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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
THE OMATIA PAnT BEE: MONDAY, .TINE 11. 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these eolamne will t lake til IS aa. for the evening edltlen and nntll f s. m. for the morning snd Bandar edition. Rates 1 l-2e a word drat Insertion, la a word thereafter. KethlngT tahea for Iras thee? W lor tbo drat lf lion. Theae ndvertlsessente aaaat a taa eoneecatlvely. Advertisers, kr reeeeetlng a anas hered rhech, ran kir aaswrra dreeaed ta a neashered raro af Tka Be. Aneveers ao addrcaaod will ha delivered aa preeentatlea af cheek. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCIIOOL BOYLES ISCHOOL Ever day 1" enrollment day. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and l.nRltan. Catalogue free. Aduress II. lio,les. Pres., Boylee Bldg., Oniihi, Nl. R nlvUP O.MAILA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cially of lire escapes, shutters, doora and sates. G. Andreen, Prop.. Iu2 8. 8.1GN PAINTING. 8. H. Cole. VStA VoigH. TRY Kelly Towl Supply. Tel. 0oj0- Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. Fnnm. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., CI K. 16 th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Ree. -phone, Doug. 70S . ELSAS8ER BKICB. Machinists, 217 South 12th St. Tel. BOT. rl HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean; paper cleaning a apecialty. Tel. Pouglaa 5V165. R M711 J19 MEYER-Shlrta, underwear to R MS21 June21 WHERE TRUNKS ARB MADE. Trunka, ault caaea and ahopplng bag. Old trunka taken In exchange; repairing. fREUNQ A 8TEINLE. 410 N. 16th St. 'Phone Iou. 491. - R M193 Junel't BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED To aell or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly furnished, on eaay terms, to responsible party. Call 301 or 102 Ne ville Blk., Omaha Neb. Y M971 DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE Dr, By en, Cedar Raplda. Neb. Y M579 Jit FOR 8 ALU Lumber end coM yard doing a mod buKlneea. One Kood business lot with building. Two nice cottages. All situated In Bialr. For particulars apply to John McQuarrle, Blnlr, nod. ihbi Do You Wish to Make a Change T If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or exchange Slurb" land and investment co.. Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, In. Y-M545 J.9 NICE llltle confectionery and restaurant.; serving iriesls, lunch, bread and cakes, cigars, soft drinks, etc.; has laundry agency; will sell reasonable for csli. Adiiress G IE, Bee office. Y 131 1-x HOTEL FOR BALE Hotel Goldsmith. Llgonler, Ind.; ?a guests' rooms, bar, barber shop, pool room; 'bus and bag gsge line In connection. Address C. E. ijenham. Prop.. Llgonier, Ind. Y-MMl 13 FOR SALE or exchange, good established tea and coffee business; the only onefc In town 10.000 population; will trade for good farming lend and pay difference. Ad drets O 1, Bee. .TjzMI9'- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IODA FOUNTAIN, any size. 1SU Farnam. 427 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman eVMcConnell Drug Co., Omaha. -, ' - - Q lis HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q 4ii) FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mail room, y 542 FOR SALE New and tecor.d-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world I:' cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hrc.ns-wick-Balke-Collendei'. 407 8. 10th St. -M5M WE buv everything In the furniture Una Chicago Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge. Q-43H CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white basswood for burnt work. $21 N. lath. 1 Q-432 MILCH COWB. Center. on easy terms. BEND US your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. y 434 FOR BALE At a bargain, a 1906 Oldam-v bile. Just new. Address E 27. Bee. 4 404x DIRT for sale, delivered In neighborhood of 20th and Center Htn. lauuire The Partrldge-Shelly-Thomson Co., Telephone uougiaa Mi 4. Q-910 FOR SALE Entire crop of cherries on tree near Omaha; about 600 bushels. Address u J, Bee. VI M6 in SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE. For sale, cheap, two six months' scholar' ships In the Nebraska Business CnMeae of Omaha. List price. t0.U) each. Wi'.l sell for 155 00 each. Address P. J. Sullivan, 2K Douglas. Q. 103 llx JIOUSEHOIJ) goods for sale at S12 8 Sr. Tel. Harney 223. Q-M227 37 th 11 FOR BALE Six months' scholarship' in Nebraska Business College, Omaha. Sell Ing price. ItiOeo. Will sell for li.clO. G. Call, 2101 Douglas St. Q-M21S 12x FIVE schoarahlps for sale, for alx months each. In Nebraska Business College, Omaha. Regular selling price is '). Will . sell for $30 each. Address C. W. Erkerf man. lttt& Farnam St. Q M219 12x FOR 8ALT-New wagon umbrellas, good 1160 quality for 76c. B. Edward Zeiss, 1501 Farnam St. g-M217 11 HOUSEHOLD furnlTure at 2411 Caldwell St. Owner leaving city. Q M3U 12 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED 4 good traveling men; SU) per week to ths right men ; reference and bond required; legitimate business: uo, fakirs wanted; communications confiden tial. Address, F U. Bee. L M301 J -2b BAILSMAN One celling on dry goods, up holstery and furniture houwi in Ne. i braska and Iowa; good aide line on com munion basis. Taylor Textile Co.. Frank- ,i-rd.!Jlh L1 "'l?,P-hJ" T-MWB 12 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 60 per foot. 20s N. 17th St. Tel. Red-all -S2 July! WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and Iron Works. 2127 Farnam St. Tel. Red . M2M Jv TYPEWRITERS T0l; CAN RENT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for WOO monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER CO. U S. lath SI Tel. Doug. 2919. -M1S4 Junelt AUTOMOBILES GOING to leave Omaha; will aell my au tomoblle (Pope-Toledo), together with canopy top. baskets, etc.. at a big bar gain. The machine is In nrst-class conol! tion Addrens F 33. care Be. Moil HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE HIGH-CLASS drivers and pair of oar rUig horsrs. D. Hamilton. Cor. Main and Broadway, Council Bluffs I'-MM U WANTED MALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED SA LESM EN On Sept. I The Bennett Com pany will opn a new Ury Goods and Cloak and Stilt Department under their own management. We want 200 experienced salespeople. Make application now to A. L. Sthantz. 3d floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. B-M56 11 ' Bookkeeper and atenographer, out of town. 10. Stenographer, railroad, 155. Extension clerk, must be good. 3 to $i0. Stenographer and clerk, $06. Drug clerk, 150. Grocery clerk, German spesklng, W0. We are alwaya In a position to place competent men In position of trust and responsibility In Omaha and western states. Call or write us. stating pnsltlon desired. Offices Omaha and Kansas City. WESTERN RKK. ft BOND. ASSN.. INC. Dep t. B 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-M2S3 11 MEN and boya wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pay $5 a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chi cago. Cincinnati, St. Loula. Free cata, logue. B-426 WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard St. H-3t DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleet, 24. N. Y. L. ' B 437 WANTED For U. S. Army, ablebodled un married men between agea of 21 and 85; cltixens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speeU. read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Offlw. 18th and Dous 1ns fits., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Iai land. Neb., or Sioux City, la, B 171 WANTED Laborers at the Brush sugar factory. Brush, Colo.; good wages paid. B M677 Jllx CARPENTERS wanted at F. P. Keefe, contractor. Fort Omaha. B M873 WANTED Drtig clerk, experienced; muat speak German and be single. Hill Drug Co., Randolph. Neb. B-M533 DO YOU want to make big money working In the country and towna? We need agents everywhere. The Hawks Nursery Co., Wauwatosa, Milwaukee Co.. Wis. . B M6U 15 CARPENTERS wanted; steady work. Ad dress Jos. Khlesiger, contractor, - Tutan, Neb. . B M867 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Busy season now. Few weeks completes. Positions waiting each graduate. Top wages paid. The rush for barbers never so great. Special offer now. Can earn wages while learning. Call or write, Moier Barber College, 1116 Farnam 8t. B M990 14X WANTED 20 to 30 laborers and br'ck handlers at Avery brick yard. 2 miles south of Albright, on Union Pacific. Omaha Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. B-I29 11 YOUNG Men for Locomotive Flrlnr. Freight and Passenger Train Braking. Address By. Dept., 2n 8. 12th St.. Oninha. B 230 JulylO WANTED Machinists, machinists help ers, nonermaKers ana Doiiermagers nelp eis for railroad shops out of city. No fee. Reply, stating address, O la. Bee. B-M244 12x WANTED Prescription drug clerk: slnale registered; salary .; give references. box 4. ureal tans, Mont. -.' H M2&5 16 1 1 " . . 1 i ' wanted A good all around sausage maKer. Must nave experience and willing to worn. Address k. m. estnhalen. At lantlc, 18; B M2M 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP , WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN On Sept. 1 The Bennett Com pany will . open a new Dry Goods and Cloak and Suit Department under their own management. We want 200 experienced salespeople. ' Make application now to A. L. Schanti, 3d floor. THE BENNETT COMPANY. C-M257 U GIRI8 for laundry work; experience not necessary, nimoaii laundry, loll jack. son. c Mbu COOK wanted, references required. 3812 Farnam. C M61I WANTED Girl for cooking and general uuuBcwura. Apply l mi luugiaa Bl. C-M641 MIDDLE aged woman for' general house' work: good home and good wsges: na tlonallty not considered: 623 4th St.. Conn cil Bluffs. C M945 WANTED Good cook for family of three gooa wares. sw uouge m. u s(J WANTED Girl for general housework, $5 per weea. S021 amain. c M8U1 12 WANTED Good cook; family of three good wages; rererences required. Ill S. JOth Ave. C M9S9 WANTED Girl for general T. C. Byrne. HOB California. housework, C M74 W ANTED Woman to do pastry work. wm. B. C'larK, Mgr.. Millard hotel. C-M9S8 WANTED A good girl for general house woik; tamiiy ut two. 106 So. 3tilh St. C-M984 11 WANTED-Flrst-class baker. Wm. J C M9S5 Clark Mgr.. Millard hotel. WANTED Competent housemaid. 2123 tass. C 101 11 WANTED Mangle girls. Model Steam laundry. C-M251 12x WANTED Competent girl for general houaework; good wages. KC4 Park Ave. C M272 WANTEI-Seamalress at 1024 Park Ave. Telephone Harney 710. C M273 WANTED A kitchen girl In a family of three, good wages. S:C5 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney-224. C 30' 11 WANTED SITUATION AN excellent amateur photographer de sires a situation in a studio or else where in that line ut business. Address G 17. Bee. A-M274 llx WANTED Position aa head miller. Ad dress No. 3t Neville Blk.. Omaha. Neb. A-M2K5 llx AGENTS WANTED LADIK8 wanted to canvass for the Ed wards skirt supporter: one supporter fas tens every shirt waist to skirt for seveH inches across back without pins, points or teeth to tear gwrments; free terms. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co. 617 limn St.. Buffalo. N. Y. J M989 JulySx AGENTS, don't accept any agency until you hear from us; quickest seller on earth; Z.OOo.Ouu sold; $20 per day; samples free. Domestic Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. J Mm llx AGENTS In every community to sell Top shins Polishes. Topshine Mfg. Co.. 2tsJ7 Oklo St.. Omaha. J M927 Jul6x AGENTS Exclusive territory, permanent. commission, salary paid tiral week. Gib son, 216 Michigan St., Chicago. J-M216 llx TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbiii, 160a Farn&nu 'Phone Doug. IS. 04 LARSON A JOHNSON, 14 Farnam. Don?. -406 It Always Pays You to Read BEE WANT ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DIWBT European hotel, Ulh and Farnam, Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E-288 Thuraton hotel; rooma 11.60 up per week. E M TWO nicely furnished south front rooma M Hsrneyi E M4x MICE cosy furnished room, south front, p.naie tairuy, close in. j. -2i.t Douglas lit. 'Phone Doug. 7;tt. E 62- 1701 DAVENPORT Modern room suitable for one or two gentlemen. E M892 Jellx OUTSIDE south rooms. 614 N. 19th. E-MS9S lis DESIRABLTO suite of rooms; also single; strictly modern: gentlemen preferred; 107 North Twentieth. E-990 July 7. PLEASANT room, south front, new mod ern house, walking distance, private fam ily. 23TS Douglas. E MSM llx VERT nice room, modern, water In room. large Onset, park dlst., 18 per month. 632 So. 26th St. E-M260 llx BEAUTIFUL furnished room with modern conveniences. Strictly private family. Very reasonable. W2 S. 13th Ft ; first cottage In Stanford circle. E 4V 14x URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-2M VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, rafa an A NICE large front room, east front, very desirable, Hanscom Park district, low 8. .28th St. F-2S2 10 LARGE pleasant rooms, fine shady lawn. excellent meals; S-mlnttte walk from post office. 'Phone Red-6717. F 297 lOx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; I rooms; bath. Tlzard, 2 N. no. - u JSUl CENTRAL, t rooms, bath. Tlxard. 220 N. G M60 23d. FOR RENT 4 elegant unfurnished rooms, strictly modern; good location. 108 Grace St. G-914 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas 's2. acnmoner ft Mueller Plans Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 445 The aUUOijO o, F. Davis Co, 6u kieu biu g. D-807 R UUUMiOc peters ax Co.. Bee Bid Ids. D-X4 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Bk. THE Omaha Van As Storage Co.. pack. move and store H. H. goods; storenouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Orflce, 1611 Farnam. Tel.. Doug, lifts. D 449 WE MOVE pianos. Msggard Van 4 Stor age Co. Tel. uoug. 1426. omce, a. is vieo ater St. D-460 NEW iriAT TO LET. SI 7 So. 26th Ave., flat, second floor. SIX , rooms; new and strictly modern; noors snd Interior finished in. hard wood throughout;, walls will bo decorated to 'sul tenant. Ready for occupancy June first. W FARNAM SMITH ft CO., ' ' ' Farnam St. D 922 BEE us when shipping household goods to large, cities west, we csn save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug. 1196. D 461 CENTRAL. 4 or 6-room fiats. Tlxard, 220 D-M611 N. 23d. MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Dry rooms. low prices, lelephone Douglas iui. : D M4i June 23 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. STORAGE. Phone Douglas 1062. 1106 Farnam. D-M938 FOR RENT 4 rooms, city water, 1521 N. 18th. $10.00. C. M. Bachman, M Paxton Block. D M104 2407 N. 22D ST. 8 rooms, all modern, hot water, stone walks, fine shade trees, full lot, $30. D. H. Christie, Room 8. New York Life. 'Phone 133. D-M236 11 ELEGANT -roora brick house in West Farnsm district; new and up to date; $60 per month. HARRISON ft MORTON, 91$ N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas ill. D M261 13 FOR RENT Nine-room house, 1S29 8. 2th St.. opposite Hanscom park. Modern, $40. W. L. Selby, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. D M254 11 FOR RENT New, all modern. 7-rooin house. 2404 Burt. $.!6.00. Apply 11. "M. Boyles, Boyles' college. Office 'phone. Douglas-194; res., Hamey-1721. T-ROOM house. 2411 Caldwell 8t. at above number. I- Inqulre -M:tli 1.' FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL laundry, drug store. Tlxard, I-Mj 220 N. 3d. STORE ROOM for rent. 406 S. 15th, Qr- Ereum Theater ttiag. DyDan, uts ioug ,e. I-M466 FOR RENT Third floor, size 33x100, suit able for lodge, club room or for manu facturing purposes. Inquire Palace Cloth, ing Co., corner 14th and Douglas. I-M528 BUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; 8 floors and basement; hVo Farnam. Inquire 314 First Nat. Bunk Bldg. 1454 STORE ROOM. 21st and Farnam Sts., $25.00 per month. GEORGE A CO., 101 Farnam St. I M967 II CLAIRVOYANTS HUE. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 11$ South 14th St., upstairs Reaultful prediction absolutely given. . 8-455 PROF. KARMER. NOTED PSYCHIC PALMIST, tells your name, cvcupailon, whom and when you will marry, all about business, love, speculation snd domestic affairs. Offices. 302 N. lsth St.. Cor. Capltr.l Ave. Special low fee by presenting this ad. 8965 July6x PLUMBING CALL JOHNSON for quick services and low prices. ltJ Harney. Tel. Doug. S-ksX M47 J 16 BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Have on every article. Only first-class goods hanaiea. rroropt atten tion to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 236 Harrison St.. 'hl-ago, 111. W 9s7 x LOST LOST Gold locket, en Saturday. June 9 Initlaia C. D. A. Please return to Bee office and receive rewaid. Lost tot U f?JLsale RiALSTATE LI3T your properties with Boyer, 22d an Cumlr.g. RE 464 SPLENDID HOME OR INVESTMENT. Original1 cost t7.0", can be bought for less than 4.Q. Nine rooms finished In onk. thoroughly modern, south front over, looking park, nice lawn and shad", paved street, permanent walk. Bee this Monday, as It will sell carlv next week. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. J. W. MARTIN. Pres. Douglas Blk. RE-M221 11 - cH6TcEn7iir7)N "pakk AVENUE AT VERY LOW PRICE. . $7,600 for 610 Park Ave., t'rooms, thoroughly modern, exceptionally well built and in best of condition throughout; house alone rost.over tS.fliO; lot 76x140 feet, double fronts ge, tvith room to build more house ir desired. Immediate possession. Mpe clal price for quick sale. Investigate. GEORGE dc CO.. 1601 Farnam RE-M233 14 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x211, on U. P. track, st 6th and Jones S's.. $12,000 will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 461 chab. Williamson Co, u-lfaF- RE 461 CHEAP HOMES 3316 Fowler Ave., rooms, large lot, water and gas, near school and car, $1,200. N. W. corner 26th and Grand Ave., 7-room modern house, two full lots. Big snap, $2.f)0. New house, S rooms and bath downstairs, room for 2 or S. rooms upstairs, water, gas, electric light, well built, lot 60x123, aouth front, on Ruggles 8t. and 2th. Will sell on kasy terms to desirable party. . R. II. LANDERYOIJ, Board Trade. RE-M112 12 ftflONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS.. HH Farnam, 6 and 5H per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W 4i2 MONEY TO LOAN Payno Investment Co. W 463 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith-(ft Co., 1x20 Farnam St. W BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge block. . : W 4(3 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Pxxton block. W 46 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wesd, 1620 Doug! W-4f7 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay.. Thomas Brennan, R, 1, N. Y. i ji re. Ml W 468 WANTED Clt Jj roans. B. C. Peters A Co. W 46 City A farm loan. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.L. W 470 LOANS on Improved city property. W. li. Thomas. 606 First National Bank Bldg. W 471 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING ' LOANS. Tteefl Pros.,' 1710 Farnam St. W 47! FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming; low. prices; ten. years time. Land Dept. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A' V. II 160 Cheap Western Lands 1,000,000 acres. 'Colorado. Kansas and Ne btaska lands, $3 to $3.60 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed Hats giving logal descriptions and prices; also maps, pictures, etc., 'iee. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO.. 201 Front St.. Sterling, Colo. , H 461 FOR SALE Nebraska and South Da kota farm lands; farm lands will never 1 he as cheap again aa they are now; write us for prices. White, Cook ft Clements, Lyons, Neb. H M961 11 LEVEL corn land for sale and exchange; free lists. H. L. Crayen A Co., Onawa, la. . H FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT A good garden place of six acres; good house and stable; one mile from the city limits; good neighborhood good road to town. Good rich garden land. For rent for $5.00 per month for the balance of th season of 1906. Apply to ionra Everett, is 'earl ut , i ouncll Bluffs. M-9M 11 PATENTS H. A. STURGES, reglatered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. F. J. LARSON A CO.. witent lawyers patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 4.4 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents tirticured. Invention developed, drawings patterns, castings, machln) work. 6Q4-t12 s. win ei. 47 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional investment Co., wl Douglas Blk. . M9n7Juiy$ FOR EXCHANGE AUTOMOBILE wanted, in exchange for a flrst-clana medicine, one which will bear the closet- Investigation, & good annual income from it now; a very good mail order proposition, plenty of stock and printed matter to do business.. My rea Hon for eelling. I am in active practice. Address Dr. O. P. Hmltn, lienors, Kan. Z-M162 llx IF YOU da not And what you wsnt In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get it. tr-aa PRINTING LTNGSTAD High Grade 190 Calends, a inDvi 8. E. corner 16th St. snd ' Capitol Ave. 502 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co.. 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2U7. DRESSMAKING M'DOWELL SCHOOL ltT-1 Farnam. DRES6CUTT1NQ. -M826 juneZl Woodruff A Arnold. 813-14 Neville block 12 June-ii WANTED TO BUY VlK'TPIlT. K..w uAnrf.k.nil fiimlttif. stoves, carpets, tiothlug and shoes. Pay tb beat prices. Iclephons iougias mn N-JsMJuJye PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION - ALL kinds of piles cured-lmeinal. external, blind, bleeding or itching piles A guar antee given In every esse Heated by Dr. Maxwell, who has had twenty-five years' experience In treating piles. Hundreds of testimonial given on application. 124 Fe Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1424. U-M419 Juae 2S FAIR, healthy, sstln skin bestowed by Satin skin cream and Satin skin powder. Uc. A Dollar for You Any time before June It. J9"6. this slip will be accepted at $1.00 down, payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth Ing. the balance to be paid aa you earn It, Home Credit Clothing Co., 1 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr. . U 477 THE reputation of Omaha Is Involved. 6,000 delegates to be cared for at B. . P. l: convention July 12 to 15. Hotel facilities not sufficient. Private residences, must be opened. Y.iu get 75 cents from each delegate for lodging and breakfast. How many will you lake? Notify M. C. Steele, Chairman Entertainment Com., Paxton Hotel. U M926 13 MAGNETIC timKTilN baths. Mma. 16, 2d floor, V J room z. ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at I&24 N. 24ih St., Omaha, Neb. U Ml 90 TRT KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglaa U 4J9 3530. DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. t A t. 1606 Far. nam. U 47 CHAMPIONCarPet Cleaning Works. viLOUir '-'-'"Beautiful, unique nigs rrom old carpets; prices reasonable. u 8. 14th St. Tel. Douglas 666. U 323 Jll YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co.. Ill South 16th St h 480 PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug 3559. U 41 PI F A T I N Cx ButonsRuohlng, LLn 1 inJ Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6c per yard, bend tor price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 193C U 482 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 254. 211 8. Uth St. U-4S4 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mra Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 45 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-oft clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U-6U FREE medical and surgical treatment st creignton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sta. Special attention puld to confinement caaes. All treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE City Garbage co. Office. 4th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas 1387 U 48 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. RItten. house, 410 N. lbtb, room 2. second floor. U-M5Q9 Jelt PAhTS THREE-LAYER WHITE, 30c. Lake. Tel. Douglas 1576 U-M622 Jul 1 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba- Dies adopted. 1 ne uood bamarltan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U J2J SURVEYING. BUckensderfer. 313 Bee Bldg. U 426 DTTKRAR THE painless chir- UJ1D1 OPODIST. 206 Neville Blk. riairaressins, manicuring. iaaies nair perfumed free., U M416 June28 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U IS 8YRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omsha. V 469 HONEST work at reasonsble prices in the upnoistering and turniture repairing line. John Hansen. 1522 N. 24th. Tel. Doug. 32i. U 485 Juneli PARASOLS and umbrellas repaired and re-covered. Boston Umbrella Co., 6-D B. 16th St. , U-M50S Jelt The Wardrobe, expert dry cleaners. 618 8. 18. U ll June) MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage, iutie Bryant, lit Bee Bldg. U M940 June25 MAGNETIC Massage, 412 N. l'ith St., second floor, room 2. U M927 Jun23 IT'S the same 8tonecypher, and he sllll prints at tne same old n'jmoer 12"1 How ard St. It's the same telephone Douglaa 1310. It's the same good quality of print ing and the ssme prompt delivery. f 111 Marcel wave, 306 Neville, Madia Desdunes. U-M49S June 16 SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. cioaman ft CO., U14 Capitol Ave. U-678 Je30 WE RENT sewing machines at $1 per week; we sell second hand machines $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U MI56 IT'8 the same Btonecypher, and he still prints at the same old number 1201 How erd St. It's the same telephone Douglas 1310. It's the same good quality of print ing and the same prompt delivery. I" -111 WANTED Correspondence with lady, not under 4o. with view to matrimony: refer ences exchanged. John W. Blacker. Mil ford, Neb. U-M177 llx IT'S the unit Btonecypher. and he still prints at the same old n-jmber 121 How ard St. It s the same telephone Douglaa 1310. It's the same good quality of print ing and the tame prompt delivery. U-Jll MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer vor men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills"- $1 box. postpaid. Sherman ft Mef'nnpell Prur . Omaha. 491 FLORISTS U HENDERSON 1619 Fsrnam. Tel. Doug. 1268. 606 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. 308 N. T. L. Bldg. Doug. 668. Tet OSTEOPATHY JOHNSOIf Institute. 418 N. Y. U. Tel. Douf 164. o UNDERTAKERS HOFFMAN ft GENTLEMAN. 7d N. 16th. Douglas M3 Jul6 MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE Ot Doug las 683L -HUO Junta MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS 308 PAXTON BLOCK! The BEST. CHEAPEST and most RE LIABLE PLACE In this ell) to BORROW MONET ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PI ANOS, Horses. Wagons, etc. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. Simply a quiet business transaction be tween us that no one need ever know. Money given you same day you atxly. : We also In Responsible Sal- : : srted People on Their Plain : : Note. Without Endorsement or ; : Publicity and Give a Written J : Ouaran'.'.e Not to File Papers : : With lour Employer. : RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms S07-3i Paxton Block. X 2S1 1 OUR NEW OFFICE IN OMAHA FOR SALARY LOANS Nearly. Everybody Needs Money STOP WORRYING Tet us pay your debts. CASH supplied salsrled employes of good chsracter with out security; moderate rates, liberal terms; slrlcty private. NEBRASKA TRUST CO. . Room 701 N. T. Life Pdg. Seventh Floor. X-2M 1C OUR LOANS Our employes ai well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to vxplain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and If you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow, there is no harm done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and o'her chattels and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. We ofter you rates as low as you will find snd our facilities for quick and con fidential services are unsurpassed. We sre the oldest concern In our line In the city, and we always try to please our patrons. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, 119 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. 'Phoas Doug. 325. X-4a MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, $10 8. 13th. X-493 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels Of salary. Easy to get no red tape'. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X 494 DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terras wanted; payments suspended In esse of ?lckness tor out of employment. Room 14 Karba'h Blk., 209 S. 16th St. . X 496 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. : 1301 Doug. . .... X-oOl , When In ned of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT. CO., , S32 -3 Paxton Blk. . X49i MONEY LOANED SALARIED FEOPLH and others without security; essy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities, man, room 714 New York Life -407 FURNITURE, Piano. Jewelry Loans. 831 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-499 FURNITURE, Live Btoek, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Blk. X-499 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley. Loan Co., 1604 Farnam St. X 6o0 GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office, Omaha. Nebraska, June 7, 1906 Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o clock a. m., central standard time, June 19, 1906, for furnishing and in stalling sn Electric Elevator In the Quar termaster s storenouse at Fort Omaha Nebraska. Full Information furnished on application to this office, where plana and specifications may he seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Construction, etc.." aa the case may he, and addressed to Major M. Gray Zallnskl, Constructing vjuariermasier, Army uuuatng. Omaha, iPDraK. junei-s-i-ii-is-18 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., June 6, 1906. Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, ' subject to ths usual conditions, will be received here uhtil 10 s. m. centrsl standard time, July 6, 9u6, for disinterring, boxing and preparing for shipment, approximately thirty-two 32 re mains, and a like number of hesdstones, st the cemetery st the pine Ridge Indian Agency.. 8. D. Specifications and full In formation furnished on application here. Envelopes containing propose Is to be marked, "Proposals for disinterring re mains,'1 and addressed to Major M. GRAY ZALIN3KI. Chief Quarlermastt r, Omaha. Neb. J 7f -9-11-Jy 3-6 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S office, Omaha. Neb.. June 11. 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received . here until 1" o'clock s nv, central standard time, June 21. 1906, for building Macadaoi Roads und Cement Walks, etc., at Fort Omaha. Ne braska. Full information furnished on sp pllcailon to this office, where plana and specifications may be seen. Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Reads. Walks, etc.." and addresed to MAJOR. M. GRAY ZALINSKI. 'onstructlng Quartermaster, Army Building, Omaha. Nebraska. J-ll. 12, 13. 14. 19, JO RAILWAY TIME CARD UXIOK TATIOH TEHTH AKD MARCY. t'aloa Pa el da. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:13 am The China and japan Fsst Mall a 4:16 pm a 8:10 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:15 pin a 9:90 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pin Los Angeles Limited. ...a11:30 am alO 45 pm Fast Mall a 1:66 pm a 3.80 pra Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4 50 pm Beatrice Local b $.16 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago Great Wesiera. St. Paul A Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 710 am St. Paul A Minneapolis. 7 5 am 11 60 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 pm 9 00 am Chicago Express 7:45 am 1150 pm Chicago Express 3 So pm 3 39 pu th Usage, Reek lata ad A Paolde. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Iowa Local Chicago Mail ... a 3.26 am a 7:10 am a 7:00 ara a 4:30 pm a 3:15 am alO:10 pm bll 16 pm b 9:66 poi loaa Local Chicago (Eastern Kxp ) a 4.J0 pm a 146 pm Chicago tlowa Limited) a 8.8a pm. al2:l pm vVEST. Rockv Mounte'o. Lim..a 7:20 am a 8:16 am Colo.' A Cal. Hxpress. ..a 2:01 m a 4:10 pin Okl A Texas Exp a 4 40 pm aU;06 pm Colorado Fsst Mall .. alO lO pm a 7:31 aid a daily. - b dally except Sunday. Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:88 pm a 8:48 aa St. Louis Local (from . Council Bluftsi .a $18 am al:8 pm Stanberry Local front Council Bluffs) It 1.98 m bUM am IlUaoU Co at sal. Chicago Express ., Chicago Limited , a 8 00 am a 8 88 pm .a 00 pm a 7:30 am rkleage. St. Paal. Chi. A Colo. Special. ...a T:66 am a T 30 am California at Oie. ... f pa a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a 3 as pm a 6 30 am Marten A Cedar R Loe.e $.tt aaa Bil.00 ps Mlaeoaurt VaetAa- C Louis ataiwees a 8.80 am a 8-88 pan K OTA tk to AJtpfesa.aUOt (taa 1.08 6a RAILWAY TIME CARD Chicago A Jlortkwesterau Local cedar Kapids ....a am a 6 00 pm Chicago tmyllgiit a :') am 11 pm Chicago Llmi'ed a pm 9 16 am Carroll Loca', a 4 :2 pm I W am St. Paul Ft.? Mail ....a :26 pm 7 aia Sioux C. ft Rt '. Local, b 3 .On pm a 9 36 am Fast Ma' . A . . . . 3:3ti Inn Chicago ttxprrs' Chlc.aJ Limited Norfo'S Bonesteel . Lincoln A Long Pine t asper A Wyoming ., Deadwond S Lincoln llastlnsa & Albion .... Freinont-Alblon Chicago Local ..a 6:V p: a T jiO am ..all .( pm 11 16 am ..a 7:4il am 10.35 am , .a 7:40 am 10 36 am ..a $.0o pm a t i rm ..a 3.00 pni 6 t pm . .b 10L pm 6 pm ,.b 6 02 pm bl2 40 pni . .all :S0 n m 3.46 pm BliRL.IK4.TON gTATIO. 10 TH A MslOH twrllaglaa. Leave. Arrive Dener California. .. .a 4 -i pm a 3 80 pm Black Hills.. ..a 4:l'i pm a :jv pm Northwest Hpeclsl a 4:10 pm XfAVk.AK I. .. .. .11.1, n. a 9.06 am .ivji in wr.i i". . vi . . . mi , . iv .'.it Nebraska Express a 9:10 uni Nebraska Local a 8:U9 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 30 pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm'h..b 2:60 pm Bellevue ft Plattsm'h..a 7:60 pm Denver United a 7:10 am Bellevue A Poc. June. ..a 8:30 am a 8:80 am Bellevue ft Vac. June. ..a 9:10 am a 1:60 urn Chicago special a i:3-ni a 7:26 am a 3:56 pin Chicago Express a 5:4i pm Chicago Flyer a fc't'i pm Iowa Locai i 9:1$ a-n 9 7:26 am al0:63 pm all .30 am St. Louis Express a 4:4. pm Kansas Clty-St Joe....alO:46 pm a 6:48 a Kansas C lty-M. Joe. ...a 9:15 am a 8:10 pm Kansas Clty-St. Joe. . . .a 4:45 pm WEBSTUR DEPOT-I5TH A WEBSTER CMeago, It. Paal, Mlaaeapolle A Osaaka. Ive. Arrive. Twin Cltv Passenger. ..b :3o sm b 9:10 pm Sioux City PBssnger... 2:k pm sll fOsm Emerson Local Emerson Local Mlaeoarl FaetBe. .b 6:90 pm b 9:86 am ..Claim o cw pm Nebrsska Local, Weeping Water., via ....b 3:50 pm bll:30 pra a Dally b Dallv except Sunday, d Pall except Saturday, e Bundsy only, e Dsllf except Monday. issji OCBiX iTEAftERI. AKCHOTt L1N V. HATt. STgAMSHTPg. KSW YORK, LONDON DCRRT AND OI.ASOOW. NEW TORK.. PALgRMO AND NAPLga ussTlsr seconusedstlsn. siaallsst Calaiae. Ts rsmfort of puei,n rsntallr cassi4r4. glagle sr ron4-np tlrk.ts lwif twtwMn N.w Vsrk 4 (oatcb. Knsllah. Irish n4 all prineipsl eentuental Saints at stlrsotW rates. Ba4 for Book at Toam.. Per tloksts or sensral InfonnatleD spplr to say local ag.nt af the Anchor Line, or to HENDgRaUM BROS.. Oaa'l Asoots. Chloaao. 111. USE OF THE TITLE "GENERAL" Some of the Abaardlllee of Its Cwr rent Employpseat Fainted ' Out. ' "The American habit Of-affixing military, judicial and honorary titles to men's names hss often been facetiously commented upon," remarked a .member of congress from a northern state, "but I think we have some of the best samples of the In congruity that I know of outside of Ken tucky right here In Washington. "I'll tsll you of an ajnuslng Incident thall la It. seemed amusing to the lookers-on. If It was not to the participants. It was at a reception the other night, at which were present many representatlvea of tne oipio- matlc. official, army and navy circles corner of the room were a half doten of fellow workers In the house and some arm officers discussing' army approprletlc Two gentlemen Joined us. and the usue. troductlona followed. One of the army offi cers happened to be a major, generat. He Is slightly deaf. The man who was doing the Introducing turned to the general and said: " -General allow me to Introduce to you General .' "The major genersl. whom we will call 'Genersl Blsnk.' to distinguish him from the other man. whom we win designate as 'Gen eral Dash," shook hands with the other chsp. and, placing his hand to fais ear, said. Inquiringly: , " 'I didn't catch your name, general. " 'General Dash,' reiterated the friendly Interlocutor. "Dash. Dash?' repeated the major gen eral, with a puxrled expression upon his face, 'Dash? I don't recsll such a name In the army. Dash, did you say? May I ask what army corps you have or had th honor of serving In, general?' "Every man In the crowd wanted to laugh, was with difficulty that we re strained our smiles. Borne one pushed a glass of pungent punch under the old gen eral's nose, snd st the familiar and welcome odor the real warlor Immediately forgot the titular commander, for "General Dash' hap pened to be one of the assistant secretaries In one of the departments In this city, whoss heads are designated with the official title of 'general. And since hla appearance In dicated an age under middle life In the 80s. the Incongruity was maae tne muio evident. "It Is the height of gbsurdlty to bestow or claim the title of "genersl" In the Instances of asslstsnt postmssters, general, assistant solicitors general, asalstant attorneys gen eral, or any other of the many assistant genersls' that may be .found scattered around In the official departments In Wash ington held down by men doing official work In the civil branch of the government. Yet, strange to say. not only sre these assist ants addressed by their clerical; subordlnatfd as 'general.' but they are inslatent upon be ing thus addressed by those who may have official business with them. . "In feet. I think It Is far-fetched for the heads of these, departments to be sddressed by the mllltery title of the commander of an army corps, snd while it may be con ceded by some for the sake of argument that such a title Is proper In the instance of th hesd of the department. It Is unques tionably poor taste to bestow It uppon a subordinate official assistant. Members of the house could with equal propriety dub themselves 'Judges' because we make ths laws. "They ssy that every msn Is desirous of fame In one manner or another. Here is a chance for some man to become famous. Let him. upon receiving the appointment of an 'assistant general, sue to piain mr. and his nsme will go down to posterity! not one of them hss yet done so. The sbsurdity of the situation of the 'department generals' is matched by the president genersls' that the fair members of some of the lady organlsstions which hold their annual conventions here turn loose upon us every year. The single title of either 'general' er 'president' ought t be enough to sstlsfy' the craving of Ihs most exacting seeker of titular fame, but when It comes to combining these litter the limit Is reached, -particularly tn applying; the' title of 'general' to a woman.. 'Pres. Ident, Is more appropriate, of . course, but 'general' la the maximum of incongruity t my congressional mind- Washington Str. The Tennessee Fiddler. Mson and DIxoiTa Ifne, "the line of d marcaUon between hat biscuit and cold bread," was a characteristic remark once dropped by "Bob" Taylor, the Tennesseean who fiddled his -way Into Hie governors chair twice. The former governor had Just the . ambition of his Ute in eet uiijig the nomination through dtrart popular -vote of the democracy of his state for United States senator, to succeed Mr. Carmack, the In cumbent. Even since Tsylnr retired from the governor's office In ISM he has been considered as a candidate for1 the senate. . The first time lie ran iw gut-rmr m re publican candidate was his brother, AlfrevV Jl, Tsylor. I tie ar n iii "vbib the name given popularly to the campaign of 18M. In which he was successful. It era amesuj the meet picturesque political tea'.ests In tbt hitter W Uas eauntsg. were s llplo- J In a C ' n1v -a tlcns.',y-fcK .l In- I