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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1906)
TIIE OMATIA' DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JUNE 11. 1906. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA KJhcSiory of 4 J I; r 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS OfflM, ! Fonrl W. Tel. 4S. Clark's sods. Darl nils drucr Mtockert sell carpet. Ed Rogers' Tony Fauat beer. Nf location, JO rarl St. Maloney. Plumbing and heating- Bixby Son. Woodrlng ITndertaklng company. Tel. txi. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 7. Diamonds aa an investment Talk to Leffert about It. Special courses for public school pupils riven at Western lowa College. All size In barefoot sandals for chll Jren at Sargent's Family Shoe Store. The library board 1 elated to hold lta -egular monthly session this evening. Bee Stephen Broa. for fire brick and flra clay, aewer pipe, fittings wnd garden hoee. . If you ha tender feet and want a good comfortablo sho aea Duncan a Lean, 21 Main street. . The cheapcKt and beet lota for dwellings re to be had in Babbitt Place. Sold by ; iias. T. Officer, 419 B way. Moving- van slid wagons: furniture stored. Nesbltt' Transfer and Storage. Tel. iU. Office til West Broadway. Picture Framing a epeclalty. Pictures framed to order. Prlcea reaaonable. Ber wick, U Smith Main etreel. Tel. U. There will be no meeting of the city council tonlghn aa at the last elon an adjournment waa taken to Monday, June l. Save money on plumbing and figure with ua. Work and material guaranteed to be nret-claaa. IP. A. 6pencer. U Weai Broad Picture make moat dealrable wedding gift. See the choice assortment at Alex ander'a, M3 Broadway. A great range or price and stiles. For gale will aacrlftc on my fin piano. Paymenta If d-ired. . Can be achmoller as Mueller-a, 601 Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. Po not aell your old Iron, copper, bra a d old rubbera before you sea ua. W Cay 18 per ton for No. 1 machinery iron. J. Khttleman, 803 8. Main. Tel. 60. We bav the finest Un of aampl monu menu to aelect from In the weal. Bneely Lane Marbl and Granite work. 111 K.t Hroadwav. Council Bluffs, la. V wholesale c cream. Shipped to any part of the atate. bpeclai prlcea to the retail trade. 1. mucci. i Hroadwav. Co. Bluffa. Ia. Tel. 14. In a good game of ball yesterday after nn ih rrnnnda at Tenth avenue and L'....rfU.ih .iri. the South Hottom Hustlers defeated the Petersen Bchoen Ing second team by a acore of U to . Do you want to cool onr " V'c Clark Drug Co. and get one of their ne llcloua Ice cream sodaa, alt down at a nice clean table,' under an electric fan. and you will bav no trouble In keeping eooL - . The boards of supervisors of Fpttawat- TEACHERS WILL MEET TODAY Countj Normal Institute Begins Itt Annual Work This Moraine. LIST OF LECTURERS AND INSTRUCTORS Division Meetlnsra Mill Be Held In the Morning; a4 General Meet Ins In Afternoon-.Tbe Prog-ram. the electric company to fumtsTi the power agreed upon to enable an elevator which the plaintiff company Installed In the ware house building of the Groneweg A Bchoent, gen Wholesale Grocery company at Ninth street and Broadway to lift a load of 8,000 pounds. mil Harrison countlea will recon- Power In Education vrne In lolnt session today to resume tho (Pr the American Flag." Mr. Gates An enrollment of 600 teachera is looked for at the Pottawattamie County Normal In stitute which opens this morning at the high school building and lasts the entire week. The general meeting held in the auditorium while the division ses sions will be conducted In the several class roons. Th romprise the corps of lecturers and Instructors: T. W. Howerth. university extension lec turer. I'nlverstty of Chicago, III., "Princi ples of Education": Miss Charlotte Reed, supervisor of primary work, Marshalltown, la.. "Arts and Crafts"; 8. L. Thomas, principal high school. Council Bluffs, la.. "Physical Science"; M. E. Crosier, super intendent of city schools. Avoca, Ia. "Kle mpniary Agriculture and Manual Train ing"; L. J. White, superintendent of city schools, Walnut, la., "Political Science"; Miss France Tobey, department of Eng lish, Colorado Normal school. Denver, Colo., "Knglish"; Miss France Wright, super visor of music In public schools, Dubuque, la . "Music Methods." , Thla morning wfll be devoted, to the en rollment of teachers and the regular work of the Institute will not commence until this afternoon, when a general session will be held at 1.30 when the following program will be carried out: Music; address, "Some Tendencies In Education." O. J. McManus; music; ad dress, "The Classic and the Child." Miss Tobey; music; address, "Fundamental IdeHS In Modern Education," Dr. Howerth; announcements. The division meetings will be held In the morning and the general session in the afternoon, at which lectures will be given. This 1 the program for the afternoon meetings: Tuesday "Handwork as an Aid," Misa Reoil; "The Classics and I," Misa Tobey. Wednesday "The Creation of Form," Miss Rwd; . "Wonderland," Mr. Gates. Thursday (Flag Day) "The Driving Mr. Howerth; Ln- ROBERT ROOM A HTECAPTl RED Escaped Prisoner Retaken nt Rock ford, III. Robert Vrooman, who. In company with Harry Baker, escaped from the county Jail on the night of March 10 this year, has been recaptured nd is now on hi way back to Council Bluffs in custody of Sheriff Canning. Vrooman was arrested at Rockford, 111., last Friday, and Sheriff Canning went for him Saturday. Vrooman and Baker were under arrest on the charge of stealing about $1,000 worth of copper and brass fixings belonging to threshing and other engines, the property "of the Westlnghouse and the David Bradley companies. They had been placed on the second floor of the county Jail, following an attempt of Charles Stevenson, confined with them on the third floor, to cause a Jail delivery. With the Iron angle bar forming the support of a wash basin. Vrooman. and Baker succeeded In wrench ing two bars of the partition separating them from the Iron door apart. They managed to unscrew the inside plate of the lock of the door, and thus gain ad mittance to the outer landing, where, from the window over the entrance of the build ing, they Jumped to the ground. Vrooman was a resident of this city, and recently the sheriff's force learned he was In Illinois, but exactly where they' did not know. At the time of the Jail break cards bearing Vrooman's and Baker's descrip tions, with the offer of a reward for their capture, were sent broadcast, and this led to Vrooman' capture In Rockport. I'p to date the authorities have been un able to secure any trace of Baker. Investigation failed to find any car on Are. Chief Jonef, who went ahead o, the others, located the burning car, which was on the track close to the plant of the Alfalfa Meal company. With the assistance of Hie watchman at the plant they stretched a line of hose from the factory and had the blase extinguished before the rest of the department reached the scene. The Are la supposed to have been started by a tramp. i,..rin. t nrnt.utN against the asses Inent benefits in connection with the Joint drainage ditches. George A. Rohlnson. manager of the -siii.hoiisc company, who hne been c.-,..iricr to Ms- home for the past two s lth a sprained ankle. Is slowly, re co.ti... a.iu ihinka that he will soon Mit ;tn able to attend to business, me annual meeting of the atockholders ll ArneiUjm-Juniata Mining -com puny, vitie Colorado mining companies in under the la we .of Iowa, w.ll Uiiiorrow morning in the office ... ,ii.on Bros., the. company a local " wiy mortal." your lif by ak'ng hov' h.Ji siove when you can, b"a' :. ,.i .. . .1 . t MeAtM sT ti the real ' ineilt of our gooda uai them o puuuiar. They ar not Imply ' better than any Bold In tha city. Iry Twentieth Cntuty and Colonial bread and bo (knivlnctd, . . . Mies Mills ftteln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jncob Stein of this city, and Jacob Havota of Salt Lake City were married last evening, the wedding ceremonies be ing held In Maccabce hall. Rabbi l-ohen pf Omaha officiated In the P''nce of large gathering of friends of the bridal a-esuule froin tluo.clty and Oman,.. A; :Wcd '"tUnW 'least Tallowed the faremony. ' When Rev'. Av Overtort arrived at the 'city Jail vesferday afternoon for the pur pose of conducting aervlces he discovered Ther were no prisoners. As Patrol Driver I,oreneiT nd Sergeant Nichols did not 'look as If they were promising subjects, i r,.,rr, 'left K-tthont holding . any ..',. muHu. ' -Saturday when.- the ..n of the Christian Temperance union wrought flowers for the city Jail prisoners here were none to receive infm u mC ' jouqueta were distributed among the offl :crs at police headquarter. gpeclal Sale Monday. 'Chicago washing machine. W.tfti copper- ottom bolier.'Tlc. Swalne & Maurer, 331 and . 38 Broadway. ' v Two kinds of sawdust. We have a full rjf coarse for the Iceman and a nice lot fine for th merchant for tor floor. C. " iaCer. ' have 'a number of dwellings, owned by stern mortgage ' compnle. which can i5 e?ld cheap, Cha. T. Officer, 419 Broda 'yr ' For impor.ed wine, liquor and Budwtlaer beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor Jealer. ll South Main street. rtna rifn, Two hundrei-acra'tarro flva mllaa from ' Miaaourl Valley. Good Improvement and Hchard. Cheap at Tl par acr. Wallae Benjamin, room 1. Flrat NaUonal bank jullding. Offlo telephone M. I.eirerls Has the only double-vision glasses ground out of one piece In the city. Refrigerators, porch chairs, porch rock era, cool and reclining go-carts; go-carts S per cent eff; full line of mattings, lino leums, carpet and rugs. D. W. Keller, 103 8. Main St. Frldav "The Educational Value of Ideals." Mr. Howerth; "In Foreign Lands with the Great Musicians," Mrs. Leverett. The Institute will be divided Into four divisions and teacher will be enrolled a follows: Division A Grade teacher who are clio.'ien to teach in the graded schools from the fourth to the eighth gradea inclusive. Principals, supervisors and special teach fid will alen enroll in this division. DivlHlon B Teachers who are expecting to teach in the rural schools and who had fit teen months or more actual experience in teaching. i Division C Teacher who are expecting to teach in the rural school and who have had less than fifteen months actual ex perience in teaching. Division D Kindergarten teacher and fulniary teachers who are choaen to teach n the graded schools from the first to the third grades. Inclusive. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the week following the Institute examinations will be held for county and .state certlfl cites Hew Dormitory Plan. Plans for the boys' new dormitory build ing at the Christian Home have been placed In the hands of contractors who have been Invited to bid on the construc tion. The building will cost. It Is esti mated, In the neighborhood of $20,000. It will be of brick with white stone finish ings and wUl be 115 feet long and forty five feet wide and two stories In height, with a basement. AUE OF SKCTARI AMM PASSING Arrhhlshnp Keene Drillers Rapra lanrente Address nt town C ity- IOWA CITT, Ia., June 10. (Special Tele gram.) In one of the most remarkable baccalaureate addresses ever delivered be fore a graduating flss of the State Cnlvcr slty of Iowa, John 3. Keene, archbishop of Dubuque, declared that the sectarian age of religion was passing away to be succeiU'd by an nge of unification of religious thought and artlon. He declared that socialism without Christianity defeated its own pur pose, and that Christian socialism only could accomplish good. I vvc ao noJQf M EVERY PACKAGE fnean that $1.17 in currency is actually enclosed in each package of Pillsbury's Best Breakfast Food :Vitos. But we do mean it saves you that much over the ready-to-eat kinds. Besides you get "Pillsbury" quality, and that's always the best. A package containing two full pounds costs 15 cents. When prepared, it makes 12 pounds. The ready-to-serve kinds, containing about J'i of a pound to the package, cost ten cents. A full pound would cost about 11 cents. 12 pounds would cost $1.32. So the difference between 15 cents and $1.32 indicates the saving when Vitos is used $1.17. Use Vito regularly. Put $1.17 in the; bank every time you buy a package. Vitos is a delicious food, it is the "White heart of the Wheat" berry The very life of the grain. in W Stop. Erection of rrojected riant. WADE WILL NOT RUN FOR CONGRESS to I.elTerts For the best optical work In the city. CENTRAL FLOUR-l.l. Every Back warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market. Go to Hick' for your money' worth In tailoring. No bluff, either. DATE OF JIDICIAL tOWEXTlOX Republican Committee Chana-e Date from July SO to July 24. It appears that after announcing that the republican convention of th Fifteenth Judicial district would be held in this city j on July 20. the committee subsequently Examination for- eountv licenses ', changed its mind and called it for July will be hold In the high school building, while those for state certificate will be conducted In the o.flce of County Superin tendent McManus in the court house. 8. M. Williamson rents and repairs sew ing machines: also repairs all kind of bi cycle. 17 South Main street. Whit canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices, tl to 12. Duncan A Dean. 21 Main street Ten high top organs, with French bevel plate mirrors, must be sold quick. Bet a big bargain at A. Hospe company', IX South Main street. Council Bluffs. Tin prlnklia, S to 80c: cherry stonera. ' Jto to $1-2; chicken wire. c a square foot; hand sickle. M to (0c; lawn rake. 46c; tha ''best food chopper. $1.00 to 12.00. John 'Olson, 7 Wot Broadway. I,art Watches are guaranteed accural leepar. . - .'' time Something entirely new and Just out. Beautiful new photo at a special offer for ihort time only at Schmidt' studio. Christian1 Endeavor Convention. .The fourteenth annual convention of tha evonth district of th Iowa Christian En aeaTor union commence today at Oak land, I a., and will laat over Wednesday, A number M Council Bluff people will at tend and Rev. Marcu P. MoClure. pastor of tha Mrt ' Preabyterlah church, will address tha eonventlon tonight on "Th Possibilities of Christian Endeavor." Tuea day afternoon Mrs. E, C. Hammack of thla city la on th program for a talk on "How to Organise and Conduct a Junior So doty." Used by Million, Art Pottery. Alexander' Art Store ' has Just re ceived a large shipment of artistic pottery n' vases, teapots, sugar and creamers. pansy bowls, etc. Just th thing for wad ding gift. 24, the same day a the congressional con vention, which will also be held In Coun cil Bluffs. ,Kar1 R. Feters'of Clarlnda 'ha been selected a temporary chairman and Edward M. Mills of Red Oak aa temporary secretary. The convention will be held In the county court house, and will be called to order at 10:30 a. m. by D. . E. Stuart, chairman of the committee. Delivery wagon, high and low. big and little, of all styles and sises. If you ar figuring on anything in this line call around and see Van Brunt High grade piano sold on easy payments. 110 down and 18 per month. Swanaoo Mualo Co., 40T Broadway. Special courses for publlo school pupil given at Western Iowa College. LesTcrt For wedding ring of the beat quality. New Llajhtlna; Contract. Councilman Younkerman . has called meeting of the fire and light committee of th city council for thl evening to discuss the matter of the new contract with the Clt lien's Oa and Electric company. Th present contract between the city and th lighting company expire about the first of July and the committee has been se curing data from other cities on which to A. Metssjar A Co. New Location of Wholesale Bakery, Sit Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, I a. Home-mad Bread a Specialty. See tho lace curtain how mussy they look, just because they are of the sagging kind. We have .lac curtain that do not sag and window shade that are right up-to-date. Linoleum, oilcloth, matting and lmost anything you want In carpets and rug at strictly moderate price. Stockart Carpet Co., 205-7 West Broadway. IN THE OLD KENTUCKY HOME What Ioalarllle Proposes to Do for Vlaltlna; Pons anal Danghter of tho state. This Is home-coming week for wandering Kentucklsns, and Louisville proposes to do the hospitable act for all, who visit thn old home. The city has a fund of W),000 for en tertainments, and there will be something doing every day and nlarlit, beginning Wednesday next and running through the lid of the Sunday following. The first day, June 13. will be given over to welcoming and registering the guests. In the new armory building in Louisville, the second largest cf Its kind In the United States, headquarters for each of the 119 counties of Kentucky will be opened. These headquarters will be In charge of a hostess and a commissioner, named from each county by Governor J. C. W. Beckham. liar. (h. vl.Hnr. U'lll r.-Hytnl InH !Jh. LAW AFFECTS BREWERIES llvered by the Hon, Henry Watterson, edi tor of the Cou will be made by formerly governor of Missouri, and the head of the Louisiana Purchase exposition. Other distinguished Kentuckians who will be on the program during the week are Associate Justice John M. Harlan, from Washington, D. C. ; former Vice President Aulal E. Stevenson of Springfield, 111.; former United Statea Senators William Lindsay and John G. Carlisle of New York City; former Governor Thomas T. Critten den of Missouri; Governor E. W. Hoch of Kansas; Senator 8. H Fylea of Washing ton; Senator Shelby H. Cullom of Illinois; former Governors, of Kentucky Proctor Knott. Simon Bolivar Buckner, William O. Bradley and Preston H. Leslie, who has also served Montana, as chief executive in recent years. In the afternoon a magnifi cent floral parade of automobiles "and car riages will be glvem The ceremonies, of the second day will be In honor of the memory of Stephen Col lins Foster A llfe-slse statue of the com poser of Kentucky's cradle song, "My Old Kentucky Home," made by J.- L. Roop, the sculptor, will be unveiled. One of the hon ored guests will be Mrs. Marion Foster Welsh of Allegheny, Pa., the only child of the famous composer. A chorus of 1.000 voices will sing "My Old Kentucky Home" and others-of Foster's songs. Daniel Boone, the-' pioneer, who was chiefly responsible! for ' tho colonization of Kentucky, will ' be" "honored on Friday, which will be known as Boone day. Tho exercise will be typical pf the period In which Boone lived. Following the unveil ing of Boone' statue, made by Miss Enid Yandell, and 'which lias been presented to the city by a wealthy citizen, the visitors will gather in Cherokee park. Here a fort and stockade, modeled after Boonesboro, will be built, and a mimic reproduction of an encounter between the settlers and the Indiana will be given. The victory of the settlers will be celebrated with old fashioned games, apple parinKS. ewlng bees and other simple amusements. A Vir ginia reel will be danced on a platform . C Best PiPl f.i SrV'-4 TiVTW" j Iovrn City Man Sot a Candidate Sneered Dawson nnd Has Noth ing to Say Abont the Governorship. Investigate our eheap tans proposition in ecatern Colorado, 16 per acr for raising all kind of crop; good soil; beat of water: delightful climate. Excursion flrat and third. Tuesday of each month. Bend for printed matter. F. C. l.ougee. 124 Main" treat. Council Bluffs, Ia. Twenty per cent discount on lawn mow ers and refrigerator. Extra special 1-3 burner and 1-4 burner Michigan gasoline stoves, light with torches, will not explode, for tlt-60 and 115.60 each. Paddock as Hand- schef. Port Arthur waa on of th strongest fortified cities In th world, but waa sur rendered because th Russlana could not get Big A flour. Use no other. Pavtns; on Broadway Contractor Wlckham expect to complete th paving on Broadway between Thir teenth nd Twentieth treet In a few day, when ha mates he will begin work base th .chedule of prlcea both for gas 1 on Nlnth rMti between First and Sev and electric lighting .for a new contract. It Is understood that 'the lighting company has shown a disposition to meet the com mittee mora than half way and haa even offered to pay the Mty a certain per centage of its gross earning. Do not smoke any more of those rank cigar. Go to Maloney'a, 10 Pearl St.. and get a cigar where quality stand first and where every puff 1 a delight. He handle nothing but first-class stock. You know It pay to buy the best cigars because you get th best satisfaction out of them. Oolumof Coding Povdor iih OCAVCriCER WORK ' I haul dead anlma'.a, V 00 per head. OaxpVg, aaliea. manure and all rub bish; clean vaulta and cesspool. Ail work don I guaranteed. Call promptly attended to. 'Phone. Red UilL J. . H. SHERLOCK Th Title Guaranty and Trust company, abatractera of title. Books data back t laSS. Books ar all up to data. Work ao. curately and promptly done at lowt price. Ofnc opposite court houaa, 236 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. Some elegant lota, with paving and grad ing paid, on Glen Ave. and also Fifth Ave. be sold cheap. Cha. T. Officer, 41 Broadway. Cool off your hot porch by putting up our Vudor porch ahades. Then get Into on of our Vudor hammock chair and have a nice piece of our porch furniture, a table, for Instance, with cigar and a bottle cooled in one of our Iceberg refrig erator, and you will find your comfort complete. Keller at Farnsworth Furnllur company. enth avenue. There may be some delay. however. In starting this paving, a the city council haa at present under considers tlon a proposition to reduce the width of the street. Discussing this matter yester day, Mr. Wlckham said the city council would have to hold a special meeting to take action on the question of reducing the width of the street within the next few daya. otherwise the work of paving full width of the street would be commenced. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, June 10. (Special. )-The new petition of consent law affecting sa loons and breweries has put a stop to the erection of several projected breweries in Iowa cities. It was not discovered till after the enactment of the law last winter that the law affected breweries. Agents of the Liquor Dealers' association were present at the sessions, but failed to dis cover the connection. One I'.'M.OOO concern waa projected In this city and the petition of consent circulated and secured at great expense. Now It will not be built. It was discovered that the law requiring petitions of consent to be circulated every five years affected breweries aa well as saloon and prospective Investor In breweries now re fuse to place their money in expensive plants, the life of which may be terminated at the end of five year by the refusal of the people to- renew- the consent. For merly the time was unlimited. It seem that the exiatence of the law .hae not be come generally known, aa Information 1 had that several other prospective con cerns have been abandoned. Wade Not for Con ar ess. In an Interview given out laat night Judge Martin J. Wade of Iowa City, recently democratic congressman from the Second district, stated that he would not run for congress against Dawaon, the present re publican congressman. It has been taken for granted by democrat up to thi tlm that Wade would again be in the field. The vote Is close in the 8econd district and the district is recognized as being built to hold 1,000 couple. At night an nomlnallv democratic. Dawson being elected allegorical pageant, the theme of which tim hv hard camoaian work and will be the history of Kentucky, will be. tne gtrength of the republican national and the center of Interest, and la expected ..... ticket. Secretary Miller of the demc- to prove th most apectacular event of the cratlc state central committee of Waverly week. Immediately after the parade there recently stated that Wade could be noml will take place In the armory the biggest nated for governor If he would accept, but nail or lta Kind ever held south of the that he had decided to run for congress, Ohio river. The dancing floor In the armory Judge Wade last night stated that he win accommodate nearly 10,000 person. would not run for congress. He refused Kentucky orators and poets will have to discus the question of running for gov- thelr day on Saturday, which will be known ernor himself, turning the discussion to aa Greater Kentucky day. An old- the oueatlon of a democratic candidate In fashioned Kentucky barbecue will be held the abstract, declaring that it all de In Shawnee park, and here the speaker pended on the nomination by th repub' will tell of the fame and glory of the Blue llcans. The democratic stat convention Grass state. An industrial parade will be will be held In Waterloo th week follow- one of Saturday' features. "Until we meet lng the republican convention In thl city, again" will be the spirit of Sunday, the Horsemen Are Jubilant closing day of the reunion. At the morning The placing of Prof. Charles F. Curtis service at all the churches In the city of th animal Industry department of the the ermons will be preached by former State College of Agriculture at the head Kentuckians. In the afternoon open air of the horse exhibit of the elate fair aa services will be held in three of the parks superintendent Is giving considerable satis- and at night vesper services will be held faction to the horsemen who exhibit at th at the new armory. The final act of the fair, and the results hav already become celebrationa will be when 20.000 person apparent in th large number of exhibits lng together, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee." already entered. For the last three yeara It haa been the boast of the , state fair Tllah Prlre for Wool. that the rattle exhibit contains more breed RAWLINS, Wyo., June 10. (Special.) lng cattle than exhibited at any other fair a year and three months before they tske their offices. Very few people can under stand the new law and there Is almost sure to be a strong move made at tho next session to repeal the present law, which waa a compromise measure put through on the very last day of the ses sion after it had been In conference com mittee. Under the new law those who-a terms were extended one year under tho biennial election law arc to be elected for a two-year terns The term of some members will now expire January 1, 1907, and aome others will expire January 1, 190(1. At this election their successors will' be selected for terms of three year, and beginning with the election in 19')8 supervisors will be elected for three-year terms, but always a year and two months before they take office. The compilation of the law ia Its ' objectionable feature. The law requlrea that the ballots state for which term the supervisor Is to ' be elected. Old War Claims Paid. Every year the office of the state audi tor receives one or two claims for $14.25 to reimburse some old veteran of the Civil war for one gray uniform. There Is still about (700 remaining In the fund to pay for such uniforms. When the war broke out the state raised some troopa and equipped them with gray uniforms and kept $14.25 from each soldier's pay to provide the gray uniforms. The south adopted gray and the uniform was useless, and the federal government later appro priated a sum to the state sufficient to pay for the uniforms and the state Is now- engaged 1n paying' the money 'bask to the old soldiers. The latest to put in a claim fa one Isaac Johnson from the state of Washington, who enlisted In the third Iowa volunteer Infantry. Internrbnn to MarqalsTllle. The Des Moines City Street Railway company ha completed the securing of the right of way for an Interurban rail way to Marqulavllle, and the material for the track is partly purchased and work will be commenced on the line at onc The line will run from Fourteenth and East (Grand avenue almost due north to Marqulavllle through an almost perfectly level country to a number of mining camps north of this city. The time of the run between Colfax and this city on the interurban is to be reduced twenty minutes each, making an hour and twenty minutes for the round trip Instead of two hour. . Men flhonld Carry Parnsola. Dr. George M. Chappell, director of the government weather bureau In thl city, Is an advocate of men carrying paraaola. He declare that there 1 no reason for men leaving the comfort to the women and states that If more men carried para aola there would be leaa sunstrokes. Ho calls' attention to the greater custom In the east for men to carry sunshades, th progress to low shoes for men and thin stockings, belts instead of suspenders and other changes, and predLcta that In a few years there will be an adoption by tho men of parasols, as protection from th sun in summer. Jnne, the Month for Health. Nature, as if realising the frying effect the sultry day of July and August hay upon humanity, precedes them with ' th healthiest month of all the year. In which the system may fortify Itself against dis ease. Every family ahmild follow the ex ample set by nature and be prepared for cholera morbus and diarrhoea by procuring a supply of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine has never been known to fall in any case of this kind and Is almost certain to be needed before the summer Is over. Buy It now. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today la Nebraska, and Sooth Dakota. Warmer In Weatrrn Por tlonFnlr Tomorrow. WASHINGTON; June ID. Forecast of the weather for Monday and Tuesday. For Nebraska and South ' Dakota Fair Monday, warmer In western portion; Tues day, fair. For Iowa Fair Monday and Tuesday. Loral Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, June 10. Official record of tem perature and. precipitation compared with the corresponding, day ,uf tfte, past threo rears: I!" 19G. 1B. Maximum temperature. X" i ' 78 r Minimum temperature.... 6 , M Mean temperature ...w ,rtt IJi.M Precipitation ,ev.., ,. . .14 , T T Temnerature and crecloitation dSDarturea from the normal at Omaha' since March 1. and comparison with th last two year: " Normal temperature 70 Deficiency for the day I Total deficiency since March ,J, Jn Ik Deficiency for the day.. 1 Inch Normal precipitation llmhrdliiu Total rainfall since March , 1.. 1. 00 inches Deficiency since March 1 I TS inches Deficiency for cor. period. 19061 2.! Inches Exc.eaa for cor. period, 1904 2 Inch Reports from Station at. T P. M. Station and State. Temp. Max. Rain- of Weather. ; 7,p. m. Temp. fall. Bismarck, clear Cheyenne, cloudy ...i. 74 Chicago, clear ..i ....54., Davenport, partly cloudy.. 7 7 Wi 7 M lenver, cloudy "S" Havre, partly cloudy..... M Helena, cloudy 70 Huron, cloudy , 72 Kansas City, clrar-T North Platta. dear ,74- Omaha, clear 74 Rapid City, partly cloudy. 70 St. Ixuits, clear 74 St. Paul, clear.. 74 ' fait I .eke City, cloudy.. 78 , Valentine, cloudy , 72 Wllllston, raining '. (0 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster 7 82 8 7 74 K2 78 78 .00 .00 .00 .00 .08 T .00 .00 .00 .00 .on .011 .00 .1)0 .01 MEDICAL OPINIONS OF 57 Talking machines of all makes and any thing In that line for sale at Bourlclus Piano House, S35 Broadway, where the or gan stands upon the building. CENTRAL FLOURn-li. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat Market, Don't forget that 1 have fln spring and summer suits from CO to $26. E. S. Hicks. Velvet Ice cream for your Sunday din ner or party. Always please. Brick Ice cream delivered and packed In Ice. Purity Candy Kitchen. Tel. (74. N. T. Plumbing Co. TL 2W. Night. Se W. 8. Hewetson for house painting. Get estimates on Interior or exterior work. LeCerta For wedding gifts In solid silver and cut glass. Kimball Broa. Win Snlt. The district Jury In the suit of the Kim ball Bros, company against th Cttlsen's Gaa and Electric company, which Went out Saturday noon, brought In a verdict Bun day morning at lit o'clock In favor of th plaintiff tympany for alleged failure ut Everybody 1 delighted to a nicely decorated roonv right up In styla, restful and pleasing to the ye, wall paper well matched and of the latest designs. It is easy to get thes point If you figure with us and at strictly moderate price. W ar satisfied w can pleas you If you let us furnish th wall paper. W guarantee th work to be done right. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass Co. New location. Merrlam block. Frelarht (ar en Fire. A burning freight car on the tracks of the Great Western, near Eleventh street and Tenth avenue, gave th fir department a run at i o'clock Sunday morning. Th department got a wrong call and went to nitb avenue and Eleventh street, a her Only three clips of wool remain unsold In thla county, those of John E. Osborne, the Standard Meat and Live Stock com pany and John Robertson of Sulphur. These clips will probably be consigned. The and th cattle exhibit hav led all other. Thi year there are a number of new de parture announced In the horse depart ment and the entries already exceed the total of any other year. The horse de- Cosgrlff Bros.' clip, consisting of over 1.000 partment bida fair to eclipse that of th bags, Is piled up at Fort Steele. The prices cattle and the horse barns will be mors received for the Carbon county wool this than full. The premium nave been ln- year waa the highest ever paid for Wyom ing wool in thla section. The wool was as good as the best ever grown here. Flock masters are now paying more attention to breeding for fine wool, and the fleece will improve in quality from now on. Narrow Bscnpe from poisoning, catfsed by constipation, had any age, owned and bred creased and a number of new premiums offered and the especial pride of the de partment 1 special championship offer of gold medals for Clydesdale and Per cherons. The American Clydesdale asso ciation Is offering- three silver cup for th best stallion, any age; the best mare, any age, and the best group of five animals. by exhibitor. Mrs. Young, Clay City. N. Y. Dr. Kina's New Life Pills cured her. 26 cts. For sal by Sherman at McConnell Drug Co.' The Percheron Society of America give four gold medal, for the best stallion, any age; the best stallion, any age, bred In America; the best mare, any age, bred in America, and the best group of flv animal American bred. The Percheron Three Year for Rxprea Robbery. RAWLINS. Wyo., June 10. (Special.) George Amos, son of a highly respected I Registry company give three gold medala family at Hanna. was aentenced to three I as first prize and three reserve ribbons yeara In the penitentiary her yesterday, a second prizes for bet stallion, any age; Amoa pleaded guilty to robbing the Pacific I best mare, any age, and best group of express office st Fort Steele of (50. 9, ANT1CO AN Arrow IPfCS (MINI tNis asoM CkUf TT, unci mm ouaihi tin a is csnis saom ; s so s csmt CkUfTT, S(oV a CO. five animal belonging to exhibitor. It la the Intention In tlm to make the horse exhibit a veritable horse show and on of th biggest and best part of th fair, DIAenlty Over Snpervlaor Law. Already difficulty I being had over tha new law affecting the election of super visors. The biennial elections lav changed elections to biennially Instead of annually. Supervisors were heretofoie elected for three-year period and at tha last session of th legislature a howl want up every time It was suggested to mak the term of office of any class of officer longer than at present. There was also strenuous objections to shortening th term. A a result th attempt waa mad to leave th tsrms of uprvlr thro year, in spit of th fact that leotlon I ar held every two year. A a result I in lent casts supervisors muit bt ltctei t i i i s i i i i Experience " Fully Demonstrates the Value of Buffalo Lithia Water as a Solvent of Uric Acid, and a Valuable Thera--- peutic Agent in the Treat- ment of Gout." L. H. Warner, A. M., Ph. G., M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. In a paper an titled "TbTratmentof Uout, Urlo AolU Diatbeais aod auper-lnduoed Cystitis in toe eases of two Idlosy noratlo patients," give full clinical note of tbee interesting ease, and lo a lecture bofor tb recent meeting of the Alabama Medical Assuolalioa showed atereoplleon v" of tuablood and urlu of these patient In dldsrsol stage of im- mr good results from the us of Buffalo litiiiaVater bY" tism du to Urlo Aold intoxication ld m to suggest this agent to my patients. Tha stricted and a full half gallon of CUFFALO LlHflAY&TER ordsred to be taken. I waa more than surprised at tb amount of Urlo Acid aaod eliminated with nob urination, and three week from tb bepclnnlDg of treatment not a tree of tb aad In four month, with Buffalo LinnAVAiTR catioa used. wnnd an inereaseof 6 Hemoglobin, AW.UUU red cell and a normal oouot of white cell, white tb urlo appear without any pathological factor. Thes oases fully demon BUFFALO LITHIAYZATER &&1521&E?!i fittf treats ant of Oeut." "THE MOST RELIABLE SOLVENT IN CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OPTMB BLADDER , AND RENAL CALCULI." Loula C. Horn, M. D., Ph. D., Proftuorof Ditto of Child rn and Derma totogi in BaUimnrs Vmvrr- fv. - A ,- a lo my praotlo la lily, write: "Having used UUCrillAJ lei 1 llia WA1 Lit tb past eight or Bin year. I find II tb most pleasant aud meet rcliahle solvent la Chronic tnflamm. ties el tne Bladder aad Renal Calculi I also la gouty and rheumatic eouditmas. it is a ' rsatsey el great petsacy." UNDER A DEBT OP ORATITL'DB TO THIS M05T EXCELLENT WATER FOR WONDERFUL RELIEP." J Win, C. Wile, A.M., M.O., LL. D., f Danbury, Omn., reports the following iyw Kngtand Utiiicul Uonlhly, iMosmber 16, lssa): "In a r-ut outbreak of Nephritic ferToe BUFFALO LITMA V&fER , 1Z?X?ZJZ ulckly nested, and the debris wbicb followed showed a thorough cleaning or the kleueys and bladder of all foreig a substance. All of the reflex rv uiploin aud sequelae sr promptly relxved, aod w feel under a dsp debt of graiilud to thi must txuei. tout water for wonderful relist." Voluminous medloaj testimony on requMb For sale by tb general njug asal IsjBflluetal iratef Wad. Hotol at Sprint opens June iStta. ' - . PROPRIETOR BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINQS, VA. .