Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1906, Image 5
TITE OMAHA DAILY. nKE: PATTKDAY, .TUNE 16, 190T r -JO . ; OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Haturday, Fair. mIWLll 11 ' 2Q STAMPS WEST T1UE Hammocks NtJo and plain Hammock. ' VaJar and Pillows, J . , l!,i,ll..9oC And titty Green Trading Stamps with each. Extra' fine ' Hammock. Hrlilp, ' NaTaJa colors, with ) air hooka, $6.00 and . O And Eighty Oreen Trading Stamps ' ' 1 with' each. Croqet Seta, from f 2 And. Fort? Grn Trading Stain pi with aarJi. Mala Floor. A Geven Piece BERRY SET Has large bowl and 6 nappies to match, 'a 75c value Sat urday, at . 38c Hog ale bff'-QII. PaSrafflinigs j. ' " ' ' European Art Works Beautiful 'Landscapes, framed in Double Sweep Gold Burnished Frames, encased in Ebony and Mahogany Shadow Boxes. Paintings have been on display Sixteenth street window. and will be hung Saturday in our. large Art Gallery. tf ''rnr -t.' : c'l.-ij .tirv i II i SO xroln-c to tOZ. .enU rsriro Sntiirrinv - 1110 anH ' Ai VUIUJ lV AaW y f K JUI V VI I v V UUiUIUWJf kv V l Every Painting Guaranteed. Art Galleries Second Door. See Display for June Wedding Gifts Sheet Music 23c 1,000 Folios latest popular Instrumental Hits--; a 75c value, sale price Saturday 0 ' only. 3 Vr Note These Folios contain from ' 20 to 'Jo of the latest hits by best composers. By mail 8c extra. Sheet Music Section Second Floor. 35c and 50c Box Paper 19c Thousands of boxes of high grade "Writing Paper, Linens, .Bonds and Plate Finish 'Paper, with h Envelopes in all new shapes and . eolors, sell regularly for 35c, and on sale Saturday i-per box See Window Display. Stationery Main Floor. 1 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Saturday, Fair. T7M7T1T 7TT TTSVTPn?. 1LJMJM.LH COAL OFFICE TRANSFER BOOTH. P U NEED A BISCUITS Four Package, Saturday ICn only . . . .,3b t And Ten Green Trad ing Stamps. IN GROCERY. CIGARS! CIGARS!! Kl Crono. direct trom th 'West -Indies, an Imported-60 . Cli-ir, Brevas shape, 7 for 50 for 1.70. Lm Clnura, fc dlplomatlo chapo. IniDorted Clear, 10c each.' 3 for ... no ror sj.-i.uu i Porto Rico Htogloc, a good cheap amoke, 100 1.50 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Uox trade prices on Imported Cigar the lowest ever to be had. See window display at Harney street entrance. ...25c . Libbey ut lass ale Have You Seen This Grand Display of Cut Glass on 2nd Floor? The American Beauty Cu1 Glass that is Perfection, Plenty of Pieces to Choose From, Such as Don Bon Trays, Jugs, Bowls. Water Bottles. Cruets. Vases, Celery Trays 1 DINNERWARE Prices front $1.75 on up, to the most beautiful; Punch Bowl you have ever seen at $10QV00. Handsome Cut Glass Bowl, full 8-inch size, weir cut, a $4.00 ' flQQ value Saturday (one, 0 to a customer) , . . . . . 1 ' See Our New Jardiniere Section ready Saturday a discount of 20 Per h Cent Off" any Jardiniere Saturday. lnousanos to cnoose irom. 5 In endless variety Fifty Open Stock Patterns to choose from. " Buy a few pieces to start a set, if you are not able to buy a full set 50-Piece Sets as low as Others at $6, $8, $9, $10, etc. See what we offer at $10 choice of a German China Set, English Porce lain 112-piece set, and the Kent this is a $10 offer for Saturday selling. Pretty Needle Etched Water Set, neat shaped Jug and six Tumblers to match, on sale Saturday, 1 a set. . ... Il J For the June Bride we offer thous ands of beautiful pieces of China and Bric-a-brac. Saturday 25 per cent off any China Vase in stock. auy cday Shoe Bargains , 500 pairs Men's Vici Kid and Russia Calf Welt Sole Oxfords, i fin i "(new and stylish) $3.50 shoes at. ....V:': .;.".";'. ..pvfiiUU 1,500 pairs Ladies', Factory Sample Oxfords, ; Gibson Ties and Juliaj i'lfl Marlowe' Pattern, soft low shoes, $2.50 valu'e ffei.1. "v. . . rf 1.00 1.25 1.00 Misses' and Children's One Button and Bow Strap Sandals, $1.50 values, at .7.':". Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords with large eyelets, . at . . Misses and Children's White Canvas Oxfords, at V ICE CREAM CHECKS WITH ALL MISSES AND CHIL DREN'S OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS SATURDAY. iatpriaiyielli Duck Hats Linen Sailors Saturday at , Specially Cut Prices 2nd Floor Duck Hats Linen Sailors Saturday at Specially Cut Prices 2nd Floor ' ... 4.50 '5.0' All tailored and Ready-to Wear Hats in the House Positive ly nojeserve Values to $6,00, Saturday ." ' QQ your choice . . , . . . . . . . . , , , .... . New line up-to-date high crown sailors, including renown Lichtenstein model, Marie AntiCmette and . - J CO painsborough charms ,in miUinerjl5 to. sPO Most Extended fan Elaboraii'Dl Styles inthe City. , 'L, - -.. -. J' r'., !. r H 4 Carnatfbn Sale Several thousand1 splelrfaid fresh cut, sweet ' perfumed, Pink,: Bed and! White Carna tionssale in Grocery Section, commencing 9 A. M., dozen U x&)s$r Double Green Trading Stamps on all Spices Saturday. TWO-PIECE SUITS-COAT AND TROUSERS -MADE IN ALL KINDS OF LIGHT WEIGHT FANCY WORSTEDS, BLUE SERGES, FANCY; CHEVIOTS, FLANNELS AND CASSEMEKES Pnmil&r Prices Men's, Young Men's and Boys'-$15,.00 $12.50, $10.00, $7.50, $5.00 and... Thirty-three Young Men's Suits, 32 to 36 size, worth and sold up to $12.50, at SUIT SALE STILL ON AT 15, l2Vl0i7? Saturday we offer any suit' in our stock, worth and sold up to $30.00 of Brokaw Bros-M Hirsh-; Wick wire & Co., and Kohn Bros. Union Label fWwIa 'ttlnnlcfi and Blues as well. Any Panama Hat Saturday only 6.75 i . trfas, fine braid, $6.00 Talues Saturday at Men', Boys' and Children's Straws, worth up to buc, at.... 4.00 19c Men's Pan Touristo. Telescopes, Sailors and . KarketA. from 12.60 down to ,.tJ3i Boys' Waoh Suit, 7 t6 16. Whito Linen, Duck and Q C Tan, worth 3.95, cow.,......,., -.- C DID YOU EVER HA VK TOO MANY TROUSERS? Never heard of'avman who . did. It's about this date trousers get houBe-sprubg. shiny, threadbare about this time when the wear conies or when tfiey're ragged round the bottom ( 10c A BUTTON, S 1.00 A RIP. A pair of our new perfect fitting Duchess Trousers, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, , $3.60, , $.00. or - $5.00 will give you - almost a new suit effect. :' : , , , Keep the name 1 mind Dnchctis Trousers. .ki.. , t 1 y SmRTSI SHIRTS! , -To introduce a new line of Shirts Satur. day, each , And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Neckwear Four-in-Hand Ties Satur- ( C day worth 50c each main aisle, each. v. iJC UNDERWEAR, Manufacturer's line of Underwear Porosknit, Meshed, Lislf, Ribbed and Balbriggan, Z C ' worth 50c and 75c, on sale Saturday, at. . . JJ' :$1 sill IN THE DRY GOODS SECTION BOYS' WAISTS AND BLOUSES. Your choice of any Boys' Waist or Blouse, laundered i.or unlaundered, white or colored, that we sold at ,50c, 69c, 75c and $1.00 each Saturday, , C each, at GIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES Ages 6 to H years-, ....prices were. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1,.98-any OQ ..', of them Saturdav, at ............,.....;... Oe7v. ;LAIIES' BATHING SUITS New stock put in, black V and navy, serge and mohair, prices $4.50, 1 'JP '$3.95, $3.25, $2.95 and ttD LADIES' WASH DRESSES Sale ot tour ot our leacl- 'ing Shirt "Waists will be continued ? QC Saturdav, price D GREAT REDUCTION SALE OF BELTS Our entire ; stock fancy colored silk girdle belts that sold from , $2 down to 50o each, to be sold Saturday regardless of cost, in two lots: '. , 5 Lot 1 50c and 75c values, sale price, each;. ; ,39c . Lot 2 $1 and $2 values, sale price, each 48c IN OUR PARASOL SECTION Children's Parasols, ; -fancy and plain mercerized covers, fancy ' silk trim t med covers, good assortment of bright colors, y C . special, each 75c, 59c, 50c, 45c, 40c and. '. . .. iDC i LADIES' PARASOLS Made of -white Irish linen, vfancy embroidery, trimmed, embroidery insertions, and embroidered linen, all washable, spe- 1 - C 'J cial, each, $4.95 down to D- ' EXTRA SPECIAL WASH GOODS BARGAINS. t , Fine Batistes and White Dimities In pretty, neat i email rfnta ftrA fl nra 1 noHonis ornnHit wnriVl . 'J8c yard Saturday only, yard I4W2C Eale of White Goods 100 pieces fine white linglish' Nainsook, 36 inches wide, regular 18c and 20c f J ' quality, for Saturday only, yard UC .Sheeting Sale 1,000 yards 8-4 and 94 unbleach-. 1 Q '1 ed sheeting, worth 24c and 26c. yd., Sat 'day, yd I C pig Sale Pillows 500 2l2 pound Bed Pillows, covered ? with good tick, filled with feathers, worth Aft 75c each Saturday only, each b s Apron Gingham 100 pieces fine apron ginghams, , worth 7V2C yard, Saturday, 9 to 12 m., yard ....DC From 7 to 10 p. m. Saturday Night 50 pieces fine im ;;: ported white dress Swiss Mull for nice sheer white '. ' dresses, quality is worth up to 35c yard ; ' 7 to 10 Saturday,' a yard OC Silo of Long fiHk Mitts Ladies' all silk lace mitts, 16 . 'button length, black only, a regular $1.00 J C ' -; valuoSaturday special, pair . . . . . v.:. J C REMNANTS OF ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS. Short lengths of Panamas, Voiles and Mixed 1 A' Suitings Saturday only, a yard ..IUC Shirt lengths (1V2 to 8 yards) panamas, voiles, serges, mohairs, mixed suitings in all colorings; French Henriettas, Shepherd checks, fancy plaids, ' Heather mixtures and crepe cloths, worth.C up to $1.25 yard Saturday only,yard. ..vC Short Silk Glove Off er Extra heavy all silk gloves, two button length, in black and white, patented double interwoven finger tips, fully warranted, f C sale price, a pair Ia5sJ Pure Silk Gloves Two button length with warranted double finger tips, in grays, modes, browns, black and white, worth to $1.00 a pair Special fn price, a pair, 75c and JUC Long Kid Glove Special The Diamant French Kid Gloves, 16-button length, celebrated for good wear and perfect fit, glace finish, black and white, Z C A worth $4.50 pair our price, a pair JJJ Summer Lingerie Cheap Pretty lace half sleeves, made of fino Val laces, fine batiste chemisettes to match, trimmed in pretty Val lacesj this lot PA worth to $1 each Saturday special, each . . . UC New Lot of Neckwear Cheap Pretty embroidered .and plain linen stocks, with or without tabs, latest pat terns; embroidered batiste stocks and fancy; ytln linen lawn turnovers, sale price, each. . . .'. C New Lot of Ties All silk Windsor Ties, plaids, plain colors and fancy embroidered Embroidered ones, special, each, 50c; plains and plaids, special, ea. 25c Bargain Sale Cheap Neckwear 2,000 pieces fancy lace, silk and plain wash stocks, fancy embroidered Bus ter collars and turnovers, worth to 25c each, to be divided into three lots: Lot 1 10c values, special, each 5c. Lot 2 19c values, special, each, 10c. Lot 3 25c values, special, each, 15c. Grocery WALL PAPER Values such as these have never been offered you. Any Paper in stock the best grade per roll only . .' aaG Cheap Papers, up from ...Zy2c t Seventy-Five Green Trading Stamps with every pur chase of $1.25 or over. ... Third Floor. ennetfs Bin MOVXT 7IM TOM BATTTKDAY IZTU CUimM AJfS , psi.rrx:BYaiEjr. v Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack 1.80 And Forty Green Trading; Btampa. Java and Mocha Coffee, three pounds S1.00 And Fifty Green Tradinc Stamps. Teas, assorted, pound . . .". 58c- And Forty Green Tradlnf Stamps. Diamond S Fruits, assorted, can ,25c And Thirty Green Trading; Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can ,24c . And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Schepp's Cocoanut,' pound package 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Best fine Granulated Sugar, twenty pounds .$1.00 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Baked Be ins,. three large cans , . ,25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Corn, 2-pound ran Bo , Tomatoes. 2-pound can Do Baked Beans, ran.,., o Salmon, V -pound can lOo OH Sardines, can 3o Gelatine, package be Anderson's Tomato Soup, can bo Ripe California Olives, bottle So Ripe California 1 liven, bottle lOo Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars. . .USo VonnK Canary Birds good singers, each. . S2.00 Worcester Table Salt, two sacks ioc And Ten Green Trading-Stamps. CHEESE. Full Cream New York Cheese, pound'. . . . .' 20c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss, finest, pound , 22c ' And Ten Green Trading- Stamps. Full Cream Brick Cheese, pound V 20c And Twenty Grren Trading Stamps. Bayles' After Dinner Cheese, Jar 10c And Five tireen Trading Stamps. BUTTER. . . JuKt received from the' best Dairy Farmers, a large quail. tity of FreMh Country Butter, pound 22.' and 20c Ten Green Trading Stamps with every two pounds. Tr loa Oold BnssUrmllk to All. Jell-O, assorted, three packages 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps.. Kippered Herring, can. 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Mount Kineo, Maine, Corn, two cans 25c And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Juiported Macaronis, pound package ...15c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Imported Spaghetti pound package 15c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Frefch and crisp Ginger Snaps, pound ,5c BULK PRICES. Sour Tickles, quart ..!., ..10c And Tsn Green Trading Stamps. . Chow Chow Pickles, quart . . . . lac And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. X.ttue, Kadtakss, Onions, Cuoojnbsrs, Strawberries, Oooa. berries, Casrries ?resa Sail. .New Potatoes, pound... 2 He Peck. S5c Fine Hlpe Juicy Ilneapplea, each 15c, It Ho and.. ...,10c California Iinona, large, doxen, 3(lc and ... i ....... . ,25c ' V, Specials in Hardware SATURDAY Freezes two flarors at one freezing; Hpeclal 98. 15, 12.65 and S2.85. Sen Demonstration oh Asbestos Sad Irons hold heat twice as long as common irons all styles and prices. Screen Doors complete with Hinges, up from ;..,.... ,98o Screen Window Frames and Windows, up from. .22c Best quality Screen Wire Cloth, per square foot. . . . . .llac Bread Toasters, extra good quality .' 24o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps.- ,-.. Scrub Brushes, best quality , 10c r ,. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. ; y Extra good quality Ash Cans, up from. ... . . .. . , $2.45 Extra good quality Garbage Cans, up from. 'r -58o Nicely Japanned Bread Boxes, 73c,. 63c and..t.t,.M.53o And - Thirty. Green Trading Stamps. .1 Paints! Paints! Painto! Best Quality Ready Mixed . Paints, Pure Leads and kOils. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Paints Saturday. Bennett's Candy Saturday Hecial. MarKlmtallows Made ly . i. O'Brien Co. 25 for 5c ,50 for 10c Pound for 15c Chocolate Frrapplea, assorted flavors, Pound Box 5Qc And SO Ureea Trading Stamps. MEATS MEATS CHICKENS CHICKENG KTKICTIA' FKK8II DRKHSEl YOUNO , ft 1 IMK)STF.UH Pound j2S HTKICTLY FIIKSH DKSKl) -YOVXG , 1 1 1 m HENS Pound I: I IC FRKSH DHESSKI) HPKIN'GS BKOILKHS Q l'OKK 1JINS ftl Pound .' UiC UOLLKIt Kill ROAST All bones out ' Ifl Pound. 12 He and HAMS. AND BACON CI KAHVS KF.UvCTED DIAMOND C iM l HAMS Average 10 to 12 pounds, at.. .. ti2Q And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Each Ham. It FX IIACON KELKCTKI LKA.N AXI ' If" NARROW HT It I lH Pound ......... .'. . QC REX BACO.V (BACKS) '111 t... Ci0 LARD BENNETT'S KPECIAIi LARD HALE Gl'AIlAN- TED PL' RE ASO Fit EH H. KETTLE RENDERED LEAF LARD ROsa In 6-pound palls........ .UuC And Thirty Green Trading Stamps with Each Pall Lard. DELICATESSEN Full Line Welael A Co., Milwaukee. High Grade Hauaagea Receired DaUy by Express.