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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1906)
THE -OMAHA DAILY.. BEE: TUJt PAY. ; JUNK Uv,J90& 't - ILL, Telephone DouglM 4lt. Bee, June IS, 10. IOWA CROPS NEEDING RAIN rf"3 it IZrtiU SATURDAY CLOAK DtPI. bALfcb L . m TM Tat Yl "l. Jk Dainty finest' waists are now reduced in price. visit you money.v , ' All the fin tailor made suits at exactly one-half price. All the pretty coats In silk, etons, fitted n1 Vs buck coats f special prices. Handsome sepsrate skirts In cream vollle and cream Panama floth. 1:6 ft . skirts at 10.v. , H:.3ff kirt at tT.S". 110 00 skirts at fft.cO. , White summer drewes. In dnlnty lawns, all our own eeluslvs styles, at W.dO, 17.50 .in. Ip fA and USOn. LalleS" Sweaters TVs show a most ex- tenslvw"l1nv f pr'T "tyles at T6. 1.1.50, f 11.80 and f&.OQ.'' , I . Weill Peftlcosts-Fretty stripe and-pjatdj! efrcrtt:- at. It. 00, (l.iO and I1.7S. j I SotucW Special 811k Petticoat Bale .'ol vs plajn black, grey, Alice and navy ! I prlCt U-ii. . I - ', i ' Second flocr. f Coming! Grand Clearing Sale J of -All 'Black Dress - Goods Remnants. ' No matter where you have bought your you Intend, buying them In the future, make It'- point to attend thie great clear ing aale of black drees goods remnants. ., Watch dally papers for date of sale. Th.Hn upme. early., - Special , Sale of Men's Under wear at 35c, or Three V .... a u . -a For $1.00. 1 This should decide the underweaf ques tion or you. . . Two numbers for Saturday's selling, one a fine blue balbrlggan. shirts nicely fin ished,', drawers have reinforced gussett, pxtra fine quality of combed cotton. The other a flue mercerized cotton, flesh color, shirts and drawers nicely finished through out. These" garments are . good value at 5K-. Special eale prk-e 36c each, or three fur 11.00. , i ' . Special Showing of Men's Wash Scarfs at a Special Price, 25c Each. Blight new neckwear beauty la here for Saturday. At this season of the year when negligee attire Is In form '""V" ol a a i no tie that looks as fresh and cool pretty wash scarf. After you see the quality and patterns you will agree with ua. Some stores sell these scarfs for lac OUR SPECIAL PRICE 28C EACH. designed te prevent the remedying Of the i evus complained or. tney coum nm n - urrn r I regret that you, the president of the United . States should (hI justified, by inuendo at least. Jiv Impugning the sin cerity and the competency of a committee of the house of representatlvesv You have no warrant for It. v Very -truly yours. . . ..J. W. -WADS-WORTH. To Theodore Roosevelt. President of the j" -' ,.i .,... MEAT ftt'B.TriO ty rARLIAMEUT Matter Will Be- Live Isaae Before . . - V British lawmakers. IjOXPOK, June 16. A fresh lot of ques tions relating to tre Chicago meat packing dlsc'lo'sufe' are being prepared for presen tation In the House of Commons next week. Mlchne: Hicks-Reach, son of the former rhfiiu-Hiior rf! the exchequer, will ak War Secreti'.iy lliililane' to inform , the houae of the; quiijltj- ,f 'Chicago 'canned meat siippllel' t "ill '.'troops lir South Africa (luring the late war and what proportion of. enteric deaths ought to have been described ae.due to ptomaine polspnlng. Another .question , la ' based on the dis covery In the dining mom of the House of Commons of a btox marked "Armour's .(St. .Louis, Chicago and Kansas City) chickens." Frederick E. Smith unionist, will Inquire what portion ' the food supplied to the members of -the house k. committee come from Chlao. f,,.. t . t There was an Incidental . mention of oanned raeata 1 ' the course of-today's Inquiry Into the south American war stores . 4,1 Badger Brand ' Wisconsin's Best C:iAH A. BOTTLING t t ALL DRUG STORES ifiOHE EARLY - IV a pretty sight Satwrday tki' rally decked oys aaa gtria til atoaet sight to eajoy. -meoataiaa of at beaoa. ,v . BOTB TACATZOV SUITa. : . - Just the right -weight and . -:uubl colors for hard knorktug' about la nobl.y v kulcaerbocker and outing at v Ire. -'a big special in boys' suits, t 'to-1 veara, worth Ave snd - aia dollars, for Saturday. 3.S OSO glOVIE. OID VAJTTS. Hoomy, mforiable blouse. aood washable fabrics, all 3 (r 1 to 11 rrs. aoo. ' w . .... I in f iin nen ann tan oi-rii,. . bltutw with sort collars, in v fiueeian ' or maniiisn stylea, fl. Odd panta of tan or blue striped duck.- tsej linen In tan or blue, &Oe! linen or white v .k knl-krbocaer, to. u ', OTr TAOATIOW SATS. .- Cvwbvs and hough Kidr 1I1I1 1 1 ' ;JHBEriS0nSrTHORnE3L llAUAal 155 Uougla nrrvot, 1 t! P. and charming styles , Saturday Niht Specials. Extra Special Beautiful Black and White Crepe de Chine, Saturday, 19o a Yard. No Saturday night sale ha ever brought to you such extraordi nary value as Is this special Crepe de Chine at 19c. Two shades, black and white, fine, fresh and dainty, with a charming silk luster. Crepe de Chines, especially In black and white, are the top-notch of fashion. On sale 7:30 p. nt. Note Crepe de Chines on sale at Silk Counter. Men's 50c Suspenders, 25c Each. All odds and ends of 50 Suspenders, from the best makers; made with good, strong; webbing, leather trimmings and fast color, will be placed on sale Saturday evening after 7:30 at 25c a pair, -i Men's Department, main, floor. . . Extra Special Dress Shields, 10c a Pair. A good oppportunlty to lay In a supply of good Shields at a low price, ' Saturday evening, in basement, aftec T:30 p. in., we will sell u standard make of Dress Shields, extra goo" quality. In sizes 2, 3, 4, would be good value at 25c, Saturday evening 10c a pair. Special Sale of Colored Wash Goods at 5c a Yard. .A "potpourri" of pretty Wash Goods, all from our regular stock, on gale Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. In this sale are 15c Ginghams. , r .' ' .' ' ' , ; 18c Tissues. - , ' ' . 16c Silk Monsnejluc' 18c Wash SuUlpgfci ': - I - . 15c Linens, All to be sold Saturday evening, in basement, at '5c per yard. If I. you 'expect to .attend this sale be sure andvbe on time.. Remember, 7 30 n. m. . A Word 'About Our Shirts. Much might be written, a few words only can be said, but they comprise the gist of the matter. A great and thriving business has grown up here. The -"secret," selling shirts that fit, qualities of the best and prices as low aa we possibly can make them. Bee our special showing at 11.00. See display of furnishings in corner window. The outing shirts for vacation wear may be of Interest to you. Come In and look. We are always glad to show these aoods. Main floor, handy from either entrance. Ladies' Gowns Special Value , at (OC XicLCU. Gown and skirt special for Saturday whlch hints at saving. Fine quality of nainsook wlth embroidery OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS. Howard Corner r- scandals. Evidence was given to the effect that army . officers sold 20,000 cases sold 20,000 cases of canneU meats, including the Armour brand.i, helmet brands and Mitchell's brand, to a contractor for 2 cents a pound. The contractor complained that the meats were bad and returned the cases. The officer who fold the canned meats testified- that he subsequently ordered the "filth, to be dumped Into the sea" and much of It arter wards floated ashore and was picked up by Kaffirs who ate it, with the result that a number of them died of ptomaine poisoning. -Diamonds (of own Import), watches and jewelry at 20 per cent below price at A. B. Hubermann's, 8, E, Cdr. .IJtlj and Ppug las. Pays no rent and buys for cash.' FORECAST. OF THE WEATHER, - i. . ( ' - ' Fair TOday and Tomorrow la ?Ce braska Bhowrra and Cooler la. ' Writers Portloa Tomorrow. WABHINOTON. June ' 16 Forecast '.'of the weather for Saturday and Sunday: ', For Nebraska Fair Saturday; Sunday fair In east; showers and cooler in western portion. For Iowa Fair Saturday and Sunday. For South. Dnkota Fair Saturday; wanner In .western portion; Sunday fair in east; showers and cooler In western por tion. ". .. . t .i ... .. For Colorado Partly cloudy Saturday; showers and cooler ft night or Sunday. CO., Distributors. In 10 Cent Bottles SATURDAY afteraooaa and ersclng-s to ia fall poaesaloa of tills, taeic V aeauoa tog a for wear la Hats of - tan' or- wbrte duck, leather bauds, . Tan felt- bata tn Vowboy o telxscope atyles. $8.00. Mexli-an flshlug hata, 2&c onx.r TAOATXOST TOOB. Pretty and aervireable wash dresses, all ready to put on. In Russian and Commodore stylea for sties ! to I veers, at 1.S8, 91.60,, ta.4g, aa.ra Ureases for larger girls, t it 14. In sailor lolUr. Russians and pretty Russian coat suits, 3.B&, gt-SO, g5 .00 aaa $8.B0. Paranoia In snlendid array, -all colors and white, from t&c to fits, TAOATXOST SAVSAXfl. In tan or drab, at too, tt.10 aad 91M. . Write for illustrated cajtalog. in Lawn and Lingerie. Saturday will certainly beading, low neck and short sleeves with pretty, trimming of ribbon,, full -width and length, good value at $1,00, special sale price Saturday 7Bo each. Skirts of cambric with tucked lawn flounce and prettily trimmed with em broidery, regular price 12.50; special price Saturday $2.00 each. Second floor. Special Sale, of Fancy Hosiery. Saturday we will place on sale the greatest values we have ever offered In women') fancy hosiery. The line of sizes Is broken, that is some sizes in each pattern are mlss- ln- Th lot inc,ude blek l8le hose. em- 'broidcted In colors, black lisle with' open ,work instep embrojdered, tan hose em- ' broldeied, silk clocked or open work ln- step, Champagne hone, silk clocked or em- brolderrd. They hose have sold for "$1.50, Sixteenth Street WARREN GUILTY OF ROBBERY Another of Qan? That Killed Kels Latuten Convicted by Joxyi SECOND TRIAL, BUT FOR LIGHTER OFFENSE ... . ' .''- - .- j - Three of the Quartet Who Murdered a Saloon Krrper l,it Winter Disposed : of by the ' . District Coort. s Joe Warren waa declared guilty of rob bing Nela Lausten by -a jury In 'Judge Button's court at' 9 o'clock last night. While, the jury had been out since a 'little before ( o'clock, only a little more than half an hour waa used In arriving at a verdict. Thla closed Warren's second trial growing out of the .robbery . of Nela Lausten's saloon at Twenty-first and Cum ing streets and the murder of Mr". Lausten because he refused to hold up. his Jiand. At the first trial Warren was charged with murder, but after being out all night the jury returned a verdict of not giillty1on the morning of Raster Sunday. Warren waa at once remanded Into the custody of the sheriff to stand trial on the robbery 'charge which had been filed against htm. . Warren had three companions in the rob- bery of the place. Jay O Hearn. Raymond j Nelson and Leo Angus. CHearn. who en- tered the ealoon on the night of January 10 and fired the shot, was convicted and . condemned to suffer the- death penalty. Shortly afterward Angus pleaded guilty and received a lite sentence tn the peniten tiary. Nelson, who was the principal wit ness for the state In, the other cases, will, it la understood, plead guilty and receive a life sentence. I'nless a new. trial Is granted the case Is closed aa far as the district court is concerned, with the ex ception of the formal sentencing of O'Hearn and Warren. Coaasel Fight for Warrea". A strenuous fight has been made tn save Waxren In both cases. He contended that while with the other boys be did not know that an attempt to hold up the saloon waa to be made until just before O'Hearn and Nelson went In. Then, he said, ho "got cold feet" and ran away.- According to Nelson's story Warren waa in the deal to rob the place. Some evidence to corrobo rate both stories was ' Introduced at the trial. ' O'Hearn sided with Warren and ln I slated the latter was not one of the "gang" and waa Ignorant of the plans of the others when they went to the saloon. The fact that Warren waa with the crowd earlier on the same evening when the others held up the Erkerman drug store In South Omaha was considered a strong point agalnat him. He ran away then, but joined the others later. In a statement made to the police he said he thought the others were going to do "something," tout 'he did not say what. Before the trial the defense .argued a plea In abatement, alleging that Warren could not be fried for the robber', aa he had already been placed tn jeopardy once tn the murder trial. Judge Sutton over ruled the plea and If a new trial Is denied the case will probably be taken to the su preme court on the plea in abatement. The penalty for robbery la from three to fifteen yeara In the penitentiary. Close School with Fete. NOTRE DAME. Ind., . June ' 15. Hun dreds of people coming from nearly every state la the union congregated here today to witness St. Mary's elaborate . festival and commencement eaerclses. St. Mary's haa fifteen young ladles who have com pleted their work In thengUah voree and five who have done the work oeceeaary to get a degree la musla. Those who will receive degree ' at St. Mary's tomorrow aia 'as follows: ' Music Misea Mary Warfel, Lancaster. Fa.; Orace Frawley, Denver. CwM.; Mary Hyrou. burlltigtun, la.; Marjorte Berteiing. South Bend, lnd ; Krne Khrardt, tiiluagu. English Mtsas Mary Benoett, Pittsburg, Pa.: Ad. lie Ueatley, Ortonvllle, Minn.; heesle Clin. Orlonrltle, Minn.: Lucille Liudsay, Charleatou, Uu,; Ceule Buddy, 81. t Waists! J All' our very ple'ds .yoyf and save B.J6 and Kc per pair. - All one price Sat urday 66c per pajr. . New Arrivals in; Glove Depart ment., . -. The much wanted -Kmg gloves are here. Venetian-tiloleBlackt or white, beauti ful quality. sm1. Srria,( twelve and six teen button length, .-and $1.60 per pair. Black elite,r etbow length, plain glove with-, luce top, very pretty pattern per pair $3.00,.;..- j. - Lace silk MJtt,-ln blaok orwhite, twelve and sixteen butUlu length per pair $1.26, - La.ce silk mitts,, extra quality of silk, antique patterns, very desirable, in black or white, per , pair $3.00. Main floor. ., . .. Special Sale, Saturday Chemis ettes, . worth Jrrom i.o to $3.50, at 98c Each. A spttlal sale on these fine goods should Interest every woman In Omaha. Saturday we will place oil special sale about twelve dosen fine high grade chemisettes, beau tiful embroidered, effects to be used with the surplice waists. Not often do you find an opportunity S buy this class of goods at- reduced prlce. Saturday will be the time to buy. . CHEMISETTES, WORTH $1.76 TO $3.59, AT c EACH Main floor,- . . ' . Ladies' Knitted Underwearr The a-ssortmenta and your thattce of find ing Just what youwant diminish every day, for we' are selling tteedlly, which means broken lines In a shori time. Better buy now. ... .. ... Ladies' Swss rjbbed 'game lisle' vests, extra flne quality, 60c ech. Ladles' Swiss ribbed 'Vega silk vests, low neck, sleeveless. pUlu tape top, flne quality, SOc.'each, '....' Ladies' gauxe lisle vests, plain lape top, low neck, pleeveless,' .very thin, and flne, SSc, S for $1.00. Main floor.' " " Indian Head Shrunk Muslin For, White Suits; "' This "Indian ilead" muslin has become the most popular material known. In the wash goods world. Many are the , Imita tions, but there la only one genuine "Indian Head'; muslin. The name Is registered. See that you get true, real "Indian. Head," (t is Jpjre to give aatisf action In washing and wear. .. f . . . .Price 15c per. yard, W-inch wide. In base ment, ... !" 'LI! Joseph, Mo.: Franfes O'Brien. Caledonia. Louise Fltaaerald. Pekln, III.: Maria ,, rori vooge, ia.;. Mae V Laugh lln. Racine VUs ;LthelJberhart. Chicago; Blanche' Thnk. "Tla.veriport; la.; Mabel Metfeld. Frankfort." i'.tnd l 'M"ae Nelson, Hammond. VkJ-: Witfc. Aloonoy, St. .Paul, AVI lllll. . The mat outtfop'Vi.Tnt of tljV d'aV was ft fete At III. Vary's college. In which the. t6tk the crowning of place." ' the queen of May took ''''- ' ' YOUNG BRYAN, REACHES HOME I.eateS'Tarents In Germaalr and Will Vlalt His Slater ... Poaver. '..i . , , From ev Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. June- IS. -(Special Teleram. W, J. .Bryan, Jr., x reached Llncolri -this morning'havlng Jeft his parents at Bremen. He will go to Denner tomorrow to visit-Ills ulster, and- later .w ill enter Culver Military academy, i v rw - He reported Mr; and Mrs. Bryan and fam ily svell and enjoying themselves. - Mother AMf Eloprrau SUTHERLAND, Neb., June.-14. Speiel-) Sutherland parties were principals In one of the most, peculiar elopement oases mr to occiir tn, this ..septlon, a few, days ago. For some time Joh.n Afajks has been paying court to Miss4Jusle Cockle,, daughter of a local business marC 'The girl's 'father has objected pretty strongly, while hrrmother i seemed to encouraae affairs. A f vn ingg ,,,, the. couple endeavored to get out of town but the watchfulness of the parent prevented. Laterr'accompanled by the girl's mother, it is said. hv ul. ih.i, ... to North 'Platte an4 w.ere -quietly married. This Is considered to be-tbe first time local residents, have known a. mother to aid, openly at Jeast, In.', the elopement of her daughter and a- young suitor. 4 Boy Killed by Raaaway Team. FREMONT, Neb..-. i June 16. (Special.) William-. Neeley,- a 12-ysar-old aon of Bert Neeley of Cotterell township, . waa killed by a runaway team ' yesterday. He was plowing corn when the team became fright ened and ran? The boy waa caughj tn the plow and dragged fop some distance. A man working near saw the boy fall and went to his assistance,. but when he reached him and stopped the team the boy was 4adV , . , . , .7. Madison Crop Look Well. MADISON. Nfib., Jtuie,lS.-(Ppeclal.)-Crop conditions In' this Immediate vicinity are atlll favorable, Rlthough a' rain would be acceptable. Corn ia doing well In spite of the cool nights, oats are short and the early ones are heading, but they are a good color. Alfalfa euttjng has commenced with a more than average yield. Reports from the western part of. the county are not so sanguine, as It has been nearly two months since they had a snaking rain there. Cher ries are ripe and the crop Is a heavy one. Home strawberries have been on the mar ket, bat the dry. hot weather shortened the rrop somewhat. Lather Leagao to Gather. , DES MOINES. June 15. (Special.) A mammoth meeting of the Luther league la to be held at Badger, Ia., July 11 and 11 when Uie annual convention will be held. The chief speaker will be Dr, L. R. Ludden .of Lincoln. Neb., borne mis sionary for the general synod of the Swedish Lutheran church. A Dinner Pudding of Gripe-Nuts ii -A DEAR' and the cortcentr&.tion of nouriahmfnt. THERE'S A REAtOV Greatest Dam ire Up to tht Present Time Does te Small Frnit. GflAIN CAN 'STAND 'IT FOR SOMt TIME First f the Month t rope of 411 Kind ' 'Were la Hrreptlnnally Hood lltlon a ad Will Recover If Raila Camea tons, (Prom a Staff Correppondent). DEU MOINE8, June 16. (Special.) Iowa crops are suffering severely for want of rain. Every section of the state Is suffer ing and all kinds of crops. Fruit especially is In want of moisture and unless It conns soon great damage will result. The berry crop has already been made short because of ihe failure of rain. The last rain in the state was on June 7, when there was a trace In some sections and up to threo Inches In others. Over the greuter part of the atate, however, the rain at that time was not heavy. On June 1 the con dition of moat of the crops of the state wai nearly perfect. Corn u reported to be 99 per cent, oats W and other grain crops nearly ir well advanced.- This ex cellent condition of the crops Is helping now In the time of dry weather. If a rain comes soon the crops will not have suffered serious results and will be able tp recover fully. Should rain fall for some days yet, the damage will be quite severe, ae the season la a critical one. The berry and fruit crop la now suffering most. Fifty-Sixth to Fort Riley. Adjutant General Thrift today announced that the Fifty-sixth regiment would go tb Fort Riley, for the maneuvers with the regular army. It has been expected for some time that this regiment would go and probably one other. - The announce ment today is that the Fifty-sixth only Will go. The date fixed by the Department of War Is September 18, but this date Is considered too late by General Thrift and he will endeavor to have It changed to a much earlier date. Dee Molars Team Shipped. . Two of Des . Moines1 . crack fire teams were shipped to Clinton, . ,1a., last night for the firemen's tournament. One of the teams was Jack and Jack, which now holds the record, and the other team Is Black and Tan, a team which has a great many admirers among , the-local fire department members. The teama.wlU compete TuatA day, Wednesday, and Thursday for th state and world's championships. OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS (Continued from First Page.) sponslbilltles 1p their train. With corrup tlon In high-. places and these and other evils of the body politic, he asserted, were beyond the power of federal courts and prisons to stamp out. Democratic governments-, Mr. Harris said, are good 'only so much at their people are good. Rather than moaning and the; walls of verbiage he would have citizens look to their re sponsibilities ' and powers for correction. The Beef trust, he said, could be brought to tha'feet of the people If every6ne ab stained from meat for two weeks. Both nationat aynd International problems of great Importance faced the nation, but he thought they all could be solved by the higher atandard of the Individual. Superintendent Davidson's Address. Superintendent Davidson, In presenting the class ' to' the president of the board, made a brief address, In which he said: On these 'recurring occasions the school and the. home are brought, as it were, face to face. You stand more clonely In touch on these commencement occanlona than during all the other daya of the school year. Here you behold the product of the energy of a faculty composed of sixty men and women who have been laboring ardu ously and lovingly to build these, your boys and girls, into the best sort of man hood and womanhood and that which stands In this community for the best citizenship. ' I would urge you as patrons of the schools and for the sake of other boys And girls that are yours and which are ,to come that you bring as much of love and sympathy slid appreciation Into the lives of the teachers as you are able to do. Roll of Graduates. Following Is the roll of the graduates: Allle Adams Arvid W. Anderson Raymond P. Ander son Selma Anderson Jennie Andreen Rollln Oarard An- drews Ruth Ball Henry O. Fniini;uin Carroll R. Belden Paul H. Benson Vera Hetterman Daisy Beverldge Morris Bllsh Harry B. Bllxt Arthur Blom Harold J. Bowman George W. Hoyden Max Urodsky Klbert B. Burnett Haael D. Cahi Kliaabeth M. Carrl gan Clement R. Chase Joy Clark William Christie Richie V. Clark Hazel Clarkeon Eugene H. Coffeen Marian A. Cochran Kr-na N. Compton Lloyd Cramer Caroline Curtis Martha Dale. Ellen W. Dean Florence W. Dean Fredrlcka Dellnne Lake Deuel Lucy Dietrich Marie V. Donnelly JoHeph J. Dorward Elnlr D. Duval Ethel O. Eldrl.lge Oretchen Emery Arthur F. Felker Kora E. Fitzgerald tiara B. Fltimliig Mary E. Fohs Herbert French May Gibbs llenevleve Glover Hulda Ooos Ann C. Granbeck Iuise Grant David Grodlnslcy , Blanche Grotte John M. Ournett Edward M. Hal) Anna C. Hffmann Jean Hamilton Ruth E. Harding Lloyd H. Hirvt-y Paul A. Havens Adele U McHugh Turner McAllaster Hasel D. MacMlchael Ruth Muckin Lynne Mnlmnulst Inez M. Marks Frances Martin Knrah Martin Edward Maurer Clinton M. Maurltzius Helen A. Meyer Coralle J1. Meyer Sam B. Millard Chester Miller Helen Monroo Mary Mostyn Harriet F. Mould Eva M. Murphy Bertha Neale Dora I Olsen Ada E. Patterson Claude It. Peaks Anna C. Pedersen George A. Percival Margaret 8. Phllllppl Kenneth D. Phillips Herliort W. Potter Alfreds Powell Florence K. Power Arthur C. Potter Wallace Prtcrmrd WilllM-m J. Provasnlk llllam W. Rapp Callsta J. Reynolds Wm. 8. Reznlchek Florence E. RUldell Guy A. Robertson Martha P. Robertson Bam A. Robertson Minnie Robinson Edith M. Rogers Mniia 8. Roman Adelaide C. Rood Helen Roitaen ElHle A. Roys Tina Ruser Vera V. Ryerson Edith E. 8anborn Harvey B. Saunders Alice A. Bawyer Otto E. Schellherg Gertrude Schermer horn F. Alfred Schiller Conrad H. Schoeksler Lena Schonberirer Salome 8. Schwertloy urace r.. nearer Sarah M. Shearer Grace Shelter Ethel M. Kheets Helen Sholes Itvina Shorter Herbert rihruni Karsten L. Heariksen Sam C. Slaughter Ola Bell Hervev Vlola 8ollHrs Mary O. Herbert Vera lone Homing Fred W. Hofmann Olive L. Huntley Jerome F. Hevn Walter I Hoffmnn PhuI Hommel Ned Hoyt Elsie E. Johnhon Ruby R. Johnm.n Myrtle Irene Kayaer Guy R. Kendall Elizabeth M. Kern Jesitle I Knee Harry-Allen Koch Herman Kopild Mary U Kreid.-r Ida E. Iamniers Grace I. Ltngdnn Irtne Larinon John Latenser, Jr. Walter H. t.Hubach Christina Sorenseu -George Speiser Mary 8. Stay Herman Suaarman Robinson Hwltilor Winifred F. Terry Harold If. Thorn Howard F. Thomas Dean Trick Vlnsta Vlckery Carl Vom Weg Fern O. Wallace Blanche C. Wade Glenn Wallerstedt ' Ward W. Walsh Iura Waterman John P. Webster George Wel.lenfeld Hasel M. Welrich Ilavinond I Wlker Alfred E. Wem-rveit H'li'Uni "'"'lur William Wilbur M'lrtre.1 Wiiirix Kdna M. Wlttiim Margaret Wlttuin Walrred Wyckman Helen Marion Yates Ella Zabel Editar Zabrlskie Corlnne Lessel j Abraham Ievlne I Lynn Lloyd Walter r. I.nomle Warren 8. Lovejoy Gertrude Lovgren John L. McCMgue Bret L. Met 'uqongh James T. Mcuonaltl Oarers Who tirt t ertlflralea. ! Certificates were awarded to the follow ing cadet officers: Claude peake. captain Company A: Harry Koch, captain Company B; Arthur Potter, ratituln oniaiy '; John Mague, cap tain Cimpeny V, Ware Hall, cataln Coiu- nifsccnEUi 1 1 IVntw a rirrrs 3 ami il ?aw-4-i sVv.bae Take Your Choice ol Any Made Suit in Our Worth up to $35.00 at ' : 7 :-: ; r HP HIS extraordinary announcement t will , set the town a talking. Why, just think of .'the opportunity, and can anyone afford to mi$s(it. Suit$.made of finest materials by expert tailors, in .11 ,t - a. t . a ..r . . " "' all the newest and correct Over Three Hundred to Select From Fifty-three $22.50 Suits. . ; . Seventy-six $25.00 Suits.. Sixty-four $27.50 Suits Forty -two $30.00 Suits. Thirty-ono $32.50 Suits.. Thirty-eight $35.00 Suits.. I YOUR CHOICE BEAUTIFUL NEW WAISTS ATrVERY SPECIAL PRICES For Saturday we place on saJe several rjmjdrwf dozer, dainty new Waists, all fresh and clean. They arrived just in time for Saturday's selling. k fef H-" THE SPECIAL $1.45, $1.75 panv E: Sam Millard, captain Company F: Kerintth Patterson, first lieuienanl and udiutant: Clement Chase, first lieutenant and quartermaster; Rollin Andrews. first lieutenant and commissary ; Guy Kendall, first lieutenant hospital corps; Carl Vum Weg. first lieutenant signal corps, I'.rrt Mi-Cullough, first lieutenant band; Sam Robertson, first lieutenant Company A; Herbert Potter, first lieutenant Company B: Hatold Thorn, first lieutenant Company C; Harold Bowmon, first lieutcniint loni- pony D; Walfred WycKman. nrsi un tenant Company E: Guy Robertson, first lleutentnt Company F: Fay relker. neconn lieutenant Company A; Hymen Bugarnisn. second lieutenant Company B; Harry Hlixt. second lieutenant Company C;. Morris Bl sli. second lieutenant lompany u: m"i' Blom. second lieutenant company n.. i" Slaughter, second lioutenant touipany r. Vrc iinirman. third lieutenant Company A; Ned Hoyt, third lieutenant Company B; Edwaro Hall, tnira iieuienani umii! Paul Hommel, third lieutenant company D: Jowph Dorwnrd. third lieutenant Com pany K; 1'aui iiavens, niiru irui..... Company -F; Abe Irvine, second lieutenant band: Turner aiacAuasier, Company A; Tor tne year i:-wi, Hoffman, third lieutenant band. . , Farmers to Hulld Elevator. IOWA FALLS. Ia.. June 15-(Speclal - Another farmers' elevator project is aoot In this county ffhd a meeting has already been held with a view to the organization of a company lo control or own one of the grain elevators In Alden. The matter of securing a bonus from either the Chicago & Northwestern or the Illinois Central was placed In the. hands of a committee and In case one of the old elevators cannot be purchaaed one, msy be built, as the new company in this city did on securing a bonus of t2,0"D from the Des Moines Short Line. Another meeting will be held next week, when definite action will be taken and formal organization effected. DIAMONDS Edhoim. 16th and Harney. F.dltors for Jamestown. INDIANA PL18. June ' IB. The National Editorial association today decided to hold its next convention at Jamestown, Va.- ,f COAT SHIRTS nave me quaury, appearance ana wearina abilities of custom made ganaeaU. White or color-fast fabrics. On and of like coat. f 1.50 and more CuUETT, PEABODY & CO. I tug I Umkm of Col lar awl Aitm bt Ow DEBORAH GINGER ALE DEBORAH ROOT BEER DEBORAH LITHIA WATER WW PUT UP IN SPLITS Sold it AH Scda Fountains Pints and Quarts for Family Trade Sold by Ail Drug.ists and Grocers John G. Woodward & Co. Council Bluff, , lesva y llll lllll ? I . ' ffj1 Waih often, wear .KiTTsiw .fog, l;,,ai V - rial . fa) 0 nK-SCCFIELD UtWx.OTTCl Store styles, PRICES ARE;j and Do Not Forget the Greatest Event of the ,;t'.' . 20th Century,;-. .,; The Tenth Annual' Picnic . of the Omaha Grocers and Butchers Ass'n. ; and '..',. 1 ,r""' Retail Coal Dealers ...'.'-.-:.-. ...-'fi . ,i5e n,.Hv Bennington, Park Neb. - .v. , . , -., . via the Northwestern Line ' e. Special trains from : Union Station 7:30, 8:00 and 8:30 a, ra, Thursday,. June 21. Fare $1.00 Round" -Trip, Children BOc. v ; All Grocery and Marketa ! , Closed All Day.,.. - , Excellent Program rof,v Races, . Music, Qtimba. and Dancing. Refreshments on Grounds Everybody Invited. Tickets at your grocers : or at the depot Special weather arranged for. BELLEVUE COLLEGE COUl.liGK Classical, acientlflc,' phlloso pi.ical courses. ",i , . ACADEMY An accredited High Behol. Prepares for bellevue or any oUjer-college or university. . ' . ' NORMAL SCUOOL-EJementary.gnd ad. vanced courses. ' ' CON8KRVA TORT- Theory of mtc, p. ano. vole, vl.illn, elocution and art. CONNFfTIONS ISlectrlc iln and Burf llngton Railway. -' i Fall remester opens September V -Address President Waswoj-tn.-liellsvus. Neb. ' - IIOTKMI. HOTEL ElUPPER MlMonri 5v r.frsiis'fi- mm Qmm)u;ii"Jikltji7 ev This magniftrent hotel hair' K0 beau- tlful rooms and la locatod at 11th and McGee streets in the shopping district. Ciiilv half a block from tne Ktnt-ry, Itird, Thayer dry goods store; near ail tne tbeateie. i. . .. . tm Prlrstt afas. f depaeaes at AH Resau. gel ao4 CM I aaa Is Hater la Ivcry iesa. OanceHre CaU. Pcrlng Caau. CUs IruklMts aed Tsele B JIete Mar ert tervca la tale. aUta II t gy ess tlaaara. lareseaa Plaa. i Reservations may be mad by tala graph at our expense. Kl PI'ER UriHO?! HOTKIj CO; r. A. alBRgOR, Maaaaiav. $5 v.. 42:95 V