Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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.Ths BEST. CHEAPEST and most RE-
LIABLE PLAl E in this city to BORROW
ANOS. Hot. Wifom. etc. - .
TIAL. Simply a quiet' business transsrtlon be
tween in thst no one need ever know,
kfnney riven you tamo day you antiy.
: We also Iwn Responsible Sal- :
-: arled People on Theit Plain :
: Note. Without Endorsement or I
: Publicity, and Give a -Written I
luaran've Not to Flls Papers :
-. --
v. in i car Employer.
Roomi 807-808 Paxtoa Block.
..';-..,. X Ml 28
e our tiapioyee u-iw well . informed and
courteous. at:d we are always pleased to
Villain uui' manner of leans. We tell yon
tathe cent- w.hat the coat will be, and If
i-wi conclude that It will not pay you t
borrow, there It no harm dona
W lonn on furniture pianos, live atock
and other cnaltels and to aalaiied people
upon their own agreement to par.
We offer yog raiea aa lorn aa you will
Bad and-our fa lliliee for quick and con
fidential eetvlret are unsurpaeed.
W are ttxi eldest -concern In our Una In
(he city, a4 alWaya try to pleaaa our
11) Board of Trade Blag. ' 'Phone Doug. 234.
. .. ... X w
MONET loaned on planoa, furniture, Jew
elry, horse, cows, etc. C. F. Rocd, 810 S.
ltth. X-4M
Bowen, 703 N. Y, Life Bldg.,
Agvance ' private money on chattels of
salary. Lasy to set no red lap. You
get money same day asked for at email
coat. Open evenings till 7. X M
loaned on furniture, planoa, aalary,
hortee, etc., in any amount, at lesa than
half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri
vacy ;. Immediate attention; on any term
wanted; payment aupehded In cate of
atcknee or out of employment. Room
- ti Kerbaoh Blk.. tut g. Uth Bt. X 4J
EACJLE Jan Office, reliable, accommodating-,
all bualnea cOnddentlal. D01 Doug.
i and olhera 'without aecurity aaay pay
meote. (jrflcaa In M prinvjpal cltlea. Tol
" man,, room 714 New York Life Bide.
. ... , - X-7
FURNITURE. Piano, Jtwelry Loan. SSI
:-.'. .... - X M
FURNITURE, Un Stock. Salary Lodna
ruff Oreen Lot a Co,, room 8. Barker
Blk. - X-4W
CHATTELS. - aalary ana -Jewelry loana
Foley. Loan Co.. U04 Karnara Bt X-M
CHATTEL and aalary loane. PnoenU
credit co.; w paxton biook. x M4a
6IDEWALKS-A11 kind llcenaed. A. R.
,rHol, aol Wepater. Tel. Dou. 404.
1 julyia
Bid Wanted for Oradlna and Excarattna;.
- Sealed kid a will ba received at the office
OT John W. Robblna.-1101 Farnam. 8t..
until June 14. 1104, for rradlna; the lot
at the earner of llth and Far nam Bt.;
And alsa for excavatlna; to the uaual depth
for a building. The right la reserved to
reject any- or all bid.
Real Katate' Exchange Building Company,
' - bj nn w. Hoooina, oeo y.
' ' E M -J20-Il-IJ-88-14
tIO! TAT10-Ti;jlTM AJlIt MAaCT.
IBilaar- Paalga.
.'' ' '' :' ::! t-aavaT ' Arrive,
Overland Limited .......a t;40 am al:ltara
The China and Japan
. Faat Mall a 4 1 pm a 1:10 pm
Colo. Si Calif. Em. .';..... 4:15 pm a : am
California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pin
Lb Angelea Limited.... all 0 am al0:46 pm
rast Mall a 1 pm a I to pm
CMorado Special a 7:44 am a 7:44 am
Nortn Platte Local. i... a 1:10 am a 4 W pm
Beatrice Local b l:li Sm to t.M pm
i bloaaja ureal Wtitara,
SU Paul aV. Minneapolis. 180 pm 7U0 aa
ft. Paul MlnaeapoUa.' 7:46 am U:M pm
Chicago. Limited 1:40 ptri . :) am
Chicago Express 7:44 am 11:40 pin
Chicago, Fx pre 1:80 pm. :0 pa
LftleeTe, Back lalaad Pal, . k
-. EAST. .
.-.. ' Leave. Arrlva,
Chicago Limited a 1:26 am a 1:14 am
Iowa Local a7:0ara a 4:80 pm
Chicago Malt v.. ...... ..a 4:15 am al:i0 pm
) Local ...wr.......bl2:li pra b :(4 put
Chicago tUaatern BUp i a pat a 1:44 pm
Chicago .Uwe Limited). a i:4t pm ali;U pa
, sVEST.
- Hock.v Mounta'o- Llm..a 7:20 am I:U am
A'.Jo. Cal. fixprta...a 1:01 yta 4:10 pm
Ok I A Tcxaa Exp. .....a 4:40 pen ali:Ot pm
Colorado Fast Mall ...al0:10 pn a 7 M mm
. a dally, b daily except Sunday.
I h lean 'A siri waetera.
Local Cedur Rap.o.a ....a 7:ut am a 4 00 am
Chicago iViyligiti ,t :10 am- 11 lo pm
Chicago I4hiI ted 4:34 pr- U ant
t arroll Local a 4:U pro 1:40 ara
Bt. Paul raw 3lall a : pm T.g aia
Bluui C. ic tU- P. Local, fi i:00 pm a 4 am
faet Uar. pm
Chicago -Kxpreat a 4 SO pm a 7.80 am
.ChkttiiQ. Unjlted ...... ..ali:00 pen . U U am
tvorfolk A boaeateel ....a 7:4Cam 10:86 am
Lincoln A Lung Pine ..a 7:40 am . 10.86 am
Casper 4k u'yun-.lbf ....a 1:00 pm a 4 04 pm
ln-eiiwtiKl gt Lincoln ...a 8 Co ptn 4:u4 pra
Halting Albloo 8 0 pm 4:04 pra
. Freinonl-Alblun b 4:08 pm b)U:M pm
Clricgi l.( ,..ail:80am ,. I:4S pm
Ikiiaula CealraL
Chicago Eapree ..a(:00ana a I 4 pia
hlcgo - Jviintted v a : pm a 7:10 La
i Uleaaa, Mllwaakee St. PaaO.
'Oil. gt Colo. atpeoial.... 7:o am a 7:80 am
t-kitfui nia 4 ore. jt.. .a g:4g jw ' e. 4.1 pia
o.ciiand .luilted tlifa a am
'Marion 4V Cedar R. Loc.a 4:6 am bU. Dm
. Wskuk.
Kt. Louie Kxpieaa a 4:80 pm a 8:44 ara
fcf, - Jiuls Lwl (from
Council Bluflsi a 8:1 am ai0:84 pa
tien berry Local rrom
Couucll Bluff.i : b 1.04 pra bll Mam
. Uieeearl PaeXaew
Si. Lo'u.a a.kpi:M ......a 8.00 am a 4:80 pm
K. C. 4k Ml. L. 4vxpiaa.aU;la pm a k:IM put
lkrllBMtB '- .
at Masoa
IVhvir 4fc -slirnrnla -
. ..a pta
...a 4-10 pm
...a 4:10 pni
...ail. 10 pm
...a 8:10 am
...a .do am.
4V 1.80 pm
a 4:80 Dm
'Black Hills,.:.. ,
North west Special..,
Nurtbweet Expreaa.
N-brask Expreaa...
Nebraska Lvcal,
Lhicoln Looah
Lincoln Keel
a 8 i em
a 4-o pm
a 7.40 pm
a 8 06 are
al2Js t.m
bl0:. am
a 4:10 am
a 7:10 am
a 8.80 am
a 1 to pm
a 7 US am
1 ) pm
a 1:8 km
alO 68 pm
sa w am
4.W pm
b 8 :Wpm
. Ft. Croak V PUttsm ' l .bu pm
- .ve n.. i .oe pm
Denver LlUtexi "
Believu g po. Jane... a 4. am
- twllevue 1 sc. Juno.. .a .lu am
Ckieaso Upeoal. .a. Ia. m
A.fvHo k.xptaas a 1:44 pm
C4vao Flyar..rt..,..a 8:0 pnt
Iowa Local .a 4. is tnt
,et. Louis kprt a 4:, pin
Kansas Clir-t Jo..vl0e pin
Keuee .Clty-bt, . Jue. .a. 8:14 am
.Kaisas Oly-bi Joe.. ..a 4:41 pm
Chicago, t. -.PaaL Mlaaeasvell
u sua ha. - - -
Leave'"" Arrive.
Twin City Passenger.. .b 4:80 am b 19 pm
Sioux City Passenger::. a 8 00 pm aU:80 am
-Emarsoa LaeeK b 4:8s pm b 8.84 am
Emerson Lnedl.C...
t laau art- rat I a.
Ne brsaka . Local,,
vVeepJa Watar..
... 8 8 am c 6:6 pre
b 8 M pm blltspr
a Dally, by Dslly except Sunday, d Dallf
except aViturday. Sunday anly.' e Dalit
except Monday.
'anthos uwi a. a sua. rrsAstsMrr.
ttgar T'jbx. lyUKDOKDaaat amo Ola too W.
Bstw oii. raLftkMu t? XAruaa
tea. eawMaa timw The
el iwmm nwaui aiiii,a gtaai
reeoS-trte Im
luSiu ISM mmm iara eee
irwa aaS au sciseisil muni u
eia at uuulx 4aa S la " af tm
Per tMs et giami latuatM aevlr t
Icml uu e( tke tnw Lim. er Is 4abaasvat
I aama, taws a .u.
Report of fhe Condition of
At Omaha. In th Stat of Nehrssk. at
the Close of Business June 1", 14.
Iosns and discounts.. a.lM.JRT.H
Overdraft. secured .. , . .
and unsecured 1 ' 2,4M.fw
I'. S. bond to secure
lirculstlcii , 13
i . Donns to secure
I". S. deposits
Bond. securities, etc..
rv on
Hanking house, furnl- '
ture, and fixtures. . . . . 17.0,.t
Due from national
hanks (not reserve
agentsi . : .- t 374 847 0? " "
Due from stste bank '
and bankers 174.145 44
Due from approved re
serve egents 1,074, 4vM
Checks and other cah
Itenia 39,4.115s
Exchange for clear- '
Inn house lL'.M9.2ft
Note of other national
bank 10,!VCiO
Frectlonnl paper cur-
renry,. nickels and
Lawful money reeerve
In bank, via:
Specie ...
lyfgKl tenner note
Redemption fund with
I'. R treurer 16 per
cent of circulation)..
Total is.nw, 4o.i!
Capital tork paid Id.. t
Surplu fund , lOO.nrti.OO
l nmvideii pront. lee
expenee and taxea
paid - 104.114.
National bank not" ...
outstanding 19).fli0.fl0
hie to other national
bank ll.OSl 04
Due to ttate bank and
banker g44.J54.7I
Individual depoalta
aubject to check.... ,01,6Vfl
Demand certlflcatee of -
depoelt JGO.OO
Time certificates of ' '
deposit 781. 1M."-"
Certlfled check " ,(llj 4J '
Cashier' check out-- '"''.. .
standing 271.768.43' '
United Htatea depot- ' T
It TO,00O.OO-15,i.l&.r7
Total..-. W.M0. 40.11
State of Nebraska, County of Douglaa .
I. Iuther Drake, preeldent of the above
named bank, do solemnly rwear that the
above statement la true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
LUTHER DRAKE. President.
FTibacrlbed nd dworn to before me thl
20th day of May, 190
OEO. H. PRITCHETT, Notary Public.
Correct attest;
JOHN F. COAD. ' . ,
Report of the Condition of
of Omaha, at Omaha, In the State of Ne
braska, at the close of bualneaa June U,
Lean and discount.. t ,22,481.70
Overdrafts. secured and
unsecured .. 8,8M.BI
U. B. bonds to secure
Circulation 200,000.00
TJ". 8. bond to secure
U. 8. deposit 800,00000
Bonde, securities, etc. . 487,504.44
Banking house, furni
ture and fixture 12s.0n0.00
Due from national r
banks (not 'reserve
agent) 8 444, 681.14
Due from state banks
and bankers 218,131.21
Due from approved re
serve agents 1.8&8.4S2M 2.824.188.24
Checks and other' cash
Items , 46,M.74 .
Exchanges tor clearing
bouse . . " IS7, 865.71"" '
Notes of other national . ......
banks 48.000.00 .
Fractional paper cur
rency, nickels and
cants 858.J0 .
Specie .". 74.440.00 ' '
Legal tender notes.... 2, 168, 400.00 2,42t,801.U
Redemption fund with
u. o. treasurer (k per .
cent of circulation).. ' loonnon
Due from U. 8. treas-
- urer other than t per -'i- t
-cane reoemptioa rund . ( 2.7U4 00
" Total' .. " -: vn2.1M.MI.7
Capital atock paid In.. $ 600,000,00
Surplus fund 100,000.00
Undivided proms, less --.
. eapensea and taxes ...
paid ....;....-.. , . . : 886,177.M
National bank notes . -
outatandlng 800,000.00
Due to other national 1 V
banks 471. 471 a
Du- to etate ; banks ! -
and banker 2,x2a. 064.18
Due to trust romps-
nle and aavinga ...
"banks ......;...)...'..; n.84S4-
Individual deposits .
aubject to check l.40,44T.
Demand certificates of
deposit 18L107.08
Time certificaUs of
deposit ..648.08 43
Certified cheeka ..- 14,448.18
Cashier's checks out
standing ioo.m.88 ;
TJ.:8. deposits .......... 180,772.88
Deposits of U. 8. dis
bursing officers I.8U.8S 14,8,I71.80
Total r,....:...... ' :' 811.154.S4 74
Stats of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss:
i, i. n. xsmviw, rasnier or tno 'above
named bank, da solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the beat of my
knowledge and belief. '
F. H. DAVIS, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before ms this
80th day of -June. IS".
JOHN H. BEXTEN,' Notary Publla.
Correct atteet: f -
lngs. Department of the Interior, Office
af Indiana AO Irs, Washington,. D. C,
June 7, 18o4. Sealed proposals.' plainly
marked on the outside of the sealed en
velope, ' Proposals for Buildings, Pipe
stone. Minn., -snd addressed to the Com
missioner of Indian Affairs, Washington,
D. C, will be received at ,4k Indian Office
until 2 o'clock p. m. of J4lyj8.-9u4, fur
furnishing and . delivering, Uie ,-neoessary
materials and labor required to 'conatruot
and complete a atone employee' quarter,
and eun superintendent s residence, both
with plumbing, ateaiu heat had gasoline
g piping, in strict accordance with plana,
specifications and instructions to bidders
which may ba. examined t thta office,, the
offices of the American Contractor, Chi
cago,' 111.; Improvement Bulletin. Minne
apolis, Minn.; the Argus Leader. Sioux
Falls. 8. D. ; T,he Bee, Omalia. Neb.; Plo.
neer Press, Bt. .Paul, Minn.; the Builders'
Traders' exchanges at Omaha. 'sb
Milwaukee. Wis.; Hi. Paul. Minn., and
smut jii, . "null-, m Komiwettern
Manufacturers' association, St. Paul,
Mina. ; the V 8. Indian warehouses in
Chicago. 111.; 8t.-I.ouls. U; Oinsha, Neb.,
and New York-CUy, and at the school!
For further information apply to w. t)
Campbell, superintendent, Pipestone, Minn!
C. F. Larrabee, : Acting Commissioner.
Fren ch Li tic
Compajnii Central
TrMa1lan1iqu9 ,
Bljtnllc, Elirant, Fast Uvlathtns
' - Ata. Voi-K- Varri 5J4 Vyt
LA PROTEKCE, newest 'twin screw flver haw
lag paaaeager elevator, ruof cafe, aad many other
innovationa. ' Naval ofheets' ma of war died
lto. Cotnpaay aveatiboled traina. Havre-faria,
8-a hoiira. where cenvenirat roanectiona ara
soade far aU poiata an lb Coatiaeat,,. A t . ...
' FPf Plan reservations sikI mil, infyrnia
tioa call oil telephone, or write to
Harry IC Moore, looi laraam Street
LowU Neoaa. cara .First National BevAk
f. u iwynoioa, l&Oii Farnjun titrwH
W. Q. Davldaoa. 1A1S Farmam Street
O. at. AbhalU ia4 . Fwraam Siee.
1A UlKIUINB . i. Jutr 4
. v i .. ..:..lMy II
I -A PROVENCE... ..'..:.;.... j. iv..;. Jul 84
vs. as. uses, toais rm. at ntrwwt.
(MHrts 10 Purl
Ctsrk's soda. "
Darl sella drugs. ' -
Stockert sell carpets. . ,.
Fine engraving at Leffert S.
Ed Rogers' Tony Fault beer.
New location. 80 Pearl St., Maloney.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby at Son.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 330.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone T.
For rent, unfurnished rooms, 231 Main Bt.
Diamonds a an Investment. Talk to
Leffert about it.
AM vises In barefoot sandals for children
at Sargent a family shoe store.
Special courses for public school pupils
given at Western Iowa College.
Buy your tires and bicycle sundries from
Williamson, 17 South Main street.
For rent, dwelling, COB Ninth Ave.; new;
150. Charles T. Officer, 418 Broadway.
Bee Stephen Bros: for fire brick snd firs j
Clay, sewer pipe, fitting and garden hoae.
Mif Beetle Martin ff yesterday on a
visit to friend In St.' Joseph aud Kansa
Judge G. JI. Scott hat gone to Blue lake
near onawa to enjoy several day of baas
Picture frame mad to oiHer. Hundred
of rattern to choose from. C. E. Alex
ander, t33 Broadway.
If you have tender feet and want a
Eood. comfortable aboa sss Duncan
ean, 21 Main atreet.
Harmony chapter, Order of the Eastern
Star will meet In regular session this even
ing In Masonic temple.
Mrs. Chsrles M. Nicholson will entertain
the members of Tlgredla temple. Rathbone
Sisters, Friday afternoon.
Do not wait until you, get sosked. Buy
your shingles now. Hater has a large
stock of- all gradea at bottom prices. .
When buying a plaao you run no chance
on price or quality at A. Hocpe Co., 33
South- Main street,. Council Bluffs, la.
Mr. H.- L. Wilson underwent an opera
tion yesterday au. Mercy hospital for the, re
moval of a tumor from the right thigh.
- You can And the latest and best framed
picture at any price you want at the
Council Bluffa 4aint, Oil ind Glass Co.
Just arrived, a full line of Quick Meal
Gas Stoves, from - UA.0O up. None better.
Swalne eV Mauer, 846-838 West Broadway.
We ahow the largest stock of high grade
furniture in the west and offer the most
liberal credit -terms to - all. Peterson V
Schoenlng Co.
For Sale Will sacrifice on my fins piano.
Paymenta If desired. - Can be seen at
Bchmoller Jk Mueller's, sua Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la.
The Ladies' ' Aid Society of St. ' John's
English Lutheran Church will meet Friday
afternoon at the residencs of Mrs. J. L.
O'Neal, 34N Avenu A.
The school census, Is being taken under
the direction of Secretary Ross of the
Board of Education. The law requires that
the census ba completed by July 2.
Wa wholesale lea cream. Shipped to
any part at the state. Special prices to
the retail trade. I. Muocl, 21K West Broad
way. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 144.
Wa havs the finest Una of sample monu
ments to select from In the wesu Sheely
at Lane Marble and Granite works. 817
East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Just received, sixty different styles In
wall paper fur our summer trade. The
best time in the year to paper .la in the
summer. Borwlck. 211 South Main. ,
W. Klerstedt . the hydraulic engineer, re
turned to his home in Kansas City after
ina meeting or the committee or the whol
Of the city council Tuesday night. Before
leaving he expressed the ODlnion to a friend
that the proposition to employ a hydraulic
engineer at mis lime would ds aereated.
Howard W. Johnson, aivlnx his are as
21 and his residence as Nehawka, Neb.,
snd Vera E. Rockwell, giving her age a
26 and residence a Manley, Neb., applied
for a marriage license yesterday. Deputy
Clerk Hardest?, however, had suspicion
that the young- man was not of legal age
and declined to, Issue the license.. , ,
The followlng'ew lea drinks, ic creams,
phosphates, an4.,froxen Ices will Us served
this week.' .all .mad from tna. best ex
tracts, fruits, nuts and Ice creams: Eemll
Ice, Grape -,V -Cf-La, Cantaloupe Sundae,
Hartford Eat", Frosen Phosphate, Grape
Juice, Maraschino Punch and Cuban As tor.
Clark Drug CW Broadway and Main.
Judge Wheeler yesterday In district court
heard argument In the matter of the appli
cation on the pari of the Sucksdorf eatate
to have It4 property taken out of the cor
porated limits of the town of Treynor. The
property, all farm land, waa Included within
the corporate limits at the time of the In
corporation of the town despite the protests
of the then, owner.
W. W. Langdon was yesterday ordered by
Judge -Wheeler recommitted to the state
hospital for inebriates at Knoxvllle. Lang
don made -his escape, from the Institution
several months go, but no effort to send
him back had been made by tha authorities.
Tuesday evening Langdon atarted a rough
house at hia horn and his wife called on
the authoritlea to take him Into cuatody
and send hUn back to Knoxvllle.
Marrlagra Lleeases.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
the following:.1-'
Name and residence. A
K. c Hoott, Omaha
at. Li. oow, Omaha
Frederick Albert Bacher. Burllnrtan. la
niioa eeeaie i-ronarat, council tilurrs
James W. Boon, Omaha
Agnes M. . Trans, Omaha
. -a
. 14
. .t
. at
. 21
. a
. 18
. :
. 18
. Sj
. i
. 2
. 31
Ed Hnmerniuk, Omaha ,.
May Beataley, Omaha.............;..,..,
Warren Harvey; Bancroft. Neb
Carrie Woodruff. Council Bluffs
J E. Herman, Modale, la
Carrie Stevens, Modale. Ja
A. L. Fowler, Council Bluffs
Ella L Woodruff. Council Bluffs
William Holsteen, Omaha
Wilhelmlna Wholbrandt, Omaha
Oalarsaoor Mattress."
Ostertnoor Cotton Fell Mattresses are
guaranteed not to lump or pack. Price,
816.00. Wa are exclusive agents. Keller-
Farnsworth Furniture Co.
High grade pianos sold on eaay payments.
110 dowq and 86 per month. Swanson
Muaic Co., 407 Broadway. Planoa tuned and
When you see an extra nloe pair of ahoe
coming down tha street It's almoat a sure
thing. that they came from Hamilton's.
For Imported wines, liquors and Budwslser
beer, go .ta L Rosenf sld, wholesale liquor
dealer. 518 South Mala street.
1 haul dead animals. 81.00 per head.
Oarbags. ashes, manure and all rub
bish ; clean vaulta and cesspools. All
work dona la guaranteed.
Calla promptly attended ta.
'Phone. Red 1878.
Building Department of the Interior,
Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C,
June 7, 1X4. Sealed proposals, plainly
marked on the outside of the sealed en
velope, "Proposals for School Building,
Pierre, S. D.. and addressed to the Com
missioner of Indian Affairs. Washington.
D. C, will be received st the Indian Office
until 8 o'clock p. m. July 12, If, for fur
nishing and delivering the necessary ma
terials and labor required to construct and
complete a brink school house, with plumb
big, steam- heat and eoteylene gas piping,
la strict accordance with plans, specifica
tions sad Instructions to bidders, which
mar be examined at thl office, tb office
of th Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis,
Minn.; Construction Nsws, Chicago, IX;
A rgua-Leader, Sioux Falls, 8. Dak.; Pi-neer-Preea.
St. Paul. Minn.! Bee, Omaha,
r-eo ; Duuoers ana treaer Kxchan
vii, " , nimauiivf, wis., at. rim
and Minneapolis. Minn North western Man
ufacturers' Association, Bt. Paul, Mlnn.
the-U. tt. Indian warehouses at Chicago,
111.; Omaha. Neb.; St. Louis. Mo., and Nsw
York City, M. T., and at tha school. Pes
further Information apply ta J. C. Loven-
good, operuiienaeex. C. W. LA HRABF.Bi
p vwmniimTiii
.i; it 14 it a s x s x
in 14 ii a a : at a
t. Trf. 4.1.
Opening Ceuion of Stats Conrsntio
Draw a Lre Crowd,
District Paaamy Scheel Iastllat4
llaaea aa Sessions f Ihe
Slate Convention Ara
Opened '
"Iowa the affection of, heTi people, like
the rivers of Its borders, flow on to an m-
erperaoie union. tin er-iiiiinT-iit, in-
scribed upon the Wtshlhiirtdn7' rhonumenl, j
wa aptly ued by. President A. F. N.
Hambleton of okalooa -In hi response
to th address sf welcome by. Dr. Otter
beln O. Smith, pastor of the First Congre
gational church, at the opening session of
the forty-first annual convention of the
Iowa State Sabbath School association last
evening. . '.' '
Referring to th object and work of the
aasoclatlnn Mr. Hambleton said:' "Nothing
Is mors certain than for, the development
In human progress It Is an esaentlal re
quirement that those who give to this, the
divine purpose of nun, shall have clear
heads, sound bodies snd pure hearts. Never
nas mere neen aevisea oy man, tnapireuj
by God Himself, a greater agency, as an
Integral part of the church than the Bab
bath school. To It Is given the oppor
tunity of pointing the wsy, of aiding the
footsteps. In the formation of character,
which shall furnish the means of a mas
tery over evil. Tha Rescue mission, the
Salvation army and Ilka organisations have
a noble mission and touc4i - the hearts of
non-Chrtstlan at well ts 'Christian men
alike with a sympathetic , cord of respect
or divine love, but to the Sabbath school
Is given a greater mission even than these,
because It eoynmences with the foundation
of character In youth, and teaches the
word. In Its elementary form and sows the
seeds of - truth In a practical way- which
bears mors fruit than any other form of
religious effort.. .'
Arraigns Llejaor Traffla.-
The addresa of the evening was by Miss
Eva Marshall Shonts of Chicago, president
of the Toung People" Christian Temper
ance union, who took far her subject -"My
Csptured Flsg." Miss Shonts' address was
a bitter arraignment of the liquor traffic,
fostered, as shs asserted, by the United
States government. Bhs ssld I part:
1 charge the United States government
liquor traffic with being the giant foe of
the American horns. What other enemy
murders one In every fifth home, nearly
800 every twenty-four hours? The reign of
lawlessness caused by the liquor trsffic
sweeping over this country holds In Jeop
ardy the lives of JO.onn.omt people. What
causes this frightful condition T 1 present
the answer that tt Is the saloon. The Ques
tion that this country Is fsclng today Is
not whether or not It will lose the flag
for It hss already Deen seised ry tn enemy.
The question is whether or not we can re
claim it. Tha flag was captured during the
civil war, when our government made its
covenant with death and agreement with
hell, and to raise money to carry on that
fearful conflict entered Into partnership
mith the liquor traffic. The brewers and
distillers saw , the golden opportunity and
told the dealers to go ahead and make all
the liquor they CQuld,-Snd they would be
protected by the stars and stripes, provided
they would pay Into -the United States
treasury a -per cent of "She income for each
gallon of liquor sold. From that hour until
today It has been tha gevetetnant that has
been .the greatest factor In tee. murdering
of thousands pf people each year.
Opealag Attendance Largs.
Til, attendance at the .opening session of
th convention last night, tsxed the large
auditorium In the Masonic temple to it
capacity. Th register showed that over
200 visiting delegates In addition to work
ers and speakers are here and It Is ex
pected thst this number will be Increased
today. The convention nan Is tastefully
decorated and Over the' large platform is
to be seen a large banner with the Inscrip
tion "United In Christ to Save the Child."
Some disappointment was felt last even
ing when only a small portion of ths Festi
val chorus put In an appearance, but de
spite .its depleted numbers the chorua did
some excellent work under the direction of
Prof. D. B. Towner of Chicago.
Tha session of the Sunday school Insti
tute at ths Presbyterian church, which su
brought to a close yesterday afternoon,
was well attended. With "but few excep
tions ths program as published wat car
ried out, both In the forenoon and after
noon. Dr. P. C. Johnson of Lincoln, chap
lain of ths Nebraska State penitentiary,
was a -visitor st th Institute snd made
a short talk. ,- t
Parade af Children.
A festure of the convention today will be
the parade of Bundsy school children at 1
o'clock this afternoon. The parade will
be In charge of F. C. Rlker and will form
on Fourth street In front of the Masonic
temple. ;
The school will form In iepaxat forma
tion, each headed by a wagon conveying
th little one of the primary department.
Prof.- Nordln yesterday promised to head
the procession with his band from Lak
This will be the line of maroh:
South on Fourth elreet to Willow avenue,
wet on Willow avenue to Main street,
north on Main street to Broadwsy, wet on
Broadway to Seventh street, north on
Seventh street to Washington avenue, east
on Washington avenue to Second atreet,
south on Second street to Broadway, west
on Broadway to Fourth street, where the
parade will disband.
Program for Today.
This Is the convention program for to
dai': ' ';
8:15 Section meetings; topic for dlacu
ion on pagea 13-14; paators and superin
tendents. Hroadway Methodlat church, Rev.
W. a. Hohanshelt, presiding elder, leader,
Indlanalo; adult class teachers, Broadway
Methodist church. Rev. O. If. Cotton,
leader. Osceola; Intermeilet" teachers,
Broadway Methodist church. Prof. F. U
Hoffman, leader, Denlson: pilm.u v-Junlor
teachers. German Kxangell. al .vhurcli. Mrs.
Mary Foster bryner, leaW. Teoria, lit.;
temperance. Oennan - cbnruh
Miss Lena Yealer presiding, assisted ty
Miss Eva Shonts: .,
- 8:16 "Sunday School Muslo, How Im
prove It?" Prof. D. B. Towner.
:4S Oeneral awcretary'e report. B F.
Mitchell; "A Cantdlsn In Iowa." Prof, W.
R. Manning.-field teacher training secre
tary. 10 lu "Our. Educational Exhibit." Pwf. J.
A. 1-apham. Osage.
10:SO "The Study of Missions In the Bab
bath School:" in How? The Raptlat plan.
Rev. Henry Williams. Dcs Moines. I hi
When? The t'ongregetlonsl plan. Mrs J.
F. Hardin, Eldora. ci What? The Meth-
odletplan. Mm H. T. Fisher, Waterloo.
iai vrnyr i ne r-resnvieritn
plan. Rev.
liKgh McNlnch, Acklev.
11:14 Bible study. "The tJvln. Hone" t
Peter 1. Rev. James M. Gray, D. !., i'hl
isvo. ID. ,
12 :uu Lunc heon .
1 : Sunday school parade.
2 Ou Mas chlldreq meeting. 1 to 12
er of age. at German Evangelical
church, addressed by Mrs. Jrfsrv Foster
Bryner and Dr. A. P. George; 18 tb 18 years
of age. at First Presbyterian church, ad
dressed by Dr. Joseph Clark and. Prof. W.
R. Manning. Admittance to theee meetings
Is by ticket only and no adulta are admitted
exrepl the local workers.
t iJ Main convention: addreask Rev. C
S ledmiry. Dee Moln; special music.
I'lof D. B. - Towner.
2Js--"A I.ook Into ths Future." J, T.
I J'-"Oranllng aed Training to
fv., u jutt 414 1x0.:;$. tr. ju
niram. ...
Olsrk. general secretary of the Ohio State,
eesocisilnn; music. Prof. D. R Towner.
3:Siv,"l he Township Ornlttlon; It
plce. Its Work. Its Possibilities," J. 11.
Engle. general secretsry of the Kens
Stste association.
4 on Hlhle study. . "The Obllestions of
Hope." I Peter 3. Dr. James Clrsv.
4:4ft-Metlng by districts lo elect rnnirerw
of resolution and nominating committees.
t:1S F1ld workers' conference, President
S. H. Nichols presiding.
4:V Field workers' luncheon.
7:80 Song service, prof. D. B. Townef.
ledr; scripture and prayer. 8. W. Cole,
Detroit. Mich.
:rt-Ad.1ree. "A Rrest Teacher." Presi
dent A. H. Btorms. D. D., Stste Agrirul
tursl college, Ames. '
8:40 "Self Training of the Teacher." Dr.
Joseph Clark, Columbus, O.
:: Annonncemeptv evening prsver.
"The Worker's Strength." Dr. James M.
several State Oraaalsa t leas Meet Here
In Aagaat.
R. F. Coffin of De Moines, clerk Of the
district court or Polk county and president
of the Ptste Association of Clerks of the
District Court, was In the city yesterday
to frisk the preliminary' arrangements for
the annual convention sf the association
to be held In Council Bluff August 11. 22
and 7i.
With H. V. BSttey, clerk of the Totta
wsttAnile county district court, Mr. Coffin
called on Secretary Reed of the Commercial
club, with whom they talked over matters
In connection w"h the convention. As a
result of the conference the Grand hotel
wss selected ss headquarters for the asso
ciation during the convention and the ses
sions will be held there. In. the large ball
room. Mayor Macrae was Invited and con
sented to deliver the address of welcome
and Judge Wheeler of tha district .court
sccepted an Invitation to address the con
vention on a matter of interest to the mem
bers. Only morning Session will be held
snd the sfternoons and evenings of the
three days will be devoted to pleasure.
The annual meeting of the clerks has
heretofore been held In July, but this year
the time waa.chsnged so that the asso
ciation could be here At the same date as
the Slate Assoclstlons of County Supervis
ors, County Auditors snd Treasurers, all
of which organisations will hold their con
ventions In Council Bluff August 21, 23
and 23.
The State Association of County Record
era is also anxious to hold Its annual meet
ing here at the same time and In fesponss
to a letter from F. Wells, county recorder
at Emmeteburg, president of ths associa
tion, G. Q. Balrd, recorder of Pottawat
tamie county, yesterday sent the asocla
tlon A formal Invitation to meet here and
It undoubtedly will be accepted.
Arrangements, for entertaining these five
meetings will be In charge of ths Commer
cial club. ,
Ws mploy nothing but flrst-els tin
kers and plumbers and guarantee all of
our work.. .Spencer Furnace and. Sheet
Metal Works, 168 West Broadway. -
Fancy sugar cured Rex breakfast bacon,
12e per pound. Central Grocery and Meat
Market. Both ' Phone 24.
CENTRAL FI.OUR-31.15. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both. Phones 24.
Don't forget that 1 have flne spring aad
summer suits from $30 to 83. B. 8. Hick
A. Metsgar et Cw.
Nw Location of Wholesale Bakery,
114 My niter St,, Co. Bluff. law
, Horns-mads Bread a Specialty.
Special for convention people: 20 per cent
discount on all of the following: Dinner
sets, music cabinets, dinner chairs, porch
furniture, parlor lamps, (enter table, buf
fets, sideboards, kltche'n cablriet's," go-carts',
refrigerators, portieres, lace curtains, oil
cloth, linoleum, carpet and mattings. D.
W. Keller, 103 South Main, '
Why ar McAfee's bakery good better
than any mad or sold In ths city?. Simply
because all of ths Ingredients that go Ints
their composition ara absolutely pur and
Of the highest grade produced, Snd Will
conform to and pas inspectlen under any
pur ,food law on aarth. No compound or
imitations uatd. -
For th fruit sesson we have provided a
liberal quantity of 10-quart preserving
kettles, In first quality purple enameled
ware at 33 cents esch. Don't fall to get
one of these; worth double the money.
Paddock Handschey Hardware company."
We psy $11.00 per ton for csst Iron; mixed.
$903 per ton; stoves. $7.60; rsgs. lo a lb.;
-rubber, 7c; copper. 14c per' lb. J. Kat tie
man. South Main.
Colored Oxfords, whits, gray. blue. red.
lavender, pink; any color you want; any
price, at Sargent's family alios stors.
Something entirely new and just out.
Beautiful new photos at a special offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
Go to Hicks for your money's worth la
tailoring. No bluff, either.
4sullly Ooaats
Mora with pulnt than with anything else.
You may think you aav a few dollar
on first coat, but you'll lose a year or mor
on th wear. Ws don't offer bargain
counter prices for paint, but wa paint so
11 stayt palntsd. Jensen Nicholson.
Outside snd Inslds Houss Decorations.
Did It ever occur t6 you that yoil will
Arid wheels on "Van Brunt vehicles" that
cost $6.00 more than the average manufac
facturer use on their vehicles? This I a
fact. Tha life of a vehicle dependa almoat
entirely upon the quality of the wheels
used. I have them. Remember to call on
"Van Brunt" when you want a buggy.
Tha Title Ouaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books dsts back to
1861. Books are all up to gat. Work a'
euratsly and promptly dona at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house. 231 Peart
treet. -Counoll Bluff. Is.
Rubber Ied outing shoes for ladles Just
the thing for ths lake, st Sargent's family
shos stors. Look for ths beer.
Whits canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices,
(1 to $2. Duncan Dean. 88 Mala atreet.
Special courses for p lblic school pupils
given at Western Iowa Collega.
H. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 3M. Night, L444
Real Katate Transfers.
.These transfers were reported to The
Bee June 24 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
James H . Newton and wife to Bisters
of Mercy of Council Bluffs, lot 4. St.
Bernard Place. Council Bluff, w d..$1425
Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific Rail
road company tn Eva M negro ve. lots
14 and 16, block Yi. Carson. la., w d.. 100
Msrgart J. Morehouse to E. A. More
house, lot 17, Johnson's ad. Council
Bluffs, w d , J
Total, three transfers $1,780
W allace ' Show Draws Wall.
The Great Wallace ahow waa In Council
Bluff yesterday and entertained two large
crowds, which undoubtedly got their
money worth. The parade tn the morn
ing wa excellent and was witnessed by
thousands who lined the street.
Th' Weilsce ahaix I thl yerr Intro
duel , g u- if iriVva some near act- by tb
fiiu itlre t'.. fcu L, ft-nil;, C' .if-
sn Ben All fsmlly of Arabian acrobat
and ths eight f-aretskys, who executed a
wonderful whirling Russian dance that took
well. The exhibitions of hnrsemsnshlp war
among th most spectacular ever seen her.
Ths one that won ths most spplsus wt
that of Emma Btlekney, who gavs an ex
hibition of hurdle riding. However. Mtaae
Connor. DeMott. Fahr, snd Mr. Robert
Btlekney were not far behind. A novel
feature of the performs nc wss ths work
of the Tourblllon fsmlly of bicyclists.
The climax to th whole exhibition came
at th and of ths "big show" In tha shspe
of a . hippodrome. There were thrilling
races thst brought the crowd to lis feet
time and Sgsln. TU Wallacs show prides
Itself on-the quality of lis horse nd th
racers are thoroughbreds kept only for
that purpose and their riders are clever
boys snd girls who sr witling to take any
chsncs to win ths rsc.
City Wins Damage 4 ae.
Judge Wheeler In district court yesterday
by sustaining th demurrer of the city in
ths suit brought by th Walker Manufactur
ing company to recover $.0fl0 damages for
the destruction of its plsnt by fire In April,
19f. held that the rlty wa not renon1bl
for sny defect In the wster system. Unless
th Walker Manufsrtuiing compsny de
tides to sppesl from Judge Wheeler'g ruling
this ends the big damage suit.
When the Are department resclied the
scene of the fire st the Walker factory, the
hydrant nesrest th plant was found tn t
broke snd 'ths firemen bed to crry the
hose to snother hydrant a consldersbl flle
tsnce away. The Walker conspany asserted
that had the first hydrant been In working
order the lire could have been extinguished
In Its Inclpiency and the plant aved,
whereas the fsrtory wss destroyed
The city demurred to the petition of the
Walker company on the grounds that Ihe
city wa not liable Inasmuch as It was not
responsible for the sets' of the Are depart
ment and that the contract to furnish ws
ter for lire protection was between the city
snd the wstsrworks company and did not
Inure to the private cltltena to that ths
latter could sue on It.
Flae Farns.
Two hundred-acre farm five miles frara
Missouri Valley. Good Improvements snd
orchard. Cheap at 171 per aers. Wallaos
Benjamin, room L First National bank
building. Ofllcd tsiephsns 201.
Investigate our cheap stnoj proposition In
eastern Colorado, $4 per acre for rsising all
kind of crop; good oll; best of wsteri
delightful cllmat. Excursions first and
third Tuesdsy of each month. Bend fsr
prlntsd matter. F. C Loug," 124 Main
streat. Council Bluffs, Is.
School for tha Deaf Commencement.
For the accommodation of those who
wish to sttend the commencement and dedi
catory exercises at ths lows School for ths
Deaf this afternoon Superintendent Roth
ert has arranged to have a number of
conveyance at the Grand hotel at 1:30
o'clock. The exercle, which will be held
In the chapel of the new admlnietratlon
building, will commence at 2:80 o'clock.
The dedicatory-address will be delivered
by Btata Senator C. G. Baunder of this
city and th diploma will be presented
to th eleven atudeat comprllng the
graduating class by Hon. J. T. Hamilton,
chairman of the State Board of Control.
The Institute will be thrown open to
the public- for Its Inspection snd Suptr
hitendent Rothert Is particularly anxious
thst the cltlsenslof Council Bluffs tske
this opportunity to look over the hand
some new buildings.
' - Gavel for Masonic I.odg. -
-At the seml-centeniilai celebration of
Bluff City . Masonic lodge , Tuesday night
Past Grand Master G. W. Llninger of Ne
braska presented the lodge with a gavel
Sjade of oHve wood grown In the neighbor
hood of King Solomon's temple. One end
of the gavel Is engraved with Masonic
emblems and on the other end Is the word
"Jerusalem" In Hebrew characters, and the
name of its donor. '
Csmn:ta,a'a, Company Organised.
claI.)-Monday evening a permanent or -
ganixation of the Missouri Valley Chau -
tauqua company ' waa. effected. The ii
sharea of stock st $6 esch were subscribed.
Seven directors were chosen ss follows:
J. 8. MctJovern, j. 8. Dewell. John Andcr
ton, A. Edgocomb, . H. C. 'Heckert, J. B.
Lyon and W. J. Burke. Theee elected ihe
following officers: President, J. 8. Mc
Govern; vice .president, John . Anderson;
eecretaiy, J. J. Amen; treasurer, W. J.
Burke, Committees were sppolnted ss fol
lows: Program, C. H. Dsur, H. C. Heckert
snd I. S. McGovern;- advertising, John An
dei ion, W. H. Fensler snd William Neu
flnd; grounds, A. Edgecoinb. The Chautau
qua will be held hers from July 28 to Au
gust t.
Mills rststr Seat 4'anleat.
GLEN WOOD. la.. June .-( Special. )
Ths Board Of Supervisors of Mills county,
lows. Is now In session considering tho
matter of the petition for the removsl of
the county seat of Mills county, lows, from
Glenwood to Malverq and the remonstrance
thereto. Each of the rival town I claim
ing a victory on th face of the returns.
The board as now constituted csn be
counted on tn fsvor Malvern. - An Imposing
.. i r... .,.Uv n,,., j " -
claimants ana a inormano reporter records ,
the doings of the Inquiry. All Indications)
point to a long, tedious session, and liis
outcome is a matter of speculation.
Dlsensstag lateraraaa Rand.
IOWA CITT, la.. June 20 (Special Tele
gram.) Twenty repreaentatlves of cities
between hers and .Williamsburg ars In the
city today discussing plans for building an
Interurban road between the two points.
A permanent organisation will bs per.
Cars Take OaT Roth Leg.
.WEBSTER CITT, Is., Juns 20 (Special
Telegram.) J. E. Homer of Stat Center,
Is., while sttemptlng to board a moving
passenger train at Woolstock thl after
noon, fell between the car, losing both
lower limbs. The Injury 1 probably fatal.
lewa Babe In laenbator.
IOWA CITT, I., Juns 20-(8peclal Tele
gram.) A baby born two month ahead
of time -1a being carefully nursed in an
Improvised Incubator In tha University of
Iowa hospital. This Is ths first tncubstor
aby to be cared for her.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so D retires the svstem for the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." ' $i.oaper
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
tUt KMSfWTLD UGtUTOt CO., AtUaU. tsb
Bar Commute H8 TormnUtsd Report to
thl Statg Asicriatioa.'.
laera Apportionment train Federal
fi.verameat to National Gear Will
R r.8(-8..rt.H..4,,,
Rifle Range.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)-
DK8 MOINES. June V iSpeclsl lAw
providing for punishment of wife deserters,
rsdeal change In the drswing of Juries and
change In the divorce law are among the
change that will be recommended" by the
law reforms committee of the 81 t Bar
association at the annual meeting here
July Tl Snd IS. Ex-Scnator Cheshire 1
chairman 'of ths law rcfomvs committee,
which hss perfected its report. One of the
recommendations I for an adequate wife
desertion law. . Another recommends thst
In Impsnnellng a Jury sixteen men b called,
thst three pre-emptory challenges be sl
lowed on each side snd thst ss these snd
the chsllenges for cause srs exercised th
vacant places be filled and that each side
hall be allowed two pre-emptory chal
lenge additional from th sixteen men,
thus reducing the number tsretva.- Other
reforms thst sr recommended ars to al
low the court. In its discretion, to .refuse
to appoint nonresident h executor of es
tates; that in divorce case, where there
Is no appearance, tha testimony ehsll be
taken either a deposit lons-or by tit court
reporter snd be filed with the county clerk
within three months after ths hearing and
the costs taked up with the other costs of
ths suit; that In crlmlnsl case an appeal
to th supreme court must be perfected
within six months from the time of the
pronouncing of Judgment In the lower
court. -.'''" ' '
Appropriation for Saltaaal Caard.
Iowa Will get a little over $no,000 of th
aproprlatlon by congress for tbs Nstionsl
Ouard. Adjutant General Thrift hag re
ceived word from Washington 'of ths pas
sage of the bill and the amount which
will accrue to Iowa will ,lnsure ths perfec
tion of ths plana to- have a rifle range for
each company of the National Guard In
the atats a well' as Targe ranges for th
regiments and sharpshooters. . General
Thrift believes that In time, the govern
ment will appropriate an amount to dupli
cate that appropriated by the varioue
states. , ' '
Witter Department Inspector.
Department . Commander Clark of tha
Iowa Grand Army of th Republic todsy
snnounced the appointment of D. -R.' Witter
of Council Bluffs department Inspector snd
of Dr. George A. Newmsn of Cedsr Fslls
ss assistant adjutant general. He haa held
the appointment for some years. Other sp
pointments are: Charles W. Kepler. Mount
Vernon, Judge advocate general; I L. Cald
well. Decorah, mustering officer; Oeneral
M. H.- Byers, Des Moines, senior aide and
chief of staff; Robert Klsslck. Otkaloosa,
patriotic Instructor. .
Veteran Jadge HI.
Hon. Joslah Given, at ons tints supreme
Judge of Iowa, wa taken seriously HI at
Lake OkoboJI. Relatives have been sum
moned to his bedside. .. Hs hss been at tbs
lakes for some week,, where hs has a cot
tage, snd wss prepared to spend th sum
mer there. j-
Thought Warrant Ko tiood.
An eastern adding machine company
which recently eold the state of Iowa an
adding machine wa sent a stste warrant
for 8X6. A letter was received from the
company by the stste sudltor todsy asking
when the state would be able to pay the
warrant. The company waS Informed that
the ttate has l.l:fi.79.fiK in cash on hand
and that the warrant can be cashed at say
bank In the United Slates, ; .
Head Is Crashed.
, Mnrt Williams driver of a bear wmnn
, fQr ,lu today llu control or ,.
. t(,mm wh,cn r,n . ,nd wluUun, wa,
... . . . ,
crushed between two beer kegs while othrrs
fell on top of him. His skull was frac
tured, and hit neck dislocated; . H ) Still
alive though - unconscious. -
Stella de Xrllnm Still Hera. '
. Miss Stella D Zellum, the young girl who
tried to kill herself with a' hatpin rather
than go to the Home .of the Good Shep
herd at Omaha snd later repented her act
and consented -to go without court. pro
feedings. Is still being held at the police
ststlon In this city. No explanation can
be' obtained for holding her here.
Street tar Salt In Jaly.
Judge 8mith McPherson'of Red Oak will
be on the federal bench In this city In July,
snd It hss been arranged id hear ths suit of
the Des . Moines City . railway against the
city at thai time. The su)t Involve the
question of the franchise of th company
J which the company asserts Is perpetual.
Policeman Have lip.
.'A number of witnesses were summoned
before the gTsnd jury todsy In an effort
to lesrn who gave ths tip thst ths grand
jury wss about to make a raid last week
lon Immoral houses
When the grand jury
members making the Investigation first
j hand reached the houses they were all
locked. It Is understood that csrtaln police
officers ara under suspicion.
J. C. Cummins of th Equitable Insur-
snce company of Iowa was today before
j the legislative insurance commission to
give soms Information a to deferred pay-
ment and convertible pollcle. A. 11.
Huling of th Underwriter' Review of
thl rlty, who wa before the commission'
yesterdsy, was also before it today again.'
Band on Strike.
Kromer's orchestra, engaged to play at
tbs Grocer's picnic at the Interurban line
park today, struck st noon syd osnie back,
lo the city. Because of tha prassncs cf th
Independent Order of Odd Fellows ban.!,
which Kromer assert Is composed of non
union musicians. -,
When your body 1 starving robbed by
Indigestion Dr. King's Nw Life Pllla will
relieve and cure. 26 cents. For sals by
Sherman A McCon'nell Druf Co..!,'
Is to love children, and nt
honve can be completely
happy without them, yet tha
ordeal throutrh which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually ia
io full of Buffering, danger and fear '
that she looks forward to the critical"
hour with aDDrehensfon and dread.