Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Etate Board Report on InvMtication of
Norfolk Institution.
Stat Board ml Healtli Grants Certio
rate to Practice Medicine' to
Thlrtr-Sesen Oat of Fifty
Three Applicants.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June II. (Special.) After an
Informal dlscui-sloii between , the sttor
rieys representing Governor Mickey, Or.
Alden and Dr. Nicholson, In tiie matter of
B- the removal of the two physicians rrom
I Vfie position of superlntentlnt and asslst-
srit at the Norfolk asylum, the Board of
Public Lands and Buildings this afternoon
made a report of lt Investigations to the
governor, holding In nearly every partic
ular that tho charges made by the gov
ernor had not been sustained.
The board reported that no deaths had
occurred at the asylum as a result of al
leged cruelties practiced by the attendants
and employes: that on occasion necessary
violence had been used by four of the at
tendants. but this was not habitual and
tvro of the attendants had left the insti
tution and the other two were now em
ployed outside of the building. The board
found al6 that Dr. Alden had been unable
to malntatn'liarmony between himself and
first assistant and the steward, who were
rot his own appointees, but upon the de
mand of the governor tilts discord had
ceased. " Neither of the physicians was
guilty of keeping misleading records.
hate this atternoon the governor had
not received a copy of the findings of the
board, but upon being Informed of the ac
tion of the board, he said:
"I shall look over the testimony care
fully as well as the findings of the board
and then . shall take w hatever ai Hon I
deem proper In the premises. Vntil I resd
carefully Die testimony I will not discuss
the board's report."
terttaeatea to Practice Medicine.
The lioard of Secretaries of the Stat
Board of Health this morning granted cer
tificates to thirty-seven out of fifty-three
applicants -.for licenses Ho practice medi
cine i:i the state. Of the number taking
th exHi nation sixteen failed. The high
est H..4.J, of any of the applicants was
Claude rainier, who scored 44
mi scale of 100. Following Is thu
list of iliose who passed the examination:
Arthur O. Bunce, Harry O. 'Cox, John F.
I. simoon.' Francis J. Speltskal, Louis C.
hwarisiander. rorest A. Keiley, Uaniel F.
Crowley, T. A. Hlggina, Leslie W. Mors
hian. h. X Copsey. Harry K. Lamb, 1... 8.
Blanchard. C. Kdltli Maxwell, H. S. VHK
claudn Palmer, Krtward C. Lynch, Joseph
1,. Webb, U. A. Wlttke. L). V. Demp e. K
L Meyers. K. T. Battle. James K. Ston,
;nv K. Martin, Fay E. Oaether, Edwin L.
Brash, Nora At. Fatrchtld. John A. KullfY,
.Inmes M. Kent, C. H. Munger. F.dwln V.
Bookhart, Athenus S. Asa. C. J. Shelby, C
O. Nordwall, R. H. Foster. Charles A.
Blanchard. W. J. Leary. Claude 8. Mills.
Basil Company Mnst Pay.
In the case of the Farmers' and Mer
chants' Irrigation Company against th
Vnlted Slates Fidelity and Guaranty Com
pany, nppealed from Dawson county,
wherein the bonding company gave power
f attorney to execute and deliver bonds
required In judicial proceedings, the su
preme court holds that where a bonding
I company with knowledge of an Informality
1 In the execution of a bond by Its agent,
receives and retains the premium paid for
the bond.' it is estopped In "an action on
the bond from urging such informality as a
Aid Bonds Mast Be Paid.
Lincoln township, Kearney county, has
lost Its suit to recover 123.500. the value of
horuta, roted ,nd 'delivered to the Jvansa
City Y Omaha' Railroad company, which
built a line from Fairfield In Clay county to
Alma In Jlsrlan county. The bonds were
voted with the understanding that the road
would operate in connection with the St.
Joseph & Grand Island and with the Union
Pacific, and that It would give tha people
of the township the advantage of a com
petitive road against the Burlington. Later
the line was foreclosed in the United States
circuit court and In July 1, 1902. the road
ceased to operate and surrendered to the
B. M. company and haa since been op
erated as a part of the same. Suit was
brought by the township alleging breach of
contract by the road. A demurrer to this
petition was overruled, after which the de-
renoants answerea ann a trial resulted in
V.1,L a liKlvmafll fnr Die riffenrinnta. The luria--
ment Is affirmed. The court says a rail
road corporation succeeding to the property
cf another road through foreclosure Is not
answerable for the general debt of the cor
poration whose property Is thus acquired.
The right of a township to maintain an ae
tlon to recover the value of bonds voted
to aid In the construction of a railroad
Colfax l.oaca Bridge Case. '
In an action of mandamus to compel the
supervisors of Colfax county to repair the
bridge across the 1'laTte river at Schuyler
the court held that the action cannot b,e
maintained wlthoht notice to both counties
under section HS, chapter Ixxvtll. Compiled
Statutes. The court states that the reasons
given by .Referee John J. Sullivan, to
whom the case was referred. Justify the
conclusions reached by him and the court.
The bonndary line between Butler and
Colfax counties Is the south bank of the
Platte river. The bridge over the river
between the counties, was rebuilt In 1904 at
a cost of about 1:2,000. In the following
spring more than half of It waa carried
way by the action cf the Ice In the river.
The court says that It Is clearly the
legislative policy that the joint duty with
respect to bridges on the dividing line
between counties should be enforced by
action against both counties. As the action
was brought against but one county, the
writ Is denied by the court.
Rrjcha Ont far Lealelalare.
Frank Rejcha of Olive Branch precinct, In
the southeastern action of the county,
bag announced his candidacy for the re-
. runucan nomination lor representative in
f . the legislature. Mr. Kejcha has resided In
Lancaster county for twenty-five years and
haa always taken an active part In re
publican politics.
" shall run merely as an old-time resi
des! Cf the county," said Mr. Rejcha,
"and on the record I have made as a rltl
sen. I have been going to republican con
ventions for a long number of years and
have concluded at the earnest solicitation
of some of my friends to ask for this
Office. n
Jndgea Gnlac to Knrope.
CMef Justice Sedgwick and former Chief
Justice John J. Sullivan will leave tha
first part of the week for visit to Eng
land. Ireland and some other places across
the water. They will be accompanied by
Mr. 6edgwlck and Mra. Sullivan. It Is
their Intention ato be gone until some time
In September. It Is understood the trip
was Inspired by res son of the fear on tha
part of Judge Sullivan that the democrats
would draft him to run for governor.
Secretary Bennett of, the State Board of
Asepsmenl, aeoinied by hla family, left
this, evening .'for a visit to his old home
In Indian. They will be gone about
week. '. f
. t ' '
rkree Men Held et Kearaei.
KEARNEY, Neb., June II fSpecial Tele
gram. -Three men, giving their names as
Mike Ryan. John Martin and Tom Wade,
are in custody here charged wl;h xasranry.
Olfi.ra think Uie men desperate vrlmliii.t
I '. ' '
who may be wanted at other plifM. Thy
had been selling clothing here and at other
towns alona the Kesrney Black 11111a
railroad. Thejr are dressed In new clot fl
int". ' with all marka removed.
r. k.
Receptloa la
Cloaca tn
BLVE HILL, Neb., June a. (Special
Telegram.) Nebraska Grand Chapter P. E.
O.. In session at Blue Hill, has been favored
with Ideal weather. TVedneedsy evening a
short session was held and work exem
plified by the grand chapter officers, which
was followed by sn Informal reception.
Thursday morning devotional exercises were
led by Cora McMullen of Wymore. Each
chspter president gave a short verbal re
port of the yesr's work, which proved
most Interesting. Mrs. Thompson, chair
man of committee on officers' recommends,
tlons, presented the report, which resulted
In several valuable additions to the present
Mrs. Britt of MrCook. chairman of the
official chapter reports, presented her re
port, which was adopted. The memorial
fund for estsbllshlng a P. E. O. home In
Colorado, wss presented by Mrs. Hapemsn
of Minden. It m-as left with the chapters
for future action. Mrs. Vance of Wymore
gave an excellent psper on "What It Means
to be a P. E. O." Mrs. Kyd of Beatrice
moved thst chapter reports at conventions
be limited to 10ft words, which was carried.
The following officers were elected for the
next year:
President. Miss Little, Geneva: first vice
president, Mrs. Harrison, York; second vice
president, Mrs. Brown. Hsstings; recording
secretary, Mrs. Shanklnnd. Lexington; cor
responding secretary, Miss Kyd, Beatrice;
treasurer, Mrs. Jones. Lincoln; organizer,
Mrs. Grelines. Blue Hill.
Officers were then Installed by Mrs? Peter
son. A brilliant reception was given the
convention by chapter W of Blue Hill.
Little Son Present In Room at the
FREMONT, Neb., June 21. (Special.)
Bert Stiles committed suicide by shoot
ing himself at his home, 7&0 North F
street, this morning. After breakfast ho
went down town, returning in a few min
utes. He went Into the bed room on th-
lower floor and, standing before a mirror,
shot himself through the right temple. His
5-year-old boy was in the room with him
at the time and ran out crying "papa's
shot." Water Commissioner Mathws, who
was In his office, came over on hearing the
screams of Mrs. Stiles. The wounded man
was lying flat on hla back on the floor
and was unconscious. It was some min
utes before a doctor could be found and
It was at once seen that the shot wis
fatal. He dted while being taken to the
hospital and Instead was carried to Bader's
undertaking rooms. No cause Is known for
the act. Last evening Stiles was drinking,
which was unusual for him, but was not
perceptibly under the Influence of liquor.
His wife Is prostrated. He also leaves two
children, 2 and 6 years old. He was a
son of City Clerk S. F. Stiles and moved
here recently from Hooper. He was a
member in good standing of the Knight
of Pythias and was one of the organisers
of the Western Bees and an officer of their
Nebraska grand lodge. At the time of his
death he was In their employ and also
collected for the Metropolitan Life Insur
ance company. An inquest wil probably
be held this afternoon.
State Board of Health to Revoke
License of Omahn Physician,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 21.-(Speclal Telegram.)
The State Board of Health this morning
affirmed the decision of the board of sec
retaries, to revoke the license to practice
medicine held by Dr. Mathewa of Omaha. -
The board allowed Dr. Mathewa until
Monday to Introduce any new evidence he
may have. Dr. Mathews Is accused of
performing a criminal operation upon Miss
Edith Short, a former nurse at Dr. Bailey
sanitarium. ...
Home Telephone Can Bnlld.
WYMORE, Neb.. June 21 (Special.) Last
night at a regular session of the council
the mayor's veto to an ordinance repealing
a franchise granted to the New Home Tele
phone company was sustained. Last Jan
uary the New Home Telephone company
d-ilred to come Into the city and waa
granted a franchise. Immediately an In
junction suit was brought against them to
restrain them from building here, the alle
gation being made that the franchise had
been "railroaded." After some time the
Injunction suit was withdrawn. Tester
day work was again commenced, but the
mayor ordered them to stop and to show
what right they bad to build, a an ordi
nance had been Introduced In the council
repealing the franchise granted them on
the grounds that they had not lived up to
the conditions Imposed by the granting of
said franchise. This ordinance had been
vetoed by the mayor and had been tabled
Indefinitely. Last night, however, an effort
to pass the repealing ordinance failed, and
the Home company Is free to go on with
their work. .
Convention of Blind Graduates.
COLLEGE VIEW. Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial.) The alumni of the Nebraska School
for the Blind, situated at Nebraska City,
met Tuesday last at College View. The
meetings were .held In the college main
building. This meeting Included the most
successful and Influential blmd of the
State. Among the most prominent of the
delegates were Mr.Mer Parrlsh, a tuner
from Beatrice; Mr. Bertram Bell, who for
the last few years has been employed by
the Baldwin Piano factory of Chicago
Heights, 111., and Miss Sarah Cosad. She
Is a teacher of music In northern Kansas,
where she has a class of about sixty-eight
pupils and Is doing very well. All of the
fourteen delegate are making a success
of life, thanks to the training given them
nd to their plucky perseverance. Many of
these people came to Lincoln unattended
and found their way, by the aid of the
street csr men, to College View.
Accidentally Bhoete Himself.
FREMONT, Neb.. June 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Augist Suva, a son of Joseph
Suva, living a mile north of Dodge, acci
dentally hot himself yesterdsy afternoon.
The shooting occurred near the barn. HI
brother beard the discharge of a gun and
found him near the granary In a pool of
blood. A physician was summoned, but the
yong man died before he arrived. It Is
supposed that Suva seised the gun, which
was kept In the granary, by the mussle.
The shot entered the stomach, passing up
ward. He was 22 yesrs of age and a young
man of exceptional promise. Coroner Over
grd held an inquest today and the Jury
rendered a rerdice of accidental shooting.
MUalnar Wvmna located.
BEATRICE. Neb.. June 21 (Special
Telegram.) Today Mr. Eva Btddke. who
disappeared from her home at Wymore
last week, waa located at the home of Mr,
nd Mrs. Grubb tn South Beatrice and
taken In custody by' the officer. Her par
ante. Mr. and Mr. Beat.' took her home
this evening.
Child Serlenaly Barned.
BEATRICE. Neb.. June 21. (Special
Telegram.) Fire today partially destroyed
the home of Harry Svett. Hta little child
waa severely burned about the face and
head and narrowly escaped a frightful
death. A gseullns explosion caused the
lie. . ' .
0re.FiT6 Hundred DeUrttg Dikom
Woik of Bundaj Eohool.
Re port a of Officers Skew Decidedly
Satisfactory Condition (
Affaire Tbronghont
the State.
YORK, . Neb.. June 21.-Bpeclal.)-The
state Sunday school convention continues
to grow In Interest. This I certainly the
best In the history of the association.
There are 525 delegates enrolled. AH are
enthusiastic and attentive.
The association assembled Wednesday
mornirlg promptly at I o'clock for prayer
service. The Bible study, conducted by
Rev. Daniel E. Jenkins, Omaha, was up
lifting to those present. George G. Wal
lace, chairman of executive committee.
Omaha, conducted conference with workers
of tlie state.
W. E. Nlchol, recording secretary, gave
report of the year's work, which waa
highly gratifying. P. S. Dletrick. Red
Cloud, statistical secretary, gave a full re
port of the schools of the state. H.
M. Stledley gave a report of work done
out in the field which tins heen continuously
and faithfully performed.
Paul S. Dletrick of Red Cloud, who con
ducted the county work In York county
so successfully and raised It to a business
standing, presided over the session of
county organization. M. D. Berg of Pone
presented It from the standpoint of the
aim of county associations. "How Shall
the Apportionment Be Raised?" and "How
Can the County Association Help Its Con
stituency Do Better Work?" were presented
by Robert W. Adams, Tekamah, and L. L.
Coryell, Auburn. These subjects were dis
cussed by those present.
Mrs. Belle Warner, Price, rendered a
vocal solo which waa appreciated by all.
The Sunday school missionaries of the
state were Introduced and presented their
respective work to the attention of Aose
present. .
Dr. Jenkins again led the Bible study,
when the session was reopened In the after
noon. E. C. Babcock, treasurer, of Lincoln,
gave report.
Raising the Money.
At this time the pledges for the expenses
were taken from the schools and tTRO wa
pledged for the state work.
It was decided that county officers raise
their own apportionments and leave the
most excellent field workers. Prof. H. -M.
8tledley and Miss Mamie Haines, free to
attend to bettering and the raising of the
standard of schools.
A conference on some problems of Sun
day schools was held by Thomas F. Stur
gss of Omaha, Prof. L. D. Eichom of Canon
City. Colo., the music leader, and Mrs. J. A.
Walker, Denver. Colo., the International
primary president.
Mr. E. C. Knapp. director of Bible study.
I Broadway tabernacle. New Tork, addressed
the convention on the subject of "Building
t'p a Sunday School." which was followed
by a conference when questions were asked
which he answered In a scholarly, business
like way, each answer containing the help
asked for In concise form.
For the evening session the Methodist
Episcopal church was crowded to Its fullest
capacity. Fifteen hundred people were"
present. The ong sen-Ice opened the even
ing's exercises and was followed by an ad
dres by 1 D. Elehorn on the subject, "Im
proving the MuHje." He Introduced songs
for Sunday- school taken from music of
Beethoven, Mendelssohn and others of the
best composers and showed how music
might be used of this grade and would be
of great value to students. He thinks the
catchy, Jlngly songs used so much now of
little value and written by musicians to
meet the demand, not because It Is the best
they can do.
Commercial Clnb Picnic
CREIGHTON. Neb., June 21.-(Speclal.)-The
members of the Crelghton Commercial
club were entertained here today by tho
farmers of this section at a picnic dinner,
held In the H. Rhodes grove two and one
half miles north of here. The club mem
bers and their wives and children were
driven In carriages to the grove, a few
Impromptu speeches were given, after which
dinner wa served. The afternoon was
taken up in different sports, foot races, ball
games, etc. The above complimentary din
ner was given the Commercial club In re
turn for a like compliment given the farmer
during the Farmers' Institute, held her In
the spring. These meetings are highly com
mendable a they tend to brlna tha firm...
nd the merchants closer together in a
mutual feeling to ben -fit one another.
Jtsi f Xebrnsksu
PLATT6MOrTH-The water In the Platte
river Is receding.
the Diamond bakery to J. w. Hemr
PLATTSMOl'TH The Cass county old
T'.'iT" 8n''nth annual reunion will h.
neio in i nion on August 24 and 25
PLATTSMOl'TH Will H r-l-m'... ..
acting as station agent for the Burlington
here Tn the absence of W. L. Picket
PLATT8MOUTH Homer Bandera, while
working in the Burlington storehouse, had
one foot badly mashed.
BEATRICE Francis Boon ,A u .,
died yesterday at the county poor farm
-i., i, ii.ii.-Hn aoout two weeks.
BKWARD-The Oermantown ball team
will play the Seward German Lutheran col
lege team on the college campus Saturday
TEKAMAH The Mlnneannli. M. r
road la building a thirty-two-foot addition
on the north side of Its depot at this place.
, 1 1 riMiji 1 M Ami B. Todd of Den
ver is visiting relatives here and says that
ye" r better than it haa been for a
FALLS CITY-Mr. Thomas Hewitt of
Lexington, Neb., and Miss Elizabeth Nav
lor of Falls City were married here last
PLATTSMOUTW-Mr. A. fltreei. who
has been engaged in business 'iera for
twelve years, has sold he millinery stock
to Mrs. II. E. Weldman.
PAPILLION-Two hundred soldiers, un
der command of Ciouin tviii-nr
camped In town. They are on their practice
. i,, .iuiii run truDK.
WYMORE A atreet fair will be held here
next month in connection with the atate
circuit races. The Wymore band has also
ben engaged to play each day.
WYMORE Today at noon occurred th
marriage of Charley Miller to Misa Anna
Docekal. Mra. Miller Is the daughter of
Frank Docekal. a retired merchant.
KAIRBCRT City Clerk F. L. Rain has
advertised for proposals for the con
struction of s.OOO feet of sanitary sewers,
the bids to be received until July 10.
SEWARD President Geesen of the German-American
Picnic association called a
meeting of the committee together and it
was arranged to hold the picnic on August
8EWARD Martin B. Lehr. trvellng
freight agent for the Wabash railroad, was
married here Saturday to Miss May Soren
eon. Rev. H. W. Leavltt was the officiating
minister. .
SEWARD The grand Jury finished up its
work Saturday and waa discharged. The
cost of the grand Jury was fl.nuo. A number
of Indictments were found, but not yet
made public.
WOOD RIVER The wedding of Miss Nel
lie Francis of this place and John Gorham
of Grand Island was solemnised this morn
ing in St. Mary a Catholic church, Rev. P.
Lynch officiating.
SEWARD Senator Martin Demery and
Mr. V. D. Johnston of Beaver Crossing have
purchased a 13.600 stock of gencrai mer
chandise at Arlington. Neb., and will ahip
It to Beaver Crossing and conduct a general
merchandise store. ,
WYMORE Yesterday, while fishing at
Blue Spring. Sam Earl of this city re
ceived a sever gash on the head, requiring
several atllches to "close Mr. Earl waa
alttlng on the middle of the dam fishing
and. becoming dliiy by the rushing waiera.
fell off vo the rock Ueluw. jr a while
Ms life ws despaired of. but t present
his condition Is somewhat Improved.
NORTH PLATTE The North Plstte
fire department has entered into a contract
with the Dixie Carnival company or the
appearance of that attraction tr a week
beginning July I.
BEATRICE The drill team of Washing
ton camp No. S, Woodmen of the World,
Is making plans to sttend the annual meet
ing of the Woodmen to be held at Ne
braska City July i, 4 and (.
WYMORE A scenic artist from New
York Is here working on a ll.onn contract
for new scenery for the Wymore opera
house. The building will be furnished with
opera chairs of the latest pattern.
WYMORE C. A. Roth, chtef storekeeper
of the Wymore division of the Burlington,
haa been transferred to the Alliance divi
sion. He and his wife will leave for that
plsre tomorrow. E. C. Hill succeeds htm
WYMORE About fifteen of the business
men sre taking another "trade extension
trip" today. This is their fourth trip this
spring. They drive out through t lie coun
try visiting their customers and meeting
new ones.
FAIRBfRY At a meeting of the city
council last evening Mayor L'hley ap
pointed as members of the city library
board, for the term of three years, Mrs. C.
F. Steele, Mrs. B. W. McLucas and Prof.
A. I Carlness.
SEWARD The German Lutheran con
gregation will hold an open air mission
service Sunday In the Mlrgln'e grove, south
of 8eward. Rev. Becker, the resident
pastor, will be assisted by two minister of
the county churches.
PAPILLION Msrshsll Gstewood srrested
a boy 16 years old last evening for stealing
a horse from a grading ramp near Omaha.
The boy sold the horse here for JlS, which
he paid over to Marshal Oatewood. Sheriff
McKvory took him to the Omaha Jail.
WYMORE Work wss commenced yester
dsy tearing down the frame buildings on
the site for a new brick block tn be
erected by Mr. H. A. Greenwood. When
the block Is finished it will be occupied by
Jesse Newton with a stock of men's fur
nishings. 8E WARD The house occupied by Henry
Rolfmeir on his farm In J. precinct, was
destroyed by fire Saturday. Mrs. Rolfmeir
was canning cherries Just outside the door
and was not aware of the house being on
fire until the whole interior was tairly
B E A T R I C E Homer Armstrong, the
youth who waa lodged In Jail here Tues
day evening on the rhsrge of stealing a
horse from Alexander Armstrong, a farmer
living nesr Odell. was given a hearing be
fore Judge Spsfford today as an incorrigible
and ordered Bent to the reform school.
BEATRICE The 0th birthday anniver
sary of John C. Howe was sonronrlatelv
celebrated Isst night at the home of his
niece. Mrs. Joseph McCsnn. Mr. Howe
was msde the recipient of severs! tokens
of remembrance ss well as congratulations
of having reached auch an anniversary.
FAIRHI'RY District court Is In ses
sion, Judge Raper presiding. This morn
ing the court sustained tbe 'city council
In their action In granting a liquor license
to F. F. Borland. The case was appealed
by the attorney for tho remonstrators,
from the decision of the council a few
days ago.
NORTH PLATTE A good rain fell here
last night, amounting to about one-half
Inch. It was not bsdly needed, but was of
advantage to the growing crops. The early
part of the storm was accompanied by a.
severe windstorm, and telephone connec
tions were destroyed with some of the out
side towns.
WYMORE Semmer Miller was bound
over to the district court here this morn
ing on a charge of grand larceny from the
person. Last week he had stolen a gold
watch and chain from a man asleep In
Horseshoe park, on the outskirts of town.
He came here from Denver end said his
home waa In Iowa.
NORTH PVATTE A call has been Is-
suea ror a meeting or tne ltepunncan
County Central committee to meet in tho
office of Walter V. Hoagland of this city,
on June in, 190s, at X p. ni. The purpose
of the meeting is to fix a date for the re
publican county convention and for other
incidental business.
WOOD RIVER Mr. J. O. Mead, one of
the early settlers in Hall county, died at
the home of his datiehter, Mra. tsner
Tracy, last night at the age of 90 yeira.
The funeral took place at the home thu
afternoon. Rev. A. E. Bashford conducting
the services. The remains were laid to
rest In the Wood River cemetery.
BEATRICE Carpenter and Helvey, two
of the six prisoners who were put to work
on the streets Tuesday, escaped yesterday
afternoon from Officer Land and left for
Darts unknown. Clarence Cave of thl
city and a young man named Wilson from
Wymore, who were working out fines on
the streets, raised the necessary funds
yesterday, paid out and were discharged
NORTH PLATTE County Assessor
Robhtns today turned 'Over his assessment
schedule to the board of equalization. The
tiedule shows a gain In the valuation of
property In Lincoln county of 1600,000.
The improvement on town lots show a
gsin of jr2.626, and on other lands, $73,
130. There wilt be a slight Increase In the
valuation of the union Pacific property
this connty.
NORTH PLATTE: One hundred and fifty
Italians, who had been employed oil con
struction work on the North river branch
of the Vnlon Pacific railroad at $1.75 per
day, ent on a atrike nonciay. The strlK
ers and their belongings were brought to
this city tn the afternoon in the outfit car
In which they lived and upon their ar
rival In the west end of the city were
ejected rrom the cars.
BEATRICE William S. Fulton, a Beat
rice boy and at present a member of Ful
ton Bros. Stock company, now playing a
Bummer's engagement at the Oliver theater
at Lincoln, has been granted a patent on
an auto-asate, a suDstitute ror a mrycie.
Each skste haa two small ball-besrlng
wheel with pneumatic tires and Is so ar
ranged that it ran be fastened to the foot
the same as an ordinary skate.
TEKAMAH-At a regular meeting of
Tekamah lodge No. 81. Ancient Free and
Accepted Maaona, held last night the fol
lowing officers were Installed by Past
Grand Master Mopeweii: Frank E. ward
W. M.; H. K. Clark. 8. W.; Walter M
Hopewell. J. W.; J. P. Latta. treasurer
John A. Slnghaus, secretary: Fred Wlxer,
S. D.; F. P. Smith. J. D. ; F. N. Moore
house. & S ; M. L. Gllkerson, J. 8.; H
M. Morehouse, tyler.
NORTH PLATTE The work of the
steam pile drivers on the North Platte
river bridge on the new road of the Lnlon
Pacific up the North Platte valley was
completed last week, and the bridge Is now
ready for the laying of the steel. A gang
of section house carpentera arrived tn
first of the week and will begin at once to
erect section houses along the line of the
new road,. The fencing or the right-of-
way will also soon orain.
NORTH PLATTE City Engineer Pau
C Mevers sent in his resignation to the
city council Isst night, and they promptly
accepted it. There had been conalderauie
friction betm-een the city engineer and the
council over the location of the permanent
sidewalks being laid in tne city. 1 he sur
veyor having laid out his stakes for walks,
nd the council directing the wslks to he
laid otherwise, so that the walks would
be on the level with, and In a line Willi
the other permanent walks.
NORTH PLATTE North Platte will
not have a Fourth of July celebration this
year. But Sutherland, to the west, has
made great arrangements and Attorney 'A.
Muldoon of this city will be the principal
speaker of the day. At Ogallala, fifty-one
miles west, there will be a celebration of
magnitude and Attorney J. O. Heeler will
give the oration. At Maxwell, fourteen
miles east of this city, there will also be
a celebration, so that though the cltlsens
of the city of North Platte have a carnival
on tap on the holiday, they will not be
prohibited from enjoying some of
fruits of a genuine Fourth of July in the
neighboring villages.
8TBLIA The merchsnt of Stella held a
mass meeting and decided to have a cele
bration here on the Fourth of July. Ample
funda have been aubscrlbed to make the
financial side of the matter a success. A
large tent will be erected on Main atreet
for apeakers, and the whole town will be
uaed aa a park for the day. Every atreet
In town Is lined with large shade trees, so
the dsy can be comfortably spent by all
FALLS CITY The case of the state
gainst Erie Bode for emhezxlemnt was
called for trial Wednesday afternoon, when
Judge Kelllgar arrived and the application
made by Bode for a continuance was over
ruled. Owing to the indisposition of Bode'
counsel, the case was postponed until a
Ister date, when the Jury will be called
bark. This will be July 11. The esses
against Richard Adama and several others
for gambling at Stella were settled by
Adama pleading guilty to gambling and
paying a fine of tluO and coats. The cases
sgalnst the other parlies were dismissed
by the county attorney.
FREMONT Peterson's hardware store
was entered by burglars about 1:10 this
morning by breaking a window In the rear.
The sound was heard at the police station
a block and a half away, but while the
officers were examining all the etor
windows In the vicinity, the burglar did
their work and escaped. A considerable
quantity of amall gooda was taken, the
exact amount Mr. Peterson Is unable to
Beat All.
When your eye are dim, tongue coated,
appetite poor, bowels eonatlpated, Blectrla
Bitter beat all cure, to cent, ror sal
by Sherman aV McConnell Drug Co,
Twelve Van Btllotinc on Coarro of Im
peding Justice with Fuie.
Connsel fee the Ks-Pestmaster and
Foreman ( Grnnd fnry- Cnst
Aspersions en GTern
ment Officials.
Joseph Crow't case In the United State
district court was given to th Jury at
2:18 o'clock yesterday afternoon. As no
agreehient had been reached at o'clock,
the court permitted the Jury to go to gupper
and it was taken to the Paxton hotel, re
turning to the Jury room at 7:15. From that
time until 10 o'clock there was no Indica
tions of an agreement. nd the Jury sent
word to Judge Munger. who was In waiting
at the court room, that further Instructions
were desired. Defendant Crow and At
torney Gurley were sent for and there were
present In the court room In addition to the
above nsmed when the Jury filed In. Dis
trict Attorney Qoss, Marshal Warner and
two deputies and two of the secret service
Albert Welkins of Lincoln, foreman of the
Jury, stated that the Instructions that the
Jury desired to be Informed upon were:
What would be the effect If a verdict of
guilty wa found on one count and a dls-
greement on all other?"
Judge Munger said: "The effect, while
such a verdict could be returned, would be
that a new trial would have to be had on
all the counts upon which there was a
disagreement. "
The Jury then retired again and It was ex
pected that It would soon return the mixed
verdict. Half an hour passed and the Jury
did not return, and Judge Munger stated,
after some little reflection, "that he did not
feel disposed to accept such" a verdict at
this time anyhow." An additional bailiff
was sworn In and the marshal was directed
by the court to permit the Jury to go to
a hotel, but that It must be kept together,
and returnTo the Jury room for delibera
tion at 8 o'clock this morning, although the
court would not be ready to receive any re
port until o'clock or after.
Judge Munger and the court officials then
left the court house, on the further in
formation that the jury would not come
to an agreement during the night. . The
Jury was then taken to the hotel in charge
of Bailiffs Miller and Smith for tho re
mainder of the night.
Prior to the beginning of tbe arguments
the proposition wss considered as to
whether the arguments should apply to the:
first nine counts of the Indictment, which
charged the Impeding of justice. In the
offering of passes to specific Individuals,
members of the grand Jury, or the tenth
count, which charges that the passes were
given by Crow to the Jurors for the pur
pose of Influencing them to vote a no-blll
against Ware. The court maintained that
If the first nine counts were sustained
and a verdict of guilty returned on them
It would be equivalent to a verdict of
guilty on the tenth count, and vice versa.
The government therefore decided to stand
on the first nine count and th court
eliminated the tenth count.
Goes on the Motive.
Each side was given an hour and a half
for argument, the argument beginning at
9:20, with I'nited States District Attorney
Goss leading off for the government. The
essential feature of Mr. Goss' argument was
to establish the theory of a motive as based
upon the evidence. He analysed the evi
dence thoroughly and his address through
out was strong, temperate and eloquent.
He showed that influences were at work
back of all of the cattle and land cases to
prevent Indictment and conviction after In
dictment. Tbe duty of the government offi
cers was not to persecute an Innocent man.
but to prosecute a violation of the laws
against the people.
W. F. Gurley was the first speaker for
the defense. He took up the evidence piece
by piece and sought to show that the gov
ernment had fallen down flatly on Its case
and that there was no evidence to convict.
He maintained that neither L. C. Wheeler,
District Attorney Goss nor 8peclal District
Attorney Rush wss the government, al
though they seemed possessed with the Idea
that they were the whole thing.
"If there has been any violation of the
law," exclaimed Mr. Gurley, "the govern
ment officers have been guilty of that vio
lation of law."
Ransom Get Tart.
"When th government officers have a
bad case,'' ssld Frank Ransom, who fol
lowed Mr. Gurley for the defense, "they
appeal to patriotism a last resort. It
appears thst Mr. Crow has been guilty Of
less majeste in voting no-bill against Ware,
In the estimation of Wheeler, Rush and
these peclsl detectives who hsve been
hounding these Jurors. These officials cave
emptied the Jail and taken out of Its
polluting precincts this man Welsh and
polluted this court room with his pret
ence. Not satisfied with hounding men by
secret sen-Ice agents, they have coerced
their witnesses and victim at th plsto!'
end to sign statements which they did not
make In the grand Jury room. The Spanish
Inquisition did not resort to much worse
than this. Out upon a prosecution that
would seek to convict a dog on such testi
mony a that of Lambert and Welsh.
Passes have been current about this build
ing for lo, these many yesrs. If a man
were a member of the legislature, i there
anything more natural than that he should
ask the speaker of the house to get him a
pass, and I there anything wrong in a
member of the Jury to ask tha foreman to
get him a pass If he had the requ'slte In
fluence?" Rash Hands It Bnek.
Special District Attorney Rush delivered
the closing argument for the government.
He was considerably worked up over the
aspersions regarding the government offi
cials made by the two preceding speakers.
He paid hla compliments to Gurley and
Ransom in caustic term and then went
Into the merit of the case. He analysed
the motive actuating Crow in giving out
railroad passes, which in most instance
were without the solicitation of the benefi
ciarlca, a a "percolating system" or a
"sense of obligation" that would naturally
affect the Jurors who had received auch
favors from him, particularly when he
would announce loudly and personally, "I
vote no bill."
"The presumption was evident," said Mr.
Rush, "that the recipients of the favor
would do likewise. It is a noticeable fart
that It waa only during th pendency of
Important bills before the grand Jury that
Mr. Crow was so generous In the distribu
tion of hi passe. After the work of the
grand Jury waa finished his hitherto spon
taneous generosity and liberality ceased.
There were no more no-blll to be voted,
nd hence there was no further need for
passes, and he overlooked the formality of
providing or even offering the jurors pasae
to their homes, except In the case of Ash
ley, Gow and Nellsen, to whom h proffered
trip passes to Colorado and return."
A rather caustic climax to Mr. r.uah's ad
dress was when he referred to Mr. Gurley
with soma warmth " man whose shirt
collar Is larger than his head, and whose
girth is so big that the slrclngle of the larg
est elephant would hardly go round it."
Wnnsan V fnr Brlllns Llannr.
Ollt Thomas of South Omaha was ar
ralcnrd trfnr t'nltd 8lats Commissioner
Andtison Thursday kflcrnoou on the chargs
2 C
"We are simply overstocked with summer merchan
dise and goods will be sold at virtually
S. Fredrick Berger & Co., "
The New Cloak Shop.
JUNE 19, 1906
JULY 3, 1906
JULY 17, 1906
. I will personally conduct the above Homeseekerg' Excursions,
leaving Omaha on above dates, for the purpose of assisting home
eekers to locate and file claims on sections of free Klnkald landg
under the C40-acre homestead law. I will have with roe, for each
excursion, township plats, showing the location by section, township
and range of all the available homestead lands in those localities.
SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES Lands that are now being can
celled on reports of the Special Agents of the Government, are gen
erally desirable homesteads. I keep track of all of the cancelled
lands for the benefit of the patrons of this Bureau.
TRAIN SERVICE Train leaves Omaha at 11:10 p. m.
RATES AND TICKETS Very low round trip homeseekers ex
cursion rates will be in effect on above dates to these destinations
and to any other points in the homestead counties in Nebraska. Those
holding excursion tickets desiring to visit other points will be fur
nished township plats showing the homestead land in any section
they desire to visit.
The Latest Addition to the
Great Hotels of the World
42d St. and . Park Ave.
Opened May 8, 1906
nirjhest Type ol Fireproof Construction
Replete With Every Detail ol Service
and Equipment
Hotel PM
Is an innovation. Unique and original.
All exposed cooking. Sea food of all varieties a specialty.
Our combination Breakfasts are a popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popster mule,
400 rooms. 200 baths. Rates for rooms $1.60 and upward; II .00 an4
upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per
day; parlor, two bedrooms and bath, $5.00, $6 00 and $8.00 per day. $1.01
txtra where two persons occupy single room.
Write for Booklet.
of selling malt liquor at hsr horns in South
Omaha without thst securing the nereosary
government license. Miss Thomas pleaded
not guilty and her raw was continued for
hearing; to 10 o'rlork Friday morning In
default of iiM ball she was locked up In
the county Jail until lirr hearing- can be
Fatal Pirn nt Aaylnns.
MIDDLETOWN. Conn . June il.-FUe In
ths amusement hall connected with the
State Asylum for (he Inssne early todsv
caused one death, that of K. L. Lichten
stein, general manager of the Merchants'
Bilk company, and nearly created a
panic among the Inmates of the ssvlum,
who were removed from a dormitory
rear by to another building during the
height of th fire. The dead man
crushed by a falling wsll Th lurne4
building was valued at fctf.OuO,
on Style.
1517 Farnam Street.
13 E
For further Information call or write
Homeseekers' Information Bureau,
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Herald Square, New York.
Completely renovated and refup
The largest and most attractive
has been newly opened up.
Special Inducements to COMMER
CIAL MEN with samples. Thirty large
nd well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS,
with or without bath. ' Forty larg.
front suits, with parlor, two bedroom
and private bath, suitable for famlllva
or parties traveling together.
The Old English
Grill Room
St Us Xsn Trasslsst, Steel Built, rmpnx
I2S-1M W.
Braaaj. N. V.
cur. a
kimki mm of Grans
i entra
sne Jut e Loncarrs
T:ius Square, tsa vary sears
e( th any. lu tha mdat ol the
ttiaatafi anS eluba an sear
tha aUcpplfi Slatrlet. Subvar
and "L" ruada a-id Sroedwaf
cars adJeceDC. Mwtar secern
miMlattena for boo. Modara
roeaaa near balk, II 14 Lua
nous all light rooms aaf
':. it "k ri.le balk. I us,
A," J tbotro ravtaurant Muale
W. H. VAUgi'ttTTB
A lea Hotel fcersees, . Asia,