1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13, 1906. v. r i e -V GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Strong . Dtfelopt in All lUmt sn th Liit. LACK OF RAIN THE BULLISH FEATURE Wheal Vary Strang:, hat Yield Half Cent rroAt Taking Cera Ip Nearly Two Ceat t Oat Time, OMAHA. June 12. 190. Absence of rain In the southwest and numfrmn report cf crop deterioration were i"aponirile lor consldetable strength In the a heat market today. Due to lower cables and a bearish Interpretation of the gov ernment the opening we Vo lower. News rrnnt the southwest turned the market strong to IVye from the low point. There was very little reaction until toward the Isst, when price yielded Vje on proflt txklng. The nnrthwent reported clear weather and prospect favorable. The cash demand was very weak. Oats were strong it one time. being up Vc. Hnlf o( the advance waa lout toward li.e rloee. Weather continue to be the factor In corn. Kaln did not fall lam night and the market waa strong after an opening S'SrV' lower. The bulla had their way and prices went up nearly 2c, there being Vic reaction at the ftnlnh. Primary wheat rerrlpta were 271,000 bu. and shipments 373.0f)0 bu., against receipts last year of 228.0Uo.bu. and shipments of 163.000 bu. Corn receipts were K13.000 bu. and shipments 6W.0U0 bu., against receipts last yenr of 610,000 bu. and shipments of 272,000 bu. Clearances were 23.896 bbls. (lour, 6 bu. corn and 1.400 bu. oata. Liverpool closed $,j'4d lower on corn. Loral range ol options: Articles. Open. Higli.! Low. Closa Tes y. Wheat July. ..I Sept... Corn Jtily.-.l Sept...) Oats July...) Sept... I I 76',1 77HB 77SA 7A 4S 47tA 48H 47HA 34B CViB 76B 76sB 47HB 47V4B! 474, R 49oS44! 49 B bid. A asked, Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 1 car, T7Vc; J cars, 77c; No. 4. 1 car, 70c. CORN No. I white, 1 car. 4c; No. I, 3 cars. 474c; 1 car, 47Vic; 1 car, 47'4c; 1 car, 47c. . Omahs Cash Prices. WHEAT No. S hard, 7?r7c; No. t hard. TJW&Vsi No. 4 hard. tt&tjttc; No. spring, 77c; No. I apiing, 72gTc. CORN No.-J. 47Via47c: No. 4. 46Vc; No. t yellow, 47c; No. i white, 4SV5. OATA No. I mixed, 1Sc; No. I white, Uc: No. 4 white, 34V4c. RYE No. 2, c; No. I. 5c. ;-' Carlo Receipts. - .r ' :-- Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 8t. Louis ... 11 416 13 9 139 ...., 15 78 i 69 108 123 150 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Fealarca of the Trading: and Closing Prices os Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 12. Reports of damage by urouth to fall-eown wheat In Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska Imparted strength to the local market today. At the close the July option was up Vt'-tsO- Corn showed a gain of lVtc. Onts were up trVc. Pro visions were unchanged lo 7Vfll"c lower. Strength In the wheat market developed soon attor the openng. At the start senti ment in the pit was bearish because of the. higher condition of winter wheat as out lined in yesterday's session: Another rea. son for the weak undertone was the ab sence of ruin In the northwest. During the first few minutes of trading there was free selling by commission houses and pit trad ers, hut offerings were eagerly taken by a number of the leading bulls. Before the end of the first hour sentiment had become bullish and throughout the remainder of the session the bears were In full retreat. The change In sentiment waa due chiefly to numerous reports of damage by dry weather to the wheat crops of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. A report from Kansas City claimed that the crops In that section had deteriorated 60 per cent during the last week and that the grain was rip ening prematurely. A decrease of 6.200.000 bu. In the world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet' acted ss a further stimu lant to buyers.' Trading waa active the entire day. Lata In the session there was a moderste reaction on profit-taking, but the market closed firm. July opened He to MiV lower at 83Se to MVoHc. sold off to 83s and then advanced to 8IN8c. Final quotations were 84Vc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 107.5.12 bu. Primary receipts were 271. OuO bu.. compared with 107.632 bu, for the corresponding dav one year ago. Minneapolis, Dublin and Chicago reported receipts of 228 cars agAlnst 22 cars lsst week and 202 care a year ago. Trading In the corn pit waa active and after moderate weakness early In the day the market developed decided Strength. Drouth conditions In Kansaa, Missouri and Nebraska formed the basis of the urgent demand which characterised trading dur ing the last half of the session. Cash houses reported light acceptances from the country and thia helped to advance prices on the local market. The early weakness waa due to lower cablea and to the easier tone of wheat. Prices receded somewhat from the highest point on proflt-taklng, but a strong tone prevailed at the close. July, opened MVc to e to , lower at 6144'f hiuc advanced to 633c and closed at 63Vlic. IxK-al receipts were 418 cars, with 191 of contract grade. Strrngth of wheat and corn had a bullish effect ou the oats market. The government report was construed as being quite favor able to the bulls And reports of damage hv drouth also inspired considerable buying of an Investment character. Trading In the pit was actlva all day. The market closed strong. July opened unchanged to Vc lower at 87S to tTe. sold up to WSc and closed at MISc. Local receipts were 163 ears. ' Notwithstanding higher prices for Hv hfis and the sharp advance In grain prices the provisions market was inclined to weak ness. Itheral receipts of live hogs at west ern packing centers Inspired selling by pit trsders and the market lacked anv definite support., local packers taking little part In trading. At the close September pork was unchanged at 118 85. September lard was off ' .19o2,i. September ribs were 7Sfilc lower at 19.30. Ktttmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. ' t cars: corn, 278 cars; oats, 13 cars; hogs 34.0u0 head. ' , The leading future ranged as follows: Art 'c. Oran. Hlgh. Low. Closa.l Tes"y. Wbat- S--pt... Julv . Dee. .. Corn Julv . Sept.. Oats July... Spt.. De, Pork July.. Sept.. Lard July.. Sept.. Oct... Rlbs July.. Sept.. Oct... I fct,! 83 83V MSWVi84S'a- MV Mi 83' 4 I A1siS:53Stf iilV0-., 634. 6lV53Wl61Hfi HVWVUSI 61 'I ? 36',, 18 95 18 66 I 17 00 18 70 8 hi 17 00 16 70 KV4 18 87V4 18 82Vi 18 80 18 86 8 86 00 00 KVi 07Z UVi jo:: 07U 02H; 07 V,! uu I 46 47H I7H 27VI l7Vi 624 40 17V s so 14 u u mi! Cash quotation were aa follow: FLOUR Firm; winter patents, U60&4 00- winter straights. 83 StjJ 70; spring paiarita! tJ7ujr4 00; spring straights, 83.4643.80; bs ara. W 81l. WHtAT-o. J apring. I34l6c; No. 8. 71 (hMc; No. I red, aH8.'Se. CORN-No. t. SSiatavs; No. t yellow, UQ Jc. OATS No. t tc: No. I white, sWitMOc; No. 6 white, SkVtvaVaC. RYE-No. 1 81 o. BARLEV Ood feeding. 464j47Hc; fair to choice malting, evocac 8 K EDS No. 1 flax. 81.07; No. 1 north western. H-IOV,: prime timothy. 13.78; clover, contract graae, in s. PROVItSIONS Bhort ribs sides (loose) r fcwi ; mess pork, per bbl.. 818 87H4J18.M. lrd. per 100 lbs.. 88 &U. Short cUar sides iboxcd). 8"VHjj 10.00. The receipt and shlpmerlts of flour and srain were: Raceipte. Shipments Hour. bbls. ..' H.M 16.T4 Wheat, bu. " 78 ( orn. bu. .Ml. , 86.7J0 riata bu. ' u.4u Rye. bu. ! barley, bu 60.IVX) On tha Produce exrhang today th but ler market waa Ann; creamery, ltflH: delry. H4)17Vc. Em. steady; at mark. ca Included. UQiioi first. KVi prtu extras, lie. Cheese, easy. JEW YORK I.R1ERAL MARKET QistitiMi f the Day Varlowa Cam mod Hies. NEW TORK. Jons 1 2. FlyOl" R Receipt s. 28.4K4 bbls.; exports, 6.6AO bbls.; sales. 7.4) pkgs. Market firm but quiet: Minnesota patents, 84 .iir4.o; bakers. 4V13.n6; winter patents. 4o4 3r, winter straights. 83.9wii 4.t; winter extra, 2tr40; winter low grades. HiJ.. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 63.4ift.Vft0; rholre to fsncy. (a a5H4.lt. t:ORNMKAl-F1rrn; fine white and yel low. II.2iKtil.26, coarse, tl.OftjTl.10; kiln dried, 82 ""fl3 (IO. RYB Dull; No. t western, 8c, nominal, f. O. b. New York. BARLEY Nominal; feeding. 47Vtc. c. I. f. New York; malting, 6-tJnTc, c. I. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 8.0H0 bit.; sales, S.850. 000 bu. futures. Spot market firm; No. 2 red, Kuc. nominal. In' elevator: No. 2 red, 0c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. MV,c, f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern Manitoba. fHc. f. o. b., afloat. There was-a big trade In. wheat today, with a very IrreKUlar market. Prices opened off on easy cables and the bearish crop re port, but recovered and went to a new high record on heavy covering, bull sup port, outside buying, bad crop news and big decrease In world's stocks. The close ws VnVi npt higher: July. !SWc. clos ing at 90tc; September. K$(tf89Nc. closing at Wc; December. !' ViWuC. closing at Poc. CORN Receipts. 90.676 bu. ; exports. frXl bu.; sales. 170,OH0 bu. futures. Spot market strong; No. 2, fiOe, nominnl, In elevator, and .',c, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, tile; No. 2 white, file, nominal. New high records for the sesson also appeared in corn today as a result of active covering, less favorable crop news and small stocke. Final prices showed lNtflSc net advance; July, &KV&w1c. closing at 64c; September, SUV'tiOc, closing at 60c; December. Wm'i 69c. closing at i9c. OATS-Recelpta, ISO,) bu.; exports. 1.400 bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, K to 32 lbs., 41Vic; natural white. 30 to 33 lbs.. I.fi4v; clipped white, 88 to 40 lbs., 44'445Vc. FEED-Firm; spring bran. 819.60, to ar rive; middlings, 81976. to arrive. HAY-Pteady; shipping, 6W.J70C; good to choice. 7tic. HOPS juiet; state common to choice I. 10W14c; 19i4. 114fl2c: olds, nominal. HIDEH Steady; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 19c LEATHER Steady ; acid. 2&S274C. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $11.00 tU.fi0; mess. 8S.539.0O; beef hams. $20.d(Ka; 22.00; packet, 89.501 10.60; city extra India mess. 8lft.604917.nn, Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. $10.231260; pickled shoul ders, $K.A0-a-A.26; pickled hams, tllali. Iard, steady; western prime. 8S.90, nom inal; reflned, continent. $S.4i; South America, f9 75; compound. $7.0067.37H. Pork, steadv: family, $18 6ml00; short clear. t1.60icil8.2o; mess, $17.60. TALIxjW Barely steady; city, 5c; coun try. (Vaoc. RICK Steady ; domestic,- fair to extra, 3VfcQ8Vtc; Japan, nominal. POf LTRY Alive. steady; western broilers, 28c: fowls, 13 Vic; turkeys, 11; 12c; dressed, steady; western broilers, 2C8 26C: turkeys, 11 J 18c;. fowls. 10U CHEESE Weak; new state full cream, large, fair to best, 9J10'c: new state, small. Inferior to best, 7 t it 1 0 c. BUTTER Steady; street . price, exfa creamery, 20jJ04c; official prices, cream ery, common to extra. 15f20c; renovated, common to extra. 12 ft 17c: western fac tory, common to firsts, 12?15V4c; western imitation creamery, extras, lie; firsts. l&H lc. EGOS Steady; western firsts; 17o; west- cm seconds, 16018Vo. St. I.oaia General Market. ST. lXlt'lS. June 12. WHEAT Futures. blither: cash, dull: No. 2 red. cash, ele vator. 87(fc8c; track. 86&9c; July. 81',c; September, MTc; No. 2 liara, huq'k.'W. CORN Higher: No. cash, nominal: traxk, 61ii61Vc; July. 60Hc; September, 51c. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash. 36c: track, 37c; July. 3737Hc; September, 36Sc; No. 3 white. 3Sc FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $4.60 (Ft 4.70; extra fancy and straight, $3.75(F4.40; clenr. $2.7543 3.00. SEEDS Timothy, steHdy: $2.60. CORNMEAL Steady; $2.50. BRAN 8teady; sacked, east track. 86t(87c. HAY-Steady; Umothy. $12 &0S1(I.00; prai rie. $11.016 13.00. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAOO!NO-Se. HEMP TWINE 7Hc. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: lobblne. $16.96. Lard, lower; prime steam. $A.4o. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. $9.50; clear ribs, $9.75; short clears, $9.87Vj. nacon. steady; pox en extra, shorts. jin.3TVt; clear ribs, $10.60; short clear. $10.62V4. POULTRY Firm: chickens. Uc; springs, 18'?20o; turkeys, He: ducks, SHcgeeBe, 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, loSOVsc; dairy, 1417c. EUQB Higher, 13c esse count. Receints. Shipments. Flour, bbl 150.000 87.000 Wheat. bi 29.000 41.000 Corn, bu 123.000 ; ISO.ooo Oats, bu 160.000 87.000 Mlnneapalla Geejla Market. (Superior Board of Trade auotationa fn Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Dav ft Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Artlcle. Open. High.) Low. Close.l Yes"y Wheat-I firsts. 15'4; fll1e. 83i' July...t83S,!rVi 83 Sept... Dec.... Sept... Oct,... 8lH4iVi 82l slVi 1 14 1 14Vi 1 13V 1 12T 1 14U 1 14Vi 1 14 1 1 12V Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 V. m -A aa. . i e . . . . , m..., wnw, nuriiiriii, oru, 10 arrive, 8Sc; No. 2 northern. SSVic; to arrive, 83v,c; jio. norinern. sihc; no. i nurum, i3tc; No. t durum, 71V. Corn: No. S yellow, ific; No. 8 48c. Oats; No. S white. Sbc; white oats, S4Vicf36Vc. Barley: 41'd50c. Rve: t74)oc. Flax: $1.09. Kaaaaa City Oravla ss4 Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Juna It WHEAT July, 76c; September. 7'c: December. Tfe. Cash: No. 1 hard, 7880Hc; No. 8. 754i7c; No. 4. 72tI76H; No. i red, 86S7Hc; No. 8, 828ic: No 4, vaniVsc. CORN-Higher; July, 49"jC: September, 49c; December, 47Sc Cash; No. 2 mixed, rauOVic: No. 8. tottbOVc; No. i white, tova 60Vc; No. 3, 60V.C OATS No. 2 white, irvrtrasc: No. X mixed, SMt36c. EcKJS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included. 14c; case count. 13c; cases returned. He less. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $13.50 14.00; choice prairie. 311.2&3U.75. RYE Steady, 54Vri6?Vc. UUTTKH Creamery, 18c; packing, 18c , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat. bU 38.000 60.000 Corn, bu 36,000 Sti.OOO Oats, bu 4,000 8.000 Visible Sapply of Grata. NEW YORK. June 12. Special cablea and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreets' show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last account: Wheat. United State and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1.647.(00 bu. ; afloat for and In Europe, decreased 3.too,000 bu.; total supply. decreased 6.247,000 bu. Corn, United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 411,000 bu. The leading decreases reported this week are. 4ti.ouo bu. . In Manitoba. HS.OOo bu. at Port Huron, and M.Ouo bu. at tha Milwaukee private elevators. Stocks held In the Chicago private eleva tor Increasod 68.000 bu., and those at Fort Worth Increased the same amount. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. June 11 - WHEAT -Higher; No. 1 northern, h6VMjSKr; No. 2 northern. 844?6Vc; July. 84V, bid. RTE Firmer; No. 1. Vdc. BARLEY Firm; No. 1 6tVo7c; sample, JOfatoc. CORN Firmer; No. 2 cash, 528531i,c; July. 63Sc, bid. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 1 2. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery. 21c; extra nearby prints, 22c KOGS Firm; nearby fresh, 18c at nark: western fresh at mark. CHEESE steady; New lork full cream, 11c; choice, lc; fair to good, 10lj Hc. Peorta Market. PEORIA. June 13. CORN Higher; No. 2 yelow, SI He; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2, lie; No. 4, 80c; no grade. 48c. OATS Higher: No. 2 white, 28V4c: No. I white. Iltfll4r. No. 4 white. 17 617', v WHISKY Steady; on the basis of $1 2 for finished goods. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. June 12 WH EAT-To arrive and on track. No. I northern, 83Sc; No. S northern, KSSc; July. 86; September, 83'sc. OATB To arrive and oa track, 36c. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. June . II WHEAT-Spof. nominal: futures, dull: Julv, is 4Vd; Sep tember, taTStd; December, 7d Toledo Bee Market. TOLEDO. O. June 12.-SEED Clover, caab. H73. October. $, umoib, $1.70; Islks. 84 ' 82J 8?', 81 Vi . 82?s 81V. 1 144 1 12 1 14 1 12V 1 13 1 12V.I NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Early Market if Dull, with Upward HoT mant in High-Triced Itcnes. VALUES SOON BEGIN TO DECLINE Sethark Dae Largely to Reports of Crop Damage la West era aad Central tales. NEW YORK. June 12.-Further dullness waa shown by the stock market today. The movement for the most part upward In the early hours was largely In the high priced Issues, such as Delaware A Hudson, the spring wtieat lines, which embraced St. Paul and the Hill roads. Union Pacific, New York Central, Illinois Central, Pennsylvania and Its allied lines and the Oouiil proper ties. Reports of a coming contest to over throw the present management of the Dela ware ft Hudson company with charges of extravagance and lack of progresa, received little credit, Inasmuch as It Is generally known that the stock is closely held and could hardly be acquired in the open market. St. Paul and the other grain far riers were favorably affected at the out set by tha previous dsy's reports of the high average shown for spring wheat In the northwest. Pennsylvania's strength fol lowed unconfirmed rumors of the successful consummation of the company' Paris loan which had been hanging for the last fort night. The improved showing of the Oould prop erties wss accepted as a direct reflection of the optimistic statements attributed to their titular head. There was no other news to account for the better tone of the market certainly none of a specific charac terthough general satisfaction seems to be felt at the crop and business conditions of tho country. In this connection it may be stated that Wall street, especially the less conservative element, is viewing with unusual complacency the adjournment of congress, now almost in sight. The heaviest purchases of stocks today were made by Influential houses whose names are gen erally linked with the operations of large Investors. The so-called commission bouses and professionals as a whole were decidedly less conspicuous In the day's business. This would seem to Imply that the big Interests which have been under the market for months psst show no disposition to aban don their prtsltion. Business dwindled and Trices sagged before the end of 1h morn ing session. Traders took a hand and played for a reaction In which they were partly successful. Undoubtedly the principal rea son for the setback of the late session came from the weekly crop report which told of a lack of rain In Nebraska. Iowa. Illinois, and Virginia, while severe drouths were reported from southern Texas and the cen tral gulf districts and too much rain In the upper Missouri valley and upper lke re gions. Concurrent with this news came a boom In wheat and the other commodity niarketa which seemed to be engineered by the coterie of professionals so often promi nent in stocks. St. Paul's upward course was not arrested despite the statement from an authoritative source thnt the company's plans for finan cing the Pacific coast extension are not to be announced In the immediate future. That stock was almost the one strong fea ture of the late trading, though Pennsyl vania held firm. Among the weak Issues were Union Pacific. Amalgamated Copper and Reading, while th general list reflected a heavv undertone. The closing whs fairly active "with s feeble rally which advanced prices from the lowest level. For the most part, however, the day's gains were wiped out. Monev market conditions were un changed, enll loans ruling around S per cent. The demand for time loans was light. Movements In foreign exchange were unin teresting beyond steady absorption of bills. Returns of currency from the Pacific coast were smaller than usual while a transfer of $1 7,-iO,000 to thnt center for shipment to i the Philippines attracted some attention. This is believed to represent the recint sale or bonds In his market for the Insular fovern ment. A number of railroad returns, mostly gross earnings for the first ten mpn hs of the flfCHl vear were reported and'all showed marked gains. Wabnsh reported an increase of almost $.T'6.0 In net for April. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value. $2,9.'5.o00. United States 2s advanced L and the 3s and old 4s V per cent on call. The following was the range of price on the New York Stock Jjnge.: gli. High. Low. rio. J4i Adams Kipresa Amslgamaten Topper Amer. ;ar anJ foundry.... do pfrt t Amef. Cotton Oil So '4 Am.r. .Ctpraaa Amtr. tilde Leather pfd. Amer. lea Seeurltlfa Amer. Llnsead Oil do ptd Amar. Lofomotlia do ptd Amor. Smelt. A Re8nlni... do ptd Amar. Rnsar R6nln Amer. Too. pfd rtta Anaronda Mining: Co AUblaon do pfd Atlantic Coast Una Baltimore A Ohio do pfd Brooklra Rapid Transit.... Canadian Pa-Ie Central ol Now Jarsar trntral Lealhar lio pfd Chtaapeaka A Ohio Chicago A Alton do pfd ChHo Craat Waaters Chicago .- Korthwaaters.. Chlcaso. M. A Bt. Paul... Chlcaso Tarsi. A Transit.. do pfd C, C, C. at. Laula Colorado Fuel and Iron.... Colorado A southern do lat pfd do Id pfd Consolidated Oaa Cora Products rf do pfd Delaware A Hudson IMI., lae. Weatera Uanrar A Rio Granda do pfd Put mars' Securities Brla do 1st pfd do Id pfd Oanaral Elertrio Oreat Northarn pfd Mocking Vsllar llllliola Canlral Intar. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central da pfd Kanaaa City southern...... do pfd Loutavtlle A KaahTtlls Manhattan L Matropolitan Street Hy ... Mai leas Central Minn. St. Loula St., Rt. P. A 8. St.. M do pfd Mlaaourt Pacific Mlaaourt. Kanaaa A Teaaa. do pfd National Laad Nat. R. R. of Mai., pfd.. Naw York Cantral New York, Ont. A W Norfolk A Waatorn do pfd North American Pact do Mall PanniylYanta Proa?la's Oaa Piua., C, f. A St. L, Praaaad Stacl Car do pfd Pullman Pa lata Car Raadln do lat pfd da Id pfd Rapuhllc Steel do pfd Rock laland Co do pfd St. U A Saa Pran. Id pfd, St. Louis Southwaatars. ... do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd southern Railway , da pfd Taasaaaae Coa I sad Iron . Iiui A Pacific Toledo. St. U A Wasters., da pfd I'nios Paelfte do pfd , f. S. gipeaas f. S. Raaltr L. . Rubber do pfd V. Steal do pfd Virginia-Carolina Chemical da pfd Wanaah da pfd Walla-rarge Bipraaa Waotlnghouro lilactrta ..... Wasters I a Ion Wheeling a Lake grw... Wiecoeeia Castrml do ptd .' Northern Pactne ,. aloM'Skeaveld 44.100 10"i , 1,200 411 41V IWli I44 ' M 41 ' 101 M 41 . !! 41' 41 4.1 "Vi 111 100 PA 100 111 4414 n 11. WO IS. 71V t00 UTH 1SM4 1"1 ) lllvt UH :.v it mH iT ll 1"4 tP44 14 11.1(10 871 M7" I. so 114 e" 7i m 1M la SflO 144 144 147H M.tno'lil 11"4 lllvt S MH 14. Mfl M 8,700 141 H 1SM4 1404, :u 41i 11: . M 7 04) 1.000 M4 too 400 74 7lt4 II 14, 08 ?" 101 70.101) 1I1V 17IH laf'-ii ine 14 14 11 1.4 1 M0 i.OOO 14 SS '4 : 7 44 V, U 74 iO Mv, 401, i.ooo 13 itavi iss I. too 11 KM U M 121 44V, II 4fvi 4SV, 7H, IVk It.VOO ill HI 414 47-i 4 41 '4 45 VI 71 V T0V, 4.10 . 100 II 4.100 too 4714 w 44 74 1.1 iiv, Tf , 100 171V4 171S 171, i.tuo xo 104 1, lot mo uo4j laovt iaov im 1I3W i"4 iwh. 10 100 44 aSli 4 174 MV, MS 4 V, 1' 141 111 00 4 1,100 MV, 1 41V, at t . ti 14V 4.S00 I4I 144V, 4.100 18 V, Ml U 100 10V, 701, 70 400 1M 1M 111 200 17444 17444 174 1.100 1,44 is ,7V, oo uv, tti too n t , l.W It 7V 74 14 4.704 142V4 140 144 . 1.704 4144 4IV4 IIV 1.104 M, HV4 M 10 loo iTVi rrv, 17 "Si M.I0S 1WV4 1U 111', frw ity ll iiv io 44 V ' i: 0 44 42V M JaVi ll N.004 1UV4 14044 HIS M too MV4 MV4 to l.ioo ii to, )S 100 I04V4 104V, 104V, 400 14 M 4 4S4 400 IIS 11 it 100 44S S S 4.40 MS 4AS -"?, 400 HIS HS 1"' M US II 4 PI M M 4" 147 V, ms Ul 10 44S I4S Kit 10 MS S - 1U 41 44 47 V, 44.1' 141S IK'S laS 104 MS HS 1444 114 4o nit I? it "0 IIS 41S M is uas tois IMS ti.WO 41 0S 40 ., t.7la ls ISiS 1S 1.10 41 S 40S no- 11 11 11 ja Itt lis S its 10 14 1M !U , M0 111 111 LM MM. M 51'. l'w 10 ts S S ll 44 114 til t:is l 71 71 n Total aalea fur tha da. Ul.fr ateeaa. ferrlca FlaaaelaL - 15NDON. June 11 Money ws In good demand today for the settlement, but sup plies were plentiful. Discounts were firm, tin the stock exchange business was poor with no Interesting feature. The settle ment progressed favorably with easier car ry-over rste. (nil-edge,! seeurities gen erally ag4. but business in home laiis for the new account was bet le. The n nourcentent of an Irish land atcx k Uutue of tM.(nv at 9 isued a firmer close of r cheerful owing to a moderate recovery of I Russians Americans were the firmest see-1 Hons. Thev opened at over rarity end a ' fair amount of business wss trsnsactel during the forenoon at hardening prices. Iter New York sent buying orders, the msrket Improved and prices closed flint. Bsltlmore A Ohio was the feature. Kaffirs Improved slowly. Copper shares were again favored and hardened. Japanese Imperial 6 closed at 101 RFRIIN, June 15. Trsdlng on the Bourse todar wa dull. PARIS, June U..-Fr1cea on the Bourse to day were Irregular and business ass dull. Imperial 4s were quoted at 79.) and Russian bond of 1S04 at 4K 00. $4ir Yerk Moaey Market. NEW YORK. June i: -MONET-On rail, easy, 7i9 per cent; ruling rste, I per cent; closing bid, 2H per cent; offered at $ per cent; time loans, dull snd steady; slxtv dsys, tlft'i per cent: ninety days. 4'v1!4is per cent; six months, 4t)5 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER offlfiv, per cent. 8TF.RI.INO KXCI!AN(E-I1svt at $4 M ifj4 SH05 for demand snd at $4.kM4.(!1o for slxtv-dav bills; posted rates. $4.84tfi I.S7; commerclsl bills, $4 :. SILVER Bar, MV: Mexican dollars, S0i BONIiH Government, strong; railroad. Ir regular. Quotation on New York bond today were rollow: V. S. ref. 1, reg....l0riHJIpn 4a. td aerlea do coupon IOSV4 so 4vii, ctfa V. S. la. rg loltg do Id aerlea 4 do coupon t, i do 4a, ctfa... V. S. old 4a. reg....l.v:'L A N. unl. 4e. do coupon ...10JIVanhat. c gula 4l..lo0 V. "S. new 4a. re. ...IMKiMax. Central 4a M do coupon I! do let Inc :i' Am. Tob. 4a- . ..7k', i Minn, a St. 1.. 4a ..lll'ulal.. K. A T. 4a. M'a ..1U, do M do Atchtena pan. 4a. do ad). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. B. A O. 4a do ISa Brk. R. T. e. 4i Central of Oa. Sa do let Inc do Id Inc do Id Inc chea. A O. 414a.. Chicago A A. !4a 1 IN. R. Of M. ..10(1 M. T. Central g. Ite. ti ..inavi .. Mi, .. MH ..ll! .. MV, .. W .. M ..107 .n j. c. gen. ia. ...1-1 1 Northern Pacific 4e. .1044 do 74 Norfolk A W. c. 4a. .100 Ora. S. L. rfg. 4a.. 04v Penn. ct. la Reading gan. 4a lot St. I. a I. M. c. (a..lll St. L. A s. P. fg. 4a. ta f4 C, R. A Q. n. 4a....onvt'8t. L, a. W a TI 'a C. R. I. A P. 4a... Ti Saahoard A. L. do col. 5. 1iSo. Parlflf. ... 1" ... 7i ...111 ...111 4a. et c. at. l. g. f'olo. Fnd. Ka. aer. do aer B ta.iotvtj do let 4a. ctfe... A. iSaiao,ithern Ry. fta.., ... 7'!Teiae p. li . Colo. Mid 7 TOI , Bt. u a w . Coin. A Southern 4a. Union Pacific 4e ...l"4't Cuba to .irl'. S Steal 14 4a ' D. A R. O. 4a. .lOCHIW'abaah la .114 Diet. Sec. (a . It 4 do deb. B .. tit .. 47l a. .. ! Erie prior Hen 41 101 1, Western Md. 4a.. do gen 4a M1,;Whellng A L. V. Hock. Valley 44jt.'-.lfl,ijV'. Cantral 4a . Japan 4s su I Offered. Bostoa Stocks aad Honda, B08TON. June J2 Call loans. 4Hr6ij cent; tltre loans, Mji,U per cent. Offi per clal I I07H 1 51 74 1 15 V 1 IS 11 4 : fi v ', i 40'., li" 17 '. a I V ri 'H ri 4 4'4 It? closing on stocks and bonds: AKhlaoa ad. 4i H'4Udvntura do 4a leim Aiieuet TTV, I Amalgamated ... 04 Amar. Sine loivt! Atlantic Mai. Central 4a.... Alrhlana do pfd Boat on A Albany 144 Bingham Boston A Maine... l'. (Calumet A H... Boaton glavated 11 fantennlal ntrhtrarg pfd 11744 iCoppst Range .. Mei. Cantral MVPalr Weat ...... N. T.. N. H. A H..1M iaIomlrlsn Coal Union Parlnc la4 Franklin Am. Anre. them... ,Oranbr do pfd .. iv ,!' K--ala Am. Pneu Tube. iMi, Mining ... Am. Runar ,.....r..,.l.li Michigan do pfd ..1S4Va :Sctawk Am. Tel. A Tel.. Am. Weclett . ; do pfd "Hum. Iron A S. Rdlaon Klec. III. ..IMH'Mont. Oat A Coka. . . o 'Old Dominion ..ILCVtOecenla .. n Parrot , Ill iQuln. r Maaa. Electric ii shannon do pfd 73V 'amarar-k Maaa. Gaa uv, t nltcd Prult ........111 t'nlted Shoa Math ... 41 do pfd tn4 North Butte 4 C. 8. Steel tia do pfd 10(44 Wealing. , common .,-Sp Asked. "Bid. TrliiHr t'r.lted copper I'. S Mining C. S Oil t'tah Victoria Wlnnna Wolvarina .... London Closing Stack. LONDON, June 12. Closing quotation on the Stock exchange erere: Connote, money. .. .41 11-14 N. Y. Cantral lit . M4 . K . lt . a J', . 4-S . 1iS . 47 . M . HIV, .101 . 4H .1.-.4S . 14 . 41S ,1S . IIS . MS do account. . V Norfolk 4r W Anaconda i...... Atchlaon do ptd , B. A O Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio.. Chlcaso O. W ... ('.. M. A St. P... DeBeera D. A R. O do pfd Brt ' do let pfd .... da Id pfd..r.. Illlnnlt Central . L A N M., K. A T nni. oo pfd . ... M-St Ont. A Waatern. ...l"S ...114S Ptnnaylvanls .... Rand Mines ...l..J4J Raiding oo lat pta do Id pfd ., il, ,...114: ... 14 1 .... ... IV Southern Ry ...... do pfd Southern Pacific ... -'nlon PaclSo .C. 47M o pfd ... hi -... 71, ...u;, ...154 . a. steal .1, pfd ,'abaah do pfd hanlah 4a . MS SILVER Bar, steady; 28 13-ld per ounce. ;mui Ji l zvh per cent. The rite ot discount In the open market for short bill .is 3v per cent; for three months' bills, S "-lftfiS'i percent. , ew York Mining; Stack. NEW YORK. June 12. Closing quotations on mining stock were:. Adams Con K .Little Chief .. . I .140 Alice ,.144 Xlntarlo Jophlr Breeca Brunawtck Con... Comatech Tunnel . Cm. Cal. isd V. Horn Silver Iron StlTer Lead-Mile Coa Offered. 40 to Phoanli ... . I . : . 71 . 14 . 10 .174 Potaal- (Stage Sierra Nevada Small Hope . flisi dard .104 .4.4) . . I Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. June K.-Today's state ment of th treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $1(7.022.703: gold coin and bullion, $64,lst.3U; gold certificates, $42,178.KX. Bank Clearlag. OMAHA, June li. Bank clearing for to day were $1,477,714.73 and for th corre sponding date last year $1,520,048.21. Waol Market. BOSTON. June li. WOOL Interest In the wool market la centered tn tha weat. There la very little trading tn the market here. A a whole dealers are tending to refuse to pay high . prices demanded In many case. The lack of stock I said to be responsible for a large part of tho dullness which ha prevailed In the local market of late. Territory wools are with out feature. New medium half-blood bring 28c or (0970c scoured, and three eighths up to I Or. making a clean coat of (7t?C8c for the latter grade. Pulle) wools are dull. Foreign grauea hold firm. Leading quotation follow: Ohio anl Pennsylvania. XX and above, $4J4V,"; X. Sl22c; No. 1 ?tl; No. 2. J7Jc; tine unwashed, 169 itc: quarter-blood un washed, ilV,tJ$2c; three-eighth blood, 32 Ci3c, half-blood, J2fel3c; unwashed de laine, 282c; fine washed, 24 & 25c; Mich igan fine unwashed, 24t)2c; quarter blood,, Jl32c; unwashed delaine, 27 fr 28c; Kentucky, Indiana, etc. three-eighth and quarter-blood. 32 432c; territory, Idaho fine, 2223c; heavy fine, 18(320c; fine medium, 2I23c; medium, 2(427"; lov medium. 26 27c; Wyoming fine. 21 W 22c heavy fine, lffltOc; fine medium. 12 0 21c; medium. 2(27c: low medium. 2 ft 27c; t'tah and Nevada fine, 32 1 28c; heavy tine. fP20c; fine medium, 22l8 28c; me dium, 2l27c; low medium. 2t 27c; Da kota fine. 222Se; fin medium, 222.V medium. 27tr28c; low medium, 24&27; Montana fine choice, 24?2or: fine average, 214124c; staple. T'928c; medium rhdlco, 27 9 28c; average. 4fi27c. 8T. LOl'IS. Juna 12 WOOL Steady; medium grades combing and clothing. :4 B'2tt; light fine, 22627c; heavy fine, l(i lsc; tub washed, 11 38c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 11. METALB Ther was a sharp break In the London tin mar ket, where speculative liquidation was the feature, with spot closing at lfB 1 snd future closing at 176 6s, or over i below the closing figure of yeaterday. Lo cal sentiment seems to favor the Idea of a further decline. It being urged that the statistical position Is favorable, as It waa some month ago, while the speculative long Interest I not considered large. The market wa weak and lower at $3S gotje X4 00. Copper waa higher In the London market at 4 for pot and AM for futures. Locally copper I lower; lake, 113.00; elec trolytic, $ll J1.60. Lead waa ts d lower at 14 17a M for snot in the tandon mar ket, iocally th market was oulet and unchanged with quotations ranging from $6.76 to $5-$o. Spelter ad varied to M0fc4J IS in th local market. Iron was lower abroad with standard foundry closing at 6" -Id nd Cleveland warrant at 5f $d. locally Iron was quiet and unchanged. No. 2 foundry northern and No. I foundry southern. 118 iifiW-iii; No. i foundry south, ern. 117.764 14.11. Oils and Koala. OIL CITY. Pa.. June It OIl4'redit balances. U 4; shipment. ((.314 bbls.; average. 42.141 bbl.: run. 14.647 bbl.; average. M.27 bbl : shipments, Umt, 44.7U bbls.; average. 6t48 bbl. ; run. Lima, H ail bbls; average. Sa.67 bbls SAVANNAH, tia.. June It OIL Turpen tine firm. 67vo ROSIN-Kinn: A. R and C. $360; D. $3 70; E. $ato&l 9; F, $46; O. $4 00: H. $4 0M4 10, I. .4 10, K..$4 1&: M. $440, N, 40; WG. 14 7S, WW. $4 8t4ta. gilt-edged stocks. Foreigners were mo OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET Cattl Art Slow and Doll to Ton Cent Lower. HOGS EXPERIENCE A DOWNWARD TURN Sat Eneagh Hees ar Umb, In lht ta Teat Talaen, Wklle nesaaaal Feellag Ulrsag, SOrTH OMAHA. June 12. 1. Receipts were: Cat tie. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3,070 .0o W Official Tuesday 6.000 l..s0 1,200 Two dav this week.. $.070 2R.W6 Same days last week..., V.4.H ln.lll Hsm two week go..l0,i:3 ?4,17 Sam three weeks ago... 10.4.1 2T.4.V Ssme four weeks ago... ,4CJ 12.2 Same day last year.... $.060 23,47( RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Th following labia shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep t South Omaha lor tha year to date, compared with lat year: l!aj torn. Inc. Cattle m.Kl S77.126 66.7'.'4 Hogs 1.250.t7 1,114.4B9 1M.148 Sheep 7X8,276 SW.748 41,627 CATTIB QUOTATIONS The following will show th prices paid for the different kind of cattlt on th South Omaha market: Oood to choice corn-fed ter ...$4 6734.40 Fair to good corn-fed teer 4 'o4..i Common to flr corn-fed steers.... 4 0t tW Oood to choice cows and heifers . 4.coj1.'0 Fair to good cow and ielfet 3.00434.00 Common to fair cows and heifer. 1.7SOJ300 Oood to choice atockers A feeder 4 OOjH SO Fair to good itocker and feeders I V-ti4 0) Common to fair itocker lOrff 3 .0 Bull, stags, etc 2.T044.2S Veal calves 4.0OB The following table shows the average price of hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dste. I 1908. l.l?XH.l$t3.;i903.lrl.lrjO. May 23... May 24... May 27... May 33.. May ... May 30... May 31... $2Vil fcl I 25SI SJ 89 I S2H ( 28.V,: I 1(1 i?i 612! 171 6 ! 6 a) ( 1S 6(1 6 111 6 23, 6 26! 6 ai ( 17 4 34' 04 4 3 4 Mi 4 47 6 77 4 4i 6 72 I 5 70! i 63: til 6 (2 5 n 6 S3 ' 106 6 00 e 4 M ( 97, 7 02 T 10; 7 10t 7121 7 07! 6 2' 4 69 4 5 4 60' Si 4 35! June 1.. 4 63 i M (07 i M i Ml 6 70 4 89 4 83 a 4 83 4 ?1 4 4 4 to 03 01 a ( 01 4 7 Juna June Juna June June Juna June Juna June June June 1 3 301 I 4 49 4 4 4 66 7 13 ll 7 In) 5T 7 JO 6 71 t ,s a ti 7 13 I 70 6 71 ... 6... ... t 76 6 78 6 70 Sl SI KH' I 4 64 7 15 6 71 4 7a t Ml 7 18 . 7 21 4 Ml I 30 78 .. .. 10. II. 12. 4 701 ( (6 4 761 6 01 4 79 ( OS T J T Ml 7 32 I 83 S8 t S1 6 89 ill 00; Sundsy. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. $5.6.Vff.46 i.tl6.76 6f"a S.H Omaha Chicago Kansas City .. St. Louis .$1.9".40 . l.efvpAflo . 2 ftt6.76 . 2.loa.8S i i.vtiK.oj s.aosni. . Sioux City 3. 0ttf 5. 25 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following shows the number of car of atockers and feeder shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Car. J. M. Wrd. Hershey Neb. U.- P 1 C. J. Wall. Vlllisc. la. Q 1 Mrs. N. Johnson, Stanton, la J 1 W. J. Matthenes. Cumberland, la. Q.... 1 The official numoer of car of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses. C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 3 12 Wabash $ 8 Mo. Pnc. Ry 16 9 Union Pacific System. 44 C. N. W. (Kat)... 3 C. & N. W. (West I... 34 C, St. P., M. A O.... 34 C, H. A Q. (East).... 12 C, B. A (4. (West)... 87 C R. I. A P. (East).. 6 C. R. 1. P. (West), 4 .4 Illinois central ...... 1 r s .. 1 Chi. Gret Western.. 6 t Tot! receipt ......261 265 7 1 The disposition of the day receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 70S 2.7'i7 4.7 ..t.HSl 6,078 . ..1.471 b.oM W .. 862 6,08.' ... Omaha Packing Co. Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co. Armour V Co Cudahy Pkg Co., K. Swift & Co.. K. C... Hill A Son Kings n A Co Sol Ijegan J. B. Root A Co...... Other buyer Totl '.. 96 .. 4K .. 60 "". .. 137 .. 181 .7.242 491 18.921 1.223 CATTLE Receipt of cattle showed a very large Increase over a week ago, 240 car being reported In when th market opened. The run. however, waa not a large a two week ago, when 279 oar were received, and three week ago, when the receipt footed up 298 car Considering the condition of the market, however, to day' receipt both here and at moat other points were too large for the good of the celling Interests. The beef trade wa a drsg from start to finish.' Buyer eemed to feel that with the number of cattle In ight both her and elsewhere they could afford to take th bear side of the deal, and they did so from th start. They began by bidding price that were decidedly Tower and the forenoon was well advanced before very' much busi ness was transacted. Some of the cattl which .Hist happened to look good to the buyer did not sell ao much different from yesterday. In fact some salesmen thought that for a portion of their cattle they se cured pretty close to steady prices. On tha other hand tha general market wa lower and the best description that could be (liven of It would be to call It slow to 10c uwer than yesterday. Cow and heifer were In light supply considering th total number of cattle In the yards. Furthermore they were very scarce yesterday, there being comparatively few loads on sale. The result was that packers had aome need of cow stuff and that kind of cattle sold more freely. The 'more desirable klnda brought price that were ateady or very close to teady with yeaterday, while the common and inferior kind were slow and weak. There were no stocker and feeder here barring a few odd and end, and so far a could be observed there wa no Inquiry to amount to anything. No rattle and none wanted would be a good description ot the feeder trade. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Mo. A. Pr. No. At. Pr 1 11 I K 14 1141 4 4 1 404 I 4 SO till 4 I 11 Ml I 44 tl 1144 4 IS 14 440 4 44 17 HIT 4 14 1 414 4 14 II I1H 4 44 1 1010 4 li 14 111! 4 SO 4 414 4 4 1111 4 M 1 414 4 H 90 1134 4 II 1 144 4 40 17 1141 4 M 1K4 4 4 14 Ml 4 M 1 171 4 40 It 1114 I IS 11 1111 4 V t 1 ITT 4 SO It M 4 f 1 4 M II 171 4 0 11 1177 4 M It Ml 4 40 14 1147 I 0 1 ISM 4 41 44 UU 4 00 1 11U 4 M 14 list 4 44 I ion 4 M 11 1441 14 II ill I 46 11 ,....1141 I 0 V 1014 4 1 tl 1144 4 14 14 1141 4 70 17 lilt 4 14 21 14 4 14 17 1414 4 10 14 101 4 74 11 1441 4 10 4 1'40 4 14 It 1174 I IS 40....'. 1144 4 11 17 144 I at 14 4 4 T4 COWS. l no l w i itm i h 1 4S4 1 0 1 11(10 1 74 1 740 1 44 1 HI III 1 740 1 M 1 1100 t 1 1 IS 1 1040 10 I HTO I 14 1 1014 1 46 1 IT I 14 1 IBM H 1 lt I 14 1 Ill 1 44 1 4 1 44 1 in m 1 40 I 40 11 10,4 ( 1 4a4 I 4 1 114 at 1 4 1 44 1 ion I M ( 474 1 44 1 101 I M 1 114 1 44 t lot I 4 I a I 14 1 so 4 a 1 10) I 4 1 till 4 4 1 4S4 4 4 1 110 4 4 1 14 I 4 1 40 4 0 1 .4014 4 14 1 Ill 4 1 4 14 I 14 1 10S4 4 I 1 41 4 4 4 Tl 4 1 1 IS 4 4 1 1100 4 10 t I1U I 4 1 IK! l 1 7a t Ul I aia 4 w 44 i mo I H 4 1041 I 1 iae 4 H 1 144 4 14 I ...114 4 U 1 141 I 44 I UU 4 J HEIFERS. 1 414 1 4a i tit H 1 1 41 44 Ill M I lai I 13 . 1 , ao go 1 - I tit . 1 no 4 4 1 414 1 a 14. Trf 4 as i w 1 a i M 1 44 BULLS. 1 117 I 40 1 U0 Tl 1 MM 1 II 1 lis 1 l 1 I Pt4 I ee J 1 l S 1 177 M I 1 10W 1 M 1 ...104 4 M 1 1 1 I t I mat 4 as I 1 Ill 144 1 IM4 4 4 14 1 t a 1 I Ta 4 ii 4 11 CALVF.S. 1. t4 lie f i: 1M 14" 14 , :f-4 i rrv , 41 1 : ? 1 it 4 ft 4 ? 4 tv 4 44 4 M 4 tt 4 ft I M I ?4 m 4M Ma a 140 Ma lie oa l l 114 Ml 4 40 4 4 " a I T I 74 I as 4 4 n 4 M If 4 STOCK1T.RS AND FKEDEHS 1 4M IN 41 I (4 1 410 1 10 HOOR-Recelpt of hogs this mining were the largest tbst thev hsve been anv dsy since Msy ?2, when 2$ car were re- ; reived. The Isrge receipts gave but ers an j advantage which thev were not low In ! making the nost of. They started Ont with the evident Intention or buying the hogs at lesst 6c lower snd their bids were generally $ 3'4e . it will be remem bered tha t the hogs yesterdsv sold Itrgely t $.S?VjtfiB.40. Reller were not t;ieposd to lake off that much without struggle and the result waa a very slow and dull open ing. If w after 10 o'clock before buvers and sellers got together. When the hogs finally old ther went at prices generally 6c lower than yesterday. The decline wipes out all the advance of eslrdsv, but it Is still a little hit higher than one week ago, a, will bo noted from reference to the table of average prices above. Representative sales: Ne, 11... 71.... 71..., 77... 14... Tl..., 7S..., a... "4... 11... 47..., 74..., 77... 44... 70... 10. .. tl... 44 .. 71... 1... 42... 7a... 41... 77... 71... II... 41... 77... 77... 71... 14... It... 74... 44... 74... 7... IT... 4... II... ... 74... 41... I... It... 44... 44 .. I... 11... Tl... 74... 14... 11... 71... ... II... 41... 1... 4... II... 1... At. ...IH ...lit ...!T7 ...114 ..111 ...144 ...117 ...f54 ...tT7 ..141 .. Ml - ...Ill ...114 ...114 .. IM ...140 ...IN ...1T.7 ...141 ...111 ...111 ...t ...140 ...111 ...111 .. .104 ...li.4 ...104 .. .114 ...ns ...140 ...tn ...141 ...III ...117 ...111 ...114 ...to ...til :..iat ...111 ...It ...111 ...141 ...let ..HO ...111 ...114 ...141 ...14 ...174 ...444 ...141 ...174 ...111 ...174 ...JI4 ...11 ...101 Pr. NO r:. . . 1. .. 0... 40... 74.. I. 'l. 7 . 41.. 14.., 41.. 71... 4'... II. .. ti.'. I . 4.. !.. IS.. 4T... 44.. 4.. 71.., 70... II... II . 44.. 74.. 74. .. !.. n . 44. . 44.. Tt.. 0.. 14.. 71. . 74.. 14.. T4.. 44.. 74.. 71.. II.. 41.. :.. 75.. an. . 7.. M . 44.. 74.. 44.. ... as.. . . 14.. 51 . At. . 115 ...MS ...Ill ...tt ...! . . t ...147 . . IMI ...171 ...! ..!' ..744 .. . . 14.1 .. SM ...lT ...:io ...un .. ;i7 ...tit ..114 tn ...M4 .141 .. 1 ..HI ...114 .. .:ie .. su ...!! ...141 ..141 ...:! ...134 ...111 ...117 ...114 ...151 ...174 ...414 ...:i4 ...IM ...4 ..in ..141 ...14 ...m ...4 ..an ...in ...in ...mi ...l ...!4 . ..Il ...111 ...107 th. Pr. 4 10 4 10 4 11 4 i:' I l, I IT!, I MS 4 !:' I !S 4 IIS I IIS 4, "IS 4 1S 4 IIS 1 IIS 4 IIS 4 I2S 4 IIS 4 as 4 us 4 ns IIS I lis 4 IIS 4 IIS 4 IIS I Its 4 lis 4 ITS 4 Its 4 l?S 4 IIS I IIS 4 IIS 4 IIS 4 IIS 4 47S 4 IIS I IIS I US 4 lis I IIS I N I 14 W 4 4! 4 M 4 as 4 IS 4 4 II I M i at 4 4 14 4 III 4 4 H STAG 40 1J 40 0 4 4 ,V. 4 14 4 14 4 n 4 W 4 St. 4 14 4 I:, I M ' 4 14 4 II 4 1 4 -I 4 14 4 .74 4 an 4 IF. 14 1 If. 4 V. 4 l 4 14 4 m 4 14 I If I 44 4 l 4 4 14 14 I 14 I 44 I IV 4 44 0 44 40 m en 1!0 40 Sio ian 110 t'l 140 a 4" llu IrO 40 411 IM 40 ieo 4 ITS 4 I7S 4 ITS 4 17s 4 I7S 4 lis sen 4 0 4 ITS 10 4 17, 10 I ITS IM a 4" 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4a 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 4!S 4 41S 4 41S 4 41S 4 41 4 41 40 1 4 111 44 ion 40 lii 40 140 HOGS. 4 44 SHEEP Receipts this morning consisted of two cr of good lambs which met with ready sale at $6.65. and of four single deck of pretty fair lambs, which sold last week In the country at $6.85 and brought In today to be weighed up and delivered. The feel ing on the market wa strong, and had there been enough here to really make a market It would have undoubtedly met with ready sale at good strong prices. The de mand continues very good and packe. could use a good many more sheep am. lambs than are likely to come for some time. Quotation on clipped stock: Oood to choice western lambs, $6.40tfn.75; fair to good lambs. trt.00rq.4ii; cull lambs, $1.60 H8.rf; good to choice yearlings. $f..76W 6.26; fair to good yearlings, $5.oOA.7i; good to choice wethers. $6.7bft6.16; fair to good wethers, $5.60'f)6.75; good to choice ewes, 16.60g6.78; fair to good ewe. $6,764? 6.50; buck. t4.2tVS-4.;fi. Representative sales: No. 1 western ewe 9. western lambs 849 western lamb , 677 Western lambs , Av. . 80 . 82 , . 82 . . 80 " Pr. 4 00 8 26 ( 36 (6 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattla Steady ling gtronsj Sheep and Iambi Steady. CHICAGO. June 12.-CATfLE-R ecelpt. Z.6M head; market steady; common to prime steers, $4 OOOjeUO; cows, $3.0i"jjf4.lO; belfers, $3.7MftVon; bulla, 13.2Ml4.2f.; calves. $6.0oyi.00; atockers and feeder, $2.76114.76. HOGS Receipt. K.000 head; market alrong; choice to prime heavy. $ AStrt. 76 ; medium to good heavy, $fl.(oojg.(6; butcher weight.. $6oi&4.70; good to choice heavy mixed. $&6tagl 66; packer. $.0nj.g2V. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16,000 head; market steady; sheep, $4.60&6.2!; yearlings, $5.fcVa.10, shorn lambs. lo.2i 7.16. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 13. CATTLE Re ceipt, 12,900 head. Including Li") southerns; market, steady to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.26426.76; fslr tn good, $4f56.16; western fed steers, 13WV?r 6.28; atockers snd feeders, $2.7f,4j4.60; south ern steers, $3.0004.80: southern cows, $2,264? $.76: native cows, $125r4 36; native heifers. $3.26ti6.flO; bulls, $2.6044.; calves, $2.60j.36. HOGS Receipts. I:, CO heed; market. Mj 10c lower; top, $6.60: b " of sale. $6.30$ (.46; heavy, $.40g.SO; packer. $.304j.4n; pigs and light. $A6tMr.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11.4"0 head; market, strong and actlv; lamb. $f 6"67.50; fed sheep and yearlings, lft.mi.7j (.60; Texas clipped yearlings. $.V7Kiit.uO; Texas clipped sheep, 14 7t4i, 26: Texas goat, $3.26Ol.0; atockera and feeder, $3.2o46.00. St. Inls Ure Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. June ll.-CATTLE-Rceipt. 7.000 head, Including 3,000 Texan; market steady; native shipping and export steers. $4.ar4Ju.8K; dressed beef and butcher ateer. $3.6&46.00; ateers under 1.000 lbs., $3.&i4 60; tockers and feeder, $3.0034.00; cow and heifer, $2.0O8fl 90; r-snner. 1 02.16: bull, $2 404.18; calve. $3 0n Oil;' Texas and In dian steer. I2.&043-4. 4b; oowa and heifer. $2.00JS.o). HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market 6c lower: plga and light. $o.75.40; packer. $6.86j.60; butcher and best heavy, $.464 (.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. tS00 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.01 6100; lambs, $4.vi.00; cull and buck. $4.S6.. stocker, $3.00i)4.26. laax City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, June 13 (Sped. Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.Ono head; market steady; beeves. t4.'Hij6.2&; cows, bulls and mixed. $3.drf4.40; stocker and feeders, $3.2fyS-4.60; calve and yearlings, $3.4.IO. HOGS Receipts, (.(no head; market 6c higher, selling at 16 ..TOftf ( 45 ; bulk of sale. It. So o (40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,300 head; market strong and active. St. Jnaepk Lira Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 12. - CATTLE Re ceipt. 3.2i3 heed: market ateady to loc lower; native. It.iJK&oSO; cow and heifer 11.75ij(.ai; yearling calves. $2,604(4.00; stock ers and feeders, $,i.U'U4.3. HOGS Receipts, 14.917 head; msrket m 10c lower: light mixed, $6eVt,6 36; meolum hesvy. $6 r8. 46; bulk of sales. stay lit SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1,913 head; market ateady. tack la Sight. Receipts of Hv stock at th rx princl. pal western market yeaterday: Cattle. lioe-a. flheen D . . . k. - .. . . - - . euuin tti na ,,, Sioux City Ksnsa City .... St. Josepn St. Louis , Chicago .. (.' .. l.ti ..11. am .. t.2St .. 77 .. 3.5O0 19.300 I.2AJ 1.2ol ,B 21.t 14.917 11 000 14.000 11.4110 1.912 2.6)0 16.IU) Totals 33.9S3 I9,tl7 33.213 aajar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. June if -SUOAR-Raw. firm: fair refining, 1 16-1(471 81-33ei eentrtf. ugal M teat. lli-rHv. molasses sugar, ll-lSV-' 23-82C Reflned. Bterdy: crushed 5.80c: powdered, 4 70c; granuUted. 4 c NEW ORLEANS. June 12. SUGAR -Steadv; open kettle centrifugal. vdl7-l(c' centrifugal yellows. 3S4)4r; second. 2 IV. MOLASSES Firm. Syrup, firm. Cae Market. NEW YORK, June 11 COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady t unchanged prlo- to an advanc at five polnta on one month, but eased off a a result of rather disappointing rabies (mm Havre. Trading wa very quiet and there was a pec 11 feature. The close waa ateady. net un changed to five point lower; sale, fur th day wr reported of 1 '- bag, Includ- 14'l ltaa ; Ing July, at pept.-inber. S.TV: ! j 1 ember. n Kf sAc; Jsintarv. A7c: March. I-; Msy. ,..v. ftp.M KhV. Iteadv , No ; I Invoice. 7,c j OMtHt WIUMKvM.r: W4RK4.T I rondltlnn af Trade anal Quotation on I Maple aad Fancy I'rodncr. j f.i-JOS Receipts. llbeial; fresh siock. j l',c. . , i'ivr; t'tu LTRV-llens. St.Tt'ic; roosters. c tiiraeys. ic: diicKs. 1V; spring 'nil kn. ikeitSr ner lh BI'TTER- Parking slock,' l:r-; choice tu fancy dslir. lie; creamery. l42IVc. HAY Prices quoted hy ihimhii teed co-ti-panv: No. uplnnd. ln6: rrn.lluni, $.$; oarae. rti. R j c strr.w. 6.ui PR AN per ton: $1T i. .NEW VEOKTAPI.ES TOM A TO KS Florida, per craie of ) lbs., net, n.f.o. WAX RKAXSPrr box of Shout 31 lbs., tldi . SfRl.Vt? KEANS-Per box of about a li .so. TIR.Virs. BEETS AND CARROTS Per ill t. lurches, .ir.c. LEAK LETTUCE-Hothouse. per d"X. l esils. 20c. t.'l'CUM REP.S Home" gfnwn. pet dos . 4oc; Trrss. )ver bu. box, 1.75. ON!OXS-CRlirrnla, :Vc per lh.; Texas. In crates, while. $1.76; yellow, $1.35. QUEEN OMuNS-Per dox bunches. 2"c. HAIiSHES-Per dox. bunches, lie. C.4 HH 4GK-Cs)ifornla, S",ii.V per lb. CAri.lKl.fiWEK-Pr dos. llead $1.25. CP.EEN PEAS Per bu.. $1i. NEW PVJTATOES-Per bu., $1 60. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu , 6ri 60c, South Dakota, per bu., 9ic; 'Jolorsdu. per lb.. 2c. NAVY BKANSv-Per bu.. $l.tf; No. 2, $l.r. LIMA BEANK Per IP.. Lvc. TROPICAL FBI ITS DATES -Per box o: 30-lb pkgs., $2 00; Hallowe'en, in 70-lb boxes, per box. c; Sayers., per lb., tc: walnut tuffed, l-!h. pkgs $2.(0 per dox.; S-lb. boxes. $1.ii0. ORANGES California. extra fancy navels. Urge sixes, $I25i"iOu: 'Mediter ranean sweeis, all sizes, $4.(if4 60. LEMONS Llmoniers, extra faftcy. 24 sis', 6.i, i (o 360 sire, 17.7S. FIGS Csllfornlii. per 10-lb. csrton. 7T.y R"'C: Importcil Smyrna, three-crown, 11c: six-crown, 13u. BANANAS Per medium slscd bunch. $!.7 J5.36; JumlHis, $2.5"f3.0i . riNEAPPLEHS xea 24. SO shd . $3.26. FRIITS. ( BERRIES Callrotnls K.r0 per 81b. br.x; mur clierrii. ;4-it. crate, $2.00. t.tiOHEBERRlEH Per crate of 24 qt., $J.00. BEEF CUTS. No. 1 ribs. 11c; No. 2 ribs. c: No. 3 ribs. 74o; No. 1 loins. ",Sc; X".'2 loins, 12V: No. 3 loins. HV; No. 1 chucks. &4c; No. 3 chucks. 6sc; No. 8 cnucke. oc; No. 1 round. Sc; No. 2 round.-Mc; No. a -round. 7c; No. 1 plate, ao; Nn. 2 plate, 2c; Nu. 3 plain, 2C. MISCELI-ANEOU8. CIDER Per keg. $3 7t: per bbl.. $6,78. HONEY New. per 24 lbs.. $3 60. CHEESE Swiss, new.. 16c;- Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin limberger, 12c; twin. ISic; Young Americana. 16c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1. oft shells, new riop. per lb.. 16v,e; hard .shell, per lb., lS'ic. Pecans, large, per lb.. 11c; smnl!.. per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 6c; roestet!, per lb.. Sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12tf 1.1'fC. Almsndl soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard hells, per lb.. If, .'ocoanuts. $4 per Stick of 100. SUGAR Granulated can. la bbls, $6.06; granulated cone, . it. sacks. . $6.0 1 ; granulated. In sacks, $4.91. SYRUP In barrels. 24c per gal.; In cases, ( 10-lb. cans. $1.70; cases, H 6-lb. cans. $1.40; cutes. 24 S-lb. csns. $1.35. COFFEE Roasted. No. 36, 26V4 PT lb ; No. 30. 20H per 11..; No. 25. 18ic per h ; No. 2", l5Hr per lb.; No. 21, 12Vt.fi per In. CURED FISH Family wlilteflih. per v, bbl.. 100 lbs.. $4.60; Norway mackerel, per bbl,. 200 lbs., bloaters. $40.00; No. 1, $28.00; No. I. $26.0... No. 3, $20.00: Irish, No. 2, $18.00; herring, , In bbls., 200 lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $18.00: Norway, Jk, $13.00; Holland, mixed. $11.60; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers. S0c; kegs, mixed. 70c. CANNED GOD8 Corn, standard west--rn. G50(Oc: Mnlne. $1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb. n, 1.26ei.K0; 2-lb., 97HcB$l 00. Plno spples, grated. 2-lb, $2.05 2.30; llcad. $1.902.20. Gallon apples, fancy, 33 30 California apricot, 11.40(2.00; pears, $1.7S2.60; peach-s, fancy, $1.752.40: H. C. Peaches, $2.H0 2.50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26: fancy Chinook, F., $2.10; fancy aookeye. V., $1.95; sardines, H oil, $2.50; 4 mnstsrd, $2.6003.10. Sweet potatoes, $1.16125; sauer kraut, $1.00; pumpkins, S0c$1.00; wax beans, 2-lb.. 76tj90c; 11 nv, beana, 2-lb.. 760$!. 85; spinach. $1.35: cheap pess. 3-lb., $0c; extra, T6tt0c; fancy. $1.31 iff 1.76. - . ' ., Cotton Market. NEW YOR.v-iune' li-COTTON-Spot closed quiet and vstesdy; middling uplands. 11.2uc; middling gulf, 11.60c; sales,' 1,615 bales. 1 ST. IX5UIS. Mo., June 12.-COTTON-Bteady; middling. 11 l-lo; sales, 1.110 bales; receipts. 46 bales; shipment. 38 bales; toek. 30,486 bale. . LIVERPOOL, June 12.-COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices 6 points higher; American middling fair. 6.67d; good middling, 6.31; middling, 6. lid; low middling. 5.ftld;' gool ordinary. 6.78d; ordlnarv. 5.63d. The sales of the day were ti.oeo bales, of which 6c) were for speculation and export and In cluded 5,600 American.' Receipts, 4,000 bales. Including 700 American. NEW ORLEANS, June ll-COTTON-Spot closed steady; sales. l.tdO bales: low ordinary, 77,c. nominal: ordinsry, 8Hc; good ordinary. 9vc; low middling. WVc; mid dling, Use: good middling. lt4c; middling fair. 12c. nominal; receipts. 94k' bales; stock. 76.114 bales. ' Evaporated Applea and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. June 12. EVA POR ATE' ) APPLES Market is quiet. Futures are of fering at Bc for November delivery., but spot supplies scarce and firm with strictly prime quoted at Ho; . choice, llMi'HW; fancy. 1l,i12r. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prune re firm In the absence of selling pressure with spot quotation ranging frbin To 10 8c. Apricots are unchanged with t-holce quoted at 12V4jc; extra rholc. I31il3c; fancy. 14ei4V,c. Peache- for. future ship ment how an upward tendency, but re nilned unchanged on spot with choice quoted at 11c; extra choice. lHaiGTUsy; fsncy, llM2c; extra fancy. 121jK',c. Raisins sre firmer In tone owing to un favorable crop advices. Ixose muscatel are quoted at 6Jjc; seeded raisins,, 6Va'97Sc; London layers, $1.5fx$l.co. ' REAL KSTATK TRANSFERS. Irving Allison and wife to Ephratm W. Dixon, lots 9, '10, 11. in Harrison Place ., ....,.$ Calvin 8 Orinmau auu wu v Ep'li ralm W. Dixon, lot 12, In Harrison Place..' , Charles M. Wllhelm et a) to brcViird Wllhelm Carpet Co., Iota T. 8, Bar- . rlson Place Edward D. Jones and wife to livis ' Corbaley, lota 14. 15 and 1$. Halcyon Heights Michael A. Cavanaugh et al to Rich ard Ebliltt, an undivided Vj of lot 20, block 21, 1st addition to Corrigan Place, lot 8, block 46, city of Omaha.' 1 Clinton H. hrlggs and wife to Thomas Kllpatrlck snd Co. t Incorporated 1. . middle 1-3 of lot 2. block llg. In clly of Omaha 40 000 Harry A. Tukey to Catherine llahn. lot 17. block 1. Tukey Height 200 John C. Hollson to James C. Robinson tax lot 8, 14-16-10. also seS of seS of ne4 15-15-10. also wV4 of 16-15-10.... 3.5S0 Han Christian Gllessmann and wife to Phill Rhoey et a I, w'i of lot 8, -In block ,1. Parker's add -...j.. UT Chariot F. Krelle and wife to William Hcffke. lot 9. block . "H." . in Saun ders" A Himebatigh' add 1 3 L. V. Mors and wife to Willis Cros- by, lot 1. block 10. Patrick's 2nd add. - (no John F. Baker and wife to Irving Allt---son. lots 9. 10. 11, Harrison Place ' 2tl Ephralm W. Dixon to Orchard A Wit- -helm Carpet Co.. lots 1. I, 8, . 10, U and 12. In Harrison Place..... ' , Jam H. Parrotte and wife to Eph ralm W. Dixon, lot . Harrison Place ' 100 Edward Eister to Theodore L Phelps. " beginning at nw corner of lot 17. block 3. Bsgley Park ,; 500 Rita Psscale and hush to John ft. PecV t. ev cf lot (, block i; In Rush V Selby's add ; U Oerinora La Oreca and wife to Rlt " Paacola. eS lot (. block L In Ruh 4V' Selby's add Tbeodor C. I. Chrlstiarsen to Ma- ' thllda. Christiansen, lot 6, In Dewcv ' Place j,y Edwa'd F. Morrison and w1f to Har ry Ma row Its, east 52 feet of west 94 feet of north 14 feet of lo" t. in block 17. of S. V. Smith at'd 3 600 Thomas S Kellev to lila Tt. Vsn Cleave lot 16. block 1. Redlck s Park 8 00 N P. Dodge snd wife to Cgrrle A.' Buckley. Booth If) feet lot K. )10."' Nelsons' sdd ,'...i 1 Edward W. Pend'eton ex o Jen Han- " en. lot I, block "A." SauiuW 4' ' H'Tiebaurh add ..' .'.,, ' Esther A. Brasee to Antut C. PIn-on. lot . block 10. Mccormick's add ' i.XA Charleston Res'-.v Co. to IJn M. Oterrle. west n fet of lot $. plcck -S." Iiwe's add ...'..'.' IO) Charles I. Easier and wife to Mand Fooler at al lots 3 and 3. in block 8. Bower's add . 160 Henrv Realtv . to Alice M. Brown.' lots and 9. and west 10 feet f ,A 7. In Troup's sub of lot 54, la Otaa's $ 1 IV) 160 400