Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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OfTtc. Omaha, Nb., Juiis S. lJS-call
posals, in trlrHrat. subject to tnt
al conditions, will b received her un
19 o'clock a. m , central standard tlm.
June II, I, for the construction. plumb-
Inn.- ttlna-.- clcctrlo wiring, nc, ior a
Punt Kxchanga and Gymnasium building-
t Kort Omaha, lshraka. Full Informa
tion furnlshrd on application to this office,
hrs plann and specifications may b
tt-'n. I'roposals to be marked "Proposals
for Construction. Etc.," aa the case mar
be. and addrexxtd to Major At. Orajr Za
llnskl, ConMructlnir Quartermaster, Armjr
Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
Storehouse and Band Stand Fort Dou"
las, lull, May IS. lftOS Besled proposals
for furnishing labor and material to con-
Htruct u brick quartermasters storehouse
nnd a frame band stand will be received
here until -10 oVIock a. m., June IS, lSKrt,
iirt thn opened. Information furnished
n application to the undersigned. United
States reservel the right to acrept or re
ject any or all bids, or any part thereof.
Mnvrlnpes containing bids to be marked
'Proposals for Quartermaster's Storehouse
h nd fland Btand." and addressed Con
litructlng Quartermaster, Fort Douglas,
Ttah. . MJI-28-28-80J9-10
I nloa Pacta.
Teavc. Arrlva.
Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 1:18 am
The China and japan
Fast Mnll a 4:lS pm a 6:10 pm
rolo A Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a :J0 am
California A. Ore, E...a 4:K pm a 5.10 pm
l.os Angeles Limited. ...11:S0 am alO:45 pm
Past Mall a 1:66 pm a. 130 pm
Colorado Special a 7:46 am . a 7:44 am
Nnnh Plette Local. ... a 0:10 am a 4 60 pm.
Beatrice Local D l:u pm D 8:o pra
ttlraaa Great Weatera).
M. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 am
St. Paul Si Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11 .50 pm
rhlcsKo Llniliod 8:40 pm 8:00 am
. Chli-niio K press 7:45 am 11:60 pm
i hlrago Express 8: pm 3:Ji) pm
lilcaao, Hock, lalaad at I'acl.
Le4ve. Arrive,
Chicago l.lnijlrd a 3 :i am a? In am
1 j i.oi mI a T AD am a 4:110 pm
i hlcHgo .Mall a 8.15 am alO:10 pnt
ou I .ova I bl J : 16 pm b 8:56 pm
I liiciigo ( l!.ul rn Exp ) a 4 pin a 1:4b pin
I'lili Hgo (Iowa l.lmlteil) a 8:35 pm al'MO pm
Rocky Mounta'u I.lui. a 7:30 am a 3:15 am
I olo. at t'al. GxDresa...a 2:01 writ a 4:10 pm
I M. & 'Texas Kxp a 4:40 pm alJ:05 pm
Colorado Fast M.tll ...al0:10 pin a 7:36 am
n dally, . b dally except bunuay.
;.M. LoUls Express a ti.lQ pm a 8:40 am
' .m i.ouls Local (from
Council BIuITh; a 9:16 am al0:30 pro
..UnlHiiy Local (from
Council UlufTs) ...b 5:00 pm bll:S0 am
hleauo St Northwestersi.
i.ocal Cedar Haplda ....a J:u am a 6:00 pro
I liluiig.i Luyllht a :0U am 11:30 pm
. hlcaao. LliulleJ a 8.38 pm 8:15 am
Carroll Local a 4:32 pm 8:50 am
M Paul Fust Mail . . . .a Ji:24 pm 7:uS am
, Sioux C. ft 8t. P. Local, b 3:00 pm a 8:36 am
Fast , Mai: 2.30 pm
fhlrago Express a t:o pm a i -m am
Chicago Limited all:00 pm ll:lftam
Norfolk ft Bonesteel ....a 7:40 am 10:;6a
...a 7:n am 10:; am
..a 7:40 am 10:85 am
...a 3:00 pm a 6:05 pm
...a 8:00 pm 6:06 pm
...b 3:0 pin 6:06 pm
Lincoln ft Long 11 no
aKper ft Wyoming
I ead wood ft Lincoln
Hastings ft Albion ..
Fremont-Albion ....
Chicago Local
Illinois Ceatrsl.
. Chicago Expreus ....
Chicago Limited . . .
...b K pm bl2:40 pm
. urn 1:4a pro
...a 8:00 am a 8:66 pm
.a :00 pm a 7:30 am
4 kli'uo, UllnsskM A St. PaL
Chi. ft Colo. rSpclal....a 7:65 am a 7:80 am
California a o.. ex... a 6:4s pis a 3:10 pm
. ... I .... .1 J .... . 1 Ci.uf. - . a K.uA " -
Marlon ft Cedar K. Loo.b 6:46 am bU:00 pm
Mlsaoitrt Paellte.
i. Louis LxpiMMa a 8:00 am a 8:30 pro
v, v.. oi. i. express. au. is pin a i:u pro
" Leave. Arrlva,
Denver ft California.... a 4:io put a 3:30 pro
Black Hills a 4:10 pnt a 8:30 pro
Northwest Special. ......a 4:10 pm a 8:1 am
jxorinwest Eipraa au:iu pm a 6:30 pm
. Nebraska Express 8:10 am a 7.40 pro
Nebraska Ixical a 8:00 am
Lincoln i-ocal , a 6:06 am
Lincoln Fant Mall b 8:00 pnt mll-.'M ,m
Ft. Crook ft Plattnm h..b 2:50 pns bl0;i,ara
I hevue ft Plattam'h.. 7:60 pm a 8:30 am
1 .iver U nited a 7:10 am
hellevu .i Pao. June. ..a 1:30 am a 8:30 an)
i.elicvuo r Pac. June. ..a 8:10 am a 1:50 pro
Chicago SpeclMl a 7:26 un a 7:26 am
CliicMgo Express a 3:45 pm a 3:55 Din
Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm a 7:23 arn
Iowa Local a 8:15 at alO.53 pro
fit. Louts Kx press a 4:4. pm alLSOaro
Kansas L iiy-ri jo....aiu:a pm a :4b am
Kanaaa Clty-bt. Joe.... a 8:15 am a 6:10 Dm
. ,.- 1 . . . c.. r . . .
IVSMH ILJf-DV. tfU,... .W
St. Paal, Mlaaaa-sella
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Passenger... b 6:80 am . b 8:10 nm
Ploux City Passenger... a 8:00 pm a11:20 am
Fmereon IiOcal b 6:80 pm b 6:88 am
Emerson Local e i: am 0 6:50 pro
Mlaaoarl PaclSa. . .
Nebraska Local. via
Weeping 'Water... b 1:50 pra b 11:80 pm
a Dally, b Pally except Sunday, d Dally
except raiuraay. e ounaay oniy. a uauf
except Monday
French Lino
Compajnl Cn trait
Gljintlc, Elejint, Fast Livlithans
, fitbv yorK.Tarlt 6ft "Day
I.A PKOTINCK, newest twia screw flyer hav
ing passenger elevator, roof cafe, and many other
iauovatious. Naval officers' tnaa-of-war disci
pline. Corapeny'svestibuled trains, Havre-Paris,
j1 hours, where convenient connections are
asaae lor an points on inc continent.
20th C-sntury KujiTwla Senw Flyers
LA 8AVOIB , June 21
For plans, reservations and lull Informa
tion call on. telephone, or write to
Kaitj K. Moore, 1001 Far nam Street
Luula Nreae, rar First National Bank
J.' B. Keynolds, 1502 Farttam 8treet
V. Q. DaTtdsoii, 1512 Faraatn Street
Q. E. Abbott. ISS4 Fsrssis ttreet.
W. K. Bock. 1524 Farnam Street.
Asreats fa Osnaks
QtindlmvlaR Anarlcia LUt
Ui4 FsM 1 wit "Ursv fiHuru BteeaMra
NirwiT, Swtdtn an. Dmmark
kills 1 frea ttw Tsrk at aeaa.
. r. Ttunfcn ja ss
uti ivV?,vS w esweros. M Casta uo 00
t8CR II iiui. . a.uT.' 1
Ir'or Tickets sppll lo 1 o,l Innil ar
A. K
m --t. i Hrumieir, J. T.
Susrier swsieasllsa. sxoslunu Cmaw Tbe
a'rt et ueiisn su-sCully MiMni Slasie
r rva4-tr1s tlck.u UetuMl setweea N.w Yerk
rork, kniilth. Iruk w sll riaiiel esatisesul
poisn si imcuvf run sms lor B s el Taut
rer tlcaxe er riMni UKerawtlea spplr te ta
tovmw eH. M mm ecsar ui, er is MaiauaaaiiN
anue.. west isi, tsissse. tu.
Try tha Waj4
OahBOalia W Tbs !
Offlc. 10 raakri
Clark's sodss.
Davis sells drugs.
Btockerl sells cuipets.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
New location, 30 Pearl St. Maloney. "
Plumbing and heating. Bixby ft Son.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 338.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. "Phone 87.
Diamonds as an Investment. Talk t
LefTert about It.
ummar school now open at Western lowa
college. Enroll next Monday.
For Bale Fine top buggy, rubber tires,
good as new. Cheap, at 3.15 Broadway.
See Stephen Bros, for Ars brick and Bra
clay, sewer pipe, fltUngs tnd garden hose.
The district grand Jury, It Is understood,
will nie ita report today and adjourn for
the term.
If yon have tender feet and want s
good comfortable shoe see Duncan ft
Lean, 28 Main street.
The cheapest and best lots for dwelling
re to be had In Unbhltt Place. Bold by
Chas. T. Officer, 418 B way.
If vou need a sewlna machine, bicycle
r phonograph call on 8. M. Williamson,
17 Bo. Main or 'phone Red 1167.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
Davis Kavllt, aged 27, of Omaha, and
Lillie Stein, aged 23. of thla city.
Moving vans and waaons: furniture
tored. .Nesbllt'8 'transfer and Storage.
Tel. to. Office 331 West broadway.
Picture Framing a specialty. Pictures
framed te order. Prices reasonable, iior-
wlck, 211 South Main street. Tel. .
F. M. Jones, division superintendent of
the Illinois Central railroad, with head
quarters at Fort Dodge, is In the city.
Save money on plumbing and figure with
us. Work and material gun rammed to be
It rsf -class. F. A. Spencer, 158 West Broad
way National Bank Examiner Bhaw of West
Liberty, la., was In the city yesterday
looking over the books of the local naUonut
Pictures make most desirable wedding
Kilts. Bee the cluloe assortment at Alex
ander's, 333 Broadway. A great range of
prices and styles.
For Sals Will sacrlHca on my fine plana.
Payments if desired. Can be aeen at
ilchmoiler ft Mueller's, 601 Bxiadway.
council Bluffs, la.
Eugene and Harry Allgood, aged respec
tively l and 8 years, were yesterday or
dered-committed by judge Wneeier to the
Utata Industrial scnool at Eldora.
Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass
snd old rubbers before you ace us. Ws
pay 3a per ton for No. 1 maunlnery Iron.
3. Kattleman. Q3 8. Main. Tel. 654.
Wa have the finest Hue of sampls monu
ments to select from In the west. Bheely
ft Lane Msrble and Oranlt works, 317
tiast ttroadway. Council Bluffs, la.
Ws wholesale los cream, shipped to
any part of tne state, bpeclal prices to
tne retau iraae. i. muuci. 311 wosi
Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. 384.
The regular monthly meeting of the As
sociated Charities win be held Monday art
ornoon at 8 o clock at itidgo Lawn, tho
home of the president, Mrs. Jncob Bints.
Members of the Rebckah lodges will meet
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Odd Fel
lows temple and from there procexd to
the cuiiiett-ries to decorate the gravea of
deceased members.
Uev. Otterbeln O. Smith, pastor of the
First Congregational church, went to Clar-
Inda yesterday morning and delivered a
lecture last evening at the Christian En
deavor district meoting.
Do you want to cool off? Go to the
Clark Drug Co. and get one of their de
lusoua Ice cream sodas, lt down at a
nice clean table, under an electric fun,
and you wlH have no trouble In keeping
Iloalth Officer Lucas has been detailed to
see that the ordinance l rctrulatlna trees
overhanging sidewalks Is enforced. The
ordinance requires that all trees over
hanging sidewalks must be cut to a height
of at toast eight feet from the sidewalk.
Encampment) No. 8, Union Veteran
legion, last night Installed Misa Hobbs as
"aaugnter of the encampment," to succeed
Misa Sylvia Bnyder, who has filled the po
sition lor a number of years and who re
signed, owing to her approaching marriage.
Inside Information U what one Is entitled
to when buying two-piece serge suits. Come
in any time ana we it get you inside of one
of our superior 11.. 8. ft M. suits, show
that they're all wool, hand tailored, right
In style and pries, 110.00 to 8300. The John
ceno co.
Mrs. Nice, ths woman from Ottumws
who was found In a demented condition at
the Union Pacific transfer depot a few
days ago, was yesterday turned over to
her husband, lwrl Nice who cam .for
her snd took her home with him yesterday
afternoon. 1
The fire department was called yesterday
afternoon to a frame cottage occupied by
Mrs. Green at Eighteenth street, tne root
of which had been set a lire by a spark
from a passing Illinois Central paasenger
train. J lie oniy aamage waa a aniatt iiuic
burned in the roof.
The closing argument In the suit of
Kimball Brothers' Company a-alnat the
Citlsena' Gas and Electric Company, which
has occupied the attention of Judge
Wheeler and a Jury In tne district court
for several days, will be mad thla morn
ing and the case given to ths Jury,
A. C. Graham. Drealdent of the Board of
Park Commissioners, Is looking for a first
claaa moving Picture outfit with which to
entertain the people evenings at Falrmount
park, ll a suitaoie outnt can do aeuurea
k Is likely the park board will give It
full summer engagement at the park.
Six cases of measles were reported to
the Board of Health yesterday aa follows:
Lather Klllpack. 140 Grant street; Camp
bell child, 613 East Broadway; Jensen child.
S Hlah School avenue; - Robinson child.
tk4 Glen avenue; Robin Ball, 17 North First
street; Blanch Foreman, 14t Ridge street.
Why shorten your life by baking over
a hot stove when you can buy better bread
and pastries st McAteT H's ths real
merit of our goods that maada them so
popular. They ars not simply equal to, but
better than any sold In the etty. Try
Twentieth Century and Colonial bread snd
be convinced.
J. F. Moredlck and P. C. Bainter, two
of the Union Paclrto switchmen under
charge of breaking into a freight car and
stealing a can of whisky, secured their
release yesterday from the city Jail on
1AM bonds each. O'Heam. the third of the
trio, however, was unable to secure ball
and Is still behind the bars.
The Board of County Supervisors yes
terday allowed the claim o' County Sur
veyor Mayne for 34ts for nls services as
one of the commissioners to assess benefits
to property owners along the rout of the
Harrlaon-Pottawatlamie county drainage
ditches. Most of yesterday's session waa
taken up with the semi-annual settlement
with tne county treasurer.
The county supervisors have allowed Dr.
V. L. Treynor's claim of 3tS.lo for attend
ing smallpox caaex. Tne original bill was
I1.33U. of which Dr. Treynur received part.
aud was obllgwd to bring suit to recover
the balance. An adverse decision In a
similar case recently in the district court
decided the board to settle Dr. Treynor's
claim without going to trial
lnes Seman, claiming to be the wife of
George C. Clark, a well known aaloou
keeper, waa taken Into custody by the po
lice late Thursday night and yesterday
turned over to the commissioners on In
kanlty, who are expected to Investigate her
case today. A few months ago the woman
waa before Judge Wheeler on a charge of
luebrlacy, but the Judge refused to hold
Our line of men a negligee shirts pre
sents many new ldeaa at unquestionably
th lowest prices In the Trt-Clties. An In
spectlon of these cool, comfortable summer
shirts will prove our statement. The John
Bono Co
Her la a good list to select from: Or
anges, 30c: new peas, 26c peck; new po
tatoes at 60c peck; cabbage, 6c head; ba
nanas, Sue dosen: strawberrlea, thres for
34c; wax beans, 16c. Bartel ft Miller, Tel
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 864. Night,
I haul dead an'bmala, 81.08 per head.
Garb, aalie. loauur and all rub
blah; clean vaulta and cesspools. All
work dons Is guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to. "
Phone. Red 173.
BC Tel. 44.
Special Council Committee Arreei on W,
lierttedt of Kanata Citj.
la t (ilve City Estimate ef tslsc
Present Water W arks System and
Also Coat of Constructing ar
iw On.
The special water works committee o
the city council decided to engage, subject
to the approval of the council, W". Klerstedt.
a hydraulic engineer of Kansas City, to
compute the value of the present water
works pls,nt snd furnish sn estimate of
the coet of the construction of s new water
system for the city. The tentative arrange
ment with Klerstedt Is that he Is to re
ceive 11.000 for his services.
The decision to recommend the employ
ment of Mr. Klerstedt Is aaid to have been
reached by the special water works com
mittee at a meeting held Thursday night st
the office of Chairman Wallace. The special
committee Is composed of Councllmen Wal
lace, chairman: Olson, Hendrlx and Knurl-
sen. W allace, Knudsen and uison ravorea
the appointment of Mr. Klerstedt, while
Hendrlx opposed it or the employment of
any hydraulic engineer at this stage of the
negotiations between the city council and
the water works company.
The recommendation of the special com
mittee will come up for ratlffcatlon or re
jection at the meeting of the city council
next Monday night and present Indications
are that the committee will have sufficient
Votes to carry It through.
if the agreement between the speclnl
committee and Mr. Klerstedt Is concurred
In by the city council Mr. Klerstedt has
promised to begin work here June 25 snd to
remain here three months if necessary to
secure the needed Information from which
to make an Intelligent report on all phase
of the water works problem to the city
Mr. Kieratedt is st present engaged as
constructing engineer of a water works
plant being Installed at Muscatine. He has
also been connected with similar projects
at Dubuque, la., and in other states. He
ha; been highly recommended. It Is said,
to the special committee at whose meeting
lie was present Thursday evening, but left
for Kansas City on s late train.
Telescope Mystery Cleared I n
The mystery surrounding the large tele
scope grip containing woman's clothing,
Which has been at police headquarters for
several days, has been partly cleared away.
From papers found In the grip It was sup
posed to be the property of a Miss Myrtle
Clark whoso home was apparently at Har
lan, la. Notice of the. finding of the grip
was sent to the authorities at that town
snd yesterday Chief Richmond received a
letter from Mrs. Matthew Clark, mother of
the owner of the grip, asking that It be
sent there.
About a week ago a young woman w
seen to deposit the grip on the sidewalk
on South Main street and walk hurriedly
sway. Parties who witnessed the action
of the young woman notified the police
snd ths grip was taken to headquarters.
The city marshal of Harlan, to whom the
police wrote, replied that Myrtle Clark had
been employed In the City hotel thare but
had left two weeks before and Inquiry
showed that her parents, who live near
Irwin, were unaware of her present where
abouts. The letter from the girl's mother,
however, failed to say anything about the
young woman being tnlsslnr and thla lorf
ths police to believe ahe may hay returned
home since being In Council Bluffs,' or has
notified her parents as to her present loca
Pari says white linen parasols. We re
showing these washable sunshades In
many new exclusive styles at prices that
create unusual sellin Better
your's while the assortment is at It best.
Ths John Beno Company.
High grade pianos sold on aasv navmani
HO down and 85 per month. Swsnsori
Musio Co., 407 Broadway.
New potatoes that are extra large at 50c
per peck. Bartel ft Miller. Tel 369.
A. Metagar ft Cat.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
613 Mynster 8t, Co. Bluff, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Mrs. J. F. Murphy and family desire to
express their thanks to all their kind
friends for their sympathy and assistance
in their late bereavement, also the Broth
erhood of Locomotive Engineers. Division
No. 6; Brotherhood of Chicago ft North
western Trainmen, Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen No. 820, engineers and firemen of
ths yard, employes of Chicago ft North
western shops. Concordia lodge No. 6,
Knights of Pythias, Fraternal Order of
Eaglea Aerie No. 10 and Council Bluffs
council, Knights pf Columbus. No. 1045.
Be those lace curtains how mussy they
look. Just becauss they are of the sagging
kind. We hava laoe curtains thst do not
ag and window shades that are right up-to-date.
Linoleum, oilcloth, msttlng and
almost anything you want In carpets and
rugs st strictly moderate prices. Stocked
Carpet Co., M-T West Broadway.
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado, 86 per sera for raising all
kinds of crops; good soil; best of water;
delightful cllmata. Excursions first and
third Tuesdays of each month. Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougvs, 124 Main
street. Council Bluffs, la.
New pease, per pk.. 16c; country butter,
per lb., up from 12c; fancy California
table peaches, per can. 17c; California figs,
per pkg., 3c; cherries, 4 boxes for 25c;
gooseberries, 4 boxes for 26c; pineapples,
12Sc and 16c; strawberrlea at all prices;
large dill pickles, per dos., 8c; new po
tatoes, per peck, 43c; picnic plates, par dos ,
2c; cherry stoners,, 48c; high wheel lawn
mower, 32.19; gasoline stove oven, a war
ranted baker, 81.38; good grass catcher, 43c;
extra heavy 4-passenger lawn swing, 86.86;
snd dosens of good bargains today.
100-102-lut Broadway. 'Phons IA.
TbU week at Swains ft Mauer for high
grade Lawn Mowers at rock bottom prices.
Swains ft- Mauer. i'Xl Broadway.
Home-grown strawberries at only 8 for
26c. Barttl ft Miller. Tel. V
ftelaller' Pie ale at Mlaeaarl Valley.
The executive committee of the Coun
cil Bluffs Retail Grocers' and Butchers
association has finally decided upon Mis
souri Valley aa ths place for holding ths
annual outing and picnic on July 18.
The picnic will be held In the fair
(round at Mlsaourl Valley and th com'
naute ou tiassrortaiKin is arranging fur
two or possibly three special trains on the
Xortha .siern to cany the crowd" to and
Ironi their. Owing lo the number of train
between Council Bluff and Missouri Valley
people will 'bare the opportunity lo go to
the picnic or leave there at almost anr
lime in the dy.
For i:t'Vral .yenis the x mil ml pit nlc snd
outing of the RcUil Grocers' ami Butchers'
association, Iihs attracted big crowds and
the rft'au has nlnays iwen well itndn ted.
every possible objectionable feature being
prohibited. This yenr, the committee In
charge, expect to have H bigger altend
ence ilinn ever anil are planning to arrange
fot greater attractions than ever before.
You'll keep cool-headed by weuring one
of our straw hats. All Stetson and Knox
latest are ready for you In our men's hat
section. We never attach fancy prices to
our hats because of their excellence. The
John Beno Company.
Port Arthur was one of the strongest
fortified cities In the world, but was sur
rendered because the Russians could not
get Big A flour. Use no bthcr.
CENTRAL FI-OUR-3U8. Every sac It
warranted. Central Grocery ana Meat
Market. .
Extra good orange at only ;Wc per dozen.
Bartel ft Miller. Tel. 359.
Vacaacles In Library Board.
Mayor Macrae will be called upon to
appoint threa members of the Board of
Trustee of the free' public library some '
time during this month, a the terms
of Mrs. Horace Everett, John M. Gal
vln and C. R. Tyler, expire. July 1.
Mr. Everett and Mr. Tyler were ap
pointed In 1900 for the full six year terms,
but Mr. Gnlvin was only appointed In
1803 to fill the vacancy caused by the re
tirement of Rev. Father Smyth from
the board, owing to til health. Although
Mayor Macrae has given no Intimation
of his Intentions regarding these appoint
ments, it la expected that Mr. Galvln
will be reappointed. Mrs. Everett was
placet) on the board at the solicitation
of the Woman's club who desired a repre
sentative In that body. It Is understood
that If willing Mrs. Everett will be re
appointed and In the event of her declin
ing the place will be offered to Miss
Mayor Macrae la at present In Boston
and Is not expected home until some
time next week. The present library
board will meet for the last time next
Monday night.
Batarday Specials.
New pease, per pk., 16c; country butter,
per lb.', up from 12'4c; fancy California
table peaches, per can, 17c; California figs,
per pkg., 3d; cherries, 4 boxes for 25c;
gooseberries, 4 boxes for 23c; pineapples,
VIViC and 13c; strawberries at all prices;
large dill pickles, per dos.. 8c; new po
tatoes, per peck, 43c; picnic platen, per dox.,
3c; cherry stoners, 49c;thlgh wheel lawn
mower, 82.19; gasoline stove oven, a war
ranted baker, 81.39; good grass catcher. 43c;
extra heavy 4-passenger lawn swing, 86.95;
and dosens of good bargains today.
100-102-100 Broadway. Thono IX,
Everybody Is delighted to see a nicely
decorated room, right up in style, restful
and pleasing to the eye, wall paper wdll
matched and of the latest design. It 1
easy to get these points If you figure with
us and at atrlctly moderate prices. We
are satisfied we can please you If you let
us furnish the wall paper. We guarantee
the work to be done right. Council Bluffs
Paint, 'Oil and -Glass Co. New location.
Merrlam block.
Do not smoke any more of those rank
cigars. Go to Maloney's, 30 Pearl St., and
get a cigar where quality atands first and
where every puff U a delight. He haudlei
nothing but first-class stock. You know
It pays to buy the best cigar because
you get the best satisfaction out of them.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back te
1163. Books ars sll up to date. Work ao
ctirately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Some elegant lots, with paving and grad
ing paid, on Glen Ave. and also Fifth Ave.
ba sold cheap. Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broad
wty. Something entirely pew snd Just out.
Beautiful new photos at a speolal offer for
short time only at Schmidt's studio.
For Imported wines, liquors and Budwelser
beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor
dealer. 61 South Main street.
White canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices,
tl to 82. Duncan ft Dean. 23 Main street
Real Estate Transfer.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee June 8 by the Title Guaranty' and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
J. W. Squire and wife to F. M. Hynd
haw, lota 1 and 2, block S. Bulk's
addition to Council Bluffs, 7a.,
w. d 31,260
Surah A. ; Holmes and husband and
Laura H. Kiddle, trustee, to Harry
Swanson. lot 12, block 13, Hall's
addition to Council Bluff, la..
w. d
George W. Llpe and wife to Henry
lie Long, lot 12, block 17, Hall's addi
tion to Council Bluffs. Ia., s. w. d...
Rose Mowery to Peter Walgren
part of s4 of 18-75-43. and
p.trt of se1 of swVi, 13-76-44, s.
w. d
Charles A. Wiley and wife to Henry
Leffert, lot 1. block 15. Perry's
addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d..
Laura J". Johnson et al. to 8. C.
Foote, lot 10, block 80, Crescent
City, la. q. e. d
Frank M. and Clay McMullen to B.
O. Foote, lot 10. block 8o. Crescent
City, la., q. c d
Seven transfers, total It.-'CS
This Is refrigerator and gasoline stove
weather. You can save yourself money
snd annoyance by providing a Reliable
Gasoline Stove and Herrlck Refrigerator.
Paddock-Handschy Hardware company.
Van Brunt has grocers' wagons, butchers'
wagons, bakers' wagons, milk wagons, ex
pressman's wagons, laundry wagons; in
fact, all klndm of . delivery wagons. Prices
to suit. Largest stock In the west.
I have a number of dwellings, om-ned by
eaatern mortgage companies, which can
be sold cheap. Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broda
way. Don't forget that 1 have tins spring and
summer suits from 820 to 326. E. S. Hicks.
New boma-grown pea at
Bartel ft Miller. Tel. 359.
20c per peck.
Pareat Claim Williams1 Body.
M. and Mrs. N. M. Williams, parents
of Thomas Williams, who was fatally In
jured by being run over In the North
western railroad local yards Wednesday
night, and John Williams, a brother of the
dead man, arrive In the city yesterday
morning from Boone, Ia., and took the
body home with them later In the day.
FrJin th statement of his relatives
Thomas Williams had for several years
been of a roving disposition. H would
be gone several months and even as long
aa a year at a time without them hearing
from him, when be would return, only to
stay a week or o Olid would be off again.
Until apprised of his death hue Mr. and
'Mrs. William ssid they had not heard
from or of him for about a year.
Mr. Williams conducts a livery bum and
feed store In Boone. He agreed with Cor
oner Trej nor that an Inquest wa unneces
sary under the circumstances.
With the coming of the Iceman you 11
neetl summer weight underwear. OuV
nocks are ready to meet every emergency.
Union suits and separate garment for
men, women and children , at popular
price. The John Beno Company.
CENTRAL FLOUIt-31.18. Every aaek
warranted. Central Grocery and Mest
Art Pottery.
Alexander's Art Btore has Jusfc re
ceived a largu shipment of artistic pottery
in vases, teapots, sugars and creamer.
i pansy bowls, etc. Just the thing for wed
! din gifts.
From over the sea oome these beautiful
new designs In Japan and China mat
tings for sanitary floor covering. A full
stock and low prices attract careful buy
ers to our third floor section. The John
Beno Company.
Orange sale today, the last of the season.
We were able to get 180 boxes st a very
low price and Intend to sacrifice them.
Regular 40c else at only 8"c per doxen.
Bartel ft Miller. Tel. 36..
A. Hoepe Co.. 33 South Main street, has
about tmenty leading makes of pianos on
their floor, and sell them from 850 to 313
less than other dealers ask for the same
Refrigerators, porch chairs, porch rock
ers, cool and reclining go-carts; go-carts
8 per cent off: full line of mattings, lino
leums, carpets and rugs. D. W. Keller,
103 S. Main St.
Tin sprinklers. 26 to 8nc; cherry stoners,
76c to 31.25; chicken wire, e a square foot;
hand sickles, 38 to 60c; lawn rakes, tic; the
best food chopper. . 81.00 to $2.00. John
Olson, 739 West Broadway.
' Velvet Ice cream for your Sunday din
ner or party. Always pleases. Brick Ice
cream delivered and packed In Ice. Purity
Candy Kitchen. Tel. 674.
Bummer school now open st Western Iowa
college. Enroll next Monday.
Fine yearva.
Two hundred-acre farm five miles fronr
Miasourl Valley. Good Improvements snd
orchard. Cheap at fit per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1. First National bank
building. Office telephone 208.
Cool oft your hot porch by putting up
our Vudor porch shades. Then get Into
one of our Vudor hammock chairs and
have a nice piece of our porch furniture,
a table, for Instance, with cigars and a
bottle cooled in one of our lceberjf refrig
erators, and you will find your 'comfort
complete. Keller & Farnsworth Furniture
Vou should look over W. S. Hewetson's
new line of wallpaper If you are going to
do any Interior decorating. Wallpapers
from 4 cents and up. Paints, oils and var
nish, liquid veneer for touching up furni
ture, ricture framed and moulding of. all
kind. Picture framing artistically done.
Masonic Temple, 349 W. Broadway.
Here I what you have been looking for:
Ten cypress boards, equal to twelve Inches
In thickness. Ixmg lasters and very strong.
We have them 4. 6. 8, 10 and 12 Inches In
width, from 10 to 20 Inches long. Prices
very low. C. Hafer, Council Bluff's, Ia.
3o to Hicks' for your money's worth In
tailoring. No bluff, either.
Officer Think Guilty One la Still at
4MOUX CITY, la.. June g.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Were It not for the fact that
officers fear they have the wrong man as
tho assailant of Josephine Wlllmes of L-
mars there might have been a lynching
at Lemars today. The girl Identified Walter
White, a negro with the Campbell shows
as the man, but the officer think she Is
mistaken, and Sheriff Peter Arendt- ha
followed the show to Iuverne, Minn., to
round up his man. Feeling at Lemars
still runs high, but there Is no vent for It.
The negro first put a gun to the girl's
head, when she fainted. He then carried
her into a vacant lot and assaulted her.
She is In a very weak condition today.
Texas Itch la Iowa.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. June 8. (Special.)
Several cases of Texas itch a dangerous
and dreaded contagious disease among
horses have been located In this city. Dr.
Baughman of Fort Dodge, assistant state
veterinarian, has been notified and is giv
ing the animals special treatment under
quarantine. The Texas Itch Is a disease
of peculiar symptoms and action. First
the horse begins to shed Its hair. After
losing this, sores break out all over1 Its
body, caused by some sort of parasite work
ing beneath the skin. A number of cases
In this city are now In the latter stages
snd ths animals are almost a solid mass of
sores. Horse owners fear the disease
greatly and every precaution is being taken
against the spread of It. The disease Is
not always fatal, but the ease with which
It Is contracted by animals not affected
causes alarm among horse owners where
ever it breaks out.
Fat Fallows Family.
SIOUX CITY, Is., June 8. (Special Tele
gram.) A peculiar fatality seems o fol
low members of the family of H. C. Mul
len, a conductor on the Illinois Central
railway. Two years ago his oldest son,
Ivan, died at the hospital from a bullet
mound self-tnfllcted. At the same hour
the mother waa dying In. another ward.
Tonight Paul Mullen, 12 years old, was
accidentally shot by an older brother,
Kenneth Mullen,-with an army rifle while
the boys were playing soldier In th yard.
3" he ball pierced the abdomen, coming out
through the back, and It la not thought
the boy can recover. The same boy acci
dentally shot himself through the leg about
a year ago. Didn't know it was loaded.
lowa Maaafactorers' Coateatloa.
IOWA CITY. Ia., June S.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The fourth annual session of the
Iowa Manufacturers' association began here
today with many prominent Iowa Industries
represented. The principal addresses were
delivered by R. G. Green of Fort Dodge,
Hon. 8. F. Prouty of Des Moines. Paul Ar-
bens of Ottumws and Robert Patterson of
Fort Dodge. The addresses and discussions
today touched on manufacturing as a
means of upbuilding the state.
Mlraralea Escape
from bleeding to death, had A. Pinske,
Nashotah. Wis., who healed his wound with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 26 cents. For
sale by Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.
Oae Far far Reaa Trip.
plus 31.00 from Chicago to Boston snd
return, via Nickel plat Road, May 81
to June 8, Inclusive. Also excursion rates
via New York City. Extended retura
limit July 16. John Y. Calahan. general
agent, ruvua 298, 113 Adams street, Cbl
Property Valued t Two Million Dollar
InToWed in ths Litigation.
Ceateatloa la that ftelasx st Rellalva
Sorlety It Has K.xereded Its Au
thority by KsLl( lit lom
m err la I
tFiom a Staff Correspondent.
DES M01NE8. Juno 8. tSpeclal.) One .
of the biggest and most Important cases
ever submitted to the lowa supreme court
went to the court today. Argument of
the attorneys in the case of the state
against the Amana society of lews county
made today In the submission of the case
to the supreme court disclosed the magni
tude of the suit. There are LOW member
In the society, which owns 2B,iI acres of
land and yearly sells off products amount
ing to 85W.O0O. The value of the property
owned by the society Is estimated st over
$2,000,000. and the contention of the stale
I that this society, being Incorporated as
a religion society, has exceeded Its au
thority under the laws of lowa governing
corporations and S receiver la asked with
Instructions to dissolve the society and
dispose of the property and divide It among
those who are entitled to It. The argu
ment of Judge M. J. .Wade of Iowa City
In behalf of the society Is that It 1 a
part of the religious belief of the members
of ths Amana society that the Injunction
of the apostle to live with all property
owned In common should be ftrlctly
obeyed and a further belief of the so
ciety Is that all persons should be frugal.
From this he argues that the constitution
guarantees to every person the exercise
of his religious belief snd hence that this
society should not be "molested. The argu
ment of Attorney General Mullan for the
state la that whatever the religious belief
of the members of the oclety, the so
ciety has exceeded Its legU authority and
lis become one for pecuniary profit, and.
further, thst while the Amana society ha
never sought to attain temporal power.
there Is nothing to prevent the society from
following the action of the Mormon church.
Snd that to allow a religious society a
such to engage In seculpr pursuit for prollt
strikes at the foundations of the govern
ment, the Individual and the home. The
arguments In the rase were opened be
fore the supreme court today and may
be continued tomorrow. The case cannot
be decided by the court before the next
A statement issued today by the state
auditor shows that the deposits in Iowa
state and savings banks have Increased
from January 29. 19"ti. to May 17, 190K,
IS.243.lfl5.25. The figures are made up from
the nworn -statements of the 'x nk made
to the stste auditor at hi The
statement for January 2fi showed en In
crease In deposit of 8R.8J2,8R7.18 over the
statement of November 9, 1906. The No
vember 1, 1906, statement showed sn In
crease of 83,154.643.17 over that of August
ff CEP
Doth 'Phones 24.
A. Few of Our
Rex Breakfast
Bacon, p?r lb . . .
Fancy Picnic
Hams, per lb. . .
Good Lard,
3 pounds
Bologna Sausage,
per pound ......
Best Sirloin Steak,
per pound
Boiling Beef,
8 pounds
12 c
Try Our Central Flour
Every sack warranted, per sack .
Both Phones 108. 236 West Oroadway x-
Extra Fmey New Potatoes,
20 lbs. best Granulated Sugar
for fl.OO
Extra fancy Sugar Corn, per
can 5c
3 cans of Red Oak Peas for. .SOc
The best Gloss or Corn Starch,
package ..a 4c
Eagle Lye, per can 4c
Dr. Price's Breakfast Food,
. package 7 He
Malta-Vita or Egg-O-See, pkg 7 He
6 lbs. of hand picked Navy
Beans ,25a
4 lbs. Lima Beans 2.V
4 lbs. of the best Japan Rice. ,2Ac
Cncolored Japan Tea, per lb. .2fl
We bought these extra large fancy
rom tne Milwaukee wreck and
at per doren, only
The Onis Market and Grocery
537 West Broadway, Both 'Phones 46.
New Pickle Pork, per lb 10c
Picnic Hams, per lb 0 He
Good Steak , . . 7c
Round Steak, per lb 121tC
Sirloin Steak, per lb 12 He
Porterhouse Steak, per lb..l2Hr
Pot Roast, per lb e
Boiling Beef, per lb 4c
Corn Beef, per lb. 8c
Skinned Hams, per lb... ..12gc
Beat 'Em All Soap, 10 bars.. 23c
10 bsrs Diamond "C" Sosp. . .2fte
?5. !!S, snd the Anut "J statement
showed an Increase of 8."' .OuVl'tl V? over that
of May a. 1T. The tot! Imresse In the
deposit of the state anil saving hank
In ! im e May 19. I!J. I ia.HS.T7.;.
Petition foe Melienrtna.
A petition for a rehearing In the divorce
case of Fannie W. Crockett against Frank
W. Crockett of Hardin county filed
with the supreme court todnv. The re
ha attracted considerable attention be
ra of the prominence of the parties and
the length of the litigation. In the re
cent decision of the supreme court the b -elslon
favored the defendant, who was
given custody of the son.
Iiicreaae la Fair Premlam.
Increase In the total premvim at th
state fair for thl year amount lo about
312.0HO. according to announcement made
at the State Department of Agriculture
today. It I asserted that the premium
now offered In the cattle nnd live stock
exhibit exceed those offered by any othVr
state fair association giving premium for
live stork exhibit. The total for th
cattle exlUblt thl year is about 31.0i
Several new classification have been added
In all departments.
Mmy (hsrtr Merrier.
Sergeant Ernest Faulk. Troop F.
Eleventh United Slate cavslry. wa shot
last night shortly after midnight In a street
lunch wagon at Sixth and CherrV treel
In thl city and may die. I'be mmi who
shot him 1 tlll at large, "f Faulk die
a murder charge will likely be lodtryl
against the sssallnnt. If caught. Th lunc't
wagon Is owned "by Mart Diamond. w'ir
nay two men entered while Faulk wa
eating a sandwich and began qimrrelins
and one dashed a revolver. A KtnJk
started to get out of range the revolver
accidentally was discharged and Faulk
shot In the face. Faulk regained ciu-(
sclousnes today and Vay Hist after beln
In the WBfron the man left and then r
turned and stuck the revolver In at the
door and fired. Faulk I a dlstlmtulsfe
pistol hot nnd I 36 year old.' It wns be
lieved today that he would recover.
WtUt Toarnament Open.
With tears In their eyes and their ddHr
entrance fee clutched In their hand, fifty
women were turned away fvom the whist
tournament which opened at the Savory
today, because there were tables for hut
100 and 150 applied for place. But x ren
are on the list of eatrle. The De Moines
Whist club I hotea and the tournament
in open to the state. Mrs. E. H. Carter is
chairman of the committee on arrange
ments and the National Whist league rule
are used.
Colleae (irta ItnltHlna.
I Moines college will have two new
buildings on the campus by the time col
lege opens there next September. The an
nouncement will be msde to the collee
following the meeting of the trustee nest
Tuesday. The money ha been secured
and plan nearly completed for the build
ings. At the annual meeting last year the
alumni of the Institution made a demand
for greater activity and the trustees prom
ised two new building which, It 1 asrted,
are provided for by subscription now re
ceived. ......
No trouble to find lost srtlcle if you
advertise for them In the "Lost" 'column
on The Bee Want Ad page.
600-6O2 broadway.
Way Down Prices
St raw be r-
... f5c
ries, 2 boxes
2 boxes
Fancy Cherries,
2 boxes
per pkg
per pkg,
per pkg
per peck. . . . ,
3 lbs. of extra fancy Prunes.. 23c
3 pkgs. of Seeded Raisins for.2Ac'
3 pkgs. of Currants 23c
Extra fancy full cream Cheese,
" pound 15c
2 boxes of home-grown Ooose-
berries 15c
2 boxes of home-grown Cher
ries 15c
2 boxes of home-grown Straw
berries 15c
Home-grown Peas, per peck..SOo'
Home-grown Beets, 2 bunches. 5c
Extra faucy Country Butter,
pound . '. 20c'
Extra fancy Bananas, per doz.lftc
Valencia Oranges at a creat bargain
place them on sale,
.'.f,UW ''" i
Patent Flour, sack $1.10
Sugar Corn, per can 5c
Fancy Rice, per lb 5c
Wisconsin Cream Cheese. .. 12 He
Soda Crackers, lb 5c
Oyster Crackers, lb. . . .
6 lb. Navy Beans for.
Good Butter, per lb. . . .
20 lba. Caue Sugar. . . .
. . .5c
. .2Ac
. .18C
t lbs. Good Coffee.