THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 24, 1906. B ! i! I t s I f ! Hi ) SPECIAL NOTICES U1 fc takea matll IB a. tor tk Ttln( titles a4 aarll ft p. m. for HUi 1 l-9 a war trM Insertion, la eaorei thereafter. Hothlac takea far tkaa 2tOt far the Srat laeer tloa. These aa'verilaaaaaata aaaat ha in eoaseeatlvaly. Advartlaara, by reaeetlaa; a ana bered check, raa kirt intra ri4 to a aaaebereo' latter la ear t The Baa. Aaawera aa adareaaed will ba dellvcre aa prcaeatatiaa at cheek. MISCELLANEOUS Not Too Late To Get The Benefit W enrolled 47 new stu dents last week. We want . 60 more Monday morning. We have ample facilities, and are prepared to give you the same attention and ad vantages you would received during the regular sessions. You Will Save Time and Money IF YOU ENROLL NOW! If you are industrious, you may be a working steno grapher, bookkeeper or tele grapher by Christmas time. Rates of Tuition Are Reduced for the summer months. This will save you money. Come Monday you won't regret It. s We have room for a few more public school pupils who wish to make up back work, etc. Omaha Commercial College Ron r bo ugh Bros., Proprs., 19th and Farnam. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of flrs escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Audi ecu. Prop., 1U2 8. loth St. itI 21 $1 HAT store, 306 N. 16th St. Open evenings. SIGN PA). MTING. 6. H. Cola, Uus Douglaa K 422 TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. ?eL Doug. 8630. ; R-ia Iowa Sanitary Cloaking Co., 1913 Farnam. K (24 ANTI MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 21 N.lsth. Tel. Doug. 1778. Res. 'phone, Doug V06J. R 124 EL8AS8ER BRICK. Machinists, 81? South Uth St. Tel. 637. H 115 YALE KEYS 250 RCh ovelr $i. at las 2974. ' R M467 Jul14 WHERE TRUNKS ARK MAn Trunks, suit cases and shopping bags. Old trunk taken In exchange: repairing. KHEUNO BTKINLE. 410 N. ISO. be 'Phone Doug. 4996. B Hint June2 TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes. $2.6v. Fox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R-MS84 July II SUMMER SCHOOL MUs Austin and Miss M. Moore will con duct a five weeks' summer school for Aifth, sixth and seventh grades at St. Andrews' parish house, 41st una Charles, beginning June 25. 'Phone Harney R 860 21 WANTED MALE HELP. GOVERNMENT position; examinations this tall; want bright young man lu pre pare tor same; sary 6uv to eiart; gtad uai promotion bee cuuerliLU, Ai.u A. u.n. - B 951 4 WANTED Energetic, forceful man capa ble ol earning 2.&oO per annum to call on lubbers and Uianuiaciurers. AdOresa ti 11, tes. B 8JJ Ux WANTED Canvassers to sell automatlo screen door catenas. Make big inwuey. Sample catch, postpaid, ic. AUuintuo Catuu Co., Chicago. to WANTED A sausage maker and all round sausage kitchen man. Begin work at once. K. M. VVestphalen, Auuntlc, la. MANAGER WANTKD-A Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity dealrts Nebraska manager. Demonstra tion In leading department store; urtice furnished; three years' contract; salary and coaimlaaloua. Oood opening fur man of character and aUuiy. Auureea Manager, 22s Ontario Bldg., 'loledo, O. fi ll HATS, new shapes, tut N. Utb St. WANTED Men, everywhere, good pay, to distribute clruulara, adv. matter, isca signs, eio. ; no canvassing. Audresa, Na tional Distributing Bureau, luO UaiiianU Bank toldg., Chicago, lit B o4 Mx WANTED Reliable men everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, samples, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; nothing to sell; no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chi cago. a Ms;a tax IN SIX WEEKS you can become a suc cessful commercial traveling salesman. Wa taaclt you tree aioi get you responsible position. BraUlrat School Commercial balesmunahlp. Buffalo, N. Y. B s.6 Ux MAN and wife with family for farm, live In separate house: aisu man and wile without children, both to work, 8J6 and board, Sweuey fin pl't. ft s. 12m Si. U-Sol M MAN WANTED In the real estate buainess; experience unneoeaaary ; If honest, ambi tious and willing to learn the buainess thoroughly by mail and earn Uuu to lots) monthly as our local representative, wrSta , Immediately for full parUculara. Addresa Neareat Ofllca National Co-Opeiatlva Really Co., 7( B. Athenaeum Bkig., Chi cago; 76 U, Maryland UUlg., Wasnlngioo, D. C . to-g77 2is WANTED LMuca tad young man or woman to work through Medical, Dental, Phex maoal or Nurse eolleg; stata education. Fen-Path, Chicago. B r:i xtx WANTED Ten men to travel In each ' aisle, distribute samples and advertia our goods. Salary. 11 per week and t x inaa, guaraaUed. Expensee advancd. Vjperlenoe uniieoaaaary. Address, wtUt stamp, stating age aud oocupiMlon. Reeve Cv ill leajbuiu Slv Chioago. WANTED MALE HELP Something We Want You to Think About You wgnt to succeed. Why not start right MOW to prepare for uceesaT Why wait until fall? The demand for business assistants Is greater In the fall than at any other time of the year. Business houses always add to their force In the fall preparatory to the busy Inter season. Let no one despair of winning success. Say earnestly to yourself, "I will do all in my power to make occassions and Improve them. With all I am to have or know, I will go, at the business of getting results I will start doing something Immediately." , Every man and every woman must hew his or her own statute of success out of the block of opportunity. The thing for you to co is to begin right now to get ready for a high place In the world of business. The thing that we would strongly urge you to do is to enroll during Boyles College Second Summer Term, Which Opens. MONDAY, JULY 2. " Start your preparation for your career as a Stenographer, Bookkeeper or Telegrapher then. Our Summer Course is In every way as thorough as our Winter Course. Instead of Idling away your time this summer use it to lay the foundation of knowledge and ability upon which to rear a stately structure of success. Tou will find Boyles College Building an Ideal summer college home. Cool praifle winds of this great old State of Nebraska pour in at its great windows, that perfectly light each room of the entire building. A fine gymnasium with lefreshlng shower baths add to the enjoyment of every student and makes the college work not only beneficial to the mind but strengthening to the body. iaig mis over wun yourseir and with your friends and parenU. Ask any business man In the city if they are not glad to secure Boyles graduates as business assistants. Ask any Boyles graduate if they are not glad they secured their business education at Boyles. You might send for a catalogue if you can't call tomorrow. BOYLES OMAHA, MEN and boys wanted to learn phimblng. bricklaying, plasteilng trades; pay U a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York. Chi. cawo, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 435 WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adorns Co., 181 Howard St ij 43 DRUO stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleet. 624 N. Y. L B 437 WANTED For TJ. S. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of 21 and J5; citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can sp-ek. read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. lth and Doug, las Sts., Omaha; l.inooln and Grand Is land, Nsb., or Sioux City, la. CARPENTERS wanted at Fort'Omnha. F. P. Keefo, contractor. B MI71 YOUNO Men for Locomotive Firing, Freight nd Passenger Train Braking. Address Ry. Dept., 209 & Uth St.. Omaha B 230 JulylO TEAMS wanted. C. B. Havens A Co., yard. 14th and Webster. B-7M 26 WANTED Several good Baker, Supt. Bee Bldg. lathers. R. W. B 786 :x WANTED Ico cream maker. Apply W. S. BaldufT. 1C20 Farnam. B 775 23 WANTED All-round laundry man at once; state wages. Albion Steam laun dry, Albion, Neb. B M788 24 WANTED-Qulck. plantation performers or show musicians for band. Operators and tslkers address Dixie Carnival Co., Laramie, Wyo. B M787 26x WANTED EXPERIENCED BUSHELMAN In one of Omaha 's leading clothing stores. Address, II 9, Bee. B 802 24 PRESSMAN WANTED Man competent to ' cimrife or uoiaing ana uordon Job bers, Cottrell two-revolution cylinder and Dexter Intermediate folder and keep ssme In good repair; must be able to do good wont and willing to feed machines; ex cessive use of liciuor sufficient cause for Immediate discharge; 118 per week and better If man makes good; steady Job to right mm; no union In town; munt be filled at once. Argus, Lewlstown, Mont. . B 817 i3x WANTED Men to learn barber v trade; spienaia time to begin; busy season now; little expense; few weeks completes; top wages paid graduates; position waiting; small capital starts business. Call or write Mohler Barber college, lilt Farnam t B Mill 2Sx WANTED At onca; experienced sales- yvypia in ui oeparimenta; must rurnlsn references. Hayden Bros. B M107 26 PERMANENT POSITIONS TF ALL KINDS IN A HIGH GRADE WAY, WITH GOOD HOUSES AT GOOD SAIl ARIES, OFFERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT ARE OBTAINA BLE THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THIS ASdOCIATION. WE ARE CONSTANTLY IN NEED OF BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS. OFFICE CLERKS. TRAVELING SALESMEN. CREDIT MEN AND MANAGERS. LOSE NO TIME. BUT WRITE US TODAY biaiijxu KliNU OF POSITION DE- SIR fc-R. WESERN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Ino.l. Dept. B., 840-1-1 N. Y. Life Bldg. B Mi92 26 WANTED Clerk for office work; require- menu, apeea ana accuracy In handling figures; salary. StO. Address H . Bee. B 796 Mx WANTED Ctgarmakers; I rollers and ouncn oreaxers; win pay the best of prices to go out of town; will send tickets. Address K 12, care of Bee. B MslS WANTED-Steady, Tellable laborers for lat-iory worn; must nave good recom mendations. Address H 16, Bee. B S37 24 CHERRY PICKERS Apply at orchard of ... ' " eacepi eunuay. uren vlUs Bros. B Kg Six WANTED Man with aome experience for wan man. ruriian Laundry, ZS10 Far nam. B-437 24 WANTED Two experienced order clerks ' wiwhjbb, uru nouse; must DS Tamll lar with buainess. Address H 20. Bee. B MW7 M fl HATS, new shapes. 2e N. Uth BL BOY wanted to learn Jewelry trada; must be of good habits snd live with parents; wsges J J. L. Jacobson, 161 1 Dodge St., 2d floor. b S49 'Ux SALESMAN wanted to call on physicians. kxceptknal opportunity fof Intelligent man. Also one for outside city. Stale age, experience. Lock Box iU. Phils, B mx WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRL wanted for general housework. 3611 sarnam , WANTED Girl for lady clothes lrener; also machine girl. Puritan Laundry. 2810 Farnam. , C a U WANTED First-class dressmaker at X Douglas block. C U 14 VICTORIA Suction Sweeper Co.. tst F St., Uncoln. Neb. Send Victoria sweeper for $3.60. alt charges paid. C WANTED Lady aa district manager for staple line. Salary, fcluo weakly. Writs at onca for particulars. Mcltradv Co., Chicago. c U7 tig SEWERS Olngham aprons; mska highest waga; material sent to door free of charge; stamped, addressed envalope for paitioulare. JU P. tUoUaru. fc4 WabasH vs., lUUcago. C 4 tax WANTED MALE HELP COLLEGE, NEB. B 959 14 WANTED FEMALE HELP COOK wanted, reference required. 3611 Farnam. C MiiU MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good home and good wugee: na tionality not considered; 623 4th St., Coun cil Bluffs. C M4i WANTED Girl for general family of two. 106 S. J6th. housework, C US GIRL WANTED Small family; no chil dren; high wages. Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4771 Hamilton St. C M17 WANTED Girl for general housework. It'll Chlcsgo St. C M715 WANTED Experienced shirt makers, on Bower machines. Howell, Allen A KaulL 'enver, Colo. C M730 Jyl9 WAJNTJtiJ oin tor gen small family. Apply 2623 Davenport St. C 798 2lx U HATS, all shades. 306 N. 16th St. FIFTY GIRLS for bag dopsrtment; experi ence unnecessary. Bemis Omaha Bng Co., 11th and Jones Sts. C MS24 25 WANTED Machine operator at King Graham Mfg. Co., lltli and Jackson. Ap ply 6th floor. C M818 26 SALESLADY WANTED Salary 82.00 por day and commission to stsrt, with early advancement. Lambert Wrench Co.. Como Building, Chicago. C 806 23 x WANTED A good second girl, 1130 Park Ave. C M76S 24 GOOD girl at once for housework. 2404 West Farnam. C M791 23x WANTED Girl to do general cooking at the Creche, 19th and Harney. c M826 25 WANTED Capable girl for general house work; family ot three. 3006 Mason. LADIES For shadow drawing, natural talent unnecessary; 120 weekly during summer months at home; stamped en velope foe particulars. Address Bureau of Commercial Art, 1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C-916 24x WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook; small family; large salary. Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no children; good wages. In quire 2306 Blnney St. C 986 30 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Charles R. Sherman, 8. W. cor. 27tb and Pratt. C 406 24 WANTED Experienced salesladies In laoo department. Only those with experience in large store need apply. J. L. Bran dels & Sons. C M990 2 WANTED Girl for dishwashing; also a chambermaid; experience not necessary; good character required; transportation furnished. Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. C 988 Z4 WANTED At once; experienced sales- prupio in an uepartments; must rurnlsn references. Hayden Bros. C M106 26 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED to sell our l-plece set of "Dutch" Earthen ware Cooking Vessels to consumers. One of the greatest money-making prop, osltlons ever offered to a canvasser. It Is entirely different from what has been sold heretofore. We are exclusive manufacturers, the trade mark being registered. If you mean buainess send 35c to cover postage on complete canvassing outfit with which to begin work. THE J. W. M'COY POTTERY CO.. ROSEVILLE. OHIO. J-B18 23x LA DDES wsnted to canvsss for the Ed wards skirt supportsr; one supporter fas tens every shirt wslst to skirt for seven across back without pins, points or teeth to tear garments; free terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co, 617 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. J-MJ89 JulySx AGENTS wanted to sell our popular poli cies, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations; something entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily under stood and easily sold; cost but 86 per annum each; large commissions paid Im mediately and exclusive territory al tuned. Andreas National Accident So ciety, 320 Broadway, New York. Estab Uthed twenty years. J AGENTS Learn to fit glasses by sending for our free book on the eye; It will tell you all about it. Get a profession that pays from 876 to 3150 per month; the optical profession will do It for you. No field so pleasant, profitable or so little worked; no longer necessary to work for someone else and a meager salary. Don't miss this opportunity, but send us a pos tal card by first mall. Jackauntan Optical College, College Place. Jackson, Mich. J- SOMETHING new; patented June V, ex elusive territory; tremendous profits. B. N. Edgren Co., Milwaukee. J OUR wonderful premium offer Just out; get 4u.i.M, wv iMTf aiicai iiiuucemenis ever offered sgents; wrtta today for ter ritory. Davis Soap Works, 33 Union Park Place, Chicago. J AGENTS Quit merely existing and get in- wwt .iiii if iruinmi money aelllng E. Z. Jar Opener; aeila on sight; big profit; live men make 810.00 par day; exclusive territory; season Jut commencing. Excelsior Co., 166 Dearborn 6t, Chicago. J BELL our reservoir dustless floor and car pet brushes In stores, schools, residences, fiublic building, hotels, halls; field ununi ted; reduce dust 97 per rent, actual test; gold medal at St. Louts World's fair: strictly guaranteed; big margin and great seller, with opportunity to build up per manent trade; exclualve territory; no competition; state experience. Milwaukee ' Dustless Brush Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-904 14x AGENTS We want reliable, hustling agenta to Bell our line of fountain pens In every county In U. 8., A.; nuest goods, lowest prices, big money maker; send M scamps for Illustrated catalogue and full information. Nathtaniel Field, 16 Broad, way. New York City. J auo fx COMPETENT salesmen to aell Fortieths electro hygienic machine and exerciser to bankera, lawyaia. business man and women, for office sad horn a uae; elec trical health-giving features makes selling easy; Ug aala wheravar introduced; lib eral commission. National Specialty Wrg Co.. Milwaukee Wla. J- Ux WANTED AGENTS BECOME an optician. Write today for free booklet how to fit eyexlasars; easily and quickly learned; big demand for op ticians; splenilld side line; tremendous profits fluo weekly easily made. National Optical College, Ht. Lous. Mo. J-8S9 24X AGENTS Comlo picture, "Everybody works but Father," doea the old man In justice. Our new comic, "Nobody works but father," sets the old man right. Agents clear 110 or more dally. It s a lightning seller. One hustler wanted In each territory. If you want an Income, write quick. Sample. 4 cents. XV. Gra ham, 111 Fort St., Victoria. B. C. J 696 24X AGENTS WANTED To sell new tabor saving device; lndlspnnsstile to women who sew; loo per cent profit; write Im mediately. Gordon Manufacturing Co., Toledo, Ohio. J 910 24x CANVASSERS and organizers, either sex, to Introduce new Invention; exclusive ter ritory to hustlers; none others need apply. Mants Lace Frame Co., Box 102, Pekln, lit. J 879 34x PICTURE AGENTS Get your pictures di rect from artist; save middle men's profit; best work at lowest prices. A. Hlnger, Artist. 1106 South Hoyne Ave., Chicago. J 871 lis OUTSELLS everything; our new soap box containing 6 solid sllverold spoons and 6 cakes soap, worth 31.50, sells S5c; agents' profits amazing; agent In Durham made 81,000 first 10 weeks; splendid Inducements for branch office arul crew managers. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J-S-3 Ux AGENTS make big money selling our Gold Window Letters, etc.; no experience neces sary. Buokeye Novelty Co., Hamilton. O. J 882 4x ANY ONE can sell our celebrated Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher; far superior to liquids generally used and much less expensive. Write for agents' terms. American Chemical Co., Box 76. Stee-lton, Pa. J-863 24x AGENTS handling or selling medallions, write us for prices on 8x10 medallion frames. Holablrd Mfg. Co., 799 W. Van Buren St., Chicago. J So9 2-tx AGENTS In every community to sell Top shine Polishes. Topshlne Mfg. Co., 207 Ohio St.. Omaha. J M927 JuIKx 81 HAT store, 308 N. 16th St Open evenings. WE START YOU selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 874 24x BUILD up a permanent business that will net 3100 to frJO monthly, selling best high grade teas and coffee. XV. J. Fountain, 7S Park Place, N. Y. City. J 949 Ux AGENTS Fair ground, picnic workers. We have It. Just out. Lightning photo ma chine. Takes and develops picture in 80 seconds. Money getter everywhere. 3i0 per day easily. Address Taylor & Forster, 919 Opera House block, Chicago. J 953 Ux AGENTS New article, never before adver tised. Will be greatest seller of 20th cen tury. 31.50 to 32.60 profit each sale. Every family wants one or more. Write today. R. Smith, Mgr., 466 Carroll Ave., Chicatto. J-954 24x AGENTS wanted. Most money-made build ing cement stone houses. We furnish all Information and plans of houses, llenn's Building Co., 702 River St., Dayton. Ohio. J 965 24x TWO experienced lady agents, 33 to 34 per day. Call 1006 S. 2wh. J M936 26x AGENTS You can sell the Hearwell tele- none attaenment ana make big money. lecently patented. .1. F. Uhlenbrock, 69 .h Ave., Chicago. . J 942 Ux 6th AGENTS can easily make 310 a day sell ing our gold window letters, novelty signs, and changeable signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 405 W. Van Huron St., Chicago, 111. J 926 24x AGENTS For the latest Improved self heating smoothing Iron; automatic fas tener; great success; large commissions; exclusive territory. Ideal Iron Co., 174 Lincoln Ave., Newark, N. J. J 918 14x AGENTS wanted. We have a gasoline lighting system for store and house light ing. A world beater. Will give- light of 200-candle powr or will give the light of an electric arc two hours a night for a nickel a week, or four hours a night for a dime. . An Inverted lamp. No under shadow. All the light Just where it Is wanted. Handsome fixture. Looks like latest Nernst electric. Quick seller. Big money maker. Gloria Light Co., 214 W. Lake St.. Chicago. J 890 24x WANTED AGENTS Local and traveling to sell our well known Red Tag Nur sery stock; steady employment; good pay; cash every week; complete outfit free. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Established over 60 years. 600 acres; 15 green houses. Address PHOENIX NURSERY COMPANY. 226 Unity Building., . Bloomlngton, III. J- AGENTS 8end for free description of our self-generating gas burner, fitting com mon kerosene lamps; brilliant portable gas light; a sure winner; without equal. Ba stern Gas Light Co., -80 Broadway, New York. J 806 24x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen, experienced In line of teas, cigars, coffees and baking powder. Including large premium line, for Neb. and S. W. Iowa, on commission of half the profits; no objection to side lines, not conflicting; references required. Apply to W. H. GUI & Co., Chicago, 111. L 819 24 WANTED 4 good traveling men; 860 per week to the right men; reference and bond required; legitimate buainess; no fakirs wanted; communications ronfldn. tlai. Address, F 21, Baa. L 1201 J-26 SALESMEN on rural routes can double salary handling my specialty In spare time. Write quick. W. T. Laing, Omaha, Neb. L 862 24x SALESMEN Aggressive and resourceful, by long established manufacturing com pany; baking powder, spice, extracts, etc. J men filling requirements 3100 par month and expensea; exceptional opportunity; suite your experience fully. Box 517, Chi cu j. ill. L9U3 24x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska wun staple line; tgh commissions, with 3100 monthly advance. Permanent posi tion to right man. Jess 11. Kmlth Co., Detroit, Mich. L Su6 24x SALESMAN WANTED Permanent posl tlon for first-class traveling salesman, worth 8-.00O per year and expenses; staple line, responsible munulacturer. United Mfg. Co., Iowa City, la. L 9u6 24x SALESMEN Sell our Ice crushers to sa loonists, soda founlalnists, confectioners. Ice cream manufacturers, etc.; side line; good oommlsalon. Davenport Ice Chip ping Machine Co., Davenport, la. L 911 24x WANTED By an established house, travel ing salesman for near by territory; prefer specialty salesman who has been accus tomed to making small towns and calling on drug and general store trade; good op portunity; give, age and experience. Box 666, Chicago. L-8S6 24x EXPERIENCED proprietary medicine salesman to retail drug trade; choice ter ritory; salary, expense, commits on. C. W. B., 36 Union Park Ct., Chicago. L 84 IHi 31 HAT More. 308 N. 16th St. Open evenings. WANTED Salesman by wholesale, Jewelry nouse to sen innir line or jeweiry to gen eral trade In Nebraska. We offer special Inducements to merchants which makes sales easy: high commissions; permanent position. McAlllster-Coman Co., 3T Dear born St., Chicago, 111. L 8 24 X TRAVFLINO salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the 82 for fl selling ajen to the retail dealer; 830 weekly advance. F. F C ok, Bales Dept., Detroit. Mich. L WANTED At once, one for each state, one first class experienced road salesman, Mlnneaota, Wlsconxln. North Dakota, South Dakota. Iowa and Nebraska. Old estshllahed tobblna house. Apply Room tot, Sykes Block. Minneapolis, Minn. Lr-At 24X SALESMAN wsnted to sell grocers, drua glMs and confectioners; 8'2 per month and expenses. California Cider and Ex tract Co., St. Louis, Mo. L 873 21 x WANTED Salesman to sell high rlsaa proposition to general merchants. Can maka 36.000 par yaar. Bol 91, Cedar Rap Ma, la, Lr-eU n SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN to act as general agent for a lesitlmate, sure money proposition. No. Investment, but first-class reterence re quired. Gregg Co.. 31 E. 3d St.. Cin cinnati, Ohio. L 934 Ux 8ALLSM AN Flrt,rlae all round sales man to cover unoccupied territory; perma nent pcsitiin ami goi'd Income to ngnt msn. Expenses advanced. Sales Mn- ager, Box7i5, Chicago. L H37 24X WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED A situation as bookkeeper, as slstant bookeeper or sslesmsn, either In the city or to trsvel on the road. Will furnish ths best references. Salary not so mucn an object sa a permanent sit uatlon. Address, G-61, care Bee. A-M747 I4x WANTEIi Fy young man, position as stenographer; can also assist on books. Has had experience and csn furnish best of reterences. Address 11 X, l. A M782 24x YOUNO man wants position ss bookkeeper; very good references. Address 11 6. Bee. A-798 23x 31 HAT store, 108 N. 16th St Open evenlnga ATTENTION. THRESHERMEN! En glneer wants Job with good outfit: about four years' experience. Address George uvans, Afton, la. A M814 JulySx HAVE you got more business than you can look arter7 Have traveled exten slvely; can deal with men of affairs, un derMind real entate, loan and commercial agency work; have ability-to handle most any proposition. What are your needs? Address n it. Bee. A 854 Z4x YOUNO businesslike woman would travel with children or aged people. Address H ii, see. A 806 24 YOUNG woman wants employment for summer; would travel; no canvassing. Address not B. Jlst St. A 857 24 POSITION as working housekeeper for Dacneior or wiflower, riy widow or re finement, age 2S, good to children. Best references exchanged. Address H 67, care BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE One almost new lS-horse re turn flue Hueber engine with Newton ten der and steel tank, complete with pump and Garr Scott separator, 86-66, complete with self feed and blower. A snap for 8WK); must be sold at once. Address U-63, care Bee. x M7BJ tci WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly ruralsnea, on casy terms. to responsible party, v-au sui or svi ise vllle Blk.. Omaha Neb. Y M971 Do You Wish to Make a Change t If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or exchange write us. GLOB 10 LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., umana, rseo., or csioux uy, la. Y-M545 J2 LAUNDRY for sale or lease to practical parties. Address G 67, Bee. Y M723 29 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address G-C4, care of Bee. X M768 FOR SALE Location In good business dis trict; present owner wants larger place, Address H 7, care Bee. ' , Y 799 23 PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock. Nemnha Co. (southeast Nebraska): well established; sales from t0 to $75 per day; advise with owner; no trading stock; will require about 35,000 cash. Address H 8, Bee. Y-801 Jy21 PARTNER with 3100.00, quick moving plc- iure biiow leaiuring r risco Disaster. Address H 8, Bee. Y 807 23x FOR SALE Complete set foundry tools 3t-in. cupola, blower, crane, lathe, drill ptess, lo H. P. engine, 20 H. P. boiler. large assortment house patterns and ranks; all first class. Address Box 816, cat r-oini, INCD. I 29 WANT Investment with services or opening tor -smau Dana business. Address H 16, ee. Y 868 24 MAGAZINE FREE Send the names and addresses of five souvenir post card col lectors and receive FREE three months' subscription to Post Card Collectors1 Register, Buffalo, N. Y. Y 924 24x $25,000 will buy half Interest In depart ment store In fastest growing section of tew iora uuy. jnira million business; Can be doubled with extra cnottal. A. D. Taylor, 891 Cauldwell Ave., New York ty. X 924 24X WHY TAKE 1 per cent from your bank wnen tne (.aliroruia Security will guar antee you 12 per cent per year. All our loans are secured by! real estate. Write ror particulars. California Security Co., azu I'oiomao uiock, ios Angeies, (ai. Y 923 24x DIVIDEND-paylng mining stock Is due for a heavy advance. Do you want an opnor. tunltv to make big DrofltT Write tndav. Clarence M. Smith & Co., 714 Broadway, new x ora. . x vzo 24X IF. YOU want to buy or sell any kind of Dusiness get in toucn wun tne Lerew Land Co., and we'll get quick action for you. x 101 24 A SURE-ENOUGH snap In one of the finest high grade luncheon s In the city: owner leaving city; must sell; small amount of cash handles It. Call, Lerew Land CO., First National Bank Hl.lg., Oman a. X 938 24 PORTLAND CEMENT. Corporation with 2,000 acres coal, Port land cement and brick shale land, to secure additional funds for further development ana erection or Portland cement plant, offers for a limited time a block of stock at a low price. This entire property Is un derlaid with three veins of coal. A thor ough examination of Portland cement prop erty shows supply of material sufficient to run plant over 2to years. Portland cement hsa been tested by an expert chemist and found equal to the nest In tne United States. This Is a great opportunity t make a safe Investment that will yield lanre profits during the present year. Write for Illustrated prospectus. Address Guthrie Mountain Coal and Cement Co., 316 Hall Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Y 886 24x MONTHLY sslary of 8)00, expenses snd commission for satisfactory man with $1,600 cash, as sales manager at Omaha; right man with executive ability and a clean record can maka $3,600 or more per annum. Mr. Eaatland, &S Wabafh Ave., , Chicago. Y 917 24x ADVERTISE FOR MORE BUSINESS. READ THIS READ THIS. BROUGHT PHENOMENAL RESULTS AND HE RENEWED HIS ORDER. Rudolph Guenther: Dear Sir My adv. In your 810 list of papers has brought phe nomenal results, and I take pleasure in giving you a renewal of same for four weeks. Respectfully, C. F. SESINGER, Dealer In Unlisted Securities, North Amer ican Bldg., Philadelphia. FOR 110 I WILL INSERT one time a 26-word classified adv., either under Agenta, For Sale, Business Chances or under Business Personals heading. In the Indianapolis News, .Huston Herald, Omsha Bee. rnua. ro. American, Chicago Inter Ocean, Syracuse Herald, Buffalo Courier, Roch'er D. & Chron., Providence Telegram. Cleve. Plain Dealer, Dos Moines R. A Leader, Denver Republican, San Fran. Chronicle, Atlanta Constitution Dallas News, Kansas City Journal. Plttaburg Dispatch, Baltimore Herald, tit. Louis Globe-Dem. Washington Post, Milwaukee Free Press. nnclnnitl Enquirer, Minneapolis irmune, Detroit Free Press, RUDOLPH GUENTHER, 108 FULTON ST. NEW YORK. Write for Combination Offers. Magaxina Lists. Y TOU can never proa' y buslneaa chancss unless you have some money; small sav Inga are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran dels A Sons, Bankers, 16th and Dougias Sts. Assets over $400,006. - A GOOD thing In growing Colorado town of. I,0u0 people, where a large augar fac tory la being built; a billiard, pool and soda fountain buainess, fixtures, large atock cigars, tobaccos, confectionery, etc., doing a $35 bua.neaa everv day; for aala cheap If taken at once. If you are Inter rated, write Edw. H. Msdlson, Brush, Colo., for further Information. Y 901 14 FOR 8ALB Jamelson hotel and furnltare. For particulars Inquire Jaonelaon hotel. Grand island, Nsb. . BUSINESS CHANCES 8300 00 PER MONTH PROFIT For Pale Restaurant In good mining town; price $l.iu.0u; half cash. Addre.s The White House Cafe, Cripple Creek, coin. Y-803 24x 31 HAT store, jm N. Itith St. Open evenings. MONK V Do you need It T We are In a fiosltlon to furnish capital for any mer loi lous enterprise. VVe can sell your stocka and bonds quickly on commission basis. Money advanced on good securi ties. Chnrters procured In sny state. iw not fall to confer with us; It will be to your interest. R. Ksati A Co., Bank era, Tacuma Bldg., Chicago. Y SS8 24 x $125,000, or part, for Investment In eomo good enterprise without services. i. n. Cameron, Sentinel Bldg., Milwaukee. v Is. 1 -wl 24X OUR unique proposition Is a cinch; sells goods without talking. Establish your own business without risk. Small capi tal and references required. Chance of lifetime. Only one man appointed encn city, so you snouiti write immediately. Sherman Co., 13 Dover St., New 1 org. Y 834 24x FOR SALE A good paying shoe store In nest city In southwest lowa; stock win Invoice about 34.00; annual business about $12,000; expenses light. Address G 2. Bee X u KX WHEAT-112.50 buys five ups and five downs; good for one week; 2-cent advance or decline from nr re: trlves 3100 profit Write for particulars. Commerce Grain uo., commerce Bldg , Chicago, X gsi ux SEND for "Successful System" of trading In grain with rmall capital: booklet and -market letter sent free; refsrenoes. com atock A Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y M) 24X WE OFFER for sale best little clothing and furnishing business In Iowa; good county seat town, 2,500 people; Invoice 37,000 to 310,000; no bad merchandise: net profits past live years, 330,000; good lease; best- location: beautiful room: small ex pense; business healthy and Browing steadily. It takes 8100 cash to buy. If terms don t suit, don t write. No trades. Investigation will prove merits of propo sitlon. Address, H 4. Bee. Y 871 24 FIVB CENTS SHARE on Installments; 25 gold mines; among recent enormous rich strikes In Nevada. Write aulck. A. L. Emberson, "XVZ," Jacobson Hldg.. Den ver, Colo. Y 870 24x CAPITAL arranged to promote or Incrcaso any good else proposition that can prove If a mAfit l.n.l.ta. .. n . t ..... 1 n .11 n uii-aii. unuri v.. Ell II I miUJ II. J. O Barnum, 409 Rector Bldg., Chicago. Y 966 24x IF YOU would Invest 81.000 In a growing manuractunng Business ana take a posl tlon to travel and introduce their goods on a liberal salary and commission basis. which should net you $3,000 to $5,000 per year, address nt once N. L. H. A P. Co., 9Ji w. iJiKe St., - Chicago. -i 940 24x wain 1H.D responsible man to manage branch office and distributing depot for large coffee and spice company owning Its own mills; salary, $200 monthly and com missions; references and Investment of $1.0uo required. Address Manager, 18 River St., Chicago. Y 941 24x $26 FOR 8.500 typewritten names of mln lng Investors; this week only. Postage 6 repaid ror caan with order. H. T. Mead ox 3!2, Manchester, N. 11. Y 922 24x FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS WILL rent one large, cool room, nicely furnished, to gentleman who can furnish good references. Our home Is In the West Farnarm district. Nice lawn and shade; strictly private family, snd any one renting room will be made to feel at come, Address, G-60, care Bee. E 756 25x DEWEY European Hotel, 18th and Farnam. Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E 289 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. E Mooi TWO nicely furnlahad south front room a s04 ilarnav. . E M499X DK8IRABLB suite of rooms; also, single: strictly modern; gentlemen preferred; 107 XJnh IT T. ma T . . 1 .-.wa-i. , wcuuoill, AT -OU I. FURNISHED room In new house; all mod ern conveniences. 2308 uouglas St. E 709 WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Nicely fur nlshed, modern room. 131 N. 31st Ave. E 770 114 8. 26TH AVE. New house; gentleman; reierences. rnone iiarney sso. E 776 25 LARGE, pleasant front room, south win dows, nicely furnished, $10 per month. 41G iso. aa. E 797 24x $1 HAT store, 308 N. lth St. Open evenings ELEGANT newly furnished rooms for rent; 1 suite of front rooms, In Hanscom Park district; first-class board In sama piock. 1003 Park Ave. E 861 24 x NICELY furnished room, modern. 702 8 17th Ave. E M841 26x TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. bid b. ism. ti M908 26 X FOR RENT A fine furnished front room at 4uvi sun si. J U34 24 FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle man; reierences requirea. can 641 So 26th St. IJ 972 24 x NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, refer ences, loio uurt si. E M987 26x HOUSES and rooms furnished; reliable gooos ana square deal. io Installment methods. Cash or credit. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. ' E 9W M FOR RENT t or 3 beautiful rooms, fur- niHiiea or umurnisnen, vsry central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. . E M128 LARGE, cool, modern rooms and board. vi a. Aim oi. ii iVHUlf Z3X NICELY furnished room with alcove; new uuuio, moaern conveniences; private ram lly; gentleman preferred. 8216 California. E 108 24x LARGE alcove aouth room; well fur nished; modern detached house; yard and shade. Address H 21 J3ee. E M105 25x FURNISHED ROOMS ANO BOARD LARGE front room, suitable for two gen- The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F-767 JulySx Doug. 611 O. M. E. Hauf Trunks F-2M VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafa. F 291 LARGE, well furnished room, with board ,w. n.w won r,uii f n 1 1 moa- em. 'Phone Douglas 6408. 2406 Casa. S F-MtH.9 a UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CFNTRAL; t rooms; bath. Tisard. 270 N. W. o M131 CENTRAL, I rooms, bath. Tlxard. 220 N. 2d. ' fl M6M THREE ground floor rooms, with store room ana range rurniHhea for housekeep ing, 18 122 S. 25th St. G-M8 24x FURNISHED H0USES FOR !RJENT WILL rent for the months of July and August a wen rurnisnta mouern House near the West Farnam car line. Room 17, puiterson Block. 9s3 24 FOR RENT To responsible party, modern nome, rurnlxneo. lor summer months, Hanapom park district. H 21, care of H e. 122 -1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, a room by youpg lady, win wvia. iiioruinaa anu evenings in pay ment for rent. Address H 23, Bee. K-ia 24 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. uave on every article. Only flrat-claaa gooda handled. Prompt atten tion to every order. Sand for .catalogue. B; F. Kafwi. L iUrrlawa att.. Chicago W Mr-S7a FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert ptsno moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas lt.-j. chmnller Mueller Plana Co.. 1311-1J13 Farnam- llUUOi'jO 0 Lavis Co.. so Wee H .. D Jo7 UniTCI' In all parts of the cliy. R. llUUOlo j.eUr, A Co., Bea lT- HOUSES. Insuiani. Rlngwalt, Barker Blc THE Omiha V Storage Co., pack, move and store II. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. lth. Olllcs. lillVi Farnnm. Tel.. Doug. 15i D 449 WE MOVE planoa. Mnguard Van A 8tor age Co. TeL Doug. I. Ulllce. i.U Web ster St. D 4M $1 HAT store. SOR N. Itith St. Open evenings. 6EB us when shlpMr.r household gooda to large cities -s!. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DE;I.IVER1 CO.. 114 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug, lift CENTRAL, 4 or 6-rooin flata. Tlsard, 22 N. d. D Mill MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Dry rouma tow prices. Telephone Douglas 1083. . D-M418 June $8 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. Phons Douglas 1062. 1106 rmrnmM9J 10J 8. SOT II ST. Nine rooms, modern $45. 220 Chlougo St.. 8 rooms, modern $. RING WALT BKO.. waraer r. I MS21 U SPECIAL Choice 6-R. strictly modern apartment In one of the new apartment houses for rent. See Payne, Bostwlck A Co., W1 N. Y. 1. D M809 26 NEW DWELLING. JUST COMPLETED. 617 SOUTH 26th Ave., rooms, every mod ern convenience, Including electric lights: Mulshed In hard wood throughout; will decorate walls to suit tensnt; rent $.16.00. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 804 33 FOR RENT Hotel L'nder. Washington lnke; by the week or month, or season; will accommodate twenty people; suitable for house parties. Inquire of T. J. Gard ner, Mankato, Minn. D MS1I July6 NEW 9-room brick house, West Farnam district $56. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. -311 D-834 26 1823 MAPLE, 7 rooms, all modern, 322.60. 818 in. tn, 9 rooms, city water. -0. WALTER G. CLARK, 1214 HARNEY' ST. D 8J 27x ' FOR RENT. 708 N. 16th St., 3d floor, 3 rooms, modern, $13. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. D-1781. JJ 84 24 FOR RENT 9 rooms, all modern, entirely new, strictly tlrst-cluss, near southeast corner 2h and California $16. Co. O. C. Olsen, 1704 Farnam. D 840 24 414 SOUTH 29TH ST.. 7 rooms, $25.00. 1S20 North 18th St., 8-room brick. $a5.00. JOHN N. FKENZEK, OPP OLD P. O. D 963 1A $1 HATS, all shades. 308 N. 16th St. FOR RENT Just finished, choice modern 9-room house in est Farnam district. For key and particulars telephone to Harney 927. D 928 24 2407 North 22d St., two car lines, I rooms, modern, not water neat, large lot, snane trees, stone walks. 'Plione 133. D. II. Christie, 3 N. Y. Life. D 977 24 . FOR RENT 9-room modern brtclc dwell ing, 813 S. 29th Ave., $52.50. Modern apartment In Ditvldge Bldg., facing; Farnam. $45.00. $ office rooms In Davldgo Bldg., $20.00. JOHN W. HOBBINS. 1802 FARNAM BT. D VERY desirable 7-room apartment, south and east exposure; also ono or 6 rooms; 6-room modern house, South Omaha. HAMILTON, 'Phone Doug. 11.12. 28 Bee Bldg. D M97 25 FOR RENT Cottage, 2437 8. 16th, tn flna Order, nearly new, six rooms and bath, $2 per month. PoMsession August L T. J. Fitzuiorrls, R. 10? Bee Bldg. D 968 S4x FOR RENT 8-rooms, city water. 1828 N. 17tn St. c. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. U 973 FOR RENT 1713 Mason St., 6-room cot tage, 8-u 014 is. 20tn, new lo-room mod ern brick, hardwood finish, $00. W. R. Homan, 1517 Farnam I8t. D M9S6 30 DON'T pay fancy prices for cheap furni ture at installment nouses, uet reliable goods from us for less money. Cash or credit. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., i.x-s-uu-ma i-arnum bt. D-9S1 21 FOR RENT 6-room cottage, modern; va cant July 1. -.11 Howard St. - D 123 24x PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. 1710 Hickory St., 6-r., bran new, strictly modern, except rurnace. only lis. 3406 Burdntte St.. 6-r.. modern, $22.60. 516 So. 25th Ave., 6-r., strictly modern; very choice. 8.16. 4248 Burdette St., 8-r., all modern, $30. 3L'21 Cumlngs St., 8-r., strictly modern, $30. 610 North 21st St., 9-r., strictly modern, very choice, $.ri0; laundry, stove, gas range, and shades for entire house furnished tenunt. PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. P-903 24 FOR RENT STORES fit OFFICES 106 N. 18th St.: steam heat .$16.00 Bemls. Paxton block. I-M&S FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city nan Duuaing, i . iom Bt.. oouia cmsna. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EgUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlrard. m m 'ri.i T ii .j. STORE ROOM for rent, 408 S. lfith, Or- Dheum ;i heater Bldg. Dyball, 1613 FOR RENT Third floor, slxa 33x100, suit able tor loage, club room or fur manu facturing purposes. Inquire Palace Cloth, lng Co., corner Uth and Douglas. I-M52I $1 HAT store, 308 N. 16th St. Open evenings. SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; 3 floors and basement; 1j06 Farnam. Inquire 814 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-464 1906 N. 24TH ST., new brick. $25.00. 1jd S. 16th St., steam heat. $35.uo. JOHN N. FRENZEK, OPP OLD P. O. 14(64 Itt FOR RENT Desk room, 6u5 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Douglas ww. 1 too M FOR RENT Brick building, 4 stories and basement, zzxiiu rt iso. IMS Dodge St. steam heating plant and elevator. For Eartlculnrs see Wm. ltr Reed, 609 N. Y. ,lfe Bldg. Tel. Douglas-3217. I-fc4 24 NOW 13 THE TIME to rent an office In the United States Na tional natiK building. The offices are strictly modern and In nrst-rlaaa con dition. Desirable location, between the wholesale and retail districts. If you want a small office Wli HAVE IT; If you prefer a suite of two or three rooms we hsve 'It. Chas. E. Williamson Co.. '1J01 Farnam St 1-110 24 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 15u6 Farnio. 'Phone Doug T84. 4o4 LAP SON A JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. Doug. fcou 1KU. $lJIAT8,nl! thsfles. Si N. J'ith St. PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Orada 1908 Calendar a Jfmvs - ta- co"r lth St. and JOKVE. Capitol Ave. -43 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera A .o., li.O Howard. Tel. Djuglas 2ov7. UW AND COLLECTIONS As' 1 I