Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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Office, 10 rrrl
Mltoa meTio.
Clark' and as
tv1 (oil drugs,
fltockerf. sells carpets. ' ;
Fine engraving at Leffert's.'
K! Rogers' Tony F.uM beer. .
New location. 30 Pearl St.. Malonejr.
PlumWog nd; nesting.. Blxby Bon.
WowSrlng Undertaking company. Tel. JO.
Uirli Cutler., funeral director. 'Phone 7.
Plamonds an an Investment. Talk to
Letter! about - It.
A front room and alcove for rent. Tut
South Beventb street ,
All alses In barefoot sandnls for children
t Ssrgent's family shoe store.
Special couraea for tiublln school pupils
given-at- Western Iowa College.
Buy your tlree and folcvr-le sundries from
Wllllamaori. 17 South Mnm street.
Be Stephen Bros, for fire brick end fire
clay, sewer pipe, fittings and garden hone.
For Sale rine : :. rubber tired top buggy.
n-nrlv new, H5. SKI Broadwey, Council
Minn's, la., -
Speelai ..for' today;'"' New pota,toes.
pwk: large poddd peso, c peck. iartel
t Miller. Tel. 359.
If you have lender' feet and wsnt a
good, comfortable shoe see Duncan
Hfti.3 MJn street.
: The chH5t and best' lots for dwellings
.ere to be had. in Babbit Place. Hold by
i has. T. Offlt er. f9 U'wey. '
K. F. Htockert, 33B East Pierce street, has
been called to Muscatine, ta.. by the death
of his BiMer-lo-Uw,- Mrs. Benxlng.
Tmi can find the latet and bpt framed
plotureg at any price you want at the
c ouncil rutins rami, too i
Picture tiiSke most desirable wedding ;
gins, nee tne cnoice iniiuncui ,
ander'M" MS Broadway, A great range of
, pi Ires and styles. .... ..
For fcalw-AVIll sarrlflu. on my fine piano.
I'lymrnil tf ideslred. Can be seen at
tKhmoller " Mueller's. Wl Broadway.
V ouiicll UIukTh,- la. . -
Ten digit top"bgaii. with French bevel
plate ml rors. inilst be' Xold quick. (Jet a
oargain at h- Hospe Co., 33 South Main
slreet, f ouncll Bluffs.
Wo wholesale Ice cream.' 8hipped to
any- part of the . state, Special prices to
lite -retail trade. 1. Muccl. 218 West Broad'
way..(.auiKll muffs, la. Tel. 3(4.
W hsv. the finest line of sample monu
, inexts to select from In the west, fcheely
l.ane Marble and Uranlte works, 217
Kflit Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
JirAt reeelved,- sixty different styles In
' wall paper for our summer trade. The
h.'St time- Irt 'the ynsr to paper Is In' the
summen Borwlck, ill South Main.
'Do not sell yorir old Iron; copper, brass
knd old rubber before yon see us. We
ly W per tun. for No. 1 machinery- Iron.
J. Kaltleiiiun, sui South' Main. Tel. (60.
Ice tree ii or ioe cfeam sodas In many
iljitnrent lavvrs Is he beat you ever tasted
and served In nice, clean glasses and on
' clean tablea ' under electric fans. Clark
Drug cesuptMiy. - ...
' Joseph- SttrHlberg, aged 73, died yesterday
morning - at his residence, 216 Avenue U.
tie- leaves a iwife. rive daughters and Ave
ons. The remains will be taken today to
Atlantic, ' la., for bo rial.
rtitrol Driver Andy Loreriien. accom-
panled b' Mrs. Doremen, will leave Monday
for a ten-days' visit at their former home,
Clinton,., la., where they will also attend
lha stat flremep's tournament.
, J. M.-'kiik, charged .with making Insult
ing remarks, to womrn In Bay lis park, was
si'ntencvd to ten days on the rock pile yes
terday morning by Judge Scott, but the
' voutt Ister suspended the sentence during
Boj. Voliavkir. . -
v" Fred Ma n roe Meyer, a young fellow said
4n ba wanted by the authorities at Lincoln.
rNeh., In ponnectlon with the theft of a team
ii( horses, wss picked up by Detective Weir
In : this city- yeeterday afternoon. He is
.booked at the city Jail as a fugitive from
Miss Dora PTofflt of Loveland, la., against
whom ri'n' Information of Insanity had! been
t1led"Thitrsday, wit yesterday ordered by
the commissioners committed temporarily
In St.' Bernard's hospital. It is thought
llmt with proper care and treatment she
. will .qon , recover her normal condition.
'' Former Fire Chief Charles M. Nicholson
lies entered Into a contract with the Pat-terson-Brnlnard
Carnival company, now
showing , nt . the Woodmen of . the World
-l-l Omaha, to,put:on: a' "Fighting
ihe Ftamre" attraction lu connection with
the. company's otter . attractions.- Mr.
NlcMlson. isxto have hi show ready by
I August k. , ...
- The fire department waa called at 9:30
'last night eB the resldenoe of W. I Doug
lass.' i South FJghth street, where : the
electric eurrfnt In a combination eleelrlo
' light end ' gas chandelier had started a
flats In the entrance, hallway. The chan-
'rtei(ei was ruined and the paper on, the
'if ng badly damaged before .the firemen
, tjhi tij t,helr work " '
Tl,o ,,r.llmlnarv' hearinx Of VT. L. last-
a n..' trir, Omaha man charged with passing
several wrthles checks In this city, was
.-.MUlinied vesterrtay until Monday. His bail
has Wn placed at l;00 and it Is expected I
that friends from Omaha who were over
to see' blm yesterday wlU furnlsh it. The
iruthorltled here .are of ..the opinion mat
Kastn.Aii .is not-wholly, reeponslble men
, tally.,; . v n- -, ' . .
. t !; -.- 1 ; t
qaaitty Caaats
" " More with paint ihan with anything else.
You may think you save, a few dollar
' on first fost, but you'll lose a year. or more
. -u. the wear., We don't offer bargain
'.(omrler prsres for paint, but w paint 00
t'iC stay ' palrtted.;v Jensen ' Nloholaon.
: Outside aad. Inside House Decoratlona.-
. Cool ott your hot porch by puttrng up
..0Uc Vudor porch shades. Then get Into
" XnS t of our Vedor hammock chairs and
' 'have a Ttlce piece of our porch Jurnlture,
' a table,, for Instance, with clgirs and a
.bottle cooled In one of our Iceberg refrlg"
eratora, and you wHl And your comfort
; fomplete,,1, Keller V Farneworth Furniture
. company, -. '- ' ".
- ' I t r I 1 . ,11 , ...
; The. first and most graphic colored plc
.'.iurA of the San Francisco Are on sale at
(W, 8' Hewetaon'e Picture and Wall Paper
x Sfore. " ltic picturV sale tomorrow. Pictures
at greatly reduced prices. W. B. Hewetson,
. Maeonk5.Teniple,.8mdway, Council Bluffs.
We rarry'an' styles, klnda and lengths of
ladders. We buy a full car every aprlng.
Uety.upy buJng'our ladders. C. Hafer.
.-'. i '
Colored oxforda, white, gray. blue, red,
lavender, pink r any color you want; any
price, "kt Bargent. Jamlly shoe store.
V Hammocks from ,76o up to WtflO. largest
line In. the city. 8walni Mauer, S3 and
SSI Broadway. '
; CEKTRAt, " 1TLOtJIU-l.l. rrery aeok
- err anted. Central Grocery and Meal
Market,' ' '- '
- , Qartel aV; Mler tiave extra-fine new po
tatoes, JOc per peck. " Tel.' 5.
. t Wreck. Victims Arrive Heme.
Walt Naeon, the railway mail clerk who
was one of the ten persons Injured in the
collision' jvear Marne; la.,' Thursday night
; betweeo. wo Rock, Island -pasaenger grains,
was brewgivt eo.hlo home In this city early
. yeeter4 morning, . Hie Injuries are not
thought to be serious unless Internal com
plication.,, should ensue. He- was badly
brateed -about tne rsglon of the chest and
received a bad cut -behind tbe right ear.
Frank sir Raven, the colored dining car
alter oh the eajtboUnd train, who was
slightly .InJurfd. Is alae a rsaldent of Council
i JBluffe-end waa formerly city poundroaatar.
. Olen tUtii, son.' 6t Vr. and Mrs. Freeman
U Reed ef thla city, was a paaeenger on the
atboMnd tram returning home from Iowa
taty. ii. eapo without Injury. .'
' Barter ft Miller have extra fine new po
tato, feu r'pocli..' T.I. W.
V haul dead animate, tl.W er' head.
'GarUae-e. ashes. 11 .enure and all - rvo, c'.to vaults and reaepoola, All
wars. Aoae U guaranteed.
i-e4te pruuieuy attended to.
' " " r-b-oa. lied 11.
St. ; Tel. 4.,
Fir .Hundred Delegate ExpccUd to
AtUnd Contention Vext Week.
Promfaeat Wvrker. la Ike - Caeae,
lltth Wltblaj aaa
the State, Kieeete. ta Be
. " ' la Atteaa'aaee.
The local committees ate preparing to
entertain 600 delegates who are expected I
to attend the forty-first annual convention
of the Jowa State Sabbath School assocm-
..on and th. sixth lnuru.tlonarai.tdct
Sunday school Institute to be held In this
clty next week. The state convention will
be held commencing Wednesday evenln
. , "
and lasting over Friday afternoon. It will
be preceded by the district institute meet-
lng, which will open Tuesday afternoon
and close. Wednesday afternoon.
The sixth international district Institute
comprises the states of Nebrsska, Mis-
sotiri, Kansas and Iowa. Its sessions will
. . ... t ..K.tmk
be held in the First Presbyterian church.
while the meetings of the State Sabbath
School association will be held In the largo
ba.ll In the Masonic temple
Th officers of the state association ar:
President. A. F. X. Hambleton, Oskaloosn;
chairman executive committee, C. J: Kep-
h,,t t,,,. ....- f ir u.rdinr Kl-
hart. Toledo, treasurer, J. F. Harding, H.I-
dora; recording secretary, . itev. w. b.
Clemmer, Council Bluffs; general .secre
tary. B. F. Mitchell, Des Moines; field
teacher training secretary, ,W. H. Manning.
'Among the prominent-workers from out
side the state who' wlll"be present and par
tluipateiln the institute and con'venftoa
will be Rev. James M. Gray, D. D. of Chi
cago; Rev. Joseph Clark, D. D. of Coluin-
. o secretary of the Ohio state
s, O., general secretary or tne unio state
association; Mra. aiary foster uryner oi
Peoria, 111., international field worker;
Mis. EvaMarsnalr Shont. ot Chicago,
presltfent Toung Peoples ChrUtlon Tem-
perance union; J. II. Engle of Abilene,
Kas., general secretary for Kansas; Rev.
. v n n or a, iv,ula Mo Prof
A. P. George. D. D. or Bl. wuii, ao., rror.
P, B. Towner . of Chicago. Among thi
lom a speakers will be President C. J. Kep-
hart. D. D Pre.,dnt A. B. Storm. D. D
President H. H. Thoren. D. . Prof. W. O.
Allen, Rev. -C. S. Medbury, Rev. .Henry
Williams, Rev. Hugh McNlnch anj others
' Additional Coaesaliteee Naaaed. .
These additional ooVnmtttees were named
Thursday evening at a meeting of the gen
eral committee; -1 -' '' ' '
Kecertlon Mrs. G. G. Balrd.' chairman;
Mrs. Florence Haverstock, Miss Edith
Joseph, Mies Florence Btorrs, Mrs. Mary
B. Thomas, Mrs. II. A. Ballenger.
Decors Uon Mrs. J. B.. Long,, rhalrmsn;
. . . . . , . , i, ; trua
Narom,"cm'id.,:1.s-. 0 " KeU h!
Helen Walker. Miaa Mabel Cook. v
Parade r . C. KKer. cnairman; mm
Durfee and superintendents of various Bun
day schools.
, PZkhlbits and Information Rev. M. P. .Me.
Clure, Rev. James O May.
,A11 visiting delegates win oe entertainea
. i-- It- -A m ta that thpv I
I Will D lUminPU iuuiii w,...utan.m.
Part of the needed entertainment has been
secured, -but the committee Is 'still anxious
to hear from those members of the various
churches who can accommodate onej)r
more - delegates during the two meetings,
Those who can do se and are willing are
requesiea m nuyiy. . -,......, ...-,,
offlce In thexchange building of the tnde-
penaeni xeiepnone company.
A spectacular feature of -he convention
will be .the parade on Thursday mofnlng
of Sunday school children, when it la hoped
to have 1.000 In line. ' T. C Biker' win be
iharshal of the parade and every one win
carry a pennant banner with an approprl-
ate design In red, white and blue."
Progrrasa - ef Iastltate.
This 1 the . complete prpgram fo the
sixth. International district Institute:
- J:30-Bible study and
Case, Council Bluffs,
:f-"How to Organ
J:30-Bible study and -prayer; :Rey F; A.
Ise the Unorganised
Counties," ' -; "Best Meang of -Helping
the Denominational Workers by Our Con-
vnUoni, Stat.itt.cB, Mnpfl, Ktc,' Dr. A. P
0or( 8t. LiOui; "The 8tat Offlc: fn
4 Vv Ul iy f vwpV .a iiniui '
B. LJicey, Bt
Ixmls; "The Btate Paper:
r'.a) I,t8.onfe.'?t: .,.f"Hw i.1 1t"cron8' J'"
Circulation," Hev. H. fl. Condlt, Storm Lake,
la.: "Bolvlng the Financial Problem.'' F. P.
Hayes, St. Louis; "Btandsrde for County
and Township Organisation.'' Frank Oliver,
Onawa, la.; "Standards for School Organl-
aatlon." Mrs. Robert Englehart. Bac City.
la. ; "The Btate Tour," Mrs. Mary Foster
Bryner.- . .
Cl-Receptlon and registration.. . .
T:S0-Blble stud and prayes. Rey. Stephen
Phelps), D. D. BellevueV JJeb. . . - . ;
S:00 "Through Field Glasses. Mrs. Mary
Foster Bryner. . Peoria. JU : "What the
Organised Work May 1 ifr tlw Advance-
ment of the Kingdom in Thla District, J.
H. Engle, Abilene, Kan.
1.10 Sectional conferenoea. Grade teach-
ere at First Presbyterian ehureh. Mrs. Mary
church, Dr. A. P, George, St. LeMiis, presld- I court yesterday against P. J. Montgoni-log--
..':' f . ery, a physician of this city, claiming i I
:4!i Bible study and prayer. "Th
School,'' Prof. w. R. Manning, Des
The Graded
Statlatlcs: (at Gathering: ib Making
Valuable," Mrs M F. Bryner: ''Promoting
, Mrs. m. r . uryner; rromoting
R' A.'"MJr"; Vw. A- 8hw'.?arln
a.; "A Brief History of the ,De-
it of the Sunday Behool Movement
ine i. ts. i
Grove, la
in Our States " Missouri. Dr. A. P. Georsw.
r)t. Louis; 'Kansas. T. B. ISweet, Topeka;
Meorasaa. rror. rt. m oteiaiey. uncoin
Iowa s w. Cole. Detroit. Mich. -
J. H. Engle. Presiding.
l:So Song and prayer. Best aolnts from
morning conferences, by" the traders.
:le "County Problems.-" 1. Th. assocla-
tlon work in sparsely settled communities.
I. How to organize unorganised townships.
I. Meana of helping township officers to
Know tneir neia. . west means or reach-
lng the township of foreign population.
I. The county executive committee: (a) Fre-
ouencv of meetlna. (b I.mea of work to be
considered. . County finances: (a) How
managed, (b) How much should the count v
assot iationspend for Its local work, (c) The
school ami oersonai contribiltkina value
and need of each. d) Beat ways of keep-
lng a county treasurer's book. la). Tha
i-uuiiiy uiiviiiTv; ivHjimucf, ils wurM. on-
vanttnnl ent Instil 1,1 e ! . tm TSAfMMsxm anA
plans. b Building a oonventioo prrm.
(ci oecunng - apeaxers nunoav -achoel
lyceum. idi Awakening local la teres t. (s)
How sdvcrtlse. if) Coitventtons in line -
Mrs Mary Foster Bryner. -, The county
tour. . County Sunday school mans: (a)
Plans for making, ibt How used. L L.
Allen, fierce City, Mo., 1. The , pastors'
county conference. J. F. Ilardto. Kldora.
11. Work In our cities s, liita. Uncoin,
Abilene ana t-ounctt oiuas.
tat. Ceavesllfs' Progirasa.
This is the complete program for the slate
convention of the Sabbath school aeso-
- - ...
7:30 A preparation of bong. Prof. D. B
Towner. Chicago: scripture snd prayer..
1:00 Oreetlng", Re. O. O.- Smith. II. D.
Council Bluffa
1:10 Resionse and annual addres.,. Hon
A. F. N. Hambleton. Oakaloosa; solo, Prof
p. K. Towner; convention offering
:ju aiy vapturea fug.- ana. (,T Mar-
stiall Shunts. Chicago, president' American
union. .
I -Kveiilng prayer,' red by ReV. 1. B.
Jackaun, Greenfield.
I. Ik Sectional nieetlnas: Pastors and au
perintendenta, Bruadwy Met bud 1st church.
Hev. W. G. Hohanahett, - preaidina. eider.
leadee, - ladlaaola; adult class teacbera,
Broadway Methodist church. Rev.O M
Cotton, leader, Oeoeoiat Intermediate teach
er., Broadway Methodist church. Prof. F
!. rloirman, leeoer. lenleon; - primary
Junior, teacben. Ftrer BaptteVrburch, Mra
Mary rosier nryner. leader, Peurta, III.
temperance. First Baptist church. Mlsa mortal services Sunday morning. Th. mem
Snon.,ir prM,B M",' by Ml- ber. will asmbl. at t o'clo-k In Mac.
t.U 0 under School Music. How Inipruve
It?" Prof. D. B. Towner. '
Oenersl secretary's report, B. F.
Mltrhell; "A Canadian In lows," Pre-f. W.
K. Manning, neld teacher training secre
tary. 10:10 "Our Educational Exhibit." Prof. i.
A. ljapham, (wage.
10-.2-"The Study of Missions n the Sab
bath School," "How? The Baptist Plan, '
Hev, Henry Williams. Iea Moines; "Whent
The Congregational Plan." Mrs J. F. Har
din. Eldora; "What? The Methodist Plsn,"
Mrs. II. T. Fisher. Waterloo: "Why? The
Presbyterian Plan," Kev. Hugh McNInch,
U:l Bible stud v. "The IJvIng Hope." I
Peter, I, Rev. James M. Gray., D. D.,-Chl-cago.
111. ."' l:
12:00 truncheon. ' V
1:00 Sunday school parade.
1:00 Masa children's meetings, .(.to 11
years of age at First Baptist church, ad
dressed by Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner and
Dr. A. P. Oeorge; l to U years of age at
First Presbyterian church, sddresses by
Dr. Joseph Clark and Prof. W. R. Manning.
Admittance to these meetings Is by ticket
only and no adults are admitted except the
local woraers.
"""PJ e.onJ!.n"!:? i.?
jj B j-owner
: "A Look Into the Future." J. T.
r'rJln- , . , , .
Clark, general secretary Ohio State asso-
elation; music. Prof. D. B. Towner. .
:-',.TI;,ToJ'nf h 1 r ! !' 5? n : V.
Place. Its Work. Its Possibilities. J. II.
B , -snerai secretary Kansas State aa-
:0O Bible study. "The Obligations of
"ZZ-iiJunVti her.
f resolution and nominating commltteea. '
6:1ft Field workers' conference. President
8- Bj!-,h.1 Pre'dlng.
(:U0 Field workers luncheon.
.-,.,,. v ,... ,
7 M-Song service. Prof. D. B. Towner.
leader; scripture and prayer, B. W. Cole,
Leirou. men.
d,nt A. u B'i.Tn ,u iS .
tural college. Ames; solo by Prof. D. B.
Towner .. -
: Self Training of the Teacher," Dr.
Jo.pph clark Columbus,. O.
;a Announcements: evenlna
era ye r.
"The ' Worker's Strenath." Dr. Jamea M.
1:15 Sectional Meetings: Teacher train
ing. -Broadway Methodist church. Rev.
William Murvhle, Red Cak, leader; home
department, Broadway' Methodist ehureh,
Mrs. T. B. Short, Falrrteld, leader) mis
slrtnafy department, Kngllsh Lutheran
church,- MIse L.ucy Ieavltt, Waterloo,
idr: primary-Junior department. First
cnurch. Miss Grace Ia-llt, Traer,
leader; temperance department, ttiglish
Lutheran church. Miss Ellena Teater, Des
Hgrtor . B r
staUstlcal secretary; recognition of ban-
ner counties. President C. J. Kephart. D.
D, chairman state executive committee.
. -Recognition of teaciier training grad-
uat,i; .prseentatlon of dlplomaa, Rev, Wtl-
Ham MTurchle; address.. "The Teacher Im-
PiVJP " fr'lent H. H. Thoren. D. D.,
U:lVBIble study,
The Meesaa-s
World-Wide Evaneellxatlon." Titus 2.
'13:lo Luncheon: teachers' tralninc alumni
banquet. - .
1:8ft Opening prayer; reports of commit
tees end 'election' of officers.
3:w Demonstration of Sunday school
music, Prof. D. B. Towner.
3 20 "The Adolescent Period." Prof. W. O.
Allen. Ph. D.. Tabor.
: ''Hints on Lesson Building," Mrs.
Mary .Foster -Bryner.
:4 "Training for World-Wide Rvangell-
. ThDr.J.n.- Gray,
t-losing services.. . .-
Oklahoma Is getting to be one of. the
greatest potato countries In the south.
They cultivate a "variety similar to the
old Peachblow and are red In color. We
have a large' supply on hand and IntenU to
. . . . " , , .,
a the Marrowfat; ' they are. In' prime con-
aitionr-eoc. per pecg. Home grown wax
kun, 1 Krt - ha-v nn.a,n-a 191. ....... K .-a
,..'2 buncne8 'turnlp., 2 for 6
new cabbage, to; cauliflower. Be and 10c
-V- . 1 .. -I ,l J T
.,, t, ,., t.i a
Xatters la District Coart. ,.
' There will be" little, doing In the'dlstrlct
court from now on .,. th. onen',n of th
nn eiist s with . the cim-
dorket di.oosed of for this term and
thM w fflm trie t cases on the as-
,.-nmnt. Judge Wheeler yesterday dis-
charged tli petit Jury. .
Robert Flnlayson. allaa Robert HarrU.
I the Omaha young man Indicted for the
I theft , of a-bicycle the property of Johii
Chambers and valued at J5, entered a. plea
of guilty yesterday and was sentenced to
one year in the penitentiary at Fort Mad
ison. "" '
The trial- of . Ji. Kaplan,, the traveling
salesmen charged with embexxlement from
the Groneweg & Schoentgen company, waa
continued until next term', Kaplan's attor-
hey, Senator C G. Saunders, being unable
to appear for him at
,r . ,
rB" case against M
this term. -
Mark A. Sweeney, who
I was Indicted, on the charge of knowingly
and wilfully marrying the wife of another
ot h. tried bv i lurv an avreement
T . V .J . V. w f r'"nc"t
" " " "-
I mltted to -the rourt on the legal points in-
volved. The charge against Sweney arises
I r 1.1. ,n v. Dn . a 1,-1,
. " . J . " ''
-"Dr"' ",l"r r"- oivorce
rrom ner nusoana m umana. wnicn oivorce
was later set aside bv the Nebraska court.
Th rtt on queBtlon whether
I , , ..... .,
1 .-"r J wuhju prmimu i-
1 Torceo persons rrom remarrying within
I six months followlna- the Issuance of th
Atrrfl applies outside of that state.
Myers-brought suit in the district
due him as wages and $1,000 damages for
egel libel. Myers, according to tho
papers niea in- ine sun, wss employed by
Dr. Montgomery as stableman and driver
- . ,. ' , laftI ,i
,roB wbT L ) "y . 10.
I papers filed In-the suit, wss employed by
After the plaintiff, left Dr. Montgomery's
I service, the latter, It Is alleged, wrote him
. litter which contained the all..l
"' wnicn coniainea me , alleged
I ,iv,.lAII- mnmtim
Flae Faraa.
Tst hundred-aore farm five miles f mn
iijMouri Valley Good Inmrovamanta and
X? TV P " . ,"na
' ir
I Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Offlc. telephone X.
I . . ..... ... ,. ., . i . ,
I ' " "
In th. vehtol. line, acknowledged so by all
I ..m.u.iiinn tvht h h
. ,' mlAvinm , ki. ,
r w-
I buggy construction. How well he-has sue
I .i is mHmtA hv thm wn,r,,i i..
I . . .
I vvvmwv wn
Call aroujid and
I ask him.
Twenty per cent discount on lawn mow
ers and refrigerators. Extra special 1-1
I burner and 1-4 burner Michigan gasoline
stoveslight with torches, will not explode,
for UJ.M and ill M each. Paddock 4V Hand
schey. Investigate our chsip mm propoaltloa in
eastern Colorado, H per acr. for raising all
las ,of grops; good soil; best of water;
1 alll,eut ! I mm I a Cvmiralnna Al m r.A
delightful climate. Ixoursions first and
third Tuesdays of each month. Send for
printed matter. P. C. Lougea. 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs. Ia.
We employ . nothing but, first-class tin
ners and plumbers and guarantee all of
Vtnr wnrlr - Rnenrer Fnrnece nA" fl h t
I w.i.l Works lf, West Draadwav
Met' Wor"' ", H(,t JToaaway.
1. For Imported wlnee. liquor. aad Budwelaef
I beer, go to I Rosenfeld. w holes. 1. liquor
a.i.r. Ilk South U.ln street.
I . ' T
Oo t. Hicks' for your money's wortg ia
Ignoring. N. bluff, eltaer.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. M. Night, Xm,
Maeasee Meseerlal gervlee.
. Couucll Bluff e- Tent.. N. II, Knights ot
Ui. Maccabees will bold Its 'annual mo-
"e ball ai.0 from tbcr. warca to Fair-
The Question of
Is it
v 1
SHREDDED WHEAT contains more nutriment
than meat and is more easily digested making it the
ideal summer food.
It's an All-Day Food an Economical Food.
SHREDDED WHEAT is made in the cleanest and
most hygienic building on this continent. No secret
process our plant is open to the world over 100,000
visitors last year. ;
is delicious for breakfast with
. ; ' . ' t
for any meal in combination with fresh
Keeps the stomach sweet and clean dud
healthy and active.
view cemetery, where exercises accordTlig
to the ritual will boLlield'and the graves
of deceased members decorated. All mem
bers are requested to- Krlng flowers with
them to the hall. Captain Frank Elgan of
Council Bluffs, division No. 10, uniform
rank of the Maccabees,' requests' every
ntember of the ,comiany';l6 be' In .attend
ance In full-sunlfof n 4o aut as an escort to
-the tent. .' e i'
' '" '' '" "
Watson Reta)ins A4tq tae a.
John C. Watson, the Nebraska City at
torney who .Jias .twustitiiiaile . defendant In
disbarment proceedings brought against
him In connection wltlv yieai.OOO damage
suit of C D. Bvw'terneld, the .Hamburg (la.)
banker, agalnat"M. K. 'f errofi o Nebraska
City for the allepatlpn'oi'Mra,! Bu('r(lold;s
afTections, has. been la ''ouncil Bluffs tor
a couple of days conferring with a firm of
attorneys of this city Vhom he has en
gaged to represent him. ' Mr. Watson
stopped at the-Granrt-Jiotfl, as did his con
fidential clerk.-' Max ('rlhrt, against whom
charges, have .reen, fijertt-ret before Gov
ernor Mickey f Nebraska. 'with the object
of having Cohn's notarial' commission re
voked . "'" '''.
3Tr. Watson denies any Irregularity on Ills
part Irt connection With the withdrawal' of
the Buttrrfleld' suit; wh(cii bas prtnnpted
the disbarment, proceedings. H . and , Mr.
Cohn left the city . yesterday afternoon,
stating their, Intention of returning to. Ne
braska. City.- - -. .
','. ' ' Art Porery. '
. Alexsnder's .Art Store! has Just 're
ceived a large shipment ef artistic pottery
In vases, teapots, sugars and. creamers,
pansy bowls, etc. Just the thing for wed
ding 'gifts. ... e;jt..,T,.
Why are McAtee'e bakery goods better
than any made or old tn'the'cMy? Simply
because all of the Ingredients "that go Into
their composition are absolutely pur., end
pt ..the highest grade produced, and will
conform to and pass 'Inspection tinder 'any
pure food law on earth. No compounds or
Imitations used.
Some elegant lota, wltu pavlug.and grad
ing paid, on Glen Ave. and also Fifth Ave.
be sold cheap. Chas. T. Officer; 419 Broad
wiy. I have a number of dwellings, owned by
eastern mortgage companies, which can
be sold cheap. Chasv T. ' Officer," 41t Broda
way. ' i.-
Somethlng entirely . new and Jusf out.
Beautiful new photos at a special offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
Call. 159 for bargains. Rartel, Miller,
New potatoes, 30c per peck.
Masons Celebrate leml-Ceatrsatal.
Bluff City Masonic lodjte la making elab
orate preparations for the celebration of
Its setnl-cenienntal anniversary next Tues
day night. G. W. Llnkiarr, 'past grand
You Will Find Our
' ---Our Goods the Most Reliable
Kxtra Fancy arge'ew Potatoes, peck
20 lbs. uranulated Sugar for Vl.OO
Tb. Beat Corn, per can ........ 5c (
' Tbe- Best Uncolored.. Japan Tea, )
per lb. .......... . . . . . . . ,2.V
30c can Red' Alaska Salmon, 2 . f
cana for
Extra Fancy large Orangeg,
per dozen vk'. w . . ... :2Sc
Extra Fant;y Plneauptae. 2 for.Ac
Peas, jn?r pek,
The Best Wisconsin' Full Cream Cheese, Jb. . '. . . . , .12V2c
All Patrnt Flour, per sack. . . . . . . .. .$1.10
Doth Phones 108.
Is it nourishing?
master of Nebraska, and H. W. Rothert.
past grand master of Iowa, will be on the
prpgram for addresses. A banquet fol
lowing the program of speeches will be a
feature of the celebration.
8oe those lace curtains how mussy they
look. Just because they are of the sagging
kind. We have lace curtains that do' not
sag. and window shades that are right up-to-date.
; Linoleum, oilcloth, matting and
almost anything you went In carpets and
rugs at strictly moderate prices. Stockert
Carpet Coy .806-7 " West Broadway. -
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1853. Books are all up to date. Work gc
curately and promptly done at loweat
prices. Office opposite court house, Si Fear)
street. Council Bluffs, Is. .
" . Complete Ditch Assesments.
The suKrvlscis of Harrison and Potta
wattamie counties completed yesterday, in
Joint esslon at T.ogan the work of equal
lzlntf .-.the. assessments for benefits from
the construction of the Willow cnik, Allen
crck. end the Boyer river cut-off Join:
ditches,.,. '
The cost of tne construction of the throe
ditches will be IO.ooO and the tiupervlsors
have" flxetj an average of 16.30 per acre
assessment for benefiis. The schedule of
assessment has yet. to be made out, and
whn this Is completed the persons affected
will still have the rlg4it to appeal from
the action of the supervisors, and it Is
likely that several will do so. Litigation
over the assessment for benefits, however,
will not' necessarily delay the work of
construction, part of which has already
been commenced. .
The two boards will reconvene In Joint
session Tuesday, June 36, by which time
the schedule. It Js expected, will be ready.
A. MetsgarA Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
(II Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Refrigerators, porch chairs, porch rock
ers, cool and reclining go-carts; go-carts
t per cent off; full line of mattings, .lino
leums, carpets and rugs. D. W. Keller,
10S B. Main St
High grade pianos sold on easy payments,
U down and IB ' per month. Swanaon
Muslo Co., 407 Broadway.
CENTRAL, Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat
Rubber soled outing shoes for ladles Just
the thing for the lake, at Sargent's family
shoe store. Look for the bear. -
Concert Proves a Treat.
The concert given by the. Festival
chorus and the Tabor college preheat ra
under th. direction of Prof. G. L. Pierre
at the - Broadway Methodist church at-
Prices the Lowest
Extra Fancy Large Ripe Tonia-'.
toes, per lb..... ...10c
Home Grown Wax Beans, lb. .lOc
Cherries, per box .4c
2 Bunches of Beeta for. ...... .6c
Best Bacon, per lb ....15c
3-lb. Pall of Lard 2.V
Extra Select Country Butter, -
per lb 24k-
Gallon Can Fancy Peaches,... .35c
236 West Oroadway
the Hour
Is it
(heated in the oven)
hot or cold milk, or
. 1
tracted an audience which completely
filled the large auditorium.
White canvas Oxfords, all' kinds. Prices,
II to $2. Duncan tt Dean. 21 Main street. .
Special courses fer puollc school pupils
given, at Western Iowa College.
- Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were rriported to The Bee
June 15 by the Title Guiiranly and .Trust,
company of Council Bluff: .
Carrie M. Morse and husband to Caro- .
. Hup F-. Bowma.n, e feet of lota 1. I
and S, block K, Curtis ft Ramsey's ad.
Council Bluffs, w d. 12,500
Executors of Horace Kverett estate to
l.vdla A. Spooner. pnrt lot 3, block
14. Mill sd. Council Bluffs, w d... . 1.200
Charles Troup and wVo to James I.
Kllsworth. lot 11. block 11. Curtis
& Ramsey's ad, Council Bluffs, w d.
Arthur Shadden nnd wife to Henry
Stansherry, lois 5, 6. 7, H, 9 and 10,
block 1st. Crescent Cltv, w d
Interstate Realty company to Frank B.
ininson, iota io. 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16.
, 17 and IS. block 22, Kvana' Second, Council Bluffs, w d '652
Iowa-Mortgage and Trust company to
F. J. Day, lota 7 and 8. block 8. Cen
tral sulxllv.. Council .Bluffs, w d.... '60
Margaret , I.. MoGec and IniKband to .
Anna I.. Husen. lot 1, block 4. Bav
liss Third ad. Council Bluffs, w d'.. 40
Total, seven .transfers '. . $,1,977
' Probation Officers Confer.
Rev. Henry -Delxing, probation officer of
the Juvenile division of the didtrlrt court,
has been. In conference with Mrs. Char
lotte Towle, matron of the Juvenile court
i ' l f
Doth 'Phones 24. 600-602 Broadway.
Rex Breakfast
Bacon, per 11).
Picnic Hams,
per lb, .-.
Salt Spare Kiba,
6 lbs.........
No. 1 Bologna,
ler lb . . ......
Fresh Dressed 101.
Chickens, per Ib.laC'iu
.: We have an abundance of
berries; curraritg, cttcnmberB, new
vetjetableg and frultg of all kinds
Try Our Central Flour,. '
H i H -
bvery sack warranted,
! TlieO
rvislarW aiid Grocery
,. 537 West Broadway.
New Pickle Porlf, per lb.
, .... 7c
, .... 8c
Picnic Hams, per lb.,.
Good Steak .........
Corn Beef, per lb. . . . .
Skinned Hams, per lb.
Beat 'Em All Soap, 10 bars. !2V
Swift Pride Soap, 10 bars....2.V
10 bars Diamond "C" Soap. . ,2V
fruits or
the bowels
I In Omaha, and Assistant Probation Officer
J. B. Carver of that city regarding the case
of the child of Mrs. Kittle Burkhart of thla
city; who was recently divorced from her
first husband In Omaha. The child I. at the
creche of the Associated . Charities In this
city, w here the mother Is-: paying for iU
Mrs. Burkhart, while married again 'and
living w-ith her second husband, Is. said to
be a partner of her former husband In the
restaurant business" on Broadway.' The at
tention of the court may be called to th.
case and the court asked to take the cus
tody of the child ttom t!e mother. '
Don't forget that 1 have fin. spring and
summer suits from $20 to $2& B. 8. Hlcka,
Call for mal gains. - Baftel tt Miller.
New potatoes, 30c per peck. '
Mills Against Cam mine.
GLF.NWOOf, . la.y June Ji. Special.)
The republican county convention to se
lect delegates to' the state convention was
held at the court house here. Hon. John
Y. Stone presided. ' Twelve delegates were
elected and instructed aga'iist any ml) for
the third term for ; governor The county
central committee was reorganized. The
convention wag very ..harmonious.
. Beat All. .
When your Vif are.dlm, tongue coated,
appetite poor, bowels constipated, Etectrlo
Bitters beat all cures. 50 cents. For sale'
by Sherman A'MpConnell Drug Co.
Sugar- Corn i
; )er cn. . .
Diamond ;C'V .
Soap, 10 bars. .
15c package ,
Matches for. . .'.
3:lb. can Baked Pork and;
Beans, 2 ' iKi
cans . . :.',;i.,..;1IUC'
4J5c box fancy Toilet I flJ
Soap, jier box. i . .'.lUC
fancy strawbeVrleg.'cberrieg, goota
and old potatoes, fresh tomatoes,
at the lowest prlcs.; ; , '''.
'per sack. . ,
Both 'Phones 46.
Patent Flour, sack. . -?.. . ..$1.18
Sugar Corn, per can.-. . ,'.V. .fic
Fsncyj Itice, pitf IV. .V. v.'.w.'iUi
Wisconsin Cream Cheese. .. 12 (gc
Soda Cracker.-lb,;.; ';j,.Bf
OysteV Crackers, lb .6c
6' lbs. Natry Bans for . ... 1 ; ,2rte '
20 lbs.' Cane Sukw 140
2 lbs. Good Coffee ...,ftA