Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Locili Tak Slacdnc Match from Linooln
in Wind and Dunt.
Chiralrr nmntr t'nrn Out
H-lp well the Twn If
rm Hero tb
B. V. O. K.
Newton. . . .
f hlian.' )tb. . .
Frwif, c
Corba-ft. p. . . .
2 1
P " 2
J h ft
X 0 0 A
1 o
2 9
i 0
.31 X 1 X 1! 1
0 f I O ,
1 0 0 0 0 i
Wwd.' FlSka1. Htolrn
' Thursday w Elk day st the Vinton
Stresl park and the mfmbr of the order
ware out In force, accompanied by their
friends and wire and west heart, to oe
the Rourkea win ft aluRKln match from
the Saltpeters by a ncore of It to . Stx-1s-n
hit were rriade off Bandera and four
teen off Harmon.
A worse day for the playing of od ball
or for the comfort of the fpectarors rouM
hardly ha-ve been chosen by the Elka for
their flay It the ball park, for the dust
whirled and drifted In every direction,
filling eye and ears and every crevice
with enough poll to grow a crop. -
The south wind wax not content to sweep
cms the diamond and make the game
dl.'ngreeahle for the player, bm had to
baric up, with lt load of duat Into, the
randetand to maka It uncomfortable for
the spectator". Thia' aanie ' soutlt wind
made It hard on the pitchers, for they
could not get up eteam, and the. ball waa
lilt for an exlra baee moet of the time.
Honor were about even In the hitting
line, although 5 a r wa able to keep hi
better scattered the fore part of the game.
The spectator wu first met outside the
ground by -aeveral ehmgnted Kike, who
Inclxted on spoiling the- nice ribbon with
which the ticket were tied to the button
hole. II.. N. Teterr, Jlmiiilc Aitiwow and
W-Mch Taylor looked after thl part of the
program. J.ynle Abbott kept hi eagle eye
on the throng to fee that none got by
without giving up a ticket, r.erke em
nnde wh nold for the benefit of the
Klk. hr were alo the cushion. All theee
receipt went ro the building fund which 1
being gathered together for the construc
tion of new. home some day.
Women Are. Tagged. .
Inside the women were presented with
a pretty carnation and a tag telling of
the Woodmen' carnival which 1 to be
held next week- on the Ak-8ar-Ben
ground. The next buy man to en
counter wa W. W. Cole, who wa veiling
box neat. 8ft me .of the.e had been aold
ahead, so It wa deemed advisable to ell
to the first comer Instead of trying to
auction them off. Cole' eye waa also
beaming a he gased with pride on. the
Royal Canadian band, which he had fur
nished for the orcaHlon. the Thirtieth in
fantry band having been culled away.
Many laudatory exprel6n were heard on
all side for , the excellent work of thin
organisation and especially for the cornet
soloist, who I becoming the hit of the
Carl Relter wn general master of cere
monies and made the announcement ,'hi
atead of auctioning the . boxes. Mayor
pahlman' wa late In arriving, so did not
pitch tha flrat ball, and Carl Relter re
fused to, so War Sander had to do It.
John Lund had seme official position near
the entrance to the ' grandstand and sev
eral other well known 'Elk were around
trying to make people ' It rloaer together
to make more room. Aa It was, tha grand
stand waa filled to the limit and several
hundred were In the bleacher..
Good Ball Impossible.
The fierce wind made good be ball out
.of the question, nd th,e game drifted, Into
a veritable jlugglng m,atcy. Lincoln waa
blanked in the first, although Sanders, hit
Wolf, whd wa playing 'for Ifolme. and
walked Ketchem. Omaha made three In.
It4'hlf, although - Carter, the f)ratman
up. struck out. Long walked and Basser
hit for a triple, Welch hit for a single,
and Howard hit for three, but did not get
home. :
Oondtng led oft the eecond with a triple,
and Carter reached tlrat when Wolf muffed
til fly. Both scored on Bassey's single.
The umpire was as bad as ever.
Perrlng hit for a home run In the sixth,
putting the ball over the right-field fence.
Bandera followed soon after with a triple,
hut could not cash In. A remarkable
thing happened In the .third Inning for
Omaha. But three men came to bat and
two of theae reached first; Welch hit and
.waa caught on second when Dolan hit to
short. Dolan waa caught napping at first
and Howard walked, to be caught trying
to purloin second.
Vain Rally la MnlK,
The then from Salt Creek threw, a cold
chill lrto the Bourke and the rooters of
tha Omaha team by the grand rally made
In the ninth. Ketchem slrgled, aa did
also Thomas. Collin flew out to Perrlng,
and Barton' safe bunt filled the bases.
Zlnran waa sent In to bat for Rogers and
he celebrated the honor Uy hitting for a
double, driving In two men. Collin scored
on Harnon's long, fly to Welch, but the
best Fillraan could do wa to hit, to How
ard, and the game waa over. -
The Rpurkca go, to Lincoln for', two
gsurtes and will return with Lincoln for a
game here Sunday. -
Tha score: '
. AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Tot ate
Puehlo .... .0 0
rMoux Clty..l t hlta:
base: Shvgart. First lse on balls: Off
Mtnoniei,. h, off Corbett,. 11. Struck out:
Hv Httmmel. ; bv Corbett, 1, Wild
pltrhen Corbett. 8tlmmel. Hit by
pltchd hall, Stlmmel. Double plsy: Reed
to Meyer. left on bases:- Puehlo. T4;
Hlnux Ctty, . Time: 2. JR. Cmptre:
Keefe. Attendance: 60.
nearer Has an Of Isr.
DENVER. Colo.. June 7 Rank error by
fienver and heavy hitting by the cham
pion enabled Iea Mnlne to take the third
gam o( the series. 11 to 1. Morgan was
butted out of the lox In the 'first. Paige,
who succeeded htm would have held Ies
Molne safe hut for the nor support. The
game was little . better than.. farce all
the way .through. . Ruscfll was spiked by
O ' Lea ry, .'Score. ... .... ..
' 'JJE8- MOIXES. :
' ' ' AB. R. H. PO ., A.
Caffvn, r ............ ..' ' t 'i
O Lear'.' Sb 3 " it ' 1 0
We 1.1h y. cf ..'..!.. 1 :i II 0
leter. 1h .....'..;... ('V H V I it
Towne, c- S " t " 4 0
Hogrelver. rf i.". 4.- 1 2 4 0
-Andrea. ...;.'..... 4 4 -2-1 I 1
MSKOon.- ;t.: '. ,t 0 " 4- S 0
Miller, p 4 " . 1 1
Total v. 11 ' 13 a
' DENVER. ' I '
A. K.
McHale. cf 5 . 1 J 2 0.1
T. Smith, h i . 0 . J . - 2 . 1
Randnll. rf..... 4,0.1. 31 . "
hiissell, lb S O 0 4 1 1
Reddlik. :.b .t 4 0 0 1 1 I
Belden. If 0 1 -.1 .
J. Smith, .......... 0.0 I : 1
Zalueky. c 4 0 . T 4 ,0
Paige, p 3 0 1 1.10
Morgan, p 0 o 0 , 0 0 0
Everett . . 1 , . 0 0 . 0
Totals .'1 8 1 t ' ZS 15
Bntlcd fof T: Rrhlth in ninth.
De Moines t 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 0-U
Denver 0 0 , 0 0 1 0 0-1
Sairiflce hits: O Leary, IU' Twa-lmfe hit:
Csfrvn. Three-base hits: Weldey, Towne,
Miller. Stolen bases: Dexter, H.igrelver
it), Andreas. Raxes on ball: Off Ialge,
4; off Miller, 4. Struck out: By Miller,.
21 bv Paige. 6. Wild pitch! Paige. Doubla
plays: Randall to Zalusky; J. Smith tun
iisiiisted); Bclden, T. Smith, to .J. Smith;
Magoon to Andrea; OLery to Dexter.
Klrt bne on errors: Denver 1; Pe
Moines. 5. I"ft on bases: Denver. 11;
Des Moines, t). Attendance, 6t. Time:
1:40. L'mplrc: Davis.
Standing; of the. Teams.
Played. Won. Lost
Ih-s Moines 33 !i3 10
Omaha . . . '. '3:1 11' 14
Hloux City :34 . 18 1
Denver 35 ' 1 J 1
Lincoln 34 li 1
Pueblo 33 9 24
Oames totlny: Omaha at Lincoln. Dcs
Moines at Denver, Sioux CRy at Pueblo.
President "ays C'lob Owaers See Xo
lac for It.
CHICAOO. June 7 President' O'Neill of
the Western Baee Ball league announced
tonight that the meeting called for June 8
at Puehlo has been declared off because
several club owners saw no reasons for
convening at this time..'
Conroy. u. . . 4
Chf. lb.r..
Laporte,' ab..
Wltharaa. lb. i
DtlMMirtr, It 4
HnftmAQQ. c( 4
MrOnlr. ... 4
Hhn, 4
New York Win Hotly Contested Game
from St. Lonl la Thirteenth.
ST. LOIHS, June 7. Hrtzel!", throw to
the pavlllnh. which sctired Oouroy and
placed Chase on third, from where, he scoreJ
on- a fly to the outfield, won a hotly con
tested thlrteen-inning game for New York,
giving them an even break on the serle.
St. Louis was unfortunate, as every error
by the home team- counted in the run get
tlrig. Scose: .....
new York. 'it. lout.
b h.o.a.k b h.o.a c.
KeeUr. ft...; 4 1 0 Store; If.... I 0 10 4
I I I 1 Hemmiltl, cf I 110
1 14 1 IJnno. lb.'.... i I IS S
0 1 t I O'Brien, lb.. 4 11 3
V 1 I VIUc.. MB. . S t I It C
t 6 .4NIIM. rf... .f4- 0 4 0 t
-1 . Hactotl,. tk.-.i4 1 t 1
1.7 OfiMrxll. p. . 1 1 1
1 I 0 Klrkry. t 4 I 1
' Koeblr ....'1 t 0 0
II , f 1 . . ,
ToUl,.-lT 8 St 17 4
Batted for Miles In the thirteenth. .
New York .,..2 0100O0 0 0 10026
St. Louis 00 110( 000100 0-
lArqed runs: New York. 2; SU I-OUI. 1.
Two-buse hits: Powell, Jlahu. Wallace.
Three-base hit: O'Brien. .Home run:. Wil
liams. Sacrifice hits: Haha, Jones, Nlics,
Keeler 2, Chasu. Doubln pluys; Powell to
O'Brien to Jones; Hartxell (o Jnnea. Stolon
bases: Conroy. (3, Chase (2). Keller, Hemp
hill. Hartxell. Hit by pitched ball: by
Hahn. Hartzell (2). Bases on balls: Olf
Powell. 6; oft Hahn, 2. Struck out: Uy
Powell. 8: by Hahn, 7. .Left on baaee: ht.
Louis. 10; New York, ., Time:- 2:2t. Um
pires: Evans and Connolly.
Detroit Defeats Waahln'ataa.
DETROIT, June 7. Patten was found for
a double, single and triple in the fourth
and these hits, with a base on balls and
an error, gave Detroit a lead that . made
victory easy. uobD s Patting was tne lea
ture. Score :
B H.O.A K. . u. H.O.A
p. Jonei, cf. 4
Donovan. Zb. 4
Crawford, lb. 4
MVlntyre. If. 4
Cobh. rf 4
Couglln, 3b.. i
O'Lrary. aa.. 4
Fayna. c 4
Donahua, P.. 4
Tola la. .'.
Wind Oitj Hitionalt Pound Cmk Pitchers
. of Champion! Unmerciful! 3 .
Former Omaha Twlrler Allows Hut
Three Hlta In rern Innings
cores of Other
NEW YORK. June ".The Chicago team
simply- smothered the New York National
league ' champions today. ' Mathewson wa
knocked out of the box In the first Inning.
McGlnnlty waa handled In the same manner
tn the"sec.ond. When ' Ferguson 'began to
pitch the visitors lett. up and diil not try
very hard during the remnlnlng Innings.
!. rf
Shmkard.- ir. 3
.bulia. rf. .. i
Chnif. lb... i
PteirifUdl. Jb 4
Tinker, aa 4
Frarii, 2b 4
Hnfman, 'Jb.. I
Moran, c 4
Pflaiar. p... I
JlaulbM'li. p. 1
A i:
0 Hrrsnaban. f
tlrowne, rf... i
0 0 M.Oami. lb.
1 0 Menu. If...
I 0 Pahlen. h. .
7 0 Devlin. 3b...
It Ofillhort. b..
D.ll O.A .K
1- 4 Howerman. c. 4
4 0 Mnthaimotf. p 0
1 MeOlnnltr. P 0
A 3
V 1-1
It t
9 4 KfTfuaon, p.. 2 0
Total! 44 13 27 IS 0 ToUla t 4 87 23 4
Chicago 11 3 2 1 10 0 1 018
New York 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
. Left on base:-Chicago, 17: New York. 8.
Bases on balls: Off Matbewson, 1: oft Mo
OlnOity, 2; oft Ferguson. 6; off Pfclster, ;
of . Reulhach, 1. Struck out: By McOlnnity.
1; by Ferguson, 2; by Pfelster, '. Hits: Off
Muthewson. 3 In one-third Innings;
off McQInnlty, B In one and one-third In
nings; off Ferguson. 14 In seven and One
third Innings; off Pfelster, 3 In seven in
ning: cifT Ri-ulbach. 1 In two innings. Home
run: Schulte. Tliree-bnse hit: Heulhach.
Stolen base: Dnhlen. Devlin (2), Evers.
Passed ball: Bowerman. Time: 2:10. L'm
plre: Emslle and tl'Duy. "
Jit. Lonls 'lna from Ilrooklyn. ,
. BROOKLYN. N. Y. June 7.-The local
team, after winning six straight games,
met defeat today. St. Ixiuls won, 7 to' 3.
Brooklyn lidding was ioor and Taylor's
pitching wa effective. Score:
Brnnatt, 2b.. (
Shannon, If.. 4
Bmoot. cf. .. . 4
H-klT. lb.. 4
Amt. 3b 4
lloelak'tr. rf. 4
Uradr. c 8
MrHrlda. aa.. 8
Taylor, p 4
S V I'aHev. ' lb..,
0 0 Batch, If...
0 Ltimley. rf..
1 0 Jordan, lb. .
1 9 Maloney, cf
4 1 Brgan. e...
1 0 Alparman, 1
4 1 Lcwla. aa...
0 Sranlon. p..
6 3 4 1 1
1 0
0 13
ToUla 17 8 27 18 2 . .
Totala U 27 4 4
'Batted for Scanlon In ninth.
St. Louts 0 1 2 0 8 0 1 0 07
Brooklyn 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 13
Two-base hits: Shannon. Arndt. Caser
Three-base hits: Smoot. Arndt, Hoelskoet
ter, Bergen. Home run: Jordan. Sacrifice
hit: Heckley, Alperman, Lewi. Stolen
base: Hnelskoetter. Double play: Beckley
to McBrlde. Left, on boxes: Off Soanlon,
Brooklyn, 8. Bases on balls. Off Scanlhn,
2; off Taylor, 2. Struck out: By Scanlon.
4 by Taylor. 1. Balk: Taylor. .Time: 1:40.
Umpire: Johnstone.
Cincinnati Wins In Eleventh.
PHILADELPHIA. June . 7. Cincinnati
today won a well-played eleven-Inning
game from Philadelphia. The visitors tied
the scors in the ninth on ( clour play at
the plate and won' on Odwell's three-base
hit. Score:
Wr'alc. :'h
Hie k-ana rf .
Klbm. Ih . .
'rltr If .
tllll-Wltl. W
Han. t-
Ri'tfr. p. . .
Totala. '.. . .
4 i 1 3
1 10 1
I 3 4
0 1 I
mnn's inflel.l fly allowed to drop safe.
Munmrer l'lymr, lircn and Bevllle wer'
put off the rMd by I'mpire Kane. Score:
R.H II A l: H H O A B.
4 1 4 I Hol liiann, . 3 1 2 3 I
l 2 I cllf.n. 3
1 4 n Hvnea. If
S I 1 1 I lark 3b
I 1 e Hataitian. lb. I
I J 1 i ill. i f 4
I' I 4 HiUh. r . 3
7 I U hcwy.l'rf 4 n .1
e . 2 o M.-i'orm'k. sb i 1 ! 3
Obarlln. p 3 n 2 I
:'7 1: ':
totala 88 7 24 li 3
Cirlumhua 2 o 0 2 0 0 n -1
Milwaukne A 0 0 0 0 2 i) 0-2
Stolen Clark r.'i, Robinson. Shc
ritice hit: llulswltt. Double plav: Krlel
to Wrlnley to k'lhni. lilt by pitched ball:
Coulter. Robinson. Struck out: Ilv Bcr-g-r.
8; by Obi-rlln. 3. Passed ball:' Roth.
Wild pltchos: Oberlin. 2. Time;, 1:4... em
pires: Kunn iind Sullivan..
Kansas 4'lty Heats Toledo.
TOLEDO. June 7. it took five pitchers to
handle today mnie. Kunsa City drove
In ten in the second and but lor the steadi
ness of Swiifiti. who pitched pact of the
ninth, would hiivc lot When Toledo rallied.
H.II.U A.E., R H (l A K.
.1 3 1 it Kimr. rf 4 3 k 0
i I a u o J rhirke. If. 4 I 4 n
.'. a I 0 l.Drmont. 4 12 2 1
4 0 4 1 n J,:u. rf 6 u s i u
4 2 e n Krami. :'.b. 4 2 0 10
3 3 10 Kmt-. !b 4 I 3 u
Townseud play Christie and Boyer on the
Field club links.
B. H.O.A.K.
Huftlna. 2b. 8 I 1
Harry, lb.... 8 1 It
Keller, If.... 8 2
Seymour, cf . . b 0
Doirhaniy, Jb 6 3
Corcoran, aa.. 8 1
Odwrll, rf.... 4 3
Schlsl, c 8 1
Walrnar. p...6 2
0 Thomas, rf . . r
0 QlMLfon. 2h . 4
t) Courtney. 3b. 4
0 y.ngrm. It..:. 4
6 Tlma. rf.' 4
0 Uranrflcld. lb 4.
.. 4
i. 4
.. 4
.. 1
0 Donlln
1 Dooln.
i sparka,
Tatala 42 18 23 13 1
Totala .40 7 33 12 8
Batted for Courtney In eleventh.
Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 1 0 13
Philadelphia ...0 020000000 02
I.eft on bases: Cincinnati, 10; Philadel
phia, 6. Stolen bases: Odwell (2). Magee,
Barry.-Two-base lilt: Doollu. Three-base
tilt: Odwell. 'Double plays: Courtney , to
Hransfleld; Titus to Bransrield. Struck out:
Hy Sparks, 3; by Welmer. 6.- Bases on
balls: Off Sparks. 3. lilt by pitched ball;
Odwell. Time: a:06. Unrplre: Klem.
Ciame I'Aitponril.
At Boston Boston-Pittsburg game post
poned; wet grounds.
Standing; of the Teams.
Plaed. Won 'Lost.
Chkugo 411 ;',4
Pittsburg 44 2).
New York 47 29
Philadelphia 50
St. Louis 4!'
Brooklyn 47 1H
Cincinnati 50 19
Boston 46 '12
Games today: Plttaburg at Boston,
cinnutl at Philadelphia, Chicago at
York, 'St. Louis at Brooklyn.
.4 1
Carter, rf....
Long, ....
Bassey, If...
Welcn. of....
lilan. lv...
Howard, ss. .
Perrlng. 3b..
Oondlng, c,
Sander, p...
Total ...
Flllntan. ss
Wolf, If ,.
Vlulllin, 3b ....
Ketchem, rf
Ihomai, lb
Collins, , rf.
Barton, 2b
Rogers, c
Harmon, p
85 11
........ ft
.-.-4 1
v 1
4 i
5 2
4 0
5 0
1 0
14 27
11. PO.
1 3
Zlnran batted for Rogers In the ninth.
Omaha 0 S 0 1 8 0 -n
Lincoln .,..0 80000 403-
Two-base hits: Carter. I .on;. Perrlng
(2. Collin. Zlnran. Three-bae hit: Bms
sey, Howard. Gondlng, Sanders, Quilllu,
Harmon. Home run: Perrlng. I.eft on
baiaes: Omaha, 3: Lincoln, lo. First base
on ball: Off Sanders. 2; off Harmon. 8.
Struck out: Ry Sanders, 6: by Harmon, 4.
Stolen bas-: Welch. Carter, Bassey,
Howard, Collin. Time: :V. I'mpire:
Fuller. Attendance: 2.tkl.
Paehls Has F.aay Time.
Pl'EBLO. Colo.. June T. In a gamo
played In one of the worst dust and wind
storms ever seen here today the Indians
defeated the packers. 8 to t. Stlmmel. fo
th Indians, had everything his own wav.
allowing only three scattering hits, while
Corbett waa touched up for thirteen eafe
ones. The score:
8 0
lis OAltlzar, aa.... 4 0 0 4 1
0 1 1 1 Schalfly, 2b. .1 12 8 1
0 10 0 OCroaa. 2b..,.. 4 121
1 4 U OAndcraon, If. 4 1 2 0
4 0 Hckirm, rf.. 4 '2 3 1 0
1 4 3 4 r. Jonas, of . 4 t 1 0
0 4 8 Slahl. lb 3 1 11 4
8 3 3 Kiuredfs. a. 4 8 1
184 fatten, p.... 2 1 2
Wakcflald ..1 t
.84 1 27 14 1
. . Totala 24 3 34 li 4
Batted for Patteiv In ninth:
Detroit .'.r..;..0 0 i 4 0 2 1 0 7
Washington ...0. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
' Tun.hii hits:' Cobb:1 Anderson.' Three
base hits: D. Jones,' Cobb, Payne. Sacrifice
hit: Coughlln. Bases n cans: hit imnanui',
V off Jl'atten, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By
Donahue, 1. ""Lrft bh bases: ' Detroit, 6;
Washington,-'' to. Strut-It'. ou: BY lonahUe,
I;' by Pgtten, ,Y lloHble pay- UohamiS tj
O Leary tp CvUw-fSenr: lmev. H)..'ii:niilres:
llWtM Ctftjtior..
.. C,ievelia,Shal;s ,bt Ronton. ,
CL:VELA'ND."5 Jane- f. Joss.hoid Boston
down to three hit and. receiv.rt? ier(ect
unnort. shut ot the visitors, -t ...ivln in-
Juivd a finger, Hydn, who y.t-t-. recently
reinstated by the national commission, tak
ing his-place. Syxire:, r , .... . ,
U. H.O.A.K- ' .B.H.O.A.E.
FUrk. rt 4 2 10 J Parent, as.,. 3 0 0 i d
0 a a a Hunt, of ,a a 2 a
0 2 i v (Irlmvbaw. lb 3 . 1 11 0
2 li 8 tl flalharb. U'. .. 4 8 8 3
1 IS if 1 11 0
110 V God. In. lb.,. 2 4 14
13 8 8 Havdm, rf... 2 0
0 8 1 up-errta. :&.'... 3 t 2 u 3
0 e i UJkrinlinB r, c. I 4 2 4 1
--7 Harris, p... . 3 0 8 0
2 t:1H 0,
'...'.. '-.ToUls......28- 3 4 W i
Clevelnhd ' -.'.:.... V 4) 0 0 1 0 4
Boston t 0 0. 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: Ia)ols. lYecman. Three
base hit: Flick.' Bacrirtce hits: Bay. Turner.
Joss, Rossman. Stolen IWHea: Flick. Brad
ley. Double play: I.ajole to Turner to Rons
man. Base on balls: Off Joss, 4; off Har
ris, t. Left on bases:- t'lrveland, ui lioMon.
7. Struck -out: By Joes. 3; by Harris, 2.
Time; 1:28.- I'mpire:. O'Loughlin. '
t.ame Postponed,
At Chicago Chicago-Philadelphia
postponed; wet; grounds.
staudlaw el the Trams.
Minneapolis Takes Both Sections of
Doable-Header from lndlannpolla.
INDIANAPOLIS. June .7. Indianapolis
lost to Minneapolis in both tjunies of a
double-heuder today. The were shut
out in tho second game. Score, first game:
Davis, ct 4 1 1 0 Vinson. rf...4 1
Oolirlns. rt..6 3 1 1 0J. carr. aa..4 0
I 18 tl OHIiPsa. cf..
Hart. lb.
Ormlner, Ibl t I I or. Carr. lb.
uranam. if... t i v onrrr. u...
(lylrr. aa 4 8 3 8 0 Holuiaa. .
I 4 0 Uamaa, 3b.
1 0 0
4 1
. 4 1
2 0
0 0
1 0
4 12 0 0
Hhaimon. c... 8
Bar. cf.,.
Turnar. as... 3
Lay.. 2b.... I
Hot, lb. 3
Jarkaoni If... 4
Bradley, "3b. . 4
llarke. f 3
Joae, p.' ; 2
4 17 3 0
3 0 12 2
Poi. 2b 3 0 3 3 OMarcjin, 2b.. 2" 1 4 4 0
Uadwsl'dcr, p 4 0 0 2 4 Walker. p....l! Mil
Totals...... S3 10 37 11 1 Totals 31 4 27 13 3
Minneapolis ..-..3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 01
Indianapolis v..0 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 -01
First, base on balls:' Off Walker. B; off
CadWallader, l. Strilik 'out: By- Walker.
3; by Cadwallader. r. Two-liane hits:
Graham. Davis Perry. Sacrilice - hits:
Shannon t2). Walker, Graham.'- Double
play: J. Carr to C. Carr. Stolen basea:
Hart, Davis.' Gremfnger, Fox. Left on
bases: Indianapolis, b; Minneapolis, 10.
Umpire: Kgan. Time: 2:W.
Score, second game:
B.H.O.A.E. . B.H.O A E.
Vlnaoa. rf.... 4 3 1 u 0 Pavla. if.... 3 3 0 0
a o oenrtng n . a u no u
0 0 Mart, lb 18
0 UGlemlngcr Sb 4 2 0 1
SOrahani. If . . 4 0 3 1 0
1 0 O) ler. aa 3 1 ( 2 4
1111 Chai.non. c 3 0 8 k 0
0 4 3 0 Kok. 2b 3 0 3 1 0
1 ford, p 3 0 . a
4 0
J. Carr, aa... 3
Hlr.iea. cf ... 4
C. larr. lb... 4 1 13
Parry. If 4 1 1
Kabua, c.;... 4
Jamea, 3b. . . . 1
Mar, an. 2b.. 2
Kelluin. p.... 3
1 3
U 4
Perrlne. k.
I'ady, If
W a Mi nn, rf
Slatlerv, lb
Hill, cf ...
Phylc. .'b ...
flurke, Sb..
Li-ahy. c. . .
Olmnlead. p
Willlnm. p
Saann. p...
I ! 1 I ll I larke. Ik i 2 12 0 0
: 4
n 2
4 3 4 0 0
0 0 4 1 0
3 1 It 3 4
110 0
1 0 Alihntl
3 (I I 0 band. c...
. I 0 0 0 0 Mlnahan. p
. U II (I U 0 Klnaella. p.
. 1 Prsns ....
41 14 27 3 1
Total! 4 13 27 It 8
Batted for Klnsella In ninth.
Kansas City ' 0 10 0 0 I 0 0 0 011
Toledo ;.0 0 0 0 t 0 0 K 18
Two-hae hits: Krueger, Phyle, Casey, W.
Clarke. Nance.; Left on bases: Toledo. 11;
Kansas City, 8. Struck out: By Mlnahan,
1; by Klnsella. 5; hy Olmstend. 4. Bases
on balls: Off Mlnahan. 1; off Klnsella, 1; off
Olmstead. 4; off Williams, 3; off Swann, 1.
Sacrifice hit: Hill. Hit by pitched ball:
Burke. Wild pitch: Klnsella, Double
plays: Jude to W. Clarke; Deniont to W.
Clarke. Hits: Off Mlnahan 2 In one and
one-third innings; off Klnsella, 14 In seven
nnd two-thirds innings; off Olmstead 11
In seven nnd one-third Innings. Tim": 2:06.
Umpire: Haxkell. -
Standing of the Teams
Played. Won. Lost
Columbus . .
Kimsus City
Milwaukee .
Louisville ..
St. Paul
43 .
) .1
I Z a nil,. Imlav, I1 1. r . .
, . iv.T. niliwau IVFI. ail VOIUmDUS,
Kansas City at Toledo, St. Paul at Louis
ville, Minneapolis at Indianapolis.
National Commission Defines Terri
torial Rights of Minor Clubs.
CINCINNATI, June 7.-The natlonnl base
ball commission today handed down two
Important decisions. In the caso of Player
Arthur De Groff of the St. Ixml Na
tionals, who wa released without the
usual ten days' notice, as his contract
called for, the commission held that the
St. Louis club was wrong Hnd that the
playrr should have been given a ten -days'
notice, with ten days' pay.
The commission decided that It has no
Jurisdiction In the case of the Toledo Amer
ican league club for the service of, Player
Deniotitrevllle. De.montrevllle was awarded
by the national , board of the National
association to the Rochester club of the
Kastet n league,, and the Toledo club and
the player himself appealed from the de
cision. a ,
The commiasion today sent out the fol
lowing notice: "The Newark club, through
Secretary Parrel! of the National associa
tion, notified the commission that 'the New
York American leaurue cmo plaved the
KllxHbeth Stars at Klixaheth. Mav 20. The
Newark club contends that Elizabeth In n
their territory, and' protests against the
gamea being played by New York club.
While there Is ,np specific provisions with
respect to the territorial rights ol minor
lengue clubs In , the national agreement,
the commission nevertheless holds that In
order that the property right of all minor
league clubs may be fully protected that
no majrr league -club will be permitted to
plHV any gtimea.'tn a city controlled by a
club of the national association, or within
five miles of Wavir a eity except with the
convent of the, Int"rsted minor IcHgue
club. . A , penajt,j;;.rwill, be Inflicted upon
every niajyrJette ib that violates It.
: OrleaaaSTarfrats Alma. '
' ORURA.V, N,t'r..;''jun' 7. (Special.) The
base ball game Here today resulted:
Orleans' .:'.....,.,'. 1 16 5
Alma : 6 10 7
Kittcrles: Orleans, Stein and Wade;
Alma, Conklln. Liberty and Zerbe.
tinmen In Three-1 lenaor.
At Springlleld fipiingrlnld. 7; Bloomlng,
ton, 3. '
At Ds venporte-Davenport. 4; Cedar
Kwpids. 0. .
At Dubuque Debuqiie.. 6: Rork Island, 1,
At Decatur Decatur, 7; Peoria, 3.
( oronns Want a Game.
The Coronas are without a game for next
Sunday. June 10, and would like to hear
from any team lit or out of the city. Any
teum desiring this date address Nell Smith,
manager. 1WJ South Twenty-eighth street.
Phone Harney 15fW.
Iowa I.eaorne Reaalta.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. June 7. (Special
Telegram. I Following are results In the
Iowa lesgue:
Murshalltown, 4; Keokuk, 1.
No other game today.
. Denver Golf Crack Here.
Nichols, the crack golf player of the
Denver club, spent the afternoon yt-.-terday
at the field club.. He and Townsend beat
Clark and Christie one up. Today he and
Champion Loses First rt In T'onr-
nament Oarlna This (iamr.
LIVKRPOOL. June 7 Miss May Stl'
ton of Pasnilcna. Csl. wss given one of
the hardest matches she ever had In hti'
Irinl in the seoud round of the Northern
Counties Ladlen' singles championship.
played at Algtiuitn. Liverpool, tins atter
ncmi. Her opponent was Mrs. Sterry, who
hs Miss Cooper gained many tennis honors
a few years ago. At the outst Miss Sir
ton was nonplussed by Mrs. Sterry' tac
tics. The latter alternated a short drive
just over the net Willi a long, lob, and
Miss Sutton was kept running all over
the court. Although winning the first
set. she lost the second the first set that
she had lost In tournament play. By sheer
staying power she secure, I the third set
and match, but she was tired out and she
and 1). R. Rhodes of Huston were bcati'M
In the all-Kngland mixed doubles cham
pionship by K. tlasiagli ami Mrs. Sterry.
Karller In the day she and Mr. Rhodes
had defeated Mr. Fry and Miss F. Long
hurst, so that tho day whs a severe tc:H
of the staying power of the champion.
Thi scores:
All-England mixed doubles champion
ship, preliminary round: D. R. Rhuailes
and May Sutton defeated Mr. Frv und
Miss LoiiKhurst. 6-2, li-2.
First found: Mr. !:islnt;ll and Mrs.
Sierrv defeated Mr. Rhoades and ATTss
Sutton. 4-6, 6-4, 6-3.
Ladles' singles, second round: Miss Sut
ton defeated Mrs. Sterry, 6-4. 4-6, 6-3.
4. en era Man Does Some Fine Work
at the Trap.
LINCOLN, June 7. (Special Telegrams
Charles A. Thorpe of Geneva, who put up
a trophy to be shot for by the Stale Sports
men' association, won it himself, breaking
9 out of luti target. The shoot closed this
evening, the last day being a miserable one
from a weather standpoint.
The dlckle bird prize was won by Oooige
Maxwell, who broke 20 straight. The
championship was won by L, J. Capp of
Kearney by breaking 24 out of' 25. His ptixe
Is a gold watch.
. Following are some of the high scores in
the professional class, 6"0 targets being shot
at: Ed O'Brien. Florence. Kan.. 470; W. II.
Herr. Concordia, 4H8; Chris Gottlieb, Kan
sas City, 457.
In the amateur class Harvey Dickson of
Joplln, Mo., won the gun case. Other
scored a follows: George Mackle, Soam
mon, Kan.. 4v, George Llnderman, Court
land. 44: William Veatcli, Falls City, 4u0.
H P.I.I)
Brltt. Mr-Govern and llnrst Charged
with Violating: New York. Law.
NEW TORK. June 7. Terry McGovern
and Jimmy Brltt. the pugilists; Harry Pol
lock, manager of the Twentieth Century
Athletic club, and Tim Hurst, who reformed
the bout between McGovern and Brltt be
fore the Twentieth Century club about two
weeks ago, today were held for trial In the
court of special sessions by Magistrate
Breen. They are charged with violating
that section of the penal code relating to
prize fighting. Ball was fixed at 15'JO In
each case. Twelve other persons, including
fighters, waiters and ticket seller, also
were held for trial on a similar charge.
In his opinion holding the accused. Mag
istrate Breen said: "The uncontradicted
testimony of two police officer shows that
charges of admission "were made. There
seems to have been a defiant and reckless
disregard of the penal statute and the sup
posed protection of a delusive subterfuge.
The farcical legerdemain In the pretended
Initiation of a multitude of so-called mem
ber was a crude attempt to make the law
a mockery."
Matinee Raoea at Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. June 7. (Special Tele
gram.) The first mstlnee rces of the sea
son given hy the Beatrice Driving asso
ciation were held at the driving park this
afternoon. There was a large attendance.
Roadster race, five entries
Dewey ,
Miss Dell
Jack Da ill" Is ,
Time: 1:27, l:2fH.,. 1:23.
Three-year-old class
Lou McGregor
Time: l:26t, 1:24H. 1:29.
3:40 class
Time: ,2:40, 2:51.
3 1
1 4
2 8
t dr.
4 2
(o Somewhere
Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha
San Francisco and Los Angeles, Jum 25 to .July 7. .$52.00
One way via Portland 64.50
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle . . 60.00
One wav via Shasta Ilovite ,'73.50
Portland and Seattle, June 18 to -22 - 50.00
One way via California -. 62.50
Spokane, Wash., . 55.00
Butte and Helena 50.00
Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00
Salt Lake City and Ogden 30 50
Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 1.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, July 10 to 1G 15.00
Codv. Wvo. : 30.10
Sheridan, Wyo. ...'
Deadwood and Lead, S. D
Hot Springs, S. D
Chicago, I1L, June 10, 11 and 12
Chicago, 111.,
St. Louis, Mo
Milwaukee and Madison, Wis
Mackinac Island, Mich., .
Charlevoix, Mich.,
Petoskey, Mich.,
Bay View, Mich
Detroit, Mich
Port Huron, Mich
Put-In-Bay, Ohio
Buffalo, N. Y., June 8, 9 and 10.
Buffalo and Niagara Falls
Chautauqua Lake Points
Montreal, Quebec
Toronto, Ontario
Portland, Maine
Boston, Mass., May 31 to June 9, inclusive. .
Louisville, Ky., June 11, 12 and 13
Better call or write and let me plan your summer
vacation for you. I can give you all the
latect information and free descriptive lit
erature. ,
J. D. REYflOLDQ, C. P. A.,
1502 Farnam St. ' Omaha. Neb.
Yoonsr Men on Long; Ride.. 1
Henry L. Taylor and Rlmeon M. .Render I
of Bryan. O.. arrived last evening en rov.
to Ban Francisco on a horsehack adventure
from Brvan to the Golden Gate. They said
they were riding on a wager of Jl.oon made ,
between Hugh Mcl'hall Hnd F. K. 8hank of
Hryan. The terms of the ride are they shall i
earn their own expenses and rent on Sun
day and make the distance of 3.JK) miles in j
13ft da vs.
Tavlor and Benner. each 20 years of ape, I
left their home on May o and have ridden
from thirty-five to forty mllew per day. the
highest run being forty-eight miles In one
dav. They are. riding broncho ponies and
each carries eighty-five pounds of luggage.
They make their expenses selling souvenirs.
Axtel Defeats Hertrand.
RKRTRAND. Neb.. June 7. (Special Tel
egram.) Axtell dcfated Bertrand here to
day by a score of fi to 4. The feature of
the game wa Atkinson- home run. Bat
teries: Bertrand, Atkinson, Masters and
Masters; Axtell. Adams and Olcson. Hits:
Bertrand. ; Axtell, 6. Errors: Bertrand,
6; Axtell, 4.
We are 8p3cialiFts for diseases of
men and men only. The most stubborn
and complicated cases yield quickly to
our scientific treatment.'
Pay Us for Cures
We cure Nervous Debility, Vital
Weakness, Enlarged Veins, Rupture,'
Sores and Blood Poison, Swollen
4rais-w-s Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal
uiseaaes, ana an diseases ana weaic
rt esses of men'due to iimeritanc!,' exhaustion of the result' '
of specifio diseases.
Horthwestern Medical & Surgical Institute
Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb.
l.eslusrton is Stint Ont.
LEXINGTON. Neb., June 7. (Special Tel
egram.) Lexington and Grand Island
niDr.ri thin ifi.rnnnn on the Lexington dia
mond during a fierce gale from the r.nrth-
West. The game resulted tn a victory nir
Grand Island hy a score cf 7 to 0. Yester
day Kearney defeated Iexlngton by a score
of 5 to 4.
HT"""!1'"" "u"'
New York..
Cleveland . .
St. louls...
Chicago . . . ,
. . 43
.' 4
.. 4a
v 41
. i
, .. .4a
. . 43
.. 45
'Won. - Lost. pet.
. 27 1C .:
25 - 15 . .r.Ji
:i it .&i
21 .5S J
i ;M . f 7
Li J .34
'13 ' 32 .29
Cook, If
McUilvray. lb.,..
Xhugerl. 2b
Melchotr. rf
Blake, cf
Klwert. lb
Klsk. SS........
Messitt. e
Ptlnimel, p.,
H. Vp.
ft U
AB. A. II.
raunrfoelL Vt a 2 o .
Kotiit, cf. i t ;
Meyers, lb t a 1
V7d. lb 4 a (
4 sts ttm.,...t,i
1 n
n . .
Games today: Washington at Cleveland.
Philadelphia at St. Louis, New York at
Chicago, Boston at Detroit.
Krsrstr Btati llasllaas.
HASTINGS. Neb.. June 7. (Special Tele
gram. I Kearney won from Hastings today
through errors by the local team. Score:
Kearney 0 0 t 1 O 0 1 02
Hastings 1 0 li a) 0 u 0 ty-l I
Earned runs: Hastings, 1. Two-base
hits: Hide. Hamilton. Struck out: Hy
Zackhart, 6; by Howard. 1. rmplres; Pen
dcrgrsfl and Rucgge. '
Broken" Beer s Wtaner.
BROKEN BtlW. Neb,. Juns 7 ulueolal
Telegram.) In the face of a terrific wind
Sturm today Urttkea Bus won Against
Callaway with a scor of I to 12. . Both
nines played below tha "average. .
- 4 aLrpt r svaor f ansa' t aa.
Th) rarperrer,'PpeT 'company hand "hall
team, would l)ke a game Stt(rflsv s5r-
nmm witti' s house resift -1 Tel
Manager ttmulti at UougUs
Totals......: 4 14 11 Tciala 30 117 14 4
Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 '-3
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 o u 0 0
First base on balls: Off Kellum, 1; off
Ford, 2. Struck out: By Kellum. 1; hy
Ford. 3. Hit by pitched ball: Davis. Bac
rlrtcs hits: tiehrlng. Jutnes, J. Carr.
Double play: Graham to Hluinnon. Stolen
base: Marcan. lA-tl on hases: lnliau
apolls, i: Minneapolis. 4. I'mpire: Kgan.
Time: 1:46.
Distillers Win Excttlag t.eroe.
ICISVILLE. Ky.. June 7. Louisville
detested Ht. I'aul In an exciting game her.,
today. The locals used three pitcher and
the visitors to. Score:
B.H.O A G.
Hallman. If . J 1 4 0 Gaiar. If:.
a 0 buaaen. id
1 II VaoZant. (
4 1 KrlJk. rt.
1 o Kut k laid
4 I'aildrc.
: Wnl.r. Jb
1 1 fmll. c
e a Morsan. - p
r 4 t oy. if. ..
1 Totala...
iii i.i.i.a 1 1 mi i mnan suais isi
' 4 !
i ' in .'
a H.O.A H.
Penman, rt . . t
Stuvall. cf-p 4
Biajtiaar. 1M. I
Fullivan, 1-Sb
Karwln. rf . .. i
Woodr r. Sb-lf i
giiiulan. as. .. 4
haw. , r
Kantia. p 1
Stai-har, p. . . 1
ttiunar, lb.... I
... 4
(.. 6
aa 1
.. 3
0 1
1 11
J 1
o I
! 1
la 11 27 10 4 I
Talala W It V II I
Iiuisville 0 5 0 I 2 0 0-1U
8t. Paul 0 1 u 2 2 0 0 0-
Two-base bits; Qulnlan, Shaw, Rocken
feld. Three-base hits: Kenna, Sullivan.
Rockenfeld. VanZandt. Home run: Wheeler,
fetolen bases: ctugden. Rockenfeld. I'adden.
Hacrlnce hit: yuiuUn. Rases on balls: Ort
Kenna, 4; off Morgan, 1: Van Zandt. 3.
"truck out: By Kenna, 2: by Rtovall.
by Van Zandt. 2. Hit by pitcher: R.x ken
feld. Double play: Quinlan. Brashear to
Stoner. Hits: Off Kenna. i in two and
two-thlrda Innings; off Ht-cluT, 3 in one
and one-third Innings; off Blovall. t in four
Innings; off Morgan, i In fitir innings; i.ff
Van Zandt, in five Innings Left on bases:
Louisville. 7; Bt. Paul. J. Time; 2 So. I'm
j4r: Owen.
rslaassis Bsarstl Hits.
COLUMBUS. June 7 Columbus scored
twice In the first Inning - by bunching
three hits after Careen's rout and got two
mors runs In the' fount, off Milwaukee
battery errors and a sncrifW. The vis
itor escaped a shutout BiUi Unit-
Mon whose vitality Is exhausted, those who have some private disease or
weakness lurking in their system, and who are prematurely old while still
young In years broken down wraoki of what they ought to be, and who
want to be strong slid to feel vigorous as they did before they wasted thlr
strength to enjoy Ufa again to win back the vim, vigor and vitality lost
should consul' with the eminent specialists of the Stute Medical Instltut
beforo It is too late.
It Is humiliating to know that your manly strength is slipping away to
b weak, nervous, trelfui and gloomy; have pains and aches in different
parts of the-body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headache, despondency,
iiWunrho'.la. loo frequent urinal Ion. palpitation of the heart, unable to con
centrate vour thoughts, pour mem or v easily fatigued, specks before the
eves, aversion to society, 'ack of ambition, will power .h-ph ted. dlzsy spells,
vital losses, pour clrcu's .Ion. to feel cold, lifeless and worn out, primarily
Induced In many cases through abuses, excess, overwork, etc.
Vigorous manhood Is the stepping stone to success In life. Tho man
who has preserved the vitality given hint by nature, or having lost it has
n galned It by securing the proper treatment in time is enabled to at, ova
sMde barriers which impede bis progress, both commercially and socially,
ll forces men to the front In all walks, of life. Do Jou want to b strong,
possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength in every muscle, ambition,
grit, energy and endurance In order to make your life complete? We have
gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and mldule-aged men. who were
r lunging toward the grave, restoring them to specimens of physical manhood,
f you are lucking in these essential elements of manhood, you should con
sult us at once before it is too 1st.
We successfully treat and curs
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
' and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self
abuse, or the result of specific or private disease.
130$ Parram St, Bet 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Boston, Mass., and Return
. Rate Through New York City, $33.75.
Tickets on sale May 31st to June 9th.
Good returning until June 18th, with privilejjg of ex
tension until July 15th.
Stop-overa allowed at Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls
and New York City.
Fast train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m., arriving in
Chicago at 7:30 a. m., connecting with all eastbound
Tickets and further information at City Ticket Office,
1402 Farnam street, Omaha.
District Passenger Agent
'I ' isasoiasssassning ilinaiiiu. 1.11.UM11.1 n a . 1. laniisnsiasiissmn . ! ' n ...nawaai
- " ' ' -
Chicago Great Western Ry.
(Maple Leaf Route.)
A Chicago Train for Omaha People
Iave Union Station, Omaha, at 5:40 p. ni., arrlvea Chicago 8:15
tha next morning. Electric Lighted Pullman Drawing Koom Bleeping
cara, Fre Reclining Chair cara and Observation End Parlor car, with
dining room, earring dinner, and breakfast a la tarte.
Ratiirnlnar. train leaves Phlrasrn at It r, ni o rrl.u, r... .k.. o h
j next morning.
j City Ticket Office, 1512 Parnam St., OMAHA.
si r
5m223B5JOBP . tt