Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1906, COMIC SECTION, Image 30

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Vlllln .nriA.
mA i7 R
lng, Omaha, h j "J
owns a valuable Jr
A furtHer cJevclopmcnit of
comfoFt and sciFet in
Americcm IRcnilroccfl travel
the Bullfrog
adjoining '
1 1 it it
WH1LJE travailing you hava no A moat Important feature In connection .
doubt heard the remark passed with this system of oar conatrucUon Is j
over and over again in waiting the perfect ventilation and sanitation ob-1
room and on trains, "How onejtalncd, the ears recently designed bemn;
dreads to travel In a sleeping 1 finished In the richest ponshed hard wood,
can!" This will not long remain : w ithout unnecessary mouldings or carving j
10 be the case, as convertible J to harbor dust or germs. I
sleeping, parlor and dining cars are now! Under the system of ventilation adopt-1
in operation and afford one all the con-' ed there Is ft current of filtered pure air,!
venlencei of the best equipped hotel. and if allowed any number of men could'
On entering the "Columbia." which Is smoke In the cat without the tobaoco,
the name of one of these rar, one Imagines fumes being disagreeable to any one. ,
that he is going Into a drawing roim con-j After rending for some time I began to (
talnlng twenty-five comfortable grass ; fei. Bleep and thought I would retire,!
chairs, which are portable. The spacious r0 pressing a call button, the porter cmei
windows not only afford comfort In nd-iand I inquired where the sleeper was.'
miring the scenery but give the effect if,- Allow me sir," he said, "to place your
a large observation car. The car H chair on .the other aide of the oar, and 1
carpeted with a very fine velvet carpet, i will moke up your bed." ,
richly and artistically designed. And again I was puzzled to know where '
At one end of the "Columbia" is the o-the bed was coming from. Raising the
servatlon room. Then come the women 1 superficial floor of a section to form one
rooms, In which four women can at one division end, there was a device carrying
time make their toilets. Next comes the cables attached to a drum mechanism
saloon, then the convertible main sleeping underneath by which both upper and lower
room, parlor and dining riora. Next come t,orths are raised, locking automatically!
the pantry, kitchen and refrigerator. . rigid and Arm, Independent of the sustain-1
Such a palace on wheels. It is asserted,
will not only make railroad travel a pleas
ure, but it la thought to ibe far safer than
the old style top heavy sleepers, owingto
the fact that the biggest bulk of weight
ia under th floor Instead of overhead.
After having travelled some distance my
cur. osity was arpirfs; Jut niy ticket called
lor a sleeper And from ail appearances I
imagined I wis In a day chair oar. At
this Instant ihe porter announced "first
for dinnfr" and I waa at sea to know
whether theiMlnlng car waa ahead or bark, i
so, as he passed my chair, I asked where
it was, an, he replied, "This Is the dining!
enr, ir,"and at the same time he hand-
ed me abill of fare that one would ex-
pect to Ind In a Broadway restaurant.
On eir.erlng to take my order he brought
ohable table, which was fastened
to the side of the oar directly In
f one of the large windows. Spread-
le linen, he now opened ft cabinet In
Ide of the car, which was filled with
er and other necessary articles for the
le. This same thing went on until ten
bles had been set for dinner, very com-
ortably accommodating twenty passen
Musings of a
Beware of him who proclaims his frlend-l A man Is no taller when he stands upon
hip boisterously. Tine true love song la' a pedestal, though he may gain ln appear
weet and low and the listeners are ftew. jance and estimation.
There is no surer way of destroying thy jt Is not necessary to pass through every
life than to live almleely. experience to gain an undemanding. Ob-
a . , ' tw. i,rvto' give the needful lesaon If we
Before defaming another examine thy-lDut hed.
elf and thou maye-t heeutate. I
For what reason would we have othera
think aa we? Is It from great faith In
ourselves? Is It from benevolence or is It
from a desire to dom.nate? It would be
kind to analyze motive before proceeding;
too far Into the rightful domain of another, j
! . . I
A song bird may carol on a aoac r".
but who would remember the branch nd
forget the song?
Many a man cloaks himself with money
and goeth about with a naked soul.
Whan following a promise to a con
clusion be sure the promise is In line with
fact, otherwise you will arrive at the
wrong station.
Man's imagination la never more fan
taatio than In regard to future and un
known worlds.
..Dns way to enfeeble t'he mind Is never
to exerciss it but to bind It fast to that
which older generations taught.
Attempt not great things
k needle will not harpoon a
Follow a hero many days and his glory
The penalty rf Independent thinking
tha loss of timid friend!.
inspiration has its limits the human
It is a difficult thing to restore confl -
den. s w ith apology or to heal a wound
with regrets. t
To come Into close touch with tha bu-
fanktly cneaaa to sutler.
Ing power of the cable and bearing 2,5on j
pounds for each berth. Now a eub-floor
is raised, forming the other end of the
division, this also being firmly locked.
The raising of the upper berth, ready for!
occupancy, with the exception of pillows,
I- 1 1 1. ...4 1. .. nnA .aUAlntlna n I, a
1 B tj. , J ' 1 1 .J , ww,Wti't VI Vila
drum, the mechanism underneath raising
the berth to the point desired, automati
cally locking the end supports formed by,
the two sections of the floor. The head ;
and foot boards of both upper and lower1
berths cover the bed during the day, and
are lifted Into position to hide the mechan-
ism of the djvlslon ends or floor sections,
The lower berth Is now raised In less than j
one revolution of the drum.
This enables the porter
chairs, grip and packages
place the i
the berth'
pocket below the floor, which is steel lined
and dustproof, a berth pocket by day and
a storage by night. '
Both upper and lower beds are now i
ready for occupancy, with spring beds and
hair mattresses, without Interfering with
any other section In the car, with
more space between upper and lower
berths than In the ordinary sleeper,
with windows for observation and ventlla-
Twentieth Century Philosopher.
is sorely afraid of a braxen
Age begins when hope decline.
Bleep Is the savior of man and beaJt.
Thouwht ia the substance wherewith the
mind la clothed. The raiment la course or
rine according to taate or desire. The
lorlng is done by ourselves; and what odd
garments we fashion
No two are alike
and not one Is perfect
r-, . i, j4w i.
K iLit I ".r i.e.iew. a uiucirm mm.,.
but to toetter It. j "TTT......- w.
As often as thou pray est for wealth pray
for wisdom.
Tears blister the memory of many
pag' or life which would be free from
blemish had youth been endowed with ex-
A thousand generations are but one heart!
throb of itemlty.
Aa a plant rewards care with more per
fect bloom, so does humanity.
Take comfort ln the thought that thou
1 A . , . , -
iri a l;vei ui vw ana nave neen aaslgnvoi
lajtu t,lacB ln ,na umvse which thou art!
to And.
A boaster and a pretender; what can be
;saia ot ,nrr v..- wou.u ,race a page 7 Iter than another.
' The largest game la not found In the' '
tallest 'raee. Sometimes a shot is mlsatd I An Irishman was describing his first
said of either that would grace a page?
By look'ng loo atgn.
Be paUent with age, th4 time may not
" ' Li II ft . 'I c"r 1 ' 1 IT . ( -TM Bl T-1 V' T v. ' v V V JT . . m ' . -fW-Y. M
Vt, 'II i Sm if 1 .1 If. :. il I
ml i mm " . &m
fit ml TfnjW in i m T' ? xftfUf-M
1 m.uW I f0wmf ! -v.
mi Mb :,WmM j
m i v If
it '
Happier ia he who lings for his dinner
than ne who whines for It, and quite as
sure is he of getting It.
Though an army spring at thy command
lead it not for spoils.
A man may speak of much and know
Simplicity Is the attendant of greatnesai
and cannot long be separated.
The wind of adversity
blows one Into a port of safety.
If thou wilt observe tha br ghtest spot In:
the human character thou will And It Ulu -
I mined by unaelflsliiiess
tai-imlne'1 by ulu,el
Civility that costs an effort is worth
more to the giver than to the receiver. j
Every eye hath Its own vision and every
, tiiK lu.uono.i.icr win i n . u u .... .....
1 to himself. The capricious will
i them to anything else.
i W WUCI I'll"- " , J " mil
carry more joy tuiu sorrow io nuinan
acarU than all others.
! Do the pleasures at life recompense for
. . ! ., 1 T". Bnu.'nr in tha nnuutU-a
wim 1 1 ".- - ... .....
aompels argument with Deity.
Before the world becomes perfect Idle
ness must be put to work.
Bo still Is the house of conscience that
,r hp sugniesL rap on ino uw. m inom
A leaky houae that stands on a hill has
, t4nd, on a piai. Neither Is one He bet -
j " " !,
stammering efforts at golf. "Tne first
timA 1 miMAffel the hiill." he said, "and
the second time I hit It ln the same
placa TU a poor gams.-
i f 4t ,,;
The Doings
Tho Salvation Array has 17.KS workers
among children. It comuri-es 7.21K corpsits the French city of Havre. The import
"nd societies and It has UK! officer!
ninmy nupaiyea in lis service.
The lledoin Arahs ar liht eaters. lx
or seven oate. .ooke.1 in melted butter,!
1 acrve a mn a wlio.e day, with a veryinwin waa won by a porter named -orsey.
mall quantity of coarse flour or a little
'ball of rice.
The ifcink of Ireland decline! to honor
checks written In Erae. The areiveia ror a successful potato uiguer ui;um(ui tiru.ui.111, o. ivetu, w ruuv liiat on
Indignant. If, they say, the bank accepts
, ' ... . ' j whir!
icnecas in jarvanese unu ivum..,
should It reject those In Krse?
! A railway 1s to le built to the region!
" t. . ., win
Itend from Hodeldah. on the Red B.a, to
'ann..a thi larcreMt rltv in Southern Ara-
bla. with a population of seventy-five thou
i wit. " ' " f I - - - - - -
j R.ann.
Monarite. valuable as the source of the
!thori usen in ine nianuracture or mean-
descent gas mantles, has been found In
,Ka Brnnn.l nf Kniilhvm N I' r ' .'I II lllviir
. . . - - - - - - - -
beas. rne oniy oiner orriin aeposais are Artificial Ice la manufactured In Athens The Kawasaki Da k yard Company, of t"lllgnc.
In Ceylon. 'by rnaclunery bought of the Frick Com- J.iprn, iiajs auuh an exjaindlng buslm-xa: "ut c,ne not f;,re better than tha
The body of Eleanor Perkins, a nursajpany, of Waynesboro, Ia. Tills plant la that it has le.-n d-s-Jd..! to Una-ease theib'her. Each little house in the great city
who had been sixty-four years In thecapable of producing twenty-five tons of'pfcl "'"k. n-pons tVnsul liewml klil-,was Identical with all the others. Yet
service of an English family In Lincoln- lee in twenty-four hours and cost $12,000. -h'r, of Yokohama, from $.', t0 t'1,0.0.- there was no monotony In the building
shire, was carried to the grave the other More recently Mr. M. Chrlss ipliidea, of""' In addition to w h.-h a &M.bu foi-lii 1 1 hereof . Botne strei-ia were very f.inet
day by four sons of the family, all of I'lrueus, tlrerce. orilered other machinery 1" to fa awl for the ledeanptiun otiful ln their coral branchings, some q ,fia
whom she hal nursed ln their Infancy. from the United States, of a capacity of existing i..l..-irl ms. A hun-- dry u.K.-k is straight, 'me iniiicuw in uieir ramllica
A great colonial exposition will be opened thirty tons In twenty-four hours, paying proW-ted eomrNiny to acc..nimodate, tlons. but ao designed and builded that
In Marselllea this spring and continued UiO' for It. The boilera for the above v" " 1 I V . , T.k" iV", h. .'p-an nha.ltant rrelved Juat as much nd
! throughout the summer.
it will mark the
first attempt to organize a compreheuslye
mansfeatation oi rrencn colonial wont ai.a
1. arousing much Interest.
A Frem-h horticulturist has discovered
..... . ......
,.thr Una And miirniinBitd nl.Ai
lliai luatB ai.v, tinniiuiiriira 11 live
together ln a vase, bota Wither within
batf aa hour.
AS -
of Our Foreign
The largeat coffee market in the world
I l4 reached 1U9.9S9 tone.
"riii jusi. tuuicuu "
show ln which men a well a women
competed. The prize of the nanwomeei,a
Germany is tne jargrai prooucer i i
taitoes In the world, growing aa high as
4S.OOO,ono tons ln one year. It oners a -'"
wouio innmii too mucn.
"PI.,. l ..a. .1,
. ..c oi.ou "'. .
l!es during 19 6 realized l.We,iu. of which
ver one-half waa derived from petroleum.
nne-fn.inh from aalt and the ba ance from
playing cords and matches
A European company haa offered to pave
Stadium street. Athens, w ith asphalt for
, ... - - - , " " , j,,,
l'ngs to the state government, while
aduius in-n, ..u a
haa betn awarded. Is the property of the
nilinlrtni IIV.
maciv.nery ne unmw in ivogiana, 01
Babe .ck. lo.
Jjpin ha, eoiumeiiced Imputing oual'm Sew South Wales and Queensland .
from New South Wales, ln Australia, ad-' ntn.-iaTy estimated at ..WTiUi l a!,
via t-onsul todlng, of .Ni-woetlp. who
m- , or,.,, . r,,.i ..r,t ,.. .
- v- .b .... 1 j....,-
iace tt J.iion .is s.ivmir (hit rh iii-ut fi r.,i
ton cargo had arrived. If thU product, a
gJod coke tha trad will be lars
tlon In the upper berth and continual cir
culation of fresh outside air pasMng on j the under floor disappearing bed, which
both Bides of both berths. Th. two beds gives the stateroom twice ni much avail
are ready and the section enclosed wttli ' :t?ilo space when not being ued as a
curtains, and all In less than two minutes.
In the morning the work is reversed and
would remind one of a moving picture
film run backward, na chairs and grips are
taken out, berths lowered, and again we
have a parlor car. .
The "three In one" .r makea operation
much cheaper, aa it does away with at
least one car. As roads are now being
equipped with electric notor power, thlsnfc ln the promulgation of their disap-
convertlble car will be operated by elec
tricity, and changes will be made more
rapidly by this device The large steam
ship companies are Inking of adopting
,te-. tit'-'-:
Persia has a populntion of .O,l0. with:,? m. ,, ' hrlv ,',.ia ,.f n,,. .." r,.nt
an are i of 6!,0U0 square mllea.
J Consul 0..neral Uidgely writes from Bar -
wt ni.t inai ,,uii ions oi uriiisn con wtiui1mll on (l,hrr ,p rilj tl) hF-0 n
imported at that port during 1. He gives!. lu. .,.,.- ,),,:,, n,i .....m
Jlat of tno lnVHrteraj -which can b ob-
tainod from the Bureau of Manufacturers.
in,, (ieruun lchalag iMpose Uy ruise
m,)re revenue by taxing picture ptt cards
sent through tha mall one naif dent oath -
Huiunn oi dri,uuo,uw oi iiuou carus
Sent tiir.illl'.r HlA m u l.l Dliniliillu 1 mmil.l
-r.-. ,v
produce J.5uO,oui) revenue.
Consul Kunlap r.iirta from Otdogne on
the operation of Uie strist railways which.
aa 4 usually the uuw In Uermany, are
ownl by w.o miinJ lp.iJautii.rttlB. Tliere
, T . " " ' l'T w ",v"
liV 1 ll. rv-.h.M I t-.a mmi.U I. a a . -ft u
a rule are well comluot.L W hen Ihe seits
,n (KJ(.ull(xJ one u alloWHj to
a rule ur well cundiiot.d. V hl Ihe se
m ,1,1, (l (W- a atr wniie in
lmllllin la nuiiihed with a fine ot from
. . - .... . . i
1 nj mi tuna aa.
t yU, f,r the
bushels reret:vcly. t n ...
. . ......-:"""
is at. niii-mr ii rir.t n DUHMn
.v. anil -At.La ne, w. '. . '
! bushel crop of lB-oi. ln Queenaaad th,
fum Jiaal bsUf of laat aaaTa.
Hloi plng room.
HE hue and cry goes up anent the oo-
topus of the "trusts." tins product of
the twentieth century, and socialists
denounce It from the platform and use
I II D remiH nf turner -M.l pulLiiiu .,f tu.rv
proval of the monster which Is destroying
ttils fair country of ours.
And yet the conception of trusts and
corporations were not original with
Rockefeller, a Hyde, a Carnegie nor the
coal barons. It Is but the application to
human methods of natural methods older,
perhaps, than our own l'nd. ours about
which we are now wringing our hands and
crying that It Is going to the "dcmnitlon
'bow wows."
1 It was Josephine's dressmaker, when re
proached by her capricious mistress that
I her latest creation was but a copy of an
o)Jer and discarded gown, who cried out
i in exculpation of the chnrge:
"Your Majesty, there Is nothing new un
der the sun !"
I And It can be Justly sal.l to the pessimls
Itieally Inclined as far ns the trusts are
'concerned that tliv existed before man
was made.
Millions, perchance billions of years g0
a few little Insects got together for tne
benetlt of their kind and clodded to build
for themselves a home that should be
j large enough to accommodate tnem and
j their children and their children'! children
for countless generations.
With their Insect Intelligence they de
cided It were better to work as one; It may
be that the adage which is so potent with
Us to-day hel l t,oo,l In t'mse diyn: "To
igether we stand; divided we fail." and the
new city was conceived and built on tn
bas s of a huge trust.
The first Insect built him a tiny hole,
which was h'.s house; around this he built
a wall; number two built a slnillir hole
to the left; number three to t ie riht, and
so on, slowly, laboriously. IntrllU. ntly, the
little creatures bullded, ami the
grew, oh, so slowly, but ko ilnnly, until
It was as large as a jh-r, lin n us a marble,
(then n an apple and so on, year by year,
;gre,it"r and greater, and after countless
k-enenitloiis. w many that we, with our
limited human intelligence, c.ii not count
I them, the home assumed v ml proportions,
land In the ocean an Islimd t'p;ieared and
Igrew and spread, until finally man In ha
"ren 'Mugs out" saw It, coveted It and
claimed It.
The government of this ureal city was
ion an ideally eiK'lallstU' plane. It was ai-
truistlc In lis conception. Not ne of the
laborers and dwellers therein received
more than bis brothers; they fared
In the long run, though It Is true that at
one turn of the tide some were li nn and
hungry, but were compensated on the next
The home was so built fiat two sides of
the structure received the full force of tha
Incoming tide, which brought with it a
great Influx of sea dellmcles, such as are
Irresistibly swept along with the otirueh-
!.,.',. i.n.. t;r h. . ,t , Ti.oii.
1 ,rthl.r, hnd aisrers. cook a,s. uncle, and
.hL,h n,.,,vMted thmurt, ihe nnn,...
,n,,)r dw,:nK. Therefore, when the tide
,,, , orie n(Uf ,,lf. (.,tv iuxurouttIyt
h the ot,er half were content wit
the crumbs which fell frjtn the tables of
tje r(.ni
But when the tide went out the other
two sides of the himse roeelved the full
rush of the Mood Ud-n waters and the in
halMtants of two sidiM fed on the
fat of the laud, while their relatives on
the other two shies picked up their cruic.hs.
So the little coral lute"! sulci .1 trie
problem of the "trust" many centurl'-a
"""r,r - ro piTif;-i ria t.eea
tholr organlmation, so faithfully have they
worxeo mat ttiey have huilded far more
securely than humans possibly could even
n I h Va a V i i , ,
....... . . - ..-.-..... v . .1 1 . . 1 1 ni.micri ul ln-
110 inure uhii m uriannnr. 1 ne ineoin-
, tide fd one na ir. t he out gong the other.
. i-il 7i... .1 " 'w,1Ha'
P!-to. . I f ramlhcations may
" '
or oeiermini
init, and they
ar-' wl.-e in saying
noirdn?. we can only con j.-cture di.-ttirb
ian7' Brt w l'ro--Ire4
Wuni Truslv. aw-outtttu oi Ua