Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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J PI lllll
uirs Is An
The Kind of. Credit
That Is
Really Helpful
UR foremost thought is to make our Credit Service the greatest, possible
convenience to each individual customer. It, pays. What affecta the in
terests and well-being of our customers affects the interest and, well-be
ing of the Hartman stores. This helpful service encourages increased patron-
,Ypu will find our credit plan different from
others We have no special rules for you to
live up to When you buy of us we allow you
.longer time to pay, give you better wearing
merchandise, show you -larger varieties and
offer you better accommodations all around .
Yonr Mon- age and brings other customers. We work hand in hand with customers
s Worth have their interest at heart have your interest at heart.' We'll strive dili-
or gently to render to you the most helpful service witlnn'our jower if you make
even the urn a 1 lest iurchne here.
We'll give yon the help your cir
cumstances require depend on It.
a -4 " J.
' it xj 1,1 ill ea ; ,
i :
X few 1
cW J1 j E
Back f2UK-'i
Here VOTKz
k 4 - i i. i , -r .
l - - .Illt fii' T I i ,1
Lcos If You
We tare a complete line
"two-piece or Outing Suits.
In all the newest styles,
v at
Jump on EMty Writfit for Eicht ' Hits,
' -'Which Net u Kuj Runs.
Scores from Second
nit Infleld ' Hit and Wrangle
' 'Ensued with ' Umpire -l
' . Krrff.
HENVER; , Colo.. June 16 Omaha do
feated Denver; 11 to T;- by' pounding Wright
for eight' hits end eight runs in the. Mist
half of the ninth, with two out. There
a prolonged wrangle When Bender wna
called safe at the plate in scoring on an
Infield hit from second. . .uonritng, batted
-for Vnrif In the ninth' and Bender went tv
second-in Jhe Just' half: Score:
,H t.- an jj. xi tci' a p
jprntier, c-m .,...,.. I
Carter, rf :.-.;. .','... 8' , 1
Perrlng, Sb i-.a, I 5 .1
Welch, ct .'( . a
1 2
2 0 ft
4 01
i . : vv l
4 - 1
"1 1
Dolan. lb 4, n,,t,0, ,i
..rvuiimr, mm ,.4, ,,... e ,'l
Long, Zl, 3
Long, 2b,' ..,....',;.;.s ".'2. 5
Uondlng, o M, ...(..... 1 i. 1
Bandars, p 4,.. 1,- t
40 11
Mc Hale, cf 6 1
i)gle. 2b- i 0
Randall,"-rt i 0
Russell, lh . 4 0
Roddick.' m ......... ... t - t
H.-lden, If 4 1
J ,-HwIthV- . .,VJ,:.-.','S ',-?
Zaluskyj .V.Ji-. ...".'..
Wright, p 4 0
! TotaU ,
"-fJrnaha ....
.'44' 7
0 2 10
0 0 p 0 8-11
0 ,0 0 '4'tM- t
f jji w r:,,;i.... j o t;
r Stolen bases: Perrlng. J. Smith. Bacri
- flee hits: Dolan, Helden. First base on
flsalls: Off Bandera, 1; off Wright. 1. Struck
tout: , By Wright, . Double play:. Hu.
sell . (unassisted), ffime: . t:15. Umpire:
afa.tndanoetsXit,,. ( " . .
''TliaVjhiaiai (tir the Champa. .
' V-DKB MOINES, June' 16.-The Champloni
; made It three straight and a shutout to
top off with today. 4 to 0. Both teams
played' hard, fast ball,' but the Inability
,of the Bloux City players to hit Clcnue
Jt -critical Mines , prevented scoring. Jar
fTOtt waa hit frequently, and, though he was
"Wall supported, he was no match for Cl
eat ta at any stage of the game. Clcotte
f fanned six. gave no bases, no wild pilches,
;hlt m one and tlelded hl position well.
i i 3 3. 0
5 3 . .5 U
1 . 1. 0.0
2 1 2 . 8
15 27 ; 13 1
H. PO. A. ' E.
1 2 0 2
3,12 0
0 2 0 0
1 11 0 0
,2 0 3 0
' 2 2 0 0
2 ' 2 1 " '1
V3.VC 1 0
1 1 ' 0
15 ' 27 10 1
H. PO. A. K.
2,0 0 0
0 1 J 1
a i o o
1 10 3 0
2 7 10
1 10 0
2 I 2
12 2 0
124 0
W. Ji IS 1
. H. PO. A. E.
0 . X . 0 0
0 4 . 3.. 0
.!,! ts fr
1 t 0 0
0.1 1.1
t- .1 . J o-
0 01 0
1 0,10
24 n 1
ri o '2 o i
0 0 t 0 00
.CafTyn, (.,.
U'Laarv: Hb.
,Welday. cf
' lfxtor, lb
'.Towns, c
t!ogrtevr. rf
Andreas, ss
Magoon, i'b..
', Ckotte, p
j Tot
. AB.
"t '
f.'ampbeu, u.v.. .
IXobllt, cf.. 4
Weed,., ib , 4
.Itesa, c... I
Jarrott, p 1
.. a, .
Ie Molnei
filoux City 0 0 0
, Stolen bases: Hngriever t2),. Two-base
hiu: Cfcffyn, Wellay, Lexter, Andrnti,
Magoon, Nubllt. Ui.uble pUy: Weed la
Myerss,4rsp''ase on.baJi: OfT.,UrrottV
. Hit., bypUche ball; Wy Jarrott, ' 1.
, The ingredients of which S. S. S. -is composed, and the method of com
fining and preparing1 them so tht they gently and pleasantly build up and
trengtheti' every part of the. body, "make it the ideal-tonic-for a diaordered
condition of the system. Every one feels the need of a' tonic ' sometimes.
The ystem seems to get "out of gear, " the appetite beconuS fickle, the
energies are depressed, sleep is not restful or. refreshing, and the .entire body
has a nervous, worn-out feeling. When .the system is in this depleted, run
' down condition it must be aided by a tonic, and S. S. S. Is .tecognized every
where as the standard. Being made entirely of .roots, . Iverhs and barks
selected for their gentle action as well as their invigorating effect on th
system, it will not disagreeably affect any of the delicate members or tissues
43 do most of the so-called tonics ou the market which contain potash oi
oiue other harmful -mineral ingredient. These, derang. the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels or therwise damage the health.
S. S. S. tones up the stomach an J digestion, improves the apptie.. produces
refreshing sleep, rids the body of that tired, .r.un-dowa feeling, . and supplies
tone and vigor to the entire system. It re-establishes the healthy circulation
ti the blood, grt ts more promptly and gives better and more lasting results
than any other tonic, and because of its vegetable purity is an absolutely
wfmedu-ftie for young or old. S.' S. S. acts admirably in cases of dyspep
ti 'tMgetin' and other stomach troubles, arid after -using it that oncom-
i feeling of fullness, dizziness or. drowsine-ts, after eating, aro no
lc . felt. Kot only is S. S. S. the greatest of all tonics but possesses puri
fying and alterative properties, and if there is a taint in the blood it wiil
turomptly remove every trace and restore perfect health. In selecting your
tpnic for thi y ear do not egperiment but pet S S. S the reoognired standard.
' Iti$VlfTSfCitlO bo.,' A lULiTA, CXs
Cannot Afford
of those cool, comfortable,
colors and fabrics.
Struck out: By Cieotle. 1 Time: 1:20.
Umpire: Fuller. ..Attendance: .1,500.
Indiana Pile Ip Bite "core.
, PFEBLO, Colo.. June 16. Th Indiana
continued to fatten their batting averages
oft the Lincoln pitchers today and won
with ease by a acore of 8 to 3. Jones, who
was In the box for the visitors, was hit
for seventeen safe ones, many for extra
lses. Cook's and Ftske'e home runs In
the sixth were the features, while Messltt's
triple In the third with two on. bases was
responsible for a pair of tHllles. Morrison,
w)io was on the slab for the locals, kept
the visitors' nine hits well scattered. Three
double plays pulled off by the Indians were
the Mi ldltig features and cut off several
runs tor -the Llncolnltes. Cook's running
catch of Collins' high fly to short left field
was the most spectacular feature of the
game. TIkt name waa called at the end of
the eighth inning on account of darkness.
Bore :
-PUEBLO. - -
AB. R. Hi PO. A. E.
Cook, If
McUllvray, lb
Rliugart, 2b . ..
Melchior, rf ..
Blake, cf
Kiwert, 3b
Flske, ss
Mei-sitt, c ....
Morrison, p ...
. Totals
. 5
. 6
. 6
. 4
. 4
.- 4
. 4
-17 ' 23 U
' AB. R.
H. PO.
i. E.
i I
J. .0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 o
0 0
2 0
Fillmaw ss .
Wolf. If.
QuIllinrSb ...
Thomas lb .
Collins, rt ...
Ketcheni, -$t
Barton, 2b ..
Inran, c ....
Jones, p
.,.'.. 30 ,2i
' Wolf out, bunting third strike.
Pueblo 0 13 0 4 0 0
Lincoln J I I 10 O 0 -
Stolen bases: McUllvrtJ-', tlwert.. Sacri
fice hit: yuillin. Two-baa lilts: McGU
vray. Flake. Three-bas. hlf- . Messltt.
Home runs: Flske. Coow. Urst tas on
balls: .Off Morrison,. 2;, St. Jones. 3, .Struck
oit: - By Morrtson, l;i bt Joiu-g, l ..-Double
plays: Morrison to Mrssitt to Mcnilvray,
Flske to Shugart to McCSilvray. Bhugart
to -McGllvray to Flake. , Uft baacs:
Pueblo, S; Lincoln. Time: : 1:20. - Umpire;
Davis. Attendance, 1.QH0. . - , i ..
Staadlna; f the Trtnt.
Played. Won. - Lost.
' .6H
' :3ti6
Des Moines
Denver ....
Omaha . ...
Sioux City
Lincoln ....
Pueblo .'..-..
4Q (. ' 13
44 26 19
41 22 1
. IU i s
Games today: Omaha at Pueblo, Lincoln
at Denver, 8Ioux City at Des Moines. ; - ;
Wahoo Evens I p.
W.AHOO. Neb.. June 15. (Special Tele
gram. Wahoo turned the tables on Il.-ist-
lngs today and won easily, 5 to 4. V'ncent
allowed them hut four hi
nits, all in tne vecna
Inning. Outside of that inning but two
men eaw first base. , .Wahoo won In "the
ninth on Smith's double' and Wolta's drive
to the fence. Score:
Varman,' If..: 4 1 ' Harm., cf ... 4 ISO
Juhnaisi, c.4'1 1 1 tjenklna, tb..4 0 I ' 4 - i
slmodynea, Sb 4 III 1 Vt'alh, aa..., 4 t 1,1 I
Klrrhman. aa. 4 1 1 IRathbun. b.. 4 ! 0
Johnaon. lb.. 4 4 11 1 Hyde. lb.,... I 110
Smith, cf 4 t 1 0 Johnson, rf.,4 OK a
Wolla. lb ., t 13 0 0 PWeet, !- .... 1 4
Pralther, rt.. 4 Ofleney. If.... I 1 i I 0
Vincent, p.... 4 1 t ttirtd p 1 I Oil
Totala II I S7 12 t Totala 82 4M 14 4
'Johnson out on Infield fly. On out when
winning run scored. . i
Wahoo 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 1-5
Hastings 04000000 0-4
Earned runs: Wahoo, 2; Hastings, L Left
jon bases:- WahooA 12; -Haattngs r 9. Two-
oar iiiih:- nuiiiu, wuim. r irpr mjr tin
balls: Off Vincent 1: off Zarket, t Struck
o'ut :- 'By Vtnosenr. "7; y-7.a-ket, ' Sacrifice
hit: Bmlth. Stolon bases: Blmodynes,
Wolta, Kathbun. Ixiuble plays. (leaey lu
Jenkins." .I'mplre: Ryan. Time:- ,1:8s.
, -v - - '" " '
Games la Three-I Lessstt,
At Cedar Rapids Rock Island, 6; Cedir
Rapids. 4.
At Peoria Peoria. 4; Blooming ton, !.
At Davenport Dubuque, h; Davenport, 0.
ii uavenpori uunuqiie. n; uavenport, o.
U Springiield-t'pi.'liig'lelfl-l'ecgtur game
at Dotted.;, rain.'; --y ; ,V
L5.-THE a.
a --i o
4 0 0
3 0 3
4 0 1
4 0 1
4 0 0
3 1 2
3 0 1
3 1- P
to $15.
. Street
Windy ' City . Nationals Take Close and
Eicitinc Contest from Quakers.
Manager Walks,' la sacrificed to
Second by Hselnfeldt and
cores on Tinker's
1111. '
PHILADELPHIA, June 15. Chance s base
on balls. Btelnfeldt's sacrifice and Tinker's
single gave Chicago the only run scored
In today's game. Sparks and Lundgren
pitched good .ball and received excellent
support. Scot:
BH.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.E.
SUl. cf....4 Its OThom.p. et. I 1 1
Bhcknl. II. I 0 t 0 OOlessna. -b.. 4 110 1
Sihult.. rf...4 0 1 rourtnT. lb I t 11
Chnp. lb... STItu.. rf t Oil
tlnfl..b. I 11 OWtrd, ib....i 41 110
Tlnkr. 4 111 1 Ut... If.... 0 1 :
r-Tft, lb 41 1 1 ODoolln. .... 4 t I
Kilns. 4al -(. I 0 Dooln, I T 0 l"
LuiidgB-.f p. 'I o 0 I pgpirk.. p.,., I 9, 1 t
' BrmDnMr.. I T
Tiu..,...n-7 . :. ,.u.i.
i , ' TU1..;..S0 4 ST 12 -i
Batted for Dooln In the ninth. ' '
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Phllaxlelphla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Left oh Dases: Chicago, 7;' Philadelphia.,
7. Stolen bases: Slagle, Gleason, Tinker.
Bacrl des hits: Sheckard, Magee, Btcinfoldt,
Struck out: By Sparks. 4: by Lundgren. .
First base on hnlln- nir nurL. i. w
Lundgren, 6. Passed ball: Dooin. Hit'wl'h
pitched ball: Chance. Time: 1:45. I in
plre: O'Day.
I.eever To Mirk tor Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN. June 15. Pittsburg won the
second game of the series from the local
toaay. 4 to i. iever held the home teum
to two hits. Score:
B.M.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Beaumont, cf. 4 t 0 OTawy, Sb 4 .4 I 1 0
Oanlay, rf. .. 4 110 Batch. If 4 0 10 4
Clark, lf.... 0 0 0 0 Lumlar. rf...a'l 0 0 0
Wanr, as.. 4 114 OJordan, lb... 8 1 0 1
Naalon, lb...: 4 1 10 1 1 Malonay, ' cf . . 2 0' 4 0 0
Lrach. lb I 0 4 1 Bernm. r I 0 V 14
Blloh.y. lb.. I 1 4 ( 0Alprman, !b I 0 14 0
Oibaon, e 10 4 1 OLawli. I 0140
Lmvw, p.... I 1 1 OPaaiarlua, p. i 0 0 I 0
, Hummel ....1 0 0 0 0
Totala II 4 IT II 1 .
. Total i. t Tl 14 1
Ratted for Pastorius In the ninth.
Pittsburg 010' 200010 4
Brooklyn 0001 '0 0000 1
Two-base hits: NealoV Leever. Three-
base hits: Nealon. Lumlev. Stolen bane!
: Uapley. Pouble plays: Alperman to Lewis
I " xuiuon. nucnry to uioson. ueft on
pases: IMttshurg. 2; Brooklyn, 1. First
Dae on oana: utT fastorlua. 2; off Ieever,
1. Struck out: By Pastorius. S; by Leever.
t. Time: 1:22. Umpire: . Carpenter.
Hlta aad Errors Baaehed.
BOSTON, June 15 A combination of er
rors by Cincinnati and timely Jutting by the
home team won the game for Boston to
day. t Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Brldwall. aa
Tenney, lb
Brain. .3b....
Hatre. ct....
Howard, If..
Dolan, rt...
Brown, r...
Strobe), lb..
4 10 4 0 Huia-ln. lb.. 14 14
4 1 II
4 48emour, cf.. 4 110 4
1 4 Kelley. If.... t I I 1 4
0 4 Warry. lb.... 4 111 1
0 Iielalianty. lb 4 1 I I 1
1 Corcoran, aa.. 4 1 I I I
1 VOdwell. rf.... t 0 1 1 1
10 4
I 1 Srhlet. k .
1 4 Praaer, p
,. 4 4 1 i 0
.14 1 1 1
..1 4 4 4
.14 I 14 14 4
Lindaman, p. I 4 4
Total St T rt 11 1
"Batted for Fraser In ninth.
Boston .. 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 J
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01
Three-base hit: Brown. Stolen bases: Cor
coran, Dolan. Bases on, balls: off l.ln.ln
man.- S. Struck out: By Lindaman, 6; by
Kraeer. 1. Time: 1:42. Umpires; Emslie
ana conway.
New York Wlai la Eighth.
NEW YORK. June 15 The New York
team won by a narrow margin from St.
Louis today. The winning tally was
made with two men out on Krennahan'
douhle, two battery errors and Dennett's
misplay. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Bream ban. c( j 14 4 Baanett, It., lllll
Strang, rt I 1 1 4 Sneni.ou, If.. 4 1 I 4 4
MrUaaa, lb.. 4 1 IS
M.nea. If 4 10
bahloa. aa... 44
bevlla, lb... 11
Gilbert, lb... 4 11
Bow.raian, e 4 4 I
Maikewaoa, -I I I
0 tmoo. cf.... I 1
4 4 Berkley, lb.. 4 I
1 0 Arndt. lb 4 I
1 0 Haelakt'r. rf. I
I 1 M'Hrld.. aa... a 1
i 4 Brady, t I 1
I ITay'or, p.,... 4 If
4 4 4
il 1 4
1 I 4
4 14
0 4 0
Totala.. '....U I 27 If 1 Totala Si I 24 12 l
New York o o : u u n a i i '
St. Louis o 1 o a u v o o o l
Left on banes: New York. 14; St. Ixjula.
11. First base on balls: off Mathewaon,
4; off Taylor, a Struck uut: By Mathew
eon. . J; ' by Taylor, i. Three-bjae hit:
Mertes. Two-base hit: bresnnhun. Sac
rifice hits: HoeUkoetter, McBndr. Stolen
nasvs: Uetlln, ailbert. Hit by pitcher: I
By Taylor. 1. empires:' Johnstons and I
tv.ier.i. iime: 1:4a
Staadlaar f the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pot.
Chk-agu ......
Pittsburg ....
New York .,
St. Louis ...
Brooklyn ...
Cincinnati ..
Boston .......
.. 64
.... 61
.... 64
.... 67
.... hi
.... 64
.r. 67
.dna i
Games today
Pittsburg st
Cincinnati at -Boston
t lii-ago at
delphla. St. lx)ui at New Y'urk.
Keeahmen lie teat trailrni),
CRETE. Neb., June la. ( fl(ecial. A u ln
tereallng game of tuse ball t'Hk ulace this on the Dos lie Athl-tic park be
tween the freahiuen and the academy. The
former were victorious by the atxne of ti
to 1. ' Freshmen battery. Hartwoll and
Kingaton; academy battery, la Kue and
BtvliSua. tnipire: prof. JUUuii. ihc
I 1
It . has the new folding con
struction. Very pretty design,
roll pattern, fancy woven, reed
body..- The. reed. used. In, this
cart is stiperfln quality.. H
12-inck wheels -with - heavy
cushion rubber tires, beat steel
gearing, . with parasol. -
Terms, tl Cask; 10c Weekly.
$25.00 Worth; $2.50 Cash, $2.00
a Month.
$50.00 Worth; $5.00 Cash, $4.00
a Month.
$100.00 Worth; $10.00 Cash, $8.00
' a Month.
larger AaaoiBts,-ProportloMft Terms. v
sopohomores defeated the freshmen, 9 to
8, last i Tuesday.' Another game will be
Slayed between these 'two classes Monday,
une IS. ' V"' ,
Cleveland Defeats New York
Movea Ia4 Flrat Place.
CLEVELAND. ''June 16. Cleveland took
first place In thi 'American league today,
defeating New" YorK for the third time
this reries. J Tfie game was an errorlt-ss
one, Cleveland Winning 'on Its long hits,
seven doubles and a triple. Lejola made
three double -ttd 'Olarkson waa knocked
out of the hog.! In,-the sixth Inning. Two
ot Cleveland. rguli Bay. and Turner
are crippled.- Store.-',. '
ClXVEljA!fl!). ..! . - NEW TORK. '
B.H.Olat.i '- . ,- B.H.O.A.E
Flk-lc cf.;a.. S V, 4 rt tteelet. rf . ... 4 4 I 0
r)c cf.;k.. S V, rteelt. rf.... I 0
igalton, rt L ai-ai enroe, aa. 4r I-4- t
veil, Jh.,. 4 ' l.i I , thaaa., lb., 4 A ..
lota7W:.4.l'lM0'oUporta. ..'.'.4,1 0 1
iu&u, lb. I 0 ri Vllllam. - Sb 1 2 0
kon. If...-''-1,'"1 'o pelehanty. If S I 0
Cengalton, rt 4
Bradley, tb.. 4 ' 4l -I Hoffntns. cf.. 4 I 0
Bemla.' t...'.. 4 '1 't 4 Klelnim, c. 4 I'll 4
Juea. r-.'..... I 1 1 1 t( litim, p.. I 0 1 1 4
. i- -ii. Lroy, p. ..j.. 1 .4 4 J O
Total.. a.. 14 tHt 14 A
' .s- - Totala. .....U 114 11
Cleveland' .'...'.,. 01 1 0' 0 10 2 i
New York 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Hits: Off Cihfkann. 8 In five and one-
Hartroan's flo
Cart, Complete
A ii S iiiiii n IIT - KMMt I
third Innings; oft -Leroy, 4 In two and two- ; ir?"- " " :
thirds innings. Two-base hits: Lajole ),'"""'- J
Flick. Ptovall. Rossman, Bemls, Wllllam. , if ; ,
Three-base hit; Jackson, ftacrince nus: i pbvie. lb.,.. 4
Rossman, Pelehanty, Williams. Stolen ' Burke, Jb.... I
base: La port e. First base on balls: OIT,j gulan, et
Lcrov. 2. Left ' on. bases: ' Cleveland, S: rtanti, p..... 4
Naw Tork, fi. Struck out: By Joss, r.
by Clarkson, 1; by Leroy, 1. Time: 1:39.
Umpires: Conaor and Hurst.
Detroit fs Slint Oat.
DfTTROlT, Jurle 15. Detroit could d.)
nothing with Dygvrt. Donovan was hit
hard In three innings. Apart from Dy-
gert"s pitching the contest; waa featbra-
K.U.O.AH, . B.H.O.A.E.
Hartael. If... 4 t t V 0 Jonae. cf 14 14 4
Armbrat'r, ct 4 1' f 4 4Undaay, ib..4 I t
Da-vla. lb.... 4 ' 1 II 4 -'0 Crawford, lb. 4 4 I
Ixrl. Tf. 4 t 1 4' SMrlntyre. If. 4 1 0
Murphy, lb... 4 '1 4 4 t Cobb. rf. .. . . 4 t 1
f ro... ai .... 1 0 4 4 4rushlln, lb. I 4 1 4
Knlsbt, lb... 141 OO'leary, aa.. 1441
Schick, t.... 4 1 4 t -IWarner. c... I f 4
Oyset. p....: I 0 , I ODonoran, p... 114k
Totala.... ..11 IJtU X . Totala 24 I IT II 1
PhiladelphU .........0 0 112 0 0 0 04
Detroit- ...i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4)
Two-baae"hltsr Murphy, Schreck. Three-
hii hit: ltartsel.i Sacrifice bit: Cross,
Stolen bases: MurDhv Vil. Cross. First
luise 'on ball: -'Off Donovan, 3; off Dygei-t,
2. Left on bases- Detroit, 5; Philadelphia,
4. Struck out: By Donovan, 7; by Dygert,
4. Double play; Cross, Murphy and Davis.
Time: 1:20. Umpire: O'Loughlln.
. Washington Ontbats Chicago.
CHICAGO, June 15. Washington out hit
Chicago in the final game of the aeries and
won-by 10 to 2.- Smith opened for Chicago,
but was hit-hard, and Owen was s-nt In
to- check Washington, but he had to retire
In favor of Fiene. Score:
- . . R M n -A K. B H O. A a
Kill, lb s.... I t 2 411abn. It I 4 114
hulaay, - b.. 4-1 i Or. Jonea. CI..I 1 I 4
1 1
t I
I 7
0 I
0 4
0 0
1 .4
Stalil. lb .1,110 1 Olabell, 2b 4
Anderson, If. I I 1 A Ol'.vl. . 4
Hickman, rf. I 4 1 4 ODonohue. lb.. 4
Altlaer. aa . , I III 1 0 Nalll. rt...4
C. Jonea. rt . 6 I 1- I 1 Sullivan, r. .. I
Heydon. t' I 1 4Tannehlll. lb. I
Falkenberg, p4 I t 4 0 Smith. -4
Owen, p 1
ToUle......Jt lfc-fl 14 IFIene, p I
ToUl 11 ai 2
Chicago ..
.10000001 0 3
.01404100 0 10
- Hits: Off Smith. 4 in two snd
Innings; on Owen, 3 in two-thirds or an
Irtnlnff- nff VI -n k in six lnnlnera Twn.
- - - - - -- -- - .
base hlta: - Hickman, Anderson. Sacrifice
hit: Altiser. Stolen base: Mill. Double
nlavs: Isbell to-Davis to Donohue. All laer
to Bchlafiy to Stahl, l)avis to Isboll to
Ionohue. Struck out: By Smith. 1; by
Fiene. 3: bv Km Ikenliera. 2. Passed hell-
Sullivan. First bases on balls: Off Smith
t; off Flen..l; off Falkenburg. 6. Hit with
pitched ball: Mil. Altiser. Time: 1:42.
Umpires: Evans and Connolly.
Boston Wlna on a Flake.
ST. LOUS, Juiic 15. A ludicrous mlxup
on rarant's pop- fly in the fifth Inning
scored two runs sud put Parent on third.
from her he scored the winning run on
a long fly. Four fielders fell without touch
ing the ball, it going for a thie-base hit.
The final acore was St. Louis. 2: Boston, t-
B.H.O.A.E.' B.H.OA.B.
Parent, as... 4 111 2 Hartaell, lb. 4 0 1 1.1
8tabl. cf...,. I i 1 4Joea, lb.... I 2 111
Crtmehaw. 4 4 4 I Stone, If 4 114 0
Selbaca. If.. 4 110 4 Hemphill, cf. 4 I 2 1 1
a erne, -2b.... I 4 14 Wallace, aa.. I 4 2 14
Haydea. rf... I 1 4 lO Brlf. Jb.. 4 4 14 4
Olaae. 2b 4 4 111 Nilee rf 4 1 I 4 4
bAnnbmat'r, il 114 I .1 O'Cot.noT. a.,4 I I 1 4
YSUAS. .!... 41 OJacobaea. p.. 1 4 4 I 4
, ' eRIckay 1 4 4 4
Totala. 12 127 11 4Peltr. p 4 4 4 1 4
1 4 4 4 4
Totala I :7 W I
i lltted"for Jacobsen In seventh.
i 'Butted fr Pelty in ninth. '
I Boston ..j 0 0 0 S t 0 0 1
j c-t. aiU 0 0 1 0 V 1 0 0-J
Earned - runs: St. Louis, 1; Btston. 1.
Twj-baee tuts: Stahl. Jones, tieltjach.
Armiiiatter. Three-base hits: Stone.
Parent. Sacrifice l.lts: , Jaccbaen. i'crna.
Stolen bases: Patent. Jones. O'Connor.
Stone, HtPH.Mll. NlWs. HI: i. i,itt bed
ball. By Young. Junes. First base on
ball; Off Pelty, 4. ilUuik out.
AKH chair
In polished mahogany
finish, with broad com
fortable back handsomely
carved. lxos cushions
covered with heavy Im
ported velour and secur
ed to the chair by silk
cords with tassels.
Special in. 1 f
e- Onr o w a eirlualra
4Ml(n, vary hand
aoma. Mad wltb beautiful
ornamented . )olnta,. -poat kooha
and chllla. Thla bed la In
toned In three coata of thor
oughly baked-on enamel and
ran be bad la any of th
popular colors.
i j a ii a s in I
BrueaeU Rtlg,
These rugs have
Be ftHBwBaa
Jacobsen, 4; by Pe.lty, 2; by , Young, 8.
I'itchlng record: Off Jacobsen,' 6 hits, 3
runs, in seven Innings; off Pelty, no hits,
no runs, in two Innings. Left on base;
St. Louis, 7; Boston, 4. Time: 1:52. Um
pire: Sheridan.
Standing: of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost.
Cleveland 47 19 18 .. .617
New York 61 HI 20 .
Philadelphia 60 X0 30 .tino
Detroit 4 IS '.'i Mi
St Iouls 51 2b' 25 .510
Chicago 48 i3 .25 .4'9
Washington 50 18 32 HSO
"Boston 61 IS ' .a-4
Oames today: Washington at 'St. I.ouls,
Philadelphia at Cleveland. New York at
Detroit, Boston at. Chicago.
Kanaaa Cltr Defeats I.onlsvlll byfand witty br Hie second
. " ' Opportune Itlttlna. '
LOflSVILLB. Ky.. June 15 Kansas City
defeated Louisville today by batting hard
with men on bases. Frants held the locals
safe at aH times. Perrlne's batting was a
feature. Stovall was put out of the game
In the eighth, for disputing a decision.
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
1 4 0 4 IHallman. If.. 4 2 14 01
4 0 0Stor.ll, if. ... 4 1 3
4 0 OKenna. rf.... I 0 0
4 0 0 Rra.haar, th. 6 4 I
1 0 OSulllvan, lb.. 4 0 11
2 10 Kerwin, rf... i 1 0
1 1 1 Woodruff. Sb. f. 1 I
I ORbaw, c...... 404
0 0 OQulnlan. aa.. 4 2 0
0 1
-I 4
1 4
1 0
0 0
1 4
4 1
Wolf, p 4 10
.11 II 27 10 4
Totala 41 10 24 15 I
Kansas City J2 0 00300
Loulavllle ........... 10010001 04
Three-baae hits: Waldron, Perrlne,
Leahy. Two-base hits: Wolf (2), Perrlne,
Woodruff. Sacrifice hits: B. Sullivan tl!),
Leahy. First base on .balls: Off Wolf, 2;
off Frants, 1. Struck out: By Wolf, 2; by
Frants, 1. Passed balls: By Shaw, A Hit
by pitcher: Burke. Left on bases: Loula
vllle. : Kansas City, 7. Time; 1:50. Um
pire: Kane.-
Colimbna Wins from t. Paul.
COLt'MBt'S. O.. June 15. Flaherty held
St. Paul to three hits while the champions
V . . . 1 t. . . I. Jn.iliaa n a r, . I Hlitcle. fm-lv.
1 Sugilen accidentally spiked Plckerlng-s right
: hand. In another collision with Klhni
"T - Sugden was knocked senseless, but was
able to resume., score: ,
B H O A K.
Plrkerlnz. cf. 4 0 0-0 OGeler. 2b
...4 0 1.2 0
t'lym.r. if
I t u usugaen. jd... .
I I S 1 VeuZant. rf. 4
110 OFrlak. rt 4
0 12 0 0 Wheeler, lb,. I
110 0 Km-k'Seld, Ml
0 4 11 Pierre, If I
1 1 i 4 Drill, c I
1 4 S 4 Hui hanan, p. 1
0 01 SLaie, p 1
110 0
12 0 1
V 2 0 0
0 4 0 1
0 12-1
12 4 0
0 4 0 0
0 4 14
0 0 14
Wrlley. 2b
Hlncbinan, rf I
Klhm. lb.... 2
Cnottar, If... 5
Krlel. lb 1
Hulawltt, aa.. 4
Kyan. c 4
Flaherty, p.. 4
Totala 14 1127 11 ' Totala 0 I 24 I S
Columbus 0 0 fl S'l -'.1 1 .
Bt. Pau 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Stolen bases: Frtel 2, Hlrchman. Sserl
' flee hits: Kihm, Frlel. Buchanan, lrlrst
base on halls: Off Buchanan., 3; off Slagle,
I '
Struck out: By r laneriy, a; oy nucn-
nnun 'I- hv biaKie. 1. inilinsn putijru.
Buchanan. Ave and one-third: Slagle, two
and two-thirds. Hits: Off Buchanan. 2; off
Slagle, 8. Time: 1:50. I'mplre: Haskell.
Brewers Defeat Hooalera.
INDIANAPOLIS, June 15. Errors by In
dianapolis, combined with tlmelyehlttlng by
the visitors, won for Milwaukee today.
H u O A.I. ' B H O A t.
1 Robtnaon. aa. It 4 2 I SVinaan. rf ... 6 1 0
Oreen. rf 4 I 1 0 0 J. t'arr. aa... 4 1 I I 1
i Clarke.' lb. .. I 1 4 3 0 Hlinn. cf 4 10 0 0
Bateman, in. a in a i i.arr, id., o . i.
! Hemphtil. ot. S 1 4 0 Atherton. lb. 4 0 2 I 0 ,i. . . I 1 0 0 Perry, lb 1 0 1
uii-nMn.r. 11 . i i v v fy.iiuw. ...... .
Mi-l-heaner. If 1 1 1 0 0 Kahoe. c 4 1 4 1 0
t-'orm'k lbt 111 OMarran. 2b.. 4 2240
1 Hvnea. p.' I 10 2 OHart, p I 2 0 4 1
' riheriin. a 1 1 4 0 Fthr. n 0 0 0 0 0
Totala 14 11 n II 1
0 0 4 4
.37 12 27 SO I
Batted for Fisher In the ninth.
Milwaukee 0 2 0 0 1 0 4 0 3-10
Indianapolis 0 1 1 2 0 0 3 0 18
Hits: Off Fisher. 2 In two innings; off
Hart. 10 lit seven innings; off Hyni-f, 11 In
six and ono-tnird Innings; on Oherlin, 1 In
two and two-thirds innings. First base ou
balls: tiff Hurt, 6; off Fisher. 1: off liynes.
1; off Olierlin. I. Struck out: By Hart. 2;
by Fisher. 2; by Hynes. 2; by Oherlin. 4.
Wild pitch: Hynes. Hit by pitched hall:
By 1; by Hart, 1. Three-base hits:
Marcan. Vinson. J. t'arr. Home run:
McCheeney. Double plays: Clarke to Mc
t'ornilt k to Bateman: McCormtck to Rob
inson to Hatcnun; Hart to J. t'arr la C.
t'arr. Left on bases: liulixnapolis. 7: Mil
waukee, 7. L'mplrea: Sullivan and Owen.
Time: 180.
Game Postpone.!.
At Toledo Toledo-Minneapolis game;
Standing of the Teams. -
Played. Won. Lost.
Milwaukee ...
Columbus ...
Kanaaa City
St. PauJ ....
Indinapoll' .
. 67
' Gamea today: Milwaukee at Imlinnn polls.
Kanaaa City at l-ouiaville, St. Paul at
Columbus. Miancapolis at Toledo.
Gleawooal Defeats 4 adeta.
GLE.VWOJl la. June -15. (Special
The Huh B lionl t'arlet twae lu.ll ..f
( CourM.ll filuffs u UcfteUoJ ht i today by
Heavy substantial cabi
net, chsreoal psxked and
lined with galvanised
Iron, removable metal
shelves and other sa Hi
lary Improvrmenta, has
most perfect scientific
i cold-sir circulation.
i'i a i
no miter seams. frpeclat No. 3
All wool and worsteds, handsome, -. tm, bd la ' of a
exclusive patterns with most beau- Try . popular daelsn.
tifully blended colorings. : Espe-; .rtVSii Ymi. sid e. T b
dally made for the Hartman-. had In any of the. sew e
. stores; closely woven and of won-, alrabt rolora. Thla offrlni
derful , durability. damonntretee th wonderful
m . ,,, , , prlr power of th great Han-
TermS, II CUB; 50C Weekly. , man orianliatlon.
Olenwood High, 1" to 7. Will Donelan um
pired. -This was the .-first-game on , Glen
wood's new enclosed grounds. - , .
Clash Between Dahlmai'i Cowpgach.
era a ryl Ryder's rilffdwellers.
Saturday afternoon the "Cowpunchers"
and the "Cliftdwellera" will . collide-in a
variety of the great national sport at Vin
ton Street park, which Pa Kourke has
kindly loaned for the occasion, seeing that
no admission will be charged, -la the-absence
of gate money the game Is to he
for blood. The "Cowpunchers" represent
the athletic flower of the City hall, while
Jack Ryder's "CllfTdwellers" hall from 'the
rnnrt i. house altitudes. - Richard Orotte.
clerk In the building department, conferred
the appellations, thinking to honor Mayor
uaniman o.r.ine nrst anil De both satirical
nd witty br ;Uie second -. ..n
Mayor Dajalman la expected to rraci the
occasion and do a bit of umpiring now
and then, beaides running, the "Cowpunch
ers" from the benih. ,
This Is the,Ilne-up
City Hall. . Position.
Court House. '
...'. Seward
,. Tre
.' Solomon
...... . Moriarity
...C. ......
... P......
... L
... M
...R. ......
Flynn ....
Whitney .
Jcllen .
Hartley ..
McVea ...
Lynch- ....
Mails .'...'.
Iowa League Keaolts. -
MARSHA LLTO WN, Is.. June 15.-(Spe-cial
Telearnm.) Following are the results
in the IoV-a league:
Marshalltown, ; Oskalonsa, 3.
Burlington, 11; Boone, 3. ' .
Waterloo. Ii; Keokuk, 2.
Fort Dodge, 16; Ottumwa, 3. Called 111
the eighth, on .account of darkness.
r.rand Island.' M'laa In Math.
KBARNKY. Neb.7 June 16. (Special Tele
gram. ) Kearney and Grand Island played
a hoss game of ball today' and Kearney
loist by a score of 1 to 6. Grand Island
was beat up to the last half of the ninth,
when they made' four runs. Batteries:
1 0
The Reliable Specialiotq
Dcct Methods of Cure
' We iiave devoted years of study to the best methods of curing - private dis
eases and weaknesses of men. spending thousands of dollars in researches,
evolving a system of treatment which Is a safe cure for skin, nervous, blood and
private diseases and weaknesses or men.
and thousands today Join in thanking us
ability has opened up for them. Come
ties associated witn private etseaeee. -"-" wit.
The State Medical Institute is established for the benefit of suffering men;
for the purpose of curing the terrrlhle diseases and blighting weaknesses that
destroy men s mental and physloal powers, making them until for wvrk. feua
tneaa. study or marrtagt. and depriving them of the social duties and piaasurea
of life as well as marital happiness. If you wish to be saved and restored to
health and strength, with mental and pb retool powers complete, come to the .
men's true specialists and learn your trus condition. Get the light traaUneat
first and be safely and thoroughly eured.
-useieaaai . Are TO IT one ef the many thousands of WBAK MEN, and do yw
.wish te be ceired? Multitudes bring on themselves the horrors of a
l """" life-long dlaeaee by unnatural habits. Thousands and thoneani
of men are prematurely old and diseased through eacesses snd unnatural
drains, which sap th very foundation ef life,- deetroy their health and
strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing where to
anplv for a cure, many of the sufferer
remorse and humiliation, going from bad
many "Free Treatment - ana . "wuica-cur ' scneoies. .
We cur safely snd thoroughly
Stricture, - Varicocele, Emission,, Nerrvo-Soxu&l . Debility,
Im potency, . Blood Poison , (Syphilis).. Rectal,
. Kidney and Urinary Diseases.
and all d'aeaax and weakneoMes of man due to evil habits, egessssa, aelf.
abuse, or the result ef speeiflo and private diseases.
1303 Ttnxuxx Et., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Solid Oak
Mads of ' solid oak. with
beautiful finish: 1s of sups,
tlor workmanship and thor
oughly guaranteed. Has ex
tra large French hevel mir
ror, swell front top drawer
and elegant carvings.
Terms, $1 Cash; SOe Weekly.
rr-f n nftissg-in iftnrl
America's Largest Complete
More business is done by
the Hartman organization
than by any other store or com
bination of stores in America
Kearney. Welsbrod and JCalusky. Grand
Island, Crable and Tnwnscnd. I'mplre: Pan
dergraft "'
Braves He feat folta et Field . Club S
' Golf Tbarsday Alrrrranoa. 'h"Ha.
Euclid Martin and hie burly-""Brave'
defeated Howard Baldrige's Coifs at golf
In the game for members of the Comnier- I
clal club executive -commltt at the Field 1
club Thursday afternoon. The game was
played by points, one for the . first nine
holes, one-for i the second nine, and one
on general results.! Mr. Martin's team
scored 16. against the .othev team
K. K.- Brtice, Charles Pit-kens -and W. 8.
'Wright came In, announcing that they had
made remarkably low scores and were
ready to challenge any three men in town.
Mr. Bruce had a score of 79, Mr. Plrkens
(a!and) Mr.-' Wright . rfThe nthert mnuiieia
of the - committee worn overjoyed at the
success of the- trio until It was learned
that ther had played only nine holes. In
stead of eighteen. Mr. Wright said he
thought nine holes was all. anybody ought
to ask a fat man to play.
After the game, dinner was-served at
the-expense of the defeated team. The
victors sat at a table, at, which a huge
bunch of ox-eye daisies served, as a center
piece,, while the crestfnllen Cnlte were
compelled to range themselves around a
table decorated with cabbage, parsnips and
string of Wienerwursts.
Following is the score:
Sanborn ".
' Total
I Colts, , '
. 2Bldrige ,1 a
. 0 m wrte .... : -,.,.
. 1 Pickens :..:
. S Yetter .....i.'i..
. t Hurkett' .........
. 0 Beaton
. Ot'Brpentrr ......
. .Uudson
. 'tColt ;
. It Kiplinger ......
i Kellv
. ft Fry
,.16 Total
Many Children nrace4.
Many children have been rescued by Dr.
King's New Discovery for'.. Coughs and
Colds. Guarantee.- Soc'and $1. For -sale
by Sherman A'McConnrll Drug Co,
Slu. 1
t- tn-at every case en its own merits,
for the new lease of life eur skill and
to us and we will spare you the penal
silently suffer on. loaded with dis
to worse, or they experiment with loo
"iieiyii't'i iiiiii urn Hi I I
r , fi
i : ,- , -.. V ;