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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BFJEt MONDAY, JUNE 11, C r It ' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat React, Than Goes Higher Than Previous Day. BULLISH KANSAS STATE CROP REPORT Condition of Grain Given War Helow rear m Off at Start ' a Rains, hat 4aleklr fialaa Strength. OMAHA, June . 1J. tVheat reacted rather heavily early in the session, many holders selling on th theory that crop advice . had been dis counted. Just when they were short and fee 1 1 n a; the moat bearish, the Kansaa mate report waa leaned, showing a condition of 7, aa compared with W.ln April and 78 a, jrar. Aa attempt to cover round fclutle for sale until price had fully recov- frufllng was lively the laat three-quurter of an hour with aoma realizing In the laat iw tntiti'. There waa .lean Tain on the morning's mitp In the northweat, and the dry 'sec tion of lllinola and Indiana had ample pr-lpluitlon. Cables say the situation is itui fi Improved In Russia. - Corn aold ofTat the etart on realizing am) on good ralna through' Illinois and In-diiinj-. hui lurried n the Kansaa atHte re pott. (Tlvlng a condition of T aa comp.-tred with at trie aame time Inst year. Con-, alrlernble activity followed on covering and renewed buying by early profit-takers. The lo-e wna little different from the pre .iiia day. Oata went through the same experience aa did wheat and corn. The K annua report slce the condition aa M. I'l iliiRi y wneat ieceipu were JKA.OOO hush ela and shipments of 24S.OOO bushel, against receipt U(.t re,ir of Sf.0fi),. hnenola and Xhltmient Of 'JJk JOfl hllslials fV.rr, raiMnll tvVre 'iWiXO bushels and ahipmenta 4l.0"0 imsneie, againar receipts laat year or 414.1X4) bushels and anluments of i7.(X) huahela. t'leai-ancea were ll.l.ftcO huahela wheat. l.'i.WiO barrels hour. 43,X bushel corn and 44,i rjnsneis oirts. .... Liverpool closed unchanged to Vad higher on Wheat and lid Mailer nil mm. Atlktrn'lHB Hrhoat ahipmenta were 168.0(0 nui.eis, against iiusueia last yeut, Indian wheat ahipmenta were HOS.noo bush e!a. against MXi.tKO bushels laat year. I. oral rang of notions: Articles. Or", r Hih l Uiw, Close, Wheat July .. Sept. . Corn July . Sept. . O.ita--July . bopt. . 77B , 76 b;. 78 7B 77'4 47iRi 47S 47Bi 47H 47'U 33B , 47HB 4HH O bid. Omaha; Caen Salea. WHEAT No. 4. 1 car. 70c. cokn No. 8. 1 car. 47c; 1 car. 4Vc: 1 car, 4fc; ! cara, 4Hc; No. 3 whits. i car, no. 3 yellow. 1 car, 4lc, v Omaha Cat,h Prtcea. WHEAT No. hard. (ff-gc; No. 3 ncro, 74 'c; No., i lmrd, 6b JOc; No. 2. aprlng, ,77i.'. .OK.N -No. ''J. 4H47C: No 4, 44 V4 n CjC:No. 8 yellow, 4i4'9 47 "!c; No. 2 wnue, No. 3 white. 4747;?, OAT" Np. 3 mixed.; No. 8 whlto. ayr, ivp.' unite, s.ic. ft VE No, U 6 .No. 3. 65c. . ' Carlo Receipta.' . , . Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago 10 Kanaaa City 4 Mlnneapolie .., .183 401 167 42 I 'ii "it Omaha .M , 2, Duluth 18 fit. Louie".".. ......... 41 W iso AGO UHAIK -AJ,D , PROVISlOKt rratirra'ol the Tradlag and Clotlnc Prlcea on Board of Trade." . CHICAG6. June 9. Additional evidence of damage to wheat by drouth nan fur tilahed today by the Kanaaa atate crop report, which gave the condition of wheat aa 70 ngainet an estimate of SS on May 1. A sharp 'rally followed the publication of thie report, but moat of the. gain waa later on protlt-taklng. Tlie cioa steady with the July option 'c higher. Corn waa up lie Oata' were' unchanged. .'Provision were tc anad.- lilgher to 5a'iVc lower. Prior trj the occurrence of the Kanaaa report, aentlmcnt In the avheat pit waa by local longs because of Improved weather conditions. Not only did the weather map ahow ideal conditions for harvesting In the nuthweat, but a cessation ' of rain waa reported from the nurthweet. During the first half of the aeanion trading waa dull. but It became active after the publication of the Kitnaaa report. - The deinanJ waa ?eneral. This caused an advance of almoat c from tlio low points of the day. Much of the gain waa lost of pront-takmt; dur ing the last few minuUs of iradlny. The market closed ateady. July opened "itfiH" lower at K!V(Wtl:,c. aold off to 8SWc ard then advanced to 85c The close waa at 84'tic. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 182,Utiu bu. Primary receipta were xj&.uhi bu.,. against .'tg.uuu uu. ror tne cor reaponding day one year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipta of 211 cara against 212 cars last week and 192 cara a year ago. . . The corn market waa weac early In the day because of realising sales, holders seeming unwilling to hold their llnea over Sunday. Cash- houses and elevator Inter ests were free a;llere. Reported rains In lllinola and the Ohio valley had a tonuency to weaken prices. Toward the middle of the day the market rallied sharply e n active covering by shorts which waa based upon the Kansaa report, which showed a condi tion of 7 com pa red with M for (he cor responding time Jam year. The close of the market wag steady, but during the laat' few minutes a large part of the ad vance waa lost 'on proflt-taklntr. July opened unchanged to 4c lower at olVtf'olN.c, aold off to sl'kc and then advanced to ol'fcc Fliml Quotations were at oltoc. Local re ceipta were 401 cars with Sue" of contract grade. . Early In t lie. day . the oalx market waa weak In sympathy with other grain, hut like wheat and corn it stiffened on the Kanaaa report .which showed the condition of the crop to be d8 against a generil average of W for the last ten years. The cloae was steady. July opened l..tls,c lower at . J73THo. old -up to ltre and closed at 87S9- . Local receipta were 167 care. . ' Provisions were quiet and steady. 1 he feature of -trading waa buying of pork by a local packer. At the close July uoik was off be at 1 80. lrd waa u shade higher at t8.8fMil.82H.' Rlba were &4j7H! lower at l'J.j.('(i.. Eatlmated reeeiins for Monday: Wheat, 8 care; corn, 41 cara; oata, 171 cara; hogs 4K.0 head. The leadiag futurea ranged aa. follow . Artlclee l Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Tee y Wheat-I . I , July... BSVa! Sept... Uec....83Hi',a: t?orn j i July... 'RISE'S 85 83H 84 K.VV '84 USA 84 , 82S ' 83 MS R1T4 BlW 6rpt...:lV4"i 52 bl, 81V61HCS Oats- July., Sept., Dec.. Pork July. 8 lit. Lard July. Sept. Oct.. Ribs July. Sept. , Oct.. .87i J7S 37 S3', rsi 84S 87H ..S4HjV So '4 1 i m 18 86 - It 80 If 80 It 86 18 50 II tl t 82H I 80 8 84 8 80 ikTtt 8 87Vi 48 4t 83S 18 I 14 1 47V I 18 47H 8 KW 8 80 a n IN 8 t7Vs (80 tl.V, 47H a i 8 liW! 8 30 A aaked. ' ' Cash Quotation were aa follows: I'LOCK Easy; winter patents. I3.s0a4.00 winter straights. 3.3&3.70; spring paienta, IS TOnm; spring straights, 13 4oio-J.fO; bak era ll St 80. WHEa-No.'J spring. 83lc; No. 8, 71 fl4c: ro. x rea. smhiuc. PoRN-No. 2. life: No. I yellow. KVa. 'OATS No. 1 87 V; No. t whit. 8aSc NO t white. (if ' MTE No. . W'cr81c. " BARLEY Good feeding, 444J-4ic; fair to choice maittna. atwjtftc. MKKD8 No. 1 fi. tl0j!: No. 1 north weelern. 11.18; prime ' timothy, 13 ta4 70 clnvae. contract grade. 111.). . punViaiONS Short ribs sides (loose) satfna xo. Hui pork, per bbl., tli.7&ai 8U. Ijird. per 1' Iba., 8 87. Short clear side infixed . . . The recwipU fad ahipmenta of flour and nln ware: Receipta. Bhipmenta Flour, bbia 7.40 U.toA Wheat, b I-01 ' 14, a Corn, bu ..,......4a.rt 2Su,i0 Oata, 1u. 20.bO0 14 000 Barley, bu 31,100 4.008 On the Prod nee exchange today the but tee m.rli.l Ma mlmnAl . Ifimrry, lt.JllMc dairf. . aij8 mark. casa 11618c; firsta. 14Wc; prime first. uc; eatras, 18c. Cheese, . steady. tVO'llSc OMAHA WMOI.RSat.ftS MARKET. Caailtlaa of Trade anal Qaotntloea Staple aii Fane? Prodoeo. KOOS Recelnta. lihersl: freah atock. LIVE FOULTRY Hens, 94c; rooster, (c; turkeya, 14$1c; ducks, 11c; aprlng nicaena, nine per lb. BL'TTKR Packing atock. 12UBUr: choice to fancy dairy, loc; creamery, 2H8f21Hc. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: No. 1 upland, HOW; medium, S.u; osree, IS.OO. Hye etrow. 88.M. JKAiN-rfr ton, 1T. no. NEW VEGETABLES. TOM A TOES Florida, per crate of lb., net, 830. WAX BEANS Per box of about It Ibi., 81.7Mi2.2B. STRING BEANS Per box Of about a Iba., ll.TMf2.2a. TURNJl'B. BEETS AND . CARROT r dog, bunches. 85c. LEAF LETTLCK Hothbuae. per doa. heads, SOc. t'l 'CL'M BER8 Home grown, per oo., B07(ic: Texaa. per bu. box, I1.T&. UMUN8 t-Oloraao. yellow ana rra, nv per lb.; Texaa, In cratea, white, $1.76; yel- ?v ... L ' ........ tiltKr.r umiurvu t-er ooi. Duncnu, w RAI)lSHEH-rer dox. bunchea. 35c. CABBAGE-Callfornia, 2S3c pef lb 0ACL.IKLOW BR-Per dox. heada, $1-8(K9 15. Ot.D VEGETABLES. PnT4TnrflHnm trnwn. ner bu.. aoa fic; South Ualcota, per bu., 9"c; Colorado, I". .. SS . kin , .. LIMA DRANR-I M' in . O'iP. TROPICAL FRL1T8. niTra.p.p hn m Xrt-lh okxs.. 12.00; n in 70-lh hoxea. per box. ic; Bayera,. per lb.. 4c; walnut atuffed, 1-lb. pkga., 2.(0 per dox.: -lb. boxea, 11.00. ORANGES - California, extra fancy navela. large alxea. 4 2S'f': Mediter ranean aweeta, all alxea, 1414.80. LEMONS-Llmofilera, extra fancy, 240 aire, M.nt): 300 to 31 aixa, $7.00. . . K1UB California, per 10-lb. carton. Tot 8Sc; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c; alx-crown. Uc. - , BANANA8Per medium alxea bunch, 11.78 52 1ft; Jumboa, I2.503.00.' . trT IT U U r 11 9A mnA Sit IS 9a. KRCIT8. fHF.RRIP.R California. per 8-Ib. box; our ulierriex, 24-qt. crate. 12.32.54 BEEF CUTS. rR.r.r t. li l a ixo. i hub, . nun. DHc; No. I rlba, 7V; No. 1 loin. 14Vjc; No. I loin. Hhkr: No. S loin. UVc: No. 1 chuck. IV4c; No. 2 chuck, 64; No. 11 chnck, 5c; No. 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round. No. i round, 7Vic; No, 1 plate, 8c; No. i plate, 3c; No. I plate, 2Hc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, 83 75; per bbl., M.78. HONEY New, per 24 lbs... $3 50.. f-HEESE Swine, new. 16c; Wliw-onain brick, 12c; Wleconaln llmberger,. 12c; twine, 18Hc; Y'oung Americana, 15c. Nl'TS Walnuts, No. 1, soft sheila, new crop, per lb., lBHc; hard sheila, per lb., 18'ic. Pecans. Urge, per lb.. 11c; rmnll, per lb., 12e. Peanuts, perjlb., 6Hc;-roaste, per lb.. Be Chill walnuts, per lb., 12jl3,jo. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c.. Cocoanuta, 84 per sack of 100. ' SI GAR uranniaten cane, in tmie 8K.0A: granulated cane, lii sacks. ti.Oi: granulated. In sacks, 4.9 1. ssRir in Darrein. zc per gai.; in cases, 8 10-lb. ran, 11.70) caaes, 11 K-lb. cans. I1.R0; cases, 24 2 Vi -lb. cans, I1.8S. COFFEE Roasted. No.' 88. 25 He per lb.; No.' 80. 20Hc per lb.; No. 25, 18 He per lb ; No. 20. 15He P lb.; No. 21, 12V4c per lb. CURED fish ramny wnitensn, per h bbl., 100 lbs.,' 3'I.BO; Norway mackerel' per bbl., 200 lbs., bktatera, 140.00; No. 1, 128.00; No. 2. 2.o, no. s, zo.uo: - irisn, ro. 118.00; herring. In bhla.,"' S00 Iba. each. Norway. 4k. 113.00: Norway. Ik, $13.00; Holland, mixed, $11.50; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers,' 80c; kegs, 'mixed. 70c. CANNED GOODS Corn, stabdarrl West ern, BRi0c; Maine,' fl. IB. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, 81.2501.60; 2-fb., 87 ttr 1.00. Pino apples, gratel- 2-lb, ?.05iff2.80; allced, $1.8043)2. 20. .Gallon apples, fancy," $3.90; California apricot. . $1.40 2.00; ' pears, Jl. 756 2.1)0; peacnea, fancy, 81.topz.4o; H. C. Peachas, $3.Cn9'2.60. Alaska salmon, red. $1.28; fancy Chinook, F. $2.10; fano SO(ke-e. F., $1.95; sardines H oil, $2.60; mustard, weei potatoes, $1.16(91.26; aauer kraut. It. 00; pumpktna, SOnfi tl OO: wax beana. 2-lb.. 75 80c: lima beans. 2-lh., 75c$L3ti spinach, $1.85; cheap pens, 2-lb., JOc1; extra, 75$90o; fancy, $1.36 1.16. ,- - St. I.onia Ceaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. June . WHEAT Higher: No. 3 red caah, elevator, SD01c: track) 8s 90c; Julv, HHc; September) 82'ic;. No. 2 hard, 8083c. .. " - '" CORN Higher:" No. t calh, nominal; track, 4tX660c; July, 49fiHcf September. 60c. OATS Hla-her: No. t caah. S5c: track. 5c; JilTyy aVT8'!PfembrssHcr No, 3 wnne iiiv,c. FLOCK Firm; rea winter patents. $4,6044.70;. extra fancy and stralgut, S.76S4.40; clesr, $2.763.00. Bf.KU Timouiy. sieaay; li.llivijii, CORNMEAL Steady; $2.60. BRAN Steady; sacked, , east track, 88 t)87c. HAY Steady; timothy. 112.50018.00; prairie, $11. 0045-13. 00, IMUiN t Ul I UIV I1L3 ll.UII. PROVISIONS PorK, lower;. Jobbing. $18.80. Lard, dull: prime steam. S.37Vi. Dry salt meats, steady; . boxed, extra shorts. $9.50: clear ribs, $10.60: short clear. $10 62 Vi- POULTRY-Firm; chickens, luc: rprlngs. lfci'iOc: turkeys, 10-; ducks, 8Hc; Jeesc, 6c. B l it K K Bteaa y ; creamery, i.iid!4c: dalrv, H'a 17c. EGGS 8 lead T. at UW case cotin. ' : Receipta. Shlpmentaf Flour, bbla. 4,000 . 7,003 Wheat, bu "J . . . . 41,000 ,42,00 ) Corn, bu. ". . . ,J80,000 , .11!,00t Oats, du. .., tui.uuu , ss.uvv Mlnneapolla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June f. FLOUR First patents, $4.35 4.4 5; second patents, I4.20tl4.80; first clear. $3.10J3.(0; sec ond clear. $2.45(92.65. ' BRAN In bulk, $16 5 tt 16.4U. (Superior Board. of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The range of prices, as. reported by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 Board Trade, was:. Article. I Open. I High.J Low. ) Close Tea'y. Wheat I July... Sept... Dec... Flax July... Sept... . Oct.... $21 " S3-J' K lift ' WW1. 84V 34 V 62! 1 14i 1 15 1 14 82H1 1 14"1 1 16 I 1 14H 1 15', 1 14' 1 141 1 lu4 1 161,1 1 16 1 UH I 16H 1 U'r, Mlnneapolla Caah Close Wheat: t No. 1 hard, 8tTVc: No. 1 northern, fb'c; to arrive, livic; No. 2 northern. W1c; to arrive, 83Sc; No. t northern. SlVtiti'-ie: No. 1 durum. 74c; No. 2 durum, 72c. Corn: No. 1 yellow, 48c; No. 8, 474c. Oats: No. 1 white. 85V4c: No. 3, 338'34c. Barley; 41850c. Rye'. 671tf 6Sc. Flax: 81.11. . . Kansas City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June t.-WrHpAT-July, 77c; September, 7Vc; December, 7Hc. Cash: No. 2 hard. 77&79c; No. 3, 74i(K7Hv; No. 4, 701&"76c; No. 2 red, 8S90c; No. 1, Hit ASc; No. 4. 7tK93c. CORN July, 4S4c; September, 481ic; De cember, 4'4. Caah: No. 1 mixed, 44c; No. 3. 48Vc; No. 1 white, 4'o; No. I, ineHfc. OATB-No. 2 white, S97e. 'RYE Steady. 64Wa66',e. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $13,403 choice prairie, ii a'nli 60. . BUTTEK-p-Steady; creamery, 18cjr pack ln 12UC. EGGS-Steady ; Missouri and Kansaa. new white wood cases included, 14c; case count, 1jvc: case returned. c less. , The receipt and shipments of grain weie: - Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu... 4.00 .44,000 Com, bu .22.0110 . U.000 Oat, bu , . 12,000 Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 8. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearbv DrintS. 22C. kXiGS Firm; nearby frekh and western freah, lie at mark. CHEESE Steady ;' New York: full ereama. Uc. Milwaukee Grata Market.- MILWAUKBE. June l.-WHEAT-Hlgher; No. 1 northern. 8r7Vc; No. t northern, 844Jc; July, HV, asked. RYE-Firm; No. I. l4J4c. OATS No. 1. 67c: sample, 46ff46e. CORN if If her; No. I ; cash, 61Q1V; juiy, ai4c, ba. . Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH. June -WHBAT-To arrive and on track, No. 1 northern, 86c; No. 2 northern, Uc; July. . 6V; September, 8iVc. OATS T arrive, on track) and July, 17c. v..r t Peoita Grala Market. PEORIA. Jine l,-CORN-H1gher ; No. 3 yellow. eoHc; No. 8. 60c: No. 4. 49c OATB-Hlgher; No. I white. 30o; No. 4 white, see. . WHISKY $1 28 for Bnlahsd geods . a. LIoro6 Grala aad rrarlsleaa LIVERPOOL. Juaa 9 WirBATgpot. oomlnal. fM'uMi. quiet; July a isd, tep, tember. la 7d: December, to 74d CoKN-Bpot. suady, " Antencaa ' nlxtd, Included new, no stoct; Amerlcaa mixed, old, 4a tvd. Futurea, firm; July, 4s TVd; Septem ber, 4s 8Sd. PEAav-Canadlan, firm at Is 1044. SEW 1 OR K I MARKRT tiaotatlaae af Ike Day a Varlaaa Casaaaadltlas. NEW YORK. June 9.-FLOUR-Rcelpls. lA.ra bu.; eiports, 10 6A8 bu. ; market dull but firm: Minneapolis patent. $4.80Q4; bakers, $.1. 4fj 3 M ; winter patents. H CO 4 '; do straight. H.9i"fH do extraa, U "If 40; low grades. $l.o $x. HIE-flour dull: fair to good, 83.469 $.80; choice to fancy. $3.9Bti4.16. CORN MEAI-FIrm; nine whlta and yel low. $l.2nf1 :S; coarse, $1.0801.10; kiln dried. $3.7rti 2.80. RYE Dull; No. $ western, 67Ve; nominal f. o. h. New York. BA RLE Y Nominal ; feeding. 47Hc e. I. f., New York; malting, 62Qf7c, c. I. f., New York. WHEAT lteeipls. 81. 000 bu.: exports, 39.842 bu.; ssles. I.MO.OnO bu.; spot market Irregular; No. 2 red 95c nominal, elevator; No. 3 red tc nominal f o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth 9R'c nominal, f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Mantiba 9nc f. O. b. afloat. There waa an early break in wheat due to poor cables, clearing weather in the north west and realising. After a sharp rally on prospects of a hulllsh government report on Monday the market receded again, but Just at the close jumped violently On the bullish Kansaa state report, cloning partly net higher. July W 7-1Hfroc, doeed 90Hic; September 873&WfcC, closed He; December Ww-HHSc, closed Hc. CORN Receipts, 2H.876. exports, ' 43.186; spot firm: No. 2, B8e nominal elevator and 68Hc nominal, f. o. b., float: No. 2yellow, 6c nominal; No. 2 white 59HC, nominal. Option market waa quiet and easier at first owing to liberal receipta and good weather, but rallied finally with wheat, closing practically 'c net lower. July closed "rc; September &7S6SVe, closed WV: ueremner Closed BiVo. OATS Receipt, W.100 bu.: exports, 4X732: spot market firm; mixed oata 2iVlf32 pounds 41c; natural white 80jjS3 pounds, 4IVS4-Hc; clipped white SK-tO pounds, 435 4B0. FEED Steady; spring bran, $19.40; June shlnment: mlddllnas. 819.76: June shlnment: city. $22,001)24.50. HAY Firm; shipping, 608.70c; good to choice. 87f9oC. HOPS Julet: sls'te common to choice 1905, 10iWl4c: 19i4, llH2c; nlda nominal. HIOES-Flrm; Galveston . 30-935 pound 19c. LEATHER Steady ; acid, 2'l74e. PROV18lON8Beef, quiet; family, $11.0O il.50; mess. $8.509.00; beef hams, 20.w5 I. On; packet, .89.0010.50; city extra India mess. $16.601517.00. Cut meat steady; pikled belllea. . $10.t512.BO; pickled, shouldera, $S0.0(&.50; pickled hama, $11.50a,l2.50. Lard, firm; western prime, $8.R64f9.S0; nominal. Refined. etrady: continent, $9.30; S. A., $9.75; compound $7.0X9 7.7'4. Pork, steady; family, $18.80J 19.00; short clear, $16.60918.3&; mesa. $17.50. TALLOW-Steady; city, 6c; county, I RlCBw Steady; domestic fair to extra, JHfrsjic; Japan nominal. . BUTTER Easier. Street price: Extra Creamery. 20c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 162oc; western Imi tation creamery, extraa, 17c; weatern firsta, CHEESE Easy; new atate cream, large best, 10o; state, fair to good, loc; state, small, beat, lOVtc; atate, fair to good, S'iWlOo; Inferior, 8S"9c. EGGS Firm; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy aelected white, 22c; atate, choice. 2021c; atate, extra, llft$30a; weatern firsts, 17c; western seconds, ll.ji llHc; Kentucky, 13tlc. POULTRY Live, quiet; western broiler, 28e; fowls, 13V4": tlirkeys, 1112c. Dressed, steady; western broilers, 2tX6'2c; turkeys, 13c; fowls, 10912,c. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Juna 9.-MONET-On call, nominal; no loana. Time loan steady; sixty days, 4 per cent: ninety days, iUUih per cent; six month. 4i per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE . PAPER-63Vi per cent. - , STERLING EXCHANGE Steady. at $4 6590ft 4.8 for demand and 84. 82003 4.83 for sixty-day bill; posted rates. 84.83H and $4.kH; commercial bill. $4.$2W& 4.824- SILVER Bar, 6&c; Mexican dollar. BONDS Government, firm; railroad, heavy. Quotation on 'New York bond today were aa follow: V. . nf. is, rtg. .108 ' Japan a. Id aerioa.... S so eousoa U. g. is. rag 4e coupon V. a. ola 4. rg. do coupon U. a. now 4s. rog, o coupon t. . . ., , Amor.' Tob. 4s..... ..1WH ..m ..101 ..124 ..lt14 .. 7 ..114 ' ..102(4 ..Hi ..lot ..10IH4 .. n .. 814 ..111 .. 7V6 .. o .. a ..W dar 4Wa. etra t do Id sorloa SS do 4a. ctfa tt U o N. unl. 4a 10! Manhattan c. gold 4a. 101 Max. Central 4a 714 do t Ine Jl MIds. Bt. L 4s.. 2V M.. K. A T. 4s 100 do ts ts4 N. R ef Met. e. 4a. 144 N.-T. e. t. ts.eivt N. J. C. n. ta UT No. Pacific 4a 104 do la 7 Norfolk A W. c. 4a..l0fX Or., a. h. tit. 4s.... 4V, Peon. c. (Via HH Roadlst gra. 4a 101 'a to U Atchison on. 4o... eo dl. .. Atl.ntlK C- L.' 4s. B. O. 4 lo "j Brk. It. T. re. 4s. Contrsl of On. ts do 1st Inc 1 do Sil Ine do Id liiff Choa. 4V O. 44s ... St. a 1. M. e. ta.119 rnlcsgo As A. IV,. 7V,Bt. U A 8. F. ff. 4a. M(4 C . B. A . a. 4a. ...104 at. L. a. C., 11. I, A P. 4a..-. 7t4 aosboard W. 0. 4s.... 71 o col. la P 80. faclAo 4a 111. CCC. A 8t. L. a. I do 1st 4a ctfa I7U. Colo. Ind. 5a. aer. A.. 7i'4 So. Railvar 6a UK sor. B n Tn. A PaclBc lt....lKis Colo. Mid. 4a.... v.. 77 Tol., St. U. A W. 4a. 10 Colo. A 80. 4a........ ll Vnlos Pacific 4a 04 Cuba (a loilt V. 8. ataol Id ti !, I). A R. O. 4a vlotWabaah 114 DI41. Saca. (a tWVl do dob. B 3i EMo prior lion 4a 101 iWaaiorn- Md. 4a 17 ao ten. aa v8 Whefllna A L.. X. 4a. so Hwk. Val. 4Ha 10', .Wla. Cantral 4s an, Japan (a Mi, I Offered. Boston Stocks and BouVa. BOSTON, June Call loans, 4Hij per i-ciii, im.a iwiia, f-uiy ier vent. closing on atock anf bonds: Atcblaoa tdl. 4a v 4iAdronturs . . do 4a ...101 Allouaa Mex. OSntral 4a 7 I Amalgsmaud Atchlaon Il'i Akit. Zinc , .. . .10i ..' .. n ..Tttt .. it do pfd tOiV, Bingham Boatoa A Albany. .141 leal. A Hacla. Boaton Elovatad ...161 Centennial ritrhburg ptd 1st jt'oppor Range .. .. 74 Max. central !2V rair Woat N. T.. S. H. A-H.-lra Dora, cool .. 1S Colon Pacific 150 franklin .. 71 .. 1 Am. Argo. Chom. do 'pfd Am. Pnau. Tubs.., Am. Bugar de pfd Am. Tal. A Tel.., Am. Woolaa ...... do Ufa ... ta (Oranbr ... M Isle Roralo , ... 11 Maaa Mlsln ... ...m Michigan ...134 Mohawk ...lMMonl. Coal A C. ... 4 '(lid Domlulos . . ..loaVOx-ooia .. 11 .. 1 .. s .. 11 .. 4 a .. 41 ..lt4 .. Don. Iron A Btool,. u Parrot Kdlaon Elac. 111. ...144 (Junior . . a.1 Maaa. ElaIrla 11 shannon do pfd Maaa. Oaa lotted Prult t'nltod shoo Maun. do pfd North Butto c. a. stoat do pfd Wasting, common Asked. "Bid. . 7l'i Tamarack . 42'Trinltjr .110 United Copper . HI t 8. Mining , . 30 lc. a. 011 . lftah . 4d Vlrtorls , .10 Winona . 77 Wolverine .... .. .. as .. f .. .. a .. IP, .. V s ..131 London Cloalns Stocks. LONDON, June 8. Closing quotations 011 ins ntoca exenange were: Contola, money .... 1-14 N. T. Cantral .. do account H t-II Norfolk A W... Anaconda 11 I do pfd Atchlaon l om. A 'oatara do pfd lot!, Pannaylvaala ... B. Ohio Ill IRaad Minaa .... Canadian Paella Rasdlnc l4-,k 41 So il aa, 74 ULbaa. a Ohl (i do lal pfd i! do M ptd...... Ill Southern Ry ... i:l do fd 47 80. Paclle si1, itnlon Paella ... 47! do pfd II ,1". 8. Itaal 79! do pfd 117 .Wjbaah 11-1't do pfd 4 41 Cblcaia Ot. W.... C, M. A It. P.. DeBeora D. A R. O do pfd I rlo do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlsola Central .. L. A Naahvills.. IOJ a u:. v 1 11 51 M , K T. . SILVER Bar, ateady; 20 1-lSd per ounce. . . . . - -...1,. . wu.r.i-.iy. per cent. The of discount In the open market for short bill I 8) per cent; for three ruonins 01 11, j'oj (-it per cent. New 'York Mlalagr atock. NEW YORK. June I. Closing quotation on mining stocx were: Adams Con U (Utile Chief - Alice 14 Oaurls tit Braaca Hi Opnlr lie Brunswick Cos 41 IPhooais 2 Comaiocs Tunnel .... II iPotesi Can. Cat. and Vs.... 71 'lavage 7 Here 'Silver .'...Ki Siarrm Nevada t lroa ailvar I Small Hopes 14 Lead rill, cos I Utaniard tuo Offered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. June 8 Bank clearinas fnr in day were 11.640.871. 28 and for the correspond ing oaia last year o. lr-Jt. 16. Monday z.rtj ii.7S 1, Til. 173 80 Tueeday 1,777.612 23 I.7H.8061.T8 weoneaaay 1.642.776.74 1,872, 7o T7 Thursday 3,63o.7.7 1,607. 22.14 Friday I SM. 718.78 1.461 Saturday l.ooO.ITl 21 l.laJ.tiSd.M Totala H0.IM.8ls II 8I.644 0S1M Increase over the txrreapojiding week last year, 4.aj 10. Tvoaanrr Staieaaent. - WABHINQTON, June t -Today state. ment of the treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive of the tlaAOnOfrd) gold reterve. snow: Available cash bal ance. pai.Ofl.M; gold coin and bullion, loi, 4.M; gold sertiflcatss, fat Hl.ljo, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Caul BtroDcsr for Htt, Wbilt Etooken kn Lower. HOGS ALSO HIGHER FOR THE WEEK, keep and Laaaba Generally aeed a aarier Hlaher far the Wfek, with the Demaad Terr - d. SOUTH OMAHA. June 8, 1M. Receipts were: Official Monday Oflli'ial Tuesdav OfTlrlal Wednesday .. Official Thursday ... Official Friday Official Saturday .... Thla week Ist week Two weeks sgo Three weeks sgo.... Four weeks Sao Hogs. Sheep. 4k4 1.916 Same week lsst year 19,378 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tsble show the receipts of csttle, hogs and sheep at South Oniaha for the year to date, rompared with last year: I9f 106. inc. Csttle 424,781 374.83 49.946 Hog 1,224,728 1.097.422 1 27.3" Sheep :.. 738,528 89S.34I 41,181 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will. how-the price paid for the different kinds of cattlt on the South Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers.... $4.905.40 Fair to good corn-fed steer 4 ef -4 90 Common to flr corn-fed teer.... 4.004.80 Good to choice cow and heifer... 40Oi4.o0 Fair to good cow and betters I.OOtN.OO Common to fair rows, and helfere. 1.7593 00 Good to choice stockers A feeders 4.0nS4.30 Fair to good stockers and feeder 3.604 00 Common to fair atockera .. lOtvs.l.oO Bulls, stags, etc t 2.?nig4.2 Veal calvea 4OO0I2I The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, with compsrtson: Date.' I 1806. 180S. 11904. 108. ;1902. 1901. 1900. Cattle. .. 1.726 .. 3.714 10.K1 4.0 .. $.$ 10,479 $ 44$ .. 2. Ml 1J9 2.174 .. 1.131 18.624 1.211 .. 331 11.462 53 ,.17.807 M.46I H.M8 ..18.722 77.182 14.HK4 ..19.324 79.101 13.S35 .19.127 41.181 17.3T$ ..20.9lfi 40,994 $2.3"! 75.789 16.079 May 26... 324 6 161 4 24! I 04 1 5 82 6 OS May 28... (284 6 19 4 88i 6 12 t 88 I 00 May 27. ..I 6 1714 47 6 77 6 97 6 80 May 28... 125 4 491 B 72 702 683 486 May 29... 6 28i 6 12i I 6 70 T 10 R 62 4 90 May 30... (39 6 171 4 63! 6 81 7 10 I 69 4 86 May 11... 22H 6 18 4 60 7 12 I 68 4 82 June 1... t 28V, 6 891 4 63 6 99 6 70 4 89 June 2... 6 20 6 18 4 49 6 07 7 07 4 83 June 8,.. 6 19 4 49 697 13 170 June 4... 6 30 4 66 I 86 7 18 I 71 4 81 June 6... 23 6 21 6 76 7 20 6 70 4 91 June ... 6 29 6 23 4 64 6 78 7 16 6 71 4 94 June 7... 8 36, 6 26 4 68 7 18 4 75 4 96 June 8... S86H 6 30 4 88 1 80 0 S 78 6 02 June 6 17 4 70 ( 86 7 21 ( 01 Sunday. RANGE) OF PRICES. Cattle Hogs. Omaha Chicago tl-V(6.60 t60ft6.42tt 1. awira.rai i.s.'ot.bu 2.26-5.80 6.oO.60 2. X&.00 6.706.65 I.OoieiO &2o6.40 Kansas City St. Loula Sioux City The official number of rare of atock drought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. H'sea C. M. A St. P 6 Wabash .. Missouri Pacific... I .. Union Pacific .24 ., i C. tc N. W east . . . 4 ' t 1 C. N. W., west. . .. 67 ... 1 C, St. P., M. A O.. .. 9 C, B. A Q., east.. .. 8 C R. A Q , west. . .. 17 .. 1 C R. I A P., east. .. 6 lllinola, Central... ... .2 .. ., Chi. Ot. Weatern.. .. 1 Total receipta.. 164 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was a follows, each buyer purchasing the numDcr 01 neaa inaicatea: Buyer. ' Cattle. Hon. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co J.661 HWirt and Company 8.389 ... Cudahy Packing Co. 1 8.175 611 Armour a Co .. 3,102 Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. C. .' 89 Cudahy Pkg. Co., c try... 100 not uegan :..". .... Kingman Pkg. Co.......... 200 Totala ..lit 11,427 113 CATTLE There waa mo market todav. a usual, on a Saturday, the fresh receipta not oeing aumctent to attraet any atten tion. The receipt 'this week Have been fairly liberal, considering the verv unfa vorable' report regarding tbe market that nave Deen sent put from day to day, which have been of a character to die courage shipper from lending in their cattle. The total falla abort of the pre vious week by a few oVer 1.000 head, but as compared with a year ago there la a decrease of about 2,000 head. ine week started out with the beef ateer market in a very much depressed condition. On Monday and Tuesday buy era did not appear to care whether they got any cattle or 1101 and the trade was a drug from atart to finish. On Wednes day the market took on a decidedly better tone, ine uemana Deing more urgent, With prices allowing a tendency toward firin- neBa. Thla condition prevailed during the laat three market daya ot the week, ao that at the cloae of the week m-icea ate a little stronger on all desirable kinda of Deer ateer than they were one week ago. Common and Inferior grade. however. continued alow sale, with buyer reluctant to take them. The feeling among opera tors on ine marxec 1 mat aucn improve ment aa haa taken place ha been due '. a considerable extent to the moderate re ceipta, which have given packera an op portunity to clean up their aurplua prod nets. Ho long aa the. violent agitation re garding the wholesomeneaa of packing nouse producta continues no one antlci patea any very great or permanent 1m provement In the market and no one In terested on tne aelllng aide would like to aee any very big run of cattle for ome little time to come. Cow and heifer have been in about the aame condition a beef ateers. On Monday and Tueaday the trade waa ex tremely dull, but during the latter Dart of the week the better grades strengthened up somewnat, closing tne week a little n ter. Common and grassy kinds of cows. however, did not participate In the Im provement, but have been a drug all the weex, ana unless an signs rati they are likely to sen atui lower In the near fu turn. Stockera and feeder, fortunatelv. have been In light receipt all the week and yet not light enough to prevent a break In the market. it will be understood that price on both atockera and feeders lia-t been very high for . sometime back and that the aeaaon of the year haa arrived when it la only natural to exnect a verv material decreaae In the demand. toethr with a much lower, range or prices. o few cattle have been coming that no great change waa noted on any one dav during the week, still prlcea kept drop ping ofx until now tney are at least 2a lower than a "week ago.. HOGS There waa no material change In the hog market today. In fact, for three daya In succession hogs have soli In Just about the aame notchea. The trade thla morning waa active and ateadv with yesterday, the great big bulk of all the hoga selling at 66.3696.37H. the aame aa yesterday, with a sprinkling at 16.41 and some of the heat loada at 8I.42V4. Kverythlng waa sold and weighed up in ery good aeaaon in the morning. The receipta of hoga thla week have ahown a very heavy falling off aa com pared with laat week and with the corre epondlivg week of a year ago. At the sain.) time tne local oemana naa neen very good, ao that thla market has been In a verv strong position all the week. During the first, half of th week prlcea tended up ward rapidly and the advance made waa maintained during the balance of' the week. At the rlnae today prlcea are on an aver age a strong 15e higher than at the cloae of laat week and only 16c lower than the extreme high point of the year. Representative aalee: No. Nv. sk. Pr No. Av. th Pr II 141 ... I 11 71 Ill . . I 17 71 ao I 10 74 J4I ao I 17', M lit 44 I It', 1M 40 I 17 71 til 44 I M 40. ..... .252 117', It 1TI M I It 71 ! t.fl 7i, 1 Ml ... I U 72 1M tw I T7 i nf ... I SI M........1II1 110 4 17', in 1 44 4 U 71 Ill 117 U 11 . . Ill 1 in 10 17 m im no i u rr m ... 171, 1 Me 4 I la 4 ., 114 afl l7, 70 ... St 1t 144 ... I 17 4 K at I W n 274 M 117 H m 140 I U, 71 tT ... 4 17 If Ml IS 4 II 11 214 1 I 17 44 310 IK III l 114 . . 117 10 Ill 4 , II - Ill M t 7V, 10 tut ... I IS 44 Ui ... 17 41 110 ... Ill 71 It 4 17', TI. ...... .Ill ISO I IS i 44 Ik la I a II 10T 44 I II 7 IM ... 40 U sbl 140 I II 11 th ... 14 77 ...... .1)4 140 I at IS M 4 I 44 7t...'.....tur ... in as ta t i 4 1 tea lie ii 1 o4 him 11 1 I 17 17 14 IS I 40 H Ill la 7 11. ...... .144 41 1 41 SHEEP Today' receipt consisted of wo cars, shipped direct ta a parking house and not offered for sale, and a small bunch of lamb cold In th country yesterday and driven In to be weighed up today, Xu other word, ttaer waa u thing an the open market' t make, a test of shies. As noted from rtsy to day, the sheep and lamb market this week has been i.l very eatlafactorv condition. slues have been stesdy to strong everv day, so thl f rices have gradually tended upward Ight receipta and better reporta from eastern polnta have rontrlbnted to the strength of the market. At the close of the week It is aafe to quote an advance on the general run of stuff amounting 'O Hint around 25c. While thla la not ta much advance aa la reported from Chi cago. It must be born In mind (list tltt market here did not decline aa much -is did 'hlca(o and hence there waa not a much room for an advance. A hinted above, receipta this week liaxe ben very light, showing a falling off from the week before and a still larger street, permanent walk, a thla Monday, decrease aa compared with a year ago. A large proportion of the arrlvala has bee-i made up of trsshv stuff: that la. th ciean-np of feed lota, odds Inn end. Anything reallv good haa sold exceedingly well. The first grsss sheep of the season foi thla market put In an appearance this week.' They. were heavv I lah wethers vt pretty decent quality, hut coarse. Thev sold st tft 6?i4) ft.86, the highest prl" on record for sheep of that kind, which will lve sortie Idea of the very strong posi tion occupied bv this market. That the a'ason for range sheep should open out so suspiciously la regarded aa a very good indication by sellers of sheep operatlljr On this market. Quotations cm clipped stock: Good choice western lembs. f6.261S4.fl0: fair to good iambs. $8 0091.26: cull Ismbs. $4 63 ti e.zo; goon to choice yearlings. j iiv 6.26: fair to good vearlings, tft.6O06.w: gooo to cnoice wethers. lft.7lVl.lli fair to good wethers. S. 6046.78; good choice ewes, 86.6047 6.76: fair to good ewts. av.ioxio.nv; nucas, sa.zo fj- . 1 s. representative sales: No. Av. Pt 20 western ewes 126 611 western lambs J 10 CHICAGO LITE STOCK MARKRT Cattle anal Unas Ktcadv-lherp anal Laaaba atranaj. CHICAGO. June 9 CATTLE Receipt. 300 head; market eteadv; beevea '84.104.00; cow and heifers. tl.0n3,4.90; calves, to.0Dt8 j.2b; etocker and feedera, t2.75GT4.75. muuh Receipts. 13,000 head; estimated Monday. 43.000 head: market ateadv: miked and butchers, 6.3ftjjfa.40; good heavv, 8ltff 6.80; rough heavy. 88.240; light. 16 3.' 6 65; Digs. 15.3MI.lrt: hulk of sales. 86 47U4 8.66. " . SHEEP AND T.AMRS Recelnta. 4.000 head; market strong; sheep. 3.50lW.20; yearlings, 6.7541.40; lamb, t5.60i3'7.10. ew York Lie Stork Market. DO Cables tmm fjinAn am. 1 J.arruml minimi I ine maraet ntaneri live catti seiunsr at ll44T24jc per pound dressed weight: re- frlgerator beef, 8i8o. Kxporta today, 1,000 cattle and 7,874 quarter of beef. CALVES Receipts, none: no trading: market reeling ateady; city dressed veals In good demand at 8ari!e per pound; coun try aresseo, irtjvc; dressed buttermilk. 'HM. HOGS Receipts. 2.936 head: none on aale; market feeling nominally fair. KM r ANU l.A MBS Receipt, 4.948 head; market for aheep active and firm; yearlings 16c higher: lamba .atrona to a fraction higher; sheep sold at 4.00itj.60 per 100 pounds; yearlings, 88.4097.60; lamba, &9 9c; dressed mutton firm at- 212o per pound; dressed lamb In active demand, at lau'lbc; dressed yearlings, 12UVxC Kansas City Uro Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June t. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steer. 8fi.sCr5.8.S: fair to rood. 84.26t(T6.26; western fed steer. VeW.Z6; stockers and feeder. K.tot4.): southern steers. t3.26O4.90: southern cows 2.264jit.76; native cows, t2.6O4.60; native netrera, bull. 12.6004.00: calve. t3 0036.60. Receipt for the week, 11,800 neaa. HOGS Receipt. 8,000 head; market Steady; top. M.60: bulk of salea. 18.36(38.45: heavy. W4&3 60; packera. t6.355.47H; plge ana ngnta, io.ouqv.w. Receipt for th week-, 63,800. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 200 head; market nominally ateadv: native lambs t5.6A7.60; fed aheep and yearlings. 15.00-8 ; .sv, icui cuppeo yearlings, io.rtyas.2o; rexs clipped heep, 6.0otf.0; Texas goat, 83.263.90; atockera and feeders, 83 26 h,w.w. ti inV ween, si,4w. I. Lonla LIto Stock Market. . ST. LOUIS. June 9 CATTLE Re ceipts. 100 head; no Texan; market sieaoy; native snipping and export teer, I4.8S98.00: dressed beef and butcher ateera. t.60( 6.10; , steers tinder 1.600 founun. u.itvt.ii stockier and reedera, 2.60(g4.40; cow and heifer,-- 11.10$. 6.00: canner. 11.60451 tR: hulls t lit 4.00; ealvea. t.004.t0; Texaa and Indian steers. . 006)4.76; cow and heifer. 12.0) WO.UV. MOOS Receipt s. 2.600 heed; market eieaay; pig and lights. 6.60,16; pack ers, $i.768 4.46; butcher and best heavy. tt-36 0 6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 6t0 head: market atrona: native muVtnns tt.0066.10; lamb, 16.0067.10; cull and ivucks, 8i.bv17e.uo; stockers, 12.000 6.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOBKPH. June I. CATTLE We. ceipt. 180 head: market ateadv: natives 14.OO0i6.tO; cow and heifer, 11.7664-60; iiM-item ana xeeaers, S3.UU ty 4."3o. HOQ8 Receipt. 8.821 head; market teady; light mixed. 16.258.40; medium ana neavy, is.iu O 8.47 UHKKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 62 head; market steady. 8loax City I.lve Stock Market. SIOCX CITY. June 9.-(Special Telegram.) CATTLlfl-Recelpts, loo head; market irauy; oeeves.- tf.tajijb. 10; cowa, bulla and iiuxea, at.vxa.ov; tocker snd feeder, t8.60iT4.26: calves and vearllns-s. lumeriin HOOS RecelDt. 8.400 head: market iWiil. sieaay; selling at .3IV4.40; bulk of sale. Nt.80(341-2H- Stock In ain-ht. Receipt of lire stock at th six princi pal western markets yesterday: came. nogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Total ... ... Xil 11,462 363 lot! .( 1.400 2011 10 100' 3U0 6.O110 8.821 2,600 13.0UO .1,191 48,173 6.6U6 e Oil and Rati. NEW YORK. June 9.-OIIJ8 Cottonseed. easy; prime crime, r. o. D. mills. ItxaaoHc; nrlme vellnw !WA. Gt'X. e P.lml.n.,, . . . .. . refined, New York, ti.W! Philadelphia and"' nairimore, .ti; m hulk, 14.86. Turpentine. owywjc. KiiaiK-steady; an allied, common to good. l4.UXU4.0i. OIL CITY. June 9. OILS Credit balances. 11.H4. Shipments. 66.391 bbls., average, 84.747 bbla.; runs, o9.742 bhls., average 62,014 bbls. Shipment. Lima. 6.813 bbla.. avers e-e lofiiil bbls.; runs, Lima, 44,610 bbl., average ll.bisj SAVANNAH. June 9. OIL turpentine, firm. 57'ic. ROSlN-rirm: A. H. C. 1S.804M.80: D. 13.00 fJ3.,u; :t.8tTJ1.tio; r . 3. if.3 4 tid ; o. ll.uoa 4.10; H. 14.10; I. 1415; K, 14.36; M, 84.66; VV. u.,; . y ., iiiu. Evaporated Anplca aua) Dried rrnlla. NEW YORK, June 9 EVAPORATED APPLKS Market la oulet. with verv lit. tie business reported, so far as the spot situation is concerned. Htrlctly prime are qnotea at 11c. cnoice at llttll,n and fancy at 11S012C. Prunes continue ?ulet on spot, with quolationa ranging 10111 7'l6 4c. Aprleota are SDsrinalv offered, a future shipment and apot qt:o tations are maintained. Choice are mimed at l:'Hc extra choice at 13jl3V,e ant rancy at reacnea are firm on both apot and futurea. with choice quoted at 1 ic on spot, extra cnoice at 1 1 Vt O 11 He, fancy at ll4jfl2c and extra fancy at 12 6'12sc. Raisins are quiet, with loose muscatel quoted at lvlc, seeded taietna at I'tf7c. and London layer at f 1.0Uli l.SU. angntr and Molaaaea. NEW YORK. June 6-SrOARRa w firm: fair refining. 16-101 81-32r; centri fugal, aa test. 1 la-sia'v"; molasses sugar, t ll-lVgS 23-St'e. Reflned. atesdy; No. 6. 4 10c: No. 7. 4.06c; No. 8. 4 One; No. 9. 1.96c; no. hi. a auc; no. 11. s ane; pso. is. I.snc: No. 13, 1.76c: No. 14c. 1.71c: confectioners' A 4 46c; mould A. 4.96c: cut loaf. 6 80c; crushed, xic; powdered. 4.0c; granulated. 4.60c; cubea 4.18c. 1 MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open ketile. good to choice, SOtt-Vc. NEW ORLFAN8. June 9-8rOAR- cjuiet: open kettle, centrifugal. Kot 7-liic; renlrlfugal ja liltea, 7c; yellow, 3SBV'; aeconaa, j'icjisc. Cotton Mnrket. NKw YORK", June .-C'OTTON-The spot market closed firm with price unchanged on tne nasi or 11. sue for mmqllng uplands arm 11 aw ror miaaiing gulf. Bale were I.ans pale. 8T. LOriS. June 8.-COTTON-MlddHn lie. Bales, 81 bale; receipt. 11 tale; ahip ments D bales; stock. '.72S Va:. NEW ORIJCAN8. June 8 -COnoN-Spot markat cloeed ateady. Bales, 7U i Jai. Low NEW YORK- Tuna a w VRi R.. to 8 pbinta lower. Sales were reporiea 01 celDta 8tl he.d- nne n .ot.- TrVlt 21.000 bags, including September at .26rn feeuni eatlv" dre-.2J if rs.h.? slow 90c; De'ember at 8 60c and May at 86t .ru'Vlound BP' No--- "volce. 7Hc. ordinary. 7c, nominal; ordinary, I'aC notn- Unary, 9 9-1tc; hw middling. t. lie: good middling, tl'vc 1 Inal: good nrd 10V-: tulddllng tl'c. 1 middling fair. HHc,- fair. 12c. Receipt. I the port of N.-w Vnrk for the week ert.r 8) bale; stock. n,418 balea. I Ing t..dy ric 't.9t slter and 82.V)4a) Foreign Financial. LONDON. June 9. Money ass In abun dant demand today and there a as a fair upply; dlarounta were easv. There win acme talk of the probability or a'-, early reduction of the Rank of Kite-land's ra'c of discount. The slock xchange cbise.l the n-eek with, a dull e-.ioii There hsrdly a change Ii4 priees. the settlement next Week cheeking speculative venture 1. Consols finished sieudy, htit Imme rails failed to benefit by the favorable board of trade returns. foreigners and KmIIiis were more cheerful. Americans opened steadv at a fraction over parity, but easel later and closed dull after a small amount of business Japanese imperial Ss of 190) were quoted at 10:'. PARIS. t June 9. Trading on the bour- today wa dull and pr.ees were unsteady throughout. Russian iind French rentes were weak. Russian Imperlnl 4s closed at 19. 90 and Russian bonds of 1904 it 419.0. a Wool Market. LONDON. June 9 Wool e The nr rtvlli ot wool for the fourth aeries of auction sales amount to 117.4;lS bales, in cluding . 48.600 bales forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week were: New Seuth 'Wales. 1.782 bales; Queens land. 278 bales; Victoria, l.L'HO bales; South Australia. 1.640 bales; Tasmania. 85 bales; New Zealand. 4.6J8 hales; Cane or Good Hope and Natal. 1.20 hales, Bom bay. 172 bales; various, 721 bales. n r. I,ut IN. June . mniu !""; . medium grades, combing and rlothlng. J4 (f 29c; light fine. 2041 22c; heavy line, 10 18c; tub wished. 33 39c ' Metal Market. NKW YORK. June 9. MKTALH There ass hut little business III the metal mar ietta todav, trading being restricted by tbe absence of Indon cables. Tin was fltm. at 840 00440.26. Copper waa firm and "unchanged, at 1 18.76 19.00 for lake. 1 8.87 H" 169 for electrolytic and $18.2n f 1 8.37 1 for casting. Lead was un changed, at $6. 76 6.95, and apelter hi t.O0T6.10. Iron was quiet at recent fl,ST?LpCia, June 9. MKT ALS Leal, firm at f S. 90; spelter, firm at t 00. CoUe Mnrket. NEW YORK. Juna 8 COFFER Market for futures opened steady at a decline -of oti'lw points on response to lower cables. Interior Santos receipts were light and there wa comparatively little coffee for aala here. Tbe market rallied during ih middle of the morninar on covering of shorts, with, the close 'set net unchanged .v . - - NF.W YORK. June . Total Imports of merchandlaM and dry goods at the port of New Y6rk fot the week ending today were valued at . tl0.908.35o. Total Import of EXTRA ii TVfl WOMANS HOME rtOt TW1CTTTETH CKKTURT FARMKB ) . RKVtKW OF ItKVlKWa tXaSMOPOLITAN VVOMAfTS HOMB CXMFANIOH THB TWENTIETH CKNTUBT FARMER RKVTBW OK KEVIKWB COSMOPOLITAN . WOMAN'S IIONfi COMPANION COUNTRY CALENDAR W ar ory fortunate In being abta ta arrang with the tjublUhere t thetw well known magatlnes to offer their publlcaUoim At th lAtto&aJ price. It is an opportunity not often presentett. Nerer haa a pnbllaher been able to make ao liberal aa o7er on exclualre Wfh trade and high priced magazines.- Tou ask how is this offer possible if the three magatlnes diti i ftxed Value aad are not like the commodities usually offered t bargatt prlcea. ' " THE EXPLANATION It is well known to ereryone In business that In fixing a selling tie there must be added to the manufacturing coat the cost of mar ketlng. - The eost of marketing a magazine Is a big item, aad,. taeaa. three publishing housee decided to unify their efforts to get new read ers, making one organization do the work, and dirlda tbe eost of mar keting by three. That Is why -you can buy theee magatlnes, that U the meeds ef every home, for neaWr half price. a J. i . THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This Is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home. Special articles on subjects of the greatest Interest are printed each week. Theae are written by men of national reputation and cover a field so diversified aa to embrace during the year all branches of farm activity and life. Frank O. Carpenter's "Letters of Travel" and Wil liam Jennings Bryan's "Around the World Letter" appear la ao ether agricultural paper. Either one of these features are worth the price of a year's subscription. No other farm paper maintains so many regular departments, such as Feeding, Live Stock, Veterinary, Dairy, Poultry, Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garden, with four vf .' aavoted to the women, young folks and children. Each of these de partment la edited by a practical editor and not by a theorist. - - - review of reviews: ' Thla magazine ts almost necessary for the up-to-date maw e , woman who pretends to keep abreast with the times. Its illustrations , will eoAttlst of 1,200 pictures a year. Its departments give the beat ' that is In all of the other important magazines all over the world Timely And Informing articles, almost as fre6h and as full of news ta teraat aa the daily papers. THE COSMOPOLITAN. . ' Thla has been a leading magazine for eighteen years. With the recent change in ownership it haa been improved and la far better ta every respect. Its gain in newaatand sales and in subscription have been remarkable, and theae are due to the new life and . real merit The Cosmopolitan is printing what the people wnt. It contains regu larly the best fiction, the best special articles on timely topics and the best Illustrations money can buy. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION. This magazine Is for every member or the family. It is aa Ideal entertainer and helper in a thousand congenial ways. The Issues for the forthcoming year will be unique in conception and execution, rich and varied in contents and brilliant with the finest and most elAborat and moot artistic Uluatrationa obtainable. COUNTRY CALENDAR, r This is a beautiful magailne of country life, published by the Re view of Reviews Company. It is the moat sumptuous, best Illustrated aad moat costly magazine made in the world. It duplets rural or conn' try life In America, both intelligently and Instructively. It Illustrates and toll of the life and home surroundings of Urn farmer and rauci naa, as well aa the multi-mllllonatre and hla country estate. Tim Nat Watt, arrange tvr yvar aw fw rlJij jetting the ful eor at bat little mar than groat la the reduction. Tbe far la gowd far new far but a Uauixag ami. iSeoel in Year Ordtr TmUt. " 1 driest all assmiTnTnHrmtarssaa te TICK OMagl, fKailiam. cin at the ort of New ork for tlie k endlna Io1hv were ITI.tNS silver' an, I $.IKV e,.ld Total exports of specie from e-n'd learlnu 1lons lirraara. NKW YORK. June 9 -The stalrment uf tl" clearing himse bsuk fur th's we,. sliovts itist the banks Held t;.l;.0.'O nv-r the ieBnl reserve requirements. I'hlsi la st, Increase of t;('i.0','i er lat week. The Htttement follows l.oai). $1,0'".- Itt.filrt: Increase. Ji.l.l"0 I teposit .-i, 1 1.07.1 S"..4 0i. Itierea'e. IOKl.3nO fir. ( lllitloti.; l"vree $S(l,.Si'l. I. fKHl lender". 8 I ,S I ,;;ui; deereiiae, ti nsi.'ioa. speele. 1 1 S7.1 .'H.tiort: . Increa e, I I. 024. 0KO. Reserve, f.'iis .94.".90rt: Inere-ase, I:'. 942.100,' Reserve rctinlred, 2V.7f 3. 81.0; Inereiise. 2.r,i,076. Surplus, t .". l2,06'l; Increasi', $ ."" 4 1? . -T. ; Kx-riilted Mtntes dn pnsits, U..";in,22.".: Increase,' 1211,709. Rank nf lirriitnny tteiuent. RKRLIN. June 9 -The weekly statement of the Imperlnl Hank of tienuuny shows the following changes: fash in hand, de vrease. ni.t't'Vfioo nuttks; tres.stir notes, In. creise, .ixc.oiri murks; securltlosw' decrease, o4.lKn.noil marks; notes In circulation, de crease, ,1V 2tK .'mo niHlks. Terrible Illsnjiter tarried. The terrible disaster nf nervous break down, caused by dyspepsia, is averted 'by Electric Hitlers. 57c. Guaranteed, For aale by Sherman MeCormell Hmg Co. Sterling Silver fienxvr, lidh and JJodg. Cblcago nnd Iletnm Sl.t.3n. Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAtLROATA Tickets on sale June 10th 11th ad 12th. Good returning until June- 17th. Ticket and further Information at City Ticket Offltfe. 14u2 Farnam St., Omaha. If yoti hve anything trade adertsg It In the For Exchange column of Th Bee Want Ad page. , " . mni) Mwm tTti f.t " tfTtJ r I in 4? SPECIALS I ter tor a limited tim tudf f $3.25 1 AH to Oaa AddrvjasA ' Rrgniar Prico $0.00.' On Offer Only - - S5.I ' All to One Address. mariae readrng aow. Twu entire Uat Included la tola won are wonder the reigalAr price ef ens xnavgaxins, a ' aad remewaJ suDscrlplleas aad wlO he Tn cncot -ffor u thie r portonlty. Semd rmiiaAaca SAd aek tU' KA' XUTTU CUaTVXX YAMJktXZX t ,p tun - 1 ! . 1