Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Offlo. 10 Fm1
Clark a odss.
Pavls aella drugs. -
Htockert aella carpet.
Ed Rogers' Tonr Faust beer.
New location, W Pearl St. Malonejr.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft 8on.
Weodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. S3S.
I.ewl Sutler, funeral director. 'Phon fl.
Diamonds aa an Investment. Talk to
l.fert about It,
Summer school now orn at Western Iowa
college. Unroll next Monday.
For Bale Fine top buggy, rubber tlrea,
good aa new. Cheap, at 15 Broadway.
- Ha Stephen Hroa. fur flra brick and fir
clay, sewer pipe, fittings Liid warden boae.
If you have tender - feet and want a
good i-otnfortable . shoe, aea . Duncan &
.wan, XI Main street.
If you need a sewing machine, bicycle
r phonograph eaH on 8. M Williamson,
I 7 ti. Main a '.iHntiA II ml 1 1 7
' Moving van . and wagons; furnitur j niowln Mthered to mines the largest
t'ired. Neehitt's Transfer and Storage. ! class, ever sent forth from the school, con
TcL 21. OHlce Ml. West Broadway. slating of sixty-seven young people, reeelva
- Picture Framing a specialty. Picture thHr dlp1(m, of ,...,,,,!,, nd Md mdl,
framed to order, rnrea .reaaonable. Bor- .
sick. 211 South Main street. Tel. M. t0 tl)'lr Public Srhoo.l days. The demand
: Kred Jo litis .n, , chief clerk of th poat- . 'or seats far exceeded the aupply and many
,nfttc. eojarlnff fifteen days' vacation, were disappointed. A number who decided
(lie firsts has .aken In several I year.. lo rhance ,,,,,, . ,Mt at th u,t
. Save money on plumbing and figure with - , ... .
Work and material guaranteed to Uw' unable to even get Inside the hall, so
. ..i, st-diui.-. k A- bpencer, io Wn Broad- j hrge , the . crowd. .:..'.
.way. ;, ,. , ' The hall was tastefully decorated, the col-
: A lajwiuet will form vni l of the- cl-rnnaplction, 'While an Immense bouquet of
nation,!-. :y. . i . j pink rosea, the class flower, graced a table
' ' Picture make most dcsii able wedding ' on the platform. The graduates Occupied
girt. fte the rjiolce, assortment at Alex- . h ,, ,.,
Hnder . a ltroadway. A gteav range of on ne platform, the young women
prlie and style. - . In front and the young men at the back,
e or bale. -AN ill eaerilic on my line piano. The members of the Board of Education,
payment .If desired. Can be Been at Superintendent Clifford and Principal
tSZWlA Znet t- M Br0,'dWy'Thom.. also occupied aeat- on the plal
.'.'Btar chapter No. .47, taoyal Arch Maaona, 'form, over which In large letters waa to be
will taest Vn special conclave thla even- 1 seen the claaa motto, "Ambition Knows No
lug at MAsnnlc temple for work in the rRes1 -!
pMt master tlegTee. ' , , , 't ,
. Do ut aell your old Iron, copper, braaa I Th 'rclaea opened with the. Invocation
and old rubbers before you aea ua. Wa by .Ray. Marcua P. McClure. pastor of the
gikf tv pur ton for Ist. 1 inautiinery Iron.
ti. Kattiauian. ma o. juain. iti. bok
r Wa liava the finest Una of aampl monu
mentaMO aelect liom in tho waai. Sheely
' A lane Marble and Uranlta worka, 7
' .ast Broadway, Council iiluda, la.
' Wa wboleaaio Ice cream. Shipped to
' any part of tha state, bpecial price to
the retail trad. 1. Muccl. lit Woat
roadway, Co. Bluffs, la. Tel. 14.
. Deputy dlty Marshal Charlea Crum waa
.. detailed -to exteimlnate a dog which waa
thouaTu . to ha surreriug from rablea and
widen waa terrorizing the resident of
Hcott-atreat. , . , ...
Teatlmonr ' I atlll being taken In the
suit of the Kimball ' Bros.' Klevator coin-
- pany agnmst the Cttlzena' Uaa and Elec
tric company In the district court and is
not expecteq to go to the Jury before Bat-
Do you want' to cool off? Go to th
Clark- Drug Co. and get one of their de
' llcioua lie cream sodas, ait down at a
'Tire Clean tAble, ' Under an electric fan,
and you' will, pave no trouble In keeping
' cool.-,,-
,- Arv tinnjnclal report yesterday waa to th
effect that V. J3. La,bbee, city ticket agent
or tha. JIUlnoia Central,, Is to be transferred
. to - ainular position at Bioux City. Th
'transfer la In the way of a promotion. It la a: man Mini Fort Dodge will succeed
Mr. Labbee bee. .
Tit preJImlnary hearing of J. O'Hearn,
- J. V. Moredlck and P. C. Balnter, th three
- Union PaelBa switchmen charged with
.' breaking into a freight car and stealing
r'a-Jcaae of whisky waa continued .In police
court . yesterday In order that - th oaa
- might a toefote tha dlatrlct grand Jury.
' Robert Harris, alika Robert Flnlayaon,
' "charred With the thef t 'of a bicycle valued
at $. the property of John Chamber,
waived a preliminary examination ln po-
lloo court Vrkterday . tnornlnc and was
" bound 6VW-ln- th sum of JnO to await
" the action of th grrand Jury now In- ea-
.'plori., ;
' wti'J" aortaii vnlie lira riv baklnar over
, a L04 stov when you can buy better bread
; : Jnd7rAi - MdAtea-T - '- th' ! '
, cnarlv ot our1 good IMt ' tnaa.a them . ao
popular, i They ar not lmply aual to, but
.Utter than any aold In th crty.' ' Try
; JsrnUtb Century and Colonial bread and
John O. Woodward and I. N. Fllcklnger
- haw .brought ault In. lh dlatrtqt court
- against Wlckham.- brother, claiming two
.'da.mair by reason -of the alleged failure
,if:th. defendant - firm - to construct ac
i cording t0 a contract made In June, 18,
, a eejienl sidewalk In front of Certain lota
' . hi Baylies' Boeon addition.
The-bearing In th caa In which
(' Walker of th Walker Manufacturing com
a pany charges W, M. Shook, manager of
the Alfalfa Meal, company, with maintain
lug a nutaanco In tna shape of a quantity
'iC rotten molasses mixed with gumbo, wa
continued In the-superior court yesterday
'.' until Monday at th request of the de
. 'fendanu. '.;: ..
Wvrybdy la delighted to aee a nicely
, decorate yoofti. right up In styl. restful
ai)d pleasing i. tha. eye, wall paper, wall
- - matched and of the latest designs. It 1
' easy to ret the point If you flrnr with
' una,,t strictly tnodrat ,prtcs.. . W
ar. a.tlsfi4 w can plea you If you let
- us furnish th wall paper. W ruarantoo
th work to b don light. Council Bluff
Paint, Oil and. 01 Co.. New location,
Marr lam block.
Ooo off your hot porch, by putting up
our Vudor porch had. ., Than gat, Into
. one: of' our Vudor hammock chair and
hay nice' piece of our porch furniture,
. a table,' fbr, instance, .with cigar and a
bottle, cooled in on of our iceberg refrig
erator - and you' will find -your comfort
complete. . Keller ft Farnsworth Furniture
' company.' . -.
You should' look over W. 8. Hewetson's
new Up, of wallpaper If you are going to
do any Interior decorating-. Wallpaper
from 4 cent and up. Patnta, oils and var-
niah, liquid veneer for touching up furni
ture. Picture framed and moulding of all
' kinds.. Plc.tor framing- artlatlcully done.
Masonic Temple, U W. Broadway.'
Investigate our cheap land proposition in
' eastern Colorado, It pr acr for raising all
klnda of- crop; good aolli beat of water;
'delightful cllmat. Exouralon fir at and
third Tueadays ', Of each "month- Send for
. printed matter. F. C. ruge. 134 Main
' street. Council Bluffs, la.
Da not amnka anv more of those rank
cigar. , dq to M&loney'e, 10 Pearl St.. and
get; a elf ar where quality stajids first and
where every puft.1 delight... H ltandlei
r . hothln but firat-otaa slock. You know
-..wilt Py to,' buy the beat clgara because
you fat Ili4 bwi Mtlafaatlon out of them.
The Title Guaranty 'and Truat company,
abstracter ( title. Booka daU back t
186. Book are. ail up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly don at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, i34 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
CENTRAL nOUR-xi.l. tvery sack,
warranted. Centra Grocery ana Meat
Port Arthur was one of th strongest
fortified cities In th world, but was aur
rendered because th Russians could not
get Big A flour."' Ca no ether.
Something entirely nw and Just out.
Beautiful' now photo at a special offer for
short tlm nry at Schmidt' studio.
I haul dead animals. (10 per head.
Garb. aue. swnurt and all rub
.bub., .clean vaults and cesspools. All
Werk doiV is guaranteed.
Call' torotupUy attended to. .
'V-hu, Rod Is'tV .. ,
H. Tel. AS.
Bixtj-8Tea Tinish th. Conne and ReceiYg
Tbsir Diplomat.
Andlinrlani of filch' School Crowded
to Its Capacity aad Who
IH to Attend I nabl to
fteenre AdmlManre. V
The auditorium of .the high svhool pre
sented a brIllant scene laat nighf when an
audience which filled the Urge hall to oer-
Flrat Presbyterian church, following which
the graduating class rendered ' the chorus
"In May Tim."
Dr. Wlaaklp'a Addresa.
Then came the addresa by Dr. A. E. Wln
ahlp pf Boston, member of the Massachu
setts State Board of Education. "The Grad
uate' Morrow" wa the theme which Dr.
Wlnshlp took for his addresa, saying In
part: .
Graduates from a free public high school
In the twentieth century are to be congrat
ulated. That the public appreciates the
value of such a graduation la evident from
the fact that there ar 40 per cent more
graduatea thla year than ten years ago.
it me,ane much more to be a high school
graduate than ft hue ever meant In the
past. Every college and university, every
first-class normal school and every profes
sional school requires at least a high
school education before one can enter such
an Institution.
A graduate of a high school, all In all,
has ten times the chance of getting an
advantageous start in life as on who
ended hta educational career In th gram
mar school. Ten tlmea a large a propor
tion of these make a financial, educational,
professional and civic success aa of thoae
wlthcut it.
When Andrew Carnegie was aaked to
what he attributed the great aucceaa of
hie famous Iron and steel Industry, he re
plied: "I wa the first to pay a premium
for educated men; the first to put scholarly
men on guard In an Industrial plant." r .
. Every development of the day, every-clement
of . the progreaa 1n any - line . calls
for a degree of scholarship unthought ot
a few years ago. The physician, lawyer
and teacher. Hie' mechanic, miner and en
gineer, must know many things that few
knew even ten year ago. The opportuni
ty for onakllled labor are growing beau
tifully less. Th. magazines, and even the
daily paper require a variety-of technical
knowledge on the part of the 'readers as
well as th writers.
Mt,he ctoa -vt DTV-WtaSKIp'g ' ntMres
Mia Q race Barr, aupervlaor of music In
the aohoola of this city, contributed a vocal
solo- and waa compelled 10 reapbnd with an
encore ...
Compllmeata the Gravdaa4ea.
President Weaterdahi of th Board of
Education, in presenting tha diploma to
th. forty-eight young women and nineteen
young men comprising the '. graduating
class, which waa presented by Princi
pal Thomas,, took the opportunity to make
a few appropriate remark. He said th
high school had every reason to be . proud
of 11 graduates, .a ..the . standard they
had aet wa high. In wishing them suc
cess, Mr. Westerdahl said he would give
for their benefit what he considered 'about
the beat definition of the word, aa given
by a woman from the state of Kansas,
and which waa:
He ha achieved success who has lived
well, laughed often and loved much; who
ha gained the' respect of intelligent men
and the love of little children: who has
Ailed his niche and accomplished bis task;
who ha left th world better- than h
found It, whether by an Improved poppy,
a perfect poem or a rescued soul ; who ha
never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty
or failed to express it; who ha always
looked for the beat In others and given
the beat he had: -whose life wu an Inspira
tion;, wroa memory a benediction. '
List of Ursvdsiate.
These ar th graduate who received di
plomas: Classical Course Harvey Leigh Ballenger,
William A. Byera, Catheryn Charlotte
Clark, Roger B. Coker. Ma belle L. Eugllah,
Ruth Felt, Helen Loulae Fllcklnger, Mar
garet Fllcklnger, Nellie Ariel Gro.iM,
Maude Irene Meyers, Margaret E. Mcpher
son, Edith Organ, Agnes Pheney, Allen
8a vies. Mlna E. gedgwlck, Edith M. Bhu
gurt. Irma E. Walker, Viva A. Wind.
Latin Scientific Course Myrtle Barnett,
Emmet L.. Hawkina. Viola Pearl Hughes,
Rachel Klein, Ernest E. Landatrem, Mary
Esther McConnell, Edith R. Parsons, Lee
W. Read, M Prudence Telfer, Mabel Edna
Wiley. .
German Scientific Courae Hazel E. Ab
dlll, Lulu Louise Bauman, Roy Clay, Mar
garet Fisher, - Winifred Maude- Landaey,
Florence Helen Shepard, Vera E. M. Stork,
Oustave O. Vogeler, Harriet Eleanor Wahl
gren, Rose M. Ward, Beeai Frances Water
man. Hazel Claire Wlutt. .
English Sclentlrtu Course Percy Betier
man Battey, Nellie O. Bender. Mark How
ard Dobaon. Zelphla .Harding, Kstliryn
Frances Horrigan. Florence Harwood Keith,
WUllam Henry Knuwles. John Coyle L
den. Fannie G. bVabold, Mary Louis
Stephan. Helen M. Walker
' Business Course Lynne DeW. Baird, Lila
Ball, Emll C. Brewlck. Pearl M. Casey, Joe
R. Dimmock. Earl liifaon. Charles B. Ora-
Hon. Mabel U. Lundjcard. Meivln Moor.
Hazel Morrow. lAura Nelson, Margaret
Leone Pierce, Eunice 1 need, Anna Sand
w'.ck. Dora D. Wright. Everett N. Wright.
. Preceding the benediction, offered by Rev.
Otterbeln O. 8mlth, pastor of the First
Congregational church, which brought the
exercises to a close, th graduatea sang
the class song, composed by ' Louise
Stephan and Ruth Felt.
Commencement week wlH be brought to
a close tonight with the reception by th
Alumni association to th graduates. This
will be held in the large hall In the Ma
sonic tempi, and at the cloae of th fol
lowing program dancing will be the feature
of the evening:
Violin solo Miss Gertrude Hulette
Reading , Miss Fanny Dietrich
Vocal holo Miss Phorbe Judson
Address of welcome W. 8. Baird
Reapons Mark Dobson
Blfj C'lreo Mad Blasrcr. .
Bigger and better than ever, th great
Wallace Circus will soon be with us. Every
department ha been enlarged. Four hun
dred arenio performers; over a hundred
ragea contain the million .dollar sow, and
th show la completely Ailed with new and
absolutely different novelties, and will ex
hibit in Council Bluffs on Wednesday, June
3D. The Wallace show la truly a mam
moth Institution. When one baa seen It
tram .and tq end. ,outsld'jand inside, and
hliaa formed an Inventory of what he' haa
seen and learned for a very moderate fee,
how much real pleasure and beiutli it hu
been, ha can easily understand why a big
(hrea-rtng clrcui of the high standard of
the Wallace show occupies the enviable
poaltlon In the amusement world that It
doea. '
la Trylesj to Facape from t ar I ttmrn
Over hr Trala.
A stranger who just before his death
gave his name as Thomas Williams and
Boone, la., his home, died yesterday
morning at th Council Bluffs General hos
pital from Injuries received from being run
over either by a switch engine or a freight
train In the local yards of the Northwestern
Williams, with two companions, during
Wednesday night broke Into a freight oar
In which they discovered a barrel of wine.
It did not take the trio long to knock the
bung out of the cask, when they pro
ceeded to Imbibe liberally of the contents.
They were, however, disturbed In their
carousal by ome yardmen and th three
Jumped from the car and ran. A few
minutes later some of the yardmen, at
tracted by Williams' shrieks, found hlin
lying beside the tracks In the north end
of the yards. He had been run over and
his left leg wss crushed and nearly sev
ered below the knee, while the right thigh
was almost cut to pieces, although the
bone was hot fractured.
Williams, who waa apparently crazy from
the liquor he had Imbibed and the shock
of his Injuries, was removed In the police
ambulance to the General hospital, where
he was attended by City Physician Rice.
Williams' shrieks on the way to the hos
pital could be heard for blocks.
At the hospital Williams, after the left
leg had been amputated and he had come
out of th anaesthetic, acted like a maniac.
He yelled and cursed and made vain at
tempts to "bite the nurse and doctors at
tending him. Failing In this he seized one
of his own wrists, between his teeth and
would have bitten a hole through It but
for the doctors, who pried his hold loose
after quite a struggle.
It was about 2 o'clock when Williams
wss taken to the hospital and shortly after
8 o'clock Dr. Rice noticed that the man
had but a few minutes to live, and as he
appeared rational by this time, asked him
If he had anything to say. ' The fellow
said his name was Thomas Williams snd
that he was on his way home to Boone
from Wyoming, where he had been work
ing on the big ditch. He said his wife,
Mary Jane Williams, lived In Boone; and
also two brothers, coal miners. He dented
having attempted to jump a train out of
the yards, but said nothing as to how he
came by his Injuries.
The police picked up In the railroad yards
a' man giving the name of Charles Deg
man on suspicion of being one of Wll
lisms' two companions. Degman said he
wa a stone maaon from Providence, R. I.
At police headquarters Degman said the
nam of the man who had been run over,
alluding to Williams, was Charles Mor
rlsey. The fact that a big bunch of skele
ton keys was found on Williams leads the
police to believe he was a hard citizen.
Degman, who Is being held for Investiga
tion, declined to make any statement.
Undertaker Cutler, to whose place the re
mains of Williams were taken, received a
telegram last night from on of the man''
brothers at Boone stating he would arrive
In Council Bluffs this morning.
Coroner Treynor last evening had not de
cided whether to hold an inquest, but
said ha was of the opinion that under the
circumstances one would not be necessary.
Do you want to cool off? "Qo to the.
Clark Drug Co. and get one of their de
licious Ice cream aodaa, sit afiwn at a
nice, clean table,, under an -elqctrlc fan,
and you will have no trouble in keeping
cool,, ' . ..''".
Here is what you have been looking for:
Ten cypres boards, equal to twelve Inches
In thlckrtess. Long laaters and very strong.
We have them 4, 6. 8, 10 and 12 Inches In
width, .from 10 .to ';X Inches long. Prices
very low. C. Hafer, Council Bluffs, la.
Don't forget that 1 have fin spring and
summer suit from 120 to IS. E. 8. Hick.
Ft ne rsrsb
Two hundred-acre farm five mil from
Missouri Valley. Good Improvement and
orohard. Cheap at 172 per acre.. . Wallac
Benjamin, room 1, Flrat National bank
building. . Office telephone 2uS.
This is refrigerator and gasoline stove
weather. You can aave yourself money
and annoyance by providing a Reliable
Gasoline Stove and Herrlck Refrigerator.
Paddock-Handschy Hardware company.
Van Brunt has grocers' wagons, butchers'
wagons, bakers' wagona. . milk wagons; ex
pressman's waa-ona. laundry wagons: In
fact, all klnda of delivery wagona. Piicea
to suit. Largest stock in the west.
Bcal Estate Transfer,
These transfer were reported lu The
Be June 7 by the Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
County sheriff to Council Bluffs Real
Keiate and Improvement Co.. lots
2, S and 4, In block . Williams' ad
dition to Council Bluffs, la; sher
iff's deed ta.iiuu tf
County sheriff to First National
bank or Council Blurts, lot i. In
block 2, Casady'a addition to Coun
cil Bluffs, la; sheriff's deed t.K ,"8
Agnes Folaom to James P. Chriaten
xen. lot . block !. Central subdi
vision. Council Bluffs, la.; swd..
73 DO
Heirs of John D. Kerr to Julia Kerr,
s. lug feet of lot 2, In block 6. In
Steele ft - Woods' subdivision in
Council Bluffs, la.; quit claim deed
1 W
Four transfer; total.... .13.TU6 SS
Art Pottery.
Alexander's Art Store haa Juat re
ceived a large shipment of artistic pottery
In vases, ' teapots, sugars and creamers,
pansy bowls, etc. Just the thing for wed
ding gifts.
A. Hospe Co., 33 South Main street, has
about, twenty leading makes of pianos on
their floor, and sell them from f&o to 11J5
,fas than other dealera ask for the same
' Refrigerators, porch chairs, porch rock
era, cool and reclining go-carts; go-carts
8 per cent off; full Una of mattings, lino
leums, carpets and rugs. D. W. Keller,
101 8. Main St.
Tin sprinklers, 26 to 60c; cherry stonera,
T6o to 11.16; chicken wire, o a square foot;
hand sickles, U to 60c; lawn rakes, 46c; th
best food choppers, 11.00 to 1200. John
Olson. 73$ West Broadway.
A. Metscar A Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
611 Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, Ia.
Home-mad Bread a Specialty.
They all say that the Ice cream made at
Purity Candy Kitchen la the best ever.
Soda water with pure fruit Juices &
Broadway. Tel. 674.
: CENTRAL FLOUK 1 16. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night.
Knlaht of Maccabees Election.
Council Bluffs tent. Knights of th Mac
cabees, elected these officer at its meeting
Wednesday bight: Comrnapder, Frank F;l
gan; lieutenant commander. C. A. Sandell;
sergeant, A. F. Flke; master-at-arms,
George RockwelUjcftaaUiin. A J. JRupert;
first master ef guArde,' H. A. Holden; -second
master of guards. Z. T. Jones; sentinel,
Ilsrry Bergman; picket, Henry Peterson.
The record keeper. Alva Smith, and flnahc
keeper. Iou Jensen, hold over. The newly
elected officers will be Installed by 8tate
Commander Lee of Pes Molnea at the first
meeting night In July.
l it EF.
So Coaaty Road at Proposed l.andla
and Board Without Jurisdiction.
The Board of County Supervisors at Its
session yesterday morning rejected the ap
plication of J. B. and O. A. Denton for a
license to operate a ferry from Florence,
Neb., to a point on the Iowa side of the
Missouri liver, Th board rejected the
application aolely on the grounds that It
had no authority to grant It, for the rea
son that where the ferry Is proposed to
land on this side of the river Is private
property. There Is no county road running
to the liver edge at which the landing
could be made and until such a road Is
estsbllshed the county supervisors' have
absolutely no authority 'In the matter.
The action of the Commercial club
Wednesday nlghf in voting to request the
supervisors to reject the sppllcstlon of the
Dentnns had no bearing on the course pur
sued by the county board yesterday. The
supervisors expressed themselves to the
Messrs. Denton, who were present at the
morning session, that, they saw no reason
why they should not grant the license
asked for if a county road was established
at the point on the Iowa side of the river.
Messrs. Denton told the board that they
would take the necessary steps to have
a road established, aa they said they felt
assured they would experience no dlfflculty
In obtaining the needed land for the thor
oughfare. Yesterday's session was taken up almost
entirely with the allowing of bills and
claims. Chairman Bullli spent several
hours attaching his signature to gopher
bounty claims, of which It is estimated
2T..0O0 have been filed since the bounty went
Into effect two months sgo. This means
that up to date the county board had
paid out 12,500 for the destruction of these
farm pests.
Go to Hicks' for your money' worth la
tailoring. No bluff, either.
High grade planoa aold on fusy payments,
110 down and 16 per month. ' 6wanson
Music Co., 407 .Broadway..
For Imported wines, liquors and Budwelser
beer, go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale liquor
dealer. 619 South Main street.
Summer school now open at Western Iowa
college. Enroll next Monday.
This week at Swaine & Mauer for hljth
grade Lawn Mower at rock bottom prices.
Swain & Mauer, 3261 Broadway.
Whit canvas Oxfords, all kinds. Prices,
U to 12. Duncan ft Dean. 23 Main street.
Graduate Urgeit Class In History of
AMES. Ia., June 7. tSpecial Telegram.)
The annual commencement of the class
ot '06 of Iowa Stat college waa carried
out In fitting style today. One hundred
and thirty-four young men and women
graduates, the largest class in the history
of the college, attired Jn caps and gowns,
formed in procession on the front steps
of Central hall and. with members of the
faculty and the 'bdarif Of trustees In th
lead, marched two abreast across the
campus to the- pavlHonr where, surrounded
by a host of .clausuiaies, parents and
friends, thev were to receive their dlnlo-
' mas. The large tent Vvas gaily decorated
with college and class colors and every
thing took on an air of Joy and good
feeling. ' ' !
Dr. O. 11. Cessna opened the exercises
with prayer, followed.; by the commence
ment address by Dr. P, W. Gunsaulus,
president of Armour Institute of Technol
ogy of Chicago, upon the "Heroism of
Scholarship." In the address he particu
larly emphasized the fact and impressed
upon the members of the outgoing class
that they were entering upon an age where
research demands heroism and that the
gateways of this world are open to you,
as are those of other Worlds.
The custom of promoting the Junior class
to the rank of senior formed a part of the
program. This was done by Hon. J. F.
Rlggs, stale superintendent of public In
struction, and responded to on behalf of
the Juniors by A. Q. Adamson.
In the evening a reception at the home
of President Storms was given for -the
alumni, faculty and friends,
i The dedication of the new IkHi.ouo CentrHl
hall waa held prior to the commencement
exercises with Impressive ceremonies.
Hon.- J, W. Dixon, thairmun of the build
ing committee, in a few appropriate re
marks, delivered th keys of the new hall
to Hon. J. B. Hurigerford, chairman of
the board of trustees. In turn the keys
were turned over to President Storms.
Final Session ot Relief Corps and
Ladle of . A. R.
BOONE. Ia., June . (Special Telegram.)
Women's Relief corps officers were elected
as follows: Department president, Addie
I'nangHt, Davenport, re-elected; senior vice,
Mary A. Sargent. Boone; junior vice, Cor
lnns Davis, Newell: secretary, Mary Roaiu
buck; treasurer. Jennie M. .Trout. Des
Moines: chaplain. Sadie James. Centervllle.
The Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re
public elected us follows: President, Anna
B. Weaver, Waterloo, re-elected; senior
vice, Mary Toland, Villlsca; Junior vice.
Kathrlne Hyde. Oskaloosa, re-elected; treas
urer. Annie Rencke of Muscatine; chaplain,
Wilhelmina Gray, Eagle Grove: counselor,
Julia Flanigan, Davenport.
The encampment closed with a campflie
Snndny school Workers Meet.
LOGAN. Ia.. Jun 7. (Siiecial.) The
thirty-sixth annual convention of the Har
rison County Sunday School association
convened yesterday afternoon at the Presbyterian-church
with a large attendance.
Many interesting topica were treated on the
program. Rev. J. F. MacAlllster of Mis
souri Valley delivered the address laat
night. The convention adjourned this aft
ernoon. '
Kennedy Breaks Deadlock.
BURLINGTON. Ia.. June T.-A. C. Ken
nedy of Iee county was today nominated
for coi.gTess by republicans of the First
Iowa district. Mr. Kennedy was nominated
on the 103d ballot. The deadlock waa
broken by the withdrawal of Mr. Car
penter of Louisa county.
Why suffer from this painful malady? One
application of Chamberlains pain Balm
will rellev the pain and make rest and
sleep poasi'ole. Many curea have been ef
fected by it continued use. Try It and be
convinced. Price, 26 cents; large slit, 6
Chlcaato and Rrtnrn S 13.2.1.
Tickets on ssl Jun 10th 11th and 12th.
Good .returning until Jun 17th. Tickets
and further Information at City Ticket
Office. 102 Far nam St., Omaha,
8nprema Court Cuts Off Bourc of BoTonna
for Officials. i
eteron frntn Aarora. eh Robbed
on .Train Retarwlna from the
state Encampment at
i From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. June 7 tSpeclnl.) County
clerks who receive moneys paid Into their
hands to await the determination' of a law
suit are i.ot entitled to the interest If de
posited In savings banks at Interest, ac
cording to a decision of the supreme court
today. In the case of David A. Rhea
against George Brewster of Sioux county,
Brewster, the county clerk, was paid 1M30
by Rhea pending the determination of a
suit over the purchase of some land. When
the money was finally paid the Interest
amounted to 1377.M and was withheld by the
clerk. He argued that he wss not forced
to deposit It at Interest and could have de
posited It without Interest, thereby es
caping the payment of the Interest. . The
court today holds that while the clerk is
not compelled to deposit the money at In
terest, If so deposited the interest aa well
as principal must - he paid to the person
finally designated by the courts. The de
cision will make a difference of hundreds
of dollars to the county clerks of the
state, as many have been able to greatly
Increase their Income through such de
posits. Ilamley Controls Fort Dorisce.
At the annual meeting of the atockholders
of the Des Moines A Fort Dodge Railway
company, held here In the freight house of
the roud, It was shown that Edwin Hawley
of New York is still in absolute control
of the road. The Rock Island, which op
erated the road under a lease for some
years till one year ago, has long been at
war with other Interests for the control
of the road. The traffic arrangement by
which the road was leased to the Minne
apolis ft st. Louis a year ago to be ope
rated by them was continued today.
Eighty-three per cent of the total amount
of common and preferred stock outstanding
and amounting to 14.OiiO.oOO was represented
today at the stockholder.' meeting by Man
ager L. F. Day of Minneapolis, Secretary
W. S. Crandell of New York and Oeneral
Counsel George W. Seevers of Minneapolis.
The following directors were elected to suc
ceed themselves: Edwin Hawley, H. B.
Huntington and F. H. Davis, all of New
Nehraakan la Hobbed.
An old soldier of Aurora, Neb., who Iias
been attending the Iowa department en
campment of the G. A. R. at Boone, wn
robbed of tSB between Boone and Des
Moines on the train on his way home to
Aurora last night. He formerly lived in
Fairfield, la. He bellevea, that the pocket
book wa taken from his pocket en route.
He refused to give his name.
Maaona to C Union.
The Iowa Masonic grand lodge closed Its
annual meeting here today and selected
Clinton, la., as the next meeting place.
Clinton received 443 votea and Cedar Rap
ids 238. The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: '
Grand master W. F. Cleveland. Harlan.
Grand senjor warden D. W. Clemmeiits.
West Union.
Grand Junior warden V. S. Moses, Clin
ton. Grand secretary Newton R. Parvin, Ce
dar Rapids.
Grand treasurer W. H. Y'oung, Hedrick.
Grand custodian O. N. Wagley, Newton.
Another Chapter n Inciter Case.
- Blanche- Do. Corvllle. who came to .Des
Moines some months ago from Council
Bluffs and found George Yaeger. whom
she asserted was her husband, living with
another woman, haa relented her blgamy
charges. She telegraphed Yaeger at Des
Moines a few days ago to "Come," and so
far aa known he went to her at Minneap
olis. In the bigamy charges which Blanche
De Corvllle started hist winter It was
shown that the woman whom Yaeger was
living with had a marriage license and
certificate, but that Miss De Corvllle did
not. Mrs. Yaeger is now In Des Moines,
arranging to start divorce proceedings.
She formerly lived 1n Council Bluffs.
One Man Dead and Five Arc Fatally
Injured In Coal Shaft at
Red Lodge.
RED LODGE, Mont., June ". At leuat
one man Is dead and several othera are In
a serious condition from asphyxlaMnn In
the Northern Pacific Railway company's
Rocky Fork coal mine, near here. Fire
which broke out In the mine several days
ago was supposed to have been extin
guished, but today the flames broke out
again. A number of men were over
come and a rescuing party of fifty volun
teers entered In search of their comrndes.
Many of these men were also overcome by
gas, but It Is thought that most of them
were brought out.
Joe Bracey Is dead. Thomas Mkelly, Al
McFarl. Terry Fleming, William Bailey a-.d
Thomas Atherton are In such serious con
dition that recovery la doubtful.
It Is believed that there are several
miners still In the mine, about seventy
feet below the air fan, and that they have
perished. There Is much excitement around
the mine.
Glaantlc Conspiracy.
'lis a gigantic conspiracy of Cough.
Colds, etci, against you.- Foil It with Dr.
King's New Discovery. Sue and 11.00 For
sal by Sherman ft McConncl Drug Co.
Sterlii.g Silver ri-enzer, 15th and Dodge.
Play for International Teanla Cap.
NEWPORT. England. June 7.-The ab
sence of Beals C. Wright, who is unable to
play on account of blood poisoning, proved
a serious handicap to the Americana In
the opening rounds of the International
challenge cup against Los - Poidevln.
Australia and A- v- W ilding, New Zealand.
iRaymond D. Little, who replaced Wrlirlit,
lost his match against Wilding, but Ward
won from Poidevln. who took the place of
Norman Brookes on the Australian team.
Ward'a playing was wonderfully accurate
and he displayed good Judgment In allow
ing the Australian to play himself out In
the opening stages of the second and third
aets. The scoren: Ward defeated Poidevln
-2. 0-4. 7-6. Wilding defeating Uitle -:!.
t-6. -l. Tomorrow Ward and Little will
meet Wilding and Poidevln in the doubles.
Go Between Wins Bis Handicap.
NEW YORK, June 7. Closing wJth a
great burst of speed In the final furlong
Go Between, barked down from 12 to 1, to
I lo 1 won the tlO.Ouo Westminster handi
cap mile and a quarter at Gravvsend to
day. Eugenia Burrh. an added starter
and quoted al 15 to 1 for the place waa
second and the favorite Cairngorm third
Time: 2:0HH.
Tesaa Town Holds Shops.
Al'STIN. Tex., June 7. The state u-
fireme court today refused a new hearing
ii Ihe case of the City of Tyler against
the Cotton Belt Railroad and held that
the general office and machine aiiopa for
the nuiin line of the road shall be main
tained in Tyler. The railroad la restrained
from removing them.
In the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses
leaning to decrees of A.. B. and klua ii
Claasne. Music. Art. A most eseellent fac
ulty. Campus W erree; 14 buildings; rains
moderate. M H. RFASFR. Ch D. Prea't.
U Coll-g Art. CHAMB&R8BLRG. PA.
Robert Stickney's Haute Ecole Troupe of Menage Horses
25 Horses. 25 Riders. '
The Spectacular Street Parade
la a revelation of what wraith, iM-roovoratu-o and brains ran accomplish in the
direction of equipping. orKanizinjr, nnd present Iiir a fiorRcous raffrvnt. Every
cage or chariot I a work of art. Every horse i a perfect beauty. Krerj
animal Is a perfect specimen. Every costume ia xpotleK. ' Every rider ia grace
fill. The music is plentiful and of the very beat in tact, the Tarade ia worth
going miles to see. IT TAKES PLACE DAILY AT 10 O'CLOCK. UNLESS
, 7. lV.iiOT.ii
The Crow
The Big Horn B
The Burlington makes an extremely low excur
sion rate to Sheridan or Billings to give everybody a
chance to register for the Crow lands, one fare for .
the round trip, with a maximum excursion rate of
$20.00 from Omaha, Lincoln, Denver and intermedi
ate points. Tickets sold June 10th to the 26th, in
clusive, final limit' July 10th. Of the million acres
to be drawn for in farms of 160 acres each, 125,000
acres can be abundantly irrigated-from surveys
made by the Government. Those best posted on-the
values uf irrigated lands through the West say that
every acre of Crow lands that can be irrigated will
be worth at least $50.00 an acre the day water is
turned on the land.. o((,000 acres are fine pasture
and grazing lands. ,
If you ever ex j sect to own a farm, you owe it to
your family to register for this drawing and take
your legitimate chances to secure a farm to develop
and hohl as an asset in vour familv wealth.
THE BIG HORN BASIN: From June 14th
to July 5th, this Company will place on sale at.
Sheridan, Toluca and Billings very low rate side
trip tickets to points in the Big Horn Basin for land
seekers and all who may take an interest in the de
velopment of that new and rich territory there are
about 400,000 acres of lands in the Big Horn Basin
to be placed under irrigation in the immediate
future; some of this land can be hoinesteaded ahead
of the Government ditch, and the rest can be bought
from private ditch companies today at from $25.00
to $40.00 an acre. ' - ' ',
You ait? sure to have an economical, interesting
and educational trip through the Northwest, to say
nothing of your chances to be successful in the Gov- '
eminent drawing. You will hear and learn a great
deal about irrigated lands, and in the vicinity of
Sheridan, Billings and Cody you will see large areas
of such lands now under a high state of cultivation.
. Ask you nearest Burlington agent ; for rates,
conditions of tickets and special leaflet giving details
in connection with this opening.
-I- --If I
Lindenwood College for Women
Diamond Jubilee C'oilra-e of the West.
Music, Klorunon. Art and Domestic Ki-onomy. I'hvsii-al and Htrateifli- location!
Am eaalbility to a great city, ttelttc-l iatroiiai(e. Limited number of boardera. Kverr
room taken during last s hnol year. Bf&utlful Im atlon. Clectito car to Xnia,
Catalogue on application. T. Oeog rraderl Arre. ra. D., Vie.
Bcc Want Ads
L. W. Wakeley. 6. P. A.t
1004 farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.
CaHcf t t
Aiademlr. strmlnurv aA rnii. rv..
Bring Results