THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY JUNE 13, 1WX. f J'.taT- V- NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL OflMk 10 rwr1 MIOR lEJTlO'. Clark soda. ' Davl sells drugs. Stockert Bella carpels. - , . . Fine engraving ' LefTert . ' Ed Rogers . Tony Faust fceer. New location',1 rfl, St.. Malnney.i Plumbing and" tie'allng, Bixby at Sort. " H Woodrlnat l'ridertaftlng company. Tel. K. ' ' Lawia Cutter. funeral director. 'Phone 7. 7L..ecll' pilcr on .belta til week. Lf fcft Jcweir. - filamonds' a an Investment. Talk to L.ffert about li.. The St,', Fram-la . Academy graduation "onB'at JLetfert'a, ; - . ; Ml sixes In barefoot sandals for children Sargent' . family elioe store. Special courses for public school pupil a, en at Western Ion College. Bluff Cliv Masonic lodge will meet to- Night for work in the third degree. See Stepheji Bros, for ftr brick and fire. cmy. sewec .pipe., tilting ana garden nose. Mrs. Wf 'A. Orojieweg and children left eterdy for an extended visit with rela tive a HocLon, Kan.. . If you have tender" feet and want a good, comfortable shoe ee Duncan at lien ii,. 3 Main"' street. ' The cheapest nnd bent lot for dwelling! ere to W Ii.mI.Iu Babbit . Place. Sold by htw..T .Oft..:. l) B'way. . Always- -busy ; a4- Hafer'a. . Our stock la complete and our prK-es reasonable. S'nd along your Mil for estimate. Moving ' Vftn' and wagon: furniture m..ipi. TVeeblft' Transfer and Storage. Tel. 931. fittice Sll West Broadway. Bnvc Uionev nn plumbing and figure with i -s. Work and inateriil guaranteed to-be fusuvliifA, F, ,'A. Spencer, 158 Weal Broad- Pictures' inak most desirable wedding gil'ia. See-the. choice assortment at Alex it uner'a. ;iii.,roadway.. A great rnng of a and ri) it s, for Pnle-VVMl sacrifice on my fine piano. 1 .wn'-ii"i . If desired.' I eji be een at M timoil'-r -.Mueller's, o02 Broadway, eunuch Bkiffs, la. Wei 'wholesale Ice' vream. Shipped to nnv in 'c-f tc state. Special prices to Hi.' fviilrt fradc. I. 'Mucrl, IMS Wt Broad- ., t.onncij" Bluffs, la. Tel. 4. w'e. have, tbo finest lino rfr sample monu- i"iH.o relu'1 Irom In the west. llieery Unn llnr'rilrt and Granite works. 217 l.uf I . KrouiUvay,. Council . Bluffs, la. tv tn.V-aeli yoiir old Iron, copper,- brae n.'d xM-'ruiitei r before . you . ace u. We 'W ler tnifor .No. 1 machinery Iron. . KavtieiHHi). South-Mam. Tel.- So.- Do you Kniil to- cool ofTV Clo to the I uuk UtuK -'n .iiid get one of their de licious cv cic. i sodiis, ttit down at a n.ce fl"un'iitii'," jiidc'r'iin eicctrlo fan, and you will nu trouble In keeping cool. ..' Mr. Mary Warren, who wns charged, by Mrr. fitti.. a-.(.enti wir. with Uflnif nnpar lu'iiufniaty laiiKUHue, jia fined tV and costs In nollce rouri yrlcrday. but Judtv i.r.iii nter siirpendfil the Mne during rood t b - iiiiv'fir.'. '. ' i Waiter R-fl. h of C. K. Bell of Mlnue loll, (nrmni !y of Lhl cliy. passed tbronarlt l oiinrii J!luffs yc-,"'roay enroute home, trnin r.ll.uiBS. -Mi.Lt Owing to a washout on the Northern i'aclrto ilr. Itell had to ' travel fiQiu HlHIa (n the Burlington. Hi nwVii!rnYa) farm bond. Is to have a preimrtsftfr- ln-arlng before J idge (!idlner tul mottnme rhrae of criminally, as s snulting the S-ye:jr-old.dnua:her of ileorge r. a jaruii, .vl , hpwn cinnnnip, who luxtl.V "Tte.ipurer t'rtnulny yr-sirrdKy t rur-u i.i.j, .iy f 'neuici rrtie !enWtt. e '. .end . . special taxes. To ficnool rrcniMirT JicUee he turne over i ) ,.T7 d. Tiihic inrmi ' represented the iOf-H ctlr .-niv,i ti.'.nii.ciit of the May col- l-'ci i'rT- nt. 4a xrs, i 'i. YViyiinl IwexHrtit- of the Stockholders J-.-,,!! 5rtt nZi i f.l'.,W- r ''tmy 'of - this state, witlch i v.. !.', tu'il for 'yesterday at ttte- .';i i r.f? Vlilori 'linns, tlie company's lo.i -,u. wye PO'tjped until tody on or- r iiJiftWif ftftt'te rr;?mnmoe'r W'prbx e - rf elr- li-"A. ' .-"' ''.'cei.tsI.,jS ha general fund of Mi- rri.. Gibson, and he wa taken t r nun h"em lust week were IK9.4.. behiT . , , I0..R7 below the need of the wck -n .. into, custody yesterday, tmt (if otic fur-. ltier.Mitia; the ni.munt needed In the con- the required bond 1n the iim of. t Inherit. i5o?' improvement fund for--IDOtJ t.t jj,,,, (-.jjotj la charged with perjury. It be lli, M.:L. 'In the mftnnger's fund the l-. '. ,. . T . ' ceW e-cve ...bein 114 below" the n-.le " "I1"'1'1 'nt ,n June, last year, be "I'.ih? .werk e.tjd ln.e renal nar the deft -icn(-: in.iHiji lun't ia (uue i.iavd . , Uw-s t "Ha Jackson, aged SS years, riled t .:i,,l 'iv. .A-.nitij -1 Ihn fUnnt-fil hAir.l' .l . fft,rt-. e iren ill,.-r.. three brother .in,l tl-r-v, icrs. . 'i l.e frniernl- will be- he i th M-n-iA-uInx .. 10 -o'clock from Mie re-M. ...let. rfrlHr -in-Wher, 2o-7 Fifth .tvenn-. b wi be In I'irvlew cemetery I f." V.'; -N. Ornrra. pantor of the V'.tih . fit-; t xrAthcll!t. iliurch, will conduct the i llMn Wells, colored, died yes'.erday I l i. i: in, at hla home, 1423 North Kigh'h ( .iW, -aa'd n) years. Deceased was a ,-jt ' l :f : c f ibe civil war. He leaves besides y 1:1s wlf" three Kins' ad one -rfniie-hter. 'I ;V- fiin-r;I w it be held Fri.iay afternoon k ,f;.ki o't ""lt fnjin the African Methodist ci.if-' I: in- k einie A and Interment will be In P'e Grind 'Army mirying ground In I ai'v.'ii i ci. etiiy. 'Ih" t:Vn i.ii'- of Rev. Henry De Ing. i iu.t 1 1' bulbil . ..Irpr. Was called yesterday to fk V; :kiriH'-cf P. C. Italnter, the Union I'Hcilic n I' In the county Jail under Indftfiiiem :for breaking Into a freight car and steal. nif u cese of whisky. Complaint wn irintlr Jhat the -children's mother neg lo.,) ih'iin. Mr. Pe Long made an lnvestK Cation and Mis. BHlnter promised to do cttr,Ji the futurf by the children. Leffert'a Blslaht Leases. . TheonJjr doublev lenses ground out of one pleor..' gltfng near and distant vision, NO 8EAMiKO cpilEffr. . Call apt ee then'i. 9eef those lace curtains how muasy they i jj look. Juat pcue they are of the aagglnc if and window shades that are right up-to-44te ;ljnolum,, oilcloth, matting and altnnat anything you want In carpet and rugs; at strictly moderate prices. Stockert Carpet Co., 2DS-J West Broadway. t in. HaairnLKk" from trc up to IS.00. largest line n ihe.cly. Swajne tt Mauer, S3t and tSS Broad way .- WWte Venvae Oxford, all kind. Price. II to . Duncan Dean, a Mala atreet THE ST. FRANCIS ACADEM T gradua tion spoons at, 'Leffert'a. Marrtaae Licenses. . Ucense to wed were Issued yesterday ma the following: S m Name and. Residence.- Age ...37 ...XI ...26 ...24 r-jain n. jougee. Council Bluffs Caroline Schoentgen. Council Bluffs. 8. C. Kennedy, Oelweln. Ia M&rguret Henderson, Crescent, la K. K, McCleary, Colorado Springs Colo Gertrttde B. Strong, Motidainln. la W. E. Hageriy. Liiwoln. Neb Lena, Hoffmen. Lincoln. Neb Fred Cankiea, JLlnooln. Neb .21 .'-7 .20 -3 .1 SI Bertha Huial.: 4Wloll, Kan Carl Frederick Stough. Chicago, III... Sylvia Bnyder, Council Bluffs William Bntrott. Stella, Neb.. Badle.M;.. JbaKJls,' Stella. Neb Do- hot aWoke' any more of those rank rlar.' Oo-t Maloaey's. St Pearl 6t.. and get a cigar where quality stands first and where every puff Is a delight He handle nothing but" first -class stock.' You know It pay "10 Buy' the beet cigars bechuse you get the best satisfaction oui oi ineav e -i -. i H . , . Port Artsmr waa One 'oi the strongest forttfled-.citiea In the world, but waa sur re:u)sr4 because the Ruselana epuld aot f Big . A . floor. Ve no other. a QCAVCriUCK WOKI l haul dead animal. H par head, ilarueie. asnra. o.aiui and all rub bish: clean vaulte and eeeapouls. All worT doae- le guaranteed, i eailrewipily attnde to. 'Phone. Re4 UTS. SHERLOCK BLUFFS Si Tel. 4S. PAT CROWE CASE GOES OVER 8UU Rot Preinirtd to Proceed with Trial on Ohuce of Bobbery. . HESS INSISTS IT WILL BE TRIED IN FALL Scat Term af lawrl loajreaea la Aagaat, hat Chaaees Art It Will Be 1. ate la the rail Before. . ( sic la railed Yar Trial. . ' . Pat Crowe, who waa indicted jointly 'with Arthur Levi of thla city last January on the charge of holding up and robbing the crews of two motor cars at the east ap proach to the motor bridge on tlie night of Sunday, July 2, of last year, will not be tried at this term of district court. Thla waa the statement of County . Attor; ney Hess yesterday. Mr. Hess denied that there waa any foundation for the report that Crowe waa not to ba tried. He said that he fully Intended to try him, but not "at thla term, for certain reasons. Mr.- Hess said fur ther, that he believed there waa a good case against Crowe and he expected to secure a conviction. Although the authori ties are . reticent about giving out any Information, It Is understood certain ma terial witnesses could Jiot. be' secured at this time ao that the case could b brought to trial at this teYm of court. The nejtt term of district court begins August 'A. with Judge Macy presiding. As the first part of the term is always taken up with equity matters. It will be wHl on In the fall before Crowe's trial taken dp. Blar IMimaae C ase An. The trial, of the $15,000 personal Injury damage suit of Mrs. Louisa Reed aajalnat ! Arthur Galnea of Newport, owner or me Sapp building at the corner of Broadway and Scott atreeta, .was begun before Judge Wheeler and a Jury In the district court 1 yesterday. Mrs. Reed, a former Council Bluffs woman, was on a visit to relatives In thla city from St. Joseph at the time of the accident. She had been to see a derttiat In , the Sapp block -and when leaving rang for the elevator on the third floor. In the' absence, of tlie Jenltor, who had charge of the elevator- that, day, U Is aald, a young girl named Peterson essayed to run It. As Mrs. Reed entered the ele vator the young woman-started It before Mrs. Reed was Inside, with the result that Mrs. Reed waa caught between the ele vator and the floor landing;, ghe Buffered I of the thigh and' a Viev'eVe a fracture wound in the head. Krneat E. Hart, preal. dent of the Flrat National bank, was made partv. defendant, a waa John. Parting. ' the Janitor. Mr. Hart. It is understood, how- ! ever, has no Interest In the building. The trial Of the l:,000 personal Injury suit .of Clarence Nickel agalnat R. H.' lt!oomr Manufacturing company, which was bogvin Mopday. waa yesterday con- tinned to the next terrtv on -'motion of the - the .rounds thath. amended petition of the plaintiff act up a new cause n(.tion' - '" ' , ,. . ' -Trice r.lnaoa, Indlrte. , . Ammth fcirttement-returned last -flat hv the district arand lurv 'waa'oni s gned n surety a replevin oona in an ac tlnn !n which H. M. RoWnaon wa plaintiff ind T.. T.' Alberrl and others' defendants,' miikin affidavit to the effect that he was woith tT-tX) be:ond' the amount of hie debts n1(, thn, ne owned real estate liable ' to . . ,mK,.. ... execution and free from all Incumbrance to the value of 1500. , When the court officer attempted to levy on the bond. It Is alleged they were unable to discover .any real estate standing .In Gibson's name. The bond was sworn to before W. A. Myneter, notary public, as shown in the evidence preeented to the grand Jury; ,-; Leffert'a Blala;h Leases. .. Tba only double lenses ground out of one piece, giving near and distant vision. NO SEAM. NO CEMENT. , Cell and see them. The Title Guaranty and Traat company, abstracter of title. Book date back to lf&S. Book are all up to date: Work ac curately and promptly done, at lowest price. Office opposite court house, Ot Peart treat. Council Bluff. Ia. - Refrigerator, porch chairs, porch rock era, cool and reclining go-carts; go-cart per cent off; full line of mattings, lino leums, carpeta and rug. V. W. Keller. 101 S. Main St Velvet Ice cream for your Sunday din ner or party. Always please. Brick c cream delivered and packed In Ice. Purity Candy Kitchen. Tel. 674. High grade piano sold on eaay-payment. II down and 16 per month. Swaneon 11 u tie Co., 407 Broadway. THE ST. FRANCIS ACADEM T gradua tion spoons at Leffert's. N. T. Plumbmg'Co. Tel. 2M. Night LeM. Slaty. Different StyJea. Right now 1 the beat time to paper your room. The weather 1 more even, the paper will dry better,, look brighter and et . better. ' and your work .wPJ. be done better because we ran get better workmen. The workman la allowed more time at hla work. In the spring, when the work la rushed. W muat rueh everything out In a hurry, consequently a rueh finish I pro duced on the work. We are no exception, every papering establishment I affected the name way. In the spring everything la rushed. If you waut your room well papered, handsomely decorated and want the beat workmen to do your, work, right now Is the host time to have It done. We have Juet put In a large atock of the finest wall paper ever brought to this city for our summer trad. Figure Ingrain or plain Ingrain; the fined , decorated wall paper that w could obtain, the beet wax finish In figure or plain. Sixty different styles to select from, placed In a handy rack. The pattern appeal Just they would on a wall or calling. and we want you to come and look at them. It I no trouble for us to show them. Borwick. 211 South Main street. . . The enrollment at the Pottawattamie county normal Institute yesterday reached Sll and County Superintendent McManus expect that fifty more will yet enroll. The morning suasions er-d.evol4 to con ference In the eUitoreal divtatona .Into which the Institute Is dlvded. Much In terast is being displayed- U tbeae confer encea and It ia here, that the -real work of the Institute is done.' At the open . meeting In the afternoon I lecture were given by Mie Reed and seise To"bey Miss Reed spoke entertainingly and instructively on "Handwork a , Aid." Miss Tohey'a subject waa "The Classic and I." She discouraged desultory read ing and the effort to keep abreast of mod ern literature. ..-' t'aal4 Hll Mmrnr IMi. I Carl Frederick ajtouah of C'hli-aao. aon of Prof, and Mrs. J. Howard Stough of Mid land college, Atchison, Kan., and Miss Syl via Snyder, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Snyder, were married last evening at St. John's Kr.gllsh Uutheran church, the father of the grooin performing the cere mony. Five hundred Invitations had been Ksued and the church was crowded. Eldln II. Lougee nd Miss Caroline Schoentgen were married last evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and J Mrs. John Schoentgen. Rev. II. W. Starr, ructor of Bt. Paul's Episcopal church offl- clatlna. Mr. and Mrs. Lougee left for Duluth. from where they go to Montreal. states before returning. On returning they will mhke their home at the Orand hotel until their new residence on Oakland ave nue la completed. 8. C. Kennedy of Oelweln, la., and Mlsa Margaret Henderson were married last evening at the home of the bride's brother. Robert Henderson, on Harrison atreet, Retr. Marcus P. McClure. pastor of the First Preabyterlan church, officiating. The cere mony waa witnessed by relatives only. The bride until the close of the recent term waa a teacher In the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy will leave this morning for Oelweln, where they . will make their home. Rev. Henry DeLong performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday at his office In the court house for F. E. McCleary of Colorado Springs and Gertrude K. Strong of Mnndamin, Is., and W. E. Hagerty and Lena Hoffman, both of Lincoln, Neb. Cool off your hot porch by putting up our Vudor porch ahadea. Then get Into one of our Vudor hammock chair and have a nice piece of our porch furniture, a table,' for Instance, with cigar and a bottle cooled in one of our Iceberg refrig e,rators. end you will And your comfort complete. Keller fc Farnsworth Furniture company. . : Twenty per cent discount on lawn mow er and refrigerators. Extra special 1-1 burner and 1-4 burner Michigan gasoline atove. light with torches, will not explode, for I1S.60 and tlS.M each. Paddock Hand achey. . Two complete catalogues of 10-cent sheet music always on hand at the Bouriclua Piano house, SIS Broadway, where the organ standa upon the building. For Imported wines, liquor and Rudwelaer beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor dealer, II South Main street. THE ST, FRANCI8 ACADEMY gradua tion spoons at Leffert's. . . Ditch Assessments Kaaallsed. The supervisors of Ilarrlaon and Pott, wattamle counties in Joint session yesterday completed the equalisation of the assess ment for beneflta resulting from the con struction of the drainage dltchea so far as Pottawattamie county owners are con cerned. The hoard adjourned to meet In Logan this morning when the work of equallxlng the assessments against the Har rison county land owners affected by the ditches will be begun. ' . During the session yesterday morning Chairman Brandes railed "attention to .the fact that the dally sessions of the Joint boards waa costing the people In the drain age district something over 10 a day. This led to a sojnewhat heated dlscusnlon a to the compensation to be paid the county at torney 6f the two counties for thelf serv ices at the Joint sessions end It -developed from a statement of County Attorney Heas of Pottawattamie county that he expected to receive at least 113 per day a the work for the drainage board did not come within hla dtitlna as county attorney. Each of the eight supervisors receives 4 a day and the commissioners expect to receive K a day for their attendance at the sessions the same aa they were paid out In the field. Beyond discussing the matter jno action was taken by the supervisors except to ex press the. opinion that the expenses ought to be kept as low a possible. THE ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY gradua tion spoon at Leffert's. Condition af C'ltr Finances. According to the financial report ' Issued yesterday by City Auditor McAneney, 115,314. 17 of the 177,000 appropriated for the maintenance of the several municipal de partments for the fiscal year ending March 31, 107; has- been expended during the months of April and May, which Is about 13,009 above the monthly average. Tlie pay roll and other expenaes connected with the Improvement ot Indian creek amounted to 13,029.66. The amounta expended of the various appropriation from the general fund and the amount available for the remaining ten month are aa follows: Amount. Appro Purpose. . ' ' Drawn, priatinn. Vnused. Salaries, exec, dept.! 1,201.40 110,722 I 1,51. 60 jroiice ana mar- shnl's department. S.S77.70 tl.SX 1? tT Mi Streets and alleys.. 3,037.07 lo.Ooft ,53.S Fire department 3.S06.01 B.iwn . 1.(73 9 fire and police tel. otaVT t.uw l.s 21 Engineer' dept HI4.M 4.4M 3.6A.14 Printing ir suDDllea 260 11 l.iirt mm m City pound 411.41 KO H$.h Totals, gen fund..15.314.7 177.000 SC1.686.S3 Leffert's Sleight Lease. The only double lensea ground out of one piece, giving near and distant vision. NO SEAM, NO CEMENT. Call and see them. Van Brunt ha a little delivery wagon called the "Twentieth Century wagon," suitable for making delivery of small pack ages, light, durable and handy. During the rest of the week this "Twentieth Cen tury wagon" will be sold at coat. Must have the room. S. M. Williamson rent and repair sew ing machine, also repairs all kinds of bicycles. 17 South Main street. If you want a big bargain In a new or lightly ' used organ, now ts the time to get It at A. Hoape Co., 33 South Main street. Council Bluffs. . Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee June IS by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: James H. Cralgmile and wife to Ed ward E. Belknsp, part lot 1. block 2, Falrmount addition, Council Bluffs. " la.; w d ii.ioo fl r a r. 1 1 flu t'ln.l Unlr .n .... pany to Sarah T. White lot 26, block S 6. Beckett's addition. Council Bluffs. Ia.; -w d..... ut John T. Hasen and wife to G. E. Gin gery, pari I-r!-; w d ,- . ) Marlon U Barton and wife to John T. Haaen. part se swi tS-77-SX. w d.. but John W. Morse and wife to Albert J. Jorgenson. part lot S. block SI. Howard addition. Council Bluffs, la.; q e d 16 Ctlcago, Rock Island t Pacific Rail way company to John T. Hasen. part ae isli -T7-, q c d Sis transfer, total. ..'..U.I14 . "' Blar 'Crewel TUH Perk. The moving picture at Fstrmoant Park proved aurh a euoeeaa laat night and were enjoyed by such a large erood that the park commissioners decided to glva them again tonight. Utile Mle Bonnie Dee. a wee Scotch laasle, entertained the crowd be tween acta with number of Bongs which were much enjoyed. About 2,00 people saw the picture laat night. Waats Permit far Fence. City Clerk Sapp had a novel experience yesterday when W. H. Lynch of lltfl Eighth avenue applied for a building rer mlt to erect a high board fence between his lot and that of hie neighbor. Mr. Lynch waa Informed that he had a perfect right to erect any kind of an old fence on hla property without a permit from the municipality. In explanation Mr. Lynch In formed City Clerk Sapp that his neigh bora children and chlckena did not re spect the property line and the nuisance had become ao great that he had decided to erect a tight six-foot board fence be tween hla lot and that of bis neighbor. In order that no lgal question might arise Lynch stated he Intended building the fence aell within Tils own property line. Investigate our cheap nna proposition In (astern Colorado, IS per acre for raising ell kinds of crops; good soil; best or water; delightful climate. Bxcuralons first and third Tuesday of ch month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee. 124 Main street. Council Bluff. 1. I have a number of dwellings, owned by eastern mortgage companies, which can be sold cheap. Chas. T. Officer, 111 Broda way. CENTRAL Ever sack warranted. Central Grocery ane; Meat Market. . Special courses for public school pupils given at Western Iowa College. THE ST. FRANCIS ACADEM T gradua tion spoons at Leffert'a. Waco Smashed by Care. On of the wagons employed In hauling dirt out of Indian oreek was smashed Into kindling wood yesterday afternoon near Fourth avenue by a Rock Island freight train. The driver of the wagon miracu lously escaped Injury, but the horsea were somewhat scratched up. .Bye witnesses as sert that the brakeman' on the front end Of the train, which wa being backed tip, was to blame, aa he failed to algnal the engineer until the wagon' was on the track. The driver being below the track on tlie eroek bank could not Aee the car until he reached Ihe track. The track at the point where the accident occurred run along the bank of the creek. Rubber soled outing shoes for ladles Just the thing for the lake, at Sargnt'a family shoe store. Look for the bear. Complicated Swiss and, Apierlcan watrhe repaired and guaranteed. We employ a Swiss watchmaker. Ieffert's. Go to Hicka' for your money', worth In tailoring. No bluff, either. Art Ptery. Alexander' Art Store haa Just re celved a large shipment of artletlc pottery In veses, teapots, su-ars and creameri. pansy bowls, etc. Juet the thing for wed ding gift. . : ; Why are McAtee'. bakery goods, better than any mad or sold In the city? Simply because ell of the .Ingredient that go Into their composition .re absolutely pure'and of the highest, grade--produced, and' will conform to and pass 'Inspection under any pure food taw on earth.-- No compounds or Imitations used. , 1 T Colored oxford, white, .ray, blue, red, lavender, pink; any coioV you want; any price, at Percent's family shoe store. CENTRAL FLOUR 1. 18. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and -Meat Market Special prices on handbags and leather goods this week. Lcffert, Jeweler. Fine Farm. Two hundred-acre farm five mile from Missouri Valley. Good Improvement and orchard. Cheap at ITS ' per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, Flrat National bank building. Office telephone 301. Some rlegant lota, with paving and grad ing paid, an Glen Ave: and alao Fifth Ave. be sold cheap. Chas. T. Officer, 411 Broad wy. "t- " . A, Metsa-ar Cm. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, ill Mynataw St.. Co. Bluff. Ia. Home-made Bread a Specialty . Something entirely new and Juet out Beautiful new photo at, a special offer for short time only at Schmidt' atudlo. Don't forget that 1 have fine prlng and rummer aulta from 120 to. IX. K. 8. Hicka Warns Contest, for Nominations. IOWA FALLS. Ia., June 12. (Special Telegram.) After nominating Judge W. D. Evans of Hampton for a second term by acclamation today the ' Eleventh Judicial convention, found Itself In a deadlock on the other two candidates. One hundred and sixty ballots were taken with twenty five vote for each of the five candidate. There waa no sign of a break up to I o'clock tonight when the convention re convened. ' On reconvening thl evening the deadlock waa quickly broken. Attorney Wright of Ft. Dodge and Attorney Ie of Nevada be ing named a Judges. Boone, Hamilton and Harden stood pat for their three home can didates, but on the 171st ballot Wright county, with fifteen vote and Franklin with seven and Story with , twenty-one swung to Wright of Ft. Dodge, who, with hi home vote, wa given sixty-six vote, one more than enough to nominate. On the next ballot the aame combination named Lee of Nevada with the same number of vote. Xr Prealdent at .Iowa l alleae. GRINNELU la. June 12 (Special.) John 11. T. Main wa toduy Inaugratd and installed a president of Iowa college, this city. The ceremoniee attendant on' the in augjratlun and installation were presided over by State Senator James A. Smith of Osage, a member of the board of trustees. Speeches were made for the trustees by Stephen II. Herrlck of Riverside. Cel., class of 18tl6; for the Congregational churches by Rev. Charles A. Moore, mod erator of the state association; for the f.culty by Prof. Charles Noble, for the alumni by John W. Cannaay, clasa of 1(02; for the students by Ernest Jaqua, class of IN?. The installation was followed by the alumni and Inaugural ba.nq.uet at noun. To night the senior class play will be given. Iowa Man Ends Life. IOWA CITY. Ia.. June It twpecial Tele gram.) Bert Townaend, a graduate of the State university, for four years connected with local newspapers and fur three year with the Parker Carnival company, com mitted suicide by shooting here today. De spondency over 111 health la stated as the cause. Narrow Keen re from poisoning, caused by constipation, haa Wra. Young. Clay City, N. T. Dr. King's New Life Pills cured her. a ets. Fo ale by Sherman at McCennell Drug Co. DAMAGE CASES AFFIRMED afau.Wj.o8ay a E Paid Far to Brakemia and Wa Put Off Get Jadcmeat supreme: court adjourns for term 0 Optlelan and Jewelers Combining to ' Fla r niters Price to B fcaraed for Their Work Portion of Crop eed Rain. (From a Staff Correspondent. V DBS MOINES, June 12.-1 Special. )-The supreme court today decided that Sherman Bettla of Wayne county should have liitti damagea for being put off a Rock Island train In Wayne county some year ago. He waa riding on an excursion and the en tire case turned on whether or not he had Pld his fare. Bet t is testified that he paid the braVeman and the conductor and an other brakeman testified that he had not paid them, but the brakeman whom he did pay was not a witness. On the failure of the railroad to produce the other brake man a a witness to contradict Bettla the Judgment wa for Betlls and the supreme court uphold this decision. Judge Deemer and Judge ladd dissent from the opinion of the majority of the court In the case of personal Injuries aris ing from a steam shovel having been left at a poaltlon where It frightened horses along the highway. In Bremer county Winston brother did some contract work for the Great Western In making a deep cut where there waa an overhead bridge. A horse driven by Mis. Anna Helnmlller was frightened and she waa given a Judg ment for 12.000 by the district court. The majority decision of the supreme court today waa for a Judgment for Sl.ftW or the reversal of the case, leaving It with the plaintiff to elect. The disaentlng opinion merely dissents from tlie rule of practice of allowing damages under' the fact In the case. The supreme court today handed down a large number of cases' and adjourned for the period. There will be a short ses sion of the court in July, at which time opinions will be handed down, but no case heard, and adjournment will then be taken to the September term. - (nvernor Will loTestlfate. Governor Cummins will Investigate the condition of the First Signal Company of the Iowa National Guard of thla city before the order of the adjutant general that It be mustered out be carried Into effect. The law paased at the last session of the legis lature reorganizing the National guard gave the governor the option of retaining or mus tering out signal companies. I'nder this provision the adjutant general ordered the company mustered out. The governor will first Investigate. The order to muster out was based on tlie failure of the company to keep recruited up to the required number, but that lias Blnce been remedied. There Is only one signal company In the state and that the one located In this city. General Mile Here. Gen. Nelson A. Miles. I. 8. A. retired. Is again at Fort Dea Molnea on a visit to his son. He will remain In the city several day. Most Take School Censps. I'nder the new law providing for a uni form school year the school cenau In every county In Iowa must be taken at this time of the year and the work In most counties of the' state ha begun already. The cen sus ts certified to the secretaries of the school boards and by them to the county superintendent of school. Finn for Omahst Girl. Every policeman ' and ' detective 'in De Moines was today furnished a. description of Miss Ethel Digg of Omaha at the request of the chief of police' of Omaha, with the request that she be detained till her guar dians reach the city. The description fur nished the 100 detectives and police offi cer Is aa follow: "Ethel Dlggs. aged 17 years, tall and Blender, light brown hair, blue eyes, good complexion, allk shirt walat, black and white checked hat, graceful and willowy." Eleventh Get Orders. The Eleventh United States cavalry today received ordere to prepare for the camp and maneuvers at Fort Riley, Combine to Fix Prlees. The optician and Jewelers of Iowa are endeavoring to effect a combination on the fixing'- of prices for optical work. The optician are In session today and the Jew eler -are meeting with them. Later .the Jeweler' association will meet alone and I expected to take similar action. Fol lowing thla convention there will be mailed to each optician In the state a minimum price Hat for all work and lenaea. Karsea Want BUI. At the opening session of the convention of graduate nurse of the state In the Chamberlain today It was decided to go be fore every session of the general sembly till a law I secured providing for a state board of examiners for nurses, composed of graduate nurses. Such a bill wa up before the general assembly laat winter and paased the senate, but waa emascu lated In the house, and was then with drawn by the friend of the measure. The convention holds that doctors are too busy to give attention to acting on such a board and furthermore have not the in terest In the profession. The proposed law is likely to be the malo topic of the con ventlon. J. S. Polk la Better. J. 8. Polk, president of the Des Moines City Railway company and one of the pio neer cltixens of the city, waa brought back from Spirit Lake today and I eome Improved. Some week ago he received a bad fall while running to catch a atreet car and haa not since recovered. Since then at the lakes he caught a heavy cold and his conditions I conaldered aerloua. , Rain la L net en. Rainfall In Iowa the laat week ha been unevenly dlatributed and while there has been an excess of moisture In the north east and south central sections about three-fourths of the state Is suffering for want of rain. The wind have been high during the week; and thla has hastened the evaporation. Conditions have favored corn, but the hay and grain crops are Buffering fur want of moisture according to the weekly weather and crop bulletin laaued to day by the atate department. Opera Hoaae Mold. LOO AN, la., June 1J. (Special.) The Logan opera house here has been sold by Fred V. Peckenpaugh of Woodbine to Eu gene Uullch of Dennlaon, who haa taken possession. W. II. Johnson and Oeorge H. Harvey of Logan and 11. X. Frasler of Magnolia bought Frank Hill's general atore at Magnolia. The firm name will be Johnson. Harvey & Frailer. Varsity Alnntnl Rennlon. IOWA CITY. Ia.. June 11 Special.) Five hundred aiumnl of the State I'nl vrrslty of Iowa attended the alumni ban quet - here tonight. The entire day ha been given up u the alumni, five, ten, fifteen and twenty-year class holding re unions. Throe hundred graduatea will re ceive degrees here tomorrow. . DAVENPORT. Ia., June It .4 Special. ) Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Phaw will apeak here In behalf of Perkina for governor tomorrow evening. Moet of the Scott county caucuses will be held the Jay after the Shaw speech and the purpose In having him here la to endeavor to beat tb atoe . oxannxtawnje, . --VoBBBpnw r i Bwoa TOO The Best Bitter Physical exercise does not create more jrenuine appetite than Underberg Boonekamp Bitter taken before meals. 1 lealthy digesticm follows and life become! worth the living. .A delicious drink always, moniinR, noon or night. Enjoyable ma a cocktail and better for you. 6,000,000 bottles imported to the United States. i Al mil Hii, Orfl am Maeas, rtrl4 BOTTLED OKLT BY M. t'seneert AlsrKkt, Rfctlektrf, Oenasay, tlsM lite. LUVTIE5 BROTHERS, New Yeek. G. jttu governor will slso meet. In this county. Mr. Cimiiulns speak here liefore the coui'tses Coroner ta Too Soon. IOWA FALLS. la June 12. (Special I The coroner was summoned and a Jury impanelled to-determine the cause of the death of Ed Owkes, and when the Jury ex amined the supposed .corpse they found the man still alive, (lakes was struck In the forehead by a rock thrown by nn explo sion in a saw mill. The stone penetrated the skull and lodged In the back of the head. Oakea is a man of powerful phy sique, but it 1 Impossible for him to live. REDUCED RATES TO BRITAIN Poatofflre Department Makes State, meat of Itesult of Work of Postal ( (inirni. WASHINGTON, June 11-In. connection with the work of the recent universal pos tal congress the Postoffiee department has given out the following statement as to the effect of one of the provisions of that con vention as affecting this country: The I'nlversal Postal congress, recently In convention at Home. ltHly, ordered a substantial reduction In letter postHire by lncreelng the unit of weight, effective on and after October I, 1W, from li to JO I grams, snd providing that while postage on I me nrat iwenty grams snsn remain Bt f centimes (14 cents) every additional M 1 grams snail ne ai me raie or m centimes (3 cents). ! Ureal Britain and the 1'nited States I strongly urged that the unit of weight for them should be fixed at one ounce, as It would be extremely difficult for them to ex press an equivalent weight for W grams, not having adopted the metric system. This request was granted. This will give the two great rountriea exceptionally low rates for th exchange, of letters. I'nder Ihe reduced rates a letter to Great Britain will cost 6 centa for the first ounce and 3 cents for the second ounce, or S cents for two ounces. In other words, when the new rates he- come effective a letter packet weighing six ounces can be sent to Oreat Iiritain at the rate now charged for a two-ounce packet. FIRE RECORD. - i w York Factories. NEW.' YORK. June 12. Property veined at more than 1600,000 was destroyed, nearly score of person were injured, and many persons were' forced to flee ft'om their homes In scanty ttlre by a Are In the block bounded by. Bergen and'Hmok ave-' nues and One. Hundred and Forty-seventh and Fourteenth etreets, the Bronx, early today. ,The principal loss falls on the Stuyvesant and Wheelock piano com panies and Charles Rlegers' , Sons, mnker of bank nd tore fixture. All of the Injured are firemen. They were victim of minor accident during the progress of the bias and none waa fatally hurt. ' Oil Warehouse In Mlsaonrl. BPRINQFIEL.D. Mo., June 12 A spark from a pasalng locomotive today set fire to the warehouae of' the Watera-Plerce Oil company, which wa burned, with a loss estimated at 60,nno, J. I-. Brocknmn, a spectator, wa seriously injured by flying fragments when a large number of oil and gasoline barrel exploded. Santa F Bridge psiasird, GALVESTON, Tex., June 12. Three hundred feet -of -the Santa Fe bridge was damsged ty fire today, delaying trHfllc for a hort period. This bridge Is a trestle, two ' and one-eighth miles long, over the bay, and since the storm Is the only bridge between tno Island and the main land. ' Business flection of l.eclnlre. In. .. DAVENPORT, Ia., June 12. The busi ness section of Leelaire, .Ia'. waa burned today. Buildings destroyed Inclue a liolel. the Ktllght of Pythla hall and several tore. Loss $75,0(10 on buildings; l-to.CO.) in tocks, - partly covered by insurance. Ilia Are department from here helped save the town. ... New York Vlllaae SOUrS, N. Y. .June 12 About half of the village of Sodua was burned today, en tailing a hiss estimated at more than 1100.000. ' ' DEATH RECORD. Fnneral of Hon. W. H. Conger. IOI'P CITY. Nb- June 13. (Special Tele egram.) The body of former Senator W. H. Conger of Sherman county, who died at Edmonton. Canada, June 3. arrived last night and hie funeral occurred at the Methodist . church this afternoon, an im mense concourae of people from the city and surrounding -country being present at the exercises, which were1 had under the direction of the Grand Army of the Repub lic poat of this place.' Mr. Conger, was a veteran of the civil war, a member of the Nebraska house In 18&. a member of the Nebraska senate In 1K87, and one of the best known men In thla section of the country. lie leaves five grown sons,' three residing here, one 'hi 'Denver "and one in Dannebrng, this atate, all of whom were here at the funeral. - Henry Rand. Henry Raad, a well-to-do fanner and an I old settler of Douglas county, died at his farm home one mile west of Uenson yes terday at p. m. The pbysivtans were unable to decide the exact cause of death, though he had been III for aome ttme and was troubled ' with hesrt affection.' He leaves a widow an) seven children He wt all year of age and had resided Douglaa county -- thirty-five years. t, leave a comfortable estate. The time and place of burla) haa not been decided on. DIAMONDS lath aud Doge l CHICAGO, June 12. The ease of the gov eminent against Oberlln M. Carter, foime: arn-y officer, wae continued by Judge Kolilaaat Cxlay, o jnsel for the invcin. uient not being ready for the hearing The ease wUI be taken up about August 1. The barge against. Carter Is that while he waa government engineer at Savannah, (ia . he embessled over fS.Ouo.OOO, together with (Ireene and Gaynor. voiuractors, re cently found guilty. Carter , 1M)W k,. Ing sued by the government for return of the money. Gesrtt Uoalo bore to Karooe. NEW YORK, June II George J. Gould nailed for Europe today oo the Kaiser WUhelut der Gross. t Liqueur. - ' V sfaef, multt 1 H'int Jtmktnli eW LAWYERS TO SAVE AMERICA Attorneys to Stand Between People and Entrenched Monopoly. BRAINS TO' RULE INSTEAD OF DOLLARS John U Webater Outlines What Ho - Looks I pnn aa the Hope of Salta tion from the nomination of Pelt.' . '.' ' VKRM1MON. S. T., June i:.-(Speclal Telegram.) John I Webster of Omaha de livered the address to the graduate of the I'nlverxlty of South' flakota tonight, apeak Inji on the subject. "The lawyer: HI Place In American- History.'" Mr. Webster pro tested against "that danger from, the .ac cumulation' and concentration of -billions of capital in gigAntlc corporation that monop olize the business in ..which, thev are en gaged." He suit! that, much depends upon the lawyers In solving the problems con fronting the nation. . In conclusion the ora tor said: At this time, our country Is confronted with a danger that threatens to disregard the rights of the people and Is a menace to the freedom of Individual endeavor. That danger comes from the accumulation and concentration of billions of capital In glaan- ,. corporations that monopolize the busi ness in which they ere eng-aged. Their, teti- dency is to suppress competition by unjust and unconscionable oppreaslons and to cor rupt the lnidy politic by methods which have lately wrecked the lives of some men I and ruined the reputation of other who nnd ueen tno idols or me people. Control of the Raltroade. Sir Walter Raleigh once said that what ever nation controlled the es would con-' trol the foreign commerce of the world, it ia equally true that whoever controls the railroads of the country can control Ita rommerce. . The twenty-ta'o billion of In ternal commerce of the I'nltcd Stales which represents every species of proditot, of (kill snd Industry' of elKnty-millions of people, and which Is the measure of, our nation'a material strength and power, -is dependent upon the transportstlon of the railways of our country. Today, six men control ion.- . OtO miles of -our railways and are the mas ters in fixing rates of transportation, by which they can, in a degree, Inflate or de press the value of the wealiti of -the couti try. These six men are In command of si million -of employer; an - army of men' greater' than Napbteon comnlatuled when . overturning the empire of Furope; an ffmiy nf men greater than General Orant commanded when he received the surren der of Lee at Appomattox; an army of men greater than Marshall Oyama commanded when he fought the vkttnrttme battlea With the nussinris nn the plains of Manchuria. With tills vast corporate power, the peo- rle of the United States, have been tight- . ng a battle In lie national congress. The greiit principle at stake la whether the pro. visions which confer upon congress the power to regulate commerce among the several suites and to legislate for the gen eral welfare- of the t.'nlted State shall have force and -vitality and mean what they say or whether the moneyed power of the country is greater than the consti tution. The great lawyer In the house of representatives snd In the senate of the 1'nited States are the only membera who have risen 'to the demanda of -the occasion, in tiiat great debate and upon them must the nation depend for the protejotlon of the conat it utlonal .rights of tlie people. What the. Lawyer Did.' The lawyera of our country, drafted the . declaration of Independence. The lawyers ' of our country framed the constitution of. thn I'nlted ' States. The lawyers of our .. country maintained the integrity of that sacrcU Instrument during the civil war and reconatructed Into a happy uuloa the se- ; . ceding states.- The lawyers of our coun try determined the constitutional right of the nation to acquire new, territory In tlie' Louisiana purchase and to keep on ex- ' pandlng In area until it no lea abreast lao mighty oceana nd rules over Islanda In the seas. Th 'lawyer of eur country' have by adaptation to condition and a process of logical construction given to ihe words and sentencea of the constitu tion a meaning broad enough. In purpose- ' and hie enough In scope and comprehen sion to fit the giant nation of tt.OOO.OOO peo- j p)e The )HWyera of the country have uc i eessfully aolved all questions of constltu ! tlonal government and constructive states- manslrip that have confronted me Aineri-" can people In the course of Its past history. The lawvera of the cognlry will solve the pending questions and keep the, constitu tion supreme over the moneyed and cor porate owers wllli in American borders. Bollngbroke, In describing the profeeslon of lew as. In its nature, the noblest and most beneficial to , mankind, exclaimed;. "There have been lawyera that were ora tors, phlloaophers, historians; there have been Bacona and Clarendons, my lord; there shall be none such any more, till In some better age men learu to prefer fame to pelf and climb to the vantage ground of general science." I have endeavored hi tbls sketch to ehow that there have been lawyers Irt America . who have lived 4n that better age. and may we of the presetvt day maintain that, high standard which has given to the pro fession its place In the tempi of fame In American hlatory. NORTHWESTERN , GAINS POINT I'oort Sustains llenterter In Litlaja-s tlon Broaant by Joseph' H. I.obell. CHEYENNE, Wyo-, June 12. (Special.) In the district, court here, a decision ws rendered in tlie case of Joseph- H- Lobell. president of tUe Bi-lgo-Amerlcan Oil Drill-, lug Trust against tlie Chicago t .North. wustern railroad. General Manager George F. Bid well. Fennlinore CUktterton, preel dent of the Wyoming Central Railway and other, in which the demurrer of the de; fendanta waa sustained. Loliell chaiged a conspiracy to rub him of the right-of-way, surveys, map, etc., of j tlie Wyoming Central Railway, for which he claimed to have paid all coat.. A show- lug was made, however, that Lobell had no title to the property.' lie-may appeal the caae to the supreme court. Tha-Chicago & .Northwestern s building Its Casper-Lander line over Ihe right-of-way claimed by Lobell. and 11 1 more than probable that the load will be In litigation ! for some time, for Lobell la known to be i . fighter, and Is lucked by plenty of money. Balloonist la Hilled. PARKER, 8. U. June li -.-During a bal loon ascension St Monroe this afternoon, Bert Ward, the aeronaut, tell from the parachute and s Instantly killed, - T?i occasion wa an old settlers' a-lmlq. Ward wss 41 year old and had aoea aa oorenaut aw. -'-