TUK OMAHA DAILY BWli FH1DAY, JL'XK 22, l'.KMi. 4 a. 1 X NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office 10 Pewl MIXIH MfcMlOV Clark's-sodas. Iiavli sell dn:i. fltockert sell cerpets. Kin engraving at LefTert's. , Ed Rogeia' Tony Faust beer. New location, 3T Pearl St.. Maloney. plumbing and heating. Bixby Son. Wondrlng Undertaking cumpany. Tel. S3. Lewie Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97. For rent, unfurnished rooms. 131 Main St. Diamond, ax an Investment, talk 10 A.efferl about It. Huy your Edison records from William son, 17 Ho, Main Si. All sixes in barefoot sandals for children at Sargent's family shoe alore. Special courses for public school pupil given at Western Iowa College. For rent, dwelllne. Ninth Ave.: new; tJl. Chsrh.. T. Officer. 419 Hroadway. 1 The Hoard f Supervisors completed II s ; work yesterday and adjourned until August. ; rtee Stepher tiros, for f I re brick and lire ! i la. -sewer pipe, fittings and- garden hone. All our goods are marked In plain fia-nn-i This makes, buying easy. Peterson k : Hi lnH iiing Co. I Picture frames made to order. Hundreds , o. pattern to chouse from. C. L. Alex-, Hiider. 313 Broadway. I If you have tender feet and want a : good, comfortable show aea Duncan Sc , Dean. 1 Main street, j .Sheriff Caunlug will take A K. Cnrlcli . and VV. W. Iangclon to the Male hospital for Inebriates nt. Ivnoxville today. ( Cool and refreshing Ice cream and soda : water t J'urlty Candy Klmhen. L'lei trie funs. Ice f-rcuiii delivered. Tel. 574. ! !o- not wait linlll you get soaked. Buy ; your shingle now. Il.ifer has a large I alack Of all grades at bottom prices. U'Ih ii huting a piano jou run no chances on price or yiialuy Ml A. llospe Co., 'J3 Mouth Main Mreet. Council liluffa. In. , You run rind the latest and best framed : pictures at any (.ilea you want ut the . Council. Hluffs Faint, Oil ind tilass Co. Just arrived, a full line of yuick Meal 'ia Stovrs. from Ilii.OO up. None better, bwalne & Maurr, 33t-3. West Broadway, i Kdwnrd Hockley, a member of the news paper fraternity In Des Mulncs.ls in the city. It la likely i bat he may locate here, i Star chapter: Hoyal Arch Misons. will 1 meet ti special ronviwation . this evening for wmrk In the most excellent master's I degree-. N . Mr. and Mrs.. Tytidall Palmer, formerly I ot v asliltigton, la, are stopping at the tirand hotel. They registered Irotn New V ork- ,Cty. Detective Tom CalluKhan and bride are home from thetr wedding trip and "the, former resumed Ms work on the police f rce ewterday. For Sale Will sacrifice on my fine, piano, raiments f desired. Can be aeen at Hchmoflcr & Mueller's, Ml Broadway, Council muffs, la. Judge: Wheelec yesterday overruled the motion of the plaintiff for a new trial in the suit of. Talmnge Sheldon against the Ureat-W(iio:ern, railroad. We'- 'wholesale Ice cream. Shipped to any pari -of iho state. Special price to the retail trade. I. Jiluccl, 21 West Broad way. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 864. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select from in the west. Sheely Lane. Marble and Oraulte works, 217 Ksst Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Just received, sixty different stylea In wall paper for our summer trade. The . best time In the year to paper Is In the --summer. Bortvick. zu Kouth Main. a The park commissioners complained yes terday to the police that tramps ordered oulof the city get no farther than Fair mount park,, where they spend days at a lime. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to Hans Jorgensen. aged 4, and Julia A. Jones, aged 6o. both from Omaha. They were married by Kev. Henry DeLong In the court house,- . I.uthera Griffin, who has boen working aa a domestic In this city, was placed In St. Bernard's hospital yesterday. Ill health. It is said, has made her mentally deficient and the commissioners on Insanity will examine lnto'TieY-ease today. The motion of the plaintiff for a new trial In the 'personal injury damage suit of C. C Cooper pf. Portsmoulh, la., against the street rsflw'H.v company was submitted to Judge Wheeler In district court yesterday and taken under advisement. The will of the late Mrs. B. I.. Bhugart waa filed for probata In the district court yesterday. It was executed November 17, lAM., and bequeaths to her husband all the real and personal property which waa con veyed by him to her since the date of tuair marriage., Mr. Shugart la named as ex ecutor of the will. The. following new Ice drinks. Ice creams phosphates and troxen Ices will be served tills week, all made from the best ex tracts, fruits, nuts and Ice creams: Kemll Ice, Grape A la-I. Cantaloupe Sundae, Hartford Ent. Krosen Phosphate, Grape Juice, Maraschlnp 1'uneh and Cuban Astor. Clark Drug Co., Broadway and Main. Mrs. Suing: arrived last evening . from Spokane. Wash., to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Henry Paschcl, which will be held at 9 o'clock this morning from Si. Peter s German Catholic church, burial be ing In St. Joseph'a cemetery. The services will be conducted by Hev. Father Her man, pastor of the thurch, assisted by Rv. Father Smyth, pastor of St. Francis Aavler's church. A called meeting of the stockholders of the Canton Mining company was held last evening at the Neumayer hotel to confer with A: Anderson of Hill City. 8. D., gen eral superintendent and manager of the oompany'e property.' Among the members of the board of dlreclora of tbe company are O. 8. Davis, Councilman Vounkermnn and J. J. TWks of this city and P. W; Kuhus and P. Nelson of Omaha. . Jesse Palmer, a youth of It), waa fined Jlo and costs In Justice Gardiner court yesterday on the charge of carrying con cealed weapona. Palmer went to Lake Manawa Wednesday evening and while en joying a ride on the coaster punctured the atmosphere with several shots from a re volver. Not iHiBsevNlug $10, Palmer will remain the guest of Jailer Gallup at tbe county has' lie for the next few days until he boards the fine out. Why are McAfee's bakery goods better than any -made or sold In the city? Simply because all of the Ingredients that go Into their composition are absolutely pure and of . the highest grade produced. and will conform to and pass inspection under any pure food law on earth. ' No compounds or Imitations ustd. ,,' For the fruit season we have provided a liberal Quantity of lvl-quart preserving .kettles In first quality purple enameled ware at 33 centa rac.h:"" Don't fall to get one of these; worth double the money, paddock' Handschey Hardware company. Ice cream at Purity Candy Kitchen, wholesale and retail." Special prices to par ties, lodges and churches. Tel. 5t. High grade pianos sold on easy payments, $10 .down .and $6 per mouth. Jswanswn Music Co., 407 Broadway. Pianos tuned and stored. . . Osrerauoor Mattress. (lalrniiour Cotton Felt Millie, u:u guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price. $15 00 . ; We are exclusive agents. Keller Farnsworth Furniture Co. SCAVENGER WORK I haul dead animals, $100 per head. Garbage. " aar.es. manure and all rub bish; clen vaults and cesspools. AM work done Is guaranteed. Calls ' promptly attended to. . 'Phone, Red U71 J. H. SHERLOCK OCK4X ITKAMGHI anchor UNI v. m. nan. rraAMtiHrpg. Ksw- v a. U)HltonvmHx amp okaauoir. , MkW 10H. f Alga SMI NO MAJ-LBa. , Suerir sscwouboaaUtM, Uat ivmu. Tk lsln iiumki'I (uvfuiir nwiiMi gtaaK c mua-trt tiaSM a" Vers m ol.. gitfi.uh. Irtsk s4 il rriMil MUlasmaJ tiaa at sunvcttra ru, let smm at ta r li.c Mni lnUM-iia svely te hxai t Acr -. i fcaaDKHauai gKoS . o. I asmUl ikMaaa, ! BLUFFS 81 Tel. 48. DEAF SCHOOL GRADUATION EleTen Student Complete the Coarse at ! the Institution. NEW- BUILDING IS ALSO DEDICATED Senator C. .. tnunders llellvers the Principal tdilrrii, oinpll urntlna the t lass and Its Teachers. The ii.agninVMit new administration build ing at the Iowa School for the Deaf, elected at a cost of nearly $Ji,ts, was dedicated jeslertlay afternoon In conjunc tion with the commencement exercises of the graduating class before a large and Interested audience, to many of which the wmk at the Institute was a revelation. The exercises were held In the commodi ous chapel, which forms part of the new administration building snd which was prettily decorated for the occasion. To Htate Senator C. !. Saunders of this city was assigned the honor and pleasure of making the dedicatory address, in which lie took the opportunity to congratulate the eleven young men and women for whom tha slate of Iowa had done ao much In equipping them that they might be pre pared on leaving the school to fight the bailie of life outside. Ills address natu rally also dealt at length with the history of the. institution. He said. In part: "nnnilera Talks to ".indents. In the lives of Institutions and nations, as in men. there are red letter days ds when the cares and responsibilities of existence are placed aside and the hours devoted to felicitation and rejoicing be cause of present blessings and promises of a splendid future. Such days are filled with Jov, and the sunshine of life seems to illumine the dark corners and make glad the hours of all. We are assembled here, student and teacher, officer and friend, to celebrate such a day and to re lolce. not only over the fact that this splendid class of young people has reached the consummation of Its toll Bud Is to go out Into life prepared for Its struggles, hut also to dedicate for all time this beau tiful building to the cause of education. I congratulate you young people that upon the conclusion of your courses of study you are to Inaugurate your advent into the world under such -favorable auspices. Kind parent and teachers have led you along the pathway of childhood and have prepared the wav so that you enter upon vour life work fully equipped for tne strug gle. The state of Iowa has made you its special wards, prepared a school suited to vour peculiar needs and has retained a corps of skilled Instructors that your edu cation mav be complete and that you may he fully equipped, not only to the end that you mav lead happy and useful lives, hut also that you In turn may discharge all the duties of American cltlsens with credit to yourselves and with honor .lo yoir parents and the state that hag done, so much for you. The commencement exercises proved most Interesting, especially to those among the audience who had not had the pleasure of witnessing them on the former occasion. Hon. J. T. Hamilton, chairman of the State Board of Control, In presenting the di plomas to the graduates, made an eloquent address, during which he paid Superintend ent Rothert and his corps of assistants a high tribute. Program of Kxerclses. The following 'program waa carried out: Invocation ...Rev. James O'May Salutatory and Kssay Courage........... r , Itagrnhilda Ie School 'Vork (Oral)....i Beginning Nancy B. Reed, Teacher. School Work (manual) . Fifth Grade Margaret H. Watklns. Teacher. Kssa-v Door Knobs .....Llxzte Rhoades School Work (oral) Fourth Grade Responsive Exercises Florence Wilcoxen. Teacher. Sing Song Beautiful Isle of Somewhere Ragnhllda Lee Dedicatory Address .' Senator C. O. Saunders Dedication Ode Graduates Kssay and Valedictory....... Luverne Byrne Address and Presentation of Diplomas Hon. J. T. Hamilton, Chairman State Board of Control. Benediction. 1,1st of Graduates. The eleven graduates who received di plomas were: L.uverna Stephen Byrne, Sheffield, Frnnk lln county, entered school 1897.; Melvln Leln, Marshalltown. Marshall county, entered school mi; Ranson Henry Arch, Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie county, entered school 1W6; Henry Carl Buttenhoff. Dows, Wright county, entered school 1; Ragn hllda Knudtdatter Iee, Osslan, Winneshiek county, entered 'school 1901; Amy F.thel Gough, Rockwell. Cerro Oordo county, en tered school IMS; Effle Stell.i Gilford, St. Ansgnr, Mitchell county, entered school 1K9fi; Uzzic Rebecca Rhoades. Shenandoah, Page county, entered school 1X36; IJla Hthel Dorothy Purkhlser. Nevada, Story county, entered school 1S!6; Kdlth- Olive Hastings, Grand Junction, Green county, entered school 1S95. The. dedication ode, recited by the grad uating class, w-a. composed by J. Schuyler Dong, the head academic teacher of the Institute. . . '. . ' Last evening the graduates were tendered a reception and dance by the undergrad uates. Arrangement of Building. The building dedicated'-yesterday takes the place of the one destroyed by fire three yeur ago. It Is three atovles and basement high,' constructed of pressed brick and stone, and standing on an eminence as it does, It presents an tmjxiaing appearance. One wing la to be occupied by the boys and. the other .by the .girls. .On. the top floor of the main structure are the rooms of the help, on the second floor the quar ters of the teachers and on the mttln floor the rooms of the superintendent, the re ception room, Jlbrary, chapel and dining rooms. In the former building the hospital waa on the top floor, but an entirely new and separate hospital has since the fire been erected at a cost of .about $35,000. The portion of the old building which has been used as a dining hall since the fire is to be taken down. Colored oxfords, whin, gray, blue, red, lavender, pink; any color Jou want; any price, at Sargent's family shoe stoe. . Something entirely new and Just out. Beautiful new photos at a special offer for short time only at Schmidt's studio. Go to Hicks' for your money s worth la tailoring. No bluff, eltber. Quality (uats More with paint than with anything else. You may think you aave a few dollars on first cost, but you'll lose a year or more on the wear. We don't offer bargain counter pricea for paint, but we paint so It stays painted. Jensen . aV Nicholson. Outside and Inside House. Decorations. N Y. Plumbing Co. . Tel. 26o. -Nig lit Lea West Cad Wants Representation. The West Council Bluffs Improvement club is nothing If not progressive, and It never permits au opportunity to pass to let Itself be known. The' club has ' re quested Mayor Macrae when' nantlrig the three new members of the library board not to forget the western section of Che city President Keller of the West Coun cil Bluffs club, in his request to the mayor yesterday. Intimated that the west end was entitled to two out of the: three new members. Mr. Keller made no suggestion as lo who should be named, but it is undrr- stood that he and President M. D. Reed of the West Bud club, the other Improve ment organisation In that section of the city, would be willing to serve their con stituents on the library board if the po sition should he tendered them. To date Mayor Macrae has given no In timation as to his nomination. 8lM)tl HI HIIIII, WORKKK HISV Three llandred Delegates from Outside (It. Preseat With an attendance of delegates from out of town the Iowa State Sabbath School association convention assumed considerable proportions yesterday. sMuch interest was dlsplaxed In the proceedings and the result ' was, as one of the leading workers said, there were three rousing meetings. At the morning session the reports of General Secretary B. F. Mitchell and Treas urer J. F. Hardin showed that the asso ciation had enjoyed a most prosperous year. During the last year ninety-one county conventions, seventy-four township con ventions and ten denominational meetings were held under the auspices of the asso ciation. The treasurer's report showed that all debts had been paid and that there was a balance of $so0 on hand. An interesting feature of the morning program was an address by Prof. W. R. Manning, who has recently entered the work In Iowa as Held training secretary. His topic waa "A Canadian In Iowa." He said he was especially Inmpressed' "with the fertility of Iowa and the intelligence of Its people." Part of the morning was devoted to sec tional meetings, which were held In the several churches and were well attended. The parade of Sunday school children In the afternoon was a novel feature and the long column of children, carrying the con vention pennants, presented a pretty sight. The parade was headed by F. C. Rlker and I'astor F. A. Case of the First Baptist church, followed by Prof. Nordln'a band from Lake Manawa. Major McFadde.n's drum and fife corps also furnished music for the parade. The children of the pri mary departments headed each school In a wagon gaily decorated with bunting and convention streamers. During the afternoon session the follow ing greeting from the Nebraska association In convention at work was received In a telegram from President I P. Albright: Over 500 delegates of Nebraska Sabbath School asoclatlon. In session, send greet Inttf and our prayers for your continued success and Inspiring example. See Isaiah 56, 10 to 12. In addition to the regular apportionment on each county, about $W additional was raised at the afternoon session for the pur pose of promoting the field work of the association. Committees on resolutions and nomina tions were named as follows by the several districts: Resolutions District No. 1, Aldwln Ahk tron: 8, 8. B. Nichols: 5. W. T. Shafer; t, H. W. Richards: 7. Rev. D. A. Shelter: 9, Mrs. I. F. Smith; 10, Mrs. H. T. Fisher; 11, Fred Hermann: 12. C. F. Engleklng; 13. C. H. T. Bohstedt: 15. W. E. Stocklev; 1. Robert Mulr; 17, A. A. Hart; IS, Rev.'S. S. White; 19, Rev. Jackson; 20. O. II. Colton; 21. K. A. Anderson; 22. Clark Terrell; 23, C. I Marmon; 24, J. R. Vance. Nominations I (Istrlcl No. 1. H. Pi l.-uid-rage; 3, 8. B. Nichols: R. D. C. McCarger; ft, George F.isentraut: 7. Rev. H. 8. Condlt; !. J. F. Hardin: 10, Lillian Ijirkln: 11. R. J. Blxhy; 12, M. R. Sawyer; 1. A. J. Gregg: 15, K. J. lennard: IS, Alice Faucett: 17, M. B. Chrleman: IS, T. A. Hougaa; 19, O. W. S. Mills; 20, Rev. W. G. Hohnshelt; ?1, K. H. Scales; 22, W. H. Lucas; 28, Mrs. T. B. Short; 24. J. R. Vance. At the close of the afternoon session the members of the field workers' section were served supper at the First Christian church. The features of the evening session were the addresses by President A. B. Storms of the Iowa Agricultural college a,t Ames and Dr. Joseph Clark of Columbus, O. President Storms took as his topic Great Teacher," as exemplified in the life of Christ. Dr. Joseph Clark, who Is general secre tary of the Ohio State association, which he declared one of the .best organised states In Sunday school work, spoke on "Self Tralnlug of the Teacher," his ad dress being most Interesting. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected this afternoon and the place for next year's convention will be chosen. It looks as If Davenport will get It. as, so far. It appears to have no opposition. This Is the program for today: MORNING. 8 :lo Sectional Meetings Teacher training, Broadway Methodist church, R. William Muichle, Red Oak. leader; home depart ment. Broadway Methodist church, Mrs. T. B. Short, Fairfield, leader: missionary de partment. English Lutheran church. Miss Lucy Leavltt, Waterloo,- leader; primary Junior department. First Baptist . church, Miss Grace Wood, Traer, leader: temper ance department, English Lutheran church. Miss Ellena Yeater. Des Moines, leader; house to house visitation department, Broadway Methodist church. Rev. H. J. Wllklns. Mar son, leader. 9:15 Music. . Prof. D. B. Towner; report of statistical secretary: recognition of ban ner counties, President C. J. Kephart. D. D.. chairman state executive committee. : Recognition of teacher training grad uates; presentation of diplomas. Rev. William Murchie: address. "The Teacher Improving." President H. H. Thoren. D. D.. LcMars: "The Graded School and Supple mental Leasons," Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner. 11:15 Bible study, "The Message for Worldwide Kvangelliatlon," Tltua 2. 12:15 Luncheon, teacher training .ulumni banquet. AFTERNOON. 1-80 Opening prayer: reports of commit tees and election of officers. :I0 Demonstration of Sunday school music. Prof. D. B. Towner. 2 8" "The Adolescent Period." Prof. W. O. Allen. Tabor. 3:1)0 "Hints on Lesson Building," Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner. 8:45 "Training for Worldwide Evangeli sation." I Thessalonians, 2, Dr. James Grav. Closing services'. Fine Farm. . Two . hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valle-. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1. First National bank building. Office telephone 203. Special for convention people: 2u per cent discount on all of the following: Dinner sets, music cabinets, dinner chairs, porch furniture, parlor lamps, center tables, buf fets, sideboards, kitchen cabinets, go-carts, refrigerators, portieres, lace curtains, oil cloth, linoleum, carpets and mattings. D. W. Keller. Iu3 South Main. We pay $11.00 per ton for cast Iron; mixed, $9.00 per ton; stoves, $7.50; rags, lc a lb.; rubber. 7c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Kattle man. a"3 South Main. Fancy sugar cured Rex breakfast bacon, Uic, per pound. Central Grocery and Meat Market. Both ' Phones 24. A. Metigar Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, 51 Mynster St., Co. Bluffs. la. " Home-made Bread a Specialty. White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices. $1 to $-'. Duncan at Dean, 23 Main atreet. Special courses for public school pupils given at Western Iowa College. Trouble for a Bridegroom. Nicholas Spencer and Ella Campbell, a young couple from I.oveland. Ia.. were married In this city June 13. Rev. Henry DeLong performing the ceremony In his office In the county court house. Thetr honeymoon was ruthlessly Interrupted yes terday when Spencer was arrested and brought to this city to answer a charge preferred against . him by Maggie Fore man, a young woman living in (lasel Deli township. Miss Foreman accuses Spencer of betraying her under promise of mar riage. The warrant for Spencer's arrest was Issued from the superior court. BHOHT RRIDK MI Ml" CM Masoa ( It) loans !" liases Arrest jl His Klanrre. Charged with obtaining W under false i pretenses from her second cousin, to whom) she was engaged to be married. Miss Kdilli f Fltsloff, a good looking young woman fioni Mason City, la., was taken Into custiMiy Jin this cltv esterday afternoon and taki n Irnck to Mason City last evening by SheniT W. A. Hnldren of Cerro Gordo county. L.. B. Youngs, a travelittg salesman from lis Moines, in whose company the young woman was, was also taken Into custouy, but later released. The arrest was made at the Neumayer hotel, where Youngs and Miss Fltsloff hud registered as man and Wife two days ago and where they occupied the same apart ment. From Sheriff Holdren It was learned that the young woman was engaged to be mar ried to her second cousin and the latter three days ago' secured the marriage li cense. Miss FltxlofT, however, wanted a day or so to prepare for the wedding and Incidentally she needed a trousseau. To secure the needed outfit the young woman suggested to her fiance that he give her $100. Now It happened that the young man had only $45 In ready cash, but he managed to borrow $50 more and he turned the full amount of $!6 over to Miss Filxloff. When the young man learned that his intended had suddenly left Mason City for Des Moines he became suspicious and con fided hla suspicions to the authorities. In quiry at Des Moines elicited the informa tion that Miss FltxlofT had left there for Council Bluffs iri company with D. B. Youngs, a traveling man. When he learned this the young man promptly decided that he had been played for a sucker and filed an information against Miss FitzlolT, charging her with obtaining his under false pretenses. Investigate Our cheap land proposition in eastern Colorado; $5 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Kxcnrslons first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. ' Lougee, 124 Main street, Council Bluffs, la. We employ nothing but first-class tin ners and plumbers and guarantee all of our work.' Spencer . Furnace and Sheet Metal Works, ICS West Broadway. Dld It ever occur to you that you will find Wheels on "Van Brunt vehicles" that cost $5.00 more than the average manufac facturers use on their vehicles? This Is a fact. The life of a vehicle depends almost entirely upon the quality of the wheels used. I have them. Remember to call on "Van Brunt" when you want a buggy. Real Eetate Transfera. These transfers were reported to The Bee June 21 lie' the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council 'Bluffs: Fremont Benjamin and wife to A. V. Turpen. lot :t, block 31. Ferry ad, ' Council Bluffs, w d $ 65 Council Bluffs Real Estate and Improve ment company to Francis A. Burke, lots 18 and 19. block 3 Morningside ad, Council Bluffs, w d... So Mary A. Waynlck and husband to Addle L. Hesse, lot 7, diock i. Tuney s aa Council Bluffs, q c d, , 50 Total, three transfers... ..$165 For Imported wines, liquors and Budwelser beer go to L. Rosenfetd, wholesale liquor dealer, 619 Soijth Matg street. The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles." pbokd date back to 1x53. Books are all up (o date. Work ac curately and promptly' done st lowest ' Pri """ omce opposite rourt house, 2.T6 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. Rubber soled outing shoes for ladies. Just the thing for the lake, at 8argenfs Family Shoe Store. Look for the bear. The best' dressed people In town are buy ing their shoes at Hamilton's. Don't forget that I have fine spring and summer suits from $-"0 to $25. E S. Hicks. CENTRAL FLOt'R-41.16. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both Thones 24. ... PERKISS CARRIE! At Dl BOX COIVI'V Contest May Follow. Close Vote, as "long City Man Haa One Majority. . DES MOINES, June 21.-I Special Tele gram.) Complete returns from the cau cuses which were held In Audubon county yesterday give the county to Perkins by the narrow margin ot one vote in the county convention to , be hel Saturday. Full returns from every precinct show that Mr. Perkins will have. sixty-eight and Gov ernor Cummins sixty-seven delegates In the convention, while the vote of three pre cincts which apparently gave Qovernor Cummins forty-twe delegates will be con tested on the ground that large numbers of democrats voted.. A most . determined fight was made in Uhcoln. which la one of the contested townships, against Hon. Asmus Boysen, who- resides there. The Cummins people claim to have carried the township by four votes, but Mr. Boysen's friends understand It will be contested, as many democrats voted and their names were enrolled. In the town of Audubon a large number of democrats voted, as they have In nearly every town In the state. The Perkins people hav the oi sanita tion of the county convention and W. C. Elliott, a staunch Perkins man. has been selected by the county committee as tem porary chairman of the convention. The result being ao close It Is anticipated that there will be contesting delegations to the stale convention. LANS I NO, la.. June 21 (Special. )-At the primaries here Governor Cummins received 112 vote to Perkins twenty-five, which gives Cummins a total of six precincts and thirty delegates to the Allamakee county convention to seventeen for Perkins. The fate of the county is yet In be determined by the other precinct primaries KNOXVILI.E. Ia.. June 21. (Special. I Caucuses In Marion county for selecting delegates to the county convention, which will be held I ere July 11, have been called for June 30 and July 8. About half will be held on each date. K EOKl'K, la., June IL (Special Tele gram.) Five out of six wards In Fort Madi son were tarried for Hon. George D. Per kins and Major Rathbun last night, which gives the stand-patters practically a solid delegation to the Iee county convention, which will be held at Donnelsnn tomorrow. This assures the twenty-four delegates from lee county to the state convention to the stand-patters. Major Rathbun, It ia under stood, has friends on the Des Moines and Henry county delegations aa well as other counties In this congressional district. Injuries Prove Fatal. WEBSTER CITY. la.. June 21. -(Special Telegram.) J. E. Homer of State Center, who fell between the cars at Weolstock yekterday afternoon, losing both lower limbs.' died this morning. Horner was rid ing upon the passenger train and when It stopped at (he station got off As (he train started he attempted to board again and. - missing lus bold, fell between the cars. i DIAMONDS Fran zr, uih and Dodge si CHECK GAMBLING CRUSADE I Board of Enperyiiori Refund to Allow Bills of Outride Jmtioei. , COLLEGES OBJECT 10 THE POOL HALLS Results Mould seem to Indicate Soldiers' Preference Ian Must Re Intended Hrlnre It (an Re Made K.ltrct 1 1 e. iKium a Stall Correspondent.; DES MOINES. June 21. (Special- A check was put in lite crusade against gambling in this city, started by Justlie Saylor of Livingston tovtnslilp. today hen the Board of Supervisors Indicated strongly that It would not allow the costs for (ho iraiiMiipl of any case where the Baylor ville Justice meddled in other than his own township affairs. The city of Des Moines is all located til Iae and Des Molucs townsuips, each of which has (wo Justices. Siiylorvllle Is an adjoining town ship. At the meeting of (he Bo-ird of Su pervisors today Livingston had sexeral hills for tiRiiscrlpts which were for ar rests made In Des Moines, though listed as In Saylor township. The transcript ha been approved by tbe attorney of the boards, otherwise It would have been re fused, according to the statements of til? supervisors, the approval of the attorney making It possible for the Justice to use and. collect the amount. The supervisor Instructed the attorney not to approve quite so readily In the future, anil there ate strong Indications that the supervisors by holding the string to the purse of the county with authority to hold back the fees to the Justice may put a check to Livingston's crusade of reform. College Presidents Against Pool. President Osborn of Des Moines college. President Imgwrll of Highland Park col lege and President Bell of Drake uni versity held a conference with City At torney Bremnier on the subject of pool halls In the hope of inducing the city coun cil o pass an ordinance prohibiting pool halls within a specified distance, probably half a mile, of any college or school. The agitation for such an ordinance arose first over the objection of President Longwcll to the establishment of a pool hall In High land park. Equitable May Be First. I'nder the new law. which permits Iowa Insurance companies to erect home offices, the Equitable Life Insurance company of Iowa may be the first to build. The com pany Is now Investigating the Essex build ing on Sixth avenue with a view to en tirely, rebuilding it for a home office. Wanted a "Real" .lodge. Miss Hazel Ford of Redfield, la., spoiled a double wedding yesterday by refusing to be married by anything but a real Judge. Miss Ford was to marry W. P. Johnson, also ot Redfield, and Miss Lois Sloan was to be married to J. E. Harper, both of Redfield. They reached the court house after the district Judges had gone and there was nothing about but a Justice of the peace. The other three parties were will ing to substitute the Justice, but Miss Ford demanded a "real. Judge or no nini rlage. The real Judge couldn't he had till this morning and their marriage wns there fore postponed till today, when Judge Mc Henry performed the service. Miss Sloan and Harper were married yesterday after noon by the Justice. Inrreasea Capital Stock. The Interurhan railway has Increased Its capita) stock to $1,200,000, the increase to be used to complete the line to Perry and the promotion of a line to Carlisle. Most Change the l.tn, That change In the soldier's, preference law is necessary before , the law will be come effective is becoming every day more apparent in this state. , The law has been held to be constitutional by the supreme court and the law gives the right of man damus to old soldiers to force city coun cils and public officials In giving them employment when It is shown that they are capable of filling the position sought. Y'et In the case of Shaw against the City of Marshalltown, which was the original test case, Shaw has not yet secured Ihe position and does not seem likely to, and In the two cases from this city, one for street commissioner and the other for city clerk, they have neither secured the po sition nor been able to collect the dam ages which the law allows. Councils and officials are Ignoring the law, and refusing to obey the orders of the courts. Money "till In Rank. There is $ii,0co In the Mechanics' Savings hank o( this city that was contributed by the people of Iowa for the relief or the sufferers of California. Because of some conflict between the California cities as to which city should have the money It was held here and Is still awaiting orders. The committee appointed by the governor will meet this- week to try and decide what to do with the money. Indian Marries White Cilrl. ON'AWA. la. June 21. (Special.) Jes.e H. Cox. aged 20 years, a full-blooded In dian, was married here today to Sarah E. Scott, aged Is years, who had her mother's consent to the marriage. The groom was dressed In broadcloth and was a fine look ing specimen of his race, while the bride was pretty good looMng herself and seemed deeply enamored of her Indian husband. The parties live In Cuming county, Ne braska, and came over to Iowa for the purpose of gelling married. Woodmen to Celebrate. SIDNEY. la.. June 21. i Special. )-Thc Modern Woodmen of America of Sidney will have charge of the celebration here on July 4. The speakers are Colonel c. Q. Launders, Hon. William Eaton. Judge A. B. Thornell and Attorney J. S. Estes. There will be sports of various klnda and many prizes are offered. Legislative Candidate Withdraws. BEDFORD, Ia.. June 21. (Special. ) Den nis Hamblin, republican nominee for repre sentative in Taylor county, has withdrawn because of bis wife's health, which Is such that he cannot make the campaign. Paaaeuaer Robbed In lovra. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., June 21-(5eorge A. Wharton, a payseuger on the westbound Colorado special, waa robbed near here last uUhl of st.isio in checks and drafts. " Woman Admits Murder. 8T. IoriS. June 21 In the office of Chief of Detectives Desmond this afternoon Mrs. W. C. Arnold broke duwn and confessed that she killed Frank L. Phelps yesteiday at her house because she thought he was going to make her carry out a compact be tween them to commit suicide. I nttl the confession it was believed Phelps had com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the heart because of love for her. Phelps was a boarder at the Arnold home. Cotton Operatives Ciet Increase. FALL RIVER. Mas. June 21. The cot ton manufacture! s of this city have granted Ihe operatives a 14 per cent increttse In wages. About ii.imo hands are benefited. The new ei-ale. which will take eff.-ct July .'. is practically the same as that prevailing previous to July 1. lot. As other New Eng land cotton manufacturing cenlera follow the lead of Fall Hiver a a rule (he change Is expected ultimately to affect all cotton mill workers in this section Educator I uuer Knife. ST. PACE, June 21. Dr. J. William While, pud'enaor of surgery at the liuvei- itv of I'emiFV Iv ania. waa oix rated upon In the Mayo hospital at Rochester. Minn . tn dav for Intestinal cancer. Dr. While, who I is one of Hie best suigeons in Ills Luilc-d Stales, diagnosed his un .. ir ,r CURRENT LITERATURE. i . I.. C. Page A Co. enjoy a well deserved reputation for setting out well-made hook. "Siegfiled" b 8. ltsrlng Gould Is one such. The author has w on en matcrtn! eelerie.l from Wagner's "Rlielngol " "Siegfried" Snd "Got terdan.iuei uhk" Into a iuot hai lnonlous Icgcnilatv romance. Heroes and gods ate made very real to the reader. The Mle Is easy and graceful. Scattered llii.nigli Ine story are bits of extremel) graceful verse In "'The Edge of llax.ird " (leoige Hoi ton has given us a sort of composite picture of Russian intrigue and Japanese courage, with an Imtilnent war between the tw countries for background. The hero Is an American of the V kind, who Iihs lost his money and his lady-love Hut bu gains courage of the kind which makes It so delightful to read about Americans In foreign countries. There Is a duel, n skirmish, a riot an Imprisonment and a major and minor love affair. There pre some very good descriptions, both of hu man and natural life. Most readei s will like the book because there Is much In It that is human. (Published b Bobbs-Mer-i ill. He who is looking for reading that con tains much Information and Is at the same time most entertaining should certainly rend "Parisians Out of Doors.'' by F. Berkelv Smith. The style Is simple and captivating. The author evidently knew his Paris, both as an artist and as a trav eler. The book teems with French vivacity. It were no great stretch of the linaglm tlon to Ivelleve one's self In France while reading this hook. And It is Illustrated almost as well as it Is written, which Is saving much. (Published by Funk & Wag. nail's Co.) The July Century Is well named a fiction number because of the remarkable variety of fiction; but there are other features which make the number notable, among them two articles of timely value and Im ixirtance. a discussion of "Why Do the Hoys t.eave the Farm." by L. II. Bailey, director of the school of agriculture, Cor nell university, and a full account of "Dry Farming the West's Hope." by John L. Cowan. Prof. Bailey's article Is not based upon speculation, but Is a summary of the facts and figures given him by a number of Cornell university students In their replies o sperifV questions as to the reasons Influencing them to choose a life work other than farming. Reading of ab sorbing and vital Interest Is John L. Cowan's story of the marvelous result possible from scientific soil culture in arid regions, without irrigation, lie gives In de. tall the Tarts on which he bases his claim that this new soil culture makes possible the reclamation of Sni.flrKi.tmn acres of land hitherto held worthless. Bcribner's magazine ror July, in the se ries on the Railways of the Future, de scribes a great Canadian railway project. The Grand Trunk Pacific is an all-Canadian line from the Atlantic lo the Pacific and far north of existing railways. It will penetrate new territory In Athabasca and northern British Cotumbla. Experts say that It will open up the greatest wheat growing region In North America. Hugh D. Lumsden, chief engineer of the govern ment section, describes the work so far done on this part of the road and outlines the engineering problems of the remainder. Cy Warmnn gives a graphic account of the varied regions through which - the - road will pass and the tremendous resources which It will make available. The whole project Is as romantic and far reaching ns ajiy . railroad scheme since the I'nllcd States backed the I nlon Pacific. As Indicated by Its name. Elliot Flower s i "The Best Policy" Is a story, or rather-a j ferles of storls, of life Insurance. Agents I might read the IsVok with profit. ' This, i however, does not mean that others would I not enjoy it. In fact, most of the series make very clever entertaining reading. Mr. Flower'a wit Is subtle. His description of A woman's inconsistency Is very amusing. Published by the Bobbs-Merrlll Co. Patriotism is the keynote of the July St. Nicholas, and the spirit of the midsummer holiday enters Into pictures, verse, stories and sketches. Captain Harold Hammond, author of the Pinkey Perkins stories and a West Point instructor, writes with au thority of "Honors to the Flag." Thomas W. Lloyd describes "The Oreat Seal of the Cnlled States." Mary Caroline Crawford tells of "The Signers and Their Auto graphs' a reduced far-simile of the Decla ration 'of Independence adding to the In terest. And the story of Pinkey Perkins' adventures continues with some mirthful Fourth of July pranks. Among other short DOCTORS FORRflEW illinium , siijuniisiiiiiiiussai THE Reliable Specialists IHE BLIGHTING EFFECTS CF WEAKNESS AND DISEASE. Weakness Is a malady that robs a man of his spirit, ambition and force. The nerve, self-assertion and stamina are killed by It. The courage that leads manly men to smile at fate and continue to fight Is destroyed, 'i housaiid of young, middle-aged and old man can look back to their boyhood days ot early' manhood with a sigh of remorse. The Ignorance of early youth or later on a inls-spen life as "one of the boys." has sown the seeds of f uture suffering. Nature passes no act without affixing the penalty (or Its violation. When she Is outraged she will hsve her penalty, although It takes a life. When through violation of her immutable laws In early life or later excesses, msn wastes away his nerve and bodily vigor, he is tiien compelled to struggle under the disadvantages which Impede his progress and defeat his ends. He can scarcely hope lo compete with those of bis fellows, who. possessing equal op portunities, have all their faculties unimpaired and bodily energies at their best. When the vital organs are In a weakened and undeveloped state, which Is In consistent with health, strength and vigor, and which lenders them unfit for the active dudes and pleasures of life, they are neanng (he danger point, and should sveute Immediate attention. Millions of men have been wrecked on the rock of secret vice. The trouble la not so much (hat they have digressed from Nature's Immutable law. but that (hey have permitted the trouble to Insidiously progress and become more ag gravated. They allow It to terminate, aa uncured private diseases Invariably jo. In the horrors of lost msnhood ulth Its many depressing complications This fact Is usually responsible for about nine-tenths of the suffering. You should remember that private diseases are progressive In thetr nature. Tbey ' must be conquered by proper treatment or they will devastate your system and blight your future career and prospects. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, self-abuse, exeesees, or the resuli of specific or private d lessees (REE CONSULTATION ANO EXAMINATION STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts, Omaha, Neb. A HEALTHYOLD AGE OFTEN THE BEST rARTOFtlfE Help for Women Parsing Through Chang of Llf Vroviilcnee ims nllntteit ti" each at lest seventy tears in which to fulfill oiirniision in. life, ami it is cfenerallj' our own fgult if we die prematurely. (( Airj MaryKoehnc )V Nervous exhaustion invito disease. This statement i the positive truth When everything" becomes a burden and yon cannot walk s few blocks with out exoe(iive fatifrtie, abd you break out into perspiration easily, and your face flushes, and you jrrow excited and shaky at the leant provocation, and you cannot bear to bp crossed in any thing:, you are in danger; your nerves hnve given out : yon need bnild,ing- up t once ! To build up woman's nerv ous Rystem and during the period of chang-e of life we know of no better medicine tbon Lydia E. Pinkbsm'sVeg" etable Compound. Here is an illus tration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne. 371 Garfield Avenue. Ch'icHg-o. 111., writes: ' 1 have used I.ydin E. rinkhamVegeali!s Compound for years tn mv family and It never disappoints; so when I felt that I waa nearing the change of lifel commenced treat ment with it. I took In all glout six bottle and it did me a great deal of good. Itstomied my'diw.v spells, pains in my back rA the headaches with which I had sufferei for months before taking the Compound. I feel that if it had not been for this great medlcins for women that 1 should not have been alivg to-day. Itlssplendid for women.old or young, snd will surelv cure all female disorders " Mrs. I'inkham. dBtiphter-in-lav Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass , in vites all sick and ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experlesoa ia at their service, free of cost. stories of the number are a hlithday tale, "Barbara's 'Bp,' "by Eleanor Porter; a Chltifse fairy story, "The Magic Teapot," by Florence Peltier, and "The Stone of Success." a legend of the ruby, by Mary E. Mitchell. David (Irahain Philips ' has written a story called "The Fortune Hunter." which Is not In his best vein. Still It Is falrir Interesting and extremely' light, which i makes It suitalae for summer reading. Hilda Br.'iuuer is a romantic maiden, led astrjy by imagined love for a deadbeat actor. Th.' latter, who has one wife, rejected by the tegular stage, practices his art'O on the unsophisticated daughters of rich middle class people. When his perfidy Is disclose ! he commits suicide, and Hilda Is arrested for murder after being denounced by ' Sophie I.lebcrs. The latter Is in love Willi Otto Heillg, a sensible young man, who U In love with Hilda and has the support of her parents for tils suit. Hilda Is finally cleared and marries Otto, after he has Inst his money In a fire which burns up his store and Insurance policy. All ends well, as It should in a story of this sort. The publishers, who have given the book an attractive cover and nice larre print, are the Bobbs-Merrlll Co. of Indianapolis. ' The Wire Tappers," by Arthur Stringer, Is n surprising story. The hero, an rlec trlcal Inventor, and the heroine, a beauti ful English girl, by sheer force of circum stances become associated with a man who attempts by wire-lapping to beat a. pool room In New Y'ork city. The iff oris of the girl to uplift the man she loves and to extricate him and herself from evil asso ciations, together with some absorbing ad ventures Which they share, make an un usually entertaining glory. Mr. Stringer is one of the most careful craftsmen tfinong American authors, and ho is at his vory ' best In this novel.' Published by Little, Brown & CO. The above books' at lowest' retail prices; Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. Office Hours: la m. to I p. m. iiundays, 10 to I only. mm! ' :tt 1 1 s.-fc ' ' -Ik