Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Lon Drivei Corns Whs. Buei Are Full of
Omhi Drops Aootner to tho Hostile;
Holme Ranch AK Maklac a
Hard Fight for Ike
Gam. I
LINCOLN, Neb., June .Llneoln cap
tured another same from Omaha today, the
core resulting 7 to I, chiefly by virtue of
superior stick work In the pinches. Corns
was batted out of the box In the third
a and Koukalik, who replaced him, was
touched up In lively fashion. Thomas led
fn. the hitting- tor Lincoln, driving the ball
6ver the fence for a homer and later land
lug for a two bagger, sending In five run.
Welch of Omaha also laced out a homer,
but the bases were empty. Jones pitched
a steady game for Lincoln and held his
opponents safe A fast double play by
Qulllln, Thomas and Barton, and a one
hand catch by Jonea of a line drive from
Carter's bat were the fielding features.
AB. R. H. PO. A.
TTr-ss. c ....
Free-se. c . .
Jackson, p
Totals .,
1 0
I 24
0 8 0 0 0 4 -7
Hloux City 10101000 08
Sacrifice hit: Randall. Two-base hit;
Freese. Three-bsss hit: Meyers. Home
run: Reddlck. Stolen bases: B-lden. J.
Bmlth. t'sssed bsll: llrm. Wild pitch:
Jackson. First base on balls: Off Engle.
2; off Jackson. I. Struck out: By Kngle,
4; by Jsckson, 2. Double plays: Meyers
I unassisted), Newton to Meyers. Left on
bases: Denver, 8; Sioux City, I. Time:
1:36. Umpire: Davis.
standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost,
Flllmaru as S . 1
Holmes, If 4 1
Qulllln. lb.. '4 1
Ketchum, cf...... . 4 2
Thomas, lb..', 1 1
Collins, rf 2 0
Barton, 2b 8 ' 0
Ztnran, o 2 0
J. Jones, p 4 0
Carter. If
. Bender, 2b
Bnaeey, If
Welch, cf
Dolan. 1b
Howard, ss
Barring, lb
Oondlng, c ,
Corns, p ,
Koukalik, p.....
S 27
AB. R. H. PO.
. 4T J
. Totals
Qulllln out for
7 23 12
bunt third ynck, rf . .' j
Bee. cf t l l
01402000 -7 Toni'r. a....l 1 0
011000100-3 ,b " ! ,1
: Home runs: Thomas, Welch. Two-base jackaon, ' If..! 4 l
hits: Thomas, Perrlng. Sacrifice hits: Col- Bradley! b..4 t I
11ns. Stolen bases: Thomas, (2); Barton, nark, e 1 t
Welch. Double plays: Qulllln to Thomas Rnoadee. p .. 4 o
to Barton. Bases on Daws: urt jones i;
off Koukalik, 6. Hit by pitched ball: By
Jones, 1; by Corns, 2. Struck out; By Jones,
5; by Koukalik, 4. Time of game 1:26.
Umpire: Fuller. Attendance 2,500.
Pneblo Ontbats Des Molaea.
PUEBLO, Colo., June 9. The Indians
outbatted Cantlllon s Champions this aft
Des Moines 16 22 12
Omaha 15 1 16
Sioux City 34 IX 17
Denver 17 It 1
Lincoln 14 1. 1
Pueblo : 14 10 25
Games today: Lincoln at Omaha, Des
Moines at Pueolo, Kinox City at Denver.
Philadelphia that Oat St. I.ool la a
Sensational Coatest.
8T. LOIIS. Mo., June . With every
break in the lurk against hlin. Qladd
pitched great ball against Philadelphia to
day, losing, 3 to 0. Sensational catches,
resulting In double plays, saved Plank on
two occasions. Score:
B.H.O.A.g. B.H.O.A.g.
H.rteet, If... 4 1 4 Stone. If I 0 1
04 H.mehlll, ll. I I I M
t I 1 0 Jonea. lb 4 1 I t
OO'Brle. Ib.. I 0 t 0 "
4 11 0 Waliare. m.. I 4 I I 4
tilt ONIIee. rf 1 0 14 l
t 1 I 6 0 HartMll, lb.. I t I 1
114 1 OOlonsor, o . 1 l 7 I 0
1 1 4 1 OOlede. p I 4 4
Koehler, rf... 1 1 t 1 0
80 4 17 14 0
Totala...... t4 k 17 14 4
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12
St. Louis 000000O0 00
Karned runs: Philadelphia, 2. Home run:
Davis. Sacrifice hits: plank, O'Connor t;!i.
Double plays: Davis to cross. Jrturpny
(unassisted). Stolen bases: O'Brien, Kuignt,
Koehler. First base on balls: Off Glade,
1; off Plank, 4. Struck out: Ry Olaiie, ;
by Plank, 6. Left on bases: fct. Louis. 6;
Philadelphia, 1. Time: 1:45. Umpires:
Evans and Connolly.
Cleveland Wins 04 F.rrors.
CLEVELAND, O., June D. Cleveland de
feated Washington, 2 to 1, scoring Its three
runs on errors by Srnltn ami ochlafly In
the first Inning. After that Cleveland was
unable to score. Washington was saved a
shutout by Hickman, who made a home
run. Score:
B.H.O.A.g. B.H.O.A.E.
Armbrat'r. cf 4
Derle, lb. .. I
serbold. rf.. 4
Murphr. lb... 4
froea. aa I
Knlaht, lb... I
powers, e.... I
Plank, p 1
Windy City National! Win First Gam
Flayed In City of Churches.
Alpermaa Brlags la Thre Haas
In Sixth Inning a ad I siplr
Declares tha Ball
BROOKLYN. June 9. Th Chicago
team played Its first game of the season
here today and shut oat tha locals, 2 to
0. In the sixth Inning, with tha bases
filled. Alperman hit to left for threa bases,
bringing in three runs for Brooklyn, but
t'mplre Johnstone decided the ball foul
and the players went back to their bases.
Lewis then struck out. Score:
Batteries: Lyrics. Johnson
Sluggers, Rourke and leng
ths Lyrics,
snd Keiley;
Flaherty Wlaa His Own ;n front
Kaaaaa City with Home Raa Hit.
COLT.'MBfS, O., June . Flsherty. who
held Kansas City to four scattered hits,
won his game after two were out In the
eight with a homer over the right field
fence. Score: ,
BH.O.A.g. B.H.O.A.B.
Plrkorlns. cf4 4 1 0 4 Petrlne. at... 4 4 114
WrUtley. lb . I 4 1 I 4('awadr, If... I 4 4 4 4
Hlnrhman, rf I 4 14 lWaldron, rf..l 4 1 1 4
Klhm. lb 1 111 1 SSiattary. lb.. 4 lit 4 t
Coulter, If. 1. I 10 Hill, rf t 4 4 4 4
FWI. b I 4 I I I Phyla, lb I 4 I 7 4
Httl.wllt. as. I a 4 4 I Burke. Ib... 1 lilt
neherty, p
ll.Sle. cf.... I, rf. I
S'holte, rf... 4
Change, lb... 4
BlelnfeMt, tb 4
Tinker, aa..,. I
Kt-er.. 3b 4
Kllnf. 4
kulbach, p. 4
114 SriMjr, Ik 4 t I
I I 9 4 Batt-h. If ( 1 1 4 4
1 4 4 Lttreley, rf.... I 4 t 4 1
1 14 4 JSrdan, lb... 4 1 II 4 4
111 4 Maionee, c(..4 1 I 4 4
1114 Bergen, e I 4 7 4 4
111 4Alpermas. Sb. 4 0 1 1 1
0 4 14 Lewie, aa 4 4 t 4 4
4 4 11 strlcklett, p.. I 1 0 14
4 aSrhlaSy. lb., t 1 t 1 1
1 Andcraoa, If. I 4 1 4 u
4 ocroia, lb i 4 I I o
4 V Hickman, lb. 4 I 1 4 4
4 A HI Mr, aa... 1114 0
4 UStanlay, rf... 4 V 4 0 4
1 Uon, e' I 4 0 1
0 k H.ydon, c... I 0 1 0 0
1 Utinilth. p I 4 0 I 1
Wlillama. lb. 9 4 1 0 0
Totals II I 17 11 0
Totala II 4 14 II I
Cleveland 30000000
Washington 00000010 01
First base on errors: Cleveland, 1. Home
run: nicaman. tmorinco nils: Turner.
Ljuie, Anderson.
Stolen bases: Flick.
!.,... . . I ..... . - . T ) . . . 1 .. . . . .
:.nK"d. nl"1. C-r-To ShTany 7.
on oans: utt smith, l. Lett on baaea:
series by a score of 11 to 9. The feature
or the hitting was Meicnior a work, wno
connected for two singles, a pair of two
Backers and one three-bagger. McQUvray
also distinguished himself, securing three
safe ones, including a home run. Score:
AB. R. ' H. PO. A. E.
Cook. If 4 1 1.4 0
McGllvray, lb 4 4 3 10 2
Shugart, Zb t 1 0 3 1
Melchlor, rf. .......... $16 1 0
Blake, ef S 0 0 1 0
Elwert, 3b 4 3 111
Fluke, ss 4 0 2 2 -2
Messltt, C ... 4 11 4 1
Minor, p. , 4 1 , 1 i 0 4
Morrison, p.. ........ 0 0 0 0 1
. Totals 17 11 1 27 14
Cleveland, 1; Washington, . Struck out:
By Rhoades, 2: by bmltn, 2. Time: 1:2.
umpire: u Loughiln.
New Vork Wins from Chicago.
CHICAGO. June . New York won to
day a game from Chicago. Z to 1. Altrock Bam, cf..
gave two passes whlon aeveioped Into runs Howard, lb.
tecaus nits rouowea tnem. unicago ioian. n
bunched their hits in the sixth, but couiU I ron.
not overcome New ork a leal. ricjors;
NEW, YORK. "' '3 CattOAti ''
B.H.O.A.g. - , B.H.O.A.g.
Kaelar. rf. ,.!. I
Conroj, aa.,.. 4
Cbaaa,. lb .1
Laoorto. Sb. ti 4
0 Wlillama lb. 4
Dtlehantr, if 4
HoSmaa, et,. 4
4 10 OHaks, If 4 I 4 4
CafTyn, If
O'Leary, 8b....
Welday, cf....
Dexter, lb
Towne, o
Hogriever, rf..
Andreas, sa....
Magoon, 2b....
McKay, p
Miller, p
AB. R. H. PO.
0 110
3 0 2 1
0 3 3 0
3 3 3 1
13 4.0
0 113
11 4 1
1 I 0 1
1 10 2
14 24 13
4 S- 4 Jonas, cf 1 9 1
0 19 0 DaTla. aa I 0 I
Ills laball, lb.... 401
111 OUooohu. Ik.. 4 4 11
110 OO'Nalll, rf.... 4 10
114 OgulllTMl, c. ! I
Klalnow, e... 1 0 4 1 OTaanablll, lb 4 I 4
Clarkaoo. p., I 0 0 1 4 Altrock, p.... I 0 1
'Hart .....'..1 0 0
Touia II I II I .
. . Totala 14 1 17 17 4
Batted for Altrock la ninth.
New York
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 O-l
Left on bases: Chicago, 12; New York,
o. Two-oaes nits: Mann ui, Laporte (J)
Delehanty, Sullivan. Three-base hit: Con-
roy. Sacrifice hits: Jones, Kleinow. Stolen
bases: O'Neill. Tannehlll. Jones. Struck
out: By Altrock, I: by Ciarason, 6. First
Totals II 1 17 I 1 Totala II 4 17 II I
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-bae hit: Chance. Three-base
hits: Hlagle, heckard. Sacrifice hit:
Tinker. titolen bases: Evers, Malon.
Left on bases: Chicago, 7; Brooklyn, If).
First base on balls: off Strlcklett, 2; oft
Reulbach, . Struck out: By 8trickleti,
; by Reulbach, 4. Time: 2:05. Umpire;
New York Wlaa from Cincinnati.
NEW YORK, June . The New York
and Cincinnati game today was inter
rupted by rain In the early part, but was
resumed. With two of ttie iocal team out
in the seventh the game was called on
account of darkness. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.g.
Brranahan. cf 4 1 I 0 9 Hucslna, lb.. I I I 0 0
Browne, rf . .. 4 0 1 0 Barrr. lb 1 0 1 0 1
MrOann. lb.. 1 0 10 1 o Kallay. If a I 1 0 n
Mvrtra, If I 1 0 0 Seymour. cf..I 9 1 0 0
bahlen, aa.... I 0 17 9 Delehanty, tb I 0 0 0 0
Delln, lb.... I lot OCorcoran. aa. 1 1 1 I 1
(liltort. lb... I III aOowell. rf....I 1 1 I l
Powerman.e .1111 aSrhiei. e t n i l n
l ay lor, p.... I 1 o a wicker. D...4 0 4 1 0
Totala 17 7 II IS 0 Totala II 4 4 I
Two out when game was called.
New York l J 0 0 0 0 3 7
Cincinnati 0 o 0 0 0 1 0 1
Left on bases: Cincinnati K- Now Vorir
t. First base on balls: Off Taylor, 1; off
n ivaer, a. mrucK out: Hy Taylor, 1: by
Wlf'Ker. S. Twn-hlM hlla- Ihirrln,
jvfnry. loien oases: juresnanan ii)
McQann, Mertea, Schlel. Time: 2:10
umpires: Conway and O'Day.
Boston Breaks l.oalag Streak.
BOSTON. June 8. Boston broke Its loslna-
irr dv winning irom Bt. Louis todav
to 3. Karger Was batted out of the box
In the sixth Inning snd Gradv was nut
out of the game for protesting a decision
in me eigntn. Bmoot s ' batting was thu
leaiure. Hcore:
B.H.O A.K. B.H.O.A.B
.tool 0 BeiiBett. Ib .l till
.4 111 4 4 Shannon, if.. I 1 1 0 0
.4111 9 Snoot, of.... 4 S I 10
.114 4Bikley, lb.. I 1 11 1 1
.I91S 1 Marahall, rf .S 1144
.114 4 Hoelkt'r, lb. I 1 1 I I
.41114 Raub. e I 4 I 1 0
.1 1 1 4 40rady, c 14 114
. I 11 I 0 McCarthy, a.. 4 4 0 0 0
McBrtda, as.. 4 0 I 9
.11 117 14 lKargar. p.... 1 1 0 S 0
Brown, p....: 14 0 14
flood If....
Tenney. lb.
Brain, lb...
Strobal, aa.
Dornar, p..
.,14144 Sulllran.
..1144 awnn. p.
"rranla ..
.14 I 17 II 4 'Leahy ...
.10 4 14
,1 4 4 4 4
.1 4 0 0 0
II 4 14 14 0
Chicieo Cohool Wini the Intencholutio
Athletio Meet.
C. Freeaey of Ida Grove High School
Makes New Pole Vaalt Beeord
Detroit achool la
Bstted for Hill In ninth.
Batted for 8wann In ninth.
Columbus 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 -2
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o o-l
Sacrifice hits: Blue. Cassady. Phyle.
Bases on balls: Off Flaherty, 2: off Swanu,
L Two-base hit: Sullivan. Home run:
Flaherty. Double plays: Burke, rnyie to
Slsttery; Perrlne. Phyle to filattery. Struck
out: By Flaherty, 4; by Swsnn. 2. Time:
l:!f7. Umpire: Sullivsn.
Toledo Wlaa la Ninth.
Tm.Enn June . Tlmelv stickwork lit
the ninth gave Toledo the first of the
series with Milwaukee. Sensational field
ing was frequent. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B rl.u.A a.
Nanee. cf 1
T. Clarke. If I 1
Demont. aa. .. I 1
Jude. rf S I
Kruecer, lb.. S 4
Knabe. lb... I 1
W. Clarke, lb 4 1
Abbott, e I 1
allien, p I 4
Suttboff, p... I 1
1 Robinson, aa. B
9 Green, rf I
9 H. Clark, lb. 1
OBateman, lb-p 4
9 Hemphill, of. 4
0 BeTllle. t... . 4
nMrCheeney, If 4
1 MrOrnVk. lb I
0 Hlmee. lb S
0 Curtis, p I
St. Louis.;
Sacrifice hits:
Two-base hits:
Three-base hit:
4 -111 son. 4. Hit with ball: Davis, Hahn. Time:
l 1 S l b(. umpire: uneridaji.
Flake. Detroit Wins la Eleventh.
Totala 40
Pueblo 1 110 110
Des Moines 0 3 1 3 0 0 1
Sacrifice hits: Cook, Shugart,
Hogriever. Andreas. Two-base its: Mel
chlor (2), Elwert. Three-base hits: An
dreas, Elwert, Welday, McKay, Melchlor,
Miller. Home run: McQUvray. First
base on balls: Oft Minor, 4; off McKay, 2;
off Miller, 3. Struck out: By Minor, 3.
Hit by pitched ball: By McKay, 2. Double
plays: Andreaa to Magoon to Dexter: El
wert to McOilvray to Flske. Let on tnrlav Score
Kama... T3..KtM ft. T 1 , . i . ... j . I
.... o, . . uruiU, V , LJCW 4VlUHlt-H. O. 1 1 1 1 C
2:16. Umpire: Keefe. Attendance: 650.
Denver Wins In Two Innings.
DENVER, Colo., June . By bunching
hits, with Sioux City's errors In the first
and eighth Innings. Denver scored seven
runs and won handily. With the score Coushlin, lb. I I o i o Hey don, rf
ilea in tne eigntn. Keadick smashed a
single to right which Frost let get away
for a homer. Jackson then blew up In
disgust and four runs came in. Except in
tne first and eighth, Jackaon had tha Orla
slles guessing. The fielding feature was a
magnificent running catch in deep right
center by Tate, who took In the ball aa it
went sailing over hla head. Score:
Totala 11 I 14 10 4
00010101 0 s
Dolan, Beckley, Dorner.
Smoot (2), Marahall.
Strobel. Stolen bases:
Brain, Berkley, Howard. Double play:
Karger, Raub and Beckley. Hits: Oif
Karger, 9 In six Innings. First base on
halls: Off Dnrnpr. 3! nff Karmmr -i nff
... 00100100 02 Brown. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Howard.
Tenney, Marshall. Struck out: By Dor
ner. 7; by Brown. 2. Passed ball: Brown.
Time: 2:10. Umpire: Carpenter.
Qaakers Forfeit to Pirates.
Kiem was moonea oy tne crowa ror award
Totala K I 17 IS 2 Totala 14 ! 4 4
One out when winning run aiored.
Toledo 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 B
Milwaukee 0 0 2 0 10 10 0 i
Sacrifice hits: H. Clark, Nance. Two
base hits: Oreen. McChesney. Jurte. Stolen
bases: Nance, W. Clarke, Jude, Krueger.
Struck out: By Glllen, 1; by Curtis,
bv SuthofT. 1. First base on balls: Off
Bnteman, 3; off Olllcn. 5; off Curtis, 4;
off Suthoff, 1. Hits: Off Bateman, 4 in
three Innings; off Curtis, 4 in four and
one-third Innings: off Olllen, 4 in five in
nings; off Suthoff, 4 In four innings. Time:
2:00. Umpire: Haskell.
Distillers Defeat Millers.
LOUISVILLE. June 9. Louisville dc
fested Minneapolis today In a hard-litttln
game. Both teama fielded loosely. Wood
ruffs batting was the feature. .Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.g.
Hallman, If . 5 I I 0 tDnli, cf S 0 10 1.
Rtovall. cf... I 110 t Freeman, lb. 4 1 II I 1
Braehear, tb. 4 1 1 4 4 Hart. If ( 1 I 0 4
Sullivan, lb.. I I 0 0 OOremtnser, lb 4 1 4 1 4
Kerwln. rf ..I 4 4 9 1 Graham. rf..S 110 4
Woodruff, lb. 4 4 11 OOyler, aa I 1 I 4 I
thaw, a .4 1 I 0 0SIaiinou. e... 4 14 10
Qiitr.lan, aa... 4 1 1 I 1 Fo. lb 4 0 I 1
Kanna, p 4 1 4 I OGehrlnc. p... 1 0 0 I 0
Cadwal'der. p 9 0 0 0 9
Totala 40 14 V 10 4 Ford, p 1 1 4 14
'. Totala 49 0 17 I 4
Louisville 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 1 414
Minneapolis ...00060000 0 &
Two-base hit: Stovall. Stolen bases.
Woodruff (2), Brashear CI), Sullivan,
Graham. Sacrifice hits: Hallman. Quln-
lan. Double play: Greminger to Free
man. First base on balls: Off Kenna, 3;
off Gehrlng, 2: off Cadwallader, 2. Struck
out: By Kenna, 2; by Gehrlng, 2; by Ford,
2. Hit by pitched ball: Brashear, Kenmi,
Oyler. Hits: Off Gehrlng. 6 In three Mi
nings; off Cadwallader, 1 In one-third f
an Inning; off Ford. In live and two-
thirds Innings. lert on bases: iouia
vllle, 7; Minneapolis. 3. Time: 1:60. Um
pires: Owen and Kane.
, Hooalera Win from taints.
INDIANAPOLIS. June 9. Indianapolis
defeated St. Paul today in a loosely-played
game. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.B.
114 4
I 14 I 1
14 10
114 1
14 11
0 0 0 0
17 10
0 0 4 1
0 1 S 0
CHICAGO. June . Lewis institute
athletes won the fifth annual Inter
scholastic track and field games here this
afternoon after a series of exciting con
tests in which two national records ami
half a doxen local marks were bettered.
The lorsl school counted L'S points. De
troit University school was second, with
17 v: Detroit Central High third, with 14,
and Morgan Park academy fourth, with
1 1 H - Scholastic champions from, eleven
states were entered, the results being
generally accepted as determining the
western championships.
New national records were established
In the discus throw and the pole vault, i
In the former event H. Glffen. Jollet, III.,
hurled the classic weight 122 feet 44
Inches. The former record was held by
Everett, Pontiac, 111., at 116 feet 2 Inches.
The new pole vault record went to
Freeney, who represented the high school
of Ida Grove. la. He cleared 11 feet 34
Inches, bettering the mark made iwo years
ago a trlfl over two Inches.
In the other events the well-balanced
teams of the first three schools foiged
steadily ahead. When the last event: the
two-mile run was called Detroit Univer
sity achool had a chance to nose out Lewis
Institute, but Page of the local school took
second to Ben Oltel of Ann Arbor after ;
hard race and the three points put Mi
Lschool out of danger.
Four places counted in the summaries, the
points being scored 5. 8. 2 and 1, In cder.
The summaries:
8X0 Yard Dash M. Jones. Pillsbury acad
emy. Owatnnna, Minn., first: A. W. Bohn
sac, Lake View, Chicago, second; O. Page,
Lewis Institute, Chicago, third; R. Hunter,
Rockford, III., fourth. Time: 2:04H.
Shot Put, Twelve Pounds Sampson,
Petersburg, 111., first; Horner. Grsnd Rnp
Uls, Mich., second; Kckhart. Culver Military
academy third; Bcnbrook, Morgan Park,
fourth. Distance: 3 feet 1 Inch.
100 Yard Danh Final heat. Wideman. De
troit Central High school, first; Kvans,
Napervllle, III., second; Horden, Wendell
Phillips, third; Mills, Morgan Park, fourth.
Time: 0:10V.
130 Yard Hurdle Final heat. Torrey. De
troit University school, first; Patterson, De
troit University school, second; Mlnton,
Kansas city Central High school, third;
(Yalg, Detroit Central High school, fourth.
Time: 0:Vi.
Running High Jump Patterson. Detroit
University school, P.iln)er. Morgsn Park
academy, and Stevens, Unlversltv high,
Chicago, tied for first place; Washburn,
h-vanston, 111., fourth. Height: 5 feet 9
Discus Throw Glffin, Jollet. 111., first;
Tslbot, Manual Training, Kansas Citv. sec
ond; Regan, Culver Military scademv.
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$1.50 AND $2.50
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P. 8.
Vlsaan, rf.... 1
1. Carr. aa.. I
Hlmea. cf.... I
C. Carr, lb. . 4
Atherton, lb. 4
Perrr, If I
Holmes, e.... 4
Marcan. lb... I
Cromler. p... 4
base on balls: 6ff' Altrock, 2; off Clark- today's game to Pittsburg In the
eighth Inning. The locals claimed they
could not see the ball. Pittsburg made
seven ruas tn the eighth, apparently duo
to intentional miapiays. fittinger was
DETROIT, June J. Boston drove Dono- ordered out for refusing to pitch. Mc
van from the box In the ninth, making the Closkey and Lush In turn pitched wildly
score a tie, and went anead in the eleventh and there was no prospect of retiring the
on Parent's hit and hla dash from aecond side, sb Klem forfeited the game. On
to the plate on Selbach s bunt. In its the way to the dressing room Klem was a
halt Detroit filled the basea on two Infield target for cushions and soft drink bottles,
hits and a pass, and won on Coughlln's I Duffy and Dooln were ordered of tha
single to lett. uoinns joined nia team
McHale, cf ..
T. Smith, 2b
Randall, rf ..
Zalusky, lb ..
Heddlck. lb ..
Belden. It ....
J. Smith, sa .
Welgardt, c .
Engle, p
AB. A.
.. 4
H. JO.
8 0
Totala 33 7 12 27 13
AB. A. H. PO. A.
Campbell. If 4 13 8 0
Noblitt. ct 1 0 0
Frost, rf 2 0 0 0 0
Meyers, lb 3 18 9 1
Weed, ib 4 0 111
Tate, ct 4 0 0 1 0
Newton, ss 4 113 3
Sheehart. lb t 0 1 i 0
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Jonea, ef 4 4 1 4 0 Parent, ...... 4 1114
Llndaar. lb.. 4 0 1 I ORtanl. rf I 1 1
Crawford, lb. I I 11 1 1 urlmenaw. lb 4 I II
Mrlntyre, If.. 4 lis 0 Balbax-h. If... I I I
Cobb, rf 4 1 4 0 0 rreemao, Ib. 4 1 I
4 11
O'Leary. aa..l 4 4 4 1 Ferrla, Ib.... 4 1
Warner, a.... 4 III e. 4 1 4
Donor.n, p.. I 1 1 4 4 Yount. p I 0 0
Kllilan, p.... 4 4 0 1 0 Winter, p.... 1 0 0
-Ulaie i 1 o
Total. 40 1ISI141
Touts 41 1IS1 II 1
'Winning run made with one out,
Batted for Young In ninth.
Detroit 100814)0000 3-7
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 1-4
Hits: Off Donovan in nine innings. 11
oft KUUan in two Innings, 2; off Young In
eignt innings, iu; on winter in three In
nlnga, 1. Two-base hits: Heydon, Glase.
Three-baas hits: Cobb, Freeman, Ferris
Sacrifice hits: Lindsay, O lary, Stalil,
field. Score:
Beaumont, cf. I
Oanley, rf... I
0 I Clarke, if.... 4
1 4 natner, aa. .. 4
t 0 Naalon, Ib... I
1 l Leach, lb.... 4
0 4 Rltrher, lb.. I
1 0 Phelpa, e 4
I 1 Willie, p I
4 0
4 4
"4a. J
Selbach. Stolen bases: Mclntyre (2). First I Umpire: Klem.
Due on Dams; Vll uuhuyku, , uu,
1; off Young. 3: off Winter, 1. Left on
baaea: Detroit. 4: Boston. 4. Double clays
Lindsay to O'Leary to Crawford, Donovan
to o Leary to wamer. neiDacn to xoung.
Grlmabaw to Freeman. Time; 2;12. Um
pires: Hurst and Connor.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 46 29 14 .146
Cleveland 2 l -u
Philadelphia 44 M 18 M
4 24 22 .6J2
42 19 28 .462
46 14 29 .366
47 13 34 .277
flames today: Philadelphia at St. Louis,
New York at Chicago.
0 4 4 4Tbomaa. ef... 1 0 I 1 e
0 0 0 OOleaeoa. Tb... 10 4 14
111 0 Courtney, lb. 1 1 14 1 1
1110 M.cee, If.,.. I I 1 0 0
0 4 1 4Tltua. rf I 1 I 4 4
10 1 OSentelle, lb.. 1 1 0 1
111 ODoolln, aa.... I 1 0 1 0
0 110 Dooln, e I 1 1 0
0 11 4 Donovan, c 0 0 I 1 0
PlUlseer. B..I 1 1 I 1
Totala 10 I 10 17 0
Totala 15 121 11 1
One out when game was awarded to
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Left on bases: Pittsburg. 7: Philadel
phia, l. stolen bases: Macee (1). Sen
tene. Two-Daae nit: Kltcney. Kacrince
bit: Rltchey. Struck out: By Pittlnger.
8; by Willis, 2. First base on balls; Off
Pittlnger, 1; off Willis, 2. Passed ball:
Phelpa. Wild pitch: Pittlnger. Hit bv
pitched ball: Nealon, Willis. Time: 2:t0.
Chicago ....
Pittsburg ..
New York .
St. Louis ..
Brooklyn .,
Staadla of tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost,
.... 61
.... 4
.... 40
.... 62
.... 67
.... 40
36 10 .64
10 16 .662
81 18 .631
28 4 .638
22 29 .4.11
20 2 .4119
20 12 1H4
18 36 . 271
St. Louis ...
Chicago ....
Special Sale Hot Weather Two-
Piece. Sulta to Order, 920.
Gose Pressed for Money
Wlfey'g bonnet, new dress and
shoes to match put an earthquake
crimp In your pocketbook?
Feel as if you would like to
save some of that 165 per suit
money that you have been paying
out for the last yearsT
Now, here's our proposition to
you: Come In and take a look at
our No. 7J7S Pembroke Block
Black Worsted. It Is one of ten
exclusive sultinaa that we re
ceived last week from the Hud-
dersfleld District. England. We
will make It to your measure for
40. We will give you cutting
that cannot bo excelled. We will
. that you receive tailoring that
ia flawless. Here Is a chance to
save 120-
Phone Douglaa 1101.
304-309 8. lth BL
Next door to the Wabash Ticket
Hasae Team Wins Firat in . Every
Event and Half ef tha Seconds.
ttr akk T.TN Neb.. June . (Special
Telegram.) Tha annual track meet of
Doane college againsi rranaun academy,
held her today, resuitea in a great vic
tory for the home team. Franklin won
flrat on everv event and fully 60 ter rent
of the seconds. The only event Doane
came close to waa tha nigh Jump. The
final score waa Franklin, 17 points; Doane.
21. A good crowd waa out and the day
waa perfect.
Maay Brrara and Maay Raaa.
ARAPAHOE. Neb.. June 1 (Special Tel.
egram.) Arapahoe beat Orleans yesterday
In a loosely played game In which errors
playad a prominent part, score:
Arapahoe 1 0 4 6 0 4 1 0 0-11
Orleans 1 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 1- t
Hits: Orleans. 11: Arapahoe, T. Errors:
i Orleans, 11: Arapahoe, 1. Struck out: By
Smith. : by Btein, : oy ueitaer, l; by
Bellamy. 1. Tnree-oaae nit: uiein. two.
baas bit: Tanner. Baaea on 'balls: Off
Smith. 1: off Bellamy. 1. Double plays:
Tanner to Patterson. Batteries: Orleans.
Smith, Stein and Wade; Arapahoe, Belt-
i aer, Bellamy and Schoonover.
Springfield Gets In Ike Gaasa.
SPRINGFIELD. Neb.. June 1 (Special
Teiearam.t SDrlngfleld'a newly orsanised
team today won from union, ine nrai
game of base ball piayea nera in two
will be In tha gam the balance of the
aeaaon. Tha score: K.H.K.
Bnrlns-fleld ...4 1 0 1 t 0 All 14 1
Union :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I t 1 7
Batteries: Sorlnarfleld. Pflua. Ruff and
paies: inion, tiarenel snd tat on. Tims:
1:46. Umpire: Ed Fowler.
Boston 41
No gamea scheduled for today.
Oaane at Vtatoa Saaday
Pa Rourke and his Colts will run ud from
IJncoln, bringing Ducky Holmea and his
bunch for a game this afternoon at
Vinton street park. Tha Lincoln team Is
playing splendid ball Just at preaent and
has as fast an Infield aa any In the leaaue.
The work of this part nt the team was
laraelv responsible for the recent success
agalnat Omaha during tha four games
playad nera last ween. The lineup:
Omaha. Position. Lincoln
Dolan First
Long Second
Perrlng Tiurd
Short .
Left ..
Catch ,
t 1 Oeler. aa 4
t .OPueden. lb... 4
0 1 VanZandt. tb 4
o ern.k, if (
4 0 Wheeler, ib. . 4
0 0 Pierce, rf.
0 4 Drill, e
1 Itoy. If
1 OMorian, p.
Totala It 4 IT II 4 Totala IT 4 24 14 4
Indianapolis ..: 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 3 10
St. Paul 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 02
Bases on balls: Off Cromley. 2: off Mor
gan. 1. Struck out: By Cromley, 4; by
Morgan, . Hit by pitched ball: By Mar-
can, Vinson. Two-base hit: Atherton.
Three-base hit: Geler. Sacrifice hits:
Himes, J. Carr, Van Zandt, Cromley, Vin
son. Double plsy: J. Carr, Marcan to C.
Carr. Stolen bases: Vinson, Perry, Oeler.
Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; St, Paul.
1L Time: 2:10. Umpire: Egan.
taadlng of the Teama.
Played. Won. Lost.
won. Belle Brott second. Delia Temple
third. Time: 1:02,.
Third rsce, six furlong : Hasel Thorpe
aon, Dutch Barbara second. The Clunsman
third. Time: 1:18. t ,
Fourth race. Kentucky steeplechase, club
house course, about a mile and three-
quarters: Port warden won. l.ignts uut
second. Manners third, time: s..s.
Fifth race, six furlongs: i.irsie nn.ran
won, Capltano second, iielne third. Time:
Sixth race, six furlongs: Fortunate won,
Roecoe second. Usury third. Time: 1:14.
Seventh race, mile: I ne Minks won. in
tense second, Evie Oreen third. Time:
Valuable Prises Are Offered for Races
Which Begin Tnesday.
HURON. S. D.. June .-(Special.) The
rare meeting to be held here on June 12,
13 and 14 promises to be mi Interesting
evfnt. Already many horses have been
entered and some are now hre. Purees
aggregating 12,0011 will be distributed. On
Tu.dsv will occur Ihe '-': and 2:23 pure
for a purse of $'.'60 In each class. The same
amount Is ofTered for Wednesday s 2:W
trot and 2:17 pace. A free-for-all trot or
pace for a purse of $-'5n will occur on
Thursday on the same day a trot
Tor 1200 and a race for colts, 2 years old
and under, for $.'(. In addition to these
a special 2:26 pace will be added to ac
commodate the big field of horses on the
ground: purse, IlIO. ,
Among horses here are some owned b
Sam Spencer. Watertown; J. V. Hunter.
Omaha; Will Cole, Princeton, Minn., S.
H. Smith. Armour; J. P. Andre 'WS. BelU -dere.
111.; O. H. N wbrou. Des Moines.
O D Cole, Brookings; Peter Holmes Mlnne
apoll's: Dr. E. C. Fisher; T. N. Drue i
Kfi.hoii. itrm Mlesen. St. Paul Fred
The American pliiyer hud the sympathies
of the crowd, but undoubtedly was de
feated on her merits. She played her
usual vigorous gunie In the first set, but
Miss DoukIiiss wits reiuarknlily cool and
secured the set 7-5. In the second set
Miss Sutton tired perceptibly and Miss
lougls. won It 6-2. Miss Sutton generally
whs over ytroiiK in her driving, but sha
probably has gnlneil through her defeat
today experience which will stand her In
Bond stend In the nll-F.naland champion'
Antlers and Fort Omaha.
The Antlers are to play Fort Omaha"
Sunday at 2:W p. m A good name Is ex
petcrd. as both teams have been playing
Home fine gnmes.
Jeffrey, Calumet, mien.; n. r-'".:;'
Oxford, Wis. ; A. A. Boynter. Mitchell O.
B. Oemeny, Fort Riley Kan.; N. Mlllei.
St Paul; C. A. Francois. Redwood h alls,
ftf utonitn ManiR in. a. a .
Toledo 46 28 IS
Columbus 62 2 2A
Milwaukee 4.1 23 20
Kansas City 48 26 21 .
Louisville 47 24 23
Minneapolis 48 24 24
htt. Paul 4 . ID 27
Games today: Kansas City at Columbus,
8t. Paul at Indianapolis, Milwaukee at
Toledo, Minneapolis at Louisville.
Double-Header Sunday.
A double-header game of ball will bo
played Sunday afternoon at Jette park.
South Omaha, the first game between the
Redman Tribe No. 2 or Omaha and Tribe
No. 29 of South Omaha. The second game
will be between Clarke's and Jetters.
The llneuo:
..Catcher ...
. Pitcher ...
.'Second ....
'. Third
Shortstop .
;,Left ftleld.
..Right field
Pitcher ...
Pitcher ...
tniro; Kennacker. Lewis institute, fourth
Distance: 122 feet 4 Inches. New United
States Interscholastlc record.
1 Mile Run Dohmen. West Division,
Milwaukee, first: Hannevan. Detroit Cen
tral, second; Berkstresser, Mount Carroll,
III., third: Brewste. Wheaton, 111., fourth.
Time: 4:394.
?0 Yard Dish Blair, Hammond, Ind , first;
Wideman, Detroit Central High school,
second; Turner, Orlnnell. Ia., third; Bmlth.
Hebron, Ind., fourth. Time: 0:23.
r-oie vault: Kreeney, Ida Orove. Ia..
nrst;.wiice. West Division. Milwaukee,
second; Rennacker Lewis Institute third-
Horner. Grand Rapids. Mich.. fourth.
Height: 11 feet 314 Inches. (New United
States Interscholsstlc record.)
Four hundred and forty-yard run, flret
race: Vlckery, Lewis Institute. Chicago,
first; Harris. West Des Moines." Ia., sec
ond; Hunter. Rockford. Ill,, third; Wood
cock. Detroit University school, fourth.
Time: 0:614-
Two hundred snd twenty-yard hurdle:
Maleomson. Detroit University school,
first; Way. Hyde Park. Chicago, second;
Craig. Detroit Central, third; McMartln.
Vest Des Moines, la fourth. Time: 0:2.
Broad Jump: Nlcholl, Lewis Institute,
Chicago, first; Watson, Lewt Institute,
second: Mills, Morgan Park, third; Ste
vens. Morgan Park, fourth. Distance: 22
feet 7 Inches.
Hammer throw (12 pounds): Tslbott,
Manual Training, Kansss Cltv. first; Samp
son. Petersburg. III., second: Maeomber,
West Des Moines, Ia., third; Vance, Spring
field. 111., fourth. Distance: 186 feet 6Si
Four hundred and fortv-yard run. second
race: Evans. Nanerville. 111., first? Mills.
621 I Morgan Park, second: Nlcholl, Lewis In
;su stitute. third; Bohnsack, Lakevlew, Chl-
luurtn. iime: u:o.i. iNote: Kvent
divided into two races, each counting In
the summary.
Two-mile run: Ben-Ollel. Ann Arbor,
Mich., flret; Page, lewls Institute, second;
Steers. Englewood. Chicago, third; Cooler,
Kansas City, Kan., fourth. Time: 10:13.
Quarter-mile relay race: Detroit Uni
versity school (Maleomson. Vaugh, Wood
cock!, first; Detroit Central High school,
second; Iwls Institute, third: Wendell
Phillips, Chicago, fourth. Time: 0:46.
Note: Does not count In summary.
ii- r CI a n rl rtm ll K. 11.: M, IV
V. . I. ",' . . . - .IT. tA
ford, Ashton; G. B. ratierson.
town, S. D. ; W. A. Atcherson, Appleton,
Minn.; W. McKlllip, Volga, S. D.; J. F.
Holmea. Itcher; E. A. Sage ..Mitchell S.
D. Among local horsemen who hae en
tered their fast steppers In the coming
contests are H. M. Hudson. A. W. Stew
art. O. R. Wright. W. H. Henlon O. C.
Bangs, George Livingston and Dr. R. A.
Talt. ,
Americana Defeat Anstrallana.
NEWPORT, England. June . The final
round of the all-comers competition for
the Dwight F. Davis Internstionsl tennis
challenge cup was concluded today when
the United states Deai "'f "
Qualified to meet the British Isles In the
rc.i,".. .t Wimbledon June u,
11 and 18. There was a large numuer 01 , iert ror tne west ai ine neuu ui mr mnur
spectators in anticipation of a great, "irug-
gle ana tney were nm ui r, '.
F Wilding. New Zealand, defeated H1
Combe Ward In the hardest kind of a five
set match. The last stroke of the match
was a service tauu oy me Am-i it
Los Poldevln, tne Australian pmri, put
.636 I
Omaha Tribe.
8. O. Tribe.
..M. Collier
..Van Cleva
Two Oamra at Dicta Park.
Sunday the Nonpariels and Diets Athletic
association will meet at Diets park. Thir
tieth and Spauldlng, for two games. Both
teams are anxloua to win and two good
gamea are looked for. Street cars will be
running to the grounds and a large crowd
is expected. First game called at 2:16
shrp, second at l:au. The lineup:
Brown ...
Hachten .
Raben ...
Corns Pitcher
Dodge Pitcher .
McNeely Pitcher
Garvey ....
Roben ,
B. Garvey
Position. Diets Ath. Asso.
.. Catch.... Massman, Strong
..Pitch Falter, Young
..Pitch Gordy
..Firat Camp
..Second Hall
..Short Tracay. Knight
..Short Foran
..Third Latham
.. Left . .Spellman, Anderson
.. Center.. Iafferty, Goddurtl
...Right Hunter, Platner
Staadlag of Schools.
Score by points: Lewis Institute. 23: De
trolt University school, 17V Detroit Cen
tral, 14; Morgan Park academy, 11H; Pe
tersburg. III.. Nanervl le. 111. academv.
Milwaukee West Division and Kansas City
Manual Training, leach; West Des Moines,
6; Pillsbury academy, Jollet, 111., Ida
Grove. la., Hammond. Ind.. Ann Arbor.
Mich., 6 each; Culver Military academy,
Lakevlew Chlnago. Grand Ranlds. Mich..
4 each; Unlveralty High school, Chicago,
Hi; Hyde Park. Chicago, Rockford, III., 1
each; Englewood High school, Chicago,
Mount Carroll, III., 2 each; Evansvllle,
Hebron. Ind.. Kansas City, Kan., Spring
field, III., Wheaton. Ill, 1 each.
Sporting- Brevltlea.
The New York Giants finally won one,
game out of four from the Chicago Na- ,
The total attendance at the National ami
American league games for Decoration day
was 155.760. .
I'oet Kenna has so far reeove' ed from hl ;
encounter with a street car last fall to be,
In lighting trim agnln.
Nine runs and seven runs In the last In- -nlng
probably gave the fans at Pueblo:
enough excitement to hold them for a time.
Hloux City bus Red Sheehan back on third .
and the tarns rejoice. The little redhead
whs not long on looks, but be was quite a1
brill player. , - "
Trinity's second team defeated the Twen- .
ty-second Street Sluggers by a score of 8.
to 6. Butteries: Trinity. Paxton and
Meyer; SlUKgers, McCue and Jenks.
R. J. Bunnell, F. W. Johnson and N. WV "
Filbert of the passenger department of tha
Burlington, left Saturday for a short flfh-v
lng trip to Wntervllle. Minn. These expert
go prepared for anything which may be en-'
countered, from a whale -to a mermaid. .
Nouh lienllne. who didn't make good lit
Omaha, Is playing left field for Decatur. In.
the Three 1 league, having been released
by Bloomingtun.
And now It Is Denver's turn to send out.1
reports of rowdy work on the part of tha
Des Moines team. When waa the fake sus
pension of Doyle removed? . .
The left field Is the sun garden at Lincoln ' '
and this was probably the cause of -tho
change of fields by Carter and Bassey. Car
ter nas had the sun In his eyes for so long
at Vinton Street park he has become used
to it. "
Owners of the San Francisco Base Ball
club have decided to rebuild the grounds at
Eighth and Harrison and all tha players
who have been leaving that league will be'
forced to return to the fold, as base ball It
to conllnue In the Pacific CoHBt league. ,
Positions have been changing In base ball,
considerably. The Bronklyns have struck
a wlnnlna stake, as have also the Whito
Sox and the Highlanders. The latter team
,,r, m e-nrul arnme aaalnst Rsymond Little,
but there was not sufficient sting to his
strokes, and the American beat him three
sets to one. , ,
In the doubles In the international tour
nsment today for the Dwight F. Davis
challenge cup Holcombe Ward and Ray
mond D. Lvtle, Americans, beat A. 1'.
W Id ng. New xeaiana. ana ixis i-uiurvin,
Australia, 7-6. -2. -4.
In the international singles for the
Dwight F. Davis challenge cup. Raymond
D. Lvtle, American, Deal jais i-umewu,
Australia. -2, 1-4, 7-8, 8-2.
Th Americans thus won the rubber and
the right to play the British holders of the
Golf at Field t lolt.
Golf at the Field club Saturday was for
the D. V. Bholes trophy, eight to qualify.
The high wind made good scores Impos
sible and kept many from the links. Those
qualifying were: Davison, 2-up; Bone,
even up; Schneider, even up; Tlllson,' 2.
down; Boyer, 8-down; Reckard, 8-down;
Allen, 4-down; Carrier, 4-down; Porter, 4
down. These will play off at match play
and the winner will be the owner of the
Miss Rntton looses THle.
LIVERPOOL, June . The feature of the
play in the northern counties lawn tennis
tournament today was the defeat of Miss
May Sutton of Pasadena. Cal., by Miss
D. K. Douglsss In the final of the ladles'
singles chsmplonshlp, held by Miss Sutton.
New Y'ork's pride, the Giants, are still fall-,
lng down the ladder. -
Through much correspondence and dlplo-',.
macy a foot hall match hns been arranged
for November 17 to be played between the
University of Minnesota and Chicago. '
Foot ball niHtters are finally being
straightened out of the chaos which hae
The Blue Eagles defeated the Independent
Juniors by a score of 21 to 9. The feature
of the game was the batting of the HI lie.
Eagles. The Blue. Eagles would like to
hear from any team In the city under
the age of 10 years. Address all communi
cations to Dennis Llnehan, 1111 North
Meholla of Denver Wins.
Gilbert Nlcholls of Denver, Andy Christie
of the Field club and David Mantaple, pro
fessional, of the Country club, played a
golf match at the Country club Saturday
evening which waa won by Nlcholls. The)
scores were: Nlcholls, 81; Mantaple, M;
Christie, 88. Nlcholls will play two exhi
bition games at the Field club Sunday.
Millers nt Milwaukee.
MILWAUKEE. June 9. The annual con
vention Of the Millers' National assocla-.
tlon will be held hers June 20, 21 and 24. ,
Among the speakers will be H. B. 9.'
Sparks, Alton. 111., on Millers' Mutual
Fire Insurance;" H. B. Tasker, London, ..
England, on "The Export Trade;" Charles'
B. Spenshled, Bt. Louis on "Common
Sense Mill Management."
Breaks Arm Buttoning Dress.
BT. LOUI3, June 9. While dressing for
a party last evening Miss Anna Weleen
born. a prominent society young woman
of Belleville. 111., broke her left arm- la
trying to button her shirtwaist up the back.
A physician put the arm tn a splint.
Bnrllnactona Beat Hllseys.
The Burllngtons defeated the Hllsevs on
tha former's grounds at Forty-second snd
Howard streets Saturday afternoon. The
game was a pitchers' battle, with Jensen
having the better of It. None'of the Bur
lington outfielders received credit for a
put-out or assist nor were they charged
with an error. A. Carlson's clean three-
base drive was the feature. Score:
Burllngtons ...0 0 1 1 0 2 1 0 10 3
Hllseya 0 0100000 0-1 66
Batteries: Hllsevs, A. Carlson. Drlscoll
and R. Carlson; Burllngtons. Jensen and
Tebeaa and Paddea Cases Coatlnaed.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. June l.-The cases of
President George Tebeau of tha Louisville
years. Springfield has a new ground and I base ball club and of Richard Paddsn.
manHgvr oi me ot. rmui leant, wno were
arrested for their conduct at the ball nark
yesterday over a decision by acting Umpire
Kenna were toaay postponed until june i,
when the St. Paul team will return to
Lri4 avails.
Games la Tnro-I Lesgs.
At Decatur Decatur. 6: Rloomlnaton.
unineen innings).
At apringnaid feorla. 1: BDrtnaneld. a
At Dubuqua Cedar Rapids. 1; Dubuque. 1.
At Davtr.Dort Rock Island. 1: Daven
port, I.
Baa Ball Player Killed.
HUBKOOSB. 1. T . Juna t. -Claude Camn.
aged 11. wbila catching In a base ball gam.s
nera oaay. was strum over tne neart ty a
foul tip. Ha picked up tne ball, throw It
I to tha pltcbar and foil dead.
Shoos Boat Field dak.
a fast gam Saturday afternoon at
the Field club the Union Pacific shop team
defeated tne umana f ield ciud team by
cor of 6 to I. The score: R.H.E.
Shops 0 0 0 0 0 I 4 1-6 11
Field Club 0 0001100 1-1 1
Batteries: Shops. Scully and Clair; Field
tiuo, uoray ana tarr. Time: i:ao.
Lyrics Win Agala.
Yesterdsy afternoon the Lyrics beat the
High School BlJggera by a score of 19 to
t. The festures of the same were tha
Bum luus b Johnson outd Kauleman of
Weston Defeats Valparaiso.
WESTON. Neb., June 1. (Special.) -Weston
defeated Valparaiso yesterd-iy by
a scor of 1 to 1. Score: R.H.E.
Weston 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 03 6 2
Valparaiso 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 2 2
Batteries: Weston, Frohner and Wolta:
Valparaiso. Gibson and Cheever. Home
runs: Cheever. Wolta. Frohner.
Iowa State I.eaane.
M A R8HALLTOWN, Ia.. June 9 -(Sneclal
Telegram. I Results in the Iowa State
league today were:
oskaioosa, , Waterloo, u.
Burlington, 9; Fort Dodge, 7.
Boone, 13; Ottumwa, 7. . i
Marshalltown, 10; Keokuk, 0.
'at' Urfhrougn1 a ter "'
Si'.S' ,'n..WK,h. r&ven,hrare. five
t rack Match Off at Field Clab.
A match game of golf, which Is attract
ing considerable Interest In golf circles.
win D piayea mis suernoon at tn f ield
club grounds between Gilbert Nlcholl and
flay Thomas and A. J. Christie and E. P.
Bover. In a game played Friday Christie
and rtoyer Dea
series of mtsh
and Gilbert had lost balls. They hope
tor revenge this a'lernoon. Nlcholl Is tha
professional of the Denver Country club,
who Is on his way east to play in the
open championships at Cleveland and other
points. He Is famous for his long-distance
drives. A large gallei'y will be out to sea
the match. Eighteen holes will be played
In tha morning, starting at 10 o'clock, and
eighteen In ihe afternoon, beginning at 2
o clock.
Ormondalo Wins the Broadway Stake
at Gravesend. . 1
. NEW YORK, June .9. Ormondale. last
year's favorite winner, made hla first ap
pearance of the year today and -scored
an easy victory In the Broadway stakes
at Gravesend. He was quoted at 18 tn 6.
Whimsical the 7 to 10 favorite was second
with Flip Flap third. The distance was
covered in the fast time of 1:464.. beating
the track record of ):46. Ormondal was
third away from the post, but Miller at
once aent him Into the lead where he
remained. In the run down the back
stretch, Notter on Whimsical attempted to
go uu on tne ran, out was put off. com
nletefy ruining whatever chance his mount
had. Water Pearl, the favorite, won the
Greater American stakes after making all
the pace. The favorite went to the front at
the start and won easily. Out of five
starters In the Greater New York steede
chase Paul Jones, second choice was the
only one to go the full course without a
fall. Results:
First race, mile and s sixteenth: Edith
James won, Reld Moore second, Benevolent
third, rime: i:4v.
Second race, the Greater New York, two and a half ml leg; Paul
Jones won. Kellahen second, the Claim
ant third. Time: 4:t9.
Third race, the Greater American stakes,
five furlongs: Water Pearl won. Ballot
second. Superman third. Time: h)l.
Fourth race, the Broadway stakes, mile
and a sixteenth: Ormondale won. Whim
sical second. Flip Flap third. Time: 1:46.
Fifth race, about six furlongs: Halifax
won. Bohemia second. Prince Hamburg
third. Time: 1:10,.
Sixth race, five furlongs: Sir Toddlngton
second, nay Twig third.
Close Ha...
As pretty a race aa on .would wish to
see Is being furnished by the tesms of th
Western association. Th atanding of th
teams Saturday morning waa:
Webb City ....
Joplln .
St. Joaeph
Oklabvma City
Lost. Pet.
14 .676
14 .6S2
17 .611
17 .iuO
17 .60
17 .486
11 .441
n .4
furlongs:- The Bella
of Brighton won. Russell T. second. Garters
I mm. lime: i jts.
BUFFAIXX June 9 Results:
First rar. six furlonas: Platoom wnn
I Gold Enamel aecond, Incantation third
Time: 1:1!V
Second race, four and a half furlongs
Relna Swift won. Triumphant second, Tu
dor third. Time: 1:.
Third race, -tnlle and forty yards: Secret
won. Celebration second, Thomond third
Time: 1:63H.
Fourth race, mile and a sixteenth: Dis
habille wnn. Soufrlere aecond, Red Leaf
third. Time: 1.64V
Fifth race, five (urlnngs: Round Dane
won. Bognm second, Betsy binford third
Time: 1:0.
Sixth rar. mil and a sixteenth: Muni
rodur won, Verlbest second, Beknlarhted
third Tim: 1:6S.
CINCINNATI. June 9-Results at La
tonla: First race, mil: Dudley won. Rublnon
AM A! Don't be frightened
but be warned I
Every Mother knows, or
should know, that the terrible
Mortality among little children is caused
by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic,
Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer
Complaint, Measles, Rashes, Scarlet Fsver
evan Mumps have their first cause In
The Delicate Tissues of a Baby's Bowels
will not stand rough treatment. Salts are
too violent, and Castor Oil will only grease
the passages, but will not make and keep
them Clean, Healthy and Strong.
There Is no other medicine as sate for a
child as Cascareti, the fragrant little Candjr
Tablet, that has saved thousands of families
from unhapplnsss.
The Nursing Mother even In good health
should alwaya keep her own Bowels Loose,
and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking
a Cascaret at night before going to bed.
No other medicine haa this remarkable
and valuable quality. Mama takea Ihe
Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit.
Cascarets act like strengthening Eiercia
- en Ihe weak tittle bowel of the
hake, aae saaxe them better able to xt
Too Late?
all the Nourishment out of Baby's
Natural Food.
Larger children cannot always
be watched, and will eat unreason
ably. The Ready Remedy should
ever be' at ft and Cascarets to
take care of ttie trotfble when It
No need to Force or Bribe chll-
dren to take Cascarets. They are
always more than ready (o eat the
sweet little bit of Candy. -
Repulsive medicine forced on the
little ones does more harm than good.
1 Home is not complete without the evef :
ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys
a small one at the Corner Drug Store. 1
Be very careful to get the gejiulnOj
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com- .'.
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tab
let stamped "CCC." ' .
ff want to send to our friends a beautiful
rrencb-desirned. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX.
sard-enameled in color. It is a beauty for the
dreuiDf table. Ten cents in stamps is axked as a
aieasureofgood faith sad tocoveroott of Cascarets,
With which tEli'dii'nty trinket is loaded.
Sand to-djy, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling jtrmedy Cwnvaay, Chicago at Mew f etk.