THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 19)f. 1 i 1 r f i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Enlli on the Local Board AhaJ Amin. Com Cut DROUTH IN ARGIN.INA THE CRY NOW WhMt l More That, Ceot at Clnae Cora Ptraac Ieplte Urir reptaace Oata Cloae Prac tically l'ah(tt. a SV Future, qtilel: July, THd; Sep tember. S ad; lWtmlwr, a Ttyl. CORN-Hpot. firm; American tntxetV old. 4a HVfcd. Future, quiet; July, 4a ld; Bep tmbr, 4a 74)4. NEW YORK GEVKIIAI. MtRKKT OMAHA. June 20. 110 iCiny wheat price dr a little wall, wan imit trade in tha flri hour, strength ,e eloped on a cable from Argentina r poning arrtoua dama by drouth. ThU uurteu ahorta to covering, advancing j rue about 1 Vc. Complaint came from soutnwest or narveal ueiayea oy more and the norlhweat told of too mum i m in. J he cash market at Minneapolis was good, and there seems to be an Improvu nc In other markets. Closing prices were over a rent up. tiood weather caused an early hearten, feeling In corn, and larga acceptance from the country had a weakening effect, i he market aa ateady atter a lower opening unltl wheat began to go up. the-t it rallied. Shorts were covering and thete vaa but a email amount for aale. Re ceipts were tiader estimates and cash de mand ii good. The clone waa H higher. Oat were lower at the opening, gained strength with wheat and corn and cloaed about unchanged. I'j'imnry wheat receipt were ano,(100 bush ela and shipments 130.000 bushels, sgalnst tceipm last year of 164 000 buahelp and ship ments of 204. nio bushels. Corn receipt were Xi.3.000 bushel and shipments 2.000 bushels, against receipts Isst year of HKt.OOO bushels nnrt shipments of "26,000 bushels clearances were a,uoo bushels wheat, .iX barrels flour, il9.ono bushel corn and 160 bushels oata. Uverpnol cloned unchanged to i lower on wheat and Kd lower on corn. Local ran? ol options: Artlclea. Opvn.i High. Law. Close Wheat Tea'V. Sept... 1 4 July. Corn- July.. Sept.. P'pt.. o.t sVB: 7oB, I 77y 78HB1 77 I 76B 47B( 4Ha1 47SA;4WnV4)i I 47BI 47SAI 36BI T6B 7S;A 44A Jo 4 A 71c. X asked. B bid Omaha Canh Sale. WHEAT No, 3 hard. 1 car at Omaha (aah Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 7M78c; No. 1 hard. 70975c; No. 4 hard. ftVfTWc; No. 2 spring, i7Vjc: No. 3 spring. 727oc. CORN No. S. 46H'p4tc; No. 4, 44H4Sc; No. 8 yellow, 46c; No. 3 white, 47c. OATS 'No. 3 mixed, 3414c; No. 3 whlra, 35Vc; No. 4 white, 36c. RYE-No. 2, 67c;. No.' 3, 6c. Carlot Receipt. ' ' Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago ..... Kansas City Mlnnea poll Oman a Duluth ... St.. J.oula 6 . 18 .232 . & . 16 . 6 , 371 12 ax Qaotattoa at the Day oa Varloaa Coaaaaedltlea. NEW YORK. June 20"R Receipts, 11. 40 bbla .; exports. 17,40 hbls ; aalea, 4. 00 Market ateady with little demand. Minnesota patent. 3J6MrS.S: Minnesota ban era, 11 464i 3 15 , winter patent. $4.0frd4.30; winter straight. UWII; winter extra. li:BS.4o; winter low grade, $2 asft.K. Rye i flour. tea1v: fair to good, 33.46'fr3 i; choice i to fancy. IX.Miifi4.lK. ; CoRNMKAIi Steady; fine white and cl ow, 31 LtKfl.26; coarse, fl.intl.U; kiln dried, 31ni3.(iO. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, c, f. o. b. New York. WHEAT Receipt. 2S.Xnn bu.; exports. 3.19S bu.; sale, 2,6iO.O) bu., future; pot market, firm; No. 2 red. 96c. elevator; No. 2 red. 5e. f. o b., afloat; No. 1 northern Puluth, Hc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, c. f. o. b., afloat. Except right at the opening when price eaaed ofT slightly, wheat waa g'nerally strong today and a full oent rle. Buying, which waa active and Included Wail Ktreet sup port, was based largely on rains In har vesting distriola and a private cable re porting damage In Argentina. Lat price showed li61'4c net advance. July, S-1M 11-lrtc. closed at otc; September, MfS!c, closed at 89 1-Kc; ' December, 89H 4iiSc. closed at SMfrc:. CORN Receipt. t,bao bu. : export. 8H.1K! bu.; salea, 3ti,ftno bu., futures; spot market, firm; No. 2. 69Tc, elevator, and 594c, f. o. b., affoat; No. ! yellow. 80c; No. 2 a-hlte, fHc. Option market at flrst wa weaker, owing to poor cables and favorable weather news, but sharply advanced, with wheat closing lc net higher. July, KTfisac. cloeed at 5S'"; September. aXVufeftC, closed at 60'tc; December closed at 577c. OATH Receipts. 13X.HU0 bu.; exports. AtO bu. ; spot market, steady; mixed oat, ?ft to 32 lbs., 64; natural white. 30 to 22 lb. 4.VQ-4c; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., 4fWoHc. FEED Kanler; spring bran. 320.00 to arrive; middlings, 320.80, to arrive HAY Steady; shipping, VgTOc; good to choice. 37H06c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 1906, nl.1c; 1904. nominal; old, nominal; Pa city coast, 19(6, lOifflKc; 1904, llf 12c; old, nominal. ,.: HIDKS Steady; Oalvton. to 26 lbs.. SOc; California, 20 to 26 lbs.. 21c; dry, 24 to 80 lb., 19c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. 3&TT27HC. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 311 .00 eil 60; mesa, 38 609 00; beef bam. 320 6ii 22.00; city extra India mess. tl 6Ot?l7.00. Cut meats, firm; pickled nellies, 310 OOfllX.OO; rlckled shoulders, 380OrS.26; pickled ham. l2.noIJ,12.60. Lard, barely steady; prime western, 3X-90; reflned, quiet: continent, 39'. Pork. Arm; family, ilibOq 19.00; short clears, 8ltU6ftl.&0: mess, 317.0O&17.60. TALLOW-fiteady; city, 6c; county. b8 V- HICB-Steady; domestic, fair, 4c; Ja pan, nominal. BUTTER Firm. Street price: Extra creamery, 21c. Official price: Creamery, common to extra, lS21c. CHEESE Firm; new state full cream, large, fair to fancy. MttpOHe; new state, small, Inferior to fancy, 74'ilOV4c. EQG8 Firm; western firsts. 16(B17c; western seconds. 16&18WC. POULTRY Alive, steady; western broil- era, zic; to wis, ijc; turkeys, lienzc. uresved, 6j Irregular; western broilers. 18022c; turkeys uwuc; rowis, iiiiavsc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS If orement of Prioei it Irratrolar and Intsr mptd by DciiiT Beaotiena, BALTIMORE OHIO riarlaa- ol stock fix Baala Caaaea ICxteaalve Wkleh Iraia It If . ACTIVE pr teat Baylag, . Hay- fund, aar-iuatve of the 31 to.ano.0ci0 In tha general fund, showa: Available cash bal ance, 814, 7.13 39 ; gold coin and bullion, 8W.46X.710: gold oeruflcatea. $tf Bar, oHc; Mexican dollars. CHICAOO GRAIN AXD PROVISIONS Featarra . Prl i,iaaj -O men e In -Mies to can Jl. condltlt of tha Tradlagt anal Cloalag CHICAOO. June 20. Tne damage by drouth to the crop In Argentina was the chief reason for un advance of mora than lc a bwehel today in the price i wneei In be local market. That closing price for the Julv delivery showed an Increase, of lc. Corn was up Ho and oats Vc lower and provisions were 2c to 15c higher, tcnriv in the davtradlng waa small and the market steady because of the uncertain harncter or the newa. tnera Deing nuie encourage either btills or bears. Kains lesnurl and Itlinot -were -so neavy an noma rielav In harvesting, out Ions In Texas and Oklahoma were fa vorable1 to the new crop. In the Ohio river yalley and portion of the northwest-much needed showers had fallen. Upon receipt of a. cable dispatch which declared the' wheat crop of Argentina had been Injured by drouth ' the trading 6ecami active and - a strong feeling .developed. Throughout the remainder 5f the day Mia market was strong on buying by shofta and commission houses. A decrease In (southern receipts and an advance In the riU--.cyf car-h. wheat, at, Kansas .City uv pleim-nted the Argantina dlnpatohea' andv held the market strong. July opened . Ho lower 82c, sold at 82H?82c and ad vanced to toe. The close was strong at 83c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal. 114,200 bu. Primary racelpta war Sou.ltO bu.. against 163.0fa for the corre sponding day one year ago. Minneapolis, DuiiMii and Chicago reported racalpt' of L'lj.fur, agiilnnt 11 uars laat week and 14'j car a year ago. Continued rains in tha . corn , belt cauaad lively aelilng lv eommlaskin. houses and cash Interests esrly In tha day and weak ened tli market. I-ater the market b. caine strong on active buying by shorts, who covered on reports of light accep tances of bids sent out by cash house. The demand continued active for tha re iralnder of the session, the market closing nteadv wlih price near ths highest point of the da v. July opened c lower at 61c to 6Uie. old orf to 60Vlo and ad vanced to 52W The close wss at 6110. Local receipts were 871 jrars with 153 cars r.f contract grade. The oata market was. weak early In tha dnv on free aelilng by commission houses and nit trader, caused by Improved weather conditions. Ijiter tha market be came steady on buying by short. July opened e to c lower at SSSc to WMc, sold nt V-.c and then advanced to SSHc. Tha close was at 3Hc Local receipts were 182 ran. . A sharp advance In July pork was ths feature of trading In provisions. Tha up turn wan caused by coveting by shorts and the buying by a local packer. Trading In the lard and ribs was comparatively light and price were Inclined to drag. July nnrk aold - between 317.06 and 817.60 and cloned at the highest point. September pnrk cloned at a gain or 16c at ri6.o. 1 .ard and rib were each down 2Hc at 3K.92H and is If . respectively. Estimated recelpta for tonwrrow: Wheat, C car: corn. 67 cars; oats, 170 cars: hogs. ...cto head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Bt. Loala General Market. ST.- LOUIS, June 20.-WHEAT-Hlgher: No. 3 red cash, elevator, 87fo(lc. track. HU'ii toe; July. 80'c; September, Mc; No. 3 red, 81$ 83c. CORN Higher; No 2 cash, 50c: track. 60i&61c; July, 49c; September, 61V4C. OATS Firm ; No. 2 cash, "c; track. 39Hc; July, 3Xc; September, Strc; No. 2 white. 43c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 3M6 64.U0; extra fancy and straight, 33.76C4.40; clear, 32.7f.'aa W. SEED Timothy steady; 32.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. Mo 4JK7c HAY Firm; timothy, nt.oiion.6i); prairie. ll.&.Kefl8.J0. IRON COTTON TIES 81.00. BAOOINO-H HEMP TWINE 7Hc." ' PROVISIONS PorkLower; prime steam 3S.M. Lard Steady; prima steam. 18.30. Dry Salt Meats Steady ; boxed extra shorts, 8976; clear ribs, 39.87,; short clear, 310.0U. Bacon Steady ; boxed extra short, 310.60; clear ribs. 810.62H; short clear, 310.76. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10c; springs. 17030c; turkeys, 124c; ducks, SHc; geese, oc, BUTTER Bteany; creamery, i'ac; airy. I4f17c. - ' c ' ' - ' .' EOGS-Qulet at 13c. Receipts. Shipment. Flour, bbls ! 4.000 ' 7.O00 Wheat, bu-.. i.'. .xv Corn bu.......... 21,ono h9. Oats, bu .... 52,000 - N,0n) ArUcl. Open- I H'th.l Low- I ClosaJ Tea'y 32V .MVaiy Wheat July.. Sept., Ieo... torn July... HrSIH Cl-ft let L ',41' Oats Julv.. Sept,. Dec... Pork ' Julv Sept. Lard lulr. Sept. Rib!-' July. Spt. Cel.. V i:S"a' ;v(tfviii 17 12H 16 6 I 8t7H 3 92V4 8 9 26 1 10 M I Ma 62', 6.-S S 371, 17 50 1 to 8 824 9 (10 8 9741 40 30 I 12Vi I I 831 ' 3V. 834 HOT, blS,' I 35SI Stft1 M: 61 S V4.4Ca SO. 3,1 17 12Vi 17 in . Ut rt i 1 i m (WW 8 rrj 8 30 ! IN 8 924' 8 92V! '8 9f 8 24l 8 96 I I 974 Xft i a 2?4I 9 074' t X24! S5 10 .1 a 40 9 134 quotations were 'aa follow' NEW YORK, June . There were points of aggressive strength sgaln In today's stock market, but the movement was Ir regular and Interrupted by d"dlve re action. The response of the market to the good new of the dy hd an unsettling ef fect on sentiment, from the fear that with the good news out, sdvantage would be taken to ell stocks. This process, In fart, was evidently at work and gave rise to the halting and hesitating movement of prices In the latter part of the day. Most Importance waa attached to the ac tion of the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad com pany In Increasing the dividend rate on that atock to a per cent basts by the declara tion of a dividend of 3 per cent for a half year. The aggressive advance of the stock for several days hss given ample noMce of the Intended action. Realising of specula tive profits began today before the actual announcement of the dividend action, the siock receding during the morning to a point below last night's level. It rose sgaln to 1I4 before the dividend action, but struggled uncertainly for a time after the announcement. Iater In the day the ab sorption of the stock became heavy again and it waa carried through large selling to 1194, which Is a record price. But, while this price establishes a new record. It compares with the previous . price of U84. Moreover, this former record, which was touched In the autumn of 1906, was made at a time when the stock waa on a 4 per cent baala, with a hope of an In crease to 6 per cent. When the dividend rate was rained to S per cent, last fall, the' high level for the stock renchfd 117. When new stock to an amount of 377.750,000 was offered to stockholder at par In April of this year the price fell to as low as 1144 and the subscription rights sold at 104. The price touched' today compared with firevlous high levels, and. considering the rnproved Investment showing of this stock by reason of dividend Increases, was con sidered a moderate reflection of enthuslsm In the buying. Most of the other notable point of strength In today's market were cauaed by sympathy with the Baltimore A Ohio movement. Other subsidiary com panies of the Pennsylvania were naturally affected by the drawing of an analogy with the Baltimore & Ohio case In the foundlnz of hopes for dividend returns. Southern Pacific was also made a conspicuous ex ample of similar hopes, which have been entertained often In the past for a long period. It was argued that the more lib eral policy In the treatment of stockhold ers inaugurated by the Pennsylvania com pany must hav some effect on the pollcv of other railroad authorities. The effect on Pennsylvania Itself was moderate, al though that stock will derive a direct bene fit from the Baltimore Ohio dividend bv reason of the large amount of that stock In the Pennsylvania treasury. Foreign exchange continued to decline under the supposed Influence of bulls against the Paris subscription to the Penn sylvania loan. The discount rate In the Pari market, however, wa marked nn and the Increased demand for money there left ftpen the question whether the Rnnk of England authorities would decide to reduce the official discount rate of that Institu tion. Demand for time loans for seven and eight months continued strong In this market and the malorlty of business wss done st 64 per cent, although the quoted rate remained at 6V. per cent bid and 54 per cent asked. The contlnned lack of support of Interbnrough Metropolitan had an unsettling lnftuenae In the market. The most active stocks made their highest prices late In the trading, but did not carry the list, as a whole, with them nnd the closing tone was Irregular. Bond were steady. Total sales, par vnlue, 31.845.000. T'nited States bonds were all unchanged on call. The following are the quotation on the Stock exchange: Salea. Hixh. Lot: -dnie. Aaama npriH Raw Tark Moata Market. NEW YORK. Jun 80.1-MONltY On call, steady, 3ti34 per cent; ruling rat. 3V134 per cent; cloaing, 34 per cent; offered, 24 per cent. Time loan, strong; sixty days, 44 per cent; ninety dys, 44tf4 per cent; al montha. 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6474 b'tERLISO EXCHANGE-Weak. f4.lxof) 4 SMS for demand and 34 !24ivr4 Si for alxty. day bills; posted rate. H W-jl 04 and 34. M 64 4; commercial bills. 34.824' 81LVEK 60Vc BONDS Government ' and railroad, st eady. Quotations on New York bonds' today Wf-re aa follows: V. 8. rsf. ti. rg... . so ceupen , V 9. , erg 40. coupon , t". 8. sin 4. ma... do ceusofl V. 8. ow ia. rg. do coupon Am. Toe. 4a do Ca Atrhleon s 4a do adj. 4. Allantlr r L. 4a Ral. Ohio 4a do I H Brk. R. T. t. 4a. .. . Contra! of Oa. at... do lat In do Id lac do d Inr rhas. a Ohio 4v,a ... Ohlraao a A. 14a... C. B Q n. 4a ... C . H. I. P. roi. (1 tot1 Japan (a. !d aorlea... 111,1 dn 4a. rtfa , 1" do M aortaa 1M 1 do 4. rtfa. I. N. ul. 4a .lata 'Manhat. r. sold 4a. t Met. Ontral to-.... .!: " 1st lae . 7 Minn ftt U 4a... 11l M . K. T. 4a .Ml I dn,4a . 4'.N. R. of Me e. 4a. .100 N T. C. ao. ISa... lOIH M. J. r . a Nrrtnorn radar Tn J H. tol 11 'Ta ? n u MS If 04 .... 7 4a.lM' St. u s. Ind. 5a, aer. r. B Nld. err. Colo. do Colo. Colo, a Southern 4 lllbi M D. R. o. 4a .1110' Sara aa Krla prior llaa 4a. do son. 4a Hork. Villajr 44a Japan ta ; "Offered. 7: do .111 JNorfolk W. . 1 tvnn. rr. 14a . 90 Raadtns fan. 4a 101 . an flt. v t. m. r. ia .114 ,ti t I.. S. r ff. 4a. M . f 8. U 9. W. con. 4a. . T74 .:nn Seaboard A. U 4a.... 17 i 8o. rarinrMn nn 4p lot I do tat Inc. A., ra Soatharn Rr. ta.. .... 7V-4 Teiae P. la ... 74 VTol . at. L. A W. Mloloo ParlRr 4a.. infw'i- Stael td a. ..loo Wabash la . aa I do dh. n.'.: ,.1014'weaUm Md. 4a. . .. tlWhalln a L. g. .,loa 'ta. ('antral 4a... . '.. 174, ..mi a. tl ,.10J .. r,i ..114 .. 44 t a. Ill 98 . Boatoa Stork and Bond. BOSTON. Jun 20 Call loan. 4&6 rer cent; time loan. 4" per cent. Official closing on stock and bonds 6M1HA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eaaf Staara Steady to Lowai, OoodButohan took Etaady. HOGS flVt TO TEN CENTS LOWER Faw 8keeai r Laaka Dal. t tha Faw CaaaaaAatl Vary aatlaav tarr Price. ..4 Tbaa Yesterday. SOUTH OMAHA. Jun 30. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.U4 7.U1 8"3 Official Tuesday 4.3?4 11460 l.0" Official Wednesday 4,94 81,000 1.W0 Three days thl week..ll. 46.081 8.069 Same daya last wek. .. .13.043 43.631 4.8S9 Same two week ago....lS.8tH 24.691 .4'l Same threa week ago... 18.241 14.195 9 1 Sum four weeks ago. .. .16,166 43.391 lO.oot Same days last year I6,m 31,868 13.0s6 The following taM how the recalpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tha year to date, compared with lat year: inns. ia. Inc. Cattle tu.ra 404.178 49.7:5 Hog ....1.84?.9J7 1.199.9a 168.0O9 Sheep 747.M 711,86 36,44 ' CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show tha price paid for the different kinds of oattle on tha South Omaha market: Oood to choice corn-fed steer 34.s4rS.50 air ta good corn-fed steer 4 "i4.w tomrnon to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.0n44.a Oood to cholc cowa and heifers .84.40 rair to good cows and halfers..'.. 3 0"4J w Common to fair cews and heifers.. l.ftWSOO uooa 10 cholc Mtockar ft feeders, a-.tflt to Jlr to good stockera and fee (Sara. 3 2&uS.78 Common to fair Blockers 300-83.26 puna, stags, ate I.T0V veal calves 4.00436 The followlnar tahla ahowa tha average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several day, with comparisons: Maoa ad). 4. 4a. Atrhl dn 4a Max. Central Atrhlnon do pfd Soaton . a Albany. Boaton a Maine..., Rnaton Klerated ... Pltrhburf pfd Max. Central , N. T., N. H. H.. t'nlon Parl9r Am. Arte. Chom.. do pfd Am. Pnen. Taba.... Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Tol. A Tel.. Am Woolen da ptd roin. Iran a itoal FMIaon Eler. III... Maaa. Electric .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa t:nlted rrult t'nited Sho Mach.. do prd North Butt V 8. Steal do pfd Woatlnshoua com "Asked. "Bid. 4 I Ad'entur . . . . Mil Allnuea . Tr4Amal(amatd . 9l4!amrr. Ilnr ... . IOl'V 1 Maitlr .14 Bin sham .170 I ... . Herla.. . 1M Cenlennlal .ISTVf'oppar Rana ...... . llVPaly Wmi .l914iDnm. Oal .1414k iPranhlln . MVOranby . 94jlala Royal . :ikMMi. Mlnlni .mtlMinhlxan ,.. .U4W,Mohah .UKUj Moat. Coal Coke.. . 874 Old Dominion .10VOa"eola . M rarmt .140 Qulni-y . Bhuinon . TO1 Tamarnrli . 44'Trtnlty .110 tV'nlted Copper . II C. 8. Mining. VV. 8. oil .... M rtah Victoria .... IM .Winonc 0 'Wolverine . . .1 . . 13V. . X .TOO . t . 74 . lo4 . ttVt . u It . is 4 . '4 . 11 44 34 41. 101 14 M I 74 74 114 M4 I 44 ,117 June 10... , June 11... Jun 13... June 18... Jun 14... Juno 16... Juna 18... June IT... June 18... Juna 19... June 10... London Kavnsaa City Grain and ProvUlon. KANSAS CITY. June 20.-WHEAT-Un- chai.ged to 4c higher; .July. 764c; Septem ber. 764c: December, 77Vc; caah. No. 1 hard, TlrtjROc; No. 3, "3ST74c; No. 4, b8(J7c; No. 2 red. 82c; No. 3, iStflH-'Hc; No. 4, iV-J 77c. CORN July. 484c; September, 4He: De cember, 464c; cah. No. i mixed, 494?M?j; No. j. 44c: no. z wnne, wwntv. u. a. OATS NO. I wnit. artj.jmc; 00. a mixed. SMJ39C. RYE-oteady; dR'CTWC HAY Steady; oholca timothy, J13.60i2ri4.00; choice prairie, lll.6O4n2.00. EUiS Hteaoy; Missouri ana nanaaa nrw No. 3 whltewood cases Included, 14c; case count, 134c; caaea returned, Vic less. BUTTER Strong; creamery, J4c; pack- Ina-. 13Vr. U1 neie ma. Diiiuoiroio. 15.000 28.000 17.0X 30.0 0 3.000 1.000 Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu 1 Mlaneapolla Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June 20, FIXJUR Klrnt patent. 34.364.46; second patents. 34.2041 4 30: first clears, 33 6tj3.60; second clears. 32.462.66. , BRAN In bulk. 16.3615.60. (Superior Board of Trad quotations f of Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Tha range of prices, as reported by ". D. Day ft Co.. 110-111 Board of Trad a, waa: Artlclea. Opan. I Hlgh- Law. Cto. Tea'y Wheat July... Julv.-.. Sept.. Dec... Sept.. Oct... 8144 iV(r4' 81VirV IK:fc:4 1 164i 1 16SI 1 1441 834 834 83 834 1 164 1 ion: : 1 144! I I 81HS4I 834 !83JSJ4 81V154 834 82 824 ,81 2a"i 8iSfi 82 1 u 1 16 1 134! 854 1 16 1 164 1 14 ,8424 1 164 1 U4 , 1 144 Xo. Canh FLOUR 8 toady ; winter patent. 83 60 4a; stralahtn. 33 3Otil.70: spring patenta, SJ.7"4 atnatghl. 3J.tiXfiS.ti6; bakera. 82.30 1 to WHEAT No. ! spring. S3fJ4ic; No, 3, 78 Tc: No. 2 red. 84$S7o. CORNyN'o. 2. 62c; No. 3 yellow, 524c. OATS No. 2. 3!A,c; No. I white, 416I1VC; No. 3 white, 3aa4c RT"-No. I. nlc. BARLEY-Ooml feeding. 4647c; fair to choice tnultlng. 8t"(iTSc 8KKHS-K0. 1 Una. 81 W: No. 1 north western, 34l.l2j. "' Clover, contract gradca, IMS pprvviSiriNS Short rib sides (looae), $ Mess -pork, per bbl.. 81T 46iri7.o. Ltrd. per lco lbs, I8.T5. Short clear side tbofd). J9.7f.flf 874. . . Receipt and shipments tvday were aa fol- Mllwaakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, June 30. WHEAT -Steady; No. 1 northern. S4087ic: No. northern. 84fiSAc: September. f4c bid. CORN Higher; No. X caslu A14tff'2c; Sep tember. 824f!&2e. . RYK Weak: No. 1. 6664c l.ARLEY r'lrm: No. 2. .VIH67C; aample 1 1 - Philadelphia Prod are. Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 30. BUTTER Steady; frosh weatern. 224c. EGOS Steady; nearby fresh, 18c at mark; western freeh. lie at mark. CHEESB-Kairter; New York full cream, fancy, 104c:. choice.. 104c; fair to good, 94 0-loc. ' - dlT lows: . Raceluta. Shipments Flour, bbls 24.900 Wheat, bu , 3.100 Corn. bu. .." aw ao Oats. bu.. 2 M Ry. bu. .ol ' Larley,, hu. S4. cl a tl: Produce exchange today tha but ter market waa firm, t'reaineriea. 16-ac; dairies. 144niMc. Vtn: atvady, at maik, caaea Included 12ijl44; fir ik a. 16c; prune nrsta. lc; eataa. lHc. Cheeae. ateady. Hi 1 14c. Pearlat Orala Market. PEORIA. June 30. CORN Firm: No. J vellow, 51Uc; No. t. 514c; No. 1 604c; no arad 47V, 49r. OATS-rirni: Ne. 2 whit, dor; No. t, 3 WSc; No. white. J4c- J WH18KY-i. - Oalatk Grata Market. Dl.'LUTH. Juna, 30.-WIIEAT-N0. 1 northern. S&'ir; No. 3 northern, 34c; July. 844'; September. 834c; tecember. 83c. OATS TQarrive, oj Irack and July. S9c. Toletl Beeal Market. TOLEIX. June . SEEDS Clover, caah. 8876; October, H.oO; No. 2 rye, 06c; prime timothy. Jl 90; August alslke, 37.76 bid. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Juna 20. EVAPORATED APPLES Market I Arm, although It Is not considered that the recent storma did much damngf to -the crop; etrletly prime, lie; choice, 1146HV3; fancy, llS'tfl. CALIFORNIA DRIED KRUITS-Prunes are unchanged, with quotations ranging from 74c to 8c, according to grade. Apri cot ahow an advancing tendency for fu- 14 Ron I tore shipment, out spot supplies attract 1400 I little attention at the price; choice. 124c; 14'SA I ealra. choice. la'34c; fancy, 14&!44r. 57 ry) I Peaches are firm, un apot; demand I light; 'choir. lal lei. extra, choice, U4'9tl4c; 'i'lOo ' fancy. liM.l2c; extta fancy. Ual2Vc. r.awini ar quiei ana uacoangea; iooe ! Uunaii'l, a,s,c; needed. 4tfi4c; Iondon l. 31.6iril.iu. Amalaamatad Copper Amcr. f ar and Foundry.... do pfd Aaisr. Cotton Oil do pfd Amar. Express Amrr. Hid Leathar pfd Amor, lea Amar. Ilnaad Oil ., do of d ! Amar. Loromotlr do pfd Amar. Imelttna aV Raf..... do pfd ., Amcr. Bugar RaAlitng Amar. Too. pfd ttfa. Anaoonda Mining Co , Auhlaon Atlantle Coaat Baltimnra a Ohio., do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt Canadian Partite Caniral Ueather do pfd ,, Central of Naw Jaraey...... Chaaapaak a Ohio Ihlrago A Alto do ptd (hlrago Grant Wantera Chicago A Nortuwaatern.. M. a St. Paul Chicago Term. A Tranalt.. do prd C. C . C. a Rt. Loula ... Colorado Fuol and Iron.... Colorado Southern do lat pfd do Id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Prcdurta rfg. , do pfd, rfg Delaware aV Hudaan 11.. Laxk. a Waatarn.... Denver a Rio OrandsT. .... da pfd Dlatlllera' gararltlea Erlo do lat pfd do Id pfd Gaaeral Blartrle Oraat Northern pfd.,.. Mocking Valley Illinois Central Intarborough Mat do pfd ,. Inter. Paper w do pfd 1 Inter. Pump , do pfd Iowa Central do pfd Kanaae City Southern do pfd , LoulatlU KaahTtll Matlcan Cantral Mian, a St. Louis M.. St. P. Beau 8ta. M. do pfd Mlaaourl Parlflc Mlaaourt. Kaa. a Tata... do pfd National Lead Nat. R. R. of Mai pfd Naw Vork ( antral N. V , Ontario a Waatarn. Norfolk Waatarn do pfd North Amarlran Northarn Parlta racidr Mali Pennarlvanta Paopla a Ua , Puta.. C. C. Bt. Loula. Praasad atael Car do pfd Palliaaa Palar Car Reading , da lat pfd d in pfd Republic Steal do pfd Rork laiaad Ca do pid at. u a a. r. 1 ptd at. Leu la auuthwaatara... do pfd Bouthara PaclSc , do ptd aioae-ahemeid , ooutbara Railway do pfd ...'. ToDnaaaaa Coal and Iron Taiaa a Panic Toledo. Bl. Loula A Weat . 44.400 1.400 100 700 too n 700 31.00 1M r.iwo 70 ' o 110 it. 400 9. 00 700 .149, 100 11.400 MOO . .too 100 1064 40 1014 924 91 4 41 Ilia lis 161 V, H7 1U4 100 a Ml 904 101 141 1194 14 1(1 40 101 1044 4 101 l . M4 104 4:4 v-r tic - IN) ll4 1U4 1004a 949 4 94 10'V 141 117 o" t04 194 101 Closing Stock. LONDON, Jun -JL Cfnidiig quotation on ine stock exchange were: Cansola. money 11-K1N. V. Central do account Norfolk a Waatarn Anaconda 1.1 J do pfd Atrhleon l Ontario a W do pfd 10i,,Pannaylvanla Baltimore a Ohio. .IJOVRand Ml nan Canadian1 Parlftr Chea. . a Ohio...... Chlrago o. W P.. M...ft St. P.... DaBears . . . D. a r. o do pfd t-'rla do lat pfd , da Id pfd i Illinois Central .. L'A N M., K. T....J.; SILVER-Dllll .1414 . o . H-4 . 4V . M4 . 4; . 4k . Ill .1094 . 1IT4 .if; . 91 . 4u .108 : 104 . 4 11.10 69 M4 1.000 90 11.900 14.400 4.100 ' 100 400 t"0 900 40 400 II 104 190 174 1034 171 644 "V 494 to 140 K4 k-4 114 414 U 44 414 140 114 4 1114 i.too 444 444 I, too 11,000 too 1.900 400 3. Otrt 1,100 49.100 14.100 . 40 40 too 10 100 100 4.100 1.100 100 loo tiioo 1, 100 1.100 1.000 19.400 10 (.100 41 444 79 74 1974 1014 1714 414 . 7 It 44 44 1'4 11 . 164 1474 4 47 144 97 ". 344 444 U . in" 04 - 91 964 07 ' lager aad Molaaaaa. ' NEW YORK. Jine 30 SI'GAR-R.w. llveraeel litala Market. ! !VrRVll. Jtin "20.-WHKAr-StKI.H kattle rentnfagal. Id 3 aomtnal; No. t California (In JUnrbaMti'i, yellow, JStjvVc. ecoiida !c. firm: fair yenning. 3c, ceutrliucal. 34ti3 17-c; molaaiea sugar. ;c; i ou.rt. No. . a-i'H'; Xo. ..4.!6o; K 4c; No. 10. 4 00c; No, 11, 3lic; K 3.8"c: No. JSlcii- No 14. J ti&c; c itoners' A. 4iSr: n-.wtld A. I.Ota;. cut t ur: un"Wi.iha, pva uareu, 4i; yraj. MOiIaSSI Uuiet; New' Orkwap. ken)-. 'h1 to rhulca. 3u&SVi. NEW ORLEANS. Jun W.-SUOAR-Open i-iv: entririta:al open -104 414 7 . 94 197 S97 17-ii 41 744 114 114 - iti 17 I! 164 147 " "4 47 . 154 14 "4 '44 91 9;'.4 44. UO 1SI U2 t.OOO ioo 141,100 40 300 909 l.tno 1.100 l ioo 100 . 41. 100 . 1.400 . lOM) 10 700 . I. 100 m 1M4 13 94 24 Its) :i 41 ii". 44 94 114 74V, 37 4 H4 165 w n 1.10 100 900 17, 40 47S 144 N do pfd I'nion Paritc ... da pfd f. S Elpraa .. V. 8. Raaliy ... I'. 8. kuaear .. do pfd I. 8. Steal da aid Virginia-Caroltn Chrsmal. do pfd W'abaa ...: do ptd W'al la-Fargo Elpraa W raltoghoua Llrrtnr . W'oataro t'nion. aa-dlv... Whaallng A lka Ina w woonata l antral do pid "" ( Tatal aala for tha day. 90.w hara,' 9v 44.100 4. 100 9O0 to 94 i4 109 Vi 41 i 444 444 3394. IU , '. 93 94 19 4 U 11 44 . 44 1194 44 .944 4 1434 1 t4 47 1414 94 94 114 144 4 44 194 44' 140 19 " ',' 100 114 90 . V.' 'St -f4 414 714 114 191 1144 133 1004 U14 ' 10 1014 141 Si 1)94 H I4 14 194 1014 uo 19 It 71 174 Kit 1194 13 31 H4 H4 M4 44 49 14 114 90 111 411 44 W4 04 444 It 74 199 IO04 114 111 . 414 774 . 4 ' 14 II tt 4 11 14 IS', 1474 414 ti . .14 111 M4 l 44 744 164 117 H4 "4 90 94 "4i 3f. 1314 9"4 u 44 !9fla!Kaadln . 44 do let pfd. (... . 19 do !4 pfd .1944 Sou hern Ry .... 174 do pfd . 4-. Southaui ParIRe . 91 It nlott Facile .. . 44I to pfd . 41 jl". 8. Btael . 71 i! Mo pfd .lUittahaah .1814 4Vl pfd . lo4IRanMi 4a .V. 91 30 6-ifid Der ounce. ;i k t 1 ifa 2 per Cn 1 ne nt or aiscotinr4n the open mnrkt ror short Mils lis 34tf4 -l per-cent; fot- tnre nionuisbill( 3 -lvi34 per cent Forelgra Flaa aclal. LONDON, June MTrf stipplies of moneV were abundant toda.x,nd tha demantl 4ipJrt. vJUineounte ewer atyTnpaithetlca'.ly un met. ckock, excBange - tne unuer lone wa steadier,' hut business was still on a small- scale. I ne pronounced eaa of money, however, caused better inquiry for good (yielding slocks which at present stand at a low level. ""Consols Improved on buying 'In anticipation of a reouctlun In the Rank of England's rate of discount wntie nome rails naa a narder tendency. Americans continued yesterday's upwuid movement and made substantial aralna on the day.- The opening at 'above parity on fair local buying wns followed In the after noon by good Wall street support. Union Pacific received the moat attention. Tho market Cloned firm at ,a shade below Hie best, quotations of the day. Kaffirs and foreigners benefited by Paris support. Now Russians were especially Itrmer. Japanese 6s of 1904 closed at 102., , HERL1N, June 20. Trading on the Bourse today was quiet. Russians were weaker. Baltimore & Ohio was higher. PARIS, June 20. Price at the opening of the Bourse today were firm, but later heaviness prevailed. Stocks closed eteadv. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 77.00 and Russian ..bonds of 190 at, 4S3 ui. The pri vate rate of discount was ? 11-18 per cent. ST. PETERSBURG, June SO. Prices on the Bourse today sgaln declined heavily when the banker withdrew their aupport of Imperial 4s. which, fell to, 72. closing un eighth .better. Five touched 81V-. Lotteries have fallen 30 points In a month. Dttt. 190t, 19O6.l04.jl9U.l03.!1901. 1800. I 301 I S44I 9 181 I 3041 6 Ml A 72 t Zi I 18 4 84 t 3441 i 1 4 82 3 374, 6 331 4 88 I 201 4 92 14 93 4 761 01' 7 ! 4.WI 6 89! I 91 I 01 t 8 4 97 394 ( 38 0 1 31 a mm 1 331 07 7 6 84 4 84 7 31 I M 4 98 B B I I 87 4 89 Of! 7 24 4 94 t 96t 7 B 83 7I T 26! i 81 0 t 1! 6 94! 7 481 3 I 0 I 16 5 00j 6 81rf 7 13; 6 90 4 II 104 9 4 1 1"" 4 rl I .,9 I aa ias 4 11 t 141 I M 1 14 4 H I J 99 1 at 1 tx 4 4 t. 4 1 40 H II 4 44 9 1194 I 4 HEIFERS. 1 0 J M 1 410 4 0 1 409 1 0 I 4 1 t ft t !! 4 f 1 41 I 1 79 4 1 1 44 I 9 1 94 4 3 J 4T 19 I ' 4 In 14 I 1 10s 4 39 1 IW 1 Tf. 9 107 4 1 4. 497 I H 10 4 4 II 49 I 29 I :. 74S 4 4 I iota I 40 I If) 4 0 1 10 19 BULLS 1 17 M I 1170 1 71 1 19 I M 1 1910 1 7 110 I 9fi I ia I i 1 1900 I ti 1 lSil 9 1. 9(10 9 1 ! 4 o I Hon I 90 I 1790 . 4 to t ia 1 it 1 l(l '4 (si I 1470 I 10 I 1!S 4 1 1490 I fr 1 11M 4 00 1 1110 I TI 1 14 .W 4 10 CALVES 1 171 4 71 1 1" I 1 ioo I o I 10 4 0 t mo I 79 1 tf 4 1 140 1 79 . 1 110 III t 119 I 04 9 IM 9 It. 1 100 m 1 10 4 14 1 '..110 no 4 140 9 IS BTOCKERS AND FKEDKUS i.; 90 I 79 1 IM 4 34 , 910 1 1 Tl I 19 1.. 9T0 I M I 439 I 19 491 I 10 1 a. . 9: 1 40 I ,...,441 I 10 1 494 I 40 7 ,. 411 I 19 4 451 I 94 3 .'. 43 I 10 7 M I II 1 940 1 II 8TAO8 1 1110 4 M Tx end Indian steers, 3 Po8K7; aowt and heifers, 8J faajj'JiA 1 ' ' i" IltMt Hecelpts. - . Vend: niaVkal Steadv; pigs ami lights. 8VSirfj : packer wj.3n; tmtchrr surt best heavy, 3tn1 n x 8HEKP ANl l.AMRS-Reretpt. ' 8 he. I, mirket steadv; jtatlve mutton. 3.1 o ico: Is nit vs. 34iii, rbil, and butka, 3.i.76'iJ.i stockrrs, 3;.rfil86. r York l ive Meek Market.' NEW YOltK. June fo. - BKKVF8 - Re ceipt, l.lij head; steers, steady to strong: hulls, firm; bologna.. .hull- low to tor" lower; medlitiu to choice cows steadv to firm; bologna cows. 1c lower Steer. $4 76t, 4.: bulls. H.d ; . cows. il..4in4 16. Kx rort. 67 head rttle. .16 head of sheep and 4.0O11 quarter of lieef. CAI.Efl Receipt 4.M6 head; veals opened steady to lower and closed 87fie on; biittermtiks, ;'.V lower. Venls. 86.604) 7.76; top at close. Iyoi); lall-endi, 3i6if; but termilk. 33.76h4.25: city tlrtssed veil, 8Wllc per lb.; esrly market, 114c for prime; coun try dressed. 7441104c per lb. ' " HttlS-Recelpt. k.ia hestf; market "flfm. 6c higher; tte hog. aMr7.13. HHr.FI AND I.A MRS - Receipts'. r7 head; sheep lower. Is mix Inc higher, 'yeer llngs nominal; common to prime sheep 3A&0 ij.o6; lambs, 37.6ta 974. . ' 'Sunday. RANGK OF PRICES. Cattle. .IXbiXii. 26 . 1.60tJ.05 .. J.2fi'q6.70 ,. 3.00rtj6.83 l .OOti t 26 Hogs. t.0Oa46 6.6VB.70 660.66 66na,76 l.205.3S Omaha ,.i Chicago Kansas City fit. 1-oul Bloux City . Tl'ESDAT'8 SHIPMENTS. Tha following snows the number, of cars of Blockers and feeders shipped to tba coun try ana tneir points of destination: . CATTLE. - Car. C. F. Davla, Malvern, la. Wabash 2 F. A. Deller, Preparation, la. N. W 1 8. R. Hwanson. tialesbura. 111. U 2 J. F. Oreen, Tabor. Ia J 1 Wolf A W,, Red Oak, Ia.-Q.. 2 F. Meller, Wayne. Neb. M. 4k O.: 1 Kraut Bro., Craig, Neb. M. ft O.. ........ 1 B. McCurdy, Tekamali, Neb. M. ft 0 1 HORSE8. A. Wendt, Murdock, Neb.-R. 1 1 M. M. Payne, Neb. L'lly Junct., Ia. y 1 V. Marsh. Vlattsr.voutli, Neb. Q 1 K. Hprague, Alt, la. I. C 1 R. J. Bliby, gultman. Mo. 44 1 C. C. Oelwlck. Dwlght, Neb. F. E 1 R. P. McQure. Wianer. Neb. F. 1 H. L. Corey, Anita, la. R. 1 8 C. C. Jackson, Elgin,' Neb. F. E L. M. Anderson, Htratford, la. N. W.,.. 1 A. Spooner, Mondamln, la. N. W 1 J. F. Cook, Lexington, Ky. Q 2 Eachart ft Co.. Uedharn. la.-Milwaukea.. 1 the official number C, M. ft St. P. Ry.. 1 Wabash 1 Mo. P. Ry. .......... a U. P. system 63 C. ft N.- vV. (east). .... 2 C. A N. W. twest) ... ti C, 43t. P., M. ft O..V37 C, B. A. Q. (east! .. 3 C. B. ft Q. (west) 49 (.'., H.-4- at r. (naatrt; 4 C. R. 4.----(Weet).-. U Illinois Central 1 Chicago, (it. V astern. 10 Total receipts ,....23j . The disposition of. the day receipt was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng tha num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. HOOS The receipts of hogs this morn ing were very Isrge as will be noted from the table at head of colum. For a good many yeara the record for large receipts at this point had been held by July 31, 1894. when 50,884 hogs were received. It will be ; remembered thai that waa the drouth year and the large receipt wer occasioned by the fact that farmer did not hav sufficient feed and were forced to ship In their hog regardless of whether thev wer rip. for market. It will take an official count to, determine If today Is a record breaker. L'nder the Influence of the very large receipts the market her opened generally lOo lower than the bet time yesterday morning or 6 10c lower than yeterday s average market. For a. time th trade wa quite active, considering the large run, and a good many hog sold st 38.-7 4f 8.3Q. with a sprinkling at 2 32 4 and a top at 38. 88. After the. more urgent order were filled and a packers seemed to rril Ise. more fully the else of the receipts, the . trade slowed up, price at the aami time showing more weakness, and It looked aa If the market would close con siderably lower but still the hog kept selling at about the morning price until the early arrival wer practically all dlpod of bv 11 o'clock In the morning. It will be observed, that 38.274 9 8.82 bought th great malorlty of all the hog. Considering th Urge receipt th market as a whole was In very fair condition. Representative sales South Omsha Slnux City.,.. Kansas city. St. Joscpn.... Kt. Iinti,s Chicago Totals .... of cars - of stock cn road waa: Hogs. Hheep. H'eea. ! - 7i " '.! ; --'i " i 'i ' '1 : '' 1- 14 ' ' .. 1.. Mi :. ' .. I ' I I- 2 .. v 1 ' 2i. ' t ' "i No. 14.. 94.. 109. 44 44 74 14 77 71 77 19 .. 79 39 91 49 77 71 77 1 41 , 74 94. '.,... 70 47 4 :. K , 77 , 1 71 Jl 74 41 99 II 41...... 79....:. .., 71.., 31.. 91... 130. 39.. 93.. At. ..Ill ..t7l ..131 ..141 ..111 ..104 lit .131 .117 111 111 .139 .111 .194 .111 .191 .130 .197 .153 II .141 .140 .111 .!41 .141 .177 .111 .111 .104 8h. 140 0 I40 140 it 14 190 0 90 110 190 '0 190 140 110 90 Wool Market. ' BOB TON, June fO.-YVOOL-Any hope of activity In the market seems to have little foundation, to judge from present Indica tions. For days the trading has been ex tremely quiet owing to an apparent inclina tion on the part of both dealers and man ufacturers to hold back. Local buyers feel that th reported lack of stock In the west I largely a fiction, while the dealers main tain that the effort o' the buyers to cheapen goods by refusing, to trade has been carried to the; extreme. Territory wools are dull. New medium half bloods are priced at 2Xc, three-eights al 30c and scoured at &tt7k. Pulled wools' are fea tureless and foreign grades are quiet. Lead ing quotatiors follow: Ohio and Pennsyl vania XX and atMvve. 3:i44tS44c; X, Slrac No. 1. rO'Wc; No.. 2. 3'4(3c; fine 'unwashed, 26dr26c; quarter blood Unwashed, ale 33c-three-eighthn blood. 38c; half blood. 33c; unwashed delaine, afi'2Sc; fine washed de laine, SS37c. Michigan Fine unwashed 24 K2c; half blood unwashed, 81j32c- three eighth blood, 314tfl32c; half blood. 32i&.ti4c; unwashed, dulttlne. 27i2Oi Kentucky, In diana, etc. Three-eighths and quarter bloods, S2S3t. Territory, Idaho Fine zia 23c; heavy fine. lh'-SOc; fine medium, 22 "3c medium. 2MT27C : low medium. ivh?7c Wy oming Fine, 214J-22C; heavy, tine, liijloc- fine medium. i:,tf-'3c; medium, ' 2ft-ai7ci low' me dium. 26f27e. I'tnh and Nevada Fine y4i Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company ... Cudahy Packing Co. ... Armour ft Co. Armour ft Co., K. C Vanaant A Co Lobman ft Co W. 1, Stephen Hill & Bon Sol legn J. B. Root A Co , S. ft 8 , St. L. Dressed Beef Co..- Luex Beef Co Bowden Packing Co. ... Uherldan Meat Co Klngan Packing. Co. ... Othei buyers ........... 47 1.6.12 1,667 it ' 46 8 2 44 33 79 26H. 2.0.18 6.116 ,ti.4 b.dbi V f! 107 2o6 97 273 13 l.-tsi 121 luo it 1994 114 4 4 444 HI So s 44 111. 74 174 4 116 114 1'4 474 149 444 114 13 494 109 n 1044 404 109 i 444 m 1M 9! 11 144 49 . Xew York Mia N9.W YORK. Jun 20. on mining stocks were: Adam ,I4UI Cklaf Allr tie . rmar liana 10 Opmr Linanewlek ra la phoaelx , CuBiotorlt Twnaal .... 194 Pat oat Cat. sod Vs.... TI Saraa 1....I9 . aiarr Naiada . Small Hops 4 aaard Hor llar Ua Silrar .. tuaadrtlia Cae. uftered. T Steek.' -Cloaipg quotation .... 4 .... I .... 44 .... :a .... w .119 Treataary Stateaaeat. WASHINOTON. June iu.-Today state ment of treasury balancee la th gnrJ 28c; heavy fine, 19rOic; fine medium. 22gyic I medium. 26ya27c: low medium. 1..! kota Fine. 224-; tfne medium. iifitXc- ine dluin. 27'p2lsc; low meiliuni. ShStjTc. Mon tana rine cnoice. . z4a-oc;, nne average, 33 i 44w, now iiivuiuiii Guoice.' .4'sbo; average 424c; ataple, Vif-'A-, mrdlum choice 2oc: uveris-e. 2tV&27c. " ST. LOT'18, Juae ZO.WOOIgteadv: me dtum grade, combing nnd clothing jf&ev light fine. i?v;2c; heavy fine. WaW- tub waahed, 336!!c. . ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 20.-METaL-TIii aa lower In the English market, closing anu tuo lor futures. - cally tin waa cany and closed at 36.SOH38 70. i Copper waa higher in the Englisli market. I with spot quoted Bt H4 Jo and futures at 81 2 6d Locnlly no change wa rr-' ported, with lake quoted at 3li.7iu 19 Of': I n.ruijm- au i.i,,( is.10; casting. 818 26 4al8 374. lad was unrhanaed at 18 16s In London and st $o.75i?6 96 In the New York market. Soelter declined 2 6d to 7! 7s 6d In London. Locally th market wa a shade lower, also closing at tfi 10 j.30. Iron was unchanged In the English marketa. with standard foundry at 49a lid and Cleveland warrants at 60a 14d. lo cally the market waa unchanged. No 1 foundry northern. 31876151900: No. 2 foun dry northern and No. 1 foundry southern L31h 26-818 50; No. 2 foundry southern, 317.76 tjin 00. ST.' LOPI8 Jun 20.-METAI.fl-I.ead. strong, at 36 !: spelter, weak, at VI 06 Totals 6,362 31, OS 1.410 CATTLE Receipts of cattle' were un usually large tor a Wednesday, over 200 cars being reported In for the flrst time since May 23. The average quality was very fslr. there being a number of well flnlshed beef steers on sale and only a small sprinkling of butcher stock and feeders. l'nder the Influence of large receipts here and at Chicago, with liberal runs re ported at all other market point, the tiade opened slow and dull. Packers wero Inclined to wait until advices were re ceived from other market before doing very much, with the resuU that the fore noon was pretty well exhausted before they really got down to bualne. Tha further fact that Chicago wa reporting a lower market, tended atlll further to weaken the situation her. When the cat tin flnall sold the best beeve went .it price possibly not very much different ftom yesterday, but aside from that the market was anywhere from weak to 10c lower. Cows and heifers of good quality were In very light supply and the best dry lot tork wa In demand at steady price. Other klnda wer slow and weak, with graasers extremely hard to sell sven .-4 lower price. There were no stockers or feeders' of much account In the yard and o far aa couiu 11 ODservea, tnere w no very ur- I very limited at th present time, the trade being without any very Interacting feature from day to day. The sale t,t the better gradea of cattle looked jut about ateady today and the market a a whole might be quoted aa unchanged. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 14... 41... SO... 74... TI... 41... 4... 14... I.,. 14... 3... ....154 Ml ....147 ....104 ....111 ,...176 ,;. ..190 .'...19 ....144 '....134 ...230 -....111 .V...9II N7 .....un 1... ,....l!l ... .....121 Ma ,...UI , (.. 114 .....111 .....140 Ill .....3f3 119 117 .,...170 .....144 44 'ii 40 . 110 10 40 190 ' N. , 79 . 99 41 91 71 79 71 II at 47 71....'. 49 11 74 17 71 97 90 II 1 .... St..... i 49 7! 94 71 41 ' M . . . . . 94 .,... 17.... 71 , 71 . 41 . II ... 70 70 94 19 II.... ' 94.... 94..., 41;.., 44 ... 44.... .77.... 47, . .-. 44.... 74.... 'T7.... 7.... 1 ... U . 't?.:;: . 14.... 10.. A. ,..114 ..7 ..114 .191 ...101 ...171 ..111 ..179 ..111 .174 ..119 ...141 ..141 ,..119 ...141 ...111 . ...Ml ...111 ...111 ...ill ...111 ...111 ...111 ...147 ...HI ...Ht7 ...145 ...144 ...III ...9M ...J7 . ..Ill ...181 ...If ...191 ...190 ...141 ...111 ...104 . . 14 ...101 ...IS ...its ...114 ...:t4 ..115 9h. Pr. 1 10 I 174 174 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 174 4 14 4 174 4 174 I 174 I 174 4 174 4 174 174 4 10 4 Ml 4 to I I 10 4 M . 1 10 I to m 1 M I 30 I 10 I to I 44 I 19 I 10 I 99 I 10 I 14 4 14 I )o 4 10 I 30 4 10 4 I M 4 14 I 10 4 M 4 M I 30 -I'M-. 1 90 I 10 I so 4 10 I M 4 90 9 10 4 10. , 4 10. 4 10 STAG 444 144 I 10 . . BOARS 1 199 ... 4 4 8HEEP There waa nothing In the way of news connected, with th sheep trade this morning, the receipts being light th same as every day. Among the arrival was a buncn or lames sold for delivery a 88.60 and they constituted a good part of the day's receipt. A few good Mexican lamb gold up to 37. with aprlng lambs at k.i ana a rew good native ewe a high as 38.26. All these prices looked good and strong and were very sntlsfac tory to owners. The demand at this doiii continues very . good and Is In excesa of me ear-piy, wnicn uiea on mat tne marHn every nay f in a very strong position. quotations on clipped stock: Oood to choice weatern lambs. 38.60o7.00: fair to good lambs, 3.00tJ 60; cull lambs, 14.50 (Olio; good to choice yearlings, 3.769 d fste IA arofwt V, rfl va ttltllAt?'- good to cholc wethers, io75tf8.15. fair f to good wethr, H 60B 6.76; good :o choice ewe, f 6. 7647 8.00; fair to good ewes, 36.00Vt.76; bucks, 14.2604.71. No. 10 cull ewes , '. 38 western ewe 61 weatern yearling lambs... 44 aprlng lambs. 1 western ewe 1 buck ....... 1 buck 12 western ewes western ewes and wethers 327 Mexican )arubs , .194 !?0 HI .140 .Ml .147 .141 .141 .215 ...111 19 40 ioo ISO "m ioo 90 10 90 90 90 HOGS. Pr 94 4 1 I IU I 10 I 11 I 30 10 I 30 4 4 4 3 4 14 I 10 I 10 I 14 I 90 I 30 4 10 I M I 39 I 10 4 I I 9 4 14 . 4 II I 19 4 114 I l!4 4 4 4 114 I 114 I 134 4 124 I 114 .1 114 I 314 4 434 4 IS 4. 4 114 4 134 114 I 114 I 124 114 I 124 124 114 4 114 I 114 . I 114 I 124 I 114 I 314 4 114 I l4 I 134 I 9 III I 174 nrk In (light. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: v. Cattle. Hog . 4.9"0 . 1.10" . 7. Tiki . 8.t , S.o-iB .22.000 21.'ai 8,900 1H.H . 12.448 28.0. - Bheet) v 1.70 'i'fini'i , 3.400 9fH ' 1."00 .40.740 94.04 37, W extra fancy. 24 87.76. 10-lb. carton, To three-crown. He;- At. . 89 . 108 . 71 . 61 .... 90 .... 230 ......180 170 1"4 (5 Pr. 4 00 I ii t 20 7 .6 8 00 J 0 ( 00 26 8 60 i 00 OMAHA WHOI.R94I.B MARKET-. o,l ' Caadltlow of Trade'eaeTttaetatlea ea Staple anal Faery Predae. BOOS Receipts, liberal-; freih atock, lit,?. LIVH PUl'LTRY Hene. KWatr: roosters' 6c. turkeys. 124c; ducks. Juc; spring ohlck- ' ens, lftii 20c per lb. Bl'T'i'KR-i'arklna atock. SKLc: nhnlea to fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, ZlQtfHc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha- Feed -ooav pany: No. 1 upland. 810.60: medium, 38 60, , coarse, 39 00. Rye traw. 38.60. ' BRAN Per ton, 317 60. .: NEW VEGETABLES. -v TOM ATOE8 Tex, rter crate of 20 lbs... net. 31.28. WAX BENR-P market havaket - nt about 16 Iba., 31.26. ... . STRING BEANS Per market basket uf, shout 16 lbs., 31 26 1 LKNllr'S. BEETS AND CARROTS " Per dot. bunches, 26c. LEAF LETTCCaV-Hothouse. per. do, heads. 30c. CI C'CMBERS Home-grown, per doa., 45c;' - . V 1 I' VI . UJA, ,1.11, .... ONIONS California. "We ner lb : Taxaa. In cratea, white. 31 78; yellow. 81.36. GREEN ONIONS-Per doa. bunehaa. 20c. RADISHES Per dos. ".inches, 16c. CABBAGE California, to per lb. CAl'LI FLOWER-Per dox. heada, 76a. . GREEN PEAS-Per bu.. 81.60. NEW POTATOE8-Per bu., 31.00, " " OLD VEGETABLES.,. POTATOKfl Home-arrnm-n tier Vui IVW9 0o; South Dakota, per bu.. 76fkc; Colorado. 90c per bu. NAVY BEANS Per PU., 31. 8J. Nt. 3. 1.74. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 34c. . VROP1CAL FRCITS. i DATES Per box of to-lb. pkgs.. 32 .00: Halloween. In 70-lb. boxes, per box, 6c; Bayers, per lb.. 4c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per doa.; t-lb. box. 81.00. UKAMtiK California, extra fancy nav el, large slse, $42M6.00; Mediterranean sweets, all slses, tlOtxtl.iO: Vatenotas all ' slsea. 3n.0O(S6.60. LEMONS LI monlera, size, $H.00; 300 to 300 six. FIGS California, per 86c; Imported Smyrna, six-crown. 13c. BAN A NAB Per medium slsed bunch. 31.76 42.36; Jumbos. $2.6iu3.00. riN iKAffutM loriaa, . aiss 34. to arm St to&t- ... . . FRUITB. CHERRIES California. $100 per 6-lb. box:' sour cherries 34-qt. crate, tl.2Wl.60. GOOSEBERRIES Per crate of 34 ota. $2.00. peaches California. 81.28 per bu. . PLUMS-California. 1.76 per bu. BLACKBERRIES-Per 24-qt. crate. $160 433 80. RASPBERRIES Red, per 24-qt. crate, . . 13.00; black, per 24-qt. crate. 33.5uiTa.60. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb.. 2c, or about 40j60c each. ... CANTELOUPE8 Mexican, per crate, ."" about 46 melons, 9s.ootj8.0o; Texas par orata, about 46 melon. 33.60. - ,- -CUT MEJU'8. No. 1 ribs, lie; No.. 3 rl, c; No. 3 rib. 1 74c; No. 1 loin, 16c; No. 3 loin, No. i I loin. 114c; No. 1 chuck, 64c: No. 1 chuck, 64c; No. 3 chuck,' 6c; Ne. 1 round, ti 4c; No. 3 round, 84o; No, 3 round, 7c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. 2 plan, 3c; No.. 3 plat. . 24c MISCELLANEOUS. " ' ' " CIDER Per keg. $3.7t: per bbl., 36.T. HONEY New, per 24 lbi $3 60. CHEESE-Bwlse, nw, Jttc; . Wisconsin -brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, .12o; twin. 184c; Young Americans, 16e. - NUTS Walnuts. No. L soft shells, new crop, per lb., 164c; bard shells, per lb., 134c. Pecans, large, per lb, 14c; . small, per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., VAci roasted, , per lb., 12c. Chill walnut, per lb 12-t(ia4o. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; bard shells., per lb., 16c. , C'oooanuts, $4 per saok of 100. , SI'UAR Granulated ' cane, In bbla., $5.08; granulated cane; in sacks, 86.01; gran tilated, In aacka. 4.41. 8YRLP In bbls., 24c per gal.;. In cases. 8 10-lb. cans, 31.70; cases, 11 Mb. Cana, tl.aO; case. 24 24-lb. cans, 1.86. " COFFEE Roan ted., No. 36, 64 per lb;' No. 80, 2040. per lb,; No. 26, 184c per lb.; No. 20. 164c per lb.; No. 21, 124c per lb. CURED FISH Family whltefWh. per 4' bbl., 10 lb., $4.60; Norway 'mackerel, per bbl.. 0 lbs., bloater, $40; No. 1, $31; No. 2. No. 8, 3); irisn, pto. 1, io: nerrtng, in bbla. 200 lb, each, Norway 4k, 313; Norway 8k, $13; Holland, mixeo, u.oo; Holland her. ring, In keg, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed. 70c. CANNED OOOD8 Corn, standard , we!-' em. 6Mii0c; Maine, $1 16 Tomatoea.. 8. lb. cn. ti.2ivai.e0: -2-lb., 7jc4)l. Pineapple., grated. 2-lb., 82 06fff2.3O; slieeo. tl aOtJj.JO. r:iinn annle. fancy, 83.(0; California anrl-i cot. tl-4i(l2.00; pears, $1.762.60; peach. CHICAOO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak to Test . Cents Lower Hosts Steaady. 4c had Lower. CHICAGO.' June 10 CATTLE Receipts. 22,000 head; market weak to 10c lower; mm. mon to prime steers, tt.OtVqitlO; rows, tn.OO tiA 60; heifer. $2.7fi6.25; bulls. 82.7S$I r5; calves, M.TTvart.W; stockers and feeders, $2.73 t4.7a. H008- Receipts. M.OOO head: market gent demand. The fact is the feeder trada ateady to a shade lower;- choice to p-ime iiea,v ., iiiruLini iw b,i ii',, $e.574Tjb6r butcher' weights. $., M. 70; good to choice heavy m xed, 36.67 4'fio. 66; pecking. $6.oo,2H. - 8Hr!KP AND LAM R9 Receipts. 18.000 head; market strong; rheen, ?4VV(i35; year ling. ta.00fie.60; shorh lambs. $6.25t7.o0. Coee Market. NEW YORK. Ju te -COFFEE Market for coffee futures opened at good prices to a decline of 6 pointa. which was rather a dlaapolntlug response to steady European cables and ruled rather unsettled a a re sult of near month liquidation, a consider able part of the business being. In the shape ( switches from Julv to later montha. The close wa .steady with price nt unchanged to t point lower. Sale of th day were reported of 64 360 bag, Including July, 6 lyg H.rioc : September. tlfa30c; December. 8. tii 46; March. 4.46c; May. t.76.M.fc)t; pot Rio, steady. No. 1. Invoice, 74c. . ... . . No. A. Pr. Ka, a... Pr 1 TOO 19 11 ....I34! 4 9 I 414 I 71 19 J12 4 49 . 1 970 I 10 I 4M 4 u 1 10 4 to ' H. I2IJ 4 i II 44 4 8 ' II llill 4 ID 1 1100 4 15 41 -..1121 4 M tl 994 I II ISM 4 9 1 1 4 4 44 Illl 4 90 I K'20 4 4 17....- lit 4 9, II 90 4 40 14 132 4 90 1 1041 4 41 12 IIS 4 91 I 114 4 40 4 1HJ 4 94 9 991 4 44 10 l9 4 aa i9 911 I" .1 1134 4 99 4 946 4 4 1! 1124 8 9 51 101 4 15 . 14 1191 t 9 93 117 3 4 44 1 9 771 I 09 17 1041 4 99 7 v.479 4 40 1 471 4 41 M .1441 I TM ,1 I?0 4 45 II., mi 1 09 4 1017 4 4 11 1144 I 05 I It 4 40 N ....ltll I M II !04 4 44 f7 1,74 ,4 14 79 4 TO II 1117 1 l0 11 94 74 !00 us 1 , 10 11-90 4 70 14 1412 I 1 12 l4 4 14 14 Ill i II II 1111 4 71 19.. 1IJ4 ,d 11 Ml 4 14 I.. 1414 I to 44 IfOI 4 71 2t 4 I H 14 10S4 4 74 tl 94 II 1 1070 4 75 II JI77 I 19 I....,". 1290 4 90 1 uji 1 M 14... . 1190 4 40 COWS. 1 749 I 9 a mo 1 4 1... 1 71 1.'....'....... 944 9 40 I 10K I Tl 11..... 104 1 I 1 '....979 1 74 1... ION a 1 910 I II 1440 I 50 1 940 I 19 . I l:M 1 71 1 HO I 11 11 , 101 1 79 4 44 8 99 4 1141 99 1 1091 9 90 HK 194 1 100 t aa 1 i. 4 no 1 814 t 34 I. m 4 (M 1 7K I 49 I !,., 4 go 44 1 10 1............ 4,5 4 10 1 ii ii 1 1010 4 ia 1 M" 8 14 1 H7 4 I 1 1 00 I n I .1,24 4 u I In I 99 134 4 to o I aa t i 4 1 45 10 t iM , 1 740 I 9 I I 4 1 1 14 1 4 1 Mil 4 3 1 9 I... ..119 4 3 1 1H4 3 IS I Ulu 4 Kaasa City Lire Sleek Market. KANSAS CITY. June 20. C ATT LK Re ceipts. 7.700 head. Including- 2,200 Send of out herns; market steady to a shade lower; qusrantines strong; choice export and dressed beef steer. tV&tfift 70; fair to g od. td.iO'tto 15; western fed ateers. tl.7T56.26; stneker and feeder. tl.7rVr4.?5; southern steer. $3.00424.76; southern cow. $J 2'vfi3 V: native cow, t2 25 a4 3t; nitlv steer. $3.00 fto.lO; bulls. $2.5&4.00: c.lve, $! VI.OO. HOGS Ret-Hot. 18.000 head: mtrkct wen.k to lower; top. $1166: bulk of sales, $3T4J474. hesvv. 3 474f.r: pneker. $6 4iV(Tt6n; pig and llghta. .607 46. SHEKP AND LAMBS BecelM. 0M head: market strong; lamhs, 16 fl7.75; fed sheep and yearling. $6 00478 2".; Texn clipped yearlings, $5.78tj.0; Texas cllnped sheep. $4.7t1S6.76: Texaa o-ta. t3I"ift3.75: stockers and feeders. I3.2ttf5.0i. Kt. Joaepk Mv Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. June to. CATTLE -R"-telpt. 2.093 head: frrlOc lower: nstlvea, 3. (36 80: cow and heifer, 31.7571 !. 60- etocker rd feeder. $3.0(Vi4 16. HOOS Rece pt. 12,448 hd: J4t)6c lower: liaht $6307.4S; medium and heaw, $6.3.1 t47f. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt. r-4 head; market steady to strong; lambs, fancy, $1.752.40; H. C. peache, t3oo2.60. Alaska almon, red, tl. 26; fancy Chinook. V, $2.10; fancy sockey-ei F., $16; sardine. : Mi nil. $2.60: mustard. $:'.jj3.10.. Sweet potatoes, $1.16451.26; sauerkraut, $1; pump kins, 80c4S31.flO; wa beans, 2-Tb.) 7Mj0c; lima beans, 2-lb., 76c4i 31. 36s spinach, il.gS; I cheap peaa. t-lb., 0c;, intra. Jtxl9uc; iaaey, ... I1.3&U1.H. ,.s Cotton Market. - ' ' BT. LOl'IS. June- an.-4.OTTON-8teady ; middling. 11 l-16c: sales, none; ..receipts, none: shipments, none; stock, 80,291 bales. , LIVERPOOL. June- 30. COTTON Spot In. fair demand; prices 8 to points lower: American middling . fair. t iM: gond mid- tiling. .7d; middling, 07d; low middling.. 6 87d; good ordinary." S.7d; ordinary, I 46a. . The sale of the day wer It.OOO biilaa, of ' which 12.000 hales were for specula t Ion -and ' export, and Included l.OOO bales of . Ameri can: receipts. 4 000 bale; no American. NEW ORLEANS.. .June 30-COTTON-Bpot closed quiet to steady; sales. 1.900, halea: low ordinary. 7 II-I80: low middling, 10 6-1 tc: middling. 10 16-16c: good middling. - 11 7-16c: fslr. 12 7-16c receipts, 1.882 bales; stock, 69.623 bales. . . Oils and Resist..,,, NEW TORK. June 20 OILS Cottense. ' easy; prime crude, f. o. b.. mills. Mc: prime yellow 3644r38r. Petroleum, steady; re- ' fined New- York; $7.80. Turpentine, firm, at ru;dlc. Rt'irti.v Quiet ; strained, common to Rood, $3 tttojd OA. ' SAVANNAH, June 30 Oir-Turpentln, ' firn ' 87'4jC. ROSIN-Firm: A B C P. t3 90; E, ttt 0: F. 30(.. a $105: II and U $4 20: K.' 34 ; M.; N. $4 63; VQ. $4.60; WW. $1 fft. " esa- Head for Rwtger'a College. NEW HRCNSWlCK. N. J.. Juna 30.- .' Rev. William Henry Steele Demarest. D.JD., . graduate of the class of '83. was today in stalled as president of Rutger a col leg. JUDGMENT. loax Hy l ive giork Market.' BIOCX CITY. 1.. June 20 -(Special Tel. tram ) CATTLE Receipts. 1.100 head. Market vveik; ainckcr steady: beeves lu0 iio :t: cows, hulls and mixed, tt ) v4 .v tockers "'t fei.e. $3. i", y 4 . jfi , calves in'l yearllnas. fS 25434 15 IILXiS-Receli.ts. 8.400 he,d; market Jfe fol lower, selling at t4.Ur!8U; bulk of sales. $o.2630. at. I.oala lire Sleek Market. 91. liOCI. JUn 30-CATTI.E-Re'einf head, includ-n? l.fca1 h -ad i f Texan mrket stesdv 'inile (hipping and eitpor' steer. 3 i16: dressed beef ard biitchT steera. 13 86(7 0, steer under 1.000 noitniis l3fit7 4Jfc stockers e,,i - f,ir. 2 6V14 2V roil nd li.'- t'e ' H; cin--ra. t 'i ,i i'v; bull. C.3V4J.76, calve, fj 8.o; MIjudriiHnt of the tharfutep of a ttecurlljr fniienllj ri-Mull In lr of fund. Our rlrralara will aaslnt you In the selection of fn- .. ' srrTaiiv bond. ' ' A. B. LEACH a(iO. ( - v V . FORMERLY .'' PARSON. LEACH !v CO. NRW YORK ' t miCiOO, BOS'fO.N PUIIADBLfinA f ! I . i , ; i t i i I i