Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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1! r
KlJ hi
Today-The Pay for lei
The Most Ambitious Builders of Fashion Clothes
Contribute Their Best Efforts to This Great Clothes
Months ago wc read the signs in the clothing field as
pointing to a season of the "blue and grey." Wo bought
accordingly, bought boldly bought before the demand be
carao brisk, and got tho best effects. So once again AS AL
WAYS, the store that sells the most is selling for the least.
Our showinp of pretty
linen suits is very extensive
and complete and includes
the choicest things to he had
at every price.
Women's new handsome lnwn
shirt waist suits, mmlo of the fin.
est white sheer lawns, beautifully
trimmed with lace and embroidery,
extra full sklrts-the kind that
pleases the most fastidious dress
ers, at
$12.75 and $14.75
AT $350
$4 Below Others
Men's stylish 6uits in the
standard American woolens
that have that air of easy
erace that is characteristic
of all our apparel from the
small-priced grades to the
finest. Solid merit in the un
seen parts as well as in the
visible features. The blues
and the greys in a variety of
excellent weaves. Something
to meet the exact wants of
men in many different walks
of life.
AT $H50
$6 Below Others
Suits in blue serges and
gray worsteds that are mod
els of good tailoring. The
finest American woolens and
the best reproductions of im
ported effects. Garments full
of grace and character that
show the master hand of
skilled, brainy, painstaking
workmen. The widest vari
ety of the most eligible 1906
styles. The products of
houses that made them for
$18.00 retail lines. .
' AT $15
And up to $25
No maker of fine gar
ments can-, employ better
tailoring skill than is seen
in these superb hand-made
garments. Not the kind you
can pick up anywhere, but
attire worthy the most tasty
dresser imported woolens
only and selected patterns.
The richest blue serges,
the choicest gray woolen
weaves and novelty . effects
in dark mixtures for those
who want exclusiveness.
June let sounds the knell of the departlug
stiff and cumbersome head-heating derbies.
Get in line with a straw hat!
4,000 Straw Hats
ready at this store
to start the season we've . at least one
third more stock than ever before because
It Is a sort of wear-what-you-please season
when fashion is thrown to the winds and man
may wear what hat he pleases, so long as it
pleases him.
The Split Straw Bailor $1.00 to $3.50
The Bennett Btraw Sailor 75c to $3.50
Mackinaw rencil Curl Straw Hata, $1 to $3.50
Psnamu...., $3.90 to $10
Outing Suits
New 1906 Summer models are ready every con
ceivable cool weave, from the dignified blue serge and
the genteel gray tropical worsteds to the more daring
and dashy chalk stripes, club checks and the original
mixtures that are as English as the "Lights of
Every variation of tailoring detail that has the
sanction of the best shops peaked, rounded or con
servative lapels center, false or side ventts, plain fin
ish or cuffed trousers, quarter-lined or half-lined with
alpaca' or pongee silk
Men's Furnishing Goods
tnrDZmwXAK 85o Men's fine derby-ribbed
and flat balbriggan Underwear, nilk finished
front shirt and satin faced draw- Ofc
era too value at saCW
XZVIWI1I. SBo Men's fine silk Neckwear,
medium wide and Ions: narrow shapes, n?"w
pretty plaids, stripes and solid col- O-.
ors all 60o styles at
lCXirB BEITS 45c Men's new style Bolts, In
blacks, (tray and tan. in solid harness leather,
tubular and calf lined, seal and ' ,4 Rn
walrus grain, 75c values at iJV
TAWCT SHISTS 91 Men's fancy colored
shirts with attached and, detached cuffs
plain or pleated fronts, beautiful light and '
dark patterns, made to sell at $l..r0 C
and $1.25, at 41
OlDraWEM 7Se Men's fine French bal
briggan and mercerlr.ed t'nderwear, plain and
derby-ribbed, all silk trimmed In blue, pink
and whlte-rregular $1 values 75c
JUOHT IHTBT8 7So Men's sample Night
Khlrts, with and without collars, fine cam
bric, lawn and sateen, plain white, pink, blue
and fancy colors values up to r7Ci at JOG
i sum ii.M' i mmtmm
Women's stylish new linen suits
In the the new bolero, eton or roat
effects, from the severely tsllored
to the most elaborate all exclu
sive models matte by high class
tailors, at the very lowest possible,
and $22.50
Great Waist Sale SatnrdaV Dot" New Skirt Waists Geea Sale Sataraay Merning at Specaf Trices
125 dozen fine sheer lawn waists trimmed with lace and
embroidery, regular 11.60 values, on i Q&.-
sale Saturday, at
WOHiri 13.00 WAIITI SATVBSAT, 1.45
100 dozen walsta of finest sheer lawns, full lace yoke and
embroidery fronts, long or short sleeves, regu- A K
lar $2.00 waists, on sale Saturday, at . ...a4?
75 dozen fine lawn waists, attractive models, trimmed
German Valenciennes lace and panel embroidery f Qf.
fronts, that sold at 13 on, on sale Saturday, at.... -"
60 dozen women's high grade waists, lingerie effects, heaur-,
tlfultv trimmed with baby Irish and Valenclnnes lace
they would be cheap at 15.00 on sale Satur- O Qf
day. at fM
A nrw shipment of Oxfords for boys, youths and little
men Blucher styles
Size to 13 tl.80 and $1.75
Size 13 H to 2 $1.75 and $9.00
Size 2 4 to 6H $3.00 and $3.60
Oxfords for misses and children, made of line kid and
patent colt Blucher styles
6 to I at l-00
to 11 at UBS
llVi to 2 at 1-M
2 to to a at $i-aa
Made of excellent quality taffeta silk a large assort
ment to select from regular $3.50 B Ofi
Coats, today O.VU
Made of the best chiffon taffeta, handsomely trimmfd,
very nobby garments reduced . 'J Qf
from $12.00 to ,...v
People Determined Not to Be Balked by
Oounoil Bluffs' Opposition.
Beat Mill Help Track Fsrstrri Uet
Their rrodece to Caanlng;
Factory la Nebraska
' Towi.
Despite the opposition of the Council
Bluffs Cotntnerclal club the people of Flor
ence are determined to carry out the ferry
proposition between their city and the Iowa
hore on the opposite side of the Missouri.
Editor W. R. Wall of the Florence Items
"The committee from the Improvement
club at Florence called on -the supervisors
at Council Bluffs Monday and asked them
to take up the matter of granting a license
for the new ferry over the Missouri at
Florence. It was referred to their county
attorney last Monday and the committee
was requested to call-Thursday to see what
action had been taken in the matter. The
committee, consisting of K. II. Olmstead
and myself, called on the supervisor
Thursday afternoon. I'pon presenting the
matter to them It was fcruiid the application
had been rejected.
No Detriment to lovrav City.
"After a discussion of the matter by the
committee and supervisors It was learned
the Commercial club of Council Bluff had
made a protest against granting the license
on the ground that it would divert business
from Council Bluffs, but upon the showing
uf the c.omniHttte that no detriment would
be Incurred, the supervisors took the mat
ter up again. A hearing will ba given at
the mealing June 18. Heretofore ctanvsss
has been made of all the people living In
'.he neighborhood north of Florence, on the
Iowa lde of the river and In the bottoms.
These people all want the ferry, as the estab
lishment of a canning factory at Florence
will give them a .market for produce In
the s!ape of tomatoes, sweet com and
other vegetables for canning. In place of
raising torn und other grains. It la sus
pected that Crencent City, la., 1 opposing
the ferry proposition.
"Colonel Baker, one of the supervisors,
remarked to the committee that If the
people In the neighborhood near the ferry
wanted it. he would be In favor of giving
it to them, even if they did wish to trade
In Douglas county, The Florence people
have not given up the matter and believe
they will secure the license The ferry
1 now in full and successful operation.
One of the Objections.
"One of the objections raised by the
supervisors was that there was no public
road to the place where the
ferry is landing on the Iowa side. Mr,
W. 8. Mayne, who owns the land, was
present and said to them that he had
granted the right to the ferry people a
couple of months ago for the landing, and
If necessary would put It In writing, which
the supervisor asked for. This Included
permission foe a road to cross his land.
"Governor Mickey recently bought a
large tract of land In the bottoms across
the river from Florence and Is anxious
for a ferry at Florence. He has already
agreed to give a road any place through
bis land to keep the ferry going. Pigeon
Creek will be bridged so as to allow the
people from the north to come directly
to the ferry without going east to cross
a they do now, which give them a direct
road from the north and from the east."
Harvey Snyder, Dayton, O.; William Sid
ney Blair, Danville,; Va.; louts Frederick
Hohensee, Hebron; Robert Johnson, He
bron: Richard Milton Gallup, Council
BIuITb; Henry Nicholas Mathisen, Omaha.
Lieutenant Commander Slgnor, In charge
of the permanent naval recruiting station
at Omaha, wil go to Hastings Friday even
ing to establish a branch naval recruiting
station there. Chief Quartermaster Ben
son, a former Omahan, and who recently
married, will be placed In charge of the
Hastings station for a while. In the
meanwhile Quartermaster Benson Is tem
porarily attached to the general recruit
ing station at Omaha.
$3.U0 Capitol Ladies' . Syringe, globe
spray with extra rectal ripe, no metal
parts to rust this Bale $1.UH
Good 1-quart Fountain Syringe. . .5(k
Combination Syringe and Water
Bottle fl.OO
$1.25 Bath Spray flu any faucet...03c
Plant Sprays 75c
New Fountain Syringe Hanger keep
tube from "klukiug" l.V:
16th and Capitol Ave.
Not Many Hear Their Country's Call
nt This Kn of tho
During the 'month or May. 19C. but
eight recruits were secured at tho regular
army recruiting depot at Omaha for ser
vice lh the t nlted Btates amy. About
forty applicants presented themselves for
enllMtment, but by far the greater number
of these applicant was rejected because
of some physical defect, either defective
eyesight or being under slse.,.
It Is expected a largo number of re
enlistments will be made within a few
weeks, particularly from the Thirtieth and
Twenty-fifth regiments of Infantry, owing
to tho fuel that tho present force of theso
two regiments was largely recruited about
three years ago. ami that expirations of
! enlistments in these regiments will occur
within tho coming month or two.
The recruiting seivlce Is specially anxious
to secure enlistments jiml now for the field
and coast artillery service. There seems
for some cauee to be very few applications
j for thexe brunches of tho service, cten
though it is regarded as one of the best
j branches to enter. The lmprcsxlon that the
I coast artillery butteries are stationed ner
' mancntly at one post is erroneous. These
batteries are as freUi ntly shifted from
' post to post as are the regiments of the
j other lines of service, and the duty of an
artilleryman Is much less arduous than
either the cavulry or Infantry branches.
Twenty-six recruits for the Tnlted Ptatea
navy were obtained at the navy recruiting
station In Omaha during the month of May.
Of this number twenty-one enlisted a ap
prentice seamen, two as firemen, second
class; two coal passers and one as hospital
apprentice. Following are the names and
home addtvsxeg r,f the recruits:
Oscar BMney Bakke, Kssex. la.; Dave
Gruber. Concord. Tenn.; Loid Jesse El
klns. IJIly. HI.; Joseph Ernst. Chicago;
Arthur Elmer Stevenson, Des Moines; E!l
Arro Nlppa. Calumet. Mich.; George Al
fed Hanley, Fort Yates, N. D. : Harry
Iwl, New York; William Daily Hoadley,
Peru. Neb.; George David Mitchell. Omaha;
Walter Wallace, Kan Francisco: George
Andrew Carter, Marshall town. Ia.; Paul
Wytaske, Genoa: John Smiddy, Crawford;
Charlie Simpson Oruver, Hatfield. Mi; Lu
ther Foust, Patch Grove, Wis.; Wilbur
Edward Rrnford. Gainesville. Fla.; Ray
I Elbert Judy. Hprlngdalc. Wash.; lwrence
Theodore Kohl. Hualiii; Hurry Raymond
beabrocke, L'uivtiity Place; VUUam
Enema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ring
Worm, Herpes, Bnrber's Itch,
Itch or Scabies.
All of these disease are attended by In
tense Itching, which is almost instantly re
lieved by applying Chamberlain' Salve and
by It continued use a permanent cure may
be effected. It has, in fact, cured many
cases that had resisted all other treatment,
Price, 25 cents per box. Every box Is war-ranted.
Cheap Rates' to boitos. .
f 19.00 for round-trip from Chicago
(plus tl.00) via the Nickel Plate Road,
May 11 to June 9, inclusive, with privilege
of extension of return limit to July Is.
$24.00 via New York City, all rati, or
$23.00 via New York City and steamer
in both .direction between New York and
Boston. Stopover at Niagara Fall and
Chautauqua lake point if desired, within
limit of ticket. Ticket good on any
train on above dates. No excess fare
charged on any train on Nickel Plate
Road. Meals in Nickel Plate dining cart,
on American club meal plan, ranging In
price from 35 cents to $1.00; mid-day
luncheon 50 cents; also a la carte. Three
through trains dally, with modern Pullman
sleeping car to Fort Wayne, Flndlay, Fo
toria, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, New York
City and New England points. : Train
depart from EaSalle street station, Chi
cago, the only depot on the Elevated Loop.
Write John Y. Calahan, general agent,
room 298, 113 Adams strvet, Chicago, for
reservation of bertha In through standard
and tourist sleeper and full particular.
Commissioner of Land Department Gomel
from Washington for Openings-
President Roosevelt Anxlons that
Governor Richards Cone Per
sonally to Supervise at
Crow and Shoshone.
W. O. W.
Memorial 6ervice Boyds theater, Sun
day June 10, 2 p. m. Be mindful of your
obligation to "Honor the memory of de
ceased sovereigns."
W. O. W.. Central Committee,
DIAMONDS Frenser. 1Mb aod Dodgs sts
Chlesso and Return f lft.M.
Tickets on sale June 10th 11th and 12th.
Good returning until June 17th. Ttckst
and further information at City Ticket
Otnce, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha.
a newly discovered region, rich In silver
and other metals. Is conveniently reushed
by the Grand Trunk Railway System.
A well prepared booklet descriptive of the
section will be mailed on application to
Geo. W. Vaux, A. Q. P. & T. A.. Grand
Trunk Railway System,, 135 Adam St.,
lainortaat Chang of Tim.
Effective June 1. the Chicago Great West
ern Railway changes time of trains. Set
time card In these columns.
ftalS to t bleasjo and Retnra Via
Chleao Great Western Railway.
Account business meeting Ancient Order
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, June 13th
and lSth. Tickets on sale June 10th tj
I. 'th. For further information apply to
II. II. Churchill, U. A., Omaha, Neb.
W. A. Richards, commissioner of the gov
ernment land department, former governor
of Wyoming and former resident of Omaha,
was in the city Friday en route to the
drawing of the lands in Wyorhtng and
Montana on the Crow and Wind River
reservations. Mr. Richards said he felt
very much at home In Omaha, for he
studied his flret law In the office of Judge
Wakelcy In this city. He, will remain In
the west all tho time during the registra
tion and drawing, as he says the president
considers this the most Important work of
the land office at present. Mr. Richards
1 a pioneer of the west. He had charge
of the survey for the boundary between
Wyoqilng and Colorado In 1873.
"Any land you can get water on Is sure
to bo a valuable asset," said Mr. Richards.
"People all over the country are realising
the time Is passing when land can be se
cured for a song and that land Is a good
thing to have In a family.
"The scheme to be used In the drawings
was first worked out for the opening In
Oklahoma In 19U1, and as it I largely my
pluu I deem it advisable to give it my
personal supervision. We have had four
openings under this scheme and all have
been satisfactory and no contest has been
made, due to this plan. The object of
this whole scheme Is to do away with
sooner and to have everything fair.
Points of Registration.
"When a man registers his name It Is
put in a box and the man whose name is
lucky enough to come out first has the
first choice und ho on. Wo know Just how
many quarter sections there are, and, al
though I have not the data with me, think
there will be over 6,0n for the Crow
agency. The first drawing will begin July
! and the entries Ixgiti July l'i, ho a man
has fourteen days In which to muke his
"The first 125 drawn will have to make
selection the first day. We will' handle
abtit 2,. a day, so the newspapers over
the country can handle the names each day.
Notices will then be nidlled so that the
lucky ones will have time to return from
their homes In case they do not care to
remain. If a man does not appear on the
day he Is called he is put to the foot of
the list fur that day and then if he does
not appear on that day he goes to th
bottom of the whole list.
"The survey is finished and plats are
being prepared. Icator outside of the
government employes will be on hand t
assist In making selections for a nomlnul
fee. A great ftianj- has been wrought In
that country In the lust thirty years. Whin
you think that this arable land to be set
tled is the scene of the famous Custtr
battle of '7S it Is remarkable.
Dram lacs Help Country.
'Our experience la that these drawings
are of the greatest sdvaiftage to the
country to be settled. Thousands stay
who are not successful In the drawings
and thousands more take up homesteads
near by when they see the splendid oppor
tunities. A notable Instance was In the
recent drawing iu oouta Dakota whon
Lyman county was almost completely
settled up after the opening.
'The Burlington officials tell me that In
quiries are very numerous for this draw
ing and as the Northern Pacific probably
will bring In a vast number from the north
ern states the attendance should be large.
They can't come too fast for us, however,
for we are prepared for all who want to
"A soon as the Crow reservation draw
ing 1 over we will be ready for the 8ho-
hone or Wind River reservation drawing."
Mr. Richards left Friday afternoon for
the northwest.'
Grade System Prove 8uoceuful After One
Week of Operation.
So Fnr as Officers of Association Can
Tell, Every Dealer in the State
Is Stick Ins; to Hi
bor. and will feed them properly and keep
their nest clean.
"It will take some time to get an Increased
price from eastern buyer, but we hav
only to (tick to the present system to get
it." .
4175 W
A dress apron is foorC to be quite in
valuable when mother want to save the
clean frock for afternoon and yet must
dress the little maid for the morning's
play. The one sketched here is very elmpl
constructed and need cost very little ii
made of gingham tr percale. It Is no
unattractive with its broad collars edgi
with a washable braid and the convenient
j pocket. On the other hand the simplicity
j of the garment is an Important featurt
I of Its usefulness, and with no frills ot
trimming to be easily crushed and soiled
the pattern Is excellent for everyday sei
vlce. A sash fastened at the underarm
seams holds the back Id pl'ice. For the
medium liie two and one-half of thirty-six-inch
material are needed.
4775 81xes, I to i years.
For the aecommodatlou of The Bee read
ers these patterns, which usually retail at
from 25 to SO cents, will be furnished at a
nominal price (10 cents), which oovcr all
expenses. In order to get a pattern enclose
10 cents, giving number and name of pat
tern wanted and bust measure. As the pat
tern are mailed direct from the publisher
at New York, It will require about a week's
time to fill the order. Address: Pattira
Department, Be PublUhJny Co, Otnab.
One week of operation of the new system
of buying eggs, established by the dealers
of the state, has proven satisfactory. Con
trary to expectation, the country mer
chants have not held back their egg in
the hope of persuading some dealer to take
them case-count instead of by grade, and
the eggs are coming Into Omaha much
faster than before Jitne 1, when the new
rule went into effect. So far as the officers
of the Egg Buyers' association know,
every dealer In the etate 1 (ticking by hi
agreement to pay according; to grade.
Two or three local firm had repre
sentatives out In the state the last week
in May buying up eggs, on the supposition
the country would hold them back after
June 1. With the eggs bought then, and
large daily receipt now, the local market
Is well stocked.
Numerous communications have been re
ceived In Omaha on the subject of the new
system, the majority of country merchants
declaring It a good thing. A few say it is
a hold-up and threaten to form an associ
ation to ship eggs to other market. This
Is not feared by members of the associ
"It means the Improvement of the Ne
braska hen. and the recognition of the
Nebraska egg in the east a on par with the
Iowa egg," ald P. I. Devol, manager of the
X. Wood Produce company. "Buying by
grade 1 hi vogue In Iowa, with the result
that the farmers keep a better class of
hens, take better care of them, and their
eggs bring a higher price in New York
than thoar from Kansas and Nebraska.
When tho Nebraska farmer learns that he
Is going to 'get less for his small, dirty
eggs than his neighbor get for large,
clean ones, he wilt get hens like his neigh-
Mrs. Harriet H. llowland Dies on tho
Eve of Her Hundredth
Mrs. Harriet B. llowland died Thursday
night at the home of a daughter, Mr.
Harriet A. Hough, 38M Leavenworth street.
Mr. Howland was 99 years and 3 month
of age. She lived In Omaha for fifteen
year with her children. Her husband
died In Omaha about eight year ago at
the age of 91. There was eleven months'
differenee between, the ages of Mrs. How
land and her husband. They were on a
farm In Illinois for many year.
Four children, living in Omaha urvtv
the mother, their names being Warren. A.
and Bdward H. I lowland. Mrs. C. C. Van.
Kuran and Mr. Harriet A. Hough.
The funeral servioe will be 8unday after
noon, with burial at Prospect Hill cemetery.
Narrow Escape -
from poisoning, caused by constipation, had
Mr. Young, Clay City. N. Y. Dr. King
New Life PHI cured her. 25 ct. For
ale by Sherman at McConnell Drue; Co.
Chlraa-o and Return 91S.M.
Ticket on sale June loth, 11th and 12th.
Good returning until June 17th. Ticket
and further Information at City Ticket
Office, 1403 Farnam St., Omaha.
WATCHES Frenser, 16th and Dodge its.
dentine, phlloso-
COLLUGE Classical,
oh leal cnurNes.
ACADEMY An accredited High School.
Prepares for Bellevue or any other col
legu or university.
NORMAL HCHOOL-Elementary and ad
vanced course.
CONSERVATORY Theory of music, pi.
inn. voice, violin, elocution and art
CONNKCTIONS-Electrlo line and Bur.
llnrton Railway.
Fall remester open September 18 '
Address President Wads worth, Ballevue,
Chicaflo Great Western Railway
Leaves Union Station, Omaha, at 7:45 A. f,i
arrives Chicago 10:00 P. M. the same day. Obper.
vation End Parlor Car with Dining Room and
Firet Class Coaches. Breakfast, Dinner and
Supper served in Dining Itopm of Parlor Car
a la carte.