Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1906, HALF TONE SECTION, Page 7, Image 19
TOE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 10. 1508. 3 t -1 . SPORTING COSSIP OF WEEK I Western Leaeue Matmatei Satisfied with President C'SeiL SOME MATTERS BACK OF THE LATE WAR Aasletv of Tebeaa mm Caatllloa te Get Hoi ef the Valaable Omaha, Fraaehlse Too Apparent t Preseat, Let's reason this thing a little. The magnates of the 'Western learns have decided that Norris O'Nell la a good enough president for the league. , They profess to believe that If he will attend business a little closer, that the affairs of the league will be administered suc cessfully, and that each team will get all that Is coming to It. This being the de cision of the managers. It must satisfy the public, for the magnates own the league. All the public can ask Is that the ball games be played fairly, without rowdyism. and that competent umpires be secured, Poor umpiring Is the bane of ball play ing, for nothing discourages a loyal bug tike bad Judgment on the part of tbe man whose decisions make or mar a game. As to the private business of the league, the public la not concerned with that. In regard to the attitude of W. A. Rourke owner of the Omaha team and storm center of the late row he has ac cepted the decision of his business part. ners and has .said not a word concerning the outcome of the meeting, or, rather, conference In Omaha last Saturday. The papers throughout the circuit, except In Omaha, have all had expressions from the ether magnates, some of them favorable, some unfavorable, to Mr. Rourke, but he has kept his own counsel, and will wait. The other members of the league are Cognisant of the facts he presented. If they are content, he must acquiesce. That's all there Is to that It Is pleasant to recall some things In this connection. thoua-h. all connected with the Western league. Tlrst, Rourka Is the only owner now connected with the Western league who was with It when It started In 1900. Esch of the others has found Interests else where and allowed the Western to drift. Rourke alone has been loyal to It all the time. In 1902. when Tebeau, HlckeV, I-n- lion and Beall were framing up the deal to disrupt the Western and establish the American association, Rourke was offered INDIGESTION distress after meals, fermentation, heartburn, sour stomach, water bra&h, will be promptly relieved ;f you Take Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient (Tnd.-maik aeglntrarl) It rids the stomach of undigested food, cleanses the bowels and re lieves the clogged system of poison ous waste matter. Sixty yean of cures. At your drurrlsts or by mail flora VAe Tarrant Co. HaSsea Street aew Verk STORZ BEER vron Highest Award at Lincoln State Fair, 1 89 S. H lg heat Award and Gold Medal at Trans Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, 1898. Highest Award sind Gold Medal at Lewis and Clark Can tennlal Exposition, Portland. Or., ltOS. This, when in competi tion with the renowned beers of the world, and when Judged by a Jury of the most critical ex perts.. No other beer has had higher endorse ment. Drink, StorxDeer for your health's sake. Keep a case In your heme. fetors lire wing Co., Omaha, 2 Diseases of (Vlcn Cured for $5.00 Pay what you can and begin treatment now. mm es III MPIifOW Ull IIIUUIUI1 been the pioneer of lOW Ht l uf treatment and dealing with men. Over Thirty Thous and Cured Cases of all forms of Dis eases and Disorders of Men guarantee this fact. 'ininy years experience. Over years prac tice rlsrht here in Omaha and throughout the West. A Guaranteed Cure practically assured for only $5.00, Consul tation and advloe FREE. Treatment by mail Call or write. Box Vt. Offices U5 South Fourteenth street. Omaha. Neb. Every Vcraan a wnau im tnoud x maw . n. . . eu; u. woca.rful MARVEL whirling SaVey The new Titte! e,rta(. jmjra. If li riktinuiaui'Ply user, bill auunp far IUiniirl bk -W. ftetrae full iu.nieulra and 1lrfti.-n. In. .iiiiihi ic U.iie. M 4 en a i. ra. a. asa at., saw aaw For Bl by SHERMAN -i McCUMNe.I,L DRUG 16th and Dudue Bta. MTERS-DILLIN DRUG CO.. B il Cur. lath and Farnam era CO. ftrKllnt Staler TrouLUsj RELIEVES LN 24- Hours; ALL UXIXARY D1SCHARSES V pne"T"im": i mi i sin iw i mii mi a. 'V V ' pw a mm C4 J I Each Cap- f fat aale .i.n by ail Snurviata. franchise tor One ha In tbe new lesgua Had he gone into the deal the Western league would have been over with then and there. At thl time Rourke stood With Packard of Denver. Van Brunt of St. Joseph and Bumi of Colorao Springs. It turns out that Packard was simply repre senting Tetieau. mil 1M tint nmrn thl. team or franchise. At no time has Rourke. publicly or privately, advocated the drop- ping of the Colorado teams. Two years ago, when every team that went west lost money on the trip. Rourke demanded that change be made that would give him. it least his expenses for going to Denver and Colorado Springs. When Burns laid down at Colorado Springs last season. Rourke and Mike Cantlllon made the ar rangements for the tram at Pueblo. All these things sre known to the men in onnneotlon with base bait. In the recent trouble Mr. Rourke did not say he would break up the Western league; he did say that he would close his gates and disband his team before he would per mit on his grounds another such exhibition aa was furnished by Cantlllon and Doyle, aver which the trouble started, and he did say he would withdraw from the league unless some relief from the conditions com plained of was furnished. The Omaha fran chise In the Western league Is worth all of $15,000, and Rourke Is not foolish enough to throw this away Just to gratify a bit of pique or personal spite. He Is a bsse ball man solely, and knows that he must be In a well orgsnlzed, properly governed league to. prosper. It Is unfair to him to hold him responsible for statements made by news paper correspondents. Since the meeting of the magnates here last Saturday he has positively refused to say a word for publi cation, and all statements sent out as coming from him are manufactured. He Is satisfied to abide by the will of the ma jority of the Western league owners, who are his business partners and associates. What he wants Is good play and proper conduct on the field. Rack of all this Is the all-pervading hand of the American league. Rourke Is get- lng to be too big a figure In the base ball world to satisfy some of the men who are directing the destinies of the game. If he were Identified with the Comtskey crowd, things would be all right. But he Isn't. He Is allied with the National league, and has been at all times. He was close to James A. Hart, and Is now close to Chsrlns W. Murphy In Chicago. His communica tions with the American league magnates have always been friendly, but never con fidential. The American association Is di vided Into two camps, and Rourke Is In sympathy with one of them. This happens to be Bryce-Watklns-Grlllo. Over against this trio stands Tebeau-Lennon-Havenor. Comtskey Is interested with the Cantlllons, and this brings the connection Just a little more plainly Into view. Teblau cannot afford to let Rourke get the upper hand In Wetsern league affairs, for this will weaken the control of the league by outsiders. Tebeau and Cantlllon, and through these Comlskey, now dominate the Western. Rourke Is a minority member. They do not want him In base ball, but he owns the franchise In tha best town in the West, era, and one of the best towns In tha country. If they oan drive htm out of base ball, a franchise worth anywhere up to $15,000 will fall Into their hands. The rest ta naV T f Vnil want I bnnw knw .. Just recall tha fact thai ! lV when h. was sure that tha Western league was broken up, because he waa helping to rreck It, Goorg Tebeau assisted Billy Hulen In selling to Tommy Burns the franchise for Colorado Springs, wcelrlng 14.200. and Burn. dM-t t . .. t I to show for his monev. . What -m,M t." beau, Cantlllon and Comlskey do if they had tha Omaha franchise to dispose of? Norris O'Neil says he has a man In view to take the Omaha club any time Rourka rives It uo. Thar, nnfh.n- t.w. h.. been offered a fine price a number of time. by Omaha parties, end any time he wants to sell but there are at least three men In Omaha who will take the franchise off his hands. No wander thi. I to drive Papa Bill out of Omaha It la a i nevr braved the lon" ocan voyage to con little the best thin in th- h... k.ii tMt wlUl English exhibitors in London, Just at present. It's well to keep these things In mind when w... league affairs. . . I The yachtmen at Lake Manawa have been a little slow this spring In getting started with their racing and warming-up events, because of tha changes In the boat noose, which have required considerable time and attention from the members. Rivalry, as of yore, exists aa to who are tha best sailors, and this will have to ba threshed out before the races come off. The changes at the club house have made a great hit with the members, who now have vastly better accommodations and more room of all kinds. Several new cot tages have been built at the lake this spring. One of these belonging to Gould Diets, was a little beauty until the cyclone carried it away. Mr. Diets had ins Dimgaiow at tne lumbermen s con vention In Omaha last fall and had It re built at Manawa and a couple ot carloads of lumber added. The wind struck It and all that remained was a klndllnc oile. Mr. Diets was not to be dismayed, so he has built larger and better than before and now has a splendid plaoe for the en tertatnment of his friends when he spins from Omaha In hla apeady auto. 'Fishing at Manawa haa also been good. Just as at Cut-off, and many splendid strings of crapples have been caught. umana stanas right in line for soma run- ntig meets and a little pushing on tha part I of local nromoters could brlnn th... about. The California tracks sr. and betting has almost killed the game at - .... I 1 j 01. aajuii, me opening la ripe for a meet in this oity. Plenty of horses could ba had and the Interest is here, the track Is available and all that Is lacking Is some one to promote the deal. Successful meets have bean nulled off In this city and more can be If they are promoted In the right way. The trot- ting horse men hsva about given up the Idea of doing anything In that line be cause tha ownera refuse to give a lease for more than one year, and they aay It would not pay to fix up the grand atand and barns for one sesson. The tennla men of the oity have been quite active during the last week, and a team haa been chosen to go to Sioux City for an Intercity match between the teams of Omaha and that town. All of tho courts have been put to the best of use during the last week, .especially at the Field club, where more players are using the game of tennis as a recreation and exercise tnan ever net ore. The seven courts are kept in perfect condition, which makes It a pleasure for the experts to work at the game.' The date of the city championship haa not been set, although It will come before the Middle West, which will be two weeks earlier than last year. The committee is already in receipt of letters from players of note saying they will be present. Golfers at the Field and Country clubs are all keyed up over the approach of the time fur the Transmlssissippi tournament. which will be held on the Field club links June iO-JS, Inclusive. More men and women are playing at both these clubs thsn ever before, and the players are all more expert than at this time last yaar. Each club nas its trmca, iron woom much will be expected at the coming meet. Bpragu Abbott, the scratch man and handicapper at the Country dub, la looted upon by his clubmates a about tbe fastest flayer la the went. The Field club has an applicant for championship honors In Mike Thomas, ho has been going some this spring, hav ing tied the beet course reeord. amsttur or professional. lArge numbers will enter from both clubs to help the good cause along, ar.d some fast and pretty golf may be looked for. The anglers were out in force last week. From early morn until after the curfew rang those Who "love to steal a while away" hied themselves to the banks of Cut Off lake and fished and fished. Al though the old world has new Inventions, new theories advanced every day, new ideaa In this, that and the other thing, fishing Is Just about the same today as It was In tha so-called "good old days" before the rate bill went to the senate and before voting machines were intro duced. Fishing Just means fishing. Man's Ingenluty hss not devised anything which will successfully take the place of getting spade and going out and digging bait- that Is, nothing "quite so good." Then to Just amble along to the lake with a sack of "smokln', " and sit down and Just fish and fish and fish! The song says that "fishing depends on the kind of bait," and that la true In most Instances. The fisher men of Omaha have king desired some of the comforts which go along with fishing, and to that end have Joined the Omaha Rod and Gun club, which will soon be ensconsed In Its new club house. Memorial day saw the old lake lined with anglers trying for the finny beauties with which the lake Is well stocked. Since the con viction of some of the poachers the seiners seem to have stopped operations at tne lake, and Omaha, by the aid of the fish commissioner, will soon have as good fish ing as any community. Tha Nash party, consisting of F. A. Nash, W. W. and E. M. Morsman, Caspor E Tost, C W. Lyman and Sandy Grls- wold, returned Wednesday from a ten days' wrestle with the musklcs of north ern Wisconsin. Mr. Nash made the big gest catch of the trip, but he failed to land the beauty, which must have weighed over thirty pounds. He broke the rod and smashed the boat and got awajf. Numerous muscallonge, black bass and wall-eyed pike were hooked and a general good time was had by all the party. Another party consisting of Ed. Palmer, Fred Schamel, Charles Dyball and Mr. Barlght returned from a short outing at Lake Washington. Luck was with this bunch aa far as fish were concerned, but not with Barlght, who mode two enor mous holes In tbe lake by falling In twice. Local fishermen are pleased with the announcement made by General Man ager Smith of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company that hereafter, during the summer months, the cars will be run every half hour to Courtland beach. from t In the morning until 9 In the even ing. These cars will leave Sixteenth and Locust streets on tha half hour and re turning will leave the beach on the quar ter. This service Is considered wholly adequate by the fleshermen, aa it is a simple matter to time the going and coming to the half hour. Tha work of remodeling the club house Is complete and work was begun on tha new boat house Friday, When these Improvements are complete the Omaha Rod and Gun club will have a splendid home, easily ac "ftto U heart lt An International horse ahow to be held In the Olympic building, London, during the latter part of May or the first week in June "c V 7, . fX' hlbltors are expected from America, Eng- land- Canada. France. Spain. Italy. Holland, Bei'Um' rmttn nTd possibly Russia and t.C"ni,It wU,.be th firt TTv ' ilnd heM nd th6 ,roraoter ?' th prolect nuln ot auccesa, uPn rar occasions British exhibltpre have entries to the National Horse Show T " , ,1 . ,?,d HaIey ot Wltowall. Wal- Iur"'"rB- wno" moneys last year wor many ribbons, but Americans have lne ProPemon to hold, an International nor" now n "naon waa made to the T7" 1 1 .. V. II 1. T r 1 . , . ant Secretary James T. Hyde of the Na tional Horse Show association, and a deal of correspondence has followed. Frederick Euron, secretary of tha Eng-llah Hackney Horse society, the leading equine aseocla' tlon in England, took up the proposition and enlisted tha aid and support of men of prominence, who held a meeting in London recently and formed a committee to arrange all the details of the proposed exhibition, It was expected that Mr. Hyde would at tend the meeting, but ha was unable to do so. Mr. Euron represented the National Horse Show association of America. Among those whose names have been mentioned as likely to send entries are Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt of Oakland Farm, Newport, R. I.; Reginald Vanderbllt of Sandy Point Farm, South Portsmouth, L. I.; James Hobart Moore of Chicago, Eben T. Jordan of Plymouth Hackney stud. Forge Farm Chlltonvllle. Mass.; Mrs. John Gerken, J, Campbell Thompson, Jay F. Carlisle, Judge William H. Moore and Harry Payne Whit ney of New Tork; A. J. Caasatt. E. T Stotesbury and Mitchell Harrison, Chestnut Hill Stock Farm, Philadelphia. In a match recently played In Hampden park, Glasgow, between England and Scot land under "seccer" rules the attendance reached the enormous total of 103.000 f puunng uuu me grounas at tne rat of 1-6W minute. Two hundred police men were on duty, but the Vast assembly aa orderly as a quaker meeting. In th nmvl match for the English association run In Dv,lnh.m 1 jAr. !,... u. . I j , imcu orcr ton (Liverpool) and Newcastle United, nearly 80,000 spectators were present. About 0,0u0 went by special trains from the north Everton won by 1 goal to 0. As a sldellgh on this match It was noted how the Crystal palace .caterers provided for the crowd They had 70,000 slices of bread. S0.0W) pats 01 butter, 1,X0 sandwich loaves of eight pounas ea-n, i,aw nve pound loaves, 10,000 buns, 30.000 scones, 8,000 pork pies, 860 gal Ions ot milk, 100 rumps of beef, seventy five loins Of muttons, l2,ouO pounds o potatoes, 2&0 fowls and 100 barrels of beer, Large as the crowd was, It lucked SO.Otv o tne -gate- taaen at tbe final game, in 1L it win not take a very clever seer to predict that the foot ball next fall will be modelled on the example set by the bl eastern colleges. Although it was sal at the meeting of the American Intercol leglate Foot Ball Rules committee at the Murray Hill hotel recently that such was not the aim, such statement may be taken with a grain of salt, for If one reads between the lines It Is easy to see that such will probably be the case. Not only is this quite sure to prove true, but Walter Camp probably will also be as much In predominance of the grldron situation a In former years. Tne basis for the In ference lies in the fact that out of all th subdivisions of the country New Englajid was ths only section to report progress 1 the reform movement, and a section was formed to be definitely termed the Middle Atlantic Sectional committee. On this com i mil tee will be Prof. J. B. Fine of Princeton. I John Minds of Pennsylvania, F. H. Lyle of Cornell and James A. Babbitt of Haver 1 lord, acting secretary, it may be noticed I that a Tale representative is lacking, but I Walter Camp haa already been eninonri I te meet with every sewtlonal eouunittee la the country to aid in the interpretation f the various points thst will come up. Tbe legislators at the Murray Hill con ference, after a long discussion, made sev- ral amendments to the report and finally Jcpted It unanimously In -the form of recommendations for the final organisa tion work of the middle Atlantic sectional committee. The meeting adjourned after the submitting of lists of officials by the various representatives for consideration. Managers or representatives were present from Cornell, Tale, Princeton, Syracuse, Union, New Tork university, Rutgers and West Point, the principal Institutions of New Tork and New Jersey. The College of the City cf New Tork promised to send a representative, but failed, and no word was received from Columbia. The following recommendations were adopted: That a list of officials be adopted by the middle Atlantic sectional committee, in conjunction with suggestions of the varl- u colleges concerned, which is to be an fflcial list, end from which, with Its sub sequent additions, all games officials, ex cept linesmen and timekeepers, shall be se lected. That the names on the official list, ex cept In canes of well known and already accredited officials, shall be those of col lege men and endorsed by the manager, a ideuuy representative and an alumnus or that Institution, and that thesA shall be ublect to final endorsement bv the cen- ral board. The appointment of officials shall ba made by the middle Atlantic sectional committee. For all major games each in- tltutlon shall furnish, prior to October 1 nnually, a list of officials chosen for the official list, any one of whom it -will ao cept. For minor games each Institution hall have the right to make SDDolnt- ments from the official list by agreement with the Institution to be competed against. That the reoresentatlves of the varlmis Institutions, meeting by invitation of tha sectional committee, endorse the plan In general ana outlined oy sum committee, tending towards the appointment of an officially accredited board of officials and tne naming of an impartial atioolntment committee for the various games, and we neretiy express our connaence in the work of tho committee and desire to co-operate to such an end. That the committee encourafrf the wn. tlment to officiate for more reasonable renumeratlon. Subscriptions to the fund to send the Wisconsin crews to the Poughkeepsie re gatta have not been coming In as rap Idly as desired and the management Is adopting strenuous methods to raise the required sum. A field meet waa held which netted the crews 1200, and the first outdoor swimming races that have evor been held at Wisconsin were centestcd In Lake Mendota on June I for the benefit of the oarsmen. The work of collecting the $1 athletic tax has been put In the hands of a committee of twenty-five. Bill Bradley of the Cleveland Nationals, one of the greatest third basemen In the world, says that the third sack proposi tion is one of the hardest In the business and that only heady players may aspire to the distinction of being able to hold down the Job with good results. Here Is what the great Bradley has to say on the subject; It Is no soft snaD to rjlav third base. There Is no doubt that it is one of tha most Important positions on the diamond, but when a man becomes acquainted with it the proposition Is different. I contend that In playlns" third a man must keen a. close tab on the hitters as do the catchers. It is necessary to know Just what batsmen can bunt and be able to anticipate by a bitter's movements whether he is aolne- to mi nara or lane a cnance at beating out a uunu xnira Dasemen nave been fooled time and again. A hitter will make an at tempt tp bunt and when the thlrd-saoker has been drawn in will bolt away for dear life down the left foul line. It's eight chances out of ten that the -third baseman is out of position to stop the ball. Any way, the speed with which It has been hit renders It sood for a s Initio or two base.. Half of the success of a capable third baseman lies In the study ot Miters. I can't tell how to field, for natural ability covers this only. A player must have a stroDg arm and be fast on his feet. Time and again a third baseman is forced to neia a Dunt with his throwing arm and shoot it to first at the same time in order to get It there ahead of the runner. It la also a good point to watch the base run ners closely. Block the runner at your bag whenever there is an opportunity, for if you lose the play at your sack the runner is generally sure to score later, it is easier to get home from third than from second. Tou must keep your brains working all the umg wnen you piay iniro. Test of American Nerve A couple of our American tourists were making a hurried tour through India, and darkness had overtaken them in the forest before they could get home. They ' both knew of a little hut not far away in which they could get shelter. On retiring, the younger of the two met drew the blanket not over his whole body, but across his lower limbs. He was awak ened la the night and noticed that the blanket on the lower part of his legs felt strangely heavy. He noticed a peculiar smell, like the odor of raw potatoes, which the cobra gives out. It was a cobra, sure enough. He watched very closely, not moving a muscle. The object slowly rose to view between him and the door and from the blanket across his ankles. Dne glance was enough; it was a partlc ularly ugly specimen of the cobra, the most dreaded serpent of all India. A bite from this reptile la the death warrant of the victim as assuredly as If he were smitten by a bolt from heaven. Our friend wo!l knew that the least movement would have brought the fangs Into some part of b!s body. Something must be done. He dared not call his frfcnd for fear the sound would Irritate the snake. He would have to map age the snake himself. Ail at once a strange Idea struck him. Ho had heard tha serpent charmers of India and had witnessed the wonderful manner in which they governed the serpents by their monotonous reed music Could he not do something in this UneT So faintly that his voice scarcely broke the oppressive stillness, he began a lo bumming which at first was like the soft music of the wind harps. The head of the serpent began to sway from side to side and back and forth, as tnouun tne noise irritated him. i no nrst encouragement was when he perceived that the cobra In its rude way was swinging Its head In accord with the swing of the humming sounds. The music was producing Its effect and It was "keep lng time. As the music continued the snake slowly crept away from hira to the door. It did not leave the hut, but. coiling and uncoil lng, raising and lowerlna- Its heml It showed thai It was pleased by the low, monotonous music which came from be tween the Hps of the boy whose eyes were fixed on his strange visitor. The young man began moving his right hand toward his hip pocket. The snake of fcred no objection, seemingly now wholly occupied with hla enjoyment of the strange entertainment. With bis revolver clasped tightly In hi hand he pointed with an arm as rigid as iron at the hooded head and held it thu until ne couia make sure of his aim. He continued humming and the head gently uudulatcd In time, the snake colling and uncoiling in curious fashion, once going so near the door that the boy waa auro h meant to leave. But nc, when near th door lie moved back again until ho reached the same spot on the blanket he was occu pylng when discovered, where he paused a moment and reared bis he. id higher than before. ' At that instant the young man fired. Five reports rang out In quick si cession and the mischief was to pay., The boy then stepped to the door a.'d shuddered as he gased at tbe limp, ropellk saasa caicage inter Ovean. :olf TOUltNEY at field club reparations for Tranimississippi Annual Event Are Made. LARGE ATTENDANCt IS LOOKED FOR Secretary Leavill Receives Many Uaroarattns Letters from dabs Belonging to the Association Csseerslas Toaraey. The prises have arrived and are being n graved for the Transmlssissippi Golf association tournament, which will be held t the Field club grounds June 20, 21, 22 and 3. This is the sixth annual tournament alnce the formation of this association and bids fair to be the banner In thl history of the institution. Secretary Leavltt Is receiving most favorable letters from all qu arte is and he is authority for the statement that the attendance will be the iargaat ever. The Lincoln Country club has been ad mitted lo membership In the association and an invitation has been extended to the Nebraska City Country club to Join, with the probability of Its accepting. Walter Fairbanks of Denver, who has ust returned from a European trip, is president of the association and was run ner up last year, lie Has sent word that he and D. B. Ellis will head a large dele gation from Denver at the Omaha tourna ment. Colonel O. S. McGrew, vice president of the association and president of tho Glen Echo club of St. Louis, will be present with a large delegation from that city. Harold P. Bend of St. Paul and C. T. Jaffray of Minneapolis have chartered a car tor the delegations from those two cities and they write the Twin cities will be well "represented. C W. Higglns, editor of the Golfers' Magazine, haa written that it will be im possible for him to be present during the tournament, but he will be in in time for the finish on the last day. Des Moines representatives will be numerous and will be headed by Warren Dickinson, winner of the championship last year. Xjoeal Arrangements Complete. While the affairs of the tournament are In the hands of Hayward G. Leavltt as seoretary and the directors of the Trans mlsslppl the Omaha Field club Is making every preparation for the handling of the large number which will be present. The courts are being put In the best possible shape and should be fine at tbe time of the tournament, week after next Below is given the. complete program for the four days of play. Tbe rules of the United States Golf association will govern all play: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 8:90 A. M. First half qualifying round at medal play for Transmlaslsaipul amateur champlunsiilp, eighteen holes. i: f. M. seuona nan quauiyinar reuno at medal play tor Transmlssissippi amateur cnamplonsnip, eighteen holes thirty-six holes in all tmrty-two to quaury. Prise for the lowest medal score. The Dlavers making the sixteen next low. est scores in the qualifying round will compete for tne directors prise. The nlaver. mnkltir the sixteen next low est scores in the qualifying round will compete for the secretary's prize. THURSDAY. JUNE SL 9:00 A. M. First round Transmlssissippi mateur championship, eighteen holes, match play. The sixteen losers In this round to com pete for the consolation prise. 10:30 A. M. First round for directors' prize, eighteen holes, match play. 11:80 A. M. First round for secretary's prize, eighteen holes, match play. 2:00 P. M. Second round Transmlssissippi amateur championshis, eighteen holes. match play. . g:00 P. M. First round for consolation prise, eighteen holes, match play. The sixteen players defeated in the first round for the championship to compete for the consolation prize. FRIDAY, JUNE 22. 9:00 A. M. Third round Transmlssissippi amateur championship, eiguieen nuica, match play. , :3u A. M. Second round for consolation prize, eighteen holes, match play. t:to A. M. Second round for directors prize, eighteen holes, match play. 10:00 A. M. Second round for secretary S prize, eighteen noies, maicn piay. 10 30 A. M. First round at match play against Bogey for the club cnamplonsnip of the Transmlssissippi Golf association, eighteen holes. , 'rn ma nf four and onlr one team from each club to compete. The club of the win ning team to have tne cusiouy oi mr Brock. Olympic cup ior n member to receive a bronze meaai, mo names and scores of the winning team to be Inscribed thereon. I SO P. M. Semi-final round Transmls sissippi amateur championship, eighteen boles, mates piay. i if. p m Rnmt-nnal round for consola tion prize, eighteen holes, match Play. 2 00 P. M. Semi-final round for direc tor's prise, eighteen holes, match play. 2:15 P. M. Seml-rlnal round for secretary a prize, eighteen holes, match play. Scores in ma "tmimi . - - : final rounds above to count, If desired. In team play against Bogey lor the Brock cup. , . , . aaalnst Bogey for the club ohamplonship and custody of the Brock cup. eighteen holes. SATURDAY. JUNE 23, lsuo. .a - imi half final round Trans mlssissippi amateur championship, U holes, n'45ha. ml-Flnal round for consolation prize. Is holes, match play. 10 a. m. final round for directors prize, 1 holes, match play. 101 a. m. rinai rounu iur i prize, 18 holes, match play. 2 p m.-Second half final round Trans mlEslssljipl amateur championship, 18 holes, mTheh PTransmlsstsBippl Golf association championship gold medal will be glvon to the winner, and sliver medal to the runner up In the championship, In addition to an other prize to each. The two defeated semi-finalists In the championship will receive Transmlssissippi Golf association bronze medals. CONDITIONS. Any amateur player la eligible from a club of which he Is a member In good standing, provided said club is duly elected a member of the association prior to the closing of the entries for this tournament. All entries must be made through the secretary of the player's club and accom panied by the entrance fee. The entrance foe Is U for each con testant In tlie TransmlsaiBslnpi amateur championship, and 15 for each team in the club championship for the J. E. Brock Cup. All entries must be made as above to the secretary. Mr. Heyward G. leavltt, at 213 South Thirteenth street, Omaha, Neb., and must tie forwarded so as to reach him not later than Saturday. June 18, on which day the entries' will close. The pairing and time of starting of each pair In the qualifying round will be an nounced In the Omaha morning papers on the opening day of the tournament. All contestants must be at the first tee ready to start promptly at the scheduled time. The members of the Transmlssissippi Golf association, most of whom will be represented at Omaha at the tournament, are: Country club of Wichita, Wichita, Kan.; Holdrege Country club, Holdrege, Neb.; Hastings Country club, Hastings, Neb.; St. Louis Field club, St. Louis; St. Louis Country club. St. Louts: Omaha Field club. Omaha; Omaha Country club, Omaha; St. Joseph Country club, St. Jo seph, Mo.; Country club. Salt Lake City, Denver Country club, Denver; Dubuque Golf club, Dubuque, la.; Clinton Golf club, Clinton, la.; Cedar Rapids Golf club. Cedar Rapids, la.; Burlington Oolf club, Bur lington, la.; Kansas City Country club, Kansas City, Mo.; Town and Gown Oolf club, Colorado Bpiings, Colo.; Glen Echo Country club, St. Louis; Golf and Country club, Dea Moines, la.; Evanston Golf club, Kansas City, Mo ; Mlnlkahda club, Minne apolis; Town and Country club, St Paul; Keokuk Country club, Keokuk, la.; Rock Island Arsenal Oolf club. Rock Island, 111. ; Minnehaha Country club, Sioux Falls, 8. D. ; Bryn Mawr Golf club. Minneapolis; LmmUi Country club, Lincoln, Neb, it c We limit our practice strictly to Pelvle Diseases ef men. If we attempted te cure all human Ilia as many doctors do, w weuH undoubtedly meet with the same results aa they en counter .results Often dls aj pointing to the phynl rtan and sometimes disas trous to the patient. uo -tains that the maladies af mankind are too many and vastly complicated for anv m rr mssrovfiaus TOV MAT ay win orrmxs. ene man to master, we Jrave up the Impossible tt ong ago. We than began to prepare ourselves tor the capacities and dutisa of specialty work. In which our purpose was to become supreme. Are not your health and future happi ness worthy your time and trouble to look Into a sys tem of treatment that haa positively cured eases which had resisted numer ous other doctors and rem -dies? With our servle st your command, you should not. If you are a victim of Male Pelvle Diseases, continue to suffer and sink. Varicocele. Only temporary relief eemes from remedies usu ally employed. Our treat ment for 6peolflo Blood Poison le absolutely safe, rapid and permanent, and leaves no Injurious after effects. Every external symptom soon disappears, while the blood, the tis sues, the nerve fibres and Varicocele depletea vi tality and Impairs man hood. 'No case should ever 'strengthened and restored to normal health and pur be operated upon when milder treatment will cure. We treat Varicocele ao-1 cording to the latest and best methods known to medical science. The or gans are not maimed or mutilated, but are pre served and strengthened, fialn quickly oeeses, swell ng soon subsides, healthy circulation la rapidly re established, sad every part of the organism eftectad ity. Nervo Debility. There ts certainly ie victim "Of Nsrro-Vltal De bility, or Male but what hocss juvenated sometime. You should net lose your grip on life because Inferior by the disease is thorough ly restored. Specific Blood Poison. In combating the "King" remedies nave failed to benefit you. To our treat ment for this trouble, varied end modified te suit each Individual case, a vast number ef restored men to day owe their sturdy health and happy condition In 11 f. of bad diseases no time should be lost, ne experi Disagreeable symptoms soon 'disappear, drains of Vigor menting should be dona are stoppeo, Northwestern Medical & Surgical Instituio Northwest Corner Farnam and 13th Sts Omaha, Neb. mB. Our Wcddlm Goods are) the recognized standard. tH engravlrn being done by skilled craftsmen, Insur ing perfect satisfaction and the latest and most fashionable sizes. On request samples will be sent by mall and orders executed just as satisfactory as If ordered la person. fl. I. Root, Incorporated 1210 Howard Street Omaha, Nebraska ((5 TO Seattle, Iverett, Portland and North Peolflo Conat Points and Return Ptaal Hetur Limit 04. 1 ( Via the . Great Northern Railway "The Oemfertakle Way" Liberal Step Over Privilege very Day . Juno 1 to September 15 tnqmtre further of F. I. Whitney, T. T. Mn St. Paul, Miasu or Nearest Q. N. By. Agent. Ask the agent for VvV iaaota. eeattie e 4 , i waaiTBO ; ii Contracted aalal' FREE Da. SBABXJES A SEARLBS, least sal THAT HAPPY LOOK will appear If you use tbe proper rem. edlee to olear your system ef ImpurlUea uii on. wasTMAL'a SENNA LIVER PILLQ -Trtft- PILL WITHOUT A PAIII 611 Kit MAN A McOOXNELX DRUG OO a So host Paid. J 0U A Dodge Sts. KVERY PUFF A DELIGHT WHEN IT'S A CCAUTY TIDffl BEST. F. It Rice Mercantile Cigar MEM tlu uUll 1 i I Lauu power Is restored and man hoed made complete. Roflex Diseases In en ring an ailment ot any kind we never fall te treat Its relies complica tions. If your ease is V A R ICOOe I, H, the weak, nsss arising from It dls arresr If It 1s l It VI'' . OBSTRUCTION and has developed Into Prostatic Bladder or Kidney affeo. tlona, the Injured organs are restored. If It ts flPlJ CIFIC BLOOD POISON, any and all Skin, Blood an 4 Bone Dlaeaaes caused by the taint are eliminate! from the system. It It le NERVO-DKBILITT, the consequent weakneas and other distressing symptoms are removed and rapidly re placed by the youthful en ergy of robust manhood. Hence, all resulting Ills anl reflex complications, which are often more serious than the orlrinal aMment the! give rise to thsm, disap pear completely end for ever with the turs ef the main malady, i Afflicted Men Come to us. If responsible you may settle wnen cur4 or In monthly or weekly payments. We make ne charge for private eounseL and give to each patient a legal contract In writlnc, backed by abundant oapltaL te hold for our promlae. All DreacrlDtlons are carefully - Vital Weakness, to- be re compounded under our per. senal supervision and guar antesd to be fresh and abso lutely pure. No esses ao cepted through correspond ence. One personal Inter, view at office absolutely re quired before treatment commences, physlolans hav ing stubborn oases to treat are oordially Invited tft confer with ua Our office hours are from a m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, from te L masculine CSKDS IQNB 4- sailing dates ef the "Minnesota" and span ana tnioa. w.,Jj Ktt5 9li u.yu m. slCIles a searles r.nJ?-'hd ,n Omefor It ysars. Ths many tho. lli c ""r"1 by mak u ,B moat expert, encsd Specialists In the west. In all diseases and alU m4 ton ruioki ju,t wb,a W1U ur r WE UU YOU. TEEN YOU PAY US 0UI FEZ We make ne mlaleedlng or falae statements or offer you cheap worthless tiaaimaou Our reputation anl heme are too fsvoratly known every case we treat, eur rsputetlon Is at stake. Your health, life and hap piness Is too serious a matter to plac in the nanda if a -MajfSiXSS POCTOaV" doctors of abUtt use their owaT araata tar Tsaoa dsuibss. wa caa offset for everyone a life-long CUIB for Weak. Nervous Man. Varicocele troubles, Nervous tebllit7. Blood Poison, Prostatle troublaa. Ktdnav m. '' DISEASES, Hydrocele. Chrenio Disasieia; plsaaass. Stemacb and fialn Dlseasa " f"mt"Btori and Conauliatlon. Write fee aeaatas Streets, 4autka, ebraskaw J IP. Those saffertas from of life should take J uvea fill: One box will lull a ator at marvelous results. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vitalising force tban baa ever before been offered. .Sent post-paid lu plain packers only ou receipt of this adv. anil 11. Mauo by lu originaura ('. I. Hood Co.. pro. Iriators iiood'a Sarasarilla. Loell. Mas AXWAts L.mmihH Co., Manufacturers, St. Louis, Mo,