A THtf OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 10. 130(5. ' JT H I i ) I ) A" '1 ll GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wbut ReacU, Then Gom Hither Thai PmioM Day. BULLISH KANSAS 8TATC CROP REPORT Coa'dltiea of Grata- filvea Way flelaw 'L-at Year Carat Oil at Mart Ralae, bat Qalealy Kalaa Strength. ' OMAHA. June . u(. -Wheat reacted rather heavily early In the- session, rtwny holders selling on the theory that crop advices had been dls counted. Just when they were ahort and fee-ling the most bearish, the Kanma state report waa Issued, showing -a condition of aa compared with 89 In April and 78 lest year. An attempt to cover' found fiium for aale until prices had fully reoo". a ,nd om additional strength gained. .Trading was lively the lant three-quarters ' hour with some realising In the last lew minutes. ' There waa less rain on the morning's map In the northwest, and the dry seo timls of Illinois and Indiana had ample precipitation. Cable any the situation Is much Improved In Russia. Com sold off at the start on realising and on good rains through Illinois and In diana, but turned on the Kansas state re pot t. giving a condition of "9 as compnred with &6 at the same time last rear. Con siderable activity followed on covering and renewed buying by early profit-takers. The How was little different from the pre vtous day. Clts went through the same experience ag aid- wheat and corn. The Kansas report IVea the condition as 68. , Primary wheat receipts were 328.000 bush el and shipments of 24.O0 bushels, against receipts )at year of 856.000 bushels and shipments of 255,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 7,00O bushels and shipments 4H1.0W bfiKhels, against recelpte last year of 444. (XiO bushels and shipments of 6S7.0UO bushels. Clearances were 113.000 bushels wheat. 13.x0 barrels flour. 43,0n0 bushels corn end 44,ono bushel oata. Liverpool closed unchanged to i,d higher on wheat and d higher on corn. ., Australian wheat shipments were lsS.OoO bushels, against 704.000 bushels last year. Indian wheat shipments were 608.000 bush- els. sgslnst ftflO.OOO bushels last year. ,, Local range of options: j" Artlrqee. Open. High. Iow. Close. Wheat i j .July 77B 78 7 77HB Sept. 76BJ 77 7B 771, Corn . July 47tBi 47S! 47B 47, Sept 46B 47HBI 46B 47tl Oata . July 8ai4B Bf.t ami ?a bid. Omaha Cash galea. '. WHKAT No. 4, 1 car, 70c. ' COKN-f-No. S, 1 car, 47c: 1 car, 48c; 1 car, 4Hc; 2 cars. 4Mic; No. 3 whltj, licar, 47c; No. 1 yellow. 1 car, 444c. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. ! hard, 76 9 78c; No. 3 hard, 70& 74fcc; No. 4 hard, 6570c; No. 2 spring, 77c. CORN No. 3. 4V47c; No. 4, 44tt 45 4c:No. 3 yellow, 464 fi 4714c; No. 2 white, 484f4SV4c; No. S white. 47J47c. OATS No. 5 mixed. 83c; No. 3 whito, ISHd No. 4 white, 3t4c H T E No. 2, 66c; No. 3, 65c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Dululh .-. St. Louie, .... It) 401 167 49 183 -7 18 41 42 164 18 M CHICAGO GRA1X AXD PROVISIONS f- . . ' ; .i Feataraa af the Tradlag aal Cloalaa; rricee aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June I. Additional evidence of ; damage to wheat by drouth was fur nished today by the Kansas atate crop report,- which gave the condition of wheat as TO against an estimate of 5 on May 1. A Sharp rally followed the publication or thla report, but most of the gain waa later-on profit-taking. The clos steady wtui fxtr July -opttoa Higher,--;or waa . '- ' - 1 l- wora- ahada higher to 640 lower. Prior to- the occurrence of the Kansas report aeatiinent In tbe wheat pit was by local longs because of Improved weather conauioiis. . xot onty ota tne weatner iiiup show- Ideal- conditions for harvesting In the aouthwuuit,- but a cessation of rain was reported from the northwest. During the first hm? f the session trading was dull, but -it became active after the pus Heat Ion of - the Kansas report. The demand was general. This caused an advance of almoat 2c from th low points of the day. Much of the gain waa lost of profit-taking dur ing the last few mlnutra of tradinr. The market closed steady. July opened UetJ-Hc lowvr at K!Hrli3c, sold oft to savec and then advanced to 88c The close was at StHiC. Clearance of wheat and flour were x r.T " 1T.. Zlll am bu.r.ln.t-2axV) bu. foT "the coV: responding day one year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of m cars against 313 cars laat week ami 1S3 cars a year ago. the corn' market wae weac early In the y because of reallctng sales, holders (lay seeming unwilling to hold their linee over Hunday. Cash hotieea and elevator Inter ests were free sellers. Reported, ruins In Illinois and the Ohio valley had a tendenry to weaken prices. Toward the middle ft the day the market rallied sharply on active voverlng by ahorta which waa based tipon the Kansas report, which showed a condi tion" or 7 compared, witn aa ror tne cor i'k! fniSTih; . , "Hf I "t Of the ad- responding time last year. 1 the market waa steady, but last few minutes a large part ot tne ad vance waa lost on profit-taking. July opened unchftnged to c lower at MVBo, sold off to llXia and then advanced to 615,0. 1 infli quotations were at ftiio. jocai re- - eel pts were 40f care with 3ul of contract Kaaaaa City Crala aaa IPr aa al aa a. grade.' KANSAS CITY, June 9. WHF.AT-Ju! Early In the day the oata market was 77c; September, 7ac; December. 6;Hc. weak In sympathy with other grain, but Cash: No. 3 hard, r,&19c; No. 3. 74K7Ho: like wheat and corn It etlffened on the No. 4. 77c: No. 8 red, 88fjic; No. 3, Kansas report which showed the condition a4&Wc; No. 4, 704jiitc. of the crop to be hf against a general CORN July. 4i4c; September, 48c: De average ot 80 for the last ten years. The cember, 4V Cash: No. 3 mixed, 48lc; close wae steady. July opened V&V: No. 3. 48Vc; No. 3 white, 49'ao; No. 3, .lower at $7T'37ac. aold up to 3.T4e and 4V6-4c. . closed at I7sc Local receipts were 167 OATS No. I white. 3Cw8Tc. Cars. ProHsiona were quiet and eteadv. The feature of trading was buying of pork by a local packer. At the close July ixuk was oft 6c at IIM 60. 1-ard waa u. shade higher at $oQ8 824. Ribs were 67Ho .v Jower at $9.37m3.40. rtimaiea reueipis mr nvnuy; neat, I cere;-corn, 41 care; oata, 171 care; hoge. 4 fiiO head. The leading futurea ranged aa follows: 1 1 ' . Article. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Yee'y Wheat July... Sept... 86 3H 2S! WW 4H BwA 84 66 Sltfci 62 sr, 84V Dec... 834JS Corn - I .. July... 61,flS Sept... 51V0S, Oata 4 V, 61HI 61 V 87 July...!37(r37lJ EI? EI Sept. 4 V, S S.YT,! e. leo.... 36 II 88 3Hi 4 II 8n 364, 14 80 j 16 60 ' ! 34Stf V Pork July... Sept,., July.. Sept.. v Oct. 'Rlhs- July.. ' Sept.. Oct... 18 90 14 60 II 35 I 47W 1 47V4 14 47Vi I 8n 82 V, I 80 8 90 96 I 90 f 97V I I 7 I 8 sb a so 7V, I 87H 47H 37H1 40 80 10 46 36 9 16 82Hj Jr. 9 10 9 10 t 12V, 07H A asked. Cash Quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patents. I3 6dj4 00; . winter Btxaiinii, ea at-q.tv, spring paienta, 13 rT(j-4tw: spring aireigni. a.ei(aa.si; bak . HKAt-Na I spring. 3wc; No. 3, 7$ U-ft-ec , b, n i r, cveaj CORN No. 3. 61Sc; Ho. I yellow. 62Ve. -,. OATS No. $. rsc; No. t white. SStjaoSic isa. wnue, osoc RTE No. 1. aMJe. , - BARLKY ood feedina. 44t-46c; fair choice malting. 6ui66o. SEEDS No. 1 tlax. $1.0V,; No. 1 north weaiero, $112; prime tlniothy, $3.60iu4.70; Clover, contran rmaa, en a.. PROVISIONSWhorl rlbe eldee Ooosel. m.JMie-so. aaeee pura, poc ii., n.iiasu Jrd, per lutl lbs.. W ITH- Short clear aides (boxed). I? iitKrww . . The reoelpie ana iniptnanta i nuur ana grain were! Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.., Cora, bu 4 Cats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu.. ... 17. 18.500 ... 16.110) 14,41X1 ...430 2i.a ...2BU.6U0 lM.ttOO . 33,100 .... - - itonx.uu urhinn today the but i... .ui, erwaanerr. ltwUVwc: I Itur today ware $k8.aia aUver and AaaAeau dairy, tl 17Vc. tags, eaaa; ai mara. eases ! gu. Included. HfllSr; firsts. MV: prime firsts. l&V; extraa, lc. Cheese, steady, SSytillHc. SIW VORK OEXRItAI, MARKET ttaatatlaas af the Dar aa Varlaae Cammadltlea. NEW TORK. June -FLOrn-Recelpts, 18.228 mi.; exports. IO.r.' bu.; market dull but firm: Minneapolis natent. t4.W4 ff: bakers. t.1.4Mi3W; winter patents,. t 9 4: dd straight. WIMMno: do extras. t03.4O; low grades, t2.Wirt.3S. RR-rlour dull: fslr to good, H-4.VB 8 n; choice to fancy. tl lMH lS. CORN MEALr-FIrm; nine white and yel low. $1.ani.2R; coarse, tl.OTWl.lO; kiln dried, A70g !.). HYEi Dull: No. 2 western. 7ic: nominal f. o. b. New York. BAKLEY Nominal: feeding. 47H f., New York; malting, h2'g5c, c. I. f., New York. , WHBAT Receipts. 81,000 bu.: exports. tt.fil hu.; sales, l.aiffi.om bu. ; spot market Irregular; No. X red KSc nominal, elevator; No. 3 red nominal f o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Ouluth SRie nominal, f. o. b. affoat. No. 1 northern Mantll tc t. o. b. afloat. There waa an early break In whest due to poor cables, clesring weather In the north west and realising. After a sharp rally on prospects of a bullish government report on Monday the market receded again, but Just at the close Jumped violently on the bullish Kansas state report, closing partly c net higher. July W 7-l&W4 closed antic; September 87V(MSc, closed 8Sc; L)ecemler K'latQSc, closed 8S4c. CORN Receipts, .87o. exports, 4.1,186; spot Arm; No. 2, oRVfcc nominal elevator and MVjc nominal, f. o. b.. float; No. Jyellow, Ific nominal; No. 3 white eHf, nominal, option market was quiet and easier at first owing to liberal recelpte and good weather, but rallied finally with wheat, closing practically Sc net lower. July dosed f.vo; September 67,6'ac, closed MMic; December closed 57'ac OATS Receipts, Kd.100 bu.; exports. 43,732; spot market firm; mixed oata 2iVtt.t3 pounds 4lc; natural white 3JI3 pounds, y,m'Sbc; clipped white 340 pounds, VEKD Steady: spring bran. 319.40; June shipment; mldiillngs, $19.75; June shipment; city, I23.onfr34.o0. HAY Firm: shipping. tS70c; good to choice, 87'ii5c. HOP8 4julet; state common to choice l'M4-; lltf'12c; olds nominal. HIDES Finn; Ualveston 204i2& pounds 19c. I. RATHKR Steady: acid. Ifi27Sc. PROVlHIONft Beef, quiet; family. 111 00 11.80: mess, 8.fi000; beef hams, $2n.80&. 22.00; packet. tv.iOolVail; city extra India mess. $16.rV(il7.. Cut meats steady: plkled bellies, I10.2MI 12.50; pickled shoulders, J().tKa.oO; pickled hams, 311. goai2.o. Iard. firm: western prime, $8.8i'ff9',; nominal. Refined, steady: continent, ff.SO; S. A., 39.78; compound $7.0(6 7.S7',. Pork, steady; family. 31H.50-& 1H.ii; Kliort clear, IIH.S"il8.Ji: mess, 317.60. TALLOW Steady; city, 5c; county. S RICR Stendy; domestic fair to extra 3WrrK4c: Janan nominal. . BL'TTER Kasler. Street price: Kxtra creamery, 20c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 15Wac; western Imi tation creamery, extras, 17c; western firsts, 15ial6c. CHEESE Easy; new state cream, large best, iuc; state, fair to gooa, nic; state, small, best, 1"Hc; state, fair to good, WWc: Inferior. 8(S!. EOOS Firm; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 23c; stst. choice. ;0i21c: state, extra. lVtJJ0o; western nrsts, nc: western seconas, l'4c: Kntukr. 1391AC. POULTRY Live, quiet: western broilers. 26c; fowls, 134c: turkeys, llrl2c. Oressed, steady; western broilers, 2Xo-5c; turkeys. l?,c; fowls, lagiZHc. at. I.aala General Market. ST. LOUIS, June 9. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cueh, elex-alor, HefiUlc; trucH, S3 ti90c.; July, 81Hc; September, 82'4c; No. 2 hard, nB;tc. CORN Htaher: No. 2 cash, nominal track. 40$i ft.-: July, 4-49''c; September, aO-He. SHc; July. JBV; September, 88V'; No. 2 white, 3TV4C. FLOUR Firm; red winter patent. I4.G0f4.7Q; extra fancy and straignt, 3S.7Kitf4.40; near, I2. W.t. - SEED Timothy, steady; $2.5012.80. ' (VIBNMEA1. Steady: $2.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, f 87c. HAY Steady; timothy, $1 '.SO 14 00; prairie, 111.001a is.oo. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAGGING 8 Hp. HEMP TWINE 7 He. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, $lJia. Lard., dull; prime steam. $8.87 I lry salt meats, steady;, boxetl. extra i anoria. is.ou; citar rius, io.ou; suuri I . 1 n tIA U . . ' ' ' POULTRY Firm ; chlckTns'.'lOc; rprtngs, 18-20c; turkeys. 10c; ducks, 8Hc; jeew, &c B ITTK K oteaa v ; crtanery. lwijrjow EGOS Steady at 12Vs case ceunt. . Flour, - bbls. I Wheat, bu. Receipts. Shipments. . 4.000 7.0(i1 . 41.000 42.00 1 .180.000 112, on . 58,000 88,000 Corn, bu Oats, bu, Mlaneapolla Grain Market. MIN'NKAPOLIR June . FLOUR First patents, $4. 35 4.45; second patents, $4.:04j4.80; first clears, $3.(0t8.0; sec ond clears. $2.4662.86. BRAN In bulk. ls. Zstjlft.au., (Superior Board of Trade quotations for MlnneHDOlls and Chicago delivery.) The range of prices. a. reported by F D. Day lvr " Articles. I Open.) Hlgh. Leow. Close. Yee'y. I w'.t7"! -''' IW4J4;84V'Sil 82V MV 831 82Hi8'.'Vl' 82Hi M dept... 82,all, M Dec... 1 K'.sl "Mi Fl 1 juiy... Sept... Oct.... 1 14t 1 15 1 14. 1 14 1 1 14S 1 US4 1 14HI 1 lo'i 1 16', I 1 16V 1 14HI 1 liH 1 141 1 14V Minneanolla Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 86Vc; No. 1 northern. c; to arrive, 884jc; No. 8 northern. to arrtve. 83Sc; No. 3 northern. 1,82S,c: No. 1 durum. 74c; No. $ durum, 72c. Corn: No. 3 yellow, ... : a a1 Nn 1 while F.U..- - i. Ko a 47w.. Oata: No. 3 white. 36V4c . JJ-' i nujfme Barley: 4150c. . Rye: $7'4 g- S5Tii n . x,r " 9 "W- K 1 rr asieauy. n-vvwrr., HAY Steady; choice timothy. $13.5047 choice prairie. $ll.3ba$ll 40. BUTTER-Steady ; creamery, lie; pacV- Ins. 12Vs. KOGSSteady; Missouri and Kansas, new whltewood cases Incloded, 14c; case count. I lic ; caaea reiuriit-u. ra- i The receipt were: Wheat, bu.... Corn, bu Oata, bu and shipments of grain Receipts. Shipments. ....49,000 44.0110 ... .32.0110 . 64.ua .... e.000 . 12,000 Llverae-el Grata aadl Pra-rtslaas. LIVERPOOL. June . WHEAT Spot nominal. Futures, quiet; July fts Hd; Sep. . l -A. T t ... I.a- I. Tl. A IfllllLR-r. W, IU, " 1 . 1,3 . j w lifu. CORN Soot, steady; American mixed - n. . , r. k - A n.-rlr'a n mlMt n 1 A Am a Futurea, nrm; juiy, ta iai septem, VkA-Canadlan. firm at a 10Hd Philadelphia Prsdsoe Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 9. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearby prints. 22c. EOGS Firm; nearoy rresn ana western fresh. le st mark. CHEME Bteaay; rew xorx iuu creams. lie Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. June t WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. No. I northern, e44: J"lr. 4Sc. asked. RIE-Hnti; rvo. , annw OATS No. 1 67c; sample. 464)4r. CORN Higher; No. I cesh, tlfiUVtc; , July. Ilc bid. s Dalatk Grata Market. nTJIATTH. Juna I WHEAT Tt arrive and on track. No. 1 northern. 86c; No. I northern, I34c; July. 86V; September, OATS To arrive, on tracx ana juiy. to $7Vc I - I Pearla Grala Market. I fsORlK. June a. CORN Higher; No. I i yellow, 6oHc; No. I. 60c; No. . 4c. I OATS Higher; No. $ white. 33ae I j o. 4 white, Joe WHISKY-ll 29 for finished goods. Esaarta tad laaatarta. NEW TORK. June 9 Total Imports of merchandise and dry goods at the port ef New York for the week ending today were valued at $10m.36u. Total Imports of nt'i et lk i-irt "f Vw V nri, t , k 1.4U0 I w.k andhia Irulav w.r tIA Ttu. ,11,., m..A A.M I tiM wuld. Total exports of limit from - I the port of New York for the week end- NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Vany Iitnet Preased kt 8al and Price Deoliaa. r.pnp nAumr prrnnTe mnT iirrni Bxteaslye l.laaldatloa la Iteadlag, Cansnlldated aa aal Other Fa- . rorlte gharee Caases Gea eral Maaldatlaa. NEW YORK, Jure 9 Stocks were pressed 1 for sale today and prices declined. The! lining, umuiT uy uiw:iruraarllrI'1 I over the meager profits disclosed by this uiFprcimn. rop aamage reports are not i " ana me enect on st ocas is rearea of the government monthly estimate of I v-.Mitiniun to oe nuoitsnea on flionaav sna Which Is generally expected to reflect the I unfavorable weather conditions of the pre- ceding month. The prospect of a prolongs- tlon of the session of congress came in fnr ..m l.,...lnn a for some discussion. Speculative liquids-! ii, hi wan rviurni in some oi inc lavunir I stocks, especially Reading, and some of I auv iii.ru wnicn were innue iiiiiukij i were as quickly lost today. The weak and unsupported condition of Consolidated Gas I naa a Dan enect on sentiment. The bank statement Justified the ex pec I a- tion that the cash gain or last week, wnicn I lAllen to annear In last weeks statement. writ i M hln lh hntrlnff this week. He- , ). (u- liMi A.. I. t n r.. mm , k.- ii I a I7.em.400 loan expansion to figure In the . , . . , i . . . 1. a 1 -JT;.i . irw I for the benefit of the surplus. The paying I oi loreiKH ooiigHiions is wirevru iu v: j responsible in part ror tne loan expannimi. i The Bank of Germany railed to reauce Its dlecount rate and aterling exchange at Berlin fell with some violence and at rane with riectalon threatenina renewed Dree- sure on linilnn l aold reservea. InclnenlS of the rfav were the renort of the first ar- rival of the season oi Aiasna goia on " : -: ' . . . i . . . . i gold output on the Rand for the month of I Miv showing a production of 4tfl,2ti3 fine Faclfic coast ana tne omciai report vi ounces, the greatest monthly outturn on record. The stock market cioeea 1 Tula twinon. nar value, ai.am'.w. The following was the range of prices on the New York stock excnange: : . a Ira. Hlk. Law. Cloaa. Adama gipraaa v AmaitamatMl Coppar S4 1JH i Amar far and Foundry.... MB 414 1'a.l4 do pfd a0 l"t'4 toe 14 B4 if.1 Amar. Cotton Oil jju tav do std Amar. Eipraaa Amar. Hlda A Leather p(d I'm l.iue 4tt 4 44 Amar. Ice Bei-srltlea 44 it" 14 . 31 Amar. Llnaaad Oil da pfd 4 Aster. Locomotive 1,100 71 do pfd Aoiar. Smalt. Refining.. ltioe iMi 1M4 VM, do pfd ton uau. usi- i'A Amar. Sntar Iteantaf Amer. Too. pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atcblaon ion inju los' i3 I, too 2t l x do pfd Atlantic coast Una Baltimore J Ohio do pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.... Canadian Piu-ltli- Central of New Jaraar rheanpeaka Ohio let 1474 l7' 147 t,M0 110H 10t 110 Mti it itaiT iii i lie 84 s 400 110 2M speculative party which entered the mar- ' " - ket with the opening of the week, on tak- ,w,7 "t l .S" ng account of the weeks results. Will find r ,''!1J aaakiiiia a!ia4s Set little In the wsy of price chsngee In the '. tVZTt."-'"- ta,!J" '"til 4 . . ' summing up. There was some closlna of ,i ? ii 5l4f :i 71 It Chlcaia A Altos do pfd Chli-aio Oraat Waatarn Chicago Northareatera... c m. a at. Paul Chlrafo Tarm. Tranalt.. do pfd C, C, '. 8t. Louta Colo. Pual and Iron Colorado a Southern do lat pfd do td pfd 1 Consolidated Oaa Cora Product do pfd Delaware 4V Hudaon !)., Lack, a Wealara.... Denver tt Rio Qranda da pfd DIMMlera' tacurltlaa Ena da lat pf da Id pfd Oanaral Elartrlc Hocking Vallar Illlnola Central Inter. Pnpar do pfd Inter. Puma ,..... do pfd loara ('antral do pfd Kanaas City southern do pfd Loulavllle A Naahallla..... Manhattan L, Metmpolltan Btraat Rr 2"0 n 11 10 tl 61 1H4 71 4 14a IS tJiVa iINt 4t- MS 1 71 ill 111 to M H 17 21 41 MS Mi. 141 lit 1.7 ?'JU Mailcan Centi-al Minn. St. Louta m . at. P. A a. ata. it.... do pfd Mlraourl Pacific MlMOiirl, Kan. A Teina... do pfd National Laad Nat. R. It. af Max., pfd... Kaw York Central 74 114 171S I7S US tt 71', M 1SI N. V., Oitario Waatarn. ai It to Norfolk A Waatarn do prd North Amerlvaa Parlflc Mall : Pennarlvanls Poop la' a Gaa pitta.. C C. St. Leu la., Preiaad Steal Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading da lat pfd do td pfd Republic ateal do pfd Rock laland Co do pfd St. L. Ken Pran. id pfd 8t. Leula South weatarn... do pfd gout barn PacISc do pfd Souther a Railway do pfd Tenneaaee Coal and Iren.. Teua A Pacllc Tel.. St. U A Wast do pfd Vnloa Paciae do prd V. 8. Ripraaa V. 8. Raaltr V. 8. Rubber do pfd C. a. Steal ITS 17 1 im 121 44.10A 144S 141 141S lot II tl 0 itii S3 MS too ims i ims OS l,oa MS M ,.x.7 l.iot 14 MS us it ns liiie iis IIS s S lie's I, f 100 MS tl I7 It Si? JJ 41S 14,100 Ills IB4S 1US MS lie u lot II II 70S II tl 20 lot t 11. KO 41S 4 11 tot 404; do pfd 4.100 10S lt ina Virginia-Carolina rhamlral. l.o 41 s 4o4 do pfd f 111 lia lie wabaan si xi ll do pfd leo 4tS Its 41 Walla-rargo Eipraaa Ill Weatlngftotiea Elat-trla 10 1(1 JU 164 Weatarn t'nloa KM tzV U Ms naaitng a LAaa aria .... n Wlei-eaain Central let , 1 16 do pfd in Its US 1 Kortnam rai-IBt: 1'entral Leather da pfd Sloaa-8heeld Oraat Northern pfd.... eoffered. 1.4oa ia, tin us 4t 41S 42S 42S 101 ena Tl 11 7s IW S"4 . 8Mb Total sales far tka day, IM.aOt sharaa BOSTON, June 9 Celt loane, 4H4J-, 'H per cent; tine loans, wo per cent, utrlclal Closing on stacae ana nonas: , Atrhleea adj. 4a MS Adventure ... do 4a mslluaa Man. Central 4a 71 Aatalganutea) .. 4S .. MS ..lai'a Atrnienn aas amar. xisa .. t da pfd ItlS Bingham .. It Bostoa ft Albasr. lat i Beaton Ete rated ...ill PUckkurg pfd Ut I Max. Central IIS al ft Hatla t'entaanlal Capper Range .., !alr Warn , "Hom Coal Wanklm ..tot "S N. V., N. II ft H..1M Tt II t'nlea Ptellc ,.1MS Ant. Argt. (baat. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tnba.., Am. Sagar do pfd Ant. Tel. ft Tel.. Am. Woetaa do pfd fom. Iron ft Steal ... IS ... 44 ... MS ...1UI, ...lv. ...IMS, ... at ...14W ... II ...IM ... 114, ... m jrantr , la Rnrala aaa. Mining ... Hi-hgaa dobavk tlont. Caal ft C. ltd Dominion . laoaola Srrot ularr Baannea amamck US its US "S Kdiaos 1st. 111. Maaa. Elect rta .... e da pfd Mtm. Oaa tt rlnlijr t ailed Fruit tnlied Baea Mac .lias t ailed roepar , II t. A Mining . its U4 do pfd Nerta gotta V. a. atael .. .. US .. 41 ..l"4 .. 71 I B. Oil. Utah 'Moris .. Vlnona .. A'eltrertne de std . Wanting, eentmon .a ASked. "Bid. New Yark Mlalagt stacks. NEW YORK, Juna .Closing quotations on mining aiocaa were: Adams Cea U L4UU Chlei ... .. I ..ni Allan .141 Ontario . tu Opklr ..IM earuaewlck Cos. . rhoanls ;lotaal , 'Savage ,. jsiem Nevada email Hopes .., Utaadard .. 3 .. I .. Ta Carnal arte Tvaaal . Cos. C1. aad Va. Here SU'er Iron Sllror iMdrllla Cos Offered. . 11 . ie .Im ,.! . I .. t .. at ..tut, riearlaar Hetw Averaaes NEW YORK. June 9. The statement of the clearing house banka for thla week shows that the banka hold $7,112,010 ov the legal reaerve requirements. This is an Increase of $148,025 over last wawk. The statement fol'ows. Loans, $1,969. 142.400: Increase. $7,619,400. Depoeita, $1.947.1$6.400: Increase, 1.II4.I00. Cir culation. $41,911,440; decrease, $I7.I0J. Legal tendere. $$1.119. let); dec raw ae, $1,611,904. Specie, $lll.l.8.44f); Inert am, 400 HI ' 'in.) 7IH 7IS una 1', II toe v t Htm 177 171 ll!4 . I7 it 2eo ii "'a iwi - si it 1.7O0 14114 w l.teo 23 S 22 ;4 4WI I! 4 IIS I, tot IJl ill liiee 444. 4eia "ioa iiii ei"- 4,401V 4 4iS let 71 7t too 7ii 7ei 400 1731 )7p lot 111 HI . 1,100 im - im 144 KVi W ioi K " 14.' 100 l M4 too nt ;i4 Kt 41 ;4 M4 l.'iti lit" lit" 'too its lis me 74 liiot i-iii 17" l.oeo u 161 'ioe iiii iiii i.iin 140'i 140," ten 61 H ii too IIS MS 101 riii iiii ! it. ioi wis lizs 400 tl US 100 it 12 700 lis a! Reserve. I288.94S.90O; Increase, Reserve required. t)!t.788.t; $l.41.1ft. Increase, 3.8.e7l. Surplus. 17.1(1.01; Increase. .14.025. Kx-United States de posits. $11,330,228; Increase, $201,700. Hw Yark Maaey Market. NEW YORK. June MONEY On rail. nominal: no loans. -Time loans stesrty; sixty dsys. 4 per cent: ninety days, 4"i'414 rn: ' "'onhs, 4per ceni, monttis. per ceni. ERCANtlLE rAPER-fl6H per cent. $4.3590f4.M for demsnd and $4.(2en4i4.3 for slxty-dav hills; posted rates. $4 add I4.MH; commercial bills. $4 82S'4 2. SILVER Bar, sc; Mexican aoiiars. H.iiNU overnmeni, nrm; rurou, heavy. ' . . m Quotations on f York bonds toaay 1), a. raf. la. rag....! 'Japan . U aerlea ... H to mea iot4 4Sa. ctfa J A Star TOS 4a 7i i, h ..'...."!!!!!. H4 Mian. 8t. L. 4a.. l M . K. a T. 4a lo do ta f N. a. at Mm. c. 4a. Ml N. T. r. sen. IHa.. MH N. 1. C. fit. ia ltTVi No. Parllc 4a lM'-a do la 74 Norfolk a W. t. 4a..lirt Ora. 8. L. rff. 4a.... MH Pann. ev. IHa 471 Reading (ea. 4a lull St. U 1. M. c. -a. Ill St. L. a P. r. f 4a. MA Atrhiana e- 4s 1MW aa ad). 4a Atlantic c. L v ins "a Sa 7 T. f. 4a.... central otoe. a.... lnc ins JJ M lac'.'.!"!!'.!'." S3 ffc O 4a lOata chkaa A. ie"! th c . a. a o n. ton St. U . W. r. 7a p.. a. i. a p. aa... 7tu Saabnard A. L. 4a. Ho. PaelAc 4a. do 1st 4a ctfa ... .. Ht .. til. to ml. n. im. a si u. a. ..iat Cala. lad. ta. asr. A.. 7 "4 So. Ratlvar Aa. in er. n T74iTax. a PaclBo le....ltnTi v,. ma. 77 Tol., et. u a W. 4a. it j.ifnlon PaHSa 4a IMH liMia.l'. 8- eteal t la MH Cuha fta S:"- " wanaan ia 114 do dab. M ns Weatarn Met 4a . 17 ' "Bl im i, m... It-, IOIS Kt txtS , "P Pnr "es aa Wheeling I.. g. 4,. an Hock. val. ma Wla ('antral 4a 14 japan 4a ufTeied I.ondoa (loslag Stacks. LONDON. June I. Closing quotations 011 the Stock exchange were: Con tola, rnonar Ml N. Y. Central 144 do arrount a I-ie Nortalk a w ... .. I do pfd .. S lont. Weatern Jl a Anarenaa n o Atrhiaon t0 pfa a. a onio ..104(4 rnnatlTnia II Rand Mtnea . Reading ... e4) ... 74 canaiiian Pacific rnee. a omo.. .. 114.! ..ut .. 17 .. 47. .. til, .. 47t .. I: do let pfd... do Id pfd... ... 44 ... M imicano ui. n.. C-. t. p Southern Rr ... MH "-T"; " O-.- B,' ''- so pra ...ire 80. Paclso ... Union Pacltte ... mh ...IMS do pfd ...II U. . Steal... ... 4i4 ...1014 ... ji 1 aa n prd.. .... 7a do pfd 1 niinnia i-entrai 1714, I I- A Naahrllla 15JS Wabaah do pfl ... 11 m.. it. w 1 aa BIL.VER Bar, steady; 30 1-Wd per ounce, MONEY 1'J34 Per cent. The r-te of discount In the onen market for short bills Is 8'4 rer cent: for three 1 montns 11111s -tn'A .-ia ner cent. rorelaa Flaanelal. I LONDON. June 8. Money was in abun I dant demand today and there was a fair I eupply; discounts were essy, There Whs I some talk or tne probability or an eariy reduction of the Bank of Knaland'e ra'e f dlscounu The stock exchange closed the week with a dull session. There was I t'ardly a change In prices, I next week checking speculi Coniols finished steady, b the settlement ulatlve ventures. but home rails of trade returns. Foreigners and Kafflrs were more cheerful. Americana opened stesdy at a fraction over parity, but easel later and closed dull after a small amount I of business. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were ouoted at 102. PARIS. June 9. Traamg on the bourse today waa dull and prices were unstesdy throughout. Russian and French rentes were weak. Russian Imperial 4a closed at 79.90 and Russian bonde of 1904 at 411.00. Baak Clearlaga. 1 OU1UI Inn S Pnnlr T A r-1 ,1 t.i Ia. day were It. 650,371.29 and for the correspond ing date laet year ii.BtKS.s.w .w. ivy. i?ta. $ 8.106,fi62.78 31,711.173.30 1,777.612.33 1.7I9.8C8.7I l.(M2,775.74 l.72.7ti6.67 Tuesday Thursday 1,SS6.S57.67 l,t7,292 .94 Frldav i,wu,ti. in 1 an,i!t.-a Saturday 1,550.371.29 1.3tU,3t.3l Total .310.393.839.61 IS.644.061.M Increase over the corresponding week last year, IS4f.838.15.- Tretasrr Btatewaaat. ' - " WASHINOTON. June 9. Today s state runt of the treasury balances In the a-eneral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 I gold ref-erve, snows: Avgiiame cann obi I " . . u. at a a in . dhow 49!:,56; gold certificates, $44,841.6110. OMAHA WHOLES A LK MARKET, Coadltloa af Traae aad Qaotatloae Jta ale aal Faaey Prexlaee. EGOS Receipts. - liberal; fresh stack, L.IVK rvuu HI-Mens, S4JPc; roosiera, 8e; turkeys, 14$lnc; ducks, lie; spring chickens, 1819n per lb. butter facking stocK. u'utac; tnotca to fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, 2lfr21Vfcc HAY Prices auoted bv Omaha Feed com- wnv: No. 1 upland. $10.60; medium, $.; ' uonrae, 39 00. Rye straw, $8.60. bran Per ton, lit. to. NEW VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida, per crate of 30 lbs.. n .UM. WAX BEANS Per box of about 26 tbe., I II 76K'i ii STRING BEANS Per box of aWout 26 II "24 OOfl. 4S I IOB., 1. lOT- mQ. S TURNIPS. BEETS AND CARROTS MS I Per dos. bunches. 3&c. I LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa. I heads, 20c. ci'CUMBEKg Home grown, per ous., 60075c; Texas, per-bu. box, $1.76. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red, lic per lb.; Teaes, In crates, white, $1.76; yel- lowi-!l--. . ao. RADISHES Per doa. bunches. 36c. CABBAOE-Csliforhla. 2lj4o per lb. CAULIFLOWER Per doa. heads, $1.69 1.76. . OLD VKUKTABLKD, M pnTATOKJt Home crown, cer ' bu., 6WfJ 0c; South Dakota, per bu., 9nc; Colorado, P1 NAVY H15ANB rer du., ti.ae; iu. a, a.te LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6s-c. TROPtfll, RfIT. riATG-Bper hoi of 30-lb Dkat.. $2 00; Halloween, In 70-la boxea. per box, c; Bayers,, per lb.. 4c; walnut stuffed. 1-lb. pkgs., $2.00 per doa.; I-lb. boxea, $1.00. ORANGE Csllfomla, extra fancy navels. Urge eises. $4 2636 no; Mediter ranean sweets, an sixes, aawfr-""- i . . LEMONS LI monters, extra fancy.' 244) sise. $8.fW: 300 to 3fi0 slxe. $7.00. FIUS California, per 10-10. carton, 8fic; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, uc; lx-crown, 11c. BANANAS Per medium eieed bunch, Ii.Ti Cf2 26; Jumbos $3 SOCIO, fllHjAfflmK,o ixaa . anti e, FRUITS. CHERRIES California, $3.00 rr 8-lb. boi sour cherries, 24-o.t. crate. $2.26ttf2.M BEEF CUTS. ltKirr rt'TS No. 1 ribs. 11c: No. I rlba. aw-; No. I ribs, 7W-: No. 1 loH, 14Hc; No. t ir,it i;w: No. I loin. UWc: No. 1 chuck. (So; No. $ chuck, tc; No. 3 chuck, 5c; No. !JJ 1 round. 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. I round, TSc; No. l plate, c; iso. piate, o; o. I plate, 2'iC MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $3 75, per bnl., $8.78. HONEY New. per 24 Ibe., $3 60. CHEESE Swlaa. new. lso: Wlwonin 44 brick, 12c; Wisconsin limberger, lie; twins, ' 13H-e; Young Americana, 16c. 41S I k-i'to 'wl-elnuio No 1 soft ahella new 1 rrr,n ner lb.. lkVac: hard shells, ner lb.. S 13c. Pecans, large, per lb.. 14c; email. v. ir lb., 12c. Peanuts per lb.. V; roaeted, "w 1, ih' to hin w.in.t. rw.r it nwitiw, ner lb., sc. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 13C JW Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Cocoanuts, $4 per seek of 10V SVGA. Granulated cane. In bbla $6.06; granulated cane, tu sacks. $5.01; granulated. In sacks. 14.91. SYRUP In barrels. 24c per gaL; In cases, 4 10-lb. rana. $170; cases, 11 6-lb. rana. II 80; rasas, 24 3H-lb. cans, $1 16. COFFEE Roaated, No. 16. 26 We per lb : No. $0. 20Hc per lb.; No. 26. l$He per lb ; No. to. liVtjC per lb.; No. II, ltvte per lb. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per V, bbl., 100 lbs., $4 $: Norway mackerel, per bbl., $04 ibe.. bloaters, $44 09; No. 1, 111 09; No. 2. 114 o; No. 3, 110.00: Irish, No. 2, $1100; barring. In bhls., 204 lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $11.40: Norway. Ik. $1$ 00; Holland, mixed. 111.64; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers. 10c; kegs, mixed, lea CANN'F.D GOODS Corn, standard weat arn, 66IJ IOc; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cana. 11.2601 50; t-lb., 97HrOl 00. Pino apples, grated, I-lb, $3.06 9 3 $0; sliced. II 904)1 it. Gallon apples, fancy, $190; California apricots. 11.4083.00; pears, - fr I H C. Peaches. It. 0t t.. Alaska salmon. 11.756 3 60; peacha, fancy, $1.78 O 8. 4e; red. 11.26; fancy cninrox, t ., II. 10; rancy sockeye. F, $1 91; sardines. oil. $2 60; V mustard. 12 600$ 18. Sweet potatoee, $1. 164)1. 16; eauer kraut, $1.94: pumpkina, $9c4)$l0; wax beana. 3-lb., 76090c; llmx beans, 3-lb., 76r$tllll; spinach, $136; cheap peas, t-lb.. $4e; extra, T$99oi taaor. fl liai.Ta. OMAHA LIVE STOCK J ARRET Tt Cattle 8troarer fat Week, While Stocktra Are Lower. HOGS ALSO HIGHER FOR THE WEEK aeea aaa laaalta Geaerally Qaee aarter Higher far the Week, with the Deataaa Very aea. SOCTH OMAHA. June . !" Receiuts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... t.7tt 4.041 l,!ut Offlclal Monday limriHl Tuesriuv ... OfDrlal Wednesday Oftlclal Thursday . Official Frldav Official Saturday .. I0,? . 10.470 I.4U 1M.IHX 2.17.1 10.6J4 1.211 11.462 fc3 This week I.ast week 58.4n2 77.12 71.101 41.HS1 18.878 14.6 l.l.tili i7.ff;3 32.W1 15.079 Two weeks ago rnree weeks ago.. Four weeks sgo... Same week Isst year.. ..18.378 76,7 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO UA1E. The following table shows the recelpte of cattle, hogs and sheep et South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laet yeer: lpft6 US. Inc. Cattle 414,731 - 374.8K 48.M8 Hogs 1.224.728 1,087.422 1 27.3t4 Sheep TJa.MI 9,S4 41,182 CATTI B QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices psld for the different kinds of cattla on the South Omaha market: flood to choice corn-fed eteere....$4-9"4 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 .efJf-4 90 Common to fair corn-fed steera.... 4.1X1434.80 Good to choice cowa and half era... 4 0"tM W Fair to good cowa and heifers 3.flO'n4.00 Common to fslr cows and heifers. 1.753 00 Good to choice stockers St. feeders 4.oedj4.30 Fair to good stockers and feeders 8 6.4.O0 Common to felr atockere 8.03.o0 lOMQIoO l.7(f 4.26 Bulls, stags, etc. Veal calves 4.00 Si The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laet several days, with comparisons: Date, j lrue, l.!l)4.lo.,l(tt.im.lwo. May 26... I $ Xl I i 4 34! $ 04 e I $ 61 $ e$i e 6 ( t 00 e 49S May 28... 6 2 6 19; 4 Jti 5 18 May 27... 1 6 17 4 47 6 77 97 t m 7 02 1 6 63! 7 10: $ 2 May 23... 26, e I 4 49l 6 72 May v. , May 30... May 81... June 1... June 2... June 8... June 4... June t... June 6... Jane 7... June 8... June 8... $13. e 1 8 7Q 4 90 e s a 11 1 n a.i, o si T 10 6 8 4 8a 6 9 4 83 6 701 4 89 82HI I 18 4 60! 7 12 284j I 69' 4 631 t 3 30M t 1! 4 49 07 7 071 III I 70 e 6 1 4 491 t 7 IS 3(S4 I 4 55 &V I 21 e $ 294,1 $ 23, 4 64 6 88 7 1 I 71 4 83 6 76 7 201 6 70 4 91 6 71 4 94 4 75i 4 93 6 78' 6 02 6 78i 7 15 S S6SI 5 26 $ km a -1-17 4 68 e T 4 88 I 80 ' 4 7o I 86 7 7 II 6 01 Sunday. RANGE) Or PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha ., $l.aurp.no $tl.(Witi 44 Chicago l.o.O0 i.amHeO Kansas City ;.2f6.W) 6.oO'(1l.5o St. lxiuis 2.0".00 6.7it .56 Sioux City $.00(&.10 .2f.4,40 The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H sea t. M. aV St. P. 6 Wabash Missouri Pacific. . Cnlon Pacific C. N. W., east.. C ft N. W west . . C , St. P., M. ft O. . C, ft. ft Q., east. . C, R. ft Q , Wfst. . C, R. I ft P., east. Illinois Central... Chi. Ot. Western.. $ 34 9 67 9 8 17 $ 2 1 164 Total recelpte.. The disposition of the day'e receipts was ae follows, each buyer purchasing the number ot head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.681 Swift and Company 3,889 ... Cudahy Packing Co 1 3.175 613 Armour A Co .t - 3,103 ... Cudahy pkg. Co., K. C. . 69 Cudahy pkg. Co., c'try 800 Sol Iegan 9 .... Kingman Pkg, Co.. Totals .". .......990 113 CATTLE There, was no market today. aa usual, on a Saturday, the fresh receipts not peing sufficient to attract any atten tion. The recelpte this week have been fairly liberal, considering the very unfa vorable reports regarding the market thnt have been aent out from day to day, which have been of a character to dis courage ahlppers from sending In their cattle. The total talis short of the pre vious week by a few over 1.000 head, but aa. compared with a year ago there le 4 decrease of about 2.000 head. The week started out with the beef steer market in a very much depressed condition. On Monday and Tuesday buy ers did not appear to care whether they got any cattle or not and the trade wae a drug from etart to flnleh. On Wednes day the market took on a decidedly better tone, the demand being more urgent, with prices showing a tendency toward firm ness. This condition prevailed during the Isst three market days of the week, so that at the cloae of (he week prices ar a little stronger on all desirable kinds of beef steers than they were one week ago. Common end inferior grades, however, continued slow sale, with buyers reluctant to take them. The feeling among opera tore on the market is that such improve ment, as has tsken place has been tue 'o a considerable extent to the moderate re ceipts, which have given packers an op portunity to clean up tnelr surplus prod ucts. So long as the violent agitation re garding the wholesomeneas of packing house products continues no one antiel patea any very great or permanent Im provement In the market and no one In terested on the selling side would like to see any very big runs of cattla for some little time to come. Cows and heifers have been In about the aame condition aa beef steers. On Monday and Tuesday the trade was ex tremely dull, but during the latter part of the week the better gradea strengthened up somewhat, closing the week a little be- . ter. Common and grassy kinds of cows, however, did not participate In -the Im provement, but have been a drug all the week, and unless all signs fsll they are likely to sen gtiu lower in the near fu ture. Stockers and. feeders, fortunately, have been in light receipt all the week and yet not light enough to prevent a break In the market. It will' be understood that prices on both stockers and feeders ha" been very high - for sometime back and that the season of the year haa arrived when it la only natural to expect a very material decreaee in the demand, togethr with a much lower range of prices. so few cattle have been coming that nft great change waa noted on any one day during the week, still prices kept drop Pll ing Oft until now tney are at least 2sJ lower than a week ago. HOOS There waa no material chanae In the hog market today. In fact, for three daya In succession hogs have sol In lust about the same notches. The trade this morning wss active and steady With yesterday, the greet big bulk of all the hogs selling at $1.3641 4 37 the same as yesterday, with a sprinkling at $4 4) and some of the best loada at $4.41 U. Everything was sold and weighed up In erv good aeason In the morning. The recelpte of hogs this week have shown a very heevy falling off ae com pared with laet week and with the corre sponding week of a year ago. At trie aame time the local demand has been very good, so that this market has been In a very strong position all the week. During the first half of the week prlcea tended up ward rapldlv and the advance made wss ".VarlcTa iri . ZZr I At the cloaa today pricee ere on an aver maintained auring tne ieian-e or tne wees. see a strong lie msher tnsn at the close of laat week and only 16c lower than the extreme high point of the year. Representative sales Ne. N. aa. "r No. A. ak. Pr. II 141 ... I II tl Ill ... I ITS TT Md SO 4 K) T4 141 St I ITS M IM 41 4 MS " 11 4t I ITS Tl 111 44 I II 40 Ml Mt I ITS M 1TI tt I 14 Tt 144 IM I I7t, tl NI ... IM Tl .......HO too ns fn lot ... 4 ii tt ne ne i its 10 Itt 44 4 M Tl ia 44 I ITS li ne ... Ill Tt u.4 at 4 r, II IM 144 4 H TT tut . . 4 I7S Tt ire at 6 kt et rw at I trs tt IM ... II Tl 144 ... I ITS 4 ws him it ii4 at i rw tt Ml IM I M Tl UT ... 4 ITS 47 Ml tt 4 II It M4 IM I 17 S II 114 lie 4 M , l 114 ... 4 17', 44 111. 44 I 14 41 2A1 M I ITS lit lot ... I M 44 IM ... 4 7U 47 IM . . let Tl ..Ill ;j I ITw TT Ill IS III . 44 lit 110 I tt 44 tul 40 I et Tt IM ... I ae a tat let I at ti i ... i ta TT Ill 144 4 li Tl 144 40 I 44 Tl If ... 4 II 141 M 4 44 It. ...... .lot lie ll Tl 44 4 44 44 fSI t 4 ITS 41 H4 110 I 44 77 Ill I ITS tl M4 44 I US SHEEP Today 'a recelpte consisted of two cars, shipped direct to a parking bouse and net offered for aale; and a mall bunch ef lambs sold la the couatrv yesterday and driven la ta be weighed us today. In other words, there waa nothing on the open market to make A test of values. As noted from day lo dsv, the sheep and lamb market this week 'has been lit very satisfactory condition. Values hsve been steady to strong every day, so thst r-lces hsve gradually tended upward. Ight receipts and better report e from eastern points hsve contributed to the i renew h of the market. At the close of the week It la safe to ntiote an advance) ftu the general run of stuff amounting o rlghl sround 26e. While this Is not ss much advance as Is reported from Chi cago, it must be kern In mind- thst the market here did not Oecilne as much as did Chicago and hence there waa not ae much room for an advance. Aa hinted above, receipts this week have been very light, showing a falling off from the week before and a still larger street, permanent walk, aa this Monday, decrease as compared with a year ago. A large proportion of the arrlvala haa been made up of trashy stuff; that ie, the clean-up of feed lots, odds end ends. Anything really good hss sold exceedingly well. The first grass sheep of the sesson foi this market put In an appearance thla week. Thev were heavv I'tah wethere of pretty decent quality, but coarse. Thev sold at IK.82H i 1.88. the highest price on record for sheep of that kind, which will give some Idea of the very strong posi tion occupied by this market. That tbe st anon for range sheep should open out so auspiciously Is regsrde.l ss a very good Indication by sellers of sheep operating on this market. ' Quotations on clipped stock: Good to choice western lambs. $.e0: fair to good lambs. 8 0v4J $.21; cult lambs, $4 5 6 1.26: good to choice vearllnsa. 18 78 0 125; fair to good yearlings. 18. 6001. 7k; good to ciiolc liolce wethers. 15.7101.16; fair to good wethers, IS 6006.76; got choice ewes, $6.69 8)5.76: fatr ta good good to ewea, 14 1698.60; bucks, $4. 3604.76. representative sales: No. Ar. Pr. 2 western ewea 90 6 28 611 weetern lambs 71 $ 10 CHICAGO LI YR STOCK MARKET tattle aad Hogs gteady Sheep aad . . . . lamki StraasT. CHICAGO, June 9. CATTLE Receipts, 3tK head; market steady: beeves, $4.10ff6.00; cows and heifers. $1.8udjk.90; calves, .009 7.B ; stockers and feeders, 32 7bT4.7. HOGS Receipts. 11,000 head; estimated Monday, 4..WM head: market steady; mixed and butchers, $ Jca40; good heavy, $6.6f 8 60; rough heavv. M3MW.40: light. 16 IVJ $6o; pigs, $5.S0; bulk of sales, tt47W 1ST. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 4.0OO nean; maraet strong; sneep, .ieos.xo yearlings, I6.754J.40; lambs, $6.507.10. Kew Yark Live Stark Market. NEW TORK, June 9. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2na head; none on ssle; market feeling steady; . dressed beef rather slow at 7-S'4c per pound for natl e eldes. Latest cables from London and Liverpool quoted the market higher; live cattle selling at ll-fj-lVVic per pound dressed weight; re frigerator beef, 8469v,c. Exports today, l.fMO cattle and 7.674 quarters of beer. CALVES ReceiDts. none: no trading: market feeling steady; city dressed veals In good demand at 8-ffllc per pound: coun try dressed, 9$9Hc; d re seed buttermilks, k'fl'iH-c HOGS Receipts, 3,936 head; none on aale; market feeling nominally fair. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.940 head; market for sheep active and firm; yesrllngs 16c higher: lsmbs strong to a fraction higher; eheep eold et $4.fit4io.60 per 100 pounds; yearlings, $8.40g7.60; lambs, 8(f 9c; dressed mutton Arm at 9HV3'12c per pound; dressed lambs In active demand at 134Jle; dressed yearlings, 124313HC Kansas City Live Block Market. KANSAS CITY. June 9. CATTLE Re celpte, 2li4 head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, $s.36a.to fair to good, 34.264f6.36; western fed steers Ift.tXOTo.L'b: stockers and feeders, iz.fXKat.wi southern steers, $3.26ro4.90; southern cow. 'Ao-o.76: native cows, $2. 504. M; native neirei.- ti.dfvritj.il): bulls. 32.6tXFt.0U; calves, $3.oo$4;.5t. Receipts for the week, 31,800 head. HOGS Receipts. I.tjtiO head; market steady; top. $6 60: bulk of sales. $s.36.46 heavy. $4360: packers. $6 36t3.47H; pigs and lights. $5.60fj.4ii. Receipts for the week. K.1.BU0. SHEEP AND I.AM US-Receipts 300 head market nominally : .tadv: native lambs $6.60tg7.60; fed sheep and yearlings. $5,004? 4o; xexas cupped yearlings, a.7W3.2o Texas clipped sheep, 15.006.80: Texas goats, $3.26&K).9; stockers and feeders, $3.35 ajo.w. neceipts ror tne week, 21,300. Ut. Lavt-, Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 9 CATTt.K Re, t-elpte. 100 head: no Texana; market ateady; native shipping and export steers, 4.;.j o.ou; areaawa beer and bun he steers, $3.$04J5.0; steers under 1.000 pounns. 8.264V4.66 stockers and feeders, $2.6004.40; cows snd heifers. $2,104) 4.00: canners. ll.60fJ2.25: hulls. 12.40 ie 4 00; calves, I3.004j4.50; Texaa and Indian steers, $3.0004.76; cows and heifers, $2.00 tjt.tto. HOGS Receipts. 1.600 tiead; rriarke eteadv; nigs and Hunts. 15. 6006.35: nark ers. 5 76ffj $.46; butchers and best heavy l6.36O60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6XT) nesu; market strong; native muttons 13.0096.10: lamba, $6,004)7.90; culls and ducks. id.D0WH.no; stockers, $2.00(o6.00, St. Jeseph Live Mtork Market. ST. JOSEPH. June . CATTLE Rc ceipts. 1 fiO head; market atead ; natlveH 14 uutr cows and heifers, $1.761)4.60; stockers and feeders, 1100ft 4.36. HOOS Receipts, 8.821 head; market steady: light mixed. II.26&6 40; medium and heavy, $4.30 v 6.47 V,. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 62 head; market steady. aieax City Live f4ork Market. SIOl'X CITY. June 9.-fSpeclal Telegram.i CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; market steaay; neevea. 4.ut"tr.li; cows, bulls and mixed, $3.0004.60; slockers and feedera, $3.60tr4.26; calve and yearlings. $3.00&4.10. HOGS Receipts. 4.406 head; market about stesdy; selling at $.2fvHtfi.40; bulk of sales, V.30ti4.3IH. Ktork la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the alx princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 331 11.462 363 Sioux City 100 6.400 Kansas City 2110 6.000 200 St. Joseph 160 8.821 62 St. Louis 100 2.000 too Chicago 300 13.000 4.000 Totals ..1.191 48.173 6,n$ Oils aad Rosla. NEW TORK. June 9. OILS Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, f. o. h. mills. S-yq.Wic; prime yellow, 3GS7s. Petroleum, steady: refined. New York. $7.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.75; in bulk. $4.65. Turpentine, rfrrtHc. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good. $4.004406. . OIL CITY. June 9 OILS Credit bslances, $1.84. Shipments, ao,391 bhls., average, 64.747 bbls.; runs, K9.742 bhls., average 62.014 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 5,613 bhls., average tio.flo bnis.; rune, Lima, 44,610 bbls., average 36,690 bbls. SAVANNAH. June .-OIL-Turpentliit firm. 57nC. , ROSIN Firm: A, B. C. $3 g. 0: D. $3 HO 153.70; E. $3 8434.00; F. HKVW; G, 14 00'a 4.10; H, 84 .10; f. $4.16: K. $4 36; M, $4.65; W, G $4 90; W. W.. $.. Evaporated Apples aa Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. June 9. EVAPORATED APPLES Market la quiet, with very lit tle business reported, so far ss the spot situation Is concerned. Htrictlv prime are quoted at 11c, choice at llHJ11ic and fancy at 11 4 4 lie. Prunes continue quiet on snot, with quolatlona ranging from 74tj'8.c. Apricots are sparlngly ofTered. as future shipment and spot quo tations are maintained. Choice are quoted at li"4e. extra cholre at 134j13Uf and fancy at llQ14V,c. Peaches are firm on both spot and futures, with choice quoted at 11c on spot, extra choice at 11 S 4 11 Vc. fancy at 11V ft 12c and extra fanrv at 1 QlIHc. Raisins are quiet, with loose muscatel quoted at 4 4 Sc. seeded raisins at lleiSf and London layers at $1.6001 44. agar aad Melasaes. NEW YORK. June 9 STOAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. I 15-16aJ 81-32c; centri fugal. 98 tent, 3 16-32jrDVkr; molasses sugar, 2 11-16412 2332c. Refined, ateady; No. I. 4 10c: No. 7. 4 06e; No. 8. 4 00c; No. 9. 3.96c; No. 10. 3 90c: No. 11. 3 86c; No. 12. 3 8uc: No. 18. 3.76c; No. 14c. 8.76c; confectioners' A. 4.46c; mould A. 4 96c: cut loaf. 6 .-; crushed. 630c; powdered, 4.70r; granulated, 4.40c; cubes isfe. MOLASSE8 Steady; New Orleans, open kettt.. good to choice, StVfiaSc. NEW ORLEANS. June .-8fOAR Quiet; optn kettle, centrifugal. 163 7-ltic; centrifugal whites, 3V", yellows, 3S&4Vc; seconds. nC'ac. I'ottaa Market. NEW YORK. June 9 COTTON The spot marks! cloned Arm w-h prices unchanged on the basis of 11 Wc for middling uplands and 11 46c- for middling gulf. Salea were l.Stu bales. ST. LOl'IS, June I.-COTTON-Mlddlli.g. Uc. Rales, a6 bales; receiuts. 11 Rales; ship ments. Dun bales: stock. XOT'J bales KaW ORLEANS. June . COTTON-f pot market tie sad steady. Bales. 760 bales. Low nrdlnarY, 7i nominal: orrtlnury, fie, aom- Inal; good ordlnsrv, OH-lt-c; low ntlortllng, lOSc; middling. 11c: good middling, 11V; middling fair. 11 'c: fslr. live. Receipts, 890 bales; stock, 8.41l bales. Waal Market. LONDON. June -WOOL- Ths ar rivals of wool for the fourth aeries of tictlon sales amount to 1 17.488 bales. In ludlng 68.600 bales forwarded direct to) pinners. The imports this week were: New louth Wales. 1.782 bales; Queens land. 273 bales; Victoria, 1,20 bales; 8011th Australia. 1.642 bales) Taemanl.-t, 66 bales; New Zetland. 4.12$ beles; Catia m "i 1 1 T .... V: 1 1 lift I, . I ' TJ n tn bay, $7$ bales; various. 711 bales. ST. LOrif. June WOOL Steady: medium grades, combing and clothing, 24 V lc; light fine, zoti j.'c; neavy one, is tyllc; tub washed. 33tlc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June . MKTAI.S There wee but little business In the metal mar- rta today, trading being restricted or he absence f I,ondoii rabies. Tin wae im, at $40 00040 18. Copper waa nrm nd unchanged, at I1I76W 19.00 for lake. 18 87 HB 18.69 for elactrolytio ana iis.in 18 37H for casting. Lead wae un changed, at $6,76 0 MS, and spelter at 6 0004.10. Iron was aulet at recant "1,"- . . .... kt. wins, June 9. BKrij!" new, rm at $6 90; apeltar, firm at $4.v. Cofea Maraat. NEW YORK. June . COITTBBV-Martat - for futurea opened eteady at a deeline c4 6'tflO points on response te lower cables. Interior Santos recelpte were UgM aa4 there wae comparatively little coffee fop sle here. Tne market rallied atmner the middle of the moraine? on covering or shorts, with the close set net unehang-ndl to t points lower. Salea were reported ef 81 .one bags. Including rig BepteniKer at loo and May ai iffttft et; No. f Invoioe, oa snc; December at e.t 90c. Spot Rio, quiet; Baak af Otrmaay StanlesaeBa, BERLIN. June 9 -The weekly tgsmertt of the Imperial Bank of Oarraavny eboWg the following changes: Cash In hand, dee crease, 13l.9eo.000 marks; treasury notea, Ins crease. 880.001 marks; aeoanuea. a crease. $4,180,000 marks; notes In circulation, fAae crease, 86, 100,000 marks. RUBBER HEELS FOR TENANTS mmm. V - Oaa ladlard's Way at Kaaptagr HU Hoase Fall, Nalseleea eaaiet Happy. .'1 There la at least one landlord in Hartam who hu solved the problem . ef keeping his house full of quiet tenants who will not complain of the notae overhead. Hia method waa discovered quite by accident when a new tenant applied tor Sv leaaa ou the etrtng of rooms known aa ft flat In thla particular building. All the necessary formalities about ref erences, finances, etc., had been ' satis factorily gone through ' with, when the new tenant obearved an extra clause type written In the printed form of leaae. "Whafa that for?" he Inquired. "Read it and see," answered the land lord. "That Is for ycur protection aa well aa for that of the tenajite under you. . It explains Itself merely an obligation on your part to wear rubber heela on all your ehoes, and requiring every tjiember of your family to do likewise. Oh never mind the expense the leaae, you will ob serve, requires me to furnish you with , the heels, so It costs you nothing." The tenant read the following clause pointed out in the lease by the landlord: And it la hereby further agreed that the , said party of the second part (the. tenant) obligates himself and the members of hla family to wear and use only shoes equipped with rubber heels, and the said party of the -first part (the landlord) hereby -agrees to pay the expense of fitting rubber- heela to all ahoea regularly worn by the tenant aad the members of hla family, provkked that auch heela shall be fitted only at a shop to be designated ty the party ot the first part." The prospective tenant could only artlo- ulate: "But suppose I .refuse to wear rubber heels?" "In that case ws wtll bar net difficulty in finding someone else who will." answered the landlord. "This clause la my own Idea and is Inserted to guard against noise from the flat -above an evil which you must admit Is one of the greatest an noyances of life in a flat In New York. "People who wear rubber - heels walk noiselessly. Not only are rubber - heels comfortable and noiseless, but you will find many physicians who advocate them for all ordinary walking, on the score of the nervous ahocka which are avoided by their use. "I have made an arrangement with a shoemaker near my building, who fits all the shoes of my tenants with rubber heels at a reduced rate, and I pay the bills. It costs me something like 35 a month but for that I get about fifteen palra of rubber heela put on, and when they wear out, I am willing to pay M. Mew ones. , " . ' "The beet possible proof of the practical utility of my scha ' that my flats are always rented, and the psrtlculsr one. that you are asking about Is the only vaoant flat in my building. However, If you don't . want to wear rubber heela, say no more, for I have had three other Inqulrlee today about the flat and have no doubt but I will rent It by tomorow night." "Say no more," responded the prospec tive tenant, "I have never worn rubber heels before, but I am willing to try them. The people In the flat below me msy have been worried by the noise I made quite as much as the 'people above) have been worrying me with' their infernal racket. By all means let us have a law passed com pelling every one who Uvea In a flat to wear rubber heels. The next thing Will be rubber eoled pianos but I guess that dream will never come true." New . York Bun. Bee Want Ada Produce Resulta REAL E STATU ,TAift1MllS. Lacey J. Patterson end wife to John . C. Nelson, lot 9. Field Club Sub., part of lot 3, Griffin 6V Smith's add. ..$1,19) Zora I. Shields to D. V. bnoloS Co., north S lota 17. 18; east 61 feet of lot 16, block 6. Griffin A Smith's Bub.. L104 Eugene B. Chapman to Augustus D. , Cloud, lot 4 and 37, MayneTs add. to Orchard Hill 1,104) Algernon 8. Patrick to Harvey . O. Blair, lot 6, block 1, A. B. Patrick a add t 664 Ltxate Blardy. et al., to Samuel Sple- . gal. south H lot t block 1, Hor bach's Third add 1,304) Caroline and John Mallek to Emeet Oilmin. et al., nws of nw4 of ne4 south Vi of nw'4, south H of nwli. east H of sw4 and the nws, cf swi of 23-16-10 aSCeW Alnney'J. Rust, et el., to Chicago AV Northwestern Rsllway Co.. north 83 feet of lot 8, block 7. city ot Omaha.. Mr V. Farnam Smith & Go. ' Stocks, Bands. Investment Securities. We offer subject to UNION 8T04TK YARDS BTtXIC. 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Doti.la. 1408 F. D. Day Cl Co. Stocks. Grain. Provision. hla Year Grata t I's. I Caleaas aad at la aaa (sails Dollvary. One-eighth commission on Grain, one quarter on Stocks. Prompt and careful attention given to outside accounts. Write lite-Ill Baaed af Trade Mac OMAHA, 9JBCB. for our dally Market Letter, stalled free. Main Office, t-ag Dliisse. 'Pk.at, Deaglaa la 14a