mr OMAHA DAILY HKK: FRIDAY. .ll'N'i; 22. 190(5. LARGEST OF BANK DEPOSITS S Tbirty-Barca tnd Ona-Half Million Dollar ' in Omaha Institutions. TaRiv nur uiiiiau nurp.iiT vrta I 1 1 h .HWklWn VTkll WW I I .nil ' lutMtt la DenosUe ana Lieana Shews Vafcaanflea1 Fresnerity at e fcraakn'a Metrenelle ana Tributary Territory. D-MMrla nf Omaha Rational Baaka. War . If tTJ.W.MS M Juno II, U0t.MM.M...... I7.447.S24U Irtcresse. .... . t ttri.oei.M minbri of the music classes played on the piano. REPAIRS AWAIT INSURANCE Tha largest deposits In the history of i,Taha'a banking business are ahown by a statements of tha national bank of the city. Issued Juna'lf, at tha rail of the comptroller of the currency.- They exceed by tSi.tOT.ia the enurmoua total of 117, 8M,01. for the atatement of Auauat 25. litet year, which vu the record to that fiate. From the fact that deposits are always larger In August than any other month. It follows .that a new record will be estab lished at the next call, which presumably will coma In August, or early In Sep tember. If the uma rate of Increase pre vails this year as laat year for August over the previous statement, bankers say the drioslta at the time of the next call ought to reach close to (40,000,000. Peposits increased $:,!ll,8o8 15 over the last atatement, which, waa Iseued April (5, and 14,878,038 Fl over the statement of May 29 of last year. Loans and dlscounta Increased 1489.743 37 over the previous statement, and ia,3S,60S 6J over laat year. "The comparison la a most favorable one," aaid W. K. Bhepard, cashier of the Nebraska National bank. ."It shows a re markable Increaao In both deposits and limns over iHst year, telling of prosperity fur the bmiAs,' which Is only a reflex of the prosperity of the statt; at large and of other territory tributary .to Omaha aa a financial center." , Tables hnlna Comparisons. Table; showing the comparison of state ment of June IS, 190s, with the corre sponding statement of May 2, 105, and tlx; statement of April 6, 1S08: DKPOfflTS. Stay . 'it.- .lime ID. (!. April . 'W. First ... .o.47S.a s1ri.41a.t22 w Minn ha ..' (I.70.7"9.i2 I0.;,l7 Ho WK.3Jrr.72 I'. 8 ..(.ft:t2.74 .OTS.SWi.Jn .7V.3fiJ. 4V0 Mollis .. 4.10(1.914 S'i Fr.rM.lh5 87 Neb 1,744.K54 9.' 1.792.3ffi.31 1.742. 791. SO Totals.. U,4M.fiR3. 53;4.11 H,3.,"85.7 IOAKS AND DlSrOfNTS. Tlrst ... .1 5,,j.zr, H.Z3.4S1.70 t .3H.644.M Mniaha .. 5,n!7.iiTi.ra , Ji.3o.3."S 42 .iWS,Mt.41 Work af Heroast rartlon la ea I'rssrlire Delayed hy Ad jastera' Tardy Artloa. r. M. Carter., general manager of the Carter White Iead company a new Mon treal plant. Is In Omaha for a short time, after a western trip that included a short visit to Ran Francisco. A week ago Mr. Carter waa a guest at a private dinner at the St. Francis hotel, which Is being re paired, but lint yet open to the public. "It still looks desolate In Ban Francisco." said Mr. Carter. "Most of the construction is banging back waiting for the Insurance companies to adjust the losses.. Meanwhile plana are being shaped up and quantities of material being hurried from the east. The real work going on now 'Is in cleaning up the debris. Vast forces of men are doing this and I presume many a clerk, small business or professional man Is handling the pick and shovel for the first time In his life. It Is about the only occupation open now In the city. "The tents In the parks are still being used by thousands, temporary buildings have been erected by some and the build ings that were not destroyed are crowded. The people are full of eneigy, determination and good cheer and) there la no doubt In my mind but that a greater and finer San ranclsco will rise on the ruins. "The principal topic of discussion la the anticipated, known and probable action of Insurance companies. Great hostility la felt toward the firms that are trying to com promise or evade payments. The proposi- lon to blacklist all such Insurance compi les and refuse them permission to do busi ness In the state Is popular." 5.fil5.4S0.o ti.7VJ.7fi3 4 6.08."i.4W 2 2..VW.878.8' J.3! 3.870.221. 87 913.247.37 949.258. 45 9fi8.172.17 f. 8... Mchts Neb. .. Totals , 120.06.1177. 4"i S23.7L'3.1R7.08 123.244.443.71 CASH AND SIGHT KXCHANGE. First .... 4.329,641.11 $ 4.849.990.92 $ 4.144.817.74 Omaha .. 3.415.879.04 4,107. 9f. 42 3.4HS.S91.M l 8 a,140.8rifl.70 2.7HS.728.81I 2.9H8.0W.47 M'eu'ta ... l,7S7.fi30.53 2.2K3. 072.02 1,895,836.80 Neb 798.079. HO 844,384.10 780.897.71 Totals.. 113.471. 909. 58 SI4.834.fi84 .36 S13.099.S39. 70 TOTA1, RKSOCRCEB. S10.829.8.U.04 S12.IM.549.7fi $11. W7.9O0. V 10.703.991.32 12.2A2.a3a.Rff ll.6fi0.62S.ll 10.350. 842. 35 .787.74. 21 , 4.75S.1S9.41 .l9.4H.12 6.488.246 83 2,222.914.80 2.282,340.59 2,236.698.97 First .. mm ha F. 8... M oh Is b. ... Totals $48,138,546.41 $40,640,113. 4 The t'nlted Slates National, In Ita present Identity, did not, exist at the time of the call of May 29, 1906, hence no figures, are Klven for total resources. Figures on de posits, loans and discount and cash and slitht exchange, however, are given, using the combined fla-ures of the United States National, the. t'nion National and the Com mcrc.ial- National, which were consolidated July 22, 190S.M - BEATRICE ASYLUM A MODEL rh la Secretary Morris' Version of the lastltate for tha Feeble-Minded. Secretary Morris of the Associated Chari ties returned from Beatrice Thursday, where he had gone td take John Hlrschman the Institute for the Feeble Minded After an examination of the condition of he institution Mr. Morris declares In his Judgment there Is no foundation for the" re port that the boy leaving the home re- ected In any way upon those In charge, He left July 4, at which time friends of he Inmates are allowed to take the chll dren out of the home for a vacation until the opening of the school work In the fal(. YoungTIirschman left In company with his ister, dui iney aia not return mm wnen he time came. I'nder the law there Is no way parents can be compelled to keep their hildren In the- Institution. Nothing was done In the case until Hlrschman became a charge upon the county again, when the commissioners asked Mr. Morris to make the Investigation. I have seen a large number of such' In tlttitlons." said Mr. Morris, "and I can say never saw one which appeared to be kept In as good condition aa the one at Beatrice. Everything seemed to be perfectly clean and the children are kept under proper supervision at all tlmea. There seems to be no truth In the statement that Hlrschman was found alone In a field near the school by bla sister." THREE MONTHS WILL DO HIM fnlr Married Man Kara that Plenty l.ana- K.nouah tad Want to Qalt. Is After three months of married life Clar ence R. Plxon Is ready to quit and he asks the district court to give 'him a decree of divorce from Nettlo Dixon. ' They were married in Omaha, March 3. 1!H. but it did not take long, according to the petition for them to And they were not congenial. In the early part of Jufe, he says, she few Into a ruge at him several tlmea. Once she struck him. On June 7, he says, she made threats against his life and threw a rlock and a tobacco Jar at him. He says she has a habit of breaking the furniture and throwing It at him when angry. He also accuses her of disturbing the neighbor hood by wrangling and scolding. He says his health has become Impaired by her treatment of him and It Is impossible for Mm to live with her nny longer. I.yrlla C. Manton makes charges of ex treme cruelty in her petition for divorce from Thcron D. Manton. They were mar ried In Peoria, 111.. November 28, 1881. He has repeatedly quarreled with her, she says, and haa disturbed her peace of mind. She recently secured a peace warrant to pre vent his Injuring her. - She wants the cue- tody of their three minor children. Eva Kauffman aaya John J. Kauffman haa refused to support and haa Inflicted personal chastisement" upon her. They were married In St. Joseph, Mo., October 10. 1S9S. She aaka the court for a decree of divorce. Sarah Ver Mehren haa filed a petition for a modification of her decree of divorce from Herman Ver Mehren, granted about two years ago. The three children hare un til recently been In the custody of their father, but Judge Sutton of the Juvenile court took them away from him and placed one of them In the detention home and another waa paroled to a friend of the family. She aaka that she be given their custody and Mr. Ver Mehren b required to pay for their maintenance. , TEN GIRLS ARE GRADUATED I 4 Yoaaar Women Complete Coaree at t I Mary's and St. Catherine's 4e-f V -. ... Academies. inrncncemem exercises for. tha ten graduates of St. Mary s and St. Cather Ine a acadamlea were held Thursday after noon at St. Brchman e academy. Twenty a ad tM. Mary's avenue. The hall was trimmed In light blue and white, with cut flowers and filled with relatives and friends. . Bishop Scannell made an address to the graduates, who were aa follows: Miss Haael Sullivan, Miss ' Mabel Sullivan. Miss Mary Cook, Mlsa Mary Savage, Mlas Camilla Whit- taker,- alias NelUe Callahan, Miss Mary Doras, all of Omaha; alias Nellie Furay of Millard, Mlas Ella .Canoell of Lincoln and Klas Katherin Hart of Benson. A sold medal for cocking was awarded to Miss Emma Cass, one for elocution te Misa Etbsl Nolaa and ene for logic to Mias Mary Cook. FoUawlos wete the assays read by the grdaust : The Poet's Welcome Mlas Cannall iratitude, ins ixjucnstooe or Nobility. Mlas M. Sulliva A Christian Soldier Mlaa Dora lhe Utile Courtesies of Life.. Miss Savage i( per aoa notoacnaker .1 m , alias r urtr A 1 '''in Was tba Greater Mi Callahan a $M a Nation Jjepend l pon the I .l Hrwinsiuii of Its Mother Tongue? Vve MIm Cook l audalisio Returned Miea V hlttai. JJi 1 ain led Natures Miliary Boast.. .........,..-.. VI sa Hart k'aJe.ltctory. ....141m H. alulilvau JUbert Cuacadeo Jsyed s, violin solo sad LOWE CONSIDERS THE PLACE Writes to President Johnson He May Accept City Engineer Appointment. STILL BUSY WITH CONTRACT IN SOUTH Kl presses His Appreciation and t.ratltaile for Heleetloa and As aaraare of ( ssirmttlss hy the Conncll. l'esplte the declaration by other council men that they have no hopes of Jesse L. we accepting ttie office of city eng.- neer. President Johnson, who Is acting mayor during Iahlman's absence with the tiade excursionists, says he has reason to believe Mr. Lowe may take the Job. Hia hopes are based on a letter received Thurs day morning. It was written by Mr. Lows, who Is a member of the civil engineering and contracting firm of Christie &. Low- fiom New Orleans. It reuUs: Mr. L. B. Johnson, president city coun cil, Omaha. Dear sir: I have been out of the city and on my return find your tele gram and letter of June 11. 1 reel lilgniy lionoie.l mat the mayor should have presented my name nominat ing me for city engineer of Omaha, Mid further, your assurance of confirmation of my appointment. I have In no way sought this position, and coming as It does without any solici tation on my part, requires some care ful consideration before 1 can conclude whether or not I shall accept. As your letter Is the only notification I have received, I do not feel Jutllled until the appointment la conflrmwl and I am for mally notified, in consulting wltTi others with whom I have business Interest's In present undertakings, aa to whether or not, It would be advisable for me to accept it, but If my appointment Is confirmed 1 will consider It. Thanking you for your letter and com plimentary expressions therein. I am. very truly yours, JESSE 1OWK. Mala Office In fklt-aao. The main offices of Mr. Lowe's firm Is at 171 La.Salle street, Chicago, but at present a temporary office is maintained at 410 Morris building. New Orleans, during the construction ef Jetties at the south west pass of the Mississippi river. In the meantime Andrew Rosewater re mains city engineer of Omaha. President Johnson said Thursday: "There are no serious differences bo- tween the council and Mayor Dahlman. We realize he had to make campaign promises and wa do not criticise him for trying to make them gocd. We think, however, he haa done about all he can and should be In a position to submit other names for the contested places. Howeyer, the rela tions between the mayor and council are really harmonious, no matter how It looks in the newspapers." tal of fin.iui. to do a stnrnee business and S'-t us manufact 111 er hkciiis. The incor porators are A. II and Harry t. Counsnian. The company leioisted st 11J? North Hlmeenth street, (he building form erly occupied by the Adanis Ac kellv coto pany. end Is Just now getting started In husines. although an office was opened a week ago. 1 NEW KEY RATE FOR OMAHA Raala far Iteternilnlna Fire Insurance rhedalea Rrlaas Henresrnta le to the City. E. R. Town-end. a representative of the Western Insurance union, is In Omaha mak ing observations snd Investigations to de termine a new "key rate" for Ave Insur ance schedules In Omaha. This Is. some thing srparate and apat from the ad vai.tfa In classifications and is the back bone of all the rate-making Wlnther or not the new key rate will be higher or lower than the present Mr. Townsend told Inquirers he could not say. Ilia investiga tions go Into the matter of flrepi ooflng. wiring, business construction, water mains and hydrants and fire. department protec tion, and are conllned to the business dis tricts. "I look for a higher key rate, possibly, and certainly no lower than what we have," said a man in touch with the situation. "The Insurance companies have got to have the money to make up for the San Fran cisco losses; that's all there Is to It. In the end It means a golden era for the com panies, for It Is much easier to let the rates remain advanced than to tear them down. Of course efforts will be made to reimburse for the losses in an equitable manner, but the cost will fall Just the same." JAQUITH MAKES CORRECTION Netya Aceeptaace of Grain of Kind Wednesday Was Prac tically Nothlaa. Any "I notice In the report of the grain mar ket of Wednesday," said A. B. Jaqulth, 'the following: " 'Good weather caused an early bearish feeling In corn and large ac ceptances from the country had R weaken ing effect.' Now, as a matter of fact, the acceptances of corn or grain of any kind In Nebraska, or any territory tributary to Nebraska, were practically nothing. The Exchange Grain company had out the highest bid on corn, also on oata. that went out of Omaha, and we only bought 1.&00 bushela nf oats and no corn. The Omaha elevator, as well as other elevator concerns here, advised me yesterday morn ing there were no receipts from the coun try, and the opinion seems to prevail among the elevator people, who have a large number of agents, that the farmers will not sell their corn In Nebraska or western Iowa until the new corn Is as sured, and this means not until after the latter part of July, for the reason they know by experience that the majority of seasons when the corn cropa that have been reduced by hot and dry weather havs been damaged about from July 15 to 2. I simply desire to call your attention to this matter, and you will And upon inquiry that this Is correct. I do not like to see the reports go out conveying to country dealers or farmers that a largs amount of corn is moving, when, as a matter of fact. u is untrue." HASTINGS HART TO BE HERE President of National Home Flndlna Society Will Speak la Omaha Monday. HaRtlngs Hart, president of the National Home finding society and formerly presi dent of the National Association of Chari ties and Corrections, will deliver an ad dress at the First Presbyterian church Monday night, under the auspicea of tiie Omaha Social Service league. J he league la a comparatively new or ganization and Is Intended to work along general sociological lines and to bring lec turers on subjects relating to Omaha Judge Kennedy Is president. Mr. Hart la the first big social worker the league has secured. At the meeting Probation Officer Bern stein. Mrs. Heller and Superintendent Mor ris of the Associated Charities will make a report of their attendance at the- meeting of the National Association of Charities and Corrections at Philadelphia. NAMES MUST BE ROTATED Haverly Will Apply Role to Congres sional Ballot Same as State Convention. County Clerk Haverly has decided It will be necessary to rotate the names of can didates for places on the republican con gressional ballot. There were originally 133 filings for the 118 places to be filled, but It was thought the fifteen, not 011 Con gressman Kennedy's delegation would with draw. Only three of them have done so thus far and Mr. Haverly has decided wherever there is a contest he must rotate the names under the mandamus issued by the district Judges. TAX PAID ONJJASH ESTATE Over Thirteen Thousand Dollars More Collected I'nder the Iaherltance la w. The Inheritance tax due for the estate of Kdward W. Nash was . paid Into county court Thursday afternoon. The amounr of the tax wan 112.919 95 and of Interest 828.53, a total of I13.T48.48. This is the sec ond estate that has been pttld in so far, the first one being that of . Frank Murphy, which paid over $38,000 In taxes and Interest. In w Patst Beer if Clean Beer CLEAN things to et and drink r as detiraMe as pura food. Food may e pure yet unclean. It it tK metkod of handling in trie manufacture of a food product tnat makes it clean or unclean. Patet beer is not handled. It it manufac tured from the purest materials by tbe most scrupulously clean machinery. From brew to bottle or keg it is never touched by human hands and never comes in contact with any thing but pure, filtered, sterilized air It never touches tube, pipe or storage tank that has not been perfectly sterilized beforehand. Millions of dollars have been spent to make possible the manufacture of Pabst Beer in an absolutely clean and wholesome manner. When ordering Beer, call for Pabat Blue Ribbon PABST BREWING CO., 130? LeaTeaworth BU Fkoas Dona- ?9. ' mm 1 m U saT 1C Many Children Reseaed. Many children have been reeoued by Dr. Kings New Discovery for Cbughs and Colds. Guaranteed, loo and II. For sals by Sherman McConnall Drug Co. KW HOMES) 111 TUB WEST. Saoaheaa Reservation to Be Opened to Settlement. CHICAOO NORTHWESTERN R'T Announces Round-Trip Exouralon Rates from Ail Points July 12 to ZS. Less than on faro for the round trip to Bhoehonl, Wyo., ths reservation border. The only all-rail routs to tha reservation border. Dates of registration July It to a at Bhoehonl and Lander. RVached only - by this line. Write for pamphlets telling how to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request at City Offloe, 1401-1 Farnam St, or address 8. F. Miller, A. O. F. t T. A., 1201 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. Tenth Ward Meeting;. A meeting of the republicans of the Tenth ward for the furtherance of the candidacy of Edward Rosewater for l.'nlted Statta senator has been called for Friday night at I o'clock at the hall at 1246 South Thir teenth street, snd alt who are in favor of Mr. Rosewater are Invited to sttend. : Marrlaaje Lleeaaea. Tba following marriage licenses have been Issued: Name and Address. Ltfi'ie Whltbook. Council Bluffs... Daisy Ravlis. Omaha Herbert A. Rurkholder, Woodbine. Ia.... M. Irene Relff. Omaha Truman A. Jackson, Omaha Nellie M. Chandler. Omaha John E. 8eward. Bloomlngton, III Flora 1. Kehoe. Omaha Albert B. Broader, Albion, Neb Sarah Lewie, Albion. Neb Grove J. Cullman, Fort Dodge Ia Lola K. Devalon. Omaha INDIAN OFFERS TO PAY FINE Joe Johnson Breaks All Records and Springs Nurnrlae on the Conrt. - For the first time on record In the federal court at Omaha an Indian has offered to pay his fine instead of serving It out in Jail. The authorities are astonished. Joe Johnson, the Indian In question, wis tried on the charge of Introducing liquor into the reservation and sentenced to serve six months in Jail and pay a fine of H'Hj and costs, amounting to J130. His jail sen tence expired Thursday. Instead of start ing on another thirty days to satisfy the fine, Johnson announced that he wanted to get out of Jail as soon as possible and resume his happy life on the reservation. Informed of the means of getting out, ho Immediately sent to his relatives on the reservation to send him $130. He expects to pay his fine and return to his home Friday. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Thursday: Births Frank P. Faber, 818 North Fif teenth, girl; lon Grata. 1919 South Fif teenth, bnv; F. W. Meyers, 968 North Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; F. A. Senter, 10:'4 South Twenty-second... glrL Deaths F. W., Wesaells, Sixteenth and Webster, 56. ' Major Warner Tin New Job. Major Oeorge E. Warner of the county treasurer's office will resign hie position with the, county to accept a place In the new soldiers' home aboirf to. he opened at Hot Springs. Major Warner has been con nected with the scavenger department of the treasurer's office for. some time. Another Event Iperiing if the Shoshone teirvatron Cholera Morbus Cared. , This Is one of the most severs and dan gerous diseases. In almost every neighbor hood some one has died from It. Mrs. W. E. Smith of La Marque, Tex., writes: "My little girl was taken with cholera morbus, brought on by bad drinking water caused by the great Oalveston storm. Tha attack was so severe that I feared aha would die. A druggist advised ma to glvs her Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I did, and three doses of It relieved her. Since then I have rec ommended this remedy to many friends and It has never failed In any instance." Saperb Service, Splendid Scenery. enroute to Niagara Falls, Muskoka and Kawartha Lakes, Georgian Bay and To magaml Region. St. Lawrence River and Rapids, Thousand Islands, Algonquin Na tional Park, White Mountains and Atlantic, sea coast resorts, via Orand Trunk Rail way System. Double track Chicago to Montreal and Niagara Falls, N. T. For copies of tourist publications and de scriptive pamphlets apply to Geo. W. Vaux. A. Q. P. T. A., 136 Adams St., Chicago. fia.BO to at. rl Minneapolis end Retara From Omaha, via Chicago -Great Westers Railway. Tickets on sale dally, after May II to September to. Final return limit, October 81. Equally low rates to other points In Minnesota, North Dakota. Wiscon sin and lower Michigan. For further In formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general agent, 1613 Farnam street, Omaha, Age. ... U ti U rs a id 64 48 ii Jt DIAMONDtV-edholm. 1Mb ana Harney. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. : Mrs. Charles Clifford and two Saughtera, who have been staying with Omaha rela tives since the San Francisco earthquake, will leave tonight for their borne, which has been rehabilitated. Mr. Homer Consul, who has been study ing at tba Chicago Art Institute for the last year. Is home to spend the summer Hs may organise a class for instruction daring the vacation time. Kxearaloae. On July t and 27, to Chautauqua I-Akt N. T.. and return at 114, good 30 days; and daily June 1 until September 30, at $-, via ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago: stop overs also permitted on all tickets to New York, Boston, Niagara Falla, etc. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. Dolun, T. P. A.. 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago. HI. Debs in Sooth Omaha. Eugene V, Debs, the, socialist leader, will speak In Ancient Order TirVnrted Workmen temple In South Omarrrf tbnlglit. LOCAL BREVITIES;' Thirteen prospective high school teachers are taking the examinations for certificates at the High school. The Ignition of a gasoline can In the base ment of 972 North Twenty-sixth street, oc cupied by John Hempleman, caused slight damage Thursday morning. Tho cause of the fire could not be determined. County Attorney Slahaugh h'ts filed In formation against Harry Shaw charging him with breaking into- the residences of J. E. Van Camp and Chauncey Abbott. An Information has also been filed against Paul Claycomb, charged with robbing lid ward Stahberry of 162 worth of goods. The 8emlnole Coal company has filed ar ticles of Incorporation with the countv clerk. It Is. capitalized for $200,000 and the Incorporators are Oeorge E. Turklngton, James Hodge, CI. W. Icken and Christ Baysel. The company is authorized to de velnp coal lands and engage In auxiliary industries. ., Martin Weinfurtner has begun suit In dis trict court against the I'nion Pacific for IS. OllO for the loss of hia leg sustained In an accident near Ninth ,nnd Jones, streets In August, 1905. He says an engine, running at a high rate 01 spceii, struck him as he was driving across the" tracks and as result he had to have tbe leg amputated. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. Very Low rtotes -rnraday. Every Tuesday, balance or tba year! the Chicago Great Western railroad will se.l bomeseekers' tickets to Minnesota. North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill. Q. a, 1612 Fainam street. State number In party and wbsn going. Go to Vara on ran Lehigh. Double track scenic highway. Connects St Duffalo of Niagara Falls with all lines from tbe wast. Write passenger department, Lehigh VaU Wy R. R . ti South Clark SU Chicago, III Stalling Silver Frenzer. lath and Dodge. Heaalnas and tonnaasaa. The Hennlngs-Counsnian company has been Incoiyorated alio an auihomed capi- L0CATI0N In Northwest "Wyoming adjoining the Big Horn B:.sin southeast of Yellow stone Park Forest Keserve, and reached bv the Burlington's new line to Worland, Wyo. DATES OF REGISTRATION July 16th to 31st. PLACES FOR REGISTRATION Worland and Thermopolis, Wyo.; Worland is directly reached by the Burlington; Thermopolis by a stage journey of 32 miles south of "Worland. CHARACTER OF LANDS Of the 1,150,000 acres of lands to be opened for settlement, about 400,000 acres are agricultural lands to be drawn for. Such lands can be finely irrigated, according to surveys already made. EXCURSION RATES From all points on the Burlington west of the Missouri River the excursion rate to Worland is but one fare for the round trip, with a maximum of $20.00 from Omaha, Lincoln and Nebraska territory. This unusually low rate gives everybody a chance to draw for these lands. DATES OF SALE July 12th to 29th. Final limit August 15th. TRAIN SERVICE Two daily through trains during the registration from the Southeast to Worland, Wyo. (Jo into this country over the Burlington through the Big Horn Basin along the Big Horn River, passing thousands of acres of irrigated lands under cultivation; you will get an object lesson in irrigation and its possibilities. Burlington agents will be supplied with rate circulars and special iolders descriptive of the Agency, the method of drawing, etc. ijpw L V. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1004 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, NEBRASKA sTr'W'!!!Tir , M J dlligdlisn1l-nwiiifilil-isilll ill gut gtTaTaTa 1 1 " r . .i . . - i . , ..I .-, . Colored. for th NO. 6;il-A BOX COAT IN LINEN Borne very smart box coats are made in linen and rajah to be worn with thin frocks, and a suggestion for such a coat, which may be made at home, is shown here The front and buck hang straight from the aboulders, with a bit of shaping on the underarm seHin. The inner front ves may offer a field for contrast in niiti'iml or color If desired, while the button and loops, as shown, are a pleasing trimming. The trimming straps, which are adorned with three large buttons, may b" omitted If one wishes a less ornate coal. The cen ter back Is laid In an Inverted box pleat, which Is left open below the waist line to provide extra fullnest. Linen, silk, overt or broadcloth may faahion the cowl. For the medium size 2 yard of M-lucii goods are needed C7U B'.zrs, 3i to 4.' inches, bust mrurure. For the accommodation of The Bee read ers these patterns, which usually retail at from S to W cents, will be furnished at a nominal price (10 cents), which covtis all expenses. In order to get a pattern enclose It cents, giving number end name of pat tern wanted and bust measure As the pat terns are malUd direct Irwin the publishers i Summer VaLCaLtion Now there's a suggestion worth taking up I The trip is cheaply made very. You need the mountain air and sunshine. You'll enjoy the scenery say nothing of the climate. And then but why say moret C-O-L-O-R-A-D-0 contains it all and spells the most enjoyable vacation place there is upon the ma Low Rates to Colorado June 1 to September 30 With a special bargain July 10 to 16, inclusive. Only $15.00 from Omaha for those seven days, with the generous return limit of August 20. You should have our folder, entitled "With the Elks to Colorado in July" that will tell you all about it. Or a beautiful 80-page Colorado book sent for three two-cent stamps. Address F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 Farnam Street. OMAHA, NEB. mt