1ft THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1906. .J- I It B:g Sai Des Maine? Stock Sitorlij (jfOO I n I! 1 llJJ Ls t3 'Saturday Big Sale Leader Stock EXTRA SPECIAL BrtnOAIN8 FOR REMNANT DAY Fine Wash Goods in the Basement. Twl WMs 18c FwtHi a pr Yard All of our irmtunti nf aM wide1 pun'Sles, In light rol-ortr-ra will jo at, , 85o Batlnsa at THc Fit Tarfl All .if our riniibl fold rtra fin morcrr- jr yard 5c e Gins;aami at 3ViO Par Tard Allof our Rorumulatlon of eiron chifk and rrilldrn's drf Blng- himi, from 8 to 10 yard length, on ale at, yard. 1 31c t.T(l satlnea. whttoa. ktbvs and Mai ka win no at, rrr yard .j. Ik 25c Lingerie Whit Irtxxln, mull, India linons and lawns, will go at, per yard 10c !c FOR ENTIRE REMNANT Dotted Swisses and Percales lc -Thousands of short remnants In light and dark grounds. uouph for children's dresses, ladles' waists, etc., go atfo- the entire piece A New Lot of Silkolines A new case of drapery uilko- lines in new designs, all lengths, especially adapted for Zf kinsonas, house gowns, and window draping. J yoC 3 at. per yard LINEN REMNANTS FOR FRIDAY. One lot of nil linen lim ind naofcln. md from sample piece tibte l mank a great bar- 2c gain, at. each " Drummer's sample j.iecf tpble damBk anlfne for :ry cloths, napkins, rfr will fto at, if eai-li IW Table rlamaek rorn nan'n In table cloth lengths, at test! than cot to Import. Sample Strips of Allovcr Laces Hundreds of new pat'.' if line allovers in white, eream and ecru up to a v.h-.i in length these are extra fire ot of allovers worth up to fifty wnts 10p a yard, at, per yard REMNANTS AM) SAMPLE STRIPS OF KMHKOI1IKKIKH All widths of embroideries and lnsertlngs in Swiss, nainsook and cambric, newest patterns on bargain tables Friday, i ifn at, per yard J2C-02MUC WASH AND TRIMMING LACKS OX BARGAIN TABLES Mechlins. French and English Vals, torchons and net, tops in a score of new patterns most desirable widths tor all kinds ' C "7t of trimmings new lots Friday at, per yard JlC-DC" i jC Importers Silk Samples Direct From the Custome House. Over 3,000 pieces the grandest lot of silk samples silks of all descriptions, fancy brocades, swell plaids, novelty silks, embroidered sIlkB, white silks, taffeta silks, tinsel silks, corded silks a great many match up that can be made up for waists, children's dresses, etc., all go In main aisle bargain square, at, each 15c-25c-39c-49c Roueh Shantungs, all Bilk. 27-Inch Japanese silks, fancy checks, Habutal silkB, Louisene silks worth up to 85c a yard If as long as they last, at, per yard aJC Sample Lengths of Dress Goods IMPORTED DIRECT FROM FRANCE. 7 to 10 lengths alike, silk voiles, eoliennes, rich black dress goods, taifeta wool, chiffon, panama goods selling every where up to $2.50 a yard, enough for skirts, C dresses and waists, at, each , C French flowered onrandies This is the I Cream Danish Cloth fifteen-cent 10c tine 39c 36c Quality, fresh and new direct from Hie mill, 1 to 16 yarda n In lengths, at, per yard sw 811k eollenne and silk fancy waah goods for stret and party wear. walata, etc. 60c and 80c (Trades, f C.n t, per yard low grade, 3 to 15 yards, at, yard Cream . Mohair Brill iantln will go at, per yard L rr: 0117:1 BIG SALE IN HOT WEATHER COMFORT IS FIRST Take your first step toward Summer Enjoyment In an Ox ford shoe. BUT make sure it is a good one, one that will hold its shape, that fits well and looks neat and trim and will be easy on yonr feet. Wear an ONIMOD OXFORD and yon will be absolntely SURE. Prices $3.50 to $5. We guarantee a perfect fit by mail. Write for atyle book B. B. 1 Toilet Powders 50c Java Rice Powder 25c 50c Pozzonl's Powder 28c 50c Soblache Powder 31c 50c Pinaud's Loria Powder 2ttc 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream. 2c 25c Beaton's Violet Talcum 15c 25c Swinton's Lilac Talcum .... 9c 25c Boleskln Powder 11c 25c Mennen's Talcom Powder. ... 15c 25c Roger & Oollet Rice Powder: .20c BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam TOILET WATERS All the lead ing makes at a cut price. Wnen You Write to Advertisers. remember It only takes an extra, stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yon saw the ad. in The Be. r, Scoria l EGIUS m PAY A COMPLETE UP-TO-DATE STOCK FROM THE LEADER Pepartment Store DBS rjJOIMES, I A. Your Choice of Everything in This Hew Stock WOT 0 AT Friday, in Basement lis-Shoe afle Gf) e Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Ronnd Trip Rates Chicago $20.00 Djeadwood 18.75 St. Paul 12.50 Onawa . 2.75 Long Pine 8 00 Long Pine ...... 8.00 Wall Lake 3.35 And many others. Full particulars promptly and gladly furnished. City Officer 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA TEL. K2A-SA1 v Introduction of Saturday Canity in Omaha We have aecured the agency in Omaha of l.IOOKTTS SATVKDAY CANDY. This rundy already enloyn a nrgs sale In thi leading drug Ftorea of ChicaifO, New YerK and all the principal eastern cities. Ita uccees la due to two principal featurm. Flret. It In a S0c candy and Is sold st k per pound: second, it la never sold on any day but SAT UK 13 A Y. A nupply Is ordered which will certainly be sold on Saturday. A new eupply will be obtained ea-h week. SErsrnian & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. lSth and Dodtre. Omaha, Ladies Stylish New Oxfords and Court Ties Vici kid, most popular low shoes for '0(5 every f f fA pair warranted, $2 and$2.50 values, at. CliUdren'a lUrrfott Sandals Ladlea High Lac Shoes, patent $ en's Whit Canvas Ov pair Children's ford at CO DJV patent colt and patent tip, I ndajrs sals at 1.29 Rabies' Barefoot Sandals, white, I? blue, brown, black and ) tj rhauipaKne colors, soft sole, jC at. pair ( . EXTRA MEN'S TAN SHOES e3 Low Summer Shoes or High Shoes, made of fine Russian oaJf and rid kid. Friday special pair .' Boys' Shoe -Will stand hard vacation wear thla summer, fit I PA wall and look well pair 1.3U 1.59! Special for Friday, Main Floer Sh Dept. Ladies' Turkish Slippers 39c Pair WB CAM OOW tliose who h.i tiled our i-ient i-lnar Pride of Kast- lnjra rind that it Is a better smoke than munv ie-cent cigars. Carefully ma In frora carefully aelwted atock. Sinokv) It oui-s and you will be contented. WM. BINDERUP Manufacturer 1822-24 Kt. Mary's Ave.. Omaha. DIPLTY STATE VXTERIXARIAN, rrrv vcteiu.ab.ia. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thnrsday 8hower and Cooler P n i i M ii II WLll 11 CELEN TUCKS STAMPS EVERT TIME Ladies' High Class Suits a. GreaJ Sacrifice We have about thirty of our most elvgant suits of this sea son's purchase that we want to sell now. Xo two alike none like thein in the city marked $35. $37.50, $42.50, $45, $48.50 and $55 all marked down to J A serviceable shirt waist suit for ladies sateen, navy and black and white dots also black t95 and white check, at Black and navy lawn, with white dots, bands and Z95 lace trimming, at J Madras Cloth? navy, gray and light blue, tucks T50 and bands,' at Ladies' Peter Pan Waists Fine handkerchief linen, all white, roll collar and cuffs, pearl buttons, T50 very nobby Ladies' Pajamas "White madras, tine stripes and 150 small figures, per suit Ladies' Pajamas White dimity, frog trimming, per suit aw Finest Meneri.ed Sateen, flut braid trimming, colors blue. 7 C pink and white Ladle' Apronn, just opened, black sateen, round ends. 35c; square ends 40 Checked fJinRhnms With bleves. 75c; Hubbard, no sleeves. 50c; band style, 35c and 4C White Lawn lOc. 5c and 2.V Belt Sale Friday lOc Big lot ladies' wash bells, fancy embroidered, plain duck and canvas belt; children's patent leather "Buster Belts." black, white, red and brown; wash "Buster" Belts, worth lAr to 25c all go at, each IUC Corset and Girdles 25e Ladies' and misses' summer batiste corsets, white only; pink, blue and white batiste taped girdles, worth 48c each our price, each 4JC Ribbon Sale All silk taffeta ribbons, in a full line of plain colors number 22, 40, 60 and 80 line worth to twenty-five cents yard special, a yard, 15c and IC TiaCres" Hummer Vests Cheap 25 dozen fine ribbed gauze vests, f low neck, no sleeve, worth 10c each Friday special, each .... JC CLEARING SALE ALL SHORT LENGTHS IN WASH GOODS SECTION All short lengths of print and lawns that sold up to 10c . J 1 Friday only, at, a yard .....,....'.... T2V All Short LengtlM of rrinted Cambrics, Lawns and Madras f n worth to 25c, at, a yard only IUC Short Length Irish Dimities, Batistes, Organdlea and Mulls, 'Jl worth to 35c a yard, at, per yard only All Short Lengths Fine Suiting, Walsting and Imported Molls and Swisses worth to 75c Friday only, lengths from 2ft f Cl to 18 H yards, a yard 1C All short lengths table lineu and all odd napkins on sale Friday at greatly reduced prices. Embroidery Sale 5c Big lot fancy embroidered appliques and small medallions, nainsook and cambric embroidery edges, with inser- f tions to match, this lot worth to 12V4c yard Friday, yard. . . . DC Lace Sale 3 He 1,000 yards good Imitation Torchon laces, Insertions to match, Whit only, worth 5c and 10c a yard Friday, at, per yard 2C Embroidered Waist Patterns Special Fine- white batiste waistlngs, with fancy embroidered six-inch fronts, and embroidered cuffs QO and collar, worth $1.25 each sale price, each OC Material Warranted to make any size waist. Sale of Neckwear at 5c 1,000 pieces fancy embroidered turnover col lars, plain wlilte and colored, worth to 15c each j jf this sale only, each DC Glove Special Ladles' Berlin and French lisle gloves, black, white and colors; Misses Lisle Gloves, assorted colors, two-button length, special, a pair DC Good Handkerchief Value Fancy shadow embroidered handkerchiefs, plain hemstitched, very sheer and pretty, regular 10c kind, fj sale price, each ....DC Display of Imported Oil Paintings 7.50 Values up to $25, Saturday, $10 and For wedding girt or the home; an Incomparable bargain. See display 16th street window. Art Galleries, Second Floor. Kodaks & Cameras Most Select Display in the City, Goods clean, fresh and strictly up-to-date. See our lines. DEVELOPING AND FINISHING OUR SPECIALTY. Fruits and Vegetables Foil Line Fresh Goods DaUy Shelled Spanish Peanuts. r pound . . ui New Pota toes, pound 2ic Ripe Juicy Pine- S".10c BENNETT SUfftfTMffl! Bennett's Big Grocery COFFEE FRESH ROASTED AND FULL FLA- VORED, AT LOWEST PRICKS. - -! . -Java and Mocha Coffee, 3 lbs.. .$1.00 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb can 4?c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Golden Santos Coffee, lb 2 He And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Coffee pound package 2: And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. California Olives, bottle 10c 2-pound can . 5c 2-pound can 9e 6c Sc 5c Ripe Corn, Tomatoes, Peas, 2-pound can. Oil Sardines, ran. Gelatine, package Anderson's Tomato Soup, can 5c Salad Dressing, bottle , ....10c LIDBEY CUT GLASS SALE Hundreds of Pieces at Prices Never Before Quoted on the Best Known Make of Glass. PLENTY OF PIECES AT $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and UP. ONE-HALF REGULAR LIBBEY PRICES. New Colonial Glass Vase, very pretty A C shape, each ttJC The New Intaglio Ware, pretty gold work with fruit and flower decorations, QC very tine 0C Bon Bon Dishes, Olive Trays, Etc. Large Berry Bowls, Footed Fruit C Dishes. $1.75 and iaJ About 2,000 Soup Plates from Burns' Stock will be y closed out Friday each, 5c, 3c and All Glass Globes Left at, each 5c Hundreds of other pieces, each, 15c, 10c, 5c, 3c and 2c AfOr OPEN FOR BUSINESS. If 111! OT via E thm mmxMmtM trtM KOTOPCi ; fOK BUSINESS Stock in Hands of Rdlusieis On account of great damage occa sioned by fire and water on Sunday, June 3, this store will be temporarily -closed. WAIT FOR THE OPENING. Watch daily papers for announcement. 8 Union Pacific Bulletin JUNE 1906 One fare for the round trip to the Northwest: To Ptiget Sound and Portland, direct. Returning via Cali fornia, $12.50 additional. Tickets on sale June 18 to 22, Inclusive. Limit 0 days. To California, Portland and Puart .Sound: Low excursion rates every day to September 15, applying via vari able routes, limit October 31. To California and Return: Still lower rates June 26 to July 7, Inclu sive; returning direct or via Portland. To Colorado and Return: Daily to September 30, one fare plus 50 cents. Still lower rates for the Elks' great ' meeting at Denver. Tickets sold July 10 to 16, inclusive. Special Homeseekers' Rates, every Tuesday from Missouri River to Kan sas and .Nebraska, also 1st and 8rd Tuesdays to the 8outh Platte Valley, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Idaho points. For full information Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1824 Farnam St, , 'I hono Douglas 8,14. mmmj .f1 DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT COLORADO? If so, fill out the blank below and mail to C. H. SPEER.S, 700 Seventeenth Street, Denver Colo., And you will receive by return mail FREE, a set of handsom souvenir postal cards, showing mountain scenery, together with a number tf beautifully illustrated booklets, telling you how to make your summer vacation trip to the Rockies a most enjoyable event. , i Dear Sir Please tell me about Colorado. Name Postoffice , State SUMMER RATES VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD i Chicago. III. $20.00 Waterloo, la. 11.85 Cherokee. la. 6.85 Storm Lake, la 0.85 Madison, Wis 18.75 Okobojl and Spirit Lake, la. 0.05 Okobojl and Spirit Lake, la. (week-end-rates) 8.20 St. Paul, Minn 12.50 Minneapolis, Minn 12.50 Watervllle, Minn 10.50 Duluth, Minn Mackinac Island. Mich. . . . Winnipeg, Manitoba ... Milwaukee, Wis. . . . . . . . Detroit, Mich. Port Huron, Mich Montreal, P. Q Toronto, Ont Pittsburg, Pa. Portland, Me Buffalo. N. V Mlnnetonka Beach, Minn.. $10.50 22.85 .20.00 88.50 88.75 58.00 48.85 87.05 88.00 41.O0 18.15 Correspondingly low rates to many other points la Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and the Great Lake Regions. For further rates, itinerary and detailed information call at C1TV TICKET OFFICE, 1402 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA, Or write SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent. HBiaSBSBBD !() (NO MATTER WHAT ' YOU WANT BRACELETS Ars to b worn mors tha.i vr this aummrr and tl. W-liave a Kolid Gol.l Bra. elet for .60 that ta all j-tgUl, 'J'li'n havs heavier an 1 mure xpMiatve nnea. r alKO havs a nice lin In tiold rilled. raririns; around S3-00 to 95.00. Fier. t a rw nilnutss tn oar store. LOOK TOM Til XAJCX. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1510 Itouglas St. It Will Save' you tlmo and. monoy if you will uho s . . C) i THE DEE . WANT ADS 4 4 31 a i RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S- OBI ao4 Iiiflruary, St a aa4 Masoa lu. J