Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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a 3 p-o&rci
i M.inrr j
I (t?lMCliaT.
Wc liave engaged Prof. J. M. Wntorbury, the champion long endurance pianist of the
world, to play an engagement in Omaha against his record of 27 hours and .10 minutes. He
w ill commence playing in our Piano Show "Window precisely at 8 o'clock P. M., Friday, and
play continuously Friday night, all day Saturday, and Saturday night, without a moment's
stop for sleep, food or drink, until he beats his former best record of 271,. hours of contin
uous playing, or is obliged to stop from exhaustion.
To the person handing in the correct answer to the above question, we will give a $300
Piano absolutely free. Should there be two correct guesses, an equitable division will be
made. Other prizes. All guesses must be in by 6 P. M. Saturday, June 9th.
Further particulars given in our Piano Room.
Origin of the riiraur Freqnentl y
Heard' Amom Card Flayers
W him Wm HIi Uanic.
In no other country has tne card ciub
attain U the prominence as a social actor
It has In the I'nlted States. One manu
lacturing concern lias a. list of more than
HXt.OO social card clubs, and yet this libt
In Inccmph te ar.d must be made up anew
at. the beginning of each fall season when
the caid clubs Rather. It serves to shov,
1iotv v-r, that there Is something doing
In the way of card playing; as a social diver
sion, as the lint "only contains clubs In
tvhkh women and men play for sociability's
The clubs are of all sites and kinds and
1'roin every social stratum. There are few
features common to all of them. Even
the language varies with each game played.
"Who Is shy?" Is the common expression
of one game, while "Second hand low,
partner," or "I'll make next" are heard
In others.
When It comes to the settlement of a
dispute, however, all the clubs and the
members llmrcof, from Majne to California,
drop Into a common tongue and the burden
of argument usually simmers down to "It's
according to Jlohr" or "It's not according
to Jloyle," as the case may be.
Just who Itoyle Ik and why "It's accoid
InK to Hoyle" probably not one In M
knows. To most American players, utid
especially those of the gentler sex, Hoy Il
ls a mysterious being, existing In some
unknown locality, and In some occult way
having authority tu d"elde all points that
have been or can possibly b raised regard
ing any card gam" unler the sun. Must
of them are surprised when told that there
Is no Hoyle anil that he ceased 'to exist
lo: these many, generations.
Kdmond Hoyle was a power among card
players In hla time, else his name would not
have the weight it has centurjes after Iim
death; That he was a frisky young gentle
man' seems evident, since he began his
writing of scientific card game rules at the
tender age of To, a time when most modern
authors, are ready to put the pen aside;
and he continued writing until cut clown
In the flnwer tt hla t.mttu .( hi. i . , . . .
... " . jvmii, mm iMa iiinriiem
Hoyle was born In lfi2 and hts first work,
the famous "Short Treatise on the Game of
Whist," was issued In 1742. It was circu
lated in manuscript form at "s guinea the
copy." and , the author's revenues were
further augmented by deciding disputed
- points at a guinea a decision and by giving
whist lersons at a guinea a lesson.
The demand for his manuscript "Treatise"
almost Immediately became so great that
It was found necessary to Issue It in printed
form. The first printed edition was Issued
In 1742. There Is ,but one known existing
copy of this edition and that Is preserved
in the Bodleian library at Oxford.
The book shows that he was a careless
editor, but possessed a vigorous style of
writing and much originality. lie was.
Indeed, the first to write scientifically on
whist or on any card game.
Guineas, however, were probably as scarce
among the laity in those days as now,
and as a consequence of the high price
of his book and the difficulty of securing
copies of It there quickly appeared a num
ber of piracies. These were mostly copies
of his later editions, but there Is still In
existence a pirated copy of the first edi
tion, this copy being preserved In the
library of a playing card company in Cin
There Is In existence In the Cincinnati
library a manuscript copy of the "Hoyle
Treatise on Whist," which preceded the
printed editions. The rules are concise and
written In plain readable language.
Hoyle seems to have profited by the ex
perience of the best players of the day, and
Introduces many Improvements of his own.
His Influence on the game of whist can
hardly be overestimated.
The fifteenth edition of his work, as re
vised In 1760. ruled whist until I'M, when
It was superseded by the code drawn up
by the Arlington (now Turf) and Portland
clubs of London. These revised rules have
pov rn generally superseded by those
ct " Vnterican Whist league.,
- The men and women who quote Hoyle so
often, In such modern games as euchre,
poker nnd bridge, can see from 4the fore
going that they are treating the old gentle
man a little unfairly. He belonged to the
old regime that knew nothing of pairs and
straights and flushes or best bowers or
doubling and redoubling. He probably
would not have recognised a straight flush
If he met It In broad daylight, and If he
now had to write rules for the myriad
games which the American public affect it
Is quite likely that ' the old gentleman,
young as he seems to have been, would
have thrown up his hands In despair. New
York Sun.
the brooding season. Last fall one of his
hired hands, while driving through the lane
with a load of hay, saw a quail sitting on
the fence close by and taking his whip he
knocked it off. slightly crippling it. He
picked it up and took It to the house to
feed to the cat.
When Mr. Dorrls saw this he rebuked
him warmly, questioned him as to where
he found the bird and upon being told re
membered where It had a nest. Unhitch
ing one of the horses and saddling It he
rode a mile and a half, placed the bird
on her nest and watched and cared for
her until she hatched out her brood. Mr.
Dorrls' farm is noticeably free from in
sects that do damage to crops and he un
hesitatingly says this Is due to the birds
on the place.
Oklahoma Town (.Ires Reception
F.x-Conrlct Whom it Be
lieved Innocent.
Raven for Rtrds. .
John H. Dorrls, who owns a large farm
northwest of Harrlsburg, Pa., will not al
low a bird of any kind to be killed on his
land. He has set aside a number of acres
to grow up In underbrush, In which all
kinds of birds, epeclnlly quail, find a
home through the winter, and in the sum
mer the place Is alive with birds.
Mr. Dorrls claims that hawks do very
little daniHge In comparison with the good
they do In killing field mice and rats.
There are hundreds of quail on hts farm
and they have become so tame that they
come Into the dooryard for feed, bo care
fully does he watch these birds that he
can tell where nearly every bird nests In
Orchard & Wilhelm
(Earpet 2o.
qiq.qifc.fll8 South I6th Street
Specials for Saturday Only
Some remarkable offerings for Saturday special sell
ing. Each item offered is a genuine bargain and will be
sold at these price Saturday only.
For Saturday only we offer an 1Sx36 Reversible Wool Smyrna Rug,
mnde, by John Bromley & Sous, especially nice for bath r
room or pen room, regular selling price 70c, Saturday Lit f p
m v
Special for Saturday.
Persian stripe, fringe all around. Just the thin for summer"
couch rover special all day Saturday and Saturday
evening each ,
Special for Saturday.
Tbia aettee i four feet long, fold compactly, made of hickory aud oak
slats, natural finish or painted red or green, never sold 'm g g
formless than 11.60; special all day Saturday 00
These Items on Sale from .7 to 9:30.
In Bric-a-Brac Department, main flfloor we sell a 33c Japa
nese Cup and Saucer, satauma finish
Not Over Six to a Customer. - ,
la Kitchen Furnishing Department, In the busement, we will
sell a solid oak Bath Tub Seat, nickel plate haneers. regu
lar lelllng price 60c, from 7 to S:30 Saturday evening, each
sea .'.i.'.' a m-Lim " - us sun
Monte Ballard, a citlsen of Maud. Old.,
was tendered a reception and banquet by
the leading business and professional men
of the town when he returned home during
the last week from the federal peniten
tiary at Fort Leavenworth, where he .Was
sentenced in 1898 tu serve ten years for
participating In the burning to death of
two young Seminole Indians who had crim
inally assaulted a white woman. The
home coming of Ballard and the events
given In his honor formed one of the most
remarkable occurences ever recorded In the
history of the southwest. The leading cltl
cens, headed by i brass band, marched to
the train to meet ...tllard and escort him
uptown. Ballard nerved his sentence,
counting time off for good behavior.
As soon as It was learned In Maud that
Ballard was released from prison and
would return home preparations to give
him a monster ovation were commenced.
Money was liberally donated by the towns
people with which to provide a banquet, a
program of exercises was hastily arranged
and soon ample provisions were on hands
for a genuine thanksgiving feast. The, ban
quet was served and the speeches made at
the public school building.
By 8 o'clock In the evening the building
was crowded to Us utmost capacity. Some
of the spectators came from miles distant
to join In the and participate In the
general 'east. Ballard was made the cen
ter of attraction, and ihe band played
"Home, Sweet Home" arJ "America" In
his honor. Speeches reciting 'be scenes fol
lowing the assault on the white woman
and the burning of the Ind'&ns were made
by Rev. Hodges, the Methodist minister;
Messrs. Kiddle, Boltnger and other promi
nent rltiiens.
Ballard l;as always maintained his Inno
cence, and it was on his ststements that
his wife based lier unceasing work in Ills
behalf. She has made three trips to Wash.
ington. She had a petition, signed by every
man of prominence In Pottawatamle county
who knew anything about the ease,- but her
efforts were fruitless.
At the lime of the conviction of Ballard
snd bis 'oinpanlons Horace Speed was !
I'nlted Kl.-.ies attorney fur Oklahoma, and j
he tv as commanded by the Department of i
Justice to search the entire country for the
men who hud burned the Indians. He was'
accompanied by Bill Fossett, then a dep-1
uly l nited States marshal, and known
then, as now, as the most fearless officer In
the territory. Fossett's reputation as n
fearless officer had much to do with pro
tecting both hla life and Speed's while they
were hunting the evidence which the de
partment commanded them to secure.
Kansas City Journal.
Visitorr Day Take Great Tbront; to th
Tekamah Gathering:.
Kaard Moasit aad Dress Parade, with
Doable A.aaalt on tne
Hampers, Makes the Day
rirasant (lit,
All day Thursday Tekamah was clad in
festive attire in honor of "Visiting day"
at Camp C. F. Mandcrson where the Omaha
j High School cadets are camped. Fully lnOo
rrienns ana parents loos, auvnniagc ol the
' excursion to run to the camp over the
1 Omaha. Bo vast was the throng which
went out to greet the boys and bring them
good cheer from home that the excursion
j had to be run In two sections. At Tekamah
the visitors were most royally greeted. A
large number of the cadets who were not
actually on duty, with the cadet band,
wore at the station to meet loving parents
snd friends.
Slight changes were made In the routine
of camp life In honor of the visitors.
Ouard mount was purposely postponed In
order to giva the visitors the pleasure of
viewing that splendid spectacle. As the
noon hour approached many small groups
were discerned scattered about the beau
tifully verdant and shady campus of the
l Tekamah High school, for It was there
that camp had been pitched.
The major portion of the afternoon was
i devoted to visiting, the band entertaining
j the visitors meanwhile. In the latter part
of the afternoon the principal event of the
day, dress parade, on the race course track,
I situated about one mile from camp, oc-
l curred.
j The boys, amid long continued applause,
showed the good results of their training.
Dvery movement was made without an
error and in a thoroughly military man
ner. Following this Cbme a second attack
upon the already wellnigh depleted pro
visions brought by parents and friends,
with the Inevitable result of complete
annihilation. These two charges were made
In perfect military style, and will redound
to the glory of the cadets so long as his
tory shall be recorded.
Roatlne of ramp.
This year's camp ts the sixth annual
encampment of the Omaha High School
cadets. The camp is named Camp C. F.
Mandcrson, In honor of a distinguished
veteran of the civil war and an honored
cltlaen of Omaha, and under the command
of Captain Stogsdall, V. 8. A., assisted by
Lieutenant Black, U. S. A., Thirtieth in
fantry. Captain Stogsdall says this Is the
best encampment the cadets have ever
held, there being more cadets, better sani
tary provisions and a better equipped
cuisine. The number of cadets in camp
totals about 350.
The boys are subjected to a most rigid
military discipline. Reveille. Is at 8:16
each morning; assembly Immediately there
after. Fifteen minutes Is devoted to set
ting up exercises. At 6:46 is the mess call
and the cadets partake of a simple but
substantial breakfast prepared by a de
tachnient of four skilful army cooks from
Fort Crook. At 7:10 is the ' first call for
company drill, which continues until 8:20.
One hour Is then devoted to a school of
Instruction. Ouard mount takes place Im
mediately after this and continues until
9:50. The battalion drill takes place be
tween 10:20 and 11:30. At noon the mess call
assembles all for dinner and again the boys
enjoy a most nutritious fare. After nearly
two whole hours of respite from all duties
company drill engages the attention of the
cadets until 8. After another period of in
activity the first call for parade Is made
at 4:20 and continues until 6. At 5:15 mess
call for supper Is sounded, after which the
boys are free. Tattoo Is sounded at 9, call
to quarters at 10:15 and taps at 10:30.
Effect of the Training;.
This program Is continued daily and
serves to give the young soldiers a wide
familiarity with actual camp life. The
esprlt-de-corps of the entire battalion Is of
the highest character and Captain iStogs
dall expressed himself as icing highly
elated over the manful and t.ilillerly bear
ing of his command. There were few
breaches of discipline and those taking
place were of a minor character. There
was also very little cause for medical at
tention, the most serious case for medical
treatment being Jack Bowen, who Injured
his hand by setting fire to a giant cannon
firecracker on Thursday afternoon. Rome
of the boys suffered from slight colds, but
seemed none the worse off for their experience.
1 0 DQUGLftS St
. The first real warm weather, our summer waist ptoek, our great variety of beautiful ex
clusive styles and our special prices brought " hundreds to this great exclusive cloak store.
AVhen we made our summer
purchases several months ago
we planned on making this store
the fhirt waist headquarters of
Omaha. "We knew in order to ac
complish it we must show an im
mense variety of fine designs at
. very special prices. That we did,
and our great shirt waist selling
shows that we have accom
plished what we set out to do.
The Special Waist Offering for Saturday Are 95c, $1.45, $1.95 and $2.50
These are all fresh, new merchandise. Some daintily trimmed with Irish lace medal
lions, baby patterns; embroideries and laces in various designs and patterns, also tucked
styles. These are all special values and we would be warranted in saying they are under
priced at least one-third. The illustration shows three of the pretty styles.
Merrism of Omaha camp No. 120 and
George A. Magr.ey, member of B. A: M.
camp No. Mo, and a number of others.
The guests at the banquet, besides the
Invited higher officials, consisted of those
who had won. "hustler" buttons, and were
from the camps In Omaha, South Omaha
and Benson.
The poet's exclamation: "O IJfe! I feel
thee hounding In my veins," is a Joyous
one. Persons that can rarely or never make
it. In tioneMy to themselves, are among the
most unfortunate. They do not live, but
exist: for to live Implies more than to be.
To live is to be well and strong to arise
feeling equal to the ordinary duties of the
day. and to retire not overcome by them
to feel life bounding in the veins. A medi
cine that has made thousands of people,
men and women, well and strong, has ac
complished, a great work, bestowing the
richest blessings, and that meriiene Is
Hood's Parsaparilla. The weak, run-down
or debilitated, from any cause, should not j
fsll to take It. It builds up .the whole sys
tem, changes existence into life and makes!
life more abounding. We are glad to say
these words In its favor to the readers of
our columns.
Wind Breaks role mm Tears
Tent and On Man
la Hart.
The strong wind of Thursday afternoon
caused a alight damage to the Sells-Floto
circus tent, painful Injuries to Detective
Henry Elufelder of South Omaha and
much consternation among the women at
the afternoon performance of the circus.
The breaking of two side poles under the
tent caused the trouble.
Shortly after the performance had
started the west part of the big teot over
the reserved seats became loosened, but
wa quickly tightened up by the circus
atlaches. A few minutes afterward a
strong gust of wind again spent Its fury
on the same part of the tent, the result
being a flfteen-foot pole snapped In two,
rent a large hole in the top of the can
vas and struck Mr. Elsfelder on the right
Mr. Elsfelder was removed to his home
in South . Omaha and attended by Dr.
Davis, who en Id no hones had been broken,
although be could not say how serious
the wound might prove to be. The South
Omaha policeman was sitting In the third
row of the reserved seats and was the
only , person injured during the excite
ment. The most spectacular feature of the af
fair waa th nattering of women, who
made a precipitate exit before learning ths
exact nature of the accident. Some of the
momen became separated from their little
ones In the rush. Sergeant Cook and Pa
trolmen Morrison Nellson and Shea enr
raled the children Ttho became lost and
succeeded in restoring them to their moth
ers. As soon as the scare was over the per
formance sun continued.
Only Reason Federation of Improvers
Falls to Endorse Andrew Rose
water's Appointment.
A resolution commending Mayor Pahlman
for his nonpartisan position In making ap
nnlntments was overruled by Chairman M.
J. Malone at the meeting of the Federation
of lmnrovement Clubs at Twenty-fourth
and Leavenworth streets last night. This
was on the ground that the rules of the tea
eratlon rjrohlbit any action In political mat
ters. The discussion of the matter took the
areater Dart of the evening.
The resolution was offered by admirers
of Andrew Rosewater, and George Kleffner
made a strnna talk In favor of It. He said
the corporations were opposing the confir
mation of Mr. Rosewater as city engineer,
and that was one reason why he ought to
be In office. He said also that Mr. Rose-
water was not in favor with those men
who wanted to sell the water works, ex
elusive of Florence and Benson, to the
city for Jl.ono.ono. Delegate Turkelson and
Chairman Malone. both of the West Lrfv
enworth Improvement club, opposed voting
on the resolution, tfin former directing his
remarks against Mr. Rosewater and the
latter speaking on the advisability of talk
ing politics in the meeting. The sentiment
generally, however.1' was In favor of the
mayor's appointment.
John O. Yelser was present at the re
quest of the committee on initiative and
referendum and talked on the subject tu
Initiative and referendum, explaining the
objects of the law. The committee was In
structed to arrange for a mass meeting of
citizens to talk over the matter of get
ting the question before the people of the
city for a vote Mr. Yelser consented to
make An address at the meeting.
Give the Baby Air
Every baby needs fresh air. and a-plenty of it. For
health, strength and splendid development In the child,
there Is no tonic like one of our latest and best k-Carte.
Taey are the finest made and cost less money thsa
the poor or cheap articles msde In eastern sweat fac
tories and sold by other Omaha dealers.
We make rr.ry cart we sell, and guarantee ev-erv
cart we make. Our dlsnlav rooms are a sreat innlilnu
of everything beautiful and good mode -of reed. If you are thinking of getting a
Oo-Cart for your "little one" you are making a mistake by not first visiting our store
jefore purchasing. , v. ' "ljfiiripjn
She Omaha. Reed and Rattan Works,
Judge Will Re Here from the Xorth
to Aid in the Bis
United States District Judge Amidon will
be In Omaha Moiviay to assist In Ihe trials
of the civil doc'iet. The following cases
have been set for hearing befc-.e him for
June 12: I'nlon Pacific RaiiroM Company
against the City of. South Omaha, injunc
tion: I'nlon Pacific Railroad ,Coinpany
against A. 1 1. Hennlngs, Treasurer of the
City of Omaha. Injunction; Roy K. Dutton
against E. R- Blzer. Postmaster at Uncolii,
injunction; Clark Bullion et al. against
C. W. Ribble. June 13: Nicholas Sheldon
against the Omaha Loan and Trust Com
pany; H. O. Leavitt against E. A. Hitch
cock, Secretary of the Interior, and the
Nebraska Btate Board of Irrigation; I'nlted
States against John H. l.ynd, Injunction;
Cora Conway against the t'nlted States,
suit to correct patent title; I'nlon Pacific
Railroad Company against the County of
Lincoln, Injunction.
Catch Ton of the Denlseus of This
Hendesvona In Tbelr
The police made a raid on Ram Cat nlley
Thursday night and brought in ten men
In the dragnet. The prisoners were all
charged with drunkenness and disorderly
conduct. Reddy Sawhill and Howard Ham-,
mopd, two of the gang, are well known to
the police. Kawntll is 34 years ot nge inn . h
lias served lust half of his life in peni- ' S
tentiartee. Kefore bringing the men Into
police court the police are making further
investigations, as it is believed some of
the men are wanted by the authorities In
Other cities.
The Houth Omaha police are Interested
In the raid, as they believe liie men who
committed the two burglaries In South
Omaha Thursday morning are among them.
960 to Seattle. Everett. Portland, VancouTer, and return.
57.50 to Wenatcher. and return.
5 to Spokane, the "Kootenai." Fernle, and return,
900 to Anaconda, Butte, Helena, Great Falls, Kallspell,
Bolton (i-ake MacDonald). Lethbridge, and return.
Final Return Limit Oct. 31 Liberal Stop Overs.
i l Inquire further of F. J. Whitney, P. T. M.t St. Paul, Minn.
, or Nearest O. N. Kjr. Agent.
"Dakota." Seattle to Japan and China.
fPtllllo),? IV03
Our Methods Insure Every Man a Lifelong Cure
for Blood Poison, Rkln Diseases, Varicose and Pro
static. Troubles. Constrictions and Obstructions,
Nervo-Vltal Debility, Acute and Chronic Dis
charges. Boras, Ulcers. SwcJlen Glands, fleers in
the Mouth or on the Tongue. Kidney. Bladder and
Urinary Traublrs, Piles, Fistula, and all Chronlo
and Special Diseases.
Nervo-Vital Debility
There Is not a case of weakness In existence
that we cannot rebuild and strengthen with out
Our cure is a thorough and scientific course of
trejsRnent, which acts it. onca upon the nerve
force, stopping the drain and replacing the worn
out and run-down tissues. It gives strength and
fresh vitality, building up the entire system and
transforming the sufferer into a type of perfect
We cover the entire field of Chronic, Nervous and ffpeclal, Deep-Heated and
Complicated Diseases. ,
Northwest Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Tw . Ji
tiler Fallnro.
Diogenes sighed wearily as he entered
the groory and steered for his tymal
cracker box.
"How now?" queried one of his cronies.
"Beshrew tnt. but ou seem 111 of temper."
"Alack." responded the philosopher. "This
morning I essayed with a lantern quest of
an honest man and bethought me to have
found one."
"And had you not?"
"I doubt me sadly." rejoined ths sage,
"that his Integrity was Impeccable, for
even as I was congratulating him he
swiped the lantern." Philadelphia Ledger.
Be Want Ads fr Business liuosttis. .
Hundred and Fifty
Tendered Thesn
Attend Spread
it Millard
The Modern Woodmen of Anierira rally
closed ith a banquet at the Millard hotel
Thursday night, tendered the hustlers In
the campaign for new members just come
to a clone. There were 160 present. The
dinner began at 9 o'clock and over the
cigars following a number of speeches were
called for, and all given bore on the great
ness of the order. Among those who made
remarks were E. E. Murphy of Leaven
worth, Kan., member of the board of di
rer toi a ot the head camp; J. O. Ray, sec
retary to Head Consul A. R. Talbot; E.
Pearman of Kansas City, special deputy;
H W. Crook, head physician for Ne
biaska; Mayor DaUman and Dr. L. A.
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
kubeen KJ XT? VI AKKbr Mil LIUNS
Of MorHKtnt.)rtiieirrniLMiKa WHI1.K1 H;TH.
f'HlLD, theurMti, ALLAYS ll I'AIN;
Cl'Kf WIND COLIC, and i. the best nmwly for
DUhftHjr.A. o)d bj Iinunri.u la every put tf
the world, ne.ure snd a., (rir
l.uw-f! luu a liMU.
Delicate enough for the softest
kin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be oa every wasa
stand. .
To Colorado aad
Julv 10 to l. inclusive, and Sept
To Colorado aad Retura
Every day to riepwmber .tit.
To Olden or Bait Xke City aad Ketars
Ftr"t and third Tuesdays, June to nov
To Ogdea or Salt X.aka City and SMtnrm
K.vt.ry nay to September an.
To Kslsaa and Butts aad ketnra
Plrst and third Tuesdays, June to Nov
To Portland aad Ketarm
June ii to ;
1) to i'i. Inclusive.
in. luslve.
fnc luslva.
ff To Sam Francisco or Los Angeles and Ketura
WW June :& to July 7.
V. ,mrw,uu, www
Ineiuding rail and mage, dally lo K'-piemlier m.
To Portland, Taoona. Seattle, or to Ban Francisco
Los Angeles and Ban Diego, daily to S pt. is.
limit October -1. "
To Portland, ftatnralng via California . , f
June U to ... .
To California, Ketnrnlnr via Portland - i -
June 2a to July 7
To T.Uowstone Park and Ketnrn
Including rail, singe ami hotels In Park beyond Tei-
loastoue for five and one-half day trip, dally lo
September 1 T.
Aiunv.rv low round-trln rates, dally to September 1 5, to many other
Oregon. Washington, Montana. Idaho and British Columbia Points.
Inquire ft
Phone (suugUn 331.
mm mmmmmm., .3 jm-mmmmmBS'wmmwm ymmymwraam--.. .. . . .,.,..