Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Tin Imurance Schedules. Will Go Up from
Fifteen to Fifty Per Cent.
ooa laspertor Finish mark
to Rlock (mum Vw Table
Will lata, Effect
la Ornaba.
Increase of from 16 to 60 per cent on
thirteen Important fire Insurance classifica
tions decided upon by the Western Insur
ance union at Chicago are to be. promul
gated In Omaha ss soon ae Inspector! fin
ish a block by block canvass of the com
mercial districts and work out the read
justment. From thirty to forty larce mercantile
stocks are to be hit bard by a raise of 20
per cent over existing- rates. The packing
houses are to be boosted S per cent, ele-
VfttAn und finhUntk Inn . .. w
vH , y " trui, uwui
and shoes per cent, churches 20 per cent
and colleges, and school 25 , per cent.
These are fhe principal advances to af
fect Omaha, To offset them local Insurance
men say they expect an equalisation that
will reduce premiums on substantial seml
flre proof buildings and. what are known
as "flint class risks." No reduction Is
promised for residences or contents because
It Is alleged these are as low as can be
written. The union, which is the supreme of rates. Is still busy figuring on
advances ot decreases on certain classes to
be announced soon.
nesalt of Heavy Losses.
A prominent Omaha Insurance man, who
did not want his name used, said:
"The new rates are the result of analyses
of losses over the Western Union Juris
diction for the last five .veurs. It has been
found that In some classes the losses are
disproportionate to the rates charged and,
based on actual facts, should be advanced.
On the other hand other classes have been
found rated too high and to be bearing the
btirdons of the poorer risks. The Hayden
Bros, tire was a good example with a tre
mendous loss n the stock by water and
1100 worth of damage to the building.
Pncking houses have always been written
l a flg'iire that made them almost profit
less. V , "
,"We will not be able to tell In Omaha
whether the: readjustment means more or
less money to the people of Omaha. Un
spectors are now going over the buildings
and stock, blink by block, and as rapidly
as a. block Is finished the new rates will
be promulgated for It."
Eighteen states Affected.
The action taken by the Western Union
nffects eighteen states west of the Alle
gheny mountains and east of rb.e Rockies,
?xcept five lcrge cities that !iave ltfcal
ooards of fire underwriters. Omaha Is not
jne of them. j s
It la' said the advances Are calculated, to
cover expenses of operation rising from
40 per cent and yield a per cent
profit on the business done In each clsss.
Thirty-seven other classes are declared
to lie "unprofitable" at present rates. .and
a committee of the union Is now working
on these. One of these classes Is hotels,
restaurants and saloons, which are de
clared to bo especially bad risks. Saloons j
may be put In a class by themselves. Cheap
theaters are esld to have been very bad
proro-itlons from the Insurnnne view point.
The committer s still collecting data on
these and other classes.
Campaalea See the Money.
Chairman Oeorge W. I,iw of the West
ern Union Is quoted as saying the condi
tion of th companies that bore heavy
losses In the Ran Francisco fire made a
higher rate absolutely necessary If the
concerns were to be kept Intact. He also
said that it had been decided that bad
risks must be forced Into the profit-yielding
Following is the new schedule on the
thirteen classes, the loss ratio being the
Loss Ratio. Inc.
Colleges and schools 73. M 25
Churches , 70.H0 20
Hoots and shoes , 9J.00 1
Elevators and contents '....70.00 20
Flour, feed and grtst mills 70.00 20
Furniture, chair, coffin, table and
billiard table factories 63.00 It
Bummer hotels v r... 25
Merchandise, wholesale and retail,
Inrlllriln whnl.i, m armtm r I a OR AA n
' Metal warehouses, Including ma
chine shops and foundries RT.nn SS
Marine risks E6
Packing houses 74.00 23
Paper mills ; 60
Saw mills 94.00 15
Threr-Foartha of Towns Are Amply
applied aad "care Storlea
Arc I'nvrarraateaV
About three-fourtha of the towns In the
state have enough Ice to last through the
Such a conclusion may be derived from
the recent investigation of A. M. Longwell,
Omaha manager for Booth & Co. Mr.
Ixingwell, Interested Irrf extending the fish
trade, wrote the agents of the express com
panies In 158- towns in Nebraska and east
ern Wyoming, asking them among other
questions whether or not the supply of ice
was sufficient for the summer. About
76 per cent answered in the affirmative,
the remaining 25 per cent in the negative.
"So you see," said Mr. Longwell, "the
dangers of Ice famine have been over
estimated. It would be useless for me to
say that Ice Is plentiful, or that It is not
higher priced than usual, but I do think
the state will get along very well. My ob
servations Indicate that prices are ex
orbitant only In towns where one company
has a cinch on the business. Of course the
scarcity makes this possible. In towns
where there la competition, prices are
higher than last year, but not unreason
able." Recently an Omaha paper published a
cock-and-bull atory on Its front page under
an Illuminated head about the Impending
ice famine In Omaha and when the man
ager of the ice company mentioned In the
story was asked about the facts, he smiled
and sAld: "That was a paid ad."
But so far as local commercial men know
the ice famine prices will not be abolished.
Eruptions Appeared oh Chest, and
; Fade and N"ck Were All .Broken
Out Scales and Crusts Formed
, Iowa Lady Has Great Faith
' irr-'CAiticura Remedies for f Skin -.
Diseases.: , - .
, f , xaaBasjaaaapaaaw
"T had an eruption appear oh my
cket and body and extend upwards
And downwards, so that my neck and
face were alt broken out; also my arms
end the fcower limbs aa far am the knee.
1 at first thought it waa prickly heat.
But soon scales or crust formed where
the breaking out was. . Instead of going
to a physician, I purcKased a complete)
tffttmrnt of the Cuticura Remedies, ia
which I had great faith, and all was
satisfactory- A year or two later the
eruption appeared again, only a little)
' lower; out before it had time to spread
I procured another supply of the Cut
cura Remedies, and continued their use)
until the cure was complete. It is now
five years since the last attack, and
tave not seen any signs of a return. I
ave taken about three bottles of the
Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know
how much of the Soap or. Ointment, as
I always keep them with me; probably
one half doxen of each.- "
" I decided to give the Cuticura Rem
edies a trial after I had seen the results
of their treatment ot ecsema on an
infant belonging to one of . our neigh
bors. The parent took the child to the
near net physician, but his treatment did
no good. So tbey procured the Cutioura
Remedies and cured her with therp.
When they began using Cuticura Rem
edies her face was terribly disfigured
"Vith sore, but she was entirely cured,
for I saw the same child at the age of
five years, and her mother told me the
ecxema bad never broken out since. I
have more faith in Cuticura Remedies
for skin diseases than anything I know
of. 1 am, respectfully yours, Emma EL
Wilson, Lucomb, lows, jc. i, itruo.
Colonel Bill Mcfune, Edward Rose
water aad W. i J. Bryaa la
Vitus t Same Time.
Edward Rosewater and family are en
joying a continental trip preparatory to
returning to Omaha , the. latter part of
thlsinuuth. ..irhls. letter, froinr Colonel Wil
liam McCune Is self-explanatory:
.VIENNA. Austria. June 1 C. L. Thomas.
Sporting Editor of The Bee: My Dear
Thomas Just a line to say I had the
honor as well as the pleasure of ushering
Mr. E. Rosewater and family to their
seats In two boxes next door to the royal
box. We have all kinds of royal visitors
every day whom 1 do not usher. It
surely looked good to me to meet home
folks. Mr. Rosewater and family enjoyed
the home talent very much. Mr. Rose
water and Major Burke had visit with
the colonel while the family and party en.
Joyed the performance. They were all In
a great hurry and had to leave before the
performance was over, as Mr. Rosewater
was to meet William Jennlnss Brvan anrt
others. The party looked final and seemed
to D enjoying the continental tour, at
least so said Mips Rosewater,' who luxt
her umbrella and came back for It. It
was waiting for her. as one of my friends,
who found it, had given It to an usher.
' Jaae, the Month for Health.
Nature, as If realising the trying effect
the sultry days of July and August bare
upon humanity, precedes them with the
healthiest month of all . the year. In which
the system may fortify Itself against dis
ease. Every family should follow the ex
ample set by nature and be prepared for
cholera morbus and diarrhoea by procuring
a supply of ' Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy.' This' medicine has
never been known to fall In any case of
this kind and Is almost certain to be needed
before the summer . Is over. Buy It now.
OmbM tiwtnel t Tints'
iu. A. term CkMelmCeala nn, e
W ii Cb.. ci,TU rT"-
ta.HO ta It. aal Mlaaaaaalls
ead Rttiri
From Omsha. via Chicago Great Wester
Railway. Tickets on sale daily after May
a to September TO. Final return limit,
October U. Equally low rates to ether
polnta In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wlacon.
sin aad lower Michigan. For further In
formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general
agent, 1611 Farnam street. Omaha.
' New Yerk aad Palladelakl
cannot be more pleasantly or conveniently
reached than oy tne urana Trunk-Lahlgh
Valley uouoie lraca rtout via Niagara
Falls. Solid' through trains, magnJAcent
WATCHES Frenser. Utu and Dodge stt
Handsomest Straw Hats
$1.50,52, $3 to SB
ft' Eteard Zeiss
Suocesavor (o
Cil. Frederick Co., 1504 Farnam St.
JDwiyf laewa
slave the lest
Sleek b Near
Better TlaaEver
A CerUla Cere far Tlrss, Hot, Achlsa Feat TUVS
fiF Ym h ffltoM-1
nails From Uie
June calls loudly to men
to make themselves as com
fortable aa possible. The
call is a forewarning to get
ready for the hotter months
coming.. In our Haber
dashery we have gathered
together many different
articles of summer wear for
men that will meet all
notions of what' comfort
Men's fancy colored, solid black,
tan and white foot seam- IA
less hose, pair 1UC
Men's light weight silk elastic
web suspenders, leather, J P
ends, cross back '. DG
Men's new four-ln-hand ties
pretty solid colors and fancy
neat checks and plaids, reversi
ble and silk lined
shapes, at jC
Men's sample night shirts of fancy
pink, blue anti plain white cam
bric and sateen, made 75
to sell at $1.60, at t DC
Men's fancy light and medium col
ored madras and percale shirts,
perfectly cut and made, all con
tinuous facings, In neck PA
. and sleeves, separate cuffs DUG
Men's extra good quality French
percale, cheviot and madras
shirts, pleated and plain bosom,
separate and attached f AA
cuffs, beautiful patterns l.UU
Men's fine quality elastic seam
jeans drawers, double seat, elas
tic ankles, all sizes
and lengths, at ........ jJC
Men's good quality balbriggan
shirts and drawers, silk finished
shirts, sateen band drawers,
fine twf thread yarn, i p,
at tOC
Two Exceplional Values in Summer
AT $050
$4 flelow Others
SaMMnMIWSMaaVsesMB Im.41SMM rtTJsaaaJy
Men '8 stylish suits in the stand
ard American woolens that have
that air of easy grace that is char
acteristic of all our apparel from
the 6mall-priced grades to the
finest. Solid merit in the unseen
parts as well as in the visible feat
ures. The blues and the grays in
a variety of excellent weaves.
Something to meet the exact wants
of men in many different walks in
Suits -jr.-s
$6 Below Others
Suits in blue serges and gray
worsteds that are models of good
tailoring. The finest American
woolens and the best reproductions
of imported effects. Garments full
of grace and character that show
the master hand of skilled, brainy,
painstaking workmen. The widest
variety of the most eligible 1906
styles. The product of houses
tiiat made them for $18.00 retail
Oulinfl Suits tor Men---u,Vh8:.Jn In X
greys and our feather weight blue Bergf. bults.
r ricea ; ,
Straws frork Huge Straw Piles
Whatever sort of a Straw Hat men have in mind, It will be found in our big
collection of Straw Hats. If it is a dollar Straw Hat, that kind is here It it Is
a 110.00 Panama, that kind Is here.
We're, Just a bit elated that we are headquarters for Straw Hats this dis
tinction is made from the fact that we are selling more Straw Hats this season
than in any former season. Variety Is right prices are right. We have some
specials here tomorrow, among them the following:
-SPECIAL Genuine Imported Leghorn
low! j
: dWUA C?d, a T7, f a' II
VI''-I:vV:Y'''.'. ,v t s.-'H'XnL Wl b
3.50, 2.50 and 2.00
Fine Split Straw Yachts, tery fine nar
row braid, perfectly bleached, carefully
made and handsomely trimmed.
Fine soft Milan Braids,
in the ntw Pasha styles.
soft braids, in the newest Pasha and
Telescope styles, worth $5.00,
25 styles of nice soft braids in split
Men's Oxfords for Sum- $9 CA
mcr, ... . . .vAJV
Men's Patent Corona Colt Blucher Oxfords, also Vlcl Kid
Oxfords, Goodyear welt, in all up-to-date a pa
styles, at , Mo U
Men's Canvas Shoes and
Oxfords, ... . .
Men's Gray Canvas Shoes and Oxfords the ideal shoe for t
summer heat
1.00 and 1.45
1 1 aBaaaBBBBBaBBBWaaaaaBsaaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaBaaanpaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBBaBBBBaaaaa
Saturday genuine
Suit Cases, werth
$5.00 for
39 Cents. ,
Saturday Boys' Krite Pants
worth up to 75c-" Xl..
for ;.. JJC
Cass on Botation of Names is to Be Decided
' at Noon.
Makp. Aniaslaa Kffort at Recoaclltaa;
IIls Former Attitude for What
H. Mow Opposes for
a -. '
Judges Kennedy, Troup and Day, who
listened to arguments In the mandamus
case to compel the county clerk to put the
names ot candidates for delegate to tlm
state convention on the ballot according
to the rotation scheme will render their
decision In the case at noon today. The
case was submitted after an all-day session
of court, at which eignt or ten lawyers
addresred the court.
The hearing was taken up Friday morning,
with a crowd ot auditors present to listen
to the oratory. - The forenoon session was
taken up with the arguments of John P.
Breen and W. J. Connell, and at th. con
clusion of Mr. Council's address an ad
journment was taken until after dinner.
H. C. Brom., Edgar Bcott. T. W. Black
burn, R. B. Howell and John T. Cathers(
of the belligerent Fontanelles were
present to assist John P. Breen
and W. -H. Herdman; who nominally
had charge of the suit. On the other the smaller precincts, he said, the number
It should be liberally construed In order to
get at the real desires pf the voters and
declared the group system proposed by
County Clerk Haverly would enable voters
who were for Edward,. Jtosewater for sen
ator to vote for him d .those who ar.
sgalnstjjlm to so xpjfn. (themselves, , Th.
right to thus expreaa himself ought ta be
conceded to the voter' by those of the
opposition. " '
Mr. Breen made an amusing attempt at
reconciling his attitude now on this ques
tion and his attitude when city attorney,
they being diametrically opposite. lie said
he may not hav. known when he was city
attorney and advised against the system
he now urges for a fee.
Some wag In the court room whispered,
"Wonder If he knows now."
How They I.taed I p.
In the afternoon H. C F.rome. John C.
Wharton, Edgar Soott. H. IC BaMrign and
T. W. Blackburn addressed the court and
Mr. Breen closed.
Mr. Baldrlge called attention to the fact
that under the law no voter is allowed to
remain Inside th. voting booth more than
five minutes. In this length of time, hn
declared, it would ba Impossible for th.
Judges themselves to mark 201, names on
the ballot and be sure they had the exact
number. Mr. Crounse or any other candi
date for office, re said, had the same rlftht
to present a delegation as Mr. Rosewaler
Mr. Blackburn attempted an explanation
of the five-minute rule, declaring It was
only intended to be enforced when there
were people waiting to vote. In some of
ea rj tea.
side of the table- were Deputy County At
torneys Foster and Shotwell and Attorneys
W. J. Connell, H. II. Baldrlge and John
C. Wharton. After a little preliminary
skirmishing. In which Mr. Breen objected
to the Introduction of any proof on the
part of th. county clerlC It was s freed to
argu. the case on tne pieaaings oy do in
Mr. Breen opened the attack by quoting
rom several works to show that delegates
to conventions were really of more Im
portance than th. candidates they nomi
nated. He also discussed thJ growth of
th. direct primary system. He contended
delegates to th. state convention were
officials within th. mesnlng of the primary
law and consequently their names should
be rotated under section I ot th. law,
Law Does Kot Maa Aloao.
W. J. Connell, who followed, contended
that th. last primary law did not stand
alone but should b. ronstrued in th. light
of th former law which was .till in
fore, where the two were not Inconsistent
Th. county clerk, ha said, should exercise
common sens, in arranging th. ballot
Delegates to stat. convention, he held
wer. mere mediums for th. selection of
candldstes and th. rotation plan was not
Intended to apply to them. The main
thing was the selection of candidates for
office and th. purpose of the law was to
facilitate this and not to so confus. th.
names en th. ballot that the voter woull
b. unabl. to express his desires.
"Supposing," ha continued, "w. still ha.l
iit aspirants to th. United states senator
ship seeking endorsement by th. stat.
convention. If all six of th.iu should
file a delegation of eighty-three names
there would be over 410 names to g. on
th. ballot In rotation and th. voter woull
b. unabl. to express hi. preference fur
either of them. He would have to pick
out eighty-three names from th. 410. Th.
result would b. that most voters would
vote for less than eighty-three In order
to be sur. they did not vol. for on. toyj
many and caua. their ballots to b. throwa
"But these six candidates hav. dropped
ut of th. rac. on. by on. until now tb.
opponent, of Edward Rosewat.r Anally
picked out Mr. Crounse to lead the opposi
tion. But they decided aa out-ana-out
fight was not a good thing, so they deter
mined on this plan of confusing th. volar
to prevent him from expressing his choice.
If th. six delegations grouped every
voter would hav a chanc. to express hie
i 11 quoted th provision of th law that
of voters wns so small that each voter
could hnva thirteen minutes in which to
vote, and he thought that would 'ba. suffi
"How about the Bve-mlnute rule," one of.
the judges asked htm.
"Oh, I never heard of that provision of
th. law being enforced." he said. "It W
only Intended to be used in case there sre
others waiting."
In his closing address . Mr. Breen prno
tlrally admitted it would Ik- a hard tlilnB
for an average voter to cast his ballot.
"Perhaps in passing this law," he nkl.
"th. legislature thought that there wre
certain evils in the politic of this city
which could only be corrected by imposing
disability. Perhaps th. disfranchisement
of men who cannot count the elgbty-three
names correctly is the object of this law."
Beat All.
When your eyes are dim, tongue coated
appetite poor, bowels constipated. Electric
Bitters beat all cures. SO cents. For sale
by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
Shoahoa. Reservation to Be Opeaed
to Settlemeat.
Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates
from All Points July 12 to 2.
Iess than one far. for the round trip
t6 Shoshonf. Wyo., th. reservation border.
The only all-rail route to the reservation
Dates of registration July 16 to 31 at
Shoxhonl and Lander. Reached only by
thia line.
Write for pamphlets telling how to take
up one of these attractive homesteads.
Information, maps and pamphlet free on at City Office, 1401-3 Farnam street.
Wary Low flatea raesdar.
Every Tuesday, balanc of th. year, th
Chicago Great Western railroad will sail
homeseekar' ticket to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory drat and third
ruetday. Writ H. H. Churchill. O. A.,
15U Fat nam street. Stat, number in part)
and when going.
Verdict for Defeadants.
A verdict for the defendants was returned
Friday morplng by a Jury in Judce
Hedick'a court In the esse In which Chailrs
Kodgers whs seeking 15.000 damages from
Arthur II. Ellis snd William I... Kelly foi
allegM false arrest. He was arrested Sep.
t ember 3. 1S04. on the charge of embesxle
ment filed by the defendants, but the rase
nai later dismissed. The defendants de
clared they wer. acting In good faith and
upon the ad vie. of counsel in bringing the
Marriag. Ll.ease.
The following marriage license haa been
William E. Mould, Omaha f,
Grace E. Senter, Lyons. if
Badger Refrigerator
Like Cot, SO Peand Capacity
, $9.25
Saturday Only
Heieht 42 Inches; length L'7 inches; depth,
17 Inches. Mad. of thoroughly seasoned
ash. carefully finished. Has sanltarv
cleanable flues and drsln pipe; strong solid
bmnse lock and hinges, galvanized steel
linlngn. Ice rack which can be easily removed.
Cherry Stoneri! Garden Hose I
Gas Ranges!
Open Saturday Evenings
Milton' Rogers M Sons Co.
14th &,nd Farnam Streets
.lr- i Ts i i
The Taki
Cold Habit
The old cold goes; a new one quickly
comes. It's the story of a weak throat,
a' tendency to consumption. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking
cold habit. It strengthens, heals. Ask
your doctor to tell you all about it.
Sold for over sixty year
We have no secrets. We. pub fish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Had. ky ta. t. O. A? O... lwU. Kw.
Aka. ktaauSMtaras. f
Our Methods Insure Every Man a Llf.lorig Cure'
for Blood Poison, Skin Diseama, Varicose and Pro
static Troubles. Constrictions snd Obstructions,
Nerv.-Vltal Debility. Acute and Chronic IHa-
rhirrtl Mum, fibers ilfjt.n ill u nH I'ln.. In
th. Mouth or on the Tongue. Kidney, Bladder and
Vrtnary Troubles. Piles, Vistula, and all ChronJ
and Special Iilseases.
Nervo-Viial Debility
There la not a rasa of Weakness In' exlstene.
that w. cannot rebuild and strengthen with our
Oar sure Is a thorough and aetentlflo course of
tre.'snnent, which acts it one. upon th. nerve'
force, stopping the drain and replacing th. worn,
out and run-down tissues. It gives strength and
fresh vitality, building up t lie entire system' and
transforming th. sufferer into a typ. of perfect
th. .ntlre field of Chronic, N.rvous and Special, Deep-Heated and
AT a1 a. mm a fsx i n i . ,
iiorcnwesT. uor. ltn ana x arnam dis., uraana, nep. u
0 Amf
v,. ft -ksv
ATSI't I TtOOl Pr ia half.
Aiaa aAaaaJamia Fw ta kiva.
ATBt'S POX For ttptiaa.
ATUt'SAOUX CDKJ-rof atalanaaadaga.
y (he 014 ReDaU Dl. SERLES a SEAILES
Established In Omh for U y.ars. Th. many thoa
Sands Of r . . eurftd hv na m . u a ii V. . t . .. . I .
iioed iip.clallsts In th. west, tn all duasaa and alU
rn.nts of men. W. know Just what wlU our. you
and cur. quickly. .
W. mak. no misleading or false statement or effr
you cheap, worthlus. tieatment. Our reputation and
aam. ar. too favorably kuown every case w. treat,
ur rebuts lion is at stakv Vuur health, life and hap.
pines I too serious a mutter to plau. In th. hands (
a "liKSlIIII DOCtOa." Honest doctors of ability
use their OWM JIMI XbT XM.X1M UaiJIB. W
can .fleet for .vervona a ilfe-lung CVag for Weak.
Nervous Men, Varfcaoal. troubl.s. Nervous Dab liny,
Hlood fotson, Fro.'atlo trouble. Kldnr. Bladder.
WAaTZXtt BtSXASlia, Hydroc.1. Cboaia Diaaaa.!
C.ntraclad Dlseas.a. tmtt:h and lta Uu&
!llkJ( Examination and Consullallaa. Wrtio ta
- Bynptora Slaak for H.o TraaUawtL
at AB 13k; IdKk aad Dtl tracts, aaaaa ategaaua.