Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Marked Lack of Talk of Drought
Car Ktrnnc lit Price Mllhtlr Higher,
bat Trade I l.ltkl-Weeitker
Miirr f'ntrakc Ettrf
eshere Oata I. ewer.
OMAHA. June 21,
Th opening was uncnanged on wheal.
but the market turred weak erly and Inst
rent, due principally to scarcity of Ar
gemma drouth talk and unreaponslvenesi
nl foreign cable to yesterdays American
etreriK"' Buying on reeling older cnecked.
tne. nedinc Pi Ice remained steady for a
lime, but a bullish sentiment ix-gsn to tnuke
i!aif evident. inHking a strong nmrkel in
which oauy sellers were best buyer. Tnere
wax a K'i) at one tune of over a rent from
tne low point, but R reaction at the Inat
lust aimnft all the advance. Conflicting re
port were received from the eotithwest.'
neat her was favorable today. Caah de
mand was good at Chicago.
There win a light trail" In corn, though
he market held strong at price a little
better man yesterday clone. Receipt
were slightly under th estimate and the
rimn demand waa good. Bear claim ac
ceptance are liberal and a much larger
movement In expected next week. There
were no damage report from any aectlon.
Oat were weafc, both July and rlep-t'-rnber
cloaing lower.
Primary wheat receipt a wer 111.000
bushels, and shipment J0O.O0O bushels,
against receipt lanl year of 261,000 bushela
and hlpment at lMi.onn tmsneia. torn i
feints were 633.00(1 hu.hel find hlpment
v ii imO himhrli. ac-.ilnat receints last year ,
of fin. noil huahel and slilriments of t71. i
'f0 bushels. Clearance were 4. inn) bushels
wheat. 10,4 86 barrels flour, 2,000 bushel
corn and 1.000 huehela oat.
Liverpool ( loaed '1lUe higher on
Vlicat, and ' H1" higher on corn.
' from the necord-Mf-rald : 'There I a
good fighting market in corn Juat now. with
hoth aide bringing forward a number of
good point In aupport of their respective
lioaltlone. Th bull claim there, will have
to be large receipt and big stock here be
fore price can decline materially. They
hold that the cash demand from the eaat,
without anv export call, will prevent any
large accumulation. On the other hand, the
bear assert there la a big ipovement of
corn headed this way. that It will not take
long to overload eastern buyera and that
export ale are out of the question. All
export business done recently represent
the proportion for which ocean room wa
taken at the time the sale were made. A
great deal of the buslnea transacted ha
Ince been cancelled, the shipper buying
buck the corn previously gold to the for
eigner and selling out hi hedge In the pit
Local range of option:
Articles. Open.) Hlgh. Low. Clo ! Tc'j.
. 8ept
77Vi I
7 AN I
T7'B 77 B
77 B 774
47 Bl 47S,Bi
47SBI 47S
47 A
47 B
Ost I I
B 15 B
A asked. B bid
Omaha Cash galea.
WHEAT No. hard, 1 car. 73c; No. 4
hard, 1 car, 70H?
CORN No, a yellow, 1 cam, 47c.
Omsk Caah Price.
WHEAT No. I hard. 7fi7c: No. S hard.
7'tf7fe; No. 4 hard, tteiOc; No. I spring,
77c; No. I aprlng. 72ig?6c.
t'ORN-No. t, 4MJ46V:; No. 4. 44Wfi4c;
No. i yellow, 46347o; No. I white. 4.9
OATB No. I mixed, I4V: No. a white,
IT) MSi jo : No. 4 white, J4vi6c.
RTE No. I, 67VC; No. I, UMfi. .
'Carlot Receipt.
Wheat. Corn. Oat.
Chicago ; 7
Kansas City IB1
Minneapolis Ul
Omaha a
rmluth 61
Bt. Louis 11
485 170
19 6
S "h
'32 '
Fealnrr f th Trad lag riolgg
'" rrleea'oii Board TraWa.,-
CHICAUO, June 21. A report that Mack
a . . . . J . ! Till 1. I
... ....-k tiiv . iii w
1I.UI-.U riiiiwi.ij on " I. ' ... - -
locnl wheat market, but later all of the
guln waa host on profit taking. At the
clone wheat for July delivery waa off c.
The September option waa down, shade,
tteiitemher corn waa also a shade lower and
Heptember oata were off 'c. Provision
wi n oWlHc lower.
F-nily In the day sentiment waa bearish
bee j noo of the poor response mad by th
Liverpool market to the advance of yter
dnv on the local exchange. The market
audilenly turned strong, however, on the
ocelpt of a dispatch which claimed that
rust had been found In a field In Logan
countv, Illinol. In addition to thl came the
statement that ' an Kngllah itattatlclan
believed that the week ahlpment from
Amnhni would be better than last week.
The same authority claimed that the wheat
crop of southern Italy will be much smaller
than laat vear. From Oklahoma and In -
dlan Territory came reports of disappoint-
Ing harveats. The advices held th mar-
ket strong until near the close, when It
weakened on Belling by local longs. The
market closed easy. The greater part of
the trading waa in September, which
opened unchanged to He higher at 83k3
Mr. eold between M83Wo and t4Sc and
closed at MtoK3'4C. July sold between
MHc and 4c and closed at 8ISo. Clear
ance of wheat and flour were equal to
141.0H0 bu. Primary receipts were 210.000
bu., compared with 201,0n0 bu. the corre
sponding day a year ago. Minneapolis.
Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of
It car agalnat 170 car last week and 150
cars one year ago.
The corn market was Arm most of th
day on an active demand by cash houses.
I.ocal receipt were small and acceptance
In the country were scarce. Th late break
In wheat caused some liquidation In corn
and brought about a alight reaction, the
market closing steady. September opened
unchanged to c higher at 62v to &2S
old between 61V31Uc and Kc and closed
at th lowest point. July sold between
MsXjaMe and AIV and closed at 53c. Local
raoalpts were 4X6 cars with SOS cars of
contract grade.
Profit taking by local holders depressed
the oats market. The volume of trading
waa small. Beptember opened mtHc higher
at Silr to 3HV, sold off to Vic and closed
at'30MiC. July ranged between Jc and tc
and closed at the bottom. 1-ocal receipt
were 170 cars.
Provisions were weak- on selling by local
packer, who were Influenced by Increased
receipts of live hogs at weatern packing
center. At the close September pork was
off 1 :,, at flt.KTH. iJird waa down Ic at
S U7. Rib were 10c lower at t 16.
F.stlmated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat,
S car: corn, 463 cara; oata, IM car: hog.
:7.fX head.
Th leading future ranged aa follows:
Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. J Cloae Te y
J . t . .
W a4
84V 484C6
July... 62V-'
lais 1
July.. 3M,
Dec....' 37:
Potk-r i
61V 52 !
61 't
a 39
87V, I
July...; 17 sii
17 60
17 16
It 6
8 70
a m
17 20 ! 17 60
It tTH It 80
Sept... I 1 70 ! It 70
Ijrd- I )
July...) 8 75 f 8 75
8 724
8 VW.
I 87
a so
8 fcH
a u
8 0
a o
a t
2T, 9 I7W
I a ao i t r?s:
a tr
9 It i
9 00
a aVi
a a
9 10
No. 1
(.'ash quotations wer as follow:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 33 6t
4 '10: atraur'its, $J Vo-$. iO; spring patent.
S j4M4rt. tralght. $J.4in$aV; baker. $.'.30
WHEAT No. I prlng. S31ic; No. 3. 71
fjVc: No. 1 red. eSTCrc.
CORN N. 2. SSe: So. 3 yellow. 62S3c.
OATS No. i. 3!e: No. 3 white. 4lWJ4l4c;
NO 3 white. aSiii'V-
rte No. 2. tmmv- '
western, $1 12; prune timothy, $4 00: clover,
ti-otrai'l giades, 8II.3S
BARLEY Klr lo choice malting, BOCMc.
SEED No I flax. 31 ; No. 1 nunh
PRtVISINS Short rib aide (loose!,
. 10 i. Mess rk.. per bbl . 81T.16O17 10.
Ird. pet ho . rv.ti. dhort Clear sides
(boxed). fW.iB'il'' j.
Receipts and shipment of flour nnd grain
were: Kecetpui. Shipments.
Flmir. bbl. I4fc ' l9o
Wheat, bu 8rt 10 TOO
Corn. 614. M 7M
Oata. bu j0 k,Kn
I',yi, bu
Hsriey. bu
t )
On the Produce exchange today the but
ler market was firm, v reameries. ife'&.w-;
dairies, iiia Eggs, steady, at murk.
ce Included. l!ifloc; firsts, 16c; prime
firs;. Ik; extras. lc. Cheese, steady,
tsantatloaa of the Day Varies
NEW YORK. June II FI )L"R Receipt.
20.2;:' bbla.; export. ;.V bhl. ; aatea. ,i)
pag. Atarket steady with Utile demand.
Minnesota patent. $8.6IVn2 86; Mlnresota
baker, J.tfra.5, winter patent, $40Oi48O;
winter traicht. Utnrntli): winter extra..
I $.' 9""f(J.0; winter low gradrs, $2 'aJ.35. Rye
flour, sieady; fair to good. li.tbflS soj; choice
CURNMEAL-Steady; fine white and yel-
Mow, .'ia:t,. coarse. 11 liwjl.l-'; kiln dried,
I $ ixt.
RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 6c, f O.
New York.
WHEAT Receipts. H.fl5 bu.; sale. J.l.-
bu. future. Spot mrket easy; No. Z,
4c In elevator; No. 2 red. 9r, t. o. b.,
anoat. No. 1 northern tuluth, !vc, f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, !u'c.
f. o. b., afloat. Firmness wh the rule all
day In wheat. Buying motive Included
reports of rust In Illinois, poor threshing
returns from the southwest, a good com
mission house demand and light estimates
for Argentina shipments. In the last ten
minute, however, heavy selling developed
and price tumbled sharply, closing 'tc
lower to net higher; July. frffOlc, clos
ing at !oc; September closed at 8:-'C;
Lecemher closed at" SKHc.
CORN Receipts. ai.l6 bu.; exports. SOU
bu.; sales 26,(u bu. futures. Spot market
stesdy; No. 2, 0c In elevator and oc, t.
o. b., afloat: No. 2 yellow. 0c; No. 2 white.
0c. Option market wa quiet today, but
generally steadier on cables, cool weather
and the wheat upturn until the last hour.
when realising weakened It and flnal price
showed only Vc net advance; July closed
at 6Mc; September. 6fi(i9Vc, closing at
69c: December cloed t 6Hc.
OATS Receints. 71.HO bu.: exi
exports. 876
bu.: snot market, steady; mixed oat. It
to 32 lb.. 46Uc; natural white. 30 to XI
lb.. 461i4c; clipped while. 40 to ii lbs.,
FEED Bteadv; Spring brsn. 120.00, to
srrlve; middlings, 2JO.S0. to srrlv.
HAY-Steady; shipping, S70c; good to
choice. TVj95c.
HOPS Julet; state, common to choice,
19nfi, U1.V; 1904. nominal; olds, nominal; Pa
cific coaat, li, 10Sl&c; llf4, 11412c; old,
HIDES Firm; Oalveton, 20 to 26 lb..
JOc; California. 20 to 26 lb., flc: dry, 24 to SO
lbs., IKe
LEATHER Steady; add. 2r27Hc.
PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, $11.00
fill 50: mess. tt.6O09.OO; beef ham. fe0.5fa
22.00; city extra India mesa. n.5nfl7.00. Cut
meal, firm; pickled hellle. $;
pickled houlder. $.OfS.26; pickled hama,
12.Mil2.60. Lard, barely steady; prim
westerly. I(.0; refined, quiet; continent, $9.30.
Pork, Arm: family. $18 6i619.00; short
clears. $l.7!iei.60; mess. $17.00tfl7.60.
TALLOW Steady ; city. 6c: county, JV9
icj5-8teady; domestic, fslr, f&Hc; Ja
pan, nominal.
BUTTER Firm. Street, price: Extra
creamery, 21c. Official price: Creamery,
common to extra, lt821o.
CHEE8K Firm; new state full cream,
large, fair to fancy. MiC'lOVtc; new state,
small, inferior to fancy. lOUc.
EGO 8 Firm; western first, 16iffl7o;
western ecend. 164jlHc.
POl'LTR Y Live, firm: western broiler.
22c; fowls, l.Hc; turkey, llfdl2c; dreed.
firm; western broilers, 18t?2c; turkeys, 11
&13c; Xowls. U913HC.
Bt. leasts General Market.
BT. LOl'IS. June 21. WHEAT Lower;
No. 2 red. call. elevator. 87Hc; track, 8Hc;
July, TOTJ'tc; September, Xvc; No. 2
hard, ali-Mc.
CORN Weak; No. 2 cash. &0o; track,
HWBWHc July, 4fUc; September, SO'e.
OATS Weak; No. t cah, 39c; track.
2H4oc; July. 9e; September, 36c; No. 2
white, 4Jo.
FLOUR-Steady; red winter patents, $4.46
40; extra fancy and straight, $3.764.40;
clear. $2.7600.
SEED Timothy, steady, $2 .50432.90.
CORNMEAL Dull. $2.60.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. ft3S7c.
HAY Steady; timothy, tl4.00il7.SO; pralria,
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing,
$l(.674j- Lard, lower: prima steamed. &.4A.
Drv salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$!).6ii; clear ribs, $9.76; short clears, $10.00.
Bacon, ateody; boxed extra short. $10.60;
clear ribs. $10.$2V; short clear, $10.76.
' POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs,
Klillk-j turkeys, 12V; ducks, $Hc; geese, bc.
w t I'TV B B el. d V
creamery, lu.2ic;
. V. . - . . . j
'.Itiatrv. lvalTC
I 1X4Q8 Steady at 13U.
i tie receipts ana soipment or nour ana
I un were
Receipts. Shipments.
Hour, bbls..., 6,00 8.000
Wheat, bu-.'. 11,000 S2.0fi0
Corn, bu. 32,Oufl 72.0HU
Oat, bu 42.1 WO U.000
Mlaaeaaolls Grain Market.
patents, tt.36iV4.46; second pntents, $4.2041
4. SO; first clear. $3.603. tO; second clears,
BRAN In bulk. $16. 16316 60.
(Superior Board of Trad Quotations for
Minneapolis ' and Chicago delivery.) Th
rang of prlcea, a reported by F. D.
at Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa:
Articles ! Open. I Hlgh. Low. Clo. Tes'y
Whafct )
r S4S 3S 83V,
82S74 8-iH
ai ar a uvi
1U 1 II 1 14H! 1 14V 1 16U
11H 1 14Vi 1 14H 1 14, 1 154j
1 14 . 1 14. 1 1$ 1 U4 1 ll
Kawsava City Grata aad ProvUloa.
ibt; Beptemoer. 7c. casn: no. I hard,
77!fi74c: No. a. 7W77Vc: No. 4. iff74c; No.
rre5. 824584c; No. 3. 7"a82c: No. 4, 704J77C.
CORN July, 48c; September, 48Vc; De
cember. 4c. Cah: No. 2 mixed, one; No.
3. 60c: No t white. 61Vc; No. 3, 61c
OATS No. $ mixed. S3c.
RYE Steady; 60 68c.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy, ll.iotr
14 00: choice prairie. $12.00.
EOOB Firm: Missouri and Ksnsa new
No. $ whttewood caaea Included. 14r; cas
count, llc: cases returneu wc less.
BUTTER Firm; creamery'. 18Vc; packlni
. Receipt. Shipment
Wheat, bu 14.oo 4 1 .' !
Corn, bu. It. 000 35.000
Oata. bu 3.009 4.000
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
ket. steadv: No. I northern. BKVr7Vc: No,
3 northern. 84V41i-l)Voi September, 84Tt)C.
RYE Steady; No. 1. c.
BARLEY' Steady ; No. t 6iVj67c; sample,
4W3 ooc.
CORN-Hlgher; No. "i cah, 6:i96?Hc; Sep
tember, 52c asked. .
l.iTrrpeel t.raln Market.
nominal; No. 1 California (In Manchester),
ft 6Vd. Futurea. quiet: July. Ha 7,d; Sep
tember, ts 8d; December. 6s 8vd.
CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, old,
4s 11S4. Km urea, firm; July, 4a 'd. September,-
4a 7S$-
Peerta Grain Market.
PEORIA. III., June 21. CORN Un
changed: No. 3 yellow, 81V; No. 3. Sl'cj
No. 4. 60V,c; no grade, 4tl Voc.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white, 40c; No. 3 whit.
tMi. No 4 white, SKStTSSVc.
Dnlath Gram Market.
DULUTH. June 31-WHEAT-No. I north
ern. Kc; Ni. 1 northern, s3'c; July, 83Sc;
Seplenber, Sac.
OATS To arrive and on track and July,
Toleda Seed Market.
TOLEDO. June 11. SEEDS Clover, cash.
$ 16. R. No. 2. tec. Timothy, prime, $1.96.
Alalke, August. $7.76.
Metal Market. .
Thara was an advance of over II In th
London tin market, with spot cloaing M
(178 It and futures st 117 6s. Locally
th market wa Quiet but firm, with po
quoted at $19,006 $9.25, Copper was lower
in the English market, n it n spot cloaing
at ft! Ui and future tl (kj. locaily
the market , wa unchanged, with lake
quoted at $19. 76 19.00. electrolytic at
$18 17 6 It Ii, casting at $18 !i(7 It 1V
Lt-ad waa unchanged at $6 T6b5 t In the
local market and (It 16 In 1-endoi,. 8pltr
was also unchanged In bot'i market, clos
ing at 14 10t.J0 locally and at (:7 7a td
In London. Iron waa higher in the English
market, with atandard foundry quoted at
6na 2d and Cleveland warrants at 60a 4Ud.
Ixcally Iron wa lower, with northern
grades reduced tw meet the southern de
cline. No. 1 foundry nr:ern Is quoted
at $II?M 18 76; No. 2 foundry northern,
i7.Ttr? Ik S. N. I foundry southern,
IT U4 18.00;. No. t foundry southern.
I T 04 v ) 7 60.
JT. liOi'M. June J1..-T-1II5TALS Laad.
steady at .0. tipellci, ii it.
PrioM Art Osnortlly Lower on PnoipiUU
Selliot bj SpMnlaUrt.
CTrlaa; by Pharts Caaea Posaa
ImprOTemeat, bat Close la Eay(
with Valae at a Frartlaa
Belew liwwti
NEW YORK. June 21. A pronounced de
termination of speculative holdings In
stocks developed In the stock market today.
The small regard shown for prices In ef
fecting this rmpnse argued a precipitancy
w'hli-h had a very rllscoursglng and de
pressing effect on speculative sentiment.
The cause for th mutation In speculative
sentiment are nut alwaya easily discover
able and there wa nothing on the surface
of the day events which would account
at all for the abrupt transition from the
confidence manifested In yesterday' buy
ing r.f stuck to the cnclle throwing over
of holdings which characterised today'a
market. The nature and the volume of the
selling In view of this lack of explanation
of event In Itaelf proved formidable to
the maintenance of confidence and gnre
rise to a feeling of anxiety of causes lying
beneath the surface which might be the
Inducement for the large selling which was
In evidence In the market. The Impressive
selling was especially conspicuous in Penn
sylvania and In the United States Steel
atock and the sympathetic effect of thl
upon the whole market wa very bad.
Some of the event of the week which
ure regarded as most Important from s
financial standpoint are regarded as cal
culated to be of especial benefit In Penn
sylvania In Its stock market standing and
It Is assumed that the benefit thus afforded
to the stock waa the motive In bringing
about these events. Yesterday's action by
the director of the Baltimore Y Ohio In
advancing the dividend rftts from a 6 per
cent to a t per cent basis was such an
event. So wa the statement given out
by the president of the Pennsylvania In
connection with the flotation of the Pari
loan, which was a review of the finances of
the company, evidently Intended to re
assure public opinion on the subject. That
there should be such urgent pressure to sell
the stock and such an Important volume
of liquidation offered for the purpose In the
face of these measures calculated to sus
tain the stock 1n the market gave rise to
uneasiness on the part of speculative hold
er looking to a rise In the price. The
persistent sejllng of United State Steel
wa of a similar effect on good speculative
sentiment. The reported cut In price of
southern foundry Iron was considered
largely responsible for the weakness In
United States Steel, although the aupposed
Intention to Issue bond for the resumption
of the Tndlana plant was also cited as
ground for selling. The cut In southern
Iron prices Is enhanced by th fact that
It disclose a trade policy traceable to the
ame sources a were responsible for the
sudden cut In wire prices several year
ngo In the midst of promises of unparalleled
firosperlty In that trade and active specu
atlon In stocks. ld by the authority In the
trade. Aside from these somewhat senti
mental considerations there were no Im
portant developments affecting the stock
Money on call was easy, the stock mar-
Vet liquidation probably having an Influence
In this direction. Foreign exchange de
clined further In response to the reduction
In the Ba.nk of England'a official discount
rste, but rates for time money continued
strong and only light supplies were offered.
Account I taken of the approach of tne
time for preparation for the July settle
ment which are expected to cause some
pressure on money supplies. The grain
market remainea under tne innuence or
scnttered reports of crop damage which
were not calculated to help the stock mar
ket. There was some rally on ahort
covering during the last hour of the es
slon. but the closing tone waa easy and
only a fraction above the lowest.
Bonds wer eaav. Total sales, par vglue.
$1,706,000. United State bonds were nil un
changed on cnll.
The following are the quotation on the
8tock exchange: . .
Bait. Hlh. Low. flni.
Adsms Express
Amalxsmated Copper
Anierttin C. at P
Amerlrtn C. gr T. pft....
American Cotton Oil
Am. Cotton Oil pfd
American Express
American H. 1. pfd....
American Ire. eecurltlea. .
Amerlce Linseed Oil
American Linseed Oil pfd
America Locoatotlee .....
Am. Loromottve pfd
American S. a- R
American aV R. pfd....
American Sugar Refining.
Am. Tooacco pfd ctra
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison pfd
Atlantic Coaat Line ,
Baltimore A Ohio -
Baltimore Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Transit..
Canadian Partfle
Central of New Joraey
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Ctweapeeke Ohio
Chlcaao Alton,
Chlcaa-o Alton pfd
Chlcaao Great Weatern . .
Chlcao A Northwestern . .
thlraeo, Mil. ft 8t. Paul.
Chicago T. A T
Chicago T. A T. pfd
C, C. C. A Bt. Loula ...
Colorado Fuel A Iron....
Colorado A Southern
Colorado A So. let pfd...
Colorado A So. Id pfd....
Consolidated Gas
Corn Products
Cora Products pfd
Delaware A Hudeon
Delaware. L. A W
Denver A Rio Orande....
Denver A R. O. pfd
Wet I Here' Securities
It rie let pf
Erie Id pfd
General Electric
Great Norther pfd
Hocking Valley
Illlnola Central
International Paper ..A...
international Paper pfd...
International Pump
International Pump pfd...
InlerborouBh Met
Imerborouih Mt. pfd
lewa Central
Iowa Central pfd
Kanaai City Southern....
Kaniea City to. pfd
Loulevlll A Naehellle...
Mexican Central
Mioneapoile A St. Louis..
74.110 106V,
1.8MI 40 18 '
tOO U' II It'll
4(a) ! ' K
100 M4 14
'...(.- 4Pli,
1100 . 71 r. t- l ,
100 114 116 J1V i
n.l" WH 147Vi' I4 , '
4fW ll' 414
I.XOO 114
no 10014 ton 14 ioc
.. 45.100 IUV, 4i 144
. . 4.7CO pn n XV
400 101 0 1024
t0 14?W 141', 140
.. 41.000 114, 117 m
toft M ll4
.. J4.40 J 7H ;,
. . , 000 IMS 14i I41S
, !
.. 1.400 40V n st
100 101 10J 101
.. 1. 100 b 44 '4 ea4a
.. 1.400 II 1714 174
400 104 too too
.. M.4O0 1404k 1774k I74"
.. 14.104 54 S tn ' 41
.. 1.400 14t Il4 4Vtj
!00 441 44', 44
.. 1.400 14 117 1X41.
.. 1.404 114 III, ilk
100 m 40 40
.. 1.400 IU 11114 134
404 4M4 44S 4)S
P SI UV 44
.. 1. 100 4014 44 4e44
.. 11.400 4414 4fi 44
W0 71 744 74U
.. 1.400 704k 70 44
40 It; 1J14 144
.. i.we mi4 tt t4-,
.. 1.400 141 1714 174'i
10 19 1 1
1 84
14 II 41 44
.. 11.400 . 4i4 4I4 41
.. 8.800 74i 77V 74
l" rv i7
100 42i Hi 41
100 U14 16 ti
100 14 14 44
4 100 lit 144 144U,
.. I. MO 224 11 tl
M . St. P. A f 8. M
M . St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd..
Missouri PecHe ,
Missouri, kenaae A Texas..
M.. K. A T. p'td
National Lead
Natlonel A. R. of M. pfd..
New York Central
New Torh. O. A W
Norfolk A Westers
Norfolk A W. pfd
North American
Northern Pacific
Faclnc Mall
People's Ua
P , C, C. A 8l. L
Prenaed Steel Car
Pressed Steel Car pfd
147 1M4 IM4
100 1744 17J 171
l.OOO Mia 44 46
1.404 84V 14 I J.,
1.10 744 12 7;i
14O0 1744 1444k 1S
I.IOO 4S 44 4tL,
11.100 f4k 44 4m
1.400 M7V4 21 10,1V
Kio . 14 M 14
74,400 ll?4, U014 U0(j
t.OtiO 404k MS
Pullman Palace Car
Reading let pfd
Reeding td pfd
Republic Steel
Republic Steel pfd
Rock laland Co
Rock Island Co. pfd
Si. L. A g P. td pfd
St. Loula Southwestern....
St Louts S. W. pfd
Sloea-SheRleld tlteel
Southern Pacific
So. PailSr pfd
Suuthern Railway
So. Railway pfd
Tennessee Coal A Iron ...
Texaa A Pacific
Toledo. St. Louis A W ...
T . ft. L. A V'. pfd
t'alon Pacific
I'nlon Pacific pfd
I nlted Statea Eipreaa
t'nlled States Realty
tailed iie Rubber
I S. Rubber pfd
lulled Statea Steel
I". 8. Steel pfd
Va. -Carolina chemical ...
Va -Carolina (hem. pfd...
Wabash pfd
Welle-Pargo Kipree
Weatlaghouso Klertrle ....
Western I'nlon
Wheeling A Las Erie
Wlei-onal Ceetrel
Wistonels Cestral pfd
Total aalea for Ike day.
117.700 1 44S 140V,
I. 700 nn rik
0 W 84 (4
4110 i 14 i,
n ca-ii, a is
100 . 441. 4414 4i
40 14 14 424
1 400 74V, 71 7n,
4.lm nv, 4S 47 4,
4 120 114 HtS
1.700 ITVI (, 14S
20 M ML, 4
400 1M 111 14 J 4
II. IO0 Hi, 111 41i
204 17' !7
400 47 S 47S 47
71.40 i,t, 147.
40 44 44 4
1,10 44 4414 41
40 , U 4
IM 400 US 141, 44,
14.40 1M4, io 14 101
1.000 40 40 0
1.1 8 144, 44V,
40 44 V. 44S 4.'.4
104 41 k, 414 im
171 17V ltv
l.tll.m'eaers. "
N lark Mining; Stack.
NEW YORK. June 21. Closing quotation
on milling siuvnoi "fir.
Ada ma
M'tle Cklef .
Bl ear .
Kranaslrk Con ..
Com at or, TuetieJ.
(oa. Cat A V..
Horn SI leer
Ire Slieer ....
Leadellla Cog ...
. tvv
.. 40
. 24
. . 14
.. 11
Sierra Neeaas
HauJI Hope .
. 8
. 44
. IS
. 4
Bank mt England 9ta4raseat.
LONlON. June 21. -Th weekly statement
of the Hank of Ftig!nd shows the follow
ing rhaoges: Tctal resere. Incrensen 2.
Oot.vCv-; circuUtion. Increaae, l,i.i,o.v, bui-
Hon. Increase, CJ.tntVtM; other securities. In
crease, 4l8.onp; other deposits, decrease,
8siO; public deposits. Increase. av2.47t.(s;
notes reserve. Increase 2.041,000; govern
ment aecurltle, unohanged. Th proportion
of th bank reserve to liability this week
Is 49 per cent.
Jaw Terk Mssey Market.
NEW YORK, June 21. MONET On call,
steady, 2Si per cent: ruling rate. 8 per
cent; closing bid and offered. 2H per cent;
time loans, strong; sixty dsya. 4 per cent;
ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 3 per
per cent.
covery at 4Jk".liti4 Asia for demand and at
$4 82203)4 6276 for sixty-day bills; posted
rates, $4.Kt4 K.4 and $4.8a-4.s; commer
cial bills. $4 82.
SILVER Bar. 6Sc; Mexican dollars,
PONDS Government, steady; railroad,
(quotations on New Tork bond today
were aa follows:
V. 9. ref la, rcg
dn coupon ....
t. g. la. reg ...
do eonpen
V. S. old 4. reg
IW Japan a M sertee.
dn 4a it fa S4
do He etre
do Id series "
I,. A N. unl. 4a 1"J
dn coupon to' .Man
e. g. 4a I
Central 4s et
U. S. new 4a. reg. .Wi, I Mex
no coupon . . .
Am. Tobacco 4.
no 4a
Atehtaon gen. 4e
do adj 4e
Atlantic C. L. 4
llt't do let Ine II
71 Mlnn. A St. .. 4s.. P4
5IJS!M.. K. A T. 4a S
We, : do IS I
M'vN R. R of M. e. 4s. tit
N. V. C. g ins H
N 1 c. g. La m
Bel. A Ohio 4a I0i
do Site M
No. PactSc 4a.
. .U-
Brk. R. T. e. 4a tT la
Central of Oa. to ....111
do let Inc M
do M Ine ii
do la
N. A W. r. 4a ...
O 8. L. rfdg. 4.
Penn. cone. ia..
Reading gen. 4..
do Id Inc M
ll'H A Ohio 4u.a...)07 St. L. A 1. M
Chicago A A. IWa ... fas" LA P.- fg. 4s. It
C, R. A Q. a. 4o., St. K S W. c. 4a .. 11
C, R. I. A P. 4a.... im Seaboard A. L 4s ... Km
do col. 4e t Bo. Pacific 4e
CCC. A St. L. g. 4a .10114 do 1st 4e rtfa
Colo. Ind. 4a, aer. A. ITSe. Railway t lie
do series B 7?vITeiae A P. la I17'
Colorado Mid 4a it T, St. L A W. 4a.. Ill
Colorado A So. (a.... MVrnlon Pacific 4a W
Cuba Its .iwk, 8. Steel Id aa...'.. Ml
P A R O 4e lank Weheeh la IU4
Diet I Here' See. u 0 deb B
Krte p. I. 4s 10i ,Wea!ern M4. 4s..
do gen. 4s A L. E 4e..
Hocking Val. 4Hl lk IWIa. Central 4a..
Japan 4a K4kl
Boston Itoeka aad PJoad.
BOSTON, June 21.-Call loan, -i
cent; time loans, 4-u - ter cent,
closing on stocks and bonds:
Alchlenn ad). 4a , 4 Adrenture
da 4o
.101 .eAllnuex
. IfVilAmaliamated ...
. sS 'American Zinc ..
.! Atlantic
.!4R R!ngham
.); '"cel. A llecla..
.!. ;Centenn)al
,ia t opper Range ...
.1014 Daly West
.147- Franklin
. .'41 Oranby
. Hi, tela Royal
. 41 Maaa. Mining ...
Mex Central 4a
do pfd
Poeton A Albany..
Rneto A Maine
Beaton Elsrated ...
Pitch burg pfd ......
N. V., N. H. A H.
I'nlon Pacific
Amer. Arge. Chem.
do pfd
Amer. Pne. Tnbe
Amer. Sugar
liiV, Michigan
d pfd
ist Monawa
Amer. T. A T lit I Mont. C. A C.
Amer. Woolen 44 Old Dominion .
do pfd 14 jOeeeola
dominion I. A S e4 Parrot
.. M
.. M
.. M
.. 7V
Edison Klee. Ill MV (Julncy
Maes. Klectrle
I It'-ennon .......
do pfd
Maaa. Gas
I nlted Frslt
Vnlisd 8hoe Mark.
do pfd
North Butt
. in '"Tamarack ...
. lV Trlnlty
.104V4 I'nlted Copper .
. a if 8. Mining...
. n l'. S. oil
. Mi I'teh
. . e, 1
.. e4.
.. !.
.. e4
.. 4
.. k
V. 8. Steel
.I4S1 Vlorta
dn nfil . inul . Wlnitne
Westing, common ... Ki Jwoleerlne ..
AShed. "tud.
London t"lolng Stocks.
LONDON. June 31. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Console, money .. 81 11-11 N. Y Central..
. '
. la
. 41
. 44
. 4
. 4l4
. 4714
. 4.1,
. 4i
. 70 4
. 41
. 44
. 44
do account V Norfolk A W...
Anaconda II
do pfd
Atchleon e
da pfd 104
Baltimore A Ohio... II
Canadian Pacific I!e
CTiea. A Ohio X;
Chicago Ot. W ... ii
C, M. A I. P 144H
DeBeers I!S
Ontario A '
Rand Mlnea .......
do let pfd
do td pfd
Southern Railway
' dn pfd
Deneer A R
do pfd ...
O 44 Vfnuthern Pacific .
. Ji In ton Pacific
. 4.V, .do pfd
. ki 8. Steel
a ij , 1 1:0 pfd
'. abaah
tin pfd
do let pfd
do id pfd
Illlnola Central ...
Louleellls A Naah
M., K. A T
SILVKR Rar.' stf. 3o 6-lod per ounce
.xinleh 4a
Mune.1 per cent.
The rte ot atsitount in the open market
for hort bill Is S'nSVa per cent; for three
months' bills, 3t434 per cent.
Bank -of Franc Statemeat.
PARIS. Juno '.'l.i-The weekly statement
of the Bank of France show tne following
Chang: Notes In circulation, decrease,
!7 IRA ItfUl franKf traaaiipv dannalia tnereaee
34.660,014) franca; general deposits, increase.
tl..tiuo francs; gnia in nana, increase.
j.7i5, francs: silver in hand. Increaae,
Z.i&.Ouu francs; bUI discounted, decrease,
2i.2nO,nou francs; advances, decrease, 96O.0U0
' Trcaaarg- Statement.
WASHINGTON. June 21 Today s state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash jhalance.
$188,310.(108; gold coin and bullion, ma&.lll;
gold certificates, $38,061,210.
Bask Clearing;.
OMAHA. June 21. Bank clearings for to
day were $1,864,666.10; for th corresponding
day of laat year th clearings were II. HC.
686.42. Foreign Financial.
LONDON. June 21. Money waa In mod
crate demand today ' and supplies wer
plentiful. Discounts were weak. Trading
on the Stock exchange continued cneerrul
without much Increase In business. The
reduction In the Bank of England's rate
of discount, which was partly discounted
yesiernay, neipen sni-raejea securities sen
erally. Home rails Improved a fraction.
The foreign section appreciated the more
cheerful Paris advices. Americans opened
firm and ruled to well over parity in the
forenoon. The Baltimore A Ohio dividend
was mainly responsible for the Improve
ment. Southern Pacific waa active on div
idend rumors. The sdvsuc continued In
the afternoon on New York support until
the laat half hour, when a break In United
Slates Steel occurred on rumors of a new
Issue and the rest of the market declined
In sympathy and closed with prices eaay
Kafllra Improved sllghtlly. Japaneae Im
perial 8a of 1304 closed st 102.
Cotton Mnrket.
In fair demand: prices. 7$9 points higher;
American middling, fair. .65d; good mid
dling, j.34d; middling. fi.l?d; low middling.
6.9td; good ordinary, 6.74d; ordinary, 6.64d.
The sale of the day were lO.OOtj bales, of
which l.f'O were for speculation snd ex-
rnrt nnd Included 9.400 American: receipt,
nno bale. Including 700 American.
linked eltady. 6 points decline; middling
uplands. 1 Oleic; middling gulf, 11.16c; snles,
12,728 bale.
Spot closed steady; aalea, 500 bales: low
ordinary, 7 9-liie. nominal; ordinary, 8 l-1c;
good ordinary. fSrt lw middling. 10 3-lfic;
middling. 10 15-14c; good middling, 11 7-l0c;
mlildling fair. 11 16-lc, nominal; fair.
12 "-Iii.-. recelpta. 842 bale; stock, 68,672
PT IX5UIS. June 21. OTTON-Steady;
middling, 11 1-lbc; aale. ii bale: receipt.
4S bale; shipments, none; stock. 91.140
Oil and Koala.
NEW YORK. June 21. -Oil CottoiiBeed.
easv; jirune t-rude. f. o. h. mills. 2.Sc;
pr'me yellow. 35(11371 Sc. Petroleum, steady;
refined. New York. $7.W. Turpentine, fl:m
ai sjiMi4ic.
ROSIN Firm: t rained, common to good,
SAVANNAH. G., June 21. -Ol L8 Tur
pentine. Arm. 67Sc,
ROSIN A. B. C.'tJ.bfl; D. K. F. $4 00; O.
$4 lo64 12H; H. $4 20; I. $4 16; K. $4.3u; M.
$4 46: W Q. $4 7; W W $4 86
OIL CITY, June 21 OU S-Credlt bal
anrea. 114 Shlptnenta, Kl 179 hills ; aver
age, 84.644 bbla. Runs. 89.1S2 hhls. ; aver
age. 81.482 hhls Lima shipment, t3.9rfl
bbls : average. 63.877 bbla. IJma run, (i.
; bbl.; average, $7,210 bbla.
near aad Mel a.
firm; fair refining. 3c, centrifugal, 98 teat,
vue 11-o.L. .,i..i (, .th, ri lined
... ' a - Uw V n a 1 : . . . .
Ullie, . . J. w.-v- , .-. ,, . im-,
4 05c; No. 10. 4 00c; No. 11, ( 96ci
190c: No. '1. 3.864 ; No. 14, 186c;
No. 8.
No. 11,
tinner' A. 4Mc; mould A. 8 06c: cm In.e
( 4"c: crushed, (4uc; powdered,; granl
ulated, 4 7c.
kettle centrifugal. 3vl 7-I4V: centrifugal
while, (c: rentrlftigul yellow, JSI''; sec
ond, 2J'4V
Co4Te Market.
NEW TORK. June 21 COFFEE Market
for future opened Meady at an advance of
6V&10 polnta on a little local buvlng and
European support. The close wa attadv
at a net advance of 5tfl0 points. The net
sales Including the swlti he of bags
wer reported at 87.6nO bags. The business
Included Jul at (V: Se.teinber. :5c;
o-tooer. h..n.; feetniwr. 8. 4n 5v ; Mar"h.
th June 1
tl I June 20
iv I June 21
Ctttlt Trtdt Ifort Aetivt, with PrioM
Steady to GtroDf.
All Record Flrekea by Beg Receipt
thing "Jaw ar laaportaat te
II Reported Regarding
the gfceea Trad.
SOUTH OMAHA. Jun fl. 108.
Receipt were:
Cattl. Hogs. Sheep
Official Mondar ....
Official Tuesday ....
Official Wednesday
Of.Vial Thursday ..
.. 2.114
... 4.8'A
... 4.864
... $.600
If, 4
21. HI
Four day this week.. 14.928 o.M2 $.9:$
Sam days Isst week...lti.lll 68.197 7.436
Same two week ago. .. Id. 14. 16.477 11.674
Bama three weeks ago. .17. 41 48.481 11,766
Same four weeks ago... 18,197 67.8.14 12.416
Rame days laat year 18.17$ 46,74 14,831
The following table shows th receipts of
cattle, bos and sheen at South Omaha
,nr 'ho year to date, compared with laat
er: ijot Ha. Inc.
Csttle 467.467 408.24.1 4?.2l4
.l,3' 1.201 .n.18 1A1.SO0
748,371 iln.sra si,tss
The following will show th price paid
for th different kind of cattle on the
Bouth Omaha market:
Good to cholc corn-fed steer $4 $"5.50
lair to good corn-fed steerk 4.)fu4..i
t-ommon to fair corn-fed steer.... 4 0n4tO
Oood to choice cows and heifers.. 4.0nj4.6S
Fair to good cowa and heifers.. J.8.VI4 .00
tommon to (air cows and heifers.. 1 ti64y:.
Oood to choice stockers A feeders. $.7ffli'4.26
' o good stockers and feeders. $2.Vu375
Common to fair stockers 1 0tf8 25
Bulla, stags, otc S.704J4.26
Val calve 4 Ooat li
Th following table ahow the serage
price of hog at South Omaha for the laat
several day, with comparisons:
Isfe. I ltot. 1906.:i904.!19i. 1902. 11901. ;i900.
June 10.
I I 20! 4 75' t Oil 7 2t, t 88,
I jun, n
el I 4 79 t 03; 7 881 i 91, S 01
i (18, 1 t 00, 7 32 1 i 89 , 4 97
6 I 1H 4 721 071 7 Del M 4 ett
j. 1,
t 27S, 6 131 4 84 7 111 I HI
4 86
t 34 6 19 4 82 6 9i It 87,
4 89
Of; K3 f 08, 9 V.1 7 -'4
4 96
I 2tl 4 f-'l ( 96'' 7 : ( M'
t KH4I 4 93 6 971 7 26 6 89! ( 03
, 1 1 a 19. - 1 4 7 44; i v
I 6 HO I 6 ln 6 00 6 881 7 13 6 t, 4 94
I I 6 10, ( 07 I 7 43, 6 92, 4 93
Cattl. Hog.
Omaha r nawA u ic rL.n in
1 v "icsao j. to
Kansas City 2.1S4J6 70
St. Loul 10iK4S.j
Sioux City lOOkT6.26
6.011 !flJ.t
4 60 4J 6
The following snow the, ntimoer of cars
of stockers and feedera ahlorjed to tha coun-
I try and their point of destination:
W. Flegena, Hamilton, La. Q 1
C B. i reetnsn, Calg, Neb. M. A O I
J. W. brooks, Blair, Neb. M. At 0 1
Woif-Meyer Co., Hampton, Ntb. U. W.. 2
i.eonara at u.. t-osan. is t. i
A. L. Pufler. Missouri Valley. la. N. W.
! 1
George Weyor, Murray. Neb. Mo. P
J. R. White, Plcareli, .Neb U. P
Thomas Hanlgan, Kimball, Neb. U. P.
A. Harrow, uaaalooaa, la. K. I
C. M. Larson, Kxlra, la. K. 1
P.. Miller, Tecumaen, Neb. g
Huosun Ai Bros., Louisville, Ky. Wab.
J. C. Southwaard, Allen, Kan. Mo. P.
I. B. Holiettower, fiucyrus, Kan. Mo. P,
J. K. Cook, Lexington, Ky. Q...
B. R. Tiller, xlumanvtlle. Mo. Q
J. Ramabottom, Narka, Kan. R. 1
S. S. Cameron, Jamaica, la. Mil
O. Smith, Iron Mountain, Mich. Mil...
kl. l. Burton, Crown Point, lnd. N. W,
R. Melvln, Woodard, N. T.-N. W
M. u. Aliehy, Malvern, la. Q
H. B. Miller, Afton. la (J ..
tl. It. LocKIn, Amelia, la. I. C
J. V. McMillan, Leland. la. I. C
8. N. Bladen. Coleridge. Neb. M. A O.
A. Russell. Wakefield, Neb. M. A O
H. Siemeler, Coxad. Neb, U. P
Beman A H., Delta, la. R. I
H. C. Bartlow, Clilcago, 111. N. W
8. R. Moornead, Delolt, Mich. K. W...
John Brown, Slielblna Mo. Q
E. D. Benton, Crown Point, Ind. N. W.
The 1 ofllctHl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road waa:
cattle, nogs, eneep. 11 sr..
C, M. A St. P., 1 I
Wabash 1 1 ..
Mi.ouii Pacific 2 i 1
L P. Syetem 8 47 $ 1
C. A N. .. east...... $ 1
C. A N. .. wet.... S8 bt
C, HI. P., M. O.... 4 19 1
C., B. Ai Q.. east t ( 1
C, B. A Q.. west 31 65 3
C. R. I. oi P.. ent.. 2 t
C. R. 1. P.. west.. 20 4
Illinois Central 2
Chicago Ot. Western. 2 X
Total receipts 164 207 I 4
The disposition of the day receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing th r um
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs, Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co..
Swift and Company
Cuduhy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Omaha Pck. Co., K. C...
Cudahy Pk. Co.. So. St. P.
Cudahy Pk. Co.. K. C...
; vantiant ft t o
tubman A Co....
w 1 n.,,...'
i jjj'h 4 g0n
Klngan A Co
Sol Degan
J. B. Root A Co
Krey Packing Co
Independent Pck. Co
St. Itula Dr'netl Beef Co.
Cudahy Bro. Co
8. A 6
Other buyers
Totsl .02 K.38S 1,345
CATTLE There wa a lair run of cat
tle her for a Thursday, the receipt be
ing somewhat larger than a ween ago.'For
seme reason or other there was a better
feeling prevailing on the market and thu
trade aa a rule was in better shape.
Buyers seemed to have need for quite
g good many hnef cattle and wer out
eany and mora active bidder than any
previous day this week. The price paid
were fully steady with yeaterday while In
spots It looked a Utile atronger. That la,
salesmen who happened to have uch cat
tle a buyera especially wanted, figured
that they were able to aecure a little be,
ter prlcea than yeaterday. It waa, to sy
the leHst, a good, firm market.
There was not enough good dry lot cows
snd heifers in sight to make any very
great showing on the market, but such
there were sold very readily at good,
strong price. Urass cow and heifer con
tinue very alow and weak. Oood bulla arc
selling aa well aa at any time, but It '
verv hard work to dispose of crass bulls,
no one eemlng 10 want that kind. Venl
calves are good sellers every day. tha en
of them bringing largely 18.26.
There were no stockers or feeders in
sight and there Is nothing of any Im
portance to b said regarding the markt.
Representative aalea:
, I June ...
jun 14...
,5 June 16...
Ilea Jun 17...
i Jun 18...
I - w e a I
He. A. Pr. K. Ae. Pr.
1 740 1 II II nto 4 40
14 444 I 71 tl im t M
I 424 I 10 1 n7 4 M
14 411 4 00 44 1224 4 40
1 PJ 4 00 44 121.J .4
4 444 4 14 1141 4 i)
11 1 4 .1 4 10 U 1171 4 40
1014 4 14 24 1U1 4 H
14 444 4 40 14 mo 4 44
4 1044 4 io M 1211 I 00
I 425 4 40 20 12VJ a
o 44: 4 4 4 ;4o t 0
1041 4 44 14 un 1 0
14 Ml Hi 4 Ill 4 U0
14 444 4 4 14 1174 4
24 41 4 40 4 14V4 I
10 Utt 4 44 II 124 4 44
14 ill! 4 4 14. UT7 I
I Ills) 4 14 M 1144 I 1
It 1014 4 14 II Iteo I 11
14 1141 4 7 41 111 ( 1
II 1011 4 1 4 H'4 f 14
III 1244 4 71 It lltl I 10
44 1141 4 14 74 1 Ml 1 44
It 1141 4 74 4 140 I 44
14 IK I 4 1 114 I lo
11 1111 4 44 11 ....1144 I 14
44 1014 4 44 U 1474 1 ft
II 1110 4 44 1477 1 4
1 40 I 4 1 74 I 40
1 4M I 44 t 10 4 ,4
1 1' 1 1 11 I 4u
1 41 1 4 1 imo 1 M
1 IS 1 1 1 10 1 40
1 IIM 1 4 1074 1 4
1 440 I 14 1 IM I II
1 44 1 2 1111 I
1 1l I 1 1144 1 14
4 41 1 4 1 ;o I .
1 1114 I a 1 11M I 7
1 424 I 40 1 1140 I it
1 lit 1 4v 4 Him 1 ii
1 84 tt I 144 I 14
" 1 0 I I"e4 I 74
4.4 I 4 It 114 1 11
II :4 I 44 1 1114 1 14
WO 114 I 440
I tl'iO 1 74 4 Ill I It
1 IM I 74 1. 1110 I 40
I 1 It I IK 4 40
1 47 4 n I 10.4 I 4
1 UM I V 8 US I 8
1 tst I 1 in 4 0
I .n4 s 1 11 re 4 4
1 s( tie 4 I
1 44 I as vi 4 i
1 tone I on 4 1a4 4 14
48 I IS I M 4 M
1 IOT4 I M II 44 4 IS
1 114 I U 1 inn i
1 Ilea I 4 I ?in 4 14
1 Ul I 4e 1114 4 44
I I 44 14 I 44
1 44 I 44 I aet N
1 W 1 Ml I 44
4 714 14 1 tor I 74
1 40 14 t IT I Tl
I TT I SO 1 40 4 14
1 114 I I 1 1014 4 I
I 41 4 1 4M 4 14
I IT4 I 4S 4 sat 4 II
4 141 1 9 4 44 4 44
1 I I 4 Ml I tl
1 1110 I 71 I tfoo I
1 me 1 o 1 i4is 4
1 410 1 o 1 man I 74
1 1 1 40 I Kio I 14
1 1140 14 I 1411 I 74
1 I'M 1 44 I 1414 I 40
1 14n 1 W 4 leoa, 4 no
1 104 1 0O I in; ft
I ltd I 14
1 t 1 10 1 4 8 IS
1 K4 4 74 1 k 140 4 74
1 140 4 It II 1F4 I T4
1 14 I OS 1., tto 1 T,
4 1 4 1 II I Tl
1 17 I 44 4 141 4 74
1 1X0 I 44 4 10; 4 40
1 140 4 4 1 140 M
1 11 I 40
1 I I 70 44 I 40
40 t 44 1 470 I 40
1 400 I 00 1 474 1 40
1 474 I 00 I 440 1 40
1 440 1 H 4 444 I 4
1 I 1 1 4 740 I 40
1 144 I 44 4 11 I 44
1 74 in
1 1140 I 00 1 1440 4
1 .,..1140 4 04
HtiUN 1 ne official count or ycaterdav'a
receipts of hogs showed that to have been
the largeat oay in the history of the 8011th
Omaha hog market, 21,601 hogs having ar
rived at tne yards. Previous to thai day
th record waa held by July 11, 1894. when
20,68 hogs were received. A noted ves
terday the big run In 1894 wa occasioned
by the drouth of that year, which com
pelled farmer to market not only their
matur hog, but their pigs and breeding
stock as wall. A considerable number of
the arrival at that time were only pigs,
aome of them so small that the tock
yard company was compelled to place
narrow stripe between the plank ot tho
pen to prevent the escape of youngster.
Yeaterday no such condition prevailed, the
receipts consisting of mature hogs of fair
to good average quality. It might he
added that yeaterday'a record breaking run
wa handled In very satisfactory shape,
the great hlg bulk of all the hoes selling
In good season In the morning and at very
satisfactory prices, the average of all tho
sales being $S.2.0.
There waa another liberal run of hogs
this morning, over 200 fresh cars being re
ported In. The liberal recelpta and advicea
of lower market at other point cued
buyer to tart out bidding fully (e lower
than yeaterday'a market, that I. $6.26 for
the general run of hog. They did not
get very many on the opening bid and
gradually the market firmed up until It
waa not on an average over me lower
than yeaterday. On thl bast th hogs
very freely and the big bulk of all the
nogs changed handa In good season In tha
forenoon. Aa will be noted from the ale
below (he hog verv Isrgelv went at $8.25
45 8.30. with $t,27 tt, the popular prices,
whereas yesterdav the. bulk waa at $6.27 H
ifr33H. with 88.30 the popular price, (t
will be noted from the taS of av
price that th hoa sold o-i an averasr
Just about where they did on Thursday of
last week, the advance since that day hav
Ing been wiped out.
Representative sale;
14 ...
44. .
71. .1.
.. 2JI
. . .170
. ..W7
So. PT. No. Ae. h. Pf.
40 I 22V, 41 114 till 4 17V,
40 111, 4 14 40 7i
1 14 41 131 140 17i,
... 14 71 144 ... 7'4
40 4 74 141 ... 1 77V,
III i IS 74 247 40 I7V,
M M 47 177 40 17 V
tl 14 4(1 II ... I 17V,
40 14 74 274 40 4 27 V,
40 4 IS 7 140 ... 171
4(1 M , 71 Ill rM 1714
40 4 1(1 7 Ill 10 27V,
10 27V, 41 It SO I 17V,
SO 4 rvj 14 Ill 140 4 1714
.... 11V, 44 114 40 4 171
17V, 70 101 ... 1114
40 I 17 V, 14 Ill 40 4 271,
40 17V, 47 II 40 17V,
... 4 17V, 44 144 40 1 27 V,
80 I 27 V, 41 211 140 27 V,
14 77 V, 74 O0 10 27 V,
10 I7i 44 ISt 40 ( 1714
SO 4 27V, It 147 40 17V,
40 1 27 V, 74 JWI 40 17 V,
MO C7V, 40 141 40 4 17 V,
120 I 17V, 44 117 10 4 Mv,
170 4 171 44 14 ... 44
140 27V, 47., :0. 40 10
40 4 17 V, 44 til 200 4 10
. 40 4 27V, !,...-. 711 no I 10
120 1 171, 44 171 10 1 10
... I7i 71 14 ... I 40
IN ( 27 27 ... 4 40
10 4 27V, 4 !4t too 4 10
40 17 V, II 14 40 4 14
140 4 Ti, 4 M7 ... '4 10
10 1 27V, 42 140 ... 4 40
... 4 17V, II HI ... 111,
100 4 tlv, it.t 144 ... 4 4214
120 1714 I 1 ilv,
... 27 V, U 114 ... g,
1 II ... 4 0
SHKcp Aside from a little bunch of
yearlings, there waa practically nothing on
aale thia morning excepting lamb and not
many of them. The beat lainha here old
a high aa $7.26, while good yearling
brought $6.60. There la verv little that
.could he aaid about the trade aside from
the fact that It wa ateady, with desir
able stuff In good demand a usual. A
will be noted from the figures In the table
of receipts, the arrivals thia week are run
ning considerably behind those of a year
quotations on clipped slock: Good to
cholc western lamb. 18.a&4JJ.25: fair to
gnoa lamo. 4.Z1T bt
788 western lambs
6 6t
74 ewes and wethers...
$t western lambs
8 60
7 A
Cattle Strong; Hog Fire lo Ten (eats
Lower theep Steady.
CHICAGO. June 21. CATTLE Receipt.,
(.000 head; market strong: good to prime,
$4.0ofi4.10; cow.. $3.00414 50; heifers. $1.78
03.60; bulls, $2.7Mj4.:'5: ealvea. $6.754j 50;
tocker and feedera, t 75-4. 75.
HOGS -Receipt, 3:.( head; market 54)
10c lower; choice to prime heavy, $i S!v
bV87H; medium to good heavy, tK.:rt
6 86; butcher weights, $(5.66f(S 80; good 10
choice heavy mixed, tti.aj'lrii.&o; packing,
SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipt, I0.0i0
head: market steadv: sheep, ((.Smg,. M;
yearlings, $6.O(i0ii.75; shorn lambs, $j.2fntt
Kansas Clip Live ioc.k Market.
Recelpta 5.000, including 2.000 southerns;
market strong to 10c higher. Choice ex
ports and dressed beef steer.' $5,254; 5.75
fair to good. 4 4.0.1 a 0
steers, $3.(0v5.30: stocker and feeders,
$2.6004 00: southern steers, $3,001 4 76;
southern cows, $2. 1643 60; native cows,
$:.:$ 4 60; native heifers, !0Oj6.15;
bulls. $2.50? 4.00; calves. t.'.50H .no.
HOOP Recelpta 15.010 head; market 5
4ji 10c lower. Top. $(i.47Vi): hulk of sales,
$6.3043 8 f5: heavy. 14. 45'" 8 47 S : packerr.
Ml V 8 47 W; pig and light. 5 . 5 i
SHEEP AND LIMBS Receipts 2.800 1
hed; market strong e I tic- higher. -'-son
wethers, $8.60- lamhs. 8.oor7.74: fed
ahep and yeaning. 4f 0048 6: Tea
and Arlsona clipped yearllnge. 15.60 ft 7.00 :
Texaa and Ar'xona' cPpned sheep. i i 1
t.60: Texas giat. 81 60 4J J.75 ; stockers
snd feeders, $3 253 5.00.
81. Joseph l ire gtoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. M . Jun- il i'4TTI,K-
Receipt 1.2S8 had: ntrket strong to Ifle '
higher. Natives. $4.25 7i 6 Td; cow snd '
heifers. 11 7645 4 60; stocker and feeders, '
$3 00r4. It. ' j
HOT.8 Receipt 13T44 had: msrket I
10c lower. I.iein. $t;otSS: m-dlum and!
heavy. It.tOfM 50.
HEEP AND 1,4MB'-Re -elot '9:
market strong to 10c higher. Lambs, $7.70;
yearlings. $.I5.
glen rily l ire 8leV Msjrkel.
SIOI'X CITT. June 21 -(Special Tlermi
CATTLE-Receleiif. ero head: nrkrt
trnrg: stockers tedv h-i. 34Vft5j3;
cows, bulls and mixed 83 3014 50: sUKk
I er and feeders, $3,404(4.20; calve and vear
1 lines. 13(ioi4.10.
' HOGS Receipt. 80 head market
lower: selling
at $t:rq(40; hulk of sale.,
St. I.onls l ive lr rk Market.
t4T. LOl'IS. Mo.. June ;1 -i'4TTI
Receipt 1.000 hed. includliie 1,810
Texsns; market hlehr. Kativs shipping
and export steers. 14 90 5 86. dree.ed be,f
and butcher steer. (1 76 a i 30; steer
under I 10(1 pound. 116041; stoi-Wers
nd feeder, (7. 6049 4 26: cow and heifers.
8".4M)trt; tanner tl 80. 2 00; bull
14l 4 0 calve 11 044,40. Ters, and
ilill lamhe II ivn i
fjo.ho; good to choice yea ring, tf.004? I JT", A Norwav k iii" ki.,i.
8 60: fair to good yearling. $6.0tf.00;
good to choice wether. $6,000 t.25; fair to !kn liulJi mlknn c- h',L
good wethers $6.7o8.00; good to choice J.". 5"mM
VrMX&'-iVtitin 00d W"- ,S- AN5c;Malne8 Cti, 7-X.
CReprebrnUuV."aV.:S- , ' I A1 ML fec'in P'.n,W'
Ko av rr grated, !-lb., I2.0itti; sliced. ll.lvKlj
i native cull ewra im In t.allon apples, fancy. $3 90; California aprl-
loSpV ni lamb. r m cot., . Il.40nr2.00; pe.r. $1.7Et!?.50; peacfies.
Mnativ'ewTs 140 8 fnrV. ".); H. C. peaches,
23 Tprlni TaTt'bs Jn ? it Alaska salmon, red. $1.-5; fancy Chinook.
ifi T. F.. $2.10: fancy sockeye. F., $l.s: sardlnea.
cows and belf.
ers. 11 mm nn.
Hi i IS Receipts 9.600
head: market
lower: pigs and tUhts, ii
ers. $8 ii.itt gt. butchers
44 4'. tf 86.
6111 69. pei-h-and
best hray.
SHK.KP AND LA MRS Receipts Sort
head; market steadv; native mutune 11 0(4
4t oo; ismha. $4 oo'ti 8 00, culis and buck.
$1 764)1 8 00; stocker. $3 001 4 80.
w York l.lxe jltork Market.
NEW YORK. June 21 - BFEVF8 -Receipts.
262 head, all for ' slaughtrr.
Nothing doing today. feeling steady;
drrssed beef In fair demand at 7Viiilvc
per lb.; extra licef. Sc
CALVK8 Receipts. K7 hesd; no demand
for veal: very little for buttermilk,
which were 6iii7o lower: 4Tood butter
milks sold at $3n. Preseeti' cnlve. lower;
city dressed veals. 84ille per th; country
dresed TOIOc: dressed buttermilk. Sitpsvac.
HO IS-Receipts, I If head, market, nom
Inallv steady: no ssle reported.
SHEEP AND leAMHfl fteveipl. 819 head;
mat ket for sheep, easier: lamhs. 1fc higher;
lamli. $8.2Fi4i9.ttl, yearlings, (SOiM'd X.
atock In Slgkt.
of live stock al the six
clpal wreiern
markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hug.
3.6"0 l5.Vi0
400 6. 4h0
5.000 16.000
1.233 13.744
3.O110 9.500
(.mo Jifloa
South Omaha
Sioux City .
Knnsa City
St. Joseph ..
St. Loul
18.133 88.644 18.448
Condition of Trade and annotation on
Maple nnd Fancy Prodnc.
EGGS-Reoelpts. liberal; freah stock. HV.
LIVE POULTRV-Hena, S9(-; roosters.
5c; turkeys, 1.i,c; ducka. 10c. spring chick
ens, I842CC per lb.
BUTTER-Packlng stock, 13V; cholcs to
fancy dairy. 15c; creamery, 21MW!.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com
pany: No 1 upland, $10.60; medium, $960;
coarse, $8 00. R traw. $6.5u.
BRAN Per ton, $17.60.
TO M A TO E8 Tex a a, per crat of 20 lb .
net. $1.26.
WAX BEANS-Per markat basket of
about 16 lb., $1 2t
hTRlNO BEANS Per market basktt of
about 15 lbs.. $1.25,
dos. bunches, 26e. '
LEAK LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog.
head, 20c.
CUCUMBERS Home-grown, per dog., 4Jc;
Texaa, ner bu. box, $1.76.
ONIONS California, 2Hc per lb.; Texas,
In crates, white, $1.75; yellow, $1.16.
GREEN ONIONS-Per dos. bunchsa, 300,
RADISHES Per dos. "jnches, 15c.
CABBAGE California. $c per lb.
CAULI FLOWER Per dos. heada, 760.
OREEN PEAS-Per bu., $1.60.
NEW POTATOFS-Per bu.. $1.00.
POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., (All
60o; South Dakota, per bu., 760c; Colorado,
90c per bu.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1 8S; No. t tl.lo.
LIMA BEANS-Per lb.. tc.
DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs.. $100;
Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per box, 5o;
Sayera, per lb., 4c; walnut t tiffed. 1-lb.
pkgs., $1.00 per dox.; 8-lb. boxes, $1.0).
ORANGES California, extra fancy nav.
els, large alie. $4. i6tf5.00: Mediterranean
sweets, all sixes, $4.0uj1.60; Valenclas all
Rise. 85.00106. 63.
LEMONS Llmonlera, extra fancy, 240
alze, 18 00; 300 tn 300 else. $7.76.
Fius caiirnrnla, per 10-ib. carton,
$.'ic; Imported Smyrna, three-crown.
Bix-cruwn, 10c.
BANANAS Per medium sized bunch, $1.76
(5J.; Jumbos, li.tnuilOO.
PINEAPPLES Florida, sixes 24, to and
36 $J.60.
CHERRIES California, $200 per t-lb. bos;
sour cherries 34-qt. crate, $l.etdjl.50.
GOOSEBERRIES 1'er crat of M ate.
$2.00. -
PEACHES-Callfornhv. $1.26 per bu.
PLl'MS-Callfornia. $1.76 pep bu.
BLACKBEHRIES Per 24-qL crat. $2 50
RASPBERRIES Red, per 24-qt. crate
$3.u0; blacat, per 24-qt. crate, U.iHtQUM
MELONS. WATERMELONS per b., 2c, or about
4O111KC each.
c A NTh.LOUPE8 Mexican, pr crat
about 4 melon, $u.(u.ju; Texas par crat.
aooui to meluns, 1.1.60.
No. 1 rib, 11c; No. 2 ribs, 9c; No. i rib,,
7V-; No- 1 ioln, 16c; No. 2 loin, 12S4c: No.
3 ioln, ilHc. No. 1 chuck. sVic; No. t
chuck, 5V,c, No. 9 chuck, be; No. 1 ivund,
k4c; No. 3 round. sc; No. I round, I-v;;
No. 1 plate, c; &o. 3 pia,te, Ac; No. 8 plat.
CIDER-Per keg. 3.i6; per bbl.. $47J.
HONEY New, per 24 lb., $3 60.
CHtvtLbE Sw is, new, lc; Wlacohaln
brick, Uc; Wisconsin limbeiger, Lie; twinj,
line: Young Americans, Inc.
NL TS Walnuts,' No. I, soft' shells, new
nop, per lo., ltv,c; bard shells, per it),
U-tc. i-ecans, large, per lb, 14c; small,
per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., tc; roaaua
per lb., Lc. Chili walnuts, per ID., UQUvfcu.
Almond. ort aliens, per lb,, 17c; hard
hell, per lb., 16c. ,Cocuanut. $4 pr saclc
of luO.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls,
$5.06; granulated cane, in cks, 46.01; gran
ulated. In sacks. $4.91.
HYHCP 111 buls., -c per gal.; In cases,
( 10-lb, can, $1.70; cases, 11 k-lb. cans, $l.w;
cases. 24 S-ll). cans, $1.5.
COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, 26Hc par lb ;
No. , 3V4c per lb.; No. A, lv,c per lb.;
No. J. 16Vc per lb.; No. :U. 12Sc per lb.
CURED FlBH-Famtly whltellsh, pr C
bbl., loo lbs., $4.H); Norway mackerel, par
oi., ffv inn,, uhhuhii, ew, 1, 901; rvo. ,
1,4 oil. $2.60; mustard, 12.6CiS 10. Sseet
potato, 11.1y01.zn; Rauerxraut, 11;
kins. 80cJll 00: wax bean, i-lb..
754) 90r;
. (ltt;
lima beans. 2-lb., 76cg$l.$6: spinach.
' cheap peas. 2-lb., 80c: extra, 7b90c; faaoy.
I Wool Market.
ROSTON. June il.-WOOIAny hop of
' activity In the market aeems to have lit 11
; foundation, ti judge from present Indica
tions. For day the trading haa been ex
i tremely quiet owing to an apparent Inclltit
1 tlini bn tne part of both dealer and man
j ufnrtorera to bold back. lxcl buyera feel
that the reported lark of stock In the west
. 1 largely a fiction, while the dealers main-
tain that the effort of the buyer to
cheapen goods by refusing to trade haa
1 been carried to the extreme. Territory
wool are dull. New medium half blood.
are priced at 2tc, three-eight at 90c and
, acoured at 6P07OC. Pulled woola are fea
I tureles and foreign grade are quiet. Lead
ing quotatlona follow: Ohio and Pennsyl
viinia XX and above, 334tl34Vc; X, 31j3.'e;
I No. I, 37ft3Kc; No. 2, 8?'adsc; fine unwashed,
1 Z6W-ftc; quarter blood unwashed, 82i(i23c;
1 three-eighth blood, 33c; half blood, tic;
unwasiieo uviHiiie, ,?vu-c, one wasnea ae-
I lalne, 6tr37c. Michigan Fin unwashed. 24
. . . , . 1 . . . .. k. ,i... . . .
er-O . lion ileum niinainr(i, OiiUWC, I n rCS-
elghtha blood. 81V(l32c; half blood. 32i;v,c,
1 unwashed delaine, 27ipWc. Kentucky, In
1 dlana, etc. Three-eighth and quarter
1 bloods. 3210 32c. Terriloiy, Idaho Fine, Tij
tllr; heavy line. Iw2(ic; fine medium, 2?2c;
' medium. 2'.VJ7c; lew medium. WnV.v. Wy
i oniuig Fine, 21$ 22c; heavy fine. llHjJOc; fin
medium. a'n'M. medium, 2rf.'7c; low me
dium, 2n6.'7c. I tah and Nevada Fine. Utf
3l; heavy fine. lftfrJOc; line medium, 22823c;
medium. 2(J27c; low medium, iW27c. Da
kotaFine, :'fc3c; fine medium. 2i-.'3c; ine
(liiiui. 27'o2bc; low medium. ;4ifj27cj Mon
tatis Fine choice, Ji25c; fine avrg, 23
: fine nieduitn choice. LMftiV: iv.ini.
iVn.Ac; staple, tTyXc; mtdluni choice, t'ff
; average. ZfWvKTc.
LONDON. June 21. A aale of 2.2n aheep.
sklna was held In Mincing Lane today.
Competition wa. slow nnd prlcea were lr
revular except fi r half wooled crosa-breds.
which were In specie.! demand and advanced
id. Merlnoa wete 64. Vi per cent cheaper
and cro.s-breds .hosed a loss of $ per
ST. I1UIS. June Sl.-WOOIy-Steadv: me.
dium grade, combing nnd clothing, f44f29c:
light fine. 2flj;2c; heavy fine, Italic; tub
I Philadelphia Pradar Market.
Fitm; extra western creamer), ile; extra
lirarby print. 22c.
E4je Meady; fslr demand: nrbv
fresh end western flsh. 14c V mark.
CI I EE F. U'uiet; New Tori full creams,
! faui y. I'H.r; New York full creams.
I choice. Ii)1,.-: w York full cieami. fair
1 to good. I'tl"--
Kiassralrd 4 pities aad Pried Frills
I'Pl.F.S- Aisi ket I tlnr hanged, but tile
light stock render holder Vrry confldsni
ai d enie rc predicting even higher price
hefore the new itnn become avatta!-
Strictly prime ate quoted at It '4c; cholc
at I I L u I I 'c; lancv. IISUlJc.
t" 4I.IFORNI 4. DlllF:n FRUITS - Prvinee
for November dlil aT salts to les g Lie
lis saaiee.
Indian steers. $3.001 4.70;
, rv. n .1 i.ti irien. ran. z. kiht nAnnv i ..