. fl . , , . , :, . , THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: .TUNE 10, 190fi. I 1 SOCIETY BUSY WITH BRIDES Gettinr Married. MANY INTERESTING AFFAIRS ANNOUNCED Onk( Ponle Mmt ncrnl Tn Tar WHaln. ; RMiiMi Elwwkm Welt as la Home F.Tnta. from Sweden, a half-grown bnr, unflh to pk Knailsh. h ntr1 tha kwr araiVs, lnrnlnf th languaa; and working up until ha wsa abla to ntr th class whr ha WekGoBBaOonibcOimOTUrolkl''n''- word hi. wsy thrctih and irrdutrt n Jtt. From Omaha h went to Williams collrna. hrs h h- n a foot hall r-orJ that nahld Mm to no latr to Harvard Law school and thn to Cornell unlnsralt jr.. A captain of Cornell's famoua foot ball team and latr coach of the Harvard toam he wa one of the conspicuous foot ball men of the day. After graduating from Cornell Mr. Johan- aon began practicing law and la now a resident of Colorado Springs. Win. Linen, handkerchief, nov eltyA and kitchen I d been thinking ror weeaa m , phowera hava been given for all of the Ar'noraVe' could-1 frame, though I many June brides, but It remained for . -,4 hv lroVa: For Ifa hard to make lova to. aa everyone The "Talented author of two or thra i books. But it chanced that, ona day, aha waa talk- or herokwlt'h tha pen, and confeaaed j the design . . Of er girlhood s career was to !n her K sbemihWt .ay "No- when I offered , her mm. Roy Farwll 0r,ene. one of tha groom, whose wedding takes place very soon, to have a shower given for him. When he returned from luncheon Friday he waa amflfd and pleased, too. to find upon hi. desk a targe washtuD filled with tin pans, kettles, brooms and use ful articles of all kinds, donated by the young women employed In his office. Many Omaha people and the members of tha army set will be Interested In hearing of the engagement of Miss Freda Cook, daughter of Captain Frank E. Cook Af Manila. P. T . whn mjm ittlnnmA In Mrs. Cram by Miaa curua, ir. nr Omaha, several yeara ago, to First Lieu at Country club fof Mnm.AV-Daughtera of American Rev- tenant Milton Elliott of th Thirteenth olutlon lawn party at the residence tf Infantry now aUtloned In the Philippines. Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm: Mrs jnnn . "-"- pel. I bridge party; wnini-im.j wedding; Ms. ft w lltill: ; luncheon at f'rMintryciun lor mra. TfSPDAT Mrs. Wakefield and T'oppleton. 'luncheon at Country el?" ' Mrs: Jerrelns; Mrs. F. A. Nfsh, lunch n at Country club for Mrs. K. A. Miss W. A. Quite a pretty romance Is attached to the engagement. When Captain Cook and family left Omaha to go to the Philippines, Mis. Freda Cook was sent east to finish her schooling, and last fall sailed from Ban Franclaco for Manila to join her fam ily, on the same transport with the ?.'Xn! MTSnd "MrTKK Thirteenth Infantry. As .ha boarded the rianca at .country ciuo. ..vaM KPNESDAY Miss Jeanne W akeflflld, bridge for Mrs. Arthur Keellne; Mr Joseph Polcar. kitchen ahower for Mlea TISAVwlhi.e-W.llett. fjMlnt: Miss Kllasnern mn nnnrii. - for Fmlth-Dumoni nnum FRIDAY her brio vessel her attention was attracted to a young officer leaning over tha rail, and when they were Introduced several days after sailing Cupid aimed hi. dart., and before they landed they were engaged. Mrs. Smith will be st home at 1TW "otitn Thirty-fourth atreet. Invitations were lud this week for the wedding of Mies Nona Townsend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Towns-nd. and Mr. Homer Shearer, which win be solemnised Wedneeday evening. Jnne at the resl- denee of the bride's parents, Ml Woolworth avenue, at !. O'clock. Affer July 1 they will be at home at .115 South Twenty-sixth street. One of the weddings of the week will be that of Miss Georgia Pes trice Ten- nery, daughter of Mrs. Lucy Tennery, to Oeorge RWgley "Wright, which will take place on Monday, June 11. at the Kno Presbyterian church. The church cere mony will be followed by a reception at the home of Mrs. Tennery at 27 North Fif teenth street. At a pretty home wedding Mlee Myrtle Dixon and Mr. Andrew Lund were united in marriage at Blair, June 7. Rev. Mr. Shlck Of the Blair Methodist Episcopal church officiating. The ceremony was performed before relatives and a, few Intimate friends. The decoratlona were arranged on a pink and white coor scheme. The bride was attended by Mis. Mabel Davie, of Lincoln and Mr. Richard Skanke of Omaha wa. best man. After the ceremony a delightful dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Lund left on the S o'clock train for a short wed ding trip. Miaa Dixon Is a native of Blair. Mr. Lund lived In Omaha until about eight years ago, when he went to Oakland, where he haa since been engaged In the hard ware buslnesa. They will le at home to their friends after June at Oakland. Those from out of town who attended the wedding were: Mrs. Lund and three sons, Miss Louise Kiln of Fremont. Miss Hattle Dixon of 'Arlington, Mlea Mabel Davie, of Lincoln and Richard J. Skanka of Omaha. Miss Wakerleld will glva a bridge In honor before leaving. The companies then formed f Mrs. Keellne. , Mrs. C. W. Hull will give a luncheon at the Country club .Monday In honor of Mrs. Offutt. Mrs. Theodore U RJngwalt will enter tain at bridge Friday afternoon and again on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. Albert V. Klnsler hsve Issued Invitations for a dance at the Coun try club Tuesdsy evening. Miss Elisabeth McConnell will give an Rnglish tea Thursday evening for the Smith-Dumont bridal party. General and Mrs. J. C. Cowln will enter tain a dinner Friday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy. Mr. and Mrs. If. C. Townsend will enter tain at the Field club In honor of Hie Bhearer-Towneend bridal party. Mrs. William Sears Poppleton will en tertain at luncheon at the. Country club Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Jerrema of Chi cago. and marched through the .trerts of Tekamnh to the depot giving farewell yells. They boarded their train and pulled out of Trksmah with cheer and pral.e for the place and hurrahs for the camp of lixv "The behavior of the boys was the source of much gratification to me." said Captain 8togsdsll. commandant of the troops. "II wss the nioet surcentful csmplng we have bed. The loys reflected credit upon them selves and the school. Tekamah pcor'" ccorded the m.Mt msgnamimnus treat ment to us and we left there with a warm feeling for them?" OMAHAN BACK FROM SYRIA aaael Anderson Rrlirna from Beiroat on Visit to Rela tives aad Friends. Samuel Anderson, son of Chief Engineer Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowglll will give a James Anderson of the smelter, arrived upper at the Country club thla evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hayward of Nebraska City. The Daughter, of the American Revolu tion will give a lawn party at the resi dence of Mra. C. M. Wllhelm. 801 South Thirty-eighth street, Monday evening. Arrangements are being tnade for a coin- home Saturday morning after nearly three years' absence in the orient. Mr. Ander son holds the responsible, position of treas urer of the Syrian Protestant college at Belrout, Syria, an Institution with about 700 students, representing nearly every na tion of the globe. His return to America Is In the nature of a vacation and his leave Pmlth-Dumont brlaai Party. t y Miss Edith Dumont. dinner for 1 bridal party; Mr. "'J .yr": " l to nsend. luncheon at Field club for . a w.Mal nRrtv: Mrs. The first of the many entertainment. be given at the Country club will take ace Thursday evening, when Mr. Zoe Theodora I Rlngwalt, bridge party; 1 Pearle Park of Chicago will give a song Oenernl and Mra. J. C. t-owin, recital. There were a large number of .&,XSfXir Buchanan, lunch- dinner, at the club last evening. Among eon for Mis. Ruth F-dwards; Mr.. Ring- tham waa the One given complimentary wait, cards; Miss Nona Townsend, card l0 Mr Jerr.m bjr Dr. Crummer. His party- ' guest, were Mr.. Jerrem.. Mis. Baleombe, Tfiere was little entertaining last week. Mlsa Webster, Mr. O'Neill, Earl Gannett .onletv being so occupied with the many and Mr. and Mra. W. A. Gilbert. weddlnas and affairs given In honor of the In honor of Mrs. Charles Offutt, Mr. brides that llttla time was left for anything and Mrs. W, H. McCord gave a delight and then"on Friday the afternoon was ful dinner at the Country club last even alven un to the bridge party for the benefit I Ing. Cover were laid for Mrs. Offutt, Mrs, of the Creche, which was a great success I Bourke, Dr. Bridges. Luther Drake. Mr. soefellv and financially. Thl. week', calen- and Mr.. Victor B. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs, dar I. full of given In honor event, for I R. B. How.ll, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bar bride., visitors and departing omanane. ana iow ana r. ana ir. Mcvora then the graduating exerclaea of Brownell Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, Mr. and Hall. Bellevua college and the high school Mrs. J. 8. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. all occur this week, and there will be many Wakefield, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Greene, festivities In connection with these events. Mr. and Mr.. Beoble, Mr. and Mra. Wat Thi .eml-centennlal celebration of Trinity ties, Mrs. Gallagher. Mrs. Short of Cleve cathedral also occurs the first part of the land, O.; A. G. Beeson and Mr. and Mr.. V"k and there will probably be many John A. McSh.ne were the guests of Mr. dlnher. and luncheon given for the vlsttmg and Mra. F. P. clergy, and former member of the parish, evening. Klrkendall at dinner last 'tf will return f dr th home doming gath ring Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Luclan Wheeler and Mr. and Mr.. Rule of Mason City were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Svrobe Last evenlna- at Brownell hall, a delightful Mr. and Mra. Charles T. Stewart. Miss reception was given by the faculty In honor I Stewart and Captain Doana dined with of Jhe nineteen graduate in thi. year s air. ana Mrs. c. B. Keller. cUis. The rooms were beautifully deca- utner entertaining weae Messrs. C. 8, rated for the occasion, tha parlors, where Reed, Clement Chase, Jerome Magee, A. L. tha guest, numbering about 00, were re- Mohler, McClure, G. W. Wattles, Fairfield, celved by Bishop Worthlngton, Bishop Gar rett, Bishop and Mr. William. Miss Mc. Crge and the graduates, being adorned with American, beauty roses. In the library, where refreshments were served, a pro fusion of meteor roses wa. used. A pretty 'feature ot the decorating wa the lighting, Hitchcock, Cummlngs, brook and Fry. Baldrlge, West rial Clt- hat. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hamilton are rejoicing over tha birth of a daughter. Rev. Byron Stauffer and family have the., only light being furniahed by about J moved from the Madison to Twenty-fifth mo reJLfandlea In brase candleatick. Whit "na wnoeraon .streets. , i . ; . 1 ... I VI M A A Vf A . . . M . L - '- .. roses were used In tha hall. n- oaugn' ter-leave June SO for New York to aall Invitation have been received In Omaha. for tha wedding of Mr. Carl M. Johanson and Miss Edith Tribe, daughter of Mr. and Mi. Thomaa Tribe of Colorado Springe, which will take place Wednesday, June 20, at I o'clock at Grace church, Colorado Spring. . Mr. johanson still ha many friends In Omaha who hava watched hla rise from an ambitious, determined boy to a successful attorney. Coming to Omaha ice on 'TODAY '.X mmmm TAKE A BARREL HOME wrra you Ice cream la more popular thi sea son than ever. Pur tea cream la it freahlng and healthy toe. W have sold over X.000 of these little barrel ot Ice cream and t'.ie demand 1 Increasing rapidly. They are filled with three flavors of c cream and tha barrel ara so con structed that they keep the ice cream hard for a long time on a hot day. Put up In two sixes. .40c 20c Quart sis, sufficient for ( or t persona.... Pint slse, sufficient for I or 4 persona BALDUFF 1520 FARNA2U ST. for Europe, where they, will spend several months. Carl Reiter and Carl Lang will leave Monday evening to attend the Shrlnera' meeting at Chicago and will spend a few day. among the northern lake, before re turning. Mr, w. c. Paxton, jr., will come to Omaha thla week to Join her mother. Mr.. Short, who la Visiting Mra. Ben Gallagher, and return with her to Key stone ranch. According to letter, received, Mr. Edward Rosewater and party have crossed the Adriatic from Venice to Vienna, and will rialt Prague and Berlin before sailing for America. They ar expected home the latter part of June. Mr. G. W. Holdrege and Misses Mary and Letta Holdrege leave next week for Sheridan. Wyo., and Dome Lake to apand tha summer. Mlsa 8usan Holdrege will not Join them for several weeks. During their absence their horn will be occupied by Mr. and Mr. J. E. Spencer. New baa been received by tha friend. of Mr. and Mr.. A. O. Shaver, former res ldent. of Omaha, of the birth of a .on Mr. Shaver wa. signal engineer for tha t'nion Pacific, but la now with tha Hall Signal company at Oarwoou, N. J. -Mra Shaver !. now at Danville, 111. Mr. D. B. Welpton and baby aon will leave Monday for San Francisco to apend a few weeks with Mr. Welpton, who la there engaged In the adjustment of In surance losses caused by tha recent con flagration. Mra. Welpton will be located at the Hotel Rafael, In San Rafael. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bushnell Rich of Green Bay, Wis., arrived yesterday to vlait Mr. and Mr. C. H. Rich, the parenta of Dr. Rich. Dr. and Mra. Rich are on their wedding trip, having been married Wednesday In Green Bay, where he main talna dental office. Dr. Rich formerly reaided In Omaha. After an extended trip to Chicago, Omaha, Minneapolis and Du luth they will go to Mackinac Island for a sojourn and will be at home September 1 at Green Bay. PRIES LAKE OPEIIS Among tha charming spot for summer outing now available to Omaha people, few ar mora attractive thaa Plica Lake, now opened for the season under greatly improved conditions. lieaidea Ita splen did facilities for boating and fishing, tt la new also equipped with a . Ana restau rant. In which fresh flab and aaiing chick en will be a spartaltv. and In which meals will be aervad at all hours to serve the oonvenlenc of its patrons. Admission la fraa to the grounds, which ran be reached by carryall from tha end of the Florence tin. The place la wall worth vuuUng and ptoalo paxtUa will And no spot more daitghtfui U which to put la a, summer Uy. Meadtaga and F.aganeasenta. Mr. and Mra. C. A. Isakson announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther, to Arthur B. Tebbens. Mr. Jerome A. Little and Miss Lulu M Allls were quietly married yesterday. They will reside at 3K3 California street. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Walworth hava is sued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Helen Luclle, to Mr. Benjamin B. Hurst of Blanchard. Ia., Tuesday after noon, June 19. Mr. and Mra. Hartley E. White have issued Invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Josephine, to Alfred B. Willetts, which will be solemnised at high noon Thursday, June 14. at their residence, VH Parker street. Miss Ethel Clark of Salt Lake City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bauer, waa married to D. H. Beck of thla city June I at Kansaa City, Rev. Mr. Smith officiating. Mr. and Mrs.. Beck will reside at the Her Grand. Mra. H. A. Cox of Council Bluffs an nounces the approaching marriage of her daughter. Myrtle Claire Tucker, to Mr. Edward 3. Monaghan of Omaha. Tha cere mony will be performed at St. John' church. Omaha, cn Wednesday, June X). Invitations wve Issued the first of tha week for the wedding of Miss Mary Edith Dumont daughter of Mr. and Mra J. H. Dumont, and Mr. Arthur Draper Smith, aon of Mr. and Mra. Draper Smith, which will take plaoe Tneaday evening. June It, at the First Baptist church at o'clock. Rev. J. W. tinier performing the ceremony. A email reception wilt follow at the horn of the bride parenta. After October tt Mr and Pleasures Past. Misses Jennie and Sarah Ayer of 1623 Lo cust street' entertained at a handkerchief shower Friday evening for Miss Luclle Wal worth, one. of the June brides. Mr-. N. II. Nelson and Miss Haxet Liv ingstone gave a most delightful porch party and muslcale Friday evening. One hundred and twenty-five guest were present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getschmann enter tained a few friend-informally at their home on South Tenth atreet last evening. Tha evening waa spent at cards, followed by refreshments. Misses Jennie and Sarah Ayer enter tained at a. handkerchief shower on Friday evening for Miss Luciie Walworth. Origi nal poems, which accompanied each hand kerchief, furnished the principal amusement. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt entertained tha forty member of the First Congregational church choir most delightfully yesterday afternoon at Mlnne Lusa pumping station The afternoon waa pleasantly spent with tennis and games and a basket lunch wa served late lit the afternoon. Mrs. Edwin Swobe, Mrs. Ben Cotton Mrs. Allen Robinson, Mrs. W. J. C. Ken yon. Miss Ada Klrkendall. Miss Jeanne Wakefield and Mrs. Will Hayward of Ne braska City were the guests of Mrs. Her bert Wheeler yesterday afternoon at an Informal bridge party given forMra. Hay ward. Dr. and Mrs. Lamorraux entertained at dinner Thursday evening complimentary to Miss Mary Hart net t Murray from Kansas City. Plates were laid for Miss Mary Hart- nett Murray, Mlsa Hazel Livingstone, Mr Brayton Sarson, Dr. and Mra. Robert E. Ijamoreaux and Mr. Dougla. Palmer Lam oreaux. Robert Manley and Warren Hlllis en tertained at dinner at the Field club last evening In honor of Miss Edith Dumont and Arthur Smith. Cover, were laid for MIhs Dumont, Miss Linn Carpenter, Miss Bertha Phlllppl. Miss Elisabeth McCon nell, Miss Lena Frlcke of Plattsinouth, Arthur Smith, Mr. Manley, Mr. Hlllis and Messrs. Ray and Jack Dumont. In. honor Of Mls Hlbbard. who leaves Friday for Europe; Mrs. Victor B. Cald well gave a pretty luncheon yesterday The table, ' decorated - with field flowers. was laid for Miss Hibbard, Mrs. Fred Montgomery. Mrs. Offutt, Mrs. M. T. Bar low, Mrs. George Voss, Mrs. Bourke. Mr T. L. Rlngwalt, Miss Landls, Mrs. Haver stick, Mrs. Clement Chase, Mrs. Laurie Childs and Mrs. Caldwell. The executive committee of the Brownell Hall Alumnae association gave a buffet luncheon to- about forty members of the alumnae at Trinity cathedral parish house yesterday. The rooms were prettily decor ated with roses and syringa. Following the luncheon a business meeting waa held, fol lowed by a meeting in the chapel at which addresses were made by several of the vis iting bishops and clergy, after which those present adjourned to the parlHh house. where a. social hour was held. The mem- bera of the executive committee are Mea dames J. W. Towle. Carter, Vosa, George C. 8mith, Barlow, Watklna and Philip Pot ter, president. In honor of her 'niece, Miss Nona Town send, whn ' to be married June 20 to Homer Sheerer, Miss Bessie Townsend gave a delightful card party and linen rhowcr yesterday afternoon. High flv wa the game of the afternoon. The room were prettily decorated with pink roses and the dining room wa In red, red rose being used on the table, while suspended over the table was a large Japanese um brella, to which the gifts were attached with red ribbons. Those present were Miaa Nona Townsend, Miss Besal Town send, Mlsa Nell Perrlne, Misses Nanna and Minnie Prltchard, Mis Clair North rup. Mis Letta Rohrbough. HIM Katherin Perrlne, Miss Townsend, Mesdsmes R. 8. Hart, Joseph Polcar, H. F. Shearer, Van Dorn, H. C. Townaend, George Perrlne and C. H. Townaend. The first of the many affair to be given In honor of Miss Edith Dumont was a porch party and handkerchief shower given yesterday afternoon by Mlsa Lynn Car penter at the beautiful home of the Car pentera In Bemls Park. The spacloua porch was fitted up with rugs and hammocks and decorated with flowers, and late In the afternoon dainty refreshments were aerved on the veranda. The handkerchiefs were hidden about the lawn, each hiding place being represented by the name of a song, a list of which waa given Miss .Dumont, who hunted for the handkerchlefa. The amusement of the afternoon was tha writ ing of poems about the guest of honor. each line beginning with a letter of her name. The guesta were Misses Dumont, Phlllppl. McConnell, Frick of Plattsmouth, Tukey, Bowen, Keyes. Alice Buchanan, Mary Kretder, Marie MrBhane, May Me- Menemy, Margaret Honeywell and Blanche Garten of Lincoln, Bertha White; Mes- dames W. D. Reed. Edgerly, 8underland, Paul Hoagland, Charles Montgomery, Spar ling, Dumont, Brace Fonda and Draper Smith. pllmentary dinner at the Country club, to of absence extends only to the beginning be tendered Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Yates of the fall term, October t when his pres ort their return from Europe. The date I ence will be required at the college. June 1. - Mr. Anderson was graduated from the Mrs. John T. Buchanan will give a lunch- fnlverslty of Nebraska three years ago, eon Saturday at her home, 3J Charles soon after which he accepted the above street, complimentary to Miss- Ruth Ed- named position. Since lenvlng Omaha Mr. wards, who Is to be married the last of the Anderson has visited many of the princl month to Mr. Fred Parsons. I pal places ir Europe, and among those of Mra. J. F. Sherdeman will entertain the I special Interest to him was a trip througn W. T. M. club of Lincoln on Thursday of the Holy Land. thl. week. This club Is composed of travel- The university has a special attraction for Ing men wives and Is limited to a mem- Mr. Anderson these days, and he Intend to berahlp of twenty-five. Mr. Sherdeman spend commencement week with his many one of It charier member. Came and Go QoaalB. Mr. Charles E. Black has returned from Minneapolis. Mra. Campbell Fair Is the guest of Mr. Philip Potter. Mis. Eva, Shordoman ha returned from Grand Island. Mrs. W. A. Redlck has returned from Excelsior Springs. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Reed hava returned from Excelsior Springs. Mrs. Harry Nott Is attending commence ment at Rock ford college. Bishop Garrett of Dallas, Texas, Is the guest of Judge Woolworth. Mr. E. V. Lewi and son,' Arthur Lewis, left. Thursday for New Tork. Misses Lucy and Edith Miller are visit ing In Mlnden, la., for a short time. Mr. C. A. Hull will go to Chicago thl week to visit Mr. and Mr. McDougall. Mrs. Koger Gregg of St. Louts Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. G. C. Whltlock. Miss Earllne Valentine ot Detroit, form erly of Omaha, I the guest of Mis Marlon Ward. Bishop and Mr. Millspaugh of Topeka, Kan., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis. Mrs. Arthur Herbert of New Tork Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. H. T. Lemlst. Mrs. T. F. Schsub and daughter of St. Paul, Minn., are the guest, of Mr. W. H. Murray. Rev. and Mrs W. H. Van Antwerp of New Tork are the guesta of Mra. A. J. Poppleton. friends In the capital city It Is whispered that he will not return to Syria alone. SHAKESPEARE AT THE PARK Miss Fitch to Prodace "Midsummer Night's Dream" In tke Open Air Next Week. A week from Wednesday evening at the south end of Hanscom park MIms Lillian Fitch will offer her second al fresco per formance of a Shakespearean play, this time choosing the rollicking comedy of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The cast Is selected from pupils of the Boyd School of Acting, who have accomplished much In the way of progress In the art of Thespls, The hour for the performance Is 7 o'clock. In case of rain on Wednesday, the per formance will be given on Thursday even Ing at the same hour. The following arc the patronesses of the undertaking: Me dames Herbert Rogers, Victor Caldwell Thomas Kilpatrick. F. J. Mawhlnney, F. J. McShane, P. B. Myers, Benjamin Galla gher. A. G. Charlton. T. R. Ward, J. Son nenberg, Carl Herring. J. H. Pratt. T. J Mahoney, Charles Met, P. C. Moreaity, Luther Kounte, W. C. Sunderland, Albert Noe, E. E. Hastings. W. H. Clarke, R. W. Connell, M. L. Learned. J. J. McMullen, C. M. Wllhelm, David Baum, W. R. Adams C. W. Partridge, Misses Buchanan, Thomas, Hamilton. f- 'LV iff"-' !, .? S&i !&yirrU ft t?l , iLHJi-n n t '.liV.a - 'I rtMhlon dtcrtti It. Th oMo ge-n dgsuuiii thtm Th "KAY3I1" firard tit .2 -',liV,Jl:''l I-AflujjVii;! rout axMoutlont, iSKii' i.jf4.W i i rnnnaBnpanswtnaoa"rsBassnna-jasaBaaasnr UtiummmmZnmmnammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmUUul Jsf,i JL m IV Vnj . rasrousM 1 A Wise ' Investment The question is NOT, "What will it cost to paintT" BUT "what will it cost NOT TO PAINT?" Paint is protection and beauty if you use the best paint, LOWE BROTHER'S "HIGH STANDARD" PAINT Is a wise investment, because it gives the best protection for the greatest number of years at the least cost. It pays . large dividends in satisfaction and best results. Color cards, "How to Paint", and "Attractive Homes, and How to Make Them" free. Phone us the location of your house and we will show you a "high standard" job in the vicinity. ; - Myers- Dillon Drug Co. PAINT DEPARTMENT 1416 Harney Phone Doug. 3425 Civil Service Chances. Tha GU.n. rl.-l! nnn.mlk. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benawa of Denver slon announcea the following examinations are guesta of Mr. and Mr. O. 8. Benawa at 3230 Burt street. Miss Lela Sherdeman left for Lincoln, where .he will spend fifteen day. visiting her old class mates. ' Mr. William Morris and son left this wk for Maryland to Join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Miss Hortense Clarke has gone to Chi cago to apend a month east for the summer. Rey. T. V. Moore leaves Monday for New Tork, and on Saturday will still for Europe to spend several month. - Mr. and Mrs. Will Hayward of Nebraska City are spending a few daya with Mr. and Mra. W. H. Wheeler. Miss Ada Klrkendall Is expecting Miss Whiting of Mobile, Ala., to arrive In a fortnight to be her guest,. - Miss Mary Shear Is the guest of Mrs. list of eligibles to nil existing to secure vacancies: June 27-28 For six vacancies In the po sition of aid In the coant and geodetic sur vey, at fiM each. Age limit. 18 to 26 years. June 2i-28 For the position of mechanical draftsman under the Isthmlnn Canal com mission on the isthmus nf Panama, at SHlqrles ranging from $1,0 -to S1,8W, but usunlly at tl.auu per annum. Age limit, 18 to 40 years. .... July 5 For the Position of railroad trans- nd will then go nortatlon agent In the I'nlted States geo logical survey, ueparuneui ui ine interior, at 12,000 per annum. Age limit, 20 years or over. July 5- For the position of architectural draftsman (male) in the Philippine service, at $1,800 per annum, and other similar va cancies. Age limit. 18 to 40 yeara. July - For the position of hospital In terne (male) und-r the Isthmian Canal commission, on the Isthmus of Panama, at tl'JO per month, with rjuarters. but with out board and washing. Age limit, to to 30 vears, July 6- For the positions of civil en gineer and auperlntendent of construction Mlsa Smith of St. Louis, and July leave tlon of pTot- Karl P'trwV " for vinhrn hurh the Harmony Ladles' chorus for Wlnthrop beach. , y Nov, soprano; Mr. P Coming; Events. Mr. Joseph Polcar will give a kitchen shower Wednesday for Miss Nona Town end. Miss Marie Mohler will entertain n- formally at tea thla evening at the Country club. - Miss Curtis will glv a supper at the Country club thla craning In honor of Mr. Crain. Mlsa Edith Dumont will entertain at din ner Friday evening In honor of her bridal party. Miaa Nona Townaend will entertain number of her frienda Informally Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John A. Wakefield ha Issued Inrlta tlons for a large bridge party to be gtren Monday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon Mra. Wakefield and Mint Jeanne Wakefield will entertain at bridge and on WasViesday at Sl,60o per annum. Age limit, 20 years or over. July 6-8 For the position or arcnitec tural' and steel draftsman, at tiuo per month, under the .nglneer of the Third Hunt house district at TompKinsviiie, -. Y. Age limit, 20 years or over. Q. M. Hitchcock for a week, expecting to in the quartermaster's deportment at large. return to California next week. Miss Alice Clapp of Davenport, la., and Mrs. Maude Wallace of. Peoria, 111., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. w. Moore. Mrs. O. W. Cherrlngton. 14 North Twenty-third, has returned after spend ing four months In California and Oregon. Miss Annie Downs left for St. Louis Thursday, where she mill Join her couain. fnnr well-trained voices, under the direc UHllteu uy i and Miss Ttr IjiiIT Mr. J. N. Kopald has-returned from Cln- basso, will gi've a very interesting pro- cinnatl with hi. .on, Louis J. Kopald who ram of high-class music on Thursilav .r.A,,A rrm ,h. Vt, . , .k. 7". evening. June 14. at Krug . park. The Maennerchor will take part in tne great Maennerrhor Concert. The Maennerchor. consisting of twenty. Matthews Piano Co. We wish to call attention of the piano buyer to our large stock of high grade Pianos the largest in Omaha. Investigate our prices, terms and values. You will save money and have a better piano n the bargain. The celebrated Weber, Steck, Lindeman, Bauer, Gabler, Shaw, Schiller, Matthews, Ludwig. Schaff Bros., Foster and other pianos are to be found here. ToinorroAv we offer a number of fine bargains, in used Uprights and Square Pianos and Organs. Visit our bar gain room. We sell pianos on payments when desired. MATTHEWS PIANO CO. 1513-1515 Barney St., Omaha. Opposite Burwood Theater graduated from the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Metx and two ons. Charles and Harry, left on Thursday for New York. From there they will sail for Pari to spend two months abroad. Mra. J. M. Stevens of Woodstock Ontario, accompanied by her two children, ha arrived to spend the summer with her parents,. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Burgess. Miss Marlon Juhnson and Mis Etta Beeman returned thl week from Knox vllle. 111., where they attended th com mencement exercises of 8t. Mary's .school. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Scott are rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl, born June ( at the home of Mrs. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brunner. 414 North Nina. teenth street. Mis Eva Sherdemann ha returned in her home from Otand Island, where she haa spent the past winter aa teacher of languagea. She ha been re-en as aed for the coming year. Mr. R. C. Young and small son left Thursday for Chicago, and after visiting mere ror two weeks will go to Jamestown. Canada, where they will spend the summer with Mrs. Young's parents. Miss Margaret BreIauer of Mlnneanolla Is the guest of Miss Margaret Mulvlhlll. Miss Breslauer, aa one of the alumni, read paper at the commencement rxerclaoa nf St. Mary's seminary last week. Colonel and Mrs. II. c. Akin departed Saturday evening for Chlcaao to be ahan about two weeks. Colonel Akin will attend the meeting of the Imperial council of the M- J. during his stay in Chicago, which meets there June 12 and 1J. Mr. and Mra. Harry p. Whitmore. accom panied by their daughter. Miss Eugenie Whitmore, will leave Saturday to sail tot Europe June , going direct to England where they will visit relatives in Currey knd Cheleea. and then to Holland, where they will join friend, who are to entertain a houaeboat party for two weeks, visiting Holland villages and the country about Haarlem and Arnhelm. CADETS RETURN FROM CAMP High grhool Boy. Have Good Tim nal Hnnnr gelvea and Inatltatlon. After a Week spent in camp at Takamah the high school cadets, numbering U0, returned home yesterday well pleased with their annual outing. They marched from the depot to the high school and then dis banded for th year. They were brought to Omaha on a special Northwestern train. Camp waa broken Immediately after breakfast and th cadets began packing tents and equipment and cleaning up the ground which were thoroughly gone over Haengerfet in St. Paul July 26, 27. 28 an.l 2. where 2,600 alngera will be in th chorus. , Dr. Goose His Useandflis-Use The Hot Flat Iron Dr. Goose if ustul in restoring th finish to cloth and in smoothing it after the clothes are made. But the mis use of the Flat-Iron, lad to relate, can be detected in 8o per cent of all clothes; where defects in cutting or sewing ar tnaaked by shrinking or stretch ing, a th case may be. Hence the fact that so few clothes retain Character or Style. Flrt-Iron work of thi kind, U purely a makeshift, became it is far cheaper and quicker than sincere tailoring. Naturally, it is only temporary, for Flat Iron work wilt out under the influence of dampness and wear. SINCERITY CLOTHES are mad under th most perfect sanitary and indus trial conditions, and any defect found in any garment, is revised by shears and honest Hand Needle-Work before we tarn it over to the SINCERITY CLOTHIER a a finished garment. To men who want assurance of quality aa well aa stvla, we offer our label aa a safe guide. Its tki cltthtt that mail lis laM worth looking for. Find th label, and yon will find satis faction. It' in th garment, and read lik this: $100 la a Diamond has more lull at nee thaa 1 1 000 ia the bank. June Wedding and Graduation Gifts THINGS FOR JUNE If you are in a quandry regarding the selection of a choice present, aee our Cut Glass Display. Probably half the wedding and anniversary gifta at the prettent time are of Cut Glass. Whether you wish to give a single piece, or a aet, or an entire chest of silver, you should certainly look here before making a eelectlon. We have practically everything in Silverware, of fine and guaran teed quality, and at exceptionally economical prices, T I MMtlQ Pn The Busy i. I., uuhiuu uu. Jewelers 1 COO Douglas Street luZU 1520 I dlllUkllll I VLUIIlbil ADI AID IOAIAJTUD IT KUH, NATHAN XN0 FISCHER CO. MIAIl Giving Away $8,8 And the $309 Hospe Piano Exhibited and used in Myers & Dillen drug store window, lfHh and Farnam, Tuesday evening by Frank R. Powell, who will lay this Hospe piano until he is played out, this to beat the world's best record. A Hospe Co. will give away free of cost this piano to the person guessing in advance the nearest number of hours and minutes Mr. Powell will be able to play continuously. An additional $nKK) in prizes will be given away to 150 other nearest guessers. This is to advertise the Hospe Piano and the only one price, no commission paying piano house in Omaha., ' For particulars and guessing cards go to Myers & Dil lon's Tuesday. A. HOSPE CO. . H 1513 Douglas St. 1 tftJlv JtMillAJUri9iH!?wm ffppjmmmfragfaW' BE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS rrssM s 7 i