Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Tor yoft to quy stock In the fncle Bam OH Company of Kansas, and secure the
first dividend. I now very limited. Furthermore, wise Investors from all over ths
I nlted States ar purchaalng the stock very rapidly, aa ran ba proven by the books.
C'aeh paid In for reAned oil and atock for Week ending Saturday night, June 2nd.
10. waa $, while for week ending" Saturday night. June th, la fj,000.00.
In addition to this, over 125,000.00 haa been subscribed on (lit edge contract sto-k
during III two weeks shove mentioned, which will be paid In during the next tlva
month, which meana a grand net total of a little over 978,000.00 tn two weeka1 time.
Where can you find another stock aa active -aa-thla at KO per cent of par? Thla
g ant Independent enterprise haa a great Work to complete, and that It la going to
.place the balance of lta atock and ruah thla great work to immediate completion la
now an absolute certainty.
Money I 1'ouring In Svork All I
Along the Line Going Forward
I Vtttn a t im.
Remittance for Uncle Same stock hart I
been doubling up so rapidly tltat the coin- j
pany Mas been' able to rmsh' nine line and
refining cnnfteiKtttri'i 'Cvmslflerebly 'aster
than was ever contemplated at this atage
of the, proceedings.
Money . Wired (o PiMelmrg to Hurry
t'p the l'ipe Line.
Fur the lr twA imtmhs Uncle Sum has
been receiving Pip llte just h the money
could -be spared te pay fur same and not
delay the completion of the two refineries
now building. However, during the past
two weeks remittances have Increased so
rapidly that one payment was wired
through to Pittsburg In order- to rush pipe
line shipments, amj the Byers mills, of
Pittsburg, are flow ' giving right-of-way
for I'm-le Ham-' pip' line pipe and during
the next six weeka Uncle Bam will deliver
and complete sixty-six miles more of main
trunk pipe lirte Connecting the great pro
ducers on 1.100-acfa lot forty-three with the
refinery storage tanks at Cherryvale.
The capacity of '-fhls pipe line will he
from 2. TOO to 3. BOO barrela per day, and
Uncle Sam Van save 83 Cents per barrel
on each barrel by Completing this pipe line
and pumping the oil, over freights now
being paid. the railroads.
Will Thea -Have. 133 Mile Main
' Trunk Pipe Line Completed.
With the afxty-slx. miles pipe line com
pleted aa before; mentioned will give Uncle
Sam US miles of malnr trunk pipe line com
pleted. Ie not thla a pretty good record
for . this great Jndependent company In
fifteen months conalderlng that three
reflnerlea will have also been com
pleted during that time? Is not this th
kind of an enterprise to hook up with?
One success generally follows another and
don't you know that the difficult bBrrlera
against this company have been 100 to one
In the past a to what they will be In the
future, With all ' the strength of a thor
oughly organised company In every depart
ment backed by nearly a million dollars
rash, and over H.OfiO stockholders compris
ing some. 'of the most Influential men of
the nation, -j ' .'
More Pipe Line ' Holler Arrive.
town of, near tha heart of
the Wot
oodaon county,' Kansas oil fields,
where Uncle Sam haa land purchased and
wor commenced- en ' the) FIFTH main
line pumrftng statl6A,"fHe last carload af
their large bollera arrived last week and
workmen have already- Unloaded one and
the othef twd writ he huatled - along to
Tyro. Kan., where Uncle Ham has land
bought and likewise la building pumping
station No. TV0 and from there the last
one will be rushed or! to tha Band Creek
pumping' station, southwest of Bartles
vllle. In the Indian Territory, where Uncle
Ksm hits larze ' storace tanks now com
pleted with several miles of lateral Hnes
leading to the aame, where Undo Ham
pumping station No." ONE la nearlng com-,
First Independent (mimny to Secure
Indian Territory Pile Line Permit.
The Uncle Sam Company secured a per
mit from tha Interior department aeveral
weeka ago 'an commenced at once se
curing pipe to complete the line. Right-of-way
waa purchased and money paid the
City Electrician Condemns Threatened In
crease of Fire Insurance Bate.
PetlsrM it Waa' to Be EipMtca,
It Was Too Maefc af a Ooldea .
ortaaUr Be
.. , .. Lest.
Threatened Increase of fire Insurance
rates in .Omaha nas brought out an
emphatic proUst- fKfn. City Electrician
Mlchaulaen, who has been endeavoring by
forcing: .the Jurlal of the electrlo wires
esnratown te reduce the fire hasards locally
rasst thereby tee rales. The electrician waa
asked if the proposed Increaae la In any
way Justified by wire conditions in Omaha.
He eald:
"N, and most emphatically .no. Less
than; two weeka ago. the- chief electrical
Inspector for the . underwriters association
was J'ln' Omaha, arid he expressed himself
as reost favorably fmpreeeed with the Im
provements, we have wade during the past
two years.
"This raise In rates was eapected, how
ever It is too much of a golden op
portunity; for 'the tnsuranoe people to let
It slip- by unnoticed.' Tbey say the Increase
propped' Is ' not occasioned by the Ban
Francisco 'calamity, but we have a right
to believe this Or not as we see fit. In my
opinion the fire loss In San Francisco,
unllkf the Baltimore loam, le not a legi
timate fire loss' according to ' the true
nieanfaig and Intent of a standard Ore In
surance policy. If such' a loss be legally
fir technically covered by the policies in
force. It le purely the ' fault of the Insur
ance .people that they did not hare their
policies read correctly.'' You might as well
claim that the Insurance company should
pay your coal bill, your gas bill or your
cigar bill! these goods are consumed by
I Fill Tcclh
I Crown Tcclh
DR. F1CKRS, Dentlgt. SSS'liee lildj
Phoaa poanlaa ll?
Remittances Must Be in the Mails by Midnight,
Indian agent nearly, one month ago. Ten)
i -1,11- ,
Harilesvllle and Dewey, while aeven miiea
more have been shipped over a week and
by 'he time you read this will arrive ut
l'?"- ..m'i" I?0!' .t!!?.'!?11 1? !
start the second pumping etatlon. at
Tyro, Kan., Is now being rolled and loaded
at the mills at Pittsburg and will 1m
crowded forward with all haste consistent
with possible gqod workmanship.
Will Have Close to 2, (MM) Barrel Daily
Production by August 1,
Keeping pace with the pipe line work
and completion of the great reflnei y
Uncle Ham No. 2 on the banks of naviga
tion by Atchison Uncle Ham has been
crowding the work with drills In order to
Increase the daily production from our
own wells. Figure for yourself what n
,great Income Uncle Sam will Boon hav!.
(Should He Over. :l,flOO Daily by Lat
ter Part of July.
July 4 will be tha day the big river re
finery will commence turning gold Into tha
Uncle Sam treasury for Uncle Sam stock
holders. This plant will start with a dally
capacity of six hundred t) barrels per
day. The Cherryvale refinery Uncle Sam
No. 1 which has been In successful opera
tion for the past eight months, has a
capacity of three hundred (X)( barrela
dally, so by July 4 the combined capacity
of the two plants will be nine hundred 90)
barrela every day. This oil, when ready
for the market, will bring close to 14 per
barrel. Now figure for yourself. Remember,
we will have our own production, over our
own pipe llnee, delivered to the people of
tha weat In our own tank cars and tank
wagons now, Is this not a practical lineup
for success? Don't you think you'd better
secure soma of the stock of this growing
enterprise by sending your remittance at
once before the atock la all taken?
At the Big Towns in Kansas and at St.
Joe, Mo., Distributing Stations
Already Completed..
The Uncle Sam company has Urge stor
age tanks for refined oil, with warehouses
built, and from ona to three tank wagona
dally delivering oil to our large and grow
luar trade in
Topeka, Kan.
Wichita, Kan.
Concordia, Kan.
Anthony, Kan. '
Wlnfleld. Kan.
Wellington, Kan.
Hutchinson, Kan.
Mineral, Kan.
Leavenworth. Kan.
Atchison, Kan.
Ottawa, Kan
Lawrence Kan.
Sallna. Kan.
Kansas City, Kan.
St. Joseph, Mo.
Pittsburg, Kan.
While at several other placea heavy ship
ments are being made to Individual cus
tomers, especially to Joplln and Spring
field, Mo.
Fifty More Stations Will He Installed
During the Next Sixty Days.
Irge baae distributing stations will be
installed at Omaha. Council Bluffs, Sioux
fttv K'.hn Mw ntv Jefferson City. St.
, Louie and Km st St. Louie, while from 40 to
46 railroad towns- conelaUna- a the best
trade centers In Kansas, uaiannmo ana
Missouri- will be. established. This com
pany will do Just what it started out to
do namely, secure and maintain In time
the oil trade of the Miasourl valley states.
If you wish to do your part to brosk the
grip of the oil trust of the oil fields of
Kansas and the Indian Territory, better
loin our band today and help this, the
only formidable foe to oil trust oppres
sion west of the Allegheny mountains, on
to greater success.
fire and reduced to ashes; they might be
legally covered by your policy, but hardly
under Its true meaning end Intent, so
with the Ban Francisco losses.
Fire Hasards Oaght te Govern.
The Insurance rate of each town or
city should be established according to the
fire hasards Incident to that certain
locality, the condition and else of Its fire
department, etc., and can, therefore, not
be governed by conditions brought about
by such unforseen actions of the elements
as earthquakes, and the like, unparatelled
In the history of the world. If any one
wants to carry Insurance against destruc
tion from earthquake In localltlee where
they are common, they may carry It
separately as we here carry tornado In
surance, etc. That should have no con
nection with common fire Insurance at all.
"Another alleged Illustration of the necee-
slty .of lncressed fire Insurance le drawn
from the recent 1 lay den Bros. Are In thla
city. The Insurance people claim that
though the damage to buildings may be
slight, aa in thla case, tha damage done
to the etock Is apt to be very great. Thla
very Are le the moat flagrant example of
the poor Judgment Insurance companies ex
ercise and then let their patrons hold the
sack. Their motto seems to be: 'Get the
premium, and If the rlak proves bad. so
we don't make aa much as we ought to,
wa can easily enough raise the ratee all
over the country, and that will surely
make up for any mistake.'
Harden Bras'. Loss.
"Examine for a moment the Hayden
Bros', loss, and that courae wilt be demon
strated beyond a ahadow of a doubt. Before
underwriting thla risk the tnaurance people
knew that If a sprinkler system be In
stalled In a building such aa waa tn thla
building, without an automatic alarm of
any kind to indicate when the ater com
mences to flow, and without a watchman
on Sundays and holidays, that If the
slightest fire breaks out In the building.
hlle It Is abandoned, the water from
the sprinkler system would put out the
Are, but would also conttnue to flow until
the flood was discovered from the outside
of the building. This could hardly happen
until the entire building, below where the
(Ire occurred, la thoroughly drenched and
the water begins to run out of the
front door, Thle waa the caae In thla
building and the fire happened to be on
the top floor.
"The Inaurance companlca knew there
waa no watchman; they knew there waa
no automatic alarm system; they knew If
a Are should ever break out while no one
waa In the building It would result in a
Rood and destruction of almost the entire
stock worth over $500,000. But, in spite of
all this, the Insurance wee written and
evidently without any exemption clause.
New, that the damage la dona through
their own carelessness and mismanage
ment, they try to show us that the only
wey they can be reimbursed for thle fatal
mistake of theirs, la to let every one
of their patrons In Omaha, or, maybe, the
country over, suffer a little extra assess
cienL "The enly two ramedlee that I eee against
this evil are municipal control of Inaurance
ratea or mutual Inaurance, conducted by
the government or municipalities."
WATCHU-rrecarr. 1Mb and Dodge sta
Can Market Oil Just a KconomlcaJ a I
th Trust.
The public In general are tired of the
unjust methods of the trust and ready and
willing to loyally support the first Inde-
pendent enterprise able to supply them.
The salea department of the Uncle 8am
Company Is well organised and can Just
as easily In proportion sell ten times the
company's present output an what they
are now doing. The company haa stock
holders In nearly every good-sized town In
Kanaa. Oklahoma and Missouri, and We
have found from experience that even one
stockholder In a locality Is a power for
the advancement of the sales of Uncle
Sam oil. Consider from every standpoint
and you will find bulwarka of success
surrounding this company and you can
expect Increased values for your Invest
ments and dividends on your money Just
aa sure as you are a foot high if you Invest
In this stock.
Should Huild I'p to Kighteen Thou
sand Barrela per Day.
Uncle Sam will have a dally capacity of
(1,700) twenty-seven hundred barrels per
day not later than September and will
continue to Increase and there la not one
single sane reason why In two or three
years Uncle Sam cannot build up to (18,
000) eighteen thousand barrela per day.
Bear In mind that both refinery No. 2 at
Atchison and refinery No. 3 at Tulsa are
both, being built, ao that In sixty days'
time after July they can both be doubled
up to (l,20it twelve hundred barrela per
day, or twenty-four hundred barrela and
with Cherryvale added make (2,700) twenty-seven
hundred barrels in all by some
time In September.
With Main Pipe Line Competed the
Freight Saving Alone Will Be
Close to $2,700 Dally.
Barring tha great profit to be made In
the refining of crude oil. however, over
the main trunk pipe line and river barges
alone, when completed, there will be an
actual saving over freight rates of nearly
11. 00 per barrel, or close to $2,700 dally.
Give the Uncle Sam credit for even one
half of what ia In sight and you will have
to admit that we offer the public a square
deal of an Investment, one that certain
returns are right in your plain view. Bet
ter follow the example 6f scores of others
and take 1.000 shares at $200 or $,000 shares
at $1,000 Immediately.
People Have Confidence In This Great
It Is only a question of a few weeks until
a million dollars cash and 10.000 share
holders will be back of Uncle Sam. Thou
sands of stockholders are securing their
funds to Invest In the stock, while by the
hundreds thev are doubling up their hold
Inga. Uncle Sam Is putting up a sous re
conservative fight for success and Is
winning almost phenomenal success right
In the face of the greatest criminal combine
the world haa ever Knows, i nets earn
has the friendship pf nine-tenths of the In-
fluentlal newsnaoera of the United States
and Canada, while the aentlment Of the
Missouri valley Is with us almost to a man.
It waa forced Into, existence on account
of certain large Independent producing oil
companies In the Cherryvale field- being
boycotted and blacklisted by the -criminal
trust. It Is manned by Kansans, who are
working with might and main to build
up an enterprise strong enough to take
care of every home oil field and those of
our neighbors in Kansas and Indian Ter
ritory. Unci Sam haa pulled from the
Lawyer KeceiTo His Tee and Then Filet
that Dear Old Mandamus,
Hltrhcockv Blackburn and Howell
Said to Have Let Go la
"I am a lawyer; where'e your fee?" quoth
John Paul Breen last week when ha was
approached by his co-conspirators In the
anything-to-bcat-Rosewater campaign with
the request that he file a mandamus suit to
compel County Clerk Haverly to place the
namea of candldatea for delegatea to the
atate convention on the ballot In alpha
betical order ao aa to disfranchise the ma
jority of republican voters at the coming
primaries and thus establish a barrier to
the popular will for the nomination of Ed
ward Roaewater as United Btatee senator.
Evidently John Paul Breen has got his
price. He filed the mandamus Monday
morning. The petition asks not for the
alphabetical ballot, about which ao much
talk waa indulged end which Inspired tha
"antls" to file half their delegation of
namea, beginning A, B or C, but for a
rotated ballot, which would give no one
the top any oftener than the bottom of the
ticket and would make each voter pick
out eighty-three namea from a Hat of over
300 and make eighty-three cross marks for
state delegates, and again 11$ more cross
marks for congressluieal delegates.
Anaysa tha Tool.
Charles J. Andersen. . a defeated repub
lican nominee for the city council, who
preachee harmony during political cam
paigna and flings the knife st the polls,
leu himself be used ee the tool for apply
ing for the writ, and he le represented by
Breeu and W. H. Herdman, Hitchcock's
ally In his fight upon Mayor Dahlman.
An alternative writ was Issued by Judge
Kennedy of the district court and the case
will be heard Tuesday at 3 p. m. by Judges
Kennedy, Pay and Troup, aittlng en banc.
In case Judge Day returns from Sarpy
oounty In time.
Pursuant to Instructions Andersen, in his
petition, says he makea application for the
writ for himself and "others." He de
clarea ha baa filed as a delegate to the
state convention and has made a formal
demand on the cdfinty clerk to arrange the
namea alphabetically, but hie requeat has
been refused.
Terms ( Demand.
- The court Is asked to compel the county
clerk to place upon the ballot In alpha
betical order according to aurnamea, the
namea ef all persons who have filed aa
candidates at the primary election to be
held July t, for the office of delegate to
the republican state convention.
The directions for printing the ballot are
given minutely In accordance, it la alleged.
with section I of the primary taw. The
court Is asked to direct the clerk te hare
the ballots ao printed that ae many
bundles ef ballots as there are names on
the ballots be prepared, no two bundles
The public In general despises the method of the criminal oil truat, and from
everywhere cornea the demand for Independent oil In fact, aa well aa name. I'nda
Ham, with lta loyal band of over eight (8.000) thousand atockholders. represent
ing every atate and territory In the I'nlon and also Canada and Old Mexico, pre
aenta a mountain of strength and Influence that even the dirty millions of the ag
gressive tmsta and all the falaehoods, hindrances and other annovancee put up ny
their different hirelings does not, haa not, and can not delay the Uncle 8am 01
Company of Kansas In lta onward march to success. Kvery hour Vn le 8am la grow
ing atronger. From the banks of the Arkansas at Tulsa, Indian Territory,, whera
Vncle Ram Refinery No. I la being built, at the different oil fields, at Uncle Ham
Refinery No. 1 at Cherryvale, along the main trunk pipe line clear across Kansas to
the banks of navigation at Atchison, where Uncle Ham Refinery No. 2 la Rearing com
pletion. Vncle Ham's different departments are rapidly wheeling Into Una for suc
cessful action.
word go for deep water and unflinchingly
has been able to expose many a dirty
trick of the aggressor trust and will con
tinue the ft gilt for a square deal until
any man of enterprise can. engage tn the
honorable business of marketing and refin
ing oil without being crushed or driven
out of Kansas by well known oil trnst
operator whose hirelings are just now
trying to ateal temporary control of part
of the Kansas government through a gang
of blackmailing preaa agenta and a
few bribed newspapers which you can
easily mark by their tirade on Uncle Sam,
which much to their disgust they are
unable to detain for one minute in our
onward march to greater aucress.
Telegrams Pouring In for Stork.
During the past three days one telegram
from Philadelphia reserved ten thousand
shares at $2,000. "says remittance on the
way;" another from Butte. Mont., reserved
1,000 shares with $1,000 already mailed. Two
from Utah, one for $1,000. and one for $S0O,
coming. One from Cincinnati. O., says hold
6.000 snares, ii.uu aran sent. .AiioT.ner
comes from northern-New York, says $1,000
sent for b,000 shares, while a message from
Florida reserved 1.000 shares with $620 on
the way. We could tell you about a score
of other messages for from $60 to $ii0, but
if you delay your remittance you will find
that additional orders by wire and letter
will have aecured all the balance of the
atock. You are solicited to Join us now
and your money will help ua buy more pipe
line and build Just that much stronger
this great company, which the Oil trust
and Its perjured hirelings will be unable
to check until Uucle Sam will be so strong
that we can give the trust a run for lta
money on western aoil, where right has
always conquered and where oil thieves,
like horse thieves, are certain to come to
Why Increased Dividends Are Certain.
With th refining capacity inereased on
an average of ten times during the next
alx months, it will be an easy matter for
Uncle Sam to double up the aecond divi
dend. There Is a -market for at least 18.000
barrela of oil per day In the west. Io you
suppose this company will be satisfied until
it la up to 18,000 barrels dally? Suppose
we make only $1.00 per barrel, while the
trust now Is making nearer $3.00, and you
will realize that Increased dividends are an
assured fact.
Dividend Books Will 'Clow In Less
. Than Ten Day.
Before a great many people read this an
nouncement It will not b .over a week, un
til tha dividend book will .close'. However,
If you are not acquainted.. with the great
work of the Uncle Sam company you will
have time to send for full particulars and
then get your remittance in the mall by
midnight Wednesday, June -1906, posi
tively the laat hour that subscribers for
siock can nuy siock ana secure me nrst
'dividend, which will be 'TnaHed to every
stockholder between Ium Mcand July 20.
190$. Just as well get a mov er on yourself
now and get In at once, for you can Just as
well secure' the first dividend by actio
A Million and a Half Dollar Produc
ing Property Bark of I'nclo Sam.
About three mllea southwest' of wher
pumping station No. 1 of Uncle Sam's main
trunk pipe line is 1.140-acre lot 43, Osage,
that Is conceded by conservative oil men
to have the names In the same order.
Tills is to be effected by taking the name
at the top of the form' for one impression
and placing It at the bottom of the form
for the next Impression and ao on through
the entire Hat. The packages of ballots to
be delivered are to be made up so that
every other ballot In the package shall have
the names In different order.
The alternative writ applies only to
candldatea for delegates to the republican
state convention.
Frlghtfnl Loss at Life
results from throat and lung diaeaaes. Dr.
King's New Discovery for coughs and
colds Is a sure cure, too and $1. For eale
by Sherman Si McConnell Drug Co.
Striata Indian nomenclature.
'Muskoka," "Clear Sky Land," "Mag
net ewsn." "Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka-
wartha," "Bright Water and Happy
Lands," "Temagaml," "peep Water" are
Indian worda that fittingly 'describe some
of the most delightful spots for a sum
mer's outing on th .American continent.
All reached by Qrand (Trunk JOatlway Sys
tem. Double track . froia Chicago t Mon
treal and Niagara. Falls, . , .. ,
Descriptive literature, time, tables, etc.,
will be mailed free on application to Geo.
W. Vaux, A. O. P. T. A., 136 Adame Bt..
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our thanka to the
friend and neighbors, also Ladies' society
of Bt. Johann'a church. Degree of Honor
173. A. O. U. W.. Hub laundry and Vinton
school; for their kindness and sympathy
shown ua during the sickness and death of
our beloved mother and grandmother.
Mra. Hans Schults and family, John
Maler and family.
Wa take thia manner of expressing our
gratitude to our many frienda and neigh
bors for their kindness to us during the
sickness snd death of our mother, Mrs.
Johnson, and for the beautiful floral of
ferings. Omaha. Neb., June 11, 190$.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jacobaen, Mrs. Solo
mon Johnson, Mr. Carl Johnson, Mr. An
drew Johnson.
ri.hlngr and rnmpl.n Rn... to near
Lake, la.. Via Chicago Great
Western Railway.
. For parties of 10 or more ons faro and
one-third for the round trip, good for 1
daya. Tlcketa on aale dally until Septem
ber $0. For further Information epply te
II. H. Churchill. O. A.. 1513 Farnam St.
Chicago and Retnrn B1S.SS.
Tickets on sale June 10th 11th and 12th,
Good returning until June 17th. Ticket
and further information at City Ticket
Office, ItoS Farnam Bt., Omaha.
The following marriage licenses i have
been lasued:
Name and Residence.
Nela E. Vlberg. Council Bluffs. Ia.
Ellen C. Nllson. Omaha
Joaeph F. Chladlk. Omaha
Mary Hladek, Omaha
Franklin II. Harris. Omaha
Irene Suter. Omaha
Joaeph Hoffman, South Omaha ,
Fannie Laclne. South Omaha....'.'.
DlAMOKL3Edbolm. lttth and Heroey.
n I
to be one of the moat valuable oil proper
ties In the Indian country. Uncle Sam has
Just completed on this great property oilers
Nos. 13 and 14, and drillers are now work
ing On Nos. IS and 1$. The company la now
drilling out In the center of the property,
nearly one mils and a half from where oil
waa first discovered on the east line.
Enough locations have already been proved
to leave room for aeventy more oil wells,
while the pay oil aand Is Increasing aa the
drills move west and north. The largest oil
wells In the Indian Territory are almost
certain to be found In nearby locations. If
not the main pool. In which event you
would see this stock advance to several
times even $1 per share. Uncle Sam la
doing things. Assets back of this stock are
Increasing even while you sleep. The drills
Work night and day and It Is Just a question
of a few months until this prorYrty will be
developed until It will be worth over a mil
lion and a half dollars to Uncle Sam stock
holders, for every barrel of this oil when
run through the Uncle 8am refinery will
bring Uncle Sam stockholders close to $4
per barrel.
Over 2S.0O0 Acres of Other Oil Bights
In addition to the before named valuable
eleven hundred-acre lot 43. the Uncle Sam
company holds leases on oil rights on
nearly twenty-eight thousand (28,no0) acres
In Labette, Montgomery, Klk and Chautau
qua counties, some of which Is very good
property and any of which may develop
good producers. .
Control N'early 4.0O0 Acres More, In
cluding Seventy-four Oilers.
In addition to the before mentioned oil
propertiea Uncle Sam company controls the
output of several good fields, Including 74
oil wells, aix pumping planta and nearly
4.000 additional oil rights. Besides owning
outright six gas wells one that la good
for over five million feet dally. There are
assets back of this stock on every hand,
and they will continually Increase and
make the stock you buy more valuable.
Rushing Shipments for Tulsa Refin
ery I'nrle Sam No. 3.
In the heart of the Indian Territory oil
fields, nearly 300 miles front the big river
refinery, you will find the Undo Sam flag
flying on-the hanks of the Arkansas, by
Tulsa, where by July 1 nearly alll of tha
material will be on t)ie ground or shipped
for Uncle Bam refinery No. S. From this
flant Uncle Sam will reach the trade of
ndLan Territory and Oklahoma and west
ern Arkansas and northern Texas. This
refinery, like the big river refinery, Is being
built so It can be - enlarged to TEN
THOUSAND barrels per day, and In time
a very large refined oil pipe line will be
built down the Arkansas river to Fort
Smith, Ark., whore light barges will be
loaded for Little Rock and other Arkansas
citlea and on down the river to the south
ern coaats. Tou should Join the Uncle Sam
company today and let your Investment
grow with It; $50 to $JO0, although a small
amount now, may grow Into a good In
vestment for you with this growing enter
prise. Now or Never--Your Last Chance
Remittances Breaking All Records.
It matters not whether you live In Old
Mexloo, Canada, on tha New England
coast or Florida or Oregon, you can secure
stock In this Uncle Sam company and de
pend on a fair treatment and dividends on
your money. However, the curtain is
about ready to ring down on the last act
for there are thousands who have been
about ready to Invest who are going to
act before they lose the first dividend.
Barker Dispoaei of Interests in Montreal
Plant af White Lead Company.
Deal Involves Retirement of Barkers,
Except Frank, Wba Remains
Manager of the Plant
In Omaha.
The George Barker Interests In the
Carter White Lead company's plant In
Montreal have been aold to Mrs. Levi
Carter, completing the retirement of Mr.
liarker from the atockholders. Home time
ego his stock In the Omaha and Chicago
planta waa aold to persons supposed to
represent the National Lead company. The
last deal involves the retirement from the
management of the Montreal plant of Jo
seph Barker, a aon of George Barker.
Frank Barker, another aon. will continue
aa manager of the Omaha plant.
Joaeph Barker la expected home from
Montreal In a short time.
Building; Permits.
The city haa Issued the following build
ing permits: Mrs. K. Wlthrow, two $4,000
frame dwellings at Fortieth and Dodge
streets; J. Bchlelp, two $1,K frame dwell
ings at Twenty-sixth and Camden avenue.
Besad Over for Robbery.
E. Moulton, alias Harry Bhaw. waa ar
raigned In the police court Monday morn
ing on the charge of breaking and enter
ing room No. 43 of the Murray hotel. The
prisoner waived the preliminary examina
tion and wae bound over to the district
court in the aum of $500. He waa sentenced
New 1906 Summer models are ready every conceivable cool weave,' from the digni
fied blue serge and the genteel gray tropical worsteds to the more daring and dashy chalk
etripea, club checks and the original mixtures that are as English as the "Lights of London."
Every variation of tailoring detail that has the sanction of the best shops peaked,
rounded or conservative lapels center, false or side vents; plain finish or cuffed trousers,
quarter lined or half lined with alpaca or pongee silk
Only about eight (8) per cent of the atock rematna unsold.' Inquiries for atock
are coming Into the home oftlce by the hundreds, while every hour telegrams are
being received for atock reservation, and lettera by the hundreds are arriving On every
mall. A few minutes at the home office would convince -you that Uncle 8m atock
waa In great demand, and then remember that over oaa quarter mlllloa dollars have
been subscribed at the same price asked herein of you. while all thla money Ima benn
'added for new equipment and for legitimate purposes necessary to the. advancement
of the Uncle Sam masln trunk pipe line and the Uncle Ham chain of three g great
refineries. In time Uncle Ham will build up to a capacity of eighteen (1S.OO0) thou
sand barrels dally, while atock Is now rapidly selling la sure to increase to several
times par value and pay Increased dividends. To secure the first dividend your
June 20, 1906.
This will mean that remittances for stock j
for the next few days will go far bevond 1
what some people expect. Consider. If you !
please, what they have been for the past
two weeks: Total net sales of over i$70.0uor
seventy thousand dollars. Where Is there :
an enterprise In the United States building ',
so rapidly where you can Invest with the j
sarety oi tins one? Anniner raci not to
be forgotten about these remittances Is
that they are coming from the people. One
day thia last week twenty (Jul different
investors toog l.isv snares eacn at .' and
this twenty represented eleven different
siates. so you can see mat ine inning is
general and that means that Uncle Sam
has satisfied the rigid Investigations of
tne many and during the next week and
a half you can expect the biggest part of
the balance of Uncle Sam stock sold. The
company Is not trying to spring the price,
but Is giving you value received, realis
ing it can take the proceeds from the
sale of this stock and build Uncle Sam
where It will stand second to none In
supremacy and thereby force a square
deal In the western oil fields.
Big Steamer Will Navigate the Mis
souri at Atchison July
For years the railroads ami the oil trust
working together have tried to discourage
and kill all water transportation but the
business men of the Missouri valley are
waking up and it will be Just a question
of time until the great Uncle Sam-river
refinery will be the center of navigation on
the Missouri. Come to Atchison and eee
for vourseif July 4 and also see the great
river plant which the oil trust knockers
said Uncle Sam would never build. How
ever, would advise you to secure your
stock at once.
Five Thousand loniestlc Fuel Burners
Soon l;auy lor Delivery
For the past six months Uncle Sam men f
have been hard at work on a fuel oil j
burner for cook stoves and heaters. There
Is a market In Kansas for nearly 300.000 I
barrela of fuel oil monthly with tnis
burner and Uncle 8am has started out to
put in 60.0CO of these burners by early
fall and will come pretty near doing It
too. Will soon have $,000 ready for Im
mediate delivery.
More Tank Cars Secured.
Uncle Sam haa secured option on ten
more tank care with which to haul oil
from the north end of the completed pipe
line to Atchison, refinery and then to haul
fuel oil In latter to western and central
Remittances Week Ending June 0,
J90fl, Total ",20,000.
Coming from every corner of the United
Btates maintaining a steady dally average
from $3,000 up to as high as $,000 dally,
Uncle Sam has banked during the week
Just ended $29,000. With this kind of a rec
ord before Investors that will have a bullish
effect and cause hundreds to Invest In the
stock who were a little timid. For the stock
cannot help but advance greatly as quick
as the balance Is sold and the work com
pleted. Write or Wire for Particulars and
This company has Just what It advertises.
In the different departments, at the re
finery, on the pipe line, n the oil flelda and
at the different distributing stationa over
ten days for vsgrancy by the police Jurig
a short time ago. It Is charged that Motil
ton entered the room of J. E. Van Camp
at the Murray hotel and was caught by a
porter. Moultnn was suspected of aliening
Van Camp's door with a key found In th
prisoner's pocket by the police.
Tarns Down the t'hanre to Get Money
from City Wlthont Any
The doubtful honor, but profitable luxury,
of eervini: on the Omnh Water board doea
not appeal to W. A. Paxton and he haa
resolutely and firmly declined to fill the
seat made vacant by the death of Jamee
E. Boyd and to which he was elected ten
days ago. Mr. Paxton la a busy man and
doee not feel as though he could spend the
time necessary to become an expert on
Omaha water works values, and this Is
one of the reasons why he has refused tha
$50 a month post.
"I'm too busy In the first place," said
Mr. Paxton, "and In the second place, thla
la a Job where you are damned If you do
and damned If you don't. Personally I
know nothing about the value of a lot of
pipes and things underground. Another
point Is that If the appraisement should
become Involved In litigation, the water
board would probably spend two or three
more years with very few active duties to
perform. I don't care to be placed In the
attitude of sapping $3,000 or so out of the
public treasury for that."
Members of the board are doing consid
erable skirmishing in-the hope of getting
a man of something like Mr. Paxton'
caliber to aerve. Some of them have not
altogether given up hope of Inducing him
to reconsider. .
one hundred men are' crowding the great
work of the company on to success. We
have about eighty pictures taken from real
life In the different riepartmente showing
part of the great work; also more complete
reports. We will be glad to mall them to
any Investor In the United Ststes or any
foreign country, and any other Information
oesirea. we stand ready to prove any
statement made herein and solicit your In
vestment In this stock In good faith and
will see that you get a square deal In faot
as well aa words. The company will not
sell over thirty thousand shares to anv ona
man, ana reserves tne rignt In reject any
offer by returning the remittance. Would
rather have five men subscribe $Jno each
than one man $1.0oo. for this company Is a
common man's organization and wants as
large a number of stockholders among tha
middle class as possible.
lrlce of Stork.
SO shares...
loo shares...
Wrfl shares...
t shares...
l.Oio shares...
..$ 10
.. 20
.. s
.. loo
.. 200
1. 000 shares...
I 4"0
Special Offers.
.$1711 00
. 2.800.00
. 6.MO.00
Monthly Payment Offer.
Fronl the start Uncle Sam Company has
made It possible for men of limited means
tn join the company, and In addition to
offering treasury stock at the above men
tioned cash price, will sell on monthly pay-'
ments as follows:
six Monthly
$ 15" each
$.00 each
-. 7 50 each
15.00 each
, 80.00 each
60.00 each
M. 00 each
'. 160.00 each
4" 10. 00 each
I Shares-
$ $00 cash....
8.00 cash....
7 50 cash....
15.00 cash....
80.00 cash....
10.00 cash....
90.00 cash....
15O.00 cash....
600.00 caah....
1 loo
In Conclusion.
Charter name -of this company Is "Tha
Uncle Sam Oil Company," authorised capi
talization is ten miMlon shares; psr value
$1 each. The atock Is nonassessable and
there is no personal liability and each
share of stock draws the same amount of
dividends aa any other share. James In
gersoll is president, J. H. Ritchie, vice
president, and H. H. Tucker, Jr., secre
tary and treaaurer. These officers consti
tute the board of directors. References,
Mr. Walker, president Atchison Savings
hank (oldest state bank In Kanass, Atchi
son, Kan.; T. R. Clendenln, president com
mittee of forty, Atchison, Kan.: William
Btryker. editor Tulsa Democrat, Tulsa,
I. T.: Montgomery County Nstlonal bank.
People's National bank, Cherryvale State
bank, all of Cherryvale, Kan. Also Brad
street or Dun agencies.
' How to Send Money.
Make all drofts, checks or money orders
payable to "The Uncle Sam OH Cora May,
or H. H. Tucker. Jr., secretary, ana your
stock will be sent promptly by return
registered mail.
For further particulars writ or wtra
The Uncle Sam Oil Co.
or H. H. TUCKER, JR. Sec, Cherryvafe, Kin
Omaha Receipts and Shipments Thns
Far This Year Show Great
the first flve lnontha of 1004 were consid
erably greater, tjikn for the corresponding
period of 106, as shown by figures Just
compiled by the Omaha Grain exchange.
Total receipts this year to May $1 were
15.tl0.000 bushels; last year' to May 81 they
were 11,416.000 bushels. Shipments this year
to May SI were K.SST.ftOO bushels; last yeat.
1$,7T3,600 busbele. An Increaae is shown of
152.000 bushels Jn wheat receipts. 1.$5S,6no .
bushels In corn receipts and 1,980,000 bushels
In oats receipts.
The report of the government Depart
ment of Connerce and Labor fqr April.
Just Issued, shows Omaha fourth In point
of total grain shipments for the first, four
months of this yesr, being distanced by
Chicago, Minneapolis and Bt. Loujs. These,
together with Kansaa City and Milwaukee,
were ahead of Omaha' in point of grain
receipts for the same period. Omaha was
third In corn receipts for the first four
months, being about 1.000,000 bushels under
St. Ijouls. The market was distanced only
by Chicago in corn shipments for the four
terr Low Haiti rmeaday.
Every Tuesday, balance or tne year, the
Chicago Great Western railroad will se4
homeeeekere' tickets to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory llrsi and tttlrs)
Tuesdays. Writs H. IL CburohlU, O. A
UU-Feinam afreet. State number la parte
end when going.
Bee Went Ads for Business Boosters.