Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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All Goods
in Plain
Ine Peoples Furniture & Carpet Co. Established 1887.
Back lor
Courtesy is a Pari of Our Credit System
We've often heard people nay, after trading at certain uteres, "Well, I'll nerer go there again. The clerk
acted as though he was positively doing me a favor by waiting on me. He was snippy and ugly about showing
me all the things I asked to see."
We- IMJJVT HKLIKVK we are doing you a great favor In "LKTTIXfl YOU" trade with us. We WANT
YOUR TRADE. We VALUK It, and we will make most remarkable CREDIT concessions In order to GKT IT.
The man who comes here with a dinner pall In his. hand Is entitled to AND (JETS t this house aa much
courteous consideration as the man who Is driven up In an automobile.
' '
Men's Silk Lined Outing Suits- '.......10.00
Young Men's Suits, Special, 7.50 and 6.00
2f f lien's Well Mad. ff
33 Pants, 93.00 and iUv
1PA Yoanpr Men'. Pants special f KZf
OU ,atUXMand liOU
Children's Suit
upecial $3.00 and
IrfidleV White Oxford Ties,
at $2.00 and
Half Price Sale Women's Garments
Ladies' TiIIdkI Sails
Fifteen Baits, 9J20.00 values 10 00
Eight SniU, $40.00 Talnes 25 00
Sec Our 16th Street Window
r Prerlnvcntory Millinery Sale
All our $3.00 Ladies' Hats special 98c
All our $5.00Xadies' Hats special : 1.98
Ten Suit. $35.00 value
Twelve Salts, $2.1.00 vain'
Wash Waists
CO down White Lln
jrrrle Yaist, worth np
to $1.45, on sale
Silk Patticaats
at Just Half the
Marked Price
Ladies1 Skirts
60 odd Skirts, worth
ub to $8.00, on sale,
Dakota Oonnty Reports with aa Increas of
rorty-Ons ThonsajMn'
Lack at Htrmir an . EseeatlT
s Ability Appear to Be Prlaelpal
Troable at the Sorrotk
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June 15.p( Special.) - Dakota
county In the flirt of the counties to make
Its return of assessment to the State Hoard
of Equalization, the report having been re
ceived thin morning-. The return show a
total In creese of Mt.TM.W In the assessed
valuation, or an Increase frm-p a total as
sessment from 2.1.S.t0 to 2.JC2,OJ4. this
year. Homes, cattle, hogs, mules and sheep
were each Increased In value by the as
sessors, though the Yallroad property wm
returned by the state board In this county
at the an me valuation as last year, except
that by the addition of the Sioux City
Western road to this county this yenr
the total railroad property In the suite was
Increased from W-S.160 In 19"5 to M63.S80 this
year, or sn Increase of This leaves
n Increase on all other property of
9i,35.f! in the assessment, which Is one
fifth of the valuation. Iand was Increased
4 cents an acre In the assessment, while
lots were Increased 15 cents In the assess
ment on each acre.
The following table shows a comparison
of some of the Items for 1906 and 1906:
Assessed Valuation
7 m- Wr w
GREAT WAIST SALE HO P' New SMrl Waist Go o Sale Saturday Morning ll Special Prtcet
' 12 M
11 SS
43. 10.00
and had started for his home. . Coroner
Karstens will hold an Inquest tomorrow.
Headless Body of lnn Picked tp on
Railroad In Nebraska
. .vt0" ; , . . ,!
J NEBRASKA CITY,-J,une 15.-(Speclal Tel
egrnm.) Early this morning the body of an
unknown hian was found on the Missouri
t'neiflr track near North' Tenth street. The
man had evidently been struck by a south
bound train near North Eleventh street and
his body dragged about 100 yards. The body
v Is mangled and the head is missing, so that
it may never be Identified.
It is not known what time or by what
train the man waa killed. The body was
discovered by the engineer on the early
morning passenger train bound for Omaha.
Coroner Karsons was notified and had the
body removed to the morgue.
The man found on the Missouri Pacific
tracks , this morning has been Identified a
John Drexel of Omaha. Prexel had been
working about 'half a mile west of where
the accident happened. When last seen
alive ha was under the Influence of liquor
Grand Island Man lianas Himself.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., June 15. (Spt
clal.) Samuel Yost, aged about 46 yeais
and single, committed' suicide by hanging
himself to a tree at the rear of Hann's
park near "the -base- ball -grandstand. A
number of voting boys were' playing on
the grounds when a foul happened to go
over the stand." One of the young fellows
went around the stand and there almost
rah Into the form of the man,' whose toe
were then Just touching the ground. The
lad was so badly scared that for some time
he was unable to talk. The authorltifs
were at once notified and cut down the
body. No inquest was regarded necessary;
suffering from the symptoms of strychnine
poisoning and was unable to give her any
relief. She was a granddaughter of A. E.
Stewart of Nickerson and her funeral was
held from his residence this afternoon.
Girt Accidentally Poisoned.
FREMONT, Neb., June 15. (Special.)
Gertrude Hunter, a daughter of L. L.
Hunter of Crowell, died from the effect of
poison accidentally taken yesterday. She
was playing taking medicine and told her
mother that she had taken a pill which
she had found In a glass of water. A lit
tle while after she was taken sick and a
physician who was summoned found her
Orchard -S -Wilhelm'
(Carpet (Bo.
4iq.I6.lS South Sixteenth Street.
Specials for Saturday Only
Porch or Lawn Settee
(like cut) made of hard
wood folding, 45-inches
long, painted red, green
or natural, oak finish,
never sold for less than
$1.50, all day Saturday
and Saturday evening,
COCOA DOOR MAT Made from eocoanut fiber,' size 14x
24 inches Special each, Saturday 'Tf
only .JtJC
.Bissells' Standard 'Carpet Sweeper, made by the Bissells
Sweeper Co., of firand Kapida, Mich., sells reg- OQ
. ularly at $2.25. Special for Saturday, each laO
Matchless -inverted gas light, (300) three hundred power,
bums three feet of gas per hour, makes absolutely no
' 6hade ' below. Kegular price,
$1.50 Saturday evening tt7
. from T to 9:30, each V C
Good Hammocks for Saturday only,
$1.-5 and up to $5.75 each.
- Ho. nmock cushions, 59c.
Saturday evening from 7 to 9:30
We will sell 50c Japanese plate
V 7it-iich, in beautiful colored
designs, special 1Q
Company V Has Armory.
SIAD1SON, Ne.b., June Special.) At
a business meeting of; Cam pan y F, First
regiment, Nebraska: National Guard, Ivan
McKay was elected first lieutenant in place
of Ed Esh, whose commission expires.
There were no other candidates and his
election was by unanimous vote. Following
this Frank Dempscy and Fred Frarer were
elected sergeants and Ed Spratt and Jacob
Cleveland corporals. Another matter of
Important udjiiHted at' last night's meet
ing was the status of the armory property.
The same has been held since the Spanish
American war by a private, corporation
known as the Allen Rifles Armory com
pany, to whom Company F paid rent. This
la to be changed and the property Is to be
deeded to the city cf Madison in trust for
the use and control of Company F, which
from now on will pay rent to nobody. Com
pany F has the funds necessary to perfect
the above arrangement. The company ha
also received Its new outfit of Bib'ey ten's
and ollve-drab blankets Jn place of Its old
blankets and tentage. which were sent to
San Franrlsco after the earthquake.
Monday School Officers.
STELLA. Neb., June 16. (Special. -TJie
twelfth annual convention rf the Richard
son County Sunday School association
closed yesterday with an attendance of
sixty delegates. The following officers were
elected for the ensuing yenr: President,
W. H. Hogrefe, Stella; secretary and treas
urer, H. E. Boyd, Humboldt: superintend
ent primary department. Mrs. J. K. Ugget,
Humboldt; superintendent temperance de.
partment. Samuel Llchty, Falls City; super
intendent home department, Mrs. C. T.
Snidow, Falls City; superintendent teach
ers" training department, J. G. McFlrlde,
Stella. Salem was chosen as the next place
for the annual meeting.
Land, per acre
Lots (average) .i.
Cattle, per head...
Horses, per head..
Mules, per head...
Sheep, per head...
Hogs, per- head ...
Railroad property
Total assessment.. $t.ie0.2S0.4O 12,802,034.89
Mickey May Be Pat on Rtaad.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings, Treasurer Mortensen, Secretary
of State Gaiusha. Attorney General Brown
and Land Commissioner Eaton returned
from Norfolk this morning after spending
yesterday at the Insane hospital, taking
evidence In the charges against Dr. AJden
and Dr. Nicholson, superintendent and as
sistant superintendent. It Is probable the
board will conclude to place Governor
Mickey on the stand before listening to
the arguments of the attorneys in the case,
but this likely will not he done until after
the members get copies of the testimony
and have had an opportunity to study It
over carefully.
While members of the board will make
no official statements It appears Superin
tendent Alden will not come in for much
censure for his conduct of the Institution.
Whether the board will recommend that
Alden and Nicholson get out of the Insti
tution la another question. The stories of
the witnesses have been so conflicting that
it Is a question of veracity and some mem
bers of the board are Inclined to believe
there has been no more 111 treatment of
Inmater, at the Norfolk asylum than at
any other Institution of the same character
anywhere. Besides, the attendants who
are charged with cruelty, or nearly- alt of
them, are no longer In the employ of the
asylum. Ellis, against whom moat of the
charges of cruelty have been directed, is
employed as gardener-and has no super
vision over the inmates. '
Members of the board are Inclined to
the belief "Ur. Alden has shown a lack of
backbone for not exercising more authority
over employes supposed.. to. b under hi
control and the evidence hah' also shown
the members that harmony is entirely ab
sent between Superlptejadtuit Alden and JJr.
(Nicnoispn. . -(t v
Fnrnltare Denlera' Convention
The furniture dealers in. their session
today declared war on dcadbapts and took
a few pokes at mall order houses and
talked of ways and means . to wipe -out
such ' things. C J. Ouensel of Lincoln
was elected president ' of the association
Following are the other officers elected
A. J. Beaton of Omaha, first vice presl
dent; W. M. Hill Of Hebron, second vice
president;- J. H. Banks of Fremont, sec
retary-tressurer; members -of the execu
tive committee, W. E. Hardy of Lincoln
George D. Darling- of Alliance, ' A. C
McElhlnney of Lyons. M. Waltermeler of
Ashland and W. II. Moore of Seward. J.
H. Banks, R. S. Bcrchard, J. R. Badcr
and A. G. Davis were chosen ss delegates
to represent Nebraska at the national
convention, which will be held on July
10 at Chicago. It was voted to hold the
next annual meeting In February, 1907,
leaving the exact date snd place to the
decision of the executive committee.
Ready to Practice Dentistry.
At the recent semi-annual meeting cf
the Board of Dental Secretaries license to
practice dentistry In the state was granted
to each of the following graduates:
T. L. Bradshaw, 8urerlor; C. B. Bran
son. Beatrice; R. D. Conkllng. Tekamah;
J. W. Dorwart, Aurora; E. W. Fellers.
Chester; W. A. McHenry. Nelson; John
Oastler. Cheyenne. Wyo. ; R. N. Anderson,
Wahoo; A. L. Brellhardt. Tecumseh; T.
H. Dalley, Omaha; F. J. Fisher. Wahoo;
C E. Heffner. Kearney: N. . A. Hitchcock,
Hierj-e; H. A. Nelnon. Omaha; C. 8. Remy.
t'tlcn; C. A. Sorensen. Florence; ('. B.
West, Omaha; T. N. Thomsen. Marquette;
R. II. Clarke, Tabor, la.
At the same meeting of the board each
one of the following candidates passed the
125 doien fine Sheer Lawn Waists trlnrnd with lace av!
embroidery; regular $1.60 values; Or
on sale Saturday at -JOW
100 dosen Waists of finest Sheer Ijiwns. full late yoke aivl
. 1.45
embroidery fronts, long or short sleeves;
regular 12.00 Waists; on sale Saturday at.
75 dos. Fine Lawn Waists, attractive models, trimmed with
German Valenciennes lace and panel embroidery Ql
fronts, that sold at 13 00: on sale Haturd.iy at ri
50 dozen Women's High Grade Waists, lingerie effects. SeHti.
tlfully trimmed with Huhy Irloh and Vak-nclennes larj
tliev would be cheap at t.i.00; on sale 'J Qf
Saturday at aU
A new shipment of Oxfords for boys, youths and
little men Blurher styles:
Sizes 9 to n tl.SO and tl.7S
Sizes 13'4 to ! Sl-73 and ga.OO
sues 2 4 to 6H aa.oo an,i
Oxfords for misses and children; made of fine kid
and patent colt Blurher styles; -
K to at . :..... I 9 1.00
't to 11 st 91.98
11 H to 2 at 9180
IV, to 5V4 t !.
98.60 COATS Rr DUCTED TO 95.00.
Made of excellent quality taffeta silk a large assort
ment to select from regular c Oil
Coats tomorrow. .
918.00 COATS REDUCED TO.97.S0.
Made of the beHt chiffon taffeta, handsomely trimmed,
tfrv nobby garments reduced Oil
from $12.00 to aVU
W. B
f. Merrick. Western;
Alma; A. W. Murphy. Ara-
Nclson, Omaha; H. J. sorter.
state board examination and was given i
lir.n.. n nractice dentistry In Nebraska
L F. Churchill. Scott's Hlurr
Crossley, Lincoln;
L. W. Mungcr
Palme; A. t.
Capital City Gossip.
Governor Mickey is spending the day
at Deweese, where he dellverea an
dress to a meeting of old soldiers and set
The State Board of Pharmacy this after
noon selected A. V. Pease of Fairbury to
succeed W. W. Kendall of Superior as a
member of the examining board. Pease was
one of three men recommended by the state
association. His term of office begins De
cember 31. 1906.
ried to Herbert H. Hay. both of this city.
Rev. 8. W. Prlngle of the Presbyterian
church performing the ceremony.
HCMBOLDT Cashier Jack Walsh of
the State tyank lost a flue thoroughbred
Shorthorn bull a few days since In a most
unusual manner. He was running at largo
In the pasture when he slipped down an
embankment and catching his foot on som-!
roots, was hanged head downward until
TABLE ROCK About as tough an out
fit as ever invaded Table Rock was the
gang of gypsies that was here a few days
since, who are charged with, numerous
thefts. They went north from here, and
arc the same lot who tried to hold up the
lural mall carrier In the vicinity of Elk
BEATRICE While playing about the
house yesterday Berea Yandel. the two and
a hair year old daughter or Mr. ana Men.
Woodmen at Pllarer.
PILGER, Neb.. June 15. (Sp-tnl One
of the greatest Woodmen log rolMni; p cnles
ever held In this part of the stv.a whs held j r I
here yesterday, over 1.500 belmr In ettend- SStUtdSy CVC, JlMt 16, 8 tO 9.30
ance. music was turnisnea .iy tne stinton
band. The parade formed at Woodmen hall 1
and marched to the picnic grounds, a half
mile southwest of town. The addrese of
welcome was delivered by James Doty of
this place,' after which Rev. C. N. Dawson
Of Stanton delivered the principal address:
The ball game between Stanton and Pllger
was won by Stanton. 9 to 6. Batteries:
Pllger, Beardsley and Zaeck; Stanton,
Mayer and Person.
Free Recital
Schmoller & Mueller
i31i'13i3 Farnam Street.
i People to Vote on Senator.
TORK. Neb., June 15.-(3pedal.)-The
Tork county central committee at its Inst
meeting reconsidered Its action In taking I
a position officially on t'nited States senator
and will give the voters of York county a
chance to vote at the primary election f-'-r
their choice of candidates for I'nlted. Stares
senator. It Is believed that the committee
will have the names of all the candidates
on the state ticket printed otT the ballot.
No action was taken by the committee a
to Just how the vote would count when the
returns are in, but it is supposed that
plurality vote will count, as that waa the
rule made in the nomination for candidates
on the county and legislative tickets.
Coaawajr Oat for Governor.
TORK. Neb., June 15 8pecial.) -Dr. J.
B. Conaway, a pioneer resident of York,
ex-state senator, who is well known in th
state, has announced his candidacy for th
republican nomination for governor of Ne
braska. Dr. Conaway is ons of the leading
eltliens of York, has served In the slate
senate and has occupied several official
When your body la starving robbed by
Indigestion Dr. King's New Life Ptlls will
rei'.eve and cure. rents. For sals by
bhciinaa ft McConncll Drug Co.
(a) Overture William Tell
(bt Love's Dream After the Ball
On the Orchestrelle.
(a) Tannhauser Fantasle Caprice--Opus
97 Wagner
A. Gorla.
(b) In My Neighbor's Garden
E. Nevin. ;
On th Pianola.
. III.
Military March Schubert -Tusing
On the Orchestrelle.
Mr. Plmms.
On the Vocation'.
(a) Kemenol Ostrow, No. 17 Rubenstln
(bi Etude In D Flat Llsat
tc) Helene. Opus 2 Wollenhaupt
Grand Valse Brilliant.
On the Pianola.
Selection y
Mr. Slinms.
On the Vocation.
- VII.
Bugle Calls and War Songs
Star Spangled Banner
- Rally Round the Fleg
Marching Through Georgia
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp ,
.. When Johnnie Comes Marching Home.
On the Orchestrelle.
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Company
UIMJU Farnam St., Omaha.
fiti of Nebraska.
HARVARD It is becoming quite
though no serious damage to crops.
tabi.K ROCK An effort is being made
here to reorgnnlxe the Table Rock band.
Sl'THERLAND-Sutherland Is to have a
Fourth of July celebration the only one
to be pulled oft In this vicinity.
RKATBlfR Work beaan today on the
$35,000 cold storage plant of the Beatrice
Poultry At Cold storage company.
BEATRICE Yesterday Judge Raper la-
sued an order adjourning district court
until next Monday, June 18.
COLUMBUS John Smoker Is very busy
trying to find out how many there are In
Columbus between the ages of 5 and 21.
SUTHERLAND Since its organization In
February, the local lodge of Odd Fellows
has grown from a membership of a dozen
to twenty.
COLUMBUS Flag day was observed
here yesterday and "Old Glory" was in
evidence from every flagpole, business
place and residence. . '
PA PILLION The farmers of Sarpy
county have formed a mutual telephone
company and will withdraw their support
from the home company.
. COLUMBUS Colonel W. A.. McAllister,
candidate for railroad commissioner, will
speak at Chapln's grove, Oconee, Platte
county, on the Fourth of July.
I XING PINE The gang of wreckers who
have been busy during the last two months
tearing down the old railroad bridge, ha-ve
finished their work and left for Chicago.
SUTHERLAND Sutherland business
men are agitating some sort of fire protec
tion. A pressure tank, supplied with water
by a gasoline engine, seems to be the
BEATRICE City Treasurer Jones Is
slowly wiping out the school district debt.
Yesterday he paid another $1,000 school
bond, which makes $5,000 paid so far thin
y es r.
COLUMBUS Columbus and Flatte
county democrats are Jubilant over the
fact that the populists have called their
state convention at Lincoln on the same
dates as the democrats.
BEATRICE O. P. Fulton returned ye
terdsy from Des Moines, la., where he
purchased a standard bred colt. Non Alloy,
by Gallileo Rex, 2:12. lie also purchased
the dam of this fine colt.
SUTHERLAND A 5-year-old child of a
party of movers was run over by a loaded
wagon near here this week, a wheel
Ing over the youngster's breast.
thought that the child will recover.
NORFOLK Thomas Knolls, a former
merchant here, despondent over financial
matters, committed suicide today ny
siiooting out his heart with a shot gun. He
had been acting queerly several days.
SUTHERLAND The last piling has
been driven In the new North river bridge
northwest of here and soon the steel nanus
of the Hershey-Northport extension of ihi
Union Pacific will have reached that point. .
FjDUAR E. W. Clark of this city and I
Miss Mary Emery of Beatrice were united i
In marriage yesterday at the home of the I
bride's parents by Rev. L. E. Humphrey,
pastor of the Presbyterian church of this I
city. !
BEATRICE Miss Elsie Kettering en
tertained about thirty-five of her friends
nt. her home north of the city last eventn. '
The evening was pleasantly spent in social .
diversions, after which a luncheon wa j
served. '
HUMBOLDT A team ran away near I
here last evening and threw out Mrs. Frad 1
Harding, a well known aged woman oi
this vinclty, and bruised her up badly be- ;
sides Inflicting a sever dislocation of tho '
collar bone. I
IXiNO PINE The committee on arrange
ments for the Fourth of July celebration
have completed their program, which In-
eludes horse races, basket ball game, two .
base ball games, a balloon ascension and a
street parade. j
WOOD RIVER Mrs. J. B. Leedom. pres- i
Ident of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
society of this district of the Methodist
church, announces that the annual meet
ing la to be held in Columbus during .the
first week In July.
BEATRICE Superintendent Ware, Di-
vision Engineer Schermerhorn and Master
Mechanic Thompson, Union Pacific officials,
arrived in the city last evening from the
north in Mr. Ware's private car. Thoy '
departed this morning for Omaha. ;
TABLE ROCK George 8. Hayes, of
Lincoln, of the Haves-Eames company,
was here the i. first of the week inves'i- '
gating the coal, gas and oil outlook and
looking up the prospects for leasing lands
In this locality for mining purposes.
u-nnn dive-d u . .u. . . . I
. ... ... . ,,- name in n. n.
, Btedman, a prominent stockman and feeder
of lue west part of the county, was brought !
out In connection mlth the legislative c-an-
didates by a local paper, his tnanv friends
have been urging h.lm to make the race. ,
WAKEFIELD J. E. Heyl. who for the '
last eighteen years nas been associated '
with the grain business of Wakefield, has ',
disposed of his property interests and with j
his family will leave for Canada the first
of next week to make their future home.
COLUMBUS-Dr Caroll D. Evans, csndl
date for the United States senatnrahip,
has been putting In the past week at Chi
cago purchasing new equipments for St.
Mary's hospital, which will make it one 1
or tne nesi-equlpped hospitals of the state.
BEATRICE George Cameron and J. C.
Rurkett of Lincoln, broke the automobtl-t
record between the capital city and Beat
rice yesterday, covering the distance,
forty-two miles, in ons hour and thtrtv-
flve minutes. The Drevlous record waa an I
hour and fifty-eight minutes.
Bt-Aiitiit nam is badly needed In i
this section snd unless II nuiia , . n -n r I
will be damaged considerably. Becauss of
the continued drouth, oats wtl; not mai.e
more than half a crop, but if rain visits
this section within the next week, wheat,
corn and potatoes will be safe.
AUBURN A very pretty wedding oc
curred here June 14 at I o'clock at th
home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E Gillan. when
their daughter, Mary 11. Gillan, aas mar-
Vandel, who reside in Glenover, swallowed hnme.
some morpnitie puis, wntcn nearly cauneu
het death. The prompt arrival of a phy
sician soon after she took the pills saved
her life.
TECUMSEH At a meeting of the stock
holders of the Johnson County Home Tele
phone company, which Is the new inde
pendent company here, held at the offices
of the company last evening, it was de
cided to double the capltnr stock of the or
ganization. It is now $50,000 and will bo
made $100,000. The funds will be used In
establishing a complete county service.
MADISON-Claude Reed and Miss Flor
ence McGehee. two of Madison's popular
society people, were married today. The
wedding took place at tho country home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
McGehee, west of the city. Only close
friends and near relatives witnessed the
ceremony, which was performed by Rev.
Met lanaghan or the I'reHbytertun cnurcli.
BEATRICE- Five June weddings were
solemnized in the city yestertiay, the con
tacting parties being Mr. E. W. Clack of
Edgar and Miss Mary Emery of Beatrice.
Mr. Andrew P. Holtnheck and Miss
Ogilbec, General L. V. Colby and Mm,
Marie Martinez, Mr. Walter Llngln ami
Miss Martha M. Schleusener, Mr. II. M
Lewis and Miss Anna Dauforth, all of
Beatrice. -.,- .. i , .
CREtOHTON Whst might have been
a serious accident occurred this afternoon,
in which Chris Rogers was painfully but
not seriously Injured. In cleaning the fan
on a corn shcllcr his Jacket became caught
on one of the pulleys, throwing hint
violently in . the air and tearing every
sltcn i of clothing from his bsck. A linen
handkerchief tied around his neck was
turn In shreds.
BEATRICE Mrs. Myrtle Johnson of
Wymore, brought action In the district
court for a divorce from "Major" H. John
son, alleging cruelty and drunkenness.
Johnson was sentenced to a year In th-
penitentiary several moths ago by Judgn
Kelllgar for participating In the car rob
berles at Wymore last winter.
BEATRICE Effle Crawford, fifteen years
of age, who ran away from her home lit
Kansas City a few days ago, waa locked
up in the city Jail last evening to await
the arrival of her father who .ram her
today after his daughter. The family for
merly lived in .Beatrice, and the girl wn
found at the home of George Stains in
West Beatrice, soon after the officers re.
celved word from Mr. Crawford at Kansas
City stating that his daughter had left
TECUMSEH According to the follow
ing figures, which are taken from the
county clerk's record of Johnson county,
the people here are steadily paying off
their mortgage indebtedness. The figures
are as follows: Number of farm mort
gages filed", 11, amount, $11,350; number
'leased, 11. amount, $21,125.93. Number
of town and city mortgages filed,
amount, $5,910; number released. 3, amount,
JK75; number of chattel mortgages filed,
3R. amount, $7,150.70; number released, 27,
amount. $14,142.12.
FALLS CITY Thursday morning In tho .
district court the case of Prof. Schlalfer
against James Smith, both of Humboldt,
was tried. . It was claimed that Smith, a
young man about 19 years old, created a
disturbance about the school grounds In.
Humboldt and when Prof. Schlalfer In
terfered the boy assaulted him. The Jury
found Smith guilty of assault and battery
and fined him $20. Thursday afternoon tha
case of M. Delia Martin against the F ra
te u" I Life Association was taken up and
is still In progress.
HARVARD Yesterday the three days'
session of Old Settlers, Old Soldiers and
Woman's Relief picnic began at Deweese,
eighteen miles south from thle oity. Yes
terday was Old Bettlers' nnd Flag day, to
day Grand Army and tomorrow Woman's
Relief day. The speakers for yesterday
were Hon. W. 8. Christy of Edgar. Judge
Leslie G. Hurd and T. A. Barbour of Har
vard tnd Prof. O. C. Hubbe of Deweeee.
Today Governor Mickey and Hon. D. M.
Nettleton made addresses and tomorrow
Hon. Charles Epperson of Fairfield speaks.
arsains lnr Souvenirs
We're going to celebrate the opening of our new building, not
bv giving away some cheap and Insignificant souvenir, but with A
FEAST OF GKXflXK HAKOAIXS. Going to give values never ap
proached by any other Omaha house. That's a broad statement, and
we are going to MAKE IT GOOD. You don't need the cash to tako
advantage of these great bargains. ' .
J Vtik tUMftMl ltaM9
Name Your Own Terms
In all th bw
shades ant eol
ora, la mix
tures . and aov
situs, - Jack
mad Btoa or
pony style, silk
lined, charm
ingly trimmed)
skirt out circu
lar r plal-Udl
ear I 7.9 0,
1 1.S 0 a a
939. SO oas at
th ridlonlons
low pries Sat
urday, , ,
en's Suits
i n
! I It
!o Alteration
or. Bsc hang.
Ladies' t
TlBst la taa
aousa, aoa re
srrd ; all sol
ors, autlfuUy
tailored eoa
tuntss la Pan
amas - tat
Our S8, 930
and 90 oa
a tut day,
Far better than most custom made in their
graceful appearance. New models in sin
gle and double-breasted, in both 2-piecc
and 3-piece suits 0
large variety of pat-
terns and fabrics Sat- I
urday...; "
a w t i 1