Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas CIS.
ThVve.i'n'y.Wrt(rial more popular for white suits than the real Indian Head Shrunk Muslin.
ojlfr-'-tfiio;.Ve used it and have washed it say it bents all the other white' materials, even
liBen: V,Ve (teU thj? genuine Indian Head, 36 inches wide, at, 15c per yard. Linen finished -white
shrunk innsJ)ii at 10c and 13c per yard. , , , .
Women's and"; Children's Knit
; ted Underwear.
r rK-e -thetY.hlii' ,,'rf economy.
Chlldn's fin9,r?Ibed gauae lisle, union
suits. .Jew i?Ji fucvelrss.,' umbrella knee,
Use rlmANl.ff -stjyai.soc a wit.
Voffin's' Sws 'rweil cotton vests, low
neck. tleevelee,y .f laintnrie top, all sixes,
2tC 4rsrl,r'"'-' ' -'' !-'- i
Wtr)eTTs fine ribbed gause cotton draw
er, umiirella knee lace trimmed 16c each.
Ir Mtfr.ent.
" ) Rain at Last.
Wore you caught without an umbre'ln?
Tl-f guesswork weather calla for plenty of
as: no nred to be without one when
th('.- be bought for such little money.
Six-cgil erlllni; of I'mbrrllas. for either
nmn. mnlar $1.60 quality, at $1.00
j'jft'H black, plc-e rtyrd Tuffeta Silk I'm-b-eilrir'
best of paragon frames, nnlural
wnfi' na.idlcs, good value, at $2 00 each.
a sarppU. of which waa now under the ex
amination of an analyls. As to the total
discontinuance of tinned meat rations in
pnace times, Mr. Haldano Bald that stocks
of ey;h meats were always kept In re
aerve. for war purposes. It ha.l been the
practice periodically to lssua these to the
troops, thus turning over the stock and
avoiding any loss to tha public. If the
practlaes can be continued consistently with
tha foremost consideration, namely, the
health, and well being of the troops. It will
ba continued, but not unless Investigation
shows. tht no danger la to be appre
hended. Investigation at Chicago.
CHICAGO, June 18. Investigation of con
dltiona at tha stock yards waa begun today
under f the direction of a Joint committee
of tm'Chlcago Commercial association, the
Illinois Manufacturers' association and the
Chicago Medical association.
The .experte who will make the Investiga
tion 'are as follows: Dr. W. A. Evans, pro
fessor of pathology of tha 1'nlverslty of
T!llncll; Dr. Maximilian Heraog. chief of
theUureau of science of the Philippines;
Dr.sA'. T. Peters, professor of veterinary
medlemc'of the 1'nlveralty of Nebraska;
Dr. M. P. Povncll. pathologist of tha Penn
sylvania State Board of Livestock Com
mlsHuners, and Dr. Ludwlg Hekteen.
Nothing will be made publlo In regard to
the Investigation until the committee has
completed lta report.
D. H, Ameberry.'and John tteeee Nontl-
vWtd.',aV iiesYjs neBa at JV
.MVSH.IN!rpNr.' June 1,-Xba presjdent
Sent ' to" the senate today the following
Snomlrmtlo'na? -i;7 "-.r.fV
' Ambassador esrtrSordmary and -plenipotentiary
to Turkey, John O. A. Leishtnan,
' rVn.isylvanla. i s .',: . - ,
Receiver of public moneys, Darius M.
Amsbrrry, -at Broken Howy Neb.i i
Register of land , office, John .Reese, at
Broken Bow, Neb. '
To be placed on the retired list of tha
army, with the rsnk of brigadier general,
Colonel Bamuel R. Whlttal, retired.
Sanate Approves tbe Measure with
Qaly Eleven Vote la eaatlve.
WASHINdTONi June 18 After another ,
Aay, devoted to' the Lake Erie and Ohio
river canal bill, .the senate today passed
that measure with only eleven votes on the
negative. In addition several bills to which
thore waa no objection received favorable
action. TDere .l also was further discus
sion between Senators Tillman and Hop
kins "overthV resolution'' of the former
for an Investigation of tne question of
Rational bank contributions to political
aiyipalrna, wtilett Involved renewed refer
ence to the' failure of the 'Chicago National
bank. The aeaslon adjourned ' upon the
'official announcement p. the death of Mr.
Lester' of Qaonda.
Illahest Award at
Lincoln State Fair, 1893.
Highest Award and
Gold Medal at Trans
Mlsalsalppl Exposition,
Omaha, 18. . Highest
Award and Gold Medal
at Lewis and Clark t'en-
t n n I a 1 Exposition,
Portland. Ore- 105
Thia, when la competi
tion with the renowned
beers-ef he -wrid. and
I when Judged by .a Jury
1 oT'.the mot. critical ex
Vs.v tia iother beer
1 has una nignerenuorse
Uuenv Prink Storslirer
' 1VT your health's sake.
K,tp a caae in your
,no(ue. Etorx lirewlug
to;, Omaha. iil
m am mm
Just;' Watch us growing. We havs
tr1iplet 'oir business la threa years
and gTOTyg faster than ever, and why,
becauef 'iur aim Is to give prompt,
courteous service at all times.
11.00 ruqer's Kidney and OQ
Back acta Car 03 if
11.00 princess Combs, . yfjj.
11.00 Rubber Sponges, (jr,
at ..$..:; uJu
11.00 Brushes.
at ..,",,
10 pounJ Sack Sea Salt,
at , , . ti,
I os. Vlcic Ammonia,
Th Modern lSm Sur f ifta West
.( a-7 rr
Indian Head Shrunk Muslin,
v for White Suits, Coats Etc.
I Children's School t'mbrellaa, t and '14
Inch, natural wood and fancy handlea, ll.On
each. . . ,- '.'( -1 -
. Main .floor. , '. . .
J. B. Corsets at $1.00,' $1.50 and ,
$9 Of! FarVl I
4)4. VU id,Lll.
Made from good quality batiste, In high
bust, also medium and low bust. j
At our corset department we fit corsets )
free of charge. We have all corset ac.cee-
aorles and alterations if necessary. Have l
your corset fitted.
Pecond floor.
Worthy Notions.
Many little everyday necessities to be
found In this basement department at little
Good quality Fish Eye Pearl Buttona, I
doxen on card, for lflc card.
Mohair Braid, all the staple colors, loc
a bolt of S yards.
j White Basting Cotton, Be a' epooL
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
Eieht Locals in Arkansas and Territorj
May Ea.'nM to Work,
la spite of etleaent Made at Kaaaaa
City All Mlaes Will Not Re
ft nine Operation In- (
mediately. '
KANSAS CITT. June 18. -A' majority of
the soft coal mines shut down on April 1
in Missouri, Kansas, Indian Territory and
Arkansas resumed operations thia morning
aa far as heard from. In compliance with
the Kansaa City contract, recently algned
by officers of tha United Mine Workers of
America and the- Southwestern Coal
Operators' association.
A revolt In one district. No. 21. cohipoa!.
of Indian Territory and ' Arkansas, is
threatened, however, and representatives of
eight local uniona In the neighborhood of
Hartford, .Ark., may continue, the strike.
These representatives assert - . that . the
Kansas City conference attempted . to
violate laws of, the state of 'Arkansas' that
were passed at the request of. the miners
and In the Interest of the mine workers.
They say that, if the. miner are to enter
Into an unlawful agreement with the
operatora they can never expect further
legislation In their favor. These 'uniona
have .agreed to a call for i convention' to
be held at Fort Smith an J.une 25, to form
a, new and Independent district withdraw-
Una- from district No,; 21 entirely, but not
rrom the vnlted , Mine , worjeejs union.
They'igreed also at a meeting last week
to resolutions declaring that a! strike" still
Dae te .MlaanderstaadlnaT.
FORT SMITH, Ark., Junq 18,-Dletrict of
ficials of the United 'Mine Workers of
America, now here aay that all union coal
minea In the aouthweat will be In opera
tion by the end of , the week in accordance
with the Kansas City agreement. There
are some mines at which local conditions
have not been settled, but the matters In
volved are, they say, of a trifling nature
and will be ended by President Hanraty of
the district and Commissioner Brown. The
district officials say that the Hartford, Ark.,
revolt will prove of-little consequence and
they expect the mines there to resume
within a day or two. The revolt, they say,
was caused by a misunderstanding as to
the effect the agreement had upon what is
known aa the mine run law. Tha officials
are not In accord with the revolt.
(Continued from First Page.)
from Oranlenbaum. The atreeta of Cron
stadt are filled with troops and the well-to-do
inhabitants are hurriedly leaving the
Island on which the town is situated.
Dispatches Interrupted.
No fresh news waa reoelved here from
Blalystok and none of the newspapers can
get a word' directly from thetf correspond
ents. The correspondent of the Associated
Press, who ahould have arrived there from
St. " Petersburg yesterday, haa not been
rd from.' Nothing haa been received
here from the parliamentary committee
sent to Blalystok to inquire into and re
port upon the massacre of Jews. It is
evident that the authorities will not allow
dispatches to be sent from the terror
stricken town, which is regarded as ample
proof of the horror of the situation. The
last telegram received here reached M.
Ostrogorskl, a member of the lower house
of Parliament from Grondo, yesterday. It
Was aa follower. -;' :' . ''
The Jewish outrage at Blalystok was pro
duced by provocation. The police partici
pated In it and the troops actively sup
ported the rioters. The military suthorltles
now nave run control, rue governor gen
eral haa left the city. Peisona who tried
to leave Blalystok were killed at the rail
road station and others succeeded In reach
ing the open Melds outside the town and
were run down by dragoons. There seems .
to be no hope of stopping the attacks. The
number of victims is large. While this
appeal for Immediate assistance Is being
written we near about us the sounds et
volleys. ' i .
Unlet at Blalystak.
BIALY8TOK, Russia, June II Noon.
Quiet reigna today throughout this devas
tated town; 'Firing waa; heard at mid
night on-the outskirts of Bialyatok, near
the cemetery," but no further disorders
hsve occurred. The total figures ef the
casualtiea are not. available but the sev
enty bodies wsre burled today. This Is
claim to ba less than half the total of
the killed Jewish' estimates say that n
less than 200 were killed,
The number of wounded is enormous.
Surgeons have arrived .from Warsaw te
assist the overworked staffs of the hos
pitals In caring for tha injured.
A few Instance of the exiuscs were the
bestialty and brutality. to which tha vio
tims of the 'rnaaacr' were, treated- Some
of ' the corpses' were . mere, masses of
pulped flesh,' the wounded la some casea
having scarcely a sound bone In their
bodies. Ths commission of the. lower
house of Parliament, which la -hare' to In
quire Into the massacre. Is greeted aa sav
iors by the population, who flock out of
their houses with pathetic Joy and relief.
Aa the commissioners, pass through the
streets the people nart dewo. blastings on,
Bee, June 18, 10S.
Invisible Hairpins, 8c a box, or 1 boxes
for Sc.
A food Hook and Eye at Be a card.
Jn basement.
Hosiery Savings in Basement.
Cool, serviceable Bummer Hosiery for
women and misses.
The vacation seeking woman or ch!d will
profit nicely In v laying In their summer
supply from these:
Women's Lacs Hose, extra fine quality
of cotton, colors black, brown and white.
all nixes, special value at 25c a pair.
Women's Plain Black Cotton Hose, fast
color, fine gauae, very elastic, exceptional
value at ISc a pair.
"Neetfit" Stocking for Boys and Olr!s
The hard wear that boys and girls give a
stocking demands a hose that wilt not give
out the first tlma or two It In worn. We
know of none better than the "Neetflt."
It flte neat and wears well. Special good
value at ltc a pair.
In basement.
, i T1
their heads and give them accounts af
their sufferings.
The commandant of the troops haa fur
nished the commissioners with an escort
and has promised them every facility In
conducting their Investigations.
Awful Scenes In Hospital.
The scene at the Jewish hospital where
the majority of the Jewish dead and most
severely wounded were taken waa terri
ble. When the correspondent arrived thee
tha grass plot outside the hospital was cov
ered with mangled corpses, arranged In
tw3 long rows, awaJtlng burial. -The
wooden walk from the gate to the door,
over,a'hlch the bodies were carried, was
stained with blood. The dead and wounded
were still arriving. Many of them had
been lying untouched In - the streets for
twj days. Only the most severely Injured
were taken Inside the hospital The bodies
of .some of these were frightfully bruised
broken and mangled. A constant atream
of. unhappy , persons visited the hospital
yard and when allowed to do so, the
wards, endeavoring to locate and Identify
membera of their families or friends or
the bodies of .dear onea for burial. Some
of the oodles had already been removed.
but the hospital. attendants asserted that
about 100 in all Jiad been brought In
and that many more remained in the out
skirts of Blalystok, where It waa still un
safe for the Red. Cross detschments to
venture. -
At the, district hospital there were six
dead persons, and eight or ten wounded.
These .were all Christians.. One man had
been killed and two weunded.' These
bodies were not mangled or mutilated, aa
waa the case with Jews,, whose hands.
arms and legs were sometimes chopped
oar rrona mere wantonness.
Warnlasc at Warsaw.
WARSAW, June IS. The chief of police
of Warsaw today issued "a proclamation
warning the people against the efforts to
provoke racial hatred and atating that
every attempt at rioting will bs mercilessly
suppressed by force of arms.
Anu-jewien riots nave broVten out at
Zabludow and Goulondi, In the province of
Grodno and at Ossowlec, in tie province
or liomia.
Many Jaws Killed.
ODESSA, June II. The Nov" of this
olty published a dispatch today from Its
correspondent at Blalystok saving:
I personally counted 290 Jealsh corpses,
a great number of which were horribly
mutilated. Only six Christian:! were killed
and eight wounded.
Riots la Other Towns.
. BERLIN, June 18. The Jewish society to
day ' received a telegram f rom Grajewo,
Russian Poland, dated Monday, saying that
at Lapy, a village near Bla ystok, five Jews
had .been killed and many wounded, and a.
Starcneltzi all the Jewish shops had been
With Twa Haadred Thensaad Re.
turned There Am Still Many
Not Delivered.
BAN FRANCISCO, June 18. Local post
office officials report that 34,000 uncalled
for letters remain here, being the maxi
mum amount since t ie conflagration. It Is
expected that by nent week this total will
have fallen to not more than 18,000. The
normal number or advertised letters Is
between 3,000 and 4,(00.
Within the past four weeka there were
returned from the curriers to the general
delivery aectlon about 200,000 lettera the
greater portion of ahlch had return re
guests on the envelope and aero sent back
to the writers. The remainder after hav
ing been advertised lor thirty days will
be sent to the dead-letter office In Wash
Farmer Member of St. I .aula Henna af
Delegates Faces Court
at Maee.a.
' . v
MAQON, Mo., June ll.-On a change of
venue, T. Edward Albright, former member
of the St. Louis House of Delegates, was
placed on trial today on the charge of
perjury in conectlon with the passage of
the Suburban 8treet railway franchise bill
Circuit Attorney Bager of Bt. Louis, rep
resenting the state, haa about forty wit
nesses under subpoena, and the defense
has seventy-five. The trial is before Judge
Nathara M. Shelton of the second Judicial
elrcult of Missouri. Following this trial
Albright will be tried on a charge of
bribery, growing out of the pasaag of the
city lighting bill In Bt. Louis.
Lenls Bernstein aad Julius stiller of
Omaha Receive Decrees at
CINCINNATI, O., June XL (Special T-ie-
grara.) Eight graduates of the Hebrew
Union college of this city received the
degree of rabbi at the commencement ex
ercjaea yestorday.
Among the graduates are Louis Bernstein
and Jaliua H. Miller, both of Omaha. They
will return to their homes for the present
When your body la starving robbed by
Indigestion Dr. King's New Life Pills will
relieve and pure, at cents. ' For sale by
Bbermaa a atoCooaaU Drug Co. -
Fiftieth Anniremry of Republican Or t an
imation Celebrated at Philadelphia.
Ma Who Worked for Election
Fremont for President Jain In
I'erraionlea af flab
Leaanev - .
historic Musical hall the formal celebration
of the fiftieth anlversaiy. of the republican
party wss begun today. Delegations from
all sections of the .country sre here to
participate ir the golden Jubilee, a feature
of which Is the presence of nearly aged
men, veterans . of the republican party's
first battle fifty years ago, when John C.
Fremont was nominated for the presidency.
The convention celebration la .under the
auspices of the National league of Re
publican clubs, which is holding its annual
convention In connection with the Jubilee
Letter from President.
A letter of regret wss received by Presi
dent Moors from President -Roosevelt aa
I wish I could he present with you at
the golden Jubilee convention of the Repub
lican league, but as It Is lnfprjsalble will
you pleaee convey to the delegates present
my most hearty greetings, and I earnestly
nope mat tne National Republican league
will, have the same success In the future
that it has had In the past and will be able
to continue without check Its work for good
George B. Cortelyou. chairman of the re
publican national committee, sent the fol
lowing telegram:
I regret that I shall be unable to attend
the golden Jubilee convention. Please con
vey to the members of the National Re
publican league my congratulations and best
wisnes lor tneir prosperity. May they con
tlnue worthily to follow the standard of
tne great party whose prlnclp es and poll
cles have been for over half a century
mong the greatest factors lu our moral
ana material development.
Charles Foster of Lebanon, Pa., who
voted for Fremont and today celebrated
his 76th birthday, occupied a seat on the
atage with others of the "Old Guard.'
He brought an original Fremont and Dray.
ton flag, which he carried during the cam.
palgn. ' .' '
Rev. George H, Hall, D. D. O. of Caya
hoga Park, N. who' was at the con
ventlon which nominated Fremont, dellv.
ered the invocation opening the day's pro
President Roosevelt's communication
elicited enthusiastic applause and the con
vention decided to forward replies to the
president and to Mr. Cortelyou.;
Monument for Fremont.
The Convention authorized President
Moore tp appear on a committee to devise
plans or the erection of a monument over
Fremont s grave.
Tha following telegram was forwarded to
President Roosevelt:
Officers and delegates to the golden Jub
ilee, convention of the Republican National
league, are grateful to you for your cordial
greetings and slncrrely Tegret your Inabil
ity to Join In our .colebration. The spirits
of Fremont and Lincoln , still live and we
congratulate you on, a-onr. splendid chsm-
pionsnip or tne paste republican principles
of 1866 and Hut. : V-. -
A message was afsa.aent..; to George B,
Cortelyou. ' 1 '"
The convention then adjourned to meet
again tomorrow morning.
- Shaw Speaks la Evening
The day's celebration wound up with a
mass meeting at fheA'c'edemy of Music to
night, at which Secretary of' the Treasury
Shaw was the Jwlrtfclpal speaker. The meet-
ITlg was upeneu uy d. xiampiun iriuui e,
president. -f - -theNational Republican
league, who presented Governor Stokes of
New Jersey as 'th presiding officer. The
governor delivered a' sher spesch lit 'which
he felicitated the' republican party fo its
achievements. He was fallowed by Secre
tary 8haw, who said In part:
I have no desire to dlsguea the fact that
In a few localities there Is some restlessness
on the tariff Question. The Armrlean rxso
pie are like every other people: they grow
restless uiuier prosperity ana wellnlght dee
perate under adversity. .. .
Secretary Shaw briefly discussed the term
"Standpatter," saying Senator Hanna first
employed It In Its present significance In
1892, but said Senator Hanna did not mean
by that that the tariff should never- le re
vised. He continued: - , .
I have recognised that there are some In
equalities In the present tariff laws. If. I
could do It in a night I would make several
cnanges. But. while I have recognlxcd tha
the Dlngley tariff law, like any other larlff
law that ever will be made. Is Imperfect,
its operation has brought employment to
t very man willing to work and has secured
to every toller unprecedented compensation
we must adopt a principle ana then log.
lcally apply It. If It Is to be a tariff for
revenue only, then' let tariff for revenue
only be applied to the producers of citrus
fruits In Florida, to the producers of tex
tiles and other articles of apparel In Now
England and to the producers of wheat In
Dakota; but if it Is to be protection, then
let It be protection, to every Industry In
which our people are employed. Protection
Is not a local issue and the application of
protection must not be localised.
Conditions In Wyoming Are Fall, of
Bright Promises.
The crop report as prepared by the Bur
lington for the Wyqming district of that
road showed all crops to have been in good
condition last Saturday before the present
rain came to Improve all conditions. On
the Alliance division wheat waa showing
an appearance of needing rain, with some
Of the wheat headed out. On this division
oats were not In ss. good . condition as
might be, as they needed rain- Corp did
not make much progress last week owing
to the high ; wind, cool weather and lack
of moisture, but report says a good rain
would fix It all out, aa It Is getting rooted.
Potatoes on this division sre doipg well.
Grass and ranges are In good condition and
doing well. Tame grasses have suffered
from winds and lack of rain. Alfalfa, la
ready for the first cutting and will make
a good crop. The nighta have been rather
cool for growing crops, especially the corn
and the wheat have assumed a lighter color,
presumably from the cool, nights,
Wheat on the Sheridan division Is grow
ing nicely and promises a good crop. Oats
are growing very fast and promiae a good
crop. Potatoes are growing fast and doing
fine. The meadows sre in fine condition
and gram exceeds previous years, With
abundance of feed for all Kinds of stock.
About two inches of rain fell last week on
the Sheridan division, putting the soli In
splendid condition.
On the Sterling division wheat is in but
ialr condition on account ot needing rain
badly. In the vicinity of Venango and
Haywood wheat is suffering and at May
wood small grain Is considered almost a
failure. Oats are looking fairly well and
straw is good height. However, rain it
y Bit AINS
A Charming Breakfe,st Dish.
Find and read Tie BVoad Ta Well-rtVe-
In pkga. , .
sBssmmmmmmmnV 23a3naBaa9as!
need'd (o get heat results. Outlook for corn
s considered good and It does not sppear
to be suffering now, being 'Cultivated for
tha firet time, potatoes are In good condl-
Inn generally. In the vicinity of Wallace
they have been wilted by the hot wind.
Other parts of the division report good
prospects for full crop. A Urge part of
the beets were blown out of the ground by
he recent high wind and about one-half
of the acreage Is being replanted. Meadows
snd pastures are in good shape and reports
Indicate that the live stock Is In excellent
Crops on the Sheridan division are in
first-class condition and much better than
either the Alliance or Sterling division. All
kinds of stock fattening fast. Sheep shear
ing Is about over. Wool clipped exceeds
previous years. Shipments east for markets
should commence in about thirty days.
Vegetables Are Safe and Gardeners
Are Consequently Happy.
"The rain was worth hundreds of ool-
lsrs to lis."
So said the gardeners who brought
their produce to Market square Monday
morning. , All the later vegetables were
badly in need of rain, they said, and tho
enrly vegetables they had been bringing In
for the last week were not or tho bost
Now there will be a new crop of
rapid growth, for a tlnte at least, of pota
toes, tomatoes, corn and other garden
"I think the rain will Insure a crop or
potatoes," said Charles Trimble of J. K.
Snyder Co., wholesale fruit and produce
merchants. "Reports which
Indicate that potatoca on low lands were
Betting along nicely, . though on high
ground they were beginning to suffer. I
feel now that there, will be plenty or
garden stuff this summer. Radishes and
lettuce, of course, were ruined, but new
crops of these things are coming on."
Frank Rocco said conditions have been
about the same all over the state aa at
Omaha. He says there Is no doubt now
that a good crop of potatoes will be har
Big Sladdy Subsides 'After Reaching
Climax Sunday.
From present indication little danger Is
anticipated Irom the rise in the Missouri
river at this time. Considerable good work
has been done to keep the river from flow
ing into Cut-off lake and unless something
unforeseen happens it will not flow In this
summer. The river is now incnea
above lew water mark, or higher than at
any time last year when conalderabla
damage waa done by its flowing into the
lake. It had risen eight Inches in the
twenty-four hours prior to Monday morn
ing. The river la reported aa falling at Sioux
City and Blair, which should be apparent
here today.
A portion of the regular June riae In
the Missouri river -began to lift the level
of tha stream again, last Friday. It is
rather late in the season for a great change
in the Missouri above the normal.
Bolta af Llsrhtnlnsr Shock Residents
Near Twenty-Sixth and Capitol.
During the brief display of lightning
which preceded the rain, rcaldenta In fhe
neighborhood of Twenty-sixth street and
Capitol avenue were shocked by a bolt of
lightning which came without a flash. Tha
reports, two of them, were like those from
a cannon and came almost simultaneously.
Two balls of fire exploded,' apparently
throwing flame In every direction. Mon
day morning it waa found that a tree at
Twenty-aeventh -and Capitol avenues had
been struck and a large slab carried fifty
feet Into a neighboring yard.
Ohla Town Offers Every Modera Coa- 1
Tenlence for Elapers to
. ' Hitch If,
Toungstown, O., Mecca of the runaway
couples of Pittsburg and weatern Pennsyl
vania, aa well as those who are too shy. In
ths first blush of their matrimonial bliss,
to brave the chaffing and the gibes of
friends and boon companions, boasts some
of Cupid's most active, enterprising and
successful allies.
For two weeks advertisements have ap
peared In Pittsburg newspapers inviting
prospective bridegrooms to apply to
Toungstown people, who "will arrange
everything to conform to Ohio laws li
censes, clergymen, carrlagea secured with
out embarrassment ; everything confiden
tial." ...
Here is a letter that was received In
reply to an answer to the advertisement:
'Dear Sir: Fill out - the application for
marriage license, return It to ua and tell
us on Just' what train and what railroad
you will be. we will meet you at tne train
with a private carriage. Our fees for
everything, license, .private carriage, cer
tificate and preacher. In all, 110.
Fill out tha application and send tt to
us, with IS, and we will have everything
In readiness for you when you arrive.
"You will note that it la not necessary
to get parents' consent when bride-to-be is
over II years of age.
"My Instructions to you are the follow
ing: Inclosed you will find a little badge,
which you will wear on the right lapel of
your outside coat when you get off the
train, and. If you come on the Pittsburg a
Lake Erie, get off at Lake Shore Junction.
Of course, you want to let ua know be
forehand, so that I can be there to meet
"In order to keep this absolutely quiet.
It Is necessary tl)at you do not mention
anything of the kind to the railroad men
on the train, or you will get 'buncoed'
"I guarantee to keep this out of ths news
papers, and no publicity of any kind or
description mill creep In.
"P. 8. There were 1,500 couples from
Pennsylvania married here in 10S, 1,200 In
1804, without any newspaper notoriety."
Inclosed with all the nuptial lore is a
little brochure Issued by the Chamber of
Commerce of Youngstown, extolling the
virtues of that city as a manufacturing
and commercial center offering extraor
dinary advantagea - to newly married
A little Inquiry and a lUtle figuring at
Toungstown show the money-making pos
elbllltles of the enterprise. The legal fee
for Issuing s marriage license In Ohio Is
Tt cents. The buying of an engraved or
engrossed certificate is optional, as ths
blsnk furnished with the license meets all
legal requirements. There Is no fixed fee
for performing the ceremony where min
isters officiate, but a Justice of the peace
or magistrate cannot demand more thaa
11 A balance aheet for the matrimonial
agency would show a net profit to agency
ef tt 16.
The Lake Shore Junction referred to In
the letter of advice is some distance from
the downtown ststlons and business sec
tion of the city, and Is not frequented by
the hsckmen. The elopers csn use It to
excellent advantage In avoiding publicity
and la escaping the persistent downtown
bustlers Pittsburg Dispatch.
Vessel an Brush. -
FlUE I8I.AND. N. T . June II The Ital
ian steamer Vlnrenso Monnano. which went
ashore on Fire Island bar yesterday, was
lying broadside on the beach this morning.
The veesel's csptaln ceased throwing cargo
Into the sea during the night and road
every effort to free his vcsml. but was
unsuccessful. Life savers remslnrd mi
board part of the night. At an early hour
' 11
the queen
, ..1
in Popularity and Esteem, and Is now .ACCEPTED
as possessing: all the properties of an 'IDEAL ana
todsy the wind was in the east and the
weather threatening, with the sea iivras
Ing. The vcel is light and lint making
any water. There are thlrtv-hve men In
the -crew of the Bonnano and one passen
ger te aboard.
Postofflee Rulea and Record Broken
After the San Francisco
Karthqnake. One thing shout the San Francisco earth-
. . -
since the civil war Uncle Sam disregarded
entirely the postofflee regulations
On the morning of the. earthquake and
for several days "afterward people wrote
lettera and mailed them wherever thov
could, and the; postofflee employee who
stuck to it right through, collected, them
and sent them ahead without postage. let
ters wars written In pencil on scraps-of
paper, cuffs, collars and bits of gloves, but
all went.
There is a regulation of 'the Postofflee
department that any soldier or sailor In
active government service may have a
letter ' franked through without postage
by his officers snd It will be delivered, but
the recipient must psy the postage upon
delivery at the regular rate.
In the civil war there was considerable
confusion In the matter of franks. Some
times the recipient paid, and sometimes a
missive marked "soldier's letter" went
through without pay at the other end.
But since then Uncle Sam never delivered
any considerable body of mall free up to the
time of the San Francisco earthquake. Tt
measures the extent' of this calamity, the
confuelon into which a great city waa
thrown, that the postofflee ahould have cut
Its red tape In this particular. No regula
tions coveted the matter; It was a plain case
of horse sense on . the part of Postmaster
Flske and his sssistants.
The heads of the branch postofflces In
New Tork were puxxled to know whethor
to deliver these letters without payment
or whether to exact the ordinary 2 cents an
ounce aa In the case of the soldier letters,
n most esses they tet San Vranclsco letters
go free. New York Sun.
Wheat Bulls Hold On.
The rain did' not stampede the Omaha
wheat, bulla and very little waa offered
for sale on the local exchange Monday
"Rain or no rafn, wheat Is worth more
money, and I am going to hold onto'mlne,"
said A. B. Jaqulth, the biggest long. . "I
bought it before dry weather Came Snd
rn buy It today.",
George Patten, a bear from Chicago, waa
on the floor of the exchange Monday morn
ing. - He rubbed his hands together aa re
ports of heavy rains came from the whole
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
kMbaen nwd Inrerer BIXtVVFAIt br MflXIONfl
t) L" I, ,1.7' T bnilPlrcQ T Ui,,riM',: .1-
. .... ... .... . . l i-uu. . i 'r r . li. i . , , , ,
ii,uf nur iftjvn ine uijux aluib au rain t
kltrt WIND SUA 1. the bat muAt tnt
FTsISH the
tD COlifTi
L Hold bi IlmnlMa
in every pan of
i w arid. Be sure sad ask for
xweai'fin veate a Mettle. -.
All Orocen mad Dniggltta
The Osborne Company
of New York
wanta a, traveling representative tp care
for a territory where lta business is al
ready established and to increase it. .The
business Is the sale of art caiendara for
advertlalng purposes and the ordinary
type of traveling' salesman Is not
wanted. The demand la for a high-class
man of education and character who la
willing to work hard to make himself a
permanent position. Such a man will find
thia an attractive-business ' that will pay
much better than the average professional
career. A very young man la not wanted.
Experience would fee an advantage but It
is not abaolutely essential. Call on
' AXTObT fcOTEb.
Thursday, Jobs 8110 ta la.
.', Given by the Boyd
' For the
Wednesday, June
Postponed till Thursday in case of rain.
On aaJe at Myers-Dillon Drug-
Lindenwood College for Women ST. cYiahles mo- 1831-126
Diamond Jubilee Callers of tha West.
Jubilee College of the
at ion, Art and Domsi
' to a grat city. el
during last si fionl
n aoDlication. aVay. I
Music. Elocution, Art and Domestic Economy.' Physical arig twraKgtc Lncaiiwv
Accessibility to s grst city. Select patronage. Limited number of boarders. Bvery
room lakew tlurlng last school year. B'-atiilful location. Xleetrlo sae te Bi Ires,
Catalogue on auuhcauoo. Her. Oeege Vrederie Ayres. Fa. J. Free.
'. ' ' - f a
. ' 0
op table WATERS."
state and predicted 'that wheat would hi
considerably lowef before mah'y days. ''
The corn bulls seem to feel no ti'iore eon
cern on account of the rsin tKan does
Mr. Ja."lulth. They say It has been loo
low all spring. ..:;'' ,r
Railroad reports showed the ra'lri' con
tinuing Monday rnorhlng from Omaha' to
Juleslitirg on the Union 'Faclffo tid from
Junction City to Denver on ' the' Kansas
division. The Burlington reported rain
Monday morning on the Lincoln and'Wy.
more divisions and on th eastern part'of
the McCook division. ' ' .' "" 1 ; " '
Land Cases Postponed. -rj
WASHINGTON, June lS.-Justlre Gould
In. criminal court No. 1 today excused the
June Jury panel, announcing ' that" there
would be no more Jury trials t. tb!.' terftt.
This postpones the trials growing out of the
Investigation of. land deals 1n the- west
until fall. . . ,' . :
Relieve Your Hert
From over-work by cleaning ram the Blood
the poisonous waste products that accumiti,
lata in ths blood and clog U drclation.i
The chief of these poisons is uric add. Be
sides over-working the heart It often settles
in ths muscles and valves, causing organic .
heart trouble. Ths Symptoms are palpita
tion. Irregular pulse, poor circulation, difficult
breathing and diuiness. - -
n l these undeniable, facts, In. mind.
Vf II 11 you sse the folly of using digitals,
"'""holi stnehnins and other atimulants to
whip up an already over-worked heart, try-,
ing to fores the circulation at the risk bf rup
turing a blood vessel, producing apoplexy or
heart failure. ,'; ..
Dr. E. C. Scott haS demonstrated It to be
touch mors scientific and satisfactory1 toW
fievs the heart by clearing out of the blood
the poisons that cause the troubl. " '
E.I! l the Remedy erlgi
"lliTl"l"nOhated by Dr. Scott
for this purpose. It relieves ths heart by
making the poisons freely soluble so they
can be readily excreted by the kidneys.
A Frea Book of 64 pages by Dr. B- C.
Scott on the Ellmtno Treatment with every
bottle, or sent by mall on request. Ask your
druggist f or E-lim-l-no, 1 2-01. ft,. , Accept no
substitute. It has no rivals. . . -. r.,,f.
- Eu m no Medicins Cs Des Molitea, la.
Said at All Soda fountains -Pints
and Quarts for Family Trade
Sold by All Druggists and Grocers
. ... . ,. ... .,
..f..-. .: : '
Trade usplled by
eiill niiiffa latafa7''
The largest excursion 'steamer running "Wn
the Mississippi river will arrive at Osndha
about June 16th and. will make regular ex
cursions every afternoon and evening. The
Susan has one of the largest danolng floors
of any excursion steamer 'otl tha- river and
will be run strictly first class. . ' t ,
Nice Raspberries end Cream
-watkrmj:lonk ,j.c ,:, 1
Theatre School of-Acting; '
'";..-'."; t",
Benefit of '
,t '
, itt:-
20, at 7 O'i
Store,. 16th and Farnam Sts.Vj
Academic. Semiriarv anB roll see rennet
' j
f :