1906. If! 3 OMAHA WKATHF.lt FOR.KCAST Friday Fair. Temporarily Closed Temporarily Closed 2k jOOIJMOES, Rig Salt Molin Saturday SaliHiy Bi Salt Udlrs' Salts m Don't Hesitate! Ml V4 n THE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. .TtrXT. dilM y ks THE RELIABLE ST9RB V J Til) TCP J GRAND REMNANT SALE ALL THE ODD LOTS AND REMNANTS From the TJCS Moines StOCli WONDERFUL BARGAINS WASH LACES, oajggjajgm. 2c Yard The choieest lots from tlie Dps Moinos Stork are flat vals. torehons, imitation elunys, etc. hundmls of the daintiest and most elab orate new styles, in wliite, cream and ecru, nil widths worth up to liie yard at, a yard. ALLOVER LACES AT 19c EACH All the remnants of a Hover laces from the Des Moines stock net allovers, English allovers a great many different styles, up to a yard in length at, each ! I These 2c 19c It is safe SPECIAL Canvas Oxfords $2.50 A Good Hoi Weather Shoe. Nothlna; Cooler. THY A I'AIR to buy ONI (MOD SHOES It la aafa for the draeay man the particular man to waar banoh made Ontmoda. Ttaay are parfect la atyl ud hig-hast la quality. Prices, $4 to $6 $3.bo Onlmoda ara aafa for tha aoo Domical man. They ara tha beat $3.50 hoaa mads. Remnants '5 DRESS GOODS iiZX Because of extraordinary business of this week and large stocks of dress goods, all remnants of fine I goods must go at once, and 'J.)c will sell them J? tomorrow mamKr w ALL OUR 35c FRENCH ORGANDIES ' Kemmyits from the Hes Moines stock U W g-uarantee a perfect fit by mall. Writn for style book B. I. eaent 205 rsHOEASSJSsz ?3 yard All the dainty silk fancy goods and "0c pilk Jac nuards, yard wash I Importers' namplc lenRths the finest f f I silk vol lr. black drew (roods, I f I TP I cloths. I'nnamns, etc., sellinK IJC 'v I up to 12.50 regularly, at, each. . SILK REMNANTS T'mtllU All the short ends (2 to 15 yards) taffetas, Louisenes, peati de cygne. foulards. Iiarred silks, chocked and striped bilks suitable for odd .waists, petticoats, shirt waist suits; specially arranged for easy selec tion on bargain squares, main floor, worth J Jc A.fLt QQc from BOc to $1.25 yard; at, yard aJ "OJ 'TO "D J Another lot of silk samples from the Custom House. Silks of all description -all go according to size f f JC tQ Main floor, ar. each UC'jC'JJC Silk Kolienne, 27 inches wide. In a fair range of colors, regular price 50c yard; Main floor bilk, department, at, yard 15c Paint Value The measure of value is not what you pay, but wnat you nic guiim tlty and quality. IjOWK BROTHERS' HIGH STANDARD ' PAINTS Aro letter Minn other. because they have I! ... . ,. ... . C , ...Iti. an A nnalltV III Iimni HUllll'll'Ill Ul M"1,ll-J of those materials necessary to make mem hotter. Phone ua the location of your house and we will show you a "High Standard" Job in the neighborhood. It la the best painted house in your part of town. MYERS-DILLOH DRUG CO. PAINT DEPARTMENT. Hlij Harney. Phone Douglas 3425. REMNANTS IN BASEMENT FROM THE DES MOINES STOCK Another fresli lot of fine mercerized table damask mill remnants of ' to 5-yard lengths, and positively worth up to 75c a yard; at, yard All the J5c fine dimites 25c and extra sheer lawns on sale in basement ; at, yard . . . 5c All the caiii-oes and lawns i All the yard wide sllko- 111 remnttm. mm mtve. accumulated front our Immense sale of the past week yard Remnants of long cloth, India linon and sheer lawns, all 4 0 Inches wide In two lots, at, yard 3c line, Des Moines price was 12 He yd. on snle in basement, yd . 3c 5c tni 71c Drummers' Sam pie Pieces Table Damask for Nap- kio. tray cloths, I etc.. at. puh ItemnantB of 6e Toweling, will go at, per vard ateisC af I Shoe Sale t Remnants Table Damask, from tha Des Moinea stock at less than half price. IN BASEMENT. Babies' Barefoot Sandals, ill colors ... 25c Misses' and Boys' Barefoot Sandals, 59c-49c Women's Whits Canras Oxfords, pair . . . 98c Bois' md Youth's White Can- or Misses' jnd Children's White UUb vas Tennis Shoes, it ... . Woimm'a Hand Turned Vlci Kid Oxfords, $2 values 1.29 Ladies' all patent or patent tip Laca 1 00 Shoes, pair lefcU Canvas Oxfords, it, pair. . . 69c Mtn'a Low Ox ford Shoes tan or black, at. Will You Try ft Remitter The best S cent cigar you ever smoked. Just I the proper I klui.l nf filler binder and Su matra trip per. Ijooks and smokes like a ten-center. An All Tobacco 5c Cigar. ' WM. BINDERUP Manufacturer 1822 24 St. fl try' Ave., Omaha, Neb. TIME TO BATHE I I These hot Bummer days you will And Sea 8alt and Panltol Bath Powder very refreshing and invigorating. i0--pound Sack Sea Salt, 20c our price asVW Banltol Bath Powder, 15 C 25c Bath' Mitts, ific per pair " TBc Rubber Sponges. f)Oc at 7&c Rubber Traveling Bags, 40C ! 75c Bath Brushes, FiOc at 6c Bcisaors, 24 C any slie n.i") Sanitary Bath Brushes, 7S at 20c 1.59 c Bath Sweet, at DR. PRIES BACK IN OMAHA "Specialist" Indicted by Federal Grand Jnry Captured and Returned. RELEASED ON BOND OF THOUSAND DOLLARS ('haraa, l He I ird I nited sialra Mulls for I urrmil I'nrpii.ri ,t III.- I'irat Knoll )nrae. Dr. rt u.1 lt!i Tries tirrivatl In Omaha WeUtu s.lay nlK'it fro;n I Angeles In tlie custody of Deputy ' I'niied States Marshal William I. Traegor ard Special (iuard R. ti. Oshoiit.of the Callturnia city. Dr. Prhs was placed in the Duuglas county Jail lo awali his hearing on the Indictment re turne.1 by tlie fi-deral grand jury of No I vemla.r, lSuft. of UMi'g the I nited Slates maila for corrupt purposes. Dr. Pries had been a fugitive from Jus tice 1ih hia Indictment, and It waa atatt-il at t tin t time ha had fled to Kurop. In stad cf going acroaa the water Dr. Pries disappeared for u few nioi.ti.s and finally turned up In I.oa Angrtes. where lie rented and sumptuously, furnished a flat In an anatorrsttc part of the city and at once engaged In the practice of hie profession as "apeclal physician." Mrs. Pries Joined him there, and tha fii ni waa doing a thriving busines when their Identity as disc lowd and stepa were taken for Dr. I'riea' apprehenalm He mada no particular nffort to keep In com ealmant, but waa deepljr chagrined at his arrest a few weak ago. After his arrest he suoceatied la gtring Marshal Traegor the slip and want to Hmaadeua, with the evident Inten tion of leaving the country. By little mlam wfl detective, work Dr. Prlea waa ba gull4 back to Ixa Angeles, wss re-ar-r tad Uat Monday morning at his home there and was immediately brought to Oi ha by the officers, under commitment froxa tha t'nited Statue district Judge at Jjoe Angis Mrs Pries accompanied her betand to Otiiaua. Xto, Jrl waa released from c"m Thursday afternoon on . $1,(100 bond, the bond being furnished by a surety com pany, which is in return secured hy prop erty owned by Dr. Pries In this city. Th!e is the third case of the kind found against Dr. Pries, one indictment being returned against him in Omaha several yeirs ago. for which he paid a heavy fine, and another returned sgainst him by the federal courts of the district of Colorado s fesr years ago and for which he was convicted and hetivlly lined. Dr. Pries formerly maintained an office in the Arlington block on Dodge street, where he conducted his "specialist" practice. CORPORATIONS COME MONDAY Uta, Taxpayers Are Asked to Eater Protests to Board of K.IUMlliat1oB. BEAT013 DRUG CO. 13TH AMI FARNAM. Home of Omaha's Famous Fountain. The County Board of legalisation will hear protests from the large public service corporations Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The corporation officials were cited to ap pear before the Kiard at that time to take up the matter of their assessments. As there baa been a substantial increase In the valuations of these companies they are expected to enter objections to tha figures of the assessor standing. The companies clte1 to appear Include the at reel railway company, the electric light cotnpany. the gas company and the Nebraska Telephone company. A Woadar. Kverybody who haa tried Bucklen'a Ar nica Salve for cuts, burns and wounds, says It's a wonder, at cents. Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. Rtrinlns from Grand lalaad. The t'nion Pacific 'railroad has announced an excursion for next Sunday from Urand Island and Intermediate points to Omaha the round trip being J from (irand Island' It is believed over l.uuu a III oome from (irand Island, and large delegations from Fremont snd other places. The excursion will le run In seetioiis and will he due about noon or earlier. Special programs fr the visitors have been arranged at Krua Paik uul vlher jl:es w( amuee-"ul. The Osborne Company of New York wants a traveling representative to rare for a territory where ita business is al ready established and to increase it. The business Is the sale of art calendars for advertising purposes and the ordinary type. of traveling BH.lee.man is not wanted. The demand Is for a high-clasa man of education and character who Is willing to work hard to make himself a permanent position. Such a man will find this an attractive business that will pay much better than the average professional career. A very young man is not wanted. Kxperlence would be an advantage but it is nut absolutely essential. Call on C. H. MILLER. PAXTOX HOT EI., Friday, June 10 to J 2. CHARLES A. POTTER GENERAL STENOGRAPHER Depogitlong, Correspondence, Brief Work and Special Report lng on abort notice. N0TARY"PUDLIC Tel. 1616. 101 Bee Building Business Boosters Try the Want 1 . . Cvlouut vt The Bee. GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME Dry Goods Section ONE FULL RACK LADIES ' SILK WRAPS. About Thirty Ladies' Summer Shirt Waist Suits Some Only Slightly Wet, Others Badly Soiled. THE SILK ETON'S will be sold up from S1.9S THE SILK COATS will be sold up from $4.95 THE SUMMER DRESSES up from 98o LADIES' SUITS ANDSKIRTS-A Two-Hour Sale Friday. AVE HAVE FORTY SUITS AND ABOUT FIFTY" SKIRTS IN ODDS AND ENDS OF THIS AND LAST YEAR'S STYLES with trains and some without. SUITS WERE FROM $f?.50 TO $15-SKIRTS FROM $4.:0 TO $12.r)0-FRII)AY FROM 10 TO 12 M. J QO ALL AY ILL BE SOLI) AT, EACH ..... I.JO LADIES' SUMMER VEST SPECIAL-50 dozen Ladies' Summer Gauze Vests low neck, no sleeves regular 10c value to go on sale Friday, each . . 2 SALE LADIES' HOSE Ladies' Cottou Maco Hose-made by largest southern manufacturer warranted fast dye, double sole, worth 12'C pair Friday, a pair, 10c; three pairs for eJC CORSETS AND GIRDLES, 25c-Misses' and Ladies' White Batiste Corsets and Corset Girdles; also pink, blue and white batiste taped Girdles worth . 48c each Sale price, Friday, each ODD LOT OF BELTS, lOc-This lot includes an odd lot Wash Belts, plain and embroidered, worth 25c each, slightly mussed Sale price, Friday, lf each..".. vC Remnants of Colored Dress Goods Short Lengths (1 to ivt yards) of Panamas, Batistes. Serges, Checks and Plaids, Waterproof Suitings, Scotch Mixtures, Mohairs, Sicilians and Henriettas, worth up to $1.25 yard Friday only, yard A Clearing of Wash Goods ALL THE SHORT LENGTHS OF SILK M I LLS. SILK ORGANDIES, IMPORTED SWISSES AND IRISH DIMITIES that sold up to 85c while they last, Friday (from 2 14 to 12 yards), r a yard, at dJC SHORT LENGTHS OF FINE BATISTES AND ORGANDIES, MULLS AND SUITINGS worth to 3uc 1 Friday only, a yard 1&2C SHORT LENGTHS OF LAWNS. PERU ALES "AND PRINTS worth to 12 c yard Friday only, a yard 1,000 yards 7-4 Unbleached Sheeting In lengths from 2 to 10 yards worth 21c Friday only, a yard 100 Dozen Bleached Napkins of Manufacturers' Ends six In a pack age all perfect and worth $2 a dozen ff" size 20x20 while they last, Friday, six for I DC EMBROIDERY SALE FRIDAY, 5C Fifty pieces fancy embroidery appliques and small medallions embroidery edge 2 to 6 Inches wide and embroidery Insertions this lot worth to f 15c yard sale price, Friday, a yard JIC ALL-OVER LACES FOR HOT SUMMER WAISTS About 40 pieces fine Oriental Net All-Over Laces In cream and white, 18 inches wide, worth 75c to $1 a yard Sale price, M Q Friday, a yard rOC TORCHON LACES, 5C 2,000 yards fine Imitation Torchon Laces with insertions to match extra wide and medium widths c worth to 15c. yard Friday, a yard OC NECKWEAR VERY CHEAP 100 dozen Fancy Embroidered Turnover Collars, plain white and colors, worth 10c and f 15c each on sale, Friday, each DC 35C VEILINGS, 15C Big lot Fancy and Plain Mesh Veilings, with or without dot lots of blacks and colors 25c and 35c f f quality special Friday only, a yard lt)C EMBROIDERY SPEUIAL. 9 TO 10 A. M. Odd' lot Fancy Embroidery Edges and Insertions and Fancy Imported Laces lepgths 2 to 6 yards worth to 25c yard one hour only, a yard -C 4!c 15c 1.39 LIBBEY CUT GLASS SALE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. Perfection in Glass Making for the Price of Common Goods. Pretty Star Cut Water Set in Pressed Glass Six tumblers and jug; Friday, a set Japanese China Cups and Sau cers In dark blue decora tions, very thin goods; JC Fridav, 2 for DC $1.25 Tomato Mayonnaise (like cut), a novelty a few more left; just like the real 1 C article Pressed Glass Flower Basket Very pretty pressed glass, each VASES! VASES! . VASES! VASES! Very Pretty Shapes and Colors, Also Plain; Friday, r choice, each J 25c FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, JAR RINGS, EXTRA CAPS-WE'RE HEADQUARTERS. LARGE SUPPLY AT RIGHT PRICES. LAMPS, ELECTROLIERS, ART VASES, BRIC-A-BRAC, CUT GLASS, DINNERWARE, ETC., ETC. Large Assortment. Prices Always the Lowest. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Small profit a and qui k fleH menu money isaei and Fres.li ciuuils. mm 100! en Gulilt'ii Santos Coffee, pound 26 o nK And twenty jrrerii Hading mampM HMPKei f iren japan i ci, pound JtfQ And thirty urt-n trading at.mp. Fure ground Blur-k jvpper. i an l3o And tian ;rwn trading HtampH. Frld of Bautt Flour, sack 91.30 And tuny rt n irtu Miamp. IidkfU HfiiiiP, ttii'f-t lar: raiin 95c And tn nr n trading MampH. Bonnet t' Bargain Soup, t-n larn . . . .30 iiftitiftt'N i'apiiol liuk. I'd., in. tan. 240 And 1en nr'rit trading utainp. f jV" J Anil t-n crci'ii trading stamps. Pnr li,ni.i Ur lQl.n AikI ten srpfn tradina stamps. Bennetts Capitol Lemon Kitrurt. bciiur 18c Anil twenty areu tiadiiig stamps. Full (,'rfHin New York 'i-env, ,sr puiinii SOc And twenty grM l trading stamps. Kippered llerrlna. I"- i'i 80o Ami tin gree . trading stamps. Diamond "S" Fruits, ran 8&a And thirty Kre-n irading stamps. . Jll-O. assorted, three p.i kag.-s for .tbo And tail greo.i trading stamps. Corn March. II.. pkg...4o ("alif. Hipe (tlivea. bot.lOc Fvaporaied Crsam, ran lo lmrkwi Salad, bottle. lOe Hreakfsst rocun, inn . . e Anderson's Tomato CttfTee, Roasted. lb....l5C' Soup, per can fto Hrhepp's (Vti-oauut. pkg 4o Corn.. J-lb. can 6o Shrimps, t an 10 ; Ivas. :'-lh. can So i.elatlue. packaga 5C ('affile Tn'lrt Soap. 1'alace Car Jains. j p.'r caka tHe pound tin 15a F9 I Fruits and Fresh Daily New Potatoes Per Pound 2c Per Peck 25c WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT V WlSbAJ &V920 QUITTING BUSINESS MILLINERY AT LESS THAN COST I Imvr rhfidod to close out my Hlwk of Millinery twxls and m-11 tlirm at Ipsn than rout, which ntt-mis a 4) to HO rr rent discount. I havo dome of the prettiest conceita of tlie Konson, in lHth llress and Shirt Waist Hats or I will imikr you a hot after your own Ideas. Hats that originally sold for an hljjh as $11 will he sold for $.1. rillOKS HAXfiK I'HOM 50 CKXTS TO Kt..K). Ih not think of letllnjt this opportunity slip by you. MABEL CHATFIELD, 620. South Sixteenth Street. A LITTLE OUT OF Til 13 WAY. BL'T IT IS WORTH VOI R TIME. .stJi."-!.. ((S) Before You Go On yotir vacation let. us put your watch In order. Ynull need It while you are nwny. Iave it now. so It will h JP all ready for you when you are ready to gu. f ! We employ only the beta workmen. IXHtK FOH TUB f NAME. J 1 S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. V 1516 Pouglae St. AND RETURN jj $15.00 U July 10th to 16th Inoluely Llmtt, August 80, 110ft, V $17.50 U Every Day to September 30 V . Limit, October 31, T0. V 1 U UNION PACIFIC )) V The popular route to Colorado. V Inquire at J ' J CTTT TICKET OF KICK. 1834 Fartumi Street, S,. 'Pboaie Doela8S4. U B LOW RATES EAST One Fare plus $2.00 for round trip with 15 day return limit and One Fare plus $4.00 for round trip with thirty day return limit, to many eastern summer resorts in New Eng land and Canada, via the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY SOME OF THE RATES: 15 Day I.hnlt Pay Limit Quebec, Can $32.75 $34.75 Halifax, X. S $46.75 $48.75 Piotou, X. S $46.50 $48.50 Toronto, Qnt $27.15 $29.15 Thous. Island Jet $32.75 $34.75 St. Johns, X. B $42.25 $44.25 Portland, Maine $35.25 - $37.25 Bar Harbor, Maine $40.25 $42.25 Montpeiler, Vt $33.75 $35.75 For full information as to dates of sale, routes, etc., write to or call on, F. A. NASH, Cen'l Western Agent, 1524 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. rni.i. fcgk. Lindeqwood College for Women ST. c?hls' mo I83M906 . . i j .... 1 1 . ',.11.. - . v. - Wna 4iMilimli. In I Ilii r v a nft fnllflM PniiriM Mi;,,,.. Klocntton. Art and Domestic K.-nnomy. I'hyslcal and btraleKio Ixx-Jition. Accesalhillty to a great city. Select patronage, i.imitea number or boarders. Kv.r room taken during last school year H-utimi location. Elsctrlo cars to t. toula, Cataloaue on application. Har.'Oaoga Trsdarlo Ayrsa. la. , Pin. BELLEVUE COLLEGE will be open to aummer boardern Julv 7th. Kates for adults. 5.ao to IS per week. For particulars address BKI.I.KVl'K t'OM.Kt.h, liellevue, Xeh. I a QQQSB BBSBB 3BSB5EBBE 'FOLLOW THI PLAO.' UI1S0 C0LLECE I OR WOMEN I la tha beautiful Cumberland Valley. Course I loading to d'Kie-s of A., ti. and Mus. 11 1 I laaSlCS, AIUM1C, iin.f. t.'riiriu ii;- j uliy. ( amius So acres; 14 buildings; rant I moderate. M II. KKA8ER. Ph D , Pres't, I 13 Collega Ave.. CHAMbtKBHL'RG. PA. Wlien You Write to Advertisers remembar u Lakes only so extra atrok or to of tba ia lo say oj saw iba ad lu U La He SPECIALS CANADIAN POINTS SOLD DAILY-LONG LIMIT ASIC WABASH CITT OFFICE, 1001 Farnam fit. or address HAKHY K. MXRE8, O. A. P. D., Wabaah K. Omaha, ... tMmtAm x ai-.s. 4.