Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
the omajia daily bee- FRIDAY, JUNE , 1006. 1 .'.j The Omaha Daily Bee. . B. ROSEWATIR. editor. Rnteted at Omaha Foslofflc aa second ,els mall matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Be. (without Sunday), one year..$4U Pally 1) and Sunday, on year 'J Sun.tav' Bee. one year J JJ Saturday Bee, bne year DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally Hee (Including Sunday), per week .lie .Daily Bee (without Sunday). Per weeh...l-e Kvenlng Pee (without Sunday). Pr week. So Kvening Bee (with Sunday). per week...'"- Hunrtay Baa, per copy . Addreae complaint, of trregul.rltles In de livery to Ctty Circulation Department. OFFICES Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha Ity Hall Building. Council Bl'jfTa-10 Pearl Street. ''htcsg-le4A Unity Building. New York W Homa Ufa lna. Building. Washington Ml Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. . Communication, relating to news and dl . torlal matter ahould ha addre.ed: Omaha H'-a. Ldltorlal Iapartmant. REMITTANCES, liemit by draft, express or poatal order payable to The Bea Publlahlng Company, only If-cent stamps received aa payment ot mall amounts Personal check, except on Omaha or eastern exnhangea, not aecepteu. THE BEfc PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION. : State of Nebraska. Doulaa County, aa: C C. Roaewater. general manager of The Bee publishing Company, baiog duly sworn, says that the actual number of full ana complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Kvening and Sinday Be printed during tua montn or May, lwa. waa 1 SH.S7A S1.B40 I SS,HaO 17 91 AIM MAT! 81. HSU 4....;' ItlM'M 19 B2.270 .....' natxo ac ao.oiM n 8i,oi 7 Sl.AOO . K !U,M0 Sl,flaMt .' 23.... 1,30 81.MO 24 81,M0 1. Sl.ROO , 23 S1.W50 II. .......... ,; 81.B.-.0 ' 36 H2.41K) 12 : H2.ZJV0 27 ai.RBO 13 aO.fMW 28 Kl.OTO 14 ai.TOO 2 t,T40 18............ 31.820 JO 31... Sl.ttW Total tH.5T0 l..eaa unsold coplaa lo,tfl Net. total aalea. BY MH4 'Dally average St.STO C. C. ROSE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed to my presenoe and .worn to Vefor me thla 4th day f June, 104. - t8Hl) M. B. HUNGATE. Notary Public. whei out or TOWS. Sab.crtbera leaving- tka city tem porarily ahomld kava Tka Bea mailed ta tkeaa. Addreaa will ba rkaagt aa aftea aa reqaeeted. .. If th Pennsylvania la to discharge all employes for making "easy money" there will be a lot of promottona on all the roads. Some of our democratic friends evi dently do not take so much pride in 'that "backbone" after. election as they did before election. '), . ., Binger Hermann's, trial has been postponed " again' Luck haa not en tirely deserted Oregon statesmen who yielded to the glamor. The announcement that the ''ter rorists" have decided to suspend bomb throwing in Russia will give officials "time tqjeiial.h.elr.JfeowDproofs. , Robert A. Grannla, alleged keeper of the "yellow dog' fund, evidently made the mistake of talking before the statute of limitations had run. . It .la not the first time that the '"antis" have hitched up with the pre ferred candidate of , the democratic organ for a republican nomination. It should not be so difficult for the ciar to dismiss his cabinet after bis experience with the grand dukes, but the army is not now busy in Man churia .." ' When Mr. Bryan's boom for the presidency- is launched at Madison Square garden, what apology will he have to offer for calling New York "the enemy'a country? . Texas is one of the states which finds joy in the economies of Hettle Green.1 since it enablea her son to re lieve the monetary situation during times of political stress. Perhaps If Mr. Cassatt had known the possibilities in the office of chief clerk of motive power on the Pennsyl vania road he might have demanded a larger salary as president. , la the light of recent petitions of railway employes the passage of the employers' liability act by votes of cer tain senators may show that some rail roads believe fair exchange is no rob bery. 'J- ... : Australia must feel mat the Indus trial combination is not essentially an American problem since the first bill to be Introduced In the federal parlia ment 'deals with the antipodean "trust.' V Candidate Harris of Kansaa is said to bii "dodging - the democratic plat form." As that document .covered al most e,very political point that has ever been raltted. the candidate must be exhibiting unusual agility. " Secretary Wilson is asked to certify to the sufficiency of government Inspec tion of. meat products but the certifi cate will probably issue only on ap proval at the White House and the president has already gone on record. aaBBaBSaaaBSaaaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBMaBBBBBMBai When he wrote that platform for Mayor Dahlman. Mr. Hitchcock verv negligently failed to insert this plank: "Appointive offices for democrats only." Why the omlealon? Was it becsuse he waa angling for republican votes? In their desire to show Italy, thai it Is still considered a part of the triple SHI ace Germany and Austro-Hungary gently Intimate that the business of preserving the peace of Europe has ot been entirely given over to Great BrliaU, Trance and Russia' " TnK ATUOVRSMKUT WTLOfiK. ' 'It is becoming apparent that the dste fixed some time ago by competent obnervers for the adjournment of con gress near June 20 may have to be pushed considerably forward. The form asoumed by the meat inspection question under the reports transmitted by the president puts the matter In s new and unexpected light and stirs np Interests and controversial forces which will consume a good aeal of time which did not enter Into earlier calcu lations. If congressional committees sre to go to Chicago to make a person ally conducted investigation, congress msy ss well prepsre Ut celebrste the Fourth of July st Washington. Unanticipated further delays are also developing in the adjustment of differences between the house and the senste. The statehood conference bids fair to eventuate in a break, to such an extent that threats are re ported from Senator Foraker and oth ers representing the senste majority to attach an enabling nH for the inde pendent admission of Oklahoma as a rider to one of he appropriation bills, which would Inevitably protract the deadlock. The hitches that have oc curred in the rate bill conferences are likewise time consumers. Meanwhile the appropriations, which hsd been de ferred to an unusually late stage ot the session, sre going forward slowly. So far, too, they have been kept in the way of the pure food bill which came from the senate many weeks ago, and the tide of public sentiment pushed on by the Chicsgo meat disclosures could not go much further without com pelling the house to act on that bill also. With one full week of June already gone, congress will have to work over time and with unprecedented rapidity If it gets into position to adjourn any where near the date upon which hope was fixed, no matter how eager con gressmen may be to get back home to construct and repair fences. FAlLVRK OF THE FtTlLlPPlM: BILL. The Philippine bill may now be dis missed as dead for the resent session, although it hsd early passed the house and there had been some hope of re viving it in spite of the summary man ner in which it was squelched in com mittee In the senate. Nevertheless the measure, aiming to carry out a liberal and helpful policy toward the people of our new far eastern dependency ad mittedly in need of aid. is one that Is bound to come under the lime light ss soon ss other pressing matters nearer home are disposed of. The abolition or. reduction of Import duties on com modities In which the Philippines sre especially Interested does not properly raise the broad tariff question at nil, because they are under the sovereignty of the United States and in a substan tial sense s part of the commonwealth. It is of course a subject within the jurisdiction of congress,-but no meas ure hss come before thlsWsaton which had been the subject of such 'thorough and prolonged previous consideration. The bill was an administration meas ure In the sense that naturally the Ad ministration had taken extreme pains to prepare and Illuminate the subject for the benefit of congress. Secretary Taft came into the cabinet from a notably successful administration In the Philippine islands, and under his direction s bill was drawn represent ing the results of experience on the ground. The subject was then elabo rately studied In the house committee and the bill revised and improved be fore it was sent to the -enate. A matter so important in its bearing both upon the welfare and upon the sentiments of the eight million Fili pinos under our tutelage cannot be finally foreclosed nor long held up by a mere committee of ene branch of congress. PRtSlDKXT CA&SAtT AMD PUBLICITY. The result of the investigation which President Cassatt promises the author ities of the Pennsylvania Central will make of their own doings in regard to the acceptance of gratuities from fa vored patrons of the road la discounted in advance. The, public would not be quieted by such a proceeding in this esse any more than they were when the Insurance scandal reached such a stage that the big life companies be gan to appoint committees to "investi gate" themselves. The partial Inquiry before the Inter stste Commerce commission into - the one matter of the' relations between the road's officers snd sgents and coal companies demonstrates a widespread system of. wrongful practice. The commission's net has caught offenders wherever it has been dropped. The officers and agents, almost without ex ception when Interrogated under oath, have testified not only that they them selves accepted gifts of stock snd other gratuities, in some cases aggregating hundreds of thousands of dollars, but that their predecessors , and others in like places did the same. It is shown, in short, to have been a. general cus tom, and to have -prevailed even in headquarters among officers who daily touched elbows with President Cassatt himself. ' ; That the existence of such a. system could have been unknown all these years to the topmost authorities in charge of the road, even if it be as sumed tbst they had no active part or interest in it. Is simply Inconceivable. One of the assistants to President Caaaatt, who confe&sea to immense stork holdings acquired by gift, testi fied that the latter must have known the facts as they 'awere generally known. . , . .. It Is not' surprising, therefor, that ths entire Pennsylvania press is' pro testing that a more conclusive sod fx- t tensive investigation, one that shall jbe authoritative and ruulcal like that of the Armstrong special legislative committee In New York Into life Insur ance, ahull be made covering all great classes of freight as well ss that of coal. What Is already known is con clusive for showing that more and all must be in like manner known. The 1 emphatic demand of the republican platform just adopted to this effect will, it is asserted, be repeated In the platforms of the other parties, and It Is being daily reinforced by othen forms of expression of public opinion. It must be apparent to all observers, that no effort of self-investigation In this case can avail to stave off or gloss over the results of complete official publicity. If that be the purpose. The matter has gone so far thst It cannot stop till the whole subject has been turned Inside out. THS JAIL FffgDI.VO COXTBACT. The recommendations of the grand Jury report brings it back to the county board and sheriff to attempt to reach a new and more satisfactory arrange ment for the feeding and maintenance of inmates of the county Jail. The grand Jury practically endorses the position taken by The Bee snd voiced In the county board by Com missioners Solomon and Brunlng, that the contract for feeding the prisoners should be separate and distinct from the purchase of Jail supplies, bedding, clothing, etc. The order of the board fixing a lump sum per day to cover both the food for the prisoners and the supplies for the jail has proved unsatisfactory from all points of view, just as was to have been expected. The sheriff has never Indicated his ac ceptance of the proposition and has been withholding his bills with a view to claiming the maximum statutory compensation as of right, while the complaints of Inadequate supplies have been found and verified by the grand Jury. The people of Douglas county can not afford to have the present jail sit uation continued indefinitely. The county should have -a settlement up to date and start out on a new deal, letting the county buy the jail sup plies, as heretofore, and entering into a feeding contract at a reasonable price, that will ' neither allow the sheriff to make a big profit and yet enable him to furnish wholesome meals without loss. The best wsy to arrive at the price woula be by a show ing of the actual cost of the present jail meals, with a reasonable margin for variation of the market and for a fair profit. It was never the intention of the lawmakers that the jail feeding con tract chould be a source of big rev enue to the sheriff nor that he should be called upon to go down Into his own pocket to feed the prisoners in his custody. ' : The "antis" could not make a more palpable confession of their weakness than by their attempt ' to Juggle the ballot forr the coming' 'primary In the hope of sneaking a few delegates under the tent by wholesale disfranchisement of the voters. Their alleged com promise offer to divide the delegation was an admission that they were beaten, because no one ever suspected them of being willing to give up half a delegation so long as they had the faintest hope that they could get It all. Not being able to work their bluff for half a delegation, they proclaim their willingness now to tske two or three delegates, or any number that they can get by stealth. If they believe what they assert, that Edward Rosewater cannot command the backing of a ma jority of the republicans of Douglas county for his senatorial candidacy, why don't they come out In the open with a delegation tor their preferred candidate and make a square fight? The county store makes a showing of considerable saving on the cost of supplies doled out during the past year as compared with the year before. It ought to make a showing on the right side of the ledger under conditions that have prevailed here with a mild winter, allowing every ablebodted per son to keep employed without appeal ing for relief to the county. Had the county store failed to show a material .saving with such prosperous times there would have been good grounds for a rigid investigation. Douglas county doubtless needs larger Jail facilities, but it Is useless to spend any money In enlarging the present county jail. When the time comes a new jail should be built in some other location, possibly in con nection with a criminal court building, and the Jail should have a work house attachment, where prisoners can be made to earn at least their own keep instead ot boarding at the expense of the taxpayers as now. People are cautioned on penalty of being called to account in the police court, to put on their politest manner when the school census enumerator comes around and manifests his curios ity about the number of children of school age harbored on the premises. It might not be a bad idea, however, to caution the school census enumera tors to put on their politest manners, too, when making their rounds. What has become ot all the evi dence of Illegal registration and fraudulent voting gathered by those Imported Chicago detectives? The grand Jury has met and adjourned without bringing In a single Indict ment for illegal voting at either the primary election or the regular elec tion. It seems strange that a contractor from Illinois should get the Job of overhauling and reburnlshlng the wood work in the federal building at Omaha. The only rational eiplana- tion Is tbst local rontrsctors and me chanics have all they can do In new buildings without bothering with such work. lie eeH It law. Washington Poet With 5.(i00 women demanding- hla resigna tion. It looks aa la Senator Hmoat la en titled to a little sympathy from the man who ha only one woman fussing with htm. at Woman's Artlvlllea. New York Tribune. Hven the moat crabbed male derlder of women's rluha will admit that the federa tion's action at Its Ut. Paul convention. In casting the Influence ef the onranlsatlon In favor of the pure food hill, waa credltahle and fell within the acopa of woman's proper actlvlttea. i F t-akel aa Tkeaa. Chicago Record-Herald. The pending pure food bill, which has passed the aenate, should also pnsa the house. The representatives who oppose It will do well to think twlca before they go back to their constltuenta for re-election with labels of their own which show them to be the enemies of honesty In the food Industry. Exaerleaee Demolishes it Theory. Philadelphia Record. A rourt In tncaster has decMed thst a corporation cannot be criminally libeled be cause it cannot suffer mental anguish or wounded feelings. That waa undoubtedly good law before the present Investigations were Instituted, but It seems aa though the Interstate Commerce commission could In flict mental anguish even on a corporation. Kraater Cobnrn af Kansaa. Kansaa City Journal. It Is aafe to a.y there will be very little bitterness mixed with the disappointment among the unsuccessful candldatea for the senatorial appointment. Mr. Coburn Is not a politician and represents no faction.. It Is fitting that thla honor should come to him after. the long years he has spent In building up the Interests of Kansaa and adding to the prosperity and happiness of Its people. It la Juat possible that the peo ple wilt be so well pleased with his appoint ment that they may conclude to extend his term of. service six rears longer. As It Is, not only Is Mr. Coburn to be con gratulated on thla fine appreciation of hta merits, but Governor Hoch la to be felici tated upon the wisdom of lile choice. OKE POIHT OVERLOOKED. Ianaeraai Ftare af the Pack In ax Hoaae Report. Chicago -Record-Herald. There Is one point In the statement le aned by the packers In reply to the govern ment report that ahould receive the widest public notice and the strongest emnha-ila. It relates to Inspection after slaughter. The packers. In view of the senaatlonal and sweeping charges now current, are right In aaytne; that the short paragraph on that important feature of the caae la not calculated to make the Impression It should make If the public la to be duly reassured. "Inspection afjter slaughter," say the commissioners, "appeara to be carefully and conBclentknialjr' made." After killing the carcasses are well washed and handled in a fairly sanitary and cleanly manner, at least until they,, reach the. cooling- room, and the parte .that leave the cooling room for treatment In bulk are also handled with regard to .cTeanllneae. Thla aeems to dispose of much of the loose talk about diseased meat reaching the American' markets In, alarming quantl tiea. Falmaas-.fequire that sufficient stress ahould be lald' orU this testimony of the comrr.!sBimerr!''!,r' TATWERMV-lAW, ' ' ; i If He Were Bat Yoaagr. LJncoln Journal, (rep.). If Irenso Crounse were ten or twenty years younger he would make a atlr In sen atorial matters. - He la now 73 years old and will he 73 at the time of the election. That would make him on the edge of iO at the expiration ot hla term. The lllaaleal Candidate. Grand Island Independent (rep.). The launching of the veteran Lorenso Crounse of Douglas county as a candidate for I'nlted Slates senator la probably more local in Its news importance just now than It Is of atate importance. While the ex governor haa a hoat of' frlenda out over the atate, the fact that hla aon-ln-law la a prospective candidate for the aama office on the other aide of the house, log ically or llloglcally, will be decidedly against him, and it Is not at all Improb able that, as aoon aa the impetus of the launching has been exhauated, the Crounse boom wtll be anchored then and there, to go no further. Buch at any rate would seem to be the prospect. Itmt a Rash Gaeaa. Fremont Tribune (rep.). As between Mr. Crounae and Mr. Roae water our guess would be that Mr. Roae water will skin Mr. . Crounae in Douglas county In abort meter, and thua eliminate Mr, Crounae from the senatorial race. Ploaaaat Ttaae la Preapect. Sioux City Journal (rep.). Former Governor Iremo Crounae of Nebraaka haa been endorsed for the aen atorship by the Fontanelle club of Omaha. Ha la a relative of Gilbert M. Hitchcock, the owner of the World-Herald who sejka the democratic support for the aenate. 8hould Crounse survive the contest with Editor Rosewater for the Douglas county delegation, he ought to have a pleasant time during the remainder of the fight. It hia aon-ln-law la to be hla opponent. Fremont Herald (dem ). It will appear not less than a oaae of Ingratitude on the part of Mr. Crounae IO aiiempi IO wrrpi uiv puuii ueir-BHiiuu from "Edward Rosewater, because the rec ord reada that the Roaewater hand has been employed, and almost directly respon alble for the lifting of Mr. Crounae to posi tions of prominence in Nebraaka and at Washington. Beloaaa ta the resell Aa. Norfolk Presa (rep.). Crounae la a good man all right enough, but he is old enough to belong to the fossil age and there ta no need to add to thu collection of fosalls In the t'nlted States aerate. Keep It la the Paaally. ' Hastings Tribune (rep.). It certainly doea seem strange to aea the World-Herald floating a republican sena torial boom. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, editor of the World-Herald, and who is a demo cratic candidate for aenator, ha. tied up with aome of the republican wire pullers of the Fontanelle club and will try to make ex-Oovemor Crounse the republican senatorial candidate. The World-Herald launched the Crounae boom Saturday morning In true democratic style. To eom It may look a. though thi. waa purely a move on the part ot the World-Herald to I kill off the Rosewater .aentlment that continue- to grow, but the truth of It la ex Governor Creunee Is the father-in-law of Mr. Hitchcock, and therefore thla move meat Is taken by Hitchcock ta keep senatorial honors In the family. BITS Of IIIVJTOt I.IFF.. Miner Scenes and tneldenta Skelrked aa the The Inalienable right of petition fcr whlrh John Qulncy Adams thundered lr the way-back days haa been worked to the limit this year. The strenuous activi ties of congress brought to that hmly a great variety of petitions, some couched In humble tones, some appeals. othe com mands. A noticeable feature of the deluge Is the systematic Industry of petition makers. The earmarks of their act'vl'y are visible In sameness of language an.t copied nimes. It Is not an ea:gcritnn to say that of the hundreds of thousands of petitions that All committee rooms, fie speaker's room, the vice president's room and nearly every available niche In the eapltol. W per cent are the marhlne-maf'e article and have been obtained by a sys tematic, use of club and lodge registers, labor and patriotic organisations and pos sibly t per cent are the bona fide (spre slona of individuals who have signed their own names. Thla session the greatest number of petl tlons have been presented in favor o? what are known as labor bills, such ss the anti Injunctlon bill, the employers' liability hi!', the clght-hotir bill, the Immigration h)' and the pure food bill. On the railroad bills the petitions have nearly all. if not all. been Inspired by Mr. Fuller, represent ing the Railway Employes' association. For the Immigration bill thousands upon thousnnda of petitions have been presented all alike snd the signatures In esch bear ing the same characteristics. Mr. Taylor, representing the Junior Order I'nlted Amer ican Mechanics, haa an office in Washing ton and by using the vast chain of lodges throughout the country he haa been ohle to amother senators and members of the nouse witn petitions, each a counterpnrt of the other. In like manner the nntt Bmoot petitions were procured. President Roosevelt haa an account at the Rlggs National bank In thla city. The bookkeepers have no end of trouble keep. Ing the president's balance straight, and. In fact, are never able tu bring the ac count up to date. This Is because so many people who get checks Jrom the president fall to cash them, preferring to preserve the checks as Souvenirs. This fad bn the part of the autograph hunting public saves several hundred dol lars for the president every year. A sur prisingly large number of peraons are will, Ing to pay from II to 110 for an uncuahed check of the president's. Consequently when drafts are Issued for small amounta over the president's signature they are apt to fall into the hands of collectors. There la a standing order for small Roosevelt checks at the stores of tradespeople who supply the White House. The result of all this la that there Is always a large number of Roosevelt checks unaccounted for. so that the bookkeepers at the Rlgga bank are never able accurately to settle his account A few months ago the president appointed a committee to make a thorough Investlga. tion of the business methods of each of the several departments at Washington with a view to ridding them of some of the red tape ways of doing things. Secretary Bonaparte, on being inter viewed by this committee, told the follow ing story, which beautifully Illustrates the free use of red tape In the g-overnment service: "One of the naval officers on a certain ship desired to chsnge a thermometer from one side of the vessel to the other, assigning very good reasons for doing so' Thla could not be done, according to naval regulation, however, until he had carried the matter to the ahlp's commander, and through him to me. I readily consented to the proposed change, which cost Just SS cents- cents for the postage and station ery and. 3. cents for -the nail and' the wear and tear on the hammer.',' An official of one of the departments at Washington aays that whenever he en countera an unknown person of distin guished appearance he la reminded of an amusing experience of the private secretary to a late secretary of war. It appear, that thi, private aecretarv. before he got well acquainted, paid llttio attention to persons he did not know to be of importance. One day there entered the ante-room a member of the cabinet whom the private secretary had never Been befora. Being Ignored by the secretary for a conaiderable time, the distinguished v. Iter finally entered the room of the head of the department unannounced. Undoubt edly he made complaint In the matter, for the next day the private aecretarv received a reprimand from his chief. The very next day one of the first per sons to enter the private secretary'- room waa a distinguished looking old man with a long, patriarchal beard. Bearing In mind his experience of the day before the prl rate secretary received his visitor with every mark of conalderation. With a polite bow he offered a chair to the old gentle man. who accepted it. not without an ex preeslon of Borne wonderment, s fact the private secretary himself observed. The latter aeated himself opposite hi. dlstln gulshed caller and, with hi. most engaglnjr smlla. asked: "And now, sir." what can I do for you todsi-7" "Oh. nothing much." replied the man with the patriarchal beard. 'Tve dropped In to wind the clocks." . While traveling from Pittsburg to Wash ington a few days ago Congressman Harry Maynard of Virginia was robbed of his watch and money In a sleeping car. Next night ha left the capital on a night boat for Norfolk. Just as he got on board he found that he was moneyless once more, though he had caahed a falr-alxed check that morning. Then he yelled loudly for the key to hla stateroom. "I'm going to lock myaelf In." he said, "and see If I can get to Norfolk without losing anything else." Half an hour later, after the' boat had swung down the stream, the door of Maynard's stateroom opened and he j ,h0l,ted for porter. "See If you can find my grip, said the Virginia statesman. The porter couldn't find It, for Maynard had left It In the cab which brought him to the wharf. Puring a heavy rainstorm on Friday last, while the senate was In executive aesslon, a stream of water dripped Into the cham ber from a leak In the skylight. "Pay no attention to It," Senator Tillman aald to Senator Spooner. at whose feet the water was splashing, "there's always a leak from an executive session." C'oaatry's Money Yelorae. Springfield Republican. The money volume of the country goee on increasing fnster than population the per capita circulation on June I reaching the hitherto unequalrd figure of 132 45. Even at the height of the Inflation period of the civil war the per capita circulation never rose above 121. The Increase of soma :i.4.m.(i0 in the circulation last month was due almost entirely to gold Imports and production, national bank circulation for the first time la months showing little ex pansion. A Oeelrahle laaavatlea. New York Tribune. There may be room for deliberation and debate over specific details of the plan, but there ran be no question that a parcel post aya.em. In both domestic and foreaa i mm, is o amrion as 19 oe in lis puart j of an urgent nerettlty. Nthe tropics they speak of the com ing summer as "next hot weather." li That applies here too. You want' to prepare for it with light, comfortable clothes. Kirschbaum two-piece suits (coat and trousers) are! worn with soft shirt and a belt cooL serges, flannels, tropical worsteds, s Ask for Kirxhbaum Gothes (War ranted). Good stores everywhere, $ 1 2 tO $30. for labd) ; Wear the Eastern Styles. For Sale in Omaha by Berg-Swanson Company - TERSOIVAI, KOTRS. Hamlin Garland, the author, haa been compelled to abandon hla trip abroad on account of ill health. A life saver recently refused to give his name. There wss a limit to his courage. Ha waa afraid of a Carnegie medal. The kiag of Spain Is extremely fond of the pleasures of the table, and haa Ave meals a day, at S a. m., 11 a. m., 4 p. m.. T p. m. and :30 p. m. Clarence H. Mackay has donated JSO.OOO to- the Cnlveralty of Nevada for the con structlon it a building In memory of his father, John- W. Mackay. Scotty." the Death Valley miner, who haa been spasmodically spectacular, hav ing left his theatrical troupe stranded In Chicago, la living up to hla own reputation of being a bad actor. Daniel N. Ixckwood. the man who nomi nated Grover Cleveland for mayor of Buf falo, governor of New York and for presi dent of the United States, died last Friday in Buffalo. He haa held mny prominent political positions in hla state. Major General O. O. Howard of the union army and Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee of the confederate force, are considering the possibility of their collaboration In the writing of a history of the civil war. These two men are the surviving army commanders of the north and south, respectively, were classmates at West Point and graduated together In 1864. They have never ceased to be warm personal friends, even when bearing arms In hostile forcea. TART TRIFLF.!. Newltt Of course, every - young man thinks he'd be perfectly happy if ha could only have hla own way. Wise Yes, and the older he grows the happier he la to think that he didn't have It. Philadelphia Press. "This man." explained the hospital doc tor, "la the victim of athletics.' "Ah. overtrained, I suppose." "No, he never trained a bit. The fellow who hit him had,, though. "-Philadelphia Ledger. "Whnt la the thin man declaiming about?" "Why. that'a Frof. Blueberry from Bos- t0"it Is? What's he saying?" "He Is insisting that there la no possible Impurities In canned beans." Cleveland Dealer. "Did he offer you the Insult of a bribe?" asked the new alderman. "Catch him offering anybody a bribe! Do Please your Hair Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? Better please it by giving it a good hair-food Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair stops coming out, becomes soft and smooth, and all the deep, rich color of youth comes back to gray hair. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." - , Mate ky . - O- Ay ar Oe.. LeweU, UM. ' -aoaa ataaatoaturar. af ATII'I ASSiPAftlXlA-rer tke Moe4. aTXk'g PTLLFof aaati'Mbaa. AYKB'B CattkaX FBCTOKA-U rtat aeegas. AIM'S AOOSCVkS--tm aamulM ' 3.V . ja 1 1 sssa exclaimed the alderman from the 'Steenth ward. "The dirty tightwad wanted me tc do It for nothing'." Chicago Tribune. Flrat Landlady What do you think ol this meat agitation? Second Landlady It', fine for busine... New York 8un. "Oh, yes. She tried her beat to keep him from falling In love with her." "With what results?" "Awful ha didn't." Cincinnati Commer cial. Knlcker Does your wife hsve you watet the plants while she la away? Booker Yes; I just put them under tht place where the bath room floor leaks. N.-ar York Sun. "I see that the state of Tennessee I. In be repre.ented by a fiddler In the I'nlted Statea aenate." "Oh, well, what of It? Somebody's al ways manipulating the string, there, any way." Chicago Record-Herald. AN UTEBBIPTEI) PREACHMENT. J. W. Foley In New York Timee. I am very tired or money in. tna aostraci sense of course. Though, my feellnga notwithstanding, I appreciate Ita force; But the thought comes to me sometimet that I'd like to end my His In some place there were no dollars, duns. debts, checks, drafts, notes, or bills: I've supreme contempt for riches all 1 want la what I need. For a half way decent living, but thit madness gone to seed That would garner fruit of millions othet man may have-not I Juat excuse me for a minute there's a dol lar going by. , I've no hungering for million., for I know that wealth haa wlnva, Though I'm frank to say that money will buy lota of pretty things; But this never ending struggle Just to get a dollare mora To a man of my conviction. Is an ever lasting bora; And the current weekly wonder as to what will be my share In the scramble after dollars almost drives me to despair. For a lodge In aome vast wilderness, quite moneyless, I sigh Just excuse me for a minute there's a dol lar going by. I'm aware It's Inconsistent to go out snd bring It in. But somebody else would get It. so It hardly seema a sin; And the fact la that I need It, aa a con crete essence which Will enable me to dine with all the splendor of the rich; But the abstract dollar fills me with no feeling but disgust. And I only go and chase It because wis dom says I must; I would preach a little longer, but, alas, the pitcher's dry ... And I think I hear the Jingle of a dollar going by.