83x100, suit able for lodge, club room or for manu facturing purposes. Inquire Palace Cloth. Ing Co., corner Hth and Dougla. 1-M528 SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; 8 floor and basement; Iwb Farnam. Inquire 314 First Nat. Bank Bid: I-4.S4 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Los Angeles property; slx-roorq cottage; modern; good residence district, and small business, a money maker for part cash and residence pron erty in good realdence dletrlct In Omaha. Address 201 East Second St., Loa Angeles, tal. Z M927 28x IT YOU do not find what you want la this column, put an ad In and you will song get U. Z-Ki8 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron syncing; Wire Fencing 6e per foot. 206 N. 17ib St- Tel. Red-Sit -93 Julyk WIRE and Iron Fencing. Hitching Post, Wire Trei'.is. Omaha Wire and I-on Work. Z127 Farn&nt BX TcL Red w FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENT DON'T DELAY IF YOU WANT A BAR GAIN. J613, 1615 and 1617 North S4th street, three 4- room cottagos, in good condition; city water and gas; only one block from car line; always rented. Houses would cost 81.(V") each to build; will rent for 1324 a year. Price, for quick sale. i.350. See us; don't bother the tenants. Hastings & Heyden, 16"94 Farnam St. (Ground Floor.) RE-771 REDUCED TO $3,750 8 blocks from car Una, on a paved street; lot 80x120; nice shade trees and shrub bery; house fhas 10 rooms, furnace, gas, mantels and grates; built by owner for his own home; anxious to sell because they want to move Into a new and larger home. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. D.-1781. RE 769 28 $2500 West Farnam, ! high, sightly lots, fine surroundings, bound to Increase in value rapidly, 6-room cottage, well built, practically new. Payne Investment Company. First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. D. 1781. RE-MD45 26 6-ROOM COTTAGE ENTIRELY NEW, modern plumbing, gas. eemented cellar und-r entire house, per manent walk. No. !45 or 047 N. 27th Ave. Can make favorable terms to reliable pur chaser. Price, 82,250. O. C. OLSEN, 1704 Farnam St. RE-M947 27 Florence Heights A New Subdivision of acre property In the north part of the city of Florence, about seven blocks .from the end of the street car line. THis is high, sightlv, beautiful land, commanding an unobstructed view of the river and aur roundlng country. Will sell In tracts of TWO ACRKH or more. Price very res sonable; terms. i cash, balance easy pay ments at 6 per cent. An excellent oppor tunity to secure land for a country home. GEORGE & CO., Exclusive Agent. 1601 Farnam at. RE M844 30 TRACKAGE A fine plec of traokage property. 141x884, on uT P. track, at 6th and Jones 8a, 812,000 will take It for Immediate sal. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 45 BARGAINS CHEAP LOT, corner 29th and Manderson Sts., 3375. THREE ACRES near 42d and Grand Ave.; will Increase in price. 8900. NEW COTTAGE, south front on Ruggles and 28th Ave., well built and modern except fur nace; on easy terms. S1.960. FINE LOT ' on Manderson Just west of 27th St., south front, permanent walk, 60x126; very cheap, 8626. R. II. LANDERYOU, Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 2151. RE MS48 26 Florence Heights That beautiful new subdivision covering some of the most desirable hills In r lor- ence. Small acre tracts on easy terms. Fur particulars call on or addrens, GEORGE 4c CO., Exclusive Agents. lbui Farnam St. RE-45 M30 rnn SAT.K. Nice homes in Hanacom Park district, 33,000 to 816.000: also ele- KSI nt home near Lowe Ave. west part cr town. A BARGAIN AT 1S.U00. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO. 404 Bee Bldg. 7 R E Ml 03 26 HOMES FOR ALU Two lots and 6-room house on paved street, 4 blocks from car. on easy terms, '. ' 6-room house, one block from car, 31.600. 6-room modern house, on car line, choice, 3.mi. 8-roon house, one block from car line, 32,109. If you wiah to buy or sell, see SEARS & CHRISTIE. Room 3 New York Life. 'Phone Doug. 1S3. RE-M7 26 Williamson Co., f."1- RE 1(3 8-ROOM modern new house, first story fin ished In oak, polished floor; price right. HAMILTON. 6J6 Bee Bldg. RE MST76 26 TRY a "Vr-iman" abstract, secured by a 310.0110 bond, American Surety enmpttny of New York, surety. "Vroman Title Guar antee Company," Abstracts of Title, 607 New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas Set I. -Ms63 Ml TWO flats of 9 rooms each, Inside prop erty, rent 370 per month; we consider this a very good bargain at 86,000. McCagua Investment Co., 16u6 Dodge Stret. RE-832 25 TWO cottages, one 6-room. one 6-room; sewer and city water, ad atreet. brick sidewalk, all special taxea paid in full, good rented property, brings 35 per month. We offer this for 3-M'JO If sold at once. McCague Investment v;o., 150 Dodge Siret. RE-833 36 l.IST your propsrtlos with Boyr, ltd ac4 Cuming. HB- 32 SENT or handed to Dexter Thomas, at torney. 412 Bre Bldg., Omaha, will secure s certificate allowing owner and mortgage, if any, un any lot in Omaha or South Omaha. KE-MK71 SO HORSES 4ND WAGONS FOR SALE SHETLAND PONY. 43d and Center. buggy and harness. P-MS11 24 LAW AND COLLECTIONS M MacfarUnc. 808 N. T. U Bits Doug. (bU, Tl PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION - A1X kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching piles A guar antee given In every case treated by Dr. Maxwell, who has had twenty-five y.i' experience in treating plies. Hundreds of testimonials given on srpllcatton. IM pee Bldg , Omaha, Neb. ' Phone Douglas 1421. 1I-M419 June 28 FAIR, healthy, satin skin bestowed by Raun skin cream and 8atln skin powder. 26c. I u- A Dollar for You Any time before July 4th. 1906, this slip will be screpted at 11.00 down, payment on a 810 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing, the balance to be paid as you earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr. U 477 Vf A nXTP'T'Tn treatment A batha. Mm. V .1 M- A. AW Smith, 118 N. 16. 2d floor, U 44 jyix ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call r write to the matron of the ijalvatloil Army home for women at 8824 N. 24th Bt., Omaha, Neb. U M19 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 8630. 'Phone Douglas- DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 8 8, 1605 Far nam. U 417 YOU CAN RENT An OLTVER TYPEWRITER with OS tabl for 18.00 monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO.. 11 8. 15th St. Tal. Doug 2419 TJ M3l July 12 TOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co.. Ill South 16th St U 480 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug 3559. U 41 P L E A T 1 N Cx Bu1ts.KRuchmg. ULA 1 lilU Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only Be per yard, bend lor prlca list and aample. GOLDMAN Pt.FiTINO CO.. 800 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 19 LAUNDRY C1TT STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. HI 8. 11th Bt. U 484 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mr Garden, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft Clotnlng: In fact, anvthina vou do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at lit rt. jun Bt., tor cosi oi collecting o m worthy poor. Call 'Phon Doug. 4135 and wagon win call. u su. FRCE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College. Hth and Davenport St. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phon Doug. 1167. Call answered day or night, U 129 THE City Garbage co.-office, 4th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Dougias 1387 U 459 nAtrX'O THREEv LAYER WHITE. 80c. VAJLUk? JOHNSON-GOODLET CO.. 3UUI - Lake. Tel. Douglas 1676 u MbUi jui i PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, IJi First Ave.. Council Bluff. la. Tel. 774. U-83 SURVEYING, Bllcktnsderfer, 813 Bee Bldg. VI va ivrTvrriAT the painless chir- lyuiiuiu, OPUDI8T. 206 Neville Blk. Hairdresslng. manicuring. Ladles' hair perfumed free. U M416 June2H OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 40J SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; eat B rices, send for free catalogue. Myers Ullon Drug Co., Omaha. U 4U8 MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial ma sage. Lutl Bryant, 318 Bee Bldg. U-M9o0 June2S MAGNETIC Massage, 412 N. ltftn St.. second noor, room U M927 Jun3i SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman 4k Co., 1514 .Capitol Ave. U-678 Je f AiTWF.TK '1 Osteology, female weak-i'lAUiNrjXJt-' m,B tre,ted. Mrs. Rit- tenhouse, 410 N. 16th St., room 2. 2nd floor. U M-683-July-l WE RENT" sewing machines at 81 P week; we aetl second liund machines 86 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1668. U M856 PRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles Derore ana auring cnnun ment. 2319 S. 13th Bt., Omaha, Nob. U M466 JulylS i r"rav llnir restored to its youtnitii cnior ; and gloss. e use no ajn or lotions. 216 N. 22nd. Tel. Red 5i09. U M-5(W-July-16 VETERANS who Intend to hie for a home stead in the Shoshone reservation will get valuable Information by addressing George Bigmund, Casper, Wyo. U Mbk2 25x LEARN DRESSMAKING By the Mc Dowell system you are taught the only system of cutting with a world-wide repu tation; easy payments; positions free, send for circular. McDowell School of Dressmaking, Mrs. Connolly manager, 1623 Farnam, Omaha. U M823 Jy22 BALLOON Aacenalons. N. 24th. McKay Broa., 1115 U 831 SOx ASK grocer for Ihm's fancy currants. I 'M 1.11 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer eor men. "Gray'a Nrv Food Pills" 31 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drur -"o.. Omaha. 41 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kanaas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." HttiO FIXE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS. UNION PA CIFIC RAILROAD CO. is closing out Its lands In western brssks. Colorado and Wyoming. From 83.00 to 35.00 per acre. Taka advantage of the low prices Ne- and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to ths lands. For further information apply to UNION "PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 318 South 15th St., Omaha, Neb. If-M1J 30 DRESSMAKING Woodruff A Arnold, 813-14 Neville blocs M-75S July M DOWELL SCHOOL. DRESSMAKING. U-M ilia MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY1 EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And thla la the nlaea to rnme and get It. Don t let money stand In the way of en joying yourself when it can be so easily nhfalned at thla offli-e on HOl'SEHOIJ.! GOODS, PIANOS. HORSES, WAGONS, etc. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS! W hsvs a good proposition to offer those ho wish money to this them over vacation period. Call and he convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ,oT. Ps.ton BI"CgxM(M!W OUR LOANS one e,M well Informed and courteous snd w are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you a . . - ,h. wttr he. and if you conclude that It will not pay Vx to borrow, there Is no harm done We loin or. furniture, pianos, tly stock and other chattels and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pa. We offer you rutes aa low as you will And and our facilities for quick and Con fidenlial set vices are unsurpassed. Ws ar th oldest concern in our one the city, and we always try to please our patrons . . . OMAHA MORTGAGE LAJAxi COMPANY. 119 Board of Trad Bldg. 'Phon Doug. 3296. MONET loaned on piano, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, sio. t. eea, i o. 13th. X 498 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no rea tape, iou get money same day asked for at small coat. Open evenings till 7. X 94 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, piunos. salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted: payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 209 3. 16th 6t. X 496 32 HATS for 81. Sid N. Kith St. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug. X-601 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; essy pay ments, umces in w principal cities, loi- man, room 714 New York Llf Bldg. 407 FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry I-oans. 381 Nevlll Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X 491 FURNITURE, Llv Stock. Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. X 4&9 CHATTELS, salary ana jewelry loans. Foley, Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 60 CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Block. X-M463 CLAIRVOYANTS FOR RENT Good 11 room house, shade, lawn, barn, 3016 Pacific; 345 and water; two 10 room housea in row, good condi tion. 2917, 2919 Mason, 331.50 each; ! room, on car line, 1325. So. 82nd, elegant location; 40 and water. KENNY REAL EST. A INV. CO. 404 Bee Bldg. S-M104 26 MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 118 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. S-4S8 PROF. KARMER, NOTED PSYCHIC PALMIST, tells your name, occupation, whom and when you will marry, all about business, love, speculation and domestlo affairs. Offices. 202 N. 18th St., Cor. Capitol Ave. Special low fee by presenting this ad. P 9K tulyeg COUNCIL BLUFFS REAL ESTATE IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Corner lot. two blocks north street car fiower house, $150; also corner lot four ilocks further north, 800, by Dexter L. Thomas. 412 Bee building, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 2-J80. M97i PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholes! prices. Save on every article. Only first-class goods handled. Prompt atten tion to every order. Bend for catalogue. P. F. Karol, 235 Harrison St.. Chlcsgo. III. M-W7x TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin, 1605 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. -504 LARSON & JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. Doug. 1895. -505 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1268, -60S OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 418 N. Y. L Tsl. Doug 184. 490 UNDERTAKERS HOFFMAN & GENTLEMAN, 702 N. 16th. Douglas US. -MS3? .lull MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE CO. Doig lss 621 -Mum June J . RAILWAY TIME CARD In ION STATION TEKTH AXD MABCf (.'Bloat Paelaa. Leav. Arrive Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am The China and Japan Fait Mall a 4:16 pm a 6:10 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 9:80 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pin Lo Angeles Limited. ...11:.V am a!0:46 pm Fast Mall a 1:56 pm a 8:80 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am 1 11 am North Piatt Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 8:16 pm b 8:00 pm rblcaar Great Kntiii. St. Paul aV Minneapolis. 8.80 pm 7:10 am St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7 4b am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 pm 9:00 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 1160 pm Chicago Express 3:30 pin 3 30 pm Chicago. Milwaukee A gt. PamL Chi. A Colo. Special.... 7.66 am a 7:30 am California ar Ore. ti...a :4S pj 3:10 pin Overland Limited a S I- im a 9:30 am Marlon A Cedar R Loc b 6.45 am bU:u0 pro Chicago, Hock Island A Paelg. EAST. Leav. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 3 .35 am a J l'i am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4 0 pm Chicago Mail a 8:15 am al0:10 pm Iowa Local bl2:16 pm b 9:65 pm Chicago (Eastern Exp.) a 4 A pin a 1:46 pm Chicago tlowa Limited). 6.36 pin al2:10 pm A' EST. Rockv Mounta'a Llm. a :20am a 3 15 am Colo. A Cal. Cxpres. ..a 3:01 it scwpis Okl. A Texas Jixp a 4. 40 pm S12 06 pin Colorado Fast Mall ...alO lOpm a 7.36 am a dally, b dally except Sunday. Local Cedttr Rapids ... Ciucgii Dayligm ChlragJ LJmiieU Carroll Local St. Paul Fast Mall ... Sioux C. A St. P. Local Fast Mai'. Chicago Lxpress Chicago Limited Norfolk A Booatil ... ,a am .a "' am .da pin a i ii pm .a .26 pm b 8.uu put a 6.09 em 11 .j pro 9:16 aiu 9.60 am aid 9 9 are 3:90 pm a 7:30 am 11:16 am 1016 am 10 86 am a 6 tt pm t oi pm 6 () pm blZ:40 pm 8:45 pm a 3 66 pm a i .M am a 8:4 am al:30 pm bU :99 am ...a 6 iu pm ...all:o0 pm ...a !.4u am ..a 7.4u am ...a 8 0 pm ...a 3.00 pm ...D 8 . pm ...b 6:03 pin ...H1:J0 urn Lincoln Long rmm Casper Wyoming . Deadwood A Lincoln Hastings A Albion ... Fremont-Albion Chlcsgo Local HllMols COBtraA. Chicago Expr Chicago Liiu.led .... Wabash, . 8:00 am .a s.OO pm hi. Luuis Express .a 6.30 pm nt Luuis Local tfrotn Council Uluttsj a l.i am 6taiitxrry Local trrom Council Bluffs) h I SO pm Mtssoarl raelaa. bt Louis Express h. C. t II, 1, JupiaM .a 9 09 am a ( 89 pm ail.1 put a . put RAILWAY TIME CARD-"H - bURUKGTO" STATIOSI lOTH a MtlOl arllagtaa. Leav. .a 4 in pm .a 4.10 pm .a 4:10 pin .all. 10 pm .a 9 ,0 am .a 8:U0 am b 9:08 pm .b 8 .60 pm . 7.6C pm .a 3.30 am .a 9 10 am .a 7:16 un .a t ii pm .a 6 pm .. 916 am .a 4 t- pm ,.al0:45 pm a 9:16 am a 4 .46 pm Arrive, a 3 30 pm a 6.00 pm a am a 6 Ik' pm a 7.40 pta a 9 06 srn al2:U i m bin . are a 9 30 am a 7:10 am a 8 80 a m a 1M pm a 7:26 am a 8 6o pm 7:35 am a 10 61 pm all:80 am a 6 46 am a t:19 pm Denvsr A California.., nu.l, 14111a Northwest Special , onnwesi &xpre..., RaiirMt .. Nebraska Loial , Lincoln Local Lincoln I aat Mail Ft. Crook A Plattsm h BHvu at Plattsm h. Denver Llmiteo Bellsvu Pso. June. Bellevue I'sc. June. Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louie Expr Kansas City -St Jo.. Kansas Cliy-bt. Ji.. Kansaa City-Bt. Joe.. WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH A WEBSTER Chicago, (lanaha. St. Paal, Mlaneapolls A Teave. Arrtra. b 6 so am b 8:10 pm a 2:00 pm n:20 am ,.b 6:20 j m b 9 M am ..C 8:46 am e 6:60 pm Twin City Psasenger ploux City Passenger Emerson Locs.1 Emerson Local Sllssowrl PeclOe. Nebraska Local. Weeping Water. via ....b 3:60 pm bl:84 pm a Dally, b Dally eeept Sunday, d Dally except Snttirdsy. e Sunday only, e Dally except Monday. Ot KA STEAMERS AMcnoit UN'S r. I. Mn s-rsinitrrs Kg' YORK. LONDONPBRRT AND OLASOOW. 1 NgW YORK. PALgRMO AND NAPLgS. Supsrier acremmoaatlea, xrelisnt Ciilwa. Tk watrsnt ml pten.n rsretullr eenii)r4 llsi er ren-trlp tlck.ts Inusd between N.w Torn Scotch. Bnaltsli. Irish snd all principal eonttnuiel elsU at attrsotlrs rttta. Ban lor Bess oc Tear, Par tlckst or f.n.r.l infoimstloa spplp t aaj local ant et th Anrkor Uaa. or to UltNDIRSOM BROS.. Oes'l Agonts. Ckloago. III. TRIBE OF "DEADWOOD DICK" Pasalngr of Dime Kovel Characters Exeltes Ohltaarles and Renal Iscencea In the F.ast. Th news of the death of a real "Dead wood Dick" In Denver Induces these re marks from the New York Evening Post: Frank Powell's rieath, early In May of thi.i year, brought out recollections of "the buckskin brothers of western romance," ond emphasised the passing of the "old days." Powell and his two brother, with "Buffalo Bill," made up a quartet of plains men that secured more notice' from the press agents, perhaps, than sny other group of frontier notables. Yet It was noted at the time of his death that the glamor had faded. Frank Powell was practicing medicine In St. Paul long before he died; his brothers are physicians of I A Crosse. Wis., snd "Buffalo Bill," of course. Is no more then a figurehead attached to the Wild West circus that bears his name. "Buckskin Jim" passed over "the lonit trail" a year ago: less than three) vaars since "Calamity Jane" died as peaceably as a plains lady could hope. What most Impresses sn old-time "bad man" nowadays I the hard sidewalks snd cannn-llks streets of the cities which he visits from time to time. He hsd ssnd In his craw, but was slow on the draw, So we burled him under the daisies. It was "a poet of the west" who wrote that famous old fouplet; not a western poet, be It observed. The frontier took Its bad men for granted Just as New Tork take Its gamblers. If one can Imagine Richard Watson Gilder penning an epic in celebration of Richard Canfield. then It would seem plausible, that a plains bard should put "Deadwood Dick" Into verse. Tlios romancers who Ratvconie' from the alkali flats with their sanguinary tales have merely supplied an always existing demand for melodrama. Recently one of the best and most restrsined of these transplants! fiction builders said: "You know, I'm no writer. Whst I really am Is a cow hand, but you've got to work ten or twelve hours a day at that, every day In the week. Now, I find this writing game Is easy; I work two days a week and make more money than I ever dreamed of making out In Texas." The west had no delusions about the real capacity of Ita semi-legendary characters. Where one Abilene erects a monument to a Tom Smith, a dozen com munities change the subject when a "hero's" name Is mentioned. Some one has suggesied a directory of western outlaws who have settled down lo the peaceful life. By all the laws of romantic fiction, this should be a kind of blacklist. What business has v a bad man to give up being bad merely becausfl he prefers a mattress and a roof to blanket snd the sky? Frank James, as a promoter of an electric railway or as a doorkeeprr in the Misourl State house, somehow cheats the man of Imagination, however much he pleases his friends. Henry Starr, out In Indian Territory, to the regret of the thril ling writer, refuses to perpetuate the glory that came to the name through the adven tures of that brilliant and dissipated woman,' Belle Starr. Pardoned out of the Fort Smith Jail for bravery displayed In helping to suppress a mutiny among th prisoners. 8tarr Is "living down his past". "Cole" Younger and "Hen" Cravens are voiding the limelight with the stme scrup ulous care. The settings for the lurid pic tures and staccato melodrama manufac tured for the messenger boy have changed from "Dead Man's Gulch" and "Cornered In the Canon" to the fresher fields on which Chicago's "Car-Barn Murderers'' won glory, or where the Piddle brothers per ished. "Kit" Carson dropped out of view ten years ago; in another ten yeara "White Beaver" and "Deadwood Dick" will fade. Into obscurity. After all, the west gets off as easily a could have been expected. With no delu sions of Its own about its actus) state of wickedness, and with a material future that Included farmers and mechanics and clerks snd tlrnld men of finance to look' after, that region took Its outlaws and cow boys merely aa the Incidents of a rapidly changing life. As a range rider with the gift of sung once hinted, there was nothing really new about the west, for It only rs pented history: "Old Abraham emigrated In search of a range. When wuter grew scarce and he wanted a change." Also, he remembered that "Jacob punched cows fbr his father-lu-la w." When Its sitentlon is directed to pui h by-products of th plains as "Deadwood Dtck" once wss. the west merely remarks that had whisky has ruined many a man. The sort of pioneer whom it prefeis to talk about was the late Rev. Jer,ome C. Berry ma n, the first settler among and mission ary to the Kirkapoo Indians. ho went to the site of Kan., In 1W3. Another product of the west who did more to make its character than ''Dead mood Dick" was the Rv. A. A. Najlor. who died st Newark a few days ago at the aga of ninety-three. Kansas was the-theater of his activity, and In that state's history h Is a bigger figure tha i any of the old marshall of lKidge Cily, redrfl a float. Who got up thv folder you sent m advertising these iois?" giowled til auh- urlMiiite in I he hip hoots. "Why. I think lie was reporter," r- i,llil the iiijiv, lain! bicent. "11 m! Mjsi have beu a marin r portxr." Why o-f' "Because there Is mora water nut her thau Ur Is land. "Columbus iVlstatcli.