Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    nday Bee.
PC35S 1 to 12.
Best t1;. West
The Omaha
Proposed Loe&l Bill for' Island Does Vat
Ktt with General Approval
Inclined to Watch Events, but Pan Opinion
i ' oi 8ome onccettiom.
"two Schemes May Bo Combined in tho
GoTernmont BilL
Xot la TwHlr Years Baa
. ' Bvea aa Little Moaey
Irish ' Pea pi a aa'
DCBUN, June . (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The ennouncement In the Lon
don Standard that a local government bill
for Ireland, which U likely to be a com
promise between home rule and devolu
tion, will In all probability be the moil
Important measure of the next Parliament
ary session doei not give any satisfaction
here. There I a disposition to await the
march of events In all mstters pertaining
to home rule. . but If the government at
tempt! to redeem In thla way its pledge
regarding Ireland made In the king's speech
It ran be asserted with considerable au
thority that there are stormy times ahead
for the government.
Rank Deposits Decrease.
For only the second time in eighteen
years the . IMcember half yearly return
of Irish bank deposits shows a decrease,
and not. since 1885 has 'there been auch a
decline recorded aa In the December half
of last year. . The ' decrease amounts to
$(.400,000, while bank - note circulation Is
down by tt.VWO In 1S04. It Is evident
that the extraordinary depression In tha
Irish cattle trade Is making Itself felt In
the -banks. On the other hand there la
a a advance of 12,000,000 in aavlnga bank
deposits, which go on growing even through
the most depressed Industrial seasons. Tho
rate of Inereane has. however, fallen seri
ously since ISM. when It waa $4,000,000, an
Increase almost equal to the total addi
tions for the last two yeara.
Irish brooches are much sought after by
ifce collectors Just now, though perhaps
few are aware that one of the famoua
"Tara"' brooches (or fibulas) worn many
centuries back, in the daya When Tara't
halls resounded to the strains of Cettlo
1 burps and song. Is still existent "in the
1 ' Royal Dublin museum.' Its history is a
curious one. Picked up by a poor child
ft over half a century ago on the seashore
i near Drogheda and subsequently sold to
t a watchmaker for a few pence, ho was
. struck by Ita beauty and disposed of tta
Jewel to Messrs. Waterhouse of Dublin
' for ' M It was afterwards sold by them
to 'tha .museum, an dtlte condition .' that it
should per lea uorrlandv , "T IS ,brdoih
, la thought- tobe one of those executed
, St. ! Patrlck'a two cunning workmen, who
accompanied hlrri on Ma IrleH mission -for
tha purpose of manufacturing sacramental
.and other' plates. The metal, though
combination of tin and copper, and known
as whits bronxe, has the appearance-' of
silver: It Is Inlaid with gold filagree' In
erenty-flve ' Varieties of patterns, and
anlquo glass ornaments carved like tha
human face. . This brooch, when exhibited
at South Kensington In IMS. caused such
a -sensation that Cnsterland.. the famous
Roman Jaweler, said It was worth the Jour
ney from Italy alone to see.
Celebrated House Hold. .
Tadworth Court, the home of Lord Rus
sell of Killowen. at Rpeom. has Just been
i sold By nie widow to Mr. Morton. It waa
V- hero that Mr. Asq-ttth spent soma of his
j Important ' hours of his legal career eon-
3 A .,,111.. l W Ql n II t - .
uiimi whu on vniuni numrii, mm n inin
was. on tho line which should be taken with
regard , to .the Parnell commission. The
cross-examination of . the lata Mr. Mac-
Donald, of the -Times was undertaken by
Mr. Asquith with such masterly ability
that ho leapt Instantly, into tha front rank
' tha bar. At Tadworth Court; It la worth
esUBng., Lord Russell of Killowen often
.icertalned friends from Ireland. '
A fleet of Scottish herring boats have
arrived hero for the herring Ashing season,
which ' has Just opened. Klnsale is tha
headquarters of the fleet, but there are
sme boats at Queenstown also. Aa a re
sult of an. Inquiry held many years ago a
Hoard season against herring fishing off tho
a B'lULn iH3l IIVIII llIJ IU lBpe V IPS T
l ' was recommended by 'he Inspectors of fish
eries. Another Inquiry was held since by
the Department of Agriculture and Tech
nical Instruction for Ireland and early this
year a notice was published by the depart
ment prohibiting herring fishing in the vi
cinity of Klnaale until the Hth of May each
year. Vhen this notice was published Mr.
Florence O'Sulllvsn, solicitor, Klnaale, act
ing for the Klnsale fishermen, served no
tice of his Intention to appear by counsel
before the privy council and have the area
of prohibition extended tn the limits recom
mended In the report 'of the original In
quiry. At the same time a protest against
the proposed prohibition wss made by te
ScIMsh fishing interests, and the detvirt
drcpne Its regu'stun sni n tTed
(YSultlvan that It did not Intend lo a-ek
tha sanction if th privy council for It.
I ' ftlrt Slaares sad Vltl1 Uuess
I Thaaa Who Will VIbIV.
V . Aaaerle-.
BERLIN. June . rSneWal Cablegram
The Fee. Wand Radford, agd . wJiw is.
the latest "wonderklnd. will arrive In
London soon and may visit America. She
comes from Sydney and Is a; remarkchle
i-hlld. .Sho bas sung, danced au1 ctel n
the presence of many dlatlnxulahed ronll-
nptl rrlttea and members of the d--niim'.ic
profession, who have formed ,tb oplulon
taht she possesses unusual abtlltv. At the
Apolla theater In Vienna her performances
excited the enthusiasm of the nubile and
elicited warm praise front the oil tics of
the leading newspapers.
Joska Saegeti, a Hungarian boy vtoliulat.
only 11 years old.' at whom Joachim haa
prophesied all the world will one day wan
der. Is another boy prodigy who ia going
to England and America. '
"J have played tha violin as lorj'ss I
can remember.'' ha said, "and when I
could only Just crawl my father would
plaoe bis Instrument on the floor snd let
k pull the strings. . ,
"At botae I Vve to play with WvMMien
krluks and build fantastic chaUaux. We
havs suh wonderful old buildings In Hun
gary ai 4 Uaa to try te Unit at o tasm,"
Prtea af Tia Reaches Point Where
Old Mlaea May Ha 1
LONDON, June . (Special Cablegram to
Tho Bee.) The prices of Cornish tin stands
higher than ever and the rise haa caused
a wave of excitement throughout corn-
Ten years ago the price of Cornish tin
was K8t a ton, now it Is being estreny
bought for f 1.000.
The price has Jumped up some 1100 per
ton In the last month without any specu
lative manipulation, and mines that were
unquotable a few months ago are now
being bought . wholesale, not only locally,
but In London and Paris. There have
been various mysterious rushes for cer
tain shares, which make experts suspect
that syndicates are at work.
The Industry the oldest in England has
been practically moribund for many yeara.
but the sudden rise In the value of tin Is
causing a spasmodic anxiety to open up all
the disused workings sgain.
Indeed, Cornwall has not been In such
a state of bustle for many years, and the
excitement haa loosened the miners'
tongues. This proves how great it must
be, for tho Cornlshman la characteristically
distrustful and silent.
! On a bold and desolste spur of the coast
Is the famous Levant mine, which descends
to a depth of Son fathoms and runs up be
neath the sea for more than a mile. One
of the officials there ssld;
. "How much higher the price of Cornish
tin Is likely to, go It Is impossible to say."
There sre signs that the advance will not
only continued,' but be maintained. .
"Most of the mines that were closed
down ten years ago, because of the poor
price for tin, would be well worth opening
up sgaln. but during the long period of
depression from which Cornish mining has
been suffering the great bulk of our mlnera
went to South Africa and Australia, where
they now esrn good wages by digging
gold. There la barely sufficient skilled
labor in Cornwall to work the. big mines
to their full capacity, without .being called
upon to open up the hundreds of disused
"Last year the total of the world's pro
duction of tin was S7.000 tons. About 7.000
tons came from Cornwall," he contlned,
"The great bulk comes from the Straits Set
tlements, and the explanation given for
tha present high price of the ore is that
tho supply from the esst has not kept pace
with the world's demands. The United
States alone Is bidding twelve months
ahead for the entire output from the
Straits Settlements.
; "There should be a great revival of the
ancient prosperity of the Cornish tin In
dustry, for Cornish tin Is the finest-In tile
world and the country Is streaked with
It.' from Dartmoor-to I -end's End. The
old delusion thst - c mines cannot be
profitably worked will soon be a thing of
tha past."
A well known American- engineer, who
lately visited tho Carnbrea district, said
that wore the Cornish mining fields situa
ted In tha United States they would bo
ono or the busiest and wealthiest spots
on tho map.
Party Waa Id Seine) Carta
Harder la Order la Hold
! CAIRO, JunO . (Special Cablegram ta
tho Bee.) It is rumored that Mukhtar
Pasha, the" Imperial Ottoman commis
sioner, has been summoned to Constanti
nople by the Sultan, who Is said to be de
sirous of conferring with his excellency on
the future relations of Turkey and Egypt
What will come after Tabah la now the
question of the moment In Egypt. In the
Opinion . of the majority Tabah Is only
an incident In a complex question which
began when the Ixmdon congress of 1841,
by removing southern Syria from Egyptian
Jurisdiction, opened to the Turks or other
enemies ot Egypt the road which delivered
Egypt to the soldiers of Cambyoe In
ancient times. The Irade of 1891 stripped
such morsels aa Nuellah, Da bah. El Wsdlg
and tho fortress of Akabah from Egypt's
territory. British diplomatists at that time
scarcely realised that those places were the
key ot Egyptian defense.
: A rar-aeeing party in Egypt advocates
the occupation of Akabah as the only
lasting solution. ' It has, It Is true, be
longed to Turkey for fourteen yeara, but
prior to 1SSS it belonged to Egypt for forty-
seven years and more. The uaa of force,
this party contends, would be Justified,
for though Turkey must in the present
Instance yield to International pressure,
and retire from Tabah, the Ottoman
theory of suzerainty over the peninsula
will remain to cause future trouble aa the
natural expansion of Turkey and Egypt
drawa them nearer to the point of conflict.
So long a Akabah and other fortresses
of Sinai remain Ottoman stronghold
Egypt Is perpetually exposed to danger.
Serleaa Fight at Foatalaebleaa In
with Halves.
PARIS. June I. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee. ) France, like Scotland, is Buffer
ing from a plague of gypsies. In this con
nection an extraordinary scene has lut
f been witnessed at Fontainebieau, where a
! ' " chlldreu.J
j ,u" "1 ". fight. The Roman-
Irhols. as they are ciDed here, had their
i batt en the Tlace de la Fourche, near the
jU.rders rf the fm;ui forest. The men used
tlui: "'4 mus!: . and their knives and the
wo. :tn 1 chi ien cf the opposing part lei
thr w ' '.es t one another. Six of the
g- les f ;i t the ground badly injured by
l'nife '.r:rt!ia, especially a man and a
woman, who are not expected to recover.
The rest of the riotera scampered off to
the forest on the approach of the gend-
j armes. who pursued them through the trees
j and bushes. Eight men, three women and
j twenty boys snd girls were csptured and
( brought back to Fontainebieau. where they
: were locked up.
!' '.
Natives Travellaa I siier Kscart
Traaaa Attacked by Baa
f U reeks.
VIENNA, June . (Special Cablegram to
Tho Bee The sanguinary massacres In
Macedonia continue. Ten Kutsowallacb
families, traveling from Grevena to Mon
astic, escorted by forty soldiers, were su
tacked by a Greek band of 00 men. One
officer waa wounded, eighteen soldiers were
killed, the remainder being disarmed and
set at liberty. The total number of Kutso
wsllschs killed, among whom were chil
dren. Is s yet unknown The roport af
tblo attack haa caused a great Impression,
both In Turkish and diploma tie circles.
lew Law Ifooti with Considerable Opposi
tion at Homo and Abroad.
Neither that Country For Bwitierland Sat
isfied with tha Propoiod Duties.
Ministry Unablo -f" Continue But for
Wedd5 ' line.
Sew Rtgnlatlane Will
Cast of Living aaa
lajara Ferelaa Trade
. af KlBR-dasa.
MADRID, June . (Special Cablegram to
Tho Bee.) If It had not been for the ab
sorbing Interest in the marriage of the
king Of Spain and Princess Bna of Batten
berg, Spain would have sooner faced Its
cabinet crisis. For this country Is In con
siderable difficulties about Its new tariff,
which was Intended to come into operation
on July 1 next, but which is being as
sailed with opposition on all sides. This
revised tariff was drawn up for the Cortes
by what waa supposed to be a mixed com
mittee, but which was chiefly composed of
government officials, high protectionists
and representatives of Industries that are,
or wish to be, protected.
The few free traders and representatives
of consuming Interests on the committee
had no Influence and practically all the
witneases who were examined were pro
tectionists. As a natural consequence the
revised tariff provides for large Increases
of duties on Imports of all foreign indus
trial commodities and agricultural products,
but It also levies high duties on tho raw
materials of Spanish Industries and on
such Items as chemicals snd machinery,
which Spain does not yet produce, though
It hopes to do so. As examples of tha new
tariff coal may be taken, on which the
duty remains at 2.60 pesetas per ton, while
the duty on coke and coal dust is raised to
4 pesetas. The duty on cement, which Spain
doea not and cannot make, la raised from
20 to 60 pesetas. The tax on linen yams,
which Spain may want to, but does not
yet produce, are raised from 70 to 100 per
cent above present duties, and similar Jute
yarns are raised 70 per cent. AH protests
against the proposed new duties hsd to be
lodged before the end of April, but tha
opposition csmpslgn la still being carried
on. ,
Fear Hlaher Cast at l.lvlag.
The democratic papers throughout ths
country have taken tho tariff to pieces, and
show how It must inevitably greatly In
crease tho cost of living to both the work
ing and the middle classes. They have
shown, too. that exorbitant duties are lm
posed, on the products of' Industries that
never have succeeded nor never can sue
oeed in 'Spain. - Latterly tha chambers, of
commerce and associations of merchants
have taken up the tale, ana in addressing
the government have contended that not
only will the tariff Increase the cost, of
living in Spsin.' but-It will spoil Its for
etgn trade. Thla contention a In harmony
with the representations when tho . gov
ernment has receved from various foreign
governments. . ' .
The Spanish government assumed that
the revised statute could be fixed as
basis for negotiating treaties of commerce
to take the place of the conventions based
upon the Swiss-Spanish treaty of 1S86
which expires at. tha end of June, but
Germany and Swltserland have Intimated
that if the revised tariff to come Into
force on July 1 la to be the basis. of nego
tiations they will, on their pert, have to
adopt tsrlff reprisals on the products of
the' mines and the soil, which are prac.
tlcaliy the only exports of Spain. . These
Intimations have very much disturbed the
protectionist ministry at Madrid, snd their
latest move has been to ask the several
powers to lodge their objections to the
new tsrlff before a committee which the
Cortes has appointed to consider, and, If
deemed necessary, to modify the proposed
new duties. Moreover, tha government has
announced that It has power to alter the
Schedules of the revised tariff as late aa
during ths whole of the month of June,
and can eyen alter the alterations that the
committee makes.
The present situation la therefore, very
perplexing, for no one knows what the
revised tariff may turn out to' be before
the old tariff expiree on June X). In the
meanwhile, however, the Madrid govern
ment Is assiduously pursuing or Inviting
negotiation with foreign governments for
either new treaties of commerce or some
modus vlvendl until tha tariff matters are
definitely arranged to replace the conven
tions now drawing to a close. As these
negotiations sre not In the hsnds of the
tariff Junta, but of -a special committee.
It Is possible to foresee not very harmoni
ous results.
Knights Eacaaed . la Armor
Itacea as la Days af
, Tadors.
LONDON. June (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) London 'has Just witnessed a
brilliant revival of the old-fashioned Joust
and tourney in connection with the naval
and military tournament.
In none of the dlsplaya of modern times
has such an elaborate and gorgeous spec
tacle been attempted as li e great pageant
of ' the preaent tournament, "Tilting In
Tudor Times." During Its presentation
tha arena was one blase of brilliant, mov
ing color. First, rsme the lord of tha
tournament, with his: banner and heralds,
tha latter In their glld-bralded tunica, mak
ing a brave show. After the lord presi
dent had taken hta aeat on the rrimeon
covered data, the standards of the four
competing knighta were paraded, snd then
followed the knight marshal and his depu
ties, squires, pages snd escorts.
The four knighta. mounted and encaaed
from head to foot In armor, riding beneath
silken canopies held by. sttendanta In gor
ge ua raiment, then entered, and were fol
lowed each by a number of, armed men.
A tour of ths arena having been mads, tha
lord of the tournament signified his pleas
ure that ths Jousting should begin.
The trumpeters sounded a fanfare, and
two knights from opposite end of the
lists, rode at full gallop, with lances
couched, to meet each other. Lances
were' shivered on steel breastplate or hel
met amid ths eheera of the adherents of
ths successful knight, and whan tha winner
of tha bout had been declared, ths re
maining knighta entered tho combat.
Ceater af Chrlstlaa tlvlllsatloa la
Egypt Adds ta Kaswledgc
af Last Gospels.
CAIRO, June 9. (Special Cablegram ta
The Bee.) Once more Dr, Orenfell and
Dr. Hunt have made valuable dis
coveries in the mounds of Oxyrhyncue,
quite equal In Importance to those which
so fascinated the world of scholarship nine
years ago. The Egyptian exploration fund
has dona wonders already, especially in
reference to those so-cailed -"Loga the
sayings of our Lord" one of which at
least has a strange and unique value.
In 1897, out of a mass of papyri dug out
of the ruins of Oxyrhyncus, which was
One of the chief early Christian centers
of Cairo, waa extracted a fragment con
taining eight sayings of the Lord. What
exactly they constituted haa been much '
debated by scholars since. Ha mack main
tains that they come from The lost "Gos
pel of the Egyptians;" others suggest that
they are excerpts from a primitive gospel
probably written In Hebrew In the first
instance; while others, again, speak of
them as though they formed part of. a
sort of original nucleua of the four can
onical gospels. Most ot the eight "say
ings" added little or nothing to the Bib
lical lore of the world, but the one num
bered five was of first rate Interest and
importance a strange text In which Christ
ys, "Raise the stone and thou Shalt find
Me; cleave the wood and there am I."
To these "sayings" Is now added a fresh
nd tilghly interesting contribution.
Amongst the newest finds ot Drs. Orenfell
and Hunt Is a vellum leaf, forty-five lines
In all, from the manuscript of a lost gos
pel. The subject, sccording to the latest
details, is a visit of Jesus, with His dis
ciples, to tiie Temple of Jerusalem, and
an encounter with a Pharisee. The Pharl-
aee rebukes Christ and Ilia followers be
cause they have omitted the necessary
and proper ceremon'nl of purification be
fore entering the holy place. Christ replies
with a discourse on the difference between
the external and Internal purity. This, of
course. Is not dissimilar from the gospels
of Matthew -and Luke. In the new frag
ment there are several words not found
In the New Testsment, while the writer
displays a considerable familiarity with
Jewish customs, snd also with the topog
raphy of the Temple of Jerusalem. The
nature and value of the gospel from which
thla passage comes, however, is not known.
nor can more be said on tha subject until
the fresh Oxyrhyncus papyri are published
next year. This is not the only valuable
element In the new discoveries. There
la a fragment from Pindar a novel
form of composition for the Theban bard,
for it consists of odes of supplication or
thanksgiving, addressed to a god, snd not
a paean, such as those with which all are
familiar, In honor of some athletic victor.
There is also a psrt of a tragedy on the
subect of 'hypelpyle, supposed to be by
Euripides; and. strangely enough, a part
of a new history of Greece has been un
earthed, which. It la hoped, will throw
fresh light on the Peloponneslan war.
Some of these manuscripts, dating from tha
second or third century, but thrown away,
apparently. In the fifth century, belonged,
It la clear, to an owner ot a library, and
amongst them are fragments of Sappho
and Bacchylides.
... ..... - -
tTnlted .Free rharrh' of Scotland
Takes a Rag) at Her
i Conversion.
GLASGOW, June (.(Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) The committee on Romanism
snd ritualism - of the I'nited Free church
In its report to the forthcoming genersl
assembly, has the following upon the suB
Ject. of the royal marriage:
A long Interval of 360 yeara. so pro
tracted owing to the previous deplorable ex
perience of royal alliance with the Spanish
nation, ends with the papalixlng of a
princess of our royal house, aa the necea
aary preliminary to her betrothal to the
king of Spain. That It is done tinder tho
highest sanction goes without saying, as
well that it la meant to bear reference t-
the coronation OHth and royal declaration,
whose archaic severity -wss determined by
its framera in the presence of the condi
tions which compelled them to see and
feel. A very distinguished representative
of the Irish Presbyterian church wrltea In
reference to Princess Ena's formula of
sdjuratton, which would be Included but
for the unreasonable lengthening of our
report: "It seems to be specially haughty
snd offensive, and no doubt It la meant to
be a Roland for the Oliver of the king's
oath." It cannot be that the archbishops
and dignitaries of the Church of England
are In sympathy, after the humiliating re
buff administered eight yeara sgo by the
late Leo XIII. on application to have their
orders recognised, that "their bishops were
a disorderly and lawless crowd, apart from
subjection to the successor of St. Peter."
When will the great Episcopal church of
the south have grace given it to look away
from Rome and to their true brethren of
the Reformation for the recognition f
the only divine orders of the Holy Ghost!
British Government Will Bearla Active
Work with Elementary
LONDON, Jims (.(Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The government has determined
secularisation of the elementary schools of
secularisation of the lementary schools of
the country. Hitherto the training col
leges for teachers have been denomina
tional Institutions conducted on the asms
principle aa the non-provided schools.
Right Rev. A. H. Dyke-Acland, who
waa minister 6f education In a former
liberal government, is authority for the
statement msde at the 101st meeting of
the British and Fnreign society at Stock
well Training college that the government
proposes to grant 75 per cent for the build.
Ing of training colleges by local authori
"It Is intended," he stated, "to give a real
start without further delay to the establish
inent of training colleges by locsl author!
ties which shall be free from all religious
i amawaam-m
Ceateri at Farara Klagr tees Work af
Wamea ' - af Sweat
' Shape.
LONDON. June (.(Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Ths princess of Wales Is taking
a deep Interest In the sweated industries
exhibition at Queen's hall. Her, royal high
aess was conducted to each stall by Mr.
George Cadbury, who explained tho work
exhibited and tha conditions of ths work'
era. The princess was greatly Interested
In what sht saw, and questioned many of
the workers.
w oi prvur nuwwi, mi exclaimed, SS
she reached the stand of aa old woman
who was making artificial blossoms. "How
many years have you been engaged In thla
Fifty-one." wss tha reply, "and I work
from I la Uie merolnj ta U o'clock at
House Committee is Called on to Both
Impaction Measure.
Judee Cowan of Texaa Propose! Plan
Which Finde Favor.
Present Bill to Contain Item of Two
Milliona for Thii Tear.
Santlmeat la Opposed ta l.eavla Toe
Mark Aataorlty ta Acriealtaral
Department la Matter
f Inspectors.
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, June . (Speclsl Tele-
gram.) Whatever is to be done in relation
to securing an inspection of meat products
that will satiafy the public and allay agita
tion must be done quickly. Is the story of
today's proceedings before the house com
mittee on agricuture.
Judge S. H. Cowan of Texaa, a representa
tive of the live stock interests, in his pre
sentation of the case today before tho
committee, while doubting the constitution
ality of the Beverldge amendment, waived
it off by the statement that It was not a
question of constitutionally that was moat
needed, bnt it was a question of having
the subject once and for all settled along
right lines. He said the question of coit
was secondary and subordinate to the main
proposition that meat inapectlon should be
such as to command the confidence of tha
consumer, both at home and abroad.
Plan for Mcetlaaj Coat.
Incident to his presentation of the live
stock interests, he made a suggestion as
to the matter of the cost of the inspection
which seems to find consldersble favor, not
only with the committee, but with many
members of congress as well. That sugges
tion wss that the agricultural appropriation
Wll, now In conference, shall carry a suffi
cient amount to cover the eost of Inspec
tion during the fiscal year, say C.000,000,
and then provide In the bill that If at any
time the appropriation falls short of tha
eost of Inspection tho secretary of agricul
ture shall have the power to fix fees and
collect the cost of the said inspection from
the packers direct.
Thin, it is believed, will Interest the stock
raisers and others to see to It that the
committee on agriculture would make the
appropriation sufficient in amount to cover
the cost of Inspection. There Is a decided
sentiment in congress against leaving to
the Department of Agriculture ths right
to put In sny number of Inspectors at the
same time it haa tho. right to fix fees. If
It. should be decided that the government
should psy the cost of the Inspection then,
members insist, ' eong" sg should fix the
rata per head. ,
Secretary ftars LeeUk,loa la Nseded.
Senator Millard today received a letter
from the aecretary of agriculture in reply
to a request that the secretary Would an
nounce publicly that Inspection of meat
products for the export trade Is being made
under law. Secretary Wllso: in ' his reply
to the request Of Senator Millard saya:
"We have been Inspecting meats for ex
port carefully and sufficiently, but we have
not had Jurisdiction of all Interstate meat
shipments. The only statement that will
quiet the minds of the people and help
cattlu growers and packers snd bankers
and all those who are appealing to you by
telegraph Is the enactment of thorough
going legislation.. When thst is done I
can make a atatement, pointing to It and
assuring the people of the thoroughness
of inspection under pending . legislation."
Nebraska Reaolatlona Are Presented.
Judge Klnkald 'today, by direction ot
the Nebraska Stock Growers' association
which was In session at Alliance yesterday,
presented the resolutions adopted In rela
tion to the Investigation and report ot con
ditions surrounding packing house products
snd Its recommendations to members of tha
delegation today, and later filed the resolu
tions in the form of a petition. The reso
lutions are as follows, after a preamble:
Realising that speedy action Is neceaaarv
if further damage is to be averted, hereby
urge our national congress and especially
the Nebraska members thereof to naas such
legislation as will improve and strengthen
government Inspection of all packing house
meat producta and that will prescribe and
enforce such sanitary regulatlona for
Dacklng houses as will leave no room for
criticism ot tneir metnoaa.
We as cattle growers recommend tho
pending Beverldge Dill be carefully con
sldered and revised before being enacted
Into law. Wa aa stock growers especially
object to that provision of the bill which
would levy the cost of animal and meat
Inspection upon the packers. Government
inspection of food products is for the pro.
tection of the whole nation and the cost
should fall equally upon all who are bene
fited. The coat as provided In the Bever
ldge bill will eventually fall upon the live
stock growers and permit more tribute to
be levied upon an industry already de
creased. The resolutions are signed by Elmer
Lowe. . president, and E. M. Searle, jr.,
Keamedys Resolntloa la Endorsed
P. Goodwin, assistant attorney general
for the Poatofflce department, In a letter
to Speaker Cannon today, heartily en
dorses ths sdoption ot the resolution In
troduced by Congressman Kennedy, which
I suggests that tha committee on Judiciary
take up tne matter or inquiring into and
suggesting some plan tor a thorough in
dexing of the statutea at large and other
government publications of reference to
which members of 'congress and heads of
executive departments hsve frequent calls
to refer.
Senator Knox today, from the committee
on Judiciary, msde a favorable report on
the house bill which provides for trans
ferring ths county of Clinton. Iowa, from
ths Northern Judicial district to ths South
ern Judicial district.
Data aa Wamaa and Child Labor,
A ravorsDie report waa made to the
aenate today on Senator Dolliver's bill
which authorises the secretary of the De
partment of Commerce and labor to in
veaugaie ana repon to congreas upon
"tho Industrial, aoclsl, moral, educational
and physical conditions of woman and
child workers In ths United . Stataa." The
bill provides an appropriation of tWO.OOO
to defray ths expense of collecting ths de
sired data.
i w . atocTonnaugney, postmaster at
Holdrege. Neb., has resigned to take effect
an tho appointment of his successor.
Same Peasloa Matters.
Congressman Hlnshaw's bill giving Har
vey Gamble of Beatrice a special pension
of $3 per month kss passed both house
and senate and Is now with tho president.
(Continued oa rpvpU Jrage.)
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Warmer
la orh Portion.
1 Irish Xat Pleased with Local Bill.
lala Haa Started a Tariff War.
Meat laapertlaa Relief Mast Tama
farm Uarei Death la Its Wake.
B Yankee Ship on Gaard Aaala.
F.leren Killed and Five Wonnded.
I see Will Retain Premier orem
rkla. Vnrrrni aSldlers sad Sailors la
5 Mrs. l.lllle Aaala Denied Kew Trial
Wealthy Farmer Foe ad Mardered.
4 Resalts of Iowa Caaaty Oeavea.
Amaaa Sartely an Its Defease.
6 Swallowed t'p by tha Oeeaa.
Fafelle I tllltles la Other l.aads.
Past Week In Omaha Society.
T Americana Leave Caaaaea.
8 Jodse Grosseap's Model Corpora)
Diamond Cattera In America.
Omaha Loses Aaala at Llaeala.
Chicago Whitewashes Brook ly a.
Lewis iBstllate Wlaa tha Meet.
lO Coaarll Blaffs and Iowa Xewa.
It la the World of Commerce.
LSI' Omaha Caaaellmen Ara Seared.
Condition of Omaha's Jobbing
H Editorial and Comment.
5 Timely Real Estate Topics.
Some Handsome Kew Omaha Homes
Loral Demand for a Work Hoase.
4 Want Ads.
5 Want Ads.
Want Ads.
T Want Ads.
Where Biggest Crowds Gather.
I Bryan on Hlada Ldolatry.
Roaewater oa a Romaa Ceremony.
3 Ia the Field of Electricity.
Short Stories for Little Folks.
Aaerdotea of Well Known People.
8 Gossip of Plays aad Playara.
Mnsle and Musical Matters.
4 Boston Store Men at a Picnic.
' Kearney Normal's First Class.
5 Indian Reservation to Be Opeaed.
Cohnrn, the New Kanaas Senator.
Womant Her Ways and Her World.
T Weekly Grist of Sporting Gossip.
8 Mew Temple of Chrlstlaa Science.
Old-Ttnie Omaha Telegraphers.
i ,
1 Boater Browa as a Bill Poster.
9 Brass Beds la Sleeping: Cars.
8 home Xotea of Late Fashions.
4 Hea-r Splegelberger Is a Ghost.
Moae Has a Twin Brother Now.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Oeg. Hoar. Ds,
8 a. m. . . . . n
9 a. m. . . . . . HO
T a. na 8
H a. m AH
t a. m H
10 a. m 72
11 a. aa Tit
ia m TT
I p. m.
8 p. an,
X p. m .
4 p. m ,
K s. m ,
6 p. m.
T y. aa.
Employe of Clrcns Arrested la Mln
aeaota Saya He Assaulted
. Iowa Woman.
LEMARS. Ia'., June . Ebeneser Davis,
tho "wild man" with Bens Bros-., cireus.
donf eased today , that h asssulted Miss
Josephine Wlllmes, , for which crime an
other negro narrowly escaped lynchlag
Thursday night.
Davis was with the circus at lAivome
Minn., and waa brought bsck from there
today by Sheriff Arnedt. He was con
fronted by Miss Wlllmes In the county Jail
and she positively identified him. The ne
gro then broke down and confessed all.
Miss "Wlllmes was assaulted by a strange
negro Thursday night while the circus wns
In town. Mlaa Wlllmes later Identified an
other negro as her assailant and hs nar
rowly escaped lynching at the hands ot a
mob, but was rescued by the sheriff.
Delearatea ta Rational Assoc lat lea t
Ba Received by Vice Prealdeat
and Mrs. Fairbanks.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Juns (.Between
400 and 300 delegates are expected to at.
tend the sessions of tho National Editorial
association which begin here Juno 12. An
elaborate program haa been arranged by
ths Indianapolis Commercial club. Among
those who will address the association are
Governor Hanley of Indiana, Governor
Hoch of Kansas, and Senator Beverldge.
Vice President snd Mrs. Charles W. Fair-
banka will receive tho editors at their
home Friday evening. June IS the dele
gatea will start on a tour of ths Great
Lakes and Canada.
Mlsaoarl Man Violates Law la Dcallagr
In Land Deeded by Gev.
8PRINQVIELD. Mo., Juno . Edward
C. Baumann, a clerk in tha United States
land office here, was dismissed today on
orders from Washington signed by W. A.
Richards, general land commissioner. Af
fidavits submitted to tho bureau showed
that In two specific cases Baumann had
bought entered land, taking ths deed 1
tho name of hia wife. . It la a violation of
tho law for land office officials to deal In
government land. It la thought that Ir
regularities: of this kind have been ex
tensive and a special agent Is making aa
Standard Oil Compear Ralaes tha
Price oa All Grades One teat
a Gallon.
CLEVELAND. June I. The Standard
Oil company sdvsnced the price on
vsrtous grsdes of gasoline from H cent to
I cent per gallon. The new quotations
aro ss follows:
Varnish makers' snd painters' nsptha,
II cents per gallon; deodorized stove gas.
ollne. 14 cents; 10-72 degrees gasollns. tt
oenta; 74 degrees gasollns, IS cants; s
degrees gasoline, 21 cents; ST degrees gas
oline, 21 cants, snd SS degrees gasolino,
IS cents.
Maa Who Shot Wlfa la Madlsaa
Caaaty Glvea Seateaee
at Xorfolk.
NORFOLK. Neb., June t August
Mueller, the German farmsr who shot his
ohQe wife and her parents la Stanton
oonnty, haa seen senUooed to fifteen rears
tm tha paaftaoUary with solitary
ed Dm
Western Pennijltania and Eastern Ohio
Yiaitid fcj Electrical Disturbance.
Honses and Bridges Swept Away bj
Rapidly Eisinc Streams.
Three Miles cf Pittebnrc cYOlereland Bail'
road Track Washed Out.
Team Attached to Hearse Raaa
Between Front Wheels of
PITTSBURG, Pa., June . From many
points In western Pennsylvania tonight
come reports of death and damage by se-
vere thunder showers and electric storms
today. At Monongnhela the storm wss ac
companied by a high wind that uprooted
trees and blew down many small build
ings. A number of residences were struck
by lightning, the telephone service wss
put out of commission snd several thou
sands of dollars of damuge was
At Heaver Fall hailstones of Immense
else fell, doing great damage to windows, '
fruit trees and crops.
At Kittanlng James Mitchell snd his 11-
year-old son, who were sitting on a porch,
were struck snd killed by lightning snd
the house was set afire.' Others of tho
family were stunned snd neighbors came to
their assistance In time to rescus them
front tho flames.
At Punxsutswney Clyde Blosa, aged IX.
and Bert Weiss, aged 20, were killed by
lightning while standing In the doorway
of a barn. Laird Bloae, a brother of Clyde.
was also struck and ta not expected to
Here, too, many residences were struck
and chimneys were toppled over. The trol
ley service aaa suspended snd the tele
phone service was Interrupted. A score of '
barns and houses were struck by lightning
within a few miles of Punxsutawney.
Waahnnts In Western Ohio.
STEUBEN V1LLE, O.. June . In conse
quence of the heavy rain in the lower end
of the county this afternoon Rush Run,
Deep Run, Salt Run and Shannon Run,
Overflowed over four miles of the country
near tho Ohio river. Much farm property
was damaged, many farm buildings were
swept away and some live stock was
drowned. Many persons hsd narrow ear-apes
from drowning, so quickly did tha
rush of water come. The Cleveland At
Pittsburg railroad Is washed out for three
miles and It will be several days before
traffic can be resumed. The Wheeling M
Lake Erlo was also under water In many
places. ,
MARIETTA. O., June t. a destructive
storm passed over Marietta today, uproot
ing trees, unroofing houses and wrecking
small buildings. Pater Cook, it years old.
was fatally Injured. Several 'Other persons
were hurt by shattered glass. Hailstones .
'did much damage m tho country. -. S
Three Lives Last.
BCHINCTADT. N. T Juns) Three
lives are believed to have bean loot In a
terrlflo wind and hallxtorm here, this aft
emoon. Two men who were fishing la the
Mohswk river when the storm broke ara
thought to have been drowned. - A child
was lost during the storm and tho police
are confident that it was killed by a falling
tree. Poole Dryer, a young man who wss
playing tennis when the storm broke, was
csught under a falling tree and badly hurt.
A funeral procession In Rotterdam had Just
started when the storm began. Tha horses
were thrown Into wild confusion when the
hailstones began to strike them and ran
hearse. The team attached to the hearse ;
wss found an hour later with tha coffin
wedged between tho front wheels of the
hearse. Tha remainder of the vehicle
waa broken Into pieces. Ths undertaker
was badly hurt.
While Hebraskaa Is la Karopa Joaes
of Arkansas Foretells Hla
KARLSBAD, June S.-Wll'lam J. Bryan,
his wife, son and daughter, arrived hero
yesterday and left for Dresden today. Mr.
Brysn's plana are somewhat uncertain,
though he probably he will proceed to St.
Petersburg by way of Berlin.
WASHINGTON, June S. Former Senator
Jamea K. Jones ot Arkansas, two times '
chairman of the democratic national com
mittee and one of William J. Bryan's
closest friends, called on the president to- .
day. Afterward he declared for Bryan's
nomination by tho democracy for tho presi
dency. 'I believe Bryan ia tha logical candidate
for tha democratic party," said Sana tor
Jones, "and my Judgment Is ha will ha tha
nominee and make tba race under tho
democratic standard for tha third ' time.
If bo makes tha race I think ha will be
elected. I am Inclined to doubt whether
Bryan wants tho nomination. Two races
for ths presidency ought to bo enough to
satisfy any man. but It the convention
should nominate him I do not think bo
will refuse to run. I "believe bo would
stand for any other candidate who espouse
the same principles he espouses."
Faar Vessels Will Tana Part ta Can
test Which Will Begin
SAN FRANCISCO, June . Tha most Im
portant contest in ths history of yachting
In Pacific waters ' will begin on Monday,
June 11. when ths craft representing tbo
New York Yscht, Victorls. South Coast
and Hawaiian Yacht clubs, start from San
Pedro on their long race to Honolulu.
There Is no longer doubt as to what ves
sels will start, and so complete have been
ths arrangements of the 8outh Coast Yacht
olub that all probability of further delay
has been removed. The yachts participat
ing will be ths defender, La Paloma of tha
Hawaiian Tacht club, tho Anemone of tho
New York Yacht club, but now ealllrig un
der tha colors of the South Coa Tacht
club; the Maple Leaf, f ernt!r.g tha
Royal Victoria Yacht club of Victoria. B.
C.. and the Lurllne of the South Coast
Yacht club. The schooner yacht Raniona
may also cover the course, but not as a
There aro no restrictions as to sails oar.
ytad. The oaly condition la that tha trsa
aais must ba aroUe4 tg smsbo tWSSAaBaa