Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Upper Eouae Passes Bill for Thii Tjpe of
Panama Canal.
his is ezatia in Effjc. and Showi Email
Majority for Bill.
Prospect of Contast Between President and
Senate it last.
South Dikntii ftraater "ays ea Level
( I CoalX Re Constructed la
Three Iran' Additional
day took a position In sccord with
president Bud the house of repiesentatf.
Iy declaring for a lock canal -acror th.
Dthmus of Panama. The result was
reached after a day's dlaruaslon that i
almost devoid of Interesting Incident. There
was only one record vote and that wan
negative In diameter, coming on a motion
to lay cm lie table the lock type subetltule
for the sea level bill. This, motion was made
by Senator Klttiedge and wan voted down
31 to 36.
The vote la generally accepted a defi
nitely nettling the type of the great water
way and terminates what at one time
threatened to become a sharp difference be-
s tween the senate on one side andi the presl-
dent and the house on the other. The en-
f glneers have figured prominently In the dis
cussion and frequent attention has bee,n
..DIU4 . tlia tmt that whll efirht nut of
thirteen engineers reported favorably to a
l aea level canal all of the five dissenters
r' were American engineers, while of the other
It eight five were Europeans. Some senators
frnn for the all-Ameri
ca n report.
Senators Klttredge, Cullom, Scott. Fora
ker and Dick spoke on the bill today.
The remainder of the day was devoted to
the amendment to the sundry civil bill ap
propriating $25,000 for the president's travel
ing expenses and the subject was uufinlshed
when the senate adjourned. Senators Mc
Ijturln and McCumber crlticlxed the pro
vision sharply.
Debate Begins Promptly.
"v -I he senate lost little time today lu be-a-
ginning its consideration of the sea level
Panama Canal bill with a view to taking a
final vote on the measure before adjourn
ment for the day.
The first speech on the subject was made
by Senator C'ullo.n In opposition to the- sea
level bill on the ground both of expense
and Impracticability. lie contended that
the president has authority tinder the
Bpooner act to construct a lock canal.
Senators Scott and Foraker announced
their Intention to vote Tor the lock plan
tifctrmlTfayiiig; tlrey were hopeful that
at soma time In the future the canal would
be deepened to the level of tidewater. Mr.
Foraker confessed that he was not entirely
persuaded, but that he had decided to fol
low the lead of those who have tbe greatest
responsibility the president, the secretary
of war and Engineer Stevens.
The debate was closed by Senator Kltt-redgi-
In advocacy of the sea level plan.
In reply to the objection to that type of
canal he quoted a number of engineers
to the effect that It could be completed
within twelve years, no more than two or
three yeara in excess of the time required
for a lock canal.
tor Dick said that he had originally
from his advocacy of the Nica
ragua n route to the Panama route because
he believed a sea level canal practical at
tha latter place and that lie was not will
ing now to surrender that advantage.
Sedative Teat Vote.
When tha hour arrived for taking the
vote Senator Hopkins offered his substi
tute providing for a lock canal. Senator
Klttrebe moved to lay tha subject on the
tsble. but the motion was lost, St to 3,
the vote In detail being as follows:
Ankeor. CMltr, Nlnn,
Brry. Frmxlsr. cvsrmaa,
Blatkbuni, Ulhncr. Putt,
Hurnhftin. Halt. RayDr.
Hitrrows. Ktllr4g. Stmont,
I'trntrk, ltlmr. titons,
'1T. - M. Cumber. Taliaferro,
t'lNrh. Mrturin, Tillman, '
l ulhervon. MnUorr, Wbyla 31,
Kantalao. Martin,
lurk. Murgan.
Ailaa. Flint. Vllllar.
Alllaon. Kof ktr. Pattaraoo,
firnton, Ftiiton, Paitroaa,
nTtrl(1s. Gaintila. Prklna,
Pran1psea. Manahrough, Pllaa.
Hillkltr. Hem.nway, PriM-ror,
llui-kttt, Hrburn, Bimui,
tartar, Hopklna. Hmoot.
Clark (Wto.), Kran. Bpoonar.
Cullom. IFnllatta, Mlhailand.
Iinlltrer, l.odga. Warra,
linden. I.onc. Wetmora M
The substitute was then sgreed to with
out division. It Is as follows:
That a lock canal be constructed across
the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the
waters of tl) Atlantic snd Pscine oceans,
of the general type proposed bv the minor
ity of the Board of Constructing En
gineers, created by order of the presi
dent, dated June 24. mii. in pursuance of
an act entitled "An act to provide for the
construction of a canal connecting the
wter of the Atlantic and leciflc oceans.
App-oved Jane ?S, 1002."
Travel Pay Hill Comes I p.
During a lull in the debate on the lanaina
canal bill today Senator Hale called up the
sundry civil appropriation bill and Senator
MeLaurln continued his speech III opposi
tion to the appiopriatlon of $25,000 for the
i, resident's traveling expenses.
He hailed his uhjectlon lo the appropria
tion on the ground that It makes a citsa ills,
tliii'tloii and suld that he waa opposed to
that principle. lie objected not only to
the president's "gallivanting" about the
country, but also lo bis using the public
money to Inxlle such reporters of the press
as be might desire to have with him such
as would give out the kind of information
that would suit him and conceal suvh as
lie did not aant t.rlntt J.
ii i. iirrn riiinirii i on i ion i or
pivsideni's trips about the, country the
railroad rate bill would never have re-
iclved Ihe popular approval that had been
liven It. but. asked Mr. Mclturtn, had not
Mr. Bryan leen advocating this legislation
lung before tne president a message of
Mr. MclAurin disavowed any special ref
erence to the present executive, saying
that his remarks applied to the office.
Farakrr aad Tlllanaa Aajree.
Senator Foraker suggested that as the
piealdent Is ronimander-ln-chlef of tha
army and navy tie ha a right to use public
vessel fot' public purposes, and Senator
Tillman eaid that the president's time Is
j completely occupied that he must be
(Cwaliuued uu Second Pag )
Klnsr Haakon Rrrrlui .eclal Kmrr
Iraa Ambassador aad Will
Visit British essel.
TROiDHJEM. June 21. -The Danish royal
yacht Danneborg. with Prince Christian
of Tenmark. a brother of King Haakon,
on board, and the steamer Trrmvp. carrying
the special Dutch embassy to the coronation
of the king of Norway, entered the harbor
early this morning, whereupon another
loud cannonade awoke the few who re
mained asleep In the city. The sky was
overcast and. In view of the fact that a
few drops of rain fell at intervals, the
scientifically Inclined insisted that these
endless artillery salutes are proving rain
makers and will eventually spoil all the
pretty decorations of Trondhjem.
Tbe palnce waa astir early, as It had
been planned to receive there the special
French, American. Italian. Austrliin and
Dutch embass'es In the order named, com
mencing at J:SO a. m., before the king pro
ceeded to the Danneborg to greet his
The special American ambassador, entries
N. Gmves, the minister to Bweden. sup
ported by Major William tV. GlRson. mlll-
tary attache at St. Petersburg, and IJeu
21. -The senate t ;- .. r-nnimanrier Jnhii H. Gibbons, naval
'ache at London, and attended by the
"i' .yegl&n officers assigned to escort them,
It T ' I . . II.. III.... w.A!,'A,t II..
ji gave the Americans a cordial
'reusing his pleasure at their
the l"nite,
The diplo. ceptlon continued for
over an hourr . afreat crowd gathered In
front of the palace and watched the ar
rival and departure of the embassies.
King Haakon and Queen Maud, unless the
receptions Interfere with their plans. In
tend to hmch'on board the British royal
yacht Victoria and Albert, which yesterday
brought the prince and princess of Wale
and their children here.
The special German and Russian em
basslrs have not been reported, but It. Is
expected they will arrive during the after
The first vessels of the excursion steam
ers are arriving, adding their crowds to
the city's and InereasliAjc the large fleet in
the harbor.
King Haakon boarded the Danneborg at
11 o'clock and welcomed Prince Christian,
his brother. When the king reached tha
German cruiser. Prlnx Adelbert, carrying
Prince Henry of Prussia, the speclul rep
resentatlve of Emperor William, there was
another salvo or salutes.
King Haakon escorted Prince Christian
and his suite ashore, where a guard of
honor was drawn up, after 'which the king
went out to the Prlnx Adelbert, which
fired a salute In his honor. Prlnoe Henry
received the king and they remained in
conversation for several minutes. The
king then returned ashore
Prince Henry landed early In the after
noon and was given an enthusiastic recep
The arrangements were similar to those
of tha prince and princess of Wales' re
ception. The German prince lunched at
the palace with King Haakon, who deferred
his formal visit to the Victoria and Albert.
William J. Bryan has arrived here to
attend the coronation.
Poller Seat ta Protect
of Chaaaellor of the
LONDON. June a.-MIss Blllington, Miss
Kenney and three other leaders of tha
militant woman suffragists were arrested
In Cavendish square today for creating a
disturbance outside of Chancellor of the
Exchequer Asqulth's house. Mr. Asquith
Is the particular bugbear In the present
ministry of the worrlen suffragists and
special police have been stationed ii. the
neighborhood of his residence to prevent
threatened attacks upon It. A sco'e of
women, with banners flying, aaemlled In
Cavendish square this forenoon and an
nounced their determination to be heard
by Mr. Asquith. They defied the police
until their leaders were arrested and
dragged on to the police station.
The women arrested were arraigned in a
police court later. Miss Blllington was
nned $50, or two months' imprisonment
whereupon she expressed the Intention of
becoming a martyr and going to Jail. The
hearing of the other cases waa adjourned.
The countess of Carlisle, herself an ar
dent surrraglst, referred to the affair of
this morning at today's meeting of the
Women's Liberal Federation. She said she
was shocked when passing through Caven
dish square to see "so-called-women suffra
gists fighting police and making an Im
pertinent mockery of womanhood."
The countess repudiated any connection
with the "poor, misguided women" who
attempted to mob the chancellor of the ex
chequer in his own house.
Poalhanaons Hoaora
Dead Mlsaleaari
derers to Be Pnalahed.
PARIS. June 21. The Foreign office has
been advised that China yesterday signed a
treaty according complete satisfaction to
France for ihe massacre of six French
Jesuit missionaries at Nan Chang, Klang-Sl
province, in February last. China pays
! -i.aj.un Indemnity to the missions snd $400
Oim indemnity to the deceased missionaries
mninira, nuuas a memorial hospital and
punishes the ringleaders of the rioting. In
addition posthumous honors, which the peo
ple of Nan Chang demanded, will not he
granted tot the Chinese magistrate whose
suicide was the signal for the outbreak.
The French runboats in the vicinity of
Nan Chang will not be withdrawn.
Orlef for Seddoa's Death.
WEIX1NGTON. N. Z . June 11. The I
funeral of Premier Heddon. who died sud- i Dakota Ciraad Army Officers.
denly June 10 on the steamer Owestry I YANKTON. 8. D . June a. (Special Tel
Grange, took place toJsy and was a strlk- ! egrs m. ) The state Grand' Army of the Re
lng demonstration of public grief. An enor-j public elected officers as follows: N. I.
mous number of people followed the hearse Low ehlan of Mllbank, commander; F A
".". .7" i"'"
ineiwnn speciaiors irom an pans or tne col
ony. The dsy was observed as a general
I holiday throughout New Zealand.
Fatal C'olllalea at gca.
IKJVER. England. June ;i The Danish
schooner Bertha was sunk near tbe South
Goodwin Itghtshh? today as the result of
a collision with the Dutch tank steamer
American, from Antwerp for New York.
Eight of the crew were drowned. Peter
Korholm, th , captain' son wa the only
survivor. The American proceeded, not
having sustained any damage.
Dry Dock at Slagaaor.
SINGAPORE. June II -The I'nlted State
dry dock - Dewey arrived here today. It
had a slight collision with the (Juicier aud
J Caesar wblla anchoring.
Eiporta of Packine House Produota Lartar
Than Iter Before in History.
Batter Making Coaatrlea Take Moat
Oleo Inarrerilents aad Mast
of the Meat .oes to
Rreat Brltala.
WASHINGTON. June 21. -Exports of
meats and meat products from the t nlteci
States In the eleven months of the fiscal
year I!,, ended with Mar, aggregated
r IlStdnonno in value, according to a
report issued by the Department of Cnm-
erce and Labor. These figures for eleven
months, says the report, show a larger
exportation of meats and meat products
than in the corresponding period of any
other year In the history of the export
trade and an Increase of practically BO per
sent when compared with the correspond
ing period of 1916.
The Increase occurs In all the principal
products, but is especially noticeable In
lard, oleo oil, salted pork, fresh beef and
fresh pork. For the ten months ended with
April, up to which complete figures a-e
available, exports of the various articles
were: Iard, IS1.BOO.0OO; bacon. fc.Hmy)0;
beef, fresh, practically, $20,000,000; linms,
S16.6tW.0O0; oleo oil and oleomargarine, sln.
000.000; salted pork. tl0,00O,0n0; canned beef.
I5.7.VI.OOO; salted beef. 14,000,000; tallow, a
little less than $4,000,000; sausage casings.
$2,228,000; and fresh and fanned pork, $1,000,
000 each. Exporta of ennned beef and of
bacon show but little increase during the
last decade.
Great Britain, says the report. Is by far
the largest purchaser of American meat
products. Of the $75,000,000 worth of bacon,
ham, fresri beef and canned beef exported
in 1906. the I'nlted Kingdom took $tW.nO0.00O
worth, or practically 90 per cent of the
total; of t he total exports of meats, valued
at $100,000,000, It took $80,000,000 worth, while
of the $40,500,000 worth of cattle exported
In the same year It took $:i.7o0.000 worth.
Oleo exports go chrlefly to the butter
making countries, the largest part to The
Netherlands, which took $.5O0,00o worth
out of the $11,500,0"0 worth exported In 1903.
German r Wants o Tariff War Ion,
BERLIN. June 21. At a meeting of the
Central Association of German Manufac
turers, embracing most of the great manu
facturing organizations of the country,
held at Nureniburg yesterday, the general
secretary, Herr Bueck. referring to iho
trade arrangements with the I'nlted States,
said the association supported the tem
porary extension of the treaty duties to
the I'nlted States because German Indus
try at this moment was not sufficiently
prepared for a tariff war with the I'nlted
States. A continuance of the situation
created by the temporary arrangement,
however, would lie Irreconcilable, tlther
with the economic Interests or dignity of
the German empire. The general secretary
felt It necessary, therefore, to warn Ger
man industry to prepare In good time for
a tariff war. which would be unavoidable
If the I'nlted States thinks it can continue
treating German goods unfairly.
Interstate Commerce Commission
Coatlnaes to Take Testimony '
at the atlonal Capital.
WASHINGTON. June a.-The Interstate
Commerce commission today continued It
Inquiry Into the coal and oil traffic of the
veral railroads. Chairman Knapp an
nounced that today's session primarily was
for the purpose of allowing eastern bitumi
nous roads which have been under Investl-
gatlon an opportunity to make any state-
iiiiii suuiiui lemiuiuny wnicn iney
might wish to do.
G. 8. Patterson, assistant general counsel
for the Pennsylvania, presented a state
ment containing a summary of actual
weights of coal destined for llarslmus pier. J
John B. Thayer, fourth vice president of
the Pennsylvania railroad, explained the
methods of car supply and distribution of I
that road. He ssid that prior to sailing for i
Europe last May President Cassatt gave or- I
ders for the discontinuance of the Individ- i
ual car system on the Pennsylvania road
and had been provoked because It had not
been carried out. Vice President Pugh and
himself took the responsibility for suspend-
lng the order, assigning as a reason that
they were more directly In touch with the
burdens of that huslneas H. t i
dent Cassatt's plan would be adopted within
the next few months.
Conference Report on Fortlflcat lon.i.
WASHINGTON. June a. In the senate
today Senator Perkins presented and the
senuif agreed to the conference report on
the fortifications appropriation bill. The
points In dlaputc were settled as follows:
The appropriation for the purchase, manu
facture and test of mountain, field anil
siege cannon was fixed at $fO,0r0; for the
erection and equipment of a government
powder factory. $1S,00; for the purchase.
manufacture and test of seacoast cannon
for the Insular possessions, MOO.ono, and for
the constructlou of seacoast batteries (n
the Hawaiian
and Philippine islands,
Foarth of Jaly oa Isthmns.
WASHINGTON, June 21. Employes of
the Isthmian canal In the canal zone will
have a regular old-fashioned Fourth 1 of
July celebration in Panama. Special ex
cursions -are to run to Panama from all
points along the canal for the accommo
dation of persons desiring to attend the
exercises. Money haa been raised by popu
lar subscription among the canal employes
on the isthmus and in Washington for ti re
works and Governor Magoon and other
prominent men In the Isthmus will make
addresses and lend their aasitance In mak-
lng the day a memorable one
I r-"e 01 ..01 cpnngs. senior vice coin-
- I mander: w. K. Htowe of Hrookinea !.,.
! vice commander; S. A. Boyles of Yankton,
chaplain; Dr. J. II. 8mith of Huron, med-
'leal director; delegates to national encamii-
I ment. John Morse of Hitchcock. A.
Nelson of
Pierre and Michael Smith
of I
Stomlaatloaa hy President.
WASHINGTON, June U. Tbe president
today aent to the senate the following nom
inations: J Consular Jose de Ollvares. Missouri, at
unaguay, Nicaraa-ua; lister Maynard,
California, at San Dakan, British North
Assist). t Burgeon in the Army, with
Rank of First Lieutenant Harold Weldon
Jones. Missouri; Omar Walker Pinksion.
Muasourt; Msttbew Aaron Reeaaner, 111),
nois: Ludua I.. Hopwoud, lvaaa Charles
E. ir'riemau'Mlseovtri-
Condition af
the scensert Wnaii
Family Mach
Smrx FAI.I.S, 8. D., June 21. iSpe in I
Telegram. Interest in the case of Mrs.
Emma Kaufmnnn now centers In whether
or not she will be successful as the re
sult of an application to be made tonunr.iw
mnrning before the stale supreme court
at Pierre. In securing her release on ball.
The general belief here I that the efforts
will prove successful. Mr. Kaufnvinn has
remained In prison with Ms wife since
She was lodged there and will continue with
her at least until the supreme court de
cides whether or not to release her on
There is no doubt that Mrs. Kanftnann
Is In a very grave condition of nervous
depression. Following her complete collapse
upon being placed in prison, it has lwen
necessary to have her constantly under the
care of a physician. Sheriff Phillips, with
the scant accomodations at his disposal, is
doing what he can to make his distin
guished prisoner as comfortable as possible.
Charles Kaufmann, son of the couple. Is
expected to arrive Saturday from Ohio,
where he has been Srttendlng college. It Is
that if Mrs. Kaufmann Is admitted to hail
by the supreme court she will Immediately
be taken to acme sanitarium, where she
will remain until her case is called for trial
next November.
It developed today that the first dis
coveries which led to the belief that Agnes
Polrels was the victim of foul play were
made by a daughter of William Mueller of
Parkston. The daughter and the dead g'rl
were Intimate friends and when word
reached Parkston thnt Agnes was deiid
Miss Mueller was doubly grieved. When
the body arrived at Parkston, Miss Moeller
observed bruises and wounds on the body.
She was so persistent In the claim that
there were wounds an the head of the
dead girl that the body, after It had been
Interred, was exhumed and an examination
made, with the result that Mrs. Kaufmann
was arrested.
Today, when the general public became
aware that from flftf to 100 women had
organized yesterday for the purpose of
dynamiting the horns of Mrs. Kaufmann,
In the event that she was not placed In
the county Jail, something of a sensation
resulted. There Is no question that the
women had organized . tor the purpose
stated. However, some or the attorneys
interested In the Kaufmann case today
threaten to prosecute the women who en
gage In the dynamite play. This has badly
frightened many of the women and stren
uous efforts are now being made to keep
from the public the names of those In
volved. Three Fishermen Uruns,
MITCHELL, S. P.. June a.-fSpeclnl Tele,
gram.) Three men who were Ashing In the
James river were drowned late this after
noon and up to a late hour this evening
their bodies have not been recovered. Their
boat drifted too near the dam 'at the mill
and was drawn under the dam by the back
current and the boat capsized. One of the
party's itiame is Bell, but the names of the
other two men did not seem to be known,
It being reported that they lived near
Spencer. ;
Kntanarlerf In Aet and Drowned.
Hl.'KON, S. D., - June 71.-(8peclal.)-Whll.i
setting a iish net In Shoe creek
Wednesday. Michael Hotter became en
tangled in ttie net and was drowned. The
body was recovered soon after the accident.
Mr. Hoffer came here from Hutchinson
county with his family last fall, purchasing
n farm about sixteen miles ' northeast of
this city, whore he and his family, consist
ing of a wife and six children, have since
I nlon Veterans Elect.
YANKTON. 8. D.. June 21. (Special Tele-
arm 1 stfatA I'ninn Vtm,a . 1 1 nai
w, tonown. Ur. A. a 8t(.wart f t
Springs, major general commanding; Aa
drew Ballwtg of Aberdeen, brigadier gen
eral, First brigade; E. H. Willis of Yank
ton, brigadier general. Second brigade.
Nebraska ii Says Private Monopolies
Mast Be Kilernjluated and Cor
porations Regulated.
TRONDHJEM. Norway, June 21. Mr. and
' -""' "' J l1ryan "rnven nPr t,fly '
I trnd lh coro"""n-
i Mr' H,ya"' t"king ,or 1,iH lrxt ,he ,at
m,'nt tl"U h" was ,,lnB described as con
acrvative, said:
"I am not responsible for the phrases used
In regnrd to me. but I am responsible for
my position on public questions. That posi
tion otipht to bt well known. Take the
trust question for Instance, as it seems
uppermost Just now. My position Is that
private monopoly Is indefensible and intol
erable. That was the democratic platform
In 1900 and the plank was Incorporated In
ISM and it Is the only tenable position.
"There Is some talk of controlling the
trusts you might as well talk of con
trolling burglary. We do not say we shall
only steal a little bit. ur In some par-
1 ticular way
but that they shall not steal
st all. It Is so of private monopolies,
It Is not sufTkient to control or regulate
them they must be absolutely and totally
destroyed. Corporations fhonld be ion
1 rolled and regulated, but private monop
olies must be exterminated, root and
brunch. Now. you can call that a radical
doctrine, t et is more conservative to apply
this remedy now than to wait until preda
tory wealth has by its lawlessness brought
odium on legitimate accumulations.
"Whot used to be called radical is now
called conservative because people have
been Investigating. The doctrine has not
changed, but public sentiment Is making
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will spend a week In
Norway and will then go to England. They
will ssil for home late In August.
London Broker Fade Life.
liONDON. June 21. -Demetrius Schllirzl
an old member of the Stock exchange
himself through the heart In the lavatory
of the Stock exchange. Schlllzzl was a
( , , 1 . ) ... r I ii 1 ! Oncpii-.ii , ri.., i. 1
,ald that hr had no financial troubles. Hi.
ib-ed Is attributed lo domestic worries.
son committed suicide about a year
nail roaciies la Hirer.
OTTO. Wyo.. June 21. (Rj erlal. I While
atteniDtlng to ford the Glev Bull river
nere ia i"i"i ..u.-, ,.,,, ,tlitcii whs
sept down stream and the mail lost. The
driver and horses were saved. Persons
are now dragging the river for the filled
mail pouches.
Iraa shooters at Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS. June 21 The first trap
In the seventh grand American handicap,
the annual blue ribbon event of the crack
shots of the country, was sprung at 9
n clock today. Three hundred entries in
cluded a number of the beat guns in the
t nlted States aiul Canada. Tha weather
J clear, with a Ughl wind.
After a Busy Day Omaha Party Winds Up
for Hiht at Pawnee City.
Other Towns All Alona the Ronte Live
the Men from Omaha the tihid
Hand and Speak a Woo
Word for Metropolis.
(From a Staff Corresiondent )
PAWNEE CITY, Neb., June 21 (Spuial
Telegram) Southeastern Nebraska will ring
for Omaha for many a day to come. The
trade excursionists from Omahu have done
their perfect work and thousands on thou
sands of the little bells, decorated with
Ak-8ar-Ben colors, are tinkling tonight a
merry refrain for the mission on which
the party has lieen Journeying lor two
Six o'clock In the morning is pretty
early for an Omaha man, but for the sec
ond consecutive morning the Omaha trade
boosters were out at that hour greeting the
rally morning-
At Nqbrarka City breakfast was served
by tho Presbyterian women and at 7:30 the
trip was taken up again. The way Is
through a section that would delight even
the most confirmed "grouch." All along
the track waving fields of wheat soou to be
ready for the reaper, corn that promises a
bumper yield and orchards whose branches
are already bending under the load of fruit.
Wild roses and other Howers bloom along
the way and In 'the bright sunshine the
scene Is most inspiring.
Klmwood Gives Royal Welcome.
At I'nion and Nehawka the welcome was
ntost generous and at Weeping Water U
was a regular ovation. There the crowo.
assembled at the depot alter tbe parade
and would not be content till Mayor Dahl
man had made a speech. He was cheered
again and again. At Wabash the train
got the usual welcome, the merchants hav
ing prepared big doings to greet the vis
itors. The depot was decorated and the
local band furnished tho concert. At Elm
wood the merchants provided the enter
tainment for all.' A committee from Elm
wood, headed by Messrs. Wolcott anj
Ianghorst met the train at Nebraska City.
The town was beautifully decorated and
tho reception was most enthusiastic. Din
ner was furnished by the merchants of
Elmwood and was served by the women of
the Degree of Honor. Banker John G.
Stark and Mayor David McCuaig made
speeches which were replied to by mem
bers of the party.
Mayor McCuaig spoke heartily of the
spirit In which the citizens of the village
welcomed their guests. Banker Stark spoke
of the comnierlcal relations between Omulia
and the neighboring towns and gave some
very Interesting figures In regard to the
business transactions of, Elmwood. Mayor
Da Ionian. G. M. Hitchcock and T. W. Mc
Cullough spoke lu reply to the address of
Mr. Stark. The speakers were cheered to
the echo. The time at Elmwood was ex
tended forty minutes and then the train
pulled out for Lincoln, visiting Eagle and
Walton on the way. At Lincoln the tram
waa turned over to the Burlington and
Messrs. Philllppl, Skinner and Hughes said
goodbye. " '' r
Ont on Borllnarton l.lae.
tiers First Assistant General Freight
Agent A. B. Smith of the Burlington took
charge of the train with J. J. Cox, division
freight agent of Lincoln; H. L. Iewis. di
vision freight agent of Beatrice, and C. 15.
Rogers, division superintendent of Lincoln,
as aides. The run to the south waa made
In good time and through the same de
lightful prospects for bumper crops. Rocn,
Hickman, Adams. Sterling, Tecumaeli, Elk
Creek and Table Rock came In order be
fore Pawnee City, where supper was served
by the merchants. At each of these towns
a splendid reception was met. Tecumsch
and Table Rock were especially enthusi
astic and the time spent In these cities was
well put In by all hands. At Pawnee City
the Commercial club, headed by its presi
nent. h H. l.olwell. met the trade nro-
t the depot and took them In car
that well deserves to be called bounteous
the party adjourned to the park, where
sieeches were made and a band concert
was furnished. Mayor J. S. Sawyer of
Pawnee City Introduced Mayor Dahlman
of Omaha, who spoke of the growth of
the city and state and was followed lu
turn by T. W. McCullough, of The Bee,
8. A. Searles and G. M. Hitchcock of
Omaha and Dr. G. W. Collins of Pawnee
City. In a speech that was both elouuetit
and witty. Dr. Collins urged his fellow
citizens to patronize the business men of
the metropolis in all things. His points
were loudly cheered by all. The night
will lie spent at Table Rock and breakfast
will be served by the Alpha women at
Hearings Close, hat the Matter
Re Further Discussed
la Letters.
WASHINGTON. June 2). -Although the
hearings on the copyright revision bill have
closed for the recess of congress. It Is
i deemed desirable by those interested In the
measure that the discusion may go on by
correspondence with the copyright office in
the Library of Congress. Kecords are to
be kept of this discusion for the benefit of
the legislators. To promote this discussion
Librarian Putnam today Issued the follow -
lng memorandum with reference to the
matter: i
The hearings by the two committees on )
patents sitting as a joint committee, which i
were begun on June S and concluded on
June . were preliminary only. The chair.
man of tne house committee announced
tnat nis romoiuiee aiium or preparea to
r-om hearings after the first Mondav
In December. The senate committee hai
authority to sit during the recess, but the
.iWlir." iWC dit .fa Lml;
and no probability of a hearing prior to
next session. rue senate committee has
haalnatructed ine to conn. tunicate as widely
i ss possible to the public:
I ly as possible to the public:
"IAn.ltritf furthitr heflrlna n itftn Mi Kill
geipV rec-or
celve. in behalf of the committee, as well
as the copyright office, suggestions for Its
amendment whether In form or substance.
and lo digest tiirse also for convenient
I consideration ny ine committee.
Double Murder ia lo Aaurelea.
i ir)9 AaM'GELESV Cal.. June 21. W. V.
1X13 AeKGEI.ES. Cal.. June 21. W.
Ketring shot and probably fatally wounded
his divorced w Ife and her niece Miss Be,le
i o linv. at the home of Ihe former esrlv
i tl(tuY Ketring has been separated from
I l,ia ulfe for the last two yeara. Calling
upon uer lani mgin. rir hekko iier io return
to him. She refused, and Miss (liny
stepped to the telephone to call the police.
As he did so Ketring thrust th telephone
from ber bands and shot both women.
Maay Passeagrera for Europe.
NEW YORK, June 21. The H.tmburg
Amerlran line steamer Kaixerln Auguale
Victoria which a.iilei today for Europe,
carried t'i passengers in Its first cabin. :VO
In ihe second and $o In the third cabin.
This Is tbs Urgeat number of cabin pas
sengers cairied outwaid this arason,
Fair aad ontlaned Warm Frldas.
Satnrdar Fair, Kieept Khsnrn aad
loolrr In Western I'ortloa.
Temperalnre at Omaha Vesterdayi
Ilonr. Drs. Hoar. Ilea.
Ha. m ft.-l I p. m TU
a. m .' r.2 It p. m Tt
7 a. ni VH 3 p. m Ttt
8 a. m M 4 a. m TH
a. m Wl H i. m Ts
to a. ni tM H p. m T
11 a. m o 7 p. in ?
1 m 70 M p. m TT
W p. m 71
California state Officials Will Aid
San Francisco Poller
SAN FKANCISCO. June SO. Dt puty At
torney General George A. Bturtevant came
to San Francisco today to commence the
state's fight against the Are Insra4ce con
cerns that have not llve'd up to the law. Fur
some hours he was In consultation with In
surance Commissioner Myron Wolf.
"From now It will be made the especial
business of the attorney general's office,"
said Mr. Bturtevant, "to prosecute every
action that can conserve the rights of the
Insured who lost property In the great fire.
We want the smaller losers, the mechanics,
and retailers who have become confused in
their efforts to receive Just treatment from
the Insurance companies toaTeel that they
have an ofPce which Is fighting their side
of the case."
Commissioner Wolf and Mr. Bturtevant
have decided to co-operate with the Mer
chants' exchange and the policyholders al
liance, which Is to be formed under the
auspices of the various mercantile bodies
of the city, to force payment In cases where
a disposition Is shown to evade proper ad
justment of fire losses.
rn- aadevllle la Being Put
Repair for the Sammer
The new Bijou theater on Harney street,
between Eighteenth and Nineteenth, will be
opened early In July as a vaudeville house.
It Is the plan to present only clean, first
class acts, with plenty of music and sing
ing In the program each week.
The Bijou will be a vaudeville theat -r
during the summer at least. Whether this
will be the policy during the regular season
will depend on the success with which Ihe
thenter meets this summer. Considerable
correspondence has been had with the
ShulMTts In regard to playing their produc
tions during the winter, but as yet bo
agreement with them has been made.
The playhouse is peculiarly adapted to
summer use, the ventilation being excellent
and the auditorium always cool. A large
Illuminated garden west of the theater Is
expected to be a popular feature during
the supimer months. There will be concerts
In the garden each evening before the per
forma nee and light refreshments will be
served. Two large exits have been provided
In the west wall of the auditorium, which
lead directly Into the garden. The main
entrance will be at the Harney afreet front,
but there will be a second entrance, at the
northwest corner of the garden, close to
Farnam street.
The bookings for the Bijou will be handled
by William Morris of New York, who books
for Hammerstein's Victoria and the New
York Roof, the Perry Wllliama' and Hurtlg
& Seaman's vaudeville theaters, as well as
for many other leading vaudeville houses
throughout the I'nlted States.
Exrnrsloalst from Two Territories
Make Merry Over Passage of
Statehood Bill.
new state'' celebration waa held here and
proved to be the greatest demonstration of
public sentiment ever manifested In Okla
noma. Excursion trains from over the twin
territories arrived last night and today
heavily loaded with enthusiastic people,
among them almost every prominent man
of the new state. Governor Edward W.
Hoch of Kansas, accompanied by Governor
Frank Frantz of Oklahoma, arrived at noon
and were escorted to the park, where the
principal exercises took place. Governor
Hoch delivered the principal address.
An extensive program of eminent speak
ers and a fireworks display has been ar
ranged for tonight.
Faaeral of Former liOTernor of Ohio
Is' Marked Tilth Simple
M1LFORD, O., June 21. After a simple
funeral service, attended by high state of
ficials, party associates and friends from
all parts of the country, the body of John
M. Paulson, late governor of Ohio, was
roni-lgned to the grave, his family alone be
ing present at the grave.
Judge Judson Harmon of Cincinnati, at
torney general In President Cleveland's
cabinet, and a life-long friend, spoke of the
political life of Governor Pattlson.
Bishop Henry Spellmeyer of Cincinnati
delivered the funeral sermon. The Inter
ment was at Green Lawn cemetery.
I -
1 Vollva
He Had tt
Ha Would
i c-HKAoo, June Jl.-Wilbur G. Vollva
, .. . . . . .
was again on the stand In tha Dowle hear-
' lng today.
! lie t)ld of a aecret room In the base-
j m--" " residence. ,h. door of
which was lined with steel and entrunc
. hch a( barred by strong locks. II
said Dowie had told him many times that
he had constructed this chamber for refuge
liecause he believed members of the Ma-
constantly plotting against
j his life. Dowle frequently declared, he
i ald. that he was In constant danger ai;d
Insisted that he must have a strong guard
to protect his life.
Dates for Mlssoarl Haaiflaas.
HT. lOl'IS. June 21 -The date for th
execution of "Ix.rd" F. Seymour bai ring
ton, July "&. for the muider of James 1'
MeCanu, baa been gonerail
illy confused w itti
utlon of Mrs. Ag-
I the dav set for Itie exec
gte Myers, June zo. ror ine mura.r or her
husband. Ixr1
Barrlngton ia sentenced
to bang July
24 s
nd Mrs. Myers on June
Mtraanshlu Dakota Ureaka Hecord. . , ... . , . ... .
....... .w Hruns lalterslly Raises r aaa.
CHICAGO. June 21 Local agents of the ,. . .
Great Northern Steamship company an- I PKOMDhM K. H .. June 21 -A recent
nouneed todav that all records bet ac.n 1 conditional offer of $l).('a to Brown uiii
Sealtle and J'an have be-n broken bv veralty by Andre w l ai n. aie . for n. Jiliu
Ihe steamer Dakota. The boat arrived at Hay memorial library provided that an
Yokohama Wednesday morning. eleven ' equal sum he rsjsecl by the unhsraily has
days, twenty hours and thlrly-flve mlnut. a la-en more than fulfilled. It I announced
after leaving Seattle. Tha v.UdulB lime j that a total of u. ling lb Caroe
to Japan 1 uflseu day gl glfl, i m oeiuu of lit UAlvwail,
;e fun
Supreme Court Fsses on Cue Appealed by
the Royal Highlanders.
Held Under New Hcreone Law to Be on
Same Basis as Mercbauta.
Real Eatate and Other Fro pert j Cwned bj
Them ia Taxable.
o Occasion for Removing Head
quarters to some Other State, as
Only Objection Was to Taxa
tion tif Reserve Fund.
(From a Staff Correspondent !
LINCOLN, June (Special.) By per
mitting a fnilertial Insurance company to
set off Its outstanding policies against its
reserve fund the supreme court today de
cided In favor of the Royal Highlanders In
the case bnnight by Hamilton county to
assess the reserve fund of thut order. The
Judgment of the district court of Hamil
ton county Is reversed. The decision will
radically release from assessment the le-
tervc fund of the Woodmen of the World
and all Nebraska life insurance companies,
though fraternal orders are held not to
be charitable associations. The Knyal High
landers, which has Its home office at Au
rora, was assessed on Its ofllce building
and other property to the value of Kl,i,
also $13,000 In cash. The county assessor
assessed the comany on $4.V.i) it owned
in securities deposited as a credit with the'
state auditor. The company appealed to
the district court and also tcnik the matter
before the State Board of Assessment. Toe
district court derided the reserve fund waa
taxable and the case was appealed to the
supreme court and that Judgment Is now
reversed. The opinion of the court wo
written by Judge Barnes and concurred lu
specially by Judge Let ton, Chief Justice
Sedgwick dissenting. The syllabus Is as
A fraternal beneficiary association, con
ducted for the mutual benefit of Its niein-
liers and for the purpose of providing a
fund by the payment of stated dues and
fees from such members for the payment
of special amounts upon tbe death of each
member to a beneficiary named by til in. Is
not a charitable association and Its prop
erty and funds are not used exclusively for
charitable purposes so as to tie exempt
from taxation by the laws of this state.
Where the legislature has passed an net
providing for a new system of raising
revenue, and has thereby changed the for
mer methods of procedure relating to mat
ters of taxation, the courts In construing
Its provisions are not bound by uny ao
mlnlstratlve construction of the former
revenue law. I'nder the rule established
bv the decisions of this court for the taxa
tion of credits a fraternal benetlotary as
sociation is entitle to set off the amount
of lis outstanding beneficiary certificates,
matured and unmatured, against securities
In its fidelity or mortuary fund, set apart
and devoted exclusively to the payment of
such certificates.
This decision will mean that the con
troversy over the removal from Omaha of
the national headquarters of the Woodmen
of the World Is at an end and that tlw
otder remains here. The amount of tho
Woodmen's reserve fund is $3,000,000 an 1
the order has complained that If this re
serve fund had to be taxed It "would Im
pose a greater burden upon It than it
could or would submit tu, hence it de
cided that rather than pay this heavy tax
ation it would go to some stale where Its
reserve fund would be exempt. As Is gen
erally known several states, notable Mlr
sourl, Michigan, Texas and Kansaa, .x
erted strenuous efforts to capture the
order, but, while the executive council
held more than one meeting in Omaha on
the proposition, no definite action wm'
taken and no bid accepted, for It had been
the hope of the Woodmen all along to
circumvent the obstacle In some way and
remain In Nebraska, thus avoiding the
enormous expense attached lo a removal
and the exchange or sale of heavy prop
el ty Interests in Omaha and the state.
The commercial lnterejts of Omaha ai d
Nibraska will greet with much satisfac
tion that action which will Insure the re.
tent Ion of the headquarter In Omaha, tn
place of the order's birth.
Sovereign Commander Boot was nut of
the city last night and could not bo
leached for an expression on this decision,
but w hen Soverlegn Clerk Y .tes learned of
it he was gratified In tho extreme, tliouf Ii
lie did not display undue rxcltement, as bu
felt that In some way what his order so
Mi inly advocated the re'lef of taxation of
ihe reserve fund wa right and wouli
win would prevail.
"That will put an end to the agltntion
of the removal of headquarters from
Omaha, ss the only object In the proposed
removal was to escaie pVylug taxes on
the reserve," said Mr. Yates.
SIDNEY, la.. June 3 (Special. -F. f,.
Iiwe and Miss Mania Young were mar
ried Wednesday In Sidney at the home
of the bride's psrents. A. P. Wlghtmsu
nd wife. Mr. Lowe's home Is In Fort
j Collins, Colo., where he Is a member of the
I Tyler-I-owe Mercantile company. The cere.
mony was performed oy nv. r,. iiickiiisoii.
A ndersnn-Welch.
COH'Mlll'B, Neb.. June 21. (8pecial. I
One of the daintiest weddings of the mouth
waa that of Mr. Frank Anderson of Osceola
and Miss Edna Welch, only daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Boss Welch, which occurred
at the home of the latter, on West Beveiu
I.,ih street at D
1 teenth street, at J p
in. K day.
Jrosru-Sui the.
UM1AN. Ia.. June 21. -(Special. -The
! marriage of Geoige Jensen and A.ia
' Sinytlie, both of this place, occurred here
yesterday evening at i o c l"c k at the home
of Daniel Hlewart. Hev. E. Bod'iiham of
the local Baptist church officiated.
Bros de r-l-ew Is.
Alliert Bowman Biowder and Mrs. aarah
; 1-ewla. both prominently identllled at Al
' bion. Neb., were married Wednesday after
noon by Kev. J. B. Priest, astor of bewsrd
I Street Methodist church, at the minister s
i home, r.i'J Seward street.
ftflvrra-t auHrld.
j SIDNEY, la., June 21 (Special.) L. II.
' Silvers or ijienwoou mm r.ttmil aunt m
j of Fai ragut were married at the recorder's
Office in tldney Wednesday afternoon. He
corder George Moore pertorrned the ma;'
riagu ceremony.
V :
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