Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Mothers Should Watch tha Osvelcpinent of Their Daughters
Interesting Experiences of Hisses Bcrman and Mills.
Demgndi Tee of Oe-8chemen Before Filing
thftt Mandamus 8nit
Ramor that BUrkkua, Hwll aa
HHekeock H Valaateere
Pat l r
"I'm a laaysr; whr li your r?"
The Irreconcilable of th Fontanel
elub, In their "eanythlng-to-beat-Rose-wster"
campaign, have encountered an
other snag, and that within their own
ranks, like many other they have found
there. One of the very men who was
Court when wntel. The bond m eltned
ly Pamuel fk.ld'mltll an.l William Wssrl-lious.
Prastrletrrss nt l.yla-la Place la
Flaed for dTrtllaa anal
ruhii nit.
Augusta bggars. proprlslisss of a pri
vate hospital at 111! Pouth Thirteenth
street, was fined 1:5 and cost In tho
police court Thursday morning, the
charge being advertising In the public
press to dispose of the child of another
a an Inducement for persons to patronise
the hospital. Through Attorney Va.
plch, representing the defendant, an ap
peal waa taken to the district court.
The case was the result of an Investi
gation being mad by Huperlntendent Kl-
llson of the Nebraska Humane . society
Into the lying-in hospitals of the city.
Mr. Ellison offered In evidence during the
charged with perfecting the plot to dis- tr,a, cople, of loc,, .ne,,)apers showing
franchise voters at the coming pnmar.r advertisements of a hospital at "Zi9
bv Dlaclng the names of delegates on me Soutn Thirteenth street. Omaha. Xu
ballot In alphabetical order In fact, the Bnd t,tne1 that jjrr Eggers admitted
one man to whose legal astuteness waa t0 hlm May S1 thal ,n. haJ pIacfd rhe
delegated the task of placing this acneme advertisements.
In final form that man has bslkeo. i nai -ph advertisements read: "Privste hos-
man Is John P. Breen, who at this stage, pital during confinements; babies adopted;
of the game comes and says: "I am a best and cleaneat place In the city." The
lawyer; give me the price." Judge received the advertlsementa as evl-
This spirit of commercialism on the part dence. W hen questioned Mrs. Kggrrs de-
of Mr. Breen has aggravated nis co- niea naving had anything to do with the
fcvery mother rsses information ! ache, and as I have Wd that you ean girt
which is ot vital Interest to her young"
daughter. ' i-
"too of ten this is never imparted or is
withheld tuttU .serious, harm hs result
ed to tbe, growing girl throug-h her
ignorance rf nature's- mysterious and
wonderful laws and penalties.
Girls' over-sensitiveness and modesty
often puzzle thetr mothers ard baffle
physicians, as the? so often withhold
their eonfldence from their mothers
and conceal the symptoms which ought
to be, told to their physician at this
When a girl's thoughts become slug
gish, withjieadeche, dizziness, or a dis
position to sleep, pains in back or lower
limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude;
when she. is a mystery to herself and
friends, her mother should come to her
aid, and remember-that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable. Compound will at
this tiose prepare th" a v stem for th
coming cnange, and start this trying
period in a young girl's life without
pain or irregularities.
Hundreds of letters from young girls
and from mothersv expressing their
gratitude for what Lydia E. Flnkham's
Vegetable Compound has accomplished
for them, have been' received by the
Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., at
Lynn, Mass.
Miss Mills baa written the two fol
lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which
will be read with Interest:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Tirst Letter.)
'I am but fifteen years of age, am depressed,
writing yon ."Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, 111.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: (Second Letter.)
" It is with tbs feeling of utmost gratitude
that 1 write to you to tell you what your
vsmaoie meoinne tuuaoni iot in, it ova i
wrote von in recard to mr condition I had
consulted aeveraTdoctora, but ther failed to
understand my case and I did not rereive
any benefit from their treatment. , I followed
your advice, and took Lydia JL'PinWham's
Vegetable Compound and am now healthy
and well, and all the distressing symptoms
which I had at that time hare disappeared."
Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, 111.
Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs,
Pinkham as follows:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" Before tat tag Lydia E. Pink ham's Vege
table Compound my periods were irregu
lar and painful, and I always had such
dreadful headaches.
" But since taking the Compound my head
aches have entirely left me, my periods are
regular, and I am getting strong and well. I
am telliug ail my girl friends what Lydia E.
nnkhara s Vegetable Compound has done for
me." Matilda Borman, Farmlngton, Iowa.
If you know of any young girl who
la sick and needs motherly advice, ask
her to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn,
Mass., and tell her every detail of her
symptoms, and to keep nothing back.
She will receive advice absolutely free,
from a source that has no rival in the
experience of woman's ills, and it will, if
followed, put her on the tight road to a
strong, healthy and happy womanhood.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound holds the record for the greatest
number of cures of female ills of any
medicina that the world has ever
have dizzy spells, chills, headache and back- known. Why don't you try it ?
Lydia C. Plakbam's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well.
schemers In fact, has caused another one
of those little circle within a circle which
la about to sink the old ahtp.
Mr. Breen said Thursday he did not know
when he would file the mandamua case to
compel the county clerk to place the names
advertisements, although she admitted be
ing In charge of a private hospital at th:
number mentioned. She evaded answering
most of the questions put to her by City
Prosecutor Lee.
Attorney Wapplch contended It wae the
of candidates for places on the county intent of the law to make the advertlse
delegatlona on the primary ballot In alpha- ""it in question a misdemeanor when
k.M.i nri.r instead of hv delegations. ,h Person Inserting the advertisement
t h.v, Wn ma mis with cases In court n"1 motive the Inducement of per-
I have not had time to prepare the papers "" e nospuai ounng connne-
yet; In fact, I don't know exactly what
they want yet. I was asked to take the
case and I told them I was In the law
business and would be willing to take It
for a fee. I presume It will be filed within
a few days."
game Old Trowble.
'That's the trouble with those fellows,"
remarked a man who, up to a few weeks
ago, had beea an active member of the I OFFICIALS
f onianene ciud. inese iew wno ar noiu'
lag eait U t)U vuul scheme to defeat Boss
wmier and me re try deprive Douglas county
of the senator are In It for worse than
pay for revenge. They have always gone
on the theory of playing the game of poli
tics for what they could get out of It. and
now, when they see no chance of remunera
tion, they have contented themselves with
ment, while the police Judge ruled that
the advertisement ' of Itself, under tlia
law, became an Inducement regardless of
It was admitted by the defense during
the trial that since the arrest of Mrs.
tggers, a week ago, she obtained from
the city health department a permit to
conduct the hospital.
iln Kardlaates af laloa
Pact fl e Operatla Depart sseat
Disease Methods of Work.
Oitj Clerk Withholdi License Until the
Fall Amount ii Paid.
KImmii, Katfcer etf tste Ordlaaace,
Says It Is Detective aad
(aid Be Corrected
at Dare.
Another circus license circus took plsce
at the city hall Thursday morning over ex
tending exhibition privileges to the 8ell.-
Floto shows. Before the matter was settled
the mid-day parade had been held up In full
flight by orders from City Clerk Butler and
the price of admission cut from SO to J4
cents. When application for a license wss
made It developed that Mayor Dahlman had
signed a "preliminary" contract to give the
show the right to do business here at $1.
The ordinances call for a J.100 license for
to-cent circuses, but It Is understood the
mayor was not familiar with the niceties
of a subject that has stirred up the city
hsll magnificently two or three times dur
ing the last few years.
Last year two or three shows evaded the
ordinance by cutting a cent under half a
dollar or a quarter, and thus splitting the
license rate In two. City Clerk Butler,
however, announced bluntly that It would
be $3P0 cash or nothing If anything sp
proschlng 49 cisnts wss charged. After a
lot of wrangling, notices to the police de
partment and the hold-up of the parade, the
clrcua people declared they would cut the
price to 25 cents and the clerk Issued the
160 license.
Ordlaaare Is Defeetlve.
Councilman Zlmman, who Is the father
of the ordinance operative, said:
"It Is clear the ordinance Is defective and
should be corrected. The wording should
be changed so the prices run In an ascend
ing scale. That is. if more than 25 cents Is
charged, $300 license and so on."
This time the free pass proposition didn't
seem to enter Into the deal. Last summer
and the year before! this was supposed to
be the real casus belli underlying argu
ments on consmuttonal law and jurisdiction
of various governmental branches.
But It Is up to the people of Omaha to
thank City Clerk Butler for cutting the
circus price In two.
Bargain Friday for Women.
If you enjoy saving money on the little things you
need you will come to this store Friday morning. Look
through this list carefully study each item, and note par
ticularly that every item mentioned is a bona fide reduction
for Friday only.
Corst't Covers, cambric, luce insertions, bending
and ribbon, Friday
Women's Drawers, made of fine cambric, hem
stitched tucks and lace insertions and ruflle. . . .
Eack of Eii Amter at Dahlman it Effort
to Boat Bryan.'
World-Herald Editor Failed to Coerce
Flyna Into Turning Over
Second Ward t Anti
Bryan Farces.
Following definite, announcement of the
ant-Dahlman' fight In progress under the
lead of Hitchcock and others, and the
scrap to. control the delegation to " the
democratic - state convention, cornea the
first Inkling of a real boom of Mayor
Dahlman for governor. One of his warm
friends and admirers says:
"The possibility of nominating Mayor
Dahlman for governor has been hinted at
a number of times, but the proposition was
not placed on Its feet until the last two or
three days. The Hitchcock crowd has
got so strong. In Its hostility to the
mayor that the letter's friends were pro
voked to making something more than talk
out of the governorship matter. Hitch
cock's hoggtshncss, too. In trying to get a
senatorial endorsement and a congressional
nomination at the same time and Inciden
tally land a republican senatorial nomina
tion for his father-in-law, has had Its effect.
, "Dahlman,, will really be In the guberna
torial srena and. if he- takes a Douglas
county delegation to Lincoln It will proba
bly mean bis nomination. We have assur
ances from democratic leaders all over the
state that little more Is needed than to tip
off the word and the nomination will be
made. The party Is ujtited - on no other
randidate Who has appeared so far. The
local anU-Pahlman bunch Is tied up with
- '"Dahlman re )nst as-strong. throughout
the state as he Is In Omaha. ' If no'.
. slrongec.., No domocrat In Nebraska, with
the exception of Bryan, could command
the" following 'Darn mart" could out In the
Division officials and employes of the
Union Pacific were given an Illustrated lec
ture on the operative methods of the road
no higher ambition than the thwarting of I st the Commercial club Wednesday even
the will of the people for what? Why, lng. The plotures presented views of the
that thetr little envious souls may be satis- I road's equipment and tracks, the use and
fled. Mr. Breen will do well to' stay with meaning of everything shown being ex-
the stand he has taken. But It is a hu- plained In a talk by Mr. Van Tassel. The
morous Illustration of the brotherly love I affair was for educational purposes. In'
and altruistic spirit just now animating structlng those present on railroad mat
this bunch." ' ters In sll departments in use by the Union
The petition if It is ever filed will ask Pacific. The pictures and lecture served
that the clerk be compelled to place the In Ucu of a personal tour of Investigation
names on the ballot according to what Is and were pronounced of great value by
known as the "rotation" plan, which means the employes.
the names will not appear In the same or- The meeting of the operating officials of
der on different ballots, the name at the the Union Pacific was continued Thursday
top of one ballot being placed at the hot- morning, with a full attendance. The topics
torn of the pext ballot In printing, and so under discussion were:
Ecsrcna, Tetter, Salt Rusasn, nine
Worm, Herpes, Barber's Itch,
Itch or Scabies.
All of these diseases are attended by In
tense Itching, which Is almost Instantly re
lieved by applying Chamberlain's Balve and
by Its continued use a permanent cure may
be effected. It has. In fact, cured many
cases that had resisted all other treatment.
Price, 25 cents per box. Every box Is war
state. Did you notice the Hitchcock organ
Is already showing Its teeth toward Dahl
man in its cartoons? This has aroused
further resentment and the Dahlman peo
pie propose to win out at the July pri
maries If organisation and hard worn
can do It"
The mayor himself remains mute, but
that Hitchcock is cultivating peace is
shown by the fact that he entertained f'ed out
Dahlman as his guest at lunch today.
Real Cans ot the Fight.
Some further light on the situation
may be gathered from this statement,
made by a prominent democrat
"The fight between Mayor Dahlman and
Mitcnooc over me appointment 01 iom i "The PrssiTlrssIs a,,,.!.! n
Fiynn ta the- efflce -or street com- poller 18-hour train from Chicago to
missioner nas mora oenina n irmn tno New York, runs every dav over tho Pnn
personnel of the appointee. The flght Bylv,nla Bhort ieavln, rhir. .
ut&ics uaLft iu wio ivvi imiiyaigii, uu vxii- I 2:16 D. m.
on, until a eumcieni number for the re
quirements of the primary have been
None would confirm the rumor that T.
W. Blackburn, R. B. Howell and Q. M.
Hitchcock had volunteered to pay Mr.
Breen the price and have their scheme car-
Appendix Kept Bnay.
Tour appendix la kept busy warding off
the dangers of constipation. Help it with
Dr. King's New Life Puis. 16 cents. For
sals by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.
One of the Longest stretches
Doable Track In the World
under cne management Is that of th
Grand Trunk Railway System from Chi
cago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls.
The Grand Trunk-Lehlgh Valley Double
Track Route via Niagara Falls reaches
from Chicago to New York.
Descriptive literature, time tables, etc..
will be mailed free on application to Geo.
W. Viut. A. . P. A T. A.. Grand Trunk
Discipline Its Application: Is the Brown r-m ,v svstem 1SS Adams St Chioaao.
system effective? Efficiency of surprise System, is. Adams hi., cnicago.
Wrecking: Are changes needed in stand
ard tools, especially frogs, on account of
heavier locomotives and higher rail? Best
system of. calling, wrecking crews for
emergency service.
The Telephone: Can Its use be extended
to other than the ordinary routine office
woric , ,
testa To what extent does this system
operate to lessen accidental How can ao'
cldents be otherwise prevented?
water Treatment its inect on Boilers
and Fire Boxes.
Distribution of material for betterments
ana construction worn. .
The Comlna Bectlort c Foreman: From
Wliai BUUIIW Will ItlTJ UUIUn 1.1-1 1 hj ua lull- I ... ... . T . . 1 . n.(
oiled? What Is the best, track laborer I points in Minnesota. North Dakota. Wiscon
under existing conditions? I sin and lower Michigan. For further In-
A moat Interesting ecyure was delivered formation apply to H. H. cnurcnui, general
12.BO to St. Paul Mnd
find Return
From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western
Railway. Tickets on sale dally after May
SI to September to. Final return limit.
October SI. Equally .low rates to other
bert M. Hitchcock Is mixed up. In It,
though this Is not generally known,
Hitchcock has been hiding behind Herd
man because he is anxious to get further
political favors. In the 1904 campaign
Herdman and Hitchcock were for Parker
and wanted tb defeat a Bryan delegation
to the national convention. They called
upon' Tom Flynn to bring In the Second
ODtaln particulars by addressing C. L.
Kimball, assistant general passenger agent
Pennsylvania lines. No. Z 8herman street.
Chicago, in.
Wednesday night by E. W. Kolb, super
intendent of signal serviice. He gave an
extended explanation of automatic signal
ing. Illustrating with etereoptlcon in col
ors. The train rules were another In
teresting topic discussed at some length.
rr Low Hates TsMdsr.
Every Tuesday, balanc of the year, the
Chicago Great Western railroad will Mil
homeseekers' tickets to Minnesota. North
ward against Bryan, but Flynn refused. Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
He not only refused, but he made a fight half rate; to other territory first and third
for Bryan and beat out Herdman In his Tuesdays. Write H. II. Churehin n
own ward. Ever since that time Herdman ma Farnam street. Bute number in party
umi uuiiius uii mu irui ui riynn. ana wnen going.
Yonngest of Flary Murderers Goes to
Penitentiary on Plea of
Guilty. '
agent, 1S13 Farnam street. Omaha.
Chicago and Return 18.3ft.
Tickets on sale June 10th, 11th and 12th.
Good returning until June 17th. Tickets
and further information at City Ticket
Office, 1 Farnam St., Omaha.
Important Change of Tims.
Effective June 3, the Chicago Great .West
ern Railway changes time of trains. Set
time card In these columns.
He tried to defeat him for the nomina
tion for sheriff, openly fought him at the
election, while Hitchcock in the World
Herald gave him no aupport. Flynn
knows this and knows that Hitchcock and
Herdman helped defeat him solely bo.
Clarence Gath right, one of the colored
trio who shot Street Car Conductor Flury
In an attempted holdup of his car at Al
oe to New Tsrs on tss Lchla-h. I bright last March and who turned state's
Double track scenle highway. Connects evidence against his companions. was
st Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all line I sentenced to twenty years In the penl-
irom me weau I iAntlrv Thurrta afternoon hv JiMore
Write passenger department, Lehigh Val- Sutton." Oathrlght entered a plea of guilty
WATCHES Frenser, 15th and Dodge sts.
cause he had refused to fight Bryan and My A. lis South Clark 8l. Chicago, la to murder In the aeconij degree.
neip mem gei a faraer ueiegauon Irora
"Hitchcock has been right with Herd-
man In this fight against the appoint
ment of Flynn. He even went ao far as
to demand of the mayor that Flynn be
turned down.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marrlaera llmnmna h. k..
He gave the court no reason why sentence
Krause Brothers Case.
Special United States District Attorney
8. 11. Rush returned Thursday morning
from St. Paul, where Wednesday he argued
against the motion for a new trial In the
Krause brothers case on behalf of the gov
ernment. The attorneys for the Krause
brothers were H. C. Noleman of Loa An
geles and C. C. Barker of Alliance. It Is
expected a decision on the motion will be
given Dy tne unuea mates circuit court or
Name and Address.
should not be passed upon him, but his appeals, before which the case waa argued.
ittornev. 8. I. Gordon, asked clemency m aDout miny aays.
Age. on the ground Gathrlght waa only It years
"When Mr. Hitchcock tries to run for Nor Belle 'Ph. Council Bluffs, la
ruf-SiY!! ' Sob"' Bla'r- Nb'- old and had been lead Into crime by older
u.HUviu -cx u. ii ii in ii, ouuin umina
Jofteph T. Martens, Council Bluffs, la..
VYeald Be
with our deep curve
They 'are soft, easy
and cooling to tti8 eyes.
Gall and sea tiiem.
Spectacle fitted $1.03 ml ip.
21 J South bt Street
Factory, aa .-Ussr KeaJse.
congress or to be elected to the senate
he will hear from his fight on Bryan. If
he thicks the Bryan democrats-of Ne
braska and of Douglas county don't know
ho. Is behind Lee -Herdman In his fight
against Flynn he is badly mistaken."
Lee Herdsaaa Dealea It.
Lee Herdman declares he is taking and
.has taken no part in the llltchcock-Dahl-man-Flynn
fight and asks that hla posi
tion be so ststed publicly.
"I am not In this thing, have not been
and am not going to be," said Mr. Herd-
man. "In all the years of my connection
with politics I have never before taken
any exceptions to any statement In the
papers; I . think the papers will bear me
out In this, but I would like if you would
do me the Justice this time to let me deny 5M4ld- M: Ethel Blackledge, J7iJ North
Harry Du Bois, Ashland. Neb
jesara Copley, Ashland, Neb.....
Charles M. Cole. Omaha
Elisabeth Jackson, Omaha
Alllph C Jacobs, South Omaha.
Mayne Harrold. South Omaha...
DIAMONDS Kdholm, 16th Harney sts.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths hava been
reported to the Board of Health during the
twenty-four hours ending at noon Thursday:
Births C. L. Rossen. 12 South Fifteen Hi.
girl; T. Hilton Fonda, 668 South Thirty-Mr th.
Bin: tierman lane, am Maple, IX) y; Harry
iiarton, ztia rvraer, gin; u. M. Olson, 340
Parker, girl.
Deaths Agnes Byrne. 2401 South Thir
teenth. 12; Marie J. Nelaen. 1123 South Sv.
enth, 15 days; Herman Lindner. County hos-
iiai; nan hoick, county nospuai. u, Alltn
mis charge. I am not going to be In
Omaha much longer this summer on ac
count of my health, which, as you know.
naa not neen the best for some time. I
must leave the city soon and could not.
if I wanted to. Lake an active part in
politics. Mr. Dahlman thoroughly under-
stands this and knows thst I am entirely
out of the fight to elect delegations to
the t-onvi'ntluns. And Mr. Hitchcock also
understands my noHltion. I have no mis
understanding with either of these gen
tlemen. I would not tell you this If It
were not so. As I said before. I -have
never been the one to rush Into print with
denials or come-backs, but I do want to
have this chance.
Twenty-fourth, M.
Prssk Hasalltoa Gives Boss.
Frank Hamilton, who was indicted for
the murder of Al. McVlttle in the bar room
of the Merchants hotel election nlaht, has
gtven a fS.OOO bond for his appearance In
yak a- . a ia
i m. aw am. v saw am w
sIH'VB to t h lea co aa! Helsrs la
rkleaao Great Weatera Rallwas'.
Account buair.esJ meeting Ancient Older
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. June l:!th
and 13th. Tickets on sale June loth to
17th. For further Information apply to
H. H. Church'U. G. A.. Omaha, Neb.
Business propositions advertised In, The
Be go Into the homes of the best peopK-.
Tenala Mrm l.u ( siaas City.
Sis. members of the Field club tennis con
tingency will go to Sious Oily June 17 for
a alii rt IrU. M Uy tournament ith the pluy
ers of that tow n. Tennis men are becoming
more traveleis than of yore and xhtJm
famea are becoming more frequent. Sious
'uy sent a large delegation to Omaha Ut
year to the mi. Idle t tannin tournament
and th boys ar returning the compliment
by going to Sioux City. t
. Oa Matt Clerk Mlsalag.
T police are looking for th night clerk
of ilie Rockaaay romaurant. Fourteenth
and jMugias stiet. the ft-port being th
clerk left .1rw.iy night with i takn
from the Vmh register.-' '
The 20th Century
Sanitary Carpet
Hare yon ever Innuired lato th
good qualities ot CRKX?
Ask your dealer to-day; he will
tell you that CltKX is ereiythiDg
w claim (or It.
The only sanitary, most durable,
and most economical Doer corer
Ing. Dust-proof Moth-proef
Genu-1 roof.
Male in sll widths sod a fsriety
of oolora.
Art Square sad Rererslbls Bugs
In numerous designs aad all.
AlTIOKi Avala Isaltatlaaa
ear gt I'SCI,
New York St. FuU Minn.
Jobbers In Omaha: Orekara Sj
WUaalaa OaryeS Ooaspaay.
companions. He also dwelt on the fact
Oathrlght had helped to bring the older
crimtnala to Justice . and had given the
evidence that had convicted both Harri
son Clark ' and Calvin Wain. He also
spoke at some length' on the fidelity of
th nerro race during the war and called
attention to the fact Oathrlght's father
had been a slave.
County Attorney Blabaugh recommended
leniency, declaring It to be proper to
recognise the services of Oathrlght In the
punishing of the worse criminals, Clark
and Wain. He did not ask for any specific
'The greatest mistake a young man can
make," said Judge Sutton in pasting
sentence," Is In trying to live without work
ing. There Is always plenty of honest
work to do. Tou started wrong by trying
to make a living hy stealing Instead ot
earning it. You ought to recognize that
you deserve a long sentence and you should
not take your punishment in a vindictive
Carl aad Clara Eckstrom Visit Mother
After Aaotkr Success-
fal ttSHB.
Carl and Clara Eckstrom arrived Thurs
day morning from New York City to spend
a short time with her mother at 3033
Marcy street. Mr. Eckstrom played a prom
inent part last season In "The Shepherd
King." with Wright Lorlmer and May
Buckley. Mr. Eckstrom and Mr. Lorlrmr
will sail for London June 23. to arrsng for
th production of "Th Shepherd King' In
London next spring. They will upend a
month sight-seeing in England. Since the
close of his season three weeks ago Mr.
Eckstrom visited Mr. Lorlmer at hla coun
try home, "Hillcrest," at Hartsvale-on-the-Hudson.
Miss Eckstrom was with the Henry Sav
age forces during the season, singing a
leading contralto role. She closed with
Frits! Bcheff.
Business propositions advertised In Th
Be go into the homes of the best people.
County Attorney Slsbaugh has disniisxed
the criminal complaints against Ethel
Bowman -and 81 lie Tyler. . both charged
with larceny from the person.
Florence M. Moulder fas begun suit for
dlvorc from Frank f. Moulder. fth
charges deaertfea. They were married In
Cralon, la-r Septmr . 1, Ji.
Special Kale of Two-Pieee Suits
to Order. $20.00.
Don't think that it la necessary
for you to be your own delivery
boy. Let. us lug them.
Our delivery service is as up-to-date
as our cutting and as prompt
as our tailoring.
Our delivery service is only one
reason why we should do your
tailoring. Its convenience is more
than equaled by the comfort at
our tailoring.
'Phone Douglas 1808.
304-306 S. loth St.
Next door to the Wabash Ticket
St tb. Ns SUwl Built. Fireproof
mm w. wo st.. mi
Brotds.r. N. r. Cltj. 1
looks nat at Grao c.slr.l
sn )UM of Loo(cT r
Tlmoo Squars, th or hoort
f tko ellf. 1 Ik Bloat f to
thootora ob club as ae
th chopping tlstrlrt. Subo.f
ao "L" roods oo Brooar
cor odjocoot. Moaora oocooi
atoaail&ao lor oo
rooow boot hota. 1 i. Ls
urtoo all liat room coo
ouitoo silk sriaoi fcotb. t ub.
tbole roalouroot. aluolr
AIM Hotel itorskk. Sol.
lao. Vra(.
75c GOWNS, FRIDAY, 45c.
Plain hemstitched Gowns, high or low nook, some
trimmed with laoe insertion, regular 75c value. .
$1.00 MUSLIN SKIRTS, 69c.
Woman's White Petticoats of fine cambric, ruffle and Qa
Hamburg embroidered, worth $1.00, Friday UiV
Tape flirdlep, hose supporters attached, that sell 0Qf
regular at 75c, Friday uvK
Women's Bust Supporters, made of fin cambric, Ln
lac trimmed, lightly boned, 75c values, Friday,.. wv
LADIES' LOW SHOES, $1.19. WORTH $1.75.
Ladies' patent Colt vamps, dull quarter, hand turn, three
evelets, Gibson ties, military heel, 4 4 A
worth $1.75, for. .
Ladies' Whtt Wash llt. tailor gUtched, pleated and
plain duck, with fancy buckles, regular 86c value
Loau-a nne Lisle Thread and Taffeta Glorea, In black,
white, mode, tan and gray, regular 60c value
Ladles' Fin Lisle Finished, Low Keck, Sleereleaa Veata, silk
taped and silk trimmed neck and arms, regular 19c value
Ladies' New Style Bags A large variety of shape, small
strap handles, large and medium size Carriage Bags, all
colors regular $1.60 and $2.00 values
Ladles' All Pure Linen Hematitthed Handkerchiefs,
fine and sheer, regular 10c value
Ladles' Good Quality Sea Island Cotton Hose, plain black, rim
brown and white, split sole, shaped seamless foot, regular .HI
26c value, 16c, two pairs for...
Boys' and Girls Bnster Brown Brits, In white, red aad black,
single and double buckle, 26c value
The above rata from Chicago with corresponding low rate from
Omaha, sold daily, until Jane 9th, Includes lake trip, stop-overs, long
limit and other attractive features. Diverse route returning $4.00
higher. .
Call at Wabash City Ticket Office,. 1801 Farnam Street, or Address)
The Latest Addition to the
Great Hotels of the World
IBIolte,t EeBmoHiilI
42d St and Park Ave,
Opened May 8, 1906
niQhest Type of Fireproof Construction
Replete With Every Detail ol Service
and Equipment
Hotel 1A
Herald Square, New York. ' '
Completely renovated- and refur
The largest and roost attractive
has been newly opened up.
8pe-lal inducements to COMMER
CIAL MEN with samples. Thirty large
and well lighted SAMPLE ROOMS,
with or without bath. Forty large
front suits, with parlor, two bedrooms
and private bath, suitable for famtllea
or parties traveling together. j-.
The Old English
Grill Room
is an Innovation. Unique and original.
All exposed cooking. Bea food of alt varieties a specialty.
Our combination Breakfasts are a popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popeaar as a ate.
400 rooms, 200 baths. Rates for rooms $1.(0 and upward;- $2.00 aaa
upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath $1.00, $4.00 and $6.00 per
day; parlor, two bedrooms and bath, $6. 00, $ 00 and $8.00 per day. ft. (J
sitra where two persons occupy single room.
Write for Booklet
VVtKNKY-TlER.KV UOTaX COMPANY, . 14. Tier, abjvy