Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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THE OMAHA! SUNDAY BfcE: JUNE 10, 1906..'
June, the ideal time 'of the year,. when roos blossom, and. flbwersi whisper to the balmy breezes, alfc nature miles.and looks
her loveliest and het. It is also the month Of vacation outings, graduation and June brides. The apparel needs arising from these
joyous occasions will be many. Our store was never in better 6hape for this glad season. It is brilliantly feplete with worthy
new and wanted merchandise. "We are ready to surpass any previous June record, and will do so if clean stocks and fairest prices
can accomplish the result. Each and every one of. our twepty-five departments are in complete readiness ta meet your summer
wants, ready to serve you as
Fans for Graduation Gifts.
Much heeded right now. They will always
rerall the river on cold winter nights at
the party or ball, a well on the hot
ummer evenings. W are selling I At go
numbers' of fana Just now for graduation
gifts. Our Una for the season la now at Ita
Bone stick fana for 80c, 75c, il.M, 11.30,
fl.Tn, SJOO up- to $3.00.
. Pan with pearl atlrka at $5.50, W.0U, IT. 00,
, $., 119.00 and up to $30.00.
'( Main floor. .
) Parasols for the Bride or
':. ' ' Graduation'. -
' Thla aeaaon has brought new biuty In
t parasols, and) must be seen to be appre
I elated. Our ahowlng Include all the real
1 choice novelties and ahould be looked over
; leisurely. . '
: Plain white paraeola, with pretty em-
broidery, $6.60 each.
t Pretty lace trimmed white parasol. Pf.w
; The very lateat Imported novelties In Im
. ported white linen paraaola, $13.00 each.
WLlta paraaola aa low aa $1.(0 each. '
' Plain colored allk paraaola. In all the new
-shades at little prices.
Parasol dlaplay, main floor.
Umbrellas for Vacation Time.
Toil may hare need of . one. It la easy
,'to buy an umbrella tor knockabout or va
cation time at these prices,
j At U.0OV a good durable rain umbrella,
iwlth atcet fnm and natural wood handle,
j At $10, a fine black piece dyed taffeta
"umbrella, paragon frame and fine natural
.'crooked or prlncesa handle.
At $2.00, fine aerge allk umbrella, best
paragon frame, plain wood or fancy handle.
Mala floor.'
French Underwear for Gradua-
; tion Gifts.
. .
Beautifully wrought from the daintiest
'of sheer nainsook.
:. Pretty designs. In embroidered effect,
others with lace Insertion and medallions;
( prices atart at $2.00. '
; Most beautiful are the dainty French
chemise; the. pretty effects brought out In
these garment are beyond description.
"We will be pleaaed to ahow them to you.
iPrlc-a start at tiOO.
French underwear display, second floor.
;, v
mill SHIP ' ON . GUARD
' ... .f
Xinmt tfarblshsad Goes t) Qnatemala to
Watoh the BeTolntion.
Vessel (roam l alted States . Said . t
Hare Loaded Oaas asi Mem
'' (es tke ReTOlatleaary
- "TPA BHINGTON, .June . -Secrecy '. no
longer surrounds the movements of the
I'nled States cruiser Marblehead which
, has, sailed north from Panama. At the
request, of the State department the
' Marblehead sailed for Ban Jose, Guatemala
'to Investigate the movements of the Ameri
can vessel Empire, which reported to have
.landed recruits, from San Francisco and
arms and ammultlon for the- use et the
'revolution . against President " Cabearer.
Disquieting dispatches reached the State
department today from Guatemala con
cerning the revolution. The enemies of
he present administration are active In
'several parts of the republic, but It la
Impossible to discover the exact causes
of the movepient and the directing force.
- Jloth . the Salvadorean and Mexican
Vrders have been lending support to the
fevojuyon and it Is the desire of this
V -oyeroreent that the Marblehead shall
find out exactly what, the situation la and
' have care that there be no participation
a, the, revolution by Americana, which may
Involve the -Called States In . an Inter
' national dispute.
'. The Eraplre coaled at Corinto, Nicaragua,
before' sailing, for Ban Jose, according to
.'dispatches- from Panama.. There was no
attempt to conceal the fact that,, the
steamer wbtoa was flying the American
gag, carried arms and ammunition. , .
The veasel Is . & tug seventy feet in
rytB have good things to tell
L J things you ought to know
y.. . idoh mat oiniotia aua -
has fvr offered for growing
' lust the shoes you want for
..rapidly to the most exacting
Besides many shoe novel
ties in Oxfords, boots and
ellre. '-Is are
. great trade builders. W,:Q
; bovs' srjiciAL
I'm : s a.5o
- -,,. ... ; t ;?. .'3.5W
1 to 11 at $13
tM to sVi t $2.23
UVi to 1 at.... SJ0
8 H to 11 at. . .l.BO
Write for illustrated cata
rue. A ' .
a-.'.'.: ', '' .. . j
Oxtords, Slippers, Sandals . .
- r
never betore.
Monday 75c and 85c Silks, 29o and 39c. All Silk $1.00
Bungalow, 49c. .Handsome all Silk $1.25 Rajah, 49c yd.
Monday's Grand Special Sale of Silks will secure to you the very
lateat and choicest Silks at about one-balf of what the Silks cost to
manufacture. They are not only Silks of superior, quality, but every
piece has the stamp of newness and beauty. All the Bilks to be sold
have been taken from our regular stock. For Instance, "Rajah" Silk,
27 inches wide, never sold for less than 11.25. There are about six
choice colors brown, new blue, natural, Alice blue, Teseda, etc., 49c
yard. ."Bungalow" Silk, exact copy of "Rajah," a little lighter In
weight. In the new chiffon finish, beautiful fabric, good line of colors,
49c yard. The new Queen's gray, In small checks, regular 85c Quality,
not a large quantity, 29c. Other pretty Silks for waists and suits,
regular 76c and 85c quality, 39c and 49c.
NOTE In 'a great many cases there remains but a single" dress
pattern of a color. Now, If you expect to attend this clearing sale,
take our advice and be here when they go on sale, Monday 8 a. in.
Special Sale of Lace Curtains, Monday, June 11, Basement,
' . . ? ,-.' .West Side.
Having closed out many grades of Lace Curtains, we nave taken
the higher grade goods to fill the openings, hence these extraordinary
reductions made from oUr' usually low prices.
COc Ruffled Swiss Curtains now . 49c pair.
. $1.50 Ruffled Swiss Curtains now 81.00 pair.
$2.00 Flat 8w1bs Curtains now $1.00 pair.
$4.50 Donne Fern me Curtains, on to a window, $2.25 each. ,
$7.00 Bonne Femme at $3.50 each.
$9.00 Bonne Femme at $4.60 each.
. $8.00 Bonne Femme at $3.00 each. '
$2.50 Bonne Femme at $1.98 each.
$6.00 and $7.00 Point d Sprit Curtains, with beautiful Bat
tenberg work and real cluny Ifcce. at $5.00 pair.
$10.00 Cluny- Lace Curtains at $6.50 pair.
. Brussels Net Curtains at $3.00 and $4.00. . '
Our $6.00 Brussels Net Curtains now $5.00 pair.
Our $8.00 Brussels Net Curtains now $6.00 pair. .
Our $10.00 find $11.00 Brussels Net Curtains now $8.00 pair.
Our $12.60 Brussels Net Curtains now $9.00 pair.
Our $16.00 Brussels Net Curtains now $10.00 ' " '
And many other big reductions all through our Curtain stock., , ,
Colored Wash Goods for Summer Wear.
See these, we have them In the choicest styles. Not every s-;j
has them. .'
Zephyr Ginghams, 16c, 20c, 25c t Organdies, 10c, 15c, 25c rirJ.'""
yard. ... I Batistes at 10c, 15c yard.
Parisian Plaids, 25c yard. I Banzai Silk, plain and fancy.
Shimmer Silk, 26c yard. . J 50c yard.
Silk Chlffoix Checks,' 40c, 30c Silk Ginghams, 45c 50c yard.'
yard. I
Kimono Material, in the latest Japanese designs, 12 He, 18c, 20c
Real Irish Dimities, the best grades produced, 25c, 30c yard.
- In Basement.
The Mountain Shirt for. Women
Wi are showing two new styles of these
Outing Bhlrta; one la plain white-the other
la a polka dot effect. Prices. $3.80 and
$2.26 each.
7 : Howard Corner
length and Its normal crew . numbers
t'hlrteenf wen;'-'- '' -"'' ,:'""-
': Revole.n.mlsrt-'Vft'a Victory. '
UlrviPn PITT Tun lAfk'.nran ad-
vices today 'report' a great victory for the
revolutionists who repulsed a vigorous st
tack -by government troops in southern
Guatemala, though the government forces
had artillery and kept up a terrific cannon
ading for six hours. -'
Undei- the leadership of General Toledo,
the revolutionary ' forces fought' deeper
ately and as a result of their success
there Is great "rejoicing In their camp. .
' President Cabrera's cabinet has resigned
in a body and Intense excitement prevails
In' Guatemala City, -where It la believed
the revolutionists are on their way to the
capital and may reach there' by Tuesday.
So Saves Mather free l)rwl.
1 SHERIDAN. Wyo., June . (Special.)
Mrs. Ruth Conley. postmaster . at Big
Horn, had a narrow escape from drowning
In Little Goose 'creek Friday. She had
started to cross the stream on a foot bridge
and when near the center became dlssy
and fell ln Her cries attracted her son,
who rushed to ' the river bank In time to
see his mother sink a aecond time. The
boy did not hesitate, but plunged Into the
turbulent waters, and retting; hold of his
drowning parent succeeded In holding "her
head above water until assistance arrived.
Mrs. Conley was unconsoloue for more than
an hour, but Is' now recovering.'- '-
Brasilia Ambassador ta I.e;e .
WASHINGTON. June $.-M. Nabuco, the
Braslllan ambassador, will sail .from New
York for Southampton on June IS. He will
sail June 25 from' Southampton for Rio
Janerlo to attend the Pan-American confer
ence. ...'.'' ' : ' . " ,
i fflaekbara Sareeeds Oarmaa.
. WASHINGTON, June S.-At a meeting of
the democratic senstors Benator Blackburn
of' Kentucky was elected chairman' of the
democratic conference, to succeed Senator
Gorman. ' .- . . I
you about boys' and girls" shoes,
of. It you appreciate) good shoe.
outwear anyming inis inaraei
feet. Our stock rooms are full of
.summer; shoes that are selling
will please you.
Bare-foot sandals of tan wil
low calf, strong and durable,
sizes I to I are 0Ot; to 12.
fl.OO; 11 U to 2, SI. 10s.
Plain and fancy soft sole
shoes of fine soft kid, various
colors and combinations, and
white, at 75c, OOc and 60c.
Baby shres and slippers with
hard sOter fn tan, black, red or
white, and combinations, at
l.oo, 91.35791.23 and 91.00.
fc loilta lmilil
Special sale of all our very highest Class
dainty Xwn and Lingerie Walsta.
All the $22.00 Waists Monday nt $11.00 "
Ail the $18.60 Waists Monday at $12.60.
; All the $16.00 Waists Monday at $10.00. .
. All the $12.50 Waists Monday at $7.50.
All the $10.00 Waists Monday at $0.50.'
Sixteenth Street
Four Days' Reunion of 'Uorth Nobruka
Soldiers and Sailors.
.;'-: ii ..v
Attradaare Is Slim Becaase Few of
, the ' Old Boys Remain Teats
Are Faralshe4 frem
the Fort.
1 VALENT1NR Neb., .June . (Special
Telegram.) Lest evening closed four days'
exercises of the North . Nebraska Grand
Army of the Republic reunion; which was
held at a grove within three miles of this
place and within one mile of Fort Nio
brara. 'Speeches were made by Depart
ment Commander J. R. . Maxon, Hon. J.
A. Douglaa of Bassett and Captain A.- G.
Fisher of Chadron. Each day'a exercises
were Interspersed with muslo furnished
the. Twenty-flrth Infantry band of Fort
Niobrara that post contributing largely to
the .entertainment during the entire .four
days. The attendance was ,not particularly
large, owing to' the "fact that the old sol
diers are becoming painfully less, but those
Who attended enjoyed the reunion, and
everything was done possible for the care
and entertainment of the veterans. Colo
nels A. L. Towle and W. Thompson
and Judgo f. M. Walcott -were the prlrnjo
movers and carried out the 'details -of the
reunion In an excellent manner. To Colo
nel R, W. Hoyt, commanding at Fort Nio
brara and the officers and soldiers. under
him the veterans and all who were per
mitted to be present fee themselves under
many ebllgatlons for kindnesses extended.
; Tente for the1 encampment wera fur
nished by the quartermaster afFort Nio
brara. The veterans were aaalgned to
tents an Tuesday . morning.. On. Tuesday
Sftemoon the meetings were opened,, with
music, by .the,. Twenty-fifth .Iufsjitry. band.
Prayer was offered by Rev. R. D. Water
man... Colonel . A. L.., Towle delivered the
address, of. welcome. .Other addresses were
aiade. In, .the .evening there waa a cainp
Are meeting.! Kith martiaJ music by Colo
ael W..WC Thompson's drum corps.
On , Wednesday morning . the veterans
visited . Port Nt,objaral where they were
entertained with drills and parade. . In
the.afiernoonthe meeting waa opened with
prayer, by the Rev. J.W, Morgan. Com
aiander. J. R. Maxon. Department of Ne
braska,' Grand' Army of the Republic,
dressed the. msftlng. aa did DrOeorge ,W.
Iartlm1 A base. ball game between Rose
bud .Indian ana Valentine waa played
after the meeting. The .Twenty-flfth n
tantry band gave a-camp-flre concert In
he evening. .," . ...
On Thursday. niprning the vetersns visited
(he Fort Niobrara target range, " In the
S ftetnoon Jt he '.meeting was opened with
prayer by the Rev R. D. Waterman. Ad
dresses were given by the Hon. J. 'A.
pouglas and' Captain Allen Qs, Fisher. The
orchestra from Company t, Twenty-fifth
Infantry, gave a camp-flre concert at. I
I The election of officers took place on
Friday and addresses were made by Rob
ert G. Easley and Colonel W. W. Thomp
son. Several athletic events took place
after the meetlnaj.'and a base ball game
between the "First, and Third battalions.
Twenty-fifth' Infantry. The meeting 'ad
journed In the evening.
Olt Fretepee t taaser. ' v,
; xlAfiPKR.1 Wr.Jfuaa i t.-e-tflpeclaU
WUUam C Manchester ef Howling Ore,
ed David J. Ceyner ef Detroit, Mica.,
' See, June '.
Fine Cluny Lace. Pieces for
June Weddings. '
First , showing of new and. beautiful
Cluny' and BysSntln lace pieces; have
been In our store hardly a week. The
patterna are new and exclusive; never
have we shown anything so pretty aa these
dainty lace pieces. As a remembrance to
the 'June, bride, you could choose nothing
that would be, more appreciated, as every
girl delights In a' collection of handsome
lace pieces. , The price range. Is from 23c
to $100.00 eaoh. , . .
' We will be pleased to show you these
new piece, whether you purchase or not.
Mala floor. .
. ; . '. ". ,
- Gift 'Hosiery.
A splendid ' showing of women's fsncy
hosiery that will make a highly acceptable
gift for .the June .bride:' Women's black
or 'wtilt'e' lisle hbse", hand embroidered In-,
step at $1.2$ perrfcilr. '
, Black. lisle hose, with Mexican drawn
work instep, at $2-00 and $2.60 pair.
'Freach' lisle hose, with rococo embroid
ery. ?.00 per pair.
" Thread allk hose, in all the light shsdea,
a't $2.0 per pair.; ' '
.Embroidered allk hose, In most fetching
designs, at $2.7$, $3.00, $3.60. $4.00 and $5.00
ear pair. .... t
Oause silk hose, allk clocked, at $3.00 and
$i.4 per pair: v i
Mai floor.
Bargains in-Our Cloak Depart
ment Monday.
AH the tailor-made Suits at half price.
Clearing sale prices on all our Tan and
White Voile Skirts.
Clearing sale prices on all the Jackets.
Second floor.
Ladies Gloves, . the New, the
Beautiful, the Needed Styles.
Elbow Length White Suede Gloves Com
fortable far summer wear; a three-button
glove With pretty. aUtchlnga, pr pair, $3.00.
Elbow Length White Glace Gloves-Very
stylish and made of the best selected skins,
per pair, $3 0. . .
-Button. Whit Glace Glovee Trefouase
made, $2.00 per pair.
I-Button. White Suede Gloves Trefousse
made, In two qualtles, per pair, $1.60 and
$2.00. ' ' ; ' v
White Bilk Lace Mitts-Very pretty pat
erjii..,50c, 75c to $1.2 per pair.
White Silk Lace Mitts Beet quality of
allk, antique pattern! very stylish and com
fortable. 2 to 30-button length, per pair,
$2.7$. $3.00, $3.2$.
. Main floor. v' .
hav" trftnpferd,-n ' examination of the
landei lease br" tne Wyoming Oil and
Development company In. the Popo Arl.
oil fields and win make a report which, it
ft expeSted; will result 'in the company
Immediately undertaking extensive de
velopment work in the field. At least
11,000,000 will be required to thoroughly
test the field and an Investment of 13,000.
000 additional will' be necessary before
the -product can be placed on the market
In 'unlimited quantity. At , the . least ex
penae. - . ; .
" ' Caloaet Salr e Tamer. .
COLOMBIA. Mo.., Juna l -Colonel Squire
Turner, who had been prominent- In Mis
souri -politics for nearly fifty:, rears,
dropped dead at hie country home near
here today, aged 7 years. . He was born in
Lexington, Ky.. served la the confederate
army, ' was many times elected to the
Missouri legislature and Fas a brother-in-law
of Senator Stone, .who was reared
under Colonel Turner's care. . -
H. O. Adams. . '
GRAND ISLAND, June .- Special Tele
gram.) R. O. Adams, until March of thla
year editor of the Grand Island Democrat,
passed away, at the Methodist hospital In
Omaha. He was the organiser of the West
ern Bees, r a, fraternal - Insurance organisa
tion, and -was its supreme president and
Ita first death. . '?,.;
... ' . Tkemas Eanrll Dewey.
. ' TOPEK.A, June Thomaa Emmett
Dewey, reporter of the Kansas' supreme
court, 'died suddenly of heart disease at
his home here today,' aged 4- years. . He
waa born at Victor, N. V.'-. .
fiemevral C. H. Aldeai ' .,'
PASADENA, Cal , June . Brigadier Gen
eral Charles II. , Alden, L. 6. A., retired,
died at his home ' here last ntgh aged . 70
yeara.' : i '. , ' v. '. -' t
-.- . wr.i,M f $mm- Fntaclaca. " 0
SAN FRANCISCO, June .-A. il-fot
mast has been erected On Russian' Hill. by
a local, wireless .telegraph company. .It
will be used at a station In: this city to
connect with a branch of the ame system
In Colorado, connecting this ooaat with the
east by wlrelese.
Fair aid Warmer la Nwrtk Partlast
( Nebraska 'Tday Fair
WASHINGTON. June ".-Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday: '
For Nebraska Fair and warmerjn north
portion Sunday;. Monday, fair..
For Iowa and Missouri Wanner Sunday
and Monday. "i
. For South DakotaFair snd warmer Bun
day; Monday, ' fair. . v .
. For Montana and Kansas Generally fair
Sunday and Monday. - '
For Colorado Fair Sunday aad Monday.
For Wyoming Fair Sunday except answ
er in northwest portion; Monday, fair.
Lal Steeerd. , .
OMAHA. June t. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the paat three
veara: I.1 1K- 10
Maximum temperature.... SS W if ' TJ
Minimum temperature.... M 1 'S3 W
Mean temperature....!... Tl m 7u 'i
Precipitation -. VO .11 T T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from tne normal at umini since aiarcn t,
and comparison with the last twe yeevrsi
Normal temperature..;.., .' 17
Kaoese ior the dar... 4
Total deficiency ainue. March .1. ISflS II
isormai prwipnation .i men
tteflriencv for the day .11 Inch .
Total rainfall since March 1.... t tt rnrfcee
tiaArUnrv mnt Maech L. iwJlU
iteAdency for cor. period. 1..,, I U inches
UceH rer cor. 'penoo. vn..... . w men
Joha Eorai Finds' All Meats Are Sot
What They Been.
Heverameat Dlaeevers thai Amerlraa
ee'f Hi Fork Is Sold as
Native Fro a el Aerase
the Water.
LONDON, June John Burns, president
of the local government board, has re
quested the Foreign offlee to communicate
with, the State department at Waahlngton
and ascertain to what extent reliance can
ha placed on the system of meat Inspection
undertaken by the Bureau of Animal Indus
try. In announcing that he had taken this
action, through the medium of a reply to
a question put In the House of Commons
today by William Field, nationalist member
of the St. Patrick's division of Dublin and
president of the Irish Cattle Traders and
Stock Owners' association, Mr. Burns said
he had ascertained that "a quantity of
boneless beef and pork Is imported Into this
country from. America and converted Into
sausages which are sold ss English product.
He admitted that there were serious diffi
culties In the wsy Of efficient British In
spection of soma of these imported foods,
but eajd .the leoal government board had
taken action to see that the local authori
ties exercised their powers to ths full ex
tent. Falkervoa Willi All Facts. .
WASHINGTON. June t.-Representatlve
Fulkerson of Missouri has Introduced a
resolution calling on the president and sec
retary of agriculture to Immediately make
public any snd all Information that may
secure from "the great army of meat In
spectors employed by the government" or
from any other source that will tend te
credit fir discredit the product of sny plant
where meat products sre prepared.
The resolution also calls upon the secre
tary of sgrleulture to Immediately gtre to
the public hla opinion of the sanitary con
dition of the plants and the healthfulneea
of the products coming from the various
plaits. .
The beef inspection hearing before the
house committee on agriculture was begun
today by listening to Representative. Oav
iter (Tex.),, who made a plea for speedy
S. II. Cowln of Fort Worth. Tex., attor
ney for ths Texas Cattle Raisers' associa
tion, was next heard. He detailed the cat
tle Industry. Mr. Cowln said- while the
raisers had their difficulties with the park
era and had not got the best of them yet,
in this question the Interest ot the cattle
raisers and the pack era was Identical., It
there was sn additional expense some one
would have to pay It, and the man who
e'en name the price for the thing he sells
can put sn additional expense where' he
pleases. The. stockmen believe th packers
could put this expense on ths stock raisers.
He read a telegram ' from John T. Lytle,
president of the Cattle Raisers' association
of Texs. which read: "Present agitation
has seriously depressed cattle business.
Universal Impression that cattle ve.tues
will BufTer from It to IS per head decline."
- Price el Beef Fallla.
' Another from Mi O. -McKensle,' manager
of the second largest cattle" ranch In Amer
ica, In Colorado, .estimated by. wire that
by fall the price would be II per hundred
pounds less.' '
. .Asked "by Representative Adams Wls.:lf
the packers -did not fix the price paid for
cattle, Mr. Cowln said this was an Im
possibility under ordinary 'conditions, Nei
ther .could, t be tittle rajsers by .combina
tion Ak -the prior. The season was 'that
when cattle got Into condition they most
be sold. j 1 - ,.'' '.
' Representirtlys'Hauaben fia.) asked Mr.
"Cowln If he had read tha president's men
sage, which estimated the cost of Inenec
ien at t cents a head.. He said he had,
but "We. don't want to pay. It. That'a our
reason.'' t;
"But rather than do without the law we
Would be glad to levy the cost on the cat
tle." he continued.
. Mr. Ifaugep said every member; of -the
lommlttee, so far aa. he knew, was In favor
of the government paying the- cost.- This
eost his been estimated from . 18. 000,000 to
120.000,000 annually... and- congress, be said.
at most, would probably not appropriate
more than 2.000.ono. In view of this he
believed it better to aeeeaa -the
coat an the packers.
Kasiai We mam Talks.
Mrs. Isa bell Worrell Ball, formerly of
Kansas., gave the committee her expe
rience with canned gooda to. develop the
fact that oanned goods did not deteriorate
with age. , .
" F., P, Johnson, secretary ' of . ihe Colo
rado Horse and ,Htoc.k Raisers' associa
tion, urged the. committee to expedite leg
islation for Inspection.' He wanted some
thing to stop. "this interminable racket."
The beef man, he said, were bearing atl
the coat. The public .did not seem able
to apply any of ths "Jungle" stories to
mutton. ' ' J'
"Only the other dsy in a Denver restau
rant," he continued, "a waiter suggested
fS a customer a beefsteak. - 'No,' said the
customer, 'I have been reading about This
btef Inquiry. Bring me mutton chops.'
y He said the raisers wanted the govern
ment to pay the cost, but- If there was te
be trouble about It "we will pay any
cost." :; .
He said for several years the Industry
had been 'working hard to build up the
export demand. ' "This matter has set us
right back where we were at the begin
ning.' .
The price of beef te the producer, he
Theri waa a young man of "Walioo,
Whose eyesight was getting untrue
He mistook trees for fences, .
Till he tried some new lenses
"ToriscusV'-Hhey're bully ones too.
Isabelle Graham.
1... .J
iU SoatSi
Denver, Oniha,
ssld, had dropped from 71 rents to II per
ISO pounds during the psat few wertrs,
Any bill, he ssld, that did" not suit the
president would net relieve the public
ew Zealand Caters late t'emselllaa
with Combines anal. Mala
tains Fair Prices.
WELLINGTON, N. B., June Special
Cablegram to The- Bee.) Mr. Bedde. the
premier, says the cost of : living In the
oolony has become so serious owing to
the action of the "rings" that he hopes
to see the government adopt further meas
ures In the direction of socialism.
He states In sn Interview thst the nth
combine only permits a certain quantity
of fish to be placed on the market, the
surplus being thrown bark Into the sea
In order to keep up prices. For this
reason blue cod. caught in New Zealand
waters, la actually sold cheaper In Aus
tralia than In thla colony.
. Similarly, owing to meat combines, the
people-of London, Cardiff, Liverpool snd
Manchester ran get New Zealand lamb,
mutton snd beef, superior to thst re
tailed la the colony, at lees than ths re
tail price charged here.
"We will shortly fix ths price of "coal
to the consumer by means ot ths'stste
mines," he sdds. "We Sre about to ' fix
ths rent payable by metnS of the worker s
dwelling Set, and we have fixed the fire
and' accident Insurance premiums - - by
means of state Irtsurince office. ' The
success of previous experiment Impels me
te the conclusion that the simplest, most
economical and surest way of dealing with
the lings Is to open fish tnsrkets Snd
meat markets and fix ths maximum rates
payable by the consumers."
If They Caaaet Bay Wkat' They De
sire They Will Boycott
. ', Mtlllaers. .
PARIS, June . (Special Cablegram . to
The Bee.) Not only ' are ths ladles of
Countess Grerfulhe's "League of - Little
Hats" bound by a solemn oath -to Wear
little -hats at the play, but If milliners
will not mske little, hats far them - they
will make their owa hats. The women
have been hard at work or several .days,
snd now their achievements are on sale
at a baser In a 'private house.-
Experta In millinery , Judging the ahow
aay only that It la a case for repeating
ths familiar phrase that criticism would
be out of place when the aacred cause ot
charity la at stake. The chsrlty. In this
Instance, la two-fold. To begin with, the
hats are being sold for ths benefit of the
Socle te Phllanthroplque.
Ma)r Cottea'e Wife Attracts Mnek
Atteatlea la Trip Tkrengk
Central Afrlea.
LONppN,, June 1 (Special Cablegram to
Xba..3srnVssra- has been, received from
Major. Powell .Cotton's expedition, which
left England eighteen mobthe ago on a
Journey from tha Nile to the Zambesi, that
at the. end ot March the explorer and his
wife wers at Makala, Congo Free 8tate. In
the heart of the Iturl ruhber district..
The progress of ths . expedition created
much Interest among ths pigmy and other
forest tribes, Mrs. Powell Cotton being the
first European woman, to. penetrate the
Iturl basin. The camp, waa thronged dally
with natives . curious , to see . the ."white
woman , with, the long heir," ." ' . . ;',',
. The explorers were In good health and'
were receiving every assistance from ths
authorities.. " , ,'.,,
Japan Hears tkat Hew Regalntlons for
Wrl-Hal-Wel Have Beast
' Adepted.
'TOKIO, June . (Special Cablegram .to
The Bee.) The Japanese Press publishes a
Peking message, stating is reported
that a treaty providing for the retain of
Wet-hal-wel has been concluded between
Great Britain and China. The terms are as
follows:" '
China Is to make Wel-hsl-wel Its nSval
base, and not to be allowed 'to give It as a
security or lend ' to sny other powers.
China Is to pay the amount of the outlay
expended by Great Britain there and Chi
nese troops sre to protect the natives' and
foreigners st Wel-hel-wel.
West Virginia Brewery.
HUNTINGTON, W. Vs... Juns l.-The
plant of the West Virginia Brewing com
pany was destroyed by firs - early today.
Loss 1300,0, nearly covered by Insurance.
CHETBNNE. Wyo., June I. (Special.)
Guy Congdon, employed In the office of
Division Superintendent H- L.' Anderson of
the tTnlon Pacific, and Miss AgneS Walsh,
daughter of Conductor Andrew Walsh, are
believed to have eloped. It Is supposed they
took the morning train for North' Platte,
where they wers married. Nothlnsr haa
been heard from them since their departure..
Narrow Enoane
from polonlng. caused by constipation, had
Mrs. Toung. Clay City, N. T. Dr. King s
New Life Pille cured her. cts. For
sale by Sherman MeConnell Drug Co.
The principles upon which "Toriscus" lemses
V,r .i'Mli,la In. V,o v.Tn ? 1 ttYiA
place, upon one 6ide all the curves that ordinary lenses have on
both sides. By doing this you will readily see we have the otter
side of the "Toriacus Lens" on which to place any curve that
will give increased vision for the eye. .
StxteentH Street. Omha
City, Salt Ukt Otya Dallas, Pcrtland
r, .r-?!';i
Lingering Ash
Yon know ' whai It
means. Long filler
perfect workmanship.
These qualities and all ; :
that's good in cigars ,'k
make the
I. 1 !('
the best of thsj best.
... Puy h-;try t judge'
fbr yOurseff. The band e'--guarantees
you. , .
- - . . r.
A. SANTACLt-A et CO., Makers,'
Yftmpsi, ri -
Dynamite Factory Near Lancaster,' P-,
Dei'troyed by an Explosion. ,. ('
F.leven nf the , Twelve Rn'llilinao
Hlwn t p Seven Girls Vrk-
las In One Rrranln ' -
; -' . v ' '. t-- ,
.'". . '
LANCASTER, Ps.. June l.-Elevefi" ti'i'Mi
were blown to pieces and five others were
seriously Injured by the explosion - of a
dynamite plant today near Pemiea. ' alrmg
the Susquehanna river:' The dead' are:'
BBNJAM1N GKPHARDT; aged ii." '
BENJAMIN RINKKR. seed 11. . -
. OEOROK RINKKR, aged ?).., .,
FRED RICK, agd S3.
WILLIAM FI NK, aged 1. . .
JOHN BOATMAN, sged 17.
Seriously Injured: -t--
Wslter Brown. 1 i; '"'
' Martin Rineer. ' ' -. ' ' '
George Gray. - -
Charles Cramer. . .
Jacob Shoff.
, - .',
Bodies Horribly Mangled.
The accident was one of the most horrib.a
In the history 6f Lancaster county. .' The
victims were Jlterally torn to piece,' hsrrfly
enough remaining of the bridles to make
Identification possible. .
vania railroad 'construction' work. .
The cause of the explolon Is not 'known.
Two 'of the unidentified victims , had Jyst
started to drive from .the place with, a
load of, dynamite. . . They had gone .scarcely
fifty feet when ,Uie plant blew. up. with, a
detonation that was plainly, ..heard flttreji
miles away. A great cloud of sninke cov
ered theslts, f- th. aerory " lien- fit
cleared away there was not a veatlge of
tbe horses, . wagonor- nien.Frjrmt-ns nt
human bodiea were-fpunV Imiighti ti trees
1(a) yards away.-, i. ' ".."?.' '. ".X
.' Injnved Taken l llaiu'ri, ' "
! Persons living near the factory began' the
work of rescue, but (here weTc' fe-w'la' tlie
place who had not been blown" to 'aibnls.
The remains of these were gathered up and
placed In soap boxes, IdentlnY-atlnn ' being
'Impossible.- The -Injured, some of whom' It
Is thought will die, . were taken to their
homes In the Immediate- vicinity. ' George
and Benjamin Rineer;- who were killed,
were sons of Martin Rlnee--one of the
Injured.- ' : - . .'
The plant consisted of a doxen bulldlDK.
All were blown to pieces except a remote
structure In whli-h 'seven girls were at
work. The factory was. owned by G.'lt.
McAbee Is Co. of Pittsburg, ami manufac
tured exnlostvea for use In the Prnnayk-
Body of Stranger Foand. -
MOUNDS, III., June . The body of. a
young men. unidentified, abnut a years cf
age, was found yesterday In a Teek neWY
here, with the head crushel and cut.' An
investigation Is being made to ascertain
how he was killed. Persons claim lo have
seen him In swimming with several min t
earlier In the day., . '
ITHIIf""" ' ' 'y
rrrr-im r . irVm rnrramni n
1LLL IUUK rillUliI
Ttiat-the 16TH 8TRKET DYK
WORKS will Clcaa and rreaV ,
(on Monday and Tuesday only).
White Silk or lace waists, nrl R
"for ...v.fcJt 2
. .And. This Coupon,. ..
Tel. Douglas 1 87. '",.'
Out-of-town work solicited.
are made are.
VtrTSWrf . TV '. !
1) J J Co., llMrtbtitor.r j
1 NPP jOmsha arul , J
il r. rt'ouncll lUuffn VJ
f x