Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
I TTIE OMAHA DAILY REEj TUESDAY, JUNE 10. IMG. SPECIAL NOTICES rill be takea matll 1ft, m. for th fTHlnii edttlaa on 4 aatll M a. ra. tor too moraine f aaday sdltloa. Rates 1 l-e a word Srst lasertloa. In a word thereafter. ftethlaa, takea for leas thaa 79 for too Srst laser tlon. Theso 4rtr4liaiti aiaat bs taa coaaeeatlralr. Advertisers, ar reaaestlac a aam. tiered rkiek, eoa bar aaawers ! , dressed to m aaaiaerod letter la ears of The Bee. Aaawers so addressed will no delivered aa sreoeatatloa at rherfc. - I miscellaneous SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Every flay is enrollment day. BuIne , Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegrsphy and Kngllsh. Catalogue fiee. Adures H. U litii les. Pres.. Boy lea bldg., onmiia. Neb. . K M905 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make s spe clalty of lira escapes, shutters, doors uud Safes, a. Andreon, Prop., 1J3 . 10th St A R 1 31 BIOM PAINTING. B. H. Cols, 1801 Doug!. R TRY, Jvelljr'a Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. t'M R 4J3 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Fain.m. R 121 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., CI N. ltli. Tel. Doug. 17;. Res. 'phono, Doug. '.0M. .- - R I2l . ' KLBASSKR BRICK. Machinists, U! South Uth 8t. Tel. 5K3J. R 13 HAVE Wilson hang psper; quick, clean; paper cleaning a apooialty. Tel. Poujjltt 6065. . R-M711 MARTIN METER-ShIrts. underwear to order. R MS21 Juiu.'l V T V k'PVH 2So each, five for II. 21 ; J UU tEJ X O g llth Bt Tei liiK- Us 974 " ' R M4ti7 JulylS WHERE TRUNK8ARE MADE. . Trunks, suit cases and shopping hag Old trunk taken In exchange; repairing. FRELINQ A STEINLE. . 410 N. 18ta- St. 'phone Doug. 4995 R MISS Ju:ie28 TYPEWRITERS rented, nil makea. l.irt. Fox Typewriter Co., 1821 rarnam. R-MSM July 16 BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To sell or rent, hair dressing farlors, newly furnished, on easy terms, o responsible party. Call 101 or 10'i Ne ville Blk.. Omaha Neb. M971 DENTAL PRACTICE FOR iALE Dr. Byers, Cedar Rapids. Neb.-Y MI79 ill Do You Wish to Make a Changs! If you have a farm, home, buslneso or property that you want to sell or exchange G LOP M LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-Mo4a j:9 MEAT market and dwelling houne; also . plenty of ice, for sale or trade for eastern Nebraska land; price $3,&X. Ad . dress O 24, Bee. Y-M3H8 21x FOR SALE Full equipment for rooming ,an(l boarding house. Buyer will find com ' fortable rooms In a good location. Ad- , -dress Mrs. H. Boeke, 2215 Howard. Y-450 22x GOOD fvirnlahed hotel In a hustling rail road town: clearlna 1200 per niontli. Price 12,850, II, bOO cash, balance on easy payments. Owner going to move west and must sell. Address Q-46, Bee. . Y M 634-19 FOR SALE rooming house In a deslrahl - location; 12 rooms; furniture In first rlnun condition: worth 11.000, offered I7S0; owner is leaving city. Address G-48. Bee. Y 135 19 STATE manager to handle our new mtm ogrsph. The Hursh PTesa Co., Omaha, is co. x Mw 30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any lze. 1SU Farnsm, , . Q 427 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed psint. enerman Mcconnell Drug Co., Omano, J 13 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1811 Farnam. g-4a Fort SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire ef J. ll. Campbell. Be men room. Q 043 FOR SALE New and tecor.d-hand billiard . mid pool tables; w lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy nayments. Brum ' wick-Balke-Collender, 407 B. 10th St. - MiS3 WE buv everything In the furniture line Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-4J1 CHEAP chicken fence, long Mr timbers. white uasswooa tor ourni worit. KZl i, ltith. i Q 432 MIIX'M COWS. Center. - on easy terms. 43d anl U 433 SEND US your mall order for drugs: freight paid on 9 lot. Myers-Dtllen urug co.. umana. q 44 FOR SALE At a bargain, a 190C Oldamo bile, just new. Address E 27, Bee. 4 404k NATIONAL cash register, total adder, fine condition. Cheap, M. ltith. Q-MS90 20 BRASS center table, onyx top and bottom ' shelf: also nice parlor lamp, cheap. 1819 IHvenport. Q Mb2 20x AUTOMOBILES OKE 14-horeepowev, arr cooled Knox Tour ing car, in One condition, 1700. One 10 11. P. aide entrance Cadillac. Tour. Ing ar. nne conntttoii, 7. On Model K Rambler, 2-i-yllnder. 11 II. P., canopy top, side fcurtalns, glass storm front and side touring baskets, 1750. One single cyiinaer. jo tl. J'. Rambler Run about, recently overhauled. 1121. One brand new Cadlllao Touring Car. 1810. One 14 H. P.. double cylinder, 4-paaaenger car. jjio. One aide entrance, II H. P. Surrey, Type 1, Rambler. In A-l condition. 1900. One 1906 Orient Buckboard, good shape, One 35 H. P. Royal Tourist, fine -shapa, witn top; con new t,aov; now ii,iu. One 1901 Olds Runabout, new tire. 2u0. One 1901 mevena-Duryea. 4-passencer. with top; good shapu; list 11.100; now 1750. One 1904 t-cylinder Wlnton. excellent con - dltion, 11,000. One 1','Or. Whit Steamer, with top, almost new. 11.750. H E.v FRFDRICKSON. V 15th and Capitol Ave. I GOING to leave Omatta ; will sell my au tomobile IPope-Toledo), together with canopy top, bausket. etc., at a big bar gam. Tb machine 1 in flrat-clasa condi tion. Address F 31 ears Be. MM! CLAIRVOYANTS UUti. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Csll t No. Ill South Uth St., upsuira Hesultful prediction absolutely given. b ta PROF. KARMER. NOTED PSYCHIC PALMIST, telis your name, occupation, ' whom and when you will marry, all about , bunlnesa. love, speculation and do moat to affair. OOlces, tot N. 18th St., Cor. Capitol . Ave. bpeoml low fe by presenting this ad. P-toi lulytx FENCING ANCHOR d Iron lencing; Wire Fencing ta per fuvc tui N. 17th 8L TeL Red-tli, ' M July WIRE and Iron. Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trelt. Omah Wire and Iron Work. X12t Famara St. TeL Red 8908. . MS Jy MONUWENTS CEAT WUTEaM GRANITE tO. Dojg U Uiti June a WANTED MALE HELP. SUMMEK SCHOOL The sumrvr teim of the Omaha. Commer clal College opens- Monday, June 1 re duced rates-spec'"! teecher. Pupil from the public school. 4th grade upward, may review, make up back work or mike extra grade. Special fnurw In Book keeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Teleg raphy, penmanship and Business branched, t ome early. ROHKBOldH BROS., phone 12S9. 19th and Farnsm ft. B M 1 HEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, planteilng trade; pay 86 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago, Cincinnati. St. Louis. Free cata logue. B 438 VA NTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em tTuvment. C. F. Adams Co., ltill Howard et. n-43 DRUG stores bought end sold; drug clerk wanted. F. V. Knlest. 024 N. Y. I - . B 437 10 GOOD men, rood pay. 423 South 15th St. B 149 IN WANTED For V. S. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of HI and IV. cltlsens of United Plates, of good charac ter and temperate habit, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office, Uth and Doug las Sts., Omaha; Lincoln nd Grand is land. Neb., or Sioux City. la. B-7l CARPENTERS wanted - at F. P. Keefo. contractor. Tort Omaha. B M872 50 MEN at Ice house north of Carter Led works. East Omaha B 350 18 WANTED Men to learn bftber trade; Just me season lo Degin; .lew wren runii'ir,--., money enrned from start; graduates pa'd 112 to 130 Weekly; tools, diplomas and position given. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam Bt. B M4M Kx YOUNG Men for Locomotive Firing, Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address Ry. Dept., 2u S. Uth St., Omnha. B 230 JulylO WAGON men at barn, 5th and Jones St. - B 351 is TEAMSTERS and helper. Apply tbarn. Mtn and Nicholas. uaoz xs W ANTED 50 LABORERS . APPLY PAXTOX & VIERLING mON WORKS, U. P. Railway and S. 17th St. E-472 19 WANTED Experienced aollcltor; estab- l'.sned biiflnrs; permanent position; rf-fernces required. Address Box 484, Norfolk, Nob. B-M438 20 EXPERIENCED salesman to Introduce an excellent electrical device to business houses. Address G 42, Bee. B M604 19 Three bookkeepers, 166 to 380. Five stenographers, luff to 170. Two traveling salesmen different lines. good salaries, and many others too nu merous to mention. Call or write WESTERN REF. BOND ASSN..- INC., Dept. u, 840-41-43 M. x. Lire Hldg. r . . B M-197 19 WANTED FEMALE HELP GIRLS for laundry work: experience not necessary. Kimball Laundry, loll Jack son. C MigO COOK wanted, reference required. 3C12 larnam. c M611 MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good home and good wages; na- Cil Bluff. , ' . Jfc M946 v A rN l r. i.' ohou cook; ismiiy or inree. good wages; references required. HIT S. 10th Ave. . C M95I WANTED Girl for general housework. T. C. Byrne. 108 California. C-M974 WANTED Woman to do pastry work. Wm. B. Clark, Mgr., Millard hotel. C-M98I WANTED Girl for general B. 36th. housework. family of two. 105 C 411 WANTED Cook and maid; prefer girls ac customed to working together. Mrs. Cow gill, 3177 Davenport St. Telephone Harnwy 1SW. C 478 18 COMPETENT girl for housework. 1136 So. 2th St. 'Phone Harney 2006. C 477 18 WANTED Neat, capable girl for general nouseworx; gooa wagea to right parry 1714 So. 8 2d Ave. 'Phone Harney. 3119. C 474 22 GIRL WANTED Small family: no chll dren; high wages. Mr. H. D. Neely, 4871 Hamilton Bt. C M178 WANTED Dining room girl and chamber- n aid. Lange hotel, 604 So. 13th. . C-MS38 19 wantku-a gooa gin Tor general house work; good wages and no washing; refer ence required. 718 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. u AGENTS WANTED LADIES wanted to canvas for the Ed ward skirt supporter; one supporter fas tens every shirt waist to skirt for seven Inches across back without pins, point or teetn to tear garments; tree terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co, 817 Main Bt., Buffalo. N. X. J M989 July8x AGENTS in every community to sell Top nine Polishes. Topshlne Mfg. Co., 2807 Ohio St.. Omaha. J M927 JuI6x AGENTS wanted to sell our doduIsf aoll cles, covering all accidents, diseases and occupations; something entirely new and Issued by this society only; easily under stood and easily sold; cost but 16 per mediately and exclusive territory al lowed. Addresa National Accident Bo clety, 320 Broadway, New York. Estab llfhed twenty year. I WANTED SALESMEN WANTED 4 good traveling men; 150 per week, to the right men; referenoe and Dona required; legitimate business; no laairs wantea; communications ronnden. tiai. Address. F u, Be. ' LM201 J-38 WANTED Salesmen to sell lubricating on inn greases; A ihq. l proposition. Au nress, u 1J, Mee umce. L M6U0 19 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1904 Farnam, f and 5ft yr vvub iu.ui hh rct csiaie, no aeiay. W-46J MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co. w tei WANTED City loans and warranta. W. irarnaui bmitn .o., ixw Farnam St W-444 BUILDING loan on resldeno property; per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge block. W 45 LOWEST RATES Bemia. Pax ton block . W 44 PRIVATE MONEY' F, D. Wead. 1530 Doug. w to j n.000.000 TO LOAN on business an r..l dene property In Omaha; lowest rates no oeiay. tnuniaa tirenoAn, K. 1, N. 1 Ufa, W aod WANTED C4ty loans. R. C. Peters Co. W 46 City d farm loan. O. F. Carson Co.. N Y L. W 470 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Heed Bros.. 1710 Farnam St W-7i LOANS oa Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, tut Vlrst National Bank Bid. W "i FOR EXCHANGE UP YOU do not fWi what you want in this column put u id la and you will soon get It. Z-ta NEW Weber turn wagon for two-seat surrey or leather top csrrlsga. Address H. L. B-, Be office. South Omaha. Z 413 30 FLORISTS L. HfeNDERiJON. Hi raraam. TeL Doug aCTMsliaJlfBaaPJPtamiayiqy Hf.-'LUH.1 ilflMJ BARGAINS GALORE ON THE BEE WANT AD PAGE KEEP YOUR EYE OPEN FOR THEM OR RENT FUBNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European Hotel. Uth and Farnam, Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks K 238 Thurston hotel; roams 11.60 op per week. TWO nicely furnished south front rooms. 3do Harnev. Hi jmxi DESIRABLE suite of rooms; also single: strictly modern; gentlemen preferred; jut isortn l wentietn. iw juiy i. LARGE, nicely furnished cool room In modern brick flat for rent to one or 'two gentlemen. 'Phone Doug. 5840. 2S64 Har ney St. E 446 ax FURNISHED room; nicely furnished: prl. vate family. 2623 Chicago. K M483 THREE elegantly furnished front rooms. compirip, ior ligm nouMenwimiR. .-ana Davenport St. K 4186 18x URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug, 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks r 2M VIENNA hotel; private dining room, cafe! F m LARGE, well furnished room, with board for two; 14.50 a ween eacn: an mou ern. 'Phone Douglas 5408. 2106 Cui. F MtD 23 UNFy RNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; I room; bath. Tisard. 22C N. . G M131 zsa. . v CENTRAL, I room, bath. Tlzard. 220 N. G M80I Z3d. UNFURNISHED apartment modern resi dence nearly completed; zon iMortn zsm Ave.; gentleman and wife preferred. Call 2607 Parker, Tel. Douglas, 6149. G M 630 20 THREE nice modern. newly papered G M646 20x room. 2636 Beward. FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., JJOUgias iozd, nenmouer as Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1311 Farnam IXJVOjO q rJavi Co.. ( iiev Blug. TTrkTTCTra In all part of th city. R. 1 r piara A Co.. Bea Blda. u HOUSES, lnBurant. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. THE Omaha Van db Storage Co., pacg. move and tor H. H. gooas; iwrtnuuM, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office. 1511H ,,Farnam. Tel., Doug. 15i9t D-449 TiTir Movm nlonm XI n o-ira rrl Vsn dc Stor T t , nffl.. 171 WK. ter bt. " SEE v when shipping household goods to large cltie west. we can save you moneys EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVER CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel..' Doug. 1195. ' , D 461 : 1 CENTRAL, 4 or 5-room flats. Tlxard, 220 N. Z3d. L Moll MAGGARD Van A Btorage Co. Dry room, low price. Teiepnon uougia uw, D M41 June 21 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. Phone Dougla 1UK. uus uarnam. D M938 FOR RENT 8-room, modern house. J. H. Dumont & Son, T M. x. i. uiog. in. Dougla 1269. D 381 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern except furnace, rurnisned or uniuriusnea. 11 N. 41st; fine location and good neighbor hood; $22.60. Inquire at premises. D 78 6-ROOM house, partly modern, $18.00. 830 B. ZlSl Dl. lei. lriicgr iw. rimKlSHET) HOITSE TO LET. Very desirable ten-room furnished house. west farnam aisirici, aurma uuij AuguBt. Best of references required. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. D M693 21 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 1808 N. 18th St.; steam heat 116.00 Beml. t'axton diook. I-M6D FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 411 r. tn bi, bouid umana. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug More. Tlard. zao rs. zita. STORE ROOM for rent, 406 8. 15th, Or- pheum Theater tfiog. uyDau, 10m iwug faa. I M468 FOR RENT Third floor, size 33x100, suit able for lodge, club room or for manu facturing purposes. Inquire Palace Cloth, ing Co., corner 14th and Douslas. SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; I floor and basement; 1006 Farnam. Inquire 814 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 1464 WANTED TO RENT BY TRAVELING MAN and wife, In trlctly privet family; references exenangea. a a dress. G 46. Bee. K-M4n FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. 1 closing out It lands In western Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low price and easy terms offered, the opportunity will oon be gone. Special excursion rate to th land. For further Information apply to VNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, $18 South Uth St., Omaha, Neb. H-M681 3 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prc U. P. R. low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. n.. umana. iseo., jjept. -a." H-4i v Cheap Western Lands 1,000,009 acre. Colorado Kansas and Ne braska lands, $3 to $3.5v per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed list giving legal descriptions and prices; also naps, ploturss, etc.. dee. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO.. $01 Front SL. Sterling, Colo. H COUNCIL BLUFFS REAL ESTATE IN COUNCIL BLUFFS. Corner lot, two blocks north street car power houae, $150; also corner lot four block further north, $60, by Dexter L. Thomas. 411 Be building, Omaha. Tel. Doug. 2280. M-447 23 sidewalks' BIDE WALKS All kinds licensed. A. R. HoeL 210$ Webster. TeL Doug. 404. . SI julylO LAW AND COLLECTIONS 1 M. Marfarland, $0 N. Y. U Bldg. TeL DOUg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE H Hastings & Heyden .SECOND ADDITION H At Northwest Corner 24th & Fort. Permanent cement sidewalks now being nut in on lith street, east and west fnirrt, your choice of the unsold lots for 14S0 each. You pay cssh for a lot; we will build you a house. Open Monday evenings until 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, I60914 Farnam St. Ground Floor. THE PRETTIEST HOME IN OMAHA FOR $2,250 25th avenue. 1 block north of Fort Bt., In Hastings A Heydcn's Second addition, 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry, front and back vestibule, 2 rooms can be finished In attic, all modern, finished In mahogany and oak stain and white enamel, nickel plated plumbing, attractive porch, full lot. Good -reason for selling. Call todsy If Interested. E. R. Benson, 1809H Far nam. RE wo 18 FOR SALE BARGAINS $1,900 8-room house. on 18th, near Vln- ton si. 12,800 4-room house, modern except fur- nace, on 8. 30th St. 12,100 6-room house, modern, 21st St., near O St., South Omaha. 12.400 7-room house, modem, on Corby St 11,000 6-foot lot, corner 85th and Jones Bts. Melchior Leis & Son. 1943 S. 30th St. Phona Douglas 6688. Omaha, Neb. RE-77 18 8EE owner quick; 6-room all modern home; large south front lot, permanent walk, fruit and shade, etc. Tel. Douglas (8H6. 2424 Maple St. RE 813 IF YOU'WISH to double your mohey on a Nebraska irrigated proposition, costing' about 122,000 In next six months, call at once and Investigate. I. CONNER, Neville Block. RE-683 11 OKLAHOMA fl'BLIC LANDS. Half million acres rich government lands, Kiowa-Comanche Indians, near Lawton; opened by congress to homtl settle ment this summer: fine climate; good sea sons; no taxes; new towns opened; busi ness opportunities; post yourself. Map, particular, homesteadlng terms, etc., 10 cents. Catron & Co,, Lawton. Okl. , RE M35 19 CH8- Williamson Co., u- f.,1 RE 451 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x181, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts., 112,000 will take It for Immediate sale, THOMA8 BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 45 HANSCOM PARK HOME FINE LOCATION $7,500 for 810 Park Ave., ('room, thoroughly modern, exceptionally well built and In best of condltiorr-throughout; house alone cost over $8,000;! lot 75x140 feet: double frontage, with room to build more houwea. If desired. Immediate possession. Special price for quick sale. Investigate. GEORGE-atCQVieOl Farnam. RE-M485 23. CHOICE FARNAM STREET FRONTAGE. ONLY $58 PER. FOOT. The northeast corner of Farnam and 86th. sold lately for $81 per foot. The northeast oorner of FVirnam and 6th Sts has Just been sold for $78 per foot. We can offer this week the southeast corner of Farnsm and 33d, 110 feet frontage on Farnam, for $6,380, only $M per foot, about $-'.000 less than its actual value. This ground Is perfect for grade and all paving, curbing and stone walks, amount ing to over $1,000. are paid for In full. At this low price the ground is $20 per foot lower thsn the last actual ssle on Farnam St. It roust be sold at once, and the first party closing at $58 per foot get the ground. There is ample room for four house on the Farnam St. frontage, that, will easily rent for $65 to $70 per month.. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., Tel. Dougla 1189. 43b Board of Trade Bldg RE-687 11 .Investment Property PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. Flrst-clas brick business block, central lo cation. Investigate. I. CONNER, Neville Block. No telephone replies. RE-686 18 LIST your propertia with Boyar, 13d and Cuming. . RE 464 $2 SENT or handed to Dexter Thomas, at torney, 412 Bee Bldg., Omaha., will secure a certificate showing owjier and mortgage, if. any, on any lot In Omaha or South Omaha, RE-M648 2 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond galnt los by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a " Ken-" abstract. 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 244. RE SPECIAL SNAP1 6-room cottage, near 6herman Ave. and Corby St., cltywater in kitchen, oak front door, beveled plate glass. Up-to-date porch, nice yard and shade tree. Price, $1,260; $426 cash, balance aa rent $12 per month; present Income, $150 per year. Must be sold at once. Investigate. Owner, M. B. KENDIS. 308 N. 16th St. RE M6M $4 W. H. GATES, 817 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglaa-1294. A good seven-room modern house In Clif ton Hill, two block from car Una; bou Is well arranged; has cellar under the whole houae, ail bricked up; cistern ard inimp In kitchen; nice barn and shed; fruit and shade trees; south front lot fOxlJO, for $2.oo. now vacant; can gi possession any time. RE M4 Ux I have client desiring to invest In GILT-EDGE CITT INCOME FROPERTT. I also hav seversl parties wishing to purchase well located, nice, cbean homes, costing from t'.OoO to $6,000. ll you wish to sell call on or write me at once. I. CONNER; iVeville Block. 3vl M PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL, kinds of plies cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding Or Itching plies A guar antee given in every case trested by Dr. Maxwell, who has had twenty-five yew experience In treatlngplle. Hundred of testimonial given on arpllctlon. 13 Pee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Dougla 1424. U-M419 Juno 31 ADHESIVE, Invisible, hsrmiess, Sattn skin powder Is made In four alluring tlnta.25c. A Dollar for You Any time before- July 4th. 1906, this slip will be accepted at 11.00 down, payment on 110 purchase of shoe, hat or cloth ing, the balance to be paid a you earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr U-4H ( A nMTP.TTn treatment bath. Mm. Smith, lit N. 15. 2d floor. u us jy ANY POOR GIRL la need of a friend call or write to th matron of the Salvation Army horn for women at 1824 N. 24Ui SC. Omaha, Neb. . U M10J TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 1610. 'Phone Douglas U 47 DR. ROT. Chiropody. B, I 8. 1501 Far- vi esi YOU CAN RE N'T An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for $3.00 monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO.. 116 S. 16th 8u Tel. Doug. 2919 U M3l July II YOUR saving 40 Der cent. Investigate. renneu Millinery Co., ill eoutn 10 in ot PRIVATE confinement home: Mr. Dr. King. 3018 N. 21st fit. Tel. Doug Kwl. y 401 PLEATING Buttons. Ruching. Dyeing and Cleaning. SDbnalna and Shrink ing, only 60 per yard. Bend lor price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. ' 200 Dougla Block. TeL Douglas 1H STEAM. Doug. 254 211 8. Uth St. U-484 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mr. oarneii, zzxn cnaries. Tel. uoug. km. U-4HJ THE, Salvation Army solicit cast-off clotnlnc: in fact, anrthlna you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llth St., for cost of collecting to the wormy poor, call men uoug. iw ana wagon will can. u u FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College. Uth and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement case. All treatment supervised by college professors, 'Phone Doug. 1167. -Call answered day or night. U JW THE City Garbage rro. Office, 4th and Leavenworth Bt. Tel. Dougla 1387 U 48 OAK"ri,S THREE-LAYER WHITE, 80c. VVLVLiO JOHNSON-GOODLET CO., 2U0J Lake. . Tel. Dougla 1676 U M6ZJ Jul 1 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adoDted. The Uood Samaritan bhu ltarl'im, 728 First art. Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. . u J SURVEYING. BUckensdsrfer. IU Bee Bid. ee Bldg, U-4aT nTTWRAR THE PAINLESS CHIR LU1NLAXW OPODIBT. 306 Neville Blk. Hslrdresslng, manicuring. Ladle' hair perfumed free. U M416 Junels OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue- Myers- Dillon Drug co om&na. u s The Wardrobe, expert dry cleaners. 61S 8. 11 u au junew MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, faoial mas- sags. Lutle uryant, lit tie Bldg. 1 U-MKJ0 June2 MAGNETIC Massage, 412 N. lth Bt second floor, room 3. U-MS27 JurJJ SEWING machine and supplies. P. E. Flodman dt Co., 1614 CapitofAve. U-671 Je3 WE RENT sewing machine at $1 per week; we sell second hand machines $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th ana tiarney. tol iougiaa less , U MI5i DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladles before and during connne ment. Z31 S. lBth St., Omaha, Pie. j U-M466 Jnlylo H f A flCTTTf1 Osteology, female weak junuiiu,, treated. Mrs. Rlt tenhouse, 410 N. 16th St., room 2, 2nd floor. fJr.av TTn?r restored to it youthful color u,aJ AXttil and (fingg. we use no dye or lotion. 316 M. 23nd. Tel. Red tm. U-M-586-July-U VETERANS who intend to nle for a home tead in the Shoshone reservation will get valuable- Information by addressing George Sigmund, Casper, Wyo. ' U-M6S2 25X OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufacture pure flour pasta. Z210 Cuming. Tel. Doug, WANTED would like to form the ae qualntance of a young unmarried Jew . lsh lady preferred; object, mairimony references exchanged. Address Rox 348, Lowell, Arizona. U M695 21 x MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennroyal PUls are tn bst; safe, reliable. Take ne other. Send 4c stamps Tor particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mil. Ask your druggists. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. BEST nerve bracer eor men. "Grar's Nerv Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman it Atcconneii urug . u.. umana. u PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney: pat en is, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. aiT M. X. Life, omana. - . 4.J F. J. LARSON at CO.. patent lawyers patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 4.4 SHARPS MACHINE WORKS Patent procured. Invention developed, drawings, uaiieniB, veima, iui,iuw wv.a. wi 01 B. 10th St. 4 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tlonai investment V.O., m iougiaa uia. . -MV07 JulyS CONSULTING ENGINEER L H. GARDNER. 611 First Nat. Bank Power plants, manufacturing . processes. Ice plants, tests, inspection, reports. MI23 July 11 PRINTING LTNOSTA.D Hlh Orsde 1908 Calends r D- Jb. VUIUVT AV-U OV. mil ft J on vr.. Capitol Ave. -tu3 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera , Co 161V Uoward. TL Dauglaa iwl. 4K3 DIED HARDIN -John J.. June 17, 19", gd 48 vears 1 month end f nay. tift,rl Mrvlr mnA Interment nrtvnte. from the reldence, 5121 North Twenty third. June 19. I, st 10:30 o'clock a. m. Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. 8M ALLEY Renjamln B., aged 48 year. died Sunday afternoon. June 1,, at 3 p. m. Funeral services will be held at the home. 23(17 Maple street. Tuesday. June 19. at I p. m. Will Detroit psper plea Copy. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMAN A GENTLEMAN, 702 N. 16th. Douglas 6696. -MiCS Jul! MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 308 PAXTON BLOCK! The BEST. CHEAPEST and most RE LIABLE PLACE In this city to BORROW MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PI ANOS, Horses, Wagons, etc EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. Slmnlv a oulet business transaction be tween u that no one need ever know Money given you same day you apply. ..... .. ... I We' also Loan Responsible Sal- i i arled People on Thelt Plain : t Note, Without Endorsement or I I Publicity, and Give a Written 1 I OuaranV. Not to FU Papers t : With lour Employer. I ELLE'CREblT CO'., . Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. X M618 23 OUR LOANS Our' fcmnmvM un. well informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain. our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be. ana u you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow, there is no harm done. Ws loan on furniture, nianos. Ilv stock snd other chattels and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. we offer you rates as low as you will And and our facilities for quick and con fidential services are unsurpassed. w are ine oiaem concern in our un in the city, and we always try to pleas our patron. OMAHA MORTGAGE JJJAJN COMPANY; 119 Board of Trad. Bids. 'Phoaa Doug. 2295. - - , MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jew. 13 n cows, etc v;. . Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 484 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, piano, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less than half the rate: no red tape: perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sicaness or out or employment, noom 214 Karbaoh Blk., 308 S. lfith Bt. "X-486 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1801 Doug. X-ul MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay' ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. t. X 107 FURNITURE, Pino, Jewelry Loan. 831 ISeVllie UIK. IHIi WUITIUtN LOAN I.U. FURNITURE. Live Stock. Salarv Loana nun ureen i-oan Co., room a, BarKer UIK. X 48V CHATTELS, salary ana jewelry loan. r oiey, uwn wo., uut r arnam ail. A o CHATTEL and salary loan. Phoenix credit Co., 63 paxton Block X M463 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE rallwav tickets ' everywhere. f. ti. mil Din. iM farnain. -f none uoug. LARSON JOHNSON, 1408 Farnam. Doug. IMS. 606 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first-class goods handled. Prompt atten tlon to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 335 Harrison St., Chicago, 111. M 9s IX WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy. second-hand furniture. stove, carpets,' clothing and shoes. Pay the best prices. Telephone Douglas sail. N MW6 Julys DRESSMAKING MDOWELL SCHOOL DRESSCIJTTING, 162$ Farnam. M82 Junefl Woodruff ft Arnold. 813-14 Neville block. gUjvne'iO LOST LOST Solid gold necklace; monogram M. A. N. on locket. Return to 1514 No. 40th. . -' M 694 iO OSTEOPATHY - JOHNSON InsUtute, 418 N. Y. i Tel. Doug, 1664. -490 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR TWO STONE BUILD ings. iepartinent of the Interior, ontce f Indians Anair. I Wasningion, D. C, June 7, 190. Healed prupuMts, plainly marked on the outalde of the sealed en velope, ' Proposals for .Buildings, Pipe stone, Minn.,'' and addressed to me Com missioner of Indian Anair, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian oihe until 2 o'clock p. m. ol Juny U. VMi, for lurnlshlng snd delivering tiie necessary materials snd labor . required to construct anu complete a stone employes' quarter and stone superintendent s resiut-ncc. botn with plumbing, stesm heat and gasoline gas piping, in strict accordance witn plans, specincation and instructions to bidders, wnlch may be examined at tula office, the oftlces of the American Contrsctor, Chi cago. 111.; Improvement Bulletin, Minne apolis, Minn.; the Argus Leader, tiioux tails, S. Li.; The Bee, Omaha, Neb. Pio neer Preas, St. Paul, Minn.; tne Builders' 4k Traders' exenangea at Omaha, Neb.: Milwaukee, Wia.; tat. Paul, Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' association, St. Paul, Minn.; the U 8. Indian warehouses In CKIcago, 111.; St. Louia, M; Omaha. Neb., and New York City, ana at the scnool. For further information apply to W. K. Campbell,, aupennlendent, Pipestone, Minn. C. F. Larraoee, Aciihk Commissioner. Junei:-14-lt-l-a-i8-i"a-30 PROPOSALS FOR BRICK ' SCHOOL Building Department of tne Interior, Office of Indian ArTaiis, Washington, 1. C., June 7, 19u. iseaieu proposal, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed en velope, "Proposals for School Building, Pierre, 8. D., and addressed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs. Wshlngton, D C. will be received at the Indian Or'.lce until 3 o'clock p. m. July 12. 18j, for fur nishing and delivering--the necessary maw terlala.and labor required to construe? and complete a brick school house, with plumb ing, steam heat and acteylene gas, in strict accordance with plans. specltk-H-tlons and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this onto, th oltUes of the Improvement Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minn.; Construction News, Chicago. III.; Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Pioneer-Press St. Paul, Minn.; Bee, Omaha, Neb.; Builders' and Traders' Exchanges, Omaha. Neb.: Milwaukee. Wis.; St. Psul and Mlnnespolls, Minn ; Northwestern Mnn ufacturera' Association, St. Paul, Minn.; I he U- S. Indian warehouses at Chicago, 111.; Omaha, Neb.; St. Louis. Mo., and New York City, N. Y., and at ths school. For further informstion apply to J. C. Loven good. Superintendent. C T. LARRABK.E. Acting Cetuiuisslcne. J13-14-14-1H1 16 2$ 31 . GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 9 tifflre, Omnha. Nebraska. June 7. 14 Peiiled proposals. 111" tilplnate, suhiert to the usual conditions, will lie received here until i o clock a. ni., central standard time. June 1. 1!X for furnishing and In stalling an Electric Elevator In the guar- temiaMer Storehouse at ort Omsha. Nebraska. Full information furnished on appllcstlon to this office, where plnns and specincs lions msy r seen, r-roposais to m marked "i'toiosiis tor construction. etc., as th case my be. nd addred to Major M. Gray Zallnkl. Constructing Quartermaster, Army Building. Omnha, Kebraaka. Junej-s-s-n-is-is CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER 8 office. Omaha. Neb.. June 11. 106. Sealed proposal, in triplicate, suh.lect to th usual conditions, will be received here until K o'clock a. nv, central standard time, June 21, l!xw. for building Macadam Road and Cement Walk, etc., at Fort Omaha, Ne braska. Full Information furnished on ap plication to this office, where plan and specification may be seen. Propo! to be marked "Proposal for Roads, Wlks. etc.," and addressed to MAJOR M. GRAY ZA LINSK I, Constructing Quartermaster, ' , Army Building, Omaha, Nebraska. t J 11, 12, 11. 14. I. LEGAL NOTICES notice for ntna Sealed bids will be received by the see ra ters' of the Board of Education of . the school district of the city of McCook, In Red Willow countv. In the tt. of K. braska. until 8 o'clork p. m on 17th dar of June, A. D., W. for moving the West Warf school, house in said city, the same being a four-room, two-storv frame build ing, about forty-nine and one-half by fifty six feet In slie, from Its present location, a aisianci 01 anout one-fourth mile, over almost , level ground, to a nlara by said board. Said building Is to be moved in a careful and prudent manner and no unnecessary injury done thereto. The am i to d leu scanning on mocks, over the foundation, about four or five feet from the ground, so that It can be let down on the foundation walls. The person moving said uuuuinK snnii riirmnn tne oiocks on which It shall be left standing prior to letting the same down on the foundation. A certified check, payable to the order of an Id board, for not less than 150, by some responsible oanx, snau accompany each bid. Said board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Education of th school district of the city of McCook. in Red Willow county. In the state of Ne braska, this 31at day of Mav. A. D.. 1906. C. W. BARNES. Secretary. RAILWAY TIME CARD rJHIOlf STATION TEMTH AND MAICV, tJaloa Paelfla. Lear. a 1:40 am Japan Arrive. 1:18 am Overland Limited The China and Fast Malt ..a 4:15 pm ..a 4:15 pm ..a 4:25 pm ..all:30 am 6:10 pm a 1:80 am a 8:10 pm slC 46 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm b 30 pm 7:10 am 11:60 pm 1:00 am 11:60 pm Colo. A Calif. Bx California dt Ore. Ex Los Angeles Limited. Fast Mail Colorado Special .... North Platte Local.. .a 1:66 pm .a 7:46 am .a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm Cblcag-o Great Westers, Et. Paul dr. Minneapolis. 8:30 pm ci. riui ec Minneapolis, Chicago Limited , Chicago Express Chicago Express , 7:45 am 1:40 pm 7:4a am 1:30 pm j;so pre Chlcasro, Rock Island aV Paelne. EAST. . . . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 3: to am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 8:15 am al0:10 pm Iowa Local bl3:16 pm b 1:66 pin Chicago (Eastern Exp.J.a 4:20 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago (Iowa Limited). a 1:36 pm al2:10 pra WEST. Rocky Mounta'a Lim.. a 7:20 am a 1:15 am Colo, te Cal. Express. ..a 3:01 ym a 4:10 pm Okl. Texas Exp a 4:40 pm al2:05 pm Colorado Fast Mall ...al0:10pm a 7:36 am a dally, b dally except Sunday. ChltmaTO as lortvestera. Local cedar Rapids ....a 7:06 am Chicago Daylight a 8:u0 am a 6:00 pra 11:30 pm ' :16 am 1:60 am cnicago Limited a 8:88 pm Carroll Local a 4:33 pm St, Paul Fast Mall a S:2S Dm 7:05 am Sioux C. ds St. P. Local, b 8:00 pm. a 1:86 am Fast Mall i. 1:M pm Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7:30 am cnicago limited Norfolk it Bonesteel .. Lincoln de Long; Pin Casper dt Wyoming .. Dead wood St Lincoln . Hastings & Albion .... ..all:00 pm ..a 7:40 am ..a 7:40 am ..a 8:00 pm ..a 1:00 Dm 11:16 am 10:36 am 10:86 am a 6:05 pm . 6:06 pm 6:06 pra , 012:4 pm P 3:4 P ..b :W, pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm CMcsgo Local all:30 am I111i:j1s Ceatrava. Chicago Express a 1:00 ant Chicago Limited a 8:00 pra a 1:66 pre a 7:30 an Cbleais, Hilwaskt at, paai. ChL dt Colo. Special. ...a 7:66 am a 7:30 am auiurnia at lire. t&x...a 0:tfl un . 3:ltf did Overland Limited a :U a :) am Marlon Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am BU.-tW pm Wabash. St. Loul Express a 8:30 pm bt. Louis xLocal (from Council Bluftsj a 1:16 am a 1:40 am alOiW pn bU:30 am btan berry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pra utaauuri raeine. bt. Louis Lxview a 8:00 am 1C C. a 8t L, Express. all :16 pm a 6:30 pm a :U0 pm BURLINGTON STATION 14TH MASON Uorllagtoa. Leavs. Denver & California. ...a' 4:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express all:l0 pm . Nebraska Express a 1:10 am Nebraska Local,... a 8:00 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:00 pm Ft. Crook Plattsm'h..b-2:o0 pm Bellevue at Plattara'h..a 7;W"pra Denver Llnited Bellevue & Pao. June... a 3 JO am Bellevue A. Pao. June. .a ;h) am Chicago Special a 7:i un Chicago Express a 3:45 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:05 pm Icwa Local , a 9:16 m St. Louis Express a 4:4; pm Kanas City-St Jo....al0:4 i pm Kansas City-bt. Joe... .a 9:15 am Kansas Clty-St. Joe.... a 4:46 pm Arrlv. a 3:30 tun a 6:30 pm a 9.0 ant a 6:80 pm a 7:40 pra a 1:05 ant al3:30 Lra bl0:2t am a 1:30 am a 7:10 am a 1:80 am a 1:60 pm a 7:26 am a 1:55 pm a 7:33 am al0:63 pm all:30 am a 1:46 am a 8:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1STH as WEBSTER Chfeaaro, St. Paal, MlaaeapollB A Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ,.b 1:30 am' :19 pm Sioux City Passenger... 1:00 pm all:20am Rmerson To l ,.b 8:30 pm b 9:38 ant Emerson Local..... e 8:46 am e 6:50 pm tiionrt Pacljls. ' Nebratka Local, via Weeping Water b 1:10 pm bll SO prs a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Sunday only. Dally except Monday. OCEA.t ITAKiiRI, Wrench Line Compagni Gnrat Transatlantic Gigantic, Elegant, Fast Leviathans JVebv yorKs-Varlt 6 Itoy LA FROVKXt'K. newest twin screw dyer hav ing passenger elevator, roof cafe, and msuy other innovation. Nsvsl oHicers' nisn-of-war disci, plinr. Company svestibuled trains, Hsvre-Psris, j" hours, where convenient connections are made for atl points on the Continent 20th Century HugiTwIn Screw Flyer For plans, reservations ana luii informa tion call oil telepiion. or write to liarrjr E. Moored, 1U01 Farnam Street Louis Keese, care Klrat National Iiaak I. Ii. Hcynclila, ISO'J Farnam Street V. Q. Davidson, 1512 Farnam jtree G. E. Abbott. 1324 FaraasB llreef, LA PROVENCE June 21 LA LORRAINE July I LA TOtTRAINR July 11 LA CHAMPAGNE July 19 LA PROVENCE July 2 W. E. Bock. 1524 Farnam Street. Aaeats for Oiaaha ANCHOR UNI r. MAO. STEAMSHIP KXW YORK, LOKDOKDBkKY ANU OLASUOW. HgW YORK. rALBHMU aMO KsrLga upcrior sacasiBoaailea, Moaiwat (!. Tk asilort of ,umui criuily eiwi4u. Siss r rM4-lis IKk-la lisue blN M Yerk k scoub. gntUrt. l" "'' s tittil mi.u at auraotlM mm. BM for .Swat f Yeaia ysr imsm 1 srl iBturastlaa atlr M lKl at tlw AnelM Liu. r SHO.. C'l Ateata. LA When You Write to AdvertUeri remember It takes only an extra r"-' o..4 " " ( f, "I '1 r 1 .4 4f J