Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 19

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ISHTTS John, Friday morning
Un. aged 62 vnn 1 month 1
Jun 22,
month IS dsrs, at
hia lata residence, 2C17 North Feventeenth
at reel, brother of Louis Hotte.
m Funeral from hla resldenr Sunday, J'in
.4. at I o'clock p m. Inte-ment Prospect
Hill cemetery. Friends Invited.
BKOWN-Randnll A.. agd 77.
Funeral Sunday, 2:30 p. m, from real
dene of XV. M. BurifM, Twenty-eecond
and lapitojaveniie. Funeral private.
Pongln mm. -MfC Jull
'JW2T MKxn Jin:
. 60DA FOUNTAIN, any size. 181 Farnnm.
Q 4Z?
BHF.RWIN-'WILLIAMS CO.. pest mixed
paint. 8hrmVn A McConn.ll Drug Co..
Omaha. Q 128
HA LI 8 safes, naw. Id-hand. 181S Farnam.
FOR SALE Empty Ink barrele. lnqulra of
. t-amyoeii, lie mau room. Q 642
Fon BALE New and aecor.d-hand billiard
and pool tablea; we lead the world la
cneap Dar nxtures; eaay payments. Hrune
wlck-lJalke-Collendcr, 407 8. loth St.
WE buy everything to the furniture Una
Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 &odge.
CHEAP chicken fence, long- fir timber,
white baaawood tor burnt work. CZ1 N.
18th. Q 432
on eaay term a.
4Sd anl
(J 433
SEND UB your mall ordere for drugs;
freight paid on 810 lota. Myera-Dlllen
Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 434
FOR BALE At a bargain, a 1906 Oldamo
bile, just new. Addrea E 27, Bee.
Q 4041
ONE second-hand Worthlngton strain
pump, sir.o 14x! Vix12, rapacity f,o gallons
per minute; 1 40-H. P. boiler; 3-6 crook
points; all are in good condition. Ad
dress city clerk, Fullerton, Neb. I
Q-M721 July3
FOR SALE, CHEAP Art Oarland hard
coal baseburner: rensnn for selling, am
leaving city. Apply 41 2S N.cholaa St.
Q-73S 23
2 HATS for II. 308 N. 16th St.
M CERTIFICATE for sale; will sell for
;0; answer quick. Address H 13, Hee.
Q 830 24X
FOR SALE Household furniture; also In
cubator. 1U N. 17lh. Q KX 25x
GOOD hard coal stove, furniture, at 1330 S.
27th St. W MM3 iax
The heavy rain of last Sunday night
went through our window, where we had
dismayed three Hllckensderfer typewriters.
They were somewhat dninaged us to looks
only, being specked, but have been cleaned
and rubbed up until they ore in almost
perfect condition. These are new machines,
tut will go at second-hand prlcea, :;U.OO
for No. 7s and J'.'H.OO for No. (s; regular
prices, $60.00 and $.16.00, respectively.
Here la a chanco to own a new typewriter
at a second-hand price, and they should be
napped up Monday morning.
Denamore No. 1...
Pensmore No. 2....
Remington Nt. 2...
Sholea' Visible
.... 19.50
.... I960
.... 19.50
.... 19.60
.... 19.60
We have the best selected line of all
makes of machines and can suit anyone
wanting a writing machine.
Machines for rent, I'i.oi and up.
1003 Iavenworth St.
Two Blocks South of Her Grand.
Tel. Hud 69.
WILL eell my $."x) piano certificate for $5.
Addreea H 10. Bee. W-907 24x
FOR 8 ALE One 4 and one 10-foot cigar
case, also one 10 and one 12-ayrup audit
fountain. Lerlght, 1818 Farnam St.
Q-950 St
CONTENTS of ten-room house completely
furnished. ti!2 N. 18th St. Q-M932 Kx
LET ub be your factory. Hardware spe
claltlea manufactured under contract;
models developed. W are specialists in
patent articles. Prompt service, flrat
claaa workmanship, reasonable prlcea.
America Company, Momence, Illinois.
cheaper here than at any Installment
atore. The Quality Is reliable. Cash or
. IXK-iai-m rirnnin bu
i Q-4W2 14
MIRROR, large else, auttable for store or
ealixin; also outside dlspluy case, cheap.
$08 N. liith. 9rM1,?7!1L-
jXK l4-horeioww err cooled Knox Tour
ing car, in nna conouion, tiuu.
One 10 H. P. ld entrance Cadlllae Tour
log Car, fine condition, $876.
n.i Undtl K Humbler. 2-cyllnder. 18 H,
p. canopy top, side curtains, glass storm
front and aide touring bankets, $760.
On slngla cylinder, 10 H. I'. Rambler Rt
.hnut. recently overhauled. $12i.
n.,.. hnnd new Cadillac Touring Car. $850.
One 14 H. P- double cylinder, 4-paaaengar
cur, 137$.
One ide entrance. II H P. Surrey, Type 1.
Rambler, In A-l condition. $900.
One 190 Orient Buck board, good shape,
One St H. P. Royal Tourist, fine ahape.
with top', coat new ij.jdu; now ai.iau.
nn mni Olds Runabout, new tires. $2i0.
iuu& Stevens-Duryea. 4-passenger,
with top; good ahapo; tlat $1.J00; now
One 1904 $-cvllnder Wlnton, excellent con
dition, $1,000. ,
One 1905 Whit Steamer, with top, almost
new, $ .r pit EDRICK80N.
ltth and Capitol Ave.
, t HATS for $1. $T3 N. lfith St.
GOING to leav Omans: will eell my au
toinoblle (Pope-Toledo), together with
canotiv top. baskets, etc.. at a big bar
ga:n. Th machine la In first-class condl
lion Address F W cur Bee. Mcil
At'TOMORILE FOR 8 ALE-Flve-passenger
Queen light touting car: In very bent
condition, with lamp, horn and extra
tire; price $'"0. Addiesa, S. V. Treat,
Atlantic, Iowa. 8(57 2i
FOR EXCHANGE I-os Angelas property;
six-room cottage: modern; good residencu
district, and amnll buslnesx, a money
maker for part cash and residence proy
erty In good resilience district In Omaha.
Address 201 East Second St . Los Angeles,
' cal. Z MS2I tlx
IF YOU do not flud what you want In this
column, put an ad in and you will soon
get Jt. ?r-
fclDF. WALK8-AII kinds Ucenaed.
A. R-
Ho I. 21u8 Webster TeL IXiug. 404.
U HENDERSON 1618 Farnam. TL Doug
JOHNSON IuaUtuta, 41i N. I. i TeL Doug;
ANCHOR and Iron l-encifir; Wire Fencing
o per foot, ft N. 17th fit. Tel. Rod-l4,
OT2 July
WIRE and Iron Fencing, nitchlng Post.
Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and I'ou
AVorkB, 2127 Farnam St. Tel. Red 630.
M2W Jr
OMAHA. Neb.. June 24, ltn6.
The Board of Education of the School
iMatrlct of Omaha Invite, aealed blda for
fuel, cadet uniform, stationery, janitor."
auppllee and printing for the year ending
June 30. Iu7.
Certlrled checka muat accompany bide aa
On blda for cadet unlforme, Janitor'
auppllea and etatlonery, each. On
Printing, I per cent of the amount bid.
n hard coal, llon.Ou. On aoft coal, t-W.w.
Cherks to be tnude payable to the School
LUetrlct of Omaha.
Circulars cf complete Information can
be hod upon application to the under
airned. The board reaervea the right to releot any
or all blda and to waive any defect or In
formality In any bid ehoul'l It be deemed
In the Interest of the achool district to do
Itlds on cadet uniform will close at I
o'clock p. m. July 1, 1908.
All other bids will cloae at 8 o'clock
p. m. July t 190ft.
Send aealed envelop containing; bids to
the undersigned, marked as follows: "Pro
poaala for Supplies."
J. F. HUROES3, Secretary,
6o5 City Hall, Omaha. Neb.
J24-d5t '
Sealed proposals will be received by the
trusteee of Walla-Walla Lodge. No. "8, I. O.
O. F., at North Platte, Neb , until 12 o'clock
noon, June 30, UM, for the erection, con
struction and remodeling of a brick bulld
liar for snld lodge, according to the plain
anil specifications now on Pie at the offtco
of the undersigned at North Platte, Ntb. ;
also at the office of the architects James
Tylpr & Son, Funk building, Lincoln, Noli.
Bidder will be required to deposit a certi
fied check of 1500 to be returned upon
awarding the contract. The trustee re
serve the right to reject anv and all bids.
J. 8. HOAOLANU, ChiaUman Trustees.
Bids Wanted for Grading and Excavating.
Sealed bids will be received at the office
of John W. Robblna, 1802 Farnam St.,
until June 30, 1906, for grading the lot
at the corner of ISth and Farnam Sts.;
and also for excavating to the usual depth
for a building. The right la reserved to
reject any or all bids.
Real Estate Exchange Building Company,
By John W. RobWns, Sec'y.
E M J2 1-2 1-2 2-23-21
TIONS. Sealed proposals ore Invited and will be
received In the office of the City Engineer,
Room 406, City Hall. Omaha, Neb., until i
o'clock p. ni., Tuesday, July 3, 19iJ, for the
construction ot a sewer, aa follows:
In Sewer District No. 31a, commencing at
tha main sewer In the center of 27th atreet
at the Intersection of the center line of
Fort atreet; thence eaat along the center
of Fort atreet with a 21-lacli pipe to a
manhole In the center of 26th avenue,
north; thence eaat along the center of
Fort street with an 18-lncn pipe to a man
hole In the center of 25th street, north;
thence east along the center line of Fort
street with a la-Inch pipe to a manholo
in the center of 24th street; thence north
along the center of l!4th street with a
12-lnch pipe to a manhole 41 feet north
of Fort street; thence north along tho
center of is4th street with an 8-inch pipe
to a flush tank ilt feet south of Ouat
street. .Also
Commencing at the main aewer
In the center of 27th street at the Inter
aeotiun of the center line or Camden ave
nue; thence east along luti center of Cam
den avenue with a lo-lnch pipe to a hush
tank 26 feet west of 26th avenue.
Also, commencing at the manhole at the
Intersection of the center lines of 26th ave
nue and Fort street; thence north along
tho center of 26th avenue with an 8-lnch
pipe to ii flush tunk feat south of Jaynes
Also, commencing at the manhole at th
intersection of the center line ot 26th and
Fort streets: thence north along the cen
ter line of 26th atreet with an -lnoh pip
to a flush tank on the south aide of Jaynes
street. . . ' ' , . ,
Proposal must be made upon printed
blanks to be furnished by the City Engi
neer, and all work must be done in ac
cordance with plana, profllea and apeclflca-
lions on file In hi oftice; and aa avldeno
of good faith and guaranty that contract
will te entered inio ana guuu urn emu
dent bond furnished, should award ba
mad thereon, each proposal must be ac
companied by a certuiea cneca, payaoie
to the City of Omaha, In an amount not
less than I per com ot me loiai oi eacu
hi, I hut In no caae to be less than $100.
Propoaala muat o auarssea to Anarcw
Rose water, City Engineer, Room 4ot, City
Hall, and marked "Propoaala for Sewer
Construction, Ulatrlct No. ," giving the
number of the district bid upon.
The City Council ot tne city oi umana
reserves the right to reject any and all
b'da. , ,
Pnhtlnhen in accoraance wun me require-
menia of Ordinance No. 6ti91 and Resolution
No. I'M, adopted by tha City Council on
June 12. ltt. .
Junel-D7t City Clark.
TION. 6ealed proposal ar Invited and will b re
ceived in tne onico ui m uivy cniuiroi,
room 408 city hall. Omaha, Nb., until 2
o'clock p. m. Tuesday, July, i, WA, for
th. rnnstructlon of awr aa follow:
in n.wer Dint riot No. 120. In accordance
with Ordinance No. 1711, commencing at the
main sewer In Clark atreet at lu lnter-
1.,'tion with the center line or tne alley in
block 10, E. V. Smith' addition, thenoe
north along tne center or. aaia auey wnn
an 8-Inch pip to a flush tank on tha south
lin. of Grace atreet. ...
In Hewer District ISO. w. in accoruauo
with Ordinance No. 6711, commencing at
th main aewer In 33d atret at th lnter
jwtinn of tha center Una of Boyd street.
thence west along th center of Boyd atreet.
with a 12-lncn pipe, to a mannoie in m
renter of 84th Ave., thence weat along the
center of Boyd atreet with au 8-Inch pip
to a manhole 2ft feet cast oi atm street..
Also commencing at the main sewer in
the center of Taylor street ! feet, more or
lesa, east of 34d street, thence weat along
the center of Taylor atreet with an 8-lncli
j.lpc to a manhole In the center of 34th
PruiAikala must be made upon printed
blar.kc to be furnlihHl by the olty engineer
and all work muat b done In accordance
with plan, profile and specification ou
ni in lo. iitl.i: and as evidence of good
faith and guaranty that contract will be
entered Into and good and aufnclent bond
furnished should award be made thereon,
each proposal must be accompanied by a
rrrind ,-iiN:k navabla to the City of
Omaha In an amount not leaa than 1 par
ront of th total of each bid, out in uo
ruse to be leaa tnan 1100.
Proposal must be addressed to Andrew
Koseter, city engineer, room w cny nan,
and n." ked "Froroaala for Sewer Construc
tion. DUtr,ct No. ," giving the number
of the district bid upon.
Tim chv council of the City of Oman
rraervee th right to reject any and all blda
Omaha, Jseb., June i, iw..
DAN B. BUTLER, City Clerk.
Sealed proposal" are invited and will be
received at the office of the Board cf Pirk
Con.mlssiunera, room .'-., City Hall,,
Nebraska, up to 2;a0 o clock p. m. 'i lium
day. Jun tolh. IMu. for the paving of th
part of Bancroft street from 11th street to
Southeast avenue ana now known as uuui
eu.-t boulevard.
HUla will be rcelTd on asphalt an
maiMJim and In accordanc with plan
and specifications prepured by the City En
rinrrr and now On 111 In his Office.
iti.ia to b mad uuon printed blank
which will b furnished by the City I-.n IlliOn aDDllCStlon.
' . . r . . . L - I V... . . : ,i 4
,acn Olu III .wuiihwiimw i v i uiicu
check payabl to th City ot Omaha, In
an amount equal to I per cent of the total
cost of Ui material bid upon, aa an evi
dence of good faith that contract will be
entered into should iiward be made thereon.
The board reserua th right to reject
any or all blda.
Omaha. Nebraska, Jun 19 19o8.
ERS. By C. D. C. JEWETT, Secretary.
' Sealed propoaala ara Invited and will b
received by th City Clerk of th City of
Cmaha for furnlahlug the city with alxty
(i.'l brcoma complete (being 800 section.)
for th Iron Clad Pickup Sweeping Ma
chine owned by tha city, each section to
contain aev.n pounda dry baaa eighteen
Inches tn length and of a quality etju:il to
that In a sample to b Been at the city
ti'ol house near 15'h and Maon strcr'.s.
I'roposula must be filed aith the city Clerk
on or before Tuevlay, July 3, licti, at
o clock p. m., aealed and marked "Pro-
b. Bullvr. City Clerk
room lot. City Hall.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Publlshud purauant to Reaolutloa No.
173C. Mrles IS".
Oiiuuia, Netiraska,' Jun 18. 14
DAN B. BL'TLER. City Clerk.
A Nebruk&n Picture, the Ladrone U He
it at Home,
Xatar of Ilia Crlaaea Oatllned by
Jdg Korrla Efforts of the
Government to Eater
cnlaat thai Peat.
Hon, W. F. Norris, formerly on the dis
trict bench of Nebraska, now judge of the
Fifteenth judicial district, Caplx., Philippine
Islands, draw an lnatructlve character
ketch of the Philippine lad roue, for whom
much sympathy la expressed In certain
uuarlers In this country. In a letter to
Tha Res Judffa Norris aava:
In a recent publication entitled "Our
Philippine Problem"1 the author refera to
the ladrone of this country as "The benlQ
cent protector of the people." During six
years residence In tho Philippines, par of
which were spent In the capital and part
In the provinces, with exceptional oppoi
tunltiea for observation of tho life and
character of th people of the lower classes.
I feel justified In the statement that the
Filipino ladrone Is the meanest and most
despicable of criminals and that he 1 ao
regarded by all classes of the population,
detested alike by rich and poor and out
lawed by all authorities that have held
way In any portions of the archlpelugo,
Spaniard, Insurgent and Amcrlcnn all re
garding him aa a public pest .whose ex
termination la Imperatively demanded by
tho public welfare, which consummation
bid fair to be apeedlly accomplished
through the strenuous efforts being made
by the Insular government.
Levying Tribute OB th Rich.
Tho rich man haa Buffered through forced
contributions to the ladrone to aava his
sugar crop from destruction, though this
eclea of exaction la much less frequent
than formerly. The poor man haa been
nd still Is hla chief victim, hla meager
property being ot the mercy of the outlaw
bands who infest the country districts.
The pacification of the country 1 retarded,
Its tranquility continually disturbed, agri
culture Interfered with, all business de
pressed through the operations of the
thieving banda styled by Mr. Willis "The
benincent benefactors of the people."
The ladrone is a robber, the Spanish word
meaning either thief or robber, as most the robbers proceed to ransack the prem
robberlea are committed by small banda of ses, which la speedily done, the single room
armed men, tne term moronism in mis
cuumry is uuueieuiou iu iu-.ii
where several participate In the act. La-
dronlsm la known to the Spanlsh-Flllpino
criminal code aa robbery-in-band, the name
ppeanng more frequently on tne criminal
, . , . - .Yn,.A I
cnienaar man inai ui any on., uiiuro
known to the courta. The crime, consist
fng in general of forcibly depriving a poor
family of Its meager stock of provision
nd clothing and the single carlboa on
whose labor he depends for th cultivation
of their little patch of land that supplies
the rlco constituting their principal food
The ordinary band of robbera consists of
from three to twelve men, though some
times a gang of fifty or more will assault
an Isolated barrio or small pueblo or the
... . .. . .. ....
dwelling of a wealthy family where there
some probability of resistance, these
gentry never undertaking an enterprise In
which there Is risk of life or limb. The
cowardly ladrone Is the meanest and most
t'atoa PaclHa. ,
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am
Faat Mall a :15 pm a 1:10 pm
Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a 1:80 am
California pre. Ex.. .a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pm
T a. Anv.l.. T m (Ml jll-am n In
Fast Mall J. ..a 1:66 pm a 8:30 pro
Colorado Bpec'ai a 7:46 am a 7:44 am
North Plait. Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm
Beatrice Local D 8:15 pro b 2:00 pm
Chicago Great Weaterai.
St. Paul Minneapolis. 8 30 pm
St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:46 am
Chicago Limited 6:40 pm
Chicago Express 7:46 am
Chicago Express 1:30 pm
7:10 am
11 :60pm
1:30 pm
Chinmnro. Milwaukee A
Chi. Colo, Special.... 76 am a 1M am
California pre. ku...a :4i . 3:10 pm
Overland Limited a a:a- pm a 9:20 am
Marion & Cedar R Loc.b 6:46 am bll:00 pm
Cbleago, Book Island A. 1'aolS.
leav. Arrive.
Inw7l.i a7:uoam a 4 so Km
Chicago Mall a 8:16 am al0:10 pm
ccl.r4ci!a.tVrE,P:Vai;i5 S IIS S3
Chicago Uowa Limited). a i.ii piu al8:10 pm
, w . . J"1' , ,5
SiWprVi?::: ;S I Mo
Okl. & Texas Exp a 4:40 pm ai2:06 pin
Colorado Fast Mall ...al0:10 pm a 7:H6 am
a dally, b dally except taunaay.
Ckliwt a 8srtaMtra.
Local Cedar Kapida ....a.:uiam a 6:00 pra
Chicago Daylight a :uu aiu 11. pm
CarrX lcal '.!.. !!l!l!!a SiS pin 5H5 t'm
St. Paul Fast Mai! ....ak:ipm 7:06'ant
Sioux C. & St. P. tA)CaL b :uu put a 8:86 ara
Faat Mall
:) pin
Chicago iixpresa a i:6u pm
Chicago Limited aU:00yin
Norfolk & xioneatc! ....a 3:4 am
Lincoln & Lung Pin ..a 7:4u am
Casper & V jmli g ....a 3.0a pm
a i urn
U :16 am
10:36 am
10:86 am
a fl:u pm
Deaawsoa at v.inuoin
Hastlnga & Albion ..
Fremont-Albion ....
Chicago Local
a 3:00 pin
:u6 piu
.oi pro
.0 I:oi. pm
.b -M pm
.all:20 um
A t . 7.,
Illinois Central.
Chicago fcxpre ....
a 8:00 am a 3:65 pro
cnicao 1-nu.ieu ...
.a ;u
L Louia Express a :30 pin a 8:4 aia
ki 1 ail iu I i w i i t n m rt
Council Uuui a t;U am al0:10 pro
Biuuuaiiy iocai uroin
Council Bluffs) b 8.00 pm bU.tOam
Mlrl i'aai-
ou Louis iurii:u a 8:00 am a t.lO pin
K. C at tiU L. iLipiesa.aAl.lo pui a, i,;uv pui
eiRLI.UT0.1 arAiiua IOTU MASO.1
Denver & California a 4.111 dui a 1 -a,
l:HiP"1 P'"
NuiliiKvat tipeclal.
. 4.10 pm a u6am
Northwest Enpreaa
Ntbrabka EzpieM..
Nbrak Lucai
Lincoln Local
.ai..iu put a ,,,i
.a um a 2.40 piu
n .w .UI
a 1.06 am
Llnoulu Faat Mail b 8 ou pm tU.tu lpi
Ft. crook fc Platlam h..b pin bi0:6 am
bollevue Ac Platuuu h..a IJa, pm al:3oam
Denver Ll-nlteu a 7:10 ara
Ballevua l ac. Juno. ..a 1.J0 am a 8.80 ait
be.icvua 4t I'uu. juuo. ..a .lo am a 1:60 pm
Chicago cpvcial a 1:2U iri a 7:25 am
Chicago Lxpieaa a 3.4.) pm a i:u pin
Chicago Flyer a 8-tt pin a 7:23 am
Iowa Lucai 8:18 am ulO.W pm
Et. Louia Kxpraaa a 4:4; pm all:4o am
n.anaaa viiy-oi jue....aiu.u pm a am
Kama Clty-fcf. Jo... .a 9:15 um a 8:10 pm
Kus Clly-bl. Jo. ...a 4.4i pm
Chicago, St. Pnnl, Mlnnaolla
Leava- Arrlv.
Twin City Passenger.. .b ;30 am b 10 pm
Flou City Passenger.. .a 8:08 pio alLrOam
Fmeraon TxM-at b 8:10 pm b 8. 33 am
Emerson Local e 8:4t am e 8:5o pm
VlMUirl I'nrlQ.
Nebraska Local. via
Weepiii-i Water b tM po bll:30 pre
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Pallr
xcpt Haturday. e Sunday only. Dailf
except M nday.
nsw loaa. rAUCKMo aso hapul.
Brir agcoiamiwUiioii. ttMliaii cm mmm Ta.
sf y ,mifi - cAKlailj aanauUrxl. Sla..
r rttu4-vrlp iilsi law4 Wt . sm Tvfe feU
Siuica. Mmk u4 ail iuctil oi.4iatti
miuu at atuctl nw. BotiA Utt bmn M twit
f mf uMa ar mwiI laittfaMtwa ir t & f
lural .uc ml tka Anchor Liu, or i liuliklttua
ttlioa., Qm'I & caiman, lit.
depraved of outlawa; not a single redeem
ing feature to hit utterly despicable char
acter. With all their evil trait, he lack
th rniirua of the enrsalr. clrate and high-
wayman: like a hyena or a coyote, he
prowls about the country rf'y'ff on tha
poor, weak and defenselesa.
Mode of Operation.
The usual procedure of the gang I to
proceed at flight to the houae of thrlf
victim, which they surround before aroua
Ing the sleeping Inmatea. In ordinary rob
beries the banda aeem to be extemporised
for the occnslon, some local leader gather
ing half a doirh followers from the baser
eort of the population for the special oc
casion. Antonio has a grudge against
MvodomoB, who perhapa has asked him to
pay a debt, a sore affront to Antonio aa
with most Filipinos. Nlcodomoa being a
thrifty fellow has an extra cavan or two
of rice In his house and possibly fifty
Mexican peso hidden away In One of the
bamboo joints of hla house, ao Antonio
can at the same time satisfy hla revenge
"d the cupidity tf hla follower by a
aaultlng and looting the dwelling of
Nlcodomos. Juan. Pedro, Soferlno, Igna
cio, Andrea, Rustlco and Vulplano agree
to share In the enterprise and on the night
designated meet at tha house of Antonio.
The motly crowd armed with bolos, spears,
and perhaps bowa and arrows, which oc
casionally constitute th weapons of some
of the party, proceed to the residence of
their Intended victim. The houses of the
common people are build upon bamboo
poles some six or eight feet above the
ground. Nlcodomos and his family are
asleep, like all Filipinos living In the coun
try retiring for the night a little later
than their chickens go to roost. The
family are rudely awakened by crle of
come down; Nlcodomos, come down; we
are constabulary," as soon aa he reallzea
the situation the trembling Nlcodomos.
obeys the summons and la received
and Immediately bound by the ladronea,
whq tie hla elbowa together behind
his back, then further secure him by
binding him to a betelnut tree, I mention
this particular species of tree for the
reason that it flgurea ao conspicuously In
trlala of this character, tho very frvnuent
testimony of the complaining witness, being
"they tied me to a betelnut tree" which
statement la corroberatod by the family
who liberate the husband or father, after
the departure of the ladronea. I suppose
this particular tree Is selected for the
reason that it Is straight, slim tunk make
It a most excellent hitching post.
"Carrying; Off the Loot.
After securing tho head of th house.
0f the nepa hut being stripped of Its scanty
contents which are put on the back of
the carlboa, this patient animal helno- en.
erally found conveniently near, the apace
un(jer tne house being the usual carlboa
yard. The ladrones de..Art ,ir,v.i .h
" o "in
carlbao before them and sometimes drag
glng lta owner after, whom they usually
leave at any convenient point to make his
way back to his family. Generally, how
ever, tho master of the house la put to no
more serious lnconvlonencc than to witness
the despoiling of his goods from his place
of confinement, being liberated from hla
bonds by some member of the famllv
niter me departure of the outlaws
T " 1 ,
... " ZZ.JZ u ' , P"i"ng
treaaure which he conceals, or has uni,,
the Ill-will of the leader of the gang, vlo
lence Is rarely offered to the father or any
member of tho family. Should he have
money which he conceals and refuao to
divulge lta hiding place, or be auepeoted of
posalng hidden treasure, he is liable to suf
fer torture and death unless the money be
forthcoming or the robbera become satisfied
of its nonexistence. Ia one caae coming
under my personal obaervatlon the ladronea
bound the owner of the house to a post and
applied a lighted torch to his naked body,
men completed their work by dragging
tnelr victim outside and putting him to
death. In another caae the leader of th
" J." A?' " .tU
I vrhib uio nuuse WHO two
of hla followera, approached the father of
the family, who had been tied aa usual tn
L . " " ".u'Ual t0
""nnm ,rw). ana reu upon
1 inai wun meir doior. Rutin- him in AnM
bI,Kd. The murder was wltnesyed by the
children of the victim. I will never forgot
the dramatic air with which the little son
Po'n'ed his finger at the murderer when he
wa on tna for th deed, exclaimlnar. "You
killed father, you know you did it." The
manner of th child carried conviction of
... .. . -"oo ui
"'" " wun-n, nowever, waa
fuI,T established by other evidence" In the
Tno murder of the Echeverrla fam v fl
lustrate another phase of ladronlsm. haD
IS! "r the troubl-
,ome times of the Insurrection and the day
,mmea,al"y following. The Echeverriae
wer?, vf pan,Bh famlly " ' on. of th.
small Vlsayan towns, the family consisted
of the parenta and five children one of
,hnm ... . j..,, ...
. ' mgm or in
tra,feay :ue8t "Pending the night with
mem snarea the tragical fate of tha famllv.
thS niKht ' fl'" '
"""u"u l" "ouse; iney were variously
armed, a few carrying firearm, the others
doIob and the usual weapons of the coun
try. The family were commanded to de
scend from the houae and deliver un their
,.. .iu i.. . . .
1 ' ""'" "uuimuna iney unwisely
complied with. Th leader seemed Inclined
. nr. . v.... .
-...t..., i.uaiiy oraeieu
each Individual to be seDaratelv bound bv
securing their arma behind, and then
hound all together with a long atrip of rat-
tan. They were then driven tn the sea
shore and butchered In cold blood. Two
women were among the victim, th mother
nd daughter. In addition to th family
nna guest, among tne murdered waa a
Spaniard making his horn with Senor
Echeverrla. Bom copra eacka were emp
tied of their content, the bodies thrust
therein and thrown into tha sea.
Moat Ignoble of Thieves.
Cases might be multiplied Indefinitely 11-
I e cnurucier or moronism In tne
Philippines, which Illustrations show the
F'llP'no ladrone to be the most Ignoble of
thlcvea, with not an element of the heroic,
or a redeeming feature in hla character.
Without the courage, he poeafsses all the
vlcee of the highwayman, burglar, mur
derer and malfactor of other countries. The
meanest and most dastardly of criminals,
preying on the poor and defenseless, wring
ing from the mouths of hungry women and
children their acanty mouthful of food,
never attacking the atrong, but always se
lecting for hla victim the weak and de-
fenaelesa. The pest of the community, out
lawed by Spaniard. American and Filipino,
all regard aa the common enemy of human
ity the cowardly thief whom Mr. Willis
pronounces "the bentflcent protector of th
Oils and Rails,
NEW TORK. Jun 23 OIU3 Cottoned,
barely ateady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills,
Hc: prime yellow. 8MJ;V.e. Petroleum,
steady: refined. N-w York, 8"-80. Turpen
tine, otilet nt 6iH4inc.
RO8IN Dull; siralned. common to good.
83 86
OIL CITT. Pa . Jun . -OIL Credit
balance.. 1184. Shlpmenta. 66.877 bMa.;
average. 64 4 bbla. Buna, Fl,4-4e hbla; av
erage. i3.4 bbls. Fhlpmenta, Lima, 57.M4
bhls ; average. 87.428 bbla. Runa, Lima,
bbla.; average, SK039 bbls.
Export and Imports.
NEW YuliK. Juno '.-I. Import a from the
port of Ntw York for the week ending
tod.iv: Mrchandle and drvgmHls, 114 .
i,n:?; apecie. l;i.6;j silver and 1104 2:17 gold.
Fxporta of specie fur the axme period were
t-'to.TSt silver and 111. (no gold.
If you have anything to trade advertla
It In the For Exchange column el The
Bee Want Ad page.
Recent Rains Put Life Into Local Whole-'
sale En bid egg.
Better Crop Condition Cane Good
Feeling Alt Along the I.lne Imple
ment Trad Picking t n Sao
eeaafnl Trad Etenr.lon.
New life has been Infused Into the Jobbing
trade by the recent rains. Trade was good
before the rain, but the fear cf damiise by
dry weather cauwd some unoAaluca both
among retailers and Jobbers. Now the un
easiness haa been dispelled. Jobhers have
received let (era from deslera In many aeo
tlons saving that crops are looking fine aa
the result of the rain and farmers are buy
ing freely. Especially la the good feeling
evident to the Implement trade and the
cancellation of orders on twin and har
vester has been abruptly atopped and
aome of the old order reinstated.
What la characterised as the most auc
ceasful trade excursion In the history of
the Omaha Commercial club was made Into
southeastern Nebraska Wednesday, Thurs
rtoy and Friday of last week. It Is the gen
eral opinion that the relations of the Omaha
business men with their old customers have
been etrengthened and that many new
ftienda have been won. Cropa all along the
line are aald to be looking the finest ever.
Tha fall order btislnesa Is over In shoes,
but aome ordere continue to arrive for sort
ing up atocks. Aa a rule the ordra are
for oxfords. The situation as regards price
Is unchanged.
House trnile for the week with hardware
men was better than for some time, and
road salesman did a good business. Th
demand for builders' hardwure. which has
been unusual all spring, still holds up to
tho level of the SDrlna- hulne. mnliln. It
evident that building operations In tribu
tary . territory am unnhnted. Sheet Iron Is
nrm ni ine recent advance of 10 ernts per
100 pounds and galvanised Iron also la In
strong position. A heavy movement of wire
and nails waa experienced last week.
Dry Oooda Shlpraeata Heady.
Local dry goods houses irn ettln rendv
to make the ahlpment of goods which
have been ordered by dealera for the fall
trude, and by the middle of thle week the
ahlpmenta will be well under way. House
trade Iihs been good. The jobbers say that
uio unproved condition In the crop outlook
Is responsible for an Increase of the retail
trado In dry goods, and that the nroNnorta
now for both wholesaler and retailer are
very bright. The cotton market remalna
strong, with practically no changes In quo-
uiiioiis jrom lasi weeg. in spue or the
fact that the jobbers are bending every
effort to fill current orders, conditions are
unsatisfactory In this respect, for the rea
son that deliveries on aome lines of good
from the factories are very poor.
Drag; and Chemical Market.
The drug business, generally speaking, la
very quiet. Onleis are coming In for
(mull quantitiea covering actual require
ments. All leading staples are Blow ot
aaW, but are steady lu price. There Is no
disposition on the part of manufacturer
or importers to force goods. Tho general
nnpresaion prevails that many staple arti
cles will be higher when rail trade opens,
yuinlne la receiving a little more atten
tion. The present price Invites anecula-
tlun. Opium Is without any Important de
mand; no change in price. American saf
fron is again a trifle lower and is being
offered at lrom $1.10 to $1.16. Blue vitriol
remains firm at 7c In barrels; less quan
tity, 8c to 10c. Short buchu leaves are
Castor oil is very firm and the tendency
Is toward higher prices, quotations rang
ing from $l.u to $1.12, aa to style of pack
age. In essential oiis most of the MesHlna
essences are quoted hlgner; oil of lemon,
$1 to $1.10; oil of orange, $2.60 to $2.76; oil
pennyroyal, $2.60 to ..,'o; oil peppermint,
Wayne county, $3.60 and $3.70; Itolchfjxs,
$3.76 to $4; prime western, $3.40 to
Oum camphor continues firm at the ex
treme high price which la now prevailing,
and we ee no reason to predict a change
In the near future. The demand la limited
and other articlea are being used wherever
It la posalble In place of camphor. In
putting away woolen goods ana fura for
the summer a great many are uaing oil ot
cedar. Others are uaing moth balls or
No advance haa been made In the sugar
market in the last week, though higher
prloea are expected to rule on that commo
dity at any time. The advent of the pre
serving aeason haa increased the demand
largely and refiners are largely oversold.
Prices are unchanged In coffee and tha
markat la quiet, though nrm. Crop newa in
general from Brazil Is to the effect that the
yield Is considerably larger than last year,
but local Jobber look on the situation there
as a puszle and are waiting for some advice
which can be considered authentic.
Slae of th Rio Crop.
The Brazilian, Review May 22 aya: "Ax
to the alze of coming crop, very few peopio
care to express an opinion. The effect thut
the proapeot of valorization may have had
upon planters, causing them to hold back
supplies, makes people fel doubtful about
the real sixe of the present crop, and, as a
rule, the stlmate for a crop are based
upon the one Immediately before It. In
theae clrcumatanca one la dlapoaed to be
very conservative about venturing an opin
ion. The clrculara from consuming markats
have a good deal to say about the discrep
ancy between the estimate and outturn of
the present crop, but It seems to us that
they are not disposed to give sufficient
weight to what la said In aome quarters
about coffee being held back In the In
terior." Lata new from New Tork ay that by
. r,, rr tin rver sound In the price of nackaxe coffee the Lion brand
the Woolson Spice company, which
Is controllod by the Sugar trust, haa started
-,1th the Arbuckles that rrom-
laea to aasume Berloua proportlona. When
the Arbucklea entered the augar refining
business years ago the trust as a counter
move purchased control of the Woolson
Spice company in oruer io iw"v
buckles on their own ground. Between De
cember, 1896, and the spring of 1898 aa a re
bmwit to
Mounlain Valley Waicr From HoS Sprinos, Ark.
The World's Most Famous Kidney Cure Can
Now Be Found at the Foliowinfj Places. . .
Paxton Hotel Bar.
Murray Hotel B3T.
Merchants Hotel Bar.
Her Grand Hotel Bar.
Millard Hotel Bar.
John T. Kerns, 215 S. 14th
"Budweiser," 1409 Douglas
T. J. O'Brien, 1509 Farnam
Try this Water in these places and wsfeh Ibis
space tor tuture information regarding this Won
derful Water.
suit of this war the difference In th price
of roiuted package rofTe and green enffo
waa reduced from 8c per pound to fc ir
pound. After that some aort of an agree
ment eeemed to hav. been reached both In
euaar and coffee at any rate the warfare
thereafter lncked Its previous vigor.
Before the reduction JuM announced the
difference Uttwn the roasted and green
article was about &V. which is atlll main
tained by the Arbucklea. while the Woolwti
people hav cut their difference to 4c.
tanned Good Are Strong.
th tomato crop ar Improving, but the
the tomato crop ar improving, but the
crop la not yet where the pnekrre can tan
a stand on the subject of prices, and they
are still somewhat uneesy. Tomatoes nre
atrong and prospects are for an advance
In both spot and future goods The situa
tion In corn remains unchanged, prices
promising to go higher. Crop conditions
ar a purile thin early In the season, and
aa a rule packers are not naming any
No changes are reported In the dried
fruit market. It holds strong at prices of
last week. Judging from recent reports
ns to the condition of rrops In varloti
parts of the country, prices ar expected
to be firmer.
The market la strong on all llnea of
canned fruit, and the prediction Is freely
and confidently mado that higher price
will be In force before tho new crop come
on the market.
Palnta, Claaa and Oils.
Th window glass situation I somewhat
"stiller" than last week's market, all lines
being very firm. Unseed oil remnlna tho
sumo, boiled being Wo. while raw Is 37c.
Turpentine Is still 66c. Carter'e lead Is
H,c. while Southern continues at 7$sC.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Frnlts.
APPLES Market shows no fresh feature
with prime quoted at IPS'HViC; choice, 11
tyilUc; fancy. Ilti1'c.
CALIFORNIA DKir.i' r ne' i i- -
for future ahlpment nre said to be rather
easy In tone, but the spot market shows
no change with quotations ranging from
7Vac, aocordlng to grade. Apricots are
unchanged on spot with choice quoted at
12Wo; extra choice, 13w13r-; fancy. W
MVio Peachee nlfo are unchanged, choice
being quoted at loVallc: ,r choice, HVi
ffMlic; fancy. UktM2o: "tra fancy. 12'u
12Hc Raisins are without material change.
London layers being relatively firm. Loone
Muscatel are quoted at 66c; London lay
era, $1.001.66.
Coffee Market.
NEW TORK June 13. COFFEE Market
for futurea opened steady at unchanged
prices to nn advnnee of 6 points In keep
ing with steady F.uropenn cables, smaller
primary receipts nna rumors wimi me o-i-rles
of tho coming crop were turning out
smaller than expected. There waa a fair
Investment Extraordinary
''W :
I i i &
I :.v -s ..;, .':'.y ., . , . , ..1 r
' - : 1 . I
V' V., ..
' ':;r: ;
70 feet frontage on 18th Btreet, 140 feet frontage on Nicholas street. Per
manent sidewalks on both sides. ,.
Twelye flats renting from $17.50 to $20.00 each, and owing to the close
proximity to town, U. P. shops, Northwestern and Mo. Pacific depots, they are
Six stores renting from $16.00 to $17.60, with Increasing traffic should
yield twice that amount In the next five years.
Building entirely of granite, brick and stone, and cost when erected
$70,000. Ground worth $5,000. .r - ' ,
In winter flats pay $8.00 additional for heat stores pay $6.00 additional,
making a total of $126.00 per month, which pays for fuel, engineer hire, etc.
Total rent per year 'i'''?
Leas heat, water, repairs, taxes, Insurance, etc i.a.xj
Estimated net income $3,000
$3 000 represents 6 per cent lntei-est on $60,000 annually. In other
words, 'this proposition will pay 6 per cent Interest on the Investment, and
create a sinking fund that will pay for the building, figuring compound interest,
In about nine years, and If properly reinvested should In turn, double Itself In
another ten years, and so on, and so on.
Down town property is often valued on the basis of what It will bring at
6 per cent, and the enhancement Is looked upon as profit. Can you find a
single piece that can be bought with a guarantee that It will double lta value
every ten years!
PRICE, $25,000
Half cash, balance $2,000 per year, 6 per cent Interest
304-306 P&xton Block. Phone Douglas 585.
, in n um aia sinji
C. A. Lewis. 1509 Harney
P. J. Voysen, 310 S. 16th St.
John Dahmke, 512 S. 16th
Ed. T. Horrigan, 14th and
Howard St.
Turf Exchange, 1306 Doug-
las Bt.
Ed. Rothery, 111 S. 14th St.
local demand In th market and prlcea
ruled firm during the morning, with the
close steady at a net adauc of 6tr la
points an. I nnlea reported of W,' hags.
Salee Included June nt 6 :ii.26c; Septem
ber, CUV; December, '" K ; February,
6v; M.trch, !; May, 7i"n7.oie. Spot
Rlu steady. No. 7 Invoke, 7c.
Cotton Market.
NEW YOU K. June S3.-COTTON 5rt
Btcir; miibiiitig upland!", 10!oe; middling
gulf. 11.16c; sales, Wo bales. '
ST. Mil' IS. June 23.-COTTON-Stnrty;
middling. 11c; s:les, none; receipts, none;
shipments. K-4 bales; stock. 2.! N!es
Steady; prices 7 points higher. Ainericiin
middling fair. 0 "I'd ; good middling. 6 lid:
middling, u.l'.'d; low middling, tidld. good
onlinan, 8 Mil; ot.llmtrv. 5 Hid. The sales
of the duy were f,00 hulis. of which n
were for shipment and export, Including
4.6o0 American. Receipts, 4.1W bales, ail
Spot closed easy; sales 8"C bales. Low
ordinary. 7 9-lc, nominal; ordinary, Ik',
nominal; good ordinary, 9Sc; low middling,
10 316c; middling, 10 K.-ltk", good middling,
11 7-ltlc: middling fair. 11 13-1ttc. nominal;
fair, 12 7-lOc. Recelpta, Si'J balea; stock,
62,0-1 bales.
narar and Molaaaea.
NEW YORK. June 23 81 'O AR Raw,
firm; fnlr rellnlng. .ic; centrifugal. W test,
8MiS 17-3.V. Molnaaea sugar. 2c; No. ,
4 2oc; No. 7, 4 16c; No. . 4. loo; No. 9, 4.iPo;
No. 10, 4.0Or; No. 11, 3.9; No. 12, 3.WV; No.
13 8Sfc; No. 14, 8.86c; confectioners' A,
4.66c: mould A, 6.06c; cut loaf. 6 1c;
crushed. 5.4Jc; powdered. 4.!0o; granulated,
4.70c; cubes. 4 ft"'.
Open kettle centrifugal, 8ii;t 7-1; centrif
ugal yellows, 8ii3.c; seconds, 24j3'c
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, June : -METAt Jt The
metal markets were grnerally quiet ur.J
unchanged, ns uu;il In the absence of Ixn
don cable. Spot tin was quoted nt $."3V4iif
89 . Copper was more or less nominal
with lake quoted at $is C'n 19 00; electrolytic,
$18.16'?il8 62S, and ratlng nt lK.12i-Tt 18.25.
Lead was quiet, at $.'i.7:vno.!ri. and spelter at
$i" I0j6.20. Iron wps quiet and unchanged.
ST. I.oriS. June 23 -MK.TAI JJ-Ix-ad
weak, $c.82H; spelter weak, $6.1.
Wool Market.
ST. LOI'IS, June 23. WOOT, Steady :
medium grades combing and clothing, !4,lf
c; light fine, 2011220 ; heavy tine, ltVTjlfcc;
tub wuehed, 33(Ti;i9c.
Toledo Weed Mnrket.
TOLEPO, June 23. SEEDS Cash clover.
$6 86: October. K72'v Prime timothy, $2.00.
RYE No. 2. 65c.
Henry Keating,
Chaa. H.. Stiller, 424 S. 13th
Wm. F. Wendhausen, 724
S. 16th St.
Helmer Neilson, 311 N. 16th
L. H. Peterson, 524 N. 16th
Emil Gall, 902 Douglas St.
f .,.-.s"- '.. ' " N- ;-, ':
.. ... ' 'J 'S, ' 1
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Ik - - ?!
. '
te r ' - .
ijny ''iiiTi' ' "X. '