Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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lin(. ,0 Ktrict Adhrrrmr to Conwt !
r rice, RriUMc Hoods and !
Hqnarf Dealing.
. v :
MuifMtgrtn of the "FmtImi Matthawe ;
Piano." an Instrument Tnat Bee
Woa SUrtlMOtlom Among
Masiolaiis and Xna-
leal Critioe.
The Matthews n.inn Co . with stores In
Omaha. Uncoln. Beatrice ad North ri"'';
Neb., and factory at rron. III.. nff
the famous Matthew Plsnn In built, owra
Its success to Ha steady, persistent and enn
prices. res-ardlese of trade oond t om
prices. Irreirarrtlres of conditions
that are eontlnuslly forcing; Inferior
Instrument on the public, whlrh cannot v
especled to know tiie 1lfferenee In a life
lona wearing: piano, and one made tip in a
commercial msnwr tn sell and laat Ion
ennuah, perhaps, to be paid for, IT bought
on payment.
The carefulness with which our line of
pianos has been selected. Insures to our
customers, the Ion llln and satisfying
kind, snd our buying facllltin. barked by
sufficient capital, together with our conser
vative selling expense and low rent, assures
the lowest possible, prices.
In our Omiha store at IMS-IMS Harney
street run lie seen selected pianos from
the noted factories of Weber. Hleck, Henry
A 8. n. tJndenian. Ernest Outlier Pro.,
flchaff Pros., I.udwl Co.. Schiller, ros
ier A Co , Fischer. Hat hmann. Rudolf,
Wheelock. Grand C. Winter & Co.,
Bhaw and other rcllnhle makes at prices
ranging from J!w"0. U"'. IK-B.tW, JJ.o,
i'Mna, lanoirn, $w.n, jOio. Sm. two, tn
uprights, and Hp to ll.nw In beautiful grand.
This week In our hargaln. department will
be found a great number of excellent oppor
tunities for the conservative buyers to
select a used stanrtnrd piano at one-fourth
to one-half the first cost. These pianos
have been exchanged for new uprights and
grands, and after a careful over-hauling
by skilled workmen, are. jtftuin. ready, tor
tiie market at very great reductions, and
on exceptionally email payments.
New pianos are sold at cash prices to the
time buvers. on. monthly payments of $6. 00,
tAim. tx.on and H.". with Interest at f per
Our repair department is complete and
equipped to rebuild pianos. Only the most
competent workmen and tuners are em
ployed. Telephone. Oouglae 7X19. Ptore
number 1513-1MS Harney Pt.. Omaha. Neb.
For the BEST in Buggies
Beautiful Buggies
r- -i
Elegant Buggies
rr.::iu, "i
"Standard the World Over."
Boston Buggies
All the Above at
18th and Harney Sts.
40 Good Second-Hand Buggy
Hot Weather Two -Piece
Suits to Order 520 and Up
so (aat that 4t almost 8em that
there la quicksilver in the hour-
Every day that pause bring
, closer the time when real light
attire will become an absolute
Sizzling Old Sol make a Coat
aud Troneeia Suit of Soudan Serge
a luxury these days. It Is a cool
blessing at a low temperature
price $37.50.
'Phono Douglas 1808.
. '.04-306 a llth St
Next door to the Wabaah Ticket
Mountain Retreat in the Rookies.
Splendid fishing grounds, magnlfl
ent tcraery, good hotel aecommoda
tlona, and low rata via tha UNION
PACIFIC. For further particulars, in
qlr at City Ticket Office, ISM Far
Bam Street. Phone Douglaa 3S4.
Yhen You Write to
fee u takaa oanr aa extra stroka
sr i ww of ii pea l ay J u u ad
la ISM
i r a
society cetsoct of doors
Couitr; and Field Clubt Well Fttroniwd
bj Members. Thee Daji.
Unit, Maaie, Daarlaa- ! the Like
Serve t rill la the !.
Keiliga mm Make
iix Fir.
When Cyatbla Bare Her Treasseaa.
When Cynthia doth to Paris ad
On bridal garb Intent,
Pan Cupid's naughty little bow
la Into scissors bent.
To needles then his arrows turn.
Tie proper they should do eo
For love pro tern, forgets to burn.
When Cynthia buys her trousseau.
The Couturier.
Uncial Calendar.
MONDAY Table d'hote dinner and mu
sloalo at the country club, Mr. and lira.
Harry Wllklna, dinner Tor Miss Whu.nif
at Country club; Mrs. Horbach and Mrs.
Hourke, dinner at Country club; Mrs. H.
M. Morsman, Jr.. lumheon at Country
club for Mrs. Joseph Morsman.
TCKSDAV Mlsa Kirkendall brlds? party
for her (ruest. Miss WhttinK; Mrs. Harry
Wllklns Cooking club, for bridge; Alts
Florence lnwer entertains for Miss
Mary Krelder; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hunt,
large reeeptlon, niusirale and (lame .it
Mlnne lusa station at Florenee.
WEHN KPDA Y Mrs. Horace Kverett of
Council Bluffs, luncheon at Country club
. In honor of Mrs. Nutt and Miss Nutt of
Boston; Mr. Harry Tukey, sailing party
at Manawa for Miss Whiting; Freytag
Chrlatlansen wedding; l-adlea' day at
Country and Field cluhs; dinner and
dance at Field club.
Tlrt'RfnAY Miss Iaiira Congdon; bridge
partv for Misses Flatt and Whiting;
Tarsons-Kdwards wedding; Rosenthal
Plnger double wedding.
FRIDAY Mrs. Howard B.tldrlge, bridge
for Miss Whiting.
FATt'RDAY Table d'hote dinner and
dance at Country and Field cluhs.
As the first entertainment, given ai ine
Country club recently, proved so success
ful and enjoyable, the members are eagerly
anticipating the second of the series, which
Is to be given tomorrow evening. Misses
Alice and Kthel Dovey of Plattsmouth. the
two charming young women, who made
such a hit In the "Land of Nod" and on the
concert stage, and whom Nebraskans are
proud to claim as their own, will sing. In
terest In their appearance Is aroused by the
announcement that their younger sister,
Miss Margaret Dovey, who is aald to be a
talented pianist, will make her bow to the
public. Mr. Stanislaus Schergel, violinist,
Is also to play and Miss Mae Naudain, the
young comic opera prima donna, will also
sins;. On the Foulh of July a display of the
famous Japanese daylight fireworks will 1
given and in the evening a pyrotechnlcal
celebration will take place.
One of the leading events set for the
coming week, and one that promises to be
one of the most enjoyable of the summer,
is the affair to be given by Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Hunt Tueaday evening at Minne
Lusa pumping station at Florence. Elab
orate preparations are being made for the
entertainment of the guests who, while
they are enjoying themselves, can feel that
they are doing good also, for the proceeda
are to be divided between he Creche, Old
Peoples' Home and the Young Women's
Christian association. There will be a
musical program, a reception and a dance,
so that all who attend can And enjoyment.
The pumping station at Florence is a
beautiful place and was the scene of much
entertaining several years ago, and as this
la the first time anything has-been given
there for a long time, there will probably
be hearty response to several hundred In
vitations which have been Issued.
Ths Field club has been the acene of most
of the social doings the paat week. .While
no very large dinners were given, there
were many Small parties of four or six
friends, so that the cafe usually held as
many aa could be accommodated. Moat of
ihe Country . club members visited the
club during the week and the members of
the Field club were out in full force nearly
every day. The visiting golfers ware one
and all enthuaiaatlc over the beautiful club
house, grounds and location and were warm
in their praise of their entertainment. At
the dinner and dance Wednesday and again
nl evening Jhere waa a crush, several
hundred guests being present. Among those
giving dinners were Messrs. Jack Hughes,
Rose, Hastings, Armstrong. Potter, W. J.
Foye, W. P. Durkee, A. C. Jones, A. J.
Matter, Miss Koenlg and many others.
One of the largest dinners given for
some time at the Country club was that
of Miss Kirkendall laat evening in honor
of her guest. Miss Whiting and Miss
Adair, who la visiting Miss Keellne. Her
guests war Miss Whiting, Miss lewl.i.
Miss Naudain, Mlsa Wood, Miss Potter,
MUs Piatt, Miss Wakefield, Miss Brady,
Miss Keellne of Council Bluffs and her
guest, Miss Adair of Atlanta, aa.. Miss
Congdon, Mias Tukey, Miss Gertrude
Uoorehead, Miss Ella Mae Brown, Mr.
Cope, Mr. Heth, Mr. Glen Wharton, Mr. F.J
George, Mr. Frank Wllhelm. Mr. Haskell,
Mr. Chat Shlverirk, Mr. Harley Moore-
head. Mr. Kdward Gllinore. Mr. Lee M
thane, Mr. Mosher Colpetser, Mr. Keogh,
Mr. Jerome Magee, Mr. Billy Phtveriuk,
Mr. Walter Roberts, Mr. Tom Davis, Mr.
Odin Mackay, Mr. Rob Burna, Mr. Wal
lace l.ynian, Mr. Cockle, Mr. Brinker, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Cotton andMr. and Mrs,
Arthur Keellne.
In honor of Mrs. Short, Mr. and Mrs,
J. A. Mi Shane gave a dinner. Their
guests were Mrs. thort, Mrs. Gallagher,
Mr. . and Mrs. Kirkendall, Mr. and Mrs.
J. 8. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. Wattles and Mr.
I and Mrs. Hcobla.
Mr. O'Neill's guests at dinner laat even
ing were Miss Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las and Mr. and Mrs. Coppock of Council
Bluffs, Miss Webster. Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gilbert and Dr.
, Others giving dinners last evening war
Messrs. A. . Patrick. E. H. Sprague, W. T.
Page. C. F. McGrew. H. T. l,emlst and J.
J H Pratt.
I Mr. and Mrs. Ijiurie Chllds. Mr. and
j Mrs. F. 8. Cowgtlt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P.
; Oulou and Mr. Otis Howard of Chicago
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
' Brogan.
I Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy entertained
at dinner for their daughters. Misses
I Helen and Jean Cudahy. Covers mere laid
fer Miss Carolyn Congdon, Miss Ba
J Baum. Miss Miriam Patterson, Miss Ixnitso
Peck, Miss Dorothy Morgan. Misses Helen
and Jean Cudahy. Messrs. Edward Crelgli
ton. Ben Wood, Ben Gallagher, Paul Gal
lagher. Junius Browne, Hugh McWhorter,
Edward Cudahy, Mr. and Mra. J. E. Baum
and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy.
Wostdtaca aad Rf (araia.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gary have announced
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Mercedes Bell, to Second Lieutenant Stuart
A. Howard, stationed at Fort Crook.
The wedding of Miss Elisabeth A. Brady,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rrady. and
Mr. Paul B. Sutton will occur Wednesday.
June IT. at St. John's church, Tmenty-fifth
and California atreeta.
The wedding of Mias Minnie Christian
sen, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frederick
t hrtatlansen of Twenty-fifth and Parktr
streets, to John J. Freytag, will occur
Wednesday. June IT. at tha home of the
bride's parents. '
A wedding of Interest in many people
la that of Miss Helena Wynian. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Wynian. formerly
of this city, to IJeutenant William L..
Neely. t 8. A., which will take place
Thursday evening at the Hotel Savoy.
Washington, D. C.
The wedding of Miss Meta Margaret Peter
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boren P. Pet
erson, to Mr. Hans Jull Gram, will take
place Wednesday at the bride's home, 29.TI
Hamilton street. A wedding reception will
be held July 1. at Wolf's hall. Mr. and
Mrs. Gram will be at home after July 1, at
. Hamilton atreet.
The wedding of Miss Winifred Ruth Ed
wards and Frederick Cyrus Parsons will
take place Thursday evening at 4 30 o'clock
at the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton F. Edwards. 3M0 Charles
street. Miss Orsce Edwsrds will be brides
maid and Mr. Whitehead will set as best
man. Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke will perform
the ceremony and little Elisabeth Clarke
will be flower girl. Masters Maynard
Buchanan and Albert Edwsrds will drsw
the ribbons.
The double wedding of Miss Florence
Ringer and Leo Rosenthal and Miss Btella
Singer and Isy Rosenthal will take place
at the Metropolitan cluh Thursday after
noon, June -8, at 6:30 o'clock. Rabbi
Cohn will perform the ceremony. Mrs.
W. R. Singer of Pallna, Kan., and Miss
Rena Rosenthal mill be the maids of honor
Mnd the bridesmaids will be the Misses
Stella and Cora -Rosenthal, Tina Cohn
and Blanche Rosewater. Messrs. J. and
Sidney Singer will be the best men.
Miss Emma S. l,cvy. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Levy of 2211 Howard street,
was quietly married last night at the
family home to Mr. S. E. Eldrldge of San
Antonio, Tex. The wedding was very
quiet, coming as a total surprise to the
friends of the family. The engagement
had not been announced, and only the Im
mediate family attended the ceremony,
which was performed by Rabbi Cohn. Mr.
and Mrs. Eldrldge left last night for a
wedding trip, and expect to bp at homo
In San Antonio in about two months. Mr.
Eldrldge is one of the leading lawyers of
Texas, snd Is grand president of the B'Nai
B'Rlth of that state.
The wedding of Miss Mary Griffith and
Dr. Raymond Knode was solemnised Mon
day evening at the home of the bride's
sister. 4157 Davenport street. The ceremony
waa performed by Father Williams In the
presence of the . relatives snd Intimate
friends only. The rooms were prettily
decorated with pink roses and ferns. Miss
Nettle Floreh was maid of honor and the
bridesmaids were Misses Mary Bath, Iola
Tlllotson, Ethel Tost, and Ethel McKenna.
Little Wllhelmlna English carried the ring
and Miss Flora March was flower girl. A
reception for about 100 guests was held
from 8 to 9 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. Knode
left for a trip to Colorado and after No
vember 1, will be at home at 3130 Mason
A pretty home wedding occurred at the
residence of Councilman Alm4 Jackson, 2150
South Thirty-third street, Wednesday even
ing at 8 p. m., the occasion being the mar
riage of Mr. Truman A. Jackson and MDs
Nellie Margaret Chandler. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Herbert L.
Mills, pastor of the Hillside Congregational
church. In the presence of about forty
InvMed guests, relstlves and friends of the
contracting parties. The wedding march
wag played by Master Edward Jackson,
brother of the groom. -The bride looked
very pretty in her gown of cream crepe
de chine, over white silk, trimmed in point
lace and cerrylng a boquet of pink roses.
The spacious residence waa attractively
decorated with ferns and roses. After con
gratulations, the guests were served Willi
dainty refreshments, after which the happy
couple left on the evening train for Hot
Springs, 8. D., and will be at home at
their new residence, Thirty-second avenue
nd Boulevard, after August 1. Many
beautiful presenta were received. Among
the out-of-town guesta present, were: Mr.
Oliver Chandler of Weeping Water, Neb.,
brother of the bride; Mrs. Waugh and Mrs. J
Miller of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Nindell of
West Point, Neb., and Mrs. D. T. Long of
Leon, la.
Coming; Events.
Mc. Harry Wilklns will entertain
Cooking club Tuesday at bridge.
Harry Tukey will give a sailing party
Wed lesday evening in honor of Miss Whit
ing. Mrs. Horbach and Mrs. Bourke will give
a dinner at the Country club on Monday-
Jtllss Bessie Brady will entertain at sup
per at the Country club next Sunday even
ing for Miss Whiting.
Miss Ada Kirkendall will give a large
bridge party Tuesday afternoon in honor
of her giiest, MIbs Whiting.
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge will give a bridge
party in honor of Miss Whiting, who is
'the guest of Miss Kirkendall.
Mrs. E. M. Morsman, Jr., will give a
luncheon at the Country club Monday In
honor of Mrs. Joseph Morsman.
Glen Wharton will entertain at supper
this evening at the Country club in honor
or Miss Whiting, who is Mlsa Klrkendall's
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W'llklne will en
tertain at dinner at the Country club to
morrow evening in compliment to Miss
Mrs. Everett of Council Bluffs will en
tertain at luncheon Wednesday at the
Country cluh in honor of Mrs. Nutt and
Miss Nutt of Boston.
In honor of Miss Whiting and Miss Piatt,
who is the guest of Miss Potter, Miss
Ijiura Congdon will entertain at bridge
Thursday afternoon.
Miss Florence Power will entertain Tuea.
day afternoon in honor of Miss Mary
Kreider, who leaves next week to Join her
parents In Oklahoma City.
, Pleasures Past.
Miss Nellie Parsons entertained in
formally yesterday afternoon for Miss
Ruth Kdwsrds.
Mrs. A. P. Thompson entertained the old
people of the Old People's home Thursday
afternoon by taking them Ice cream and
cake and presenting each one with a bou
quet. Several musical numbers were also
given bv her friends.
The Misses Rehfeld entertained five ta
bles of whist yesterday afternoon in honor
of the Misses Singer and their guests.
Sweet peas were used to trim the rooms.
The out-of-town guests were Misses Rosen
thai of Dayton, O., and Orkln of Sioux
City; Mrs. D. Rehfeld of Council Bluffs
and Mrs. JTreller of Arkansas.
A most enjoyable affair was given laat
Friday evening at the home of Mra. John
Vhl. in honor of her birthday. The table
was decorated with white roses and fern.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs.
John I'hl. Mr. and Mra. Joe I hi. Mr. and
Mra. Louis Garneau. Mr. and Mra. Robert
Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Summers,
Mr. and Mrs. William Glbb. Mrs. Summers
and Mrs. Rhyn. Misses lora Games;,
Julia Vhl, Minnie I'hl. Josephine l lil. Mr.
K. Wohlers, Mr. Otto Matheus. Mr. Roman
Vhl. Master Fran-ls Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sllngerland were sur
prised lat Saturday evening by the audden
entrance to their home at Twenty-fourth
atreet and Ames avenue by a company of
friends, who txk possession of tha house
and later repaired to tha grove in the rear
for an out-of-door social. Among those
present were Mr. and Mra. C. M. Rackley,
Mr. and Mra. J. T. Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. D. W.
Dudgeon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swartout.
I Mra. Rosa Wood. Mrs. Ida I- WHaon,
Oeeter N. and Frank Jahnke
in honor of Mra. Nutt and Mlsa Nutt
i Boston. Mrs. John N. Baldwin gave a
luncheon jrrsterd4y at bar home, 112 North
Thirty-second avenue. The guests, who
wers seated at one large table and several
small ones, prettily decorated with daisies,
were Mrs. Nutt, Miss Nutt. Mrs Everett.
Mrs. Wsddell. Mrs. IfTcrts, Mrs. Chap
man. Mrs. Dodge, Miss Dodge. Mrs. Stew
art and Miss Stewart, all of Council Bluff;
Mrs. M. E. Smith. Mrs A. C. Smith. Mr.
G. E. Prltrhett. Mrs. Mnrgnn. Mr. Ystes,
Mra. 7.. T. Llndsey and Mrs. E. II. Scott.
On the evening of his 21st hirthdpy, Mr.
Charlea O. Mlchaelsen was surprised Mon
day by s number of friends at his homo.
17 Stanford Circle. The early part of
the evening was devoted to nvislc voce I
Solos by Misses Veronici and Josephine
Dougherty, piano solos by M's Mildred
Rose, Miss Eileen Mlchaelpen and Mrs.
John Mattern; violin solo, Mr. to Hoff
man; mandolin, guitar and "cello trio by
Mr. Jnhn Mattern. F. Zimmerman and Mr.
Willis. The remainder of the even'ng was
spent In card playing and dancing. Re
freshments were served.
In honor of her eighteenth hlrthdav.
twenty friends of Miss Mabel Stromherg
gave a surprise, on Thursday evening,
June 21. The evening was spent with
frames and music, after which refresh
ments were served. Those present wers
Misses Helen Chase. Marsuarltta Burk,
Korlnn Samuelson, Mabel Stromberg, Anna
Pearson. Anna Roberts. Inex Itloom. Delia
Jacohson. Margaret Havens. Esther Isnk
son, Meaars. Cecil Rerryman. Carl Planck,
Arthur Tchbens, Robert Johnson, J. It.
Bloom, Raymond Stromberg. Paul Havens,
Walter Snmuelson. Glenn Stromberg and
A. F. Bloom.
Social f hit-Chat.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gladstone announce
the birth of a daughter on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson of 3SM
Howard street, are rejolrlng vwr the birth
of a sou last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Longwell are en
tertaining Judge A. W. Lincoln of Spring
field, Mo., who is en route to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jay Speh havo re
turned from their wedding Journey and are
at home at R13 8outh Thirty-third street.
Mrs. E. M. Pollard, wife of the con
gressman from the First district of Ne
braska, arrived from Washington yester
day to visit her mother, Mrs. Waterman,
in Omaha. ,
Mrs. B. L. Porterfield, accompanied by
her daughter, Alice, left last week to spend
the summer with her mother, Mrs. W.
Beebe, at resorts on the Atlantic coast.
Mrs. Mary Porterfield will spend the sum
mer In Boulder, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock have re
moved to their summer home at Excelsior
Beach. Ijike Mlnnetonka, Minn., where
they will be Joined by their daughters.
Misses Fay and Haxel, early in July.
Miss Helen Woodward has returned from
Poughkecpsle, N. Y., where she has been
attending school. Miss Mary Kreider, who
has been attending the high school here,
will be her guest this week before return
ing to her home in Oklahoma City.
Miss Grace Sorenson returned yesterday
from Ann Arbor. Mich., where she has
been attending the I'niversity of Michigan,
to spend her vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sorenson. This waa
Miss Sorenson's second year at the uni
versity. Mr. Edward Rosewater and his party,
who have been abroad for three mouths,
arrived in New York yesterday, on the
steamer La Provence. Messages report
that they had an agreeable voyage over
and are all enjoying good health. They
are expected to reach Omaha on Tuesday
or Wednesday.
.... . .ci.i i.cK Lansdowne Candee, a for
mer well known Omaha boy and a graduate I
of the Omaha High school In the class of
1901. spent a few days visiting Mrs. L. J.
Finn, on his way from New York to Port
land, Ore., the last week. Since leaving
Omaha Mr. Candee was graduated frum
Harvard university in the class of 1906 and ,
Is at present professor of languages at
Heathcote hall, a well known preparatory
school In New York City. Mrs. J. J. De
right gave a dinner and several automobile
parties in Ir. Candee's honor.
Come and Go Gossip.
Mr. Larratt W. Smith has returned from
Racine college.
Mrs. A. P. Guiou is expected home from
Chicago next Wednesday.
Mrs. Hugo Brandies has returned from
an extensive European trip.
Miss Whiting of Mobile, Ala., is tho
guest of Miss Ada Kirkendall.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Koerpel leuve Friday
to spend Ave weeks In the east.
Dr. and Mrs. Glfford have moved to
their country home at Coffman, Neb.
Mlsa Orkln of Bioux City has been the
guest of the Misses Rehfeld this week.
Miss Brcwlngton of Hannibal is spending
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. West
brook. Mlsa Hilda Hammer has returned from
Vassar college to spend the summer with
her parents.
Mrs. James R. Farney of St. Louis is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
H. Robinson.
Miss Sarah Martin of South Omaha en
tertained yesterday afternoon for Miss
Mary Kreider.
Mlsa Mary Lee MrShane is now In Glen
wood Springs and will not return until
early In July.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Earl Brink of
Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, are visit
ing in Galveston, Texas. They will be
Joined there by Mr. and Mrs. A. p. Brink
Sterling Silver
10O In a
Beats 91,000
In a Hank
Finest Silver-Plated Ware
Our silver-plate is from the best makers better than
the average silver-plated ware, handsomer, gives better
service and wears louder.
Such tableware strikes a happy medium Utweeu or
dinary silver-plate and the more expensive Holid silver which
is beyond the means of many people.
If you have need of anything in table silver, it's
reasonably certain that you will find what ou want here
and at a right price. '
We will show you more appropriate wedding gifts than
we can use space enough to tell about.
1520 t-SS" 1529
You Have Often Wanted
for jour silverware, jewelry and valuable pajiers. Come
and see the
Omaha Safety
under the Omaha
Phone, Douglas 230.
of Omaha, who have been !n Waco, Texas,
for the past month.
Miss Orenn t.uras, ho has been the
guest of Miss Jesnie Mason, left yesterday
for New York.
Miss Juliet Morris has gone te Cleve
land. O. to be the guest of her sister,
Mrs. David Prentke.
Mr. atid Mrs. Oscar Allen and Miss Sprat
len leave Wednesday for a tour of Yel
lowstone National park.
Miss Lillian Johnson of Grand Island re
turned to her home after spending a week
with her friend. Miss Eva Pheredemnn.
Miss Edith Piatt of Chicago has ar
rived to be the guest of Miss Faith Pot
ter and. Miss C. C. George for some tlmt.
Miss Lewis will accompany Miss Nau
dain and a party from New York on a
trip through the Yellowstune park, leaving
next Tuesday.
Mis. J. S. Pherdeman Is spcndliiK a few
weeks' vacation visiting her old home at
Fontanellc. la. She will not return until
after the Fourth nf July.
Mr. and Mra. Edward Cudahy and daugh
ters. Miss Jean and Miss Helen, will leave
for New York Saturday and will sail on
the Baltic July 3 for Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrick expect
to leave about July 5 for Lake Placid,
where their daughter, Mrs. George Mlxter
of Mollne, will Join them for the summer.
Mrs. Jerrems, who has been the guest
of Mrs. Webster for the past two weeks.
returned to her home In Chicago yester
day. Mrs. Jerrems was the guest of honor
at many soclnl affairs during her visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy left Friday
for Mackinac Island to attend the wedding
of Mr. Cudahy's cousin. Miss Julia Cudahy,
to Mr. Vincent Walsh of Chicago on July
t. Mr. and Mrs. Cudahy will spend some
time there. '
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton II. Brlggs sail from
San Francisco for Japan on the 3rd -of
July to be absent some time. Mr. Brlggs
has been quite 111 since an operation he
recently underwent and Is taking the trip
for the benefit of his health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Keltner are visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sllnger
Innd at Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue.
The Keltners have Just concluded a profes
sional! theatrical tour through Coloiudo.
Kansas. Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
Mr. William Randall, auditor or freight
and tickets accounts of the Burlington, with
his wife and son. Will, left yesterday for
the Hotel Chamj.laln. Blur Point, N. Y.
Mr. Randall goes to attend the annual
meeting of the Association of American
Railway Accounting Officers, to be held
there June 27, 28 and 29. They will be
gone for about two weekg.
Ir. Hart Monday . Miihl.
An Interesting discussion of modern ten
dencies In philanthropic work Is antici
pated in the address of Dr. HaatlngH H.
Mart of Chicago, president of the National
Children's Home society, who will speak
before the Social Servh-e club at the f'lrbt
Presbyterian church Monday evening at 8
o'clock. Dr. Hart Is un authoritative
speaker on philanthropic subjects and Is in
demand for addresses before charity organ
isations. County Commissioner I're, will
preside at the meeting. Short reports of
the national charities convention recently
held In Philadelphia will be given by Chief
Probation Officer Hernsteln. Superintendent
Morris of the Associated Charities and
Mrs. H. H. Heller of the Detention home.
The public Is Invited to attend the meeting.
Follow Hie Crowd
To Myers-Dillon IfrtiR Co.
This Weok. Headquarters for
Drugs, Cigara, Ktc.
10c Cigars lor 5c
l"c La Tonica Cigar, 5c, or 12.60 for box
of 5".
10c El Affecto, 5c, or $2.50 for box of it). .
10c Spanish Perfectos, f for 25c, J1.25 for
dox or s.
6c Consumo, 8 for 25c, $1.50 for box of 50.
5c I -a Regalia, 10 for 26c, or $1.25 for box
of 60.
5o miv Nicotine, 8 for 25c, or $1.50 for
box of 50. -
6c Monarch, 8 for 25c, or $1.50 for box
of 50.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
S. K. Cor. 16th and Far nam Stfl.
Omaha, Neb.
Summer Dresses
We clean and finish summer
dresses so they look like new.
We do not send you a starch
ed up affair that can stand
alone, but. one with that
new look and feel that la so
much desired by the well
dressed woman. TRT VS.
Price S1.50 to $2.50
Expert Cleaners and Dyers,
New Address fS'
J l XK
Deposit Vaults I
National Bank, 210 So. 1.3th St. I
::3 -J
r, - it . ; ;,. '
Kiss:-:-. . i
. '. .'. -
2 in
Ths Two Accepted Ways of
Playing a Piano Are:
Kt' i- . V-' I i .-'
pre "..'
Both of these methods are united in Ihe IMnnoU lMnno. You can
turn instantly from one method to the other without changing your
position at the instrument. Why have a piano in the house that only
one (or perhaps no one) member of- the family can play, when you can
get one that each and all can play?
The Pianola Piano accomplished instantly, what it took the old
standard make pianos forty or more years to accomplish.
If you have a piano we will accept same at its actual value as a
part payment on a Piunola Piano. Easy terms can be obtained for the
balance. .
A full line of Metrostyle Pianola, new and slightly used, can he
had on easy payments. llargaiiiK in Pianola and other makes, of
players the balance of this month.
Our Circulating Library and Home Music Library "contracts"
-'make the 'music buying easy and inexpensive.
Call or write for particulars, catalogues, etc., to v
1311 and 1313 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb,
TO DAY Adm,-F, Park TO D AY
Nordin's Concert Band
Balloon Ascension
Marry-ffo-roung-, Bowling Alleys, Shooting Gallery, Japanese Ball Gams Baby
ataca, aoviity Stands, Fsnny Arcaue, Plata Came and a great variety of
other amassment.
JUHE 24, 25, 26,
Packed 100 In air
tight tin cans
Esprjas ratss low.
Ordar now tot tha
Torn? a.
Only factory wast
of St. Louis.
Sanders I Jar, is,
t'oiu-oiVia, Kan.
C0U6LM3 flg
Farnam St. Omah-
' ioixten the hair, nious'.arlio or whipkar
wirh Sunlight Hair Tonic before ri'tir.njj.
tiie hair a ill L ire pn prr v ilor in tin
morning. Kamlv applied, entirely harm
less: won't rub off nor stain the linen. nn
liquid, no sediment, no smell, no atirki
nes. Nriw preparation, fol-1 by druggist,
wholealrt and retail. Large f ;.J wnlj.
or express prepaid, tbirtv 2c., jtainp.
Agents wanted. S5.M refusdtJ if I. tails.
( Laclaal Aaa, fck I.aala, Hm.
Saucers and Spoons Free
.With Each Order
Come in rfnd get one of our little
tuirels cf Ice creams, put it In
your pocket and take if along with
you to cut later In your office. Tt
Is packed s that It will keep hard
for to hours. Each barrel con
lams thr.e flavors of Ice cream
snd e sui ply you free little paper
Mwin and tin spoons, so that
H will be convenient for you to
tjunrt six" (sufficient for eight
prrs.msi '. 40e
Pint Fize (sufficient for fwur
( t sons i MOm
Phone Cone's 711. 1510 Farnani St.
i i rstnlfriTi
Electric Studio
srxDAv. .irxK 24.
Royal Canadian Band.
Balloon Ascension.
Motion Pictures,
nwly imported
Rihlical ubji'cls,
Roller Coneter Womlei'laiirt. Cnrnis-il.
Penny Vaudeville, Temple of Palm-,
iHtrv, Plivsieal I'lilttire. Jaiie ...
RnliiuK Hall l.ime. I.hiibIiIiik rial
lery. Novelty Ctllery. iii.0U Flow
ers n ml PIMIltM. PllOtoB!Blll (iHliery'
t-AII tiie time.
SS AMD 118,
tv-'kinK Pleasure During; tha fita'a
Convention Held In Hntitli Onmh.t
M-iir Hie Kreat Kgex Monday,
Omaha Street Car Men.
liig invent Big program of Pi orts
RiU Tlim Kverybocly Come. i
Krug Park. Telei
Urder Puppar at
hone Henou-14t.
Thompsoa'a Military SLsphao ta,
lay-to a JabUa Blagats,
OarfitUo aad Xla Concert BaaA.
Your Monty's Worth
Best tiT. West
r J
- ii 1 1 1 ii
....Omaha's Polite Resort....
Krug Park