Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Ithaca Oarsmen Take the 'Vanity Eieht
and Fonr Rowing Matches.
raepse Win freshman timer,
ralth I nrnrll ernpd CoilfMi
' Bowed RrliifrH Thnn-
.. drralnrmii
niflienl spurt by the PymcUJ men. They
rapidly overhauled I'enneylvsnla and
closed the gap of nearly two lengths which
had separated them from Cornell. The
bitter crew man rowing at thirty-two, while
Syracuse- went to thirty-flve. When the
orange host unshed alongside tha red snd
white shell the coxswain In the latter
rslled for a aptirt and tha Cornell boa
sllopcd Into the lead again Time after
j time In brilliant hursts of speed Syracuse
I struggled tn overhaul the leadera. and It
waa not unill the laat mile of the Journey
1 tl at Cornell could ahow clar water. Then
1 Syracuse had Mint Ita bolt and the f'enn-
! sylvanla crew, pulling with grim iletar
I nilnntlnn. snatched away the honor of tec
June, C'oi - i ond place by Inches. The race waa ao
hard that eersl of the men collapsed.
They were ijuickty revived, however, and
each crew waa able to row to Its nut
house. 'I'b e Samrnarles.
'Va ratty foiira. two milea for the Kennedy
challenge trophy: Cornell won: tilna,
1:4; Syracuse second: time. 10.4.1S. Col
umbia third: lime, lO.Se-'S; Pennaylvania
fourth: time, II ftss.
Freshmen, eight-oared shell, two intla,
for stewards' cup: Syracuse won; time.
S 61H: Cornell second; time. S B6: Wiscon
sin third; time, i S5:,x; Columbia fourth:
time. 10:07',; Pennsylvania fllih; time,
rnlveisliy eight-oared ahells. four miles
tn the eighth snd ninth "core:
Jill liMKKKPfiJK. N V
r.rll again won the honors In the annual
regatta of Jh Intercollegiate Rowing
aorlatlon held here today river the four
mile inuiw nn the Mud-"ti rlcr The tad
and white crews were first In the varsity
eight the op.i, intercollegiate champion
ship of the year and the 'varsity four
Hsrycuee. . won. the. lght:nared event for
freshmen "news, Cornell being second.
The races were'' decided ' bet ween thunder
storms, a" particularly heavy one occurrltiH
Jusl before 'jt he 'varsity eights race.. The
sin Us of several of the crews were ao f5lld
wlt,yetcr fi.wa necessary to hae
them uiimi.ed nu' am
send-away until :19
minutes and '. seconds later the stuidy
Cornell ciew raced bv the Judges' boat a
winner4 bv nearly two lengths
to how and stroke for strike the crews of Newman, bow; K. C. Harton. 2: W. H
were flahtirg, H'oweu. a; j. y irons, 4; I,. v . uavctt. a;
M ll.W At K f.K MINNIAP"l.l ,
AR H O A G A a H O A K !
Ftohlnana as . a 1.1 4 I lick rf I I I t
llree. rf . . , I t 0 f fFeman. lb. . 1 T
Mrheartea. If 1 I 1 iu-t If 4 " I
latenia-i, II I I 1 I'nremtrig'r. Ih I I I I I I
Hemphill, rf. 4 I I 1 Sullivan. rf.. 1
Roth, r 1111 lllr. I I 1 I t
Clark. lb . . Ill 0 Yaaser. -.... 41708
M t nrm'b. th I I I 1 t Fm. 2h tl 5 I 1
liberlln. p . . I 1 1 VI Trinmaa. . 4 a tl 1 0
HIH. c... I 1 4 I I Kllrnjr, a 1 1 0 0
urtt. lf j
Hrn" 1 1 Tntats 44 II :s i i
Ton Eattleibips Now Anthoriied.
, --
i A TroflS
HLfiill Hii
Heavy Armor Will ITolect Mtal
Tni.i. ...41 is r, m i I P,M, B-l th rmamet Will
Halted for tiberlln'ln seventh.
Milwaukee (i 1 3 o n 0 I 2 1-1 ! H nt l-rat
Mlnneapolla J n 0 0 0 0 0 S r)ralai.
Hits: Off Otierlln. 14 In seven Innings, '
off Curtla. 1 In two innings: off Thomas,
9 tn six and one-third Innings: off Kllioy.
b in two and two-thirds Innings. Two-bnse , WASHINGTON, June a Bid were
hit: Mc-Chesney. Three-base hits: Davis , j ope-ied todav at the Navy department on
Kievn r,v::;...,;,?,:,,b;: MP,,
First hHse on balls: Off otierlin, :': off Mlcnlgan and the Pouth Carolina, author
1'homaa. 4; off Kllroy. I Struck out: H , ij.e.1 bv an act of congress approved March
'lierlln. : bv Thomas, h: by Curtis. 2; by ,
IKIrov. 1. Sacrifice hit: Roth. l-efl on i iv
il this deliiveil the for tlie Intercollegiate challenge cup: Oor
... ,. ,, ... I tie!! won; time. l:3iS; Pennsylvania aec-
o Clock hxaelly l I ii ei.' third- Hm.
! l-4f.: Wlmonaln fourth: time. 2U:l:ix; Col
umbia fifth: Time. Li)15i:; Georgetown
Almost tKIW I Men. I,... 'nf 'the lnnln i-r.." V M
bases: Milwaukee. 14; MlnneaMlla, 11. Um
pire: Popkey Time: 1 5u.
Mnribena Defeat Hooslera.
TOLKDO, June 23. Poor fielding by In
dlannix.lls. coupled with Toledo a timely
hitting, gave Toledo Ita victory In hollow
style today. Si-ore:
AB II (I A t A B H O A..
' I'annell. if.. 112V oVIuKnn. rf 4 u u 0 1
4 li U tlnrilravy. cf. 4 2 z 1 u
3 4 il Mlmo, If. . I 1 i It It
i li ti I IT, lb 5 t in I II
II h i hoe. . . t 0 II 1 II
ft 2 l Jimti. SI. . . . 1 2 1
1 1 n M.r.-.i.. :h. .. 1 I I 4 I
4 0 li H..lrr. r . 1 I 0 it
l 1 Ktrnrr. p.... I 1 1 I I
C. P. Cox,
R T. Koote.
. I.nnla Shots lint Cleveland Mne l
ST. I.OI'IS. Mo.. June 23. St. luis won
tha game from Cleveland today by a acore
of ! to 0. Howell pitched excellent ball.
Fast fielding by the home team was th
feature of ih game. Score:
B H O. A E. B H O. A
Nllea. rf 4 I 2 I 0 Dirk, cf ft 2 I 0
0 .li. nn. If. .. 4 I H
ft ATurntr. m. ... 4 1 f S
0 t,.jol, 2b 1 t 1
n Roanmsn. Ih 4 1 12 1
I Ot'onaalton. of t 0 S 0
t il Pnrlley. Jb. . 0
0 Famln. e 4 1 1 I
S t Rhoadei, p .. 1 1 4
BarlMiu. Sb. . 4 I 0 1
11 10 2" 14 0 Tr.wnaeti4. p. 1 A 1
Stnvall . ... 1 I a
Clarke 14 0 0
.!ftnea, lh .... 1
Sinna, If 4
llemplitll. rf. 4
Wallara, aa . 1
O'Brien, !h: . 1
llartiall, Sb.. t
Spanrer, a . . , . 4
Howell, p.... 4
. Totala.
n a
1 4
0 I
Pennsylvania and Syraru'e
It. nut or .second prisltlon. It was the
nreiiiesi srruaa e. ee-o ir.r j...
.i..... i- .h- iu.i .en of t he oa ra. Penn- AMF. M THE AMERICA IF. A OIK
a.vHanla firg7'd a few , feet ahead. Syia
cuse was ten. length's in froht of Wiscon
sin, with IVilumbla four lengths further
lfk and tieo:geton bringing up In tha
rear.. . '
Retween Cornell. Syracjse and Pennsyl
v;irr! the nare waa stiff throughout. AfNr
two of. the four miles, of the course had
been mvered. Syracuse spurted to almost
even terms will Cornell Poggedly they
tried, to hold level with the Ithacana and U
was tills earlv struggle that caused Oiem
th .fail ,1ust at the moment when Pennsyl
vania challenged."'
' ltiaca Wins Foo r-Oa red Hare.
hy' tha, -four-oared race, won by Cornell,
Syracuse was second. Columbia third1 and
Pennsylvania In the firshnmn race
Syracuse waa loflowed across the line by
Cornell. ' Wisconsin,, Cdlumjila 111111 Pennsyl
vania,. Agnrn ln'the Ihtter contest the fight
for second pfa'ee' wifs the real struggle of
the.rwce. Wisconsin cami' Within-tin ace of
nipping Cornell In the Inst few yards.
tre downpour of rain which preceded, the
varsity race drenched the 3n.(io persons
Blithered along the shorea of the liver and
on" 'the observation 'train. But the sun
shone a the crew s-lined up for tlie start.
'A rainbow appeared and while the race waa
on the picture w'aa'one of the rarest beauty.
The surface of the -Hudson, running be
tween reat hills of green, had been healcn
flat by tie raJri and. Wa as placid aa a
mill ' pond. The' course was lined with
yachts' bedecked from.' stem to stern.
Kverywhere Iherc waa color and life.
Trje .first rara of the 'afternoon waa for
'vafsrty four-oared shells at 'two nillea.
This race was won last year by Syracuse,
with Cornell second, ' Today It was simply
a question as to. the distance by which the
Iiha'cans' would win., ' Tti'ey , crossed , the
line with five lengths to spar. Ryraotian
was threy lengths before Columbia.- whlcn.
In' turn, waa. four lengths In front of Penn
sylvania. .. . ' . , 1 . '
', The t' second; race .. was for freshmen
eights. -It -wss won by, SjTactise 1y a
length and a half from- Cornell, the- latter
halrii" Jesa tha,n a quarter tt a boat's length
In front of " Wlacoireln! , .
. , The! weatern shell, waa sweptl by the
. Hash -of a tuwhoat-in the Inat tinlft MitM
anif' this . Interfered materially lwlth Its
ehantes. Columbia and Pennsylvania,
which kflnJshed fourth- and fifth, were .not
tnrf than ix lengths Jiehlndi the winners.
'arslt t aire Beat na
Totala K 11 24 U 4
Batted for Rlioads-ln fourth.
Batted for Townsend In ninth.
St, Ixiuls 1 1 8 0 1 3 0 0
Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hit: Flick. Sacrifice hita:
Jonea, llartzell fi, Waldo. Double plays:
Jones, Wallace to Jones: O'Brien, Wallace
to Jones. Stolen bases: Jackson. Stone
till. Hit by pitched ball: By Townsend,
Jones. Wild pitch: Howell. Bases on halls:
Off Howell, 3: off Townsend. 2: off Rhoades,
2. Struck out: By Howell, 3; by. Town
send, 2. Pitching record: Off Rhoades.
hits, and & runs In three Innings; off
Townsend. 4 hita and 4 runa in five In
nings. IWt on bases: Ht. l.ouls. 1; Cleve
land, 10. Time: 1:6H. I'mplre: Sheridan.
lnakers ghat Oat Rook. Worms.
PHII.ADK1.PH1A, June 23. Plank al
lowed Boston only five scattered hita to
day and the visitors were shut out. Score;
B.H.O A.K. B.H.O.A.K.
i Clarke. II. 1 1
Item-Mil. aa . . 6 2 rf I II
Knieer. Ih. . 1 1
Knahe. 2h. .3 2
W. I'tark. :b 4 1
Iani1. r 4 1
X.I! tir.ff p. . . I 1
Troala 34 II 27 13 t Totala 34 I :t II I
Toledo 1 1 0 4 'I 3 -9
Indiana ikjIIs 1 1 0 li 3 0 0 0-5
Two-base hits: Carr. Fisher. Dunlcavv.
Krueger, Knabe. Struck out: By SuthorT,
2: by Fisher. 1. First base on balls: off
Buthoff. 4; off Fisher. 3. Sacrifice lilts:
lunleavy, J. Clarke 12). Marran, Holmes,
Buthoff. Double play: Fisher and Carr
Stolen bases: Deiiiont. Jude. lft on
bases: Toledo. 8; Indianapolis, S. Time;
1;46. I'mplre: Owen
(lanir Postponed.
At Ixulsvllle ColumbuK-Loulsville game
post untied; rain.
Otnadtnat of the learns.
Played. Won. lxiit
Toledo i 3x , "4 ,13
Columbus t "7 ' 27 S7S
Milwaukee oH 33 2 .5H9
IxiulHville fin 32 2s .S3::
Kansas City .Vi 2 .4!'2
Minneapolis ti2 29 33 .4Hh
St. Paul nil 23 3B .:
lndianupolis HI 22 39 .Ml
Oatnes today: 1 ndlii na polls at Toledo,
Columbus at Kou'svllle. Minneapolis at
Milwaukee, St. Paul at Kansas City.
rtttaburg ghnta Out 3t. I.oola.
PITTSI BCRG. June 23. Pittsburg again
defeated St. Ixnils. the acore being 2 to 0.
In the fourth Inning a base on balls to
Nealon. a three-bagger by Leach and a
single by Rltchey netted two runs and
won the game, which lasted only one hour
and fifteen minutes. Only one St. LrOUia
man reached third base. Score:
B.H.O.A.K: . H H O A I.
Beaumont, rlt ! I JBun-h. rf 4 I 1 0 0
Oanler. rf. . 2 II 1 9 0 Bnnelt. b..4 1 4
Clarke. If ... . 3 0 2 0 0 Hnelak'l'r. lb 4 114
Wagner, aa... 4 0 17 tlSmnnr, cf...a. 10 10 0
Nealon, lh... I 114 A 1 Shannon, It.. 4 1 1 0 0
Lark, lb ...l I I 1 KBrrklar. 1b . 4 '0 11 0 0
RltrhtT, Ih ., 1 I 1 t 0 M. Bride, aa.l 0 I
nthron. r I 0 1 0 oOrarlv. c 3 t 1
rhllllppe. p.t 0 1 1 J Taj lor. p.... I into
Totals 1! 4 24 11
Hartael. If . . 1 1
H.A'h'ater. rf 4 1
liavlt, Ih 4 0
Lord, cf ft I lb. .. 2 0
Broiithera, 2b 2 0
Croaa. aa 4 t
Knlaht. lb... 4 1
Powera. e 4
Plank, p 1 0
10 Parent, aa 4 0
2 0 0 Stahl, rf 4 1
7 1 Ollilmshaw. lb I 1
4 0 Ot'reaman, lb.. 1 1
1 t OSrlbar-h. If... 4 0
0 0 OKerrta, lb ... I 1
1 I HHaydan. rf... I 1
1 1 0 Morgan, lb... 1
7 1 ' A mb'tar. r I 0
1 0 0 Harrla. p..'... I 0
0 0
4 (I
t 1
1 1
I 0
Totals IS 1 17 1 Totala 11 I 27 14 4
Philadelphia 0 0 1 12 2 0! o
Boston- 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 o 00
lft: on baaes: Boston. 4; Philadelphia,
s . Stolen base:-' Hartsel. Two-base hits:
Ferris. Cross (2i. Home r-un: H. Arm
hrisler. SHt-rlflce hit: Mirgan. Double
plays; Harris, ,C Armbruster to Grlm
shaw; "Powera to Croaa. Struck out: By
Plank, ti; by Harrla, 4. Baaes on balls:
Off Harris, 2..- Paased hall:!''. Armbruster.
Wild pitch: Harrla. lilt by pitcher: Ia
via, Hartsel. Time: 2:0. I mplies: Hurst
andit'onnor. '
Hon tlalpltrhea KltiOk.
WASHINGTON, June 23. -New Tork de
Totala 24 27 11
Plttshnra 0 0 0 2 o 0 0 0 2
ft 0 I St. Uiuis 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 00
0 o I Two-base hit: Beaumont. Three-base
l ) hit: Iach. Sacrifice hits: Ganley (21.
ljach. Double play: Wagner, Rltchey and
Nealon. First base on balls: Off Tavlor,
6. Hit by pitcher: By Phllllppe. Smoot.
Struck out: By Philllppe. 2; by Taylor. 1.
Lft on bases: Pittsburg, 9; St. Louis.
S. Time: 1:15. I'mplres: Klem and Car
penter. Boston IJefeata Brooklyn.
BOSTON, June 23 Brooklyn's errors cost
the g ne today.. The fielding of Strobel
and ih. batting of Jordan were features.
B.H.O.A.K. B.H O A R.
Rrldoell. aa.l l 2 2 II Malonea. rf. 4 1111)
Tannay. lb... 4 n 1.1 tt 01 at-y lh 4 1 1 2.
Bialn, b.... 4 2 0 4 OLumlay, rf..4 0 10 0
Batea cf 1 0 1-0 i .Ionian, lb .. 4 t I 0 I
Howard. If... 4 'l 1 0 VAlperman. Jb 4 0 4 2 3
lMlan, rf ....:. 100 lllvis. aa I 0 4 0
Hr. n. r .... 1 0 4 1 1 Hummel. If . 1 0 1 II 1
Rlrnhl, lb... I 0 4 7 OHtltar. c I 0 I I 0
Horner, p.... 1 0 : u t'aalnrhia, p. I 0 1 11
feafed Washington today In a bard atrug
rle. 3 to 2. Hn outDltctied Kltson.'sllow-
Th gl eatv foiir-mile race of the 'varsity Ing the locals but four lilts. Fielding stunts
i were inr reaiiiren. pcoie;
B.H O A E B.H.O A.K.
Weelsr. rf ... 4 t 1 0Stnl. ef... 4 nloo
I Chaae. lb 1 1 II. u JH.halfty. lb.. I 0
'I'onroy, aa.... 4 0 0 2 ilrioa, Sb I 0
Iaporta. 3b. i. 4 1 fl 4 a Anderson, If. 4
'Ights ' eroued' wonderful' . enthusiasm In
th.. wet and bedraggled crowd.' Columbia,
' Syraouse' and Wisconsin were first away
with the others laggards by only a few
feeh. .When a half rhlle had heen ' rowed,
flyracune was showing, a good length In
the lead, with Columbia second, Wiscon
sin -third - .Cornell' frturth Pennavlvanla. "r""1
.... " ' . . . ' ' -" Hogg, p
nnii . ana worgeiown sixiu. noon arter
tr)ls"..lhe ,Geoi getown boat spurted Into
foyrth place,- but fell away again .quickly
' iSrT Was -never again a factor. 'Columbia
WillUma. 2b. 4 I I 4 uHttkmao, rf. I 0
Oelaliamy. If. I 0 0 0 OAltiier, as . . . 4 1
Hoffman, rf.. I 0 I A OR-atll. lb 4 0
MrOnlre. r... I Oil OW.k.fald. a. 4 1
4 0 0 Kuaon. p ... t 1
10 0
1 1 0
1 0 l)
I 1
10 0
7 1
Totala 11 127 14 Totala ... :.M 4 17 11 t
New York 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 J
Washington 0 0 11 o 0 0 0 03
Tu-a.Im hita- l'haa Altlwut Three.
and Wisconsin found the pace too fast I base hit: Kitson. Stolen bases: Schalfly
at th end .of. the mile. Cornell swept Into
the lead at the i mile and a-half mark,
Pennsylvania bad raced up to second place
and 'Syracuse was third. Then came a tnag-
, . ,. .' L . 1
Hickman, Kitson. Chase, Delehanty. left
on baees: Wasliliigton, a; New York,, t
First base on balls: Off Kitson, ; off
Hogg. 4- Hit by pitched hull: By Hogg,
1. Struck out: By Kitson. 6; by Hogg, ..
Wild pitches: Hogg (2). Time: 1:46. Um
pire: o'lxiughlln. .
I htcaao W ins la Twelfth.
CHICAGO, June 23 Chicago today de
feated Petralt, 3 to 2. In tw-lve Innings of
exciting play. Eubank kept Chicago's hits
well scattered, while Chicago had to uae
three pitchera. Score:
Haan. .. If ... 4 1 1.1 0 1) Jonea, i t. 4 lit
0 Lindsay, lb. I t 10 1 0
0 Craeford. rf. 4 1 1 tl II
0 Crhb. If 4 1 1 0 0
0 I'ounrtllli. lb 4 0 1 1 II
0 Lowe. 2b ... ft I 0
0 irl..ary, as. . ft I 2 1
n Warnar. r... ft 1 4 2 0
0 Eunanka. p 4 I ft 0
r Junta, if; f it ft
lahall. 2b.. . ft 1 1
1 la via. a ft. 1
Hnnohua. lb. ft . I k
o'Nell, rf... IU3
Snlltv4n. c. 4 0 ft
Tannehlll. Ib 4 1
WalKh. p.... 0
nwo. p f . 1 0
Altrovk, p .. 2 1
0 Totala
ID 1114 22 1
Totala 40 I S4 U
Out; out when winning run scored.
Chicago ft D O a 0 o o o 0 0 4) 1 J
Detroit tl 0 0 1 1 0. 0 0 (I I) it 2
Totala......! I 27 If 1 Totala. .... II 4 24 il 4
Boston- 0 I) 1 ,11 0 (1.0 2 3
Brooklyn ...1 0 0 10 0 0 0 02
Two-base hit: Jordan. Three-base hita:
Jordan, Maloney. Sacrifice hits: Dorner,
Bates. Stolen base: Alpernian. First base
On balla: Oft Pastorlus. 2; off Domer, 1.
Strut k out: By Pastorlus. 2: by Dorner,
3. Time: 1:15. I'mplre: Johnstone. ..
New lork Shuts lint Philadelphia.
NKW YORK. June tf.-Tlte Philadelphia 1
team was beaten today in the first Inning, !
when Richie was forced to retire. Score: J
B.H.O A. I. B.H.O.A.K.
Breanahan. rf 4 1 I 0 0 Thnmaa. t-f... 3 0 I 0 t) I
Marahall. rf . 1 0 0 0 tlTltua. rf... . 4 I 1 0 II 1
M.-Oann. lh . I I 14 I ucnurtnry. Sb. 4 0 2 I 0
Varies. If 4 1 0 II Mage. If J 1 J l- I)
Pahlan. aa....l V 2 1 0 Hoolln. aa....4 III
Derltn. 3b I 1 1 t 0 Branaflrld. lb 4 0 I 0 0
Ollhert. 2b... I 1 I t 1 Oleaaon. Ib .l 0 110
Bowarman. r. I 1 4 1 3 Ilonovan. e... I I 4 I 0
Mathswaon, pi 0 1 4 ORIrhla, p 0 o
Dugglahy. p.. 1 0 0 2 U
Total! 21 I 27 HI
v Totala 11 ft 24 7 li
Kew York 4 I) 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Philadelphia o 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0
Two-base hita: Bresnahan. Donovan t2 )
Three-base hit: Mertes. Hita: Off Richie,
2 In one inning, off Duggleby. 4 In seven
Innings. Sacrifice hit: Devlin. Slobn
bases: Dooiin, Gllherl. Double play: Dev
ling Gilbert and McGann. Lrf-ft on bases:
Philadelphia, ; New York. 4. Hases on
halls: Off Mathewson, 2: olf Richie, 1; off
Duggleby. 1. Hit by pitcher: Richie. 1.
Struck out: By Mathewson. 3: bv Dug
gleby, 3. Time; 1:20. I'mplres: ' Kmslia
and Conway.
t'hlraajo Rant-bra Hits.
CINCINNATI. June 23. Chicago won to
day'a game from Cincinnati by bunching
three hita. a base on balla and a sacrifice
in the third, ecoring -three runs. Cincln
nafi had the bases full on two occasions,
but could get no runs. Single, the Chicago
center fielder, haa neuralgia of the stom
ach. Score:
The new battleships sre to be 4-V) feet
long snd will have an extreme breadth at
the water line of AO feet '.'S Inches. The
mesn draft at trial displacement is not
to exceed 24 feet Inches. The coal bun
ker capacity of the ship will be 2.200 tons
Kach ship will have a main battery of
eight twelve-Inch hreechloading rifles and
two submerged torpedo tubes. The secon
dary battery of each of the battleships
will consist of twenty-two three-Inch
i fourteen-nounderi, rapid fire, two three
pounder semi-automatic guns, eight one
pounder semi-automatic guns, two three
Inch field pieces, four machine guns of .30
The twelve-Inch guns will b Installed In
pairs. In ftjiir electrically controlled, bal
anced, elllpitlcal turrets, on the renter
line, two forward and two aft, each with
an arc of fire of about 270 degrees. A
secondary battery of three-Inch, three
pounder and minor caliber guns will be In
stalled In commanding positions with large
unobstructed arcs of fire. The two torpedo
tubes and accessories will be Installed In a
submerged torpedo room forward.
Armor Is Iteary.
The hull of the new battleship ia to be
protected by a water line belt eight feet
wide, varying In thickness from eight to
twelve Inches. Casemate armor of corre
sponding thickness and breadth will ex
tend from the top of the side armor belt
to a level eight feet above. The barbettes
will carry ten Inches of armor In front
and the conning tower will be twelve
inches thick, which Is also the thickness
of the turret armor. Complete belts of
cellulose, will encircle the ship to auto
matically close up holes made by shots
below the water level.
. These vessels, will be driven by engines
of 1,50O-horse power,, four-cylinder, triple
expansion In type, supplied with steam
by twelve water tube boilers and super
heaters. Tbe smoke pipes of these new
ships will be 1iM) feet high and steel masts
forward and aft will be equipped with
wireless telegraphy outfits. Kvery pre
caution Is taken to Insure against fire and
all the living places are to be sheathed
with metal, backed with one and one-half
Inchea of cork and asbestos and felt.
The maximum time to ba allowed for
completion of these battleships will be
forty-two' months and a heavy penalty la
provided for delay.
Wlllam Cramp Co. of Philadelphia
were the lowest bidders on class 1,' In
whit h the machinery and hull are de
scribed by the department. Their hid for
a battleship of the class of the. couth
Carolina and Michigan wss $1.54fl,on0. '
er British Vessel l.annchrd.
GLASGOW, June 23. The British battle
ship Agamemnon of lS.SOO tons, was suc
cessfully launched her today. Among the
novelties In the construction of the ship
are the following: All Its guns will be
lint-a , U ....A..-' 1. . . .1 i,
j .., hit- ujijiri ll-l n M1U Jin llt-n glUIH
will be more concentrated In the center
of the vessel, while the Smaller pieces will
be rarried orr a central platform deck ex
tending about one-third the length of the
ship snd upwards of thirty feet above the
water line, giving great command on all
slds of the water round the ship.
The Agamemnon will . have cost about
l7,70O,nnil when completed.
Skill I
Elastic Stockings, Supporters,
Trusses, Bandages,
Bunion Protectors,
Ankle Braces,
Batteries, Crutches,
Invalid Chairs,
Instep Supports,
Electric Belts,
Shoulder Braces,
Bath Caps
We make Limbs for any amputation
Rubber and Felt Feet, Perfect Joints
G 6
14Q8 Farnam Street, Omaha. Neb.
j. . I
LV : -. Jf7 Is
VsiSTiaWg"7.jay??'T 0t M M jS," PIT 1 -W .k' ' J1 mmvtpr' '""" aa. ... i. ia ,"!" ,J
"-i miii aT.iirHnir--"' ' '- - iio; .' ... ....i..n..,.. mi. , .,,.,.,,- lf it
(Continued from First Page.)
anuoaa iu u n i ir
lifts: Off Walah. 2 In three Innings: off I Mofman. i-f.. A I 4 ll Huaaina. 2b.. 11110
uwen. a in two Innings; off Altrock. 4 In Sh.karH, u. 4 I o Seymour, rt. 1
Keven Innings. Ieft on bases: Chicago, 10; S. hull, rf.. J 11 0 Kalley. If... 4
Ietroli. i. Two-base hits; Warner, Cobb. . ' 'hsn.-e. lb. . 1 11 0 narry. th. .4
It. Jones. .Sacrifice hita; Coughlin. Siilll- i 'elnf.lrtt. lib 4 1 0 1 n rial.hanty. tb 4
van, Undwy. Stolen base: Donoh-ic I T.",k"- ( ' "ixiwell. rt. . . J
Double plays: Sullivan. Tannehlll and i SIT": ,h i . .?. f '.".T".'"- " ?
I II Kraaer, p. . . I
Donohue; I0m and Undsay C'. Struck i rjr,nr' '. ,
out: Ry Walah. 1: by Altrock. S; by Ku- I '
naiiKs, r irst Daee 011 liana: Off W alah,
3: of Altrock. 1: off Kuhanks. 4. lilt by
pitcher: O'Neill. Time: ::M. I'mplres:
Kvans and Connolly. ,
standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost, pet '
56 it ;i I
. 33 a .hs: !
i' X J4 .fn9 !
M in Zj . .MT
i7 . J7 ..S2
..... M 27 . &h
M , 3; .3.7
fi7 IS ' 41 .--1
lielrolt at Chicago. Cleve-
Cleveland ..
-New York .
St. I,.. ills ...
I et roil
land ai Si. Ixiuis.
l J o
111 10
0 0 1 ft
1 i 0 1
1 1 1 II
o : n u
li 1 4 o
'Siesta I 0 0 0 0
Totala 13 11 II 1-
Tola la :i! 7 1 11 1
Hatted for r'razer in the ninth.
Chicago (i It 3 0 0 0 n 0 oJ
CinelntiHtl 0 l 0 0 i 0 I 0 i-
I wo-t:ee hits: Kelley. St. -infel, li. Bhe-.-k-ard.
Hacrlrlce lilts: Sclilei, Sheckard. Tin
ker. Stolen le: Hchulte. Oouiile play:
Kling and Tinker. Btruck out: Hy Krase'r.
1; by Iindgren. . Klrst baas on balls:
off i-'maer. 4; off Kundgien, i. Time: J:i.
I'mpire: O'liay.
atanrtlna of the Teams.
dorse. On the contrary. I consider thst
he is personally a brave and gallant sol
dier and an able and energetic comman
der. From my observations and inquiries,
I am aatiatied that ha did all he could
under the circumstances In which hp found
himself at Port Arthur. Had the positions
been reversed. I fel that I could have done
no more. I, furthermore, do not think that
a - Japmesft court-martial had such been
within the bounds of possibility In this
Instance would have found him guilty on
the evidence obtainable, but things may he
different In Rusla. -
"On our, side there waa but one great
Idea. 1. e., to capture Port Arthur, aitd
all fought and died for that end. General
BLoeaael had not-only to face the daring
and recklesa attacks of an army so united,
but -he also had to combat the dissension
and strife which went on In all corners of
his camp. There were occaaiona ao I have
heen Informed when officers and ' men
actually refused to obey his orders, t'nder
such circumstances It was Impossible to
continue the defense."
In considering International political
problems It .is extraordinary that many of
the Chinese students who have heen sent
to Japan are looked upon by their own
people aa revolutionists snd nihilsts. snd
several who have returned to Peking are
ssld to have developed dangerous tenden
cies which justify that belief. Amidst all
the doubts and fears which exist In the
world about the future of China, however.
It Is certain that Japan la an exception,
Inasmuch as It does regard trouble aa Im
minent, and prefer the while .to watch
closely the. actions and motives of the
powera already in occupation of naval
liases and rertsin territories.
a u nmiii is 'wean n. ' mi. J. j'tss-ssa HM,' aliuasi i.h.iii ll ) a ju 1 1 ao ea m 1 1 inn i iu aaa siisimawi n a n ai mmmm . -
.,' ri.w.'w-... (-Yv-aVia. Jt. tT-i,l-4- f.e, toVwfcw ,.wWJWWiwmw,lwa.' i ,-e-rj, k ii iii I I
urn ,i i,.fii.w-iPT-v--veTcafiy -a "..TriyM lyanrr ewsj . mm an bj "iwiiiaii m i h i. gvi' '""i" awnwiasi mi"" mi-s 1 1
'iiniin ---'! - -'- - - .. - 1 j!
, Isiiler ''Event-- -4
ipeouinii of tin : -
1 t. Pan I
B?atisff - it cotnbtnes delicate
mtdkrinal anj emolbnt properties
derived from Cuticuri, the great
Skin Cure, with the purest of
clensk4f ' irredents'-and Trtost1
refr!rnnf-of ' flower odors.1 ' For
pr Mrwin jrurffymj!;,- and beau
ttfying the' skin, scalp, hair, and
hands, for irritations of .the skin,
Hanrhes Hits will, kasaaa
Ill's Krrsra,
KANSAS CI IV. June SI -I nfortunaie
I errors hy Kans-is City, linked with tlinelv
hitting bv tha vinliors, won today's game
, for Si. Paul. Score:
' KANSAS rnv. T Tkl u
Parrina, aa . 4 2 0 IJeier, rf. ... 4 0 I 0 0
1 aiaalar. If I I I II lb... I l 0 0
widnffl, rt. 4 o l a ilnZaait. cf. I 0 0 0 w
H.irkt. lh... I 0 I I I p-rl.k. If 4 1 i
Hill, at 0 I a Whaeler. lb. 4 I u 4
Phh.l., A .. 4 1 4 I iHihiants. aa I t I 4 0
Slautry. lb. I 1 II I 1 Padilaa. lb . I 0 I I
1-M 4 4 I 0 Prill, r 4 1 a
riaaia. p I t 1 1 4 Belanann, a 4 0 0 I 4
Totali . i: I IT ll 4 TMlll U lTt U t
Pltyle out on hunted thinl strike.
1st. Paul 2 0 o o o n ii 2k-4
I Kansas City 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 11
Karned run: Kansas fit v. I. Two-base
I hits: . Ftisk. Wheeler. Home run: Phvle.
Struck out: Hy Fiamx. i. bv Hohanrion.
r-aoaeii ana nugaen. tjert on bases: Kan
, sas City. 6; Si Paul, J. lilt by pitched
ball: Huckenfeld. Biauery. aacrifloa hits:
Padden. Vansandt. Sugden, Casaady. Time:
. 1:3a.- I mplre: Kane.
I Brewers Mktn trataak Millers. .
M U.WAl'K KE. June -After holdiiu.
siuaauina ro tour nna ror six innings.
Thomas waa hit for rtve runs tn the Sev
ern h. bring relieved by Klhov Kilioys
delivery was equally to tlie liking of Ibi.
hojiie leaju and they tvuundrd out a vk-tvry
and .-ifAW ?, UJfts, ' ljjnene5S
nrf rtrfrVl RK.wnral to'surfimer
cleap;'. f$r.iU tf .pjLirpos,'.
ofii9toUtf tathy and narsery
CLTwLaScIp;sassl5te'd by CuU-'
Cura Ointment, is prkeless.
e. IVn a Ckaaa l u-, . Mt rnnaaaaa, Baaasa,
SWMat.aS rraa, - 44 Aba at law "
I'll i shut g
New York
Philadelphia ..
St. l.ouls
lames todav
St. l.ouls at Chicago.
Played. Won. t.ot.
.... Kl 4J 111
.... 5n 37 IS
f.9 3:i 'Jo
.... ii.' 31 31
.... l ?4 37
:"4 3
.... .SS I'! 37
... iii a 3
Pet .
trriiualaal W Ins the g'.'O.IHM Tidal
..;! I Slakes at Shrepshead Bay.
I NEW YORK. June ffl.-In a heavy raln-
Slorni. which Itevu n iiiHt heford I ha hnru..
LOCATION In Ntirlhwest Wyoming adjoining tlie Big Horn Basin southeast of Yellow
stone .park Forest Keserve, ami reached by the Burlington's new line to Worland, Wyo.
PLACES FOR REGISTRATION Worland and Thermopolis, Wyo.; Worland is directly,
reached by the Burlington; Thennopolis by a stage journey of 32 miles south of Worland.
CHARACTER OF LANDS Of the 1,150 .(KM) acres of lands to be opened for settlement,
about 400,001) acres are agricultural lands to be drawn for. Such lands can be finely irrigated,
according to surveys already made.
EXCURSION RATES From all points on the Burliugfon' west of the. Missouri Iliver the
excursion rate to Worland is but one fare for the round trip, with a maximum of $20.00 from
Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska. territory. This unusually low rate gives everybody a chance ro
draw for these lands.
DATES OF SALE July 12th to L'Oth. Final limit August loth.
TRAIN SERVICE Two daily through trains during the registration from the Southeast
to "Worland,-AVyo. Go into this country over the Burlington' through the Big Horn. Basin along
the Big Horn Kiver, passing thousands of acres of irrigated lauds under cultivation; you will get
an object lesson in irrigation and its possibilities.
Burlington agents will be supplied with rate circulars and special folders descriptive of
the Agency, the method of drawing, etc.
L W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
I j " .ion i ll m iMiaianiiuaa aw Mili'STail ail aa illiai fill SjJI "" ."' " I s ip s i m i as m' ias is III II l
.B,ti.'r'Jwarw.':Wirjireil,j.p; I -y- a- laaa 3 st y e.ww I ' .j .n1 tfaSH.fc.y---rfi xr'y.-twt- Mijrvim ."afnaj
.. .j. 1.1 ... ; ,. .... . , ,, .- ,., ,. . . . ., J
T. K.
f Hiri(lllll
mem In ih. 1... at tnw 1. I..
JV: H- Urady's Ac-oiintalit. for which he tiald
. ...i . ji . 1 . . .. . ., , 1 1 , , ... . 1 a-..--f. T..F.I me , ji.ii.i i lam aiHN.i, one
Plttsbur. at tlncinnatt. j mile and a quarter, at Shce,, ahead bay to
day. Jamea K. lveeno a Bohemia, quoted
at vn money f..r the place, waa second
snd Hie New Castle stables Biiilseye third.
The Hrajy entry. Acrountant. and Holecher
wre. olwa s an odds on favorite at 7 to 10,
with tlie Keene entry. Bohemian, and Ku
roki. second choice at 4 to 1. off to a good
start. Martin sent Accountsnt Inlo the lead,
followed by Bohemian and Pegnsus. Three
fiiilonaa from the finish Bohemian rlial
lene, the leader, hut the favorite had
enough left and won handily by one and
KJeley Hroraa H.J 14 Pulats la
Aauatear Athlctli t valeal.
BROOKI.1NK. Msss., June 23. T. F1.
Kiely of TipNrary. Ireland, won the na
tional all-around championship of the
ani:it.u; athletic contest here today,
S.2.4 points lie broke iwo weight records
John Bredenius of South Bend. Indi. whs a half lentbs. Siiinnieriea: '
second, with S.'. and Kllery H. Clark in
the Boston Athletic asaoctallon third, wilh
4 tT. 9'jmmary;
inn-yard dash: Won by Clark. Time:
l-pound shot put: Won by Kleley. ha
ta nee: 27 feet 1o Inches.
Hih jump: Won by Clark: -Height- i
feet LM, inchea.
Half-mile walk:- Won by Clark. Time:
tM. '
Hammer -throw: Won by KJeley. . ths
tancs: Hi feet Id Inches.
Pole vault: Won by Bredarnua. Height:
10 fet ' Inches.
l-yard high hurdlea: Won by Kleley.
Time: WIS,
&tt-pourd tveiglit: Won by Xieley. rhs
tance: feet Inches
Broad Jump: Won by KW-ley: Ulatanie:
19 feet 1 l-clies
Mil run: Won b brvdemus.
First rare, six furlongs: Nannie Hodge
won. t nmi rilenne second. Arabo third.
T'me: lid,.-
Second rare, the Beacon steeple. -hase,
full course: timmlpa won. lielcanta sec
ond.' Hylas tliirrt Time: 5:12.
Third lace. Hie Knim. fle fiirloiigK: firan
won. rluiierman second. Arlnio third. Time:
l:iaii- Marathon. lon' Knrique, I.Innepee
Kourih rare, the Tidal-sta kes. mile and a
quarter: Accnur.tant. ia. Martin (7 to lni.
won: Bohemian. ia, Kadtke 14 to li, se-ond;
Bullseye. 1M, Miller il& to ll. third. Time:
Fifth race, mile: Arkllrta won, rruld
second. Angler third Time: 1 :41
- 8iMh rare, mile and a forlorn, on turf:
Ml Crawford won. Sailor Hoy second,
lihabil!e third Time: 1 f"
CINCINNATI. June Z3-Hesulls at I-a-
Tliu-: I tonU :
1 fust a. Bv aud one-half furlungs;
Belle Scott won. Marmorean sei-ond. Secn
Bella third. T ime: I :lf,n.
Second race, six furloiiKP: PrinclpiH won.
J. I. Mavberrv kccoiiiI. Bitter Brown third.
Time: 1 :1S.
Third race, five f uiiulip-K ; I.a 'em won,
O-ando second. Ia xolitic third. Time:
Fourth race, the Merchants Makes: Con
cert won. I'rlncess firna second. Fori un ite
third. Time: i 42h.
Fifth race, steefiU-i-base. short course:
Pirate won. War Chief accoinl. I'i.ktline
third. T'niie: iS.
Sixth race, six furlong": Nonl.- Lucille
w on, Hiiscup aecon.l. Ida I uvia third. ITiiie:
1 17.
Seventh race, mile liole lleruy won.
Shining .Star sccoml. The Bi t tliiid. TTuic:
San)rr Drfrala tliaamap.
RANI RAI'IOS. Mich . J.ine ;:i-l) i:.
Sawyer of the Whcaton Uolf club. ( hi.tiKo.
liulay defeuie.l li.-oiK'- Clingmaii. Jr.. In the
final round of tlie golf match for the K.-r,t
county golf cup. 7 up and ii to l.iv. N.-itlur
man played up lo Ins nauul 1 . m ill hii. I t In
scores were lilgh.
Thssks fur an tdmiral.
WASHINGTON. June ;: Througli tlie
State and Navy departments Rear Admiral
Ooodrlf'h. I'. S. N.. has beep thanked l
the Mexlciin government for hi. a.-ost;iii. c
In stamping out an epidemic of diplithena
at Magdalena bay. M"xii o Admiral (ioi.d
nrh sent suigeous c.f the racldi aqu.ttlron
ashore ,lo mininer to tlie sir-k mid assist
hicul physicians In righting the s.-ourge. ,
Sianklng d..e not cure children of bed
wetlli.g If It did lucre would b- few itnl
dren ll at would do it. There is a on iMt u
tiorial cause for llus. Mis M. ti'imiu'ls
Box 414. Nolle iKiue. lud. will "nil lc-r
home treaiu.ent to an mother. H'"' a.-k?.
no money. Wnte her t.ulay if yo.n .-hiidr. r
trouble vou in this way. Ix.n t Illume Ihe
ililld. The ibaucetl aiv 11 tuu I bclv iL
The lowest price is not always the ln-st.
Specify iu your contract that
!h ' tnasAM 1
-Taii iaiV77" I
!if uat "csnT I
Lowe Brothers
High Standard Paint
Must tie used and accept no other. Then you can accept
the lowest hid with safety.
Phone us the location of your house and we will show
you a "High Standard" jh iu the neLdilioi'hood. Wher.,
you see it tiii will know why we jut our guarantee upon
High Standard Paint for best results.
diiut nroiDTiiruT , y
.i .