THK OMAHA DAITiY REE: THURSDAY, JUNE 21, IMfl. 6 5 1 SCHEME TO MIUKT ELBOURN Enrh it Connell'i Vertriom f Primary Ballot Timperinc Job. ON THIS LINE THE DEFENSE . IS MADE 1 . Connty Attorney Offers to Show Rallnts Ik lastody lllr Clerk ki Tkr Were Altered. That the bailutx UKOd In the primary election aprll 3 were tampered with for the purpose of throwing discredit upon City Clerk W. It. Elbourn, who had thetu in custody, la the theory upon which the defense In Elbourn'a cane now being heard -fre Judge Button will proceed. This waa the declaration of W. J. Conneli, Et liourn'a attorney, la hla opening statement to the Jury. Mr. Conneli said he would admit the formal matter relating to the election and that the ballot had. been changed. He ald the defendant la Just aa anxious as anybody to Be the real culprit punished In bis opening statement County Attor ney Blabaugh offered to show the ballots were In the cuntody of 'Elbourn when they were changed and that only he and B. K. Oreenleaf ahould have bad access to them. He declared Mr. Greenleaf would not have made tho changes, aa he waa the losrr by them. lie also said he Would Introduce conversations by Mr. Elbourn bearing on th vase. The first witness was Miss Bchenrk, a clerk In the-city elerirg office. Bhe de scribed the ofBca of the clerk and the vaults. She said Mr. Elbourn, Mr. Uroen- leaf and Mr. Slmonson, a former employe In tho office, were the only one who knew th combination to the vault In which the ballots were storrd. BImonsou has not been employed in the ofllco. aince March. Stared In th Vaalt. Bhc said tho ballot boxes were delivered to tho clerk's office Tuesday evening and Wednesday and were stored In the vault. Thursday night he sold Mr. Elbourn left thn oHloo with her about 7. o'clock. That night the ballot boxes were lu the office and not In the vault, a they had been taken out for th Inspection of the can vassing bunrd. Friday they were returned to the vault and that night Elbourn told her he was going back to tho office to do some work. Saturday morning he said ho had been at the office about an hour tho night before. Saturday Mr. Greenleaf and a Janitor carried th ballot boxes up Into the office again until tho recount began the following Wffk. ' Dan Butler, present city clerk, was called to Identify the ballot boxes for the pre cincts In the vote of which th. changes were made. It came out In hla evidence that the key to one of the boxea In ques tion is missing. Mr. Butler aaid he might find the key on the floor of the vault and he would make another careful search for It. This was the box for the First district of the Bec6nd ward. Tho Jury which waa secured late la tho afternoon la aa follows.' W. R. Wall. Florence; C. J. Tasslck. 1K.I5 Vinton; C. F. Helman, Dodge; J. A. Oonllrr 1722 Dodge; J p. Daly, 1816 Martha; It. E. Davidson. 2208 Harney; Charles Rupp. 3P01 South Ninth; F. D. Mofflt, 511 North KJKhtevnth; W. F. otoetsel, 4!:r9 Davenport; Charles I. Sanders, V North Eighteenth; August Hedgreen, 2M South Twenty-fourth; W. A. Bell, 17 Boulevard avenue. What the Dill Chsrget. The Indictment charge that Elbourn on April 8, five days after the primary, but before the board had recanvassed the votes, altered and changed the markings "on a number of ballots so as to Increase his vote,'. at the expense of Bain K. Qreenleaf and W. E. Btockham, his opponents. The crosses on the ballots made by, the voters had' bean-erased and new marks placed In the squares opposite Mr. Elbourn'a name. Th changes were discovered when the canvassing board began the recount of the ballots on demand of Elbourn. Eater the eraser which had been used In defacing the ballots was found In one of the ballot boxes. The ballot boxes were In Elbourn'a custody', aa' city clerk, at the time the erasures are alleged to have been made. Alterations also were found In the vote for mayor. Several thousand dollars had been wagered that V. J. Broatch would receive more votes than A. II. ilennlng. It was discovered that erasure had been mad In squares opposite Mr. Hennlngs' nam and crosses Inserted for Broatch. These changes are not alleged In the Indict, nient, however. LOCAL BREVITIES. Louis Robinson, a colored man, who was with the Robinson circus, waa sentenced ten day by the police Judge Wednesday morning. Robinson waa charged with stealing a set of harness from the circus to satlHty an alleged claim for wages. Articles of Incorporation of the Central i oke and Coal company ot umana nave r . , 1 tAiV A . 1 VrnJ2 LD.IFNI'A .eV. TootltTiIk: No; 40 Dentistry, as I practice It. Is a erioua profession, involving edu cation, carefnlness and aklll. Therefore; I rannot compete in price with the ignorant, the care-" lean, or the unskillful, but com-' partson will show that I charge much lea than most reputable dentists. This method of min, that en ables me to fill and crown sensi tive teeth without hurtlne; is as great a boom. In Dentistry ether is in Surgery. I make a specialty, of Crown and Bridge work and ran crown and restore teeth in a cleanly, painless manner most pleasing to refined patlenta. DR. FICKKS, Dentist. 3:1 IW lildg. 'Phona Douglas 637. been filed with the county clerk. The cap ital stock Is, f which H6.or Is to 1 paid. Edmund B. Cerlgan, Ernest E. Bealr, John F. Emmert, W. A. Case and Howard. If. Raldrige are the Incorporators. John Howard, colored, arrested on a charge ef having stolen 12 from William Bheiiock. was acquitted In the police court Wednesday morning Judge Wakeley rep resented the defendant. Howard was charged with extracting ts from Sherlock s pay envelope Saturday afternoon. A Wonder. Kveryhody who has tried Bucklen's Ar nica Balve for cuts, burns and wounds, says It's a wonder.'! cent. "Guaranteed. For sale by Sherman V M"Cbnrmll Drug Co. !W HOMES IX THE WEST. i Chosbone Reservation to Be Opened to Settlement. CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN IV Announces Round-Trip JSxjuirslon Rate from AH Potnta July 12 to 29. Less than one rare ror the round trip to Bhoshonl, Wyo., th reservation border. Th only aJl-rail route to the reservation border. Date of registration July 16 to Zl at Bhoshonl and Lander. Reached only by this line. Write for pamphlets telling how to tak tap on of the attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free on request at City Office, 1401-3 Farnam street Striking; Indian Womencla tare. "Muskok," "Clear Sky lyand," "Mag netewmn." Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka wartha," "Bright Water and Happy iAnds," "Tcmagaml." "Deep Water" are Indian words that fittingly describe some of the most delightful spots fur a sum mer's outing on the American continent. All reached by .Grand Trunk Railway Sys tem. Double track from Chicago. to Mon treal and Niagara Falls. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc., will be mailed free- on application to Oeo. W. Vaux, A. Q. P. & T. A., 135 Adams St., Chicago. I Card of Thanks. We herewith wish to thank our many friends and neighbors most heartily, for the beautiful flowers and sympathy shown us during the Illness and death of our be loved father and husband. MRS. HT. RAABE AND CHILDREN. To tho Pnbllo. The Omaha Gas company bega to an nounce. that Mis E. V. Berry la now with the company as demonstrator and will be glad to call upon our patrons to .instruct them In the economical -and efficient use of gas stoves. A card addressed. Miss Berry, care, Omaha, cfas company, will receLyti prompt attention.,-..- t . .i-,,.- Fthtnar and Camping: nmtma to Cle Lake, la., Via. Chicago Great , Western Railway, For parties of 10 or more one far and one-third for the round trip, good for It days. Tickets on sale dally until Septem ber SOl For further Information apply to H. II. Churchill. G. A., 1S12 Farnam St. Excursions. . On July 6 and 27, to I-ako, N. T.. and' return at SI 4. good 30 days; and dally June 1 until September 30, at $-H via ERIE RAILROAD from Chicago; stop overs also permitted on all tickets to New York. Boston. Niagara Falls, etc. Apply to your local ticket agent or J. A. Dolan. T. P. A., 555 Railway Exchange, Chicago, HI. Card of Thanks. I wish to express my thanks for the kind ness and sympathy shown me by my many friends during the sickness and death of. my beloved wife' also for the many beautiful floral offerings; to the Ivy Rebecca lodge No. 33, I. O. O. F. L. W. ROBB. Vcts ertl fKcis piea.sartlyt cis Beneficially cts truly as a'LAxaiiver. Svtud of Fies appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy, because ita component parts axe Bimple and wholesome and because it acta without disturbing the natural functions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as . they are pleasant to the taste, but the medici nal virtues of Syrup of Figa are obtained from aa excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most bene ficially. To get ita beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the ilMJl v3 For ul ky aS nMPf Dnif. gtu, la ' ' ham of th I3TES CN OMAHA SOCtCTT. The wedding of Mr. Edward J. Monaghan and Misa Myrtle Claire Tucker, the niece of Mrs. IL A. Cox of Council Bluffs, took place this morning at St. John's Collegiate church at 10 .10 o'clock, the ceremony being performed by Father O'Connor, In th presence of th relatives and Intimate friends. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. W. J. Monaghan as best man, and Miss Mae Mulvlhill was the maid of hortor. She was attired In a pretty prin cess gown of pink tissue, with large pink hat adorned with pink plumes, and carried a shower of sweet peas. The bride's gown was white point d" esrrlt over silk, made In princess style, trimmed with real lace. She wore a lorg tulle veil and carried white roses. The church was decorated with palms and roses. Following the cere mony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. Cox to the relatives and bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Monaghan left In the afternoon for a trip to Colorado, and on their return will reside for a short time in Council Bluffs. Mr. Monaghan Is the popular manager of the Boyd theater In this city. A pretty home wedding wss that of Miss Helen Iicilp Walworth and Mr. Benjamin B. Hurst, which was solemnised st 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the residence of th bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wal worth, 21W Burderte street. The ceremony wss performed by Rev. A. J. Ssrgent of the Plymouth Congregational chu'eh In the presence of about sixty guests. Mis Florence Grimes played the wedding march and Just before the ceremony Mrs. Beach Jackson ssng "Oh, Promise Me." IJttle Helen Walker, dressed In white with pink ribbons, was the ring bearer, carrying th ling In a basket of flowers. Mr. Matthew Murphy of Seattle acted as best man and Miss Edna Walworth, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She was attired In white dotted Swiss, trimmed with lace, and carried pink roses. The bride wore a pretty gown of white wash chiffon, wltl Valenciennes lace trimmings, and carried I ahower of white roses. Tho house waa at tractively decorated ror the occasion, a profusion of ferns and roses being used. The ceremony was performed In a bower of ferns and pink roses in the rear parlor, wnne the parlor and dining room were trimmed with rod roses. Mr. and Mra Hurst left for a trip to Denver and Salt Lake- City, and after July 1 will be at home at Blanchard, la. The out-of-town guests were: Miss taurine Stephens of Bhelton, Neb.; Miss Ethel Williamson of Albion, Neb.; Mrs. Daniel Eller and daugh ter of Ackley, la.; Miss Hatel Nlsbet of Bell Rapids, 8. D.; Mr. Murphy of Seattle, Misses Mary and Calista, Hurst of West- boro, la., and. Mr. Charles Hurst and Mr. Slgmund Hurst of Lincoln. Tho wedding of Miss Mary Edith Dun-tout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H Dumont, and Mr. Arthur Draper Smith. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Draper Smith. which waa solemnized last evening at tho First Baptist church, before a large as semblage of gueets, was a beautiful wed ding In evory dotail. It waa a yellow daisy . wedding, the color scheme being piettlly carried out In the decoration and costumos. The pulpit and choir rati were bankaV with palmj, greens' and Shasta daisies, while the pewa reserved for the relatives, were marked with bunches pf asraragua ferns tied with yel low, tulle.. Promptly at eight o'clock, aa Mra.. Anna B. Andrews began the Loherv grln wedding march, th ushers stretched the broad yellow aatln ribbons, and th bridal procession, advanced down th left aisle, led by. the oahers-Measrs Riy Dn mont Warren Hilli; Jack 'Dumont and Robert Marlley, ..followed Jy the . Jour bridesmaids -r M,lasea Lena . . Frlcke" of riattsmouth, Elizabeth McOonnell,- Bertha Phlllppl and Lynn Carpenter. All wera similarly gowned In white batiste, trlm nu'd with lace and tucks, with deep girdle and ribbons. of yellow. Their wreaths were of green and they carried bouquets of yellow marguerites, tied with yellow tulle. Next came the maid of honor. Miss Besria Dumont, sister of the bride, In a gown of v hlte crepe do chine over yellow silk. In set with Irish point Jace, and carrying Shasta daisies. Little Dean Sunderland, attired in white, carried the ring in a Calla Illy. The bride, who entered wltli her father, waa charming in a princes gown of white chiffon cloth, over silk. with yoke In bertha of duchess lace. A wreath of daisies held in place her long tulle veil and her bouquet was a shower of ferns and daisies. Mra. Dumont waa gowned i" ;Brey chiffon cloth 'and Mrs. Smith n white bilk. . At the chancel they wer met the groom and hla best man, Mr. Royal Comstock. Following the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. J. W. Conley, th party left the church to the Mendelssohn wedding march and went at once to th YIWP icnal aa'kaf aaiy, hearing th fall Comaaay. -srT home of the bride's parents. In Remit park, where an Informal reception was h Id. about 3W guests being present The rooms were decorated with a profusion of daisies, ferns and coreopsis. After a short wedding trip the young couple will be at home at ixa Bouth Thirty-fourth street. The out-of-town guest were: Miss Eml'iy Grafton, Brooklyn. N. T.; Mr. Harry Harte. Salt lAke City; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. F.veretts, Roxbury. Mass., and Misa Iena Frlcke, Plattsmotith. Neb. Miss Monrehead entertained four tables of bridge yesterday In honor of Miss Pick ering of California. The prises were won by Mr. XV. H. Clarke and Miss Wakefield. In honor of Mrs. Short of Cleveland. O., and Mrs. W. A. Psxton. jr., Mr. W. A. Paxton gave a charming luncheon at the Country club yesterday. The tsMe. pret tily decorated with pink carnations and ferns, was laid for Mesdames Short. W. A. Faxton, Jr.; Martin, Martin of California. McLaughlin. E. II. Fprague. E. E. Balch, Gllniore. Herman Kountxe, Wakeley, Gan nett, Hartman. Reed. Llnlnger, Klrkendall, Coutant. Russell. Kllpatrlck, Allen, Sum mers, Kenyon. Daugherty, E. V. Crelghton, EX C Mt Shane, J. I Paxton, Bishop, Burns, Redlck, E. A. Cudahy, II. H. Bal- drlge, Bidwell, Ransom. FTowe. Vlerllng. Wakefield, Gallagher, DubiMa. Wilkin and Remington. Mrs. E. Conklln entertained Informally Monday afternoon for Mrs. Pettltere and Mrs. McNeal of St. Joseph. The rooms were trimmed with summer flowers. At the I'ard game' tho prizes were won by Mrs. Dalton Rlsley and Mrs. Pettltere. The guests were: Mesdames. Pettltere. McNeal, Herman Matthes, Downey, Dalton, Risley, James Taggart, Hiram Sturges, T. Foley. J. Rydon. Th Cooking club wa entertained yes terday afternoon by Mrs. Ssm Burns. Jr. Bridge waa played at two tables, the prize being won by Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mra. Harry Wllkins will entertain the club at the next meeting. Mrs. N. J. Rosenthal and daughters of Dayton, O., are the guests of Mrs. Charles Singer, having come . for the Rosenthal- Singer wedding. In honor of Mrs. Jerrems, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Melkle entertained, at - bridge last evening. The game waa played at three tables, the prize being won by Miss Web' ter. . Mr. J. U. Rose, the well known art dealer, and Miss Ella Parratt, both ot whom have a large circle of friends, were united In jnarrlage Tuesday evening at the bride's residence, 2709 Farnam street. Rev, T. J. Mackay of All Saints church per forming the ceremony. - The wedding waa attended by only the relatives and will prove a surprise to the friend of the couple. A wedding supper followed the cere niony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Rose left for a trip In the north. Misa Ada Klrkendall has Issued Invita tions for a bridge party next Tuesdny aft ernoon In honor of her -guest. Miss Whiting. MAN FOUND ON THE GROUND "apposed Resident ot Willi, Kansas, Thought, to Have' Fallen from Hotel Window. Helmrlch Fernau, an elderly German be lieved to be from Willis, Kan., was found early Wednesday morning on the ground at the rear of the Windsor hotel, 62! South Tenth street, unconscious and seriously Injured. The Indications were he fell from the window of hla room- oh the second floor. Ho wps attended by Police Sur geons Klnioiv and Keily and removed to the Omaha General hospital. The injured man's condition is extremely critical. i Ail that Is known 'ofrrFernau here is tha he registered at the aerter Tuesday evening without giving his tiome1 address, but from papers found on hlm'Mt' was surmised ho came from Willis, Kan. He appears to be about 65 year's of age'. MILLARD ON THE MEAT BILL Senator Wire Commercial Clnb Think Measure Will Be- , rome Un. He Senator Millard believes the meat Ins pec tlon bill will become a law. In view of th fact that a copy of the report of the Invea ligation of South Omaha packing houses by the Commercial club was sent to him, Sena tor Millard wired the club on the passage of the bill by the house. He said: The house today passed the meat Inspec tion , bill, providing Inspection at govern ment expense, and the strong probability is ftiat the senate will, within a day or twu, concur In the house amendment and the law will be signed by the president. NO. CU-UNB OF THE-NEW FECT8. l. APE EF- rpa and cap effect! arr dUJelIy a la mode and many a womand and (irl I will be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity. These little wrap are very trig and narty and require so little ma terial and so tittle skilled labor In the making that they are proving very econom ical. The wrap shown la In reality a bolero, with short loose sleeves and a graceful double cape .effect over tha shoul der. It la made in old pink taffetas, as shown, wtth a heavy Insertion In the same color. The garment Is one easily made and very pleasing. Uun, silk or broad cloth might serve ss material. 'or the medium its t yards of S-lnch aborts are nlel. Sit. sTIJ filxes, small, medium and Urge. Fvr the accommodation of Tua Bee read ers the patterns, wbteo asumny retail at frem X to 50 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price (1 cents), which covera all expenses. In order to get a pattern enclore It cents, giving number and name of pat tern wanted and bust measure. As the pat Urna are mailed direct frem tne publishers SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NICKNAMES OF POLITICIANS Title by Which Welt Kaavrn rnblle Men Were Familiarly Snokea Of. I'ntil recently the newspapers referred to ff Davis 'of Arkansas. Bob Taylor of Tennessee and Tom Watson of Georgia. Ceremony was dispensed with. The public nslstcd on familiarity with the men of whom It heard so much. Suddenly the note s changed. As the result of two senatorial primaries the reference now is to Hon. Ji f ferson Davis and Hon. Robert L. Taylor, while several successful books have pro duced for the types Hon. Thomas E. Wat eon. Whether we shall all love thtm more at a little distance and with our hats re spectfully raised Is a question. To the very last the public held on to Jjm Blaine and to Ben Harrison. Tammany always spoke of Sammy Tllden, though not with affection. It hated him pretty cordially. Nobody ever spoke of Bill or Billy McKlnley, and nobody speaks of Bill or Billy Bryan. Neither Mr. Cleveland nor Judge Parker's given name lends Itself to an affectionate diminutive, and neither man Is of a chummy disposition. People spoke admiringly of Sam Randall nd of Tom Reed and of Dav Henderson. They speak so today of Jo Cannort--t"ncle Joe. But nobody wa ever heard to speak of Charley Crisp or of Jack Carlisle. And yet the Georgian was an affable and a very popular man, and tha Kentiicklan waa ad mired as speaker as much as any man who had ever occupied the chair. If Mr. Wlll- ams goes In two year hence shall w hear of Jack .WHllams, or wilt he continue to be known as John Sharp? This disposition of the public runs ec centrically. Gen. Harrison was not a chum my man, and yet people In speaking of him called him Ben. Mr. Randall was a very firm and unyielding man and had few Inti mates, and yet the public Insisted on Sam. When people spoke of Dan Voorhees every body could understand, because the Tall Sycamore of the Wabash had an address which was the very essence of heartiness and Joviality.. But a natifre of the same quality never In the case of Judge Crisp diminished In the press the1 formal Charles to Charley, nor In that of Mr. McKlnley the formal William to Bill or Bllly.-Wash-Ington Star. JUNKSHOP IN HUMAN STOMACH Mnsenm Freak Forced to Hive IP Kalis, Glassware and Bit of Wire Fencing;. Fifty-seven varieties of nails, some glass ware and parts of a wire fence were taken from the stomach of E.' Wallace, who was operated on at the City hospital In Min neapolis. Wallace says he is a human ostrich, and the surgeons believe him. Ho has had a pain In his stomach for some time, and at last It compelled him to go to th hospital. At first he attributed his malady to over indulgence In doughnuts, but on second thought he remembered that he had spont the winter and spring with a barnstorm Irg company, guaranteeing to eat all the Junk the spectators might pass to him. He had done this stunt many times be fore, and the nails and glass iiad al ways agreed with him. But Anally his stomach' rebelled. His condition, the phy sicians ; said, was critical, so he submit ted to an Immediate operation. The physicians were prepared to find a few nails and possibly some glass. Taey found a Junkshop. There were fifty-seven good-sized nails, nearly a dozen places of glasa and a few long pieces of wire. Then they searched for a giiird, with some confidence., All the articles' were removod and placed on exhibition In the office. Wal lace has' YhAde' 'Tils ' llflng' for the last twenty year by' appearing at dime mu seums and- other place where freak are quoted at a premium. His specialty was to swallow all kinds of hardware, from tacks to pieces of gas pipe, and he seems to have thrived on the fare until he came to Minneapolis and started in on some of the local supply of shingle nails. Dr. A. K. Benjamin performed the opera tion. The doctor used the regular surgical Instruments, but a clawhammer and screw driver would appear to the layman to have been the proper tools. The operation was successful. It Is believed that all the hard ware has been removed, and It Is hoped that the man will recover. At a late hour he had not yet regained consciousness after the administration of the anaesthetic, but his condition appeared to he such aa to show that he had withstood the shock of the operation admirably. Chicago Rocord Herald. HITCHCOCK TALKS POLITICS f la I liable to Rrtlil Toorhlas Tabooed aubject Before Real Estate Exchange. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, addreBMn th- Real Kslote exchange at luncheon Thurs day on the aubjert of the "Diatributlon of Wealth," declared that while Ihti I'nlt.d States I the first country in the produc tion of wealth, It If far behind Kuropean countries in aolving the question! of equitable dintrlbutlon. A large portion of hi! tulk ai devoted to an attack on the protective tariff, relieved here and ther't by apologies to the rxchartgu for trcadlna; on the forbidden ground of politic. An remedies for existing evIU lie pleaded la favor of Inheritance tax laws, Income tut laws, regulation of corporations by the state and public ownership. JOHN J. HARDIN IS AT REST Well Know Sportsman. Burled at Forest I .a vr n Cemetery, Maa Friends Attending- Fnneral. The funeral of John J. Hardin, the well- ! known sportvman. was held Tuesday. ' service! at the home of Mrs. E. J. Clark. bit North Twenty-third street. Mr. Hard Ins mother-in-law. The burial was at Forest Usn cemetery. Among the many florcl tributes sent was a beautiful re membrance from the Ancient Order of I'nlted Workmen. The pallbearers were John, H. 8. and William McDonald, Fran I; Handle, William Hardin and J. F. Tucker. John J. Hardin had a aide acquaintance in the city and (tale as a crack trap shooter In his palmy days Inddrn rbana-e ef Mind. Pufliing and Mowing, the fat passenger I began to climb to the upper berth In tiie sleeping car. "Pretty hard work. Isn't It?" said the man In the lower berth. "It Is," answered the fat passenger, "for a man of ray weight." "How much do you weigh, may I aak?" "Three hundred and eighty-seven pounds." "Hold on: Tske this one'." exclaimed the ether, his hair beginning to rise on end. "Id rather lleep In the upper herlh, anyway. The ventilation Is better." Chi cago Tribune. The following marriage Ueeuaes been issued: Name ar.d Address. Imv Ag.. Cornelius A. llnie, Omaha , Amlier A. Miller, Omaha M!i k J. Bimon. Oniuha Ksilier Coplin. Omaha Oiro F. Holilooon, Omaha...., KlizuheLh Morris, Omaha , Kdnsrd R Iialley. Omaha , luc M. iiankrfl, Oruaha , A BARGAIN LIST FOR WOMEN Women's $2.50, $3.00 Oxfords Slzon 4A Only Sample Oxfords in size 4A only worth $2.50, $.1 and $3.50, at a jjjeat bargain. The reason for the low price is very simple. (Sizes 4A only.) Made in Paris, dongola and vici kid, hand turned welf. While they last, 98c. Boys' Knee Pants, tj0 75c Values . . . JJ Your choice of several hundred Boys' All "Wool Knee Pants, in sizes 4 ro 16 years values up tg 75c for 39c. These Reductions LadW, Misses' and Children' Hale finished Combination Suits, with lace trlmmwd umbrella style or tight knee, rna-ular 4Er value Ladles' plain black and split sole seamleag Cotton rtoae, very elastic tops," regnlar 85c value, 16c. two for Ladles' fine quality Imported Lisle lace trimmed, umbrella style, full value - Boys' Waists, fancy colors, blouse rerular 46c value Ladles' Fancy IJsle Gloves. In tan, white, regular 4 Be values Ladles' fine Kid Belts, In black, white and gray, also fancy col ors, latest shapes and buckles, regular 7 Be values These Reductions 50e CAMBRIC DRAWERS. 8c. Women's Drawers, made of fine cambric, hemstitched tucks and lace insertions and ruffle PLAIN GOWNS, 4.V. ' Plain Hemstitched Gowns, high or low neck, some trimmed with lace insertion, regular 76c value 75c CORSET GIRDLES, 39c. Tape Girdles, hose supporters attached, that sell regnlarly at 75 cents 75c Bl'ST SUPPORTERS, 45o. Women's Bust Supporters, made Of fine cambric, lace trimmed, ACn lightly boned, 75c values rC i . .. ,, o Somewhere Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha San Francisco and Los Angeles, June 25 to July 7 , t$B2.00 One tray via Portland . .w 1 61.50 San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle . . 60.00 One .way via SKasta Route 73.50 Portland and Seattle, June 18 to 22. ....... . . . , . . 50.00 One way via California 62.50 SDokane. Wash- .'. . .... .7 65.00 Butte and Helena . Yellowstone Park Tour Salt Lake City and Osrden . Glenwood Springs, Colo Denver, Colorado Springs Denver, Colorado Springs Cody, Wyo. Sheridan, Wyo Deadwood and Lead, S. D. . Hot Springs. S. D Hot Springs, Rapid City, Deadwood and Lead, S. D., , July 11 to 16 15.00 Chicago, 111., 20.00 St. Louis, Mo . : 18.50 Milwaukee and Madison, Wis., v . . 20.00 Mackinac Island, Mich... 25.75 Charlevoix, Mich.. 23.75 Petoskey, Mich i ...... ' 23.75 Bay View, Mich 23.75 Detroit, Mich '. r. . 33.50 Port Huron, Mich. 33.75 Put-In-Bay, Ohio 32.00 Buffalo and Niagara Falls v 41.00 Chautauqua Lake Points 40.00 Montreal, Quebec 53.00 Toronto, Ontario 42.35 Portland, Maine 58.00 Pittsburg. Pa 37.05 Mexico City, June 25 to July 7 , 53.25 Belter call or write and let me plan your summer . vacation for you. I can give you all the fj I J IIIcsli Grade Treaton (If rtaponaiblr, vou II you nave a disease or weakness peculiar to the Pelvic region, your condition calls promptly for the heat treatment the iiwcuu n affords.' Of this fact you must be thoroughly convinced when you stop to consider bow many different doctors yea have eoneuiled. and how many bottles of worthless medlcns you have taken. We have no fault to Arid with th-1 mta who employs such inferior treatment, for thkt Is his privilege, but the money he th u espenls would go far toward securing for hint a euro tbat is safe, raaid snd permanent. - a-e long studied and thoroughly mastered Infirmi ties of this character male pelvic diseases. Keeently we have treated scores of "tubboro cases, and not a single failure or unpleasant res. lit kas keen reported to os. Other physicians may rest men. but we cvrt them, core theai to re main cured, and this fact wo are prepared to prove to the entire satisfaction of any man sin. cereiy Interested. Our fees are as low a they ca grade treatment. Bv fhe afeif mi bf aitnWs are )i OBSTRUCTION. SPECIFIC BL090 POISOH, MtKVO-VITAl VtUUTY. PROSTATIC. ' 1 ILADDER ana KIBHIY tnuUtt, ni H Misdaft gJieates veakatmi with Lj t fitch rttltt ceajejfcifleai. Northwestern Medical ,7 ZL Surgical Institute. . omaha. ne. S8c on the First Floor . . V 25c Thread" Combination Suits, pretty silk, taped, regular 7tc . Cfl JUv and waist styles, 15c gray, green, black and Ot C '48c on the Third Floor 39c 45c 39c 50.00 75.00 30.50 a i 29.50 and Pueblo. .'. 17.50 and Pueblo, July 10 to 16 15.00 30.10 26.4t 18.75 16.40 $3.50 latert information and free descriptive literature. J. D. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St Omaha. Ksl mmy py when cured.) cure fa rcwafa nirerf. VAMCOCEU. VKfTHKUL '! I n be consistent with high a. -.